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Alberta Harm Reduction Conference
May 2013
Trish Dribnenki & Chris Lalonde
 What are anabolic steroids?
 Side effects.
 Injection techniques.
 Fitness/Bodybuilding Subculture.
 Steroids and other drugs.
Anabolic Steroids
 Anabolic steroids are made up of synthetic testosterone. The total
natural daily production of testosterone in a male is 7mgs/day.
 Inhibit catabolic effect of glucocorticoids.
 Build muscle, lose fat, enhance strength, energy and performance..
 Used in medicine to treat anaemia, muscle weakness after surgery,
vascular disorders and menopausal symptoms. Helps with
prevention and recovery of injury.
 Testosterone is a male hormone. (responsible for facial hair,
deepening of voice, sex organ development)
 Anabolic: Muscle growth. (stimulates growth in tissues)
 Androgenic: Masculine/ side effects.
 Ideal steroid= high anabolic, low androgenic.
Anabolic Steroids
When injected or ingested, steroid molecules
travel in bloodstream and binds to receptor
sites to cause different responses. (ie: if
steroid molecules bind to hair cells, it may
increase facial hair, or it may trick the body
into thinking there is an overabundance of
hair, so it shuts down the hair on one’s
Anabolic Steroids
 When steroid molecules bind to muscle cells:
 More protein can be used by the muscles,
therefore, more tissue growth with increased
training and caloric intake.
 More muscle fuel is stored in the muscles, which
makes more energy available for that muscle to
 More red blood cells are produced, allowing
increased oxygen to be delivered to the muscles,
allowing better training and endurance. AKA:
“steroid PUMP”.
 “Bitch Tits”.
 Too much testosterone in body, “saturates” the
receptors. The brain/body converts the testosterone
into estrogen (female hormone), which leads to
gynaecomastia—breast development.
 Feels like painful/sensitive lumps under nipples.
Is IRREVERSIBLE, but will reduce in size after
finishing a cycle.
 Reduce dose and add an anti-estrogen (ie:
Clomid or Arimidex), especially if using D-Bol,
Deca, or Testosterone esters.
If the receptor sites get used up, the
excess steroid molecules float in the
Causes damage to liver and kidneys.
Sometimes this can be “re-started” by taking
time off between cycles.
Anabolic Steroids
Side Effects:
 baldness, acne.
 sodium/water retention.
 aggression, mood swings, insomnia, paranoia, headaches, mania, anxiety, violence, aggressive
sexual behaviour, irritability, suspicion, dependence.
 liver damage/cancer, jaundice, hepatitis, bleeding, cancer.
 kidney damage.
 stomach pains.
 increased risk of infections and viruses such as cold/flu.
 palpitations, enlarged heart, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, increased
blood clotting time.
 muscle and tendon injuries, damage to the femur, swelling to extremities.
 “bitch tits”, sterility, shrinking testicles (come back to normal after discontinuation of steroid),
impotence loss of ability to maintain an erection, priaprism (penile erections may continue
involuntarily over long periods), deepening/hoarsened voice, enlarged prostate gland, growth of
clitoris, menstrual irregularities. (Masculine effects for women may be permanent.)
 adolescents may experience stunting in growth, premature closing of bone growth/development.
Anabolic Steroids
 At greater risk for side effects.
 Female body contains a small amount of testosterone, directly balanced
w/estrogen. (estrogen is responsible for growth of hips/breasts, body hair,
reproductive cycle).
 When anabolic steroids are taken by a female, the natural hormonal balance
is disturbed and masculine effects occur. (ie: body/facial hair growth,
deepening of voice, clitoral enlargement, disturbance of menstrual cycle or
absence of periods, thinning hair or baldness, increased sex drive—in
addition with the usual side effects).
 Pregnant female—Do not take steroids, it can adversely affect the fetus. A
female baby could be born with male characteristics.
 If any of the above effects occur: stop using, or choose less androgenic drugs. Doses
for women should be much less than male counterparts, and cycles shorter.
Anabolic Steroids
 Injecting
 Always use a new needle and syringe for EACH injection. 1 ¼ inch
needles best for gluteal IM, 1 inch best for deltoid.
 Never inject into vein. Always draw back first to ensure you do not inject
into a vein. This can be fatal.
 Never share needles/syringe, vials, injection supplies.
 Do not inject more than 2mL into one muscle area at a time.
 Dispose of used needles into biohazard bin.
 Only insert needle ¾ into muscle, so that it is easier to remove if it snaps.
If you don’t insert deep enough, you could cause an abscess.
 If you feel a hard lump in a muscle where you inject, use another site.
 Rotate sites.
 Use needle ONCE, use injection supplies ONCE, do not share.
 If you have any questions or concerns, speak with Doctor or call
Anabolic Steroids
 Choose injection site. Buttock is best (upper/outer quadrant), or upper outer third of the thigh. If
using deltoid, reduce amount of steroid injected and don’t use deltoid for oil based steroids.
Remove clothing from area.
 Clean the site w/soapy water or an alcohol swab. Use sterile equipment on a clean surface.
 Draw up the steroid with a clean needle and syringe. It is easier to draw up with an 18g, and
switch tips to inject with a 22g or 23g. When you push a needle through the seal of a vial, it dulls
the needle, so make sure you switch tips before injecting into your muscle.
 Make sure there is no air left in syringe, however, it is difficult and not necessary to get rid of all
the bubbles, especially when injecting steroids, which can be quite oily.
 Stretch skin of injection site, usually it is easier with index finger and thumb of opposite hand.
 Hold syringe like a dart and quickly jab the needle into the muscular area at a right angle. Pull
back the plunger to make sure no blood enters the syringe. If no blood, press the plunger.
 If blood enters the needle, STOP IMMEDIATELY. Remove the needle and put pressure to area
until bleeding stops. Use another site. NEVER INJECT INTO VEIN OR ARTERY.
 If you feel a sharp, severe pain (like an electric shock), you likely have hit a nerve. Remove
needle immediately and use another site.
 After injecting into muscle, put a cotton swab to area with pressure and massage slowly to
disperse the drug. Due to “thickness” of most steroid solutions, injection might be painful.
 Dispose of needle and vial in biohazard bin.
Anabolic Steroids
 Abcesses:
 Causes: not cleaning area properly, over use of site, or
not injecting deep enough into the tissue.
 Symptoms: pain/burning at site, hard lump. Heat,
redness, inflammation. May cause cellulitis or nerve injury.
 Apply warm compress to area.
 Use a different site. Get treatment. Antibiotics may be
 Rotate sites. Don’t inject too much fluid.
 Oil based steroids.
 Needle exchange
 Call Safeworks. Go to Pharmacy or medical
supply stores.
Anabolic Steroids
 Oral steroids:
Most orals are chemically altered (C-17
Alpha-alkylated) to prolong its life in the
body, which causes the oral steroids to
typically be more toxic to the liver. There
are few orals (such as Andriol) that are
not altered, however, they need to be
taken more frequently and have a
shorter life.
