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Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 1-What Is Social Psychology? , I have
learned about social cognitive perspective. Social cognitive perspective is derived from the
behaviorism perspective. It assumes that an individual’s cognitive process influences and
influenced by behavioral association.
My experience that related to social cognitive perspective is about last year, 2014. I
did an illegal thing and I did not realize. My family members and I plan to Kuala Lumpur to
have a one day trip. Indispensably, we went to the most popular place on Kuala Lumpur,
which is KLCC Petronas Twin Tower. Everyone was started to take picture of ourselves with
those special building and something new. We helped each other took photo with Petronas
Twin Tower. Of course, I also took photo of Petronas Twin Tower as memory. As normally, I
post photo the photo that I took on Facebook- Petronas Twin Tower, my selfie with Petronas
Twin Tower and our family’s wefie. The next day, my uncle saw my posting and he told me
that take photo of Petronas Twin Tower is offense. I feel shout because it is so unbelievable
to me. He started to tell me the truth reason. Actually, when the Petronas Twin Tower
completed, the owner of Petronas Twin Tower applied and approved to become private,
which we cannot take picture of Petronas Twin Tower. But according to Malaysia’s law, we
have our right to take picture of ourselves. If we are taking picture with Petronas Twin Tower,
that is legal. So, we just cannot take the picture of Petronas Twin Tower itself only. You are
required to apply to take picture or video. If the owner wants to accuse me, I will get the
punishment. After that, I delete the picture of Petronas Twin Tower that I post.
Through this experience, it is related to social cognitive perspective. It is because of
cognitive processes have not been established that identify take picture of building is illegal.
There are some buildings that same situation like that and Petronas Twin Tower is one of it.
This is my first time to take picture of Petronas Twin Tower and I don’t have any related
experience about it. Other than that, I don’t have any experience about take picture on
something is wrong. Not only like that, I also did not study and learn about this before.
In Chapter 1 “What Is Social Psychology” from THINK Social Psychology, I have
learned social loafing. Max Ringelmann concluded that an individual’s performance will get
worse in presence of others. It is because individuals make less effort in a group to achieve
their goal if they were individually responsible.
Stepping on university study, half projects were actually done in a group. Due to our
society needed, most of the tasks have to do in a group. Group cooperation is really important.
One of our projects for Culture and Civilizations subject, we required in a group of nine or
ten people. This project was about to act a role-play and do a group report. After the brief for
this project, it is holiday. But the whole week of this holiday, we were not having any
meeting, because most of the group mates were back to their hometown. However, other
groups were not gone back to hometown and continued their meeting in holiday. We have to
rush after holiday. Other groups were done their props. Our group members started our
project with cooperate in hundred percent. We were assorted group members into different
scope of works. We started to make our own costume and do props for our role-play. Some
people were done for ship, throne, crown and map. We worked together and done these props
in a week. The day before role-play, we do the report from noon till midnight. Before and
after class, I went to meeting directly. It is too tired for me to do it at midnight. I continued to
do it until I want to sleep. I pass it to my friends. After an hour, they have done the report.
Group work can reduce the workload for an individual but it might assume that one of the
other group members will take their responsible of it.
From this group project, our individual effort cannot be identified. We finished our
props in a short period because all members of the group are pooling their effort to achieve
goal. If one of the group members was make less effort than others in a group, but we were
not easy to realize.
According to THINK Social Psychology Chapter 2, I have learned about motivation.
Motivation divided into two categories, which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic
motivation. There are many different experiences show motivation in my daily life. I am
choosing to explain extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a respond action from an
external pressure or obligation. It might be done to avoid punishment or earn certain reward.
One of my experiences to show extrinsic motivation is most important to me and my
future. Before studying in Taylor’s Lakeside University, I am just finished SPM and I got a
very well result. I decided to take architecture course in Taylor’s University in Petaling Jaya.
It is because Taylor’s University is the best and famous university for architecture course.
