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Social Media for NGOs
The African Commons Project
Basic Course Overview
•   Introduction to Blogging: Daniela and Matt
•   TEA
•   Introduction to Microblogging: Kerryn
•   Introduction to Social Networking Sites: Kerryn
•   Introduction to Wikis: Daniela
•   TEA
•   Introduction to Multimedia Sites: Daniela and Kerryn
•   Social Media Discussion and Summary
At the end of this section you will:

1. Know what a blog is

2. Understood the value of a blog for your organisation

3. Understood how to use a blog as part of your organisation’s

    communication strategy

4. Have tips on how to go about getting buy-in from within your organisation

    and how to attract a community of readers to your blog.

5. Know how to write a blog entry and have some ideas on what to write


   Blogging in Plain English
Lee LeFever,
So what’s the big deal?

                     Read / Write
                    Read / Write

    • Sir Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1990.
    • The proposal was based on how to transfer information over the internet,
    using a point-and-click system.
Tim Berners Lee’s Web
Blog versus ‘Website’
How to integrate for non-profits?
Blog versus ‘Website’
  A site WITH A BLOG
Blog versus ‘Website’
  A site WITH A BLOG
Blog versus ‘Website’
Why Blog?
Blogging facilitates conversations and creates relationships:
• Gives a personal, ‘insiders’
view to the happenings within
the organisation
• Allows you to garner support
and recruit volunteers.
• Information exchange
between constituents, other
non-profits, information
specialists etc.
• Helps with accountability to
Best Practices for NGOs
• Read blogs!
    • “Before your organisation starts to blog, set up a newsreader”
• Have someone who likes blogging do the blogging
• Sustainability
• Quality above quantity
• Respond to comments
• Don’t just tell – show
• RSS feeds
• Promote your blog
Blogging Platforms

• Live Journal
• Type pad
• Serendipity
• Movable Type

• See the wiki for URLs!
Some blogging STYLE notes
• Informal  and personal tone
• Focus on unique content: Add a new
voice to the internet
• Length: 250-300 words or maybe…
• Link, link, link: This provides
supporting information to your post
• Appealing headlines (titles): Grab
your reader
• Spelling and grammar check!
• Visuals: A picture (or video) tells a
thousand words
Friday Fact Box
Blogging Exercise
               30 minutes
Log on to the NGO Pulse website
Write 2 paragraphs on one of the following topics:
• About your organisation: vision, mission and projects;
• A recent event/project that your organisation has
Remember to include links!

At the end of this section you will:

1. Have background context to microblogging and Twitter

2. The different uses of microblogs, and the different ways of using


3. Know how to navigate your *homepage*

4. Understand how Twitter can be used in organisational strategy and

    campaigns or programmes

5. Have set up a Twitter account either personal or organisational.

6. Know how to search for *followers* on Twitter.

What is micro blogging?
Twitter in Plain English by Lee lefever
The birth of microblogging
•    Microblogging is a hybrid, or mix, of two technologies:
     – mobile phone short message service (sms), and
     – IRC (internet relay chat protocol); which was the very first instant
       messaging system sent via a phone line before the world wide web
       was developed.

•    Microblogging developed from a creative sub culture that grew in IRC
    chat where people could give a short status next to their name when
    ‘logged in’

•    Microblogging is based on this principle of providing an immediate
    status update: what am I doing now?

•   Twitter is the name of the microblogging platform. There are similar
    platforms, but Twitter is the most popular.
Example of IRC chat room - geeky, no aesthetic

           … became instant chat eg ICQ,
           with updates: what am I doing?
… became a platform that
looked like this …
The Twitter tale
                                           •      Original name was Twttr, inspired by the name Flickr
                                                  and also based on the 5-digit sms code
                                           •      Rebranded to Twitter & launched publicly in 2007
                                           •      One of the most powerful tools in the SNS (social media
                                                  sites) arsenal
                                           •      “The new scaffolding that gave power to new
                                                  short messages.”
                                           •      Twitter is now the third largest social media platform with
                                                  4.5 million users at November 2008

                                           Why 140 characters?
                                           • Started limitless but 160-character per tweet
                                           • Due to system overload this was reduced to 140, leaving
                                             space for user name and colon
                                             “One could change the world with one hundred
                                             and forty characters”

Twitter Tree by Pandemia, Source: Flickr, cc-BY
The main uses
The main uses are:

    1. Daily chatter:
    – Sharing my daily routine, what am I doing … a stream of consciousness

    2. Conversations:
    – Commenting on or replying publicly to other people’s posts, using the @ sign
    – private direct messaging to followers (called dm)

    3. Sharing information/URLs:
    – 13% of all posts contain urls. Using a url shortening service like Tinyurl or
    – Retweeting someone else’s tweet (NB for organisational/ brand building)

    4. Reporting news:
    – latest news or comment about current events
3 types of users
                                                  Information source
                                                  Is a hub that has large number of followers.
                                                  Might post regularly or infrequently, but due to the
                                                     value, followers remain large

                    Most relationships fall into this broad category
                                                    Posting regularly
               * Friends are not necessary ‘friends’ like facebook

                                                  Information seeker
                                                  This person might post rarely but follows other users

Twitter Tree by Pandemia, Source: Flickr, cc-BY
So, what do you do with Twitter?
      follow & be followed … and search
    – Updates in your personal timeline of those you’re following will be
      visible on your homepage.
    – for people, profiles, topics of interest and follow
    – receive your updates
    – When you post an update to your Twitter account, your followers will get it
      on their home page
    – Mutual followers can send each other private messages - DM -
    – Can get notified by email when someone new follows you or sends
      you a private message
Extend your network:
    – Extend your network by following those who you’re following or are
      following your followers
User name
following/ follow stats & status updates
direct messages and directed responses
people following updates on homepage
most recent update
search (find people) and advanced search

The lingo of twitter
retweets, ats & bit.lys …
Hashtags in Twitter
Well, firstly what are TAGS in general?

