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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді і спорту України 
Головне управління освіти і науки 
Черкаської обласної державної адміністрації 
Відділ освіти Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка 
Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету 
Авраменко Оксана Юріївна, 
учитель іноземної мови 
Навчальний посібник 
Подорож. Види 
траспорту. Популярні 
місця для відпочинку 
[Система інтегрованих уроків. Англійська мова, 5 клас] 
м. Золотоноша 
БББ 74.200 (4Укр – 4 Чск) 
Н – 84 (Навчально-методичний посібник), 2013 – 48 c. 
Авраменко Оксана Юріївна – учитель іноземної мови 
Литвиненко Наталія Іванівна – учитель-методист іноземної мови вищої 
категорії, керівник практичного міського семінару вчителів іноземної мови 
Строкань Наталія Василівна – завідувач методичним кабінетом відділу 
освіти Золотоніської міської ради Черкаської області 
Буряк Світлана Дмитрівна – заступник директора з науково-методичної 
роботи Золотоніської гімназії ім. С.Д. Скляренка 
Схвалено до використання 
методичною радою методичного кабінету відділу освіти 
Золотоніської міської ради Черкаської області 
(протокол №3 від 19.12.2012)
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 5 
МЕТОДИЧНИЙ КОМЕНТАР ................................................................................. 6 
Lesson 1. TRAVELLING.TRANSPORT. ........................................................................ 9 
Lesson 2. FROM THE HISTORY OF TRAVEL.EXPLORERS. ................................. 15 
Lesson 3. TRAVELLING.TRANSPORT. ....................................................................... 21 
Lesson 4. THE MOST EXOTIC PLACES TO VISIT .................................................... 28 
Lesson 5. THE FAVOURITE PLACES TO REST....................................................... 33 
Lesson 6. TRAVELLING.TEST ........................................................................................ 39 
СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ ............................................................. 48 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
6 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Важливим завданням сучасної освіти є підвищення ефективності 
формування особистості в її інтелектуальному, креативному, соціально- 
культурному,особистісному та духовному розвитку учнів. Для кожного 
учителя дуже важливим є підвищення ефективності уроку, розвиток 
гармонійно цілісної особистості, де у центрі уваги – учень з його 
обдарованістю, здібностями, потенційними можливостями, а також створення 
інноваційного простору. В даний період кожен учитель повинен намагатися 
організовувати процес навчальної діяльності таким чином, щоб створити 
сприятливе навчальне середовище, в якому теорія і практика учнів 
засвоювалась одночасно. Відомо, що інноваційний процес – це комплексна 
діяльність по створенню, освоєнню, використанню та розповсюдженню 
Для того, щоб викликати інтерес в учнів до вивчення іноземної мови, ми, 
вчителі англійської мови, повинні шукати нові, цікаві і результативні форми і 
методи навчання. Під терміном "методи навчання” розуміється, упорядковані 
способи взаємопов’язаної діяльності вчителя й учнів, спрямовані на розв’язання 
навчально-виховних завдань. 
Під час навчання потрібно використовувати такі методи, при яких: 
• в учнів виникає бажання до творчої, результативної роботи; 
• учні стають активними, розкутими, намагаються досягти успіху, при 
цьому не порушують поведінку у класі. 
Відомо, що одним з основних методичних інновацій є інтерактивні 
методи навчання. Інтерактивне навчання – це навчання основане на 
діалогічному мовленні, в ході якого здійснюється взаємодія вчителя і учня, при 
цьому вони - рівноправні, рівнозначні суб’єкти навчання і не відчувається 
домінування одного учасника навчального процесу над іншим, однієї думки над 
іншою. В таких умовах, учні швидше привчаються бути демократичними, 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 7 
сміливо спілкуватися з іншими людьми, критично мислити, приймати 
обґрунтовані самостійні рішення. 
Мета інтерактивного навчання – створювання комфортних умов 
навчання, при яких учень відчуває свою успішність, свою інтелектуальну 
досконалість, що робить продуктивним сам освітній процес. 
Потрібно пам’ятати, що суть інтерактивного навчання полягає у тому, що 
навчальний процес повинен бути постійно наповнений активною взаємодією 
всіх учнів. Це базується на співпраці, взаємо - навчанні: вчитель – учень, учень 
– учень. 
Технологія інтерактивного навчання — така організація навчального 
процесу, за якої неможлива відмова від участі у процесі пізнання: 
кожен учень має конкретне завдання, за виконання якого відчуває власну 
відповідальність і повинен перед всіма відзвітувати; якість виконання 
поставленого перед групою завдання, залежить від діяльності кожного учня. В 
системі уроків для 5 класу доцільно застосовувати роботу в парах . Учні 
працюють у парах, виконуючи завдання. Парна робота вимагає обміну думками 
і дозволяє швидко виконати вправи. Не менш важливою в середній школі є 
групова робота. У груповій навчальній діяльності учні показують високі 
результати засвоєння знань, формування вмінь, бо "в цій роботі слабкі учні 
виконують за обсягом будь-яких вправ на 20-30% більше, ніж у фронтальній 
роботі. Групова робота сприяє також організації більш ритмічної діяльності 
кожного учня".Учні активно обговорюють різні ситуації,проявляючи творчий 
підхід,з задоволенням висловлюють власну думку. 
Прийоми роботи з навчальним матеріалом повинні приваблювати учнів. 
Застосування комп'ютерних інформаційних технологій у навчанні - одна з 
найбільш важливих і стійких тенденцій розвитку світового освітнього процесу. 
Інформаційна технологія навчання - це процес підготовки і передачі інформації 
учню засобом здійснення якого є комп'ютерна техніка та програмні засоби. 
На мою думку мультимедійна форма вираження навчальної інформації 
найбільш актуальна на сьогоднішній день у зв'язку з комп'ютеризацією процесу 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
8 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
освіти. З метою розвитку особистості потрібна інша тактика пред'явлення 
навчального матеріалу: вона повинна сприяти розвитку мислення та 
пізнавальної активності, забезпечувати індивідуальну траєкторію навчання. 
Мультимедійна презентація іншомовного матеріалу – спосіб 
пред'явлення творчо переробленого вчителем, адаптованого для певного віку 
учнів мовної інформації у вигляді логічно завершеної добірки слайдів з певних 
тем. Мультимедійна презентація базується на використанні аудіовізуальних 
можливостей комп'ютерних технологій. 
Враховуючи вікові особливості учнів 5 класу доцільно застосовувати 
презентації при роботі над лексикою. Застосування презентацій також сприяє 
розвитку фонетичних та граматичних вмінь і навичок. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 9 
“ Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more.” 
 to introduce the new words and develop their vocabulary on the topic 
 to read and talk about different reasons for travelling; 
to develop students’ reading skills through the methods of interactive reading 
 to improve students skills for listening and comprehension 
 to develop learners’ creative abilities 
I. Warm-up 
Good morning! How are you today? I hope all of you will be active and 
doing well at our lesson. . Today we are going to talk about travelling. Your aim 
is to get new information about types of transport,to learn new words,to 
express your own opinions,to read and listen to the dialogue. 
Modern life is impossible without travelling.To understand how true it is you 
only have to go to the bus station or to the railway station. There you’ll see a lot of 
people hurrying to get somewhere and to get there as quick as possible. Here is an 
epigraph on the blackboard “ Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more ”.What 
do you think about it? 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
10 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Answer my questions: 
 Do you like to travell? 
 What is travelling for you?? 
 How often do you travel? 
 Where would you like to travel? 
II. Main part 
1.Presentation of new words. 
Look at the screen .There are types of transport.Do you know all of them? 
So,the types of transport are: balloon, bus, camel, canoe, car, ferry, horse, 
plane, rocket, ship, sledge, train. 
Look on the screen.Pay attention.Speaking about travelling we use ‘’on’’ 
or ‘’ by’’. We use “by” with these words: 
We use ‘’’on’’ with these words. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 11 
2.Vocabulary practice. 
Exercise.Complete the lists with new words using ‘’on’’ or ‘’by’’ 
1. on land 2. in the air 3. on water 
Key: 1- on sledge,by train, by car, by bicycle,by bus, on horse,on camel; 2 – 
by plane,by balloon; 3 – by ship,by canoe, by ferry. 
1. Pre –listening activity. 
You know that a lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays,but some 
of them go to visit theor relatives or for their work. 
2. Listening task. 
Listen to three people talking about their travellings and be ready to answer 
the questions. Take notes. Pay attention to what places they are going. Then 
complete the table about the speakers. 
The class will be divided into three groups. Each group should listen carefully 
to one of the speakers and make a note of extra information about his/her travelling. 
After listening each group will tell the class their information. 
A B C 
Where does 
How often 
does she/he travel? 
Why does 
he/she travel? 
How does 
she/he travell? 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
12 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Keys:A- Europe; every month; works;plain; 
B- Ireland;every year;to visit family;ferry; 
C-summer camp;every summer;to do adventure sports; bus 
3. Post-listening task. 
Now tell the class about you .You may start with the sentences. 
1. I usually go on holiday by/with… 
2. One day,I want to travel by/to … 
Tape script: 
I often travel around Europe for my work.Every month I get a plane to 
France,Germany, or sometimes to Poland.I don’t like travelling by plane,but 
it’s part of my job. 
I live in England,but I am from Ireland.Every year I go to Ireland and visit my 
family there.We always get the ferry-it’s a really nice way to travel. 
Every summer I go to a summer camp with my friends.We do adventure sports 
there.It’s great and funny.We go by bus. 
III.Reading task. 
Many years ago people travelled because they wanted to learn much about 
our planet. If we are fond of travelling we see and learn all sorts of things we can 
never see or learn at home But why do people travel now?From the books and 
newspapers they can learn everything they want.What makes them to travel? 
While reading the text, guess the words and fill in the gaps. 
Many people like to 1. t……….. because it is interesting, attractive and you 
can see new different places. There are few reasons why people travel. The first: they 
2.v…………… other countries for getting more useful information about it.It is 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 13 
3.e……………… to learn new things,different people,their national customs and 
the way of life. The second reason people travel for 4.r………….. Sometimes it 
is necessary to leave your house and have a rest.Some people enjoy visiting big cities 
with 5. m………….,art galleries,shops and 6.r…………... As usual people go trip 
in their holidays.They prefer a quiet holiday by the 7.s…….. or in the 
mountains,walking,bathing and getting sunburnt. 