After that, I discuss with my father about the fee. My father feels it is too expensive and
rejected me to study at here, but I promised to my father that I will study hard and I will get
scholarship. My mother supported me and talked to my father, my father gave me a chance to
study here. After I study here, I feel that is not easy to study this course. All the learning way
is not same from secondary school and I should careful to choose friends for group work. I
was slowly adapted into this environment at few months after I came into university life. So, I
did not get good result in first semester. My father was angry, scolded me, and told me if I
cannot get scholarship, no need to study here and just came back to hometown. Having this
pressure from my father, I was study harder than before and I want to get at least 3.7 on this
semester. Hence, I will try my best to get a good result. I want to continue my study here and
I do not want to have any regret after this.
From this experience, I have responsibility to study hard because I promised to my
father before and my father used his hard-earned money to give me a very well education.
My father was warned me and I was tried to avoid the punishment that gave from my father,
so I have to more strive. There are many external pressures to force me study harder than
others. Lastly, if I really get scholarship, externally I can continue study at Taylor’s
University. Internally, I also will glad to get good results.
Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 2 “The Self: Who Am I and How Do
Other Individuals See Me”, I have learned the looking-glass self. It is we imagine how we
look to others and how other people judge the appearance that we present.
My experience of using the looking-glass self is before every presentation. My
English is not really good because I was study in Chinese school before. I was Kedah people.
Expect for English class, I was not spoken English anymore. I was practiced to speak English
after I went to university. I feel that most of my friends can spoke English fluently. Owing to
their environment was spoken English from childhood, so most of their English is very good.
I have to practice more to avoid drag others. Although I am trying to improve my English,
but I am still not confident to my English level. I will use the looking-glass self before my
presentation. I will imagine myself to present on stage. Besides, I will be imagine I spoke
fluently on stage and done my presentation very well. After imagination, I feel more
confident to speak on stage. Others were clapping hand after I finished my presentation.
Despite my presentation is not fluently as I imagine, but I feel that is better than I did not
imagine anything. The imagination bring useful confident to me. I will continued using
looking-glass self.
“I imagine your mind, and especially what your mind thinks about my mind, and what
your mind thinks about what my mind thinks about your mind.” Charles Horton Cooley.
From this experience, I was imagining how I look to others. I look not nervous and confident
from actual. The end of presentation, I was proud of hand clapping from others. The result is
that we change our behaviour based on how we feel people perceive us.
In Chapter 3 from THINK Social Psychology, this chapter is about “Thinking About
the Social World”. I have learned about stereotype. Stereotype assumes that all the members
in a group are sharing some common feature. Once a schema is formed, it is hard to change.
It may hard for people to forget of these types of schemas.
One of my often met experiences is others will assume that I am not same with my
real age. After I got my SPM result, I am eighteen years old girl and I graduate from SPM
with a baby face. My height is only 151cm. I am the shortest girl in my house and my
younger brother taller a head than me. But I was not dissatisfied for my own. Many people
will think I am just fourteen or fifteen years old people. When I went out with my family
members, we went to “Ang”’s (my mother sir name) gathering once a year with other
relatives. I met many relatives once a year. My mother’s relatives will deem me as a
secondary student and my younger brother as my elder brother. They were not believed that I
am finished study SPM and my brother is small than me. After my mother told them, they
were known that I am elder sister and graduate from SPM. A year later, the same gathering
and the situation was repeated. I am still same height before. They still deem me as fourteen
or fifteen years old and my younger brother as my elder brother. Now, I am a university
student. Actually, I would like to tell them this is the question they ask before, but they are
eldership, so I did not do that. However, I love to be looking young and stay young.
After this experience, I sure that stereotype is hard to change for a person. My height
and type of my face has a whole range of characteristics for a secondary student or younger.
Those characteristic of a person are not controllable. Although short people with baby face
look younger, but still have some people are not a secondary students like me. So, I am
sharing the same common feature with younger people.
According to THINK Social Psychology Chapter 3, I have learned the optimistic bias.