•   a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to a piece of information - an
    internet bookmark, digital image, computer file
•   this kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by
    browsing or searching.
•   are chosen informally/ personally by the item's creator or by its viewer, depending on
    the system

     Tagging helps organise and share our info online. By attaching one or more
      keywords to an object, like a Flickr photo, we group it together with others that
           have the same tags. Hashtags on Twitter serve a similar purpose

• to bring order to Twitter users’ updates (tweets)
• To make it easier to follow a topic of interest
How to
• Create a hashtag by adding the hash symbol # to the front of an appropriate
  keyword as you write your tweet
• There are pre-existing hashtags that others have set up which can be followed
• A well-known example is #nptech for tweets about the non-profit environment
• Hashtag tweets are also available as individual RSS feeds
Search (find people)
advanced search -
Other handy hints
1.    Apps for desktop
•    “Twitter clients” - bring Twitter to your desktop: Tweetdeck, Twhirl
•    Can post to multiple platforms at same time
•    Can provide immediate shortened url app

2.   Pics on Twitpic -
•    Upload pics to a Twitter photo-sharing platform
•    Upload via twitter client
•    Upload via cellphone with unique email address
3. Track retweets
• Search for retweets using advanced twitter search or new tools such as
   Retweetist or dailyRT

4. Find hashtags
• Twitter advanced search using “this exact phrase”
• Hashtags at
The rise of Twitter as a business app

Meaningful business tool for building a community of constituents, clients
    or supporters, through

    1.    ability to talk directly to a group of people (no intermediary)

    3.    send people to a specific location (url) (call to action)

    5.    provide info to people (info source)

    7.    gain insight into what constituents are thinking and talking
          about (user intelligence)

    9.    gain insight into what other orgs are doing, discussing (market
How non-profits can use Twitter: case study
•   Reason for using Twitter:                            National Wildlife
     – listening post and place for conversation             Federation,
                                                           United States
•   Strategy:
     – employees tweet & develop like-minded followers. (see NWF Twitter
     – Different campaigns on different channels
     – Twitter not in isolation: Put articles on other SNSs and point to them
       through Twitter;
     – push people to their media hub page

•   Benefits:
     –   Can join in conversation with constituents (direct communication)
     –   Can gain insight into how constituents feel toward the org (user intellig.)
     –   Can even mend relationships and have made new contacts (r’ship mngmt)
     –   Helped spread important messages (info source)
     –   Increased their online activism
20 mins practical
•   Create your profile on twitter at
     – Basic: You will need to access an email address for profile confirmation
     – Advanced: Customise your homepage background

•   Search
     – Basic search: Find 3 people that you either know or would like to follow, and
       follow them
     – Advanced search: Find organisations that are active in the non-profit, ICT
       environment and follow them
     – Advanced search: Find the hashtag bb4za and find out who posted and what
       this event was about

•   Post:
     – Basic post: Post your first tweet to your profile
     – Advanced post: Send a direct message to kerrynmckay or someone you are
     – Advanced post: Post about this workshop using #smngo and then search for
       this hashtag to see who has contributed
     – Or retweet something interesting
Social Networking sites
At the end of this section you will:

1. Have an understanding of how Facebook can be used as a tool for building

    or supporting constituencies

2. Understand how campaigns can be implemented on Facebook

3. Know the difference between Groups and Pages and how these could

    complement your organisational strategy/ objectives

4. Have some knowledge of additional apps and tools that can be used in

    Facebook for business purposes

5. Be aware of how to manage your organisation and staff on Facebook

6. Have an awareness of legal issues around Facebook content
Social networking sites

    Towards a definition:
“   Social networking sites allow users to articulate and make visible their
    social networks … (they are about) … communicating with people
    already part of your social network
    - danah m. boyd, Social Networks Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship
Facebook in context

Timeline of development
   To find friends, hook ups on campus
   Need harvard email address to access

   Other universities and some corporate networks
   Need varsity or corporate email to access

   Any email address to access
Why does Facebook work? …
175 million users can’t be wrong!
•   Barriers to entry are low
     – It’s free
     – Easy to do
     – It’s a relatively safe space based on friendship and referral
•   Based on community
     – Built around groups
     – Made up of networks
     – Successfully mirrors fabric and structure of real-life
•   Immediate gratification
     – Updates are real time
     – Connect in real time with chat application
•   Customisable
     – Add different applications to their profile
     – Customise your homepage
Non profits and Facebook
•   Enables non profits to easily access (potentially) huge numbers of
    constituents and potential constituents at very little or no cost.

