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Comision Nacional del Juego
 (Spanish Regulation Authority)


                                   Ref. : dictao_cnj_decree
                                  Version 1.0 of 11/07/2011

           Reference :                                         dictao_cnj_decree
           Version :                                           1.0
           Date of latest update :                             11/07/2011

           Confidentiality :                                   RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION


           Recipients                                  Subject

    Revision list
            Version         Status
                               1             Date           Author                              Reason for update
                1.0            T                                           Creation

        T : In progress ; V : Validated

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       .,. "CDEFGH&.&I&'JKHFD&
    The purpose of this Royal Decree consists in the establishment of technical requirements which
    must be fulfilled by operators for the organization, running and development of gaming activities
    in the context of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation.

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    For the purposes of this Royal Decree, the terms used in it will have the meaning that is
    established in the present article.
    Technical gaming system: The technical gaming system is understood as the set of
    equipment, systems, terminals, instruments and software material used by the operator for the
    organization, running and development of the gaming activity. The technical gaming system
    supports all the operations needed for the organization, running and development of the gaming
    activity, as well as the detection and registration of the corresponding transactions between
    players and the operator.
    The basic elements in the technical gaming system are the Central Game Unit and the internal
    control system.
    Central Game Unit: The Central Game Unit is understood as the set of technical elements
    needed to process and manage the operations carried out by participants in games.
    The Central Game Unit includes the game platform and the game software.
    Internal control system: The internal control system can be described as the set of
    components meant to register all the operations and transactions performed during the
    development of games seeking to ensure that the National Game Commission has the
    The capture device and the safe database are the most important elements in the internal
    control system.
    Capture device: The capture device is the internal control system component used to capture
    and register the monitoring and control data established by the National Game Commission,
    their translation and storage in a safe database.
    Safe database: The safe database is the store which contains the monitoring and control data
    introduced by the capture device and to which the National Game Commission can have access
    at all times.
    Access register: The access register is the system which stores and keeps the operations
    performed on the Central Game Unit by workers, administrators and any other person linked to
    the operator or, where appropriate, to the National Game Commission, with access to the
    Game platform: The game platform can be described as the software and hardware
    infrastructure that constitutes the main interface between a participant and the gaming operator.
    The game platform offers players the tools needed to open or close their game account, record,
    edit the information about their profile, deposit or withdraw funds from their game account or
    visualize details or a summary of movements in their account.

                            "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 NKMN&

    The game platform includes any technical element which shows the participant relevant
    information about the games offered by the operator, as well as any client software which
    participants have to download and install in their computer in order to be able to interact with the
    as gaming financial transactions, to inform about game results, to authorize or deauthorize
    accounts and to establish all the parameters which can be configured.
    Gaming databases and the payment gateway form part of the game platform.
    Gaming databases: We understand as gaming databases those logical stores where it is
    possible to register and keep all personal data about participants in games, those related to all
    the transactions carried out by them and the information referred to sports events or
    competitions, coefficients and any other data which may be relevant for the purposes of gaming
    activity development and management.
    Payment gateway: The payment gateway can be described as the set of technical systems
    and instruments which permit to carry out economic transactions between a participant and the
    game operator and which contains the logic necessary to transfer funds from the payment
    means used by the participant to the operator and from the latter to the participant.
    Game software: The game software is formed by the modules which permit to manage each
    one of the games, authorize and implement the rules for each one of them, and which can be
    accessed from the game platform.
    Random number generator: The random number generator is the software or hardware
    component which, using procedures that guarantee its randomness, generates the numerical
    results which are used by the operator to determine the result of certain games.

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      1. The technical gaming systems used by the operators authorized for the organization,
         running and development of gaming activities by electronic, computer-based, telematic and
         interactive means will fulfill the conditions which are established through a provision by the
         National Game Commission and will have to permit compliance with the obligations
         stipulated in Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, those established in this Royal
         Decree and the ones which might be stipulated, where appropriate, in the basic regulations
         of games in the corresponding authorizing titles.
      2. In any case, technical gaming systems will have to guarantee, amongst other things:
              a. Confidentiality and integrity in communications
              b. The identity of participants, in the case of games developed by telematic and
                 interactive means, as well as the verification, in the terms established in this Royal
                 Decree, that they are not included in the Register foreseen in article 22.1.b) of Act
                 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation.
              c.   Authenticity and count of bets
              d. Control over their correct operation
              e. Compliance with the subjective prohibitions regulated in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of
                 May 27th, on gaming regulation
              f.   Effectiveness of controls regarding game time duration, maximum amount wagered
                   or use of self-exclusion options, amongst other measures, which might be
                   demanded by the National Game Commission in relation to the development of
                   games or their exercise modalities.
              g. Exclusive access to computer system components by the authorized staff of the
                 National Game Commission or any other competent authorities, in the conditions
                 that the latter may establish.


    1. The operators authorized for the non-occasional organization, running and development of
       games covered by Act 13/2007, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, will need to have available
       a Central Game Unit that will have to fulfill the specifications that are established by the
       National Game Commission and permit to:

           a. Register all gaming actions and operations carried out from the computers and users
              connected to it, operations and results about betting events and draws, distribution of
              prizes, operations with user and game accounts, aggregate and control data, as well
              as events related to game platform operation.

           b. Guarantee the correct development of gaming activities

                              "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 LKMN&

            c.   Check at all times, if necessary, the operations performed, the participants in those
                 operations and their results if the nature of the game makes it possible to do so, and
                 also reconstruct all the actions or operations carried out through it in a reliable way.

    2. The authorized operators will have to ensure the existence of the necessary back-ups and the
       application of technical measures and contingency plans which permit to guarantee data
       recovery before any kind of incident.

    3. The operators will have available a replica of their Central Game Unit that will permit the
       normal development of gaming activities, with full guarantees, in those cases where the main
       unit might be out of service.

    4. The Central Game Unit and its replica will be installed in premises that will permanently be
       under access and surveillance control, the responsibility for their custody falling upon the

        The operator will facilitate access to the aforementioned premises :regardless of their
        location: to National Game Commission inspectors so that they can carry out in situ
        inspections at any of the places where the Central Game Unit physical means are located.

        inspection regardless of its physical location or the ownership of the means used by it and no
        matter which country those means might be located in.

        Should the location of the game platform or some of its components be virtual or outsourced
        elements be used, the operator will have to guarantee the access and powers required to
        perform an inspection from the physical places where service administration is carried out.

        or it belongs to bodies or institutions which deliver or provide some kind of service to it, will
        offer total collaboration to National Game Commission inspectors so that access and
        inspection can be made easier. The operator will be responsible for lack of collaboration by
        the said staff, regardless of the legal or labor relationship which links the operator to that staff.

      Subject to the additional requirements that the National Game Commission might establish, the
      random number generator will have to fulfill at least the following characteristics:

    1. The random data generated will be unpredictable and impossible to determine.

    2. The data series generated will be impossible to reproduce.

    3. The scaling methods will be linear and will introduce no bias, pattern or predictability.

    4. The method for the translation of game symbols or results will not be under the influence or
       control of a factor other than the numerical values derived from the random number generator.

                               "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 ZKMN&

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    1. The endorsement and certification of technical gaming systems along with the establishment
       of the specifications needed for their operation corresponds to the National Game

    2. The National Game Commission will stipulate the technical specifications that technical
       gaming systems might eventually need to fulfill for their endorsement and certification. With
       this aim in mind, the National Game Commission will avoid the introduction of hindrances that
       might distort competition in the market.

    1. The technical gaming system endorsement and certification report can only be carried out by
       the bodies authorized for these purposes by the National Game Commission.

    2. The National Game Commission will establish the technical requirements and conditions that
       bodies might eventually need to fulfill in order to obtain the authorization mentioned in the
       previous number, as well as the procedure for its request by the bodies interested.

    3. The requirements or conditions demanded and the procedure established for the authorization
       of technical gaming system certification and endorsement bodies will not introduce hindrances
       that might unjustifiably distort competition.

    4. Subject to the responsibility that might correspond to the operator, the bodies authorized to
       issue the endorsement and certification report will be held responsible for the damages
       caused as a result of the incorrect operation of technical gaming systems which might have
       been wrongly evaluated due to lack of diligence.

    5. The bodies authorized to issue the endorsement and certification report will have to constitute
       a sufficient guarantee before the National Game Commission, in the terms and conditions
       determined by the latter, so as to ensure potential responsibilities derived from their
       professional action.

    6. For these purposes, the National Game Commission will publish on its webpage the list of
       bodies authorized to issue technical gaming system endorsement and certification reports.

          1. The National Game Commission will stipulate the procedure for the endorsement and
             certification of technical gaming systems as well as the minimum content of the reports
             issued by the authorized bodies.

