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Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
With / In / For
David J. Anderson
LeanKanban Benelux
Heeze, Netherlands
November 2015
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
is the innovation in Agile development methods
Agile assumes a high trust environment
Elements of high trust include
 Tacit knowledge, collaboration, transparency
 Lack of negotiation, contracts, audit, arbitration &
 Flat, simple org structures
 Broad, loosely defined job titles and roles
 Empowerment, leadership, tolerance of failure
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Great Boss, Dead Boss -- Ray Immelman
In 2005 this book
changed how I see
the world and how
I understood the
world of work
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
All warm-blooded vertebrate animals form social
groups for survival and mutual advantage
Flocks… Herds… packs… tribes.
We are inherently social
and cannot get away from it.
The social nature of our species
governs our behavior.
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
A need to belong
ranks 3rd
Mazlov’s hierarchy of needs
after physiological and safety concerns.
We inherently want to belong
to social groups.
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
The need to belong and conform often
overrides logic or the values and beliefs
of the individual.
Individuals often behave against their
better judgment for fear of
repercussions for their social status…
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
This can lead to
group think errors
ethnic cleansing
war crimes
and generally
acts out of character
for the individual
such as
criminal behavior
petty crime
drug taking and substance abuse
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social behavior is governed by our limbic brain
What Daniel Kahneman called
“System 1”
Our amygdala – in evolutionary
terms a very old part of our
Most importantly its function
cannot be switched off or over-
ridden by logical argument
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Logical behavior is governed by our frontal cortex
System 2
our logical inference engine
– our frontal cortex
incapable of overcoming
the instinct of the limbic
in any cognitive dissonance
or disagreement between
the older and newer
systems in our brain
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Immelman’s great insight is that we should
recognized people in the workplace behave
in an inherently tribal manner
Once we recognize this, it is
something we can potentially
harness and control
(or at least manipulate in a
positive manner)
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social group cohesion
Clear definition of in and out
clear and strict social hierarchy
formalized membership
formalized progress up the social hierarchy
strong sense of belonging
drive for conformity
lack of innovation
leadership only from the top
excommunication for transgressing social norms and conventions
lack of risk taking
New members welcomed only if they conform and follow the set path
to membership.
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social group cohesion
fuzzy definition of in and out
ambiguous social hierarchy even if one or more leaders are clearly recognized
informal membership
social status determined by peers with no set evaluation criteria
…and no formal path to achieving increased status
lack of loyalty
weaker sense of belonging
tolerance of experimentation
risk taking
failure tolerant
leadership from any level
New members readily accepted even with
unconventional ideas, beliefs or behaviors.
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Highly cohesive social groups can represent
attractive homes for the lost,
e.g. cults.
Highly cohesive social groups tend to be
brittle and lack resilience and robustness in
the face or environmental change
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Why did the Greenland Norse “Collapse”
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
So if Agile requires a high trust culture,
does a high level of social capital
predict Agile adoption?
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Rest of
Early Agile Adoption
Early Kanban
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
The key to Agile adoption lies in the social
cohesion of society, not its social capital.
Liberal societies
are more likely
to adopt it.
Early Agile Adoption
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Liberal societies exhibit
as they are tolerant of innovation,
and more likely to
adopt, adapt or exapt
a concept from outside
when placed under stress.
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
start with what you do now approach
made it appealing to a much wider audience.
Conservative, low trust cultures can still use
Kanban by simply
making current policies explicit.
