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Social Network Research Proposal
Developing Social Network and Strengthening Social Support for New International Students of
Ohio University
International students need social support because they will face at least two challenges in the new
academic settings. First, the adaptation to the new environment because of different geographic
location, climate and also different culture. Second, adaptation to new educational system that may
differ with home country system with different academic demand. Moreover, International students
will also challenged by being away from family and relatives and also will deal with technical and
financial aspects. Consequently developing the new one or enhance the existing social network is
very important to help student succeed ... Show more content on ...
Introduction and Information Center
1. Session at The International Students Orientation
Format: A two hours session at International Students Orientation
To inform existing institutions that related or provide service to International Students such as ISFS,
International Students Senate, individual country students Organization as well as religious based
(MSA etc.), AFIS and Moms of Athens.
To inform the existing service provided by campus that can be accessed by students such as ELIP
Class, Writing Center, Psychological counseling, Career Development
To provide list of contact person of organization and brochure of the organizations should be
distributed to every new students in hard copy or email attachment.
International Students and Faculty Services (ISFS)
International Students Union
International Students Associations (Country Specific such as PERMIAS, SEASA, African
Students, Asian Students, South American etc.)
Religious Based organizations (MSA etc.)
Activity based organizations (sport, martial art, music etc.)
Writing Center
Health Facility Center
Supporting Communities (Athens Friends of International Students (AFIS), Moms Friends in
Career and
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Social Media Mining : Social Network
Social Media Mining, Social Network Analysis and Social Media Mining Hurdles
Naga Bijesh Roy Raya
According to Wikipedia Social Media Mining is the process of representing, analyzing and
extracting actionable patterns from social media data. The extensive use of Social media like
Facebook, twitter, Google plus, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter have been generating massive
amounts of social media and big user–generated data. The world's social networks contains
enormous customer details that helps in understanding human behavior and conduct research on
social science. In order to successfully mine the social data, Social Network Analysis is the most
important task. A number of visualization tools are available to analyze these social networks. Even,
many corporations has their goal set to tap into social media data in order to develop their business.
Through social media, it is easy to find a lot of information about a celebrity and her whereabouts
but finding the real–time information like energy consumption is very difficult. Also, social media
mining faces a dilemma to find out the useful information as it lacks data or have little or thin data
about those we are interested in knowing more about. In this paper, we are going to discuss more on
how social media is mined, how analysis is performed on social networks and ways to overcome
hurdles with Social Media Mining.
The boundaries between real world and virtual world is shattered by social
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Social Network
4/8/13 essay – Causes and Effects of Social Networking Causes and Effects of Social Networking
Navigation Home #1: Bullying #2: Self Expression and Creativity #3: Sharing Knowledge From
Around The World Audience Potential Causes and Effects Sources cited Thesis essa y Sitema p Se
ar c h t hi s si t e essay The Effects Of Social Networking Jenna King per. 4 4/5/12 Every day,
thousands of people are logging on to social networking websites. Some play games, some chat with
friends, and some post updates about their lives, but one thing that users may not realize is the effect
that social media is having on society. Websites like Facebook and Twitter effect our lives
negatively, positively, and a lot more than we think. We ... Show more content on ...
Facebook now allows users to upload a picture of their choice to show at the top of their online
profile. Aside from customizing the looks of online profiles, the content that users post on social
networking sites also is a form of self expression. Certain people may always seem to have funny
statuses, while another may always post quotes, while another always posts song lyrics, and another
simply posts updates about their everyday life. Users of social networking sites often use their
online profile as a reflection of themselves. This is one of the positive effects of social networking.
It encourages creativity, self expression, and allows people to get inspired and define themselves.
They use it as a way to set themselves apart from the crowd. Being different is celebrated on social
networking sites, because it makes everything more interesting. Social networking is allowing some
users to make friends with people they maybe wouldn't consider talking to in person, and allowing
people to see some points of view they may not have considered before. It has the potential to really
bring us all closer together, and gives us all a more open minded attitude about each other. Social
networking has also helped to connect us with people all around the world (Pizano). Years earlier
when a natural disaster or another big event would happen somewhere around the world, we would
wait to find out on the news later that night. Even then, we would not see a lot of pictures and
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Influence of Digital Social Networks
Influence Of Digital Social Networks
Social networks have immensely shaped as well as changed the contemporary society. Human
interactions, in various settings, such as the workplace and social spaces have been extremely re–
designed that a person can communicate, interact, and share his or her daily life experiences with
whomever he or she pleases with just a few clicks of the button. Digital social networking has
influenced all age groups and aspects of human life. Therefore, if implemented in the correct
manner, it stands exceedingly useful in helping individuals and entities, such as businesses flourish
and become prosperous (1). Digital social networking could be defined as an organization of
persons, brought closer, often by ... Show more content on ...
On these sites, people interrelate liberally, share, and discuss information about their living aspects
using a combination of particular words, audio, images, and videos.
Digital social networking remains a concern because it presents threats and advantages to
individuals of all age groups. The major concerns put forward about digital social networking touch
on legal, ethical, and social issues. Although no one can deny that digital social networking has
changed the scene of social relations, predominantly among the young generation, the society is just
starting to witness the evil side of the social media. Evil is exactly the correct term, people
deliberately go out on social networks to put others down, and verbally abuse them on the Web.
Even more often people are not being hired because of their posts and lifestyles they share on their
social networks. Here at TCU we were taught from the beginning to be extremely cautious on what
and how we post anything on the Internet. A good rule of thumb is that if you post anything be
prepared for anyone to read or see what you have posted. Which raises the whole ethic component
of our Digital Explosions class. Ones ethics can be seriously questioned by posting on digital social
networks. Is what someone else does with what you posted ethical? If I see something that may
hinder you but could enhance my career,
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Involvement Of Online Social Network
Involvement of online social network:
Online social networks today are medium to communicate. Communication includes sharing video
files, audio files and Text messages. These messages and files include some useful data and also
unwanted data and also spam data. There are some complex methods involved in Online Social
Network Management in order to control this data.
Existing System:
For example, Facebook has a facility where users can specify who can message them(eg: Friends,
Friends of Friends options are provided in Facebook). But, Facebook doesn't have a facility where
users can block some kind of messages. No content based preference is supported and there will be
no control over unreliable messages such as vulgar and political ones.
Proposed System: Proposed system includes facility to control unreliable messages by using
filtering rules. Here the user is given facility to block some kind of messages from displaying on
user's wall. Here web content mining techniques are used in order to recognize patterns of words
and also some filtering rules are applied to filter given messages.
Data mining Techniques Involved: Filtering is one of the data mining technique's which involves
filtering text messages in order to avoid spam messages. In online social networking users are given
the ability to control their wall and the ability to hide unwanted messages from displaying on their
wall. Here users are given direct control over their messages.
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The Fascination Of Social Network
The Fascination of Social Network Nowadays, people have their own cell phones, tablets personal
computers. According to an article "Social Media: The New News Source" written by Kristin
Marino, social networking sites are a top news source for 27.8% of Americans, ranking below
newspapers (28.8%) and above radio (18.8%) and print publications (6%) (Marino). Because of
these kinds of information technology products, not only teenagers start using social networking
sites, but also our previous generation, like our parents, even our grandparents. Social networking
sites are helping us to connect to other people and the world. It is a brilliant embodiment of
communicating method, especially notable for its superb spreading speed, the wide range of
information and the convenience of establishing friendships. Social networking is how people
connect to each other now and in the future. As we all know, Facebook is the most popular social
networking site. To give some statistics, there are 1,374,000,000 people using Facebook in the world
(Statistic Brain RSS), but Facebook is not the beginning of social networking. It started with
Bulletin Board System. It is an online place for users to communicate with a central system where
they could download files and post messages to other users (Liu). From late the 70's to now, people
show a great improvement on the Internet. In developed countries, the majority of people use social
networks to communicate by chatting, blogging and
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Social Networking : A Social Network
Social networking is the system of expanding the number of our businesses and social contacts by
making connections through individuals. A social networking service is an online service, platform,
or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among us when
we share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real–life connections. A social network service
involves the representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of
additional services. Most social network services are web–based and provide means for users to
interact over the Internet, such as e–mail and instant messaging. Online community services are
seldom considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service
usually means an individual–centered service whereas online community services are group–
centered. Social networking sites allow us to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within our
individual networks (Lingjun, Tsang & Lui, 2009).
While social networking has operated on almost as long as societies themselves have existed, the
unique potential of the Web to facilitate such connections is only now being fully recognized and
exploited, through Web–based groups established for that purpose. Based on the six degrees of
separation concept (the idea that any two people on the planet could make contact through a chain of
no more than five intermediaries), social
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Social Network Structures And Its Impact On The Formation...
Organization structure defined by leadership has a considerable impact on the formation of social
networks. From psychological research during the 1940s and 1950s, it became evident that
individuals gather into groups as a result of interaction opportunities, most commonly defined by
places where people meet (Burt, Kilduff, and Tasselli, 2013). While it has been established that
different social network structures can prove to be advantageous in differing scenarios, it is often
believed that a greater number of connections in the workplace is beneficial, as meaningful
relationships can lead to a sense of belonging and pride in an organization. Consequently, in many
scenarios, facilitating interaction opportunities can be a common goal of management; providing
employees the opportunity to get to know and learn from one another, whether through onboarding
or continuous employee development, promotes the forming of groups and increase of density in a
social network. As groups form, a new identity may be created, often characterized by signs of
symbolic convergence. These signs might take on the form of inside jokes, symbols, behaviors, or
similar views and begin to define what it means to be in the group. At the same time as a group
forms, an in–group and out–group frequently begin to develop–those who belong to the group in
question and those who do not. The membership discrepancy among in–groups and out–groups can
turn problematic if taken too far. Although there is some
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Social Networks : Social Network Sites
Social networks are sites that are often used as a way for individuals to express who they are and
allow all the creativity inside to be shared with the rest of the world. Blogging websites such as
Tumblr (being one of the most widely used in this generation of young adults) and before that,
Myspace, allowed its users to customize their profiles. All types of social network sites allow their
users to upload a profile picture that expresses who they are as an individual and like Facebook, a
cover photo (an extra photograph that can show what their hobbies and interests are). Allowing them
to customize their profiles as they would like and the freedom to post from quotes that they love, to
lyrics of their favorite melody, to silly statues to express how happy they are. All of these online
posts are key elements to unveiling a person's personality. Furthermore, it allows people to express
their creativity and by viewing other's photographs or reading a friend's post, they can be inspired to
do more. A few example of these sites are Tumblr (a blogging online service), DeviantArt (a social
community for artists), Instagram (service for photo and video sharing), and Pinterest (an online pin
board of visual interests). These social networks offer people who consider themselves as outsiders,
communities to join in due to their similar interests, allow them to have conversations where they
can swap ideas and offer advice, and even potentially make friends with people they did not
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Social Networks And The Field Of Social Network Essay
Nowadays, information can easily be accessed through multiple channels such as search engines,
emails, and social networks. The rapid innovations innovations in technology contributes to the
increasing social network usage, wherein users can now access them through their mobile devices
(Yakushev & Mityagin, 2014). A report shows that a Filipinos averagely use social networking
services for 4.3 hours a day, which ranks Philippines as the second country with the most hours
spent on social networks (Castro, 2015). The large amounts of social network data generated by
users has fuelled studies to be conducted on this area. This project can be beneficial for researchers
who are working on the field of social network mining.
In addition, this project can also provide insights to individuals or organizations who are interested
regarding social network user behaviour.
2. Background
Social network behaviour of the users can be complex to understand due to the amount of users who
are engaging in multiple social networking activities(DAvanzo & Pilato, 2015). In order to attract
the attention of a particular demographic or any group based on interest, it is highly essential to
come up with a meaningful and interesting data . One approach is to examine and use the trending
data, however, there can be duplicated data in the trends. This can yield a negative result since too
much redundant data is not any more meaningful and interesting to the target group. This project
focuses on how to
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Online Social Networks
Introduction..............................................................................................................2 1.2 Problem
Outline............................................................................................................3 1.3
Objectives.....................................................................................................................3 1.4 Research
Methodology.................................................................................................4 1.5 Scope of Research
Work...............................................................................................5 1.6 Organization of
work..................................................................................................6 This chapter is organised to
discuss the introduction, problem outline, research objectives, research methodology, and scope of
research and organization of work. This chapter also describes the brief introduction of online social
networks and ideas which defines how we connect to others. 1.1 INTRODUCTION A social
networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people and it is
also provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities. Social networking
is web–based services that allow individuals to create a public profile, to create a list of users with
whom to share connection, and view and cross the connections within the system.