•   Platform for amplifying and broadcasting your message via
    personal relationships to a massive audience.

•   Is an ‘opt in’ scenario!

•   Your facebook strategy
     – should not be so much about the organisation as about the cause.
     – Develop and discuss a deliberate strategy
     – Remember: strategy requires maintenance!
     Eg: Facebook allows your org to be hub of info; or clearing house for
       important/ relevant info; time sensitive info distrib.
Keys to success
  • Create personal relationships with other
    facebook members interested in similar causes or

  • Encourage constituents to post comments,
    submit photos and videos

  • Participate Participate Participate!
     – Frequent updates
     – Encourage your org’s employees to have online
       conversations around your org’s work

  • Monitor and keep in touch

Remember: Relationship first - organisation promotion second!
Tools for your org - groups and pages
About groups
Groups are best for special interests, causes, a place to build up a
tribe of people interested in your subject
Groups can be set up by anyone, about anything - not necessarily formal
Example: there are 133 Save Zimbabwe groups
People who join your group are called members
Groups can
    • show news & info,
    • create & invite people to events,
    • set up discussion threads and
    • add multimedia
Members can
    • contribute to the wall with comments, multimedia (photos/ video)
    • add, & contribute to discussion threads
    • RSVP to events via their inbox
Group example
• build database of constituents; email max 5,000 bulk mail
• Create events; send invitations to members through event system;
RSVP functionality
• Members can add a comment to the wall, can add photos and
• Members can contribute or initiate discussion & debate

                                                                     Contact members directly;
                                                                        message appears
                                                                      in their facebook inbox
Group pros and cons

The pros                                The cons
• Facebook users are familiar with      • are only visible to Facebook
groups                                  members
• you can send messages to group        • no extra applications added to
members                                 them
• are marginally easier to set up and   • You generally have to visit a group
manage than pages                       regularly and use the messaging
                                        feature to keep discussions flowing.
About pages
Pages are best when you want to specifically represent your business ;
pages get indexed by Google to allow global access in search.
Pages cannot be created to represent a real public figure, artist, band or
org, and may only be created by an official representative of that
Pages have more functionality than Groups and can add media-rich
content; focus on the stream of content posted by page administrators
You can promote your pages with your own Facebook ads
Pages have
     • customisable tabs: enhanced wall for updates/ photos/ video/
     events/ reviews/ discussions
     • measuring engagement and interaction tools
Fans can
     • interact on wall, in discussion groups
     • dependent on customisation they can write reviews, upload photos
     and video
Page example
Pages pros and cons

                                         The cons
The pros                                 • ‘Updates’ sent to those who decide to
•visible on the wider internet to non-
                                         be a ‘fan’ of your page are lower key
Facebook members (although only
                                         than messages to group ‘members’ -
Facebook members can interact with
                                         appear on side of homepage when log
                                         in; not inbox
• can add applications from a wide
                                         • Facebook users are less familiar
range of off-the-shelf apps
                                         with pages than they are with groups
• provides visitor statistics to let
                                         • Visitors still need to be a member
you know how many visitors you pages
                                         of Facebook if they want to join in
are getting
                                         discussions on your page message
• user RSVPs added to their
calendar & friends will see event in     • More difficult to set up than groups;
                                         might need tech assistance to add
                                         other apps
Privacy & IP issues on Facebook
•   On Facebook you can adjust your privacy settings; ensure these
    meet your level of comfort

•   If encouraging your org’s employees to post, remember that their
    updates are visible by everyone in the network. Request discretion.

•   Be aware of the Facebook terms of use & privacy policy and
    understand what impact this could have for your organisation

•   The controversy - Facebook terms of use clause change … and change
    back again!:
     – Stated that the perpetual licence that they had granted themselves
       to the content of users’ profiles would no longer expire when those
       users shut down their accounts.
     – Translation: We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content.

At the end of this section you will:

1. Have found out what a wiki is and how it can be used

2. Understand what the key features of a wiki are

3.Understood the value of a wiki for your organisation

4. Understood the types of information that can be shared on a wiki

5. Have tips on how to get buy-in from within your organisation and how to

    encourage positive participation in the organisation’s wiki.

6. Have practiced adding information to a wiki, including how to add new

    pages, linking and formatting.

     Wikis in Plain English
Lee LeFever,
History function
Discussion feature
Wikis gather communities
Practical implementations for non-profits
      1. Collaborative Documents
2. Conference programmes, documentation
              and planning
3. Project Management

                    TACP uses Socialtext to
                    coordinate the organisations’
                    work – meeting notes, to do
                    lists, shared information.
                    (Private wiki)
Where to find a wiki
• Free and EASY, but with advertising
• Wikispaces
• PB Wiki

• Free but you’ll need a developer
• MediaWiki: database-driven, for large wikis

• EASY but not FREE
• Wikispaces (no advertising and customisable)
• PB Wiki
• Socialtext
Wiki Best Practises
• Think about it first: Launch a wiki
with a clear purpose
• Adoption strategy: Set up a staff
meeting and demonstrate how the wiki
will be used and how easy it is to
• Pre-populate: At least on the front
page. This encourages others to
• Appoint a wiki gardener and/or a
wiki champion
• Make the wiki a part of daily work
Wiki Best Practises
• A great wiki resource!
    • People patters/anti-patterns
    • Adoption patterns/anti-patterns
Wiki Exercise
                 40 minutes
                  Using your cheat sheet…
Log on to the Social Media for NGOs Wiki
Find your name in the participants list.
Create a new page for your name
Add (copy and paste) the blog entry that you wrote on
NGO Pulse to your page.
Insert the following somewhere in your text: Bold, italic,
bullets, heading, an external link.
Save the page.
Once you are done, add a link on your page to the page
of the person sitting to your right.
Multimedia sites
At the end of this section you will:

1. Understand the benefit of using photo and video-sharing sites for

    your organisation

2. Understand tagging and how it can be used to gather media from your


3. Be able to find and share photos and video.

4. Be aware of free or open-licences such as Creative Commons, which

    allow you to legally share and use multimedia from *external* sources

5. Know how to add multimedia to your blog, including resizing and
Multimedia sites

Photo sharing sites in Plain English
By Lee LeFever,
•   Essentially an SNS - one of the world’s best online photo management
    and sharing apps
    1.   Help people make their content available to people who matter to them
         - this includes alternative licensing options
    2.   Enable new ways of organising video and photo

•   Free account to upload photographs and use the site to store, share
    and explore photos (up to 100 MB per month)

•   Members can
    1.   Upload and download photos
    2.   join and create groups
    3.   participate in discussions
    4.   connect to people and can help widen your org’s online connections
         through photo-sharing
Tagging and Search on Flickr
• An online non hierarchical ‘filing’ system to categorise
   photos and video, ie: a keyword or category label.
• Tags help you find photos and videos which have something in
• On Flickr - up to 75 tags to each photo or video
• Geo-tagging and search using the map on Flickr
• Creative Commons search on Flickr
Promote your tag to your community
Geo-tagging search
Flickr and your Org

1.    TALK. Tell your story through Flickr
•    “A picture is worth a thousand words”
•    post pictures about your cause and spread your story
•    connect with your supporters and start a Flickr group.
      – Groups can be private or public
      – organized around an event, subject, theme
•    Encourage everyone to comment and give their feedback on the
•    Don't worry if you are a small nonprofit and don't have a lot of pictures
     to post. Even a few will help demonstrate to supporters your work
     towards your mission.
Flickr and non profits
2.  PROMOTE. Share your event
•  Upload event photos
•  Encourage your attendees to do the same.
•  Exposes to a wider audience than if you just posted them on your
   web site.
3. LAUNCH. A campaign; a fundraiser
A great example of a fundraising campaign on Flickr is The Children at
   Risk Foundation (Carf)
Asking supporters to donate $10 per person to support their street kids
   programs and to contribute their own photos to their Flickr group.
Photos & conversations they generate show how a small amount of money
   $10 can make a huge difference.
There are many advantages to launching campaigns on Flickr .
•  They can be easily done on a low budget; increase your visibility,
   provide an interactive community for supporters and engage new
4. ENGAGE. Be known to your volunteers
• Encouraging volunteers to share photos, ideas and stories allows your org
   to take advantage of the creativity of as many people as possible
Video to support your cause

• A great way to find resources on issues related to your
• Example: Common Craft videos shown here today – all
sourced from Youtube.
• Videos are a great way to effectively explain complex
issues in a succinct and entertaining way. You can share
explanations about your cause and why it is important.
• Which is also linked to…
Video to support your cause
    Marketing and Fundraising
• Video memes
   What is a meme?
   Any idea or scrap of content that spreads voluntarily
   from person to person across the Web.
   • Example: The Girl Effect

• Documentation of your work and events
   • Resource
   • Donors and stakeholders accountability
   • Archival purposes
   • Example: The iCommons Summit in Sapporo ‘08
Video site showcase
 Where do I share?

 • Youtube channels
 Huge international audiences, limit of 20 minute
 uploads, 10 million uploads a day.
 • Zoopy
 Local option, local audiences, local speeds (faster).
 Audio, video and photos. Mobile site.
 • Dotsub
 Plugging in to a community of translators
Creative Commons in the digital economy
 •   Creative Commons defines the spectrum of possibilities between
     full copyright and the public domain.

        All rights reserved                          No rights reserved
                              Some rights reserved

 •   The licences help you keep your copyright while allowing certain
     uses of your work — a “some rights reserved” copyright.
 •   Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright.
 •   They work alongside copyright, so you can modify your copyright
     terms to best suit your needs.
You can choose!
•   The types of uses you want people to automatically have with
    your work without having to gain permission from you as
•   No contract signed. Creative Commons licences are designed
    to be applied to your work and to be binding upon people
    who use your work based on their notice of the Creative
    Commons “Some Rights Reserved”
•   The licences have been ‘ported’ into South African law so that
    they are compatible with and upholdable within SA Law courts
•   Licences available in human-readable, lawyer-readable
    and computer-readable code (The metadata describes the
    key licence elements that apply to a piece of content to enable
    discovery through CC-enabled search engines)
Video and photo
Upload/download, resize and embed
a) EMBED (video)
Copy the embed code
Choose HTML view
Paste the embed code
Click download and save to desktop.
Go to story and click on upload photo
Follow instructions
Multimedia Practical
                15 minutes
1. Search
   Use one of the featured video sites or to
   find either a video or picture to compliment or add
   to the story you wrote at the beginning of the day.
2. Add this media to your story on the NGOpulse site.
3. Publish your final story.
Final Social Media Practical
                        45 mins

30 mins – Analytical exercise
    – Using the social media tools that you have been introduced to, write
       a 5 step social media implementation plan for your organization.
    – You may use one, some or all of the tools.
    – Log back into the social wiki and record your five-step
       implementation plan, using the cheat sheet to familiarize yourself
       with the formatting.