The act of making policies explicit and
providing transparency through visualization
automatically moves the culture up and to
the right
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
or the inherent
provided by
making policies
Early Kanban
Some Kanban adoptions fail because the
culture is resistant to transparency
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
A truly Agile society is both
highly trusting and very liberal
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Definition of the
Kanban Method
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Customer Focus
The Kanban Values
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
The Kanban Method
Service Delivery Principles
1. Understand and focus on your customers’ needs
and expectations
2. Manage the work, allow your people self-organize
around it
3. Your organization is an ecosystem of
interdependent services steered by its policies,
reflect regularly on their effectives and improve
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
The Kanban Method
Change Management Principles
1. Start with what you do now
 Understanding current processes, as actually practiced
 Respecting existing roles, responsibilities & job titles
2. Gain agreement to pursue improvement through
evolutionary change
3. Encourage acts of leadership at all levels
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Kanban Method uses…
… uses kanban boards to visualize invisible work,
workflow & business risks together with kanban
systems which limit work-in-progress
Kanban Method delivers…
… faster, more predictable service delivery and an
adaptive capability that enables you to respond
effectively to changes customer demand or your
business environment
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
The Kanban Method
General Practices
1. Visualize (with a kanban board 看板)
2. Limit work-in-progress (with kanban かんばん)
3. Manage flow
4. Make policies explicit
5. Implement feedback loops
6. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally
(using models & the scientific method)
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
The Kanban Lens
Learn to view what you do now as a set of services
(that can be improved):
 What to look for…
• Creative work is service-oriented
• Service delivery involves workflow
• Workflow involves a series of knowledge discovery
 What to do…
• Map the knowledge discovery workflow
• Pay attention to how & why work arrives
• Track work flowing through the service
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Implementing Service Delivery Kanban
Specific Practices
1. Visualize service delivery workflows
2. Implement virtual kanban systems
3. Manage flow within & across workflows
4. Make your decision framework, risk management
policies & boundaries of empowerment explicit
5. Implement the Kanban Cadences
6. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally
(using fitness criteria metrics, and model-driven improvements based upon an understanding
of risks, variability, constraints, sources of delay, queuing theory, real option theory, transaction
& coordination costs)
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Per delivery cadence
change change
change change
change info
Kanban Cadences
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Are we doing Kanban or not?
It isn’t a question of evaluating practice usage but
rather a question of intent …
Do you intend to use visualization & kanban systems to drive
a focus on sustained fitness for purpose?
Do you view your organization as a network of services and
seek to improve the balance of capability against demand &
customer expectations?
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Kanban Litmus Test
1. Have managers changed their behavior?
2. Has the customer interface changed?
3. Has the customer contract changed?
4. Has the service delivery business model changed?
If you can’t answer yes to at least 2 of these questions
it is unlikely you’ve switched to Kanban yet! You may
have the intent to adopt it through a series of
evolutionary steps initially adopting proto-Kanban
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
(Systems Thinking Approach to Introducing Kanban)
1. Understand what makes the service “fit for
2. Understand sources of dissatisfaction
regarding current delivery
3. Analyze sources of and nature of demand
4. Analyze current delivery capability
5. Model the service delivery workflow
6. Identify & define classes of service
7. Design the kanban system
8. Socialize design & negotiate implementation
This process
tends to be
Identify Services. For each service…
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Examples of social engineering
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 1 -
WIP limit smaller than team, forcing
collaboration or transparent idleness
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 2 -
Aggregated team servicing multiple customers,
forcing collaboration in various ways:
Agreed capacity
Democratic voting
Consensus selection
Level of trust
rises with each
style of
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 3 -
Use of avatars for multi-skilled workers,
specialists and narrowly skilled on specific
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 4 -
Manage the work,
allow your people to self-organize around it
Manage the work, allow your people to self-organize
around it
Map workflow as states of the work based on
activities to generate new knowledge
No value stream mapping, describing handoffs
between individuals. No “Gemba Walks”
Recognition that virtual, intangible environments are
different from physical environments
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Examples of social engineering
IN (the design of)
The Kanban Method
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Start with what you do now
No one gets a new role or job title
Deliberately chosen to avoid psychological and
sociological effects of identity change
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Kanban should be like water!
Avoid the "rocks" of
emotional, psychological and social resistance
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Kanban daily meeting is social
System 1 engagement –
visual, social, tactile, narrative
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Per delivery cadence
change change
change change
change info
Replenishment meetings are social
Replenishment meetings force
social collaboration from multiple
stakeholders who have to agree on
selections or agree a democratic
voting system or a capacity
allocation system
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Transparency Balance Collaboration
Flow Leadership
Understanding Agreement Respect
Kanban Values are inherently social
Customer focus helps bind
teams in a common goal!
Leadership (at all levels)
indicates a preference for a
loosely cohesive social
Understanding, agreement,
collaboration & respect are all
inherently social values
Transparency indicates
a preference for a high
social capital, high
trust culture with a
flatter social hierarchy
and greater social
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Examples of social engineering
For (the development of)
Kanban (as a social group)
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 1 -
No Kanbanistas
Stamped out before it got much traction
Too strong of an identity leads to dogma
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 2 -
No roles
Again, deliberately weakening the sense of identity
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 3 -
No Kanban-but or Kanban-butts
Weakening the boundary between in and out
Lowering the barrier to entry
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 4 -
Long resistance to certifications. No role-based
Weakens the boundary between in and out
Weakens the sense of identity for the group
Weakens the formalization of the social structure
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
- 5 -
Social behavior across market adoption lifecycle
Enthusiasts Early
I want to
join your tribe.
