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Installing a SunRay Server 4.1 and Setting up a SunRay G1 Thin Client with 
Debian Linux. 
By Trevelyn 
douglas at weaknetlabs dot com
The SunRay Thin Client/Server setup wasn't easy by any means. In this paper I have 
compiled a list of things from about 4 different outdated tutorials, howto's, etc with a much 
easier to understand format. I have added much of my own personal experience and work 
into this document as well, and I hope it serves well. Once Set up the SunRay G1 and 
SunRay Server Software are an amazing new addition to any network. We (WNL) did this 
only for experience, and this paper is for educational purposes only.
Setup The Server machine 
I started this with a P4 2.66GHz machine (donated by Dakuwan of WNL) 1GB RAM, and 
40GB HDD. I started by installing the mininal version of Debian (no desktop). Gnome can be 
quite fatty, and I wanted something lightweight that would show no stress over a moderate 
network setup; fluxbox. 
Boot into the Debian live cd and install just the base system. You will need to use two 
ethernet cards for this tutorial. One will serve as a DHCP server for the SunRay G1 Thin 
Client to get an IP from, and the other will be for ingress and egress (internet) traffic. So, tell 
the debian live cd to use eth1 for it's internet connection, and let install just the base 
Once Debain has completed and is Installed, It will spit out the disk and reboot the 
system. Now once you get to the login prompt, login as “root” and give it the root password 
you chose during the install. 
Now, open up the aptitude repository list /etc/apt/sources.list with a text editor 
such as vi or nano and comment out the cdrom line by putting a “#” in front of it and exit. 
Do an apt­get 
update and then issue the following commands:2 
install libldap2 libldap­2.3­0 
nscd gawk iputils­ping 
pdksh unzip alien libdb3­util 
libgdbm3 libx11­6 
libfreetype6 libsasl2 libxt6 
zlib1g gdm devscripts xkb­data­legacy 
install fluxbox 
install xserver­xorg 
install iceweasel unzip 
Now you need the SunRay Server software. To do so, you will need to login to Sun's 
website here:­bin/ 
SMI If you haven't registered yet, it's no big deal it's all free and only takes a few 
minutes. You want to download the RedHat Linux version. Once the zip file is obtained, 
unzip it with the following commands and create a new directory to change the software 
provided for RedHat into software that Debian can undderstand (using alien): 
mkdir srss_*/debs && cd srss*/debs 
find ../ ­name 
*.i386.rpm | xargs alien ­d 
dpkg ­i 
1 When asked what software to install uncheck the “Desktop Environment” box by pressing the spacebar when 
it is highlighted from pressing the down arrow. 
2 Some of which are obviously optional, if you prefer xterm, use xterm, if you do the Debian install and let it 
install a Desktop, then you have Gnome installed and probably will use gnome-terminal. These steps are just 
what I have done in succession, verbatim, about 6 times with success to get the server running
Now, get the patch to apply for the SunRay 4.1 Server Software and apply it using the 
following commands: 
wget http://wwwcip.informatik.uni­erlangen. 
cd / && patch ­p0 
< /home/trevelyn/srss_4.1/debs/sray41­debian. 
Now we need to create an init script that your Debain system can run at boot, 
to automatically start the SunRay Server Software with it's cutomized configuration. 