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Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Social Networks
A social network is a social structure made up of individuals that are tied together by friendship,
kinship, common interest, sexual relationship, knowledge or prestige. Generally, teens use social
network to communicate and stay in touch with their friends or make new friends. Teens also use
social networks to make social plans with friends and maybe to flirt. Teenagers love to express
There are many types of social Network; Social Connection, multimedia sharing, professional,
informational, educational, academic and hobbies.
In the social connection, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace are the examples. Facebook provides a way
for users to build connections and share information with people and organizations they choose to
interact with online. By using Twitter you share your thoughts and keep up with others via this real
time information network. By the way Myspace has evolved to focus on social entertainment,
providing a venue for social connections related to movies, music games and more.
We also use a social network as a platform for multimedia sharing. YouTube is a social media
platform that allows users to share ... Show more content on ...
When you are online it's happening when wrong intonation in reading and this may lead to
misunderstanding. Some people have different opinions with certain issues and these may lead to the
argument. Sometimes, the disagreement is bringing forward into the real world. Furthermore when
you always online it's a bad for your health; not enough sleep because too much time spend in front
of a laptop or computer and even forget to have meals. Furthermore when you share too much
privacy picture may lead to the blackmail and your privacy is blowing up. The 'Privacy settings'
means nothing when your account is hacked. If you are not setting it right, strangers may have your
personal information. Your mutual friends still can access to the things that you were
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Social Network
My viewpoints on social networking
Hello, Good morning,honorable judges,ladies and gentlemen! it is my a great honor for me to be
here to share with you some of my viewpoints about social networking here . Social working is
about people engaging with people(社交网络是关于人与人的互动的). As highly social animals,
we human beings have always been interdependent and interactive. No man is an island, and you
can't live in a vacuum (没有人是孤立的,也没有人生活在真空中). Rather than remaining among
our family from birth to death, we venture out. We spend our days mixing with great numbers of
unfamiliar members of our species. Therefore, for human beings social networking is a way of life
and a state of being. (对人类而言,社交网络是一种生活方式和一种存在状态). Concerning almost
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To begin with, the first thing that should be taken into consideration is honestyhonesty is the best
policy sinceas most people are more willing twe all o want to make friends with those people who
are genuine sincere and kind–hearted rather than with those who appear to be friendly with their soft
wordssweet talk(甜言蜜语). butThe latter (后者) may cheat or even betray or cheat on their
friends some day. Another important point that should be born in mindSecondly, it always helps to
be humble and respectful (前辈和尊重他人永远都有益处). That is to say we need to is that we
ought to show respect for others under any circumstances, , which requires usis to be tolerant and
polite. In a specific term For instance, even if no matter how much you disagree strongly with
others' opinion, at least you still have to let them finish listen to them rather than interrupt them their
talk abruptly(唐突地) impolitely. Good manners show others that you truly care about them and
consider their feelings. Decent behavior will win you more friends. Good manners shows that you
are well–educated and considerate, which can Most important of all, basic social skills and good
relationships are the key to a harmonious society. Facing fierce narrow the distance between you and
others. What deserves most attention is that since the comcompetition in almost all aspects of social
life, in every aspect of life we tend to be self–centered and care only about our own gains and losses
(只考虑自己的得失). The
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Advantages of Social Networks
Robert Patton ENG110, Professor Silvey 30 September 2011 The Disadvantages of Social Network
Sites It is true that social network sites are growing at an alarming rate and that there are many
advantages and disadvantages in using social network sites. If one understands these advantages and
attempts to avoid the disadvantages, then one can use these sites to improve their knowledge,
increase personal relationships with Family and friends, and create a functioning secure social
network on–line. Because social network sites play such an important and valuable role in society
today, it is detrimental that one undertstands the disadvantages to using them. Social network sites
can cause addiction, lower grades, cyber bullying, health problems, ... Show more content on ...
Getting fresh air by attending a sporting event or birthday party is much healthier than watching it
on a LED screen. Just because one protects ones computer, hardware, and software from exposure to
viruses, cyber spying, and spam, one can still be at risk to another social network site problem and
that is a false sense of privacy. When using the Internet we often develop this false sense or
anonymity by thinking no one can see who we are and what we are doing. Doug Fodeman and
Marje Monroe (Fodeman, Monroe) discuss this false sense of privacy that users of social network
sites experience in a web article titled "The Impact of Facebook on Our Students" that they recently
published for the National Association of Independent Schools. The web article attempts to explain
why many students post embarrassing, humiliating, threatening, and hurtful content in text, blogs,
photos, and videos. The fact that most users feel anonymous and secure in their home, leads to a
false sense of privacy. Various adults are looking at student profiles, pictures, and videos. This could
range from a professor, teacher or parent to their future boss, prison inmate, or local registered sex
offender. Nothing one posts on the Internet is 100% secure. Once this data is released, it is
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Social Networks; for or Against?
Social Networks: For or Against? Introduction Over the years there has been a dramatic increase in
the use of social networking sites such as: MySpace, Twitter, Facebook and many more. "Starting
out as an easy way of communication, social networks have accelerated their pace towards
transforming our lives." (Livingstone, S. 2008) Social networks are an effective and cost free way to
allow people who are registered to share: interests, beliefs, real–life experiences and general social
interaction with others; whether or not they already have a pre–established relationship offline.
(Pempek et al. 2009) Many people will debate that social network sites are risky, whereas others
would argue that when used sensibly they are no more ... Show more content on ...
Michael Williams, 28, used different profiles to target children he met on his post round, while
doing school runs as taxi driver, and as the secretary of a football club.(Daily mail reporter, Mail
online 25th September 2010) Social networking sites can often give out private information such as
e–mail accounts any phone numbers you use when accessing your chosen social networking site on
your mobile phone, it also seems now people can ''check in'' in doing this they are giving their
location and this location can be seen on a map. Vikki McDonald was left physically and mentally
scarred after her ex Daniel Ingram tracked her down using Facebook so he could viciously attack
her. Her blood ran cold as she remembered the Facebook "check–in" tag posted days earlier by
friends visiting her new flat. The feature allows users to drop a pin on a map to show their friends
where they are. And Vikki realised her Facebook–obsessed ex, 21–year–old Daniel Ingram, must
have seen the alert. Facebook had nearly cost the 19–year–old her life. (Dulcie Pearce, The sun, 15th
September) Conclusion People looking at the pros and cons could conclude that if people use social
networks responsibly there will be no threat and adults of children who use these sites should act
responsibly when they are using social networks and monitor them; social networking sites should
take responsibility for privacy issues and protect peoples' privacy more and maybe have a ''cyber
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Privacy on Social Networks
Privacy on Social Networks
Tasdiq A. 11/4/2010
The privacy issues surrounding social networking sites are nothing new by any stretch of the
imagination, but it seems that many people have mismatched expectations when it comes to privacy
and social networks. Social
Network Sites (SNS) are websites that allow users to upload information to a public profile, create a
list of online friends, and browse the profiles of other users of the SNS. The websites have
membership rules and community standards. Users disclose identity–relevant information via their
profile to others. This information is referential, directly referring to a person, or attributive,
describing attributes to the data subject. Although most laws and regulations restrict ... Show more
content on ...
That can be pretty devastating for someone who has dedicated lots of time and money to it.
Laws to minimize privacy threats
Not all threats for privacy in Social Network Sites materialize and damage users in the same way. A
risk analysis approach is needed to incorporate these insecurities into the analysis. The experts
identified multiple threats for users of Social Network Sites. When these threats materialize, they
become incidents that affect a certain amount of people. However, not all of these incidents damage
users in the same way. The damage incurred depends on the type of threat and the perception of the
user. Laws are directed at preventing the threats from materializing. More specifically, American tort
laws create means for people to find compensations against the damages they incurred. Experts rate
to what extent the tort laws address the threats for privacy and resulting damages they identified.
The ratings of the various tort laws are depicted in illustration below.
In 1986, Congress passed the Stored Communications Act as part of the Electronic Communications
Privacy Act to address privacy issues attendant to the advent of the internet. Through the SCA,
Congress intended to restrict disclosure of private communications by providers of electronic
communications services. However, when Congress passed the SCA, the internet was in its
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Cons Of Having A Social Network
Cons of having a social network Did you know many 13 year olds in 2016 checking their social
media more than 100 times a day? With social media around, of course, some might object that
having social media is superior to all necessities of their lives to add on. Basically, the community is
trying to stop teenagers and kids from having the addition to check their phones all the time. That is
why, we're trying to stop underage kids being on it before any problems are stated. Social media has
many kids under the age of the website, lying about their age. Being perhaps, cyber bullying, seeing
inappropriate pictures, and making others make them feel bad about themselves. This may all sound
erroneous, but you may assume it is safe. Social media shouldn't be for young kids, or for people to
be spending on. Therefore, social media more certain than not a game to mess with. Social
networking pros and cons, state that isn't rewarding in any way. Primary starts with, Social media
affect us all, that use it more than we think. In fact, "on average, 40% of 8 to 18 year olds spend 54
minutes a day on social media sites"( Thus we didn't know, but the numerous time we
spend on social media could also be affecting our vision and neck. Following up is, "36% of people
surveyed listed social networking as the "biggest waste of time," above fantasy sports (25%),
watching TV (23%), and shopping (9%)"( Basically, social media have taken people
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Harms Of Social Networks On Society
Harms of Social Networks While social networking does have value, it also has tremendous
potential for negative influences in everyday society. The harm caused by social networking has
skyrocketed over the last decade. There are no regulations to the content that can be posted or the
immediate contact one can have with a stranger, leading to dangerous situations. This is a rising
concern for the parents of young children as well as all who are part of social networks. The
growing population has become overwhelmingly focused on the world of media and technology;
most could not solve a simple math question, much less have a personal conversation with someone.
While our schools are being downsized, the Facebook population is growing each and every day. A
solution must be found before the doors of schools are closed, the interaction with one another face
to face lessens, and the lives of teens with a good future are destroyed. There have been many
solutions set up to overcome these obstacles, for example; blocking certain posts, privacy settings,
and under age logs in denials. Fortunately, these have worked in some cases. The summer of 2010,
Facebook shot up in their members with more than 500 million people. Even Twitter, where the
posts must be "140 character or fewer" has reached 140 million members (Clemmit 751). Because
of the increasing popularity of social networks, a decline is starting to be seen in everyday personal
interaction with others. The dominance that
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Bullying in Social Networks
Bullying in Social Networks
Bullying in Social Networks "Technology, it seems has unleashed an ugliness in us." (Pitts, 2010, p.
8A.) With all the technology around us, one would assume that it should be used for good. However,
people today are using social networks such Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Skype, Youtube and many
more, not only as a way to keep in contact with people but as a way to attack people. Technology
has evolved into this great thing where, one all can keep in touch with family members or high
school friends from the past or the present. I have used some of these social networks to keep in
touch with my own family members and peers. It's simple, one basically goes to the site of the social
network ... Show more content on ...
We need to use what we have and use it to strengthen and help others not weaken and knock down
our fellow citizen. Sadly, many people use networking for viscous deeds. If one knows that he is
easily offended, it might be better to not even open an account with a networking site. Yet if one
does, it would be wise to limit it to close friends and family as protection from this harsh society.
Perhaps, sticking to old fashioned phone calls, letter writing and going to visit that individual that
you want to keep in contact with. I remember back when I was in elementary school during lunch
one spring day. I recall walking into the cafeteria, and my friends waved me down to come join
them. I took cuts in line because I wanted to be with them and catch up on all the latest gossip. I
managed to get in line without the lunch lady seeing me. I began talking with my friends, when this
snooty girl looked at me and said, "What do you think you're doing?" I ignored her because I simply
didn't care. I continued chatting with the girls until, I get shoved by this girl as she scolded me.
Being a strong willed child, I had told her to "shut up and leave me alone" and returned to talking.
The girl proceeded to grab me and said, "Look, I'll get my big brothers to kill you and burn you!"
She immediately had my attention at "kill and burn." I was scared to death of the girl. I was only in
the second or third grade when this had occurred. The girl
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Social Network
1.What is your most favourite social network? Based on Figure 1, out of 10 choices available,
Facebook is the one that caught the interest of most of KMK's student. 43 out of 50 respondent
choose Facebook as their most favourite social network. It is huge gap between Facebook and
another 9 social network. This probably because every Facebook users can add people as friends and
send them message, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. (Please
refers to Appendix 5)
2.What is the main reason in participating with any of the social networking? Based on Figure 2,
according to the survey, the main reason uses participating with the social networking is to know the
latest news. The reason why ... Show more content on ...
