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Creation Station Presents
   Sleep Deprivation caused by ANXIETY can be
    remedied by reducing the stresses on the body that
    cause anxiety.

   We’ve taken a holistic approach in discovering
    solutions that cover all aspects of people’s needs
    whether they are psychological, physical, or social.

   Our solutions can be categorized into 7 categories:
    Medical/Pharmaceutical, Nutritional,
    Exercise/Physical, Herbal, Spiritual, Social, and

   Anxiety as well as tension-type headaches (TTH) are
   often related to depression. In these cases, anti
   depression medication such as Prozac and Zoloft may
   be solutions.


   High levels of anxiety may be related to Post Traumatic
   Stress Disorder (PTSD): Medicines that act on the
   nervous system can help reduce anxiety and other
   symptoms of PTSD.Antidepressants, including selective
   serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be effective
   in treating PTSD.


   Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can cause anxiety. The
   solution: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) + Zoloft or
   Paxil + Clomipramine (TCA)


   For Anxiety Disorder and Panic disorder solutions
   include serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.


   For anxiety related migraines, one should take beta-
   blockers or Calcium channel blockers such as


   Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) may be
   the cause of anxiety. Solutions include: stimulants,
   nonstimulants, or antidepressants.


   Anxiety can be caused by withdrawals when quitting
   tobacco usage. Solutions would include nicotine
   supplements (i.e. Nicorette gum, ―the patch,‖ etc.)


   Restless leg syndrome caused by anxiety can be
   remedied by anti anxiety medication such as Xanax.


   Insomnia is often related to anxiety caused by rapid
   brain activity may be treated with Lunesta
   (Eszopiclone), a class of medications called hypnotics
   which works by slowing brain activity to allow sleep.


   Some performance enhancement drugs used by
   athletes may cause anxiety, especially if taken too close
   to bedtime. Solution: cycle off of them.


   Anxiety as well as tension-type headaches (TTH) are
   often related to depression. In these cases, anti
   depression medication such as Prozac and Zoloft may
   be solutions.


   Sexual stimulants or male enhancement drugs may
   cause anxiety if taken just before bed time. Solution:
   take these supplements earlier in the daytime.


   Anxiety may cause teeth grinding and TMJ in which the
   pain causes one to wake up or lose sleep. The solution:
   Bite guard.


   Obesity can cause anxiety about looks and health,
   which causes sleep problems. After bariatric surgery,
   sleep apnea is shown to completely disappear.


   A non surgical solution to sleep apnea caused by
   obesity related anxiety is medication assisted weight


   Caffeine affects everyone differently and may stay
   active in the body for up to 6 hours. For some, caffeine
   can lead to panic attacks and high anxiety. Solution:
   limit caffeine consumption, and don’t consume caffeine
   close to bedtime.


   Alcohol can affect your mood, blood sugar, nervous
   system and heart rate all in a negative way that can
   cause bouts of anxiety and sleep deprivation. Alcohol
   can affect the levels of serotonin in the brain leading to
   anxiety and depression. Solution: Consume less


   Eating healthier ingredients throughout the day in food
   choices can help reduce the harmful effects that
   preservatives and other by-products have on the
   nervous system.


   Make sure you have a balanced vitamin and mineral
   intake as this will encourage a stable nervous system.
   The most common deficiencies linked to anxiety are
   thiamine, niacin, and vitamin D.


   Hunger can cause stress and anxiety. Make sure to eat
   meals periodically throughout the day.


   Make sure to eat ―right‖ if hypoglycemic. Low blood
   glucose can lead to anxiety. Proper intake of
   carbohydrates and essential amino acids in the diet is


   Caffeine affects everyone differently and may stay
   active in the body for up to 6 hours. For some, caffeine
   can lead to panic attacks and high anxiety. Solution:
   limit caffeine consumption, and don’t consume caffeine
   close to bedtime.


   Sugar can provide unnecessary energy leading to
   anxiety. Consume less sugar, especially right before


   Eating easily digestible foods and lean meats (i.e.
   brown rice, chicken) will help increase metabolism
   which can help fight off Anxiety.


   Toxic heavy metal poisoning can cause a wide variety
   of problems including panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia
   and dementia. Avoid having a diet consistently high in
   toxic heavy metals (i.e. sushi).


   Consume peppermint as it contains factors that aid in
   anxiety and sleep disorders.


   Long-distance running: Runners feel better after
   running and endorphin release helps relieve anxiety;
   the sheer act of running long distances naturally tires
   the body, preparing it for sleep.


   Reading allows you to forget what’s on your mind and
   escape to somewhere else and can reduce anxiety
   before bedtime.