People usually take a 8.c………….with them and make photos of all 
interesting views.Some time later these photos will remind them of the happy 
People can travel in different ways.They can do it by train,by plain,by ship,by 
bus and by car.All of these means have positive and negative sides.And people choose 
one according to their plans,possibilities and destinations. 
Keys:1-.travell; 2-visit; 3- exciting; 4-rest; 5.-museums;6-restaurants; 7-sea;8- 
a) Choose the correct item. 
1.All people in the world are fond ……travelling. 
a)on b)of c)with 
2.It’s great ……………. new things. 
a)to learning b) to learn c)learn 
3.People take …………. to make photos. 
a)camera b)a computer c) a TV-set 
4.People can travel ………….. different ways. 
a)on b)by c) in 
5.People choose one …………… to their plans. 
a)thanks b)because c)according 
Keys:1.-b; 2-b;3-a;4-b;5-c; 
b) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate question words. 
1……………. likes travelling? 
2…………… people want to see on their holidays? 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
14 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
3…………….. can people have a quite holiday? 
4…………….. means of transport can people choose? 
Keys:1.-Who;2-What; 3-Where;4-What; 
4.Game.Work in pairs. 
Now let’s play.Imagine you are on an expedition.What places for expedition 
will you choose?(a jungle,a desert, mountains,a rainforest etc.)Ask Yes/No questions 
to guess where your friend is.Keep in mind that you can’t ask more then ten 
questions to guess the answer. 
P1.Is it cold there? 
P2.Are you travelling by plane? 
P.3.Are there any animals? 
P4.Are you in Africa? etc. 
Well done.Next time we’ll continue our work. We’ll speak about explorers. 
IV. Assessment and Assignment 
The topic of our today’s lesson was interesting. We have spoken much about 
travelling and means of transport. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. 
Your marks are…. 
Your task will be to learn the vocabulary related to the topic and to write ashort 
essay “How do you want to travel”. 
The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye! 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 15 
 to revise the vocabulary associated with travelling; 
 to practice listening, note-taking, speaking and discussion; 
 to improve grammar skills; 
 to increase awareness of great explorers ; 
I.Warm- up 
Today we are going to talk about travelling.We’ll return in the past and 
learn some information about famous explorers. We should revise the material on 
the topic, revise years and past forms of the verb ‘’to be’’.You will study to use 
the verbs in the Past Simple. During the lesson all of you will train in 
reading,listening and writing. 
II.Main part. 
1. Pre –reading activity. 
In the past travelling was very dangerous,but it didn’t stop explorers to 
investigate our planet.We are going to make a very interesting journey in the 
past.We’ll introduce with some famous explorers.Are you ready?Look at the 
screen.Do you know them? 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
16 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
2. While –reading activity. 
Read the short information about explorers and be ready to do the task. 
3. Post –reading activity 
Now match the names and the sentences. 
1.VASCO DA GAMA a)His journey through Asia lasted 24 years. 
2.MARCO POLO b)His expedition first cross the Pacific 
3.CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS c) His team becoming the first people 
reached the North Pole. 
4.MARY HENRIETTA KINGSLEY d)He became well known as an expert 
5.FERDINAND MAGELLAN e)The explorer who made two pioneering 
trips to West and Central Africa. 
6.MATTHEW HENSON f)He is famous for opening up the 
Americas to European colonization. 
Keys:1-D; 2-A; 3-F; 4-E;5-B;6-C. 
Speaking about explorers we need to use past tenses.Today we’ll learn some 
information about Past Simple Tense. 
-We use the Past Simple to talk about finished actions and situations in 
the past. 
-There are two types of the verb: regular and irregular.Look at the 
-We add ending -ed- to form regular verbs. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 17 
- Irregular verbs have a different form in the past simple..see the irregular 
verbs list. 
-We often use a time expression with the Past Simple: 
yesterday; last week; a month ago; last night; the other day; 
IV.Grammar Practice. 
1.Let’s do some exercises.Complete the sentences with the verbs in the 
Past Simple. 
In the summer of 2012, I 1…………………..(travel) to New York with 
my parents.We 2. ……………… (arrive) in New York late.We 
3………….(stay) in a hotel.My sister 4……………..(want) to see the Statue of 
Liberty so we 5………………..(decide) to go there. We also 
6……………(visit) the Empire State Building- it was my favourite place. 
Keys:1-trvelled; 2-arrived; 3-stayed; 4-wanted; 5-decided; 6-visited; 
2.Match the verbs in the box with the past forms. 
have; drink; buy; come; see; speak; write; build; make; go; think; learn; 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
18 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
bought; built; came; drank; gave; had; learnt; made; saw; 
spoke; thought; went; wrote; 
Now we are going to learn more information about Bob Cooper-famous 
British traveller.Your task is to complete the text about him.Use some of the 
information in the box.rite 2-3 sentences for each section. 
BOB COOPER (1835- 1900 ) 
1. from London 
live/ with parents and three sisters/father-builder 
finish school/ want to travel/decide work on boat/sail to 
problems: ship/ food/ weather/people 
arrive New York; 
decide: travel west/work on farms/ 
why unhappy: work/places 
people:food / weather 
decide: go California/ look for gold 
4. 1855- 
why excited?find gold/have letter from home 
decide: buy/ travel/go/visit/stay 
5. 1870- 
returnLondon:live/meet/ build/ write 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 19 
1. Bob Cooper was from London.When he was young, he 
2. In 1849, he…………………………………………………………………… 
3. In 1850, he arrived………………………………………………………….. 
4. in 1855, he was very excited because……………………………………… 
5. In 1870, he returned……………………………………………………….. 
He died in 1990 in London. 
1.When he was young, he lived with his parents and three sisters.His 
father was a builder and his mother was a cook. 
2.In 1849, he finished school and he wanted to travel.He decided to work 
on a boat and sail to America.There were some problems because the ship 
was old/ the food was bad/ the weather was bad/ some of the people were sick. 
3. In 1850 , he arrived in New York. He decided to travel west and work 
on farms. He was unhappy because the work was very hard/ the places were boring/ 
the people attacked him/ the food was bad/ the weather was bad. He decided to 
go to Calofornia and look for gold. 
4.In 1855, he was very excited because he found gold/ had a letter from 
home. He decided to buy a big house/ travel South/ go back home/ visit his 
sisters /stay in California. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
20 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
5.In 1870, he returned to London.He lived in an old house/met his 
sisters/ built a theatre/ wrote six books about America. 
VI. Assessment and Assignment. 
Today we spoke about famous explorers,we learnt many interesting 
facts and information about them,got some information about their 
achievements..To sum up, I’d like to say that the Age of Exploration took place 
between the 15th and 17th centuries. 
The explorers discover new lands, find trade routes, seek treasure, and gain 
territory for their country. 
Sometimes it is called the Age of Discovery. 
You worked well,thank you for the lesson. Your marks are… 
Your home task is to prepare a short report about famous explorer. 
The lesson is over. See you next time. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 21 
- to revise the vocabulary associated with the topic; 
- to encourage students to use their imagination while working on the 
topic and motivate them in expressing their own opinions on the topic; 
- to develop free speaking skills of students, exchanging opinions in the 
- to enrich students’ knowledge on the topic. 
Today we are going to have an interesting journey.look on the screen and say 
what are the pictures about?Surely,our lesson is about different kinds of travelling. 
I. Warm-up. 
Teacher. Listen to the poem. 
We go by car We go by land 
And we go by train. And sea and air, 
We go by boat, We go, go, go, 
And we go by plane. From here to there. 
-Do you agree that the best way to study geography is to travel? 
-Who can help us with transport ? 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
22 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
- What means of transport can you travel by? 
- How can we travel? 
Using the table make up sentences. 
We can travel by (on) ship 
1. Pre –reading activity. 
Read the following text and try to guess the meaning of unknown words 
from the text. 
Pleasure,convenient, speed,deck,rise,fall,waves,seagulls,sights,suitcase. 
Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, 
another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. 
There are various means of travelling. There is nothing like travel by air; it is more 
comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other means. There 
is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of 
changing from train to steamer and then to another train. 
With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the 
comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole 
countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a 
journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. 
Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck 
of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea 
wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls. 
Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see 
many sights in a short time, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have 
to buy tickets or carry your suitcases. 
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A very popular means of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking 
tours are very interesting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among 
young people. But it is not as popular in our country as abroad. 
2.While –reading activity. 
Shared reading with discussion focusing on a specific information. 
3.Post –reading activity.Group work. 
You have read the text and learned about travelling by different means of 
transport.Now let’s divide into five groups and try to make lists of advantages and 
disadvantages of travelling by transport. 
Group 1. 
Travelling by train. 
Group 2. 
Travelling by plain. 
Group 3. 
Travelling by ship. 
Group 4. 
Travelling by car. 
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24 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Group 5. 
Travelling on foot. 
Now look on the screen and check your answers. 
- Which is the best way of travelling? 
- Which is the quickest way of travelling? 
- Which is the most comfortable way of travelling? 
- Which is the cheapest way of travelling? 
- Which is the most expensive one? 
- Which way of travelling do you like most? 
Now say which way of travelling you prefer.Say advantages and 
disadvantages.You can use your tables.Start with the words: 
- I prefer travelling by………… because it’s………….. but…….. 
For example: I prefer travelling by plane because it’s comfortable and fast 
but it’s rather expensive etc. 
Let’s come to a conclusion.As you see each way of trip has its good 
and bad points.The choice of the transport depends on the situation and how 
fast you need to go somewhere. 
1. Pre –listening activity. 
I see,you know a lot facts about different kinds of transport and you can differ 
them from each other.Listen to short stories and say what are they about. 
2. Listening task. 
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Speaker1.It is the fastest way of travelling.It can take you from one city or 
town to take other in no time. The seats are comfortable. It` a pity but sometimes you 
can see very little from the windows. When the weather is rainy or foggy you cannot 
travel by it. 
Speaker2. This is the slowest way of travelling. Both young and old people like 
it.You don`t worry about tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can 
visit many places in such a way. 