Anabolic Steroids
 Cycles:
 Steroids should not be used all the time. A cycle is usually a planned
6-12 week span where one uses steroids and other enhancing drugs,
followed by a similar length of time where one does not use anything.
It is important to have off time to allow the body to rest from side
effects, receptor sites to regain sensitivity to steroids.
 You may want to get a physical exam and blood work
done to assess physical health; electrolytes, liver
function, cholesterol, glucose and hormone levels. Test
for HIV, Hep C.
 **This is a really great way to find out if your gear is real
or counterfeit!**
 Find a doctor you can trust.
 Cycling for some may mean lowering the dose.
Anabolic Steroids
 Stacking:
Taking a combo of 2 or more drugs.
When stacking, each drug dose can
be reduced w/same effects. Some
people prefer stacking, and find that
using certain combos optimizes the
effects of each.
More is not better.
Anabolic Steroids
 Diet:
 Carbohydrates 50%-60%
 Protein 30%-35%
 Fats 10%
 Two essential components to bodybuilding:
 Regular resistance weight training
 Adequate, planned diet
 Common mistake: overestimating need for protein.
 Energy is most important requirement for body, obtained by carbohydrates. If the
body uses up the energy from carbohydrate consumption, it begins to break down
proteins to use instead.
 Vitamins and minerals are essential.
 Drink plenty of water. Best to drink no alcohol.
 Reduce stress.
 Sleep and exercise.
Anabolic Steroids
 Where do steroids come from?
 Available via “black market”.
 Difficult to maintain quality control, poor quality products
are available.
 Risky.
 No guarantee to ingredients or mix of ingredients. Difficult
to determine proper dosage. Sometimes the steroid is
made of “toxic” substances from other countries (less
expensive, easier availability).
 Made in unsterile conditions, or with products that
resemble steroids but are not (ie: Olive Oil, Primrose Oil).
Anabolic Steroids
 Inspect quality of packaging. Is there a safety seal or information insert?
 Single shot vials should have even levels.
 Don’t buy loose tablets or vials.
 Never use multi-shot water based steroids.
 Dates and Batch/Lot numbers should be printed on packaging/bottle, in
different ink than rest of labelling. Sometimes there is an indent in the
label/box. They should be consistent.
 Check bottle or vial—labels should be straight, with clear, crisp ink, not faded
or crooked with rough edges.
 Stopper on top of vial should not be able to turn by hand. Does it look
tampered with?
 Before and after drawing steroid solution, inspect the vial and syringe, hold it
up to light and observe for any floating bits. The solution should be clear and
free of any floaters or cloudiness. If you are concerned about color or
consistency, do not use.
 When in doubt……discard.
 Do your research, keep up-to-date about what is available and
current trends.
Anabolic Steroids
 “Roid Rage”: Increased aggression, linked to some cases of violent crime.
 Important to understand that “rage” and “aggression” is a behaviour and can be controlled.
 Ask: “What happened that led you to act aggressively?”, “Where and when did it occur?”, “Who was affected?”, “Outcome?”.
“How did you benefit from this incident and how did it help your training?”
 Understand your aggression.
 Prepare yourself for upcoming aggravation.
 Talk to a friend and tell them what you are doing.
 Reward yourself when you control your anger successfully.
 Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms:
 Pain, fatigue, malaise, insomnia, loss of sex drive, loss of muscle, loss of appetite, lack of interest,
 Desire to use more steroid or start cycle sooner.
 Depression, ambivalence or restlessness.
 Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Feeling of dissatisfaction with body image.
 Suicidal thoughts or suicide.
 What to do: Talk to someone. Seek professional help. Find distractions or other activities. Continue
training and stay on track with nutrition. Find a support system or group. Identify triggers and build
coping mechanisms.
 To reduce withdrawal effects: Keep on your diet and nutrition. Get adequate sleep and rest. Drink
LOTS of fluids.
Anabolic Steroids
 Subculture.
 Used by:
 Competitive athletes. (Performance enhancement.)
 Bodybuilders. (Often steroids are a major part of the training, widely accepted within the culture.)
 Body Image Users. (Fashion/ entertainment industry, gay, recreational weight trainers, self esteem.)
 Occupational Users. (Police, security, military, construction, bouncers, etc.)
 Adolescents. (To achieve media portrayed body shape.)
 Steroid use and users remain on the fringe of mainstream culture and a subculture exists.
 Media often sensationalizes the steroid/ bodybuilding culture. (Example: Figure skaters, cyclists, etc., use steroids for
performance enhancement yet media portrays male bodybuilders in a different light.)
 Sexual promiscuity, body dysmorphia and use of party drugs/ alcohol are prevalent within this subculture.
 Encourage to PRACTICE SAFE SEX.
 Building relationships with the steroid consumer client in harm reduction:
 Non-judgemental approach.
 Avoid commenting to their body size/ shape.
 Avoid terms such as “juice monkey”, “meathead”, “steroid junkie”, “juiced up”, etc.
 Be aware that steroids can cause mood swings and aggression, your client may not
be in the “mood” to engage.
 Steroid consumers do not associate themselves as “drug mis-users” or “drug
abusers” or “needle users”.
 Ask if they have a network of experienced trainers/ users who they can seek advice
from or a doctor they can trust. There are website forums they can access.
Anabolic Steroids
Website Forums:
Resources for Clients-
 Dan Duchaine, the “Steroid Guru”: The
Underground Steroid Handbook.
Anabolic Steroids
Steroids and the Law:
 Restricted drugs under the Food and Drug Act (Schedule
G in the Criminal Code, Section 48, Subsection 1).
 It is an offence to import, export, produce or supply
with/without intent to sell or supply.
 It is illegal to be in possession of drugs that are not
prescribed by a Doctor (non-medicinal use).
 Tested for in many contests/ competitions, banned in
 Sentence: Fine to 18months-10years in Jail.
Anabolic Steroids- ORAL
Steroid Dose General
Side Effects Other
Anadrol (Oxymetholone) 50mg tablets.
Common Dose: 1-2
Strongest oral available. Works
fast. ++Androgenic/Anabolic= +
+wt/strength gains. C-17 alpha
alkylated= ++toxic to liver. Only
steroid conclusively linked to liver
**WORST**. Water retention,
high BP, acne, hair loss, “bitch
tits”, headaches, stomach
cramping. Liver disturbances and
jaundice even at low doses. DO
After completing cycle, some
experience ++wt/strength loss.
Cycles should not be longer than
4-5 weeks max. Best used in a
Anavar (Oxandrolone) 2.5mg tablets.
Men- 6 tabs/day
Women- 3 tabs/day.
Mild, low androgen. Promotes
strength and hardness w/out
water weight. Does not risk
high BP or “bitch tits”.
