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Presented by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan
CEO, WatchMojo

To Banff Centre, March 5 2010

•   Traditional Media & TV
•   Online Video Landscape
•   Online Video Content
•   Distribution over Destination
•   Segment Your Audience
•   How Marketers Use Video
•   Thank you

Traditional Media and TV
Advertising by Medium

• Television remains the largest medium while print has shrank.
How big is Television?

• In the US, television advertising nearly a $70B annual industry

• Combine Box office, DVD sales and cable, “Hollywood” is a $230 Billion
  industry in US.
They’ve Got That Shrinking Feeling

• Print and TV will continue to shrink
History repeats itself – Part 1/2

• Big 3 (NBC, CBS, ABC) shrunk over time as Cable television proliferated

• Will we see further fragmenting with Online Video?
History repeats itself – Part 2/2

• But overall, in macro terms, more content simply means more overall
But, Times are Changing…

Source: Morgan Stanley
(and proof that bankers have sense of humor?

Online Video Landscape
Fragmentation of Web

•   Indeed, we have seen considerable fragmenting online in past 10 years

•   20 years ago, you could buy an ad on CBS, NBC and ABC and reach “everyone”
•   10 years ago, you could buy MSN, AOL and Yahoo and reach “everyone”
•   Today, the world is fragmented. Tomorrow this trend will only accelerate.
Users Shifting to Web Video

   26%                          Americans watched 14.5 billion videos via the Internet in
                                March, 2009. A 26% increase YOY. 1

   49%                          People who watched online video in May (2009) spent 49
                                percent more time on each clip than they had a year before. 2

   47%                          Consumers are 47% more engaged in ads that run in online
                                video compared to traditional TV.3

                          Time Spent Viewing Online Video Up 13% in December

Sources: 1 comScore, June 2009, 2 Nielsen, June 2009, 3 Simmons Research
Size of Online Video

•   Online video has grown exponentially in the past few years, from:
-   11 billion views / month in the US in July 2008, to
-   16 billion views / month in the US in April 2009, to
-   30 billion views / month in the US in November 2009.
   With YouTube (Google Sites) clearly the dominant player…
Video is #1 Growth Segment
Video ads are booming
Advertising is fragmented too

Relative Cost of Advertising by Category:                             Absolute Size of Categories:


  - Understand the kind of rates that the content that you are creating will garner.

  - Understand the size of the pie that your content category will be vying for.

Online Video Content
Where Content Fits

Video companies fall into following 7 segments

1. Editing Software and Compression Tools: Adobe, Apple, Avid, JumpCut, Sorensen, On2
2. Content Producers: DECA, Eqal,, For Your Imagination, Funny or Die, Generate,
    Howcast, Katalyst Media, Machinima, Mania TV, Next New Networks, ON Networks,
    Revision3, VideoJug, and of course our own WatchMojo.
3. Content Management System (CMS):, Brightcove, Feedroom,, KIT Digital,
    Livestream, Ooyala, Maven, Mogulus, Permission TV, Qik, uStream, VMIX.
4. Content Aggregation, File Hosting, Sharing and Distribution: 5Min, Break, DailyMotion, Hulu,
    Kaltura, Metacafe, Nabbr, Revver, Vimeo, YouTube.
5. Advertising Creation and Management:, Auditude, Brightroll, Broadband Enterprises,
    Freewheel,, Panache, Scanscout, Tidal TV, Tremor Media, Video Egg, Yume.
6. Content Delivery Network (CDN): Akamai, BitGravity, Edgecast, Grid Networks, Limelight
    Networks, Panther Express.
7. Search, Discovery and Recovery: Blinkx, Cast TV, Clipblast, Dabble, Everyzing, Google,
    Mefeedia, Pixsy, Truveo.

* Italics denotes publicly traded companies or companies already acquired.
Content Can Be Either/Or

Promotional                                Commercial*
-   Trailers                               (*not as in an ad, as in a revenue source)
-   Ads                                    - Informational Content
-   Demos                                  - To Drive e-Commerce (sales)
-   Reels                                  - Create Community
-   Etc.
                                           Here, the content needs to be
Here, worry more about making the             professional, informational and
   videos entertaining and informative,       entertaining.
   and getting them seen.                  Don’t put cart ahead of horse and worry
Over time, if you build a catalog and         about revenues. Again, focus should
   distribution, then try to convert the      be on quality/quantity balance and
   “cost item” into a “profit center”.        distribution.
                                           Over time, create multiple revenue
                                              sources across many platforms.
What do people watch on YouTube?