Besides that, about ten percent of the students prefer to get new knowledge by social networking. In
their opinion, with the knowledge from social networking they can made it as a reference and
thought it may be useful to apply in our daily life.
(Please refer to Appendix 10)
7. What is the effect of social networking towards your life?
Based on Figure 7, 52% of the students remark that social networking will cause their study or work
to be neglected. Most of them are addicted to social networking and disrupted their daily time
management causing them cannot focus their full attention on studies. There are twenty percent of
the students comment social networking was wasting their time and money. They said that social
networking does not benefit them moreover they often use their time surfing unbeneficial web page
and some it may cost you some money if you want to become a member of social network
page.With the entertainment service provided by the social network, almost twenty percent of the
students misuse the service of social network. They spent most of the time chit–chat with friends
and playing social network games during social networking causing them lack of time in their
studies. On the other hand, 4 out of 50 students (8%) answered that they can get the best inference
from social networking. By collecting experience shared from friend to friend, they can make
reasonable inference
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Alcohol And The Social Network
In the study "Alcohol and the Social Network: Online Social Networking Sites and College
Students' Perceived Drinking Norms," Fournier, Hall, Ricke, and Storey studied the "absence or
presence of alcohol content on social media" and how it "would effect the participants' perceived
drinking norms of college students"(Fournier et al., 2013, Pg. 86). Their hypothesis was that
"subjects that were in the alcohol content group would estimate higher college alcohol norms than
the group that did not see the Facebook page with alcohol content in it"(Fournier et al., Pg. 88).
Another predicted, "the drinker type that the subject is (binge drinkers vs. non binge drinkers) would
interact with the condition (non–alcohol content on Facebook page vs. ... Show more content on ...
87). Therefore, the researchers created their study to see how the social networking content
influences college students' alcohol use. In this study, the independent variables were the differences
between what was seen on the fictitious Facebook page, whether it included alcohol or non–alcohol
content, and binge drinkers vs. non–binge drinkers (Fournier et al., 2013, Pg. 89). The dependent
variable is the questionnaire that each of the groups took. It measured the following: "personal
alcohol use, information about the fictitious profile, perceived drinking norms, and frequency and
quantity in which a student consumes alcohol per week" (Fournier et al., 2013, Pg. 89). The
fictitious Facebook page only changed the content that was shown. In the study there were fifty–
seven participants; 39 female and 18 men, from the University in Midwestern United States. They
recruited from an introductory psychology class, and participants voluntarily signed up. The group
was not as diverse, but they were from different class years and aged from eighteen to thirty three.
After the study was over the participants were put into two groups: non–binge drinkers and binge
drinkers, based on their answer on the questionnaire about how many drinks they consumed per
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Social Network Sites and Social Interaction
Introduction Literature Review Human beings are social beings and as such, social interaction with
others is crucial to one's definition, and perception of the self. Social interaction happens everyday,
and there are many components that work collaboratively in order to make these encounters flow in
a smooth manner (Goffman). Everyone engages in what Goffman called impression management
(IM) and this is which means that every participant in a social interaction defines the situation with
the information that is being exchanged, and this information is modified in a way that allows
individuals to obtain a desired reaction from others. There are various tactics of IM and one of them
is called self–presentation. Self–presentation encompasses all of the efforts individuals make in
order to influence others' perceptions of themselves (cite). Early scholars such as Goffman referred
to these practices as happening on a face–to–face basis. However, as society adopted SNSs, social
interaction as well as IM, and self–presentation have also been adapted into the virtual world, and so
"all of the WEB's a stage" (cite). Social network sites is defined "as web–based services that allow
individuals to (1) construct a public or semi–public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a
list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of
connections and those made by others within the system" (cite, real). Social network sites such as
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Social Media Marketing : A Social Network
That could cost up to millions of dollars just for the expense of promoting the product. Traditional
marking campaigns as well involve television, radio and print sources while Internet is easier and
inexpensive. While creating a profile on one of the hundreds of social media sites cost absolutely
nothing. It has been recorded that as of 2014, "Facebook has over 30 million businesses with actives
pages on the social network" (Ha, 2014). Social media marketing can be helpful company that is
struggling with money because instead of spending costly amount of promoting the company they
can now focus further on the product. Social media marketing still takes up a good amount of time,
although it allows the consumers to find additional information concerning a company or product by
simply "following" or "likening" a social network page. Social media is exceedingly beneficial for
the business by being cost efficient letting free network pages to be made to further marketing
campaigns. Social media networks additionally offer inexpensive and further direct advertisements
for businesses on their websites of cost–per–click marketing. Facebook is the most popular social
media website for social media marketing (Jain, 2012) and businesses favor this network from its
cost effect advertisement. Facebook recently released the statistic that they have passed the
milestone of having 1.23 billion active users' on the network (Protalinski, 2014). Social media
marketers take advantage of
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Social Networks And Its Effects On The Internet
Social networks permit one to discover and connect with people they know and people they do not
know. It has altered the way individuals communicate with one another. Looking through social
networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, can cause a person to feel connected to a greater number of
people within society. Social networks have become a part of people's daily lifestyles. People do not
think anything of it due to numerous individuals having social networks, such as Facebook and
Twitter, that are checked and updated every day. Those who live their lives on these and other
networks do not recognize the fact that their communications with the world is fading. Today, a
position on the internet is more significant, and communication blossoms ... Show more content on ...
Social network is stopping us from having face–to–face conversations. "Because of the autonomy
afforded by the virtual world, individuals are free to create a fantasy persona and can pretend to be
someone else" (Cosmato). It is difficult to reject, be disrespectful, or avoid somebody in–person. It
is very simple and fast to delete somebody as a friend or unfollow somebody to stop them from
trying to build a connection. Just one click and your issues are over. Sadly, this trait of the social
networks trick people out of the chance to learn how to solve issues in the world exterior of the
internet and it could weaken a person's social skills.
Teenagers are at greater risk of harm because they are supposed to be taught how to communicate
with others and learn how to create and sustain relationships. "A report from the National School
Boards Association shows that of the children in these age groups that use a social network, 41
percent spend their time posting messages. They are not spending this time in face–to–face
interactions with their peers or others" (Cosmato). Social networks have made people feel
disconnected to the person on the other end of the line than if they were communicating in person.
The relationships formed online are less strong than relationships that are formed in–person through
Facebook is harmful to society's social lives because we can just go to somebody's page, say hello,
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Social Networks
Social Networking Sites The Internet and technology are growing bigger and bigger every day and
before we know it technology is going to pass us by. With the invention of the Internet and Social
Networks, the possibilities are endless. Social networking sites provide us the opportunity to explore
the whole world, make friends, and share moments with the rest of the world through the Internet.
Everyday more and more people become part of the different social networking sites available now,
like Facebook or Twitter. The use of social networking sites is changing our society and the way
people do and see things. Certainly, social networking sites have had great impacts in people's lives
and society. One great impact that social networking ... Show more content on ...
Even though social networking sites allows people to interact and be friends with an infinite number
of people, how many of those people can be considered as real friend or friends you can count on in
the real world. A good benefit social networking sites offer is that they allow people to stay in touch
with friends and family who live far away. Before social networking sites were created people did
not have the privilege stay in contact with friends or family who live in a different city or country.
People now have the privilege of sharing pictures, videos, sending messages and even instant
chatting with their families and friends they are not able to see so often. Thanks to the introduction
of these sites people now have easy access to the lives of their family and friends from far away.
Losing touch with old friends or distant family members is less likely to happen when they see their
faces and updates every day on their social network. Also, this could be used as an advantage for
parents to communicate with their kids who are off to college or travel somewhere. The truth is that
social networking has become part of people's lives. People can use them to their advantage or get
carried away by the bad effects of these sites. People need to pay more attention to what is
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The Internet And Social Network Sites
It is a common notion that we, as a society, have become polarized and that the social media is to
blame for it. Some scholars argue that the internet provides numerous sources of information thus
enhancing our understanding of issues and tempering our views. We, as humans, also engage in
behaviors such as homophily and biased assimilation which have been found to encourage
polarizing behavior. This paper tries to explore if polarization is a consequence of informed
deliberation or just a result of group dynamics.
Polarization, Homophilia, Deliberation, Personalized content, Social Network Sites (SNS)
The advent of the internet and social network sites (SNS) as a platform for debate and deliberation
means that partisans can now discuss issues online – be it politics, religion or topics such as gun
control, abortion and same–sex marriage. A search in today's media will reveal a gamut of articles
about how we, as a society, are more polarized than ever and that Social Media is solely responsible
for it (E.g. Roepe, 2016). Polarization in this context refers to the phenomenon where "members of a
deliberating group predictably move toward a more extreme point in the direction indicated by the
members' pre–deliberation tendencies" (Sunstein, 2002). Thus we can think of polarization as an
outcome of the deliberation process of two opposing factions expressed as a property of the state of
being of those factions.
Scholars hold contradictory views
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The Dangers Of Social Network
Social network is an important invention in the world. Also, it is necessary for human's daily life.
The social network improve the people's relationship, make people closer with their friends or
family. There are more than millions of user using social network per day, and browsing the
websites. For example, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram (Top 15 Most Popular
Social Networking Sites 2014). They are the most popular social networking sites in 2014. The users
can share their life style, type some comments to others, or make new friends. It should be a
wonderful way for communication if people use the social network correctly. The purpose of this
essay is explain the dangers of social network. Also, we will discuss this topic from hegemony,
power, capitalism and resistance. The social networking sites can be the best advertising for the
companies. The companies give the money to the social networking site's company, then the social
networking site will public the advertising (Catalano, C 2010). Every users can watch, some of them
might interested the products. Finally, the brands can be achieve their purpose of sales. But there are
too many brands around the world (Catalano, C 2010). Every brands want to make an advertising in
the social networking sites. Too much advertising are an obsession for the social network users. The
users might get the advertising emails every day and the online advertising might be an automatic
video in the webpage. In fact,
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Social Network And Its Effects On The Media
Facebook Uncovered
Facebook has always strived on the belief that this social network is where users connect with not
just friends but with the expansive world around them. Recently in the last several years, some
Facebook users have been expose to a world that they were not prepared or intend to see. Gory
visuals of a sinister and graphic nature that document this reality of debauchery has become viral on
some user's news feed. Images and videos of dead bodies, bloody car accidents, mutilations and
animal cruelty are a fragment of what users were exposed to during the November 2011 gore–porn–
link spam attack (Sarachik 2011). Facebook was able to close the exploit with the help of
Facebook's own technician after being informed of the problem. Still images and videos depicting
real–life blood and gore still finds their way on Facebook, where they can potentially be seen by
hundreds of millions of users. Shortly after images of the execution of James Foley by the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) appeared online on Facebook, a safety advisor for the company calls
for the implementation of safety measures that would prevent users from accidentally accessing the
images (Kelion 2014). In recent years Facebook have been increasingly used by some users on the
social network to post graphic content and obscene pornographic material and the reason for this is
because the social network is not effectively regulating and monitoring the content. The reasons for
why Facebook needs
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The Social Of Social Network
The social network has become a controversial topic as well as the special influence on teenagers in
21th century. Somehow, the social platform has become an integral part of modern life because of
conveniency . A social network can be defined as a network of social connections and personal
relationships. It also refers to dedicated websites or other applications that enable users to
communicate with one another by posting images, information, messages, and comments. Examples
of social networks include social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and
Google+ among others. Social networks have taken the internet world by storm. Now that,
individuals in the contemporary world having the strong dependency on social networks for various
purposes including education, socialization, communication, and entertainment among others.