The earlier I join,
the more social
status I expect
I have no interest in
joining your tribe.
I want to use your tool
Early market
is about
Everyone is a
Need separation
of events:
retreats for
early market;
conferences for
majority market
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Actions all taken
to deliberately position
the Kanban community
as a loosely cohesive social group
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Not without consequences...
Lack of loyalty
 members of the community tend to come and go
Reduced demand to get involved amongst enthusiast
and early adopter market segments
Lost sheep often don't find a strong enough home in
Need to replenish the community with new blood
 expensive to keep generating new members and leaders as
others drift off
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Developing and maintaining a
loosely cohesive social group
is more expensive
in time, energy and money,
than developing a highly cohesive group.
So Why Do it?...
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Advantage #1: Develops New Leaders
Klaus Leopold
Mike Burrows
Karl Scotland
Patrick Steyaert
Alexei Zheglov
Dimitar Bakardzhiev
Rodrigo Yoshima
every winner and nominee of/for the Brickell Key Award…
a long list of new leaders have emerged from Kanbanland
In Scandinavia,
Mattias Skarin, Christoph Achouiantz, Hakan Forss,
Marcus Hammerberg & Joakim Sunden
have all provided leadership in the Kanban community
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Advantage #2: Continual Innovation
In 10 years Kanban has evolved, expanded and been
It takes over an hour on stage to list the innovations and
developments in Kanban since 2005.
The latest significant changes include
Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) and Discovery Kanban
Lean Kanban conferences continue to hold a reputation for
consistently innovative content and participants who are
experimental and push boundaries and tackle new
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Advantage #3: Thoughtfulness
There isn't any dogma in a community trained to think
and develop its ideas from first principles and values.
The key was in defining membership through alignment
with explicitly espoused values and explicitly defined
and showing tolerance of new ideas and practices so long
as they are shown to be aligned with values and
Examples such as Hakan Forss challenging the depth of
kanban assessment demonstrate a willingness from the
community to eat its own sacred cows
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Rejections & Resignations
Where the Kanban community has rejected
individuals and their ideas
– and some of these have been quite public and the
individuals made a terrible fuss about it –
there has been a clearly demonstrable lack of
alignment with Kanban values and principles
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Disadvantages #1: People like, want and
need highly cohesive social groups
They need that sense of belonging.
They want a clearly defined social
structure and path to climb it.
So growing the Kanban community
is challenging
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Disadvantage #2: Retards the Training Market
Individuals often drive the training market by selecting
training with a personal, emotional, psychological and
social benefit for themselves.
Training related to membership and status within a
highly cohesive social group is therefore more
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Disadvantage #3: Avoiding Dogma is Costly
Dogma – the following of socially normal practices
without thought or hindrance to the utility of
application, ethnics or morals of their use
…is actually easy, lazy behavior.
Thinking uses energy and acting on thoughts may
require courage.
People prefer to join groups and hide behind the
excuse of social conformity
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
We are inherently social!
Our tendency to let social behavior override
our better judgment
or ability to think logically
is a human trait
that managers must accept and adapt for
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban
Kanban has broad applicability
to social groups with different traits and behaviors
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban
Kanban can be used as a social engineering tool
within an organization
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban
An understanding that we as a species
are inherently social has been used explicitly
to define the Kanban Method
– a “humane approach to change”
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban
The same understanding was used strategically for
almost a decade
to lead, shape and steer the development
of the Kanban community as a
loosely cohesive social group
accepting both the benefits and consequences of that
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
2012 Lessons in Agile Management
The heavily under-rated book
that underpins the Kanban
Coaching Masterclass and most
of the theory behind the
Kanban Method
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
Thank you!
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
David Anderson is an innovator in
management of 21st Century
businesses that employ creative
people who “think for a living” . He
leads a training, consulting,
publishing and event planning
business dedicated to developing,
promoting and implementing new
management thinking & methods…
He has 30+ years experience in the high technology industry
starting with computer games in the early 1980’s. He has
led software organizations delivering superior productivity
and quality using innovative methods at large companies such
as Sprint and Motorola.
