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Social Media for Startups
      A Primer

      Presented at NWEN

      Andy Boyer / Alonso Chehade
      Jan 29, 2013
                                    insight | ideation | influence

@social3i | @aboyer
About Andy Boyer / Social3i

 @social3i | @aboyer
About Alonso Chehade

@social3i | @aboyer
Today’s Discussion
 Intros and getting to know each other

 Getting Started With Social
   • Passive
   • Active
 Inspirational Ideas

 Building a Strategy or Framework

 2 Case studies – Relaborate and Pillar Properties

 Channel Tactics – 3 stars and 5 tips from Alonso

 Q+A All through the preso.

 @social3i | @aboyer
Where You Can Find Social3i

 @social3i | @aboyer
Who We’ve Worked With

@social3i | @aboyer
What we do for fun

 @social3i | @aboyer
Your Startup
Personal Branding and Networking Through Social Media
Why is it important?
How can I get started?

 @social3i | @aboyer
Why Social Media is Important for Your
Personal Brand

   Network and Engage with
                                     Deepen Relationships             Own your Brand
    Customers and Partners
       Identification of            Sharing of news and           Determine what
        trendsetters and              information from               Google finds
        thought leaders               partners and                  Proactively work to
       Conversations with the        customers                      become someone
        right people in the          Collect real insight and       thought leaders want
        right places about            understanding of               to engage with
        product ideas and             partner needs and
        deficiencies                  wishes
 @social3i | @aboyer
“Worldwide, 86% of companies have a
presence on Facebook and Twitter….


                        “…Meanwhile just over half use YouTube and
                         LinkedIn and only slightly more than a third
 @social3i | @aboyer
                       have a presence on Pinterest and/or Google+”
Using social media boosts
                            website traffic:

                      - Companies gain a 185% lift in
                        Web traffic after achieving
                        1,000 Facebook likes
                      - Businesses with 51 to 100
                        Twitter followers generate
                        106% more traffic than those
                        with 25 or fewer followers.”

@social3i | @aboyer
What Do Customers Want?

@social3i | @aboyer
“Social media users are willing to pay a
                      21% premium for brands that deliver great
                                  service through social media”

@social3i | @aboyer
“There are one billion posts per day made on Facebook. The average
user spends nearly 7 hours per month on the social networking site, and
one out of every five pageviews on the Internet is on…Facebook.”


                             “Facebook grew 18% in 2012
                             and accounted for more than
 @social3i | @aboyer
                             half of all social content.”
The Day that News Changed
                      • 3:26 pm photo was
                        posted to Janis
                        Krum’s (@jkrums)
                        twitter profile

                      • New York Times
                        broke the news at
                        3:48 pm and didn’t
                        post to the front
                        page until 4:00 pm

@social3i | @aboyer
                                       Page 15
The moment that defined
Twitter for the mainstream

 @social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
                      social3i Proprietary and Confidential   17
Why Do We Need to Understand Social Media

            Industry Shift in Marketing Spend

           • 46% Decline in Tradeshow spending
           • 44% of Direct Mail never opened
           • 90% of marketers now use social networks in their marketing efforts.
           • Social media and blogs reach 80% of all U.S. Internet users. 91% of
             experienced social marketers see improved website traffic due to social
             media and 79% are generating more quality leads.

            B2B Users and Customers Shifting to Social Vehicles

           • US Internet users spend 3x more time on social networks than email, and
             6x more than on portals
           • 61% of U.S. Marketers use Social Media for Lead Gen
           • 63% of companies who are using social media say it has INCREASED
             EFFECTIVENESS of other marketing efforts
           • LinkedIn drives the most leads to B2B sites, according to Leadforce

 @social3i | @aboyer
                                                                   Source: HubSpot
A Complete Social Media Process

                       • Use Social Media Monitoring tools to track the
                         conversations around a brand and the industry as a
      Listen             whole. Identify key industry influencers and brand

                       • Establish 30-60 day editorial calendars to drive
                         conversations and lead consumers through a
          Plan           planned story arc. Then we develop syndication
                         strategies to get the content maximum exposure.

                       • Write short and long form content in multiple
 Develop                 channels that engages customers and encourages

                       • Analyze key metrics such as Virality, Engagement
   Review                and Reach to determine the success of our
 @social3i | @aboyer     messaging strategies.
Passive Social Media
How do I get started?

