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Molar distalization

2. Expansion
3. Proximal stripping

Necessity of space regaining in
To correct:

anterior proclination




anterior cross bite


posterior cross bite


Curve of spee


Rotated anterior teeth


Narrow dental arch

Molar relationship
Localized Space Regaining (3mm or less)
After premature loss of primary tooth, space maybe
lost from the drift of other teeth. Upto 3mm of space can be
re – established in a localised area with relatively simple
appliances and a good prognosis
Maxillary space regaining
Generally space regaining is easier in
maxillary arch than in mandibular arch. Permanent
maxillary first molar can be tipped distally. A removable
appliance retained with Adam’s clasp and incorporating a
helical finger spring adjacent to the tooth to be moved is
very effective. This appliance is ideal design for tipping
one molar. One posterior tooth can be moved up to 3mm
distally during 3 – 4 months.
Mandibular Space Regaining
If space has been lost on one side of the
mandibular arch the appliance of choice is
removable lingual arch incorporating a loop that
can be opened to provide the necessary distal force.
An alternative fixed appliance for mandibular
space regaining is a lip bumper, which is a labial
appliance fitted to the molar teeth. The idea is that
the appliance against the pressures of the lip which
creates a distal force to tip the molars posteriorly.
Molar Distalization
Criteria for molar distalization:


Class II or end to end molar relationship


Maxillary dental protrusion


Mild to moderate crowding


Midline discrepancies

 End on or full Class II molar relationship due
to impacted cuspid
Types of appliances
• Repelling Magnet

• Super elastic NiTi wires
• Jones Jig
• Lokar molar distalizer
• Pendulum appliance
• Modified pendulum appliance
• Fixed piston appliance
•K-Loop Molar distalizer
• Distal Jet
• NiTi coil Springs
• Fixed palatal expander
• Super spring II
• Franzulum Appliance
• C – Space regainer
Repelling magnets
Intra arch repelling magnet used to distalize
molar where introduced by Gianelly et al in 1988.
These are pre fabricated repelling Samarium – Cobalt
magnets with pole face 2x5 mm the magnets are
attached to the head gear tube of maxillary first molar
bands and repelling surfaces are bought into contact
by 0.014 ligature wire. Anchorage is reinforced by
Nance appliance and Class II elastic against a 0.016 x
0.022 sectional arch wire.
Superelastic NiTi Wire
This is also referred to as Neosentalloy and has
shape memory. Locatelli et al 1992 used a 100gm
Neosent alloy wire with shape memory for molar
distalization. Crimp stop just distal to the first molar
bracket are placed 5-7mm distal to anterior opening of
molar tube and hooks between the lateral incisor and
canine. Excess wire is deflected gingivally. As wire
returns to the original shape it exerts 100gm distal force
against the molar. Anchorage is controlled by placing
Class II elastics and is reinforced with Nance appliance
cemented to the pre molars.
Arch expansion : defined as the enlargement of
the dental arches by the lateral movement of buccal
segments. It is one of the non-invasive methods of
space gaining. It is usually undertaken in a patient
having constricted maxillary arches or in a patient
with unilateral cross bite. It can be skeletal or dental.
Skeletal expansion involves splitting of the mid
palatal suture while dentoalveolar a dental expansion
with no skeletal change.
Indication of expansion

Class II div II cases


Collapsed maxillary arch


Unilateral crossbite


Bilateral crossbite


Maxillary rotated upper molars


A tapered anterior arch from


Any cleft palate


Abnormal muscle activity


upper canine
Expansion can be broadly classified into 2 types:
1. Rapid expansion
2. Slow expansion.
RME was first described by Emerson C Angell 
in 1860 by using screw appliance. Maxillary expansion 
had long be reported in the medical literature as a 
modality to manage ENT of impaired nasal airflow, 
DNS, etc. but its used in orthodontic fraternity was 
marked by the reports published by Hass (1961 – 65). 
The prime objective for an orthodontist of palatal 
expansion is to co ordinate the maxillary and 
mandibular denture base
Indication of RME
Marked maxillary arch narrowing
Unilateral and bilateral cross bite
Prognathism, reduced anterior development of maxillary
Denture base
Steep palate with septum deviation and mouth breathing
Cleft lip and palate
Posterior crossbite
Contra - Indication of RME
     Patient who cannot co – operate 
     Patient with single tooth cross bite
     Patient with anterior open bite, steep mandibular 
planes and convex profile
     Skeletal asymmetry of the maxilla and the mandible 
and adults with severe anterior, posterior and 
vertical discrepancies
     Without the completion of fusion o mid palatine 
Age and the prognosis with RME
7 – 15 yrs


