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Social media at Steria
Guidelines for the use of social media across Steria
Corporate communication is changing. It is no longer about traditional, top down, broadcast-
type communication that only goes one way. The social media revolution has empowered
audiences by giving them the ability to share their thoughts and knowledge on a global scale.
And now, the business world is adopting strategies in order to merge social media into its
communication structures.
This is explained in our Future Report from 2012. “Technology use is increasingly employee
driven. A joint UK/US study of 2010 revealed that 26 percent of employees admitted to spending
more than an hour a day on social networking sites. Harnessed correctly, social networks could
empower employees through facilitating knowledge transfer. White label social networks are
regularly appearing within companies as a response to employee use.”
Through the use of web technology, social media provides a way of communicating and
interacting with large groups of people, but how we use the networks is ever changing. They
are being used in ways that they were never designed or intended for and have become an
integral part of the way we communicate and interact with one another.
Social media is all about listening, experimenting, learning and adapting. How we use social
media today may well be very different to how we use them in six months time, so by devising
and regularly reviewing our strategy and by publishing these guidelines, we aim to build a solid
foundation that will enable us to successfully take advantage of the opportunities that the
world of social media brings.
Content sharing websites
Content sharing covers the ability to share
any asset including videos, photos, music and
•	 YouTube - is a service for viewing,
hosting and sharing videos.
•	 Slideshare – is a document sharing
tool that allows users to share mainly
Powerpoint, word and pdf documents.
•	 Flickr - is a free online photo
management and sharing application
which also offers extra paid features.
•	 They are instant
•	 They are very simple to use
•	 They are mostly free
•	 They enable the Power of Sharing
They can be divided into three categories:
•	 Blogs
•	 Social networks
•	 Content-sharing websites
Blogs - A blog is a type of, or a part of, a
website. It is a blend of the words “web log”.
Blogs are areas where people can publish
regular entries of commentary, descriptions
of events, or other material such as graphics,
video or music .
Social networks
There is a wide range of global and local
social networks giving users the ability to
share information and opinions. Three of
the most important networks for Steria are
Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin but others
•	 Twitter - focuses on shorter messages
often with links to further content.
Typically, these are more widely
viewable by the general public than on
•	 Facebook – is a social network that
allows anyone with an account to create
a profile and publish information. The
visibility of this information to others
can be controlled by the account holder.
The use of this network extends from
the simple sharing of private information
(through photographs, links, text, etc.)
to the creation of pages and groups
to promote institutions, businesses,
individuals, etc.
•	 LinkedIn - allows you to build and
aggregate a professional network of
contacts for exchanging information,
ideas and opportunities between
professionals. For its members, it is also
a tool for managing online reputations
and “personal branding” as well as
being a useful tool for recruitment and
sales lead generation.
What is social media?
Social media is an umbrella term for the online tools that help to digitise the human interactions
that happen across the world every single day. Generally they have the following characteristics:
Use common sense
Always pause and think before commenting
or sharing an opinion. If in doubt, don’t
do it – stop and seek advice from your
manager or communications team.
Respect others
Engage in debate, but don’t get involved
in arguments, don’t over-react, and never
insult anyone! In social media, everyone is
entitled to their opinion. Answer in a calm,
professional and respectful tone.
Be open and be yourself
When using social media channels in a
work capacity, be clear about when you
are representing yourself and when you
are representing Steria and be clear about
your role in the company. Do not post
anonymously or use an alias for posts that
involve Steria.
Talk in the first person, be transparent
and open and only talk about your area of
expertise and responsibility.
Remember that you are “speaking” publicly
and your contribution may stay searchable
and retrievable for a long time to a broad
audience - both internally and externally.
A person’s personal reflections may be
incorrectly interpreted to be Steria’s opinions
if that person is in a managerial position.
Even in cases where only your contacts can
see what you write, there is a possibility
that one of them will forward what you say
and make it visible to a wider audience.
Managers, in particular, should make sure
their internal communications are aligned
with what they might be saying to the
outside world.
Respect confidentiality
Confidential information is defined as any
specific information, currently confidential
(of which the public is unaware at the time
when it is used), which if made public, could
significantly influence the price of Steria
shares and have a decisive influence on the
trades made. Information is considered as
public only after, or when, a Press Release
is published on AMF (French stock market
commission) website and/or the Steria
Financial information such as earnings,
mergers or other plans are privileged
Information. Employees and contractors
must not comment on, confirm or deny
rumours about the company and should
respect the confidentiality of information
published internally such as in internal
newsletters and magazines.