David defined Enterprise Services Planning and originated
Kanban Method an adaptive approach to improved service
delivery. His latest book, published in June 2012, is, Lessons
in Agile Management – On the Road to Kanban.
David is Chairman & CEO of Lean Kanban Inc., a business
operating globally, dedicated to providing quality training &
events to bring Kanban and Enterprise Services Planning to
businesses who employ those who must “think for a living.”
Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja

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Social engineering with in for kanban

  • 1. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social Engineering With / In / For Kanban David J. Anderson LeanKanban Benelux Heeze, Netherlands November 2015
  • 2. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Sociology is the innovation in Agile development methods Agile assumes a high trust environment Elements of high trust include  Tacit knowledge, collaboration, transparency  Lack of negotiation, contracts, audit, arbitration & reconciliation  Flat, simple org structures  Broad, loosely defined job titles and roles  Empowerment, leadership, tolerance of failure
  • 3. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Tribes Great Boss, Dead Boss -- Ray Immelman In 2005 this book changed how I see the world and how I understood the world of work
  • 4. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja All warm-blooded vertebrate animals form social groups for survival and mutual advantage Flocks… Herds… packs… tribes. We are inherently social and cannot get away from it. The social nature of our species governs our behavior.
  • 5. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja A need to belong ranks 3rd in Mazlov’s hierarchy of needs after physiological and safety concerns. We inherently want to belong to social groups.
  • 6. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja The need to belong and conform often overrides logic or the values and beliefs of the individual. Individuals often behave against their better judgment for fear of repercussions for their social status…
  • 7. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja This can lead to group think errors riots ethnic cleansing war crimes and generally acts out of character for the individual such as criminal behavior vandalism petty crime drug taking and substance abuse
  • 8. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social behavior is governed by our limbic brain What Daniel Kahneman called “System 1” Our amygdala – in evolutionary terms a very old part of our brains Most importantly its function cannot be switched off or over- ridden by logical argument
  • 9. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Logical behavior is governed by our frontal cortex System 2 our logical inference engine – our frontal cortex incapable of overcoming the instinct of the limbic system in any cognitive dissonance or disagreement between the older and newer systems in our brain
  • 10. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Immelman’s great insight is that we should recognized people in the workplace behave in an inherently tribal manner Once we recognize this, it is something we can potentially harness and control (or at least manipulate in a positive manner)
  • 11. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social group cohesion Strong/tight Clear definition of in and out clear and strict social hierarchy formalized membership formalized progress up the social hierarchy loyalty strong sense of belonging drive for conformity lack of innovation leadership only from the top excommunication for transgressing social norms and conventions intolerance conservative lack of risk taking New members welcomed only if they conform and follow the set path to membership.
  • 12. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social group cohesion Weak/Loose fuzzy definition of in and out ambiguous social hierarchy even if one or more leaders are clearly recognized informal membership social status determined by peers with no set evaluation criteria …and no formal path to achieving increased status lack of loyalty weaker sense of belonging tolerance of experimentation innovation liberal risk taking failure tolerant leadership from any level New members readily accepted even with unconventional ideas, beliefs or behaviors.
  • 13. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Highly cohesive social groups can represent attractive homes for the lost, e.g. cults. Highly cohesive social groups tend to be brittle and lack resilience and robustness in the face or environmental change
  • 14. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Why did the Greenland Norse “Collapse”
  • 15. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja So if Agile requires a high trust culture, does a high level of social capital predict Agile adoption?
  • 16. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja LiberalConservative LowTrustHighTrust Scandinavia Coastal USA United Kingdom India China Netherlands Belgium Germany France Latin America Rest of USA Early Agile Adoption Japan Early Kanban Adoption
  • 17. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja The key to Agile adoption lies in the social cohesion of society, not its social capital. Liberal societies are more likely to adopt it. Early Agile Adoption
  • 18. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Liberal societies exhibit "anti-fragility" as they are tolerant of innovation, and more likely to adopt, adapt or exapt a concept from outside when placed under stress.