15 – 20 yrs

GOOD, although the patient is recalled
daily or every other day to check opening

of the suture
20 – 30 yrs
Possible but frequent recall is
danger that suture does not open and
overloading the posterior segment,
ulceration of the mucosa.
Types of Rapid Maxillary Expansion
1. Removable
                        A removable type of RME device consist of 

split acrylic plate with a midline screw. The appliance is 
retained with clasps on the posterior teeth
2. Fixed

a. Tooth borne                              b. Tooth and tissue borne
Issacson type                                         Derichsweiler type 
Hyrax type                                              Hass type                
Bidernan type
This method has been advocated more recently 
(HICK). In this method the total force builds up is less. 
It appears that approximately 1mm per week is the 
maximum rate at which the tissue of the mid palatal 
suture can adapt to produce expansion at this rate 2 – 4 
pounds of force appears optimal. Unlike in RME, 
where the treatment is completed in 1 – 2 weeks, slow 
expansion may take as much as 2 – 5 months. Slow 
expansion has traditionally been termed as 
Indication for Slow Expansion
•  Full cusp cross bite with skeletal component
•  Some degree of dental as well as skeletal 
•  No pre existing dental expansion
•  No open bite tendency
Types of Slow Expansion devices
       QUAD HELIX
Jack Screw
The various Jackscrews used for the RME can be used for 
the SME but with more spread out activation. In addition 
these screws may have a smaller pitch than those used for 
Coffin Spring
It is designed by Walter Coffin. It is a 
removable appliance capable of slow expansion. It 
consists of an omega shape wire of 1.2mm thickness 
in the midpalatal region. The free ends of the wire 
are embedded in acrylic covering the slope of the 
palate. Activation is done by pulling the two sides 
apart. 3 prong plier can be used for activation.
Quad Helix
It consists of a pair of anterior helices and a pair of 
posterior helices. Wire between anterior helices is called 
bridge and between the posterior and anterior helices is 
called palatal bridge. The arm rest against the lingual 
surface of the teeth which requiring expansion
Coffin spring                  Quad helix
Comparison of RME and SME
      RME                                                      S M E                  
 Fixed appliance                               Removable appliance
 Orthopedic movement                    Orthodontic movement
 Widening of about 10mm in           Widening of per week 
4 weeks time about                           0.5 – 1.0mm per week
Arch expansion using fixed appliances

In patient undergoing fixed mechanotherapy 

mild arch expansion is possible by expanding the arch 
wire. In addition appliances such Quad helix and Coffin 
spring may be used.
Uprighting of Molars as a space gaining method
Derotation of posterior teeth as a space gaining
Proclination of anterior teeth
In some cases the anterior teeth might be
retroclined. By proclination of such type of teeth we
can gain some space but it should not affect
patient’s soft tissue profile.
Proximal stripping
It is a method by which the mesio-distal
width of the teeth is reduced to gain the space. It is
also known as reproximation, disking or proximal
slicing. This procedure is mainly carried out in
lower anteriors but it can be done in buccal
segments of the upper and lower arch.
Indication of proximal stripping:
It is generally carried out when the space
required is minimal i.e. 0 – 2.5mm.
If the Bolton analysis shows very minimal
excessive tooth material

It is not carried out in a young patient because of
large pulp chamber which increases the risk of pulpal
Patients who are very susceptible to caries
Advantage of proximal stripping:
In borderline cases when the space required is
minimal to avoid the extraction
A more favorable overbite and overjet can be
established by eliminating tooth material excess in either
of the arch.
High risk of plaque accumulation due to roughened
enamel surface
Caries susceptibility increased due to the roughened