Circa Sept 2009:                          Today:

Slowly but surely, consumers watch more professional content…

Which begs the question: what is “professional content”?
Professional Content – Part 1/2

• Back in 2007, a Pyramid of online video content began to emerge:

(aka Head, Torso, Long-tail, etc.)
Professional Content – Part 2/2

• Updated Pyramid in 2010…

                                         Read more on this topic here.
Online Video
                         About Reality / Challenges

                        Graph 1: 53% of YouTube videos are seen less 500 times

                            Graph 2: 25% of views come in the first 4 days
                                        50% in first 14 days
                                        75% in first 44 days
                                        95% in first 81 days

Source: Tubemogul            Graph 3: 50% watch videos for 30-60 seconds

                                                  Read more on this topic here.
Search: Discovery and Recovery

Read more on this topic here.
Lack of Video: I Feel Your Pain
Essential Services and Resources

Tools                       Resources
-           -
-                 -
-          -
-             -
-   Many more here.         - (our blog)

1. Produces original video content and publishes new
clips every day. We publish over 100 clips each

2. Distributes catalog of 5,000 videos across 100
websites, as well as out-of-home digital networks and
wireless companies.

3. Occasionally distributes 3rd party content across our
content pipeline (both ads and content).

4. Offers advertisers the opportunity to promote
brands in and alongside professional, high-quality and
ad-friendly content.

5. We also partner & obtain rights to long form
content and create made-for-web, short form content.
Editorial Breadth & Scope

         Videos Library Snapshot
    •   Catalog of 5,000 videos
    •   100 new clips each month
    •   12 categories: Automotive, Comedy, Fashion, Film, Health, Lifestyle, Music,
        Sports, Travel, Video Games
    •   30+ subcategories: Beauty, Cooking, Home, etc.
    •   Themes that cut across Categories: Green Living, Urban, How To
    •   500 hours of programming, over 1,000 of programming filmed.
    •   Average length of each clip: 1 to 3 minutes

        Editorial Strategy

•       Not “TV Light” – more like the evolution of magazine/newspaper articles into video
•       High-quality (no talking head stuff)
•       Professionally-produced
•       Evergreen (timeless)
•       Coverage across categories
•       Ad-friendly
•       Short-Form
•       Multi-part features and stand-alone segments
•       Mainly English, moving into French (100), Spanish (10), Mandarin (1), German (1)
What do People Watch on WatchMojo?
Business Model

The banking model: retail, corporate and investment banking fees


                                                                              - When you start, you have no
                                                                              clue what your revenue
                                                                              streams will look like.

                                                                              - You won’t be making any
                                                                              money early on.

                                                                              - Look at other media and
                                                                              other platforms for potential
                                                                              revenue streams.

                                                                              Read more on this topic here.

1- a safe income stream: licensing, like retail banking, provides a recurring and non-volatile revenue
2- a growth business: syndication, like corporate banking, requires other companies in the
ecosystem to do well. This can provide higher CPM rates by placing content in the right context.
3- a wildly lucrative stream: advertising, like investment banking, takes time to develop, is
speculative and seasonal, and risks drying up abruptly. Notice how advertising revenue spikes each
fourth quarter, for example.
Forget $, Worry First About
                                                              Getting Videos Seen
          Viewing Patterns of WatchMojo Videos Run Counter to Industry

Industry Average:                    WatchMojo Average:

         For example: WatchMojo’s most popular video of all time started off with a bump, then
             trailed off, but thanks to our marketing techniques, it has ramped up to cross:
                                       500,000 views after 3 months
                                          1,000,000 after 9 months
                                         2,000,000 after 12 months
                                         2,500,000 after 18 months
Brands Want to Work with Video
Marketing Solutions
                                 (aka Throwing in the Kitchen Sink)

•   Video Pre, Post or Mid-roll
•   Pre-Roll Production
•   Rich Media Solutions
•   Video Overlays
•   Contests, Giveaways, Promotions      •   Custom Video Production
•   Display Ads (Leaderboard, Big Box)   •   Branded Content / Product Integration
                                         •   Custom Microsite Creation
                                         •   Category Sponsorship
                                         •   Category Exclusivity

