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Health care system is known to be extremely complicated and expensive, it takes an enormous
amount of time and money to operate and maintain, even with the huge amount of funding spent
annually regarding health care, the current health care system still receives biased and ambiguous
feedback, when healthcare comes to the mind of general public, it is often related to terms such as
expensive, over–complex and profiling, therefore, with the rapid development of wireless
technology, this rising technology has helped the current health care system in numerous ways and
is expected to bring hope to the health care industry. "Subversion" is becoming the new propaganda
industry and capital market this year, which means newly developed technology is ... Show more
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That is, the use of sweat, saliva and other body exudates, by calculating the concentration of glucose
and exudate glucose glucose concentration in the measurement of blood glucose. Among them, the
United States Medtronic first launch of the FDA approved blood glucose real–time continuous
monitoring system (CGM). The system consists of a disposable continuous blood glucose detection
probe, a radio frequency transmitter, and a receiving display. The probe can be attached to the
patient's abdomen with a small wire (the wire is extremely small, the penetration is extremely fast
and painless), and the glucose concentration in the subcutaneous interstitial fluid is measured every
10 seconds for 3 consecutive days. Through the wireless means to the receiver, the receiver every 5
minutes for the average data processing, and then converted to blood glucose stored value. This
method of information collected every day refers to the blood test method of 100 times. In addition,
developed by the United States Spectrx blood glucose tester is the use of laser cuticle in the skin to
open a row of pores (and no pain), and then by a special sensor to collect interstitial fluid and
measurement of blood glucose analysis, the same wireless technology has also been applied to
monitoring blood pressure and oxygen level in the blood and so on, it has received large amount of
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The King Who Was Well Bred Rose And Went To Meet Her Analysis
Consider the word "see" in line 606, as Lanval's love enters the room she is immediately noticed.
This prompt response to her entrance straightaway reveals the implications of her beauty and the
importance it has on Lanval's trial along with the male relation the females in this time period.
Women are objectified to a certain extent yet also essential to the inner workings of society. This can
also be observed in the context of this passage due to the fact that the queen made the accusations
against Lanval and though they were lies the extensive reach of her authority is notable. Also
consider the line 607 "The king who was well bred rose and went to meet her" (166). This line
directly relates aspects of the chivalric code to a woman's beauty due to the fact that the king was
"well bred" he did not make her walk all the way to him and instead rose to meet ... Show more
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While at the same time as exemplifying masculinity through chivalry this line also begins the
subversion of gender roles by putting the woman in the more dominant position – she is now in
control of this situation. In the following line it is stated that "all the others honored her and offered
to serve her" (166). The use of the verbs honor and offer are direct effects of the way they "see" her
which continues to implicate the importance of her beauty while also putting her in a dominant role.
This is emphasized once again in lines 611–612 "When they had looked at her well, when they
greatly praised her beauty" (166). This is another instance in which a verb, "praised," is a direct
result of seeing her beauty. This direct relation between such verbs and her presence helps to
demonstrate her force and impact as a woman along with her characterization as a sovereign being.
In lines 613–614 it is stated that "she spoke in this way, she didn't want to wait"
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Analysis Of The Book ' Little Red Cap ' By Angela Carter
Fairytales subvert, challenge or reaffirm archetypal values through didactic lenses. The presence of
universal themes allows for an examination of contextual shifts and by being malleable in nature,
can be made relevant to different audiences. The Brothers Grimm 's "Little Red Cap", Angela
Carter's 'The Company of Wolves" and Tommy Wirkola 's film, "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters"
all promote their hegemonic ideologies and as 'cultural artefacts' extrapolate the contextual values of
their time period. Carl Jung 's theory of the 'Collective Unconscious" ensures that each of these
fairytale adaptations can retain their archetypal value and thus remain significant and relevant in
contemporary circumstances.
The Brother Grimm's 19th Century Fairytale, "Little Red Cap" reflects the hegemonies of its context
through its cautionary justification. Grimm's work reflected the importance of German national
cohesion under French occupation and the view towards foreigners as destructive usurpers. "Little
Red Cap" was adapted for instructional purposes, specifically aimed at a children 's audience.
Initially in the tale, the subversion of Perrault's depiction of the girl is evident exemplifying her as a
"sweet" little girl and the hyperbolic "everybody loved her instantly on first sight" demonstrates the
engrained virtue of her youth. The instruction for Little Red Cap to "not stray from the path"
foreshadows the inherent danger associated with a misguided venture. The symbolism of
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Targeting Of Host Organelles By Pathogenic Bacteri A...
Scientific Literature Essay– Elise Foxall (Word Count=)
The review article chosen is titled, 'Targeting of host organelles by pathogenic bacteria: a
sophisticated subversion strategy'. It was published on the 23rd of November 2013 and written by
Pedro Escoll, Sonia Mondino, Monica Rolando and Carmen Buchrieser of the Institut Pasteur in
France. It explores how it has been discovered that bacterial pathogens have evolved to override
normal eukaryotic cell behaviour in order to enter these cells and replicate, as well as shutting down
the immune responses against these pathogens by reversing the roles of eukaryotic immune defence
cells. The article itself is directed towards the scientific community, ... Show more content on ...
Evolutionary microbiology is the study of the evolution of microbes. This review focuses on how
bacterial pathogenic cells have evolved alongside normal eukaryotic host cells, leading to the
development of mechanisms that allowed bacterial cells to take over eukaryotic cells and counteract
host defences.
This review article is taken from Nature journal, under the Nature Publishing Group (NPG). NPG
publishes high impact scientific and medical information both online and in print. Nature was
founded in 1869 and is a leading international weekly scientific journal. In particular, this review is
taken from the Nature Reviews journal, which specialises in many different scientific disciplines,
including Nature Reviews Microbiology, from which this review was taken. As a result, this journal
directly corresponds to the sub–discipline of microbiology, making it relevant and useful for
microbiologists and other scientific professionals, as well as a broader public audience, seeking
specific articles on key topics in the field of microbiology.
The purpose of this review is to draw on many sources of information documenting the way in
which pathogenic bacteria targets a variety of host organelles such as the nucleus, the ER, Golgi and
mitochondria by exploiting eukaryotic cells through a number of different processes. It was
determined throughout the review that there is a wide range of host–pathogen interactions that allow
for bacterial infection to occur. The
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Islamic Terrorism And The Threat Of Cultural Subversion
Radical Islamic terrorism and is one of the greatest threats faced by the western world today .From
threatening our life styles to killing our fellow citizens ,Islam underpins and erodes our laws and
institutions in the name of their stalling 6th century ideology and holy book. Angered by
transgressions long past and considering all foreigners and non believers infidels and non human,
Radical Islam unless stopped in its cultural subversion and terrorist actions will soon become to
much to be handled. In this paper I hope to convey my message through the topics of the myth of a
peaceful Islamic religion, the threat of cultural subversion, The failure of the western world, and
what we can do to stop our downward spiral. From its beginnings ... Show more content on ...
He did all of this simply because they refused to convert to his violent and evil faith and called it
just. Here is a excerpt from the biography of Muhammad ,which has been accepted world wide as
true but those who practice the faith. When the tribe of . . . Quraiza was ready to accept Sad's
judgment, Allah's Apostle sent for Sad who was near to him. Sad came, riding a donkey and when
he came near, Allah's Apostle said (to the Ansar) [or Helpers], "Stand up for your leader." Then Sad
came and sat beside Allah's Apostle who said to him. "These people are ready to accept your
judgment." Sad said, "I give the judgment that their warriors should be killed and their children and
women should be taken as prisoners." The Prophet then remarked, "O Sad! You have judged
amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King Allah." Muhammad inspired his men to
make war in the name of Islam by looting , killing , beheadings, and forcing innocents into slavery.
And if the Quran is to be believed, this is the man all Muslims are supposed to emulate? Long after
Muhammad 's eventual death, Muslims have continued his jihad ( holy war ) for hundreds of
thousands of years. Only being checked by the ability of native non Muslims to protect themselves.
One example of this was the defeat of the Umayyad caliphate at the battle of Tours, which shattered
their power in Europe.
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The Presentation Of Conformity And Subversion Of Gothic...
Discuss the presentation of conformity and subversion of gothic archetypes
The gothic genre has been a prominent literary style throughout many eras, a popular example being
'The Castle of Otranto'. I have studied three texts; Emile Bronte's novel 'Wuthering Heights',
published in December 1847, 'The Selected Poems of John Keats', published in 1817 and the later
'The Bloody Chamber' by Angela Carter, published in 1979. They all use gothic elements in
different ways to create a variety of effects and reflect on their own personal views, Carter in
particular as a post modern writer and Keats' confusion of sexuality.
The three texts I have studied all conform to the gothic genre in similar ways such as, the use of
setting (use Gothic conventions to develop setting). For example in 'The Eve of St Agnes' the
primary setting is a medieval castle which is portrayed as being sinister and isolated, Keats describes
a "lowly arched way", the adjective "lowly" suggests the insignificance and unimportance of the
castle. The "cobwebs" could further highlight the fact that the castle is old and has remained
uninhabited for a number of years suggesting an ominous presence. In addition to this, it could also
suggest the prescence of insects and spiders within the castle connoting danger and eeriness creating
a spine–chilling atmosphere. Keats further makes use of the gothic setting within Madeline's
bedroom Similarly, Bronte creates a highly gothic setting in 'Wuthering Heights' – Lockwood
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Frankenstein And The Subversion Of The Masculine Voice
The Importance of Women
Mary Shelley was a strong advocate for women's rights so it is surprising that her first novel consists
of 3 male narrators. James P. Davis tries to answer this question as he hypothesised different theories
surrounding the lack of strong females or females at all for that matter in his essay Frankenstein and
the Subversion of the Masculine Voice.
The masculine point of view from which this story is told makes the women mentioned in this story
static characters. Furthermore it is suggested by Davis that both Frankenstein and his monster have
harsh feelings regarding women. Though it seems that both Frankenstein and the monster long for a
woman or love a women our view of that woman and the men's view on those women ... Show more
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Frankenstein fears woman by explaining how he refuses to create his monster a female friend
because he assumes females capacity of evil is greater than males. Davis also concludes that
Frankenstein fears the female's ability create new life saying, "The possibility that his female
monster might reproduce moves Victor to destroy her" (Davis 311). Not only Frankenstein has harsh
assumptions about women but the monster does as well. After the monster kills William he frames
Justine for the murder saying, "Should she Justine awake, and see me, and curse me, and denounce
the murderer? Thus she would assuredly act, if her darkened eyes opened, and she beheld me. The
thought was madness; it stirred the fiend within me – not I, but shh shall suffer: the murder I have
committed because I am for ever robbed of all that she could give me, she shall atone. The crime
bad its source in her: be hers the punishment!" (Shelley 143–44)
Davis interprets this quote as saying that the monster assumes that Justine is a bad person and
deserves this punishment for what he has done. The monster assumes that women are there to
provide for him and he assumes that she is unwilling to do so even though she has not yet been
tested in that position. (James P.
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The Tiananmen Square Massacre
b. Tiananmen Square Massacre (June 4, 1989) Commonly known as the June Forth Incident (六四
事件) or the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运), the Tiananmen Square protests lead by
students, was a bad memory for the protesters in China back in 1989. Student protesters in
Tiananmen Square, Beijing were brutally restrained by the Chinese military eight years before the
handover of Hong Kong to China. "Chinese troops violently retook the square in Beijing where pro–
democracy protesters had set up camp for weeks. The Tiananmen Square massacre left an unknown
number dead, with some estimates in the thousands, and smothered a democratic movement."
(Rayman, 2014) CNN report (2015) had stated, "Several hundred civilians have been shot dead by
the Chinese ... Show more content on ...
"But as its citizenry awoke on July 1, 1997, there was no outward appearance of change – apart
from the unnerving lines of People's Liberation Army (PLA) troop vehicles moving through the
streets to take over security responsibilities for the former British outpost. They have remained in
barracks." (Connors, 2015)
d. Anti–subversion Act Mothballed (July 1, 2003) "Six years after the handover, half a million
marchers questioned if the mantra, 'one country two systems' was going to last 50 years. The cause
of the fear was anti–subversion law Article 23 and its possible enactment in the Basic Law,
prohibiting "any act of treason, secession, sedition, or subversion against the Central People's
Government, or theft of state secrets". It called for the banning of groups outlawed in mainland
China on national security grounds and gave police wide search and seizure powers without a court
order. By early September, the much maligned secretary for security, Regina Ip, was dumped, and
chief executive Tung Chee–hwa was forced to postpone the introduction of the bill indefinitely."
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Commercial Recuperation Essay
Commercial Recuperation
Essentially what Hebdige is saying with his statement is that eventually a subcultures generic
trademarks will cross over into the mainstream. This will in tern render the original intentions of
subversion diluted pastiches of there former representations.
The validity of this statement is interesting in two ways. Firstly are subcultures subversive qualities
diluted through popularisation? And secondly and perhaps more importantly in terms of more
contemporary subcultural representations; how valid is the statement that what might be considered
subcultures are actually subversive in terms of attempted displacement of a dominant ideology.
It is these two areas with ... Show more content on ...