Patient might feel sensitivity

Tooth morphology might be altered
To extract or not to extract’ has always
been the key question in planning of orthodontic
treatment. The extraction controversy in 1920 was
based upon the thought of two pioneer in
orthodontics namely Edward angle and his student
Charles tweed. Edward angle believe that all
individuals is capable of 32 teeth in normal
occlusion and orthodontic treatment can be carried
out by arch expansion.
Extraction Guidelines
Ideally arch length and tooth material should
be in harmony with each other. The presence of
excess tooth material can result in crowding,
proclination etc. in that case extraction is
Less than 4mm arch length discrepancy –
extraction rarely indicated.
Arch length discrepancy 5 – 10mm – both
extraction and non- extraction treatment is possible
Arch length discrepancy 10mm or more –
extraction is required.
Extraction of upper incisors
 Extraction

of upper incisors are rarely carried out
in orthodontic therapy but in some cases upper
incisors may have to be sacrificed.
 Conditions where upper incisors is extracted
 Impacted – prognosis is not good cant be brought
to normal alignment.
 Grossly Carious - which is not restorable.
 Trauma – cannot be repaired
 missing

the other side lateral incisor can be
extracted to maintain the symmetry.
 Dilacerated Root-cant be moved by orthodontic
treatment .
 Buccaly or lingually blocked out lateral
incisors with good contact between central
incisors and canine
Extraction of Lower Incisor
 It

should be avoided as far as possible which may
lead to
 collapse of the lower arch by reducing inter
canine width
 remaining anterior teeth tend to imbricate
 deep bite
 Retroclination of lower incisors
Conditions where lower incisor extraction may be carried
out :
 if one of the incisors is completely out of the arch and
the remaining teeth have good contact.
 traumatized or severe bone loss
 in mild Class III cases with crowding
 Class I with anterior dental cross bite due to lower
anterior crowding and lower incisor protrusion

Deep bite cases with horizontal growth pattern


All cases which require upper first pre molar extraction
while canines are in Class I relationship


Bimaxillary crowding cases with no tooth size
discrepancy in incisor area


Cases having anterior discrepancy due to either a small
lower incisor or large maxillary incisor
Extraction of Canine
Canine plays an important role in facial esthetics, so
extraction of canine is rarely indicated.
 Conditions where canine may be extracted :
if the canine is placed completely out of the arch and
good contact is present between laterals and premolars
canines are highly susceptible to ectopic eruption or
impaction. If they are placed in unfavorable position they
maybe extracted.
ankylosis or internal or external root resorption or
Extraction of Premolars


Premolars are the most commonly extracted teeth in the orthodontic
ANCHORAGE – when maximum anchorage is needed then first
premolar can be extracted. When minimum anchorage is needed
then second bicuspid may be extracted.
GROSSLY CARIOUS – a heavily restored or endontically treated
premolar should be chosen for extraction.
MALPOSITION – malposed bicuspid should be chosen for
IMPACTION – impacted premolar whose prognosis is not good
should be chosen for extraction.
– if the discrepancy is minimal the second premolar should be
extracted if the discrepancy is maximum first premolar should be
Extraction of First Molars

The 1st permanent molar has been esteemed as
untouchable from the very beginning of the history of
orthodontics. It is considered as the consistence of the
dentition always at its right position in the arch. It is said
that it should never be removed.
 Extraction of 1st molar avoided because:
 it does not give adequate space in the incisor region
 deepening of bite
 poor contact relation between 2nd premolar and 2nd
 2nd premolar and 2nd molar may tip into extraction
 mastication is affected
minimum space requirement for correction of
anterior crowding or mild proclination
 decayed or periodontally compromised having a
poor long term prognosis
 impaction or abnormal developmental position
 high maxillary or mandibular plane angle
 anterior open bite
Wilkinson’s extraction



Wilkinson advocated extraction of all 1st permanent molars in
between the age of 8 ½ - 9 ½ years. The basis of such extraction is
the fact that the first molar are highly susceptible to caries. The
other benefits of extracting 1st molar at an early age are :
the extraction provides additional space for eruption of 3rd molars.
Thus impaction of 3rd molars can be avoided
in general, crowding of the arch is minimized, thus the other teeth
are at a low risk of caries
The extraction of first molar offer limited space to relieve
The 2nd bicuspid and 2nd molar rotate and may tip into the
extraction space
The removal of the 1st molar deprives the orthodontist of
adequate anchorage
any orthodontic appliance
Extraction of Lower Second Molars
 Lower

second molar is often not removed for the
relieve of crowding. Its position at the end of
dental arch means that it is usually removed from
the site of crowding and is not itself actually not
malpositioned through crowding but extraction
maybe indicated in the following cases:
 to relieve the impaction of 2nd premolar
 to relieve the impaction of mandibular 3rd molar
 severely carious ectopically erupted or severely
Extraction of Maxillary Second Molars


