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STUDENT ID : 0322802
11 November 2015 Social Loafing 12.30 a.m
Social loafing occurs when a person is doing something or a task in a group but their effort cannot
be identified . I remember last few weeks ago, I having a group project for my subject Introduction
To Design. It was Monday and I came to school as usual early in the morning. When I walk in to
class and teacher distribute a new project for us which require us to find a group of 5 person to
proceed to our coming project . Hence , me and my friends formed up a group of 5 person and I
feel that I am so excited .
As everyone know that I am a person that love drawing and design a new things , begin creative
and enjoy every single movement of my design process . Before the project come I told myself
that I must score well in this because I have talent to design every single thing and if I can’t score
well I will feel sorry to myself and my parents as well . So start from that day I keep doing research
to find inspiration so that I have more and more ideas to create a bombastic design in coming
project. In every meeting I will try to persuade everyone to accept my ideas because I think that
my ideas will always better than everyone since I have talent to it. Unfortunately things does not
goes as perfect as I think
As we know that every artist , architecture or designer will have theirs own principle and design
concept . For an example during tutorial section , lecture A will say that I like your design X but
I does not like you design Y , while the lecture B will suggest that I like you design Y but does not
like your design X . This things same happens to me , when I suggested and try to persuade my
team to accept my ideas and they will think that my ideas and design was ugly but they will told
me in indirectly was like I think your design is good as well but we think that our ideas will be
better .
Just like Steve Job hopes that one day his APPLE product will be well used by everyone , Mark
Zuckerberg hopes that one day FACEBOOK will occupy the social media and same goes to me I
hope that every time my ideas can be accepted and used by everyone . I don’t like being rejected
by people and I think that nobody like to be rejected by someone. Start from that day I try telling
myself that I should work as a team , learn what is teamwork and try to cooperate every part what
they need and what they want . I tried to accept they ideas and work with them and hope that there
is something good outcome will be produced. We tried to produce the things we expect in every
tutorial section .
Slowly I realized that the thing that they doing is not the thing as I expect but well I choosing to
continue doing the artwork until it is completely done . One week later the artwork is finally done
and I feel glad that we had finish it together . During the presentation day all of our friends
practicing their presentation . After we present teacher commend on artwork that our artwork is
bad and after that we had been graded B for our project . I feel so sad that because B is a bad result
for me . I feel so sad and I believe that I can perform better in individual project compare with
group project .
As I told myself everytime the lesson that we learn is the lesson that we earn . I would not blame
anyone regarding this project as I told myself that I had tried my best to involve in every single
part of this project. I did all the task what the leader order me ,I had focus on every task and every
details of the artwork and I even did the project alone in the midnight although it is a group project
but when the movement we received bad result we just accept it silently . I knew that everyone
feeling bad and some of them will just talking bad about me behind me . When you did good thing
and contribute well in team they would not praise you but when you did something bad they will
keep talking bad right behind you.
As a Foundation in Nature and Built Environment (FNBE) student , we will always receive a lot
of group assignment and we will having discussion and tutorial section after we formed as a group.
Many times the effort u paid off might not be statisfied or appreciate by others but we should keep
follow what and enjoy every movement that we had been . I hope that one day my ideas will be
accept by everyone in coming future . Cheers.