But more than this was the relevant timing of the punk movement and subsequently, why it is so
important as an example within this discussion. The high unemployment rates and the economic
uncertainly present throughout Britain where largely to blame. As was the realisation that the
promised age of prosperity and utopia promised by the passing generation was never going to come
to the present one. As Polhemus puts it "had Mclaren and Westwood not been around to toss a few
sticks of dynamite in the right direction an eruption would have occurred anyway" (1993:90). Punk
saw itself as being in direct conflict with the established order it felt had betrayed a generation as
John Fisk highlights the main function of conflict sub cultural groups in his article 'The Popular
"The power domain in within which popular culture works is largely, but not exclusively, that of
semiotic power. One major articulation of this power is the struggle between homogenisation and
difference, or between consensus and conflict" (Quoted in Storey, 1994:511)
The movement was just that; a movement. It not only had it's own music and political overtones in
nihilism and anarchy it also had it's own
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Agree That Bennett Uses
How Far Do You Agree That Bennett Uses Subversion to Shock the Audience "The History Boys" is
about eight boys who are exceptionally intelligent, this is understandable as all eight of them are
preparing to sit the Oxbridge entry exam. Set in the 1980's the play has a theme of subversion has
been utilized by Bennett in his play The History Boys. The play has many aspects of subversion
Bennet uses comedy techniques through the play, to humour the audience. The boys are taught by
two homosexual teachers, Hector and Irwin. who have total different teaching strategies. Hector is
an older man with strong feelings towards poetry and has no particular teaching program and gropes
his students and it seems that the boys don't really enjoy it though ... Show more content on ...
It is inappropriate as it has sexual connotations so its relief theory for the audience because it is
unexpected to hear even a conversation about a brothel in a school let alone act out a scene.
However, this is not too surprising because the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
only rose in 1984 so in theory before this time anyone could be a teacher as there were very little
regulations which had to be followed. Another interpretation of this is that he not the average sort of
teacher as there is a carnival like atmosphere suggesting the students enjoy having lessons with him.
The scene is quite shock at various parts, "Very good. But a brothel where all the clients use the
subjunctive or the conditional, yes? Here. Already a client! Who is the maid?" it is very
inappropriate for a teacher to agree with the suggestion of acting out a brothel scene. This doesn't
link with the subject 'general studies' however this was normal in regards to the time it has been set
in, 1980's – 1984 was not a national curriculum during this
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Subversion of Class and Gender Roles in Jane Austen's...
Subversion of Class and Gender Roles in Jane Austen's Persuasion
In Jane Austen's Persuasion, Mrs. Croft makes but few appearances and delivers little dialogue.
Nevertheless, Austen gives her significant narrative and thematic importance. Mrs. Croft provides a
foil for several of the Elliots, while developing a commonality with the frequently ostracized Anne.
This bond between Mrs. Croft and Austen's heroine valorizes Mrs. Croft's radical views concerning
feminism and marriage. Beyond signifying a paradigm shift in such social morals, though, the roles
of Admiral and Mrs. Croft allow Austen to subvert the dominant upper class culture. By exhibiting
superior but genuine manners, by demonstrating the complacency ... Show more content on ...
Because of this clear characterization of Mary, when we hear of Mrs. Croft's mild sea–sickness, we
admire her fortitude while recognising Mary's sacrifice.
Mrs. Croft thus differentiates herself from Sir Walter, Elizabeth and Mary. She also redefines
femininity among these acquaintances. Although not conventionally pretty, "neither tall nor fat"
(34), she has "bright dark eyes, good teeth, and altogether an agreeable face" (34). According to
Anne, then, an unconventional woman can still be attractive. Furthermore, to describe her "weather–
beaten complexion" (34), Anne gently describes how Mrs. Croft "[seems] to have lived some years
longer in the world than her real eight–and–thirty" (35). The emphasis on living in the world, instead
of on aesthetic descriptions like aged or wrinkled, indicates that Anne, (and therefore Austen),
values experience and intellect, more than physical beauty.
Similarly, Mrs. Croft defies conventional notions of domesticity as the female realm. Mr. Shepherd
reveals that, while considering leasing Kellynch Hall, Mrs. Croft "asked more questions about the
house, and terms, and taxes, than the Admiral himself" (17). Thus, Mrs. Croft manages perfectly
well in financial affairs. Furthermore, Mrs. Croft does not exhibit the female delicacy, as does
Elizabeth, who relies utterly
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Communism In Joseph Mccarthy's Second Red Scare
"Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party (Barnes)?" This question
was asked by Republican senator Joseph McCarthy to hundreds of people that he proclaimed were
Communists during the late 1940s and early 1950s. McCarthy's words were ones of fear that the
American public gravitated toward to show their hatred for communism. Although this anti–
communist effort was only most evident in the mid–20th century, the McCarthy strategy of creating
baseless claims against people continues to happen in today's society. The media has covered and
created false stories that the American public thrives on. Many people see these stories as factual
instead of falsehoods. The American population has also become McCarthy–esque ... Show more
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After World War I, America was having economic difficulties. William Wheeler and Susan Becker
said, "The Bolshevik Revolution gave many Americans a convenient scapegoat for their postwar
troubles. A few Americans were involved in radical activities, as evidenced by the discovery of
numerous mail bombs intended for thirty–six prominent government leaders. Americans, however,
identified communist conspirators as the cause of all their postwar difficulties" (Wheeler 233). The
accusation of communists against America created the first hatred toward the organization.
Americans now believed that communism was not just a factor on the other side of the world. It was
now near their homes. The fear of communism was growing larger and larger with each passing day.
During the Cold War, the Soviets had created an atomic bomb (Giblin 75). The invention brought
the War to new heights with total destruction seeming inevitable. More and more countries were
becoming communist, as well. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s America was overwhelmed with
concerns about the threat of communism growing in Eastern Europe and China ("McCarthyism").
China was taken in 1949 by communist rebels ("Joseph McCarthy"). It was feared that communism
would spread around the globe, eventually reaching the United States. The tension between
democracy and communism was at an all–time
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Art Of Scapegoating Essay
The concept of scapegoating has been around almost as long as human beings. We have proof from
as far back as the time of the ancient Israelites that human societies would use ritualistic sacrifice of
goats to absolve the people of their sins and bring that society together. And although the ritual of
scapegoating uses an actual goat for sacrifice, the act of scapegoating can utilize any third party as a
'sacrifice' to absorb the guilt of others. A similar concept to scapegoating is the idea of the Suffering
Servant as first described in the Book of Isaiah. The Suffering Servant willingly atones for the sins
of others and suffers the punishment in their stead. The original Suffering Servant was the people of
Israel who were living in exile ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the most comprehensive essay on the origins and effects of scapegoating was written by
René Girard. Girard described a cycle of rivalry between two parties where one person's
achievement or desire of something creates envy and competition between others who become
jealous and also begin to desire these things. This rivalry creates ever growing tension and conflict
between these people whose desires only increase over time. The increasing animosity inevitably
leads to an outbreak of violence and chaos, where the only way of stopping the hostility is through
the sacrifice of a (semi) innocent third party who takes all of the blame, the scapegoat. The third
party is an unwilling victim, and they must be believed to be completely guilty for the scapegoat
effect to take place: "A scapegoat effect that can be acknowledged as such by the scapegoaters is no
longer effective, it is no longer a scapegoat effect" (Girard, 1996, p. 14). After the scapegoat, has
been sacrificed the warring people are reunited and peace returns. This peace is only fleeting,
however, as mimetic cycle of rivalry will soon begin again and lead to conflict once more. This is
why ritualistic scapegoating sacrifices must be repeated–the scapegoat effect is never
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Jonathan Haidt's Hard Times
In the book Hard Times (1856/1995), by Charles Dickens, the citizens of Coketown are faced with
moral situations. The characters have caused emotional harm to others or themselves due to their
decisions. Most of the replies to these moral dilemmas are based on how selfish or selfless these
characters. They can only choose between the choices that value the other people or value
themselves. Two characters that make these decisions are Stephen, a worker at the Hand in
Coketown, and Louisa, the daughter of a teacher in the town. Some of their choices may seem
questionable to others. But most of them can be explained in Jonathan Haidt's book The Righteous
Mind. In his book, Haidt explains about the six moral foundations, two of them ... Show more
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Us humans are selectively fair to those that have a positive relationship with us and those who have
a negative relationship towards us are known as cheaters.
The association between Stephen and his wife is a solid example of the cheating rudiment. He is
making dishonest choices because he does not have a healthy relationship with his wife anymore.
After meeting an old woman, Stephen started thinking about Racheal: "He thought of the number of
girls and women she had seen she had contentedly pursued her own lone quite path –
for him." (p.82) When we love someone, we tend to think often about the person we have feelings
for. He is cheating on his wife because he is fantasizing about Racheal instead of his current wife.
Later, his wife was about to drink poison until Racheal came to save her from it. Before drinking the
poison, Stephen's wife passes Stephen, who appears to be asleep. But it turned out that "All this
time, as if a spell were on him, he was motionless and powerless, except to watch her." Stephen
wasn't asleep. Rather than saving her from accidentally poisoning, Stephen decided to do nothing
but watch her fall into her death. This is cheating because he would rather have her dead than
preventing him from having a marriage with Racheal. He would sacrifice her only for his
satisfaction. Before this event, Stephen tells Mr. Bounderby that his relationship goes "From bad to
worse, from worse to worsen. She left
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The Guerrilla Girls Comic Politics Of Subversion
Major Claim: In the Second Wave of Feminism, a group of feminist artists enacted the group
entitled the "Guerrilla Girls". In addition, this group of activists fight against the discrimination
amidst the world of art by creating various medias of the Arts through literature, studio art,
advertisement, public and public display. This is to counteract their oppressors within the field of
art. In Anne Teresa Demo's Essay "The Guerrilla Girls' Comic Politics of Subversion", she analyzes
the rhetorical approaches the association utilizes in aid towards resistance. Significance: Demo
states that the Guerrilla Girls have a few strategies they employ represented in their protests. These
strategies are imitation, reinvention of historical concepts,
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Drag Queen Analysis
Drag queens have spent years performing for themselves and for many other people. Their shows
today are a way to express themselves and make people question what they know about gender and
sexuality. Rupp and Taylor in their book, "Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret" discuss this subject in
detail, calling their performances a form of protest. They question the roles that society has put them
into, and in turn provoke their audiences to question these things, such as gender and sexuality. This
type of social protest is called "subversion." Through this book, we can more specifically look at
two types of subversion that played a major role in the 801 drag queen's performances. The first, and
most obvious, is the idea of masculinity versus femininity, and how the Queens use different
techniques to break free from the traditional way of thinking about these concepts. The second is the
overt way that the Queens portray sex and sexuality, in ways that are impossible for the audience to
ignore. Both these types of subversion have an overarching theme of crossing boundaries, whether
over the division of the gender binary, or the limits of what is socially acceptable to talk about
regarding sex. Drag queens envelop the audience and take many of them out of their comfort zone.
What it means to be feminine and masculine in our society has been drilled into each and every one
of us since birth. Men are taught to act a certain way, so as to be the breadwinners and protectors of
women. Women
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Gender Role Reversal? Analyzing Junot Diaz's 'Drown' and...
Gender Role Reversal? Conventional sexual normative values for males typically include an
emphasis of attributes that include self–reliance, dominance, assertion, and a healthy appetite for
heterosexual behavior. By contrast, those that apply to females usually include a submissiveness and
dependency that is all too oftentimes easily exploited by men. In this respect, the body of literature
analyzed within this paper––Sandra Cisneros' "Bien Pretty" and "Anguiano Religious Articles" in
Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, as well as Junot Diaz's "Drown" and "Aguantando"––is
demonstrative of these truths as an examination of the characterizations and storylines readily
demonstrates. However, what is most noteworthy about Cisneros and Diaz's tales is that these
authors also have a penchant for deliberately subverting the typical gender roles associated with
each sex, particular those of male characters. In these instances, male characters forsake their
traditional assertiveness and dominance and become objectified in ways that are usually reserved for
female characters and women in general. In these instances, the authors present a fascinating
dichotomy that appears incongruent in its depiction of manhood, for the simple fact that these
portraits of male characters combine conventional male attributes with an objectification that is
usually reserved for women. Both Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories and Drown contrast
conventional images of male sexuality with
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Tough Princess Conventions
The Tough Princess by Waddell is a children's book that can be considered part of the fairy tale
genre, shown through its inclusion of stereotypical conventions. It can also be classified as a
fractured fairy tale – which is a tale that has been retold or created in order to give a different view
on the original plot. The original review of the book by Child Education, suggests that the book
"breaks all the conventions of the traditional fairy tale and is all the more fun for that". Within this
essay, I will be discussing to which degree this is accurate, in terms of subverting all of the
conventions and whether the reasoning behind he subversion is simply for comedic effect, or not.
Fairy tales have long been considered an important part ... Show more content on ...
The Tough Princess was created in 1986, and this means that certain allowances can be made for a
partial, rather than full, subversion on the ideological level. Parsons (2004:135) states that fairy tales
are the sites for the constructions of appropriate gendered behaviour and are an integral part of
gendered layering in cultural stories and influencing perpetuating cultural norms. His work is
advancement on Rice's (2000:135), who suggested that fairy stories provide a script for acceptable
forms of feminine and masculine behaviour. The way in which fairy tales embed appropriate gender
behaviours within their narrative structures, masks the fact that fairy tales are created and produced
through the dominant discourse (Parsons
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John Donne And Cecile Day Lewis
Since definition of love and its representation varies person to person and in the past it has already
been represented in various ways, which leads one to presume that language is insufficient to
represent love. However, it is evident that the language has proved to be sufficient enough to not
only analyze, dissect and explain the feelings of love from so many angles including biologically.