in mildly crowded cases where less than 3- 4mm
space is required for the labial segment
 to make the space for crowded 2nd premolar by
retraction of 1st molar
 when permanent 2nd molar are impacted against
the permanent first molar
Contra indication of extraction maxillary
second molars
Maxillary third molars are too high in tuberosity
or show delayed eruption
 Undersized crown or root
 Absence of third molar buds
Third Molars
 Extraction

of third molars during orthodontic
treatment doesn’t yield space that can be used for
decrowding or reduction of proclination. Although
there are some conditions where third molars can
be extracted,
grossly impacted third molars that are unable to
erupt into the ideal position
dilacerated roots

The erupting mandibular third molars have been implicated to the cause
of late lower anterior crowding.
It is an interceptive orthodontic procedure usually carried
out in the early mixed dentition period. Its purpose is to
reconcile a persisting discrepancy between the amount of
tooth material present and the available jaw space.
It involves the extraction of deciduous and permanent teeth
to increase the available space thereby permitting
remaining permanent teeth to assume a more normal
position and occlusal relationship.
Indications for serial extractions:
In Class I malocclusion showing harmony between
skeletal and muscular system
Arch length deficiency as compared to the tooth
material is the most important indication of serial
extraction. Arch length deficiency is indicated by
presence of any one of the following
Contraindication of serial extraction

Spaced dentition


Anodontia / oligodontia


Class II or Class III with skeletal abnormalities


Midline diastema

 Class I malocclusion with minimal space

Open bite - should be treated before undertaking
serial extraction

Absence of physiologic space


Midline shift of mandibular incisor due to
displaced lateral incisor


Abnormal or asymmetric primary canine
root resorption


Lingual eruption of lateral incisors


Mesial migration of molars


Flaring of lower anteriors
Procedure for Serial extraction
Dewel’s method has proposed a 3 step procedure
Step I: the deciduous canine are extracted to create
space for alignment of incisor at the age of 8 years
Step 2: a year after first step the deciduous first molar
are extracted so that the eruption of first pre molar is
Step 3: the erupting first pre molar are extracted to
permit canine to erupt in their place
This method involves the extraction of
deciduous first molar around eight years of age
followed by extraction of first pre molar and
deciduous canine.
This is similar to Tweed's technique and
involves the extraction of deciduous first molars
followed by the extraction of the first pre molar and
deciduous canine.
Thank you
For more details please visit

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Methods of gaining space -Extraction /certified fixed orthodontic courses by ...
Bonding and banding in orthodontics / dental implant courses by Indian denta...
Bonding and banding in orthodontics  / dental implant courses by Indian denta...Bonding and banding in orthodontics  / dental implant courses by Indian denta...
Bonding and banding in orthodontics / dental implant courses by Indian denta...
Trajectories and rotations /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Ind...
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Trajectories and rotations /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Ind...
Interceptive orthodontics
Interceptive orthodonticsInterceptive orthodontics
Interceptive orthodontics

Similar to Space gaining in fixed orthodontics /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy

Maxillary expansion
Maxillary expansionMaxillary expansion
Maxillary expansion
Dr. Roshni Maurya
Band and loop space maintainer
Band and loop space maintainerBand and loop space maintainer
Band and loop space maintainer
Dr.kritika singh
Expansion with removable orthodontic appliance /certified fixed orthodontic c...
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Expansion with removable orthodontic appliance /certified fixed orthodontic c...
Indian dental academy
Methods of gaining space 1
Methods of gaining space 1Methods of gaining space 1
Methods of gaining space 1
Indian dental academy
molar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptx
molar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptxmolar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptx
molar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptx
Anagha Prasad
Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...
Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...
Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...
Indian dental academy
Space gaining in orthodontics
Space gaining in orthodonticsSpace gaining in orthodontics
Space gaining in orthodontics
Indian dental academy
Methods of space gaining (2)
Methods of space gaining (2)Methods of space gaining (2)
Methods of space gaining (2)
Indian dental academy
Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...
Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...
Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...
Indian dental academy
Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...
Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...
Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...
Indian dental academy
Modified hyrex expander for correction of upper mid line deviation /certified...
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Modified hyrex expander for correction of upper mid line deviation /certified...
Indian dental academy
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /cosmetic dentistry courses
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Indian dental academy
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /prosthodontic courses
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Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /prosthodontic courses
Indian dental academy
Expansion appliances
Expansion appliancesExpansion appliances
Expansion appliances
Indian dental academy
Interproximal enamel reduction
Interproximal enamel reductionInterproximal enamel reduction
Interproximal enamel reduction
Indian dental academy
Molar dis final
Molar dis final  Molar dis final
Molar dis final
Indian dental academy
wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...
wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...
wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...
Indian dental academy
Lingual bracket system
Lingual bracket systemLingual bracket system
Lingual bracket system
Molar distalization
Molar distalizationMolar distalization
Molar distalization
Indian dental academy
Space regainers
Space regainersSpace regainers
Space regainers