Key :on foot; 
Speaker3. This way of travelling is fast. You can stop any place you like and 
go where you like . You need no tickets.Usually families travel by it. 
Key : by car; 
Speaker4. This way of travelling is fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so 
pleasant to travel by them. You can see a lot of interesting things from the carriage 
window.You can make a long journey by it. 
Key : by train; 
IV.Vocabulary practice 
1.You have learnt much information about means of transport and 
travelling.Let’s check your vocabulary. Choose and underline the necessary 
1. Travelling (by plane, by train) is the cheapest. 
2. You can go to (the library, the station) to see people who want to 
get somewhere. 
3.If you want to get somewhere fast, you use (a plane, a car) 
4. Travelling by bike is (cheap, expensive) 
5.You need to buy (books, tickets) for travelling by train. 
2.Vocabulary game ‘”Hot potato” 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
26 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Isee you’re bit tired.Let’s play game. Students got some “transport” words 
in cards.They try to show in movements what kind of transport they prefer to 
use.The others try to guess the word. 
Now we’ll revise some information about comparison of adjectives. 
Task 1. 
Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative forms. 
1.Fast-………………… ……………………….. 
2.Modern -…………… ……………………….. 
3.Heavy- …………….. ……………………….. 
4.Quick - …………….. ……………………….. 
5.Far - ………………… ………………………… 
6.Good - ………………. ………………………… 
7.Old-………………….. …………………………. 
8.Happy ………………. …………………………. 
9.Comfortable …………. ………………………… 
10.Cozy ………………... ………………………… 
Keys:1- faster;the fastest; 2-more modern’the most modern; 3-heavier;’the 
heaviest; 4-quicker;the quickest;5-farther;the farthest;6-better;the best; 7-older; the 
oldest;8-happier; the happiest;9-more comfortable;the most comfortable; 10- 
cozier;the coziest. 
Task 2. 
Complete the sentences. 
1.This bus station is the ……………… (near) in the town. 
2.The passenger trains are …………….(comfortable) than coaches. 
3.Travelling by plain is the ……………(fast) way to travel. 
4.Travelling by car is ……………… (cheap) than by ship to travel. 
5.Travelling on foot is the ……………. (slow) way to travel. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
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Keys:1-the nearest; 2-more comfortable; 3- the fastest; 4- cheaper; 5-the 
VI. Assessment and Assignment 
The topic of our today’s lesson was interesting. We have spoken much about 
travelling in the air, on the land. I see that you can choose the best way of 
travelling during your holidays or having a trip. I’d like to thank you for good 
work at the lesson. Your marks are…. 
Your task will be to speak about the favourite mean of transport. The lesson is 
over. See you later. Goodbye! 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
28 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
“The world is a book, 
and those who do not travel, 
read only a page” 
- to revise the vocabulary associated with the topic; 
- to encourage students to use their imagination while working on the 
topic and motivate them in expressing their own opinions on the topic; 
- to develop free speaking skills of students, exchanging opinions in the 
- to enrich students’ knowledge on the topic. 
More people travel more than ever before today.Tourism is the reason 
why most people travel.People spend their holidays in different exotic 
places.Look on the screen and name the most popular cities and countries to 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
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II.Presenting new vocabulary. 
To speak about travelling in general we must know many words.We 
must have some special knowledge how to behave in different situation during 
our travel.Let’s learn some of them. 
Practicing vocabulary. 
Choose the words from the list to fill in the gaps. 
1………… clothes 
2………….. restaurants 
3………….. people 
5……………. shops 
6…………….. city 
7……………… places 
Keys: 1-fashionable; 2- famous; 3-well-known; 4-nightlife;5-expensive; 6- 
7- unforgettable; 
Look on the screen and look on some exotic places to visit.Which of 
them would you like to visit? 
Read the letter from Sandra about her trip to Boston and underline 
past forms of the verbs. 
Dear Tom, 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
30 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
We’re in Boston.It’s a very interesting city on the east – coast of the 
USA.Boston is famous for its colleges,like Harvard University. 
We stayed in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel for one week.It had excellent 
service,but it was quite expensive.Now we are at the Bertram Inn. It is cheaper 
and very clean. 
There are many fascinating places to visit here,like the Old North 
Church. I took a lot of photos there..Yesterday, we went to the Public Gardens 
and I went for a ride in a boat.Last week we went to the New England 
Aquarium.We saw some seals and a lot of different fish. 
Boston has hundreds of good restaurants.The bast one so far is 
Monica’s. They have delicious pasta dishes. 
Newbury Street is the best area for shopping.The Sunflower and 
Filene’s Basement are two very good shops.They’ve got much chaper prces than 
the others. 
The nightlife is very exciting here too.On Tuesday I went to the 
Roxy and danced to live pop music.Cafes are very popular with visitors too. 
My favourite is the Corner Café. It’s got a great atmosphere. 
See you soon, 
Fill in the information in the table below. 
to visit 
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Use the questions below to complete the dialogue. 
a) What did you think of Chinese food? 
b) What did you see there? 
c) Did you enjoy the nightlife? 
d) What was China like? 
B:It was great! There were lots of interesting places to visit and 
excellent shops. 
B:We saw the Great Wall of China and the Terracota Army, a group of 
large statues that are the size of real people, next to the Li River. 
B: It was delicious and quite cheap. 
A: ……………………………………………………………….. 
B: Yes, very much. We went to some very fashionable nightclubs, but the 
pubs were friendlier and not as expensive as the clubs. 
Listen to the dialogue and check your answers. 
A: What was China like? 
B:It was great! There were lots of interesting places to visit and 
excellent shops. 
A: What did you see there? 
B:We saw the Great Wall of China and the Terracota Army, a group of 
large statues that are the size of real people, next to the Li River. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
32 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
A: What did you think of Chinese food? 
B: It was delicious and quite cheap. 
A: Did you enjoy the nightlife? 
B: Yes, very much. We went to some very fashionable nightclubs, but the 
pubs were friendlier and not as expensive as the clubs. 
3.Post-listening.Pair work. 
Ask each other questions about your activities during last holidays. 
Use these verbs: 
go to; go with; stay in; see; want to; visit; buy; meet; have; 
After that some of you will tell the class two or three things about your 
partner’s holiday. For example: 
-Dasha went to… 
-She saw… 
-She visited.. 
-She bought… 
Game « Where do you want to travel?» 
Now look one more time on the screen and say what plays would you like to 
travel and why. 
VI. Assessment & Assignment 
Our lesson is coming to the end. 
I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you for active work. You were not only 
but also creative. So, your marks for today are… 
Write a short letter to your friend about your last holidays. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 33 
- to develop students’ knowledge on the topic; 
- to expand the vocabulary related to the topic; 
- to practice students’ language skills; 
- to encourage students to guess new words and combinations; 
- to improve students’ communicative skills. 
I. Warm-up. 
Teacher. My dear. Welcome to our lesson. At the last lesson we spoke about 
exotic places to travel.Today we’re going to speak about travelling around our 
country and rest during the holidays.Look on the screen and say the places to 
rest in our country during the holidays. 
(at the seaside; in the mountains; in the village; at the river; in the forest; 
in the camp;) 
II. Vocabulary practice. 
1.Look at the board. You see the words and word-combinations on the topic 
‘’ Holidays” 
to sunbathe, climbing, floating boat, go sightseeing, to make new 
friends, to have a lot of fun, to make a fire, to collect wood, to make a 
fire, to put up the tents, to sit round the fire, to sing songs, to play 
adventure games. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
34 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Put them into the word net. 
1. Well, where can you go during your summer holidays? 
Ps :( to the country, to the camp, to grandparents'…) 
2. When can you go on holiday? 
Ps :( in June, from... to..., in July, at the end of June…) 
3. What can you do during your summer holidays? 
Ps (to go sightseeing, to go to the seaside, to sunbathe, to rest, to make 
new friends, to work in the garden, to have a lot of fun, to visit…) 
4. And your impressions! 
Ps: (exciting, fantastic, great, beautiful…) 
2.Look on the blackboard.Using the cues make sentences about last 
weekends.Don’t forget to use Past Simple. 
-Last weekend my friends and I (travel) to…………. 
-We (stay) ………………….. 
-On Saturday we (visit)………… 
-We (like)…………………….. 
-On Sunday we (want)………….. 
-We (decide)……………………… 
-On Sunday evening, we (return) ……………. 
III. Listening. 
- Do you like to rest? 
- Do you like to rest at the river 
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- What place to rest do you prefer? 
2.While -listening. 
Listen to the text and give the title. 
It is very hot today.There are no clouds in the sky and only some 
birds are flying there. 
Two families, the Browns and the Greens, are at the river. They are 
togother with their children. Mr.Green and Mrs Green are sitting on the grass 
and talking. There is a basket near them. It is full of food. Mrs Brown is 
listening to music. Mr Brown is at the fire. He is cooking fish soup. 
Frank Green and his brother Mike are in the water.Frank can swim 
well,so he is teaching his little brother to swim. Mary Brown is picking 
flowers and her elder brother Roy is playing with his dog.Eric Green is far 
from the other children. He is fishing. He likes fishing very much. 
The children and their parents are having a very good time. 
3.Post -listening. 
1. Mark sentences as True or False. 
………1.The weather is wonderful. 
………2.There are some birds in the sky. 
………3.There are four children at the river. 
………4.Mrs Green is talking to Mr Brown. 
………5.Roy’s father is cooking fish soup. 
………6. Mike’s brother is fishing. 
Keys: 1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4-F; 5-T; 6-T; 
2. Choose the correct answer. 
1. It is …………… today. 
a)cold b)hot c)chilly 
2………….. families are at the river. 
a) four b)three c) two 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
36 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
3. There is a ……………. near them. 
a)a dog b) a car c) a basket 
4.Mrs Brown is listening to ……… 
a)music b)radio c) concert 
5.The family is having …………..time 
a) not bad b) good c) very good 
Keys:1-B; 2-C; 3-C; 4-A; 5-C; 
Dear children.Sometimes your friends are in atrouble and need your 
help!What can we do for them?I agree, we can give suggestions.Let’s look 
through some suggestions in the box and try to guess their meanings. 
- Let’s ……. –That’s a good idea. 