15 mins - Report back
    – Report back the ideas used in your implementation plan to the

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Social Media for NGOs - new and improved version!

  • 1. Social Media for NGOs The African Commons Project and Sangonet
  • 2. Basic Course Overview • Introduction to Blogging: Daniela and Matt • TEA • Introduction to Microblogging: Kerryn • LUNCH • Introduction to Social Networking Sites: Kerryn • Introduction to Wikis: Daniela • TEA • Introduction to Multimedia Sites: Daniela and Kerryn • Social Media Discussion and Summary
  • 3. Blogging Outcomes At the end of this section you will: 1. Know what a blog is 2. Understood the value of a blog for your organisation 3. Understood how to use a blog as part of your organisation’s communication strategy 4. Have tips on how to go about getting buy-in from within your organisation and how to attract a community of readers to your blog. 5. Know how to write a blog entry and have some ideas on what to write about.
  • 4. Blogging Blogging in Plain English Lee LeFever,
  • 5. So what’s the big deal? Read / Write Read / Write • Sir Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1990. • The proposal was based on how to transfer information over the internet, using a point-and-click system.
  • 10. Blog versus ‘Website’ How to integrate for non-profits?
  • 11. Blog versus ‘Website’ A site WITH A BLOG
  • 12. Blog versus ‘Website’ A site WITH A BLOG
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  • 14. Why Blog? Blogging facilitates conversations and creates relationships: • Gives a personal, ‘insiders’ view to the happenings within the organisation • Allows you to garner support and recruit volunteers. • Information exchange between constituents, other non-profits, information specialists etc. • Helps with accountability to donors
  • 15. Best Practices for NGOs • Read blogs! • “Before your organisation starts to blog, set up a newsreader” • Have someone who likes blogging do the blogging • Sustainability • Quality above quantity • Respond to comments • Don’t just tell – show • RSS feeds • Promote your blog
  • 16. Blogging Platforms • • • • Live Journal • Type pad • Serendipity • Movable Type • See the wiki for URLs!
  • 17. Some blogging STYLE notes • Informal and personal tone • Focus on unique content: Add a new voice to the internet • Length: 250-300 words or maybe… not??? • Link, link, link: This provides supporting information to your post • Appealing headlines (titles): Grab your reader • Spelling and grammar check! • Visuals: A picture (or video) tells a thousand words
  • 19. Blogging Exercise 30 minutes Log on to the NGO Pulse website Write 2 paragraphs on one of the following topics: • About your organisation: vision, mission and projects; OR • A recent event/project that your organisation has hosted/launched. Remember to include links!
  • 20. Microblogging Outcomes At the end of this section you will: 1. Have background context to microblogging and Twitter 2. The different uses of microblogs, and the different ways of using microblogs 3. Know how to navigate your *homepage* 4. Understand how Twitter can be used in organisational strategy and campaigns or programmes 5. Have set up a Twitter account either personal or organisational. 6. Know how to search for *followers* on Twitter.
  • 21. Microblogging What is micro blogging? Twitter in Plain English by Lee lefever
  • 22. The birth of microblogging • Microblogging is a hybrid, or mix, of two technologies: – mobile phone short message service (sms), and – IRC (internet relay chat protocol); which was the very first instant messaging system sent via a phone line before the world wide web was developed. • Microblogging developed from a creative sub culture that grew in IRC chat where people could give a short status next to their name when ‘logged in’ • Microblogging is based on this principle of providing an immediate status update: what am I doing now? • Twitter is the name of the microblogging platform. There are similar platforms, but Twitter is the most popular.
  • 23. Example of IRC chat room - geeky, no aesthetic … became instant chat eg ICQ, with updates: what am I doing?
  • 24. … became a platform that looked like this …
  • 25. The Twitter tale • Original name was Twttr, inspired by the name Flickr and also based on the 5-digit sms code • Rebranded to Twitter & launched publicly in 2007 • One of the most powerful tools in the SNS (social media sites) arsenal • “The new scaffolding that gave power to new short messages.” • Twitter is now the third largest social media platform with 4.5 million users at November 2008 Why 140 characters? • Started limitless but 160-character per tweet • Due to system overload this was reduced to 140, leaving space for user name and colon “One could change the world with one hundred and forty characters” Twitter Tree by Pandemia, Source: Flickr, cc-BY
  • 26. The main uses The main uses are: 1. Daily chatter: – Sharing my daily routine, what am I doing … a stream of consciousness 2. Conversations: – Commenting on or replying publicly to other people’s posts, using the @ sign – private direct messaging to followers (called dm) 3. Sharing information/URLs: – 13% of all posts contain urls. Using a url shortening service like Tinyurl or – Retweeting someone else’s tweet (NB for organisational/ brand building) 4. Reporting news: – latest news or comment about current events
  • 27. 3 types of users Information source Is a hub that has large number of followers. Might post regularly or infrequently, but due to the value, followers remain large Friends Most relationships fall into this broad category Posting regularly * Friends are not necessary ‘friends’ like facebook Information seeker This person might post rarely but follows other users regularly Twitter Tree by Pandemia, Source: Flickr, cc-BY
  • 28. So, what do you do with Twitter? follow & be followed … and search Following: – Updates in your personal timeline of those you’re following will be visible on your homepage. Search: – for people, profiles, topics of interest and follow Followers: – receive your updates – When you post an update to your Twitter account, your followers will get it on their home page – Mutual followers can send each other private messages - DM - – Can get notified by email when someone new follows you or sends you a private message Extend your network: – Extend your network by following those who you’re following or are following your followers