12 November 2015 Motivation 3.30 a.m
In the second chapter of lecture of Social Psychology I learnt about the topic of motivation . Before
that from my opinion motivation is what or something drives us to take action .It is some
inspiration or something that inspire us for doing something . A person full with motivation can
perform and achieve a mission or a task better but a person without motivation will feels down and
emotional . Motivation can be divide into two types which is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic
Intrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking a certain action for the sake of enjoyment. As
everyone know that I am a person who loves to drawing and design something new in my daily
life . Since when I am in primary school , my mum will teach me to draw . I was very happy when
I drawing . My mum told me that I can draw whole day and would not get bored .I remembered
that father’s day when I was 7 years old . I drew my family on my father’s car with something
sharp , that time my dad was very angry but my mum told me that my drawing is nice and I will
become a good drawer in my future .Now I recall back my childhood memories and I think that I
was silly . When I entered secondary school , I meet new friends and I was influenced by one of
my friend . He is friendly , he loves drawing and he is a professional chess player . We exchange
our drawing experience and technique every time . When lunch time we will playing chess
together . Initially I am always the winner in of the game . As we know that nobody love to
lose , everyone love the movement of winning. Until in the school holiday he become more
engaged and he decide to beat me so that he can show he is more stronger than me . He told me
that he had memories 6 books of kifu (record of a game of go or shogi) of chess and show it every
single skill and step that global chess player used to me . Start from that day I lose him in every
single match. We keep challenged each other by playing chess everyday. In the year of 2012 , he
got third place in whole Malaysia Chess Championship and he finally score champion in the next
year in whole Malaysia . I feel proud of him and I also become more full engaged and train my
chess skills and got the third place in whole Johor in year of 2012. When I was 16 I realize that I
slowly become mature and I should go earn money myself rather than keep spending parents
money . Hence I focus on my study so that I can score well in every coming exam , I used my
time to train my drawing and try to took part in every drawing competition so that I can use the
money that I won from the competition as my pocket money. When the times flies , I grew up I
was inspired by my mum that I want to become an successful architect just like her . I love the
movement that people will keep my drawing as their own treasure. When I was 19 , I choose to
take an architectural course so I came to Taylor’s Lakeside and signed up for Foundation in Natural
and Built Environment(FNBE).Then curiosity and pleasure of drawing motivated me to choose
the course and I felt that I had made a right choice . The process of learning and doing the
coursework were tiring , but I did really enjoyed it because I had achieved my satisfaction towards
them . I love the movement that lectures rejected my progress because it makes more engaged to
be better and improve myself to perform better in future.
Extrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking certain action in response to external pressure or
obligation in order to avoid punishment or earn a specific reward . In teenagers age we should
become a hardworking student so that we can score good result to get a brighter future for us.I had
pay a lot of effort and attention on my studies to get a good grade .During UPSR , I went to tuition
every day to do final revision and get well prepared for my exam . At that time I still remember
that my mum told me there is only once UPSR in your life if you did not score well you will
regret . At that time I decide to make my mum proud of me and I successful scored full A’s in that
exam. When I went to secondary school , SPM is my final target and I always believe that this
certificate can change my whole life and I can’t look down on it. Hence I planned a study timetable
for myself so that I able to manage my time wisely. Besides that, I also attend some tuition class
to improve and explore my knowledge and paid full attention during the classes. Soon the SPM
result is released , I am satisfied with the result that I received . With the result that I had achieved ,
I can apply scholarship for my future studies. The scholarship motivated me to maintain good
grade and result. I would like to say thank you to my mum that always motivated to improve myself
to become better . I promise that I will achieve good result as a reward to prove that I am your
perfect child in your life.
13 November 2015 Counterfactual Thinking 5.30 a.m
In the third lecture section of Social Psychology , I had been taught about what is counterfactual
thinking. From my opinion , counterfactual thinking is like a conditional statement that the first
clause of which express something contrary to fact . After I learnt from lecture I knew that counter
factual thinking is a concept where people imagining different outcomes for an event that has
already occurred . This concept is usually associated with bad or negative events and it also can
be used to improve or worsen your mood. There are two types of Counterfactual Thinking which
are upward counterfactuals and downward counterfactuals .
Upward counterfactuals thought are mental stimulations of better possible outcomes and these
usually worsen one’s mood .When I was teenagers I was a playful boy . I always think that I am
enough mature and I should get the freedom I should had . When I was aged of 14 , I like to tried
to explore the world , I do not like to study because that time I think that study is a waste of time .