                              "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 KMN&

    2. The procedure for the initial endorsement of technical gaming systems will be carried
       out within the framework of the procedure for the granting of general and singular
        The application for a license will be accompanied by a technical project that will contain
        the essential aspects of the system for the development of gaming systems and,
        particularly, the components of the Central Game Unit and of the internal control
        It will be possible for the National Game Commission to request from the interested
        party as much information as is considered necessary for the evaluation of the technical
    3. Endorsement and certification tests can be carried out directly by the National Game
       Commission or by a body authorized for these purposes by the former.
    4. Endorsement and certification reports will have to contain a statement on the fulfillment
       of the technical requirements corresponding to the license requested and will have at
       least the following content:
            a. In relation to the game platform, it will necessarily include a detailed functional
               description of the processes supported by the platform, amongst others,
               registration of user accounts, data about the sessions, the game account,
               information to participants about plays, collection and payment systems,
               mechanisms to limit participation, as well as any other process that might be
               implemented by the system.
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                 failures, recovery procedures, session management, measures against fraud
                 and money laundering, responsible gaming measures and obligations regarding
                 information to participants.
            b. For each game in relation to which a singular license might be requested, the
               report will certify the adequacy between the rules implemented by the software
               and those established in the basic game regulations, including, where relevant,
               all possible options, voucher policy, details about prizes and game probabilities,
               as well as the percentage of return to the player.
            c.   Regarding the random number generator, the report will indicate the
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                 necessary to prove that the data generated are of a random nature,
                 unpredictable and impossible to reproduce, and also that the scaling and
                 translation methods are linear and independent of any factor other than the
                 generator itself.
            d. As for the internal control system, the report will contain a detailed functional
               description of the processes implemented for capture and registration in the
               safe databases of gaming operations.
                 The endorsement and certification report will be accompanied by a copy of the
                 endorsed software digitally signed by the laboratory that will be used to check
                 software integrity in technical gaming system audit procedures.
    5. The endorsement and certification report will include a list of the components, software
       or hardware, regarded as critical, with detailed information about the location of each
       component in the technical gaming system, name of components and check levels. In
       this respect, the consideration as critical is given to all those components the
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       rights or public interest.
        It will not be possible to start the production of any modification or change in a critical
        component without the previous authorization of the National Game Commission after
        the presentation of the corresponding endorsement report.

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              regarded as such and which, based on justified reasons, the Commission sees as
              already affecting or eventually coming to affect game development, particip./'#3),$42'#)
              or public interest.
              Any other relevant modification in the technical gaming system software or hardware
              will have to be made known to the National Game Commission so that the need for a
              new endorsement and authorization can be determined.


        The National Game Commission will establish the effects that might eventually be produced
        by the endorsements and certifications validated by other countries in the European Economic
        of gaming authorizing titles comparable to the licenses granted in Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on
        gaming regulation, as well as those procedures where they might need to be considered,
        should the issue arise.

    1. The endorsement and certification of technical gaming systems proves the fulfillment of the
       technical requirements demanded for the organization of gaming activities in the Spanish
       territory or which are addressed to Spanish participants or participants with a Spanish user

    2. Once the favorable technical gaming system endorsement and certification report has been
       issued, the interested party will submit it to the National Game Commission within the
       framework of the corresponding procedure :whether it has to do with the granting of licenses
       or the modification of technical gaming systems: and the Commission will proceed to its
       evaluation in the time and place established for these purposes. In the case of a singular
       license, it will be possible to obtain a provisional endorsement until the definitive endorsement
       is granted by the National Game Commission.

    3. Software endorsement and certification is valid for ten years counting from the date on which
       the corresponding report was issued.

    1. The provisional granting of a singular license will be conditional on obtaining the
       corresponding favorable endorsement report within a maximum non-extendable period of six
       months, counted from its notification to the interested party.

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       body authorized by the National Game Commission.

    3. The provisional endorsement report, which will accompany the applications for singular
       licenses, will have the content that is established by the National Game Commission and will
       at least contain a statement about the correct operation of the game platform and that of each
       one of the games, the adequate integration of all elements, the compliance with the
       requirements demanded by the Gaming Act and its development rules and the correct
       operation of the internal control system.

        During the definitive endorsement process, The National Game Commission :either on its
        own or through the authorized body: will check the operation with real data about the
        technical gaming system as well as compliance with the legal requirements demanded by Act
        13/2011, of May 27 , on gaming regulations and its development rules, having the possibility
        to recommend the operator to introduce the improvements and modifications of the technical
        gaming system that it considers necessary for the correct fulfillment of technical requirements.

        These recommendations will form part of the definitive endorsement report, which will also
        have to include the degree of compliance with the aforesaid requirements on the part of the

    4. Once the definitive favorable technical gaming system endorsement report has been issued
       within the stipulated period, the operator will transfer it to the National Game Commission for
       its assessment.

        Should the assessment be positive, the National Game Commission will ex officio modify the
        provisional registration of the singular license that will now become definitive.

        Should the report assessment not be positive, the National Game Commission will order the
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        damages both to participants and to public interest.

    1. The technical gaming system audit will have to be carried out every two years. The audit, the
       cost of which will be assumed by the operator, can be performed by the National Game
       Commission or by the body proposed by that Commission for these purposes among the
       bodies recognized for technical gaming system endorsement and certification, which will be
       different from the body that, in turn, had carried out the last endorsement and certification

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       period counted from the concession of the endorsement or from the submission of the last
       audit report to the National Game Commission.

        The favorable audit report will have to be subjected to the assessment of the National Game

    3. Should the favorable audit report have not been submitted to the National Game Commission
       once the stipulated period has elapsed, the Commission will provisionally agree the
       of the singular license.

                              "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HMKMN&

    4. Within the framework of a sanctions procedure or that of actions prior to its initiation, the
       National Game Commission will be able to order the elaboration of an audit about the
       technical gaming systems of the operator who is supposed to have committed an offense. The
       audit, the cost of which will be assumed by the operator, can be performed by the National
       Game Commission or by the body proposed by that Commission for these purposes among
       the bodies recognized for technical gaming system endorsement and certification, which will
       be different from the body which had carried out the last endorsement and certification report

    5. The National Game Commission will dictate the specific provisions or instructions that it
       considers necessary for the elaboration of the audit.

                              "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HTKMN&

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     1. The monitoring and supervision of gaming activities performed by the operator will be
        carried out through the internal control system.
     2. Operators will have to equip their technical gaming system with an internal control
        system which can capture and register all gaming operations and economic
        transactions which are performed between participants located in Spain or with a
        Spanish user accou/')./9)'2+)"!+,.'",3#)<+/',.&)=.-+)>/$'F)
         The internal control system will have to adapt to the different channels used for game
         commercialization and interaction with participants so that the capture and registration
         of all the gaming operations performed can be ensured.
         When different channels for commercialization or interaction with participants are
         simultaneously used in the same game, the operator will have to establish the
         communication gateways, interfaces or channels between all the means of participation
         or interaction in the game with the aim of allowing the National Game Commission to
         access all the operations and transactions that may have been carried out regardless of
         the means used to that end.
     3. The operator will implement systems and mechanisms that ensure the capture and
        registration of gaming operations, development and results of betting events and draws,
        distribution of prizes, operations with user accounts, economic transactions in game
        accounts, aggregate and control data, as well as incidents related to game platform
        operation, and their storage in a safe database to which only the National Game
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        create and maintain a safe line of access to the database by the National Game
        Commission and implement means and systems which guarantee the conservation
        and, if necessary, the recovery of data registered by the internal control system.
         By means of a resolution, the National Game Commission will be able to enlarge or
         reduce the number of operations subjected to capture and registration.
     4. The internal control system will have to allow the National Game Commission to control
        all the gaming operations registered, in the terms and conditions that are established by
        that Commission.
     5. The National Game Commission will specify the technical requirements that will have to
        be fulfilled by the internal control system and the line of access to the safe database,
        the protocols and, when appropriate, the encrypting tools which might eventually have
        to be used for data registration. It will equally establish the minimum security
        requirements to be fulfilled by the operator both for access to the control system and for
        data conservation.

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     1. The Central Game Unit and its replica will incorporate safe computer connections which
        are compatible with the National Game Commission systems, which permit this
        Commission to control and monitor :in real time, if necessary: the gaming activity
        performed, the prizes given and the identity of the individuals who participate and obtain
        prizes in those activities and, should the issue arise, the refund of prizes that could

                         "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HYKMN&

       eventually take place as a result of game cancellation, it all subject to the possibility of
       carrying out in situ inspections.
    2. The National Game Commission will necessarily be able to monitor the Central Game
       Unit and its replica :regardless of their location: from the Spanish territory at all times.
       The responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of a safe line which permits
       replica falls upon the operator. The National Game Commission will specify the
       technical requirements to be fulfilled by access lines.
    3. Seeking to make information verification and control operations easier, the National
       Game Commission will be able to demand from the gaming operator to locate certain
       secondary units of its technical systems in Spain.

    1. For the commercialization and development of gaming activities through websites within
       the framework of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, the operators will
       have to implement a specific website with a domain name under «.es» to which they will
       have to direct all connections carried out from Spain or with a Spanish user account.
    2. The operator will establish the systems, mechanism or agreements which can
       guarantee that all gaming activities performed from Spain or using a Spanish user
       .00"8/') 7$&&) %+) -./.4+9) 6,"-) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) 7+%#$'+) 8/9+,) HF+#IF) 52+) "!+,.'",) 7$&&)
       particularly have to ensure that all the connections carried out from the Spanish territory
       or by participants with a Spanish user account and which were initially directed to
       websites under a domain name other than «.es», which are owned or controlled by the
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       specific website under «.es».
    3. The operator will notify the National Game Commission of the domain name and the
       relevant details and data about the website used by the operator for the development of
       its activity, as well as any alteration of that information.
        The National Game Commission will be able to impose :in those cases where it is
        considered necessary for the protection of public interest and of minors: the
        commercialization and development of specific types of games through an exclusive
        website created by the operator for these purposes.

    1. The operators who organize, run or develop gaming activities which use text messaging
       systems through landline or mobile telephone services as the main means or as an
       accessory means of participation or interaction will have to implement an internal
       control system that permits to capture, register and, where appropriate, translate all the
       messages sent and received by participants into the language used for their registration
       in the safe database.
    2. Communications between participants and the operator will be registered in a safe
       database in the formats that are established by the National Game Commission. The
       National Commission Game will at all times be able to access the safe database where
       communications are registered.