  • 29. User name following/ follow stats & status updates direct messages and directed responses people following updates on homepage most recent update search (find people) and advanced search (8)
  • 30. The lingo of twitter retweets, ats & bit.lys …
  • 31. Hashtags in Twitter Well, firstly what are TAGS in general? • a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to a piece of information - an internet bookmark, digital image, computer file • this kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching. • are chosen informally/ personally by the item's creator or by its viewer, depending on the system Tagging helps organise and share our info online. By attaching one or more keywords to an object, like a Flickr photo, we group it together with others that have the same tags. Hashtags on Twitter serve a similar purpose Objectives • to bring order to Twitter users’ updates (tweets) • To make it easier to follow a topic of interest How to • Create a hashtag by adding the hash symbol # to the front of an appropriate keyword as you write your tweet • There are pre-existing hashtags that others have set up which can be followed • A well-known example is #nptech for tweets about the non-profit environment • Hashtag tweets are also available as individual RSS feeds
  • 33. advanced search -
  • 34. Other handy hints 1. Apps for desktop • “Twitter clients” - bring Twitter to your desktop: Tweetdeck, Twhirl • Can post to multiple platforms at same time • Can provide immediate shortened url app 2. Pics on Twitpic - • Upload pics to a Twitter photo-sharing platform • Upload via twitter client • Upload via cellphone with unique email address 3. Track retweets • Search for retweets using advanced twitter search or new tools such as Retweetist or dailyRT 4. Find hashtags • Twitter advanced search using “this exact phrase” • Hashtags at
  • 35. The rise of Twitter as a business app Meaningful business tool for building a community of constituents, clients or supporters, through 1. ability to talk directly to a group of people (no intermediary) 3. send people to a specific location (url) (call to action) 5. provide info to people (info source) 7. gain insight into what constituents are thinking and talking about (user intelligence) 9. gain insight into what other orgs are doing, discussing (market intelligence)
  • 36. How non-profits can use Twitter: case study • Reason for using Twitter: National Wildlife – listening post and place for conversation Federation, United States • Strategy: – employees tweet & develop like-minded followers. (see NWF Twitter homepage) – Different campaigns on different channels – Twitter not in isolation: Put articles on other SNSs and point to them through Twitter; – push people to their media hub page • Benefits: – Can join in conversation with constituents (direct communication) – Can gain insight into how constituents feel toward the org (user intellig.) – Can even mend relationships and have made new contacts (r’ship mngmt) – Helped spread important messages (info source) – Increased their online activism
  • 37. 20 mins practical • Create your profile on twitter at – Basic: You will need to access an email address for profile confirmation – Advanced: Customise your homepage background • Search – Basic search: Find 3 people that you either know or would like to follow, and follow them – Advanced search: Find organisations that are active in the non-profit, ICT environment and follow them – Advanced search: Find the hashtag bb4za and find out who posted and what this event was about • Post: – Basic post: Post your first tweet to your profile – Advanced post: Send a direct message to kerrynmckay or someone you are following – Advanced post: Post about this workshop using #smngo and then search for this hashtag to see who has contributed – Or retweet something interesting
  • 38. Social Networking sites Outcomes At the end of this section you will: 1. Have an understanding of how Facebook can be used as a tool for building or supporting constituencies 2. Understand how campaigns can be implemented on Facebook 3. Know the difference between Groups and Pages and how these could complement your organisational strategy/ objectives 4. Have some knowledge of additional apps and tools that can be used in Facebook for business purposes 5. Be aware of how to manage your organisation and staff on Facebook 6. Have an awareness of legal issues around Facebook content
  • 39. Social networking sites Towards a definition: “ Social networking sites allow users to articulate and make visible their social networks … (they are about) … communicating with people already part of your social network ” - danah m. boyd, Social Networks Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship
  • 40. Facebook in context Timeline of development 2004 Harvard-only To find friends, hook ups on campus Need harvard email address to access 2005 Other universities and some corporate networks Need varsity or corporate email to access 2006 Everyone Any email address to access
  • 41. Why does Facebook work? … 175 million users can’t be wrong! • Barriers to entry are low – It’s free – Easy to do – It’s a relatively safe space based on friendship and referral • Based on community – Built around groups – Made up of networks – Successfully mirrors fabric and structure of real-life communities • Immediate gratification – Updates are real time – Connect in real time with chat application • Customisable – Add different applications to their profile – Customise your homepage
  • 42. Non profits and Facebook • Enables non profits to easily access (potentially) huge numbers of constituents and potential constituents at very little or no cost. • Platform for amplifying and broadcasting your message via personal relationships to a massive audience. • Is an ‘opt in’ scenario! • Your facebook strategy – should not be so much about the organisation as about the cause. – Develop and discuss a deliberate strategy – Remember: strategy requires maintenance! Eg: Facebook allows your org to be hub of info; or clearing house for important/ relevant info; time sensitive info distrib.
