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IBM Global Technology Services                                                 August 2011
Thought Leadership White Paper

Gaining efficiency and business value
through better management of your
IT infrastructure
Eight challenges to overcome for effective service delivery and cost savings
2    Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

Table of Contents                                                                                Introduction
                                                                                                 Managing today’s complex server environments, networks and
    2 Introduction
                                                                                                 IT infrastructures is challenging. Most organizations have tools
    2 Understand key challenges of infrastructure                                                and disciplines in place to provide basic availability management,
      management                                                                                 including hardware and software monitoring capabilities.
                                                                                                 However, your staff may not have the skills or time to support
    4 Plan for effective infrastructure management                                               and implement notification handling, performance and capacity
                                                                                                 management, security management, configuration management
       4 Detecting and handling incidents and problems
                                                                                                 and automation. With the pressure to do more with less, how
       5 Handling changes with minimal impact on availability                                    can you balance the need to drive down costs and also improve
                                                                                                 delivery of system administration, information access, remote
       5 Preventing security problems                                                            access and problem and change management?
       6 Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively
                                                                                                 This paper surveys the challenges and solutions for effective
       6 Maintaining server software and firmware                                                 management of your server infrastructures and network devices.
                                                                                                 It discusses important disciplines, such as availability manage-
       7 Having indicators of status and trends for specific
                                                                                                 ment, and the tools you need to support a complex IT environ-
       infrastructure activities
                                                                                                 ment. Use of outsourcing, managed and cloud services are
       7 Having the right tools for the job                                                      discussed as strategic ways to drive efficiency and create business
                                                                                                 value. You may choose to use this paper as a tool or checklist to
       12 Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly with a                                      evaluate and improve your in-house handling of infrastructure
       proper level of ongoing management                                                        management or to evaluate potential services providers.

12 Focus on service areas of growing importance
                                                                                                 Note: Throughout this paper you will encounter special “call to
       12 Batch processing and cross-platform workloads                                          action” sections. These sections are inserted where most relevant
                                                                                                 to the main content, and are intended to further your under-
       12 Backup and restore                                                                     standing of the topic with information about efforts and research
       12 Middleware and database support services
                                                                                                 undertaken by IBM to apply technology solutions to that field.

13 Consider outsourcing and managed services                                                     Understand key challenges of
13 Summary                                                                                       infrastructure management
                                                                                                 An infrastructure typically consists of a broadly heterogeneous
14 Infrastructure management checklist                                                           collection of elements such as servers, virtual machines, logical
                                                                                                 partitions, routers, switches, wireless appliances, disks, proces-
                                                                                                 sors, operating systems, middleware and database instances and
                                                                                                 batch jobs. All of these elements can be mapped, more or less,
                                                                                                 into a simple framework as shown in Figure 1.
IBM Global Technology Services   3

                                                                              4. Using emerging or challenging technologies
                                                                                 effectively. New technologies hold great promise for
                Applications and services
                                                                                 businesses by enabling cost reductions and flexibility. Even
                                                                                 so, the benefits from these technologies can be elusive,
                                                                                 because of the learning curve that users face in understand-
                                                                                 ing them and effectively dealing with their complexity.

                  Operating system                                            5. Maintaining server software and firmware. Applying
                                                                                 emergency security fixes or even routine software changes
                                                                   Platform      can be a daunting task for your staff. To avoid negative
            Computer and network hardware
                                                                                 impacts on your application availability and performance
                                                                                 requires planning and careful execution, including provi-
                                                                                 sions for restoring to a previous software or firmware level.

Figure 1: Software and hardware service layers in distributed systems.
                                                                              6. Having indicators of status and trends for specific
                                                                                 infrastructure and activities. Information on the status of
The management of your distributed and complex IT infrastruc-                    systems and applications is important in infrastructure
ture is often a significant portion of your total cost of ownership               management, especially in problem situations. This infor-
(TCO). Getting costs under control while also meeting your                       mation is also needed for capacity planning. However,
service-level commitments requires a focus on the following                      obtaining and analyzing operational and trend information
eight infrastructure management challenges:                                      is time consuming and complex.

   1. Detecting and handling incidents and problems.                          7. Having the right tools for the job. There are many tools,
      Incidents and problems are a way of life for systems that                  from commercial products to home-grown tools, which
      involve hardware, software and people. Detecting and                       can be used to manage IT infrastructures. Having just the
      handling problems effectively is simply not easy. Handling                 right toolset for your environment requires balancing
      problems requires discipline, imagination and experience.                  human aspects, types of tools, number of tools, level of
                                                                                 integration and secure use. A lack of such balance is
   2. Handling changes with minimal impact on availability.                      reflected in ineffective support for business goals or unduly
      Change is frequently required in today’s highly complex                    high software or staff operations costs.
      systems. Dealing with change while striving for minimum
      downtime requires a variety of skills.                                  8. Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly with the
                                                                                 proper level of ongoing management. The fast pace of
   3. Preventing security problems. Security challenges                          change in today’s business environment requires the need
      are ongoing and constantly changing. Your management                       to rapidly deploy systems and the tools to provide ongoing
      solution should incorporate plans to address the threats to                support, especially for the mission-critical components of
      your systems and information in the form of web-based                      your IT infrastructure. These activities can be routine, but
      attacks and hackers.                                                       are important for meeting service-level commitments and
                                                                                 supporting new business initiatives.
4   Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

Plan for effective infrastructure                                                               Detecting and handling incidents and problems
management                                                                                      In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to provide
As you evaluate your current infrastructure management                                          robust incident and problem handling, resulting in the
capabilities and consider outsourcing and managed services                                      smoothest possible operation. If possible, this solution should
providers, focus on solutions that address the key challenges                                   use preemptive actions to prevent failures.
presented earlier. A focus on value should shape your goals, with
cost and complexity playing a major factor in your evaluation                                   The proven tactics that can help achieve this goal include
and consideration. With this focus, you can then determine the                                  proactive and passive monitoring to detect incidents and
best approach to achieving your goals in the context of specific                                 problems. Using technology to automatically handle incidents,
tactics, as shown in Figure 2.                                                                  open problem records and assign priority is also important to
                                                                                                reduce labor costs. The use of innovative tools and methods to
                                                                                                anticipate and correct problems before they occur is another
                                                                                                labor-saving approach (see sidebar on Parity that follows). It is
                                                                                                also useful to provide automated software support that makes it
                            Cost and complexity
                                                                                                easier for a system administrator to resolve incidents and prob-
                                                                                                lems. Assigning support personnel based on the severity of the
                                                                                                incident or problem to improve response time is a proven way to
                                                                                                prioritize work in conjunction with using a service level agree-

                  Goals                                      Tactics                            ment (SLA). An example SLA pertaining to Severity 1 problems
                                                                                                would have the goal of resolving 90 percent of the problems in
             What are we                                    What can                            less than four hours. Following rigorous problem handling and
              trying to                                     we do to

                                                                                                management steps to ensure effective problem resolution is also
              achieve?                                     achieve it?
                                                                                                important. So is involving a specialized service manager and a
                                                                                                multidisciplinary team.

                                                                                                The business value of effective detection and handling of
                             Business alignment                                                 incidents and problems is reflected in higher availability of
                                                                                                IT resources, which can result in infrastructure and applications
                                                                                                that function better for the company.
Figure 2: Strategy framework for an effective IT management solution.