Open up a new file with a text editor such as vi or nano called /etc/init.d/zsunray-init 
and paste the following into the file, saving it and close the editor:3 
DESC="Sunray services" 
case "$1" in 
#[ ! ­f 
/lib/modules/`uname ­r`/ 
misc/utadem.ko ­a 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utadem ] && make ­C 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utadem clean default install || /bin/true 
#[ ! ­f 
/lib/modules/`uname ­r`/ 
misc/utio.ko ­a 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utio ] && make ­C 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utio clean default install || /bin/true 
#[ ! ­f 
/lib/modules/`uname ­r`/ 
misc/utdisk.ko ­a 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utdisk ] && make ­C 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utdisk clean default install || /bin/true 
[ ! ­d 
/etc/X11/xdm ] && mkdir ­p 
[ ! ­f 
/bin/awk ] && ln ­s 
/usr/bin/awk /bin/awk 
[ ! ­f 
/bin/basename ] && ln ­s 
/usr/bin/basename /bin/basename 
echo "Starting $DESC: $NAME" 
[ ­x 
/etc/init.d/utsvtreg ] && /etc/init.d/utsvtreg start 
/etc/init.d/utacleanup start 
/etc/init.d/utds start 
/etc/init.d/utsyscfg start 
[ ­x 
/etc/init.d/utstorage ] && /etc/init.d/utstorage start 
/etc/init.d/utsvc start 
echo "Stopping $DESC: $NAME " 
/etc/init.d/utsvc stop 
[ ­x 
/etc/init.d/utstorage ] && /etc/init.d/utstorage stop 
/etc/init.d/utacleanup stop 
/etc/init.d/utds stop 
/etc/init.d/utsyscfg stop 
[ ­x 
/etc/init.d/utsvtreg ] && /etc/init.d/utsvtreg stop 
/usr/bin/pkill ­9 
/usr/bin/pkill utaction 
echo "Usage: $N {start|stop}" >&2 
exit 1 
exit 0 
Now make the file an executable and update the rc to run the executable 
properly with the following two commands: 
chmod 755 zsun* 
d zsunray­init 
defaults 99 01 
The proper Java Runtime Environment needs to be installed and is included with 
the SunRay Server Software in the ~/srss_4.1/Supplemental directory, simply install 
it by running the install script from the /etc/opt/SUNWut directory and then 
3 from the file:
changing the directories name with the following few commands: 
cd /ect/opt/SUNWut 
mv jre1.5.0_11/ jre 
Once that has been completed you will need to run the following few commands 
to set up the Sun Type 6 keyboard (optional) 
cd /home/trevelyn/srss_4.1/ && mkdir extras && cd extras 
wget http://wwwcip.informatik.uni­erlangen. 
chmod +x * 
To properly set up the second (eth2) NIC (network interface card) to run the 
DHCP3-Server software you installed above with the first apt command set, do the 
mkdir ­p 
/etc/sysconfig; echo ­e 
echo "DISTRIB_ID=Debian" >/etc/lsb­release 
mv /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.sample; touch 
rm ­f 
/etc/opt/SUNWut/; /etc/init.d/utsyscfg start 
Now may be a good time to install Apache2, to do so simply type “apt­get 
install apache2” and then you are ready to setup the SunRay Server Software. Run 
the following command and allow it to start the server: 
This will ask you a few questions, the answers I chose were “no” to kiosk 
mode, “yes” to administration from the web browser (set the password), and the rest 
is optional. 
Now you need to edit your /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file. This will be different 
with each configuration that everyone starts. obviously your networks may all be in 
different subnet masks, have different gateway IP's, have different IP's for 
systems, etc. My network has a DHCP server already running from a WRT54G that 
serves any system that needs an IP (from to The routers IP 
is (which is also the gateway for ingress and egress traffic). So, The 
rest of this tutorial evolves around my network as an example. 
I want to set the SunRay Server's DHCP IP to, and I want it to 
server exactly one IP address; to the SunRay Thin Client G1. First I 
edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and add the following lines: 
auto eth2 
iface eth2 inet static 
And on to the /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file, if there's antything in it, make a 
backup and clear the original with these two commands: 
cp /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.backup.1 
echo “” > /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf 
Now put the following into the file with a text editor:4 
SunRay.AuthSrvr code 21 = ip­address; 
option SunRay.AuthSrvr; 
option SunRay.FWSrvr code 31 = ip­address; 
option SunRay.FWSrvr; 
option SunRay.NewTVer code 23 = text; 
option SunRay.NewTVer "3.0_51,REV=2004."; 
option SunRay.Intf code 33 = text; 
option SunRay.Intf "eth2"; 
option SunRay.LogHost code 24 = ip­address; 
option SunRay.LogHost; 
option SunRay.LogKern code 25 = integer 8; 
option SunRay.LogKern 6; 
option SunRay.LogNet code 26 = integer 8; 
option SunRay.LogNet 6; 
option SunRay.LogUSB code 27 = integer 8; 
option SunRay.LogUSB 6; 
option SunRay.LogVid code 28 = integer 8; 
option SunRay.LogVid 6; 
option SunRay.LogAppl code 29 = integer 8; 
option SunRay.LogAppl 6; 
subnet netmask { 
option routers; 
Now would be a good time to restart the computer. Once you get back to the 
login screen, login as root and stetup the ut to use the “” network: 
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm ­A 
Turn on the eth2 interface and give it a static IP (if not given by rebooting 
the machine). To check the device type ifconfig eth2 | grep inet and check it's IP. 