Subversions of conventions of love is not the matter of insufficiency of language but a matter of
how a poet experiences love or how a poet chooses to express those experiences.
It is mainly the poet's era and life experiences that dictate how he/she represents love. Thomas
Wyatt, John Donne and Cecile Day Lewis are good examples of how life experiences can determine
the poets' divergence of traditional courtly and pastoral love. An abreast analysis of the above poets'
lives and their works allow us to draw parallels between their life experiences and their subversions
of conventions of love.
Thomas Wyatt's subversion of courtly love was influenced by his intimate relation with the women.
Sir Thomas Wyatt, an English ambassador suffered from his wife's infidelity and his mistress's
marriage with his king and later her execution. Due to his position of being an ambassador of
England left him no choice but to represent love in courtly and patriarchal manner. Wyatt was
deeply affected by the infidelity of his first wife and the execution of his mistress at the hands of the
monarch. For
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Mass Media, Subversions, And Human Thinking
Do People have free will to decide what they need in this lifetime or does rhetoric decide for
mankind? In fact, rhetoric for thousands of years has been the culprit behind human thinking when it
comes to purchasing goods. According, to Aristotle rhetoric, is "the art of persuasion", that doesn't
follow a set of rules like other disciplines of the Arts. The definitions of rhetoric aren't confined, but
open to change when a spectator interprets the message. All things considered, the roles of mass
media, subversions, and analyzing a commercial affect the human mind while using rhetoric. In
other words, mass media play a major role in influencing People thinking through rhetorical
discourse like sensationalism evoking a reaction from its viewership. For one thing, speeches, no
longer have the effectiveness to convince people. Furthermore, the public opinions vary when it
comes to biases, politics, and economics because they've heard only one side of the evidence that's
has been reported. To put it differently, rhetorical concepts have been conditioning the viewer's
perceptions with sound bites, imagery, and tone of languages naming some of the rhetorical devices
of many. However, the mind can be complicated in deciphering the writer's intention through
mediums. When this happens, it's called aberrant decoding a person takes on a meaning and subverts
the message into its own understanding.
Theorist Michael De Certeau aberrant decoding shows how some
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Annotated Bibliography On International Encryption Subversion
Nicholas Gambini Crypto Final Paper Dr. Landquist Intro to Crypto International Encryption
Subversion Introduction: As implied by the fourth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments to the
Constitution of the United States, all citizens of the United States have a right to privacy. In the
digital age, where all of our most important and personal information is stored digitally, we must
have a way to protect this digital content. To protect our data we use encryption where contents of
files are scrambled and distorted and can only be made legible by someone who knows the
decryption key. Governments in Europe, Asia, and America are currently engaged in undermining
the encryption and privacy rights of their citizens either by demanding backdoors or ... Show more
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Apple responded with a case curiously omitted from the FBI's argument; a federal judge found it
inconceivable that the law could be used to compel a telecommunications provider to allow real–
time tracking of a cellphone without a search warrant (Lichtblau). As support for Apple grew,
Director of Privacy at Stanford Law School, Albert Gidari, LLM, published a paper detailing
specifically why the FBI was wrong and why their argument was useless. In his paper he discusses
the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA. CALEA details what is and
isn't lawful assistance from telecommunications companies to the government. Within section 1002
lies these details: (1) Design of features and systems configurations. This subchapter does not
authorize any law enforcement agency or office (a) to require any specific design of equipment,
facilities, services, features, or system configurations to be adopted by any provider of a wire or
electronic communication service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any
provider of telecommunications support services; (b) to prohibit the adoption of any equipment,
facility, service, or feature by any provider of a wire or electronic communication service, any
manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of telecommunications support
services. (Schneier) What this means is that it is unlawful for
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Sex Trafficking In Women
Rubin's theory is used in this work to state the power struggle of the findom. Since the findom can
be placed in this vague status, it can be located in Rubin's theory of an imaginary line between good
and bad sex, titled "the struggle over where to draw the line" (Figure 2). Rubin points out that the
line seemingly stands between sexual order and chaos; however, some behavior is considered vague
near the border – for example, the coupled and monogamous homosexuality (Rubin, 1993: 14–15).
Therefore, the findom can be placed in the "major area of contest" in the figure since it can be
"good" and "bad" simultaneously.
(Figure 2.)
As Rubin (1993) states, the sex hierarchy not only functions for societies to appraise the value of sex
but also unequally rewards individuals in different levels of the hierarchy. Each individual receives
different power benefits in social position according to his/her sexual position. Sexuality, through
the hierarchal system, is engaged ... Show more content on ...
Butler says the formulation of gender trouble is built on Rubin's theory The Traffic in Women
(1975), which describes how "normative sexuality fortifies normative gender" and how "sexual
practice has the power to destabilize gender" (Butler, 1999: xi). As if sexual practice has the power
to destabilize gender, sexual behavior has the power to challenge gender normativity. The statement,
in this research, is linked to Jackson's (1995) suggestion that heterosexuality is neither fixed nor
unchanging. The heterosexual normativity can be destabilised through sexual practices, and the
constraints can be challenged through the materiality of the findom. The findom here is considered
as a medium or a signifier to provide new signification of the "re–articulation" of desire, pleasure,
and heterosexuality. This is therefore the possibility of subversion of the findom through bodies'
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Gender Trouble By Judith Butler
Judith Butler, the author of Gender Trouble (1990), is an American philosopher who was born in
Cleveland, Ohio, in 1956.
A feminist (that is, a participant in the cultural, political, and theoretical currents surrounding the
advocacy of the rights of women), she has published more than a dozen books and has been active
in debates ranging from lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual rights to Middle Eastern politics. She
works on identity issues and prejudice against minorities, having personal experience of both. Her
mother lost her Hungarian family in the Nazi Holocaust during World War II, and, as a lesbian,
Butler has herself experienced discrimination. She has spoken about the difficulty of coming out as
a teenager and about the ... Show more content on ...
Butler intervened in these debates by questioning the very idea of stable gender identity.
"No political revolution is possible without a radical shift in one's notion of the possible and the
Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Judith Butler argues that gender becomes ´real´ by a person unconsciously acting in ways that are
accepted to be "masculine" or "feminine" and that even biological sex is a product of culture.
Gender is imposed through patterns of thought in the society, but history shows that identities have
changed over time, then it is impossible to say that they are fixed and eternal.
Gender Trouble is an original and radical text that employs for political ends the analytical methods
of poststructuralist theory (and its challenge to categories and ideas of objective truth).
"Because there is neither an 'essence' that gender expresses or externalizes nor an objective ideal to
which gender aspires, and because gender is not a fact, the various acts of gender create the idea of
gender, and without those acts, there would be no gender at
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Ancient Greek Covert Actions
Covert actions involves the use of military and political operatives as an intelligence activity, aimed
at a specific target and undertaken in such a way that it does not reveal the identity of the source of
the action. Through this concealment, the identity of the actor is disguised, providing deniability
(Burgos, 2009). Covert actions, including information gathering and assassination have existed in
many forms over the centuries and have developed through necessity for a particular civilization.
The Egyptians focused on spying to gain the upper hand on its political rivals – Greece and Rome.
Through many wars, Greece perfected its implementation of deception to surprise its enemies
(Holmes, n.d.). Following WWII, Europe was in ruins,
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Bennett's 'The History Boys': Subversion To Shock The...
How Far Do You Agree That Bennett Uses Subversion to Shock the Audience The wide audience of
Bennett's "The History Boys" take a different interpretation on the play, but I believe that the events
of the play display ways in which Bennett uses subversion to shock the audience. "The History
Boys" is about eight boys who are exceptionally intelligent; this is displayed as all eight of them are
preparing to sit the Oxbridge entry exam. Set in the 1980's the plays theme of subversion has been
utilized by Bennett in his play "The History Boys" in many ways such as the difference between a
"Grammar school" in the 1980's and a school in the current times, the relations between . The play
has many aspects of subversion; Bennett uses comedy techniques ... Show more content on ...
On the one hand "The History Boys" does not use subversion to shock the audience because many
of incidents that occur in the play match up to the expectations of the time for example Hector
"groping" the boys, this inappropriate behaviour could be hidden at the time and especially in the
school where teachers look down on the Head teacher. Another way in which it is not subversive is
Mrs Lintott view on women although she believes that women should have been seen as more
important she judges women just like everyone else when she talks about Hector's wife knows what
he does and she wants to stay in the low
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Similarities Between Salem Witch Trials And Mccarthyism
McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials
McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials are notorious events in American History. Although they
weren't contemporary, it is undeniable that they are related. McCarthyism was from about 1950 to
1954, or when World War 2 had finished and the Cold War was "heating up." There was anxiety in
countries all over the world and people were beginning to panic. First term senator from Wisconsin,
Joseph McCarthy, did nothing to comfort the nation. In February of 1950, Joseph McCarthy
presented a speech that claimed he had a list of 205 communists in the State Department
( Joseph McCarthy's egotistical action resulted in people losing trust in America's
government. President Dwight Eisenhower and other ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of McCarthy's second term as senator, he was put in charge of the Committee on
Government Operations, which permitted him to expand his investigation. Despite the absence of
proof of subversion, more than 2,000 government employees were jobless due to McCarthy's
conjecture ( Not only did McCarthy's erratic actions cause complications in the
government, it ruined relations within the citizens. Trust was nonexistent and everything was
second–guessed. Stress was more of a problem than before and the outcome was people were
hopeless. McCarthyism was one of the most muddled movements in American history, but it was
not the only movement that divided us from one another. The Salem Witch Trials were another one
of America's plights that triggered a parting in society. McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials are
undoubtedly alike in a couple ways. During both of these events, select actions were intolerable. In
the McCarthyism era, people were accused of subversion, or communist actions. Being accused of
subversion was looked at not much differently than being a terrorist. You were put on trial which
had the potential to land you in prison. In 1692, the time of the Salem Witch Trials, people were
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Thomas Rid’s Arguement on the Impossibility of Cyber War...
In the article, Thomas Rid's main argument other than the contention that cyber war will not happen
is that cyber war is completely misplaced if not entirely misunderstood. He argues that the concept
of cyber war is not in tandem with the historical definition and understanding of what constitutes
''war''. Rid's definition of war, borrowed from Carl von Clausewitz, is that war must constitute three
elements: violence, instrumental and political. (Rid, Cyber War Will Not Take Place, 2012)
Therefore, his main argument against the possibility for cyber war is premised on the idea that cyber
war can never have or express the above three elements. He further argues that at best, cyber war
can achieve some of the above criteria such as violence ... Show more content on ...
He then argues that the actions of Anonymous and other such groups cannot be defined as war
because neither is violence involved nor does any of them openly accepts political attribution; and
their instrumentality is only limited to undermining authority. Secondly, He characterizes cyber–
attacks as espionage because often times the main goal is to access secured or confidential
information. Lastly, he considers cyber–attacks to be sabotage because the intended aim of the
attack is to disrupt or destroy military or economic installations. (Rid, Cyber War Will Not Take
Place, 2012) Ultimately, for Rid, what has ostensibly been considered to be cyber war are basically
manifestation of age old activities of espionage, sabotage and subversion.
Rid concludes with three points. First, he concludes that low tech cyber activities will have greater
impact on global political stability and in certain scenarios can even lead to conventional war. He
argues that the power of the internet to power social courses presents the greatest threat to global
stability even more than high tech capabilities used in sabotage; this is because mobilizing and
sustaining a movement via is now easier and requires less leadership hence social agitations are
stronger persists for longer. Secondly, he argues that sabotage as form of cyber–attack will continue
to rise;
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Essay Comparing The Korean War And Mccarthyism
Despite their historical hostility towards each other, the United States and the Soviet Union were
allies during World War II. However, it was in the decades following the end of the war war that
tension between these two former allies grew to the point where their rivalry became significantly
evident. Many factors influenced relations between the Americans and Soviets. Nonetheless, it was
the Korean War and McCarthyism that truly influenced negativity in their already broken
relationship and made their rivalry the long and dangerous affair it was.
At the end of the Second World War, both the Americans and the Soviets had troops in Korea
fighting the Japanese. Due to the fact neither country was willing to allow their army to leave, they
decided ... Show more content on ...
Not only were these two nations supporting opposing sides during the Korean War, but the war
intensified America's anxiety about communism. There were Americans dying in Korea fighting
against a communist movement. All the while, back at home, more Americans were losing their jobs
or even being executed due to claims made against them by anti–communist movements. And, those
who weren't getting accused of being communists, campaigned with furor against "commies" or
supported McCarthy in his investigations of alleged subversion in many areas of government. Thus,
had it not been for the Soviet support of communist North Korea in the Korean War, Josef Stalin
would not have become the face of communism and anxiety about domestic subversion in the
United States would have increased to level it did. Had American fear of subversion not reached the
level of hysteria it did, McCarthyism would not have become as popular and Joseph McCarthy
would've simply been considered a fool. In other words, the Korean War hardened America's foreign
policy into a much more strictly anticommunist form. Therefore, America became even more hostile
towards the Soviet Union because they were a communist
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Public/Private Subversions
Speaker Series provided an important occurrence for students to experience–an opportunity to
question their own beliefs. Each of these events provided a chance to hear a group of individuals
who have communicated with wide variety of people. These experience shaped their world view and
provided for interesting perspectives. When the event was not a direct rip from one's experiences,
there was an artful alternative which conveyed a positive message to take away from the whole
experience. The three events I went to (Hispanic Americans: Civil Rights, Social Justice and the
Legal System – Where Policy Meets Practice, Public/Private Subversions, Tres Vidas, and Social
Justice Activism) were all tied together through common messages relaying back ... Show more
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During the panel, these individuals were asked question about a large variety of topics pertaining to
diversity and the future of the country. One professor discussed the dissent from young Americans
this election cycle, stating, "There are the ones who are just disgusted and don't want to engage in
politics but I think there is more of a movement on both sides to say that these are not the parties we
want to see represent us and we know that the country is becoming more diverse" (Wade, 10–28–
16). Voting and engaged citizenship are topics which go hand and hand. The future of the country
will be shaped by the younger generation as they grow older. To be able to make a difference in
world, one must be politically involved and go out to make their voice
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Is Lazarillo De Tormes A Subversive Text?