                        "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HNKMN&

        3. The operator will have to establish mechanisms and systems which allow the National
           Game Commission to monitor and control the text message sending and reception
           servers used by the operator and the databases for clients and operations and
           implement measures related to limitation and information to the participant.

        1. The operators who organize, run, or develop gaming activities which use voice
           communication services as the main means or as an accessory means of participation
           or interaction will have to implement an internal control system that permits to capture
           and register the communications which take place between participants and the
            For the purposes of this Royal Decree it will be understood that both those individuals
            of technical gaming systems.
        2. The operator will have to establish mechanisms and systems which allow the National
           Game Commission to monitor and control :even in real time: voice communications
           between participants and the operator, as well as their recordings, and the databases
           for clients and operations.
        3. The recording and registration of communications between participants and the
           operator will be carried out in a safe database in the formats and the way which is
           established by the National Game Commission. The recordings will permit to determine
           beyond any doubt the date and the time when they took place.
            The National Game Commission will at all times be able to access the safe database
            where voice recordings are registered.
        4. The operator will have to keep the recordings at least for one year or until the expiry of
           the prizes for the corresponding gaming activities, should that period be longer.

    The operators who organize, run or develop gaming activities through audiovisual mass media
    will have to implement an internal control system that permits to capture and register the
    communications which take place between participants and the operator.
    Depending on the media used for participation and interaction with the participant, the operator
    will have to adapt the internal control system to the requirements stipulated in this Royal Decree
    and those which may eventually be established by the National Game Commission.

        1. For the purposes of monitoring and control of gaming activities performed through the
           use of terminals or auxiliary machines, the operator will have to make adaptations which
           allow the National Game Commission :either on its own or through the inspection
           services of the corresponding Autonomous Region or City: to access the terminals and
           auxiliary machines as well as the technical systems to which they might be connected.
        2. The auxiliary machines as well as the terminals used for the organization, running or
           development of gaming activities, along with the software utilized by them, form part of

                            "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 H[KMN&

    the game platform and are subjected to endorsement and certification in the terms
    established in Chapter III of this Royal Decree.

                   "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HLKMN&

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    Subject to the obligations regarding the capture and registration of operations and economic
    transactions associated with gaming activities, the operator will specify the systems and
    mechanisms which allow the National Game Commission to access the payment systems,
    means and gateways used by the operator to collect participation fees and pay the prizes
    obtained by participants.
    The National Game Commission will establish the technical and access requirements which
    might be needed and provided for the control of money collection and payment operations.


                           "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HZKMN&

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        1. The operator will have to establish a physical and logical protocol for the access to its
           technical gaming systems which contains the procedures to control them, the list of
           individuals who have obtained an access authorization, as well as the operations which
           can be performed within the systems.
            The registration of access to the Central Game Unit and its replica will have to be kept
            by the operator for at least two years.
        2. Access to the Central Game Unit and its replica will exclusively be given to the
           individuals specifically designated by the operator for these purposes and, within the
           framework of an inspection, by the National Game Commission staff.
        3. The operator will have to adopt physical and logical security measures which guarantee
           control over the Central Game Unit and its replica, which prevent access and permit the
           detection of any unauthorized person.
        4. Access to the Central Game Unit internal control system is exclusively reserved for the
           National Game Commission.
            The operator will only be able to access the safe database for the purposes of
            registering data and carrying out the necessary maintenance operations. The system
            must guarantee that the operator will not be able to access the internal control system,
            neither for data erasure or modification nor to make consultations.
        5. The National Game Commission will specify the additional conditions for access to the
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           eventually have to be fulfilled.

    The operator will have to establish systems and mechanisms which ensure the integrity and
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    particularly, with the Central Game Unit and its replica.
    The system will have to guarantee the identity of the transmitter and the receiver, the
    confidentiality of the information transmitted through the use of effective encrypting and
    authentication algorithms and the integrity of the information transmitted through the
    communication channels used for participation and interaction with gaming systems.
    The National Game Commission will be able to establish the details and additional conditions
    which are regarded as necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of communications

                            "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 HKMN&

    The systems utilized for the communication of data between the different technical gaming
    system components will guarantee its integrity and confidentiality. The operator will especially
    have to ensure the integrity of communications between the Central Game Unit and the internal
    control system.
    The operator will have to use safe communication protocols which ensure its integrity and
    confidentiality in those cases where communication between the different technical gaming
    system components takes place through public or third-party communication networks.
    The National Game Commission will be able to specify the details and additional conditions
    which are regarded as necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of communications
    between the different technical gaming system components.

        1. The Central Game Unit must guarantee the traceability and registration of all the
           gaming operations and economic transactions which are performed.
            The capture and registration of operations and transactions will be carried out by means
            of the internal control system and will be kept in the safe database created to that end.
            The capture and registration systems must permit the faithful reconstruction of the
            gaming operations as well as the transactions registered in the safe database.
            Both the capture and registration systems and the safe database will have to be
            physically and logically protected, preventing any unauthorized access.
        2. Subject to the resolutions that the National Game Commission might eventually dictate
           in relation to the capture and registration of additional data, operators will have to
           capture and register at least the following operations:
                a. Gaming operations, among which are included at least the confirmed
                   participations or plays, the plays annulled or cancelled by the operator, the
                   plays denied and the money collection or payment operations carried out by the
                b. Operations related to gaming events, among which are included at least the
                   authorization for the event or events which determine game results, the
                   modification of parameters for the event or events, the events cancelled or
                   annulled by the operator in its technical gaming systems and the result of the
                   event or events.
                c.   Operations associated with the fees paid to take part in games and with the
                     payment of the prizes obtained.
                d. Operations related to user and game accounts, among which are included at
                   least the opening of an account and the data provided by the participant, the
                   acceptance of terms and conditions, the modification of game parameters, the
                   economic movements :revenues and payments: of the game account and the
                   closing of accounts.
                     The National Game Commission will establish the details concerning capture
                     and registration of operations and the minimum fields that might have to be
                     incorporated into the safe database in relation to each one of them.
        3. The system will have to permit real-time capture and registration of data about gaming
           operations and the economic transactions linked to them. The National Game

                            "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 MIKMN&

        Commission will follow proportionality criteria to establish the periodicity that will have to
        be observed by the operator regarding registration in the safe database and the way in
        which its temporary association with reliable time sources have to be implemented.
    4. Operators will also include in the safe database:
            a. The aggregate and control data established by the National Game Commission
            b. A register of incidents that includes at least service interruptions or game
            c.   Any other data generally or individually demanded by the National Game
                 Commission within a control procedure
                 The National Game Commission will specify the scope of the data that will have
                 to be registered, the period for their updating and the technical requirements
                 regarding availability and access.
    5. 52+) #.6+) 9.'.%.#+) .#) 7+&&) .#) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) ,+4$#'+,#) will have to be kept during a
       minimum period of six years, protection and support systems having to be implemented
       in order to guarantee their integrity and security during that period, as well as its
       complete recovery before any eventuality.

    1. The operator will need to have a Technological Contingency Plan in place to maintain
       infrastructures and computer systems are not available.
        The Technological Contingency Plan will consider the elements, systems and
        procedures needed for the fully-guaranteed replacement of the game development
        Furthermore, the Plan will deal with those cases where the internal control system is
        unavailable, ensuring continuity in the capture and registration functions for data about
        gaming operations and the economic transactions linked to them.
    2. Within the framework of the Technological Contingency Plan, the operator will need to
       have available a replica of the Central Game Unit and a redundant internal control
       system. The National Game Commission will be able to access all support units and
    3. The Central Game Unit replica will incorporate computer infrastructures and systems
       which are required to ensure game development continuity regardless of the technical
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    4. The redundant internal control system will guarantee data capture and registration in
       accordance with what is stipulated in this Royal Decree in those cases where the main
       internal control system is not available. The redundant internal control system will
       incorporate as many elements and systems as are considered necessary to guarantee
       the correct fulfillment of its role under any circumstances.
    5. The Central Game Unit replica and the redundant internal control system will have to be
       situated in locations different from those of the main units and at a distance with respect
       to the main units that suffices to make it reasonably unlikely for all of them to be
       negatively affected by the same event.
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       Plans and, where appropriate, will demand from the operator the adoption of additional
       measures regarded as necessary to ensure the continuity of gaming activities.

                        "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 MHKMN&


     1. The operators will establish systems and mechanisms which make easier the
        identification of participants in games. The National Game Commission will
        exceptionally be able to authorize participation without the prior identification of
        participants taking into account the special conditions of the means used for game
        commercialization and development, following proportionality criteria and at the
         In any case, the identification of participants along with the verification that they do not
         incur any of the subjective prohibitions mentioned in letters a), b) and c) of the second
         number in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, will be a sine qua
         non condition to collect the prizes obtained regardless of their amount and nature.
     2. The identification of participants will be carried out through a single user account that
        will at least contain the identification data needed to check that they do not incur any of
        the subjective prohibitions mentioned in letters a), b) and c) of the second number in
        article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation.
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         residency data as well as any other data that permit to carry out economic transactions
         and the game operator which are determined by the National Game Commission.
         The operator will establish the procedures and mechanisms needed to verify that a
         single player does not own several user accounts.
     3. Opening a user account will demand from the participant to provide the data mentioned
        in the previous paragraph as well as the verification of their truthfulness by the operator.
         Once the data about the participant have been collected, the operator will have to send
         them to the National Game Commission for their authentication and verification. The
         operator will be able to activate the user account once the procedure stipulated for this
         purpose has finished.
     4. The verification of the data supplied by the participant will have to be carried out by the
        operator within a maximum period of one month since the activation of the account and
        will constitute a sine qua non condition to collect the prize money obtained by the
        participant regardless of its amount and nature.
         The account will be cancelled if neither the National Game Commission nor the
         operator has verified the account data once the one-month period mentioned in the
         preceding paragraph has elapsed.
         The operator is responsible for the veracity and periodical check of the data collected in
         its user accounts, in the terms stipulated by the National Game Commission.
     5. The operator will be able to suspend those user accounts which remain inactive for
        more than two uninterrupted years. It will be possible to activate suspended user
        accounts at the !.,'$0$!./'3#) ,+@8+#'F) 52+) "!+,.'",) 7$&&) 0./0+&) '2+) .00"8/') .6'+,) 6"8,)
        years have elapsed since the suspension.
     6. The National Game Commission will establish the additional requirements and
        conditions that user and game accounts must fulfill as well as the protection measures
        that operators will have to comply with.