According to statistics that many youth people will frequently spend most of the time to interacting
with their friends and families on social networks. On the other hands, others use the same to access
new updates as well as entertainment materials. Indeed, social networks such a Facebook have
changed the way young people interact with one another and the society at large. The increased
popularity of social networks has raised concerns among scholars and individuals. Fundamentally,
most of the majorities are more concerned with the effects social media have on the younger
generation and the society. Some are of the view that social
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Importance Of Social Networks In Society
Society, Social Interaction, Groups, and Organization Social Networks and their Importance
According to Nicholas Christakis, social networks are like the pairs of people connected. Through
his studies, he realized that socially connected people get embedded in other sorts of relationships
such as marriage, friendship, or even spousal. He discovered that these connections are vast, and all
of us are embedded in the broader set of relationships with each other. Therefore, social networks
are the complex things of beauty that are so elaborate, so sophisticated and so ubiquitous. In his
video, Christakis outlined the importance of social networks with adequate examples. One of the
benefits is the emotional contagion, which is the phenomenon of another person's emotions or
behaviors triggering similar emotions and response in other people. He elaborated this by
performing an obesity epidemic, where he discovered that there is the probability of a person being
obese given that a social contact of his/her friend is overweight. That is, if your friend is obese, there
is the risk of you being obese too, as you will be involved in doing activities that make your friend
overweight. Another benefit is that social connections are essential for the spread of valuable and
useful things such as happiness, kindness, love, altruism, and ideas. In his video, Christakis stated
that if individuals realize how valuable social networks are, they could spend a lot of their time
nourishing and
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Comparing Characters In Macbeth And The Social Network
Comparing Characters in Macbeth and The Social Network
Similarities and differences are present between nearly anything. For instance, two books can be
compared in regards to their themes. Likewise, multiple people can be contrasted in regards to their
personality. Similarities and differences can be good and bad and they can also help one to clearly
see which of the subjects that are being compared are better than the other. Another example of
where two subjects can be compared is in Macbeth and The Social Network, in regards to the
characters. One may wonder how such different pieces of work could possibly be compared and
contrasted, but after analyzing both pieces, it is clear that such similarities and differences exist.
Characters ... Show more content on ...
This shows how their idea, if successful, would make them rich and potential billionaires, given
their past work and their intelligence. Through both of these examples, it is clear that both the twins
and Malcolm are very close to being on top. However, it is evident that the situation in Macbeth is
worse than in The Social Network, because for Malcolm and Donalbain, this power has put them at
risk. Since Duncan has been murdered, they must flee to keep themselves safe. Unlike for the twins,
the only thing that they had at stake was their idea for HarvardConnection being stolen. In this
situation, Shakespeare makes the reader more sympathetic for Donalbain and Malcolm than Sorkin
does for the Winklevoss twins. This shows how although both characters are similar, their situations
are very different and the characters in Macbeth have it worse. Secondly, Lady Macbeth and Sean
Parker are two characters that are similar in the sense that they are the real people in control behind
the scenes. Although everyone may think that Macbeth is strong and a good leader, Lady Macbeth
controls him and convinces him to commit terrible crimes. One of Lady Macbeth's way of
controlling Macbeth is to question his manhood. Lady Macbeth expressed her thoughts of Macbeth
... do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness To catch the
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Social Network Service
Singapore Polytechnic SINGAPORE YOUTH AND SOCIAL MEDIA By Second Year Media and
Communication Students School of Communication, Arts & Social Sciences Singapore Polytechnic
8 December 2009 Copyright © 2011 Singapore Polytechnic, Diploma in Media and
Communication, Centre for Social Media. All rights reserved. Rights and permission requests
should be addressed to: Contents Page 1: Introduction 3 2: Methodology 3 3: Usage of Social Media 4 4: Security & Privacy 15 5: General ... Show more content on ...
Instead of going to Facebook daily, the older respondents tend to go to Facebook on a weekly or
monthly basis. Going to Youtube Vs Age 60% 47% 46% 40% 40% 34% 31% 27% 23% 20% 11%
5% 0% Daily Weekly Monthly 17% 19% 37% 15–19 years 20–24 years 25–29 years 30–34 years In
terms of going to Youtube, similar to going to Facebook, a greater proportion of the younger
respondents from the 15–24 age group frequent Youtube daily compared to the respondents aged
25–34. Copyright © 2011 Singapore Polytechnic, Diploma in Media and Communication, Centre
for Social Media. All rights reserved. Rights and permission requests should be addressed to: Going to Youtube Vs Gender 60% Male 40% 40% 33% 30% 38%
Female 20% 13% 13% 0% Daily Weekly Monthly Male respondents seem to go to Youtube more
regularly than female respondents. 40% of the male respondents go to Youtube daily compared to
30% of female respondents. Going to Wikipedia Vs Gender 40% 34% 29% Female 22% 20% 12%
17% 18% Male 0% Daily Weekly Monthly Male respondents seem to go to Wikipedia more
regularly than female respondents. Copyright © 2011 Singapore
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Social Network And Its Effects On Social Networking Essay
Social Network have been a helpful and reasonable approach to make early associates and acquire
upgrades from companions we don 't usually meet as it encourages correspondence between
associates in the digital world. For all intents and purposes everybody nowadays possesses a
gregarious systems administration page and it can be tedious to look after it. Keeping an online
status, every now and again upgrading the profiles and amusements on Social networking
destinations require much consideration. While investing energy online can be backup in picking up
overhauls of regular life, extravagant and impulsive use of Social Network can bring about
enslavement. Genial media enslavement can meddle with one 's day by day life and cause wellbeing
issues. This article will depict jovial media fixation and the wellbeing situations connected with it in
America and propose elective approaches to manage the compulsion and wellbeing dilemmas.
Examines gave proof which recommends that dependence on Social Network and systems
administration might be a potential noetic and physical wellbeing difficulty. Measurements
demonstrate that 55% of adolescents uses Social Network systems and the time spent on Facebook
by individuals augmented by 566% from 2007 to 2008 (Kuss and Griffiths, 2011). Individuals who
have higher use of pleasant systems administration destinations (SNSs) were seen to be less
included with their valid life groups. The common profiles of dependence can be loner or outgoing
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Social Network Marketing And Social Networks
Social Network Marketing
Marketing in general it is the process to determine what products or services can be of interest to
customer. Social networks or Social Media help in improving the marketing of organizations to new
insights about the brand, which offers innovative ways to implement the basic marketing programs,
as well as new methods to win in online discussions of important business.
Social network marketing is an attempt to use social network to induce consumers that one 's
company, products and/or services are worthwhile. Social network marketing is method for
marketing products using online communities, social networks, and more.
Social network is hot. Social Networking is now the trend. And for businesses it represents a
marketing opportunity that transcends the traditional middleman and connects companies directly
with customers. This is why nearly every business on the planet–from giants like Starbucks and
IBM to the local ice cream shop–are exploring social media marketing initiatives. A year ago,
businesses were uncertain about social network. Now it 's here to stay and companies are rapidly
adopting social network marketing. Much like email and websites first empowered businesses,
social network is the next marketing wave.
Social network marketing is marketing using online communities, social networks, blog marketing
and more. It 's the latest "buzz" in marketing. These days, the organizational cause has replaced the
social cause as companies
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Personal Narrative : Social Network Analysis
Roshan Ravishankar Dr. Carton MGMT 101 2.20.2016 MGMT 101 Paper: Social Network Analysis
As alluded to in the assignment description, it is useful to first define what my own personal idea of
success entails. I view success as maximizing my achievement and that of my close friends and
family, while defining achievement as the accomplishment of difficult and rewarding goals.
Moreover, my personal ambition is to contribute to the implementation of knowledge from statistics
and mathematics into the biological and biomedical sciences – either through a career in academia
or industry. Maintaining a strong network can help me by serving as a source of new ideas,
emotional support, guidance, and insight. For convenience, and because they are not ... Show more
content on ...
My first goal is to strengthen my ties with some of the individuals in my mentoring network,
because my current network is diffuse and weak. My mentoring network consists of my advisors,
research coordinators, and other career–oriented mentors. The density of this network is only about
15%. This group is more varied in terms of age, gender, and race than my peer network. After
studying my mentoring network, I have realized that I need to improve the strength of my
relationships with the members of this network. For example, I rarely interact with these members
outside of instances where their direct consultation is necessary (such as when courses need to be
selected, a form needs to be signed, or a roadblock is encountered in a project). This ultimately
hampers my own accomplishment because it prevents me from benefiting from the advice and
guidance that my network has to offer. Thus, in the future, I plan to communicate with the members
of my mentoring network more frequently. First, I will keep them more updated on my progress, and
not allow months to pass by without communication Sending updates will strengthen our
relationship by showing them how much I value their mentorship. Second I will request their
opinion and guidance more often. This will not only demonstrate my desire to better myself, but also
grant be knowledge and perspective that will be helpful as a I move further in my
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The Social Network Essay
The Dramatic Interpretation of the Social Network Myth After watching the movie The Social
Network, the first thing I did was to search for Mark Zuckerberg's real life experiences to see which
parts are facts and which are fictions. As a matter of fact, this Harvard genius that founded the
world's first social network was not as childish as the movie portrayed. At least he didn't write
programming for getting into elite Harvard "Final Clubs" or for retaliating his girlfriend. During
Mark's high school, Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase the music player that he built and also
invited him to join them. However, Mark decided to enroll in Harvard for further education. From
where I stand, although the movie is fictional, it can easily ... Show more content on
"Like, every single shirt and fleece that I had in that movie is actually a shirt or fleece that I own."
"Someone might build something because they like building things," Zuckerberg explains.
Normally, Mark should be the person who cares about the movie most and might be pissed off
because the movie portrayed him in an unflattering light. But it seems that he respects the ideas and
decisions of the filmmakers, more or less, in terms of artistic creation. It was because he wanted to
see how filmmakers would interpret his unimaginable story. This kind of art stresses the maze
beyond art and the real world, which can only be seen through by smart people who also show
respect to the artwork. "The movie's final image–Zuckerberg "friending" the woman who dumped
him and endlessly refreshing the page to see if she accepts–is presented as pathetic irony. But you
could also read it as a sign of hope. In the Facebook world, which is now ours, a new
communication infrastructure exists, with no avenues definitively closed." (Edelstein) The real
Zuckerberg had a vision that Facebook would help create communities in an ever–insular world.
And now we have seen the evolution. The world is changing so fast that we all get confused and
disoriented without knowing what to do next. We like the Facebook: fast, simple, up–to–
date...While the
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Understanding Community And Social Networks
Understanding community and social networks is important in the Child and Youth Counsellor
(CYC) field in order to help create and encourage positive communities and networks for the youth
within the CYC care. Community and social networks are important for self–esteem, sense of
belonging, and overall happier and healthier individuals. Understanding the communities or social
networks within an individual's life will assist in the appropriate goal making and action planning in
order to meet the individual's needs. As described by Oxford Dictionary, a community is "a group of
people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common" where as a social
network is "a network of social interactions and personal relationships" Examples of a community
include neighbourhood, church or place of employment and examples of social network includes
friends, families, classmates and colleagues. ("Community", 2014; "Social Network", 2014).
Despite this traditional definition of a social network, it is also currently described as "a dedicated
website or other application which enables users to communicate with each other by posting
information, comments, messages, images, etc." Facebook, twitter and Instagram are all examples of
this. ("Social Network", 2014).
Does the change in the meaning of social networking noted above have an impact on the traditional
community and on youth? Despite the differences between community and social networking, they
are intertwined, and
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Social Networking : A Social Network Essay
Social Network is all around us. So what exactly is a social network? Social network is either
personal or business which allows users to interact with others by way of messaging, remarking, or
just plain posting. Although there are many forms of this technology, we primarily hear about the
common social network known as Facebook. Some other social network includes Twitter, LinkedIn,
and Google+. My research of social networking it was more geared towards the Facebook era. I was
a bit surprised of the information I uncovered and what I learned during my review. I wanted to
discover how the social technology worked. There are so many areas to focus on, but when using
social networks, we have to remember to be cautious about the use of social network, the
experience, and even the ethical issues.
In "Introduction to Digital Literacy" Mark Bowles discusses the different types of social
networking. Social networking started with Web 2.0. He explains how this technology was created
to share information with others with the intention of others to view (Bowles, 2013). Some of the
beginning of online technology is known as blogs and Twitter accounts. Soon after this, Facebook
was introduced, and it seemed to take the lead in the social network industry. Those who use
Facebook can share information, blog, and even find old friends. Facebook is one of the largest
social networks we have, but we also have Google+. Google+ is similar to Facebook. However,
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What Is The Social Network?
What is the social network? By definition, a social network is a way to communicate with friends
and family. Innovation has enhanced throughout the years and with its change and advances, we
have progressed with innovation. Social networking can give great focuses and awful points, and it
's all in the impression of long–range social networking. Some may say person to person
communication is an entryway to presentation and security will be exposed. Others may say long
range social networking has been the best approach Forever. Social networking started with web 2.0
in 2004. Web 2.0 allows those who visit web pages to leave their content for others to view.
Beforehand web 1.0 was a read–only format, whereas Web 2.0 allows the user to read ... Show more
content on ...