Similar to Space gaining in fixed orthodontics /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy (20)

Maxillary expansion
Maxillary expansionMaxillary expansion
Maxillary expansion
Band and loop space maintainer
Band and loop space maintainerBand and loop space maintainer
Band and loop space maintainer
Expansion with removable orthodontic appliance /certified fixed orthodontic c...
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Expansion with removable orthodontic appliance /certified fixed orthodontic c...
Methods of gaining space 1
Methods of gaining space 1Methods of gaining space 1
Methods of gaining space 1
molar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptx
molar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptxmolar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptx
molar-distalization in orthodontics-seminar.pptx
Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...
Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...
Fixed expansion orthodontic appliances / /certified fixed orthodontic courses...
Space gaining in orthodontics
Space gaining in orthodonticsSpace gaining in orthodontics
Space gaining in orthodontics
Methods of space gaining (2)
Methods of space gaining (2)Methods of space gaining (2)
Methods of space gaining (2)
Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...
Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...
Molar distalization /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental aca...
Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...
Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...
Methods of gaining space. /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dent...
Modified hyrex expander for correction of upper mid line deviation /certified...
Modified hyrex expander for correction of upper mid line deviation /certified...Modified hyrex expander for correction of upper mid line deviation /certified...
Modified hyrex expander for correction of upper mid line deviation /certified...
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /cosmetic dentistry courses
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /cosmetic dentistry coursesSlow maxillary expansion with extra slides /cosmetic dentistry courses
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /cosmetic dentistry courses
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /prosthodontic courses
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /prosthodontic coursesSlow maxillary expansion with extra slides /prosthodontic courses
Slow maxillary expansion with extra slides /prosthodontic courses
Expansion appliances
Expansion appliancesExpansion appliances
Expansion appliances
Interproximal enamel reduction
Interproximal enamel reductionInterproximal enamel reduction
Interproximal enamel reduction
Molar dis final
Molar dis final  Molar dis final
Molar dis final
wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...
wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...
wick alexander technique of pre adjusted edgewise appliance /certified fixed ...
Lingual bracket system
Lingual bracket systemLingual bracket system
Lingual bracket system
Molar distalization
Molar distalizationMolar distalization
Molar distalization
Space regainers
Space regainersSpace regainers
Space regainers

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Space gaining in fixed orthodontics /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy

  • 1. INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
  • 2. SPACE GAINING IN ORTHODONTICS 1. Molar distalization 2. Expansion 3. Proximal stripping 4. Extraction
  • 3. Necessity of space regaining in orthodontics To correct:  anterior proclination  crowding  anterior cross bite  posterior cross bite  Curve of spee  Rotated anterior teeth  Narrow dental arch  Molar relationship
  • 4. Localized Space Regaining (3mm or less) After premature loss of primary tooth, space maybe lost from the drift of other teeth. Upto 3mm of space can be re – established in a localised area with relatively simple appliances and a good prognosis
  • 5. Maxillary space regaining Generally space regaining is easier in maxillary arch than in mandibular arch. Permanent maxillary first molar can be tipped distally. A removable appliance retained with Adam’s clasp and incorporating a helical finger spring adjacent to the tooth to be moved is very effective. This appliance is ideal design for tipping one molar. One posterior tooth can be moved up to 3mm distally during 3 – 4 months.
  • 6. Mandibular Space Regaining If space has been lost on one side of the mandibular arch the appliance of choice is removable lingual arch incorporating a loop that can be opened to provide the necessary distal force. An alternative fixed appliance for mandibular space regaining is a lip bumper, which is a labial appliance fitted to the molar teeth. The idea is that the appliance against the pressures of the lip which creates a distal force to tip the molars posteriorly.
  • 7. Molar Distalization Criteria for molar distalization:  Class II or end to end molar relationship  Maxillary dental protrusion  Mild to moderate crowding  Midline discrepancies  End on or full Class II molar relationship due to impacted cuspid
  • 8. Types of appliances INTRA ORAL METHODS • Repelling Magnet • Super elastic NiTi wires • Jones Jig • Lokar molar distalizer • Pendulum appliance • Modified pendulum appliance • Fixed piston appliance
  • 9. •K-Loop Molar distalizer • Distal Jet • NiTi coil Springs • Fixed palatal expander • Super spring II • Franzulum Appliance • C – Space regainer
  • 10. Repelling magnets Intra arch repelling magnet used to distalize molar where introduced by Gianelly et al in 1988. These are pre fabricated repelling Samarium – Cobalt magnets with pole face 2x5 mm the magnets are attached to the head gear tube of maxillary first molar bands and repelling surfaces are bought into contact by 0.014 ligature wire. Anchorage is reinforced by Nance appliance and Class II elastic against a 0.016 x 0.022 sectional arch wire.
  • 12. Superelastic NiTi Wire This is also referred to as Neosentalloy and has shape memory. Locatelli et al 1992 used a 100gm Neosent alloy wire with shape memory for molar distalization. Crimp stop just distal to the first molar bracket are placed 5-7mm distal to anterior opening of molar tube and hooks between the lateral incisor and canine. Excess wire is deflected gingivally. As wire returns to the original shape it exerts 100gm distal force against the molar. Anchorage is controlled by placing Class II elastics and is reinforced with Nance appliance cemented to the pre molars.
  • 14. EXPANSION AS A MEANS OF SPACE GAINING Arch expansion : defined as the enlargement of the dental arches by the lateral movement of buccal segments. It is one of the non-invasive methods of space gaining. It is usually undertaken in a patient having constricted maxillary arches or in a patient with unilateral cross bite. It can be skeletal or dental. Skeletal expansion involves splitting of the mid palatal suture while dentoalveolar a dental expansion with no skeletal change.
  • 15. Indication of expansion • Class II div II cases • Collapsed maxillary arch • Unilateral crossbite • Bilateral crossbite • Maxillary rotated upper molars • A tapered anterior arch from • Any cleft palate • Abnormal muscle activity • Blocked upper canine
  • 16. Expansion can be broadly classified into 2 types: 1. Rapid expansion 2. Slow expansion.
  • 18. Indication of RME Marked maxillary arch narrowing Unilateral and bilateral cross bite Prognathism, reduced anterior development of maxillary Denture base Steep palate with septum deviation and mouth breathing Cleft lip and palate Posterior crossbite
  • 19. Contra - Indication of RME      Patient who cannot co – operate       Patient with single tooth cross bite      Patient with anterior open bite, steep mandibular  planes and convex profile      Skeletal asymmetry of the maxilla and the mandible  and adults with severe anterior, posterior and  vertical discrepancies      Without the completion of fusion o mid palatine  suture
  • 20. Age and the prognosis with RME 7 – 15 yrs GOOD 15 – 20 yrs GOOD, although the patient is recalled daily or every other day to check opening of the suture 20 – 30 yrs Possible but frequent recall is necessary, danger that suture does not open and overloading the posterior segment, ulceration of the mucosa.
  • 21. Types of Rapid Maxillary Expansion 1. Removable                         A removable type of RME device consist of  split acrylic plate with a midline screw. The appliance is  retained with clasps on the posterior teeth 2. Fixed a. Tooth borne                              b. Tooth and tissue borne Issacson type                                         Derichsweiler type  Hyrax type                                              Hass type                                                   Bidernan type