Is Lazarillo de Tormes a subversive text? Illustrate your answer with examples.
In this essay I am going to discuss whether or not we can consider Lazarillo de Tormes as a
subversive text and the reasons behind why or why not we may believe it to be so. To accomplish
this, I will explore the background behind Lazarillo, the different methods and literary devices used
to convey dual meaning and give the text an undertone of subversion.
The word 'subversion' is defined as "a systematic attempt to undermine, overthrow or cause the
destruction of an established or legally constituted government or political system." 1 Lazarillo de
Tormes is thought to have been written during 16th century Spain, a time of oppression and
exploitation of ... Show more content on ...
We see on multiple occasions in Lazarillo a tendency towards euphemism as a means to deploy
underhand comments and subtle hints of resentment towards the institution of the Church and the
system of nobility in 16th century Spain. This greatly lends aid to the overall subversiveness of the
text and allows the author to convey his contempt for the system without being overly heretical. For
example, in the fourth episode, when speaking of his time spent with the Friar, Lázaro relates to us
how the Friar didn't like spending time in the convent, preferring to make personal visits and walk
outside and because of this, had 'broken more shoes' in the convent than any other. "Tanto, que
pienso que rompía él más zapatos que todo el convento." 5. This 'breaking of the shoes' could easily
have been seen in context when taking into consideration the period as a euphemism for having sex
with virgins. This alone would have been scandalous as he is a Friar, and has taken an oath of
celibacy. However, when recounting that the Friar was housed in a convent, it is unlikely that there
would have been a significant amount of virgins waiting around for him to partake in such activities
with, which leads us to
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Comparison Between 'Formula And Subversion'
After reading the article, "Formula and Subversion" written by Byman, it examines the film High
Noon and how it influenced the classical western genre that had desolate landscapes, gun fight,
depicted a simpler time. However, even though it followed the traditional western film, some people
attacked the film because it violated the canons and thought it was politically subversive or made by
a committee. In addition, Byman quoted chroniclers of the historial West who argued "[...] it was an
'anti–Western' that violated all the rules of the genre and displayed no knowledge of the real West"
(Byman, pg 229) meaning that it did not have the technical or emotional that Western films have
typically. While watching the film, I begin to understand why
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Jack Zipes Fairy Tales And The Art Of Subversion
The tradition of storytelling is as old as civilization itself. Man has always been fond of adventures
and legends. Tales from epics have been sung by bards in all parts of the world. The Iliad, as a story,
has existed long before Homer put it to paper. Owing to our intellectual prowess, humans have been
capable of deciphering countless number of phenomenon. However, that which we could not
account for, we feared or worshiped, labeling it as other–worldly. When man assigned the
unintelligible as supernatural, he was absolutely smitten. He created fantasy– a world full of fairies,
gnomes, sprites, monsters and ghosts– all inducing emotions of either wonder, delight, or horror.
Jack Zipes in his work Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion, emphasizing on the origin of fairy
tales, states, "Though it is impossible to trace the historical origins and evolution of fairy tales to a
particular time and place, we do know that humans began telling tales as soon ... Show more content
on ...
Ever since oral folk narratives were translated into stable written texts intended to entertain children,
their original meaning has become masked, or at least obscured. Yet it is not impossible to recover
that meaning and its implications." The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood stands for not simply evil,
but vices, the mention of which in real life is bound to send chills up the spine. Rape and
cannibalism characterize the tale. The wolf represents the sexual predator and the cannibal, who in
many versions of the tale cooks the grandmother and feeds it to Little Red Riding Hood. The
intention of rape is nothing but highlighted in the tale. The wolf stalks Little Red Riding Hood to the
grandmother's house, and there he attempts to ravish the young girl. The vice of pedophilia also
exists in the
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Analysis Of The Sound Of Music
At a period of time in the United States when the Vietnam War was rapidly escalating and gaining
opposition among the younger generation, the film The Sound of Music was released. Directed by
Robert Wise and released in 1965, The Sound of Music features musical numbers accompanied by
the movement and dancing of the von Trapp family. The setting of the film is Salzburg, Austria in
1938 immediately following the start of German occupation due to the Anschluss. Ultimately, the
reprise of "So Long, Farewell" in The Sound of Music subverts governmental authority over war by
portraying a movement shift from being restricted and uniform to running away with hope of
freedom. The reprise of "So Long, Farewell" features Maria von Trapp, Captain ... Show more
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As this pattern progresses, the children escaping the stage show more and more freedom of
movement. The last set of two sibling is two of the oldest daughters who, right before their exit,
make a small leap. This is the first time that enough excitement is shown that any of the family
members actually leave the stage surface. At this point in the number, only the two adults and the
youngest child are left on stage. The youngest von Trapp is ushered off stage to join the others
before Maria and Captain calmly walk off stage, embracing each other.
The most obvious subversion of war authority belongs to the setting of the movie–1938 in Salzburg,
Austria, the year in which Germanic Nazi power took over Austria. In March of 1938, "Austria was
the first victim of Hitler's policy of aggression. The German domination of that country (the so–
called Anschluss) heralded the beginning of a diplomatic demarche" (Clute VII). Specifics as to how
this happened include a conspired alliance between Austrian Nazis and German Nazis who
infiltrated their power into Austrian government. The timeline of events began when Austrian
Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg met with Adolf Hitler after learning of the conspiracy.
Schuschnigg's intention from this meeting was to reassert dominance and independence, but instead
was pressured into electing Austrian Nazis to the cabinet. On March
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Analysis Of ' Too Big For Broadway '
Kander and Ebb took a great risk in using the framework of a minstrel show to tell the story in their
musical The Scottsboro Boys. Various sources argue that the use of the minstrel show in Kander and
Ebb's The Scottsboro Boys hinders the audiences experience and undermines the importance of this
trial. This argument is one of many and goes to show that Kander and Ebb took many risks in using
the minstrel show to tell the story of the Scottsboro Boys. Other sources argue that the humor and
stereotypes of the minstrel show perpetuate the boys' lack of individuality. In the article, "Too big
for Broadway?: The limits of historical and theatrical empathy in Parade and The Scottsboro Boys,"
it is argued that this lack of characterization "makes it feel as though 'the Boys' are being victimized,
not by American racism, but by Kander and Ebb" (Stahl 76). With all of the dangers involved in the
use of this racist form, it is understandable how the intention of the minstrel show can be
misconstrued. Kander and Ebb incorporate many aspects of the minstrel show such as comedy and
stereotyping to create a contrast with the moments when the characters rebel against the minstrel
show. The SpeakEasy Stage Company portrays the contrast of these moments impeccably. This
production of The Scottsboro Boys validates that when done well, the minstrel elements are very
effective in creating tension between the horrible truths of the trial and with the pleads for freedom
by the characters. This
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Covert And Clandestine Operations: Subversion Tactics
In addition to the definition of terrorism, it will be important to define what constitutes as covert and
clandestine operations. To begin, it is important to understand that covert and clandestine operations
are two distinct types of operations. According to the Department of Defense, a covert operation is
defined as: "An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit
plausible denial by the sponsor." These types of operations may include: sabotage, assassinations,
conducting or supporting coups, or other types of subversion tactics. Some of these tactics may
include both violent and nonviolent means in order to carry out the operation. These operations are
usually targeted against state actors. However, ... Show more content on ...
US foreign policy towards Nicaragua was one built upon the idea that the US came first. This policy
has a long history in South America, especially in Nicaragua. In the early 1900's the US engaged in
a number of small military activities in order to protect US interest and US business. These military
interventions lead to US occupation in 1909, 1912, and 1927. In each of these cases the United
States sought to uphold or aid more conservative movements of the Nicaraguan government to
ensure favorable business relations with the state. Some of which included occupying Nicaragua
with a small military force. As long Nicaraguans policies remained beneficial to the United States,
the US stayed out of Nicaraguan affairs and cared little about the type of government or how that
said government acted . It was during this time that the Somoza family was able to rise to power and
create a
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The Potential for Subversion Denied in Sacre de Printemps
Pina Bausch's Sacre de Printemps is a performance that communicates the story of a ritual and
human sacrifice. The performance begins with a large group of women dancing around a red cloth.
Their movements are frantic, sharp, and aggressive and they both move in unison and break off into
canon. Later on in the piece, a group of men join the women and they dance in separate groups,
come together and form circles, and finally break off into pairs. When the men enter the
performance, a ritual begins that involves the selection of one female for sacrificial purposes. The
men select this woman, she changes into a red dress, and all the members of the cast look on as she
dances until she falls to the ground dead. Throughout the piece, there are instances of subversion
and instances of conformity to traditional gender roles in dance. The performance as a whole at
times challenges traditional expectations of women and at others conforms to them. The movement
and costumes convey initial potential for the subversion of male dominance that ends up confirming
and upholding traditional roles and expectations of gender in dance. The dancers' movements
throughout the performance seem to challenge and uphold gender binaries at the same time. At the
beginning, when only female dancers are present their movements are agentive, strong, quick, and
athletic–characteristics not usually allowed for female dancers. Their movements are similar to the
wild and physical movement of Louise
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The Importance Of Fairy Tales
Expository All fairy tales continue to be relevant in today's world. The adventurous stories are
continually thriving through the different techniques that writers use including the themes that each
tale embraces to draw their readers in and remember them. This allows for the fairy tales to be
prevalent to the world today. Before fairy tales were the sources of many movie adaptions, they
were only spread word of mouth, where story tellers would share them with their communities.
These story tellers would strive to make sure that the stories that they told were remembered by their
listeners, because their listeners may then tell their stories to other people. The stories were filled
with enthusiastic voices as they pretrained their ... Show more content on ...
It makes it easy for them to escape reality for a little bit by imagining a whole new world.
The stories each have their own special world that they create for their plot lines and characters. The
media then amplifies these worlds so that they are predominant in what we believe them to be ("The
Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Culture and Social History of a Genre" 20). Technology has expanded
fairy tales by using all different types of genres and art to embrace them by making it easier and
more effective. The tales attract people to listen and pay attention to them as they change and are
recreated ("The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Culture and Social History of a Genre" 40). Fairy tales
are written to be relatable for the everyday person. They stick because they use their characters to
reflect the actions of how the human species as evolved. Similarly to when people go through a
crisis, the characters of fairy tales adapt to a new situation. They may also use a survival method or
have to protect themselves. While the exact circumstances are not the same, the same emotions are
played that make people to connect to with their own lives. This allows for a psychological
connection to occur ("Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution an Relevance of a Genre 26). These
stories will people with hope since they provide instructions, guidance, counseling, and how others
may take advantage of us in their themes. Fairy tales emphasize the
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Gender Trouble: Feminism And The Subversion Of Identity
'Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity' was written by the philosopher Judith
Butler. Butler argues that gender is a kind of improvised performance. Butler's work is influential in
women's studies, feminism, and lesbian and gay studies. Butler's ideas about gender came to be
foundational to queer theory and the advancing of dissident sexual practices during the 1990s.
Butler starts 'gender Trouble' by dismissing feminist theory claims in the past about there only being
one, central identity for women. She says that factors such as class, race, and even sexuality
complicate the idea of a blanket term like Women or Woman. Butler says "For feminist theory, the
development of a language that fully or adequately represents ... Show more content on ...
Having the focus on women representation or as the subject of feminist could be problematic
because the term is hard to define. Not all people identify as a woman, but their sex is identified as
female, and what it means to be a woman can change depending on multiple factors like race, class,
sexuality, and location. For those that are not cis–gendered and identify with a different gender have
to deal with being slighted by those that do. Butler is suggesting if we recognize all genders and
gender identities within the feminist movement it will allow gender non–conforming individuals to
have a safe space to grow and develop healthily. This made me think of Audre Lorde's argument
where she says, "It is a particular academic arrogance to assume any discussion of feminist theory
without examining our many differences, and without a significant input from poor women, Black
and Third World women, and lesbians." (Lorde, 1984, pg. 110) Butler is saying that gender and sex
are determined differently depending on the cultural norms of a certain place, and that the
interpretation will also be impacted by other factors like race and class. These other factors along
with gender and sex will influence someone's political
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Coming Out By Heiner Carow
Within German cinema, one can identify a particular type of films taking place in, and thematizing
issues of, the former East German state. Given the undemocratic nature of the GDR, these films are
particularly suited to discuss the way that people react to a status quo: whether by accepting it and
conforming to it, or by rejecting and subverting it in various ways. These different options appear in
the two films analysed in this essay. Coming Out (1989) by Heiner Carow was filmed in the GDR,
and charts a gay man 's process of acceptance of himself. The Lives of Others (2006) by Florian
Henckel von Donnersmarck looks back at the GDR 's past, and more specifically at the actions of
the Stasi. Its plot, set in 1984, follows a Stasi agent 's "conversion" to political subversion and to
being a "good man". First, this essay will examine the representation of acceptance of the status quo
in these films, before turning to the portrayal of subversion. Lastly, it will highlight some of the
negative aspects of the subversion depicted – such aspects being introduced either in a conscious
and critical way, or not.