Comply with copyright laws
Information on the internet may constitute
published material protected by copyright
law. Users are responsible for complying
with copyright law and obtaining applicable
licenses that may apply to software, files,
graphics, documents, messages, and other
material that are personally downloaded or
copied by the user.
Never use images, text or any other content
you’ve found on the web unless you have
permission or the site makes it clear that
you may use such content and under what
Things to remember...
While Social media facilitates the way we communicate, it doesn’t change the
basic rules of honesty, courtesy and respect that Steria promotes as a company
in our day to day lives.That is why these guidelines should be read alongside our
company values, our Code of Ethics and our Information Security policy (employees only).
You should obtain written permission
prior to publishing photographs or
videos of others online. This includes,
but not restricted to, photos located in
the Steria directory, organization charts,
or teambuilding photos. Videos and any
other material produced for an internal
Steria audience should NOT be published
to external content sharing sites such as
Facebook or YouTube.
Reinforce our brand
Anyone using social media to talk about
or refer to Steria should always consider
the company’s reputation and brand. It
therefore needs to be done in a considered
way irrespective of whether you are inside
or outside of work. See pages 7-8 for more
Look for opportunities and enjoy it!
The Power of Sharing is ideally suited to
making use of social networks to promote
what we do. The more people we have on
these networks, the greater opportunity we
will have to raise our profile and promote
our company.
If you are not sure, give it a go, as long
as you follow these guidelines and use
common sense you will discover a wide
range of opportunities and new ways of
Our values
•	 Creativity
•	 Independence
•	 Openness
•	 Respect
•	 Simplicity
Values -
Code of Ethics -
Facebook is great for showing Steria’s
personality, by sharing people-related
news, photos, links to videos etc.
It is a key channel for us when
communicating with existing and potential
employees and community partners.
People related news and information
such as community and environment
news, employee news and job adverts.
Photos and videos are particularly effective as
these can be easily shared by your audience.
Our presence is restricted to a Group page
and one page per country (if relevant).
Country pages should follow the naming
convention ‘Steria’ then the name of
the country e.g. ‘Steria France’.
For more information visit this link.
Reinforce our brand
It is important that we maintain a consistent appearance across all our communication channels
including social media. Of the hundreds of channels that exist we focus on some key channels at
Group level in order to target our audiences effectively. We are also currently developing strategies
with each of them to standardise our group wide presence. However, the channels you choose
should always be relevant to your local audience.
The advice in this guide, and the Steria brand guidelines, should always be followed when creating
a presence on a social media site in relation to style, name, use of our logo, imagery and colours.
Twitter is great for getting our business
news and opinions out quickly .
We use Twitter primarily for
communicating with opinion makers,
shareholders, journalists and analysts.
At Group and country level - press releases,
links to particularly interesting industry
news and thought leadership articles.
At an individual level - sharing company
and local news and information about
your life at Steria with clients.
Key influencers should be followed to
encourage them to follow you back.
Hashtags eg #Steria and website links
eg should always be
used to introduce new followers to Steria
and to link to further information.
Our presence is focused at Group
and country account level and certain
e-ambassador accounts. Team accounts
should be avoided. Steria accounts should
follow the naming convention ‘Steria
country’ eg Steria UK, where possible.
More and more employees are using Twitter
to talk about their work and everyday life.
If you use Twitter for work purposes (adding
your job title to your profile for example)
ensure that you include the words “the
content and opinions here are my own
and not necessarily those of Steria”. The
Steria logo should also not be used unless
the account has been specifically set up
by your local communications team.
For more information visit this link.
Linkedin is an ideal channel to make contact
with a wide range of business people.
Potential and existing clients,
partners and potential recruits.
Messages and brand:
Personal accounts
Our employees are encouraged to create
an up to date profile on Linkedin to
maintain an effective network of contacts.
Employees are also encouraged to use
their ‘status update’ to promote their
role and projects they are working on.
Company pages
Our company page is managed by the Group
Communications team and communicates
latest news, career information and
details of our products and services.
Group pages
The ‘official Steria group” is used to generate
discussion around important subjects that
we have an interest in. It can also be used by
teams to communicate particular subjects.
Employees are also encouraged to join other
subject specific groups and discussions
to share our opinions on key subjects.