                         "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 MMKMN&

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       letters a), b) and c) of the second number in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on
       gaming regulation.
    2. The National Game Commission will specify the means required and establish the
       adequate procedures so that operators can have telematic access to the Registro
       General de Interdicciones de Acceso al Juego [General Game Access Interdiction
        In any case, during the process of opening of a user account, before its activation, and
        during the process of prize payment, the operator will have to contrast the data
        contained in the user account which those appearing in the General Game Access
        Interdiction Register, with the aim of verifying that the participant is not included in the
        aforesaid Register.
        The National Game Commission will specify the procedures to be applied by operators
        for the periodical verification of their user account data with those appearing in the
        General Game Access Interdiction Register.
    3. Subject to the procedures that operators might eventually establish for these purposes,
       the National Game Commission will specify the means required to check more easily
       that participants are legally of age using the National Identity Card (DNI for its Spanish
       order to achieve this aim, the competent public administrations will offer the National
       Game Commission all the collaboration that might eventually be needed.
        The National Game Commission will establish the consultation procedures that may be
    4. The National Game Commission will perform all the controls that are needed and
       impose all the conditions required to control money laundering and terrorism financing.

                        "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 MTKMN&


    In accordance with what is stipulated in article 23 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming
    regulation, the National Game Commission is authorized to dictate all the provisions which are
    considered necessary for the development and execution of this Royal Decree

    Any equal- or lower rank provisions which contradict what has been established in this Royal
    Decree are hereby repealed.

    This Royal Decree will come into force on the day following its publication in the Boletín Oficial
    del Estado [Official Gazette].

                            "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 MYKMN&

               "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH&                                 MNKMN&