Based on this framework, consider the recommendations
that follow for solutions to address the eight key challenges
previously identified
IBM Global Technology Services   5

                                                                    To help achieve this goal, one proven tactic is to have the team
Call to action: Use innovative tools to anticipate and              participate at least weekly in change-management planning.
correct problems.                                                   Prepare for change by planning activities and estimating the
                                                                    time required. Test changes prior to their implementation and
Up to 80 percent of system outage time is consumed by
                                                                    prepare remediation activities in the event of a failed change to
efforts to determine the nature or cause of the problem.
Once the source of the problem is determined, the recovery          restore the system to its previous condition. Using a skilled
actions take relatively little time to execute. This represents     change manager is a proven way to improve the quality of
an opportunity for continuous improvement, and Parity was           change success, because you can benefit from their accumulated
created as a response. As it pertains to the support of dis-        experience.
tributed server environments, Parity is a combination of
elements—code, logic, known environmental relationships             As shown in the previous example, the business value of
and administration paradigm change—that can enable                  handling changes with minimal impact on availability is
support teams to eliminate the problem-discovery process            reflected in higher availability of IT resources, which can result
and proceed directly to recovery.                                   in better-functioning systems and applications.
IBM Global Services, in partnership with IBM Research Labs,
created Parity. Parity is a tool designed for and used              Preventing security problems
exclusively by IBM personnel delivering managed services            In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to deliver serv-
that uses patented technology to help improve the stability         ices and support that effectively manage security risk while main-
and efficiency of support, and provides support personnel           taining the necessary business agility.
with a tool kit to better equip them for day-to-day manage-
ment of their environments. The tool kit can handle common          To help achieve this goal, one proven tactic is to use information
problems automatically. For example, it can be used to
                                                                    security controls based on an industry standard and explain them
perform automatic log-file management for system and
                                                                    in a living document. Implement key security variables, such as
application logs, including pruning, rotating and rolling. Parity
                                                                    password length and update frequency, early in the process and
also can be used to gather data so system administration
personnel can be more productive using a real-time graphi-          perform security remediation as required for servers and other
cal representation of the entire environment—dynamically            devices to help refresh and update your security posture. Look
generated. This is useful in situations in which Parity cannot      for security exposures during the ongoing support period. For a
automatically handle the incident.                                  closed-end process, specify the frequency of these analyses with
                                                                    monthly reporting on key security attributes and activities
                                                                    related to servers and other devices.

Handling changes with minimal impact on availability                The business value you can achieve by preventing security
In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to manage          problems is the reduced financial risk associated with security
change in a manner that results in highly predictable outcomes.     breaches.
6   Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

                                                                                                To help achieve this goal, one of the proven tactics is to focus on
Call to action: Complement day-to-day security operations                                       skills support for virtual machines and logical partitions, using
with end-to-end risk management solutions.                                                      change windows to make dynamic changes to production
                                                                                                servers—like adding processor or memory resources to an
As a complement to day-to-day security activities, end-to-
                                                                                                image. Develop the skills of your staff in a variety of HA
end risk management solutions help to protect against the
latest threats while reducing the costs and complexity of                                       software, including HP Multi-Computer/ServiceGuard
security. An example of this is from the IBM X-Force                                            (MC/ServiceGuard), IBM HACMP™, Linux HA or Red
research and development teams that study and monitor                                           Hat Cluster Suite, Microsoft Cluster Services, Sun Cluster or
the latest threat trends, including vulnerability, exploits and                                 Veritas Cluster Services and VMware HA.
active attacks, viruses, malware, spam, phishing and mali-
cious web content. The X-Force team also publishes several                                      The business value of using these technologies includes lower
publicly available reports each year, among them the Trend                                      costs, higher application availability and improved business
and Risk Report and the Threat Insight Report. The Trend                                        flexibility as compared to obsolete technology approaches.
and Risk Report is intended to help clients, researchers and
the public at large understand the changing nature of the                                       Maintaining server software and firmware
threat landscape and what might be done to mitigate it.                                         In addressing this challenge, the goal should be a balanced col-
IBM has developed several technologies and solutions to                                         lection of proactive and reactive activities supported by effective
help clients protect their critical assets from security threats.                               software products and tools.
An example is IBM® Proventia® Management SiteProtector
System, which is designed to provide central management of                                      To help achieve this goal, one of the proven tactics is to monitor
security devices, policies and events to help evaluate and                                      servers proactively and use monitoring software. Startup tasks
communicate your overall risk posture. Another example is
                                                                                                may involve refreshing operating system processes, establishing
IBM Proventia Desktop Endpoint Security, which helps
                                                                                                startup sequences and changing priorities, as appropriate. Other
secure your desktops and laptops against known and
                                                                                                server support activities include patching, configuring and main-
unknown attacks, providing multilayered security functional-
ity in a single agent.                                                                          taining log files, using remote tools to perform operational pro-
                                                                                                cedures, providing server security activities for identification and
                                                                                                access, and supporting virtualization software.

                                                                                                The business value you can achieve through server monitoring
Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively
                                                                                                and management is a more reliable server operation that proac-
In addressing this challenge, the goal should be a focus on
                                                                                                tively monitors systems, resulting in higher availability through
emerging and challenging technologies such as virtualization and
                                                                                                early detection of incidents and problems. In addition, compre-
high-availability configurations, resulting in sustained benefits
                                                                                                hensive management can result in fewer software compatibility
from the use of these technologies. Virtualization can provide
                                                                                                issues. Finally, remaining current with software patches and
flexibility to achieve rapid change and high utilization of your
                                                                                                levels helps ensure support is available, when necessary, for the
existing IT resources. High availability (HA) technology helps
                                                                                                software supplier.
support business resiliency and your requirements for continu-
ous application availability.
IBM Global Technology Services   7

                                                                     The business value you can achieve by way of useful reporting
Call to action: Innovate system patching and maintenance             is to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the service being
approaches.                                                          provided and to report on elements that may have been missed
                                                                     during the daily operation. An example is servers with outdated
Patching is an important ongoing system maintenance
                                                                     signature or antivirus files. Dynamic reporting can also be useful
activity. It is a delicate maneuver: to “keep up” with
recommended, scheduled maintenance while working                     in supporting functional disciplines, such as performance and
to reduce risk by not implementing the system patch too              capacity management.
near the release date of a given patch or patch set. It is also
necessary, from time to time, to apply specific patches to fix         Having the right tools for the job
or resolve immediate problems. Most patching approaches              In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to use mature
require that the system be running; however, many environ-           tools and processes that deliver optimal service and support
ments have dormant VM images that require periodic                   your SLAs.
Researchers from IBM and North Carolina State University             To help achieve this goal, proven tactics include the use of tools
recently published a paper on a tool called Nüwa that per-           that can support disciplines or activities that need to be carried
forms offline patching of images.1 The tool examines the             out, such as those listed and defined forthwith.
required patches and converts patch instructions so they
can be executed in batch, which is often a more scalable and
                                                                     Availability management
efficient manner.
                                                                     The focus of basic availability management is to determine
                                                                     the operational status of a device or resource. An example of a
                                                                     tool that is designed to support this capability is IBM Tivoli®
Having indicators of status and trends for specific                   NetView®, which can provide basic availability monitoring and
infrastructure and activities                                        smart logic to minimize the occurrence of false alerts. The logic
In addressing this challenge, the goal should be a dynamic           performs multiple checks to determine whether a device is truly
reporting capability that can yield monthly reports that provide a   unavailable.
good way to understand the activities and performance of the
service. An operational or business dashboard is also useful, if     Hardware monitoring
you can justify the high cost of information integration.            The purpose of hardware monitoring is to pay special attention
                                                                     to system events that affect hardware. These events may include
To help achieve this goal, one of the proven tactics is to post      power failure, tampering, temperature changes and voltage
reports on a portal for easy access. Also, make use of tools that    irregularities. IBM Systems Director can be an effective tool
focus on server resource management and generate performance         for hardware and software monitoring of server resources.
and capacity reports to help you analyze trends. It is also impor-
                                                                     Software monitoring
tant to generate and post reports that focus on security manage-
                                                                     Software monitoring of server resources is aimed at periodically
ment. A portal can also be used to enter problem records and
                                                                     querying key system elements to determine if any irregularities
change notifications, while providing links to other needed tools,
                                                                     exist. The presence of these irregularities, even if intermittent,
portlets and services that support ongoing activities.
                                                                     usually indicates a loss of IT service quality. Monitored system
8   Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