  • 43. Keys to success • Create personal relationships with other facebook members interested in similar causes or issues. • Encourage constituents to post comments, submit photos and videos • Participate Participate Participate! – Frequent updates – Encourage your org’s employees to have online conversations around your org’s work • Monitor and keep in touch Remember: Relationship first - organisation promotion second!
  • 44. Tools for your org - groups and pages About groups Groups are best for special interests, causes, a place to build up a tribe of people interested in your subject Groups can be set up by anyone, about anything - not necessarily formal representation Example: there are 133 Save Zimbabwe groups People who join your group are called members Groups can • show news & info, • create & invite people to events, • set up discussion threads and • add multimedia Members can • contribute to the wall with comments, multimedia (photos/ video) • add, & contribute to discussion threads • RSVP to events via their inbox
  • 45. Group example • build database of constituents; email max 5,000 bulk mail • Create events; send invitations to members through event system; RSVP functionality • Members can add a comment to the wall, can add photos and video • Members can contribute or initiate discussion & debate Contact members directly; message appears in their facebook inbox
  • 46. Group pros and cons The pros The cons • Facebook users are familiar with • are only visible to Facebook groups members • you can send messages to group • no extra applications added to members them • are marginally easier to set up and • You generally have to visit a group manage than pages regularly and use the messaging feature to keep discussions flowing.
  • 47. About pages Pages are best when you want to specifically represent your business ; pages get indexed by Google to allow global access in search. Pages cannot be created to represent a real public figure, artist, band or org, and may only be created by an official representative of that entity. Pages have more functionality than Groups and can add media-rich content; focus on the stream of content posted by page administrators You can promote your pages with your own Facebook ads Pages have • customisable tabs: enhanced wall for updates/ photos/ video/ events/ reviews/ discussions • measuring engagement and interaction tools Fans can • interact on wall, in discussion groups • dependent on customisation they can write reviews, upload photos and video
  • 49. Pages pros and cons The cons The pros • ‘Updates’ sent to those who decide to •visible on the wider internet to non- be a ‘fan’ of your page are lower key Facebook members (although only than messages to group ‘members’ - Facebook members can interact with appear on side of homepage when log them) in; not inbox • can add applications from a wide • Facebook users are less familiar range of off-the-shelf apps with pages than they are with groups • provides visitor statistics to let • Visitors still need to be a member you know how many visitors you pages of Facebook if they want to join in are getting discussions on your page message • user RSVPs added to their board. calendar & friends will see event in • More difficult to set up than groups; newsfeed might need tech assistance to add other apps
  • 50. Privacy & IP issues on Facebook • On Facebook you can adjust your privacy settings; ensure these meet your level of comfort • If encouraging your org’s employees to post, remember that their updates are visible by everyone in the network. Request discretion. • Be aware of the Facebook terms of use & privacy policy and understand what impact this could have for your organisation • The controversy - Facebook terms of use clause change … and change back again!: – Stated that the perpetual licence that they had granted themselves to the content of users’ profiles would no longer expire when those users shut down their accounts. – Translation: We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever
  • 51. Wikis Outcomes At the end of this section you will: 1. Have found out what a wiki is and how it can be used 2. Understand what the key features of a wiki are 3.Understood the value of a wiki for your organisation 4. Understood the types of information that can be shared on a wiki 5. Have tips on how to get buy-in from within your organisation and how to encourage positive participation in the organisation’s wiki. 6. Have practiced adding information to a wiki, including how to add new pages, linking and formatting.
  • 52. Wikis Wikis in Plain English Lee LeFever,
  • 56. Practical implementations for non-profits 1. Collaborative Documents
  • 57. 2. Conference programmes, documentation and planning
  • 58. 3. Project Management TACP uses Socialtext to coordinate the organisations’ work – meeting notes, to do lists, shared information. (Private wiki)
  • 59. Where to find a wiki • Free and EASY, but with advertising • Wikispaces • PB Wiki • Free but you’ll need a developer • MediaWiki: database-driven, for large wikis • EASY but not FREE • Wikispaces (no advertising and customisable) • PB Wiki • Socialtext
  • 60. Wiki Best Practises • Think about it first: Launch a wiki with a clear purpose • Adoption strategy: Set up a staff meeting and demonstrate how the wiki will be used and how easy it is to contribute. • Pre-populate: At least on the front page. This encourages others to participate. • Appoint a wiki gardener and/or a wiki champion • Make the wiki a part of daily work habits
  • 61. Wiki Best Practises • A great wiki resource! • People patters/anti-patterns • Adoption patterns/anti-patterns
  • 62. Wiki Exercise 40 minutes Using your cheat sheet… Log on to the Social Media for NGOs Wiki ( Find your name in the participants list. Create a new page for your name Add (copy and paste) the blog entry that you wrote on NGO Pulse to your page. Insert the following somewhere in your text: Bold, italic, bullets, heading, an external link. Save the page. Once you are done, add a link on your page to the page of the person sitting to your right.