If it is up and okay, you can skip this step: 
ifconfig eth2 inet && ifconfig eth2 up 
Edit your GDM configuration file, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, after creating a backup 
to contain the following information:5 
4 from the file: 
5 from the file: 
# Default path to set. 
# Default path for root. 
# Note that a post login script is run before a PreSession script. 
# It is run after the login is successful and before any setup is 
# run on behalf of the user PostLoginScriptDir=/etc/opt/SUNWut/gdm/SunRayPostLogin/ 
# Reboot, Halt and suspend commands, you can add different commands 
# separated by a semicolon and gdm will use the first one it can find 
# The maximum number of flexible X servers to run. 
# Automatic VT allocation. Right now only works on Linux. This way 
# we force X to use specific vts. turn VTAllocation to false if this 
# is causing problems. 
# This determines whether gdm will honor requests DYNAMIC requests from 
# the gdmdynamic command. 
# The GTK+ theme to use for the gui 
# Comma separated list of themes to allow. These must be the names of the 
# themes installed in the standard locations for gtk themes. You can 
# also specify 'all' to allow all installed themes. These should be just 
# the basenames of the themes such as 'Thinice' or 'LowContrast'. 
# The Actions menu (formerly system menu) is shown in the greeter, this is the 
# menu that contains reboot, shutdown, suspend, config and chooser. None of 
# these is available if this is off. They can be turned off individually 
# however 
# Should the chooser button be shown. If this is shown, GDM can drop into 
# chooser mode which will run the xdmcp chooser locally and allow the user 
# to connect to some remote host. Local XDMCP does not need to be enabled 
# however 
# These two keys are for the new greeter. Circles is the standard 
# shipped theme. If you want gdm to select a random theme from a list 
# then provide a list that is delimited by /: to the GraphicalThemes key and 
# set GraphicalThemeRand to true. Otherwise use GraphicalTheme and specify 
# just one theme. 
Welcome=Welcome to %n 
name=Standard server 
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X ­br 
Smart Card 
To Get the Smart Card reader to work properly, you must diable “hotdesking” 
with the “pam” module. To do so, simply open “/etc/pam.d/gdm” and comment out (add 
a “#” to the beginning) each line that has the string “” 
Allow connections to be made by SunRay Thin Clients to your GDM by issuing the 
following commands: 
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm ­L 
To get sound working properly issue the following commands: 
cd /usr/src/SUNWut/ 
wget http://wwwcip.informatik.uni­erlangen. 
patch ­p0 
< modules­4.1beta. 
make ­C 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utadem clean default install; make ­C 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utio clean default install; make ­C 
/usr/src/SUNWut/utdisk clean 
default install; depmod ­a 
The preceding statements above have only worked 2 out of 6 times. You should 
be able to now reboot the system and get the Thin Client G1 to connect to your GDM 
GDM Tweaking 
If you would like a different GDM theme, rather than the default “Raleigh” 
theme open up fluxbox and eterm. In Eterm, type “gdmsetup” and select the them you 
want from the “Local” tab at the top. Click the pull down menu that says “plain” 
and select “themed.” Now you can select any theme you want. If you don't see any 
you like or this is, in fact, a fresh install of Debian, you can type “apt­get 
install gdm­themes” 
from the Eterm session to get new themes. 
While you choose new themes, have your G1 Client idle on the GDM login screen 
(pull out the smart card or log out) and you can watch the themes change in real 
time as you change them! 
You can find more GDM themes from here: http://gnome-look. 
org/index.php?xcontentmode=150 to install them, simply (extract) unzip, untar, 
gunzip, or whatever into the /usr/share/gdm/themes directory and restart the GDM 
server with /etc/init.d/gdm restart 
NOTE: If your SunRay G1 Client was idle on the network, showing the GMD screen, 
you may have to restart the zsunray-service in the same manner.

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Sun raysetup

  • 1. Installing a SunRay Server 4.1 and Setting up a SunRay G1 Thin Client with Debian Linux. By Trevelyn douglas at weaknetlabs dot com
  • 2. ABSTRACT The SunRay Thin Client/Server setup wasn't easy by any means. In this paper I have compiled a list of things from about 4 different outdated tutorials, howto's, etc with a much easier to understand format. I have added much of my own personal experience and work into this document as well, and I hope it serves well. Once Set up the SunRay G1 and SunRay Server Software are an amazing new addition to any network. We (WNL) did this only for experience, and this paper is for educational purposes only.