For more information visit this link.
Slideshare is a document sharing
tool increasingly being used to share
knowledge and for thought leadership.
Students, clients, partners, journalists
Alll corporate and country content should
be loaded on to the Group page including
presentations, brochures, success stories
and white papers. However, employees
can also use individual accounts to
share their own presentations.
Steria content uploaded to Slideshare should
always use the official branded template
and include links to further information such
as a contact point or a Steria website.
Users should also remember to manage
their old content and update or delete
it when it becomes out of date or
when template designs change.
For more information visit this link.
You Tube
Owned by Google, You Tube is the
largest video sharing tool in the world.
It is therefore important to share all our
videos on this site to increase awareness.
Anything from corporate videos to
thought leadership interviews or user
generated videos showing life at Steria.
Our presence is restricted to a Group
page and one account per country.
Country pages should follow the naming
convention ‘Steria country’. Local team
pages should not be created. To upload a
video to the Group page please contact
the Group Communications team.
When uploading videos it is very important
to use a clear heading and description
and add keyword tags to help find the
video on search engines such as Google.
For more information visit this link.
Naming conventions
Employees should not register ‘Steria’ as an account
name on any social media sites. The naming
convention ‘Steria’ followed by the name of the
country or organisation should be used for country
pages. Abbreviations of country names should also
be avoided when possible.
If you are unsure please talk to your local
communications team before creating accounts or
It is important to monitor social media and
online tools regularly especially in those areas
of Steria that generate the most interest with
the public.
Not everyone will agree with what we say, or
do, so it is important to ensure that you have
relevant processes and resources to deal with
both positive and negative comments.
There are a number of different tools to
help you monitor social media, depending
on the channel you use. Speak to your local
Communications team for advice.
Account information
If you create or manage a Steria page or
account on a social media channel, ensure
that your account details are stored in a
private area (on the KM) and you have a
co-manager on the account so that if you are
away the account can continue to be used
and updated.
Group social media activities in Steria
are governed by an overall online digital
governance procedure that covers our
websites, social and mobile activities across
the Group.
Group social media activities are managed
by the Group Communications team in
conjunction with the communications
Network made up of communications leads
in each country.
The overall Digital strategy is governed by the
communications Executive Committee.
If you currently do not have access to social
media tools but feel that you need to use
them to facilitate your job, speak to your line
manager to request access via the helpdesk.
Employees can of course access social media
from their personal accounts - however
please remember that if you mention Steria,
or Steria’s business, these guidelines still
Managing social media at Steria
Steria e-ambassadors -
The Power of Social sharing
There are many things we can do to help our social media presence and raise our profile. But when
you think about it, it comes down to not just amplifying our message, but getting people to share
on our behalf. However getting people to share isn’t always easy.
As part of our Group Communications strategy, we have launched an e-ambassador program to position ourselves on social media as
thought leaders in key areas across the business. As part of this we have launched our first subject specific Twitter accounts to share
information - @steria_cybersec, @steria_transprt, @steria_CR.
If you are interested in your team joining the program, please speak to Xavier GUEPET, Director of Communications - xavier.guepet@
A Gaggle of Influencers
GaggleAMP is a social marketing platform that enables us to maximise the potential reach of our employees through a unique, accountable,
and privacy-assured message delivery model. Using GaggleAMP, we are able to widely distribute our content and messages by creating a
network of people (called a “Gaggle”) that share, Tweet, and post company-created messages and content.
However, because you own your social media accounts, you still get to control what, when and how you share. If you want to edit the message
before you share it you can, if you don’t want to share it at all, that is also fine, but obviously we hope you will.
Gaggle AMP works on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, but again you don’t have to link to all of those channels. Only those you use or choose
to. If you only use Facebook for personal sharing, then that is fine. It is your choice.
We already have over 70 Gagglers across Steria and are seeing the benefit with an increase in traffic from Gaggle to
So give it a try by visiting and help us share our messages..
Useful information
There is a wide range of information available on the web to help you understand
the various social media channels out there.
You Tube
If you want to talk to someone about social media at Steria or you have any ideas for
improving these guidelines or the way we use Social media please contact your local
communications team or the Group Communications team at:
©Groupe Steria SCA
43 - 45 Quai du Président Roosevelt
F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX
Steria on social media
Norway (blog)
We have an increasingly strong presence online both at Group and country level. If you are
already on, or thinking of joining, some of these channels please follow us!