-Why don’t we….. – That’s not a very good 
-We can………. – Right.Let’s do that. 
-No,not now. No, we can’t 
Pair work. 
You can see a list of situations.Make suggestions and reply to them. 
-open the window; 
-go to the cinema; 
-listen to some music; 
- go home ; 
-go to the coffee bar; 
P1.-Why don’t we open the window? 
P2.-No, we can’t.It’s rather cold outside. 
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P1. - Let’s go to the cinema. 
P2.- That’s a good idea.I’d like to watch this new film. 
P1.- Why don’t we listen to some music? 
P2.- No, not now. My parents are at home,they don’t like it. 
P1.- Let’s go home. 
P2. – That’s a good idea.We can play computer games or watch TV. 
P1. –We can go to the coffee bar. 
P2.- Right,let’s do that. I’m hungry and thirsty. 
V.Game. Group activity. 
Imagine that you have a picnic. First player says: ‘’Let’s collect wood’’ 
( pupils fill in activity they want to do) and start doing what he/she wanted to 
do.A second pupil jumps in, saying :”Let’s make a fire”( doing other activity 
to advance the group activity). Both pupils say "Yes, let`s do that" and start 
doing whatever suggested. Third player jumps in, suggests what to do, and again all 
players loudly agree to do it, and actually do it. Continue till everyone has suggested 
VI. Reading. 
Read Sasha’s postcard. Does he like Artek? 
Imagine you’re on holiday.Think about place and activities. 
Hi Victor 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
38 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
How are you? On summer holidays all children try to have a perfect rest 
from school. I am writing this in the most famous camp Artek. I’m here with my 
new friends for two weeks. We can sweem in the Black Sea and play 
sports.We can also choose drama, music and art clubs. The children take 
interesting bus tours or trips out to sea on a yacht. The nature around is great! 
It is impossible to forget the rest in Artek for the whole life. 
E-mail me soon. 
4. Post-reading 
Think of answers to these questions. Write notes. 
-Where are you? 
-What are you doing? 
-What is the weather like? 
-Do you like the place? 
VI. Assessment & Assignment 
Our lesson is coming to the end. I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you for 
active work.Today you’ve had the last lesson about travelling and your task is 
to prepare for the test.Also write the postcard to your friend. 
The lesson is over.Good-bye! 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
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 to check the vocabulary associated with travelling; 
 to practice listening, reading skills; 
 to practice basic writing skills; 
I.Warm- up 
You know now everything about travelling.You have learnt new 
words.You can easily choose the mean of transport and the place to rest in 
our country or abroad.You can write a letter or a postcard to your friend.You 
learnt about Past Simple and can use it speaking about past events.I don’t 
think there is anything more to say on the subject. So today we’ll wright a 
II.Main part. 
1. Reading 
Many people in Britain work five days a week, from Monday to 
Friday.So, from Friday evening till Monday morning people have weekend. 
Very many people plan to go away for the weekend.Some people go 
to the seaside and stay at a hotel there. 
Some people like to travel by plain or by train,but many families go 
to the seaside by car, as it is very comfortable and rather cheap. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
40 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Last Friday Tony and his family had a trip to Brighton. Brighton is a 
nice place near London. It is easy to get there by car or by train. Tony’s 
family hasn’t got a car. So, they got to the railway station by bus and 
travelled to Brighton by train. It took them about an hour to get there. They 
stayed at a hotel. It was old but rather comfortable. The weather was nice but 
a bit cloudy. The family had a wonderful time in Brighton. 
Task 1. True or False. 
….. 1.The weekend starts on Friday evening. 
….. 2. People like to stay at home for the weekend. 
….. 3.People travel by car because it’s cheap. 
….. 4. Tony had a trip on Saturday. 
…... 5. They went to the railway station by car. 
…... 6. The weekend finishes on Monday morning. 
Keys:1- T; 2- F; 3- T; 4-F; 5-F; 6.-T; 
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words. 
by train; hotel; by plane; cloudy; by car; seaside; 
1.Some people like travelling ……………………………………………….. 
2.It is easy to get to Brighton………………………………………………. 
3.Tony’s family went to Brighton …………………………………………... 
4.People like to go to the …………………………………………………… 
5.People like to stay at a …………………………………………………… 
6.It was ………………………………………………………………………… 
Keys:1- by plane; 2- by car; 3- b ytrain;4- seaside; 5- hotel; 6- cloudy; 
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Task 3. Answer the questions. 
1.Where is Brighton? 
2.Have they got the car? 
3.How long did it take them to get to Brighton? 
4.Where did they stay there? 
5.What was the weather like? 
6.Did they have a good time? 
The picnic 
This weekend my cousins are staying with us, so today we’re going 
for a picnic at our favourite picnic place. 
My mother is a good cook. She is packing everyone’s favourite food 
in a big box. There are other boxes and bags too. There are picnic things, 
swimming things, towels, knives, cups, glasses, drinks, sunshades, mats and a big 
box full of rubbish. I throw the box into the big rubbish bin in the street and 
we put everything else in our car. 
We drive for about an hour along the big road and come to a small 
road and then to a track over dry rocky ground. It is a long and hot drive, 
but finally we see the river. It is beautiful and full of clean water from the 
mountains. There are a lot of places for swimming. We jump from the rocks 
into the cool water and we are happy. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
42 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Then everyone is hungry. We unpack the car and put up the 
But the food isn’t there! There is a big box of rubbish, but no food, 
except for some bread and biscuits. Everyone looks at me. I say, “I think the 
wrong box is in the rubbish bin now. Sorry”. 
You can imagine what everyone is saying at the moment! 
So, we have nothing else to do but eat the biscuits. I’m not the most 
popular person today. 
Task 1. True or False. 
……… 1.The food in the food box is very tasty. 
……… 2.There is only one big box. 
……… 3. The storyteller throws away the box of rubbish. 
……… 4.Everybody laughs when they find out that the box with food is 
in the rubbish bin now. 
………. 5 They are eating biscuits for lunch now. 
Keys:1-T; 2- F; 3- F; 4- F; 5-T; 
Task 2. Choose a or b. 
1. The storyteller and his family plan to.. 
a) take food on the way to; 
b) buy food on the way to; 
2. When they pack the car, both the food and the rubbish are…. 
a) in a bag; 
b) in boxes; 
3. Before they leave the storyteller throws ….. in the bin. 
a)a box 
b) some bags; 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 43 
4. The picnic place is…. 
a) just somewhere close to the house; 
b)a long way from the house; 
5. They unpack the car and the food is… 
a) not there; 
b) in the bag; 
Keys:1-A; 2-B; 3-A; 4- B; 5-A; 
Task 3. Write the words from the story in the correct column. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
44 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
Read the descriptions and complete the words. 
1. You travel on water in this. s……….. 
2. You ride on this in the desert…c…… 
3. You travel in the air in this…p……... 
4. You travel from city to city in this. …t…… 
5. You can travel in the snow on this. …s…… 
6. You can travel to the space in this…r….. 
7. You can travel on the land on this …h….. 
Keys;1-ship; 2-camel; 3-plane; 4- train; 5-sledge; 6- rocket; 7- horse; 
1.Write the past forms of the verbs. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 45 
10. study-……. 
Keys:1-drank; 2-carried; 3- started; 4-had; 5-met;6-travelled;7-wrote; 8- 
9-gave; 10-studied; 
2.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. 
Many years ago people …………….. (believe) that some 
women…………(be) witches. These women …………… (not/ live) in big cities. 
They ……….. (live ) in small villages. People ………… (think) they……… 
(behave) strangely because they …………… (make) unusual medicines from 
plants and they ………………. (not/ act) like other people. They ………….. 
(say) that they …………. (not/ walk) but that they …………….. (fly) on 
brooms. Do you believe in witches? 
Keys: 1- Believed; 2-were; 3-didn’t live; 4-lived; 5- thought; 6-behaved; 7- 
made; 8- didn’t act; 9-said; 10-didn’t walk; 11-flew; 
5. Communication. 
1.Complete the dialogue with these words.There is one extra word. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
46 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
can’t; don’t; idea; let’s; now; that ; why; 
A: 1.…………. don’t we go to the cinema? 
B: No, we 2. ……….. The film started at 7.30 and it’s 8.30 3………… 
A:Well, 4…………….. go to the snack bar. 
B: Right. That’s a good 5………….. Let’s do 6………… and then go 
Keys:1-why; 2-can’t; 3- now; 4-let’s; 5- idea; 6-that; 
You are on a school trip.Answer the questions and complete the 
postcard to your friend. 
Where are you/ 
1.How many students are there on the trip? 
2.What are the good things about the trip? 
3.What are the bad things about the trip? 
4.What are you doing at the moment? 
5.Where were you yesterday? 
Tuesday afternoon 
Hi! I’m in …………………………… 
1. ……………………………………… 
2. …………………………………………. 
4. ………………………………………….. 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 47 
See you soon! 
III.Assessment & Assignment 
Dear friends! Thank you very much for the lesson. You’ve coped with the 
work!See you later! 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
48 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 
1. НіколаєваС.Ю, Методика викладання іноземних мов у середніх 
навчальних закладах.-К.,2002 
2. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 1, Express Publishing, 1998 
3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 2, Express Publishing, 2002 
4. Michael Harris, David Mover.Challenges 1, Express Publishing, 2006 
5. Mary Bowen,Printha Ellis.Way Ahead 4,2004 
6. Mary Bowen,Printha Ellis.Way Ahead 5,2004 
7. Virginia Evans. Round-up 4,2003 
8. Бондарь М.В.,Тексти та завдання для 5- 11 класів.-Х.,2003 
9. Бутенко Н.В.,Ільїна М,В., Завдання підвищеної складності з 
англійської мови.-Х.,2010 
10. Томаєва В.І., Topical Texts.-Х.,2008 
11. Єфремов С,В., Робота із ситуаціями спілкування в середній шко 
12. Казачінер О.С.Сучасні форми та методи навчання англійської мови.- 
Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.

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Система інтегрованих уроків з теми "Подорожі"

  • 1.