  • 19. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Kanban's start with what you do now approach made it appealing to a much wider audience. Conservative, low trust cultures can still use Kanban by simply making current policies explicit. The act of making policies explicit and providing transparency through visualization automatically moves the culture up and to the right
  • 20. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja or the inherent empowerment provided by making policies explicit. Early Kanban Adoption Some Kanban adoptions fail because the culture is resistant to transparency
  • 21. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja A truly Agile society is both highly trusting and very liberal
  • 22. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Review: Definition of the Kanban Method
  • 23. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Agreement Balance Collaboration Customer Focus Flow Leadership Respect Transparency Understanding The Kanban Values
  • 24. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja The Kanban Method Service Delivery Principles 1. Understand and focus on your customers’ needs and expectations 2. Manage the work, allow your people self-organize around it 3. Your organization is an ecosystem of interdependent services steered by its policies, reflect regularly on their effectives and improve them
  • 25. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja The Kanban Method Change Management Principles 1. Start with what you do now  Understanding current processes, as actually practiced  Respecting existing roles, responsibilities & job titles 2. Gain agreement to pursue improvement through evolutionary change 3. Encourage acts of leadership at all levels
  • 26. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Kanban Method uses… … uses kanban boards to visualize invisible work, workflow & business risks together with kanban systems which limit work-in-progress Kanban Method delivers… … faster, more predictable service delivery and an adaptive capability that enables you to respond effectively to changes customer demand or your business environment
  • 27. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja The Kanban Method General Practices 1. Visualize (with a kanban board 看板) 2. Limit work-in-progress (with kanban かんばん) 3. Manage flow 4. Make policies explicit 5. Implement feedback loops 6. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally (using models & the scientific method)
  • 28. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja The Kanban Lens Learn to view what you do now as a set of services (that can be improved):  What to look for… • Creative work is service-oriented • Service delivery involves workflow • Workflow involves a series of knowledge discovery activities  What to do… • Map the knowledge discovery workflow • Pay attention to how & why work arrives • Track work flowing through the service
  • 29. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Implementing Service Delivery Kanban Specific Practices 1. Visualize service delivery workflows 2. Implement virtual kanban systems 3. Manage flow within & across workflows 4. Make your decision framework, risk management policies & boundaries of empowerment explicit 5. Implement the Kanban Cadences 6. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally (using fitness criteria metrics, and model-driven improvements based upon an understanding of risks, variability, constraints, sources of delay, queuing theory, real option theory, transaction & coordination costs)
  • 30. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Strategy Review Risk Review Monthly Service Delivery Review Bi-WeeklyQuarterly Kanban Meeting Daily Operations Review Monthly Replenishment/ Commitment Meeting Weekly Delivery Planning Meeting Per delivery cadence change change change change change change change change change info info info info info info info info info change info Kanban Cadences
  • 31. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Are we doing Kanban or not? It isn’t a question of evaluating practice usage but rather a question of intent … Do you intend to use visualization & kanban systems to drive a focus on sustained fitness for purpose? Do you view your organization as a network of services and seek to improve the balance of capability against demand & customer expectations?
  • 32. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Kanban Litmus Test 1. Have managers changed their behavior? 2. Has the customer interface changed? 3. Has the customer contract changed? 4. Has the service delivery business model changed? If you can’t answer yes to at least 2 of these questions it is unlikely you’ve switched to Kanban yet! You may have the intent to adopt it through a series of evolutionary steps initially adopting proto-Kanban
  • 33. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja STATIK (Systems Thinking Approach to Introducing Kanban) 1. Understand what makes the service “fit for purpose” 2. Understand sources of dissatisfaction regarding current delivery 3. Analyze sources of and nature of demand 4. Analyze current delivery capability 5. Model the service delivery workflow 6. Identify & define classes of service 7. Design the kanban system 8. Socialize design & negotiate implementation This process tends to be iterative Identify Services. For each service…
  • 34. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Examples of social engineering WITH Kanban
  • 35. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 1 - WIP limit smaller than team, forcing collaboration or transparent idleness
  • 36. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 2 - Aggregated team servicing multiple customers, forcing collaboration in various ways: Agreed capacity allocation Democratic voting Consensus selection Level of trust rises with each style of collaboration
  • 37. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 3 - Use of avatars for multi-skilled workers, specialists and narrowly skilled on specific rows
  • 38. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 4 - Manage the work, allow your people to self-organize around it Manage the work, allow your people to self-organize around it Map workflow as states of the work based on activities to generate new knowledge No value stream mapping, describing handoffs between individuals. No “Gemba Walks” Recognition that virtual, intangible environments are different from physical environments
  • 39. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Examples of social engineering IN (the design of) The Kanban Method
  • 40. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Start with what you do now No one gets a new role or job title Deliberately chosen to avoid psychological and sociological effects of identity change
  • 41. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Kanban should be like water! Avoid the "rocks" of emotional, psychological and social resistance
  • 42. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Kanban daily meeting is social System 1 engagement – visual, social, tactile, narrative
  • 43. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Strategy Review Risk Review Monthly Service Delivery Review Bi-WeeklyQuarterly Kanban Meeting Daily Operations Review Monthly Replenishment/ Commitment Meeting Weekly Delivery Planning Meeting Per delivery cadence change change change change change change change change change info info info info info info info info info change info Replenishment meetings are social Replenishment meetings force social collaboration from multiple stakeholders who have to agree on selections or agree a democratic voting system or a capacity allocation system