To be social is to have numerous associations with a broad range of individuals. What is a better
approach to performing this than through the social network? Thus, forward the expression "social
network". If the internet web can be for things like exploration and information, why not include the
capacity to impact and be social. Another meaning of the social network for me; the ability to
communicate through the web. Who uses a social network? Some may assume that it's the younger
generation, but that would not be true at all, the fact is that the social network is quickly accessed,
and it can be cater to people of all different ages, religious backgrounds, and races. For example,
there are social websites that mainly caters to the religious community like ""
with this site you can meet and date someone that has the same beliefs as you. There is Facebook in
which old and young people can communicate and meet different people; you can also advertise
your business and set up "Fund me accounts" to help raise money for certain causes. LGBT
community, which designs their sites, particularly to address the issues and meet the needs of that
group. The straightforward response to this inquiry is that individuals of all ages and races utilize the
social web, and often! Separated in Lemans term, the social network gives every one of us the
capacity to current in today 's social world. Because of this, the social
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Social Network Research Proposal

  • 1. Social Network Research Proposal Developing Social Network and Strengthening Social Support for New International Students of Ohio University Background International students need social support because they will face at least two challenges in the new academic settings. First, the adaptation to the new environment because of different geographic location, climate and also different culture. Second, adaptation to new educational system that may differ with home country system with different academic demand. Moreover, International students will also challenged by being away from family and relatives and also will deal with technical and financial aspects. Consequently developing the new one or enhance the existing social network is very important to help student succeed ... Show more content on ... Introduction and Information Center 1. Session at The International Students Orientation Format: A two hours session at International Students Orientation Objectives: To inform existing institutions that related or provide service to International Students such as ISFS, International Students Senate, individual country students Organization as well as religious based (MSA etc.), AFIS and Moms of Athens. To inform the existing service provided by campus that can be accessed by students such as ELIP Class, Writing Center, Psychological counseling, Career Development To provide list of contact person of organization and brochure of the organizations should be distributed to every new students in hard copy or email attachment. Participants: International Students and Faculty Services (ISFS) International Students Union International Students Associations (Country Specific such as PERMIAS, SEASA, African Students, Asian Students, South American etc.) Religious Based organizations (MSA etc.) Activity based organizations (sport, martial art, music etc.) Writing Center Health Facility Center Supporting Communities (Athens Friends of International Students (AFIS), Moms Friends in Athens) Career and
  • 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Social Media Mining : Social Network Social Media Mining, Social Network Analysis and Social Media Mining Hurdles Naga Bijesh Roy Raya 800846698 Abstract: According to Wikipedia Social Media Mining is the process of representing, analyzing and extracting actionable patterns from social media data. The extensive use of Social media like Facebook, twitter, Google plus, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter have been generating massive amounts of social media and big user–generated data. The world's social networks contains enormous customer details that helps in understanding human behavior and conduct research on social science. In order to successfully mine the social data, Social Network Analysis is the most important task. A number of visualization tools are available to analyze these social networks. Even, many corporations has their goal set to tap into social media data in order to develop their business. Through social media, it is easy to find a lot of information about a celebrity and her whereabouts but finding the real–time information like energy consumption is very difficult. Also, social media mining faces a dilemma to find out the useful information as it lacks data or have little or thin data about those we are interested in knowing more about. In this paper, we are going to discuss more on how social media is mined, how analysis is performed on social networks and ways to overcome hurdles with Social Media Mining. Introduction: The boundaries between real world and virtual world is shattered by social ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Social Network 4/8/13 essay – Causes and Effects of Social Networking Causes and Effects of Social Networking Navigation Home #1: Bullying #2: Self Expression and Creativity #3: Sharing Knowledge From Around The World Audience Potential Causes and Effects Sources cited Thesis essa y Sitema p Se ar c h t hi s si t e essay The Effects Of Social Networking Jenna King per. 4 4/5/12 Every day, thousands of people are logging on to social networking websites. Some play games, some chat with friends, and some post updates about their lives, but one thing that users may not realize is the effect that social media is having on society. Websites like Facebook and Twitter effect our lives negatively, positively, and a lot more than we think. We ... Show more content on ... Facebook now allows users to upload a picture of their choice to show at the top of their online profile. Aside from customizing the looks of online profiles, the content that users post on social networking sites also is a form of self expression. Certain people may always seem to have funny statuses, while another may always post quotes, while another always posts song lyrics, and another simply posts updates about their everyday life. Users of social networking sites often use their online profile as a reflection of themselves. This is one of the positive effects of social networking. It encourages creativity, self expression, and allows people to get inspired and define themselves. They use it as a way to set themselves apart from the crowd. Being different is celebrated on social networking sites, because it makes everything more interesting. Social networking is allowing some users to make friends with people they maybe wouldn't consider talking to in person, and allowing people to see some points of view they may not have considered before. It has the potential to really bring us all closer together, and gives us all a more open minded attitude about each other. Social networking has also helped to connect us with people all around the world (Pizano). Years earlier when a natural disaster or another big event would happen somewhere around the world, we would wait to find out on the news later that night. Even then, we would not see a lot of pictures and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Influence of Digital Social Networks Influence Of Digital Social Networks Social networks have immensely shaped as well as changed the contemporary society. Human interactions, in various settings, such as the workplace and social spaces have been extremely re– designed that a person can communicate, interact, and share his or her daily life experiences with whomever he or she pleases with just a few clicks of the button. Digital social networking has influenced all age groups and aspects of human life. Therefore, if implemented in the correct manner, it stands exceedingly useful in helping individuals and entities, such as businesses flourish and become prosperous (1). Digital social networking could be defined as an organization of persons, brought closer, often by ... Show more content on ... On these sites, people interrelate liberally, share, and discuss information about their living aspects using a combination of particular words, audio, images, and videos. Digital social networking remains a concern because it presents threats and advantages to individuals of all age groups. The major concerns put forward about digital social networking touch on legal, ethical, and social issues. Although no one can deny that digital social networking has changed the scene of social relations, predominantly among the young generation, the society is just starting to witness the evil side of the social media. Evil is exactly the correct term, people deliberately go out on social networks to put others down, and verbally abuse them on the Web. Even more often people are not being hired because of their posts and lifestyles they share on their social networks. Here at TCU we were taught from the beginning to be extremely cautious on what and how we post anything on the Internet. A good rule of thumb is that if you post anything be prepared for anyone to read or see what you have posted. Which raises the whole ethic component of our Digital Explosions class. Ones ethics can be seriously questioned by posting on digital social networks. Is what someone else does with what you posted ethical? If I see something that may hinder you but could enhance my career, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Involvement Of Online Social Network Abstract: Involvement of online social network: Online social networks today are medium to communicate. Communication includes sharing video files, audio files and Text messages. These messages and files include some useful data and also unwanted data and also spam data. There are some complex methods involved in Online Social Network Management in order to control this data. Existing System: For example, Facebook has a facility where users can specify who can message them(eg: Friends, Friends of Friends options are provided in Facebook). But, Facebook doesn't have a facility where users can block some kind of messages. No content based preference is supported and there will be no control over unreliable messages such as vulgar and political ones. Proposed System: Proposed system includes facility to control unreliable messages by using filtering rules. Here the user is given facility to block some kind of messages from displaying on user's wall. Here web content mining techniques are used in order to recognize patterns of words and also some filtering rules are applied to filter given messages. Data mining Techniques Involved: Filtering is one of the data mining technique's which involves filtering text messages in order to avoid spam messages. In online social networking users are given the ability to control their wall and the ability to hide unwanted messages from displaying on their wall. Here users are given direct control over their messages. Classification ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Fascination Of Social Network The Fascination of Social Network Nowadays, people have their own cell phones, tablets personal computers. According to an article "Social Media: The New News Source" written by Kristin Marino, social networking sites are a top news source for 27.8% of Americans, ranking below newspapers (28.8%) and above radio (18.8%) and print publications (6%) (Marino). Because of these kinds of information technology products, not only teenagers start using social networking sites, but also our previous generation, like our parents, even our grandparents. Social networking sites are helping us to connect to other people and the world. It is a brilliant embodiment of communicating method, especially notable for its superb spreading speed, the wide range of information and the convenience of establishing friendships. Social networking is how people connect to each other now and in the future. As we all know, Facebook is the most popular social networking site. To give some statistics, there are 1,374,000,000 people using Facebook in the world (Statistic Brain RSS), but Facebook is not the beginning of social networking. It started with Bulletin Board System. It is an online place for users to communicate with a central system where they could download files and post messages to other users (Liu). From late the 70's to now, people show a great improvement on the Internet. In developed countries, the majority of people use social networks to communicate by chatting, blogging and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Social Networking : A Social Network SOCIAL NETWORKING MANAGEMENT Social networking is the system of expanding the number of our businesses and social contacts by making connections through individuals. A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among us when we share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real–life connections. A social network service involves the representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web–based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e–mail and instant messaging. Online community services are seldom considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual–centered service whereas online community services are group– centered. Social networking sites allow us to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within our individual networks (Lingjun, Tsang & Lui, 2009). While social networking has operated on almost as long as societies themselves have existed, the unique potential of the Web to facilitate such connections is only now being fully recognized and exploited, through Web–based groups established for that purpose. Based on the six degrees of separation concept (the idea that any two people on the planet could make contact through a chain of no more than five intermediaries), social ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Social Network Structures And Its Impact On The Formation... Organization structure defined by leadership has a considerable impact on the formation of social networks. From psychological research during the 1940s and 1950s, it became evident that individuals gather into groups as a result of interaction opportunities, most commonly defined by places where people meet (Burt, Kilduff, and Tasselli, 2013). While it has been established that different social network structures can prove to be advantageous in differing scenarios, it is often believed that a greater number of connections in the workplace is beneficial, as meaningful relationships can lead to a sense of belonging and pride in an organization. Consequently, in many scenarios, facilitating interaction opportunities can be a common goal of management; providing employees the opportunity to get to know and learn from one another, whether through onboarding or continuous employee development, promotes the forming of groups and increase of density in a social network. As groups form, a new identity may be created, often characterized by signs of symbolic convergence. These signs might take on the form of inside jokes, symbols, behaviors, or similar views and begin to define what it means to be in the group. At the same time as a group forms, an in–group and out–group frequently begin to develop–those who belong to the group in question and those who do not. The membership discrepancy among in–groups and out–groups can turn problematic if taken too far. Although there is some ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Social Networks : Social Network Sites Social networks are sites that are often used as a way for individuals to express who they are and allow all the creativity inside to be shared with the rest of the world. Blogging websites such as Tumblr (being one of the most widely used in this generation of young adults) and before that, Myspace, allowed its users to customize their profiles. All types of social network sites allow their users to upload a profile picture that expresses who they are as an individual and like Facebook, a cover photo (an extra photograph that can show what their hobbies and interests are). Allowing them to customize their profiles as they would like and the freedom to post from quotes that they love, to lyrics of their favorite melody, to silly statues to express how happy they are. All of these online posts are key elements to unveiling a person's personality. Furthermore, it allows people to express their creativity and by viewing other's photographs or reading a friend's post, they can be inspired to do more. A few example of these sites are Tumblr (a blogging online service), DeviantArt (a social community for artists), Instagram (service for photo and video sharing), and Pinterest (an online pin board of visual interests). These social networks offer people who consider themselves as outsiders, communities to join in due to their similar interests, allow them to have conversations where they can swap ideas and offer advice, and even potentially make friends with people they did not ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Social Networks And The Field Of Social Network Essay Nowadays, information can easily be accessed through multiple channels such as search engines, emails, and social networks. The rapid innovations innovations in technology contributes to the increasing social network usage, wherein users can now access them through their mobile devices (Yakushev & Mityagin, 2014). A report shows that a Filipinos averagely use social networking services for 4.3 hours a day, which ranks Philippines as the second country with the most hours spent on social networks (Castro, 2015). The large amounts of social network data generated by users has fuelled studies to be conducted on this area. This project can be beneficial for researchers who are working on the field of social network mining. In addition, this project can also provide insights to individuals or organizations who are interested regarding social network user behaviour. 