Distribution over Destination
Online Growth Property
Growth on Network (Distribution Partners)

      Monthly                                  All-Time

          Since 2006, has streamed over 125M videos

        - Crossed 25M all-time streams in April, 2008 (after 28 months)
        - Crossed 50M all-time streams in April, 2009 (12 months later)
     - Crossed 100M all-time streams in December, 2009 (9 months later)
                - Crossed 125M all-time streams in March, 2010
                - Currently generating 8.5M streams per month
Online Distribution
Out Of Home Distribution

 WatchMojo also reaches 15 Million
consumers each month in the Out Of
  Home digital market across nearly
4,000 retails outlets in North America.
Mobile Distribution
Why is Mobile Important? Part 1

Source: Morgan Stanley
Why is Mobile Important? Part 2
Multi Platform Approach
 Augments Market Size

Segment Your Audience
Something For Everyone

Females    Males      Females      Males
 13 - 24   13 - 24     25 - 54     25 - 54
Females 13 - 24

 Attitudinal Statements
I’m cultured and active when it comes to travel.
I’m a label queen, but I try to be budget fashion conscious.
I’m no health nut, but I like to keep fit.
I try to eat healthy, but I consider myself a closet snacker.
I drink beer with the guys and wine with the girls!
I’m ambitious, educated and liberal in my political views.
Global warming is a problem and I want to help solve it.
I’m loyal to brands that speak directly to me.
I’m a MAC not a PC!

 What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
Males 13 - 24

 Attitudinal Statements
I enjoy going to all inclusive resorts for vacation.
I love my blue jeans, but I also love the way I look in a suit.
I play hockey and football, I’m a jock at heart.
I try to eat healthy, but I prefer quick and easy over nutritious.
I consider myself part of the keg crowd at college
I support same-sex marriage and legalization of marijuana.
Global warming is an issue I take very seriously.
I’m loyal to brands associated with quality and style.
I’m also a MAC and not a PC!

 What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
Females 25 - 54

 Attitudinal Statements
My car is a tool, it gets me where I need to go.
I live in my blue jeans, but I like dressing up on Saturday night.
I’m artsy-crafty, painting and gardening are my hobbies.
I am very health conscious when preparing meals for my family.
I try to have a glass of wine with dinner every night.
I don’t participate in sports, but I do yoga twice a week.
Global warming is a problem that we can solve together.
I’m loyal to well established brands who understand what I need.
I’m am a PC… for now.

 What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
Males 25 - 54

 Attitudinal Statements
For vacation, I like travelling to exotic locations
I can afford a sports car, but I’d rather drive a luxury sedan.
I wear a suit everyday and keep abreast of fashion trends.
I play golf on the weekend, and squash twice a week.
I don’t think to much about what I eat, I eat what I like.
I like my scotch straight up and my martini stirred not shaken.
Global warming is consequence of progress.
I only buy brand name products I trust.
I’m am a PC man to the bitter end.

 What do I Watch on WatchMojo?

How Marketers Use Video
The Concept:
Viacom’s was planning an “Off to
School, Back to You” microsite targeting moms,
and needed WatchMojo to create short pre-roll ads
using relevant videos from WatchMojo’s library, to
run prior to actual video content on the microsite.

The Challenge:
McDonald’s needed high quality professional video
content to increase engagement and retention on
the microsite. The client was also looking at a quick
turnaround of less than 2 weeks.

The Solution:
WatchMojo provided six videos on women’s fitness,
beauty, well-being, yoga and eating well.

The Process:
McDonald’s and their agency were working with
Glam Media who turned to WatchMojo. We
submitted fifteen videos to the client and agency.
They selected the six that best fit their target.
WatchMojo then re-edited them into pre-roll ads.

The Result:
The microsite saw higher user engagement and
retention. Which contributed to the overall success
of the campaign.
The Concept:
MySpace required video content to power the
Fashion Section of a microsite for Coca-Cola’s
“Open Happiness” Campaign.

The Challenge:
Find a selection of fashion videos that match
the overall feel of Coca-Cola’s brand and

The Solution:
WatchMojo identified several clips that both
met the clients needs and supported their
overall campaign.

The Process:
WatchMojo scanned its complete library of
content to single out the finest fashion videos
we had to offer.