  • 2. Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді і спорту України Головне управління освіти і науки Черкаської обласної державної адміністрації Відділ освіти Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Золотоніської міської ради та виконавчого комітету Авраменко Оксана Юріївна, учитель іноземної мови Навчальний посібник Подорож. Види траспорту. Популярні місця для відпочинку [Система інтегрованих уроків. Англійська мова, 5 клас] м. Золотоноша 2013
  • 3. БББ 74.200 (4Укр – 4 Чск) Н – 84 (Навчально-методичний посібник), 2013 – 48 c. АВТОР: Авраменко Оксана Юріївна – учитель іноземної мови РЕЦЕНЗЕНТИ: Литвиненко Наталія Іванівна – учитель-методист іноземної мови вищої категорії, керівник практичного міського семінару вчителів іноземної мови Строкань Наталія Василівна – завідувач методичним кабінетом відділу освіти Золотоніської міської ради Черкаської області Буряк Світлана Дмитрівна – заступник директора з науково-методичної роботи Золотоніської гімназії ім. С.Д. Скляренка Схвалено до використання методичною радою методичного кабінету відділу освіти Золотоніської міської ради Черкаської області (протокол №3 від 19.12.2012)
  • 4. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 5 ЗМІСТ МЕТОДИЧНИЙ КОМЕНТАР ................................................................................. 6 Lesson 1. TRAVELLING.TRANSPORT. ........................................................................ 9 Lesson 2. FROM THE HISTORY OF TRAVEL.EXPLORERS. ................................. 15 Lesson 3. TRAVELLING.TRANSPORT. ....................................................................... 21 Lesson 4. THE MOST EXOTIC PLACES TO VISIT .................................................... 28 Lesson 5. THE FAVOURITE PLACES TO REST....................................................... 33 Lesson 6. TRAVELLING.TEST ........................................................................................ 39 СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ ............................................................. 48 Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 5. 6 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… МЕТОДИЧНИЙ КОМЕНТАР Важливим завданням сучасної освіти є підвищення ефективності формування особистості в її інтелектуальному, креативному, соціально- культурному,особистісному та духовному розвитку учнів. Для кожного учителя дуже важливим є підвищення ефективності уроку, розвиток гармонійно цілісної особистості, де у центрі уваги – учень з його обдарованістю, здібностями, потенційними можливостями, а також створення інноваційного простору. В даний період кожен учитель повинен намагатися організовувати процес навчальної діяльності таким чином, щоб створити сприятливе навчальне середовище, в якому теорія і практика учнів засвоювалась одночасно. Відомо, що інноваційний процес – це комплексна діяльність по створенню, освоєнню, використанню та розповсюдженню нововведень. Для того, щоб викликати інтерес в учнів до вивчення іноземної мови, ми, вчителі англійської мови, повинні шукати нові, цікаві і результативні форми і методи навчання. Під терміном "методи навчання” розуміється, упорядковані способи взаємопов’язаної діяльності вчителя й учнів, спрямовані на розв’язання навчально-виховних завдань. Під час навчання потрібно використовувати такі методи, при яких: • в учнів виникає бажання до творчої, результативної роботи; • учні стають активними, розкутими, намагаються досягти успіху, при цьому не порушують поведінку у класі. Відомо, що одним з основних методичних інновацій є інтерактивні методи навчання. Інтерактивне навчання – це навчання основане на діалогічному мовленні, в ході якого здійснюється взаємодія вчителя і учня, при цьому вони - рівноправні, рівнозначні суб’єкти навчання і не відчувається домінування одного учасника навчального процесу над іншим, однієї думки над іншою. В таких умовах, учні швидше привчаються бути демократичними, Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 6. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 7 сміливо спілкуватися з іншими людьми, критично мислити, приймати обґрунтовані самостійні рішення. Мета інтерактивного навчання – створювання комфортних умов навчання, при яких учень відчуває свою успішність, свою інтелектуальну досконалість, що робить продуктивним сам освітній процес. Потрібно пам’ятати, що суть інтерактивного навчання полягає у тому, що навчальний процес повинен бути постійно наповнений активною взаємодією всіх учнів. Це базується на співпраці, взаємо - навчанні: вчитель – учень, учень – учень. Технологія інтерактивного навчання — така організація навчального процесу, за якої неможлива відмова від участі у процесі пізнання: кожен учень має конкретне завдання, за виконання якого відчуває власну відповідальність і повинен перед всіма відзвітувати; якість виконання поставленого перед групою завдання, залежить від діяльності кожного учня. В системі уроків для 5 класу доцільно застосовувати роботу в парах . Учні працюють у парах, виконуючи завдання. Парна робота вимагає обміну думками і дозволяє швидко виконати вправи. Не менш важливою в середній школі є групова робота. У груповій навчальній діяльності учні показують високі результати засвоєння знань, формування вмінь, бо "в цій роботі слабкі учні виконують за обсягом будь-яких вправ на 20-30% більше, ніж у фронтальній роботі. Групова робота сприяє також організації більш ритмічної діяльності кожного учня".Учні активно обговорюють різні ситуації,проявляючи творчий підхід,з задоволенням висловлюють власну думку. Прийоми роботи з навчальним матеріалом повинні приваблювати учнів. Застосування комп'ютерних інформаційних технологій у навчанні - одна з найбільш важливих і стійких тенденцій розвитку світового освітнього процесу. Інформаційна технологія навчання - це процес підготовки і передачі інформації учню засобом здійснення якого є комп'ютерна техніка та програмні засоби. На мою думку мультимедійна форма вираження навчальної інформації найбільш актуальна на сьогоднішній день у зв'язку з комп'ютеризацією процесу Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 7. 8 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… освіти. З метою розвитку особистості потрібна інша тактика пред'явлення навчального матеріалу: вона повинна сприяти розвитку мислення та пізнавальної активності, забезпечувати індивідуальну траєкторію навчання. Мультимедійна презентація іншомовного матеріалу – спосіб пред'явлення творчо переробленого вчителем, адаптованого для певного віку учнів мовної інформації у вигляді логічно завершеної добірки слайдів з певних тем. Мультимедійна презентація базується на використанні аудіовізуальних можливостей комп'ютерних технологій. Враховуючи вікові особливості учнів 5 класу доцільно застосовувати презентації при роботі над лексикою. Застосування презентацій також сприяє розвитку фонетичних та граматичних вмінь і навичок. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 8. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 9 LESSON 1 TRAVELLING. TRANSPORT “ Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more.” Objectives:  to introduce the new words and develop their vocabulary on the topic “Travelling”;  to read and talk about different reasons for travelling; to develop students’ reading skills through the methods of interactive reading  to improve students skills for listening and comprehension  to develop learners’ creative abilities PROCEDURE I. Warm-up Teacher: Good morning! How are you today? I hope all of you will be active and doing well at our lesson. . Today we are going to talk about travelling. Your aim is to get new information about types of transport,to learn new words,to express your own opinions,to read and listen to the dialogue. Modern life is impossible without travelling.To understand how true it is you only have to go to the bus station or to the railway station. There you’ll see a lot of people hurrying to get somewhere and to get there as quick as possible. Here is an epigraph on the blackboard “ Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more ”.What do you think about it? Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 9. 10 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Answer my questions:  Do you like to travell?  What is travelling for you??  How often do you travel?  Where would you like to travel? II. Main part I.Vocabulary. 1.Presentation of new words. Look at the screen .There are types of transport.Do you know all of them? So,the types of transport are: balloon, bus, camel, canoe, car, ferry, horse, plane, rocket, ship, sledge, train. Look on the screen.Pay attention.Speaking about travelling we use ‘’on’’ or ‘’ by’’. We use “by” with these words: We use ‘’’on’’ with these words. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 10. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 11 2.Vocabulary practice. Exercise.Complete the lists with new words using ‘’on’’ or ‘’by’’ 1. on land 2. in the air 3. on water Key: 1- on sledge,by train, by car, by bicycle,by bus, on horse,on camel; 2 – by plane,by balloon; 3 – by ship,by canoe, by ferry. II.Listening. 1. Pre –listening activity. You know that a lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays,but some of them go to visit theor relatives or for their work. 2. Listening task. Teacher. Listen to three people talking about their travellings and be ready to answer the questions. Take notes. Pay attention to what places they are going. Then complete the table about the speakers. The class will be divided into three groups. Each group should listen carefully to one of the speakers and make a note of extra information about his/her travelling. After listening each group will tell the class their information. A B C Where does he/she travel? How often does she/he travel? Why does he/she travel? How does she/he travell? Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 11. 12 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Keys:A- Europe; every month; works;plain; B- Ireland;every year;to visit family;ferry; C-summer camp;every summer;to do adventure sports; bus 3. Post-listening task. Teacher. Now tell the class about you .You may start with the sentences. 1. I usually go on holiday by/with… 2. One day,I want to travel by/to … Tape script: A. I often travel around Europe for my work.Every month I get a plane to France,Germany, or sometimes to Poland.I don’t like travelling by plane,but it’s part of my job. B. I live in England,but I am from Ireland.Every year I go to Ireland and visit my family there.We always get the ferry-it’s a really nice way to travel. C. Every summer I go to a summer camp with my friends.We do adventure sports there.It’s great and funny.We go by bus. III.Reading task. 1.Pre-reading. Many years ago people travelled because they wanted to learn much about our planet. If we are fond of travelling we see and learn all sorts of things we can never see or learn at home But why do people travel now?From the books and newspapers they can learn everything they want.What makes them to travel? 2.While-reading. While reading the text, guess the words and fill in the gaps. Many people like to 1. t……….. because it is interesting, attractive and you can see new different places. There are few reasons why people travel. The first: they 2.v…………… other countries for getting more useful information about it.It is Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 12. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 13 3.e……………… to learn new things,different people,their national customs and the way of life. The second reason people travel for 4.r………….. Sometimes it is necessary to leave your house and have a rest.Some people enjoy visiting big cities with 5. m………….,art galleries,shops and 6.r…………... As usual people go trip in their holidays.They prefer a quiet holiday by the 7.s…….. or in the mountains,walking,bathing and getting sunburnt. People usually take a 8.c………….with them and make photos of all interesting views.Some time later these photos will remind them of the happy 9.m………... People can travel in different ways.They can do it by train,by plain,by ship,by bus and by car.All of these means have positive and negative sides.And people choose one according to their plans,possibilities and destinations. Keys:1-.travell; 2-visit; 3- exciting; 4-rest; 5.