Optimistic bias believes that bad things happen to others and you are experience positive in
Nowadays, our country was not safety than before. You can saw from the news, there
are different types of crime happening in our country such as kidnap, robbery and rape. Most
of the people are not aware for the safety of our country became worse. My aunt always
shared these news to me and hopes that I can become mature. So, she would not worry about
me. As a teenager, I will hang out with friends when they invite me. Even though they invite
me at night, I will go out with them. All the friends went out every day and every night, but
they also did not happening any unpleasant. I feel that I was not so unlucky to meet these
problems. I was very careful enough. Moreover, I will pay attention on the people who near
to me and the environment that I not familiar. I know that this is optimistic bias, but I still
want to have fun. If once I meet these, I would not be optimistic. I will regret after happening.
I love to play and hang out with my friends because it is fun together with friends. I
choose to think optimistic because so many people in this world and I would not be the
unfortunate. So, I can continued go out with my friends.
In THINK Social Psychology Chapter 4, this topic is about “How Do We Perceive
Others”. I have learned about first impressions. It formed only in ten seconds. They are not
deliberate and may be instantaneous.
Normally, my first impression is totally different after someone is recognizing me.
These are my first impression from others that my friends told me. My friends think that I
was a shy, quiet and intelligent person but once they became closer to me, they rejected for
the first impression. Actually, I am not acting these schemas to others. It is because I feel
scare when I step into a new environment and I cannot adapt myself faster into that situation.
So, I am just observed and listened to others. I would not automatic spoke with others until
the people spoke to me then I answered. I was think many different ways to speak, but it is
hard to me. After a long time, I know my friends well and I started play tease and make noise
with them. Moreover, I am not an intelligent girl. I have to study hard to get a good result.
They will change impression to me. Moreover, they always said that I was very good acting
when we met at first time. After that, I was talkative and funny. If I keep quiet, they will ask
me to talk and make the surrounding noisier. Now, they were understanding and knew me
First impression of me to others is totally wrong. It is just initial evaluate of that
person when first meet. My friends feel I am a shy and quite person. However, the first
impression is for the first meet, it might be changing according to day by day. I perform my
real attitude with the one who I trust only.
In Chapter 4, THINK Social Psychology, I have learned about the halo effect. The
Halo Effect means one positive attribute will cause us to attribution other positive qualities to
an individual.
From my experience, I will feel that a pretty girl is most helpful. I prefer to ask help
from the pretty girl. Last year, I went to buy a drink at Starbucks after my submission. I
overnight for the day before and I have a class after that. I would like to buy refreshing drink
for myself. I lined up and waited to my turn. When reached my turn, I ordered the drink I
like. After I ordered, I have to pay. I realized that my purse has only RM10. I forgot to take
money this morning. The coffee is RM18. I suddenly do not know what to do. I just turn back
and I saw two girls behind me- one girl with a normal look and another with pretty look. I
chose to borrow the money from the pretty girl. It is good. She borrowed another RM10 to
me. After that, I went to ATM machine, took out the money and return to the girl. I feel shy
and thank to her.
I do not know why I will chose at that time. I think that is the halo effect. I feel that
she look pretty, then she will borrow money to me. Because of her positive attribute, so the
possible she borrow the money to me is high.
Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 5, this topic is about attitude that
making evaluations about the world. From this chapter, I have learned assessing attitudes.
Assessing attitude is a person’s attitude from their behaviors, but this is not always reliable.
This experience is about observing of one of my friend’s attitude. He is the only son
on his family. He was my best friend. We do anything together. So, I was understood about
his personal attitude. He is a kind and helpful person. He will help others when they met any
problems. But not everyone is prefect; he has his shortcoming as well. He is a greedy person.
His shortcoming was losing my face. Every time, we have gathering with other friends in
restaurant. He will be the first person to eat the food. He also chose the biggest meat to eat,
no matter how far it is. Not only like this, he just took a lot of food his like put on his plate
and started ate. After he finished his rice, he continued ate the food. He totally ate himself
and did not observe and care to others. Some of my friends still have not finished their meal
and they ate a little food only. Other friends were disappointed to this attitude. His attitude is
quite childish. He was not observed, so he would not know when he displeases others. From
my observing, his parents spoil him very much and did not scold him on his bad attitude.