elements include processor workload, processor status, processor                                Security management
consumption and system thrashing. IBM Tivoli Monitoring soft-                                   The focus of security management is internal and external.
ware can make such monitoring possible.                                                         Three important areas for security are within a local system,
                                                                                                among distributed processes, in data and over networks and
Notification handling                                                                            communications.
Notification handling aims to inform systems administrator
personnel that an event has occurred or a threshold has been                                    Examples of security management tools are Fusion, a security
exceeded. The notification can take a number of forms—email,                                     compliance tool designed for and used exclusively by IBM per-
short message or page text. TelAlert from Network System                                        sonnel delivering managed services, and hosted vulnerability
Architects, Inc. (NSAi) is an example of a tool that can be used                                management, a comprehensive cloud-based program designed
in this manner to notify teams or individuals of problems.                                      to help organizations implement the tools, methodologies and
                                                                                                best practices required to address today’s dynamic vulnerability
Performance and capacity management                                                             landscape. Fusion helps improve efficiency through centralized
Performance and capacity management involves the gathering                                      server management. Fusion functions include operating system
of and reporting on data that is specifically focused on the per-                                security patch management, antivirus status checking, security
formance characteristics of devices and their capacity over time.                               log management, compliance checking and workflow remedia-
An IBM Global Services web application and service offering                                     tion, systematic attack detection and server information.
called Server Resource Management (SRM), for instance, can be                                   IBM’s delivery compliance administration support team
a valuable tool to assist with server performance and capacity                                  uses Fusion and other tools to help manage efficient server
trend analysis. Figure 3 shows a sample performance report from                                 security-audit compliance, based on the contracted security
SRM on virtualized partitions.                                                                  policy and Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) for
                                                                                                operating systems.

Figure 3: Performance report on virtualized partitions.
IBM Global Technology Services   9

Configuration management                                                        as necessary—in short, they perform most activities associated
The focus of configuration management is to identify, capture,                  with keeping servers up and running. An example of a system
organize and maintain configuration information for use by                      administrator tool is IBM Service Delivery Portal, a web-based
other processes. A key challenge associated with configuration                  information integration platform for server system administra-
management is supporting the dynamic nature of systems,                        tors that can be used to consolidate operational data from client
networks and applications.                                                     environments. IBM Service Delivery Portal is a single dashboard
                                                                               that can standardize and simplify the user interface, helping to
Configuration tools vary greatly in scope—from keeping a basic                  achieve centralized and consistent execution of tasks.
inventory of the items to using a complete data model that
employs dynamic discovery capabilities. One such tool is the                   Information access
Global Asset and Configuration Data Warehouse, which uses a                     The aim of information access is to provide easy access to
configuration management database to help maintain configura-                    reports, an operational dashboard and tools and related subsys-
tion information about supported features and devices.                         tems. Information access is important, because it can provide
                                                                               visibility of the infrastructure management service.
System administration
The focus of system administration is to perform tasks that sup-               Typically, access to information is provided by way of a portal.
port devices, especially servers. System administration personnel              IBM Services Connection, shown in Figure 4, is a primary
install and maintain software products and tools, patch software               interface that organizations can use to access reports and tools. It
and perform problem determination, participate in change-                      can also support information access for IBM Remote Managed
management activities and support application programmers,                     Infrastructure Services.

Figure 4: IBM’s Services Connection web portal for IBM Remote Managed Infrastructure Services.
10 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

The automation functional perspective, or discipline, is complex                               Call to action: Use autonomic solutions where they can be
to describe, because it is both a stand-alone function and one                                 found.
that is embedded in other functional perspectives, such as opera-
                                                                                               At the same time that databases are growing rapidly in scale
tions and problem management. For example, Parity can be used
                                                                                               and complexity, skilled database administrators (DBAs) are
to proactively and automatically solve problems. Parity checks
                                                                                               becoming more rare and costly, thus inspiring innovative
when a process or communication of a software client is not                                    efforts to automate many of those functions currently
working properly. If the process is not working because of a                                   performed by people. One result of these efforts is
dependent component on a different client, Parity uses known                                   “autonomic databases,” the goal of which is to make
recovery methods to help restore the functionality of the                                      databases self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and
dependent client.                                                                              self-protecting—in short, completely self-managing.
                                                                                               This is part of a wider “autonomic computing” initiative by
EnVision, another automation tool designed for and used                                        IBM to provide technology designed to increase the effec-
exclusively by IBM personnel delivering managed services, can                                  tiveness of human intervention in computer systems by
automatically open problem records for access and handling.                                    reducing the number and complexity of those interventions
Developed by an IBM team responsible for enterprise service                                    through the use of automation, intelligent advice and learn-
management infrastructure tools integration, the EnVision                                      ing. These efforts can result in a reduction in the total cost
tool is a single sign-on, front-end web portal designed to                                     of ownership (TCO) and increased business productivity.
access and manage multiple problem management systems.                                         Recently, IBM has extended its research in self-healing
Near-real-time information from disparate systems can be                                       systems to the challenges of problem determination, such
                                                                                               as detecting, isolating and determining the root cause of
organized and consolidated into a centralized web portal for
                                                                                               unknown problems, after first determining whether the
easier access and management. The EnVision integration tool
                                                                                               problem is known by matching the symptoms to a database
helps collectively organize problem tickets, details, priorities
                                                                                               of known symptoms. To learn more about the latest auto-
and statuses from multiple problem management systems into a                                   nomic features of DB2, visit:
single-access web portal.                                                                      linux-unix-windows/features.html
IBM Global Technology Services 11

Remote access                                                          the stability of your systems environment. An important consid-
Remote access tools such as RemotelyAnywhere by LogMeIn,               eration for change management is the need for written backout
Inc. and OpenSSH, an open source tool for secure access, can           procedures and a process to reduce the risks of failed changes.
assist with reaching infrastructure elements, such as servers, in a
secure and productive manner. OpenSSH is integrated into base          ManageNow, another internal web-based tool for use exclusively
systems such as OpenBSD, FreeBSD, BSDi BSD/OS, NetBSD,                 by IBM personnel delivering managed services, can support
Computone, Stallion, Cygwin, e-smith server and gateway,               problem and change management, using enterprise systems
Mac OS X Version 10.1, HP Procurve Switch 4108GL                       management infrastructure to store and manage problem and
2524/2512, IBM AIX® and SunSSH in Sun Solaris 9.                       change information.

Problem and change management                                          The business value of having the right tools is measured in
Managing problems is important because users expect timely             terms of the effectiveness of the service at a manageable and
correction and resolution. Change management is closely linked         sustainable cost. Table 1 summarizes all the tools listed in this
to problem management because change can introduce risk to             section, organized by activity or discipline.

Table 1. Tools in context.

 Activity or discipline                                               Tool example