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  • 1. Comision Nacional del Juego (Spanish Regulation Authority) DRAFT ROYAL DECREE THROUGH WHICH TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR GAMING ACTIVITIES ARE ESTABLISHED Ref. : dictao_cnj_decree Version 1.0 of 11/07/2011
  • 2. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & Reference : dictao_cnj_decree Version : 1.0 Date of latest update : 11/07/2011 Confidentiality : RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION Diffusion Recipients Subject Revision list Version Status 1 Date Author Reason for update N° 1.0 T Creation 1 T : In progress ; V : Validated "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 3. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & !"#$%&'(&)'*!%*!+& !"#$%&'(&)'*!%*!+&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,& ! - .,! GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,& ! / H9H! #E><=RD&H&:&'SCD=>99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! N H9M! #E><=RD&M&:&!D8<B<><@BG&9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! N 0,! !%)1*2)"$&3"42*3&+5+!%4+&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,& ! 6 M9H! #E><=RD&T&:&"DUJ<EDODB>G&8@E&>D=VB<=?R&W?O<BW&GXG>DOG999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! L M9M! #E><=RD&Y&:&"DUJ<EDODB>G&8@E&>VD&+DB>E?R&.?OD&-B<>&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! L M9T! #E><=RD&N&:&"DUJ<EDODB>G&8@E&>VD&E?B;@O&BJOSDE&WDBDE?>@E&9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! 9 Z -,! %*7'8+%4%*!9&)%8!2(2)"!2'*&"*7&":72!&'(&!%)1*2)"$&3"42*3&+5+!%4+&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,& ! ; T9H! #E><=RD&[&:&*B;@EGDODB>&@8&>D=VB<=?R&W?O<BW&GXG>DOG&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! T9M! #E><=RD&L&:&6@;<DG&?J>V@E<]D;&>@&<GGJD&>VD&>D=VB<=?R&W?O<BW&GXG>DO&DB;@EGDODB>&?B;&=DE><8<=?><@B& EDQ@E>& ! T9T! #E><=RD&Z&:&*B;@EGDODB>&?B;&=DE><8<=?><@B&QE@=D;JED&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999& ! T9Y! #E><=RD&&:&"D=@WB<><@B&@8&>VD&DB;@EGDODB>&?B;&>VD&=DE><8<=?><@B&F?R<;?>D;&SX&@>VDE&QJSR<=& ?;O<B<G>E?><@BG&999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HH! T9N! #E><=RD&HI&:&*88D=>G&@8&DB;@EGDODB>&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HH! 9 T9[! #E><=RD&HH&:&^E@F<G<@B?R&?B;&;D8<B<><FD&>D=VB<=?R&W?O<BW&GXG>DO&DB;@EGDODB>&999999999999999999999999999999999HH! 9 T9L! #E><=RD&HM&:&%D=VB<=?R&W?O<BW&GXG>DO&?J;<>&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HM! <,! 4'*2!'82*3&"*7&+:=%8>2+2'*&'(&3"42*3&")!2>2!2%+&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.<! Y9H! #E><=RD&HT&:&0B>DEB?R&=@B>E@R&GXG>DO9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HY! Y9M! #E><=RD&HY&:&+@B>E@R&@FDE&>VD&!"#$%&!$'()*#+&$%,)-%.#)/+0&)%+1)!2#$)0&()$#",03%&9999999999999999999999999999999HY! Y9T! #E><=RD&HN&:&.?O<BW&?=><F<><DG&QDE8@EOD;&>VE@JWV&_DSG<>DG&9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HN! Y9Y! #E><=RD&H[&:&.?O<BW&?=><F<><DG&QDE8@EOD;&>VE@JWV&O@S<RD&@E&R?B;R<BD&>DRDQV@BD&>D`>&ODGG?W<BW& GDEF<=DG999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HN! Y9N! #E><=RD&HL&:&.?O<BW&?=><F<><DG&>VE@JWV&F@<=D&=@OOJB<=?><@B&GDEF<=DG&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H[! Y9[! #E><=RD&HZ&:&.?O<BW&?=><F<><DG&>VE@JWV&?J;<@F<GJ?R&O?GG&OD;<?&999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H[! Y9L! #E><=RD&H&:&.?O<BW&?=><F<><DG&>VE@JWV&>DEO<B?RG&?B;&?J`<R<?EX&O?=V<BDG&999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H[! /,! 4'*2!'82*3&'(&="54%*!&4%"*+&"*7&3"!%?"5+&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.@! N9H! #E><=RD&MI&:&3@B<>@E<BW&@8&Q?XODB>&OD?BG&?B;&W?>D_?XG&999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999HZ! 9 "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& TKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 4. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & A,! +%):82!5&8%B:28%4%*!+&('8&!%)1*2)"$&3"42*3&+5+!%4+&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.;! [9H! #E><=RD&MH&:&#==DGG&=@B>E@R&?B;&GD=JE<>X&9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H! 9 [9M! #E><=RD&MM&:&+@OOJB<=?><@BG&_<>V&Q?E><=<Q?B>G&999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H! [9T! #E><=RD&MT&:&+@OOJB<=?><@BG&SD>_DDB&>D=VB<=?R&W?O<BW&GXG>DO&=@OQ@BDB>G&999999999999999999999999999999999MI! [9Y! #E><=RD&MY&:&.?O<BW&@QDE?><@B&EDW<G>E?><@B&?B;&>E?=D?S<R<>X99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MI! [9N! #E><=RD&MN&:&.?O<BW&?=><F<>X&=@B><BJ<>X&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MH! 6,! CONTROL OVER PARTICIPANTS&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00! L9H! #E><=RD&M[&:&0;DB><8<=?><@B&@8&Q?E><=<Q?B>G&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MM! L9M! #E><=RD&ML&:&+@B>E@R&@FDE&GJSCD=><FD&QE@V<S<><@BG&8@E&Q?E><=<Q?><@B&<B&W?ODG&?B;&O@BDX&R?JB;DE<BW&MT! 9 @,! ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0<! Z9H! $<EG>9&#J>V@E<]?><@B&8@E&>VD&1?><@B?R&.?OD&+@OO<GG<@B&99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MY! Z9M! "DQD?R<BW&QE@F<G<@B&999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MY! Z9T! $<B?R&QE@F<G<@B9&+@O<BW&<B>@&8@E=D&9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999MY! & "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& YKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 5. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & ., GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS & .,. "CDEFGH&.&I&'JKHFD& The purpose of this Royal Decree consists in the establishment of technical requirements which must be fulfilled by operators for the organization, running and development of gaming activities in the context of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation. .,0 "CDEFGH&0&I&7HLEMEDENMO&& For the purposes of this Royal Decree, the terms used in it will have the meaning that is established in the present article. Technical gaming system: The technical gaming system is understood as the set of equipment, systems, terminals, instruments and software material used by the operator for the organization, running and development of the gaming activity. The technical gaming system supports all the operations needed for the organization, running and development of the gaming activity, as well as the detection and registration of the corresponding transactions between players and the operator. The basic elements in the technical gaming system are the Central Game Unit and the internal control system. Central Game Unit: The Central Game Unit is understood as the set of technical elements needed to process and manage the operations carried out by participants in games. The Central Game Unit includes the game platform and the game software. Internal control system: The internal control system can be described as the set of components meant to register all the operations and transactions performed during the development of games seeking to ensure that the National Game Commission has the !"##$%$&$'()'")*++!)!+,-./+/')0"/',"&)"1+,)'2+)"!+,.'",3#)4.-$/4).0'ivities. The capture device and the safe database are the most important elements in the internal control system. Capture device: The capture device is the internal control system component used to capture and register the monitoring and control data established by the National Game Commission, their translation and storage in a safe database. Safe database: The safe database is the store which contains the monitoring and control data introduced by the capture device and to which the National Game Commission can have access at all times. Access register: The access register is the system which stores and keeps the operations performed on the Central Game Unit by workers, administrators and any other person linked to the operator or, where appropriate, to the National Game Commission, with access to the former. Game platform: The game platform can be described as the software and hardware infrastructure that constitutes the main interface between a participant and the gaming operator. The game platform offers players the tools needed to open or close their game account, record, edit the information about their profile, deposit or withdraw funds from their game account or visualize details or a summary of movements in their account. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& NKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 6. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & The game platform includes any technical element which shows the participant relevant information about the games offered by the operator, as well as any client software which participants have to download and install in their computer in order to be able to interact with the platform. 52+)4.-+)!&.'6",-).&&"7#)'2+)"!+,.'",)'")-./.4+)!.,'$0$!./'#3)8#+,)./9)4.-+).00"8/'#).#)7+&&) as gaming financial transactions, to inform about game results, to authorize or deauthorize accounts and to establish all the parameters which can be configured. Gaming databases and the payment gateway form part of the game platform. Gaming databases: We understand as gaming databases those logical stores where it is possible to register and keep all personal data about participants in games, those related to all the transactions carried out by them and the information referred to sports events or competitions, coefficients and any other data which may be relevant for the purposes of gaming activity development and management. Payment gateway: The payment gateway can be described as the set of technical systems and instruments which permit to carry out economic transactions between a participant and the game operator and which contains the logic necessary to transfer funds from the payment means used by the participant to the operator and from the latter to the participant. Game software: The game software is formed by the modules which permit to manage each one of the games, authorize and implement the rules for each one of them, and which can be accessed from the game platform. Random number generator: The random number generator is the software or hardware component which, using procedures that guarantee its randomness, generates the numerical results which are used by the operator to determine the result of certain games. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& [KMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 7. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 0, !%)1*2)"$&3"42*3&+5+!%4+& 0,. "CDEFGH&-&I&8HPQECHRHMDO&LNC&DHFSMEFTG&UTREMU&OVODHRO& 1. The technical gaming systems used by the operators authorized for the organization, running and development of gaming activities by electronic, computer-based, telematic and interactive means will fulfill the conditions which are established through a provision by the National Game Commission and will have to permit compliance with the obligations stipulated in Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, those established in this Royal Decree and the ones which might be stipulated, where appropriate, in the basic regulations of games in the corresponding authorizing titles. 2. In any case, technical gaming systems will have to guarantee, amongst other things: a. Confidentiality and integrity in communications b. The identity of participants, in the case of games developed by telematic and interactive means, as well as the verification, in the terms established in this Royal Decree, that they are not included in the Register foreseen in article 22.1.b) of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation. c. Authenticity and count of bets d. Control over their correct operation e. Compliance with the subjective prohibitions regulated in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation f. Effectiveness of controls regarding game time duration, maximum amount wagered or use of self-exclusion options, amongst other measures, which might be demanded by the National Game Commission in relation to the development of games or their exercise modalities. g. Exclusive access to computer system components by the authorized staff of the National Game Commission or any other competent authorities, in the conditions that the latter may establish. 0,0 "CDEFGH&<&I&8HPQECHRHMDO&LNC&DSH&)HMDCTG&3TRH&:MED& 1. The operators authorized for the non-occasional organization, running and development of games covered by Act 13/2007, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, will need to have available a Central Game Unit that will have to fulfill the specifications that are established by the National Game Commission and permit to: a. Register all gaming actions and operations carried out from the computers and users connected to it, operations and results about betting events and draws, distribution of prizes, operations with user and game accounts, aggregate and control data, as well as events related to game platform operation. b. Guarantee the correct development of gaming activities "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& LKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 8. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & c. Check at all times, if necessary, the operations performed, the participants in those operations and their results if the nature of the game makes it possible to do so, and also reconstruct all the actions or operations carried out through it in a reliable way. 2. The authorized operators will have to ensure the existence of the necessary back-ups and the application of technical measures and contingency plans which permit to guarantee data recovery before any kind of incident. 3. The operators will have available a replica of their Central Game Unit that will permit the normal development of gaming activities, with full guarantees, in those cases where the main unit might be out of service. 4. The Central Game Unit and its replica will be installed in premises that will permanently be under access and surveillance control, the responsibility for their custody falling upon the operator. The operator will facilitate access to the aforementioned premises :regardless of their location: to National Game Commission inspectors so that they can carry out in situ inspections at any of the places where the Central Game Unit physical means are located. ;')$#)'2+)"!