That time I love to play online games so everyday early in the morning I went to school and take
attendance and I will went to cyber café and start enjoy my games. I still remember the first online
game that I addicted is Maple Story , I will spend around 12-15 hours on that game and I will used
all my pocket money to invest in that games . I had been spend around RM6000 on the games in
3 years and my dream is become the top player of that games . Slowly I found that when I achieve
my aim to become the top player in that game I slowly lose something in my life . My parents had
gave up on me and say that I am hopeless , my real life friends and slowly stay away from me ,
my health is becoming worsen due to I just ate a cup of Maggie per day , all of the teachers ignore
me and I feeling like I just left games in my life . When I slowly invest the thing that I want to
achieve and I had become top player of the game what I gained is just pleasure is fake life and I
lost everything in my real life . In PMR that year , I just scored 5 A’s and I feel that if I work hard
for that I could achieve better . I lost my best friends and my love fro my family. If I can wake up
earlier maybe all the outcome will be better in my life . So when the movement I received my
result I decide to turn into a new leaf and aim for the thing what I should aim for. I always remind
myself that no matter what I do , no matter how many time I screw up and think to myself “there’s
no point to carry on” , no matter how many people tell that I can’t do it and I always believe that
I should keep going for it and choose not to quit because a month from now I will be that much
closer to my goal that right now.
Downward counterfactual thoughts may benefit us simply by improving one’s mood. Despite the
lack of success , we can solace in the thought that it is no as bad as it could be . When I was aged
of 16 , I had been arranged into Science Stream class . I feel that I am so lucky that I can get in to
science class but at least not account or art class. I managed to score well in every single test but
things does not happen as well as I think sometimes . When I get the result that are not in my
expectation I will think positive that at least I managed to score well and improve myself compare
with last time . My mum will have higher expectation on me because I am the only hope in my
family . My cousin is a bookworm , she always managed to score well in every exam and she is
same age with me . My mum will always compare my result with her , if my result is not as well
as her , she will feel embarrassed in front of her siblings . Hence I need to work hard and make
my mum proud and it is also a good chance for me to improve myself to become better . After the
SPM result released , I feel surprise and so lucky that at least I scored better den her . I proud of
myself . I feeling better and the result that I received did improve my mood.
14 November 2015 Confirmation Bias 8.25 a.m
There are a few types of possible biases in judgment . In the fourth lecture class of Social
Psychology , I had learnt about one of the biases which is the Confirmation Bias. From my
personal opinion , confirmation bias can be conclude as you believe what had people told you
although yourself did not even experienced before. In psychology term can be explained as a
psychological phenomenon that explains why people tend to seek out information that confirms
their existing opinions and overlook or ignore information that refutes their beliefs. People will
maintain their original beliefs even in the face of contradictory data.
In my primary school life , my mum like to compare me with others neighbor children . She always
told me that the boy next door is a top student in his school and he is hardworking , handsome ,
kind heart and tidy boy . My mum always ask me to learn from him so that he can become the role
model of me . I don’t even know him well and my mum just keep praising him in front of me
everyday . But some of my primary school friend told me that he is not as good as you think .Some
of them say that he is lazy and naughty in his school and even have some bad attitude
behavior .Until one day I had been invited to his house to have a seat and be a friend with him .
While my mum and my neighbor is chatting I went to his room , surprisingly I saw that his room
was so untidy and he is a poor result student in his school . He keeps playing computer games
everyday and being like a boss waiting his mum to serve him everyday . The confirmation bias is
proven .Start from that day I learnt that we should not judge the book by its cover and do not judge
someone if you really not know them well.
In my secondary school life , I always jealous that why there is always some students lazier but
smarter than me . When you see them they will just keep playing and not paying attention in class ,
the topic that they discuss will always be computer games and their homework will always not
done but they managed to score flying colour in their exam .During exam day they will tell you
that I does not know what the exam is testing about but end up those people are the one who scored
highest in exam. Some of my friends told me that they are not as lazy as you think. They went to
tuition and work hard by themselves just that they did not rely on school teachers . I still confuse
about the truth and secret behind them so I decide to ask that what is the tips to being smart and
start from that time I only realize that they will set up a study schedule for themselves . They
managed to study and spend around 5 hours per day on their studies . From that time I learnt that
every hardwork should be paid off in order to gain good outcome.
Around three months ago , I found out a café located in Sunway Pyramid named Hello Kitty café.