 Basic availability management                                        NetView with software logic to eliminate false alerts
 Hardware monitoring                                                  IBM Systems Director
 Software monitoring of resources                                     IBM Tivoli Monitoring Windows OS Agent
 Notification handling                                                 TelAlert
 Performance and capacity management                                  Server Resource Management (SRM)
 Security management                                                  Fusion
 Configuration management                                              Global Asset and Configuration Data Warehouse
 System administration                                                Service Delivery Portal and Knowledge Base
 Information access                                                   IBM Services Connection
 Automation                                                           Parity and EnVision
 Remote access                                                        RemotelyAnywhere and OpenSSH
 Problem and change management                                        ManageNow
12 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly with a proper level                                 Batch processing and cross-platform workloads
of ongoing management                                                                          Planned, batch workloads are growing in significance in
In addressing this challenge, the goal should be rapid deploy-                                 midrange systems. It is important to handle this workload in a
ment through pre-engineered and solid ongoing support using a                                  planned fashion using an automated tool. This way, as batch
service manager.                                                                               windows decrease in duration, you can plan for and automate
                                                                                               your batch and cross-platform workloads.
The proven tactics for deployment to achieve this goal include
using a model project plan based on prebuilt components, with a                                Backup and restore
project manager to ensure that your deployment goes smoothly.                                  Backup and restore, like batch processing, is an example of
A delivery architect—a specialized role—helps to serve as a                                    a time-critical service that is subject to a shrinking or nearly
technical complement to the project manager.                                                   nonexistent time window. Make the best use of the backup
                                                                                               window by using technology to leverage automated approaches.
The proven tactics for achieving ongoing support are to use                                    Also, use backup-while-active when possible. For rapid restora-
well-defined ongoing support activities, using desk procedures                                  tion of the operating system and environment following a disk
to help provide your enterprise with an optimum degree of                                      failure, backups should be independent of incremental copies.
ongoing management. While a specialized service delivery
manager can help ensure the ongoing support goes smoothly,                                     Middleware and database support services
you could also consider using other specialized roles, such as                                 With the dominance of databases and middleware, managed
security specialists, change managers and duty managers.                                       services providers have begun offering support for products in
                                                                                               this category. Middleware and database services are not new, but
The business value you can achieve by deploying infrastructure                                 extensive adoption by companies worldwide is making them
with a proper level of ongoing management is more rapid                                        more relevant. Middleware that supports mobility devices is
deployment (time value of money) and more reliable and                                         growing in importance, and support services in this domain are
predictable outcomes.                                                                          important to help companies realize the productivity benefits
                                                                                               that come from effective employee mobility.
Focus on service areas of growing
                                                                                               The business value you can achieve from middleware and
                                                                                               database support services is assistance with the daily activities
Three areas of growing importance include batch processing,
                                                                                               of software management and the skill of experienced personnel
backup and restore, and middleware and database support
                                                                                               who accompany the service. This can result in the ability to
                                                                                               better deploy existing support personnel, improve handling of
                                                                                               problems and changes and more rapidly deploy new systems and
IBM Global Technology Services 13

                                                                  ●   Experience with processes and tools. This experience is
Call to action: Extend your support for collaboration                 particularly deep because these providers serve many clients,
beyond the four walls.                                                all of whom look for cost-efficient services.
                                                                  ●   Lower cost for a higher level of service. Economies of scale
Advances in mobility technology are helping organizations
                                                                      can make significant process improvements more affordable.
extend their capabilities beyond the four walls of the office—
enabling employees to collaborate in real time and be pro-
ductive wherever they happen to be. The more mobility             This is not a comprehensive list of reasons, but a compelling list,
devices supported by the collaboration software, the better,      all the same for you to seriously consider using an outsourcing
as it allows employees to own and use the device of their         or managed services provider.
Mobility features in IBM Lotus® Sametime® software can
help you collaborate in real time—virtually anywhere you are      Call to action: Use managed cloud services.
working. The Sametime mobile client can extend many of the
capabilities available from the desktop Sametime client to        IBM is developing the next-generation enterprise cloud
the Research In Motion (RIM) BlackBerry, Nokia, Samsung,          service delivery platform, called IBM Smart Business Cloud,
Sony Ericsson and Microsoft Windows mobile devices. And,          offered in two tiers—IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise
Sametime 8.5 is designed to support a browser-based Apple         and IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise+. Currently,
iPhone chat client.                                               IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise cloud is up and
                                                                  running around the world and IBM is piloting IBM Smart
                                                                  Business Cloud-Enterprise+ with key clients. IBM Smart
                                                                  Business Cloud-Enterprise+ will be available later in 2011.
                                                                  IBM’s Smart Business is a common IBM architecture and
Consider outsourcing and managed                                  platform for private, public and hybrid clouds and is based
services                                                          on IBM hardware, software, services and best practices.
Using outsourcing and managed services are strategic ways to      IBM is committed to deliver, as a complementary service to
help drive efficiency and create business value. These services   the Smart Business platform, a robust set of services,
can offer:                                                        including desktop, compute, storage, backup, SAP, security
                                                                  and unified communications.
●   Broad and deep skills needed to support a heterogeneous
    computing environment. It is obviously more difficult for
    you to employ these skills within your organization at an
    affordable cost.                                              Summary
●   Redeployment of your key human resources to more              Supporting a dynamic business and resilient IT environment
    strategic activities, rather than maintaining existing        requires effective management of your server infrastructure and
    systems. Even as you use services providers to manage your    network devices. By focusing on the activities or disciplines and
    infrastructure, your employees can build the future of your   tools necessary to carry efficient support and delivery services,
    company.                                                      you can improve your own management capabilities and evaluate
                                                                  the capabilities of potential outsourcing and managed services
14 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure

Infrastructure management checklist
Use the following table as a checklist to help you evaluate your infrastructure management effectiveness.

Table 2. Infrastructure management effectiveness checklist.

 Detecting and handling incidents and problems                                                 Maintaining server software and firmware
 ✓ Monitoring to detect incidents and problems?                                                ✓ Proactively administering servers and using monitoring software?
 ✓ Using technology to automatically handle incidents, open problem                            ✓ Managing server platform support activities like patching and log file
   records and assign priority?                                                                  maintenance?
 ✓ Using tools to anticipate and correct problems before they occur?                           ✓ Performing server security administration for identity and access?
 ✓ Providing automated support for system administrator to resolve inci-                       ✓ Providing specific focus and support for virtualization?
   dents and problems?                                                                         ✓ Providing high-availability software support, including periodic
 ✓ Assigning support personnel, based on the severity of the incident or                         testing?
 ✓ Using service level agreements (SLAs)?
 ✓ Following rigorous problem handling and management steps to
   ensure effective problem resolution?
 ✓ Using a specialized service manager and a multidisciplinary team as
 Handling changes with minimal impact on availability                                          Having indicators of status and trends for specific infrastructure
                                                                                               and activities
 ✓ Implementing team participation in change-management planning?                              ✓ Posting reports on a portal for easy access?
 ✓ Preparing for change by planning activities and estimating time                             ✓ Providing tools that focus on server resource management and gener-
   required?                                                                                     ate performance and capacity reports to analyze trends and manage
 ✓ Testing changes prior to their implementation and preparing back-out                          security?
   activities in the event of a failed change?                                                 ✓ Setting up a portal to enter problem records and change
 ✓ Using a skilled change manager to benefit from experience of previ-                            notifications?
   ous changes?                                                                                ✓ Providing links to other needed tools, portlets and services that
                                                                                                 support ongoing activities?
IBM Global Technology Services 15

Table 2. (continued) Infrastructure management effectiveness checklist.
 Preventing security problems                                                Having the right tools for the job
 ✓ Using information security controls, based on an industry standard?       ✓ Support for availability management?
 ✓ Implementing key security variables, such as password length and          ✓ Hardware monitoring?
   update frequency, early in the process?                                   ✓ Software monitoring of key computer resources?
 ✓ Performing security remediation as required for servers and other         ✓ Flexible notification handling?
   devices?                                                                  ✓ Support for performance and capacity management?
 ✓ Looking for security exposures during the ongoing support period          ✓ Support for security management?
   and specifying the frequency of these analyses?                           ✓ Support for configuration management?
 ✓ Reporting monthly on key security attributes and activities related to    ✓ Support for system administration?
   servers and other devices?                                                ✓ Easy access to information?
                                                                             ✓ Automation of routine processes?
                                                                             ✓ Standardized remote access?
                                                                             ✓ Support for problem and change management?
 Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively                      Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly
 ✓ Focusing on skills support for virtual machines and logical partitions?   ✓ Use of a model project plan that is based on prebuilt components?
 ✓ Using change windows to make dynamic changes to production                ✓ Use of a project manager to ensure that your deployment goes
   servers?                                                                    smoothly?
 ✓ Developing skills in a variety of high-availability software like         ✓ Use of a delivery architect?
   IBM HACMP and VMware HA?
                                                                             Proper level of ongoing management
                                                                             ✓ Well-defined ongoing support activities, using desk procedures?
                                                                             ✓ Use of a service delivery manager?
                                                                             ✓ Use of security specialists, change managers and duty managers?
 Focusing on service areas of growing importance
 ✓ Use of planned batch processing and cross-platform workloads?
 ✓ Use of technology to make the best use of backup windows?
 ✓ Specialized support for middleware and database?
For more information
To learn more about IBM Remote Managed Infrastructure
Services, please contact your IBM marketing representative or
IBM Business Partner, or visit the following website:
                                                                        © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011
                                                                        IBM Global Services
Additionally, financing solutions from IBM Global Financing              Route 100
can enable effective cash management, protection from technol-          Somers, NY 10589
ogy obsolescence, improved total cost of ownership and return           U.S.A.