   Hard work/manual labor: Activities such as painting
   storm windows, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, roof
   repairs, and building a fence require physical and
   mental exertion; a physically tired body and mind will
   result in better sleep.


   Yoga: The mind-body element of yoga helps relax one’s
   psyche and helps regulate physiological responses to
   stress and anxiety.


   Swimming: The rhythmic motions involved in lap
   swimming act to reduce stress and anxiety.


   Long walks: The deep breathing and physical exertion
   required of walkers has a calming effect.


   A good massage promotes healthy blood circulation
   and overall well-being.


   Intimate relationships: Sex is healthy and good for the
   mind and body; it rejuvenates you, makes you feel
   alive, and mitigates anxiety.


   Gardening: Sunlight, fresh air, and sounds of nature
   reduce anxiety which results in better sleep.


   Jigsaw puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles require concentration
   on the task at hand, distracting the mind from the
   thoughts which are causing anxiety.


   Pets: Taking the dog for a walk or playing with the cat is
   good for both pet and pet owner; taking care of ―others‖
   is good for the human conscience and psyche.


   Smiling allows you to get rid of negative thoughts and
   can help build healthy relationships with others.


   Cooking/Baking: The aroma of Mom’s home cooking
   and chocolate-chip cookies baking has the effect of
   relieving emotional or psychological distress, which can
   disrupt sleep.


   Bicycling: The rhythmic motions and concentration
   involved in this activity allow the cyclist to forget his
   worries and the things causing him anxiety.


   Cross-country skiing: This activity provides plenty of
   time for the participant to devise solutions to the
   problems keeping him awake at night; it’s also good for
   freeing the mind of life’s troubles.


   Family time: While children/spouses may oftentimes be
   the source of anxiety, they can also provide tremendous
   relief from life’s stressors; sharing activities such as
   exercise, reading, and traveling may help individuals
   who are under duress realize they have a solid support
   system at home.


   Hiking: This is a cheap way to exercise the mind and
   body, and to leave cares behind.


   Arts (painting, photography, writing, etc.): These are
   good activities for anxiety relief when verbal interaction
   is unavailable or unwanted.


   Motorcycling: The continuous road awareness
   necessary for safe riding fatigues the operator
   significantly and the result is worry-free sleep.


   Volunteer (Habitat for Humanity, trail cleanup, etc.):
   When you help others, you take the focus away from
   yourself and your problems and put the focus on others
   in a mutually beneficial manner.


   Laughter raises one’s heart rate and breathing in a
   healthy way; taking things less seriously and sharing
   humor with others has obvious benefits for reliving


  Borage is used to relieve depression and stress and is
  a mild diuretic.


  Chamomile is a gentle herb used in tea to soothe and
  relax the nervous system. In stressful circumstances,
  chamomile is used to soothe the digestive tract. It is an
  anti-spasmodic and has anti-inflammatory properties.


  Chamomile is a gentle herb used in tea to soothe and
  relax the nervous system. In stressful circumstances,
  chamomile is used to soothe the digestive tract. It is an
  anti-spasmodic and has anti-inflammatory properties.


  Passionflower herb acts well as a sedative and
  anxiolytic. The British Herbal Compendium indicates its
  use for sleep disorders, nervous stress, and anxiety.


  Lemon Balm has been used since 300 BC to relieve
  stress and anxiety, promote sleep, ease digestion, and
  lift spirits.


  Marijuana is obtainable in many states at medical
  clinics with permission from a doctor and is commonly
  prescribed for stress.


  Valerian is a traditional sedative. It improves the time
  needed to get to sleep, and the quality of sleep and
  relaxation. Several studies suggest that Valerian affects
  GABA, a brain chemical that balances excitement/
  anxiety with relaxation. Valerian reduces anxiety and
  relaxes smooth muscle eg. the muscle of the digestive
  tract. Those with a nervous digestion may benefit.


  Lavender. One of the most widely used herbs for
  relaxation, usually in the form of the essential oil. It is an
  effective herb for headaches, especially when they are
  related to stress. As a gentle strengthening tonic of the
  nervous system, it can be used for nervous debility and
  exhaustion. It may soothe and promote natural sleep
  and less restlessness at night.


  St. John’s Wort (hypericum). The most popular herbal
  Current research indicates that this herb acts on
  neurotransmitters, brain chemicals which influence
  mood (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine). It
  both makes these neurotransmitters more available,
  and inhibits their re-uptake (stops de-activation).


  Winter Cherry promotes relaxation and healthy
  neurological function. It can be used to treat Occasional
  nervousness, nervous tension and anxiety; depressed
  mood and mild to moderate mood changes caused by
  everyday stress; mental and physical fatigue.