Jan 2014
edition 2.2

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Social media guidelines

  • 1. Social media at Steria Guidelines for the use of social media across Steria è
  • 2. Introduction Corporate communication is changing. It is no longer about traditional, top down, broadcast- type communication that only goes one way. The social media revolution has empowered audiences by giving them the ability to share their thoughts and knowledge on a global scale. And now, the business world is adopting strategies in order to merge social media into its communication structures. This is explained in our Future Report from 2012. “Technology use is increasingly employee driven. A joint UK/US study of 2010 revealed that 26 percent of employees admitted to spending more than an hour a day on social networking sites. Harnessed correctly, social networks could empower employees through facilitating knowledge transfer. White label social networks are regularly appearing within companies as a response to employee use.” Through the use of web technology, social media provides a way of communicating and interacting with large groups of people, but how we use the networks is ever changing. They are being used in ways that they were never designed or intended for and have become an integral part of the way we communicate and interact with one another. Social media is all about listening, experimenting, learning and adapting. How we use social media today may well be very different to how we use them in six months time, so by devising and regularly reviewing our strategy and by publishing these guidelines, we aim to build a solid foundation that will enable us to successfully take advantage of the opportunities that the world of social media brings. è
  • 3. • Content sharing websites Content sharing covers the ability to share any asset including videos, photos, music and documents. • YouTube - is a service for viewing, hosting and sharing videos. • Slideshare – is a document sharing tool that allows users to share mainly Powerpoint, word and pdf documents. • Flickr - is a free online photo management and sharing application which also offers extra paid features. • They are instant • They are very simple to use • They are mostly free • They enable the Power of Sharing They can be divided into three categories: • Blogs • Social networks • Content-sharing websites Blogs Blogs - A blog is a type of, or a part of, a website. It is a blend of the words “web log”. Blogs are areas where people can publish regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics, video or music . Social networks There is a wide range of global and local social networks giving users the ability to share information and opinions. Three of the most important networks for Steria are Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin but others exist. • Twitter - focuses on shorter messages often with links to further content. Typically, these are more widely viewable by the general public than on Facebook. • Facebook – is a social network that allows anyone with an account to create a profile and publish information. The visibility of this information to others can be controlled by the account holder. The use of this network extends from the simple sharing of private information (through photographs, links, text, etc.) to the creation of pages and groups to promote institutions, businesses, individuals, etc. • LinkedIn - allows you to build and aggregate a professional network of contacts for exchanging information, ideas and opportunities between professionals. For its members, it is also a tool for managing online reputations and “personal branding” as well as being a useful tool for recruitment and sales lead generation. What is social media? Social media is an umbrella term for the online tools that help to digitise the human interactions that happen across the world every single day. Generally they have the following characteristics: è
  • 4. Use common sense Always pause and think before commenting or sharing an opinion. If in doubt, don’t do it – stop and seek advice from your manager or communications team. Respect others Engage in debate, but don’t get involved in arguments, don’t over-react, and never insult anyone! In social media, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Answer in a calm, professional and respectful tone. Be open and be yourself When using social media channels in a work capacity, be clear about when you are representing yourself and when you are representing Steria and be clear about your role in the company. Do not post anonymously or use an alias for posts that involve Steria. Talk in the first person, be transparent and open and only talk about your area of expertise and responsibility. Remember that you are “speaking” publicly and your contribution may stay searchable and retrievable for a long time to a broad audience - both internally and externally. A person’s personal reflections may be incorrectly interpreted to be Steria’s opinions if that person is in a managerial position. Even in cases where only your contacts can see what you write, there is a possibility that one of them will forward what you say and make it visible to a wider audience. Managers, in particular, should make sure their internal communications are aligned with what they might be saying to the outside world. Respect confidentiality Confidential information is defined as any specific information, currently confidential (of which