  @social3i | @aboyer
Logo Spotting

   Facebook              Twitter   YouTube       LinkedIn   Wordpress

    Blogger            Wikipedia   Foursquare    Tumblr       Flickr

 @social3i | @aboyer
   Pinterest           Instagram   MySpace      Farmville   Angry Birds
@social3i | @aboyer
                      social3i Proprietary and Confidential   22
Check Yourself

 @social3i | @aboyer
Listening via Google Alerts

 @social3i | @aboyer

 @social3i | @aboyer
LinkedIn -

 @social3i | @aboyer
Quora Conversations     Quora users
                         ask industry
                           have the
                       to step in and
                         inquiries to
                        serve as “the
                       voice” of their
 @social3i | @aboyer       industry.
Email Tools (Rapportive)

 @social3i | @aboyer
Using Twitter Tools to Listen (Followerwonk)

 @social3i | @aboyer
More Twitter Tools

  Hootsuite (Alonso will cover)

  Tweet Deck



  100 more
 @social3i | @aboyer
An Active Social Media Plan
Putting The Pieces Together

  @social3i | @aboyer
Inspiration to Get Your Mind Going

 @social3i | @aboyer
No Social Plan = Disaster
Waiting to Happen…

 @social3i | @aboyer
Social media has become a defacto customer
service channel

 @social3i | @aboyer
Involve Your Community in Decision Making

 @social3i | @aboyer
Involve Your Community in Decision Making

 @social3i | @aboyer
Convert into sales

 @social3i | @aboyer
Use Channels to Communicate to your base

 @social3i | @aboyer
Using Social Channels to Show What You Do

 @social3i | @aboyer
Choose a channel that maps you your

 @social3i | @aboyer
Meme Jumping

@social3i | @aboyer
Don’t forget the little things

 @social3i | @aboyer
Use email to enforce / enhance social

 @social3i | @aboyer
Follow (and copy) leaders

 @social3i | @aboyer
Why Should I blog? It’s Hard.

 @social3i | @aboyer
Help others help you

 @social3i | @aboyer
Building the Plan: The Philosophies
 @social3i | @aboyer
What’s your story?
    You have more to talk
    about than you realize
    • Conferences
    • Product Releases
    • Speaking Engagements
    • Promotions / Hires
    • Partner News
    • Customer Success
 @social3i | @aboyer
Be Realistic
    So many
    channels, s
    o little

    Where to
    focus your
    time and

 @social3i | @aboyer
Set Your Goals

                                       Product /    information to improve
  Maximizing an ad campaign             Service     programs and services
  by extending the content to         Development
  channels not covered by paid

                                                              Searching for external
                                                              opportunities to
                                                              service customer
                                                              related issues,

                      Outbound                          Customer
                   PR / Advertising                      Support

 @social3i | @aboyer
Setting Your Expectations
                                                  The Long Term Goal:
                                                  Giving customers a say
                                                  developing, supporting
                                                  and evangelizing your
                                                                  Melding social into your
                                                                overall marketing program

                                                                            Enagaging with
                                                        fans, followers, press, analysts and    Interact

                                Basic benchmarking, auditing and listening to conversation
                                                 about your brand, customers & products

                       Develop marketing and business plans without benefit of any data or
                             insights generated on the social web about you or competitors

 @social3i | @aboyer
Understand Your Audience

 @social3i | @aboyer
Identify Key Customers


                             Potential Customers
 @social3i | @aboyer
Identify Key Customers

   Brand          Targeted

                             Potential Customers
 @social3i | @aboyer
Building the Plan: The Tactics
 @social3i | @aboyer
Building Channels Step 1:
Set up a dedicated email address

 @social3i | @aboyer
Step 2: Why are we here?
 •   Who are we reaching?
 •   What do we want them to do?
 •   Which parts of the company can we involve?
 •   How much trust have we earned so far?
 •   What do these people like to do?
 •   What tools do we have at our disposal?
 •   How much time do we have to dedicate to this effort?
 •   What kind of budget do we have to work with?
 •   What does our existing marketing calendar look like?