First, acceptance of the status quo occurs in its internalization by the characters. At this stage, they
do not question the rules of the society in which they live. Thus, in Coming Out, Philipp tries to fit
into the dominant heterosexual model by settling into domestic life with his fiancée, because he has
internalized homophobia, having lived in a heterosexist society all
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Subversion Health care system is known to be extremely complicated and expensive, it takes an enormous amount of time and money to operate and maintain, even with the huge amount of funding spent annually regarding health care, the current health care system still receives biased and ambiguous feedback, when healthcare comes to the mind of general public, it is often related to terms such as expensive, over–complex and profiling, therefore, with the rapid development of wireless technology, this rising technology has helped the current health care system in numerous ways and is expected to bring hope to the health care industry. "Subversion" is becoming the new propaganda industry and capital market this year, which means newly developed technology is ... Show more content on ... That is, the use of sweat, saliva and other body exudates, by calculating the concentration of glucose and exudate glucose glucose concentration in the measurement of blood glucose. Among them, the United States Medtronic first launch of the FDA approved blood glucose real–time continuous monitoring system (CGM). The system consists of a disposable continuous blood glucose detection probe, a radio frequency transmitter, and a receiving display. The probe can be attached to the patient's abdomen with a small wire (the wire is extremely small, the penetration is extremely fast and painless), and the glucose concentration in the subcutaneous interstitial fluid is measured every 10 seconds for 3 consecutive days. Through the wireless means to the receiver, the receiver every 5 minutes for the average data processing, and then converted to blood glucose stored value. This method of information collected every day refers to the blood test method of 100 times. In addition, developed by the United States Spectrx blood glucose tester is the use of laser cuticle in the skin to open a row of pores (and no pain), and then by a special sensor to collect interstitial fluid and measurement of blood glucose analysis, the same wireless technology has also been applied to monitoring blood pressure and oxygen level in the blood and so on, it has received large amount of investments ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The King Who Was Well Bred Rose And Went To Meet Her Analysis Consider the word "see" in line 606, as Lanval's love enters the room she is immediately noticed. This prompt response to her entrance straightaway reveals the implications of her beauty and the importance it has on Lanval's trial along with the male relation the females in this time period. Women are objectified to a certain extent yet also essential to the inner workings of society. This can also be observed in the context of this passage due to the fact that the queen made the accusations against Lanval and though they were lies the extensive reach of her authority is notable. Also consider the line 607 "The king who was well bred rose and went to meet her" (166). This line directly relates aspects of the chivalric code to a woman's beauty due to the fact that the king was "well bred" he did not make her walk all the way to him and instead rose to meet ... Show more content on ... While at the same time as exemplifying masculinity through chivalry this line also begins the subversion of gender roles by putting the woman in the more dominant position – she is now in control of this situation. In the following line it is stated that "all the others honored her and offered to serve her" (166). The use of the verbs honor and offer are direct effects of the way they "see" her which continues to implicate the importance of her beauty while also putting her in a dominant role. This is emphasized once again in lines 611–612 "When they had looked at her well, when they greatly praised her beauty" (166). This is another instance in which a verb, "praised," is a direct result of seeing her beauty. This direct relation between such verbs and her presence helps to demonstrate her force and impact as a woman along with her characterization as a sovereign being. In lines 613–614 it is stated that "she spoke in this way, she didn't want to wait" ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Analysis Of The Book ' Little Red Cap ' By Angela Carter Fairytales subvert, challenge or reaffirm archetypal values through didactic lenses. The presence of universal themes allows for an examination of contextual shifts and by being malleable in nature, can be made relevant to different audiences. The Brothers Grimm 's "Little Red Cap", Angela Carter's 'The Company of Wolves" and Tommy Wirkola 's film, "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters" all promote their hegemonic ideologies and as 'cultural artefacts' extrapolate the contextual values of their time period. Carl Jung 's theory of the 'Collective Unconscious" ensures that each of these fairytale adaptations can retain their archetypal value and thus remain significant and relevant in contemporary circumstances. The Brother Grimm's 19th Century Fairytale, "Little Red Cap" reflects the hegemonies of its context through its cautionary justification. Grimm's work reflected the importance of German national cohesion under French occupation and the view towards foreigners as destructive usurpers. "Little Red Cap" was adapted for instructional purposes, specifically aimed at a children 's audience. Initially in the tale, the subversion of Perrault's depiction of the girl is evident exemplifying her as a "sweet" little girl and the hyperbolic "everybody loved her instantly on first sight" demonstrates the engrained virtue of her youth. The instruction for Little Red Cap to "not stray from the path" foreshadows the inherent danger associated with a misguided venture. The symbolism of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Targeting Of Host Organelles By Pathogenic Bacteri A... Scientific Literature Essay– Elise Foxall (Word Count=) The review article chosen is titled, 'Targeting of host organelles by pathogenic bacteria: a sophisticated subversion strategy'. It was published on the 23rd of November 2013 and written by Pedro Escoll, Sonia Mondino, Monica Rolando and Carmen Buchrieser of the Institut Pasteur in France. It explores how it has been discovered that bacterial pathogens have evolved to override normal eukaryotic cell behaviour in order to enter these cells and replicate, as well as shutting down the immune responses against these pathogens by reversing the roles of eukaryotic immune defence cells. The article itself is directed towards the scientific community, ... Show more content on ... Evolutionary microbiology is the study of the evolution of microbes. This review focuses on how bacterial pathogenic cells have evolved alongside normal eukaryotic host cells, leading to the development of mechanisms that allowed bacterial cells to take over eukaryotic cells and counteract host defences. This review article is taken from Nature journal, under the Nature Publishing Group (NPG). NPG publishes high impact scientific and medical information both online and in print. Nature was founded in 1869 and is a leading international weekly scientific journal. In particular, this review is taken from the Nature Reviews journal, which specialises in many different scientific disciplines, including Nature Reviews Microbiology, from which this review was taken. As a result, this journal directly corresponds to the sub–discipline of microbiology, making it relevant and useful for microbiologists and other scientific professionals, as well as a broader public audience, seeking specific articles on key topics in the field of microbiology. The purpose of this review is to draw on many sources of information documenting the way in which pathogenic bacteria targets a variety of host organelles such as the nucleus, the ER, Golgi and mitochondria by exploiting eukaryotic cells through a number of different processes. It was determined throughout the review that there is a wide range of host–pathogen interactions that allow for bacterial infection to occur. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Islamic Terrorism And The Threat Of Cultural Subversion Radical Islamic terrorism and is one of the greatest threats faced by the western world today .From threatening our life styles to killing our fellow citizens ,Islam underpins and erodes our laws and institutions in the name of their stalling 6th century ideology and holy book. Angered by transgressions long past and considering all foreigners and non believers infidels and non human, Radical Islam unless stopped in its cultural subversion and terrorist actions will soon become to much to be handled. In this paper I hope to convey my message through the topics of the myth of a peaceful Islamic religion, the threat of cultural subversion, The failure of the western world, and what we can do to stop our downward spiral. From its beginnings ... Show more content on ... He did all of this simply because they refused to convert to his violent and evil faith and called it just. Here is a excerpt from the biography of Muhammad ,which has been accepted world wide as true but those who practice the faith. When the tribe of . . . Quraiza was ready to accept Sad's judgment, Allah's Apostle sent for Sad who was near to him. Sad came, riding a donkey and when he came near, Allah's Apostle said (to the Ansar) [or Helpers], "Stand up for your leader." Then Sad came and sat beside Allah's Apostle who said to him. "These people are ready to accept your judgment." Sad said, "I give the judgment that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as prisoners." The Prophet then remarked, "O Sad! You have judged amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King Allah." Muhammad inspired his men to make war in the name of Islam by looting , killing , beheadings, and forcing innocents into slavery. And if the Quran is to be believed, this is the man all Muslims are supposed to emulate? Long after Muhammad 's eventual death, Muslims have continued his jihad ( holy war ) for hundreds of thousands of years. Only being checked by the ability of native non Muslims to protect themselves. One example of this was the defeat of the Umayyad caliphate at the battle of Tours, which shattered their power in Europe. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Presentation Of Conformity And Subversion Of Gothic... Discuss the presentation of conformity and subversion of gothic archetypes The gothic genre has been a prominent literary style throughout many eras, a popular example being 'The Castle of Otranto'. I have studied three texts; Emile Bronte's novel 'Wuthering Heights', published in December 1847, 'The Selected Poems of John Keats', published in 1817 and the later 'The Bloody Chamber' by Angela Carter, published in 1979. They all use gothic elements in different ways to create a variety of effects and reflect on their own personal views, Carter in particular as a post modern writer and Keats' confusion of sexuality. The three texts I have studied all conform to the gothic genre in similar ways such as, the use of setting (use Gothic conventions to develop setting). For example in 'The Eve of St Agnes' the primary setting is a medieval castle which is portrayed as being sinister and isolated, Keats describes a "lowly arched way", the adjective "lowly" suggests the insignificance and unimportance of the castle. The "cobwebs" could further highlight the fact that the castle is old and has remained uninhabited for a number of years suggesting an ominous presence. In addition to this, it could also suggest the prescence of insects and spiders within the castle connoting danger and eeriness creating a spine–chilling atmosphere. Keats further makes use of the gothic setting within Madeline's bedroom Similarly, Bronte creates a highly gothic setting in 'Wuthering Heights' – Lockwood ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Frankenstein And The Subversion Of The Masculine Voice The Importance of Women Mary Shelley was a strong advocate for women's rights so it is surprising that her first novel consists of 3 male narrators. James P. Davis tries to answer this question as he hypothesised different theories surrounding the lack of strong females or females at all for that matter in his essay Frankenstein and the Subversion of the Masculine Voice. The masculine point of view from which this story is told makes the women mentioned in this story static characters. Furthermore it is suggested by Davis that both Frankenstein and his monster have harsh feelings regarding women. Though it seems that both Frankenstein and the monster long for a woman or love a women our view of that woman and the men's view on those women ... Show more content on ... Frankenstein fears woman by explaining how he refuses to create his monster a female friend because he assumes females capacity of evil is greater than males. Davis also concludes that Frankenstein fears the female's ability create new life saying, "The possibility that his female monster might reproduce moves Victor to destroy her" (Davis 311). Not only Frankenstein has harsh assumptions about women but the monster does as well. After the monster kills William he frames Justine for the murder saying, "Should she Justine awake, and see me, and curse me, and denounce the murderer? Thus she would assuredly act, if her darkened eyes opened, and she beheld me. The thought was madness; it stirred the fiend within me – not I, but shh shall suffer: the murder I have committed because I am for ever robbed of all that she could give me, she shall atone. The crime bad its source in her: be hers the punishment!" (Shelley 143–44) Davis interprets this quote as saying that the monster assumes that Justine is a bad person and deserves this punishment for what he has done. The monster assumes that women are there to provide for him and he assumes that she is unwilling to do so even though she has not yet been tested in that position. (James P. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Tiananmen Square Massacre b. Tiananmen Square Massacre (June 4, 1989) Commonly known as the June Forth Incident (六四 事件) or the '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运), the Tiananmen Square protests lead by students, was a bad memory for the protesters in China back in 1989. Student protesters in Tiananmen Square, Beijing were brutally restrained by the Chinese military eight years before the handover of Hong Kong to China. "Chinese troops violently retook the square in Beijing where pro– democracy protesters had set up camp for weeks. The Tiananmen Square massacre left an unknown number dead, with some estimates in the thousands, and smothered a democratic movement." (Rayman, 2014) CNN report (2015) had stated, "Several hundred civilians have been shot dead by the Chinese ... Show more content on ... "But as its citizenry awoke on July 1, 1997, there was no outward appearance of change – apart from the unnerving lines of People's Liberation Army (PLA) troop vehicles moving through the streets to take over security responsibilities for the former British outpost. They have remained in barracks." (Connors, 2015) d. Anti–subversion Act Mothballed (July 1, 2003) "Six years after the handover, half a million marchers questioned if the mantra, 'one country two systems' was going to last 50 years. The cause of the fear was anti–subversion law Article 23 and its possible enactment in the Basic Law, prohibiting "any act of treason, secession, sedition, or subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets". It called for the banning of groups outlawed in mainland China on national security grounds and gave police wide search and seizure powers without a court order. By early September, the much maligned secretary for security, Regina Ip, was dumped, and chief executive Tung Chee–hwa was forced to postpone the introduction of the bill indefinitely." (Connors, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Commercial Recuperation Essay Commercial Recuperation Essentially what Hebdige is saying with his statement is that eventually a subcultures generic trademarks will cross over into the mainstream. This will in tern render the original intentions of subversion diluted pastiches of there former representations. The validity of this statement is interesting in two ways. Firstly are subcultures subversive qualities diluted through popularisation? And secondly and perhaps more importantly in terms of more contemporary subcultural representations; how valid is the statement that what might be considered subcultures are actually subversive in terms of attempted displacement of a dominant ideology. It is these two areas with ... Show more content on ... But more than this was the relevant timing of the punk movement and subsequently, why it is so important as an example within this discussion. The high unemployment rates and the economic uncertainly present throughout Britain where largely to blame. As was the realisation that the promised age of prosperity and utopia promised by the passing generation was never going to come to the present one. As Polhemus puts it "had Mclaren and Westwood not been around to toss a few sticks of dynamite in the right direction an eruption would have occurred anyway" (1993:90). Punk saw itself as being in direct conflict with the established order it felt had betrayed a generation as John Fisk highlights the main function of conflict sub cultural groups in his article 'The Popular Economy' "The power domain in within which popular culture works is largely, but not exclusively, that of semiotic power. One major articulation