-museums;6-restaurants; 7-sea;8- camera;9-moments. 3.Post-reading. a) Choose the correct item. 1.All people in the world are fond ……travelling. a)on b)of c)with 2.It’s great ……………. new things. a)to learning b) to learn c)learn 3.People take …………. to make photos. a)camera b)a computer c) a TV-set 4.People can travel ………….. different ways. a)on b)by c) in 5.People choose one …………… to their plans. a)thanks b)because c)according Keys:1.-b; 2-b;3-a;4-b;5-c; b) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate question words. 1……………. likes travelling? 2…………… people want to see on their holidays? Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 13. 14 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 3…………….. can people have a quite holiday? 4…………….. means of transport can people choose? Keys:1.-Who;2-What; 3-Where;4-What; 4.Game.Work in pairs. Now let’s play.Imagine you are on an expedition.What places for expedition will you choose?(a jungle,a desert, mountains,a rainforest etc.)Ask Yes/No questions to guess where your friend is.Keep in mind that you can’t ask more then ten questions to guess the answer. P1.Is it cold there? P2.Are you travelling by plane? P.3.Are there any animals? P4.Are you in Africa? etc. Teacher. Well done.Next time we’ll continue our work. We’ll speak about explorers. IV. Assessment and Assignment Teacher. The topic of our today’s lesson was interesting. We have spoken much about travelling and means of transport. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Your marks are…. Your task will be to learn the vocabulary related to the topic and to write ashort essay “How do you want to travel”. The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye! Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 14. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 15 LESSON 2 FROM THE HISTORY OF TRAVEL.EXPLORERS Objectives:  to revise the vocabulary associated with travelling;  to practice listening, note-taking, speaking and discussion;  to improve grammar skills;  to increase awareness of great explorers ; PROCEDURE I.Warm- up Today we are going to talk about travelling.We’ll return in the past and learn some information about famous explorers. We should revise the material on the topic, revise years and past forms of the verb ‘’to be’’.You will study to use the verbs in the Past Simple. During the lesson all of you will train in reading,listening and writing. II.Main part. Reading 1. Pre –reading activity. In the past travelling was very dangerous,but it didn’t stop explorers to investigate our planet.We are going to make a very interesting journey in the past.We’ll introduce with some famous explorers.Are you ready?Look at the screen.Do you know them? Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 15. 16 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 2. While –reading activity. Read the short information about explorers and be ready to do the task. 3. Post –reading activity Teacher Now match the names and the sentences. 1.VASCO DA GAMA a)His journey through Asia lasted 24 years. 2.MARCO POLO b)His expedition first cross the Pacific Ocean. 3.CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS c) His team becoming the first people reached the North Pole. 4.MARY HENRIETTA KINGSLEY d)He became well known as an expert sailor. 5.FERDINAND MAGELLAN e)The explorer who made two pioneering trips to West and Central Africa. 6.MATTHEW HENSON f)He is famous for opening up the Americas to European colonization. Keys:1-D; 2-A; 3-F; 4-E;5-B;6-C. III.Grammar. Speaking about explorers we need to use past tenses.Today we’ll learn some information about Past Simple Tense. -We use the Past Simple to talk about finished actions and situations in the past. -There are two types of the verb: regular and irregular.Look at the screen. -We add ending -ed- to form regular verbs. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 16. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 17 - Irregular verbs have a different form in the past simple..see the irregular verbs list. -We often use a time expression with the Past Simple: yesterday; last week; a month ago; last night; the other day; PAST SIIMPLE REGULAR VERBS IRREGULAR VERBS PAST SIMPLE VERBS IV.Grammar Practice. 1.Let’s do some exercises.Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple. In the summer of 2012, I 1…………………..(travel) to New York with my parents.We 2. ……………… (arrive) in New York late.We 3………….(stay) in a hotel.My sister 4……………..(want) to see the Statue of Liberty so we 5………………..(decide) to go there. We also 6……………(visit) the Empire State Building- it was my favourite place. Keys:1-trvelled; 2-arrived; 3-stayed; 4-wanted; 5-decided; 6-visited; 2.Match the verbs in the box with the past forms. have; drink; buy; come; see; speak; write; build; make; go; think; learn; give; Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 17. 18 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… PAST SIMPLE IRREGULAR VERBS bought; built; came; drank; gave; had; learnt; made; saw; spoke; thought; went; wrote; Keys:have-had;drink-drank;buy-bought;come-came;see-saw;speak-spoke; write-wrote;build-built;make-made;go-went;think-thought;learn-learnt;give-gave; V.Writing. Now we are going to learn more information about Bob Cooper-famous British traveller.Your task is to complete the text about him.Use some of the information in the box.rite 2-3 sentences for each section. BOB COOPER (1835- 1900 ) 1. from London live/ with parents and three sisters/father-builder mother-cook 2.1849- finish school/ want to travel/decide work on boat/sail to America/ problems: ship/ food/ weather/people 3.1850- arrive New York; decide: travel west/work on farms/ why unhappy: work/places people:food / weather decide: go California/ look for gold 4. 1855- why excited?find gold/have letter from home decide: buy/ travel/go/visit/stay 5. 1870- returnLondon:live/meet/ build/ write Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 18. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 19 1. Bob Cooper was from London.When he was young, he ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. In 1849, he…………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. In 1850, he arrived………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. in 1855, he was very excited because……………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. In 1870, he returned……………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. He died in 1990 in London. Key: 1.When he was young, he lived with his parents and three sisters.His father was a builder and his mother was a cook. 2.In 1849, he finished school and he wanted to travel.He decided to work on a boat and sail to America.There were some problems because the ship was old/ the food was bad/ the weather was bad/ some of the people were sick. 3. In 1850 , he arrived in New York. He decided to travel west and work on farms. He was unhappy because the work was very hard/ the places were boring/ the people attacked him/ the food was bad/ the weather was bad. He decided to go to Calofornia and look for gold. 4.In 1855, he was very excited because he found gold/ had a letter from home. He decided to buy a big house/ travel South/ go back home/ visit his sisters /stay in California. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 19. 20 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 5.In 1870, he returned to London.He lived in an old house/met his sisters/ built a theatre/ wrote six books about America. VI. Assessment and Assignment. Teacher: Today we spoke about famous explorers,we learnt many interesting facts and information about them,got some information about their achievements..To sum up, I’d like to say that the Age of Exploration took place between the 15th and 17th centuries. The explorers discover new lands, find trade routes, seek treasure, and gain territory for their country. Sometimes it is called the Age of Discovery. You worked well,thank you for the lesson. Your marks are… Your home task is to prepare a short report about famous explorer. The lesson is over. See you next time. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 20. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 21 LESSON 3 TRAVELLING. TRANSPORT Objectives: - to revise the vocabulary associated with the topic; - to encourage students to use their imagination while working on the topic and motivate them in expressing their own opinions on the topic; - to develop free speaking skills of students, exchanging opinions in the groups; - to enrich students’ knowledge on the topic. PROCEDURE Teacher. Today we are going to have an interesting journey.look on the screen and say what are the pictures about?Surely,our lesson is about different kinds of travelling. I. Warm-up. Teacher. Listen to the poem. Travelling We go by car We go by land And we go by train. And sea and air, We go by boat, We go, go, go, And we go by plane. From here to there. -Do you agree that the best way to study geography is to travel? -Who can help us with transport ? Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 21. 22 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… - What means of transport can you travel by? - How can we travel? Using the table make up sentences. plane train We can travel by (on) ship car foot II.Reading. 1. Pre –reading activity. Read the following text and try to guess the meaning of unknown words from the text. Pleasure,convenient, speed,deck,rise,fall,waves,seagulls,sights,suitcase. Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means of travelling. There is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls. Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many sights in a short time, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 22. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 23 A very popular means of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not as popular in our country as abroad. 2.While –reading activity. Shared reading with discussion focusing on a specific information. 3.Post –reading activity.Group work. You have read the text and learned about travelling by different means of transport.Now let’s divide into five groups and try to make lists of advantages and disadvantages of travelling by transport. Group 1. Travelling by train. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Group 2. Travelling by plain. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Group 3. Travelling by ship. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Group 4. Travelling by car. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 23. 24 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Group 5. Travelling on foot. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Now look on the screen and check your answers. II.Speaking Teacher: - Which is the best way of travelling? - Which is the quickest way of travelling? - Which is the most comfortable way of travelling? - Which is the cheapest way of travelling? - Which is the most expensive one? - Which way of travelling do you like most? Now say which way of travelling you prefer.Say advantages and disadvantages.You can use your tables.Start with the words: - I prefer travelling by………… because it’s………….. but…….. For example: I prefer travelling by plane because it’s comfortable and fast but it’s rather expensive etc. Let’s come to a conclusion.As you see each way of trip has its good and bad points.The choice of the transport depends on the situation and how fast you need to go somewhere. III.Listening. 1. Pre –listening activity. I see,you know a lot facts about different kinds of transport and you can differ them from each other.Listen to short stories and say what are they about. 2. Listening task. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 24. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 25 Speaker1.It is the fastest way of travelling.It can take you from one city or town to take other in no time. The seats are comfortable. It` a pity but sometimes you can see very little from the windows. When the weather is rainy or foggy you cannot travel by it. Key:plane; Speaker2. This is the slowest way of travelling. Both young and old people like it.You don`t worry about tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such a way. Key :on foot; Speaker3. This way of travelling is fast. You can stop any place you like and go where you like . You need no tickets.Usually families travel by it. Key : by car; Speaker4. This way of travelling is fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so pleasant to travel by them. You can see a lot of interesting things from the carriage window.You can make a long journey by it. Key : by train; IV.Vocabulary practice 1.You have learnt much information about means of transport and travelling.Let’s check your vocabulary. Choose and underline the necessary word. 1. Travelling (by plane, by train) is the cheapest. 2. You can go to (the library, the station) to see people who want to get somewhere. 3.If you want to get somewhere fast, you use (a plane, a car) 4. Travelling by bike is (cheap, expensive) 5.You need to buy (books, tickets) for travelling by train. 2.Vocabulary game ‘”Hot potato” Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 25. 26 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Isee you’re bit tired.Let’s play game. Students got some “transport” words in cards.They try to show in movements what kind of transport they prefer to use.The others try to guess the word. V.Writing. Now we’ll revise some information about comparison of adjectives. Task 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative forms. 1.Fast-………………… ……………………….. 2.Modern -…………… ……………………….. 3.Heavy- …………….. ……………………….. 4.Quick - …………….. ……………………….. 5.Far - ………………… ………………………… 6.Good - ………………. ………………………… 7.Old-………………….. …………………………. 8.Happy ………………. …………………………. 9.Comfortable …………. ………………………… 10.Cozy ………………... ………………………… Keys:1- faster;the fastest; 2-more modern’the most modern; 3-heavier;’the heaviest; 4-quicker;the quickest;5-farther;the farthest;6-better;the best; 7-older; the oldest;8-happier; the happiest;9-more comfortable;the most comfortable; 10- cozier;the coziest. Task 2. Complete the sentences. 1.This bus station is the ……………… (near) in the town. 2.The passenger trains are …………….(comfortable) than coaches. 3.Travelling by plain is the ……………(fast) way to travel. 4.Travelling by car is ……………… (cheap) than by ship to travel. 5.Travelling on foot is the ……………. (slow) way to travel. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 26. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 27 Keys:1-the nearest; 2-more comfortable; 3- the fastest; 4- cheaper; 5-the slowest; VI. Assessment and Assignment Teacher. The topic of our today’s lesson was interesting. We have spoken much about travelling in the air, on the land. I see that you can choose the best way of travelling during your holidays or having a trip. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Your marks are…. Your task will be to speak about the favourite mean of transport. The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye! Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 27. 28 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… LESSONS 4 THE MOST EXOTIC PLACES TO VISIT “The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page” Augustine,St. Objectives: - to revise the vocabulary associated with the topic; - to encourage students to use their imagination while working on the topic and motivate them in expressing their own opinions on the topic; - to develop free speaking skills of students, exchanging opinions in the groups; - to enrich students’ knowledge on the topic. PROCEDURE Teacher. More people travel more than ever before today.Tourism is the reason why most people travel.People spend their holidays in different exotic places.Look on the screen and name the most popular cities and countries to visit. (Los-Angeles,Boston,Egypt,Paris,Spain,Turkey) I.Warm-up. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 28. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 29 II.Presenting new vocabulary. To speak about travelling in general we must know many words.We must have some special knowledge how to behave in different situation during our travel.Let’s learn some of them. accommodation;fashionable;cheap;expensive;famous;unforgettable; nightlife;entertainment;modern;noisy;fascinating;well-known; Practicing vocabulary. Choose the words from the list to fill in the gaps. 1………… clothes 2………….. restaurants 3………….. people 4.exciting………… 5……………. shops 6…………….. city 7……………… places Keys: 1-fashionable; 2- famous; 3-well-known; 4-nightlife;5-expensive; 6- noisy; 7- unforgettable; III.Reading. 1.Pre-reading. Look on the screen and look on some exotic places to visit.Which of them would you like to visit? 2.While-reading. Read the letter from Sandra about her trip to Boston and underline past forms of the verbs. Dear Tom, Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 29. 30 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… We’re in Boston.It’s a very interesting city on the east – coast of the USA.Boston is famous for its colleges,like Harvard University. We stayed in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel for one week.It had excellent service,but it was quite expensive.Now we are at the Bertram Inn. It is cheaper and very clean. There are many fascinating places to visit here,like the Old North Church. I took a lot of photos there..Yesterday, we went to the Public Gardens and I went for a ride in a boat.Last week we went to the New England Aquarium.We saw some seals and a lot of different fish. Boston has hundreds of good restaurants.The bast one so far is Monica’s. They have delicious pasta dishes. Newbury Street is the best area for shopping.The Sunflower and Filene’s Basement are two very good shops.They’ve got much chaper prces than the others. The nightlife is very exciting here too.On Tuesday I went to the Roxy and danced to live pop music.Cafes are very popular with visitors too. My favourite is the Corner Café. It’s got a great atmosphere. See you soon, Love, Sandra 3.Post-reading. Fill in the information in the table below. accommo dation places to visit restaur ants shoppi ng nightlif e Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 30. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 31 IV.Listening. 1.Pre-listening. Use the questions below to complete the dialogue. a) What did you think of Chinese food? b) What did you see there? c) Did you enjoy the nightlife? d) What was China like? A:……………………………………………………………. B:It was great! There were lots of interesting places to visit and excellent shops. A:……………………………………………………………… B:We saw the Great Wall of China and the Terracota Army, a group of large statues that are the size of real people, next to the Li River. A:………………………………………………………………. B: It was delicious and quite cheap. A: ……………………………………………………………….. B: Yes, very much. We went to some very fashionable nightclubs, but the pubs were friendlier and not as expensive as the clubs. 2.While-listening. Listen to the dialogue and check your answers. A: What was China like? B:It was great! There were lots of interesting places to visit and excellent shops. A: What did you see there? B:We saw the Great Wall of China and the Terracota Army, a group of large statues that are the size of real people, next to the Li River. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 31. 32 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… A: What did you think of Chinese food? B: It was delicious and quite cheap. A: Did you enjoy the nightlife? B: Yes, very much. We went to some very fashionable nightclubs, but the pubs were friendlier and not as expensive as the clubs. 3.Post-listening.Pair work. Ask each other questions about your activities during last holidays. Use these verbs: go to; go with; stay in; see; want to; visit; buy; meet; have; After that some of you will tell the class two or three things about your partner’s holiday. For example: -Dasha went to… -She saw… -She visited.. -She bought… V.Speaking. Game « Where do you want to travel?» Now look one more time on the screen and say what plays would you like to travel and why. VI. Assessment & Assignment Our lesson is coming to the end. I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you for active work. You were not only active but also creative. So, your marks for today are… Write a short letter to your friend about your last holidays. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 32. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 33 LESSON 5 THE FAVOURITE PLACES TO REST Objectives: - to develop students’ knowledge on the topic; - to expand the vocabulary related to the topic; - to practice students’ language skills; - to encourage students to guess new words and combinations; - to improve students’ communicative skills. PROCEDURE I. Warm-up. Teacher. My dear. Welcome to our lesson. At the last lesson we spoke about exotic places to travel.Today we’re going to speak about travelling around our country and rest during the holidays.Look on the screen and say the places to rest in our country during the holidays. (at the seaside; in the mountains; in the village; at the river; in the forest; in the camp;) II. Vocabulary practice. 1.Look at the board. You see the words and word-combinations on the topic ‘’ Holidays” to sunbathe, climbing, floating boat, go sightseeing, to make new friends, to have a lot of fun, to make a fire, to collect wood, to make a fire, to put up the tents, to sit round the fire, to sing songs, to play adventure games. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 33. 34 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Put them into the word net. 1. Well, where can you go during your summer holidays? Ps :( to the country, to the camp, to grandparents'…) 2. When can you go on holiday? Ps :( in June, from... to..., in July, at the end of June…) 3. What can you do during your summer holidays? Ps (to go sightseeing, to go to the seaside, to sunbathe, to rest, to make new friends, to work in the garden, to have a lot of fun, to visit…) 4. And your impressions! Ps: (exciting, fantastic, great, beautiful…) 2.Look on the blackboard.Using the cues make sentences about last weekends.Don’t forget to use Past Simple. -Last weekend my friends and I (travel) to…………. -We (stay) ………………….. -On Saturday we (visit)………… -We (like)…………………….. -On Sunday we (want)………….. -We (decide)……………………… -On Sunday evening, we (return) ……………. III. Listening. 1.Pre-listening. Teacher - Do you like to rest? - Do you like to rest at the river Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 34. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 35 - What place to rest do you prefer? 2.While -listening. Listen to the text and give the title. It is very hot today.There are no clouds in the sky and only some birds are flying there. Two families, the Browns and the Greens, are at the river. They are togother with their children. Mr.Green and Mrs Green are sitting on the grass and talking. There is a basket near them. It is full of food. Mrs Brown is listening to music. Mr Brown is at the fire. He is cooking fish soup. Frank Green and his brother Mike are in the water.Frank can swim well,so he is teaching his little brother to swim. Mary Brown is picking flowers and her elder brother Roy is playing with his dog.Eric Green is far from the other children. He is fishing. He likes fishing very much. The children and their parents are having a very good time. 3.Post -listening. 1. Mark sentences as True or False. ………1.The weather is wonderful. ………2.There are some birds in the sky. ………3.There are four children at the river. ………4.Mrs Green is talking to Mr Brown. ………5.Roy’s father is cooking fish soup. ………6. Mike’s brother is fishing. Keys: 1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4-F; 5-T; 6-T; 2. Choose the correct answer. 1. It is …………… today. a)cold b)hot c)chilly 2………….. families are at the river. a) four b)three c) two Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 35. 36 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 3. There is a ……………. near them. a)a dog b) a car c) a basket 4.Mrs Brown is listening to ……… a)music b)radio c) concert 5.The family is having …………..time a) not bad b) good c) very good Keys:1-B; 2-C; 3-C; 4-A; 5-C; IV.Speaking. Dear children.Sometimes your friends are in atrouble and need your help!What can we do for them?I agree, we can give suggestions.Let’s look through some suggestions in the box and try to guess their meanings. - Let’s ……. –That’s a good idea. -Why don’t we….. – That’s not a very good idea -We can………. – Right.Let’s do that. -No,not now. No, we can’t Pair work. You can see a list of situations.Make suggestions and reply to them. -open the window; -go to the cinema; -listen to some music; - go home ; -go to the coffee bar; P1.