on investment. Also, IBM’s Global Asset Recovery Services helps         Produced in the United States of America
address environmental concerns with new, more energy-efficient          August 2011
                                                                        All Rights Reserved
solutions. For more information on IBM Global Financing, visit:                                                        IBM, the IBM logo,, AIX, DB2, HACMP, Lotus, NetView,
                                                                        Sametime, and Tivoli are trademarks of International Business Machines
                                                                        Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. If these and
About the author                                                        other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in
                                                                        this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate
Dr. Joseph Gulla is an executive IT specialist for IBM, focused
                                                                        U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time
on business development and portfolio management for man-               this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered
aged services. His current focus area is flexible managed services       or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of
                                                                        IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark
in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Dr. Gulla is also a faculty
                                                                        information” at
member of the Nova Southeastern University, where he teaches
distributed computing, enterprise architecture and systems              Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other
                                                                        countries, or both.
development process. He has published and presented over
70 documents in a wide variety of forums, including SHARE               Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States,
                                                                        other countries, or both.
(Boston, Denver and Orlando), IDC Outsourcing and Managed
Services conference (Dublin), the Technical Leadership                  UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States
                                                                        and other countries.
Exchange (Orlando and Los Angeles), the High Availability
“Best Practices” Topical Conference (Ontario, Canada), Internet         Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service
                                                                        marks of others.
Society Conference (Sweden), Professional Leadership Technical
Exchange (Paris and Vienna), Planet Tivoli (Lisbon) and                 Zhou, Wu, Ning, Peng, Zhang, Xiaolan, Ammons, Glenn, Wang, Ruowen
                                                                        and Bala, Vasanth. “Always Up-to-Date – Scalable Offline Patching of VM
Enterprise Systems Management Share Net (Chicago).
                                                                        Images in a Compute Cloud.” IBM Research. 11 March 2010.
His dissertation final report, Design and Implementation of a  
Prototype Toolset for Full Life-Cycle Management of Web-Based           DD28246D10ABDF28852576F60056F0ED/$File/rc24956.pdf
Applications, was published as an IBM technical report in 2003.
                                                                                 Please Recycle