  5-HTP is naturally extracted from the seeds of Griffonia
  simplicifolia, a tree native to the Ivory Coast and Ghana.
  It supports a healthy neurotransmitter balance and is
  used to treat depressed mood and mild to moderate
  mood swings caused by everyday stress; occasional
  nervousness, nervous tension and anxiety.


  Licorice Root contains a natural hormone alternative to
  cortisone, which can help the body handle stressful
  situations, and can help to normalize blood sugar levels
  as well as your adrenal glands, providing you with the
  energy necessary to deal with the stressful situation at
  hand. Some claim licorice stimulates cranial and
  cerebrospinal fluid, thereby calming the mind.


   Kundalini Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual
   discipline for developing strength, awareness,
   character, and consciousness. Participants who
   practice this form of yoga have more improvement on
   scores of perceived stress and purpose in life.


   Mindfulness Meditation. In the case of anxiety and
   mindfulness meditation, it would be a state of
   awareness and attention towards your own self, your
   body. Taking time to become aware of the sensations of
   tension, restricted breathing, anger or frustration. Many
   people take mindful meditation classes to treat and
   control their anxiety and stress.


   The Transcendental Meditation technique is often called
   the best meditation against stress. It allows your mind
   to settle inward beyond thought to experience the
   source of thought — pure awareness, also known as
   transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent
   and peaceful level of consciousness — your innermost
   self. In this state of restful alertness, your brain
   functions with significantly greater coherence and your
   body gains deep rest.

   Spiritual Meditation: This type of meditation is for those
   who regularly participate in prayer, as it's based on
   communicating with God. Just like the other styles, you
   must become calm and quiet and then begin to focus
   on a question or problem you might have. This style of
   meditation can feel not only relaxing, but rewarding as


   Focused Meditation: If the idea of clearing your mind of
   all thoughts stresses you out, focused meditation is
   great because you can focus on a sound, object,
   mantra, or thought. The key here is to just focus on one
   of these things and stay committed to that one thought
   or object. This is when relaxation music comes in
   handy. Even though you're essentially using your mind,
   you'll be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel

   Movement Meditation: Movement meditation may seem
   intimidating, but if you're by yourself and you really get
   into it, it can be extremely uplifting and relaxing at the
   same time. Sitting with your eyes closed, simply focus
   on your breath and try out different gentle, repetitive
   flowing movements. Rather than focus on a sound,
   object, or thought, just turn your attention to your


   Mantra Meditation: Mantras are words that are chanted
   loudly during meditation. It may seem odd to be making
   loud noises during a meditation session, but it's actually
   the sounds that become the object being focused on. In
   yoga, the mantra Om is regularly used since it delivers
   a deep vibration that makes it easy for the mind to
   concentrate on that particular sound.


   Guided visualization is a popular form of meditation that
   involves concentration upon an image or imaginary
   environment. It is usually done while listening to a
   recording. There is sometimes a focus on the breath,
   but generally no attempt to use or control the breath,
   and because the sensation is imaginary, and the
   impetus for it comes from outside, the practice tends to
   be rather passive.


   Trance-based practices. The hallmarks of a trance are:
   awareness of the self and the environment is limited,
   conscious control of the experience is absent, rational
   thinking is absent, and memory of the experience is
   very limited. Often these kinds of practices involve a
   form of hypnotic suggestion.


   Heart Rhythm Meditation focuses on the breath and
   heartbeat, making the breath full, deep, rich, rhythmic,
   and balanced. Attention is focused on the heart as the
   center of the energetic system. One tries to identify
   oneself with the heart. By focusing on the breath, you
   make your breath powerful. And then learning to direct
   the breath, to feel the circulation of breath as your pulse
   in different parts of your body, then on your magnetic
   field, you learn to direct and circulate energy.


   Sexual intercourse is proven to reduce stress and
   thereby, anxiety.


   Attending church and other spiritually guided events
   where one may socialize with other like-minded
   individuals may help with stress.


   Verbal communication with family and friends (social
   support) about issues causing stress and anxiety may
   assist ―unburdening‖ the individual’s mind.


   For introverts, reducing social time could make one feel
   more comfortable before bed.


   Alcohol, to a light extent (night cap) or a quick beer with
   friends can help one loosen up before sleeping.


   Kids sometimes like to sleep with parents’ beds
   because of separation anxiety or stress of sleeping


   Kids sleep may try sleeping with a teddy bear, so they
   don’t feel alone.


   Kids can avoid anxiety by being encouraged to have a
   healthy level of social and physical activities.


   Children lack the brain maturation and cognitive skills to
   cope well with distressing emotions which could cause
   sleep anxiety, so the solution of growing up and
   learning from peers will lead to brain maturation and the
   development of emotional coping skills to deal with
   distressing emotions and allow for sleep.