 @social3i | @aboyer
Step 3: Get a consistent name

 @social3i | @aboyer
Step 4: Have the right free tracking tools

 @social3i | @aboyer
Step 5: Determine your effort level

 @social3i | @aboyer
Step 6: Set up an Editorial Calendar
Editorial Calendar

  Date                Offline   Sales Calls   Aggregated   Blog   Facebook (In   Twitter (In   YouTube   Foursquare
                      Event                   Content on           addition to   addition to
                                               Web Site              general     replies and
                                                                   discussion)   discussion)

Sun          7/10
Mon          7/11
Tues         7/12
Wed          7/13
Thurs        7/14
Fri          7/15
Sat          7/16
Sun          7/17
Mon          7/18
Tues         7/19
Wed          7/20
Thurs        7/21
Fri          7/22
Sat          7/23
Sun          7/24
Mon          7/25
Tues         7/26
Wed          7/27
Thurs        7/28

     @social3i | @aboyer
Step 7: Find your audience

 @social3i | @aboyer
Also: Build in some lead gen

 @social3i | @aboyer
Building the Plan: The Relaborate Story

 @social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
Building the Plan: The Pillar Properties Story

 @social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
@social3i | @aboyer
Diving Deep into Channels
Alonso Chehade

 @social3i | @aboyer
Top 5 Social Media Sites

 @social3i | @aboyer
Channel Overviews 3 Stats & 5 Tips

  Facebook                  Twitter   LinkedIn

                       YouTube   Google+

 @social3i | @aboyer

                      Over 1 billion
                          active users
                          Source: Facebook Inc.

@social3i | @aboyer

       62% of B2C
    companies acquired new customers from it.
    Source: HubSpot’s Marketing Fact vs. Marketing Fantasy eBook

                                                                     41% of B2B
@social3i | @aboyer                                                companies acquired new customers from it.
                                                                   Source: HubSpot’s Marketing Fact vs. Marketing Fantasy eBook
                      Profiles Vs. Pages

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Types of Interactions

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer
               post once every two days

@social3i | @aboyer
                      keep updates brief

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer
                      ask questions

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Tell your friends

@social3i | @aboyer

                      Over 200 million
                           active users
                            Source: Wikipedia

@social3i | @aboyer

         67% of users
    more likely to buy/recommend a brand they follow.
                Source: Survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey

                                                             39% of B2B
@social3i | @aboyer                                        companies acquired new customers from it.
                                                           Source: HubSpot’s Marketing Fact vs. Marketing Fantasy eBook
                      Types of Interactions

@social3i | @aboyer
          Tweet often but with breaks

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer
                      is a link economy

@social3i | @aboyer

                      160 million
                         active users
                          Source: wikipedia

@social3i | @aboyer
            Profiles Vs. Company Pages

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Tell your company’s

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Share job openings

@social3i | @aboyer
 Highlight your products & services

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Types of Interactions

@social3i | @aboyer
                      LinkedIn Groups

@social3i | @aboyer

Over 800 million
         unique visitors/month
                      Source: wikipedia

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Types of Interactions

@social3i | @aboyer

                      235 million
                         active users
                          Source: Wikipedia

@social3i | @aboyer
                      Profile Vs Pages

@social3i | @aboyer

                      Handy tools

@social3i | @aboyer
      Monitor, Schedule, Collaborate

 @social3i | @aboyer

    Always be connecting

 @social3i | @aboyer
                      Smart Twitter Search

@social3i | @aboyer
Google Alerts
      Decent keyword mention alerts

 @social3i | @aboyer
                      URL social search

@social3i | @aboyer
                  Tweet Analytics past 8 days

@social3i | @aboyer

@social3i | @aboyer
Social3i Consulting
                                            3135 Elliott Ave

                  social3i                  Suite 225
                                            Seattle, WA 98121
                                            +1 206 852 8567
           insight | ideation | influence

@social3i | @aboyer

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Social3i - NWEN eIQ - Social Media for Startups - Jan 2013