  • 23. Indication for Slow Expansion   •  Full cusp cross bite with skeletal component •  Some degree of dental as well as skeletal  constriction •  No pre existing dental expansion •  No open bite tendency
  • 24. Types of Slow Expansion devices        JACK SCREW         COFFIN SPRING          QUAD HELIX
  • 29. Comparison of RME and SME       RME                                                      S M E                                                                                  Fixed appliance                               Removable appliance  Orthopedic movement                    Orthodontic movement  Widening of about 10mm in           Widening of per week  4 weeks time about                           0.5 – 1.0mm per week
  • 30. Arch expansion using fixed appliances   In patient undergoing fixed mechanotherapy  mild arch expansion is possible by expanding the arch  wire. In addition appliances such Quad helix and Coffin  spring may be used.
  • 31. Uprighting of Molars as a space gaining method Derotation of posterior teeth as a space gaining procedure Proclination of anterior teeth In some cases the anterior teeth might be retroclined. By proclination of such type of teeth we can gain some space but it should not affect patient’s soft tissue profile.
  • 32. Proximal stripping It is a method by which the mesio-distal width of the teeth is reduced to gain the space. It is also known as reproximation, disking or proximal slicing. This procedure is mainly carried out in lower anteriors but it can be done in buccal segments of the upper and lower arch.
  • 33. Indication of proximal stripping: • It is generally carried out when the space required is minimal i.e. 0 – 2.5mm. • If the Bolton analysis shows very minimal excessive tooth material Contraindication: • It is not carried out in a young patient because of large pulp chamber which increases the risk of pulpal exposure Patients who are very susceptible to caries
  • 34. Advantage of proximal stripping: • In borderline cases when the space required is minimal to avoid the extraction • A more favorable overbite and overjet can be established by eliminating tooth material excess in either of the arch. Disadvantage: • High risk of plaque accumulation due to roughened enamel surface • Caries susceptibility increased due to the roughened surface • • Patient might feel sensitivity Tooth morphology might be altered
  • 35. Extraction To extract or not to extract’ has always been the key question in planning of orthodontic treatment. The extraction controversy in 1920 was based upon the thought of two pioneer in orthodontics namely Edward angle and his student Charles tweed. Edward angle believe that all individuals is capable of 32 teeth in normal occlusion and orthodontic treatment can be carried out by arch expansion.
  • 36. Extraction Guidelines Ideally arch length and tooth material should be in harmony with each other. The presence of excess tooth material can result in crowding, proclination etc. in that case extraction is compulsory.  Less than 4mm arch length discrepancy – extraction rarely indicated.  Arch length discrepancy 5 – 10mm – both extraction and non- extraction treatment is possible  Arch length discrepancy 10mm or more – extraction is required.
  • 37. Extraction of upper incisors  Extraction of upper incisors are rarely carried out in orthodontic therapy but in some cases upper incisors may have to be sacrificed.  Conditions where upper incisors is extracted  Impacted – prognosis is not good cant be brought to normal alignment.  Grossly Carious - which is not restorable.  Trauma – cannot be repaired
  • 38.  missing the other side lateral incisor can be extracted to maintain the symmetry.  Dilacerated Root-cant be moved by orthodontic treatment .  Buccaly or lingually blocked out lateral incisors with good contact between central incisors and canine
  • 39. Extraction of Lower Incisor  It should be avoided as far as possible which may lead to  collapse of the lower arch by reducing inter canine width  remaining anterior teeth tend to imbricate  deep bite  Retroclination of lower incisors
  • 40. INDICATIONS Conditions where lower incisor extraction may be carried out :  if one of the incisors is completely out of the arch and the remaining teeth have good contact.  traumatized or severe bone loss  in mild Class III cases with crowding  Class I with anterior dental cross bite due to lower anterior crowding and lower incisor protrusion 
  • 41. CONTRA – INDICATIONS  Deep bite cases with horizontal growth pattern  All cases which require upper first pre molar extraction while canines are in Class I relationship  Bimaxillary crowding cases with no tooth size discrepancy in incisor area  Cases having anterior discrepancy due to either a small lower incisor or large maxillary incisor
  • 42. Extraction of Canine Canine plays an important role in facial esthetics, so extraction of canine is rarely indicated.  Conditions where canine may be extracted :  if the canine is placed completely out of the arch and good contact is present between laterals and premolars  canines are highly susceptible to ectopic eruption or impaction. If they are placed in unfavorable position they maybe extracted.  ankylosis or internal or external root resorption or dilaceration 