of this power is the struggle between homogenisation and difference, or between consensus and conflict" (Quoted in Storey, 1994:511) The movement was just that; a movement. It not only had it's own music and political overtones in nihilism and anarchy it also had it's own ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Agree That Bennett Uses How Far Do You Agree That Bennett Uses Subversion to Shock the Audience "The History Boys" is about eight boys who are exceptionally intelligent, this is understandable as all eight of them are preparing to sit the Oxbridge entry exam. Set in the 1980's the play has a theme of subversion has been utilized by Bennett in his play The History Boys. The play has many aspects of subversion Bennet uses comedy techniques through the play, to humour the audience. The boys are taught by two homosexual teachers, Hector and Irwin. who have total different teaching strategies. Hector is an older man with strong feelings towards poetry and has no particular teaching program and gropes his students and it seems that the boys don't really enjoy it though ... Show more content on ... It is inappropriate as it has sexual connotations so its relief theory for the audience because it is unexpected to hear even a conversation about a brothel in a school let alone act out a scene. However, this is not too surprising because the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education only rose in 1984 so in theory before this time anyone could be a teacher as there were very little regulations which had to be followed. Another interpretation of this is that he not the average sort of teacher as there is a carnival like atmosphere suggesting the students enjoy having lessons with him. The scene is quite shock at various parts, "Very good. But a brothel where all the clients use the subjunctive or the conditional, yes? Here. Already a client! Who is the maid?" it is very inappropriate for a teacher to agree with the suggestion of acting out a brothel scene. This doesn't link with the subject 'general studies' however this was normal in regards to the time it has been set in, 1980's – 1984 was not a national curriculum during this ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Subversion of Class and Gender Roles in Jane Austen's... Subversion of Class and Gender Roles in Jane Austen's Persuasion In Jane Austen's Persuasion, Mrs. Croft makes but few appearances and delivers little dialogue. Nevertheless, Austen gives her significant narrative and thematic importance. Mrs. Croft provides a foil for several of the Elliots, while developing a commonality with the frequently ostracized Anne. This bond between Mrs. Croft and Austen's heroine valorizes Mrs. Croft's radical views concerning feminism and marriage. Beyond signifying a paradigm shift in such social morals, though, the roles of Admiral and Mrs. Croft allow Austen to subvert the dominant upper class culture. By exhibiting superior but genuine manners, by demonstrating the complacency ... Show more content on ... Because of this clear characterization of Mary, when we hear of Mrs. Croft's mild sea–sickness, we admire her fortitude while recognising Mary's sacrifice. Mrs. Croft thus differentiates herself from Sir Walter, Elizabeth and Mary. She also redefines femininity among these acquaintances. Although not conventionally pretty, "neither tall nor fat" (34), she has "bright dark eyes, good teeth, and altogether an agreeable face" (34). According to Anne, then, an unconventional woman can still be attractive. Furthermore, to describe her "weather– beaten complexion" (34), Anne gently describes how Mrs. Croft "[seems] to have lived some years longer in the world than her real eight–and–thirty" (35). The emphasis on living in the world, instead of on aesthetic descriptions like aged or wrinkled, indicates that Anne, (and therefore Austen), values experience and intellect, more than physical beauty. Similarly, Mrs. Croft defies conventional notions of domesticity as the female realm. Mr. Shepherd reveals that, while considering leasing Kellynch Hall, Mrs. Croft "asked more questions about the house, and terms, and taxes, than the Admiral himself" (17). Thus, Mrs. Croft manages perfectly well in financial affairs. Furthermore, Mrs. Croft does not exhibit the female delicacy, as does Elizabeth, who relies utterly ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Communism In Joseph Mccarthy's Second Red Scare "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party (Barnes)?" This question was asked by Republican senator Joseph McCarthy to hundreds of people that he proclaimed were Communists during the late 1940s and early 1950s. McCarthy's words were ones of fear that the American public gravitated toward to show their hatred for communism. Although this anti– communist effort was only most evident in the mid–20th century, the McCarthy strategy of creating baseless claims against people continues to happen in today's society. The media has covered and created false stories that the American public thrives on. Many people see these stories as factual instead of falsehoods. The American population has also become McCarthy–esque ... Show more content on ... After World War I, America was having economic difficulties. William Wheeler and Susan Becker said, "The Bolshevik Revolution gave many Americans a convenient scapegoat for their postwar troubles. A few Americans were involved in radical activities, as evidenced by the discovery of numerous mail bombs intended for thirty–six prominent government leaders. Americans, however, identified communist conspirators as the cause of all their postwar difficulties" (Wheeler 233). The accusation of communists against America created the first hatred toward the organization. Americans now believed that communism was not just a factor on the other side of the world. It was now near their homes. The fear of communism was growing larger and larger with each passing day. During the Cold War, the Soviets had created an atomic bomb (Giblin 75). The invention brought the War to new heights with total destruction seeming inevitable. More and more countries were becoming communist, as well. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s America was overwhelmed with concerns about the threat of communism growing in Eastern Europe and China ("McCarthyism"). China was taken in 1949 by communist rebels ("Joseph McCarthy"). It was feared that communism would spread around the globe, eventually reaching the United States. The tension between democracy and communism was at an all–time ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Art Of Scapegoating Essay The concept of scapegoating has been around almost as long as human beings. We have proof from as far back as the time of the ancient Israelites that human societies would use ritualistic sacrifice of goats to absolve the people of their sins and bring that society together. And although the ritual of scapegoating uses an actual goat for sacrifice, the act of scapegoating can utilize any third party as a 'sacrifice' to absorb the guilt of others. A similar concept to scapegoating is the idea of the Suffering Servant as first described in the Book of Isaiah. The Suffering Servant willingly atones for the sins of others and suffers the punishment in their stead. The original Suffering Servant was the people of Israel who were living in exile ... Show more content on ... Perhaps the most comprehensive essay on the origins and effects of scapegoating was written by René Girard. Girard described a cycle of rivalry between two parties where one person's achievement or desire of something creates envy and competition between others who become jealous and also begin to desire these things. This rivalry creates ever growing tension and conflict between these people whose desires only increase over time. The increasing animosity inevitably leads to an outbreak of violence and chaos, where the only way of stopping the hostility is through the sacrifice of a (semi) innocent third party who takes all of the blame, the scapegoat. The third party is an unwilling victim, and they must be believed to be completely guilty for the scapegoat effect to take place: "A scapegoat effect that can be acknowledged as such by the scapegoaters is no longer effective, it is no longer a scapegoat effect" (Girard, 1996, p. 14). After the scapegoat, has been sacrificed the warring people are reunited and peace returns. This peace is only fleeting, however, as mimetic cycle of rivalry will soon begin again and lead to conflict once more. This is why ritualistic scapegoating sacrifices must be repeated–the scapegoat effect is never ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Jonathan Haidt's Hard Times In the book Hard Times (1856/1995), by Charles Dickens, the citizens of Coketown are faced with moral situations. The characters have caused emotional harm to others or themselves due to their decisions. Most of the replies to these moral dilemmas are based on how selfish or selfless these characters. They can only choose between the choices that value the other people or value themselves. Two characters that make these decisions are Stephen, a worker at the Hand in Coketown, and Louisa, the daughter of a teacher in the town. Some of their choices may seem questionable to others. But most of them can be explained in Jonathan Haidt's book The Righteous Mind. In his book, Haidt explains about the six moral foundations, two of them ... Show more content on ... Us humans are selectively fair to those that have a positive relationship with us and those who have a negative relationship towards us are known as cheaters. Cheating The association between Stephen and his wife is a solid example of the cheating rudiment. He is making dishonest choices because he does not have a healthy relationship with his wife anymore. After meeting an old woman, Stephen started thinking about Racheal: "He thought of the number of girls and women she had seen she had contentedly pursued her own lone quite path – for him." (p.82) When we love someone, we tend to think often about the person we have feelings for. He is cheating on his wife because he is fantasizing about Racheal instead of his current wife. Later, his wife was about to drink poison until Racheal came to save her from it. Before drinking the poison, Stephen's wife passes Stephen, who appears to be asleep. But it turned out that "All this time, as if a spell were on him, he was motionless and powerless, except to watch her." Stephen wasn't asleep. Rather than saving her from accidentally poisoning, Stephen decided to do nothing but watch her fall into her death. This is cheating because he would rather have her dead than preventing him from having a marriage with Racheal. He would sacrifice her only for his satisfaction. Before this event, Stephen tells Mr. Bounderby that his relationship goes "From bad to worse, from worse to worsen. She left ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Guerrilla Girls Comic Politics Of Subversion Major Claim: In the Second Wave of Feminism, a group of feminist artists enacted the group entitled the "Guerrilla Girls". In addition, this group of activists fight against the discrimination amidst the world of art by creating various medias of the Arts through literature, studio art, advertisement, public and public display. This is to counteract their oppressors within the field of art. In Anne Teresa Demo's Essay "The Guerrilla Girls' Comic Politics of Subversion", she analyzes the rhetorical approaches the association utilizes in aid towards resistance. Significance: Demo states that the Guerrilla Girls have a few strategies they employ represented in their protests. These strategies are imitation, reinvention of historical concepts, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Drag Queen Analysis Drag queens have spent years performing for themselves and for many other people. Their shows today are a way to express themselves and make people question what they know about gender and sexuality. Rupp and Taylor in their book, "Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret" discuss this subject in detail, calling their performances a form of protest. They question the roles that society has put them into, and in turn provoke their audiences to question these things, such as gender and sexuality. This type of social protest is called "subversion." Through this book, we can more specifically look at two types of subversion that played a major role in the 801 drag queen's performances. The first, and most obvious, is the idea of masculinity versus femininity, and how the Queens use different techniques to break free from the traditional way of thinking about these concepts. The second is the overt way that the Queens portray sex and sexuality, in ways that are impossible for the audience to ignore. Both these types of subversion have an overarching theme of crossing boundaries, whether over the division of the gender binary, or the limits of what is socially acceptable to talk about regarding sex. Drag queens envelop the audience and take many of them out of their comfort zone. What it means to be feminine and masculine in our society has been drilled into each and every one of us since birth. Men are taught to act a certain way, so as to be the breadwinners and protectors of women. Women ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Gender Role Reversal? Analyzing Junot Diaz's 'Drown' and... Gender Role Reversal? Conventional sexual normative values for males typically include an emphasis of attributes that include self–reliance, dominance, assertion, and a healthy appetite for heterosexual behavior. By contrast, those that apply to females usually include a submissiveness and dependency that is all too oftentimes easily exploited by men. In this respect, the body of literature analyzed within this paper––Sandra Cisneros' "Bien Pretty" and "Anguiano Religious Articles" in Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, as well as Junot Diaz's "Drown" and "Aguantando"––is demonstrative of these truths as an examination of the characterizations and storylines readily demonstrates. However, what is most noteworthy about Cisneros and Diaz's tales is that these authors also have a penchant for deliberately subverting the typical gender roles associated with each sex, particular those of male characters. In these instances, male characters forsake their traditional assertiveness and dominance and become objectified in ways that are usually reserved for female characters and women in general. In these instances, the authors present a fascinating dichotomy that appears incongruent in its depiction of manhood, for the simple fact that these portraits of male characters combine conventional male attributes with an objectification that is usually reserved for women. Both Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories and Drown contrast conventional images of male sexuality with ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Tough Princess Conventions The Tough Princess by Waddell is a children's book that can be considered part of the fairy tale genre, shown through its inclusion of stereotypical conventions. It can also be classified as a fractured fairy tale – which is a tale that has been retold or created in order to give a different view on the original plot. The original review of the book by Child Education, suggests that the book "breaks all the conventions of the traditional fairy tale and is all the more fun for that". Within this essay, I will be discussing to which degree this is accurate, in terms of subverting all of the conventions and whether the reasoning behind he subversion is simply for comedic effect, or not. Fairy tales have long been considered an important part ... Show more content on ... The Tough Princess was created in 1986, and this means that certain allowances can be made for a partial, rather than full, subversion on the ideological level. Parsons (2004:135) states that fairy tales are the sites for the constructions of appropriate gendered behaviour and are an integral part of gendered layering in cultural stories and influencing perpetuating cultural norms. His work is advancement on Rice's (2000:135), who suggested that fairy stories provide a script for acceptable forms of feminine and masculine behaviour. The way in which fairy tales embed appropriate gender behaviours within their narrative structures, masks the fact that fairy tales are created and produced through the dominant discourse (Parsons ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. John Donne And Cecile Day Lewis Since definition of love and its representation varies person to person and in the past it has already been represented in various ways, which leads one to presume that language is insufficient to represent love. However, it is evident that the language has proved to be sufficient enough to not only analyze, dissect and explain the feelings of love from so many angles including biologically. Subversions of conventions of love is not the matter of insufficiency of language but a matter of how a poet experiences love or how a poet chooses to express those experiences. It is mainly the poet's era and life experiences that dictate how he/she represents love. Thomas Wyatt, John Donne and Cecile Day Lewis are good examples of how life experiences can determine the poets' divergence of traditional courtly and pastoral love. An abreast analysis of the above poets' lives and their works allow us to draw parallels between their life experiences and their subversions of conventions of love. Thomas Wyatt's subversion of courtly love was influenced by his intimate relation with the women. Sir Thomas Wyatt, an English ambassador suffered from his wife's infidelity and his mistress's marriage with his king and later her execution. Due to his position of being an ambassador of England left him no choice but to represent love in courtly and patriarchal manner. Wyatt was deeply affected by