   Parents of children who stress over ―monsters in the
   closet/under the bed‖ can teach/speak with their kids
   about the difference between fantasy and reality.


   Spending more time resolving marital problems can
   prevent stress from these issues and keep it from
   affecting married couples’ sleep, or their children’s


   Getting used to a new situation or environment (like
   school, workplace, preschool, new peers) would reduce
   stress and anxiety that comes with a new (sometimes
   uncomfortable) environment/or peers that would
   prevent sleep.


   Play sports (generally social because of number of
   people involved) which is good for overall physical
   health and reduces stress.


   Volunteer or help others to get your mind off of your
   own issues or anxiety.


   Socializing outside of bedroom so that the bedroom is
   only a place where one sleeps can help one’s body get
   prepared for rest when going to bed.


   Laughing reduces tension. Laugh more!


   Nurture close relationships because those who have a
   networks of support are less vulnerable to anxiety.


   Social animals (like mammals) like cats, dogs, horses
   who are alone experience stress, so getting another
   social animal as a pet could reduce their stress.


  Stopping that irritating dripping faucet that get’s on your
  nerves, can help you relax and sleep.


  Moving away from a noisy environment, may help calm
  nerves and promote relaxation for sleep.


  Having the presence of familiar noises (i.e. tumbler
  drying), may help one relax.


  Earplugs can be a solution to irritation and anxiety
  caused by unwanted sounds.


  In most cases, temperatures above 75 degrees
  Fahrenheit and below 54 degrees will disrupt sleep, but
  even sleep researchers fail to agree on the ideal
  temperature for sleep. In general, sleep scientists
  recommend keeping your room slightly cool -- Turning
  the thermostat down at night in cold weather sets the
  stage for sleep and saves on fuel bills.


  Much of our sleep patterns – feeling sleepy at night and
  awake during the day – are regulated by light and
  darkness. Make sure to expose yourself to enough
  bright light during the day. Find time for sunlight, or
  purchase a lightbox or light visor to supplement your
  exposure to bright light. At bedtime, think dark: a dark
  bedroom contributes to better sleep.


  Get rid of anxiety caused by irritable sleeping
  arrangements. For the most part, we know people sleep
  better when horizontal and not cramped by space, and
  it is clear that the sleep surface plays a role in getting a
  good night's sleep. Give yourself enough space to
  sleep. Replace an old mattress with a new one, and
  choose a pillow and mattress that fits yourself best and
  will be comfortable throughout the whole night.


  Anxiety created by irritability from polluted air can have
  a big impact on sleep. Try to move to a less pollutes
  area or ventilate your room before going to bed.
  Different calming fresheners can also help.


  Violent shows, news reports and stories before bedtime
  can be agitating. Steer clear.


  TVs, computers, and work in the bedroom are sleep
  stealing culprits as they cause mild unconscious
  anxiety. Doing work, watching TV and using the
  computer, both close to bedtime and especially in the
  bedroom, hinders quality sleep.


  Anxiety from agitation with vibrations can be solved. If
  you feel vibrations coming through the bed from the
  floor that typically distract you (such as distant heavy
  traffic on a highway), you can make simple vibration
  absorbers by cutting small discrete squares of rubber
  (such as from a cheap, rubber backed doormat or
  leftover carpet etc) and place these under the bed legs
  or frame edge where it contacts the floor.


  Mild anxiety can be caused by agitation in a hot/dry
  climate. If you live in a hot or dry climate, the use of a
  damp towel on the face or neck can aid rest, as can
  having a water bottle close to hand if dehydration is a


  Anxiety by the agitation of insects can be thwarted.
  Mosquito nets or curtains are invaluable sleep aids in
  mosquito areas which can disturb sleep.


  Aromatherapy may act as a relaxation agent to fight
  stress and anxiety.


  Bad smells that cause agitation should be mitigated
  with air fresheners that are light on the nose.


  Anxiety from agitation of humidity can be thwarted by
  humidity absorbers.