  • 43. Extraction of Premolars       Premolars are the most commonly extracted teeth in the orthodontic therapy. ANCHORAGE – when maximum anchorage is needed then first premolar can be extracted. When minimum anchorage is needed then second bicuspid may be extracted. GROSSLY CARIOUS – a heavily restored or endontically treated premolar should be chosen for extraction. MALPOSITION – malposed bicuspid should be chosen for extraction. IMPACTION – impacted premolar whose prognosis is not good should be chosen for extraction. ARCH LENGTH AND TOOTH MATERIAL DISCREPANCY – if the discrepancy is minimal the second premolar should be extracted if the discrepancy is maximum first premolar should be extracted.
  • 44. Extraction of First Molars The 1st permanent molar has been esteemed as untouchable from the very beginning of the history of orthodontics. It is considered as the consistence of the dentition always at its right position in the arch. It is said that it should never be removed.  Extraction of 1st molar avoided because:  it does not give adequate space in the incisor region  deepening of bite  poor contact relation between 2nd premolar and 2nd molar  2nd premolar and 2nd molar may tip into extraction space  mastication is affected 
  • 45. INDICATIONS minimum space requirement for correction of anterior crowding or mild proclination  decayed or periodontally compromised having a poor long term prognosis  impaction or abnormal developmental position  high maxillary or mandibular plane angle  anterior open bite 
  • 46. Wilkinson’s extraction        Wilkinson advocated extraction of all 1st permanent molars in between the age of 8 ½ - 9 ½ years. The basis of such extraction is the fact that the first molar are highly susceptible to caries. The other benefits of extracting 1st molar at an early age are : the extraction provides additional space for eruption of 3rd molars. Thus impaction of 3rd molars can be avoided in general, crowding of the arch is minimized, thus the other teeth are at a low risk of caries DRAWBACKS: The extraction of first molar offer limited space to relieve crowding The 2nd bicuspid and 2nd molar rotate and may tip into the extraction space The removal of the 1st molar deprives the orthodontist of adequate anchorage any orthodontic appliance
  • 47. Extraction of Lower Second Molars  Lower second molar is often not removed for the relieve of crowding. Its position at the end of dental arch means that it is usually removed from the site of crowding and is not itself actually not malpositioned through crowding but extraction maybe indicated in the following cases:  to relieve the impaction of 2nd premolar  to relieve the impaction of mandibular 3rd molar  severely carious ectopically erupted or severely rotated
  • 48. Extraction of Maxillary Second Molars  Indications: in mildly crowded cases where less than 3- 4mm space is required for the labial segment  to make the space for crowded 2nd premolar by retraction of 1st molar  when permanent 2nd molar are impacted against the permanent first molar 
  • 49. Contra indication of extraction maxillary second molars Maxillary third molars are too high in tuberosity or show delayed eruption  Undersized crown or root  Absence of third molar buds 
  • 50. Third Molars  Extraction of third molars during orthodontic treatment doesn’t yield space that can be used for decrowding or reduction of proclination. Although there are some conditions where third molars can be extracted, grossly impacted third molars that are unable to erupt into the ideal position  dilacerated roots  The erupting mandibular third molars have been implicated to the cause of late lower anterior crowding.
  • 51. SERIAL EXTRACTION It is an interceptive orthodontic procedure usually carried out in the early mixed dentition period. Its purpose is to reconcile a persisting discrepancy between the amount of tooth material present and the available jaw space. It involves the extraction of deciduous and permanent teeth to increase the available space thereby permitting remaining permanent teeth to assume a more normal position and occlusal relationship.
  • 52. Indications for serial extractions: In Class I malocclusion showing harmony between skeletal and muscular system Arch length deficiency as compared to the tooth material is the most important indication of serial extraction. Arch length deficiency is indicated by presence of any one of the following
  • 53. Contraindication of serial extraction  Spaced dentition  Anodontia / oligodontia  Class II or Class III with skeletal abnormalities  Midline diastema  Class I malocclusion with minimal space deficiency  Open bite - should be treated before undertaking serial extraction
  • 54. • Absence of physiologic space • Midline shift of mandibular incisor due to displaced lateral incisor • Abnormal or asymmetric primary canine root resorption • Lingual eruption of lateral incisors • Mesial migration of molars • Flaring of lower anteriors
  • 55. Procedure for Serial extraction DEWEL’S METHOD Dewel’s method has proposed a 3 step procedure Step I: the deciduous canine are extracted to create space for alignment of incisor at the age of 8 years Step 2: a year after first step the deciduous first molar are extracted so that the eruption of first pre molar is accelerated Step 3: the erupting first pre molar are extracted to permit canine to erupt in their place
  • 56. TWEED’S METHOD This method involves the extraction of deciduous first molar around eight years of age followed by extraction of first pre molar and deciduous canine.
  • 57. NANCE’ S METHOD This is similar to Tweed's technique and involves the extraction of deciduous first molars followed by the extraction of the first pre molar and deciduous canine.
  • 58. Thank you For more details please visit