Now, he did not feel that his eating manner was wrong. Once he steps on society, it may
bring some trouble to him. I was tried to tell him about his problem and hope he will be
From this, you may not understand my friend. You will feel that he is a good or he is
an impolite person. My friend may not aware of his own attitude. But I will be changing, if he
wants to change. Actually, everyone has both positive and negative attitude. Only you
observed him or her deeper, you may understand more about the person. I was observed on
his parents were spoil to him, but it can be inaccurate. It is just assess from my observed.
Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 7, I have learned social learning. Social
learning is most of our attitude formed in home and our parents are an enormous source of
information and influence.
When I had my memory, my mother is the one who take care of me from child until
now. It is because my father went out early in the morning to work. So, my mother teaches
me everything patiently such as how to speak, write and draw. Furthermore, she teaches me
how to brush my teeth, take a shower and wear the shoe. She cooked every day for our family
members. There will be a soup, at least a plate of vegetable with other dishes. She would
make sure all the family members had ate till full. No matter how busy, she will take her
responsible to do housework. Moreover, she will bring me to school every morning expect
holiday. After I back from school, she will supervise for my homework. If I did not finish my
homework, she would not use the high tone and scold me. She just talked to me. She will
read her book and accompany me until I done my homework. Her time management is very
good. She can do many things at a day without any complaining.
My mother is an idol for me. I learned my attitude from her; from do not know
anything at all until knowledgeable. Nobody will start brush teeth, take bath and wear shoes
themselves. It must have teaches by one’s. Most of the one who teaches is mother. She lived
with us together and the most contact with us. I will take care for my own diet according her
way. One is never too old to learn, my mother will take the chance to read for improving her
knowledge. I have to treasure the chance I study at university. I would not suddenly voice up
my sound higher, because my mother has use a soft sound talk to us. Her time management
is very well, but I still cannot do like her. But I am practicing from now.

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Social psychology journal 1

  • 2. JOURNAL 1/ ENTRY 1- SOCIAL COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 1-What Is Social Psychology? , I have learned about social cognitive perspective. Social cognitive perspective is derived from the behaviorism perspective. It assumes that an individual’s cognitive process influences and influenced by behavioral association. My experience that related to social cognitive perspective is about last year, 2014. I did an illegal thing and I did not realize. My family members and I plan to Kuala Lumpur to have a one day trip. Indispensably, we went to the most popular place on Kuala Lumpur, which is KLCC Petronas Twin Tower. Everyone was started to take picture of ourselves with those special building and something new. We helped each other took photo with Petronas Twin Tower. Of course, I also took photo of Petronas Twin Tower as memory. As normally, I post photo the photo that I took on Facebook- Petronas Twin Tower, my selfie with Petronas Twin Tower and our family’s wefie. The next day, my uncle saw my posting and he told me that take photo of Petronas Twin Tower is offense. I feel shout because it is so unbelievable to me. He started to tell me the truth reason. Actually, when the Petronas Twin Tower completed, the owner of Petronas Twin Tower applied and approved to become private, which we cannot take picture of Petronas Twin Tower. But according to Malaysia’s law, we have our right to take picture of ourselves. If we are taking picture with Petronas Twin Tower, that is legal. So, we just cannot take the picture of Petronas Twin Tower itself only. You are required to apply to take picture or video. If the owner wants to accuse me, I will get the punishment. After that, I delete the picture of Petronas Twin Tower that I post. Through this experience, it is related to social cognitive perspective. It is because of cognitive processes have not been established that identify take picture of building is illegal. There are some buildings that same situation like that and Petronas Twin Tower is one of it. This is my first time to take picture of Petronas Twin Tower and I don’t have any related experience about it. Other than that, I don’t have any experience about take picture on something is wrong. Not only like that, I also did not study and learn about this before.