Very rare. GI upset is common. Sometimes used as part of
stack. Safest to use. Can stay
on it all year round. +
Halotestin 40mgs/day maximum 4-
6 weeks.
Increases strength and energy.
MOST TOXIC on the market. C-
17 alpha alkylated. Best used
4-6 weeks before show,
Aggression+++ uncontrollable. Not for women, as virilisation
effects may be permanent.
Dianabol (D-Ball),
5mg tablets.
Common Dose: 3-5 tabs/day.
++Size/Strength gains. Mainly only
available as counterfeit. C-17 alpha
alkylated. Enhances feelings of
well-being. Aromatises easily.
Acne aggravation, male pattern
baldness, gynaemastia, water
retention, high BP. Even low doses
cause abnormalities in liver
function tests.
Easiest to get. Cheap.
Primobolan Orals Men- 50-100mg/day
Women- 25-50mg/day
Popular with women. Not C-17
alpha alkylated. Used mostly
before competitions, not dramatic
One of the safest. Has an effect while on a reduced
calorie diet. Out of system quickly,
used up to three weeks before
Stromba, Stanozolol
(See Winstrol)
5mg tablets. If given for prolonged periods, may
affect liver.
Winstrol 2mg tablets.
Men- 16-30mg/day.
Women- 4-8mg/day.
Low androgenic properties. Low. Women may experience
virilisation effects.
Used in combinations for stacks to
bulk, harden, cut.
Anabolic Steroids- OTHER
Steroid Dose General
Side Effects Other
Trenbolone Acetate
20mg pellets, ground up
and mixed with 50/50
water/DMSO mix.
Apply to skin or snort directly.
May make into injectable mix
but must be done in sterile
environment to reduce risk of
Acne, body/facial hair
growth/ hair loss. **Will
suppress natural
testosterone production.
Strong androgen, no
estrogenic activity. +
+Hardness/definition. No
water retention. Reported to
cause ++aggression, mood
swings, edginess, increased
sex drive and vivid dreams.
Anabolic Steroids- INJECTABLE
Steroid Dose General
Side Effects Other
(Nandrolone Decanoate)
200mg/1ml vial. 2ml vials.
Men- 200-400mg/week.
Women- 50-100mg/week.
++Popular with steroid consumers
and counterfeiters. Great for
size/strength gains. Minimal harm
to liver. Minimal aromatization
with moderate doses. Increases
nitrogen retention (increases
protein synthesis and prevents
tissue breakdown).
Stays in system up to a year after
termination. “Deca-dick”- erectile
Frequently detected and banned in
competitions. Excellent base drug
on a cycle. Good results when
stacked w/most drugs. Users have
reported that previously sore
shoulders/knees are painless on
Dynabolon 80.5mg per injection. Similar to Deca. Good anabolic
Durabolin 50mg/2ml vial. Similar to Deca, faster acting.
Active less than a week, requiring
2 injections weekly.
See Deca. One of the safest and effective
anabolic steroids available.
Dianabol (D-Bol) 25mg/vial. 50-100mg/weekly IM. ++Size/Strength gains. Mainly only
available as counterfeit. C-17 alpha
alkylated. Aromatises easily. Use
Acne aggravation, male pattern
baldness, water retention, high BP.
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Esiclene 2mg/ampoule. 6 ampoule/box.
Inject 1-2mg into specific muscle
w/25g x ½ inch needle. Only good
w/2 muscle groups at a time.
Muscle inflammatory. Used for site
injections, best biceps, calves, rear
Dangerous due to multiple
injection areas.
Lasts 20-30 hours. Great for
definition and hardness. Used to
harden lagging biceps or the night
before competition. Commonly
tested for in contests.
Equipoise 50mg/cc. 10/50cc vials. 3-6
Widely used. Oil based.
Veterinarian steroid. ++Anabolic,
+Androgenic properties. When
stacked with low androgenic
steroid, good “cutting” results. +
+Strength when stacked w/Test.
Very few. Low risk to liver. Rare
aromatising. Small water retention.
Counterfeits are common. Some
versions don’t contain steroid.
Primobolan Depot 50-100mg/ml. 1ml vials.100mg
dose is from Germany, 50mg dose
is from Mexico.
Men- 200mg/week.
Women- 100mg/week.
Effective while on low calorie diet.
Mostly used prior to contest.
Longer lasting, requires injection
Safer. Doesn’t aromatixe, isn’t
toxic, low in androgens.
Anabolic Steroids- INJECTABLE cont’d…
Sustanon Unknown Dose. Blend of four testosterones:
propionate, phenylpropionate,
isocaporate, decanoate. Fast
acting and long acting, up to 4
weeks in system.
Less is needed, therefore less
side effects.
Used on weight gaining cycle,
stacked w/oral anabolic. “One
stop shop”.
Strombaject See Winstrol.
Testosterone Cypionate
(Depo-Testosterone, Cyp)
200mg/ml. 10ml vial. Oil based. ++Anabolic/ +
+Androgenic. Aromatises.
Causes natural production of
testosterone to be dramatically
disturbed. Water retention.
Can last 2-4 weeks.
Size/ strength gains++. Popular
steroid. Stacked for greater
results. See potential in 4-8
Testosterone Enanthate
(Testoviron Depot)
200mg/ml vial. 10ml vial. Long acting.++Anabolic/ +
+androgenic. Aromatises.
Moderately toxic to liver.
Injections every 10 days.
Testosterone Propionate
100mg/ml. 10ml vial. Oil based. Similar to Cyp. Usual side effects. Take every 3-5 days.++Painful
to inject.
Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml. 10ml or 30ml vial. Water based. Very fast acting.
++Anabolic, ++androgenic.
Lasts in system approx 24
hours. Huge gains.
One of the WORST: water
retention, gynaecomastia,
acne, aggression, baldness,
testicular atrophy, infertility
(reversible), impotence. Effects
worsen if used for longer
periods. Highly toxic to liver.
Testosterone in purest form.
Can feel a change within 30
mins of injection– obvious
psychological response.
Testosterone Teramax 50mg, 100mg, 250mg/ml
French Testosterone.
Winstrol Depol 50mg/ml.
Men- 3-5ml/week.
Women- 1-2ml/week.
Low androgenic
Low. Women may
experience virilisation
Used in combinations for stacks to
bulk, harden, cut. You can put it in
syringe and drink it. When you
come off of it, your joints ache—
Other Drugs
Name Dose General
Side Effects Other
Aldactone (Spironolactone) 25mg tablets. Mild diuretic used for high BP,
however, competitors use it
prior to competition for water
retention. Females use as anti-
Muscle cramps, GI
disturbances, gynaecomastia,
heart problems, dizziness.
Electrolyte imbalances.
Furosemide, Burinex, Amiloride.