  • 1. Social Media for Startups A Primer Presented at NWEN Andy Boyer / Alonso Chehade Jan 29, 2013 social3i insight | ideation | influence Download: @social3i | @aboyer
  • 2. About Andy Boyer / Social3i @social3i | @aboyer
  • 4. Today’s Discussion Intros and getting to know each other Getting Started With Social • Passive • Active Inspirational Ideas Building a Strategy or Framework 2 Case studies – Relaborate and Pillar Properties Channel Tactics – 3 stars and 5 tips from Alonso Q+A All through the preso. @social3i | @aboyer
  • 5. Where You Can Find Social3i @social3i | @aboyer
  • 6. Who We’ve Worked With @social3i | @aboyer
  • 7. What we do for fun @social3i | @aboyer
  • 8. Your Startup Personal Branding and Networking Through Social Media Why is it important? How can I get started? @social3i | @aboyer
  • 9. Why Social Media is Important for Your Personal Brand Network and Engage with Deepen Relationships Own your Brand Customers and Partners  Identification of  Sharing of news and  Determine what trendsetters and information from Google finds thought leaders partners and  Proactively work to  Conversations with the customers become someone right people in the  Collect real insight and thought leaders want right places about understanding of to engage with product ideas and partner needs and deficiencies wishes @social3i | @aboyer
  • 10. “Worldwide, 86% of companies have a presence on Facebook and Twitter…. . “…Meanwhile just over half use YouTube and LinkedIn and only slightly more than a third @social3i | @aboyer have a presence on Pinterest and/or Google+”
  • 11. Using social media boosts website traffic: - Companies gain a 185% lift in Web traffic after achieving . 1,000 Facebook likes - Businesses with 51 to 100 Twitter followers generate 106% more traffic than those with 25 or fewer followers.” @social3i | @aboyer
  • 12. What Do Customers Want? @social3i | @aboyer
  • 13. “Social media users are willing to pay a 21% premium for brands that deliver great service through social media” @social3i | @aboyer
  • 14. “There are one billion posts per day made on Facebook. The average user spends nearly 7 hours per month on the social networking site, and one out of every five pageviews on the Internet is on…Facebook.” . “Facebook grew 18% in 2012 and accounted for more than @social3i | @aboyer half of all social content.”
  • 15. The Day that News Changed • 3:26 pm photo was posted to Janis Krum’s (@jkrums) twitter profile • New York Times broke the news at 3:48 pm and didn’t post to the front page until 4:00 pm @social3i | @aboyer Page 15
  • 16. The moment that defined Twitter for the mainstream @social3i | @aboyer
  • 17. @social3i | @aboyer social3i Proprietary and Confidential 17
  • 18. Why Do We Need to Understand Social Media Industry Shift in Marketing Spend • 46% Decline in Tradeshow spending • 44% of Direct Mail never opened • 90% of marketers now use social networks in their marketing efforts. • Social media and blogs reach 80% of all U.S. Internet users. 91% of experienced social marketers see improved website traffic due to social media and 79% are generating more quality leads. B2B Users and Customers Shifting to Social Vehicles • US Internet users spend 3x more time on social networks than email, and 6x more than on portals • 61% of U.S. Marketers use Social Media for Lead Gen • 63% of companies who are using social media say it has INCREASED EFFECTIVENESS of other marketing efforts • LinkedIn drives the most leads to B2B sites, according to Leadforce @social3i | @aboyer Source: HubSpot
  • 19. A Complete Social Media Process • Use Social Media Monitoring tools to track the conversations around a brand and the industry as a Listen whole. Identify key industry influencers and brand advocates. • Establish 30-60 day editorial calendars to drive conversations and lead consumers through a Plan planned story arc. Then we develop syndication strategies to get the content maximum exposure. • Write short and long form content in multiple Develop channels that engages customers and encourages sharing. • Analyze key metrics such as Virality, Engagement Review and Reach to determine the success of our @social3i | @aboyer messaging strategies.