  • 3. JOURNAL 1/ ENTRY 2- SOCIAL LOAFING In Chapter 1 “What Is Social Psychology” from THINK Social Psychology, I have learned social loafing. Max Ringelmann concluded that an individual’s performance will get worse in presence of others. It is because individuals make less effort in a group to achieve their goal if they were individually responsible. Stepping on university study, half projects were actually done in a group. Due to our society needed, most of the tasks have to do in a group. Group cooperation is really important. One of our projects for Culture and Civilizations subject, we required in a group of nine or ten people. This project was about to act a role-play and do a group report. After the brief for this project, it is holiday. But the whole week of this holiday, we were not having any meeting, because most of the group mates were back to their hometown. However, other groups were not gone back to hometown and continued their meeting in holiday. We have to rush after holiday. Other groups were done their props. Our group members started our project with cooperate in hundred percent. We were assorted group members into different scope of works. We started to make our own costume and do props for our role-play. Some people were done for ship, throne, crown and map. We worked together and done these props in a week. The day before role-play, we do the report from noon till midnight. Before and after class, I went to meeting directly. It is too tired for me to do it at midnight. I continued to do it until I want to sleep. I pass it to my friends. After an hour, they have done the report. Group work can reduce the workload for an individual but it might assume that one of the other group members will take their responsible of it. From this group project, our individual effort cannot be identified. We finished our props in a short period because all members of the group are pooling their effort to achieve goal. If one of the group members was make less effort than others in a group, but we were not easy to realize.
  • 4. JOURNAL 2/ ENTRY 1- MOTIVATION According to THINK Social Psychology Chapter 2, I have learned about motivation. Motivation divided into two categories, which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. There are many different experiences show motivation in my daily life. I am choosing to explain extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a respond action from an external pressure or obligation. It might be done to avoid punishment or earn certain reward. One of my experiences to show extrinsic motivation is most important to me and my future. Before studying in Taylor’s Lakeside University, I am just finished SPM and I got a very well result. I decided to take architecture course in Taylor’s University in Petaling Jaya. It is because Taylor’s University is the best and famous university for architecture course. After that, I discuss with my father about the fee. My father feels it is too expensive and rejected me to study at here, but I promised to my father that I will study hard and I will get scholarship. My mother supported me and talked to my father, my father gave me a chance to study here. After I study here, I feel that is not easy to study this course. All the learning way is not same from secondary school and I should careful to choose friends for group work. I was slowly adapted into this environment at few months after I came into university life. So, I did not get good result in first semester. My father was angry, scolded me, and told me if I cannot get scholarship, no need to study here and just came back to hometown. Having this pressure from my father, I was study harder than before and I want to get at least 3.7 on this semester. Hence, I will try my best to get a good result. I want to continue my study here and I do not want to have any regret after this. From this experience, I have responsibility to study hard because I promised to my father before and my father used his hard-earned money to give me a very well education. My father was warned me and I was tried to avoid the punishment that gave from my father, so I have to more strive. There are many external pressures to force me study harder than others. Lastly, if I really get scholarship, externally I can continue study at Taylor’s University. Internally, I also will glad to get good results.
  • 5. JOURNAL 2/ ENTRY 2- THE LOOKING-GLASS SELF Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 2 “The Self: Who Am I and How Do Other Individuals See Me”, I have learned the looking-glass self. It is we imagine how we look to others and how other people judge the appearance that we present. My experience of using the looking-glass self is before every presentation. My English is not really good because I was study in Chinese school before. I was Kedah people. Expect for English class, I was not spoken English anymore. I was practiced to speak English after I went to university. I feel that most of my friends can spoke English fluently. Owing to their environment was spoken English from childhood, so most of their English is very good. I have to practice more to avoid drag others. Although I am trying to improve my English, but I am still not confident to my English level. I will use the looking-glass self before my presentation. I will imagine myself to present on stage. Besides, I will be imagine I spoke fluently on stage and done my presentation very well. After imagination, I feel more confident to speak on stage. Others were clapping hand after I finished my presentation. Despite my presentation is not fluently as I imagine, but I feel that is better than I did not imagine anything. The imagination bring useful confident to me. I will continued using looking-glass self. “I imagine your mind, and especially what your mind thinks about my mind, and what your mind thinks about what my mind thinks about your mind.” Charles Horton Cooley. From this experience, I was imagining how I look to others. I look not nervous and confident from actual. The end of presentation, I was proud of hand clapping from others. The result is that we change our behaviour based on how we feel people perceive us.