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  • 1. IBM Global Technology Services August 2011 Thought Leadership White Paper Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure Eight challenges to overcome for effective service delivery and cost savings
  • 2. 2 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure Table of Contents Introduction Managing today’s complex server environments, networks and 2 Introduction IT infrastructures is challenging. Most organizations have tools 2 Understand key challenges of infrastructure and disciplines in place to provide basic availability management, management including hardware and software monitoring capabilities. However, your staff may not have the skills or time to support 4 Plan for effective infrastructure management and implement notification handling, performance and capacity management, security management, configuration management 4 Detecting and handling incidents and problems and automation. With the pressure to do more with less, how 5 Handling changes with minimal impact on availability can you balance the need to drive down costs and also improve delivery of system administration, information access, remote 5 Preventing security problems access and problem and change management? 6 Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively This paper surveys the challenges and solutions for effective 6 Maintaining server software and firmware management of your server infrastructures and network devices. It discusses important disciplines, such as availability manage- 7 Having indicators of status and trends for specific ment, and the tools you need to support a complex IT environ- infrastructure activities ment. Use of outsourcing, managed and cloud services are 7 Having the right tools for the job discussed as strategic ways to drive efficiency and create business value. You may choose to use this paper as a tool or checklist to 12 Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly with a evaluate and improve your in-house handling of infrastructure proper level of ongoing management management or to evaluate potential services providers. 12 Focus on service areas of growing importance Note: Throughout this paper you will encounter special “call to 12 Batch processing and cross-platform workloads action” sections. These sections are inserted where most relevant to the main content, and are intended to further your under- 12 Backup and restore standing of the topic with information about efforts and research 12 Middleware and database support services undertaken by IBM to apply technology solutions to that field. 13 Consider outsourcing and managed services Understand key challenges of 13 Summary infrastructure management An infrastructure typically consists of a broadly heterogeneous 14 Infrastructure management checklist collection of elements such as servers, virtual machines, logical partitions, routers, switches, wireless appliances, disks, proces- sors, operating systems, middleware and database instances and batch jobs. All of these elements can be mapped, more or less, into a simple framework as shown in Figure 1.
  • 3. IBM Global Technology Services 3 4. Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively. New technologies hold great promise for Applications and services businesses by enabling cost reductions and flexibility. Even so, the benefits from these technologies can be elusive, Middleware because of the learning curve that users face in understand- ing them and effectively dealing with their complexity. Operating system 5. Maintaining server software and firmware. Applying emergency security fixes or even routine software changes Platform can be a daunting task for your staff. To avoid negative Computer and network hardware impacts on your application availability and performance requires planning and careful execution, including provi- sions for restoring to a previous software or firmware level. Figure 1: Software and hardware service layers in distributed systems. 6. Having indicators of status and trends for specific infrastructure and activities. Information on the status of The management of your distributed and complex IT infrastruc- systems and applications is important in infrastructure ture is often a significant portion of your total cost of ownership management, especially in problem situations. This infor- (TCO). Getting costs under control while also meeting your mation is also needed for capacity planning. However, service-level commitments requires a focus on the following obtaining and analyzing operational and trend information eight infrastructure management challenges: is time consuming and complex. 1. Detecting and handling incidents and problems. 7. Having the right tools for the job. There are many tools, Incidents and problems are a way of life for systems that from commercial products to home-grown tools, which involve hardware, software and people. Detecting and can be used to manage IT infrastructures. Having just the handling problems effectively is simply not easy. Handling right toolset for your environment requires balancing problems requires discipline, imagination and experience. human aspects, types of tools, number of tools, level of integration and secure use. A lack of such balance is 2. Handling changes with minimal impact on availability. reflected in ineffective support for business goals or unduly Change is frequently required in today’s highly complex high software or staff operations costs. systems. Dealing with change while striving for minimum downtime requires a variety of skills. 8. Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly with the proper level of ongoing management. The fast pace of 3. Preventing security problems. Security challenges change in today’s business environment requires the need are ongoing and constantly changing. Your management to rapidly deploy systems and the tools to provide ongoing solution should incorporate plans to address the threats to support, especially for the mission-critical components of your systems and information in the form of web-based your IT infrastructure. These activities can be routine, but attacks and hackers. are important for meeting service-level commitments and supporting new business initiatives.
  • 4. 4 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure Plan for effective infrastructure Detecting and handling incidents and problems management In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to provide As you evaluate your current infrastructure management robust incident and problem handling, resulting in the capabilities and consider outsourcing and managed services smoothest possible operation. If possible, this solution should providers, focus on solutions that address the key challenges use preemptive actions to prevent failures. presented earlier. A focus on value should shape your goals, with cost and complexity playing a major factor in your evaluation The proven tactics that can help achieve this goal include and consideration. With this focus, you can then determine the proactive and passive monitoring to detect incidents and best approach to achieving your goals in the context of specific problems. Using technology to automatically handle incidents, tactics, as shown in Figure 2. open problem records and assign priority is also important to reduce labor costs. The use of innovative tools and methods to anticipate and correct problems before they occur is another labor-saving approach (see sidebar on Parity that follows). It is also useful to provide automated software support that makes it Cost and complexity easier for a system administrator to resolve incidents and prob- lems. Assigning support personnel based on the severity of the incident or problem to improve response time is a proven way to prioritize work in conjunction with using a service level agree- Context Goals Tactics ment (SLA). An example SLA pertaining to Severity 1 problems would have the goal of resolving 90 percent of the problems in What are we What can less than four hours. Following rigorous problem handling and trying to we do to Value management steps to ensure effective problem resolution is also achieve? achieve it? important. So is involving a specialized service manager and a multidisciplinary team. The business value of effective detection and handling of Business alignment incidents and problems is reflected in higher availability of IT resources, which can result in infrastructure and applications that function better for the company. Figure 2: Strategy framework for an effective IT management solution. Based on this framework, consider the recommendations that follow for solutions to address the eight key challenges previously identified
  • 5. IBM Global Technology Services 5 To help achieve this goal, one proven tactic is to have the team Call to action: Use innovative tools to anticipate and participate at least weekly in change-management planning. correct problems. Prepare for change by planning activities and estimating the time required. Test changes prior to their implementation and Up to 80 percent of system outage time is consumed by prepare remediation activities in the event of a failed change to efforts to determine the nature or cause of the problem. Once the source of the problem is determined, the recovery restore the system to its previous condition. Using a skilled actions take relatively little time to execute. This represents change manager is a proven way to improve the quality of an opportunity for continuous improvement, and Parity was change success, because you can benefit from their accumulated created as a response. As it pertains to the support of dis- experience. tributed server environments, Parity is a combination of elements—code, logic, known environmental relationships As shown in the previous example, the business value of and administration paradigm change—that can enable handling changes with minimal impact on availability is support teams to eliminate the problem-discovery process reflected in higher availability of IT resources, which can result and proceed directly to recovery. in better-functioning systems and applications. IBM Global Services, in partnership with IBM Research Labs, created Parity. Parity is a tool designed for and used Preventing security problems exclusively by IBM personnel delivering managed services In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to deliver serv- that uses patented technology to help improve the stability ices and support that effectively manage security risk while main- and efficiency of support, and provides support personnel taining the necessary business agility. with a tool kit to better equip them for day-to-day manage- ment of their environments. The tool kit can handle common To help achieve this goal, one proven tactic is to use information problems automatically. For example, it can be used to security controls based on an industry standard and explain them perform automatic log-file management for system and in a living document. Implement key security variables, such as application logs, including pruning, rotating and rolling. Parity password length and update frequency, early in the process and also can be used to gather data so system administration personnel can be more productive using a real-time graphi- perform security remediation as required for servers and other cal representation of the entire environment—dynamically devices to help refresh and update your security posture. Look generated. This is useful in situations in which Parity cannot for security exposures during the ongoing support period. For a automatically handle the incident. closed-end process, specify the frequency of these analyses with monthly reporting on key security attributes and activities related to servers and other devices. Handling changes with minimal impact on availability The business value you can achieve by preventing security In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to manage problems is the reduced financial risk associated with security change in a manner that results in highly predictable outcomes. breaches.