The End

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Solutions for Sleep

  • 2. Sleep Deprivation caused by ANXIETY can be remedied by reducing the stresses on the body that cause anxiety.  We’ve taken a holistic approach in discovering solutions that cover all aspects of people’s needs whether they are psychological, physical, or social.  Our solutions can be categorized into 7 categories: Medical/Pharmaceutical, Nutritional, Exercise/Physical, Herbal, Spiritual, Social, and Environmental.
  • 3. Medical/Pharmaceutical Anxiety as well as tension-type headaches (TTH) are often related to depression. In these cases, anti depression medication such as Prozac and Zoloft may be solutions. 1
  • 4. Medical/Pharmaceutical High levels of anxiety may be related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Medicines that act on the nervous system can help reduce anxiety and other symptoms of PTSD.Antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be effective in treating PTSD. 2
  • 5. Medical/Pharmaceutical Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can cause anxiety. The solution: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) + Zoloft or Paxil + Clomipramine (TCA) 3
  • 6. Medical/Pharmaceutical For Anxiety Disorder and Panic disorder solutions include serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. 4
  • 7. Medical/Pharmaceutical For anxiety related migraines, one should take beta- blockers or Calcium channel blockers such as Cardizem. 5
  • 8. Medical/Pharmaceutical Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) may be the cause of anxiety. Solutions include: stimulants, nonstimulants, or antidepressants. 6
  • 9. Medical/Pharmaceutical Anxiety can be caused by withdrawals when quitting tobacco usage. Solutions would include nicotine supplements (i.e. Nicorette gum, ―the patch,‖ etc.) 7
  • 10. Medical/Pharmaceutical Restless leg syndrome caused by anxiety can be remedied by anti anxiety medication such as Xanax. 8
  • 11. Medical/Pharmaceutical Insomnia is often related to anxiety caused by rapid brain activity may be treated with Lunesta (Eszopiclone), a class of medications called hypnotics which works by slowing brain activity to allow sleep. 9
  • 12. Medical/Pharmaceutical Some performance enhancement drugs used by athletes may cause anxiety, especially if taken too close to bedtime. Solution: cycle off of them. 10
  • 13. Medical/Pharmaceutical Anxiety as well as tension-type headaches (TTH) are often related to depression. In these cases, anti depression medication such as Prozac and Zoloft may be solutions. 5
  • 14. Medical/Pharmaceutical Sexual stimulants or male enhancement drugs may cause anxiety if taken just before bed time. Solution: take these supplements earlier in the daytime. 11
  • 15. Medical/Pharmaceutical Anxiety may cause teeth grinding and TMJ in which the pain causes one to wake up or lose sleep. The solution: Bite guard. 12
  • 16. Medical/Pharmaceutical Obesity can cause anxiety about looks and health, which causes sleep problems. After bariatric surgery, sleep apnea is shown to completely disappear. 13
  • 17. Medical/Pharmaceutical A non surgical solution to sleep apnea caused by obesity related anxiety is medication assisted weight loss. 14
  • 18. Nutritional Caffeine affects everyone differently and may stay active in the body for up to 6 hours. For some, caffeine can lead to panic attacks and high anxiety. Solution: limit caffeine consumption, and don’t consume caffeine close to bedtime. 15
  • 19. Nutritional Alcohol can affect your mood, blood sugar, nervous system and heart rate all in a negative way that can cause bouts of anxiety and sleep deprivation. Alcohol can affect the levels of serotonin in the brain leading to anxiety and depression. Solution: Consume less alcohol. 16
  • 20. Nutritional Eating healthier ingredients throughout the day in food choices can help reduce the harmful effects that preservatives and other by-products have on the nervous system. 17
  • 21. Nutritional Make sure you have a balanced vitamin and mineral intake as this will encourage a stable nervous system. The most common deficiencies linked to anxiety are thiamine, niacin, and vitamin D. 18
  • 22. Nutritional Hunger can cause stress and anxiety. Make sure to eat meals periodically throughout the day. 19
  • 23. Nutritional Make sure to eat ―right‖ if hypoglycemic. Low blood glucose can lead to anxiety. Proper intake of carbohydrates and essential amino acids in the diet is encouraged. 20
  • 24. Nutritional Caffeine affects everyone differently and may stay active in the body for up to 6 hours. For some, caffeine can lead to panic attacks and high anxiety. Solution: limit caffeine consumption, and don’t consume caffeine close to bedtime. 21
  • 25. Nutritional Sugar can provide unnecessary energy leading to anxiety. Consume less sugar, especially right before bedtime. 22
  • 26. Nutritional Eating easily digestible foods and lean meats (i.e. brown rice, chicken) will help increase metabolism which can help fight off Anxiety. 23
  • 27. Nutritional Toxic heavy metal poisoning can cause a wide variety of problems including panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia and dementia. Avoid having a diet consistently high in toxic heavy metals (i.e. sushi). 24
  • 28. Nutritional Consume peppermint as it contains factors that aid in anxiety and sleep disorders. 25
  • 29. Exercise/Physical Long-distance running: Runners feel better after running and endorphin release helps relieve anxiety; the sheer act of running long distances naturally tires the body, preparing it for sleep. 26