  • 20. Passive Social Media How do I get started? @social3i | @aboyer
  • 21. Logo Spotting Facebook Twitter YouTube LinkedIn Wordpress Blogger Wikipedia Foursquare Tumblr Flickr @social3i | @aboyer Pinterest Instagram MySpace Farmville Angry Birds
  • 22. @social3i | @aboyer social3i Proprietary and Confidential 22
  • 24. Listening via Google Alerts @social3i | @aboyer
  • 26. LinkedIn - @social3i | @aboyer
  • 27. Quora Conversations Quora users ask industry specific questions. Business professionals have the opportunity to step in and answer inquiries to serve as “the voice” of their @social3i | @aboyer industry.
  • 28. Email Tools (Rapportive) @social3i | @aboyer
  • 29. Using Twitter Tools to Listen (Followerwonk) @social3i | @aboyer
  • 30. More Twitter Tools Hootsuite (Alonso will cover) Tweet Deck TwitCleaner Twilert 100 more @social3i | @aboyer
  • 31. An Active Social Media Plan Putting The Pieces Together @social3i | @aboyer
  • 32. Inspiration to Get Your Mind Going @social3i | @aboyer
  • 33. No Social Plan = Disaster Waiting to Happen… @social3i | @aboyer
  • 34. Social media has become a defacto customer service channel @social3i | @aboyer
  • 35. Involve Your Community in Decision Making @social3i | @aboyer
  • 36. Involve Your Community in Decision Making @social3i | @aboyer
  • 37. Convert into sales @social3i | @aboyer
  • 38. Use Channels to Communicate to your base @social3i | @aboyer
  • 39. Using Social Channels to Show What You Do @social3i | @aboyer
  • 40. Choose a channel that maps you your audience @social3i | @aboyer
  • 42. Don’t forget the little things @social3i | @aboyer
  • 43. Use email to enforce / enhance social channels @social3i | @aboyer
  • 44. Follow (and copy) leaders @social3i | @aboyer
  • 45. Why Should I blog? It’s Hard. @social3i | @aboyer
  • 46. Help others help you @social3i | @aboyer
  • 47. Building the Plan: The Philosophies @social3i | @aboyer
  • 48. What’s your story? You have more to talk about than you realize • Conferences • Product Releases • Speaking Engagements • Promotions / Hires • Partner News • Customer Success Stories @social3i | @aboyer
  • 49. Be Realistic So many channels, s o little time. Where to focus your time and efforts? @social3i | @aboyer
  • 50. Set Your Goals Crowdsourcing Product / information to improve Maximizing an ad campaign Service programs and services by extending the content to Development channels not covered by paid media Searching for external opportunities to service customer related issues, Outbound Customer PR / Advertising Support @social3i | @aboyer
  • 51. Setting Your Expectations The Long Term Goal: Giving customers a say in Influence developing, supporting and evangelizing your brand Melding social into your overall marketing program Integrate Enagaging with fans, followers, press, analysts and Interact critics Basic benchmarking, auditing and listening to conversation about your brand, customers & products Interest Develop marketing and business plans without benefit of any data or insights generated on the social web about you or competitors Ignore @social3i | @aboyer
  • 52. Understand Your Audience @social3i | @aboyer
  • 53. Identify Key Customers Broad Brand Message Potential Customers @social3i | @aboyer
  • 54. Identify Key Customers Narrow, Brand Targeted Message Potential Customers @social3i | @aboyer
  • 55. Building the Plan: The Tactics @social3i | @aboyer
  • 56. Building Channels Step 1: Set up a dedicated email address @social3i | @aboyer