I heard people said that the café is very unique because it designed with full of Hello Kitty and all
the food and staff are inspired from Hello Kitty design . Before I went to the café I did do some
research regarding the café . I found out some images of the café interior and the rating about this
café were extremely good . However some of my friends told me their experience while they
visiting this café , it contradicted the positive reviews online . They said that the food was
extremely bad and overpriced , their serving attitude was bad and the speed of their serving was
slow . One of my friend say that they accidently ate a lizard tail in the meal and the manager of the
café did not admit it . Their commend reflected that this place was overrated by the online
reviews . Plus , during peak hours you require to wait up to one hours to get a seat .I was taken
aback by their words but I choose do not listen to them . A few weeks ago , I went to that café
with my best friend to check it out . However , I felt the same as my brother and I didn’t like the
place , their serving quality was really slow and bad. Through this experience , confirmation bias
is shown through this experience of mine . Although all the info that shown in internet is good
review but it is not after I tried it out.
15 November 2015 Operant Conditioning 8.30 p.m
In the fifth lecture class of Social Psychology . I had learnt the theory of Operant Conditioning and
this theory reflects a few of my past experience in my life .B.F.Skinner defined operant
conditioning as using reinforcement or punishment to strengthen or weaken a particular behavior.
Reinforcement is an event that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows. There are two types
of reinforcement which are positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement . The positive
reinforcement will strengthen a response or behavior by the addition of praises or a direct
reward. For an example , my parents will always use reward as reinforcement towards us . When
I was in primary school time , when I score full marks in any exam my mum will reward me
anything that I want .In secondary school when I did something makes my mum proud like score
well in exam or get champion in any competition , my mum will reward me with something that I
requested from her.Last time my youngest sister score well in UPSR exam , my mum rewarded
her a phone as a motivation for her to improve herself while when I scored well in my SPM exam
I requested a car from her . She promised to reward me a car and finally I managed to score flying
colour result and I got my first new car in my life from her. I appreciated it and I love my mum so
much. Oppsitely , negative reinforcement is a response that is strengthening by removal of an
unfavorable event. For instance, my mum will always ask me to spend 2 hours to practice my
drawing and 5 hours on my studies before I proceed to my own task everyday. I feel I been
controlled but I have no choice since she is my mum, all the things she did is for my own good so
I need to obey what my mum told me to do. In secondary school , I am Chess Club, Saint John
and Chinese society president . I need to manage my time wisely so that I able to manage my work
and club activity balanced. Sometimes teacher will order me to organize some events in order to
keep they club to be active . Many times I feel like wanted to reject it but when I think it twice as
a president of a club society I should able to manage and complete my task .
On the other hand , punishment is the process where the stimulus is present after the display of
behavior and causes the decline in the likelihood of behavior to reoccur. There are two kind of
punishment which are positive punishment and negative punishment . Positive punishment is the
addiction of something which causes the decrease in repeating the behavior that was displayed. I
stilled remembered that when I was standard one , I was a newbie in primary school . I was a
hyperactive boy and I loves to play with my friends during lunch time . That time we like to play
chasing each other and one of my friend use his hand and push my head towards the table. I felt
shocked and pained . Two of my front teeth dropped down and the blood gusted out from my
mouth. All of my friends laugh at me at that time. One of my friend reported to teacher and my
teacher called my parents to come to school fetch me to hospital for check up. She got spanked on
her hand as a punishment .She had apologize to me and I had forgive her . Start from that day , she
did not repeated the same mistake again. Inversely , negative punishment is the removal of
something favorable, in order to decrease the likelihood of the behavior to reoccur. I am a lazy
student in secondary life . I don’t like to study much and I also doesn’t want to make my mum
disappointed to me . So every time of examination I will get well prepared my small notes in my
phone and bring it into the examination hall. I normally will choose the blind spot of the teacher
position , switch my phone into air plane mode to avoid any disturbance and put my phone in my
desk and start copying. I felt proud that when I get good result. The world is realistic, teacher will
only cares about your result and they won’t know how you get the result. However good luck will
not always follow me. In my midterm examination the blind spot that I usually sat had been took
by someone else and I am sitting right in front of teacher. Same as usual I will get well prepared
of my notes and in my mobile phone. Suddenly my phone rang and teacher caught me as bring cell
phone to examination hall as cheating purpose. The paper that I sat had been consider as 0 marks .