Caffeine, Ephedrine, Aspirin
(ECA stack)
Ratio ECA 1:10:3
Ephedrine 20-30mg, Caffeine
200mg, Aspirin 75mg.
Fat burning, energy enhancing
Increased BP, anxiety,
dizziness, nausea, shakiness,
headaches, loss of appetite,
insomnia, heart palpitations,
There have been deaths
associated with Ephedrine use.
Hard on heart.
Clenbuterol (Clen) 20mcg tablets. Used as a beta-2 agonist in
treatment of asthma, but had
muscle building and fat reducing
properties. Stimulant. Used as
fat burner or muscle definition.
Anxiety, insomnia, shakiness.
Dangerous changes to the
function of the heart.
“Ephedrine for horses”. Take 2
days on, 2 days off (3 weeks
maximum) because body builds
up tolerance quickly.
Cytomel (Triacana, Textroxin,
Liothyronine sodium)
20mcg tablets. Thyroid hormone drug. Pre-
contest, used to increase
metabolism of carbs, lipids,
Nervousness, tremors,
headache, insomnia, muscle
cramps, restlessness,
excitability, diarrhoea, weight
RISKY: prolonged use may
cause hypothyroidism or under
active, requiring thyroid
medication for duration of life.
Thyroxine, Eltroxin.
Ephedrine Hydrochloride Stimulant. May cause feelings
of euphoria. Used as stimulant
to increase energy and
endurance and appetite
Increased BP/ heart rate,
nausea, vomiting, palpitations,
dry mouth, restlessness,
agitation, insomnia, anxiety,
cold fingers/ toes. There is a
risk of psychosis and paranoia
with high doses. Side effects
stop when discontinued.
Not physically addictive.
Furosemide (Lasix) 10mg, 20mg, 40mg. More bodybuilders die on this
diuretic. Pulls potassium from
GHB 1 teaspoon of powder mixed
w/water before bed.
Increases natural growth
hormone, has an effect on
growth hormone and prolactin.
Induces sleep. Also diuretic.
Can cause unconsciousness/
coma for 3-4 hours, amnesia,
vomiting, loss of muscle control/
spasms. Worse with alcohol.
Associated with “date rape”.
Illegal to possess. Part of party/
night club subculture.
Other Drugs…cont’d…
Name Dose General
Side Effects Other
Growth Hormone Very popular. Naturally produced
in body. Promotes growth of
muscle, body stature. Improves
conversion of fat into energy. Great
fat burner.
Many. Gigantism and acromegaly
of the eye. Enlarged hands, feet,
fingers, nose, ears, etc. Enlarged
organs. Elongated jaw bone and
forehead. Thick/ coarse skin,
deepened voice, increased body
hair. Spade-like shape to fingers/
toes. Joint pain/ bone
abnormalities. Shorter life
expectancy, age faster.
The body can produce antibodies
to GH and destroy it within the
body. Expensive++.
You can tell “Real” Growth
Hormone (Humatrop, Gintrop)
from fake if you feel aching/
stiffness in your hands after use.
Insulin Immediately after workout,
inject a small amount of
insulin SQ. Drink a carb
drink within 15 mins after
injection. Eat or drink a
protein shake within an
hour later to avoid a drastic
sugar drop.
Complex polypeptide hormone.
Regulates carbs/ fats/ protein
metabolism. Primary stimulus for
muscle growth.
HGH causes liver to produce IGF-1
(Insulin Like Growth Factor), which
travels to muscles and insulin
drives it into muscle cells. IGF-1
with insulin then initiates muscle
protein synthesis.
Sudden and severe hypoglycemia.
Abnormal behavior. Seizures.
Coma, death. Can cause diabetes.
Excess insulin can be stored as
body fat, causing obesity.
Risk: after injection, sleepiness may
occur, increasing risk of coma.
Excellent anabolic, best when
stacked with HGH. Can’t be
detected in urine testing. Difficult
to regulate, varies from dose/
type/ diet/ exercise/ drug
interactions. Requires
manipulation of Thyroid hormone
also for added gains- very difficult.
Always carry glucose tabs. Make
sure you have a STRICT ROUTINE.
Insulin-Like Growth Factor Anabolic with high nutritional state
(otherwise may become catabolic-
opposite of anabolic causing tissue
breakdown- with reduced caloric
Hypoglycemia, edema, jaw pain. Expensive. Comes in powder-
easy to cut or fake.
Human Chorionic
500IU/vial, 1500IU/vial,
5000IU/vial. Comes in bottles
of powder, add water, inject
Stimulates production of
testosterone. Often used
simultaneously with a cycle. Must
be used in 2-3 week cycle, with 1
month between cycles.
Prolonged use may suppress
body’s production of
gonadotrophin (regulates normal
growth, sexual development,
Use post cycle to get
testosterone back to normal.
Not readily available.
Other Drugs
Name Dose General
Side Effects Other
Nubain 10mg/ml. 1ml and 2ml vials. Opiod analgesic for pain
management and peri-operative
analgesia. Used by bodybuilders for
pain management. Euphoria++.
Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness,
constipation, dry mouth, slow
pulse, sweating, palpitations,
tolerance, dependence.
“Bodybuilder’s Heroin”. Used orally
or IV. Expensive++. “Chasing first
high”. Taken with Oxycontin
sometimes. Side effects can be felt
within 24 hours of last dose.
Proviron Estrogen antagonist. Minimizes or
stops aromatising effects. Also
used to harden muscles for men
and women. Women use proviron
w/other steroids.
Tamoxifen 10mg/tablet. 10-20mg/day. Anti-estrogen. Counteracts effects
of aromatisation. Prevents
gynaecomastia, female pattern fat
growth, edema.
Take post cycle.
Testosterone Precursors (DHEA-
Androstenedione, Androstenediol).
Convert to testosterone in the
body. Short serum life in the body.
Minimal effects.
Recreational Drugs (ie:
Amphetamines, speed, ecstasy,
cocaine. Cannabis, alcohol,
Euphoria, inflated sense of self.
Paranoia. Increased heart rate, BP,
anxiety. Can cause heart attack,
death. May adversely interact with
steroids used.
Supplements (ie: Creatine
Popular product. Available over the
counter. May replenish and
increase body’s ability to delay
fatigue and reduce recovery time
between exercise. May increase
muscle volume by pulling water
into muscle cells.
Water retention. Not recommended for use with
diabetics or individuals with
impaired kidney function.
Resources/ Training
Pamphlet “Anabolic STEROIDS- HARDCORE INFO” by Lifeline
Pamphlet “Using Anabolic Steroids Safely- A Harm Reduction Approach” by
Calgary Regional Health Authority.
FactSHEET “Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids” by the Canadian AIDS
Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE).
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Test
Revision. (Copyright 2000). American Psychiatric Association.
Booklet “A User’s Guide to Steroids and Other Performance and Image
Enhancing Drugs- MUSCLE Boundaries”. Published by HIT UK Ltd,
Pamphlet “Anabolic Steroids” Published by HIT UK LTD, 2005-2007.