  • 30. Exercise/Physical Reading allows you to forget what’s on your mind and escape to somewhere else and can reduce anxiety before bedtime. 27
  • 31. Exercise/Physical Hard work/manual labor: Activities such as painting storm windows, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, roof repairs, and building a fence require physical and mental exertion; a physically tired body and mind will result in better sleep. 28
  • 32. Exercise/Physical Yoga: The mind-body element of yoga helps relax one’s psyche and helps regulate physiological responses to stress and anxiety. 29
  • 33. Exercise/Physical Swimming: The rhythmic motions involved in lap swimming act to reduce stress and anxiety. 30
  • 34. Exercise/Physical Long walks: The deep breathing and physical exertion required of walkers has a calming effect. 31
  • 35. Exercise/Physical A good massage promotes healthy blood circulation and overall well-being. 32
  • 36. Exercise/Physical Intimate relationships: Sex is healthy and good for the mind and body; it rejuvenates you, makes you feel alive, and mitigates anxiety. 33
  • 37. Exercise/Physical Gardening: Sunlight, fresh air, and sounds of nature reduce anxiety which results in better sleep. 34
  • 38. Exercise/Physical Jigsaw puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles require concentration on the task at hand, distracting the mind from the thoughts which are causing anxiety. 35
  • 39. Exercise/Physical Pets: Taking the dog for a walk or playing with the cat is good for both pet and pet owner; taking care of ―others‖ is good for the human conscience and psyche. 36
  • 40. Exercise/Physical Smiling allows you to get rid of negative thoughts and can help build healthy relationships with others. 37
  • 41. Exercise/Physical Cooking/Baking: The aroma of Mom’s home cooking and chocolate-chip cookies baking has the effect of relieving emotional or psychological distress, which can disrupt sleep. 38
  • 42. Exercise/Physical Bicycling: The rhythmic motions and concentration involved in this activity allow the cyclist to forget his worries and the things causing him anxiety. 39
  • 43. Exercise/Physical Cross-country skiing: This activity provides plenty of time for the participant to devise solutions to the problems keeping him awake at night; it’s also good for freeing the mind of life’s troubles. 40
  • 44. Exercise/Physical Family time: While children/spouses may oftentimes be the source of anxiety, they can also provide tremendous relief from life’s stressors; sharing activities such as exercise, reading, and traveling may help individuals who are under duress realize they have a solid support system at home. 41
  • 45. Exercise/Physical Hiking: This is a cheap way to exercise the mind and body, and to leave cares behind. 42
  • 46. Exercise/Physical Arts (painting, photography, writing, etc.): These are good activities for anxiety relief when verbal interaction is unavailable or unwanted. 43
  • 47. Exercise/Physical Motorcycling: The continuous road awareness necessary for safe riding fatigues the operator significantly and the result is worry-free sleep. 44
  • 48. Exercise/Physical Volunteer (Habitat for Humanity, trail cleanup, etc.): When you help others, you take the focus away from yourself and your problems and put the focus on others in a mutually beneficial manner. 45
  • 49. Exercise/Physical Laughter raises one’s heart rate and breathing in a healthy way; taking things less seriously and sharing humor with others has obvious benefits for reliving anxiety. 46
  • 50. Herbal Borage is used to relieve depression and stress and is a mild diuretic. 47
  • 51. Herbal Chamomile is a gentle herb used in tea to soothe and relax the nervous system. In stressful circumstances, chamomile is used to soothe the digestive tract. It is an anti-spasmodic and has anti-inflammatory properties. 48
  • 52. Herbal Chamomile is a gentle herb used in tea to soothe and relax the nervous system. In stressful circumstances, chamomile is used to soothe the digestive tract. It is an anti-spasmodic and has anti-inflammatory properties. 49
  • 53. Herbal Passionflower herb acts well as a sedative and anxiolytic. The British Herbal Compendium indicates its use for sleep disorders, nervous stress, and anxiety. 50
  • 54. Herbal Lemon Balm has been used since 300 BC to relieve stress and anxiety, promote sleep, ease digestion, and lift spirits. 51
  • 55. Herbal Marijuana is obtainable in many states at medical clinics with permission from a doctor and is commonly prescribed for stress. 52
  • 56. Herbal Valerian is a traditional sedative. It improves the time needed to get to sleep, and the quality of sleep and relaxation. Several studies suggest that Valerian affects GABA, a brain chemical that balances excitement/ anxiety with relaxation. Valerian reduces anxiety and relaxes smooth muscle eg. the muscle of the digestive tract. Those with a nervous digestion may benefit. 53
  • 57. Herbal Lavender. One of the most widely used herbs for relaxation, usually in the form of the essential oil. It is an effective herb for headaches, especially when they are related to stress. As a gentle strengthening tonic of the nervous system, it can be used for nervous debility and exhaustion. It may soothe and promote natural sleep and less restlessness at night. 54
  • 58. Herbal St. John’s Wort (hypericum). The most popular herbal anti-depressant. Current research indicates that this herb acts on neurotransmitters, brain chemicals which influence mood (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine). It both makes these neurotransmitters more available, and inhibits their re-uptake (stops de-activation). 55