  • 6. 6 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure To help achieve this goal, one of the proven tactics is to focus on Call to action: Complement day-to-day security operations skills support for virtual machines and logical partitions, using with end-to-end risk management solutions. change windows to make dynamic changes to production servers—like adding processor or memory resources to an As a complement to day-to-day security activities, end-to- image. Develop the skills of your staff in a variety of HA end risk management solutions help to protect against the latest threats while reducing the costs and complexity of software, including HP Multi-Computer/ServiceGuard security. An example of this is from the IBM X-Force (MC/ServiceGuard), IBM HACMP™, Linux HA or Red research and development teams that study and monitor Hat Cluster Suite, Microsoft Cluster Services, Sun Cluster or the latest threat trends, including vulnerability, exploits and Veritas Cluster Services and VMware HA. active attacks, viruses, malware, spam, phishing and mali- cious web content. The X-Force team also publishes several The business value of using these technologies includes lower publicly available reports each year, among them the Trend costs, higher application availability and improved business and Risk Report and the Threat Insight Report. The Trend flexibility as compared to obsolete technology approaches. and Risk Report is intended to help clients, researchers and the public at large understand the changing nature of the Maintaining server software and firmware threat landscape and what might be done to mitigate it. In addressing this challenge, the goal should be a balanced col- IBM has developed several technologies and solutions to lection of proactive and reactive activities supported by effective help clients protect their critical assets from security threats. software products and tools. An example is IBM® Proventia® Management SiteProtector System, which is designed to provide central management of To help achieve this goal, one of the proven tactics is to monitor security devices, policies and events to help evaluate and servers proactively and use monitoring software. Startup tasks communicate your overall risk posture. Another example is may involve refreshing operating system processes, establishing IBM Proventia Desktop Endpoint Security, which helps startup sequences and changing priorities, as appropriate. Other secure your desktops and laptops against known and server support activities include patching, configuring and main- unknown attacks, providing multilayered security functional- ity in a single agent. taining log files, using remote tools to perform operational pro- cedures, providing server security activities for identification and access, and supporting virtualization software. The business value you can achieve through server monitoring Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively and management is a more reliable server operation that proac- In addressing this challenge, the goal should be a focus on tively monitors systems, resulting in higher availability through emerging and challenging technologies such as virtualization and early detection of incidents and problems. In addition, compre- high-availability configurations, resulting in sustained benefits hensive management can result in fewer software compatibility from the use of these technologies. Virtualization can provide issues. Finally, remaining current with software patches and flexibility to achieve rapid change and high utilization of your levels helps ensure support is available, when necessary, for the existing IT resources. High availability (HA) technology helps software supplier. support business resiliency and your requirements for continu- ous application availability.
  • 7. IBM Global Technology Services 7 The business value you can achieve by way of useful reporting Call to action: Innovate system patching and maintenance is to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the service being approaches. provided and to report on elements that may have been missed during the daily operation. An example is servers with outdated Patching is an important ongoing system maintenance signature or antivirus files. Dynamic reporting can also be useful activity. It is a delicate maneuver: to “keep up” with recommended, scheduled maintenance while working in supporting functional disciplines, such as performance and to reduce risk by not implementing the system patch too capacity management. near the release date of a given patch or patch set. It is also necessary, from time to time, to apply specific patches to fix Having the right tools for the job or resolve immediate problems. Most patching approaches In addressing this challenge, the goal should be to use mature require that the system be running; however, many environ- tools and processes that deliver optimal service and support ments have dormant VM images that require periodic your SLAs. updates. Researchers from IBM and North Carolina State University To help achieve this goal, proven tactics include the use of tools recently published a paper on a tool called Nüwa that per- that can support disciplines or activities that need to be carried forms offline patching of images.1 The tool examines the out, such as those listed and defined forthwith. required patches and converts patch instructions so they can be executed in batch, which is often a more scalable and Availability management efficient manner. The focus of basic availability management is to determine the operational status of a device or resource. An example of a tool that is designed to support this capability is IBM Tivoli® Having indicators of status and trends for specific NetView®, which can provide basic availability monitoring and infrastructure and activities smart logic to minimize the occurrence of false alerts. The logic In addressing this challenge, the goal should be a dynamic performs multiple checks to determine whether a device is truly reporting capability that can yield monthly reports that provide a unavailable. good way to understand the activities and performance of the service. An operational or business dashboard is also useful, if Hardware monitoring you can justify the high cost of information integration. The purpose of hardware monitoring is to pay special attention to system events that affect hardware. These events may include To help achieve this goal, one of the proven tactics is to post power failure, tampering, temperature changes and voltage reports on a portal for easy access. Also, make use of tools that irregularities. IBM Systems Director can be an effective tool focus on server resource management and generate performance for hardware and software monitoring of server resources. and capacity reports to help you analyze trends. It is also impor- Software monitoring tant to generate and post reports that focus on security manage- Software monitoring of server resources is aimed at periodically ment. A portal can also be used to enter problem records and querying key system elements to determine if any irregularities change notifications, while providing links to other needed tools, exist. The presence of these irregularities, even if intermittent, portlets and services that support ongoing activities. usually indicates a loss of IT service quality. Monitored system
  • 8. 8 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure elements include processor workload, processor status, processor Security management consumption and system thrashing. IBM Tivoli Monitoring soft- The focus of security management is internal and external. ware can make such monitoring possible. Three important areas for security are within a local system, among distributed processes, in data and over networks and Notification handling communications. Notification handling aims to inform systems administrator personnel that an event has occurred or a threshold has been Examples of security management tools are Fusion, a security exceeded. The notification can take a number of forms—email, compliance tool designed for and used exclusively by IBM per- short message or page text. TelAlert from Network System sonnel delivering managed services, and hosted vulnerability Architects, Inc. (NSAi) is an example of a tool that can be used management, a comprehensive cloud-based program designed in this manner to notify teams or individuals of problems. to help organizations implement the tools, methodologies and best practices required to address today’s dynamic vulnerability Performance and capacity management landscape. Fusion helps improve efficiency through centralized Performance and capacity management involves the gathering server management. Fusion functions include operating system of and reporting on data that is specifically focused on the per- security patch management, antivirus status checking, security formance characteristics of devices and their capacity over time. log management, compliance checking and workflow remedia- An IBM Global Services web application and service offering tion, systematic attack detection and server information. called Server Resource Management (SRM), for instance, can be IBM’s delivery compliance administration support team a valuable tool to assist with server performance and capacity uses Fusion and other tools to help manage efficient server trend analysis. Figure 3 shows a sample performance report from security-audit compliance, based on the contracted security SRM on virtualized partitions. policy and Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) for operating systems. Figure 3: Performance report on virtualized partitions.
  • 9. IBM Global Technology Services 9 Configuration management as necessary—in short, they perform most activities associated The focus of configuration management is to identify, capture, with keeping servers up and running. An example of a system organize and maintain configuration information for use by administrator tool is IBM Service Delivery Portal, a web-based other processes. A key challenge associated with configuration information integration platform for server system administra- management is supporting the dynamic nature of systems, tors that can be used to consolidate operational data from client networks and applications. environments. IBM Service Delivery Portal is a single dashboard that can standardize and simplify the user interface, helping to Configuration tools vary greatly in scope—from keeping a basic achieve centralized and consistent execution of tasks. inventory of the items to using a complete data model that employs dynamic discovery capabilities. One such tool is the Information access Global Asset and Configuration Data Warehouse, which uses a The aim of information access is to provide easy access to configuration management database to help maintain configura- reports, an operational dashboard and tools and related subsys- tion information about supported features and devices. tems. Information access is important, because it can provide visibility of the infrastructure management service. System administration The focus of system administration is to perform tasks that sup- Typically, access to information is provided by way of a portal. port devices, especially servers. System administration personnel IBM Services Connection, shown in Figure 4, is a primary install and maintain software products and tools, patch software interface that organizations can use to access reports and tools. It and perform problem determination, participate in change- can also support information access for IBM Remote Managed management activities and support application programmers, Infrastructure Services. Figure 4: IBM’s Services Connection web portal for IBM Remote Managed Infrastructure Services.
  • 10. 10 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure Automation The automation functional perspective, or discipline, is complex Call to action: Use autonomic solutions where they can be to describe, because it is both a stand-alone function and one found. that is embedded in other functional perspectives, such as opera- At the same time that databases are growing rapidly in scale tions and problem management. For example, Parity can be used and complexity, skilled database administrators (DBAs) are to proactively and automatically solve problems. Parity checks becoming more rare and costly, thus inspiring innovative when a process or communication of a software client is not efforts to automate many of those functions currently working properly. If the process is not working because of a performed by people. One result of these efforts is dependent component on a different client, Parity uses known “autonomic databases,” the goal of which is to make recovery methods to help restore the functionality of the databases self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing and dependent client. self-protecting—in short, completely self-managing. This is part of a wider “autonomic computing” initiative by EnVision, another automation tool designed for and used IBM to provide technology designed to increase the effec- exclusively by IBM personnel delivering managed services, can tiveness of human intervention in computer systems by automatically open problem records for access and handling. reducing the number and complexity of those interventions Developed by an IBM team responsible for enterprise service through the use of automation, intelligent advice and learn- management infrastructure tools integration, the EnVision ing. These efforts can result in a reduction in the total cost tool is a single sign-on, front-end web portal designed to of ownership (TCO) and increased business productivity. access and manage multiple problem management systems. Recently, IBM has extended its research in self-healing Near-real-time information from disparate systems can be systems to the challenges of problem determination, such as detecting, isolating and determining the root cause of organized and consolidated into a centralized web portal for unknown problems, after first determining whether the easier access and management. The EnVision integration tool problem is known by matching the symptoms to a database helps collectively organize problem tickets, details, priorities of known symptoms. To learn more about the latest auto- and statuses from multiple problem management systems into a nomic features of DB2, visit: single-access web portal. linux-unix-windows/features.html
  • 11. IBM Global Technology Services 11 Remote access the stability of your systems environment. An important consid- Remote access tools such as RemotelyAnywhere by LogMeIn, eration for change management is the need for written backout Inc. and OpenSSH, an open source tool for secure access, can procedures and a process to reduce the risks of failed changes. assist with reaching infrastructure elements, such as servers, in a secure and productive manner. OpenSSH is integrated into base ManageNow, another internal web-based tool for use exclusively systems such as OpenBSD, FreeBSD, BSDi BSD/OS, NetBSD, by IBM personnel delivering managed services, can support Computone, Stallion, Cygwin, e-smith server and gateway, problem and change management, using enterprise systems Mac OS X Version 10.1, HP Procurve Switch 4108GL management infrastructure to store and manage problem and 2524/2512, IBM AIX® and SunSSH in Sun Solaris 9. change information. Problem and change management The business value of having the right tools is measured in Managing problems is important because users expect timely terms of the effectiveness of the service at a manageable and correction and resolution. Change management is closely linked sustainable cost. Table 1 summarizes all the tools listed in this to problem management because change can introduce risk to section, organized by activity or discipline. Table 1. Tools in context. Activity or discipline Tool example Basic availability management NetView with software logic to eliminate false alerts Hardware monitoring IBM Systems Director Software monitoring of resources IBM Tivoli Monitoring Windows OS Agent Notification handling TelAlert Performance and capacity management Server Resource Management (SRM) Security management Fusion Configuration management Global Asset and Configuration Data Warehouse System administration Service Delivery Portal and Knowledge Base Information access IBM Services Connection Automation Parity and EnVision Remote access RemotelyAnywhere and OpenSSH Problem and change management ManageNow