  • 57. Step 2: Why are we here? • Who are we reaching? • What do we want them to do? • Which parts of the company can we involve? • How much trust have we earned so far? • What do these people like to do? • What tools do we have at our disposal? • How much time do we have to dedicate to this effort? • What kind of budget do we have to work with? • What does our existing marketing calendar look like? @social3i | @aboyer
  • 58. Step 3: Get a consistent name @social3i | @aboyer
  • 59. Step 4: Have the right free tracking tools @social3i | @aboyer
  • 60. Step 5: Determine your effort level @social3i | @aboyer
  • 61. Step 6: Set up an Editorial Calendar Editorial Calendar Date Offline Sales Calls Aggregated Blog Facebook (In Twitter (In YouTube Foursquare Event Content on addition to addition to Web Site general replies and discussion) discussion) Sun 7/10 Mon 7/11 Tues 7/12 Wed 7/13 Thurs 7/14 Fri 7/15 Sat 7/16 Sun 7/17 Mon 7/18 Tues 7/19 Wed 7/20 Thurs 7/21 Fri 7/22 Sat 7/23 Sun 7/24 Mon 7/25 Tues 7/26 Wed 7/27 Thurs 7/28 @social3i | @aboyer
  • 62. Step 7: Find your audience @social3i | @aboyer
  • 63. Also: Build in some lead gen @social3i | @aboyer
  • 64. Building the Plan: The Relaborate Story @social3i | @aboyer
  • 77. Building the Plan: The Pillar Properties Story @social3i | @aboyer
  • 83. Diving Deep into Channels Alonso Chehade @social3i | @aboyer
  • 84. Top 5 Social Media Sites @social3i | @aboyer
  • 85. Channel Overviews 3 Stats & 5 Tips Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Google+ @social3i | @aboyer
  • 86. FACEBOOK Over 1 billion active users Source: Facebook Inc. @social3i | @aboyer
  • 87. FACEBOOK 62% of B2C companies acquired new customers from it. Source: HubSpot’s Marketing Fact vs. Marketing Fantasy eBook 41% of B2B @social3i | @aboyer companies acquired new customers from it. Source: HubSpot’s Marketing Fact vs. Marketing Fantasy eBook
  • 88. FACEBOOK Profiles Vs. Pages @social3i | @aboyer
  • 89. FACEBOOK Types of Interactions @social3i | @aboyer
  • 92. FACEBOOK post once every two days @social3i | @aboyer
  • 93. FACEBOOK keep updates brief @social3i | @aboyer
  • 95. FACEBOOK ask questions @social3i | @aboyer
  • 96. FACEBOOK Tell your friends @social3i | @aboyer
  • 97. TWITTER Over 200 million active users Source: Wikipedia @social3i | @aboyer
  • 98. TWITTER 67% of users more likely to buy/recommend a brand they follow. Source: Survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey 39% of B2B @social3i | @aboyer companies acquired new customers from it. Source: HubSpot’s Marketing Fact vs. Marketing Fantasy eBook
  • 99. TWITTER Types of Interactions @social3i | @aboyer
  • 100. TWITTER Tweet often but with breaks @social3i | @aboyer
  • 105. TWITTER is a link economy @social3i | @aboyer
  • 106. LINKEDIN 160 million active users Source: wikipedia @social3i | @aboyer
  • 107. LINKEDIN Profiles Vs. Company Pages @social3i | @aboyer
  • 108. LINKEDIN Tell your company’s @social3i | @aboyer
  • 109. LINKEDIN Share job openings @social3i | @aboyer
  • 110. LINKEDIN Highlight your products & services @social3i | @aboyer
  • 111. LINKEDIN Types of Interactions @social3i | @aboyer
  • 112. LINKEDIN LinkedIn Groups @social3i | @aboyer
  • 113. YOUTUBE Over 800 million unique visitors/month Source: wikipedia @social3i | @aboyer
  • 114. YOUTUBE Types of Interactions @social3i | @aboyer
  • 115. GOOGLE+ 235 million active users Source: Wikipedia @social3i | @aboyer
  • 116. GOOGLE+ Profile Vs Pages @social3i | @aboyer
  • 117. TOOLS Handy tools @social3i | @aboyer
  • 118. HootSuite Monitor, Schedule, Collaborate @social3i | @aboyer
  • 119. Rapportive Always be connecting @social3i | @aboyer
  • 120. followerwonk Smart Twitter Search @social3i | @aboyer
  • 121. Google Alerts Decent keyword mention alerts @social3i | @aboyer
  • 122. TOPSY URL social search @social3i | @aboyer
  • 123. Tweet Analytics past 8 days @social3i | @aboyer
  • 125. Social3i Consulting 3135 Elliott Ave social3i Suite 225 Seattle, WA 98121 +1 206 852 8567 insight | ideation | influence @social3i | @aboyer