Pamphlet “Injecting Anabolic Steroids: Step-by-Step Visual Guide” by
Lifeline Publications.
Pamphlet “Anabolic Steroids: A Guide for Users & Professionals” by Lifeline

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Steroids Alberta Harm Reduction Conference

  • 1. Steroids Alberta Harm Reduction Conference May 2013 Trish Dribnenki & Chris Lalonde
  • 2. Objectives  What are anabolic steroids?  Side effects.  Injection techniques.  Fitness/Bodybuilding Subculture.  Steroids and other drugs.
  • 3. Anabolic Steroids  Anabolic steroids are made up of synthetic testosterone. The total natural daily production of testosterone in a male is 7mgs/day.  Inhibit catabolic effect of glucocorticoids.  Build muscle, lose fat, enhance strength, energy and performance..  Used in medicine to treat anaemia, muscle weakness after surgery, vascular disorders and menopausal symptoms. Helps with prevention and recovery of injury.  Testosterone is a male hormone. (responsible for facial hair, deepening of voice, sex organ development)  Anabolic: Muscle growth. (stimulates growth in tissues)  Androgenic: Masculine/ side effects.  Ideal steroid= high anabolic, low androgenic.
  • 4. Anabolic Steroids When injected or ingested, steroid molecules travel in bloodstream and binds to receptor sites to cause different responses. (ie: if steroid molecules bind to hair cells, it may increase facial hair, or it may trick the body into thinking there is an overabundance of hair, so it shuts down the hair on one’s head).
  • 5. Anabolic Steroids  When steroid molecules bind to muscle cells:  More protein can be used by the muscles, therefore, more tissue growth with increased training and caloric intake.  More muscle fuel is stored in the muscles, which makes more energy available for that muscle to work.  More red blood cells are produced, allowing increased oxygen to be delivered to the muscles, allowing better training and endurance. AKA: “steroid PUMP”.
  • 6. Aromatization  “Bitch Tits”.  Too much testosterone in body, “saturates” the receptors. The brain/body converts the testosterone into estrogen (female hormone), which leads to gynaecomastia—breast development.  Feels like painful/sensitive lumps under nipples. Is IRREVERSIBLE, but will reduce in size after finishing a cycle.  Reduce dose and add an anti-estrogen (ie: Clomid or Arimidex), especially if using D-Bol, Deca, or Testosterone esters.
  • 7. Saturation If the receptor sites get used up, the excess steroid molecules float in the system. Causes damage to liver and kidneys. FIND A DOSE THAT GIVES GOOD GAINS w/FEWEST SIDE EFFECTS. Sometimes this can be “re-started” by taking time off between cycles.
  • 8. Anabolic Steroids Side Effects:  baldness, acne.  sodium/water retention.  aggression, mood swings, insomnia, paranoia, headaches, mania, anxiety, violence, aggressive sexual behaviour, irritability, suspicion, dependence.  liver damage/cancer, jaundice, hepatitis, bleeding, cancer.  kidney damage.  stomach pains.  increased risk of infections and viruses such as cold/flu.  palpitations, enlarged heart, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, increased blood clotting time.  muscle and tendon injuries, damage to the femur, swelling to extremities.  “bitch tits”, sterility, shrinking testicles (come back to normal after discontinuation of steroid), impotence loss of ability to maintain an erection, priaprism (penile erections may continue involuntarily over long periods), deepening/hoarsened voice, enlarged prostate gland, growth of clitoris, menstrual irregularities. (Masculine effects for women may be permanent.)  adolescents may experience stunting in growth, premature closing of bone growth/development.
  • 9. Anabolic Steroids Women  At greater risk for side effects.  Female body contains a small amount of testosterone, directly balanced w/estrogen. (estrogen is responsible for growth of hips/breasts, body hair, reproductive cycle).  When anabolic steroids are taken by a female, the natural hormonal balance is disturbed and masculine effects occur. (ie: body/facial hair growth, deepening of voice, clitoral enlargement, disturbance of menstrual cycle or absence of periods, thinning hair or baldness, increased sex drive—in addition with the usual side effects).  Pregnant female—Do not take steroids, it can adversely affect the fetus. A female baby could be born with male characteristics.  If any of the above effects occur: stop using, or choose less androgenic drugs. Doses for women should be much less than male counterparts, and cycles shorter.
  • 10. Anabolic Steroids  Injecting  Always use a new needle and syringe for EACH injection. 1 ¼ inch needles best for gluteal IM, 1 inch best for deltoid.  Never inject into vein. Always draw back first to ensure you do not inject into a vein. This can be fatal.  Never share needles/syringe, vials, injection supplies.  Do not inject more than 2mL into one muscle area at a time.  Dispose of used needles into biohazard bin.  Only insert needle ¾ into muscle, so that it is easier to remove if it snaps. If you don’t insert deep enough, you could cause an abscess.  If you feel a hard lump in a muscle where you inject, use another site.  Rotate sites.  Use needle ONCE, use injection supplies ONCE, do not share.  If you have any questions or concerns, speak with Doctor or call Safeworks.
  • 11. Anabolic Steroids  Choose injection site. Buttock is best (upper/outer quadrant), or upper outer third of the thigh. If using deltoid, reduce amount of steroid injected and don’t use deltoid for oil based steroids. Remove clothing from area.  Clean the site w/soapy water or an alcohol swab. Use sterile equipment on a clean surface.  Draw up the steroid with a clean needle and syringe. It is easier to draw up with an 18g, and switch tips to inject with a 22g or 23g. When you push a needle through the seal of a vial, it dulls the needle, so make sure you switch tips before injecting into your muscle.  Make sure there is no air left in syringe, however, it is difficult and not necessary to get rid of all the bubbles, especially when injecting steroids, which can be quite oily.  Stretch skin of injection site, usually it is easier with index finger and thumb of opposite hand.  Hold syringe like a dart and quickly jab the needle into the muscular area at a right angle. Pull back the plunger to make sure no blood enters the syringe. If no blood, press the plunger.  If blood enters the needle, STOP IMMEDIATELY. Remove the needle and put pressure to area until bleeding stops. Use another site. NEVER INJECT INTO VEIN OR ARTERY.  If you feel a sharp, severe pain (like an electric shock), you likely have hit a nerve. Remove needle immediately and use another site.  After injecting into muscle, put a cotton swab to area with pressure and massage slowly to disperse the drug. Due to “thickness” of most steroid solutions, injection might be painful.  Dispose of needle and vial in biohazard bin.