  • 44. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Transparency Balance Collaboration Customer Focus Flow Leadership Understanding Agreement Respect Kanban Values are inherently social Customer focus helps bind teams in a common goal! Leadership (at all levels) indicates a preference for a loosely cohesive social structure Understanding, agreement, collaboration & respect are all inherently social values Transparency indicates a preference for a high social capital, high trust culture with a flatter social hierarchy and greater social mobility
  • 45. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Examples of social engineering For (the development of) Kanban (as a social group)
  • 46. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 1 - No Kanbanistas Stamped out before it got much traction Too strong of an identity leads to dogma
  • 47. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 2 - No roles Again, deliberately weakening the sense of identity
  • 48. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 3 - No Kanban-but or Kanban-butts Weakening the boundary between in and out Lowering the barrier to entry
  • 49. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 4 - Long resistance to certifications. No role-based certification Weakens the boundary between in and out Weakens the sense of identity for the group Weakens the formalization of the social structure
  • 50. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja - 5 - Social behavior across market adoption lifecycle Enthusiasts Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Rate Of Market Adoption time Moore’s Chasm Little Chasm I want to join your tribe. The earlier I join, the more social status I expect I have no interest in joining your tribe. I want to use your tool Early market is about building community. Everyone is a leader Need separation of events: leadership retreats for early market; LeanKanban conferences for majority market
  • 51. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Actions all taken to deliberately position the Kanban community as a loosely cohesive social group
  • 52. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Not without consequences... Lack of loyalty  members of the community tend to come and go Reduced demand to get involved amongst enthusiast and early adopter market segments Lost sheep often don't find a strong enough home in Kanbanland Need to replenish the community with new blood  expensive to keep generating new members and leaders as others drift off
  • 53. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Developing and maintaining a loosely cohesive social group is more expensive in time, energy and money, than developing a highly cohesive group. So Why Do it?...
  • 54. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Advantage #1: Develops New Leaders Klaus Leopold Mike Burrows Karl Scotland Patrick Steyaert Alexei Zheglov Dimitar Bakardzhiev Rodrigo Yoshima every winner and nominee of/for the Brickell Key Award… a long list of new leaders have emerged from Kanbanland In Scandinavia, Mattias Skarin, Christoph Achouiantz, Hakan Forss, Marcus Hammerberg & Joakim Sunden have all provided leadership in the Kanban community
  • 55. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Advantage #2: Continual Innovation In 10 years Kanban has evolved, expanded and been refined. It takes over an hour on stage to list the innovations and developments in Kanban since 2005. The latest significant changes include Enterprise Services Planning (ESP) and Discovery Kanban Lean Kanban conferences continue to hold a reputation for consistently innovative content and participants who are experimental and push boundaries and tackle new challenges
  • 56. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Advantage #3: Thoughtfulness There isn't any dogma in a community trained to think and develop its ideas from first principles and values. The key was in defining membership through alignment with explicitly espoused values and explicitly defined principles and showing tolerance of new ideas and practices so long as they are shown to be aligned with values and principles. Examples such as Hakan Forss challenging the depth of kanban assessment demonstrate a willingness from the community to eat its own sacred cows
  • 57. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Rejections & Resignations Where the Kanban community has rejected individuals and their ideas – and some of these have been quite public and the individuals made a terrible fuss about it – there has been a clearly demonstrable lack of alignment with Kanban values and principles
  • 58. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Disadvantages #1: People like, want and need highly cohesive social groups They need that sense of belonging. They want a clearly defined social structure and path to climb it. So growing the Kanban community is challenging
  • 59. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Disadvantage #2: Retards the Training Market Individuals often drive the training market by selecting training with a personal, emotional, psychological and social benefit for themselves. Training related to membership and status within a highly cohesive social group is therefore more attractive
  • 60. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Disadvantage #3: Avoiding Dogma is Costly Dogma – the following of socially normal practices without thought or hindrance to the utility of application, ethnics or morals of their use …is actually easy, lazy behavior. Thinking uses energy and acting on thoughts may require courage. People prefer to join groups and hide behind the excuse of social conformity
  • 61. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Conclusions
  • 62. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja We are inherently social! Our tendency to let social behavior override our better judgment or ability to think logically is a human trait that managers must accept and adapt for
  • 63. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban Kanban has broad applicability to social groups with different traits and behaviors
  • 64. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban Kanban can be used as a social engineering tool within an organization
  • 65. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban An understanding that we as a species are inherently social has been used explicitly to define the Kanban Method – a “humane approach to change”
  • 66. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Social Engineering with/in/for Kanban The same understanding was used strategically for almost a decade to lead, shape and steer the development of the Kanban community as a loosely cohesive social group accepting both the benefits and consequences of that decision
  • 67. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja 2012 Lessons in Agile Management The heavily under-rated book that underpins the Kanban Coaching Masterclass and most of the theory behind the Kanban Method
  • 68. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja
  • 69. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja Thank you!