The Result:
WatchMojo’s content integrated flawlessly with
the microsite, adding precious value to Coca-
Cola’s “Open Happiness” Campaign.
The Concept:
Coors Light wanted to raise awareness of its
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games sponsorship
as well as drive users to sign up for a contest
hosted on

The Challenge:
Coors Light was targeting males 19-24 across
Canada and wanted their ads to run against
male interest content for example: sports,
music, babes, etc. The challenge was
selecting partners that could run banner and
pre-roll ads alongside WatchMojo male interest

The Solution:
WatchMojo vetted and selected a number of
partners within The WatchMojo Network.

The Process:
WatchMojo successfully negotiated with each
partner to guarantee the best value for the

The Result:
The campaign delivered more than 700,000
impressions and was seen on 7 different
partner sites across The WatchMojo Network.
The Concept:
Foster’s Beer wanted to raise awareness
of their classic 750 ml “Oil Can”

The Challenge:
WatchMojo had to work with tight
budgets and short lead time to create an
experience that would entice the user to
want and buy Foster’s Beer.

The Solution:
WatchMojo placed the Foster’s ads on
specialty sites within The WatchMojo
Network, created a dedicated microsite
fully branded to Foster’s Beer including
original WatchMojo content related to
Australia, Sports, and Music and on two
specific days of the campaign, we gave
Foster’s a Homepage Takeover.

The Result:
The campaign delivered more than
500,000 impressions and was seen on 7
different partner sites across The
WatchMojo Network.
The Concept:
WatchMojo was approached by the Canadian
Association of Optometrists to produce a
series of videos to promote their “October is
Eye Health Month” initiative

The Challenge:
The videos were very information heavy so the
challenge was to make them entertaining and
engaging enough to capture the audience.

The Solution:
WatchMojo created two videos, one discussing
common symptoms related to “Computer
Vision Syndrome”. The other video was
targeted to parents with information about
vision care for children.

The Process:
WatchMojo worked with the CAO’s PR agency,
Fleishman-Hillard throughout the scripting
process. Fleishman also recommended a CAO
member optometrist that we interviewed for
the segments.

The Result:
The results were beyond anything WatchMojo
and Fleishman have ever seen before. To say
the videos went viral is an understatement.
The Concept:
Verizon needed video content to fill the Travel
Section of their Verizon Central Newsroom.

The Challenge:
As part of Verizon’s CRM program, they
created the Verizon Central Portal and wanted
to engage their existing customers with
compelling and informative content.

The Solution:
Initially WatchMojo was to provide only one
video on New Orleans. However, Verizon was
so impressed with the quality of the video that
they immediately ordered 3 new videos and
decided to license all our travel content.

The Process:
WatchMojo did its research on New Orleans,
contacted the New Orleans Board of Tourism
to acquire footage. We then scripted, edited
and voiced the clip for Verizon and delivered it
within 3 days of the request.

                                                   “WatchMojo’s content has definitely allowed Verizon’s Travel
The Result:                                        player to become one of the main video views drivers of all
Verizon Central now has a comprehensive            players. Due to this success, Verizon is implementing Social
Travel Section offering their customers a user     Media strategies to attract new viewers to the Travel page and
experience second to none.                         player.” - Jose Sifuentes, Kit Digital
The Concept:
Great Works had created a viral video for
Malibu Rum and was looking to increase
views. The video had gotten 200 views on
Malibu’s own YouTube channel.

The Challenge:
Great Works could not buy media to drive
views, it needed to rely solely on actual
legitimate user views, unsupported by any
media buy whatsoever.

The Solution:
WatchMojo met with Great Works and
proposed something it had never suggested
before: to publish the video on its property and
distribute it across its syndication network.

The Process:
WatchMojo featured the video on our YouTube
channel main page, as a related video, as a
video response, as well as pushed it out to
distribution partners, all within 24 hours of
getting the video.

The Result:
In less than a month, the video was seen over
10,000 times (50x more than on client’s own
channel) and counting…
The Concept:
MySpace needed video content for their
Vitamin Water sponsored NCAA Basketball
March Madness Microsite.

The Challenge:
Create entertaining and informative videos that
would increase user engagement.

The Solution:
WatchMojo produced short clips, split up into 4
categories – Player Profiles, Team Profiles,
Famous Coaches and Classic Rivalries.