the public is unaware at the time when it is used), which if made public, could significantly influence the price of Steria shares and have a decisive influence on the trades made. Information is considered as public only after, or when, a Press Release is published on AMF (French stock market commission) website and/or the Steria website. Financial information such as earnings, mergers or other plans are privileged Information. Employees and contractors must not comment on, confirm or deny rumours about the company and should respect the confidentiality of information published internally such as in internal newsletters and magazines. Comply with copyright laws Information on the internet may constitute published material protected by copyright law. Users are responsible for complying with copyright law and obtaining applicable licenses that may apply to software, files, graphics, documents, messages, and other material that are personally downloaded or copied by the user. Never use images, text or any other content you’ve found on the web unless you have permission or the site makes it clear that you may use such content and under what conditions. Things to remember... While Social media facilitates the way we communicate, it doesn’t change the basic rules of honesty, courtesy and respect that Steria promotes as a company in our day to day lives.That is why these guidelines should be read alongside our company values, our Code of Ethics and our Information Security policy (employees only). è
  • 5. è You should obtain written permission prior to publishing photographs or videos of others online. This includes, but not restricted to, photos located in the Steria directory, organization charts, or teambuilding photos. Videos and any other material produced for an internal Steria audience should NOT be published to external content sharing sites such as Facebook or YouTube. Reinforce our brand Anyone using social media to talk about or refer to Steria should always consider the company’s reputation and brand. It therefore needs to be done in a considered way irrespective of whether you are inside or outside of work. See pages 7-8 for more information. Look for opportunities and enjoy it! The Power of Sharing is ideally suited to making use of social networks to promote what we do. The more people we have on these networks, the greater opportunity we will have to raise our profile and promote our company. If you are not sure, give it a go, as long as you follow these guidelines and use common sense you will discover a wide range of opportunities and new ways of communicating. Our values • Creativity • Independence • Openness • Respect • Simplicity Links Values - discover-steria/steria-at-a-glance/our- values/ Code of Ethics - fileadmin/com/discoverSteria/Steria_ code_of_ethics_2013.pdf
  • 6. Facebook Facebook is great for showing Steria’s personality, by sharing people-related news, photos, links to videos etc. Audience: It is a key channel for us when communicating with existing and potential employees and community partners. Messages: People related news and information such as community and environment news, employee news and job adverts. Photos and videos are particularly effective as these can be easily shared by your audience. Brand: Our presence is restricted to a Group page and one page per country (if relevant). Country pages should follow the naming convention ‘Steria’ then the name of the country e.g. ‘Steria France’. For more information visit this link. Reinforce our brand It is important that we maintain a consistent appearance across all our communication channels including social media. Of the hundreds of channels that exist we focus on some key channels at Group level in order to target our audiences effectively. We are also currently developing strategies with each of them to standardise our group wide presence. However, the channels you choose should always be relevant to your local audience. The advice in this guide, and the Steria brand guidelines, should always be followed when creating a presence on a social media site in relation to style, name, use of our logo, imagery and colours. è Twitter Twitter is great for getting our business news and opinions out quickly . Audience: We use Twitter primarily for communicating with opinion makers, shareholders, journalists and analysts. Messages: At Group and country level - press releases, links to particularly interesting industry news and thought leadership articles. At an individual level - sharing company and local news and information about your life at Steria with clients. Key influencers should be followed to encourage them to follow you back. Hashtags eg #Steria and website links eg should always be used to introduce new followers to Steria and to link to further information. Brand: Our presence is focused at Group and country account level and certain e-ambassador accounts. Team accounts should be avoided. Steria accounts should follow the naming convention ‘Steria country’ eg Steria UK, where possible. More and more employees are using Twitter to talk about their work and everyday life. If you use Twitter for work purposes (adding your job title to your profile for example) ensure that you include the words “the content and opinions here are my own and not necessarily those of Steria”. The Steria logo should also not be used unless the account has been specifically set up by your local communications team. For more information visit this link.