+,.'",3#),+#!"/#$%$&$'()'")48.,./'++).00+##)'")'2+)<+/',.&)=.-+)>/$').#)7+&&).#)$'#) inspection regardless of its physical location or the ownership of the means used by it and no matter which country those means might be located in. Should the location of the game platform or some of its components be virtual or outsourced elements be used, the operator will have to guarantee the access and powers required to perform an inspection from the physical places where service administration is carried out. ;/)./()0.#+?)'2+)#'.66)7",*$/4).')'2+)"!+,.'",3#)6.0$&$'$+#?)72+'2+,)$')$#)'2+)"!+,.'",3#)"7/)#'.66) or it belongs to bodies or institutions which deliver or provide some kind of service to it, will offer total collaboration to National Game Commission inspectors so that access and inspection can be made easier. The operator will be responsible for lack of collaboration by the said staff, regardless of the legal or labor relationship which links the operator to that staff. 0,- "CDEFGH&/&I&8HPQECHRHMDO&LNC&DSH&CTMWNR&MQRJHC&UHMHCTDNC& Subject to the additional requirements that the National Game Commission might establish, the random number generator will have to fulfill at least the following characteristics: 1. The random data generated will be unpredictable and impossible to determine. 2. The data series generated will be impossible to reproduce. 3. The scaling methods will be linear and will introduce no bias, pattern or predictability. 4. The method for the translation of game symbols or results will not be under the influence or control of a factor other than the numerical values derived from the random number generator. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& ZKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 9. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & -, %*7'8+%4%*!9&)%8!2(2)"!2'*&"*7&":72!&'(&!%)1*2)"$&3"42*3& +5+!%4+& -,. "CDEFGH&A&I&%MWNCOHRHMD&NL&DHFSMEFTG&UTREMU&OVODHRO&& 1. The endorsement and certification of technical gaming systems along with the establishment of the specifications needed for their operation corresponds to the National Game Commission. 2. The National Game Commission will stipulate the technical specifications that technical gaming systems might eventually need to fulfill for their endorsement and certification. With this aim in mind, the National Game Commission will avoid the introduction of hindrances that might distort competition in the market. -,0 "CDEFGH&6&I&#NWEHO&TQDSNCEXHW&DN&EOOQH&DSH&DHFSMEFTG&UTREMU&OVODHR& HMWNCOHRHMD&TMW&FHCDELEFTDENM&CHYNCD& 1. The technical gaming system endorsement and certification report can only be carried out by the bodies authorized for these purposes by the National Game Commission. 2. The National Game Commission will establish the technical requirements and conditions that bodies might eventually need to fulfill in order to obtain the authorization mentioned in the previous number, as well as the procedure for its request by the bodies interested. 3. The requirements or conditions demanded and the procedure established for the authorization of technical gaming system certification and endorsement bodies will not introduce hindrances that might unjustifiably distort competition. 4. Subject to the responsibility that might correspond to the operator, the bodies authorized to issue the endorsement and certification report will be held responsible for the damages caused as a result of the incorrect operation of technical gaming systems which might have been wrongly evaluated due to lack of diligence. 5. The bodies authorized to issue the endorsement and certification report will have to constitute a sufficient guarantee before the National Game Commission, in the terms and conditions determined by the latter, so as to ensure potential responsibilities derived from their professional action. 6. For these purposes, the National Game Commission will publish on its webpage the list of bodies authorized to issue technical gaming system endorsement and certification reports. -,- "CDEFGH&@&I&%MWNCOHRHMD&TMW&FHCDELEFTDENM&YCNFHWQCH& 1. The National Game Commission will stipulate the procedure for the endorsement and certification of technical gaming systems as well as the minimum content of the reports issued by the authorized bodies. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& KMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 10. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 2. The procedure for the initial endorsement of technical gaming systems will be carried out within the framework of the procedure for the granting of general and singular licenses. The application for a license will be accompanied by a technical project that will contain the essential aspects of the system for the development of gaming systems and, particularly, the components of the Central Game Unit and of the internal control system. It will be possible for the National Game Commission to request from the interested party as much information as is considered necessary for the evaluation of the technical project. 3. Endorsement and certification tests can be carried out directly by the National Game Commission or by a body authorized for these purposes by the former. 4. Endorsement and certification reports will have to contain a statement on the fulfillment of the technical requirements corresponding to the license requested and will have at least the following content: a. In relation to the game platform, it will necessarily include a detailed functional description of the processes supported by the platform, amongst others, registration of user accounts, data about the sessions, the game account, information to participants about plays, collection and payment systems, mechanisms to limit participation, as well as any other process that might be implemented by the system. 52+) ,+!",') 7$&&) .99$'$"/.&&() +1.&8.'+) '2+) !&.'6",-3#) %+2.1$",) %+6",+) #(#'+-) failures, recovery procedures, session management, measures against fraud and money laundering, responsible gaming measures and obligations regarding information to participants. b. For each game in relation to which a singular license might be requested, the report will certify the adequacy between the rules implemented by the software and those established in the basic game regulations, including, where relevant, all possible options, voucher policy, details about prizes and game probabilities, as well as the percentage of return to the player. c. Regarding the random number generator, the report will indicate the 4+/+,.'",3#) $/',$/#$0) @8.&$'() &+1+&?) .6'+,) !.##$/4) .#) -./() #'.'$#'$0.&) '+#'#) .#) necessary to prove that the data generated are of a random nature, unpredictable and impossible to reproduce, and also that the scaling and translation methods are linear and independent of any factor other than the generator itself. d. As for the internal control system, the report will contain a detailed functional description of the processes implemented for capture and registration in the safe databases of gaming operations. The endorsement and certification report will be accompanied by a copy of the endorsed software digitally signed by the laboratory that will be used to check software integrity in technical gaming system audit procedures. 5. The endorsement and certification report will include a list of the components, software or hardware, regarded as critical, with detailed information about the location of each component in the technical gaming system, name of components and check levels. In this respect, the consideration as critical is given to all those components the -"9$6$0.'$"/) "6) 72$02) .66+0'#) ",) -.() 0"-+) '") .66+0') 4.-+) 9+1+&"!-+/'?) !.,'$0$!./'#3) rights or public interest. It will not be possible to start the production of any modification or change in a critical component without the previous authorization of the National Game Commission after the presentation of the corresponding endorsement report. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HIKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 11. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 52+) A.'$"/.&) =.-+) <"--$##$"/) 7$&&) %+) .%&+) '") .##$4/) '2+) B0,$'$0.&3) #'.'8#) '") 0"-!"/+/'#) "6) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) '+02/$0.&) 4.-$/4) #(#'+-) 72$02) $/$'$.&&() 2.9) /"') %++/) regarded as such and which, based on justified reasons, the Commission sees as already affecting or eventually coming to affect game development, particip./'#3),$42'#) or public interest. Any other relevant modification in the technical gaming system software or hardware will have to be made known to the National Game Commission so that the need for a new endorsement and authorization can be determined. -,< "CDEFGH&;&I&8HFNUMEDENM&NL&DSH&HMWNCOHRHMD&TMW&DSH&FHCDELEFTDENM& ZTGEWTDHW&JV&NDSHC&YQJGEF&TWREMEODCTDENMO&& The National Game Commission will establish the effects that might eventually be produced by the endorsements and certifications validated by other countries in the European Economic C,+.)",)%()D!./$#2)C8'"/"-"8#)E+4$"/#3)%"9$+#)0"-!+'+/')$/)!,"0+98,+#)6",)'2+)0"/0+##$"/) of gaming authorizing titles comparable to the licenses granted in Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, as well as those procedures where they might need to be considered, should the issue arise. -,/ "CDEFGH&.[&I&%LLHFDO&NL&HMWNCOHRHMD&& 1. The endorsement and certification of technical gaming systems proves the fulfillment of the technical requirements demanded for the organization of gaming activities in the Spanish territory or which are addressed to Spanish participants or participants with a Spanish user account. 2. Once the favorable technical gaming system endorsement and certification report has been issued, the interested party will submit it to the National Game Commission within the framework of the corresponding procedure :whether it has to do with the granting of licenses or the modification of technical gaming systems: and the Commission will proceed to its evaluation in the time and place established for these purposes. In the case of a singular license, it will be possible to obtain a provisional endorsement until the definitive endorsement is granted by the National Game Commission. 3. Software endorsement and certification is valid for ten years counting from the date on which the corresponding report was issued. -,A "CDEFGH&..&I&=CNZEOENMTG&TMW&WHLEMEDEZH&DHFSMEFTG&UTREMU&OVODHR& HMWNCOHRHMD& 1. The provisional granting of a singular license will be conditional on obtaining the corresponding favorable endorsement report within a maximum non-extendable period of six months, counted from its notification to the interested party. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HHKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 12. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 2. 52+)+/9",#+-+/'),+!",')6",)'2+)"!+,.'",3#)'+02/$0.&)4.-$/4)#(#'+-#)7$&&)%+)0.,,$+9)"8')%().) body authorized by the National Game Commission. 3. The provisional endorsement report, which will accompany the applications for singular licenses, will have the content that is established by the National Game Commission and will at least contain a statement about the correct operation of the game platform and that of each one of the games, the adequate integration of all elements, the compliance with the requirements demanded by the Gaming Act and its development rules and the correct operation of the internal control system. During the definitive endorsement process, The National Game Commission :either on its own or through the authorized body: will check the operation with real data about the technical gaming system as well as compliance with the legal requirements demanded by Act th 13/2011, of May 27 , on gaming regulations and its development rules, having the possibility to recommend the operator to introduce the improvements and modifications of the technical gaming system that it considers necessary for the correct fulfillment of technical requirements. These recommendations will form part of the definitive endorsement report, which will also have to include the degree of compliance with the aforesaid requirements on the part of the operator. 4. Once the definitive favorable technical gaming system endorsement report has been issued within the stipulated period, the operator will transfer it to the National Game Commission for its assessment. Should the assessment be positive, the National Game Commission will ex officio modify the provisional registration of the singular license that will now become definitive. Should the report assessment not be positive, the National Game Commission will order the 0+##.'$"/) "6) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) .0'$1$'(?) .9"!'$/4) '2+) -+.#8,es required to avoid eventual damages both to participants and to public interest. -,6 "CDEFGH&.0&I&!HFSMEFTG&UTREMU&OVODHR&TQWED& 1. The technical gaming system audit will have to be carried out every two years. The audit, the cost of which will be assumed by the operator, can be performed by the National Game Commission or by the body proposed by that Commission for these purposes among the bodies recognized for technical gaming system endorsement and certification, which will be different from the body that, in turn, had carried out the last endorsement and certification ,+!",').%"8')'2+)"!+,.'",3#)'+02/$0.&)4.-$/4)#(#'+-#F 2. 52+).89$')7$&&)%+)!+,6",-+9)7$'2$/)'2+)#$G)-"/'2#)6"&&"7$/4)'2+)+G!$,.'$"/)"6)'2+)'7")(+.,#3) period counted from the concession of the endorsement or from the submission of the last audit report to the National Game Commission. The favorable audit report will have to be subjected to the assessment of the National Game Commission. 3. Should the favorable audit report have not been submitted to the National Game Commission once the stipulated period has elapsed, the Commission will provisionally agree the #8#!+/#$"/)"6)'2+)"!+,.'",3#).0'$1$'()./9)#'.,')'2+)0",,+#!"/9$/4)!,"0+98,+)6",)'2+),+1"0.'$"/) of the singular license. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HMKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 13. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 4. Within the framework of a sanctions procedure or that of actions prior to its initiation, the National Game Commission will be able to order the elaboration of an audit about the technical gaming systems of the operator who is supposed to have committed an offense. The audit, the cost of which will be assumed by the operator, can be performed by the National Game Commission or by the body proposed by that Commission for these purposes among the bodies recognized for technical gaming system endorsement and certification, which will be different from the body which had carried out the last endorsement and certification report .%"8')'2+)"!+,.'",3#)4.-$/4)#(#'+-#F 5. The National Game Commission will dictate the specific provisions or instructions that it considers necessary for the elaboration of the audit. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HTKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 14. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & <, 4'*2!'82*3&"*7&+:=%8>2+2'*&'(&3"42*3&")!2>2!2%+& <,. "CDEFGH&.-&I&2MDHCMTG&FNMDCNG&OVODHR& 1. The monitoring and supervision of gaming activities performed by the operator will be carried out through the internal control system. 2. Operators will have to equip their technical gaming system with an internal control system which can capture and register all gaming operations and economic transactions which are performed between participants located in Spain or with a Spanish user accou/')./9)'2+)"!+,.'",3#)<+/',.&)=.-+)>/$'F) The internal control system will have to adapt to the different channels used for game commercialization and interaction with participants so that the capture and registration of all the gaming operations performed can be ensured. When different channels for commercialization or interaction with participants are simultaneously used in the same game, the operator will have to establish the communication gateways, interfaces or channels between all the means of participation or interaction in the game with the aim of allowing the National Game Commission to access all the operations and transactions that may have been carried out regardless of the means used to that end. 3. The operator will implement systems and mechanisms that ensure the capture and registration of gaming operations, development and results of betting events and draws, distribution of prizes, operations with user accounts, economic transactions in game accounts, aggregate and control data, as well as incidents related to game platform operation, and their storage in a safe database to which only the National Game <"--$##$"/) 7$&&) 2.1+) .00+##F) ;') 7$&&) .99$'$"/.&&() %+) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) ,+#!"/#$%$&$'() '") create and maintain a safe line of access to the database by the National Game Commission and implement means and systems which guarantee the conservation and, if necessary, the recovery of data registered by the internal control system. By means of a resolution, the National Game Commission will be able to enlarge or reduce the number of operations subjected to capture and registration. 4. The internal control system will have to allow the National Game Commission to control all the gaming operations registered, in the terms and conditions that are established by that Commission. 5. The National Game Commission will specify the technical requirements that will have to be fulfilled by the internal control system and the line of access to the safe database, the protocols and, when appropriate, the encrypting tools which might eventually have to be used for data registration. It will equally establish the minimum security requirements to be fulfilled by the operator both for access to the control system and for data conservation. <,0 "CDEFGH&.<&!"#$%&'$("$)*'"&+*"$,*'-&$'./"#*%&'-("0-1*"2%3&"-%4"$)*'"3&/" CHYGEFT&& 1. The Central Game Unit and its replica will incorporate safe computer connections which are compatible with the National Game Commission systems, which permit this Commission to control and monitor :in real time, if necessary: the gaming activity performed, the prizes given and the identity of the individuals who participate and obtain prizes in those activities and, should the issue arise, the refund of prizes that could "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HYKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 15. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & eventually take place as a result of game cancellation, it all subject to the possibility of carrying out in situ inspections. 2. The National Game Commission will necessarily be able to monitor the Central Game Unit and its replica :regardless of their location: from the Spanish territory at all times. The responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of a safe line which permits .00+##)%()'2+)A.'$"/.&)=.-+)<"--$##$"/)'")'2+)"!+,.'",3#)<+/',.&)=.-+)>/$')./9)$'#) replica falls upon the operator. The National Game Commission will specify the technical requirements to be fulfilled by access lines. 3. Seeking to make information verification and control operations easier, the National Game Commission will be able to demand from the gaming operator to locate certain secondary units of its technical systems in Spain. <,- "CDEFGH&./&I&3TREMU&TFDEZEDEHO&YHCLNCRHW&DSCNQUS&HJOEDHO& 1. For the commercialization and development of gaming activities through websites within the framework of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, the operators will have to implement a specific website with a domain name under «.es» to which they will have to direct all connections carried out from Spain or with a Spanish user account. 2. The operator will establish the systems, mechanism or agreements which can guarantee that all gaming activities performed from Spain or using a Spanish user .00"8/') 7$&&) %+) -./.4+9) 6,"-) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) 7+%#$'+) 8/9+,) HF+#IF) 52+) "!+,.'",) 7$&&) particularly have to ensure that all the connections carried out from the Spanish territory or by participants with a Spanish user account and which were initially directed to websites under a domain name other than «.es», which are owned or controlled by the "!+,.'",?) $'#) !.,+/') 0"-!./() ",) $'#) #8%#$9$.,$+#?) 7$&&) %+) ,+9$,+0'+9) '") '2+) "!+,.'",3#) specific website under «.es». 3. The operator will notify the National Game Commission of the domain name and the relevant details and data about the website used by the operator for the development of its activity, as well as any alteration of that information. The National Game Commission will be able to impose :in those cases where it is considered necessary for the protection of public interest and of minors: the commercialization and development of specific types of games through an exclusive website created by the operator for these purposes. <,< "CDEFGH&.A&I&3TREMU&TFDEZEDEHO&YHCLNCRHW&DSCNQUS&RNJEGH&NC&GTMWGEMH& DHGHYSNMH&DH]D&RHOOTUEMU&OHCZEFHO& 1. The operators who organize, run or develop gaming activities which use text messaging systems through landline or mobile telephone services as the main means or as an accessory means of participation or interaction will have to implement an internal control system that permits to capture, register and, where appropriate, translate all the messages sent and received by participants into the language used for their registration in the safe database. 2. Communications between participants and the operator will be registered in a safe database in the formats that are established by the National Game Commission. The National Commission Game will at all times be able to access the safe database where communications are registered. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HNKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 16. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 3. The operator will have to establish mechanisms and systems which allow the National Game Commission to monitor and control the text message sending and reception servers used by the operator and the databases for clients and operations and implement measures related to limitation and information to the participant. <,/ "CDEFGH&.6&I&3TREMU&TFDEZEDEHO&DSCNQUS&ZNEFH&FNRRQMEFTDENM&OHCZEFHO& 1. The operators who organize, run, or develop gaming activities which use voice communication services as the main means or as an accessory means of participation or interaction will have to implement an internal control system that permits to capture and register the communications which take place between participants and the operator. For the purposes of this Royal Decree it will be understood that both those individuals 72")./#7+,)!.,'$0$!./'#3)0.&&#)./9)'2+).8'"-.'$0)$/'+,.0'$1+),+#!"/#+)#(#'+-#)6",-)!.rt of technical gaming systems. 2. The operator will have to establish mechanisms and systems which allow the National Game Commission to monitor and control :even in real time: voice communications between participants and the operator, as well as their recordings, and the databases for clients and operations. 3. The recording and registration of communications between participants and the operator will be carried out in a safe database in the formats and the way which is established by the National Game Commission. The recordings will permit to determine beyond any doubt the date and the time when they took place. The National Game Commission will at all times be able to access the safe database where voice recordings are registered. 4. The operator will have to keep the recordings at least for one year or until the expiry of the prizes for the corresponding gaming activities, should that period be longer. <,A "CDEFGH&.@&I&3TREMU&TFDEZEDEHO&DSCNQUS&TQWENZEOQTG&RTOO&RHWET& The operators who organize, run or develop gaming activities through audiovisual mass media will have to implement an internal control system that permits to capture and register the communications which take place between participants and the operator. Depending on the media used for participation and interaction with the participant, the operator will have to adapt the internal control system to the requirements stipulated in this Royal Decree and those which may eventually be established by the National Game Commission. <,6 "CDEFGH&.;&I&3TREMU&TFDEZEDEHO&DSCNQUS&DHCREMTGO&TMW&TQ]EGETCV&RTFSEMHO& 1. For the purposes of monitoring and control of gaming activities performed through the use of terminals or auxiliary machines, the operator will have to make adaptations which allow the National Game Commission :either on its own or through the inspection services of the corresponding Autonomous Region or City: to access the terminals and auxiliary machines as well as the technical systems to which they might be connected. 2. The auxiliary machines as well as the terminals used for the organization, running or development of gaming activities, along with the software utilized by them, form part of "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& H[KMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 17. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & the game platform and are subjected to endorsement and certification in the terms established in Chapter III of this Royal Decree. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HLKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 18. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & /, 4'*2!'82*3&'(&="54%*!&4%"*+&"*7&3"!%?"5+& /,. "CDEFGH&0[&I&4NMEDNCEMU&NL&YTVRHMD&RHTMO&TMW&UTDHTVO&& Subject to the obligations regarding the capture and registration of operations and economic transactions associated with gaming activities, the operator will specify the systems and mechanisms which allow the National Game Commission to access the payment systems, means and gateways used by the operator to collect participation fees and pay the prizes obtained by participants. The National Game Commission will establish the technical and access requirements which might be needed and provided for the control of money collection and payment operations. & "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HZKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 19. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & A, +%):82!5&8%B:28%4%*!+&('8&!%)1*2)"$&3"42*3&+5+!%4+& A,. "CDEFGH&0.&I&"FFHOO&FNMDCNG&TMW&OHFQCEDV& 1. The operator will have to establish a physical and logical protocol for the access to its technical gaming systems which contains the procedures to control them, the list of individuals who have obtained an access authorization, as well as the operations which can be performed within the systems. The registration of access to the Central Game Unit and its replica will have to be kept by the operator for at least two years. 2. Access to the Central Game Unit and its replica will exclusively be given to the individuals specifically designated by the operator for these purposes and, within the framework of an inspection, by the National Game Commission staff. 3. The operator will have to adopt physical and logical security measures which guarantee control over the Central Game Unit and its replica, which prevent access and permit the detection of any unauthorized person. 4. Access to the Central Game Unit internal control system is exclusively reserved for the National Game Commission. The operator will only be able to access the safe database for the purposes of registering data and carrying out the necessary maintenance operations. The system must guarantee that the operator will not be able to access the internal control system, neither for data erasure or modification nor to make consultations. 5. The National Game Commission will specify the additional conditions for access to the "!+,.'",#3) '+02/$0.&) 4.-$/4) #(#'+-) ./9) '2+) '+02/$0.&) ,+@8$,+-+/'#) '2.') -$42') eventually have to be fulfilled. A,0 "CDEFGH&00&I&)NRRQMEFTDENMO&EDS&YTCDEFEYTMDO& The operator will have to establish systems and mechanisms which ensure the integrity and 0"/6$9+/'$.&$'() "6) !.,'$0$!./'#3) 0"--8/$0.'$"/#) 7$'2) '2+$,) '+02/$0.&) 4.