The Process:
The NCAA provided WatchMojo with archive
footage, which we then recycled into 40 new
clips. WatchMojo scripted, voiced, edited and
added music and graphics, breathing new life
into old footage.

The Result:
WatchMojo provided relevant content which
helped increase engagement and “dwell time”
on the Vitamin Water Microsite.
How to Reach Us?

Ashkan Karbasfrooshan

Phone: 1-514-448-1631

 Cell: 1-514-827-2532

 Fax: 1-866-868-0981

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State Of Online Video 201003

  • 1. About Presented by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan CEO, WatchMojo To Banff Centre, March 5 2010
  • 2. Contents • Traditional Media & TV • Online Video Landscape • Online Video Content • • Distribution over Destination • Segment Your Audience • How Marketers Use Video • Thank you
  • 4. Advertising by Medium • Television remains the largest medium while print has shrank.
  • 5. How big is Television? • In the US, television advertising nearly a $70B annual industry • Combine Box office, DVD sales and cable, “Hollywood” is a $230 Billion industry in US.
  • 6. They’ve Got That Shrinking Feeling • Print and TV will continue to shrink
  • 7. History repeats itself – Part 1/2 • Big 3 (NBC, CBS, ABC) shrunk over time as Cable television proliferated • Will we see further fragmenting with Online Video?
  • 8. History repeats itself – Part 2/2 • But overall, in macro terms, more content simply means more overall consumption
  • 9. But, Times are Changing… Source: Morgan Stanley (and proof that bankers have sense of humor?
  • 11. Fragmentation of Web • Indeed, we have seen considerable fragmenting online in past 10 years • 20 years ago, you could buy an ad on CBS, NBC and ABC and reach “everyone” • 10 years ago, you could buy MSN, AOL and Yahoo and reach “everyone” • Today, the world is fragmented. Tomorrow this trend will only accelerate.
  • 12. Users Shifting to Web Video 26% Americans watched 14.5 billion videos via the Internet in March, 2009. A 26% increase YOY. 1 49% People who watched online video in May (2009) spent 49 percent more time on each clip than they had a year before. 2 47% Consumers are 47% more engaged in ads that run in online video compared to traditional TV.3 Time Spent Viewing Online Video Up 13% in December Sources: 1 comScore, June 2009, 2 Nielsen, June 2009, 3 Simmons Research
  • 13. Size of Online Video • Online video has grown exponentially in the past few years, from: - 11 billion views / month in the US in July 2008, to - 16 billion views / month in the US in April 2009, to - 30 billion views / month in the US in November 2009.  With YouTube (Google Sites) clearly the dominant player…
  • 14. Video is #1 Growth Segment
  • 15. Video ads are booming
  • 16. Advertising is fragmented too Relative Cost of Advertising by Category: Absolute Size of Categories: Lessons: - Understand the kind of rates that the content that you are creating will garner. - Understand the size of the pie that your content category will be vying for.
  • 18. Where Content Fits Video companies fall into following 7 segments 1. Editing Software and Compression Tools: Adobe, Apple, Avid, JumpCut, Sorensen, On2 2. Content Producers: DECA, Eqal,, For Your Imagination, Funny or Die, Generate, Howcast, Katalyst Media, Machinima, Mania TV, Next New Networks, ON Networks, Revision3, VideoJug, and of course our own WatchMojo. 3. Content Management System (CMS):, Brightcove, Feedroom,, KIT Digital, Livestream, Ooyala, Maven, Mogulus, Permission TV, Qik, uStream, VMIX. 4. Content Aggregation, File Hosting, Sharing and Distribution: 5Min, Break, DailyMotion, Hulu, Kaltura, Metacafe, Nabbr, Revver, Vimeo, YouTube. 5. Advertising Creation and Management:, Auditude, Brightroll, Broadband Enterprises, Freewheel,, Panache, Scanscout, Tidal TV, Tremor Media, Video Egg, Yume. 6. Content Delivery Network (CDN): Akamai, BitGravity, Edgecast, Grid Networks, Limelight Networks, Panther Express. 7. Search, Discovery and Recovery: Blinkx, Cast TV, Clipblast, Dabble, Everyzing, Google, Mefeedia, Pixsy, Truveo. * Italics denotes publicly traded companies or companies already acquired.
  • 19. Content Can Be Either/Or Promotional Commercial* - Trailers (*not as in an ad, as in a revenue source) - Ads - Informational Content - Demos - To Drive e-Commerce (sales) - Reels - Create Community - Etc. Here, the content needs to be Here, worry more about making the professional, informational and videos entertaining and informative, entertaining. and getting them seen. Don’t put cart ahead of horse and worry Over time, if you build a catalog and about revenues. Again, focus should distribution, then try to convert the be on quality/quantity balance and “cost item” into a “profit center”. distribution. Over time, create multiple revenue sources across many platforms.