-Why don’t we open the window? P2.-No, we can’t.It’s rather cold outside. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 36. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 37 P1. - Let’s go to the cinema. P2.- That’s a good idea.I’d like to watch this new film. P1.- Why don’t we listen to some music? P2.- No, not now. My parents are at home,they don’t like it. P1.- Let’s go home. P2. – That’s a good idea.We can play computer games or watch TV. P1. –We can go to the coffee bar. P2.- Right,let’s do that. I’m hungry and thirsty. V.Game. Group activity. Imagine that you have a picnic. First player says: ‘’Let’s collect wood’’ ( pupils fill in activity they want to do) and start doing what he/she wanted to do.A second pupil jumps in, saying :”Let’s make a fire”( doing other activity to advance the group activity). Both pupils say "Yes, let`s do that" and start doing whatever suggested. Third player jumps in, suggests what to do, and again all players loudly agree to do it, and actually do it. Continue till everyone has suggested something. VI. Reading. 1.Pre-reading Read Sasha’s postcard. Does he like Artek? 2.While-reading Imagine you’re on holiday.Think about place and activities. Hi Victor Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 37. 38 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… How are you? On summer holidays all children try to have a perfect rest from school. I am writing this in the most famous camp Artek. I’m here with my new friends for two weeks. We can sweem in the Black Sea and play sports.We can also choose drama, music and art clubs. The children take interesting bus tours or trips out to sea on a yacht. The nature around is great! It is impossible to forget the rest in Artek for the whole life. E-mail me soon. Sasha 4. Post-reading Think of answers to these questions. Write notes. -Where are you? -What are you doing? -What is the weather like? -Do you like the place? VI. Assessment & Assignment Our lesson is coming to the end. I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you for active work.Today you’ve had the last lesson about travelling and your task is to prepare for the test.Also write the postcard to your friend. The lesson is over.Good-bye! Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 38. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 39 LESSON 6 TRAVELLING . TEST Objectives:  to check the vocabulary associated with travelling;  to practice listening, reading skills;  to practice basic writing skills; PROCEDURE I.Warm- up You know now everything about travelling.You have learnt new words.You can easily choose the mean of transport and the place to rest in our country or abroad.You can write a letter or a postcard to your friend.You learnt about Past Simple and can use it speaking about past events.I don’t think there is anything more to say on the subject. So today we’ll wright a test. II.Main part. 1. Reading Many people in Britain work five days a week, from Monday to Friday.So, from Friday evening till Monday morning people have weekend. Very many people plan to go away for the weekend.Some people go to the seaside and stay at a hotel there. Some people like to travel by plain or by train,but many families go to the seaside by car, as it is very comfortable and rather cheap. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 39. 40 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Last Friday Tony and his family had a trip to Brighton. Brighton is a nice place near London. It is easy to get there by car or by train. Tony’s family hasn’t got a car. So, they got to the railway station by bus and travelled to Brighton by train. It took them about an hour to get there. They stayed at a hotel. It was old but rather comfortable. The weather was nice but a bit cloudy. The family had a wonderful time in Brighton. Task 1. True or False. ….. 1.The weekend starts on Friday evening. ….. 2. People like to stay at home for the weekend. ….. 3.People travel by car because it’s cheap. ….. 4. Tony had a trip on Saturday. …... 5. They went to the railway station by car. …... 6. The weekend finishes on Monday morning. Keys:1- T; 2- F; 3- T; 4-F; 5-F; 6.-T; Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words. by train; hotel; by plane; cloudy; by car; seaside; 1.Some people like travelling ……………………………………………….. 2.It is easy to get to Brighton………………………………………………. 3.Tony’s family went to Brighton …………………………………………... 4.People like to go to the …………………………………………………… 5.People like to stay at a …………………………………………………… 6.It was ………………………………………………………………………… Keys:1- by plane; 2- by car; 3- b ytrain;4- seaside; 5- hotel; 6- cloudy; Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 40. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 41 Task 3. Answer the questions. 1.Where is Brighton? ………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Have they got the car? ………………………………………………………………………………… 3.How long did it take them to get to Brighton? ………………………………………………………………………………… 4.Where did they stay there? ………………………………………………………………………………… 5.What was the weather like? ………………………………………………………………………………… 6.Did they have a good time? ………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Listening. The picnic This weekend my cousins are staying with us, so today we’re going for a picnic at our favourite picnic place. My mother is a good cook. She is packing everyone’s favourite food in a big box. There are other boxes and bags too. There are picnic things, swimming things, towels, knives, cups, glasses, drinks, sunshades, mats and a big box full of rubbish. I throw the box into the big rubbish bin in the street and we put everything else in our car. We drive for about an hour along the big road and come to a small road and then to a track over dry rocky ground. It is a long and hot drive, but finally we see the river. It is beautiful and full of clean water from the mountains. There are a lot of places for swimming. We jump from the rocks into the cool water and we are happy. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 41. 42 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… Then everyone is hungry. We unpack the car and put up the sunshades. But the food isn’t there! There is a big box of rubbish, but no food, except for some bread and biscuits. Everyone looks at me. I say, “I think the wrong box is in the rubbish bin now. Sorry”. You can imagine what everyone is saying at the moment! So, we have nothing else to do but eat the biscuits. I’m not the most popular person today. Task 1. True or False. ……… 1.The food in the food box is very tasty. ……… 2.There is only one big box. ……… 3. The storyteller throws away the box of rubbish. ……… 4.Everybody laughs when they find out that the box with food is in the rubbish bin now. ………. 5 They are eating biscuits for lunch now. Keys:1-T; 2- F; 3- F; 4- F; 5-T; Task 2. Choose a or b. 1. The storyteller and his family plan to.. a) take food on the way to; b) buy food on the way to; 2. When they pack the car, both the food and the rubbish are…. a) in a bag; b) in boxes; 3. Before they leave the storyteller throws ….. in the bin. a)a box b) some bags; Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 42. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 43 4. The picnic place is…. a) just somewhere close to the house; b)a long way from the house; 5. They unpack the car and the food is… a) not there; b) in the bag; Keys:1-A; 2-B; 3-A; 4- B; 5-A; Task 3. Write the words from the story in the correct column. WEEKEND; COUSINS; PICNIC; FAVOURITE; MOTHER; GOOD; BIG; BOX; BAGS; TOWELS; KNIVES; RUBBISH; THROW; PUT; CAR; DRIVE; COME; SMALL; ROAD; DRY; LONG; HOT; SEE; WATER; JUMP; COOL; UNPACK; BREAD; LOOKS; SAY; IMAGINE; DO; EAT; POPULAR; PERSON; VERBS NOUNS ADJECTIVES Keys: VERBS NOUNS ADJECTIVES -THROW -PUT -DRIVE -COME -SEE -JUMP -WEEKEND -COUSINS -PICNIC -MOTHER -FOOD -BOX -FAVOURITE -GOOD -BIG -SMALL -DRY -LONG Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 43. 44 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… -UNPACK -LOOKS -SAY -IMAGINE -DO -EAT -BAGS -TOWELS -KNIVES -RUBBISH -CAR -ROAD -WATER -BREAD -PERSON -HOT -COOL -POPULAR 3.Vocabulary Read the descriptions and complete the words. 1. You travel on water in this. s……….. 2. You ride on this in the desert…c…… 3. You travel in the air in this…p……... 4. You travel from city to city in this. …t…… 5. You can travel in the snow on this. …s…… 6. You can travel to the space in this…r….. 7. You can travel on the land on this …h….. Keys;1-ship; 2-camel; 3-plane; 4- train; 5-sledge; 6- rocket; 7- horse; 4.Grammar. 1.Write the past forms of the verbs. 1.drink-………. 2.carry-………. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 44. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 45 3.start-……….. 4.have-…………………….. 7.write-……... 8.make-……... 9.give-………. 10. study-……. Keys:1-drank; 2-carried; 3- started; 4-had; 5-met;6-travelled;7-wrote; 8- made; 9-gave; 10-studied; 2.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. Many years ago people …………….. (believe) that some women…………(be) witches. These women …………… (not/ live) in big cities. They ……….. (live ) in small villages. People ………… (think) they……… (behave) strangely because they …………… (make) unusual medicines from plants and they ………………. (not/ act) like other people. They ………….. (say) that they …………. (not/ walk) but that they …………….. (fly) on brooms. Do you believe in witches? Keys: 1- Believed; 2-were; 3-didn’t live; 4-lived; 5- thought; 6-behaved; 7- made; 8- didn’t act; 9-said; 10-didn’t walk; 11-flew; 5. Communication. 1.Complete the dialogue with these words.There is one extra word. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 45. 46 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… can’t; don’t; idea; let’s; now; that ; why; A: 1.…………. don’t we go to the cinema? B: No, we 2. ……….. The film started at 7.30 and it’s 8.30 3………… A:Well, 4…………….. go to the snack bar. B: Right. That’s a good 5………….. Let’s do 6………… and then go home. Keys:1-why; 2-can’t; 3- now; 4-let’s; 5- idea; 6-that; 6.Writing. You are on a school trip.Answer the questions and complete the postcard to your friend. Where are you/ 1.How many students are there on the trip? 2.What are the good things about the trip? 3.What are the bad things about the trip? 4.What are you doing at the moment? 5.Where were you yesterday? Tuesday afternoon Hi! I’m in …………………………… 1. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………. 2. …………………………………………. ……………………………………………. 3…………………………………………... ……………………………………………. 4. ………………………………………….. ……………………………………………. 5…………………………………………. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 46. Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… 47 ……………………………………………. See you soon! III.Assessment & Assignment Dear friends! Thank you very much for the lesson. You’ve coped with the work!See you later! Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.
  • 47. 48 Виставка ППД «Освіта Черкащини» Подорож. Види траспорту… СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ 1. НіколаєваС.Ю, Методика викладання іноземних мов у середніх навчальних закладах.-К.,2002 2. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 1, Express Publishing, 1998 3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 2, Express Publishing, 2002 4. Michael Harris, David Mover.Challenges 1, Express Publishing, 2006 5. Mary Bowen,Printha Ellis.Way Ahead 4,2004 6. Mary Bowen,Printha Ellis.Way Ahead 5,2004 7. Virginia Evans. Round-up 4,2003 8. Бондарь М.В.,Тексти та завдання для 5- 11 класів.-Х.,2003 9. Бутенко Н.В.,Ільїна М,В., Завдання підвищеної складності з англійської мови.-Х.,2010 10. Томаєва В.І., Topical Texts.-Х.,2008 11. Єфремов С,В., Робота із ситуаціями спілкування в середній шко лі.-Х.,2008 12. Казачінер О.С.Сучасні форми та методи навчання англійської мови.- Х.2010 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Золотоніська гімназія ім. С.Д. Скляренка Авраменко О.Ю.