  • 7. Linkedin Linkedin is an ideal channel to make contact with a wide range of business people. Audience: Potential and existing clients, partners and potential recruits. Messages and brand: Personal accounts Our employees are encouraged to create an up to date profile on Linkedin to maintain an effective network of contacts. Employees are also encouraged to use their ‘status update’ to promote their role and projects they are working on. Company pages Our company page is managed by the Group Communications team and communicates latest news, career information and details of our products and services. Group pages The ‘official Steria group” is used to generate discussion around important subjects that we have an interest in. It can also be used by teams to communicate particular subjects. Employees are also encouraged to join other subject specific groups and discussions to share our opinions on key subjects. For more information visit this link. Slideshare Slideshare is a document sharing tool increasingly being used to share knowledge and for thought leadership. Audience: Students, clients, partners, journalists Messages: Alll corporate and country content should be loaded on to the Group page including presentations, brochures, success stories and white papers. However, employees can also use individual accounts to share their own presentations. Brand: Steria content uploaded to Slideshare should always use the official branded template and include links to further information such as a contact point or a Steria website. Users should also remember to manage their old content and update or delete it when it becomes out of date or when template designs change. For more information visit this link. You Tube Owned by Google, You Tube is the largest video sharing tool in the world. It is therefore important to share all our videos on this site to increase awareness. Audience: Everyone Messages: Anything from corporate videos to thought leadership interviews or user generated videos showing life at Steria. Brand: Our presence is restricted to a Group page and one account per country. Country pages should follow the naming convention ‘Steria country’. Local team pages should not be created. To upload a video to the Group page please contact the Group Communications team. When uploading videos it is very important to use a clear heading and description and add keyword tags to help find the video on search engines such as Google. For more information visit this link. è
  • 9. Naming conventions Employees should not register ‘Steria’ as an account name on any social media sites. The naming convention ‘Steria’ followed by the name of the country or organisation should be used for country pages. Abbreviations of country names should also be avoided when possible. If you are unsure please talk to your local communications team before creating accounts or pages. Monitoring It is important to monitor social media and online tools regularly especially in those areas of Steria that generate the most interest with the public. Not everyone will agree with what we say, or do, so it is important to ensure that you have relevant processes and resources to deal with both positive and negative comments. There are a number of different tools to help you monitor social media, depending on the channel you use. Speak to your local Communications team for advice. Account information If you create or manage a Steria page or account on a social media channel, ensure that your account details are stored in a private area (on the KM) and you have a co-manager on the account so that if you are away the account can continue to be used and updated. Governance Group social media activities in Steria are governed by an overall online digital governance procedure that covers our websites, social and mobile activities across the Group. Group social media activities are managed by the Group Communications team in conjunction with the communications Network made up of communications leads in each country. The overall Digital strategy is governed by the communications Executive Committee. Access If you currently do not have access to social media tools but feel that you need to use them to facilitate your job, speak to your line manager to request access via the helpdesk. Employees can of course access social media from their personal accounts - however please remember that if you mention Steria, or Steria’s business, these guidelines still apply. Managing social media at Steria è
  • 10. Steria e-ambassadors - The Power of Social sharing There are many things we can do to help our social media presence and raise our profile. But when you think about it, it comes down to not just amplifying our message, but getting people to share on our behalf. However getting people to share isn’t always easy. As part of our Group Communications strategy, we have launched an e-ambassador program to position ourselves on social media as thought leaders in key areas across the business. As part of this we have launched our first subject specific Twitter accounts to share information - @steria_cybersec, @steria_transprt, @steria_CR. If you are interested in your team joining the program, please speak to Xavier GUEPET, Director of Communications - xavier.guepet@ A Gaggle of Influencers GaggleAMP is a social marketing platform that enables us to maximise the potential reach of our employees through a unique, accountable, and privacy-assured message delivery model. Using GaggleAMP, we are able to widely distribute our content and messages by creating a network of people (called a “Gaggle”) that share, Tweet, and post company-created messages and content. However, because you own your social media accounts, you still get to control what, when and how you share. If you want to edit the message before you share it you can, if you don’t want to share it at all, that is also fine, but obviously we hope you will. Gaggle AMP works on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook, but again you don’t have to link to all of those channels. Only those you use or choose to. If you only use Facebook for personal sharing, then that is fine. It is your choice. We already have over 70 Gagglers across Steria and are seeing the benefit with an increase in traffic from Gaggle to So give it a try by visiting and help us share our messages.. è
  • 11. è Useful information There is a wide range of information available on the web to help you understand the various social media channels out there. Twitter • • • Facebook • • Linkedin • • Slideshare • • You Tube • • If you want to talk to someone about social media at Steria or you have any ideas for improving these guidelines or the way we use Social media please contact your local communications team or the Group Communications team at:
  • 12. Group http://www.linkedin/company/steria Belgium Denmark ©Groupe Steria SCA 43 - 45 Quai du Président Roosevelt F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX France Steria on social media France Germany steriamummertconsulting steriamummertconsultingag India Norway (blog) sterianorway sterianorwaygraduate steria/careers SteriaNorway SteriaNorway Sweden Switzerland UK We have an increasingly strong presence online both at Group and country level. If you are already on, or thinking of joining, some of these channels please follow us! Jan 2014 edition 2.2