  • 63. Multimedia sites Outcomes At the end of this section you will: 1. Understand the benefit of using photo and video-sharing sites for your organisation 2. Understand tagging and how it can be used to gather media from your constituents 3. Be able to find and share photos and video. 4. Be aware of free or open-licences such as Creative Commons, which allow you to legally share and use multimedia from *external* sources 5. Know how to add multimedia to your blog, including resizing and
  • 64. Multimedia sites Photo sharing sites in Plain English By Lee LeFever,
  • 65. Flickr • Essentially an SNS - one of the world’s best online photo management and sharing apps 1. Help people make their content available to people who matter to them - this includes alternative licensing options 2. Enable new ways of organising video and photo • Free account to upload photographs and use the site to store, share and explore photos (up to 100 MB per month) • Members can 1. Upload and download photos 2. join and create groups 3. participate in discussions 4. connect to people and can help widen your org’s online connections through photo-sharing
  • 66. Tagging and Search on Flickr Tags • An online non hierarchical ‘filing’ system to categorise photos and video, ie: a keyword or category label. • Tags help you find photos and videos which have something in common. • On Flickr - up to 75 tags to each photo or video • Geo-tagging and search using the map on Flickr • Creative Commons search on Flickr
  • 67. Promote your tag to your community
  • 69. Flickr and your Org 1. TALK. Tell your story through Flickr • “A picture is worth a thousand words” • post pictures about your cause and spread your story • connect with your supporters and start a Flickr group. – Groups can be private or public – organized around an event, subject, theme • Encourage everyone to comment and give their feedback on the photos. • Don't worry if you are a small nonprofit and don't have a lot of pictures to post. Even a few will help demonstrate to supporters your work towards your mission.
  • 70. Flickr and non profits 2. PROMOTE. Share your event • Upload event photos • Encourage your attendees to do the same. • Exposes to a wider audience than if you just posted them on your web site. 3. LAUNCH. A campaign; a fundraiser A great example of a fundraising campaign on Flickr is The Children at Risk Foundation (Carf) Asking supporters to donate $10 per person to support their street kids programs and to contribute their own photos to their Flickr group. Photos & conversations they generate show how a small amount of money $10 can make a huge difference. There are many advantages to launching campaigns on Flickr . • They can be easily done on a low budget; increase your visibility, provide an interactive community for supporters and engage new audiences. 4. ENGAGE. Be known to your volunteers • Encouraging volunteers to share photos, ideas and stories allows your org to take advantage of the creativity of as many people as possible
  • 72. Video to support your cause Education • A great way to find resources on issues related to your work. • Example: Common Craft videos shown here today – all sourced from Youtube. • Videos are a great way to effectively explain complex issues in a succinct and entertaining way. You can share explanations about your cause and why it is important. • Which is also linked to…
  • 73. Video to support your cause Marketing and Fundraising • Video memes What is a meme? Any idea or scrap of content that spreads voluntarily from person to person across the Web. • Example: The Girl Effect • Documentation of your work and events • Resource • Donors and stakeholders accountability • Archival purposes • Example: The iCommons Summit in Sapporo ‘08
  • 74. Video site showcase Where do I share? • Youtube channels Huge international audiences, limit of 20 minute uploads, 10 million uploads a day. • Zoopy Local option, local audiences, local speeds (faster). Audio, video and photos. Mobile site. • Dotsub Plugging in to a community of translators
  • 75. Creative Commons in the digital economy • Creative Commons defines the spectrum of possibilities between full copyright and the public domain. All rights reserved No rights reserved Some rights reserved • The licences help you keep your copyright while allowing certain uses of your work — a “some rights reserved” copyright. • Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. • They work alongside copyright, so you can modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs.
  • 76. You can choose! • The types of uses you want people to automatically have with your work without having to gain permission from you as creator • No contract signed. Creative Commons licences are designed to be applied to your work and to be binding upon people who use your work based on their notice of the Creative Commons “Some Rights Reserved” • The licences have been ‘ported’ into South African law so that they are compatible with and upholdable within SA Law courts • Licences available in human-readable, lawyer-readable and computer-readable code (The metadata describes the key licence elements that apply to a piece of content to enable discovery through CC-enabled search engines)
  • 77. Video and photo Upload/download, resize and embed DEMO ON WORDPRESS SITE 2.SEARCH 3.PUBLISH a) EMBED (video) Copy the embed code Choose HTML view Paste the embed code Resize b) DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD (photo) Click download and save to desktop. Go to story and click on upload photo Follow instructions 4.SAVE
  • 78. Multimedia Practical 15 minutes 1. Search Use one of the featured video sites or to find either a video or picture to compliment or add to the story you wrote at the beginning of the day. 2. Add this media to your story on the NGOpulse site. 3. Publish your final story.
  • 79. Final Social Media Practical 45 mins 30 mins – Analytical exercise – Using the social media tools that you have been introduced to, write a 5 step social media implementation plan for your organization. – You may use one, some or all of the tools. – Log back into the social wiki and record your five-step implementation plan, using the cheat sheet to familiarize yourself with the formatting. – 15 mins - Report back – Report back the ideas used in your implementation plan to the group.