2. Background Social network behaviour of the users can be complex to understand due to the amount of users who are engaging in multiple social networking activities(DAvanzo & Pilato, 2015). In order to attract the attention of a particular demographic or any group based on interest, it is highly essential to come up with a meaningful and interesting data . One approach is to examine and use the trending data, however, there can be duplicated data in the trends. This can yield a negative result since too much redundant data is not any more meaningful and interesting to the target group. This project focuses on how to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Online Social Networks CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................2 1.2 Problem Outline............................................................................................................3 1.3 Objectives.....................................................................................................................3 1.4 Research Methodology.................................................................................................4 1.5 Scope of Research Work...............................................................................................5 1.6 Organization of work..................................................................................................6 This chapter is organised to discuss the introduction, problem outline, research objectives, research methodology, and scope of research and organization of work. This chapter also describes the brief introduction of online social networks and ideas which defines how we connect to others. 1.1 INTRODUCTION A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people and it is also provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities. Social networking is web–based services that allow individuals to create a public profile, to create a list of users with whom to share connection, and view and cross the connections within the system. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Social Networks Introduction A social network is a social structure made up of individuals that are tied together by friendship, kinship, common interest, sexual relationship, knowledge or prestige. Generally, teens use social network to communicate and stay in touch with their friends or make new friends. Teens also use social networks to make social plans with friends and maybe to flirt. Teenagers love to express themselves. Content There are many types of social Network; Social Connection, multimedia sharing, professional, informational, educational, academic and hobbies. In the social connection, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace are the examples. Facebook provides a way for users to build connections and share information with people and organizations they choose to interact with online. By using Twitter you share your thoughts and keep up with others via this real time information network. By the way Myspace has evolved to focus on social entertainment, providing a venue for social connections related to movies, music games and more. We also use a social network as a platform for multimedia sharing. YouTube is a social media platform that allows users to share ... Show more content on ... When you are online it's happening when wrong intonation in reading and this may lead to misunderstanding. Some people have different opinions with certain issues and these may lead to the argument. Sometimes, the disagreement is bringing forward into the real world. Furthermore when you always online it's a bad for your health; not enough sleep because too much time spend in front of a laptop or computer and even forget to have meals. Furthermore when you share too much privacy picture may lead to the blackmail and your privacy is blowing up. The 'Privacy settings' means nothing when your account is hacked. If you are not setting it right, strangers may have your personal information. Your mutual friends still can access to the things that you were ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Social Network My viewpoints on social networking Hello, Good morning,honorable judges,ladies and gentlemen! it is my a great honor for me to be here to share with you some of my viewpoints about social networking here . Social working is about people engaging with people(社交网络是关于人与人的互动的). As highly social animals, we human beings have always been interdependent and interactive. No man is an island, and you can't live in a vacuum (没有人是孤立的,也没有人生活在真空中). Rather than remaining among our family from birth to death, we venture out. We spend our days mixing with great numbers of unfamiliar members of our species. Therefore, for human beings social networking is a way of life and a state of being. (对人类而言,社交网络是一种生活方式和一种存在状态). Concerning almost ... Show more content on ... To begin with, the first thing that should be taken into consideration is honestyhonesty is the best policy sinceas most people are more willing twe all o want to make friends with those people who are genuine sincere and kind–hearted rather than with those who appear to be friendly with their soft wordssweet talk(甜言蜜语). butThe latter (后者) may cheat or even betray or cheat on their friends some day. Another important point that should be born in mindSecondly, it always helps to be humble and respectful (前辈和尊重他人永远都有益处). That is to say we need to is that we ought to show respect for others under any circumstances, , which requires usis to be tolerant and polite. In a specific term For instance, even if no matter how much you disagree strongly with others' opinion, at least you still have to let them finish listen to them rather than interrupt them their talk abruptly(唐突地) impolitely. Good manners show others that you truly care about them and consider their feelings. Decent behavior will win you more friends. Good manners shows that you are well–educated and considerate, which can Most important of all, basic social skills and good relationships are the key to a harmonious society. Facing fierce narrow the distance between you and others. What deserves most attention is that since the comcompetition in almost all aspects of social life, in every aspect of life we tend to be self–centered and care only about our own gains and losses (只考虑自己的得失). The ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Advantages of Social Networks Robert Patton ENG110, Professor Silvey 30 September 2011 The Disadvantages of Social Network Sites It is true that social network sites are growing at an alarming rate and that there are many advantages and disadvantages in using social network sites. If one understands these advantages and attempts to avoid the disadvantages, then one can use these sites to improve their knowledge, increase personal relationships with Family and friends, and create a functioning secure social network on–line. Because social network sites play such an important and valuable role in society today, it is detrimental that one undertstands the disadvantages to using them. Social network sites can cause addiction, lower grades, cyber bullying, health problems, ... Show more content on ... Getting fresh air by attending a sporting event or birthday party is much healthier than watching it on a LED screen. Just because one protects ones computer, hardware, and software from exposure to viruses, cyber spying, and spam, one can still be at risk to another social network site problem and that is a false sense of privacy. When using the Internet we often develop this false sense or anonymity by thinking no one can see who we are and what we are doing. Doug Fodeman and Marje Monroe (Fodeman, Monroe) discuss this false sense of privacy that users of social network sites experience in a web article titled "The Impact of Facebook on Our Students" that they recently published for the National Association of Independent Schools. The web article attempts to explain why many students post embarrassing, humiliating, threatening, and hurtful content in text, blogs, photos, and videos. The fact that most users feel anonymous and secure in their home, leads to a false sense of privacy. Various adults are looking at student profiles, pictures, and videos. This could range from a professor, teacher or parent to their future boss, prison inmate, or local registered sex offender. Nothing one posts on the Internet is 100% secure. Once this data is released, it is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Social Networks; for or Against? Social Networks: For or Against? Introduction Over the years there has been a dramatic increase in the use of social networking sites such as: MySpace, Twitter, Facebook and many more. "Starting out as an easy way of communication, social networks have accelerated their pace towards transforming our lives." (Livingstone, S. 2008) Social networks are an effective and cost free way to allow people who are registered to share: interests, beliefs, real–life experiences and general social interaction with others; whether or not they already have a pre–established relationship offline. (Pempek et al. 2009) Many people will debate that social network sites are risky, whereas others would argue that when used sensibly they are no more ... Show more content on ... Michael Williams, 28, used different profiles to target children he met on his post round, while doing school runs as taxi driver, and as the secretary of a football club.(Daily mail reporter, Mail online 25th September 2010) Social networking sites can often give out private information such as e–mail accounts any phone numbers you use when accessing your chosen social networking site on your mobile phone, it also seems now people can ''check in'' in doing this they are giving their location and this location can be seen on a map. Vikki McDonald was left physically and mentally scarred after her ex Daniel Ingram tracked her down using Facebook so he could viciously attack her. Her blood ran cold as she remembered the Facebook "check–in" tag posted days earlier by friends visiting her new flat. The feature allows users to drop a pin on a map to show their friends where they are. And Vikki realised her Facebook–obsessed ex, 21–year–old Daniel Ingram, must have seen the alert. Facebook had nearly cost the 19–year–old her life. (Dulcie Pearce, The sun, 15th September) Conclusion People looking at the pros and cons could conclude that if people use social networks responsibly there will be no threat and adults of children who use these sites should act responsibly when they are using social networks and monitor them; social networking sites should take responsibility for privacy issues and protect peoples' privacy more and maybe have a ''cyber ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Privacy on Social Networks Privacy on Social Networks Tasdiq A. 11/4/2010 The privacy issues surrounding social networking sites are nothing new by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems that many people have mismatched expectations when it comes to privacy and social networks. Social Network Sites (SNS) are websites that allow users to upload information to a public profile, create a list of online friends, and browse the profiles of other users of the SNS. The websites have membership rules and community standards. Users disclose identity–relevant information via their profile to others. This information is referential, directly referring to a person, or attributive, describing attributes to the data subject. Although most laws and regulations restrict ... Show more content on ... That can be pretty devastating for someone who has dedicated lots of time and money to it. Laws to minimize privacy threats Not all threats for privacy in Social Network Sites materialize and damage users in the same way. A risk analysis approach is needed to incorporate these insecurities into the analysis. The experts identified multiple threats for users of Social Network Sites. When these threats materialize, they become incidents that affect a certain amount of people. However, not all of these incidents damage users in the same way. The damage incurred depends on the type of threat and the perception of the user. Laws are directed at preventing the threats from materializing. More specifically, American tort laws create means for people to find compensations against the damages they incurred. Experts rate to what extent the tort laws address the threats for privacy and resulting damages they identified. The ratings of the various tort laws are depicted in illustration below. In 1986, Congress passed the Stored Communications Act as part of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act to address privacy issues attendant to the advent of the internet. Through the SCA, Congress intended to restrict disclosure of private communications by providers of electronic communications services. However, when Congress passed the SCA, the internet was in its ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Cons Of Having A Social Network Cons of having a social network Did you know many 13 year olds in 2016 checking their social media more than 100 times a day? With social media around, of course, some might object that having social media is superior to all necessities of their lives to add on. Basically, the community is trying to stop teenagers and kids from having the addition to check their phones all the time. That is why, we're trying to stop underage kids being on it before any problems are stated. Social media has many kids under the age of the website, lying about their age. Being perhaps, cyber bullying, seeing inappropriate pictures, and making others make them feel bad about themselves. This may all sound erroneous, but you may assume it is safe. Social media shouldn't be for young kids, or for people to be spending on. Therefore, social media more certain than not a game to mess with. Social networking pros and cons, state that isn't rewarding in any way. Primary starts with, Social media affect us all, that use it more than we think. In fact, "on average, 40% of 8 to 18 year olds spend 54 minutes a day on social media sites"( Thus we didn't know, but the numerous time we spend on social media could also be affecting our vision and neck. Following up is, "36% of people surveyed listed social networking as the "biggest waste of time," above fantasy sports (25%), watching TV (23%), and shopping (9%)"( Basically, social media have taken people away ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Harms Of Social Networks On Society Harms of Social Networks While social networking does have value, it also has tremendous potential for negative influences in everyday society. The harm caused by social networking has skyrocketed over the last decade. There are no regulations to the content that can be posted or the immediate contact one can have with a stranger, leading to dangerous situations. This is a rising concern for the parents of young children as well as all who are part of social networks. The growing population has become overwhelmingly focused on the world of media and technology; most could not solve a simple math question, much less have a personal conversation with someone. While our schools are being downsized, the Facebook population is growing each and every day. A solution must be found before the doors of schools are closed, the interaction with one another face to face lessens, and the lives of teens with a good future are destroyed. There have been many solutions set up to overcome these obstacles, for example; blocking certain posts, privacy settings, and under age logs in denials. Fortunately, these have worked in some cases. The summer of 2010, Facebook shot up in their members with more than 500 million people. Even Twitter, where the posts must be "140 character or fewer" has reached 140 million members (Clemmit 751). Because of the increasing popularity of social networks, a decline is starting to be seen in everyday personal interaction with others. The dominance that ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Bullying in Social Networks Bullying in Social Networks Bullying in Social Networks "Technology, it seems has unleashed an ugliness in us." (Pitts, 2010, p. 8A.) With all the technology around us, one would assume that it should be used for good. However, people today are using social networks such Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Skype, Youtube and many more, not only as a way to keep in contact with people but as a way to attack people. Technology has evolved into this great thing where, one all can keep in touch with family members or high school friends from the past or the present. I have used some of these social networks to keep in touch with my own family members and peers. It's simple, one basically goes to the site of the social network ... Show more content on ... We need to use what we have and use it to strengthen and help others not weaken and knock down our fellow citizen. Sadly, many people use networking for viscous deeds. If one knows that he is easily offended, it might be better to not even open an account with a networking site. Yet if one does, it would be wise to limit it to close friends and family as protection from this harsh society. Perhaps, sticking to old fashioned phone calls, letter writing and going to visit that individual that you want to keep in contact with. I remember back when I was in elementary school during lunch one spring day. I recall walking into the cafeteria, and my friends waved me down to come join them. I took cuts in line because I wanted to be with them and catch up on all the latest gossip. I managed to get in line without the lunch lady seeing me. I began talking with my friends, when this snooty girl looked at me and said, "What do you think you're doing?" I ignored her because I simply didn't care. I continued chatting with the girls until, I get shoved by this girl as she scolded me. Being a strong willed child, I had told her to "shut up and leave me alone" and returned to talking. The girl proceeded to grab me and said, "Look, I'll get my big brothers to kill you and burn you!" She immediately had my attention at "kill and burn." I was scared to death of the girl. I was only in the second or third grade when this had occurred. The girl ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Social Network Discussions 1.What is your most favourite social network? Based on Figure 1, out of 10 choices available, Facebook is the one that caught the interest of most of KMK's student. 