the infidelity of his first wife and the execution of his mistress at the hands of the monarch. For ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Mass Media, Subversions, And Human Thinking Do People have free will to decide what they need in this lifetime or does rhetoric decide for mankind? In fact, rhetoric for thousands of years has been the culprit behind human thinking when it comes to purchasing goods. According, to Aristotle rhetoric, is "the art of persuasion", that doesn't follow a set of rules like other disciplines of the Arts. The definitions of rhetoric aren't confined, but open to change when a spectator interprets the message. All things considered, the roles of mass media, subversions, and analyzing a commercial affect the human mind while using rhetoric. In other words, mass media play a major role in influencing People thinking through rhetorical discourse like sensationalism evoking a reaction from its viewership. For one thing, speeches, no longer have the effectiveness to convince people. Furthermore, the public opinions vary when it comes to biases, politics, and economics because they've heard only one side of the evidence that's has been reported. To put it differently, rhetorical concepts have been conditioning the viewer's perceptions with sound bites, imagery, and tone of languages naming some of the rhetorical devices of many. However, the mind can be complicated in deciphering the writer's intention through mediums. When this happens, it's called aberrant decoding a person takes on a meaning and subverts the message into its own understanding. Theorist Michael De Certeau aberrant decoding shows how some ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Annotated Bibliography On International Encryption Subversion Nicholas Gambini Crypto Final Paper Dr. Landquist Intro to Crypto International Encryption Subversion Introduction: As implied by the fourth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all citizens of the United States have a right to privacy. In the digital age, where all of our most important and personal information is stored digitally, we must have a way to protect this digital content. To protect our data we use encryption where contents of files are scrambled and distorted and can only be made legible by someone who knows the decryption key. Governments in Europe, Asia, and America are currently engaged in undermining the encryption and privacy rights of their citizens either by demanding backdoors or ... Show more content on ... Apple responded with a case curiously omitted from the FBI's argument; a federal judge found it inconceivable that the law could be used to compel a telecommunications provider to allow real– time tracking of a cellphone without a search warrant (Lichtblau). As support for Apple grew, Director of Privacy at Stanford Law School, Albert Gidari, LLM, published a paper detailing specifically why the FBI was wrong and why their argument was useless. In his paper he discusses the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA. CALEA details what is and isn't lawful assistance from telecommunications companies to the government. Within section 1002 lies these details: (1) Design of features and systems configurations. This subchapter does not authorize any law enforcement agency or office (a) to require any specific design of equipment, facilities, services, features, or system configurations to be adopted by any provider of a wire or electronic communication service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of telecommunications support services; (b) to prohibit the adoption of any equipment, facility, service, or feature by any provider of a wire or electronic communication service, any manufacturer of telecommunications equipment, or any provider of telecommunications support services. (Schneier) What this means is that it is unlawful for ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Sex Trafficking In Women Rubin's theory is used in this work to state the power struggle of the findom. Since the findom can be placed in this vague status, it can be located in Rubin's theory of an imaginary line between good and bad sex, titled "the struggle over where to draw the line" (Figure 2). Rubin points out that the line seemingly stands between sexual order and chaos; however, some behavior is considered vague near the border – for example, the coupled and monogamous homosexuality (Rubin, 1993: 14–15). Therefore, the findom can be placed in the "major area of contest" in the figure since it can be "good" and "bad" simultaneously. (Figure 2.) As Rubin (1993) states, the sex hierarchy not only functions for societies to appraise the value of sex but also unequally rewards individuals in different levels of the hierarchy. Each individual receives different power benefits in social position according to his/her sexual position. Sexuality, through the hierarchal system, is engaged ... Show more content on ... Butler says the formulation of gender trouble is built on Rubin's theory The Traffic in Women (1975), which describes how "normative sexuality fortifies normative gender" and how "sexual practice has the power to destabilize gender" (Butler, 1999: xi). As if sexual practice has the power to destabilize gender, sexual behavior has the power to challenge gender normativity. The statement, in this research, is linked to Jackson's (1995) suggestion that heterosexuality is neither fixed nor unchanging. The heterosexual normativity can be destabilised through sexual practices, and the constraints can be challenged through the materiality of the findom. The findom here is considered as a medium or a signifier to provide new signification of the "re–articulation" of desire, pleasure, and heterosexuality. This is therefore the possibility of subversion of the findom through bodies' sexual ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Gender Trouble By Judith Butler INTRO Judith Butler, the author of Gender Trouble (1990), is an American philosopher who was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1956. A feminist (that is, a participant in the cultural, political, and theoretical currents surrounding the advocacy of the rights of women), she has published more than a dozen books and has been active in debates ranging from lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual rights to Middle Eastern politics. She works on identity issues and prejudice against minorities, having personal experience of both. Her mother lost her Hungarian family in the Nazi Holocaust during World War II, and, as a lesbian, Butler has herself experienced discrimination. She has spoken about the difficulty of coming out as a teenager and about the ... Show more content on ... Butler intervened in these debates by questioning the very idea of stable gender identity. THE ANSWER "No political revolution is possible without a radical shift in one's notion of the possible and the real." Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity Judith Butler argues that gender becomes ´real´ by a person unconsciously acting in ways that are accepted to be "masculine" or "feminine" and that even biological sex is a product of culture. Gender is imposed through patterns of thought in the society, but history shows that identities have changed over time, then it is impossible to say that they are fixed and eternal. Gender Trouble is an original and radical text that employs for political ends the analytical methods of poststructuralist theory (and its challenge to categories and ideas of objective truth). IDEAS "Because there is neither an 'essence' that gender expresses or externalizes nor an objective ideal to which gender aspires, and because gender is not a fact, the various acts of gender create the idea of gender, and without those acts, there would be no gender at ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Ancient Greek Covert Actions Covert actions involves the use of military and political operatives as an intelligence activity, aimed at a specific target and undertaken in such a way that it does not reveal the identity of the source of the action. Through this concealment, the identity of the actor is disguised, providing deniability (Burgos, 2009). Covert actions, including information gathering and assassination have existed in many forms over the centuries and have developed through necessity for a particular civilization. The Egyptians focused on spying to gain the upper hand on its political rivals – Greece and Rome. Through many wars, Greece perfected its implementation of deception to surprise its enemies (Holmes, n.d.). Following WWII, Europe was in ruins, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Bennett's 'The History Boys': Subversion To Shock The... How Far Do You Agree That Bennett Uses Subversion to Shock the Audience The wide audience of Bennett's "The History Boys" take a different interpretation on the play, but I believe that the events of the play display ways in which Bennett uses subversion to shock the audience. "The History Boys" is about eight boys who are exceptionally intelligent; this is displayed as all eight of them are preparing to sit the Oxbridge entry exam. Set in the 1980's the plays theme of subversion has been utilized by Bennett in his play "The History Boys" in many ways such as the difference between a "Grammar school" in the 1980's and a school in the current times, the relations between . The play has many aspects of subversion; Bennett uses comedy techniques ... Show more content on ... On the one hand "The History Boys" does not use subversion to shock the audience because many of incidents that occur in the play match up to the expectations of the time for example Hector "groping" the boys, this inappropriate behaviour could be hidden at the time and especially in the school where teachers look down on the Head teacher. Another way in which it is not subversive is Mrs Lintott view on women although she believes that women should have been seen as more important she judges women just like everyone else when she talks about Hector's wife knows what he does and she wants to stay in the low ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Similarities Between Salem Witch Trials And Mccarthyism McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials are notorious events in American History. Although they weren't contemporary, it is undeniable that they are related. McCarthyism was from about 1950 to 1954, or when World War 2 had finished and the Cold War was "heating up." There was anxiety in countries all over the world and people were beginning to panic. First term senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy, did nothing to comfort the nation. In February of 1950, Joseph McCarthy presented a speech that claimed he had a list of 205 communists in the State Department ( Joseph McCarthy's egotistical action resulted in people losing trust in America's government. President Dwight Eisenhower and other ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of McCarthy's second term as senator, he was put in charge of the Committee on Government Operations, which permitted him to expand his investigation. Despite the absence of proof of subversion, more than 2,000 government employees were jobless due to McCarthy's conjecture ( Not only did McCarthy's erratic actions cause complications in the government, it ruined relations within the citizens. Trust was nonexistent and everything was second–guessed. Stress was more of a problem than before and the outcome was people were hopeless. McCarthyism was one of the most muddled movements in American history, but it was not the only movement that divided us from one another. The Salem Witch Trials were another one of America's plights that triggered a parting in society. McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials are undoubtedly alike in a couple ways. During both of these events, select actions were intolerable. In the McCarthyism era, people were accused of subversion, or communist actions. Being accused of subversion was looked at not much differently than being a terrorist. You were put on trial which had the potential to land you in prison. In 1692, the time of the Salem Witch Trials, people were accused ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Thomas Rid’s Arguement on the Impossibility of Cyber War... In the article, Thomas Rid's main argument other than the contention that cyber war will not happen is that cyber war is completely misplaced if not entirely misunderstood. He argues that the concept of cyber war is not in tandem with the historical definition and understanding of what constitutes ''war''. Rid's definition of war, borrowed from Carl von Clausewitz, is that war must constitute three elements: violence, instrumental and political. (Rid, Cyber War Will Not Take Place, 2012) Therefore, his main argument against the possibility for cyber war is premised on the idea that cyber war can never have or express the above three elements. He further argues that at best, cyber war can achieve some of the above criteria such as violence ... Show more content on ... He then argues that the actions of Anonymous and other such groups cannot be defined as war because neither is violence involved nor does any of them openly accepts political attribution; and their instrumentality is only limited to undermining authority. Secondly, He characterizes cyber– attacks as espionage because often times the main goal is to access secured or confidential information. Lastly, he considers cyber–attacks to be sabotage because the intended aim of the attack is to disrupt or destroy military or economic installations. (Rid, Cyber War Will Not Take Place, 2012) Ultimately, for Rid, what has ostensibly been considered to be cyber war are basically manifestation of age old activities of espionage, sabotage and subversion. Rid concludes with three points. First, he concludes that low tech cyber activities will have greater impact on global political stability and in certain scenarios can even lead to conventional war. He argues that the power of the internet to power social courses presents the greatest threat to global stability even more than high tech capabilities used in sabotage; this is because mobilizing and sustaining a movement via is now easier and requires less leadership hence social agitations are stronger persists for longer. Secondly, he argues that sabotage as form of cyber–attack will continue to rise; ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Essay Comparing The Korean War And Mccarthyism Despite their historical hostility towards each other, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies during World War II. However, it was in the decades following the end of the war war that tension between these two former allies grew to the point where their rivalry became significantly evident. Many factors influenced relations between the Americans and Soviets. Nonetheless, it was the Korean War and McCarthyism that truly influenced negativity in their already broken relationship and made their rivalry the long and dangerous affair it was. At the end of the Second World War, both the Americans and the Soviets had troops in Korea fighting the Japanese. Due to the fact neither country was willing to allow their army to leave, they decided ... Show more content on ... Not only were these two nations supporting opposing sides during the Korean War, but the war intensified America's anxiety about communism. There were Americans dying in Korea fighting against a communist movement. All the while, back at home, more Americans were losing their jobs or even being executed due to claims made against them by anti–communist movements. And, those who weren't getting accused of being communists, campaigned with furor against "commies" or supported McCarthy in his investigations of alleged subversion in many areas of government. Thus, had it not been for the Soviet support of communist North Korea in the Korean War, Josef Stalin would not have become the face of communism and anxiety about domestic subversion in the United States would have increased to level it did. Had American fear of subversion not reached the level of hysteria it did, McCarthyism would not have become as popular and Joseph McCarthy would've simply been considered a fool. In other words, the Korean War hardened America's foreign policy into a much more strictly anticommunist form. Therefore, America became even more hostile towards the Soviet Union because they were a communist ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Public/Private Subversions Speaker Series provided an important occurrence for students to experience–an opportunity to question their own beliefs. Each of these events provided a chance to hear a group of individuals who have communicated with wide variety of people. These experience shaped their world view and provided for interesting perspectives. When the event was not a direct rip from one's experiences, there was an artful alternative which conveyed a positive message to take away from the whole experience. The three events I went to (Hispanic Americans: Civil Rights, Social Justice and the Legal System – Where Policy Meets Practice, Public/Private Subversions, Tres Vidas, and Social Justice Activism) were all tied together through common messages relaying back ... Show more content on ... During the panel, these individuals were asked question about a large variety of topics pertaining to diversity and the future of the country. One professor discussed the dissent from young Americans this election cycle, stating, "There are the ones who are just disgusted and don't want to engage in politics but I think there is more of a movement on both sides to say that these are not the parties we want to see represent us and we know that the country is becoming more diverse" (Wade, 10–28– 16). Voting and engaged citizenship are topics which go hand and hand. The future of the country will be shaped by the younger generation as they grow older. To be able to make a difference in world, one must be politically involved and go out to make their voice ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Is Lazarillo De Tormes A Subversive Text? Is Lazarillo de Tormes a subversive text? Illustrate your answer with examples. In this essay I am going to discuss whether or not we can consider Lazarillo de Tormes as a subversive text and the reasons behind why or why not we may believe it to be so. To accomplish this, I will explore the background behind Lazarillo, the different methods and literary devices used to convey dual meaning and give the text an undertone of subversion. The word 'subversion' is defined as "a systematic attempt to undermine, overthrow or cause the destruction of an established or legally constituted government or political system." 