  • 6. JOURNAL 3/ ENTRY 1- STEREOTYPING In Chapter 3 from THINK Social Psychology, this chapter is about “Thinking About the Social World”. I have learned about stereotype. Stereotype assumes that all the members in a group are sharing some common feature. Once a schema is formed, it is hard to change. It may hard for people to forget of these types of schemas. One of my often met experiences is others will assume that I am not same with my real age. After I got my SPM result, I am eighteen years old girl and I graduate from SPM with a baby face. My height is only 151cm. I am the shortest girl in my house and my younger brother taller a head than me. But I was not dissatisfied for my own. Many people will think I am just fourteen or fifteen years old people. When I went out with my family members, we went to “Ang”’s (my mother sir name) gathering once a year with other relatives. I met many relatives once a year. My mother’s relatives will deem me as a secondary student and my younger brother as my elder brother. They were not believed that I am finished study SPM and my brother is small than me. After my mother told them, they were known that I am elder sister and graduate from SPM. A year later, the same gathering and the situation was repeated. I am still same height before. They still deem me as fourteen or fifteen years old and my younger brother as my elder brother. Now, I am a university student. Actually, I would like to tell them this is the question they ask before, but they are eldership, so I did not do that. However, I love to be looking young and stay young. After this experience, I sure that stereotype is hard to change for a person. My height and type of my face has a whole range of characteristics for a secondary student or younger. Those characteristic of a person are not controllable. Although short people with baby face look younger, but still have some people are not a secondary students like me. So, I am sharing the same common feature with younger people.
  • 7. JOURNAL 3/ ENTRY 2- THE OPTIMISTIC BIAS According to THINK Social Psychology Chapter 3, I have learned the optimistic bias. Optimistic bias believes that bad things happen to others and you are experience positive in life. Nowadays, our country was not safety than before. You can saw from the news, there are different types of crime happening in our country such as kidnap, robbery and rape. Most of the people are not aware for the safety of our country became worse. My aunt always shared these news to me and hopes that I can become mature. So, she would not worry about me. As a teenager, I will hang out with friends when they invite me. Even though they invite me at night, I will go out with them. All the friends went out every day and every night, but they also did not happening any unpleasant. I feel that I was not so unlucky to meet these problems. I was very careful enough. Moreover, I will pay attention on the people who near to me and the environment that I not familiar. I know that this is optimistic bias, but I still want to have fun. If once I meet these, I would not be optimistic. I will regret after happening. I love to play and hang out with my friends because it is fun together with friends. I choose to think optimistic because so many people in this world and I would not be the unfortunate. So, I can continued go out with my friends.
  • 8. JOURNAL 4/ ENTRY 1- FIRST IMPRESSIONS In THINK Social Psychology Chapter 4, this topic is about “How Do We Perceive Others”. I have learned about first impressions. It formed only in ten seconds. They are not deliberate and may be instantaneous. Normally, my first impression is totally different after someone is recognizing me. These are my first impression from others that my friends told me. My friends think that I was a shy, quiet and intelligent person but once they became closer to me, they rejected for the first impression. Actually, I am not acting these schemas to others. It is because I feel scare when I step into a new environment and I cannot adapt myself faster into that situation. So, I am just observed and listened to others. I would not automatic spoke with others until the people spoke to me then I answered. I was think many different ways to speak, but it is hard to me. After a long time, I know my friends well and I started play tease and make noise with them. Moreover, I am not an intelligent girl. I have to study hard to get a good result. They will change impression to me. Moreover, they always said that I was very good acting when we met at first time. After that, I was talkative and funny. If I keep quiet, they will ask me to talk and make the surrounding noisier. Now, they were understanding and knew me well. First impression of me to others is totally wrong. It is just initial evaluate of that person when first meet. My friends feel I am a shy and quite person. However, the first impression is for the first meet, it might be changing according to day by day. I perform my real attitude with the one who I trust only.