Editor's Notes

  1. Via regular meetings and teamwork
  2. (Heidi Cohen)
  3. (MarketingProfs)
  4. “Of those that have had interactions via social media, 54% said that this has changed their perception of the brand. Predictably, most consumers are looking for the latest offers and competitions via social media (49% and 48% respectively), though 33% are looking for direct answers to questions or complaints. ”Once they get in it.How to use other program – personal insights conversations, that people want to join. Taking the experience more robust beyond a robust – A Facebook social graph – relevant offers. Email conversations around segmentation.
  5. (Heidi Cohen)
  6. Here are the top 5 social media sites where both B2C and B2B marketers are distributing their content.
  7. I’ll give you an overview of these 5, but spend more time in the top 3; which are Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. Alright let’s talk Facebook.
  8. If social media sites were venues, Facebook would be like a giant living room with over one billion people sitting around.
  9. where both B2C and B2B companies who have established a presence are acquiring new customers from it.
  10. If social media sites were venues, Facebook would be like a giant living room with over one billion people sitting around.
  11. If social media sites were venues, Facebook would be like a giant living room with over one billion people sitting around.
  12. Facebook is great site to distribute your content, but also an opportunity to capture and share the story of your company with others.
  13. And one of the best ways to do this is with pictures. That’s why photos on this platform get higher engagement than the average post.
  14. For your company to stay present in this room, is very important to stay active by posting updates regularly. However don’t take over the room or their feed by talking too much. If you want to keep your fans away from unliking your page, the optimum post per day frequency seems to be around once every two days.
  15. Facebook is a micro blogging platform, so be brief with your updates. People are scanning their feeds not reading them, so be quick and engaging. Practice keeping your posts under 80 characters, as it is a good reference point to get higher engagement.
  16. ….and the more your fans engage with your page, the more often your posts will show up on their feed. For example Creative Guerrilla Marketing is a Facebook page that I usually engage with by sharing and liking their posts, and that’s why I see their updates in my feed on a regular basis.
  17. Asking questions is another great way to encourage fan engagement. Certain questions have shown to get more comments than others, like for example the ones starting with Should, Would and Which.
  18. If you’re just getting started, invite your friends to like your business Facebook page. Facebook helps you do this in an effective matter by suggesting people in your network that you have recently interacted with. So be social and send those invites. OK let’s talk Twitter now.
  19. Twitter is like a crowded bar with over 200 million people where users are encouraged to engage with each other, even if they’re perfect strangers.
  20. where both B2C and B2B companies who have established a presence are acquiring new customers from it.
  21. where both B2C and B2B companies who have established a presence are acquiring new customers from it.
  22. To stay present in this room you need to tweet often because the lifespan of your posts are shorter than Facebook. So tweet often but don’t overcrowd your content.
  23. The core component of Twitter is your timeline located in your home tab, which is the real time stream from the people you follow.
  24. In the connect tab at the top of your pageyou can monitor what people are saying about your business and how they’re interacting with your brand. Under interactions you’ll see what others are saying about you, who’s retweeting you, who’s favoring your tweets, and any new followers you have acquired. You can select mentions to filter this information further, in order to see just the tweets that are mentioning your Twitter handle.
  25. In the discover tabyou can tap into a stream of recently popular and useful information that is tailored to you based on your location, who you follow, and what’s happening in the world.  The activity section shows everything that your connections are doing. You can see who they are following, what tweets they’re favoring, retweeting, or replying to the most. This can be helpful if you’re a local business trying to determine what your customers are interested in talking about.
  26. Your Twitter profile allows for people to tweet you directly, view your following and followers, favorites, lists and photos.Your customers will be able to learn about you instantly through the look and feel of your Twitter profile. This is the public facing side of your account which people will see when they choose to visit your profile outside of their home feed.
  27. The easiest way to get started building a following in Twitter is by following potential prospects and posting interesting links. Now let’s move on to LinkedIn
  28. LinkedIn is like a conference room with around 160 million active users. Here you will have a better chance to connect with business executives, key decision makers and potential new teammates for your business.
  29. What is a LinkedIn Company Page?It’s a centralized location where millions of LinkedIn members can go to stay in the loop on company news, products and services, business opportunities and job openings.For a business, it’s the opportunity to:Tell your company’s storyHighlight your products and servicesEngage with followersShare career opportunitiesDrive word of mouth at scale
  30. What is a LinkedIn Company Page?It’s a centralized location where millions of LinkedIn members can go to stay in the loop on company news, products and services, business opportunities and job openings.For a business, it’s the opportunity to:Tell your company’s storyHighlight your products and servicesEngage with followersShare career opportunitiesDrive word of mouth at scale
  31. LinkedIn groups are a great way to position yourself as an industry leader. Lewis started a LinkedIn group call the Sports Industry Network that has now over 104 thousand members! Lewis shares that groups have been an extremely powerful tool to refer traffic to his target sites.