  • 20. What do people watch on YouTube? Circa Sept 2009: Today: Slowly but surely, consumers watch more professional content… Which begs the question: what is “professional content”?
  • 21. Professional Content – Part 1/2 • Back in 2007, a Pyramid of online video content began to emerge: (aka Head, Torso, Long-tail, etc.)
  • 22. Professional Content – Part 2/2 • Updated Pyramid in 2010… Read more on this topic here.
  • 23. Online Video About Reality / Challenges Graph 1: 53% of YouTube videos are seen less 500 times Graph 2: 25% of views come in the first 4 days 50% in first 14 days 75% in first 44 days 95% in first 81 days Source: Tubemogul Graph 3: 50% watch videos for 30-60 seconds Read more on this topic here.
  • 24. Search: Discovery and Recovery Read more on this topic here.
  • 25. Lack of Video: I Feel Your Pain
  • 26. Essential Services and Resources Tools Resources - - - - - - - - - Many more here. - (our blog)
  • 28. 1. Produces original video content and publishes new clips every day. We publish over 100 clips each month. 2. Distributes catalog of 5,000 videos across 100 websites, as well as out-of-home digital networks and wireless companies. 3. Occasionally distributes 3rd party content across our content pipeline (both ads and content). 4. Offers advertisers the opportunity to promote brands in and alongside professional, high-quality and ad-friendly content. 5. We also partner & obtain rights to long form content and create made-for-web, short form content.
  • 29. Editorial Breadth & Scope Videos Library Snapshot • Catalog of 5,000 videos • 100 new clips each month • 12 categories: Automotive, Comedy, Fashion, Film, Health, Lifestyle, Music, Sports, Travel, Video Games • 30+ subcategories: Beauty, Cooking, Home, etc. • Themes that cut across Categories: Green Living, Urban, How To • 500 hours of programming, over 1,000 of programming filmed. • Average length of each clip: 1 to 3 minutes Editorial Strategy • Not “TV Light” – more like the evolution of magazine/newspaper articles into video • High-quality (no talking head stuff) • Professionally-produced • Evergreen (timeless) • Coverage across categories • Ad-friendly • Short-Form • Multi-part features and stand-alone segments • Mainly English, moving into French (100), Spanish (10), Mandarin (1), German (1)
  • 30. What do People Watch on WatchMojo?
  • 31. Business Model The banking model: retail, corporate and investment banking fees Lessons: - When you start, you have no clue what your revenue streams will look like. - You won’t be making any money early on. - Look at other media and other platforms for potential revenue streams. Read more on this topic here. 1- a safe income stream: licensing, like retail banking, provides a recurring and non-volatile revenue base. 2- a growth business: syndication, like corporate banking, requires other companies in the ecosystem to do well. This can provide higher CPM rates by placing content in the right context. 3- a wildly lucrative stream: advertising, like investment banking, takes time to develop, is speculative and seasonal, and risks drying up abruptly. Notice how advertising revenue spikes each fourth quarter, for example.
  • 32. Forget $, Worry First About Getting Videos Seen Viewing Patterns of WatchMojo Videos Run Counter to Industry Industry Average: WatchMojo Average: For example: WatchMojo’s most popular video of all time started off with a bump, then trailed off, but thanks to our marketing techniques, it has ramped up to cross: 500,000 views after 3 months 1,000,000 after 9 months 2,000,000 after 12 months 2,500,000 after 18 months
  • 33. Brands Want to Work with Video
  • 34. Marketing Solutions (aka Throwing in the Kitchen Sink) • Video Pre, Post or Mid-roll • Pre-Roll Production • Rich Media Solutions • Video Overlays • Contests, Giveaways, Promotions • Custom Video Production • Display Ads (Leaderboard, Big Box) • Branded Content / Product Integration • Custom Microsite Creation • Category Sponsorship • Category Exclusivity
  • 36. Online Growth Property Growth on Network (Distribution Partners) Monthly All-Time Since 2006, has streamed over 125M videos - Crossed 25M all-time streams in April, 2008 (after 28 months) - Crossed 50M all-time streams in April, 2009 (12 months later) - Crossed 100M all-time streams in December, 2009 (9 months later) - Crossed 125M all-time streams in March, 2010 - Currently generating 8.5M streams per month