My parents scolded me badly for my action and forbid me to use my phone start from that day
until the SPM examination finish . I learn from mistake and I promise that I won’t cheat in my
coming exam .

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Social psycology journal assignment

  • 2. 11 November 2015 Social Loafing 12.30 a.m Social loafing occurs when a person is doing something or a task in a group but their effort cannot be identified . I remember last few weeks ago, I having a group project for my subject Introduction To Design. It was Monday and I came to school as usual early in the morning. When I walk in to class and teacher distribute a new project for us which require us to find a group of 5 person to proceed to our coming project . Hence , me and my friends formed up a group of 5 person and I feel that I am so excited . As everyone know that I am a person that love drawing and design a new things , begin creative and enjoy every single movement of my design process . Before the project come I told myself that I must score well in this because I have talent to design every single thing and if I can’t score well I will feel sorry to myself and my parents as well . So start from that day I keep doing research to find inspiration so that I have more and more ideas to create a bombastic design in coming project. In every meeting I will try to persuade everyone to accept my ideas because I think that my ideas will always better than everyone since I have talent to it. Unfortunately things does not goes as perfect as I think
  • 3. As we know that every artist , architecture or designer will have theirs own principle and design concept . For an example during tutorial section , lecture A will say that I like your design X but I does not like you design Y , while the lecture B will suggest that I like you design Y but does not like your design X . This things same happens to me , when I suggested and try to persuade my team to accept my ideas and they will think that my ideas and design was ugly but they will told me in indirectly was like I think your design is good as well but we think that our ideas will be better . Just like Steve Job hopes that one day his APPLE product will be well used by everyone , Mark Zuckerberg hopes that one day FACEBOOK will occupy the social media and same goes to me I hope that every time my ideas can be accepted and used by everyone . I don’t like being rejected by people and I think that nobody like to be rejected by someone. Start from that day I try telling myself that I should work as a team , learn what is teamwork and try to cooperate every part what they need and what they want . I tried to accept they ideas and work with them and hope that there is something good outcome will be produced. We tried to produce the things we expect in every tutorial section . Slowly I realized that the thing that they doing is not the thing as I expect but well I choosing to continue doing the artwork until it is completely done . One week later the artwork is finally done and I feel glad that we had finish it together . During the presentation day all of our friends practicing their presentation . After we present teacher commend on artwork that our artwork is bad and after that we had been graded B for our project . I feel so sad that because B is a bad result for me . I feel so sad and I believe that I can perform better in individual project compare with group project . As I told myself everytime the lesson that we learn is the lesson that we earn . I would not blame anyone regarding this project as I told myself that I had tried my best to involve in every single part of this project. I did all the task what the leader order me ,I had focus on every task and every details of the artwork and I even did the project alone in the midnight although it is a group project
  • 4. but when the movement we received bad result we just accept it silently . I knew that everyone feeling bad and some of them will just talking bad about me behind me . When you did good thing and contribute well in team they would not praise you but when you did something bad they will keep talking bad right behind you. As a Foundation in Nature and Built Environment (FNBE) student , we will always receive a lot of group assignment and we will having discussion and tutorial section after we formed as a group. Many times the effort u paid off might not be statisfied or appreciate by others but we should keep follow what and enjoy every movement that we had been . I hope that one day my ideas will be accept by everyone in coming future . Cheers.