1 Lazarillo de Tormes is thought to have been written during 16th century Spain, a time of oppression and exploitation of ... Show more content on ... We see on multiple occasions in Lazarillo a tendency towards euphemism as a means to deploy underhand comments and subtle hints of resentment towards the institution of the Church and the system of nobility in 16th century Spain. This greatly lends aid to the overall subversiveness of the text and allows the author to convey his contempt for the system without being overly heretical. For example, in the fourth episode, when speaking of his time spent with the Friar, Lázaro relates to us how the Friar didn't like spending time in the convent, preferring to make personal visits and walk outside and because of this, had 'broken more shoes' in the convent than any other. "Tanto, que pienso que rompía él más zapatos que todo el convento." 5. This 'breaking of the shoes' could easily have been seen in context when taking into consideration the period as a euphemism for having sex with virgins. This alone would have been scandalous as he is a Friar, and has taken an oath of celibacy. However, when recounting that the Friar was housed in a convent, it is unlikely that there would have been a significant amount of virgins waiting around for him to partake in such activities with, which leads us to ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Comparison Between 'Formula And Subversion' After reading the article, "Formula and Subversion" written by Byman, it examines the film High Noon and how it influenced the classical western genre that had desolate landscapes, gun fight, depicted a simpler time. However, even though it followed the traditional western film, some people attacked the film because it violated the canons and thought it was politically subversive or made by a committee. In addition, Byman quoted chroniclers of the historial West who argued "[...] it was an 'anti–Western' that violated all the rules of the genre and displayed no knowledge of the real West" (Byman, pg 229) meaning that it did not have the technical or emotional that Western films have typically. While watching the film, I begin to understand why ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Jack Zipes Fairy Tales And The Art Of Subversion The tradition of storytelling is as old as civilization itself. Man has always been fond of adventures and legends. Tales from epics have been sung by bards in all parts of the world. The Iliad, as a story, has existed long before Homer put it to paper. Owing to our intellectual prowess, humans have been capable of deciphering countless number of phenomenon. However, that which we could not account for, we feared or worshiped, labeling it as other–worldly. When man assigned the unintelligible as supernatural, he was absolutely smitten. He created fantasy– a world full of fairies, gnomes, sprites, monsters and ghosts– all inducing emotions of either wonder, delight, or horror. Jack Zipes in his work Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion, emphasizing on the origin of fairy tales, states, "Though it is impossible to trace the historical origins and evolution of fairy tales to a particular time and place, we do know that humans began telling tales as soon ... Show more content on ... Ever since oral folk narratives were translated into stable written texts intended to entertain children, their original meaning has become masked, or at least obscured. Yet it is not impossible to recover that meaning and its implications." The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood stands for not simply evil, but vices, the mention of which in real life is bound to send chills up the spine. Rape and cannibalism characterize the tale. The wolf represents the sexual predator and the cannibal, who in many versions of the tale cooks the grandmother and feeds it to Little Red Riding Hood. The intention of rape is nothing but highlighted in the tale. The wolf stalks Little Red Riding Hood to the grandmother's house, and there he attempts to ravish the young girl. The vice of pedophilia also exists in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Analysis Of The Sound Of Music At a period of time in the United States when the Vietnam War was rapidly escalating and gaining opposition among the younger generation, the film The Sound of Music was released. Directed by Robert Wise and released in 1965, The Sound of Music features musical numbers accompanied by the movement and dancing of the von Trapp family. The setting of the film is Salzburg, Austria in 1938 immediately following the start of German occupation due to the Anschluss. Ultimately, the reprise of "So Long, Farewell" in The Sound of Music subverts governmental authority over war by portraying a movement shift from being restricted and uniform to running away with hope of freedom. The reprise of "So Long, Farewell" features Maria von Trapp, Captain ... Show more content on ... As this pattern progresses, the children escaping the stage show more and more freedom of movement. The last set of two sibling is two of the oldest daughters who, right before their exit, make a small leap. This is the first time that enough excitement is shown that any of the family members actually leave the stage surface. At this point in the number, only the two adults and the youngest child are left on stage. The youngest von Trapp is ushered off stage to join the others before Maria and Captain calmly walk off stage, embracing each other. The most obvious subversion of war authority belongs to the setting of the movie–1938 in Salzburg, Austria, the year in which Germanic Nazi power took over Austria. In March of 1938, "Austria was the first victim of Hitler's policy of aggression. The German domination of that country (the so– called Anschluss) heralded the beginning of a diplomatic demarche" (Clute VII). Specifics as to how this happened include a conspired alliance between Austrian Nazis and German Nazis who infiltrated their power into Austrian government. The timeline of events began when Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg met with Adolf Hitler after learning of the conspiracy. Schuschnigg's intention from this meeting was to reassert dominance and independence, but instead was pressured into electing Austrian Nazis to the cabinet. On March ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Analysis Of ' Too Big For Broadway ' Kander and Ebb took a great risk in using the framework of a minstrel show to tell the story in their musical The Scottsboro Boys. Various sources argue that the use of the minstrel show in Kander and Ebb's The Scottsboro Boys hinders the audiences experience and undermines the importance of this trial. This argument is one of many and goes to show that Kander and Ebb took many risks in using the minstrel show to tell the story of the Scottsboro Boys. Other sources argue that the humor and stereotypes of the minstrel show perpetuate the boys' lack of individuality. In the article, "Too big for Broadway?: The limits of historical and theatrical empathy in Parade and The Scottsboro Boys," it is argued that this lack of characterization "makes it feel as though 'the Boys' are being victimized, not by American racism, but by Kander and Ebb" (Stahl 76). With all of the dangers involved in the use of this racist form, it is understandable how the intention of the minstrel show can be misconstrued. Kander and Ebb incorporate many aspects of the minstrel show such as comedy and stereotyping to create a contrast with the moments when the characters rebel against the minstrel show. The SpeakEasy Stage Company portrays the contrast of these moments impeccably. This production of The Scottsboro Boys validates that when done well, the minstrel elements are very effective in creating tension between the horrible truths of the trial and with the pleads for freedom by the characters. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Covert And Clandestine Operations: Subversion Tactics In addition to the definition of terrorism, it will be important to define what constitutes as covert and clandestine operations. To begin, it is important to understand that covert and clandestine operations are two distinct types of operations. According to the Department of Defense, a covert operation is defined as: "An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor." These types of operations may include: sabotage, assassinations, conducting or supporting coups, or other types of subversion tactics. Some of these tactics may include both violent and nonviolent means in order to carry out the operation. These operations are usually targeted against state actors. However, ... Show more content on ... US foreign policy towards Nicaragua was one built upon the idea that the US came first. This policy has a long history in South America, especially in Nicaragua. In the early 1900's the US engaged in a number of small military activities in order to protect US interest and US business. These military interventions lead to US occupation in 1909, 1912, and 1927. In each of these cases the United States sought to uphold or aid more conservative movements of the Nicaraguan government to ensure favorable business relations with the state. Some of which included occupying Nicaragua with a small military force. As long Nicaraguans policies remained beneficial to the United States, the US stayed out of Nicaraguan affairs and cared little about the type of government or how that said government acted . It was during this time that the Somoza family was able to rise to power and create a ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The Potential for Subversion Denied in Sacre de Printemps Pina Bausch's Sacre de Printemps is a performance that communicates the story of a ritual and human sacrifice. The performance begins with a large group of women dancing around a red cloth. Their movements are frantic, sharp, and aggressive and they both move in unison and break off into canon. Later on in the piece, a group of men join the women and they dance in separate groups, come together and form circles, and finally break off into pairs. When the men enter the performance, a ritual begins that involves the selection of one female for sacrificial purposes. The men select this woman, she changes into a red dress, and all the members of the cast look on as she dances until she falls to the ground dead. Throughout the piece, there are instances of subversion and instances of conformity to traditional gender roles in dance. The performance as a whole at times challenges traditional expectations of women and at others conforms to them. The movement and costumes convey initial potential for the subversion of male dominance that ends up confirming and upholding traditional roles and expectations of gender in dance. The dancers' movements throughout the performance seem to challenge and uphold gender binaries at the same time. At the beginning, when only female dancers are present their movements are agentive, strong, quick, and athletic–characteristics not usually allowed for female dancers. Their movements are similar to the wild and physical movement of Louise ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Importance Of Fairy Tales Expository All fairy tales continue to be relevant in today's world. The adventurous stories are continually thriving through the different techniques that writers use including the themes that each tale embraces to draw their readers in and remember them. This allows for the fairy tales to be prevalent to the world today. Before fairy tales were the sources of many movie adaptions, they were only spread word of mouth, where story tellers would share them with their communities. These story tellers would strive to make sure that the stories that they told were remembered by their listeners, because their listeners may then tell their stories to other people. The stories were filled with enthusiastic voices as they pretrained their ... Show more content on ... It makes it easy for them to escape reality for a little bit by imagining a whole new world. The stories each have their own special world that they create for their plot lines and characters. The media then amplifies these worlds so that they are predominant in what we believe them to be ("The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Culture and Social History of a Genre" 20). Technology has expanded fairy tales by using all different types of genres and art to embrace them by making it easier and more effective. The tales attract people to listen and pay attention to them as they change and are recreated ("The Irresistible Fairy Tale: The Culture and Social History of a Genre" 40). Fairy tales are written to be relatable for the everyday person. They stick because they use their characters to reflect the actions of how the human species as evolved. Similarly to when people go through a crisis, the characters of fairy tales adapt to a new situation. They may also use a survival method or have to protect themselves. While the exact circumstances are not the same, the same emotions are played that make people to connect to with their own lives. This allows for a psychological connection to occur ("Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution an Relevance of a Genre 26). These stories will people with hope since they provide instructions, guidance, counseling, and how others may take advantage of us in their themes. Fairy tales emphasize the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Gender Trouble: Feminism And The Subversion Of Identity 'Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity' was written by the philosopher Judith Butler. Butler argues that gender is a kind of improvised performance. Butler's work is influential in women's studies, feminism, and lesbian and gay studies. Butler's ideas about gender came to be foundational to queer theory and the advancing of dissident sexual practices during the 1990s. Butler starts 'gender Trouble' by dismissing feminist theory claims in the past about there only being one, central identity for women. She says that factors such as class, race, and even sexuality complicate the idea of a blanket term like Women or Woman. Butler says "For feminist theory, the development of a language that fully or adequately represents ... Show more content on ... Having the focus on women representation or as the subject of feminist could be problematic because the term is hard to define. Not all people identify as a woman, but their sex is identified as female, and what it means to be a woman can change depending on multiple factors like race, class, sexuality, and location. For those that are not cis–gendered and identify with a different gender have to deal with being slighted by those that do. Butler is suggesting if we recognize all genders and gender identities within the feminist movement it will allow gender non–conforming individuals to have a safe space to grow and develop healthily. This made me think of Audre Lorde's argument where she says, "It is a particular academic arrogance to assume any discussion of feminist theory without examining our many differences, and without a significant input from poor women, Black and Third World women, and lesbians." (Lorde, 1984, pg. 110) Butler is saying that gender and sex are determined differently depending on the cultural norms of a certain place, and that the interpretation will also be impacted by other factors like race and class. These other factors along with gender and sex will influence someone's political ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Coming Out By Heiner Carow Within German cinema, one can identify a particular type of films taking place in, and thematizing issues of, the former East German state. Given the undemocratic nature of the GDR, these films are particularly suited to discuss the way that people react to a status quo: whether by accepting it and conforming to it, or by rejecting and subverting it in various ways. These different options appear in the two films analysed in this essay. Coming Out (1989) by Heiner Carow was filmed in the GDR, and charts a gay man 's process of acceptance of himself. The Lives of Others (2006) by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck looks back at the GDR 's past, and more specifically at the actions of the Stasi. Its plot, set in 1984, follows a Stasi agent 's "conversion" to political subversion and to being a "good man". First, this essay will examine the representation of acceptance of the status quo in these films, before turning to the portrayal of subversion. Lastly, it will highlight some of the negative aspects of the subversion depicted – such aspects being introduced either in a conscious and critical way, or not. First, acceptance of the status quo occurs in its internalization by the characters. At this stage, they do not question the rules of the society in which they live. Thus, in Coming Out, Philipp tries to fit into the dominant heterosexual model by settling into domestic life with his fiancée, because he has internalized homophobia, having lived in a heterosexist society all ... Get more on ...