  • 38. Out Of Home Distribution WatchMojo also reaches 15 Million consumers each month in the Out Of Home digital market across nearly 4,000 retails outlets in North America.
  • 40. Why is Mobile Important? Part 1 Source: Morgan Stanley
  • 41. Why is Mobile Important? Part 2
  • 42. Multi Platform Approach Augments Market Size
  • 44. Something For Everyone Females Males Females Males 13 - 24 13 - 24 25 - 54 25 - 54
  • 45. Females 13 - 24 Attitudinal Statements I’m cultured and active when it comes to travel. I’m a label queen, but I try to be budget fashion conscious. I’m no health nut, but I like to keep fit. I try to eat healthy, but I consider myself a closet snacker. I drink beer with the guys and wine with the girls! I’m ambitious, educated and liberal in my political views. Global warming is a problem and I want to help solve it. I’m loyal to brands that speak directly to me. I’m a MAC not a PC! What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
  • 46. Males 13 - 24 Attitudinal Statements I enjoy going to all inclusive resorts for vacation. I love my blue jeans, but I also love the way I look in a suit. I play hockey and football, I’m a jock at heart. I try to eat healthy, but I prefer quick and easy over nutritious. I consider myself part of the keg crowd at college I support same-sex marriage and legalization of marijuana. Global warming is an issue I take very seriously. I’m loyal to brands associated with quality and style. I’m also a MAC and not a PC! What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
  • 47. Females 25 - 54 Attitudinal Statements My car is a tool, it gets me where I need to go. I live in my blue jeans, but I like dressing up on Saturday night. I’m artsy-crafty, painting and gardening are my hobbies. I am very health conscious when preparing meals for my family. I try to have a glass of wine with dinner every night. I don’t participate in sports, but I do yoga twice a week. Global warming is a problem that we can solve together. I’m loyal to well established brands who understand what I need. I’m am a PC… for now. What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
  • 48. Males 25 - 54 Attitudinal Statements For vacation, I like travelling to exotic locations I can afford a sports car, but I’d rather drive a luxury sedan. I wear a suit everyday and keep abreast of fashion trends. I play golf on the weekend, and squash twice a week. I don’t think to much about what I eat, I eat what I like. I like my scotch straight up and my martini stirred not shaken. Global warming is consequence of progress. I only buy brand name products I trust. I’m am a PC man to the bitter end. What do I Watch on WatchMojo?
  • 50. The Concept: Viacom’s was planning an “Off to School, Back to You” microsite targeting moms, and needed WatchMojo to create short pre-roll ads using relevant videos from WatchMojo’s library, to run prior to actual video content on the microsite. The Challenge: McDonald’s needed high quality professional video content to increase engagement and retention on the microsite. The client was also looking at a quick turnaround of less than 2 weeks. The Solution: WatchMojo provided six videos on women’s fitness, beauty, well-being, yoga and eating well. The Process: McDonald’s and their agency were working with Glam Media who turned to WatchMojo. We submitted fifteen videos to the client and agency. They selected the six that best fit their target. WatchMojo then re-edited them into pre-roll ads. The Result: The microsite saw higher user engagement and retention. Which contributed to the overall success of the campaign.
  • 51. The Concept: MySpace required video content to power the Fashion Section of a microsite for Coca-Cola’s “Open Happiness” Campaign. The Challenge: Find a selection of fashion videos that match the overall feel of Coca-Cola’s brand and message. The Solution: WatchMojo identified several clips that both met the clients needs and supported their overall campaign. The Process: WatchMojo scanned its complete library of content to single out the finest fashion videos we had to offer. The Result: WatchMojo’s content integrated flawlessly with the microsite, adding precious value to Coca- Cola’s “Open Happiness” Campaign.
  • 52. The Concept: Coors Light wanted to raise awareness of its Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games sponsorship as well as drive users to sign up for a contest hosted on The Challenge: Coors Light was targeting males 19-24 across Canada and wanted their ads to run against male interest content for example: sports, music, babes, etc. The challenge was selecting partners that could run banner and pre-roll ads alongside WatchMojo male interest content The Solution: WatchMojo vetted and selected a number of partners within The WatchMojo Network. The Process: WatchMojo successfully negotiated with each partner to guarantee the best value for the client. The Result: The campaign delivered more than 700,000 impressions and was seen on 7 different partner sites across The WatchMojo Network.