  • 5. 12 November 2015 Motivation 3.30 a.m In the second chapter of lecture of Social Psychology I learnt about the topic of motivation . Before that from my opinion motivation is what or something drives us to take action .It is some inspiration or something that inspire us for doing something . A person full with motivation can perform and achieve a mission or a task better but a person without motivation will feels down and emotional . Motivation can be divide into two types which is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking a certain action for the sake of enjoyment. As everyone know that I am a person who loves to drawing and design something new in my daily life . Since when I am in primary school , my mum will teach me to draw . I was very happy when I drawing . My mum told me that I can draw whole day and would not get bored .I remembered that father’s day when I was 7 years old . I drew my family on my father’s car with something sharp , that time my dad was very angry but my mum told me that my drawing is nice and I will become a good drawer in my future .Now I recall back my childhood memories and I think that I
  • 6. was silly . When I entered secondary school , I meet new friends and I was influenced by one of my friend . He is friendly , he loves drawing and he is a professional chess player . We exchange our drawing experience and technique every time . When lunch time we will playing chess together . Initially I am always the winner in of the game . As we know that nobody love to lose , everyone love the movement of winning. Until in the school holiday he become more engaged and he decide to beat me so that he can show he is more stronger than me . He told me that he had memories 6 books of kifu (record of a game of go or shogi) of chess and show it every single skill and step that global chess player used to me . Start from that day I lose him in every single match. We keep challenged each other by playing chess everyday. In the year of 2012 , he got third place in whole Malaysia Chess Championship and he finally score champion in the next year in whole Malaysia . I feel proud of him and I also become more full engaged and train my chess skills and got the third place in whole Johor in year of 2012. When I was 16 I realize that I slowly become mature and I should go earn money myself rather than keep spending parents money . Hence I focus on my study so that I can score well in every coming exam , I used my time to train my drawing and try to took part in every drawing competition so that I can use the money that I won from the competition as my pocket money. When the times flies , I grew up I was inspired by my mum that I want to become an successful architect just like her . I love the movement that people will keep my drawing as their own treasure. When I was 19 , I choose to take an architectural course so I came to Taylor’s Lakeside and signed up for Foundation in Natural and Built Environment(FNBE).Then curiosity and pleasure of drawing motivated me to choose the course and I felt that I had made a right choice . The process of learning and doing the coursework were tiring , but I did really enjoyed it because I had achieved my satisfaction towards them . I love the movement that lectures rejected my progress because it makes more engaged to be better and improve myself to perform better in future. Extrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking certain action in response to external pressure or obligation in order to avoid punishment or earn a specific reward . In teenagers age we should become a hardworking student so that we can score good result to get a brighter future for us.I had pay a lot of effort and attention on my studies to get a good grade .During UPSR , I went to tuition
  • 7. every day to do final revision and get well prepared for my exam . At that time I still remember that my mum told me there is only once UPSR in your life if you did not score well you will regret . At that time I decide to make my mum proud of me and I successful scored full A’s in that exam. When I went to secondary school , SPM is my final target and I always believe that this certificate can change my whole life and I can’t look down on it. Hence I planned a study timetable for myself so that I able to manage my time wisely. Besides that, I also attend some tuition class to improve and explore my knowledge and paid full attention during the classes. Soon the SPM result is released , I am satisfied with the result that I received . With the result that I had achieved , I can apply scholarship for my future studies. The scholarship motivated me to maintain good grade and result. I would like to say thank you to my mum that always motivated to improve myself to become better . I promise that I will achieve good result as a reward to prove that I am your perfect child in your life.
  • 8. 13 November 2015 Counterfactual Thinking 5.30 a.m In the third lecture section of Social Psychology , I had been taught about what is counterfactual thinking. From my opinion , counterfactual thinking is like a conditional statement that the first clause of which express something contrary to fact . After I learnt from lecture I knew that counter factual thinking is a concept where people imagining different outcomes for an event that has already occurred . This concept is usually associated with bad or negative events and it also can be used to improve or worsen your mood. There are two types of Counterfactual Thinking which are upward counterfactuals and downward counterfactuals . Upward counterfactuals thought are mental stimulations of better possible outcomes and these usually worsen one’s mood .When I was teenagers I was a playful boy . I always think that I am enough mature and I should get the freedom I should had . When I was aged of 14 , I like to tried to explore the world , I do not like to study because that time I think that study is a waste of time . That time I love to play online games so everyday early in the morning I went to school and take attendance and I will went to cyber café and start enjoy my games. I still remember the first online