  • 9. JOURNAL 4/ ENTRY 2- THE HALO EFFECT In Chapter 4, THINK Social Psychology, I have learned about the halo effect. The Halo Effect means one positive attribute will cause us to attribution other positive qualities to an individual. From my experience, I will feel that a pretty girl is most helpful. I prefer to ask help from the pretty girl. Last year, I went to buy a drink at Starbucks after my submission. I overnight for the day before and I have a class after that. I would like to buy refreshing drink for myself. I lined up and waited to my turn. When reached my turn, I ordered the drink I like. After I ordered, I have to pay. I realized that my purse has only RM10. I forgot to take money this morning. The coffee is RM18. I suddenly do not know what to do. I just turn back and I saw two girls behind me- one girl with a normal look and another with pretty look. I chose to borrow the money from the pretty girl. It is good. She borrowed another RM10 to me. After that, I went to ATM machine, took out the money and return to the girl. I feel shy and thank to her. I do not know why I will chose at that time. I think that is the halo effect. I feel that she look pretty, then she will borrow money to me. Because of her positive attribute, so the possible she borrow the money to me is high.
  • 10. JOURNAL 5/ ENTRY 1- ASSESSING ATTITUDE Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 5, this topic is about attitude that making evaluations about the world. From this chapter, I have learned assessing attitudes. Assessing attitude is a person’s attitude from their behaviors, but this is not always reliable. This experience is about observing of one of my friend’s attitude. He is the only son on his family. He was my best friend. We do anything together. So, I was understood about his personal attitude. He is a kind and helpful person. He will help others when they met any problems. But not everyone is prefect; he has his shortcoming as well. He is a greedy person. His shortcoming was losing my face. Every time, we have gathering with other friends in restaurant. He will be the first person to eat the food. He also chose the biggest meat to eat, no matter how far it is. Not only like this, he just took a lot of food his like put on his plate and started ate. After he finished his rice, he continued ate the food. He totally ate himself and did not observe and care to others. Some of my friends still have not finished their meal and they ate a little food only. Other friends were disappointed to this attitude. His attitude is quite childish. He was not observed, so he would not know when he displeases others. From my observing, his parents spoil him very much and did not scold him on his bad attitude. Now, he did not feel that his eating manner was wrong. Once he steps on society, it may bring some trouble to him. I was tried to tell him about his problem and hope he will be changing. From this, you may not understand my friend. You will feel that he is a good or he is an impolite person. My friend may not aware of his own attitude. But I will be changing, if he wants to change. Actually, everyone has both positive and negative attitude. Only you observed him or her deeper, you may understand more about the person. I was observed on his parents were spoil to him, but it can be inaccurate. It is just assess from my observed.
  • 11. JOURNAL 5/ ENTRY 2- SOCIAL LEARNING Based on THINK Social Psychology Chapter 7, I have learned social learning. Social learning is most of our attitude formed in home and our parents are an enormous source of information and influence. When I had my memory, my mother is the one who take care of me from child until now. It is because my father went out early in the morning to work. So, my mother teaches me everything patiently such as how to speak, write and draw. Furthermore, she teaches me how to brush my teeth, take a shower and wear the shoe. She cooked every day for our family members. There will be a soup, at least a plate of vegetable with other dishes. She would make sure all the family members had ate till full. No matter how busy, she will take her responsible to do housework. Moreover, she will bring me to school every morning expect holiday. After I back from school, she will supervise for my homework. If I did not finish my homework, she would not use the high tone and scold me. She just talked to me. She will read her book and accompany me until I done my homework. Her time management is very good. She can do many things at a day without any complaining. My mother is an idol for me. I learned my attitude from her; from do not know anything at all until knowledgeable. Nobody will start brush teeth, take bath and wear shoes themselves. It must have teaches by one’s. Most of the one who teaches is mother. She lived with us together and the most contact with us. I will take care for my own diet according her way. One is never too old to learn, my mother will take the chance to read for improving her knowledge. I have to treasure the chance I study at university. I would not suddenly voice up my sound higher, because my mother has use a soft sound talk to us. Her time management is very well, but I still cannot do like her. But I am practicing from now.