43 out of 50 respondent choose Facebook as their most favourite social network. It is huge gap between Facebook and another 9 social network. This probably because every Facebook users can add people as friends and send them message, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. (Please refers to Appendix 5) 2.What is the main reason in participating with any of the social networking? Based on Figure 2, according to the survey, the main reason uses participating with the social networking is to know the latest news. The reason why ... Show more content on ... Besides that, about ten percent of the students prefer to get new knowledge by social networking. In their opinion, with the knowledge from social networking they can made it as a reference and thought it may be useful to apply in our daily life. (Please refer to Appendix 10) 7. What is the effect of social networking towards your life? Based on Figure 7, 52% of the students remark that social networking will cause their study or work to be neglected. Most of them are addicted to social networking and disrupted their daily time management causing them cannot focus their full attention on studies. There are twenty percent of the students comment social networking was wasting their time and money. They said that social networking does not benefit them moreover they often use their time surfing unbeneficial web page and some it may cost you some money if you want to become a member of social network page.With the entertainment service provided by the social network, almost twenty percent of the students misuse the service of social network. They spent most of the time chit–chat with friends and playing social network games during social networking causing them lack of time in their studies. On the other hand, 4 out of 50 students (8%) answered that they can get the best inference from social networking. By collecting experience shared from friend to friend, they can make reasonable inference ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Alcohol And The Social Network In the study "Alcohol and the Social Network: Online Social Networking Sites and College Students' Perceived Drinking Norms," Fournier, Hall, Ricke, and Storey studied the "absence or presence of alcohol content on social media" and how it "would effect the participants' perceived drinking norms of college students"(Fournier et al., 2013, Pg. 86). Their hypothesis was that "subjects that were in the alcohol content group would estimate higher college alcohol norms than the group that did not see the Facebook page with alcohol content in it"(Fournier et al., Pg. 88). Another predicted, "the drinker type that the subject is (binge drinkers vs. non binge drinkers) would interact with the condition (non–alcohol content on Facebook page vs. ... Show more content on ... 87). Therefore, the researchers created their study to see how the social networking content influences college students' alcohol use. In this study, the independent variables were the differences between what was seen on the fictitious Facebook page, whether it included alcohol or non–alcohol content, and binge drinkers vs. non–binge drinkers (Fournier et al., 2013, Pg. 89). The dependent variable is the questionnaire that each of the groups took. It measured the following: "personal alcohol use, information about the fictitious profile, perceived drinking norms, and frequency and quantity in which a student consumes alcohol per week" (Fournier et al., 2013, Pg. 89). The fictitious Facebook page only changed the content that was shown. In the study there were fifty– seven participants; 39 female and 18 men, from the University in Midwestern United States. They recruited from an introductory psychology class, and participants voluntarily signed up. The group was not as diverse, but they were from different class years and aged from eighteen to thirty three. After the study was over the participants were put into two groups: non–binge drinkers and binge drinkers, based on their answer on the questionnaire about how many drinks they consumed per sitting ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Social Network Sites and Social Interaction Introduction Literature Review Human beings are social beings and as such, social interaction with others is crucial to one's definition, and perception of the self. Social interaction happens everyday, and there are many components that work collaboratively in order to make these encounters flow in a smooth manner (Goffman). Everyone engages in what Goffman called impression management (IM) and this is which means that every participant in a social interaction defines the situation with the information that is being exchanged, and this information is modified in a way that allows individuals to obtain a desired reaction from others. There are various tactics of IM and one of them is called self–presentation. Self–presentation encompasses all of the efforts individuals make in order to influence others' perceptions of themselves (cite). Early scholars such as Goffman referred to these practices as happening on a face–to–face basis. However, as society adopted SNSs, social interaction as well as IM, and self–presentation have also been adapted into the virtual world, and so "all of the WEB's a stage" (cite). Social network sites is defined "as web–based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi–public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system" (cite, real). Social network sites such as ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Social Media Marketing : A Social Network That could cost up to millions of dollars just for the expense of promoting the product. Traditional marking campaigns as well involve television, radio and print sources while Internet is easier and inexpensive. While creating a profile on one of the hundreds of social media sites cost absolutely nothing. It has been recorded that as of 2014, "Facebook has over 30 million businesses with actives pages on the social network" (Ha, 2014). Social media marketing can be helpful company that is struggling with money because instead of spending costly amount of promoting the company they can now focus further on the product. Social media marketing still takes up a good amount of time, although it allows the consumers to find additional information concerning a company or product by simply "following" or "likening" a social network page. Social media is exceedingly beneficial for the business by being cost efficient letting free network pages to be made to further marketing campaigns. Social media networks additionally offer inexpensive and further direct advertisements for businesses on their websites of cost–per–click marketing. Facebook is the most popular social media website for social media marketing (Jain, 2012) and businesses favor this network from its cost effect advertisement. Facebook recently released the statistic that they have passed the milestone of having 1.23 billion active users' on the network (Protalinski, 2014). Social media marketers take advantage of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Social Networks And Its Effects On The Internet Social networks permit one to discover and connect with people they know and people they do not know. It has altered the way individuals communicate with one another. Looking through social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, can cause a person to feel connected to a greater number of people within society. Social networks have become a part of people's daily lifestyles. People do not think anything of it due to numerous individuals having social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, that are checked and updated every day. Those who live their lives on these and other networks do not recognize the fact that their communications with the world is fading. Today, a position on the internet is more significant, and communication blossoms ... Show more content on ... Social network is stopping us from having face–to–face conversations. "Because of the autonomy afforded by the virtual world, individuals are free to create a fantasy persona and can pretend to be someone else" (Cosmato). It is difficult to reject, be disrespectful, or avoid somebody in–person. It is very simple and fast to delete somebody as a friend or unfollow somebody to stop them from trying to build a connection. Just one click and your issues are over. Sadly, this trait of the social networks trick people out of the chance to learn how to solve issues in the world exterior of the internet and it could weaken a person's social skills. Teenagers are at greater risk of harm because they are supposed to be taught how to communicate with others and learn how to create and sustain relationships. "A report from the National School Boards Association shows that of the children in these age groups that use a social network, 41 percent spend their time posting messages. They are not spending this time in face–to–face interactions with their peers or others" (Cosmato). Social networks have made people feel disconnected to the person on the other end of the line than if they were communicating in person. The relationships formed online are less strong than relationships that are formed in–person through conversation. Facebook is harmful to society's social lives because we can just go to somebody's page, say hello, and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Social Networks Social Networking Sites The Internet and technology are growing bigger and bigger every day and before we know it technology is going to pass us by. With the invention of the Internet and Social Networks, the possibilities are endless. Social networking sites provide us the opportunity to explore the whole world, make friends, and share moments with the rest of the world through the Internet. Everyday more and more people become part of the different social networking sites available now, like Facebook or Twitter. The use of social networking sites is changing our society and the way people do and see things. Certainly, social networking sites have had great impacts in people's lives and society. One great impact that social networking ... Show more content on ... Even though social networking sites allows people to interact and be friends with an infinite number of people, how many of those people can be considered as real friend or friends you can count on in the real world. A good benefit social networking sites offer is that they allow people to stay in touch with friends and family who live far away. Before social networking sites were created people did not have the privilege stay in contact with friends or family who live in a different city or country. People now have the privilege of sharing pictures, videos, sending messages and even instant chatting with their families and friends they are not able to see so often. Thanks to the introduction of these sites people now have easy access to the lives of their family and friends from far away. Losing touch with old friends or distant family members is less likely to happen when they see their faces and updates every day on their social network. Also, this could be used as an advantage for parents to communicate with their kids who are off to college or travel somewhere. The truth is that social networking has become part of people's lives. People can use them to their advantage or get carried away by the bad effects of these sites. People need to pay more attention to what is ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Internet And Social Network Sites Abstract It is a common notion that we, as a society, have become polarized and that the social media is to blame for it. Some scholars argue that the internet provides numerous sources of information thus enhancing our understanding of issues and tempering our views. We, as humans, also engage in behaviors such as homophily and biased assimilation which have been found to encourage polarizing behavior. This paper tries to explore if polarization is a consequence of informed deliberation or just a result of group dynamics. Keywords Polarization, Homophilia, Deliberation, Personalized content, Social Network Sites (SNS) Introduction The advent of the internet and social network sites (SNS) as a platform for debate and deliberation means that partisans can now discuss issues online – be it politics, religion or topics such as gun control, abortion and same–sex marriage. A search in today's media will reveal a gamut of articles about how we, as a society, are more polarized than ever and that Social Media is solely responsible for it (E.g. Roepe, 2016). Polarization in this context refers to the phenomenon where "members of a deliberating group predictably move toward a more extreme point in the direction indicated by the members' pre–deliberation tendencies" (Sunstein, 2002). Thus we can think of polarization as an outcome of the deliberation process of two opposing factions expressed as a property of the state of being of those factions. Scholars hold contradictory views ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Dangers Of Social Network Social network is an important invention in the world. Also, it is necessary for human's daily life. The social network improve the people's relationship, make people closer with their friends or family. There are more than millions of user using social network per day, and browsing the websites. For example, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram (Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites 2014). They are the most popular social networking sites in 2014. The users can share their life style, type some comments to others, or make new friends. It should be a wonderful way for communication if people use the social network correctly. The purpose of this essay is explain the dangers of social network. Also, we will discuss this topic from hegemony, power, capitalism and resistance. The social networking sites can be the best advertising for the companies. The companies give the money to the social networking site's company, then the social networking site will public the advertising (Catalano, C 2010). Every users can watch, some of them might interested the products. Finally, the brands can be achieve their purpose of sales. But there are too many brands around the world (Catalano, C 2010). Every brands want to make an advertising in the social networking sites. Too much advertising are an obsession for the social network users. The users might get the advertising emails every day and the online advertising might be an automatic video in the webpage. In fact, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Social Network And Its Effects On The Media Facebook Uncovered Facebook has always strived on the belief that this social network is where users connect with not just friends but with the expansive world around them. Recently in the last several years, some Facebook users have been expose to a world that they were not prepared or intend to see. Gory visuals of a sinister and graphic nature that document this reality of debauchery has become viral on some user's news feed. Images and videos of dead bodies, bloody car accidents, mutilations and animal cruelty are a fragment of what users were exposed to during the November 2011 gore–porn– link spam attack (Sarachik 2011). Facebook was able to close the exploit with the help of Facebook's own technician after being informed of the problem. Still images and videos depicting real–life blood and gore still finds their way on Facebook, where they can potentially be seen by hundreds of millions of users. Shortly after images of the execution of James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) appeared online on Facebook, a safety advisor for the company calls for the implementation of safety measures that would prevent users from accidentally accessing the images (Kelion 2014). In recent years Facebook have been increasingly used by some users on the social network to post graphic content and obscene pornographic material and the reason for this is because the social network is not effectively regulating and monitoring the content. The reasons for why Facebook needs ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Social Of Social Network The social network has become a controversial topic as well as the special influence on teenagers in 21th century. Somehow, the social platform has become an integral part of modern life because of conveniency . A social network can be defined as a network of social connections and personal relationships. It also refers to dedicated websites or other applications that enable users to communicate with one another by posting images, information, messages, and comments. Examples of social networks include social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+ among others. Social networks have taken the internet world by storm. Now that, individuals in the contemporary world having the strong dependency on social networks for various purposes including education, socialization, communication, and entertainment among others. According to statistics that many youth people will frequently spend most of the time to interacting with their friends and families on social networks. On the other hands, others use the same to access new updates as well as entertainment materials. Indeed, social networks such a Facebook have changed the way young people interact with one another and the society at large. The increased popularity of social networks has raised concerns among scholars and individuals. Fundamentally, most of the majorities are more concerned with the effects social media have on the younger generation and the society. Some are of the view that social ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Importance Of Social Networks In Society Society, Social Interaction, Groups, and Organization Social Networks and their