  • 3. Setup The Server machine I started this with a P4 2.66GHz machine (donated by Dakuwan of WNL) 1GB RAM, and 40GB HDD. I started by installing the mininal version of Debian (no desktop). Gnome can be quite fatty, and I wanted something lightweight that would show no stress over a moderate network setup; fluxbox. Boot into the Debian live cd and install just the base system. You will need to use two ethernet cards for this tutorial. One will serve as a DHCP server for the SunRay G1 Thin Client to get an IP from, and the other will be for ingress and egress (internet) traffic. So, tell the debian live cd to use eth1 for it's internet connection, and let install just the base system.1 Once Debain has completed and is Installed, It will spit out the disk and reboot the system. Now once you get to the login prompt, login as “root” and give it the root password you chose during the install. Now, open up the aptitude repository list /etc/apt/sources.list with a text editor such as vi or nano and comment out the cdrom line by putting a “#” in front of it and exit. Do an apt­get update and then issue the following commands:2 apt­get install libldap2 libldap­2.3­0 ldap­utils dhcp3­server nscd gawk iputils­ping pdksh unzip alien libdb3­util libgdbm3 libx11­6 libfreetype6 libsasl2 libxt6 zlib1g gdm devscripts xkb­data­legacy xfonts­base apt­get install fluxbox apt­get install xserver­xorg xorg apt­get install iceweasel unzip Now you need the SunRay Server software. To do so, you will need to login to Sun's website here:­bin/ INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS­CDS_ SMI­Site/ en_US/­/ USD/ViewProductDetail­Start? ProductRef=SunRay4­10­08­SP­LX­G­F@ CDS­CDS_ SMI If you haven't registered yet, it's no big deal it's all free and only takes a few minutes. You want to download the RedHat Linux version. Once the zip file is obtained, unzip it with the following commands and create a new directory to change the software provided for RedHat into software that Debian can undderstand (using alien): unzip mkdir srss_*/debs && cd srss*/debs and: find ../ ­name *.i386.rpm | xargs alien ­d dpkg ­i sunw*deb 1 When asked what software to install uncheck the “Desktop Environment” box by pressing the spacebar when it is highlighted from pressing the down arrow. 2 Some of which are obviously optional, if you prefer xterm, use xterm, if you do the Debian install and let it install a Desktop, then you have Gnome installed and probably will use gnome-terminal. These steps are just what I have done in succession, verbatim, about 6 times with success to get the server running
  • 4. Now, get the patch to apply for the SunRay 4.1 Server Software and apply it using the following commands: wget http://wwwcip.informatik.uni­erlangen. de/~simigern/sunray­debian/ files/4.1/sray41­debian. patch.2008­10­30 cd / && patch ­p0 < /home/trevelyn/srss_4.1/debs/sray41­debian. patch.2008­10­30 Now we need to create an init script that your Debain system can run at boot, to automatically start the SunRay Server Software with it's cutomized configuration. Open up a new file with a text editor such as vi or nano called /etc/init.d/zsunray-init and paste the following into the file, saving it and close the editor:3 #!/bin/sh NAME=sunray DESC="Sunray services" case "$1" in start) #[ ! ­f /lib/modules/`uname ­r`/ misc/utadem.ko ­a ­d /usr/src/SUNWut/utadem ] && make ­C /usr/src/SUNWut/utadem clean default install || /bin/true #[ ! ­f /lib/modules/`uname ­r`/ misc/utio.ko ­a ­d /usr/src/SUNWut/utio ] && make ­C /usr/src/SUNWut/utio clean default install || /bin/true #[ ! ­f /lib/modules/`uname ­r`/ misc/utdisk.ko ­a ­d /usr/src/SUNWut/utdisk ] && make ­C /usr/src/SUNWut/utdisk clean default install || /bin/true [ ! ­d /etc/X11/xdm ] && mkdir ­p /etc/X11/xdm [ ! ­f /bin/awk ] && ln ­s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk [ ! ­f /bin/basename ] && ln ­s /usr/bin/basename /bin/basename echo "Starting $DESC: $NAME" [ ­x /etc/init.d/utsvtreg ] && /etc/init.d/utsvtreg start /etc/init.d/utacleanup start /etc/init.d/utds start /etc/init.d/utsyscfg start [ ­x /etc/init.d/utstorage ] && /etc/init.d/utstorage start /etc/init.d/utsvc start ;; stop) echo "Stopping $DESC: $NAME " /etc/init.d/utsvc stop [ ­x /etc/init.d/utstorage ] && /etc/init.d/utstorage stop /etc/init.d/utacleanup stop /etc/init.d/utds stop /etc/init.d/utsyscfg stop [ ­x /etc/init.d/utsvtreg ] && /etc/init.d/utsvtreg stop /usr/bin/pkill ­9 Xnewt /usr/bin/pkill utaction ;; *) N=/etc/init.d/$NAME echo "Usage: $N {start|stop}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 Now make the file an executable and update the rc to run the executable properly with the following two commands: chmod 755 zsun* update­rc. d zsunray­init defaults 99 01 The proper Java Runtime Environment needs to be installed and is included with the SunRay Server Software in the ~/srss_4.1/Supplemental directory, simply install it by running the install script from the /etc/opt/SUNWut directory and then 3 from the file:
  • 5. changing the directories name with the following few commands: cd /ect/opt/SUNWut /path/to/srss_4.1/Supplemental/Java_Runtime_Environment/Linux/jre­1_ 5_0_11­linux­i586. bin mv jre1.5.0_11/ jre Once that has been completed you will need to run the following few commands to set up the Sun Type 6 keyboard (optional) cd /home/trevelyn/srss_4.1/ && mkdir extras && cd extras wget http://wwwcip.informatik.uni­erlangen. de/~simigern/sunray­debian/ files/4.1/xkbinstall­etch. 2008­10­30 chmod +x * ./xk* To properly set up the second (eth2) NIC (network interface card) to run the DHCP3-Server software you installed above with the first apt command set, do the following: mkdir ­p /etc/sysconfig; echo ­e "DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILESnDHCPD_INTERFACE" >/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd echo "DISTRIB_ID=Debian" >/etc/lsb­release mv /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.sample; touch /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf rm ­f /etc/opt/SUNWut/; /etc/init.d/utsyscfg start Now may be a good time to install Apache2, to do so simply type “apt­get install apache2” and then you are ready to setup the SunRay Server Software. Run the following command and allow it to start the server: /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig This will ask you a few questions, the answers I chose were “no” to kiosk mode, “yes” to administration from the web browser (set the password), and the rest is optional. Now you need to edit your /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file. This will be different with each configuration that everyone starts. obviously your networks may all be in different subnet masks, have different gateway IP's, have different IP's for systems, etc. My network has a DHCP server already running from a WRT54G that serves any system that needs an IP (from to The routers IP is (which is also the gateway for ingress and egress traffic). So, The rest of this tutorial evolves around my network as an example. I want to set the SunRay Server's DHCP IP to, and I want it to server exactly one IP address; to the SunRay Thin Client G1. First I edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and add the following lines: auto eth2 iface eth2 inet static address netmask network broadcast
  • 6. And on to the /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file, if there's antything in it, make a backup and clear the original with these two commands: cp /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.backup.1 echo “” > /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf Now put the following into the file with a text editor:4 SunRay.AuthSrvr code 21 = ip­address; option SunRay.AuthSrvr; option SunRay.FWSrvr code 31 = ip­address; option SunRay.FWSrvr; option SunRay.NewTVer code 23 = text; option SunRay.NewTVer "3.0_51,REV=2004."; option SunRay.Intf code 33 = text; option SunRay.Intf "eth2"; option SunRay.LogHost code 24 = ip­address; option SunRay.LogHost; option SunRay.LogKern code 25 = integer 8; option SunRay.LogKern 6; option SunRay.LogNet code 26 = integer 8; option SunRay.LogNet 6; option SunRay.LogUSB code 27 = integer 8; option SunRay.LogUSB 6; option SunRay.LogVid code 28 = integer 8; option SunRay.LogVid 6; option SunRay.LogAppl code 29 = integer 8; option SunRay.LogAppl 6; group { vendor­option­space SunRay; subnet netmask { default­lease­time 720000; max­lease­time 1440000; authoritative; option routers; range; } } Now would be a good time to restart the computer. Once you get back to the login screen, login as root and stetup the ut to use the “” network: /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm ­A Turn on the eth2 interface and give it a static IP (if not given by rebooting the machine). To check the device type ifconfig eth2 | grep inet and check it's IP. If it is up and okay, you can skip this step: ifconfig eth2 inet && ifconfig eth2 up Edit your GDM configuration file, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, after creating a backup to contain the following information:5 4 from the file: (editted) 5 from the file: (editted)