  • 9. game that I addicted is Maple Story , I will spend around 12-15 hours on that game and I will used all my pocket money to invest in that games . I had been spend around RM6000 on the games in 3 years and my dream is become the top player of that games . Slowly I found that when I achieve my aim to become the top player in that game I slowly lose something in my life . My parents had gave up on me and say that I am hopeless , my real life friends and slowly stay away from me , my health is becoming worsen due to I just ate a cup of Maggie per day , all of the teachers ignore me and I feeling like I just left games in my life . When I slowly invest the thing that I want to achieve and I had become top player of the game what I gained is just pleasure is fake life and I lost everything in my real life . In PMR that year , I just scored 5 A’s and I feel that if I work hard for that I could achieve better . I lost my best friends and my love fro my family. If I can wake up earlier maybe all the outcome will be better in my life . So when the movement I received my result I decide to turn into a new leaf and aim for the thing what I should aim for. I always remind myself that no matter what I do , no matter how many time I screw up and think to myself “there’s no point to carry on” , no matter how many people tell that I can’t do it and I always believe that I should keep going for it and choose not to quit because a month from now I will be that much closer to my goal that right now. Downward counterfactual thoughts may benefit us simply by improving one’s mood. Despite the lack of success , we can solace in the thought that it is no as bad as it could be . When I was aged of 16 , I had been arranged into Science Stream class . I feel that I am so lucky that I can get in to science class but at least not account or art class. I managed to score well in every single test but things does not happen as well as I think sometimes . When I get the result that are not in my expectation I will think positive that at least I managed to score well and improve myself compare with last time . My mum will have higher expectation on me because I am the only hope in my family . My cousin is a bookworm , she always managed to score well in every exam and she is same age with me . My mum will always compare my result with her , if my result is not as well as her , she will feel embarrassed in front of her siblings . Hence I need to work hard and make my mum proud and it is also a good chance for me to improve myself to become better . After the
  • 10. SPM result released , I feel surprise and so lucky that at least I scored better den her . I proud of myself . I feeling better and the result that I received did improve my mood. 14 November 2015 Confirmation Bias 8.25 a.m There are a few types of possible biases in judgment . In the fourth lecture class of Social Psychology , I had learnt about one of the biases which is the Confirmation Bias. From my personal opinion , confirmation bias can be conclude as you believe what had people told you although yourself did not even experienced before. In psychology term can be explained as a psychological phenomenon that explains why people tend to seek out information that confirms their existing opinions and overlook or ignore information that refutes their beliefs. People will maintain their original beliefs even in the face of contradictory data. In my primary school life , my mum like to compare me with others neighbor children . She always told me that the boy next door is a top student in his school and he is hardworking , handsome , kind heart and tidy boy . My mum always ask me to learn from him so that he can become the role model of me . I don’t even know him well and my mum just keep praising him in front of me everyday . But some of my primary school friend told me that he is not as good as you think .Some of them say that he is lazy and naughty in his school and even have some bad attitude
  • 11. behavior .Until one day I had been invited to his house to have a seat and be a friend with him . While my mum and my neighbor is chatting I went to his room , surprisingly I saw that his room was so untidy and he is a poor result student in his school . He keeps playing computer games everyday and being like a boss waiting his mum to serve him everyday . The confirmation bias is proven .Start from that day I learnt that we should not judge the book by its cover and do not judge someone if you really not know them well. In my secondary school life , I always jealous that why there is always some students lazier but smarter than me . When you see them they will just keep playing and not paying attention in class , the topic that they discuss will always be computer games and their homework will always not done but they managed to score flying colour in their exam .During exam day they will tell you that I does not know what the exam is testing about but end up those people are the one who scored highest in exam. Some of my friends told me that they are not as lazy as you think. They went to tuition and work hard by themselves just that they did not rely on school teachers . I still confuse about the truth and secret behind them so I decide to ask that what is the tips to being smart and start from that time I only realize that they will set up a study schedule for themselves . They managed to study and spend around 5 hours per day on their studies . From that time I learnt that every hardwork should be paid off in order to gain good outcome. Around three months ago , I found out a café located in Sunway Pyramid named Hello Kitty café. I heard people said that the café is very unique because it designed with full of Hello Kitty and all the food and staff are inspired from Hello Kitty design . Before I went to the café I did do some research regarding the café . I found out some images of the café interior and the rating about this café were extremely good . However some of my friends told me their experience while they visiting this café , it contradicted the positive reviews online . They said that the food was extremely bad and overpriced , their serving attitude was bad and the speed of their serving was slow . One of my friend say that they accidently ate a lizard tail in the meal and the manager of the café did not admit it . Their commend reflected that this place was overrated by the online reviews . Plus , during peak hours you require to wait up to one hours to get a seat .I was taken
  • 12. aback by their words but I choose do not listen to them . A few weeks ago , I went to that café with my best friend to check it out . However , I felt the same as my brother and I didn’t like the place , their serving quality was really slow and bad. Through this experience , confirmation bias is shown through this experience of mine . Although all the info that shown in internet is good review but it is not after I tried it out.