Importance According to Nicholas Christakis, social networks are like the pairs of people connected. Through his studies, he realized that socially connected people get embedded in other sorts of relationships such as marriage, friendship, or even spousal. He discovered that these connections are vast, and all of us are embedded in the broader set of relationships with each other. Therefore, social networks are the complex things of beauty that are so elaborate, so sophisticated and so ubiquitous. In his video, Christakis outlined the importance of social networks with adequate examples. One of the benefits is the emotional contagion, which is the phenomenon of another person's emotions or behaviors triggering similar emotions and response in other people. He elaborated this by performing an obesity epidemic, where he discovered that there is the probability of a person being obese given that a social contact of his/her friend is overweight. That is, if your friend is obese, there is the risk of you being obese too, as you will be involved in doing activities that make your friend overweight. Another benefit is that social connections are essential for the spread of valuable and useful things such as happiness, kindness, love, altruism, and ideas. In his video, Christakis stated that if individuals realize how valuable social networks are, they could spend a lot of their time nourishing and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Comparing Characters In Macbeth And The Social Network Comparing Characters in Macbeth and The Social Network Similarities and differences are present between nearly anything. For instance, two books can be compared in regards to their themes. Likewise, multiple people can be contrasted in regards to their personality. Similarities and differences can be good and bad and they can also help one to clearly see which of the subjects that are being compared are better than the other. Another example of where two subjects can be compared is in Macbeth and The Social Network, in regards to the characters. One may wonder how such different pieces of work could possibly be compared and contrasted, but after analyzing both pieces, it is clear that such similarities and differences exist. Characters ... Show more content on ... This shows how their idea, if successful, would make them rich and potential billionaires, given their past work and their intelligence. Through both of these examples, it is clear that both the twins and Malcolm are very close to being on top. However, it is evident that the situation in Macbeth is worse than in The Social Network, because for Malcolm and Donalbain, this power has put them at risk. Since Duncan has been murdered, they must flee to keep themselves safe. Unlike for the twins, the only thing that they had at stake was their idea for HarvardConnection being stolen. In this situation, Shakespeare makes the reader more sympathetic for Donalbain and Malcolm than Sorkin does for the Winklevoss twins. This shows how although both characters are similar, their situations are very different and the characters in Macbeth have it worse. Secondly, Lady Macbeth and Sean Parker are two characters that are similar in the sense that they are the real people in control behind the scenes. Although everyone may think that Macbeth is strong and a good leader, Lady Macbeth controls him and convinces him to commit terrible crimes. One of Lady Macbeth's way of controlling Macbeth is to question his manhood. Lady Macbeth expressed her thoughts of Macbeth as: ... do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness To catch the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Social Network Service Singapore Polytechnic SINGAPORE YOUTH AND SOCIAL MEDIA By Second Year Media and Communication Students School of Communication, Arts & Social Sciences Singapore Polytechnic 8 December 2009 Copyright © 2011 Singapore Polytechnic, Diploma in Media and Communication, Centre for Social Media. All rights reserved. Rights and permission requests should be addressed to: Contents Page 1: Introduction 3 2: Methodology 3 3: Usage of Social Media 4 4: Security & Privacy 15 5: General ... Show more content on ... Instead of going to Facebook daily, the older respondents tend to go to Facebook on a weekly or monthly basis. Going to Youtube Vs Age 60% 47% 46% 40% 40% 34% 31% 27% 23% 20% 11% 5% 0% Daily Weekly Monthly 17% 19% 37% 15–19 years 20–24 years 25–29 years 30–34 years In terms of going to Youtube, similar to going to Facebook, a greater proportion of the younger respondents from the 15–24 age group frequent Youtube daily compared to the respondents aged 25–34. Copyright © 2011 Singapore Polytechnic, Diploma in Media and Communication, Centre for Social Media. All rights reserved. Rights and permission requests should be addressed to: Going to Youtube Vs Gender 60% Male 40% 40% 33% 30% 38% Female 20% 13% 13% 0% Daily Weekly Monthly Male respondents seem to go to Youtube more regularly than female respondents. 40% of the male respondents go to Youtube daily compared to 30% of female respondents. Going to Wikipedia Vs Gender 40% 34% 29% Female 22% 20% 12% 17% 18% Male 0% Daily Weekly Monthly Male respondents seem to go to Wikipedia more regularly than female respondents. Copyright © 2011 Singapore ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Social Network And Its Effects On Social Networking Essay Social Network have been a helpful and reasonable approach to make early associates and acquire upgrades from companions we don 't usually meet as it encourages correspondence between associates in the digital world. For all intents and purposes everybody nowadays possesses a gregarious systems administration page and it can be tedious to look after it. Keeping an online status, every now and again upgrading the profiles and amusements on Social networking destinations require much consideration. While investing energy online can be backup in picking up overhauls of regular life, extravagant and impulsive use of Social Network can bring about enslavement. Genial media enslavement can meddle with one 's day by day life and cause wellbeing issues. This article will depict jovial media fixation and the wellbeing situations connected with it in America and propose elective approaches to manage the compulsion and wellbeing dilemmas. Examines gave proof which recommends that dependence on Social Network and systems administration might be a potential noetic and physical wellbeing difficulty. Measurements demonstrate that 55% of adolescents uses Social Network systems and the time spent on Facebook by individuals augmented by 566% from 2007 to 2008 (Kuss and Griffiths, 2011). Individuals who have higher use of pleasant systems administration destinations (SNSs) were seen to be less included with their valid life groups. The common profiles of dependence can be loner or outgoing ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Social Network Marketing And Social Networks Social Network Marketing Introduction Marketing in general it is the process to determine what products or services can be of interest to customer. Social networks or Social Media help in improving the marketing of organizations to new insights about the brand, which offers innovative ways to implement the basic marketing programs, as well as new methods to win in online discussions of important business. Social network marketing is an attempt to use social network to induce consumers that one 's company, products and/or services are worthwhile. Social network marketing is method for marketing products using online communities, social networks, and more. Social network is hot. Social Networking is now the trend. And for businesses it represents a marketing opportunity that transcends the traditional middleman and connects companies directly with customers. This is why nearly every business on the planet–from giants like Starbucks and IBM to the local ice cream shop–are exploring social media marketing initiatives. A year ago, businesses were uncertain about social network. Now it 's here to stay and companies are rapidly adopting social network marketing. Much like email and websites first empowered businesses, social network is the next marketing wave. Social network marketing is marketing using online communities, social networks, blog marketing and more. It 's the latest "buzz" in marketing. These days, the organizational cause has replaced the social cause as companies ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Personal Narrative : Social Network Analysis Roshan Ravishankar Dr. Carton MGMT 101 2.20.2016 MGMT 101 Paper: Social Network Analysis As alluded to in the assignment description, it is useful to first define what my own personal idea of success entails. I view success as maximizing my achievement and that of my close friends and family, while defining achievement as the accomplishment of difficult and rewarding goals. Moreover, my personal ambition is to contribute to the implementation of knowledge from statistics and mathematics into the biological and biomedical sciences – either through a career in academia or industry. Maintaining a strong network can help me by serving as a source of new ideas, emotional support, guidance, and insight. For convenience, and because they are not ... Show more content on ... My first goal is to strengthen my ties with some of the individuals in my mentoring network, because my current network is diffuse and weak. My mentoring network consists of my advisors, research coordinators, and other career–oriented mentors. The density of this network is only about 15%. This group is more varied in terms of age, gender, and race than my peer network. After studying my mentoring network, I have realized that I need to improve the strength of my relationships with the members of this network. For example, I rarely interact with these members outside of instances where their direct consultation is necessary (such as when courses need to be selected, a form needs to be signed, or a roadblock is encountered in a project). This ultimately hampers my own accomplishment because it prevents me from benefiting from the advice and guidance that my network has to offer. Thus, in the future, I plan to communicate with the members of my mentoring network more frequently. First, I will keep them more updated on my progress, and not allow months to pass by without communication Sending updates will strengthen our relationship by showing them how much I value their mentorship. Second I will request their opinion and guidance more often. This will not only demonstrate my desire to better myself, but also grant be knowledge and perspective that will be helpful as a I move further in my ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Social Network Essay The Dramatic Interpretation of the Social Network Myth After watching the movie The Social Network, the first thing I did was to search for Mark Zuckerberg's real life experiences to see which parts are facts and which are fictions. As a matter of fact, this Harvard genius that founded the world's first social network was not as childish as the movie portrayed. At least he didn't write programming for getting into elite Harvard "Final Clubs" or for retaliating his girlfriend. During Mark's high school, Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase the music player that he built and also invited him to join them. However, Mark decided to enroll in Harvard for further education. From where I stand, although the movie is fictional, it can easily ... Show more content on ... "Like, every single shirt and fleece that I had in that movie is actually a shirt or fleece that I own." "Someone might build something because they like building things," Zuckerberg explains. Normally, Mark should be the person who cares about the movie most and might be pissed off because the movie portrayed him in an unflattering light. But it seems that he respects the ideas and decisions of the filmmakers, more or less, in terms of artistic creation. It was because he wanted to see how filmmakers would interpret his unimaginable story. This kind of art stresses the maze beyond art and the real world, which can only be seen through by smart people who also show respect to the artwork. "The movie's final image–Zuckerberg "friending" the woman who dumped him and endlessly refreshing the page to see if she accepts–is presented as pathetic irony. But you could also read it as a sign of hope. In the Facebook world, which is now ours, a new communication infrastructure exists, with no avenues definitively closed." (Edelstein) The real Zuckerberg had a vision that Facebook would help create communities in an ever–insular world. And now we have seen the evolution. The world is changing so fast that we all get confused and disoriented without knowing what to do next. We like the Facebook: fast, simple, up–to– date...While the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Understanding Community And Social Networks Understanding community and social networks is important in the Child and Youth Counsellor (CYC) field in order to help create and encourage positive communities and networks for the youth within the CYC care. Community and social networks are important for self–esteem, sense of belonging, and overall happier and healthier individuals. Understanding the communities or social networks within an individual's life will assist in the appropriate goal making and action planning in order to meet the individual's needs. As described by Oxford Dictionary, a community is "a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common" where as a social network is "a network of social interactions and personal relationships" Examples of a community include neighbourhood, church or place of employment and examples of social network includes friends, families, classmates and colleagues. ("Community", 2014; "Social Network", 2014). Despite this traditional definition of a social network, it is also currently described as "a dedicated website or other application which enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc." Facebook, twitter and Instagram are all examples of this. ("Social Network", 2014). Does the change in the meaning of social networking noted above have an impact on the traditional community and on youth? Despite the differences between community and social networking, they are intertwined, and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Social Networking : A Social Network Essay Social Network is all around us. So what exactly is a social network? Social network is either personal or business which allows users to interact with others by way of messaging, remarking, or just plain posting. Although there are many forms of this technology, we primarily hear about the common social network known as Facebook. Some other social network includes Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. My research of social networking it was more geared towards the Facebook era. I was a bit surprised of the information I uncovered and what I learned during my review. I wanted to discover how the social technology worked. There are so many areas to focus on, but when using social networks, we have to remember to be cautious about the use of social network, the experience, and even the ethical issues. In "Introduction to Digital Literacy" Mark Bowles discusses the different types of social networking. Social networking started with Web 2.0. He explains how this technology was created to share information with others with the intention of others to view (Bowles, 2013). Some of the beginning of online technology is known as blogs and Twitter accounts. Soon after this, Facebook was introduced, and it seemed to take the lead in the social network industry. Those who use Facebook can share information, blog, and even find old friends. Facebook is one of the largest social networks we have, but we also have Google+. Google+ is similar to Facebook. However, there ... Get more on ...
  • 40. What Is The Social Network? What is the social network? By definition, a social network is a way to communicate with friends and family. Innovation has enhanced throughout the years and with its change and advances, we have progressed with innovation. Social networking can give great focuses and awful points, and it 's all in the impression of long–range social networking. Some may say person to person communication is an entryway to presentation and security will be exposed. Others may say long range social networking has been the best approach Forever. Social networking started with web 2.0 in 2004. Web 2.0 allows those who visit web pages to leave their content for others to view. Beforehand web 1.0 was a read–only format, whereas Web 2.0 allows the user to read ... Show more content on ... To be social is to have numerous associations with a broad range of individuals. What is a better approach to performing this than through the social network? Thus, forward the expression "social network". If the internet web can be for things like exploration and information, why not include the capacity to impact and be social. Another meaning of the social network for me; the ability to communicate through the web. Who uses a social network? Some may assume that it's the younger generation, but that would not be true at all, the fact is that the social network is quickly accessed, and it can be cater to people of all different ages, religious backgrounds, and races. For example, there are social websites that mainly caters to the religious community like "" with this site you can meet and date someone that has the same beliefs as you. There is Facebook in which old and young people can communicate and meet different people; you can also advertise your business and set up "Fund me accounts" to help raise money for certain causes. LGBT community, which designs their sites, particularly to address the issues and meet the needs of that group. The straightforward response to this inquiry is that individuals of all ages and races utilize the social web, and often! Separated in Lemans term, the social network gives every one of us the capacity to current in today 's social world. Because of this, the social ... Get more on ...