  • 12. Anabolic Steroids  Abcesses:  Causes: not cleaning area properly, over use of site, or not injecting deep enough into the tissue.  Symptoms: pain/burning at site, hard lump. Heat, redness, inflammation. May cause cellulitis or nerve injury.  Apply warm compress to area.  Use a different site. Get treatment. Antibiotics may be necessary.  Rotate sites. Don’t inject too much fluid.  Oil based steroids.  Needle exchange  Call Safeworks. Go to Pharmacy or medical supply stores.
  • 13. Anabolic Steroids  Oral steroids: Most orals are chemically altered (C-17 Alpha-alkylated) to prolong its life in the body, which causes the oral steroids to typically be more toxic to the liver. There are few orals (such as Andriol) that are not altered, however, they need to be taken more frequently and have a shorter life.
  • 14. Anabolic Steroids  Cycles:  Steroids should not be used all the time. A cycle is usually a planned 6-12 week span where one uses steroids and other enhancing drugs, followed by a similar length of time where one does not use anything. It is important to have off time to allow the body to rest from side effects, receptor sites to regain sensitivity to steroids.  You may want to get a physical exam and blood work done to assess physical health; electrolytes, liver function, cholesterol, glucose and hormone levels. Test for HIV, Hep C.  **This is a really great way to find out if your gear is real or counterfeit!**  Find a doctor you can trust.  Cycling for some may mean lowering the dose.
  • 15. Anabolic Steroids  Stacking: Taking a combo of 2 or more drugs. When stacking, each drug dose can be reduced w/same effects. Some people prefer stacking, and find that using certain combos optimizes the effects of each. More is not better.
  • 16. Anabolic Steroids  Diet:  Carbohydrates 50%-60%  Protein 30%-35%  Fats 10%  Two essential components to bodybuilding:  Regular resistance weight training  Adequate, planned diet  Common mistake: overestimating need for protein.  Energy is most important requirement for body, obtained by carbohydrates. If the body uses up the energy from carbohydrate consumption, it begins to break down proteins to use instead.  Vitamins and minerals are essential.  Drink plenty of water. Best to drink no alcohol.  Reduce stress.  Sleep and exercise.
  • 17. Anabolic Steroids  Where do steroids come from?  Available via “black market”.  Difficult to maintain quality control, poor quality products are available.  Risky.  No guarantee to ingredients or mix of ingredients. Difficult to determine proper dosage. Sometimes the steroid is made of “toxic” substances from other countries (less expensive, easier availability).  Made in unsterile conditions, or with products that resemble steroids but are not (ie: Olive Oil, Primrose Oil).
  • 18. Anabolic Steroids  SPOTTING COUNTERFEIT STEROIDS:  Inspect quality of packaging. Is there a safety seal or information insert?  Single shot vials should have even levels.  Don’t buy loose tablets or vials.  Never use multi-shot water based steroids.  Dates and Batch/Lot numbers should be printed on packaging/bottle, in different ink than rest of labelling. Sometimes there is an indent in the label/box. They should be consistent.  Check bottle or vial—labels should be straight, with clear, crisp ink, not faded or crooked with rough edges.  Stopper on top of vial should not be able to turn by hand. Does it look tampered with?  Before and after drawing steroid solution, inspect the vial and syringe, hold it up to light and observe for any floating bits. The solution should be clear and free of any floaters or cloudiness. If you are concerned about color or consistency, do not use.  When in doubt……discard.  Do your research, keep up-to-date about what is available and current trends.
  • 19. Anabolic Steroids  “Roid Rage”: Increased aggression, linked to some cases of violent crime.  Important to understand that “rage” and “aggression” is a behaviour and can be controlled.  Ask: “What happened that led you to act aggressively?”, “Where and when did it occur?”, “Who was affected?”, “Outcome?”. “How did you benefit from this incident and how did it help your training?”  Understand your aggression.  Prepare yourself for upcoming aggravation.  Talk to a friend and tell them what you are doing.  Reward yourself when you control your anger successfully.  Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms:  Pain, fatigue, malaise, insomnia, loss of sex drive, loss of muscle, loss of appetite, lack of interest, headaches.  Desire to use more steroid or start cycle sooner.  Depression, ambivalence or restlessness.  Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Feeling of dissatisfaction with body image.  Suicidal thoughts or suicide.  What to do: Talk to someone. Seek professional help. Find distractions or other activities. Continue training and stay on track with nutrition. Find a support system or group. Identify triggers and build coping mechanisms.  To reduce withdrawal effects: Keep on your diet and nutrition. Get adequate sleep and rest. Drink LOTS of fluids.
  • 20. Anabolic Steroids  Subculture.  Used by:  Competitive athletes. (Performance enhancement.)  Bodybuilders. (Often steroids are a major part of the training, widely accepted within the culture.)  Body Image Users. (Fashion/ entertainment industry, gay, recreational weight trainers, self esteem.)  Occupational Users. (Police, security, military, construction, bouncers, etc.)  Adolescents. (To achieve media portrayed body shape.)  Steroid use and users remain on the fringe of mainstream culture and a subculture exists.  Media often sensationalizes the steroid/ bodybuilding culture. (Example: Figure skaters, cyclists, etc., use steroids for performance enhancement yet media portrays male bodybuilders in a different light.)  Sexual promiscuity, body dysmorphia and use of party drugs/ alcohol are prevalent within this subculture.  Encourage to PRACTICE SAFE SEX.  Building relationships with the steroid consumer client in harm reduction:  Non-judgemental approach.  Avoid commenting to their body size/ shape.  Avoid terms such as “juice monkey”, “meathead”, “steroid junkie”, “juiced up”, etc.  Be aware that steroids can cause mood swings and aggression, your client may not be in the “mood” to engage.  Steroid consumers do not associate themselves as “drug mis-users” or “drug abusers” or “needle users”.  Ask if they have a network of experienced trainers/ users who they can seek advice from or a doctor they can trust. There are website forums they can access.
  • 21. Anabolic Steroids Website Forums: Resources for Clients-    Dan Duchaine, the “Steroid Guru”: The Underground Steroid Handbook.
  • 22. Anabolic Steroids Steroids and the Law:  Restricted drugs under the Food and Drug Act (Schedule G in the Criminal Code, Section 48, Subsection 1).  It is an offence to import, export, produce or supply with/without intent to sell or supply.  It is illegal to be in possession of drugs that are not prescribed by a Doctor (non-medicinal use).  Tested for in many contests/ competitions, banned in sports.  Sentence: Fine to 18months-10years in Jail.