  • 12. 12 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly with a proper level Batch processing and cross-platform workloads of ongoing management Planned, batch workloads are growing in significance in In addressing this challenge, the goal should be rapid deploy- midrange systems. It is important to handle this workload in a ment through pre-engineered and solid ongoing support using a planned fashion using an automated tool. This way, as batch service manager. windows decrease in duration, you can plan for and automate your batch and cross-platform workloads. The proven tactics for deployment to achieve this goal include using a model project plan based on prebuilt components, with a Backup and restore project manager to ensure that your deployment goes smoothly. Backup and restore, like batch processing, is an example of A delivery architect—a specialized role—helps to serve as a a time-critical service that is subject to a shrinking or nearly technical complement to the project manager. nonexistent time window. Make the best use of the backup window by using technology to leverage automated approaches. The proven tactics for achieving ongoing support are to use Also, use backup-while-active when possible. For rapid restora- well-defined ongoing support activities, using desk procedures tion of the operating system and environment following a disk to help provide your enterprise with an optimum degree of failure, backups should be independent of incremental copies. ongoing management. While a specialized service delivery manager can help ensure the ongoing support goes smoothly, Middleware and database support services you could also consider using other specialized roles, such as With the dominance of databases and middleware, managed security specialists, change managers and duty managers. services providers have begun offering support for products in this category. Middleware and database services are not new, but The business value you can achieve by deploying infrastructure extensive adoption by companies worldwide is making them with a proper level of ongoing management is more rapid more relevant. Middleware that supports mobility devices is deployment (time value of money) and more reliable and growing in importance, and support services in this domain are predictable outcomes. important to help companies realize the productivity benefits that come from effective employee mobility. Focus on service areas of growing The business value you can achieve from middleware and importance database support services is assistance with the daily activities Three areas of growing importance include batch processing, of software management and the skill of experienced personnel backup and restore, and middleware and database support who accompany the service. This can result in the ability to services. better deploy existing support personnel, improve handling of problems and changes and more rapidly deploy new systems and applications.
  • 13. IBM Global Technology Services 13 ● Experience with processes and tools. This experience is Call to action: Extend your support for collaboration particularly deep because these providers serve many clients, beyond the four walls. all of whom look for cost-efficient services. ● Lower cost for a higher level of service. Economies of scale Advances in mobility technology are helping organizations can make significant process improvements more affordable. extend their capabilities beyond the four walls of the office— enabling employees to collaborate in real time and be pro- ductive wherever they happen to be. The more mobility This is not a comprehensive list of reasons, but a compelling list, devices supported by the collaboration software, the better, all the same for you to seriously consider using an outsourcing as it allows employees to own and use the device of their or managed services provider. choosing. Mobility features in IBM Lotus® Sametime® software can help you collaborate in real time—virtually anywhere you are Call to action: Use managed cloud services. working. The Sametime mobile client can extend many of the capabilities available from the desktop Sametime client to IBM is developing the next-generation enterprise cloud the Research In Motion (RIM) BlackBerry, Nokia, Samsung, service delivery platform, called IBM Smart Business Cloud, Sony Ericsson and Microsoft Windows mobile devices. And, offered in two tiers—IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise Sametime 8.5 is designed to support a browser-based Apple and IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise+. Currently, iPhone chat client. IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise cloud is up and running around the world and IBM is piloting IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise+ with key clients. IBM Smart Business Cloud-Enterprise+ will be available later in 2011. IBM’s Smart Business is a common IBM architecture and Consider outsourcing and managed platform for private, public and hybrid clouds and is based services on IBM hardware, software, services and best practices. Using outsourcing and managed services are strategic ways to IBM is committed to deliver, as a complementary service to help drive efficiency and create business value. These services the Smart Business platform, a robust set of services, can offer: including desktop, compute, storage, backup, SAP, security and unified communications. ● Broad and deep skills needed to support a heterogeneous computing environment. It is obviously more difficult for you to employ these skills within your organization at an affordable cost. Summary ● Redeployment of your key human resources to more Supporting a dynamic business and resilient IT environment strategic activities, rather than maintaining existing requires effective management of your server infrastructure and systems. Even as you use services providers to manage your network devices. By focusing on the activities or disciplines and infrastructure, your employees can build the future of your tools necessary to carry efficient support and delivery services, company. you can improve your own management capabilities and evaluate the capabilities of potential outsourcing and managed services providers.
  • 14. 14 Gaining efficiency and business value through better management of your IT infrastructure Infrastructure management checklist Use the following table as a checklist to help you evaluate your infrastructure management effectiveness. Table 2. Infrastructure management effectiveness checklist. Detecting and handling incidents and problems Maintaining server software and firmware ✓ Monitoring to detect incidents and problems? ✓ Proactively administering servers and using monitoring software? ✓ Using technology to automatically handle incidents, open problem ✓ Managing server platform support activities like patching and log file records and assign priority? maintenance? ✓ Using tools to anticipate and correct problems before they occur? ✓ Performing server security administration for identity and access? ✓ Providing automated support for system administrator to resolve inci- ✓ Providing specific focus and support for virtualization? dents and problems? ✓ Providing high-availability software support, including periodic ✓ Assigning support personnel, based on the severity of the incident or testing? problem? ✓ Using service level agreements (SLAs)? ✓ Following rigorous problem handling and management steps to ensure effective problem resolution? ✓ Using a specialized service manager and a multidisciplinary team as needed? Handling changes with minimal impact on availability Having indicators of status and trends for specific infrastructure and activities ✓ Implementing team participation in change-management planning? ✓ Posting reports on a portal for easy access? ✓ Preparing for change by planning activities and estimating time ✓ Providing tools that focus on server resource management and gener- required? ate performance and capacity reports to analyze trends and manage ✓ Testing changes prior to their implementation and preparing back-out security? activities in the event of a failed change? ✓ Setting up a portal to enter problem records and change ✓ Using a skilled change manager to benefit from experience of previ- notifications? ous changes? ✓ Providing links to other needed tools, portlets and services that support ongoing activities?
  • 15. IBM Global Technology Services 15 Table 2. (continued) Infrastructure management effectiveness checklist. Preventing security problems Having the right tools for the job ✓ Using information security controls, based on an industry standard? ✓ Support for availability management? ✓ Implementing key security variables, such as password length and ✓ Hardware monitoring? update frequency, early in the process? ✓ Software monitoring of key computer resources? ✓ Performing security remediation as required for servers and other ✓ Flexible notification handling? devices? ✓ Support for performance and capacity management? ✓ Looking for security exposures during the ongoing support period ✓ Support for security management? and specifying the frequency of these analyses? ✓ Support for configuration management? ✓ Reporting monthly on key security attributes and activities related to ✓ Support for system administration? servers and other devices? ✓ Easy access to information? ✓ Automation of routine processes? ✓ Standardized remote access? ✓ Support for problem and change management? Using emerging or challenging technologies effectively Deploying infrastructure and tools rapidly ✓ Focusing on skills support for virtual machines and logical partitions? ✓ Use of a model project plan that is based on prebuilt components? ✓ Using change windows to make dynamic changes to production ✓ Use of a project manager to ensure that your deployment goes servers? smoothly? ✓ Developing skills in a variety of high-availability software like ✓ Use of a delivery architect? IBM HACMP and VMware HA? Proper level of ongoing management ✓ Well-defined ongoing support activities, using desk procedures? ✓ Use of a service delivery manager? ✓ Use of security specialists, change managers and duty managers? Focusing on service areas of growing importance ✓ Use of planned batch processing and cross-platform workloads? ✓ Use of technology to make the best use of backup windows? ✓ Specialized support for middleware and database?
  • 16. For more information To learn more about IBM Remote Managed Infrastructure Services, please contact your IBM marketing representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following website: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 IBM Global Services Additionally, financing solutions from IBM Global Financing Route 100 can enable effective cash management, protection from technol- Somers, NY 10589 ogy obsolescence, improved total cost of ownership and return U.S.A. on investment. Also, IBM’s Global Asset Recovery Services helps Produced in the United States of America address environmental concerns with new, more energy-efficient August 2011 All Rights Reserved solutions. For more information on IBM Global Financing, visit: IBM, the IBM logo,, AIX, DB2, HACMP, Lotus, NetView, Sametime, and Tivoli are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. If these and About the author other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate Dr. Joseph Gulla is an executive IT specialist for IBM, focused U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time on business development and portfolio management for man- this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered aged services. His current focus area is flexible managed services or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Dr. Gulla is also a faculty information” at member of the Nova Southeastern University, where he teaches distributed computing, enterprise architecture and systems Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. development process. He has published and presented over 70 documents in a wide variety of forums, including SHARE Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. (Boston, Denver and Orlando), IDC Outsourcing and Managed Services conference (Dublin), the Technical Leadership UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Exchange (Orlando and Los Angeles), the High Availability “Best Practices” Topical Conference (Ontario, Canada), Internet Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Society Conference (Sweden), Professional Leadership Technical 1 Exchange (Paris and Vienna), Planet Tivoli (Lisbon) and Zhou, Wu, Ning, Peng, Zhang, Xiaolan, Ammons, Glenn, Wang, Ruowen and Bala, Vasanth. “Always Up-to-Date – Scalable Offline Patching of VM Enterprise Systems Management Share Net (Chicago). Images in a Compute Cloud.” IBM Research. 11 March 2010. His dissertation final report, Design and Implementation of a Prototype Toolset for Full Life-Cycle Management of Web-Based DD28246D10ABDF28852576F60056F0ED/$File/rc24956.pdf Applications, was published as an IBM technical report in 2003. Please Recycle SSW03005-USEN-01