  • 70. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja About David Anderson is an innovator in management of 21st Century businesses that employ creative people who “think for a living” . He leads a training, consulting, publishing and event planning business dedicated to developing, promoting and implementing new management thinking & methods… He has 30+ years experience in the high technology industry starting with computer games in the early 1980’s. He has led software organizations delivering superior productivity and quality using innovative methods at large companies such as Sprint and Motorola. David defined Enterprise Services Planning and originated Kanban Method an adaptive approach to improved service delivery. His latest book, published in June 2012, is, Lessons in Agile Management – On the Road to Kanban. David is Chairman & CEO of Lean Kanban Inc., a business operating globally, dedicated to providing quality training & events to bring Kanban and Enterprise Services Planning to businesses who employ those who must “think for a living.”
  • 71. Copyright Lean Kanban @lki_dja

Editor's Notes

  1. Briefly explain the 3 service delivery principles. Reflect on the values embedded in these statements: customer focus; respect; understanding. The Kanban Method has 2 sets of principles: the service delivery principles; and the change management principles.
  2. There are 3 Change Management Principles designed to frame an evolutionary approach to improvement. Be aware that the Kanban Method is applied to the way you work now, and it will help you evolve the way you work gradually over time. [Briefly walk through each of the principles. See David’s blog at if you want help with how to explain each.]
  3. The Kanban Method will help you become more aware of the work that is going on, how it is being done, and where the risks are. Done right, customer satisfaction will improve as you better meet their service delivery expectations. Kanban will help you become quicker to adapt to what your customers want and the changing needs of your business over time.
  4. There are 6 General Practices in the Kanban Method. [Walk briefly through each of the 6 Practices. See David Anderson’s blog at if you want help with how to explain]
  5. Think in terms of services rather than departments or functional groups: look at the way you work, who your customers are, the activities involved, and how the work flows.
  6. We can think about the 6 practices in terms of services. How are services delivered throughout your organization?
  7. One service practice of the Kanban Method is to build an information flow via formal reviews and meetings. This improves collaboration and agility.
  8. How do you know you are doing Kanban and not just visual management?
  9. You will know that you have moved beyond visual management and into Kanban by considering these questions. Given that the Kanban Method is a management method, delivered with management training, we would expect managers to have changed their behavior. We would expect them to focus on managing service requests for customers, on managing work, as it flows through a defined and visualized workflow, while they allow the workers to self-organize around the work. Managers should have given up their “dating agent” behavior where they try to match workers to tasks, and moved on to focusing on customer value. Has the customer interface changed is an indication that replenishment meetings are now happening Has the customer contract changed is evidence that we have a customer focused, service delivery approach quite possibly with a service level agreement (SLA) Has the service delivery business model changed implies that we are offering classes of service, shaping demand with a capacity allocation, and managing risk, possibly with a demand shaping threshold or bifurcation policies that shape demand and workflow routing according to risk. [Question 4 relates to material covered in the ESP curriculum]
  10. We have walked through the Systems Thinking Approach to Introducing Kanban. This process tends to be iterative. Don’t be afraid to go back and adjust your kanban system as new information emerges or your needs change.
  11. One service practice of the Kanban Method is to build an information flow via formal reviews and meetings. This improves collaboration and agility.