  • 59. Herbal Winter Cherry promotes relaxation and healthy neurological function. It can be used to treat Occasional nervousness, nervous tension and anxiety; depressed mood and mild to moderate mood changes caused by everyday stress; mental and physical fatigue. 56
  • 60. Herbal 5-HTP is naturally extracted from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia, a tree native to the Ivory Coast and Ghana. It supports a healthy neurotransmitter balance and is used to treat depressed mood and mild to moderate mood swings caused by everyday stress; occasional nervousness, nervous tension and anxiety. 57
  • 61. Herbal Licorice Root contains a natural hormone alternative to cortisone, which can help the body handle stressful situations, and can help to normalize blood sugar levels as well as your adrenal glands, providing you with the energy necessary to deal with the stressful situation at hand. Some claim licorice stimulates cranial and cerebrospinal fluid, thereby calming the mind. 58
  • 62. Spiritual Kundalini Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline for developing strength, awareness, character, and consciousness. Participants who practice this form of yoga have more improvement on scores of perceived stress and purpose in life. 59
  • 63. Spiritual Mindfulness Meditation. In the case of anxiety and mindfulness meditation, it would be a state of awareness and attention towards your own self, your body. Taking time to become aware of the sensations of tension, restricted breathing, anger or frustration. Many people take mindful meditation classes to treat and control their anxiety and stress. 60
  • 64. Spiritual The Transcendental Meditation technique is often called the best meditation against stress. It allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought — pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness — your innermost self. In this state of restful alertness, your brain functions with significantly greater coherence and your body gains deep rest. 61
  • 65. Spiritual Spiritual Meditation: This type of meditation is for those who regularly participate in prayer, as it's based on communicating with God. Just like the other styles, you must become calm and quiet and then begin to focus on a question or problem you might have. This style of meditation can feel not only relaxing, but rewarding as well. 62
  • 66. Spiritual Focused Meditation: If the idea of clearing your mind of all thoughts stresses you out, focused meditation is great because you can focus on a sound, object, mantra, or thought. The key here is to just focus on one of these things and stay committed to that one thought or object. This is when relaxation music comes in handy. Even though you're essentially using your mind, you'll be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel afterwards. 63
  • 67. Spiritual Movement Meditation: Movement meditation may seem intimidating, but if you're by yourself and you really get into it, it can be extremely uplifting and relaxing at the same time. Sitting with your eyes closed, simply focus on your breath and try out different gentle, repetitive flowing movements. Rather than focus on a sound, object, or thought, just turn your attention to your movement. 64
  • 68. Spiritual Mantra Meditation: Mantras are words that are chanted loudly during meditation. It may seem odd to be making loud noises during a meditation session, but it's actually the sounds that become the object being focused on. In yoga, the mantra Om is regularly used since it delivers a deep vibration that makes it easy for the mind to concentrate on that particular sound. 65
  • 69. Spiritual Guided visualization is a popular form of meditation that involves concentration upon an image or imaginary environment. It is usually done while listening to a recording. There is sometimes a focus on the breath, but generally no attempt to use or control the breath, and because the sensation is imaginary, and the impetus for it comes from outside, the practice tends to be rather passive. 66
  • 70. Spiritual Trance-based practices. The hallmarks of a trance are: awareness of the self and the environment is limited, conscious control of the experience is absent, rational thinking is absent, and memory of the experience is very limited. Often these kinds of practices involve a form of hypnotic suggestion. 67
  • 71. Spiritual Heart Rhythm Meditation focuses on the breath and heartbeat, making the breath full, deep, rich, rhythmic, and balanced. Attention is focused on the heart as the center of the energetic system. One tries to identify oneself with the heart. By focusing on the breath, you make your breath powerful. And then learning to direct the breath, to feel the circulation of breath as your pulse in different parts of your body, then on your magnetic field, you learn to direct and circulate energy. 68
  • 72. Social Sexual intercourse is proven to reduce stress and thereby, anxiety. 69
  • 73. Social Attending church and other spiritually guided events where one may socialize with other like-minded individuals may help with stress. 70
  • 74. Social Verbal communication with family and friends (social support) about issues causing stress and anxiety may assist ―unburdening‖ the individual’s mind. 71
  • 75. Social For introverts, reducing social time could make one feel more comfortable before bed. 72