  • 23. Anabolic Steroids- ORAL Steroid Dose General Information Side Effects Other Information Anadrol (Oxymetholone) 50mg tablets. Common Dose: 1-2 tablets. Strongest oral available. Works fast. ++Androgenic/Anabolic= + +wt/strength gains. C-17 alpha alkylated= ++toxic to liver. Only steroid conclusively linked to liver cancer. **WORST**. Water retention, high BP, acne, hair loss, “bitch tits”, headaches, stomach cramping. Liver disturbances and jaundice even at low doses. DO NOT USE LONGER THAN 6 wks. After completing cycle, some experience ++wt/strength loss. Cycles should not be longer than 4-5 weeks max. Best used in a stack. Anavar (Oxandrolone) 2.5mg tablets. Men- 6 tabs/day Women- 3 tabs/day. Mild, low androgen. Promotes strength and hardness w/out water weight. Does not risk high BP or “bitch tits”. Very rare. GI upset is common. Sometimes used as part of stack. Safest to use. Can stay on it all year round. + +Expensive. Halotestin 40mgs/day maximum 4- 6 weeks. Increases strength and energy. MOST TOXIC on the market. C- 17 alpha alkylated. Best used 4-6 weeks before show, hardens++. Aggression+++ uncontrollable. Not for women, as virilisation effects may be permanent. Dianabol (D-Ball), Methandienon (Methandrostenolone) 5mg tablets. Common Dose: 3-5 tabs/day. ++Size/Strength gains. Mainly only available as counterfeit. C-17 alpha alkylated. Enhances feelings of well-being. Aromatises easily. Acne aggravation, male pattern baldness, gynaemastia, water retention, high BP. Even low doses cause abnormalities in liver function tests. Easiest to get. Cheap. Primobolan Orals Men- 50-100mg/day Women- 25-50mg/day Popular with women. Not C-17 alpha alkylated. Used mostly before competitions, not dramatic gains. One of the safest. Has an effect while on a reduced calorie diet. Out of system quickly, used up to three weeks before competition. Stromba, Stanozolol (See Winstrol) 5mg tablets. If given for prolonged periods, may affect liver. Winstrol 2mg tablets. Men- 16-30mg/day. Women- 4-8mg/day. Low androgenic properties. Low. Women may experience virilisation effects. Used in combinations for stacks to bulk, harden, cut.
  • 24. Anabolic Steroids- OTHER Steroid Dose General Information Side Effects Other Information Trenbolone Acetate (Tren) 20mg pellets, ground up and mixed with 50/50 water/DMSO mix. Apply to skin or snort directly. May make into injectable mix but must be done in sterile environment to reduce risk of infection. Acne, body/facial hair growth/ hair loss. **Will suppress natural testosterone production. Strong androgen, no estrogenic activity. + +Hardness/definition. No water retention. Reported to cause ++aggression, mood swings, edginess, increased sex drive and vivid dreams.
  • 25. Anabolic Steroids- INJECTABLE Steroid Dose General Information Side Effects Other Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 200mg/1ml vial. 2ml vials. Men- 200-400mg/week. Women- 50-100mg/week. ++Popular with steroid consumers and counterfeiters. Great for size/strength gains. Minimal harm to liver. Minimal aromatization with moderate doses. Increases nitrogen retention (increases protein synthesis and prevents tissue breakdown). Stays in system up to a year after termination. “Deca-dick”- erectile dysfunction++. Frequently detected and banned in competitions. Excellent base drug on a cycle. Good results when stacked w/most drugs. Users have reported that previously sore shoulders/knees are painless on Deca. Dynabolon 80.5mg per injection. Similar to Deca. Good anabolic results. Durabolin 50mg/2ml vial. Similar to Deca, faster acting. Active less than a week, requiring 2 injections weekly. See Deca. One of the safest and effective anabolic steroids available. Dianabol (D-Bol) 25mg/vial. 50-100mg/weekly IM. ++Size/Strength gains. Mainly only available as counterfeit. C-17 alpha alkylated. Aromatises easily. Use w/anti-estrogen. Acne aggravation, male pattern baldness, water retention, high BP. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Esiclene 2mg/ampoule. 6 ampoule/box. Inject 1-2mg into specific muscle w/25g x ½ inch needle. Only good w/2 muscle groups at a time. Muscle inflammatory. Used for site injections, best biceps, calves, rear deltoids. Dangerous due to multiple injection areas. Lasts 20-30 hours. Great for definition and hardness. Used to harden lagging biceps or the night before competition. Commonly tested for in contests. Equipoise 50mg/cc. 10/50cc vials. 3-6 ml/week. Widely used. Oil based. Veterinarian steroid. ++Anabolic, +Androgenic properties. When stacked with low androgenic steroid, good “cutting” results. + +Strength when stacked w/Test. Very few. Low risk to liver. Rare aromatising. Small water retention. Counterfeits are common. Some versions don’t contain steroid. Primobolan Depot 50-100mg/ml. 1ml vials.100mg dose is from Germany, 50mg dose is from Mexico. Men- 200mg/week. Women- 100mg/week. Effective while on low calorie diet. Mostly used prior to contest. Longer lasting, requires injection once/week. Safer. Doesn’t aromatixe, isn’t toxic, low in androgens.
  • 26. Anabolic Steroids- INJECTABLE cont’d… Sustanon Unknown Dose. Blend of four testosterones: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaporate, decanoate. Fast acting and long acting, up to 4 weeks in system. Less is needed, therefore less side effects. Used on weight gaining cycle, stacked w/oral anabolic. “One stop shop”. Strombaject See Winstrol. Testosterone Cypionate (Depo-Testosterone, Cyp) 200mg/ml. 10ml vial. Oil based. ++Anabolic/ + +Androgenic. Aromatises. Causes natural production of testosterone to be dramatically disturbed. Water retention. Can last 2-4 weeks. Size/ strength gains++. Popular steroid. Stacked for greater results. See potential in 4-8 weeks. Testosterone Enanthate (Testoviron Depot) 200mg/ml vial. 10ml vial. Long acting.++Anabolic/ + +androgenic. Aromatises. Moderately toxic to liver. Injections every 10 days. Testosterone Propionate (Testoviron) 100mg/ml. 10ml vial. Oil based. Similar to Cyp. Usual side effects. Take every 3-5 days.++Painful to inject. Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml. 10ml or 30ml vial. Water based. Very fast acting. ++Anabolic, ++androgenic. Lasts in system approx 24 hours. Huge gains. One of the WORST: water retention, gynaecomastia, acne, aggression, baldness, testicular atrophy, infertility (reversible), impotence. Effects worsen if used for longer periods. Highly toxic to liver. Testosterone in purest form. Can feel a change within 30 mins of injection– obvious psychological response. Testosterone Teramax 50mg, 100mg, 250mg/ml strengths. French Testosterone. Winstrol Depol 50mg/ml. Men- 3-5ml/week. Women- 1-2ml/week. Low androgenic properties. Low. Women may experience virilisation effects. Used in combinations for stacks to bulk, harden, cut. You can put it in syringe and drink it. When you come off of it, your joints ache— painful+++.