-$/4) #(#'+-#) ./9?) particularly, with the Central Game Unit and its replica. The system will have to guarantee the identity of the transmitter and the receiver, the confidentiality of the information transmitted through the use of effective encrypting and authentication algorithms and the integrity of the information transmitted through the communication channels used for participation and interaction with gaming systems. The National Game Commission will be able to establish the details and additional conditions which are regarded as necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of communications %+'7++/)!.,'$0$!./'#)./9)'2+)"!+,.'",#3)'+02/$0.&)4.-$/4)#(#'+-#F "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& HKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 20. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & A,- "CDEFGH&0-&I&)NRRQMEFTDENMO&JHDHHM&DHFSMEFTG&UTREMU&OVODHR& FNRYNMHMDO& The systems utilized for the communication of data between the different technical gaming system components will guarantee its integrity and confidentiality. The operator will especially have to ensure the integrity of communications between the Central Game Unit and the internal control system. The operator will have to use safe communication protocols which ensure its integrity and confidentiality in those cases where communication between the different technical gaming system components takes place through public or third-party communication networks. The National Game Commission will be able to specify the details and additional conditions which are regarded as necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of communications between the different technical gaming system components. A,< "CDEFGH&0<&I&3TREMU&NYHCTDENM&CHUEODCTDENM&TMW&DCTFHTJEGEDV& 1. The Central Game Unit must guarantee the traceability and registration of all the gaming operations and economic transactions which are performed. The capture and registration of operations and transactions will be carried out by means of the internal control system and will be kept in the safe database created to that end. The capture and registration systems must permit the faithful reconstruction of the gaming operations as well as the transactions registered in the safe database. Both the capture and registration systems and the safe database will have to be physically and logically protected, preventing any unauthorized access. 2. Subject to the resolutions that the National Game Commission might eventually dictate in relation to the capture and registration of additional data, operators will have to capture and register at least the following operations: a. Gaming operations, among which are included at least the confirmed participations or plays, the plays annulled or cancelled by the operator, the plays denied and the money collection or payment operations carried out by the operator. b. Operations related to gaming events, among which are included at least the authorization for the event or events which determine game results, the modification of parameters for the event or events, the events cancelled or annulled by the operator in its technical gaming systems and the result of the event or events. c. Operations associated with the fees paid to take part in games and with the payment of the prizes obtained. d. Operations related to user and game accounts, among which are included at least the opening of an account and the data provided by the participant, the acceptance of terms and conditions, the modification of game parameters, the economic movements :revenues and payments: of the game account and the closing of accounts. The National Game Commission will establish the details concerning capture and registration of operations and the minimum fields that might have to be incorporated into the safe database in relation to each one of them. 3. The system will have to permit real-time capture and registration of data about gaming operations and the economic transactions linked to them. The National Game "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MIKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 21. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & Commission will follow proportionality criteria to establish the periodicity that will have to be observed by the operator regarding registration in the safe database and the way in which its temporary association with reliable time sources have to be implemented. 4. Operators will also include in the safe database: a. The aggregate and control data established by the National Game Commission b. A register of incidents that includes at least service interruptions or game barring c. Any other data generally or individually demanded by the National Game Commission within a control procedure The National Game Commission will specify the scope of the data that will have to be registered, the period for their updating and the technical requirements regarding availability and access. 5. 52+) #.6+) 9.'.%.#+) .#) 7+&&) .#) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) ,+4$#'+,#) will have to be kept during a minimum period of six years, protection and support systems having to be implemented in order to guarantee their integrity and security during that period, as well as its complete recovery before any eventuality. A,/ "CDEFGH&0/&I&3TREMU&TFDEZEDV&FNMDEMQEDV& 1. The operator will need to have a Technological Contingency Plan in place to maintain 4.-+)9+1+&"!-+/')$/)'2"#+)0.#+#)72+,+)'2+)"!+,.'",3#)<+/',.&)=.-+)>/$')",)$'#)-.$/) infrastructures and computer systems are not available. The Technological Contingency Plan will consider the elements, systems and procedures needed for the fully-guaranteed replacement of the game development 0.,,$+9)"8')%()'2+)"!+,.'",3#)<+/',.&)=.-+)>/$'F) Furthermore, the Plan will deal with those cases where the internal control system is unavailable, ensuring continuity in the capture and registration functions for data about gaming operations and the economic transactions linked to them. 2. Within the framework of the Technological Contingency Plan, the operator will need to have available a replica of the Central Game Unit and a redundant internal control system. The National Game Commission will be able to access all support units and systems. 3. The Central Game Unit replica will incorporate computer infrastructures and systems which are required to ensure game development continuity regardless of the technical 4.-$/4) #(#'+-) +&+-+/') '2.') 0.8#+9) '2+) 8/.1.$&.%$&$'() "6) '2+) "!+,.'",3#) <+/',.&) =.-+) Unit. 4. The redundant internal control system will guarantee data capture and registration in accordance with what is stipulated in this Royal Decree in those cases where the main internal control system is not available. The redundant internal control system will incorporate as many elements and systems as are considered necessary to guarantee the correct fulfillment of its role under any circumstances. 5. The Central Game Unit replica and the redundant internal control system will have to be situated in locations different from those of the main units and at a distance with respect to the main units that suffices to make it reasonably unlikely for all of them to be negatively affected by the same event. 6. 52+) A.'$"/.&) =.-+) <"--$##$"/) 7$&&) +1.&8.'+) "!+,.'",#3) 5+02/"&"4$0.&) <"/'$/4+/0() Plans and, where appropriate, will demand from the operator the adoption of additional measures regarded as necessary to ensure the continuity of gaming activities. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MHKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 22. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 6, CONTROL OVER PARTICIPANTS 6,. "CDEFGH&0A&I&2WHMDELEFTDENM&NL&YTCDEFEYTMDO& 1. The operators will establish systems and mechanisms which make easier the identification of participants in games. The National Game Commission will exceptionally be able to authorize participation without the prior identification of participants taking into account the special conditions of the means used for game commercialization and development, following proportionality criteria and at the "!+,.'",3#)J8#'$6$+9),+@8+#'F) In any case, the identification of participants along with the verification that they do not incur any of the subjective prohibitions mentioned in letters a), b) and c) of the second number in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, will be a sine qua non condition to collect the prizes obtained regardless of their amount and nature. 2. The identification of participants will be carried out through a single user account that will at least contain the identification data needed to check that they do not incur any of the subjective prohibitions mentioned in letters a), b) and c) of the second number in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation. 52+) 8#+,) .00"8/') 7$&&) .99$'$"/.&&() $/0&89+) '2+) !.,'$0$!./'3#) '.G) $9+/'$6$0.'$"/) ./9) residency data as well as any other data that permit to carry out economic transactions and the game operator which are determined by the National Game Commission. The operator will establish the procedures and mechanisms needed to verify that a single player does not own several user accounts. 3. Opening a user account will demand from the participant to provide the data mentioned in the previous paragraph as well as the verification of their truthfulness by the operator. Once the data about the participant have been collected, the operator will have to send them to the National Game Commission for their authentication and verification. The operator will be able to activate the user account once the procedure stipulated for this purpose has finished. 4. The verification of the data supplied by the participant will have to be carried out by the operator within a maximum period of one month since the activation of the account and will constitute a sine qua non condition to collect the prize money obtained by the participant regardless of its amount and nature. The account will be cancelled if neither the National Game Commission nor the operator has verified the account data once the one-month period mentioned in the preceding paragraph has elapsed. The operator is responsible for the veracity and periodical check of the data collected in its user accounts, in the terms stipulated by the National Game Commission. 5. The operator will be able to suspend those user accounts which remain inactive for more than two uninterrupted years. It will be possible to activate suspended user accounts at the !.,'$0$!./'3#) ,+@8+#'F) 52+) "!+,.'",) 7$&&) 0./0+&) '2+) .00"8/') .6'+,) 6"8,) years have elapsed since the suspension. 6. The National Game Commission will establish the additional requirements and conditions that user and game accounts must fulfill as well as the protection measures that operators will have to comply with. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MMKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 23. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & 6,0 "CDEFGH&06&I&)NMDCNG&NZHC&OQJKHFDEZH&YCNSEJEDENMO&LNC&YTCDEFEYTDENM&EM& UTRHO&TMW&RNMHV&GTQMWHCEMU& 1. ;')7$&&)%+)'2+)"!+,.'",#3),+#!"/#$%$&$'()'")0"/',"&)'2+)#8%J+0'$1+)!,"2$%$'$"/#)-+/'$"/+9)$/) letters a), b) and c) of the second number in article 6 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation. 2. The National Game Commission will specify the means required and establish the adequate procedures so that operators can have telematic access to the Registro General de Interdicciones de Acceso al Juego [General Game Access Interdiction Register]. In any case, during the process of opening of a user account, before its activation, and during the process of prize payment, the operator will have to contrast the data contained in the user account which those appearing in the General Game Access Interdiction Register, with the aim of verifying that the participant is not included in the aforesaid Register. The National Game Commission will specify the procedures to be applied by operators for the periodical verification of their user account data with those appearing in the General Game Access Interdiction Register. 3. Subject to the procedures that operators might eventually establish for these purposes, the National Game Commission will specify the means required to check more easily that participants are legally of age using the National Identity Card (DNI for its Spanish $/$'$.&#K)/8-%+,)",)'2+)L",+$4/+,#3);9+/'$6$0.'$"/)A8-%+,)MA;N)6",)$'#)D!./$#2)$/$'$.&#KF)In order to achieve this aim, the competent public administrations will offer the National Game Commission all the collaboration that might eventually be needed. The National Game Commission will establish the consultation procedures that may be required. 4. The National Game Commission will perform all the controls that are needed and impose all the conditions required to control money laundering and terrorism financing. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MTKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 24. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & @, ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS @,. (ECOD,&"QDSNCEXTDENM&LNC&DSH&*TDENMTG&3TRH&)NRREOOENM& In accordance with what is stipulated in article 23 of Act 13/2011, of May 27th, on gaming regulation, the National Game Commission is authorized to dictate all the provisions which are considered necessary for the development and execution of this Royal Decree @,0 8HYHTGEMU&YCNZEOENM&& Any equal- or lower rank provisions which contradict what has been established in this Royal Decree are hereby repealed. @,- (EMTG&YCNZEOENM,&)NREMU&EMDN&LNCFH& This Royal Decree will come into force on the day following its publication in the Boletín Oficial del Estado [Official Gazette]. "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MYKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &
  • 25. !"#$%&"'(#)&!*+"**&%,"'-.,&/,0+,&%*+,10+#)&"*2-0"*3*1%4&$'"&.#301.& #+%050%0*4&#"*&*4%#6)04,*!& & "789&:&;<=>?@A=BCA;D=EDD&FDEG<@B&H9I&;J&HHKILKMIHH& MNKMN& +@OOJB<=?><@BP&EDQE@;J=><@B&@J&J><R<G?><@B&<B>DE;<>DG&G?J8&?J>@E<G?><@B&QE7?R?SRD&;D&!<=>?@& &