  • 53. The Concept: Foster’s Beer wanted to raise awareness of their classic 750 ml “Oil Can” The Challenge: WatchMojo had to work with tight budgets and short lead time to create an experience that would entice the user to want and buy Foster’s Beer. The Solution: WatchMojo placed the Foster’s ads on specialty sites within The WatchMojo Network, created a dedicated microsite fully branded to Foster’s Beer including original WatchMojo content related to Australia, Sports, and Music and on two specific days of the campaign, we gave Foster’s a Homepage Takeover. The Result: The campaign delivered more than 500,000 impressions and was seen on 7 different partner sites across The WatchMojo Network.
  • 54. The Concept: WatchMojo was approached by the Canadian Association of Optometrists to produce a series of videos to promote their “October is Eye Health Month” initiative The Challenge: The videos were very information heavy so the challenge was to make them entertaining and engaging enough to capture the audience. The Solution: WatchMojo created two videos, one discussing common symptoms related to “Computer Vision Syndrome”. The other video was targeted to parents with information about vision care for children. The Process: WatchMojo worked with the CAO’s PR agency, Fleishman-Hillard throughout the scripting process. Fleishman also recommended a CAO member optometrist that we interviewed for the segments. The Result: The results were beyond anything WatchMojo and Fleishman have ever seen before. To say the videos went viral is an understatement.
  • 55. The Concept: Verizon needed video content to fill the Travel Section of their Verizon Central Newsroom. The Challenge: As part of Verizon’s CRM program, they created the Verizon Central Portal and wanted to engage their existing customers with compelling and informative content. The Solution: Initially WatchMojo was to provide only one video on New Orleans. However, Verizon was so impressed with the quality of the video that they immediately ordered 3 new videos and decided to license all our travel content. The Process: WatchMojo did its research on New Orleans, contacted the New Orleans Board of Tourism to acquire footage. We then scripted, edited and voiced the clip for Verizon and delivered it within 3 days of the request. “WatchMojo’s content has definitely allowed Verizon’s Travel The Result: player to become one of the main video views drivers of all Verizon Central now has a comprehensive players. Due to this success, Verizon is implementing Social Travel Section offering their customers a user Media strategies to attract new viewers to the Travel page and experience second to none. player.” - Jose Sifuentes, Kit Digital
  • 56. The Concept: Great Works had created a viral video for Malibu Rum and was looking to increase views. The video had gotten 200 views on Malibu’s own YouTube channel. The Challenge: Great Works could not buy media to drive views, it needed to rely solely on actual legitimate user views, unsupported by any media buy whatsoever. The Solution: WatchMojo met with Great Works and proposed something it had never suggested before: to publish the video on its property and distribute it across its syndication network. The Process: WatchMojo featured the video on our YouTube channel main page, as a related video, as a video response, as well as pushed it out to distribution partners, all within 24 hours of getting the video. The Result: In less than a month, the video was seen over 10,000 times (50x more than on client’s own channel) and counting…
  • 57. The Concept: MySpace needed video content for their Vitamin Water sponsored NCAA Basketball March Madness Microsite. The Challenge: Create entertaining and informative videos that would increase user engagement. The Solution: WatchMojo produced short clips, split up into 4 categories – Player Profiles, Team Profiles, Famous Coaches and Classic Rivalries. The Process: The NCAA provided WatchMojo with archive footage, which we then recycled into 40 new clips. WatchMojo scripted, voiced, edited and added music and graphics, breathing new life into old footage. The Result: WatchMojo provided relevant content which helped increase engagement and “dwell time” on the Vitamin Water Microsite.
  • 58. How to Reach Us? Ashkan Karbasfrooshan CEO Phone: 1-514-448-1631 Cell: 1-514-827-2532 Fax: 1-866-868-0981