  • 27. Other Drugs Name Dose General Information Side Effects Other Aldactone (Spironolactone) 25mg tablets. Mild diuretic used for high BP, however, competitors use it prior to competition for water retention. Females use as anti- androgen. Muscle cramps, GI disturbances, gynaecomastia, heart problems, dizziness. Electrolyte imbalances. Furosemide, Burinex, Amiloride. Caffeine, Ephedrine, Aspirin (ECA stack) Ratio ECA 1:10:3 Ephedrine 20-30mg, Caffeine 200mg, Aspirin 75mg. Fat burning, energy enhancing stimulant. Increased BP, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, shakiness, headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia, heart palpitations, irritability. There have been deaths associated with Ephedrine use. Hard on heart. Clenbuterol (Clen) 20mcg tablets. Used as a beta-2 agonist in treatment of asthma, but had muscle building and fat reducing properties. Stimulant. Used as fat burner or muscle definition. Anxiety, insomnia, shakiness. Dangerous changes to the function of the heart. “Ephedrine for horses”. Take 2 days on, 2 days off (3 weeks maximum) because body builds up tolerance quickly. Cytomel (Triacana, Textroxin, Liothyronine sodium) 20mcg tablets. Thyroid hormone drug. Pre- contest, used to increase metabolism of carbs, lipids, proteins. Nervousness, tremors, headache, insomnia, muscle cramps, restlessness, excitability, diarrhoea, weight loss. RISKY: prolonged use may cause hypothyroidism or under active, requiring thyroid medication for duration of life. Thyroxine, Eltroxin. Ephedrine Hydrochloride Stimulant. May cause feelings of euphoria. Used as stimulant to increase energy and endurance and appetite suppressant. Increased BP/ heart rate, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, dry mouth, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, anxiety, cold fingers/ toes. There is a risk of psychosis and paranoia with high doses. Side effects stop when discontinued. Not physically addictive. Furosemide (Lasix) 10mg, 20mg, 40mg. More bodybuilders die on this diuretic. Pulls potassium from heart. GHB 1 teaspoon of powder mixed w/water before bed. Increases natural growth hormone, has an effect on growth hormone and prolactin. Induces sleep. Also diuretic. Can cause unconsciousness/ coma for 3-4 hours, amnesia, vomiting, loss of muscle control/ spasms. Worse with alcohol. Associated with “date rape”. Illegal to possess. Part of party/ night club subculture.
  • 28. Other Drugs…cont’d… Name Dose General Information Side Effects Other Growth Hormone Very popular. Naturally produced in body. Promotes growth of muscle, body stature. Improves conversion of fat into energy. Great fat burner. Many. Gigantism and acromegaly of the eye. Enlarged hands, feet, fingers, nose, ears, etc. Enlarged organs. Elongated jaw bone and forehead. Thick/ coarse skin, deepened voice, increased body hair. Spade-like shape to fingers/ toes. Joint pain/ bone abnormalities. Shorter life expectancy, age faster. The body can produce antibodies to GH and destroy it within the body. Expensive++. You can tell “Real” Growth Hormone (Humatrop, Gintrop) from fake if you feel aching/ stiffness in your hands after use. Insulin Immediately after workout, inject a small amount of insulin SQ. Drink a carb drink within 15 mins after injection. Eat or drink a protein shake within an hour later to avoid a drastic sugar drop. Complex polypeptide hormone. Regulates carbs/ fats/ protein metabolism. Primary stimulus for muscle growth. HGH causes liver to produce IGF-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor), which travels to muscles and insulin drives it into muscle cells. IGF-1 with insulin then initiates muscle protein synthesis. Sudden and severe hypoglycemia. Abnormal behavior. Seizures. Coma, death. Can cause diabetes. Excess insulin can be stored as body fat, causing obesity. Risk: after injection, sleepiness may occur, increasing risk of coma. Excellent anabolic, best when stacked with HGH. Can’t be detected in urine testing. Difficult to regulate, varies from dose/ type/ diet/ exercise/ drug interactions. Requires manipulation of Thyroid hormone also for added gains- very difficult. Always carry glucose tabs. Make sure you have a STRICT ROUTINE. VERY DANGEROUS. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Anabolic with high nutritional state (otherwise may become catabolic- opposite of anabolic causing tissue breakdown- with reduced caloric intake). Hypoglycemia, edema, jaw pain. Expensive. Comes in powder- easy to cut or fake. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin 500IU/vial, 1500IU/vial, 5000IU/vial. Comes in bottles of powder, add water, inject SQ. Stimulates production of testosterone. Often used simultaneously with a cycle. Must be used in 2-3 week cycle, with 1 month between cycles. Prolonged use may suppress body’s production of gonadotrophin (regulates normal growth, sexual development, reproduction). Use post cycle to get testosterone back to normal. Not readily available.
  • 29. Other Drugs Name Dose General Information Side Effects Other Nubain 10mg/ml. 1ml and 2ml vials. Opiod analgesic for pain management and peri-operative analgesia. Used by bodybuilders for pain management. Euphoria++. Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth, slow pulse, sweating, palpitations, tolerance, dependence. “Bodybuilder’s Heroin”. Used orally or IV. Expensive++. “Chasing first high”. Taken with Oxycontin sometimes. Side effects can be felt within 24 hours of last dose. Proviron Estrogen antagonist. Minimizes or stops aromatising effects. Also used to harden muscles for men and women. Women use proviron w/other steroids. Tamoxifen 10mg/tablet. 10-20mg/day. Anti-estrogen. Counteracts effects of aromatisation. Prevents gynaecomastia, female pattern fat growth, edema. Take post cycle. Testosterone Precursors (DHEA- dehydroepiandrosterone, Androstenedione, Androstenediol). Convert to testosterone in the body. Short serum life in the body. Minimal effects. Recreational Drugs (ie: stimulants) Amphetamines, speed, ecstasy, cocaine. Cannabis, alcohol, nicotine. Euphoria, inflated sense of self. Paranoia. Increased heart rate, BP, anxiety. Can cause heart attack, death. May adversely interact with steroids used. Supplements (ie: Creatine Monohydrate) Popular product. Available over the counter. May replenish and increase body’s ability to delay fatigue and reduce recovery time between exercise. May increase muscle volume by pulling water into muscle cells. Water retention. Not recommended for use with diabetics or individuals with impaired kidney function.
  • 31. Resources/ Training Pamphlet “Anabolic STEROIDS- HARDCORE INFO” by Lifeline Publications, Pamphlet “Using Anabolic Steroids Safely- A Harm Reduction Approach” by Calgary Regional Health Authority. FactSHEET “Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids” by the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Test Revision. (Copyright 2000). American Psychiatric Association. Booklet “A User’s Guide to Steroids and Other Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs- MUSCLE Boundaries”. Published by HIT UK Ltd, 2006. Pamphlet “Anabolic Steroids” Published by HIT UK LTD, 2005-2007. Pamphlet “Injecting Anabolic Steroids: Step-by-Step Visual Guide” by Lifeline Publications. Pamphlet “Anabolic Steroids: A Guide for Users & Professionals” by Lifeline Publications.