  • 13. 15 November 2015 Operant Conditioning 8.30 p.m In the fifth lecture class of Social Psychology . I had learnt the theory of Operant Conditioning and this theory reflects a few of my past experience in my life .B.F.Skinner defined operant conditioning as using reinforcement or punishment to strengthen or weaken a particular behavior. Reinforcement is an event that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows. There are two types of reinforcement which are positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement . The positive reinforcement will strengthen a response or behavior by the addition of praises or a direct reward. For an example , my parents will always use reward as reinforcement towards us . When I was in primary school time , when I score full marks in any exam my mum will reward me anything that I want .In secondary school when I did something makes my mum proud like score well in exam or get champion in any competition , my mum will reward me with something that I requested from her.Last time my youngest sister score well in UPSR exam , my mum rewarded her a phone as a motivation for her to improve herself while when I scored well in my SPM exam I requested a car from her . She promised to reward me a car and finally I managed to score flying
  • 14. colour result and I got my first new car in my life from her. I appreciated it and I love my mum so much. Oppsitely , negative reinforcement is a response that is strengthening by removal of an unfavorable event. For instance, my mum will always ask me to spend 2 hours to practice my drawing and 5 hours on my studies before I proceed to my own task everyday. I feel I been controlled but I have no choice since she is my mum, all the things she did is for my own good so I need to obey what my mum told me to do. In secondary school , I am Chess Club, Saint John and Chinese society president . I need to manage my time wisely so that I able to manage my work and club activity balanced. Sometimes teacher will order me to organize some events in order to keep they club to be active . Many times I feel like wanted to reject it but when I think it twice as a president of a club society I should able to manage and complete my task . On the other hand , punishment is the process where the stimulus is present after the display of behavior and causes the decline in the likelihood of behavior to reoccur. There are two kind of punishment which are positive punishment and negative punishment . Positive punishment is the addiction of something which causes the decrease in repeating the behavior that was displayed. I stilled remembered that when I was standard one , I was a newbie in primary school . I was a hyperactive boy and I loves to play with my friends during lunch time . That time we like to play chasing each other and one of my friend use his hand and push my head towards the table. I felt shocked and pained . Two of my front teeth dropped down and the blood gusted out from my mouth. All of my friends laugh at me at that time. One of my friend reported to teacher and my teacher called my parents to come to school fetch me to hospital for check up. She got spanked on her hand as a punishment .She had apologize to me and I had forgive her . Start from that day , she did not repeated the same mistake again. Inversely , negative punishment is the removal of something favorable, in order to decrease the likelihood of the behavior to reoccur. I am a lazy student in secondary life . I don’t like to study much and I also doesn’t want to make my mum disappointed to me . So every time of examination I will get well prepared my small notes in my phone and bring it into the examination hall. I normally will choose the blind spot of the teacher position , switch my phone into air plane mode to avoid any disturbance and put my phone in my desk and start copying. I felt proud that when I get good result. The world is realistic, teacher will
  • 15. only cares about your result and they won’t know how you get the result. However good luck will not always follow me. In my midterm examination the blind spot that I usually sat had been took by someone else and I am sitting right in front of teacher. Same as usual I will get well prepared of my notes and in my mobile phone. Suddenly my phone rang and teacher caught me as bring cell phone to examination hall as cheating purpose. The paper that I sat had been consider as 0 marks . My parents scolded me badly for my action and forbid me to use my phone start from that day until the SPM examination finish . I learn from mistake and I promise that I won’t cheat in my coming exam .