  • 76. Social Alcohol, to a light extent (night cap) or a quick beer with friends can help one loosen up before sleeping. 73
  • 77. Social Kids sometimes like to sleep with parents’ beds because of separation anxiety or stress of sleeping alone. 74
  • 78. Social Kids sleep may try sleeping with a teddy bear, so they don’t feel alone. 75
  • 79. Social Kids can avoid anxiety by being encouraged to have a healthy level of social and physical activities. 76
  • 80. Social Children lack the brain maturation and cognitive skills to cope well with distressing emotions which could cause sleep anxiety, so the solution of growing up and learning from peers will lead to brain maturation and the development of emotional coping skills to deal with distressing emotions and allow for sleep. 77
  • 81. Social Parents of children who stress over ―monsters in the closet/under the bed‖ can teach/speak with their kids about the difference between fantasy and reality. 78
  • 82. Social Spending more time resolving marital problems can prevent stress from these issues and keep it from affecting married couples’ sleep, or their children’s sleep. 79
  • 83. Social Getting used to a new situation or environment (like school, workplace, preschool, new peers) would reduce stress and anxiety that comes with a new (sometimes uncomfortable) environment/or peers that would prevent sleep. 80
  • 84. Social Play sports (generally social because of number of people involved) which is good for overall physical health and reduces stress. 81
  • 85. Social Volunteer or help others to get your mind off of your own issues or anxiety. 82
  • 86. Social Socializing outside of bedroom so that the bedroom is only a place where one sleeps can help one’s body get prepared for rest when going to bed. 83
  • 87. Social Laughing reduces tension. Laugh more! 84
  • 88. Social Nurture close relationships because those who have a networks of support are less vulnerable to anxiety. 85
  • 89. Social Social animals (like mammals) like cats, dogs, horses who are alone experience stress, so getting another social animal as a pet could reduce their stress. 86
  • 90. Environmental Stopping that irritating dripping faucet that get’s on your nerves, can help you relax and sleep. 87
  • 91. Environmental Moving away from a noisy environment, may help calm nerves and promote relaxation for sleep. 88
  • 92. Environmental Having the presence of familiar noises (i.e. tumbler drying), may help one relax. 89
  • 93. Environmental Earplugs can be a solution to irritation and anxiety caused by unwanted sounds. 90
  • 94. Environmental In most cases, temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit and below 54 degrees will disrupt sleep, but even sleep researchers fail to agree on the ideal temperature for sleep. In general, sleep scientists recommend keeping your room slightly cool -- Turning the thermostat down at night in cold weather sets the stage for sleep and saves on fuel bills. 91
  • 95. Environmental Much of our sleep patterns – feeling sleepy at night and awake during the day – are regulated by light and darkness. Make sure to expose yourself to enough bright light during the day. Find time for sunlight, or purchase a lightbox or light visor to supplement your exposure to bright light. At bedtime, think dark: a dark bedroom contributes to better sleep. 92
  • 96. Environmental Get rid of anxiety caused by irritable sleeping arrangements. For the most part, we know people sleep better when horizontal and not cramped by space, and it is clear that the sleep surface plays a role in getting a good night's sleep. Give yourself enough space to sleep. Replace an old mattress with a new one, and choose a pillow and mattress that fits yourself best and will be comfortable throughout the whole night. 93
  • 97. Environmental Anxiety created by irritability from polluted air can have a big impact on sleep. Try to move to a less pollutes area or ventilate your room before going to bed. Different calming fresheners can also help. 94
  • 98. Environmental Violent shows, news reports and stories before bedtime can be agitating. Steer clear. 95
  • 99. Environmental TVs, computers, and work in the bedroom are sleep stealing culprits as they cause mild unconscious anxiety. Doing work, watching TV and using the computer, both close to bedtime and especially in the bedroom, hinders quality sleep. 96
  • 100. Environmental Anxiety from agitation with vibrations can be solved. If you feel vibrations coming through the bed from the floor that typically distract you (such as distant heavy traffic on a highway), you can make simple vibration absorbers by cutting small discrete squares of rubber (such as from a cheap, rubber backed doormat or leftover carpet etc) and place these under the bed legs or frame edge where it contacts the floor. 97
  • 101. Environmental Mild anxiety can be caused by agitation in a hot/dry climate. If you live in a hot or dry climate, the use of a damp towel on the face or neck can aid rest, as can having a water bottle close to hand if dehydration is a risk. 98
  • 102. Environmental Anxiety by the agitation of insects can be thwarted. Mosquito nets or curtains are invaluable sleep aids in mosquito areas which can disturb sleep. 99
  • 103. Environmental Aromatherapy may act as a relaxation agent to fight stress and anxiety. 100
  • 104. Environmental Bad smells that cause agitation should be mitigated with air fresheners that are light on the nose. 101
  • 105. Environmental Anxiety from agitation of humidity can be thwarted by humidity absorbers. 102