  • 7. [daemon] # Default path to set. DefaultPath=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/opt/SU NWut/bin # Default path for root. RootPath=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/opt/SUNWu t/bin:/opt/SUNWut/sbin1 # Note that a post login script is run before a PreSession script. # It is run after the login is successful and before any setup is # run on behalf of the user PostLoginScriptDir=/etc/opt/SUNWut/gdm/SunRayPostLogin/ PreSessionScriptDir=/etc/opt/SUNWut/gdm/SunRayPreSession/ PostSessionScriptDir=/etc/opt/SUNWut/gdm/SunRayPostSession/ DisplayInitDir=/etc/opt/SUNWut/gdm/SunRayInit # Reboot, Halt and suspend commands, you can add different commands # separated by a semicolon and gdm will use the first one it can find RebootCommand= HaltCommand= SuspendCommand= HibernateCommand= # The maximum number of flexible X servers to run. FlexibleXServers=0 # Automatic VT allocation. Right now only works on Linux. This way # we force X to use specific vts. turn VTAllocation to false if this # is causing problems. VTAllocation=false # This determines whether gdm will honor requests DYNAMIC requests from # the gdmdynamic command. DynamicXServers=true Greeter=/usr/lib/gdm/gdmlogin [security] DisallowTCP=false [xdmcp] [gui] # The GTK+ theme to use for the gui GtkTheme=debian # Comma separated list of themes to allow. These must be the names of the # themes installed in the standard locations for gtk themes. You can # also specify 'all' to allow all installed themes. These should be just # the basenames of the themes such as 'Thinice' or 'LowContrast'. GtkThemesToAllow=all [greeter] # The Actions menu (formerly system menu) is shown in the greeter, this is the # menu that contains reboot, shutdown, suspend, config and chooser. None of # these is available if this is off. They can be turned off individually # however # Should the chooser button be shown. If this is shown, GDM can drop into # chooser mode which will run the xdmcp chooser locally and allow the user # to connect to some remote host. Local XDMCP does not need to be enabled # however # These two keys are for the new greeter. Circles is the standard # shipped theme. If you want gdm to select a random theme from a list # then provide a list that is delimited by /: to the GraphicalThemes key and # set GraphicalThemeRand to true. Otherwise use GraphicalTheme and specify # just one theme. DefaultWelcome=false Welcome=Welcome to %n GraphicalThemes=debian­greeter SystemMenu=true ConfigAvailable=false [chooser] [debug] Enable=true [servers] 0=inactive [server­Standard] name=Standard server command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X ­br ­audit 0 flexible=false
  • 8. Smart Card To Get the Smart Card reader to work properly, you must diable “hotdesking” with the “pam” module. To do so, simply open “/etc/pam.d/gdm” and comment out (add a “#” to the beginning) each line that has the string “” Allow connections to be made by SunRay Thin Clients to your GDM by issuing the following commands: /etc/init.d/zsunray­init stop /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm ­L on /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart /etc/init.d/zsunray­init start To get sound working properly issue the following commands: cd /usr/src/SUNWut/ wget http://wwwcip.informatik.uni­erlangen. de/~simigern/sunray­debian/ files/4.1beta/modules­4.1beta. diff patch ­p0 < modules­4.1beta. diff make ­C /usr/src/SUNWut/utadem clean default install; make ­C /usr/src/SUNWut/utio clean default install; make ­C /usr/src/SUNWut/utdisk clean default install; depmod ­a The preceding statements above have only worked 2 out of 6 times. You should be able to now reboot the system and get the Thin Client G1 to connect to your GDM session. GDM Tweaking If you would like a different GDM theme, rather than the default “Raleigh” theme open up fluxbox and eterm. In Eterm, type “gdmsetup” and select the them you want from the “Local” tab at the top. Click the pull down menu that says “plain” and select “themed.” Now you can select any theme you want. If you don't see any you like or this is, in fact, a fresh install of Debian, you can type “apt­get install gdm­themes” from the Eterm session to get new themes. While you choose new themes, have your G1 Client idle on the GDM login screen (pull out the smart card or log out) and you can watch the themes change in real time as you change them! You can find more GDM themes from here: http://gnome-look. org/index.php?xcontentmode=150 to install them, simply (extract) unzip, untar, gunzip, or whatever into the /usr/share/gdm/themes directory and restart the GDM server with /etc/init.d/gdm restart NOTE: If your SunRay G1 Client was idle on the network, showing the GMD screen, you may have to restart the zsunray-service in the same manner.