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Social	Media	Analy.cs	for		
Graph-Based	Event	Detec.on	
Dr.	Yiannis	Kompatsiaris,	
Mul$media,	Knowledge	and	Social	Media	Analy$cs	Lab,	Head	
11th	Interna.onal	Workshop	on	Seman.c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta.on	and	Personaliza.on
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
•  Introduc.on	
–	–	Challenges	
•  Real-world	events	in	Social	Media	PlaIorms	
–  Detec.on	(Discovery)	
–  Monitoring	(Representa.on)	
–  Tracking	(Evolu.on)	
•  Approaches	
–  “Same-event”	model	
–  Visual	event	summariza.on	
–  Incremental	Large-Scale	Event	Summariza.on	
•  Conclusions	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	3	
Pope	Francis	
Pope	Benedict	
2007:	iPhone	release	
2008:	Android	release	
2010:	iPad	release	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	4	
2016:	US	Elec.ons
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	5	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Social	Media	aspects	and	context
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	7	
rise	of	the	networks
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Mul2-modal	graphs	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Social	Networks	as	Graphs
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	10	
Social	Networks	as	Real-Life	Sensors	
•  Social	Networks	is	a	data	source	with	an	
extremely	dynamic	nature	that	reflects	
events	and	the	evolu.on	of	community	
focus	(user’s	interests)	
•  Huge	smartphones	and	mobile	devices	
penetra2on	provides	and	
loca.on-based	user	feedback	
•  Transform	individually	rare	but	
collec2vely	frequent	media	to	meaningful	
topics,	events,	points	of	interest,	emo.onal	
states	and	social	connec.ons	
•  Present	in	an	efficient	way	for	a	variety	of	
applica.ons	(news,,	science,	
health,	entertainment)
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	11	
Real-life	Social	Networks	
•  Social	networks	have	emergent	
proper2es.	Emergent	
are	new	aWributes	of	a	whole	
that	arise	from	the	interac.on	
and	interconnec.on	of	the	parts	
•  Emo.ons,	Health,	Sexual	
rela.onships	depend	on	our	
connec2ons	(e.g.	number	of	
them)	and	on	our	posi2on	-	
structure	in	the	social	graph	
•  Central	–	Hub	
•  Outlier	
•  Transi.vity	(connec.ons	between	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Examples	-	Science	
Xin	Jin,	Andrew	Gallagher,	Liangliang	Cao,	Jiebo	Luo,	and	
Jiawei	Han.	The	wisdom	of	social	mul*media:	using	
flickr	for	predic*on	and	forecast,	Interna.onal	
conference	on	(MM	'10).	ACM.	
“…if	you're	more	than	100	km	away	from	the	epicenter	
[of	an	earthquake]	you	can	read	about	the	quake	on	
twiWer	before	it	hits	you…”	
Many	twiWer	examples	at:	What	can	TwiWer	tell	us	about	the	real	world?	TwiWer	and	the	Real	
World	CIKM'13	Tutorial,	hWps://
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Examples	-	Science	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Example	–	News		
(Boston	Marathon	bombing	-	2013)	
“Following	the	Boston	Marathon	bombings,	one	
quarter	of	Americans	reportedly	looked	to	Facebook,	
TwiWer	and	other	social	networking	sites	for	
informa.on,	according	to	The	Pew	Research	Center.	
When	the	Boston	Police	Department	posted	its	final	
“CAPTURED!!!”	tweet	of	the	manhunt,	more	than	
140,000	people	retweeted	it.”		
“	have	recognized	that	one	
the	first	places	people	go	in	events	like	
this	is	to	social	media,	to	see	what	the	
crowd	is	saying	about	what	to	do	next”	
"I	have	been	following	my	friend's	
Facebook	[account]	who	is	near	the	scene	
and	she	is	upda2ng	everyone	before	it	
even	gets	to	the	news”
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Example	–	Crisis	–	Humanitarian	(Syria)	
Syria	Tracker	offers	a	crisis	mapping	system	that	uses	crowdsourced	text,	photo	
and	video	reports	and	data	mining	techniques	forming	a	live	map	of	the	Syrian	
conflict	since	March	2011	
…stream	of	
media	from	
news,	social	
media	(TwiWer	
and	Facebook)	
and	official	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Citybeat:	Visualizing	the	Social	Media	Pulse	of	the	City			
Citybeat	sources,	monitors	and	analyzes	hyper-local	informa.on	from	mul.ple	social	media	plaIorms	–		
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Many	other	examples:	smellymaps	
Smell	related	words	in	geo-located	social	media	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Be	careful	of	correla2on	diagrams	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	19	
API	Wrapper	
Website	Wrapper	
Visual	Indexing	
Text	Indexing	
Media	Fetcher	
Sen2ment	-	Influence	
Trends	-	Topics	
Model	Building	
Crawling	Specs	
Conceptual	Architecture
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	20	
Challenges	–	Content	(Indexing	-	Mining)	
• Mul2-modality:	e.g.	image	+	tags,	video,	audio	
• Rich	social	context:	spa.o-temporal,	social	connec.ons,	
rela.ons	and	social	graph	
• Specific	messages:	short,	conversa.ons,	errors,	no	context	
• Inconsistent	quality:	noise,	spam,	fake,	propaganda	
• Huge	volume:	Massively	produced	and	disseminated	
• Mul2-source:	may	be	generated	by	different	applica.ons	and	
• Dynamic:	Fast	updates,
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Policy	–	Licensing	–	Legal	challenges	
•  	Fragmented	access	to	data	
–  Separate	wrappers/APIs	for	each	source	(TwiWer,	Facebook,	etc.)	
–  Different	data	collec.on/crawling	policies	
•  	Limita.ons	imposed	by	API	providers	(“Walled	Gardens”)	
•  Full	access	to	data	impossible	or	extremely	expensive	(e.g.	see	data	
	licensing	plans	for	GNIP	and	DataSiu)	
•  Non-transparent	data	access	prac.ces	(e.g.	access	is	provided	to	an	
	organiza.on/person	if	they	have	a	contact	in	TwiWer)		
•  	Constant	change	of	model	and	ToS	of	social	APIs	
–  No	backwards	compa.bility,	addi.onal	development	costs	
•  	Ephemeral	nature	of	content	
•  Social	search	results	ouen	lead	to	removed	content	à inconsistent	
	and	unreliable	referencing	
•  	User	Privacy	&	Purpose	of	use	
•  Fuzzy	regulatory	framework	regarding	mining	user-contributed	data
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Real-world	Events	in	Social	Media	Plajorms
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Large-scale	real	world	events	(1)	
•  Long-running	events	→	Consist	of	several	sub-events	
e.g.	10	days	of	Sundance	Film	Fes.val	include	opening	
and	awards	ceremonies,	screenings	etc.	
•  A	lot	of	involved	persons	that	use	social	media	→	huge	
amount	of	event-related	micro-blogging	messages		
•  A	growing	number	of	these	messages	carry	mul2media	
–  The	existence	of	an	image	in	a	micro-post	can	
convey	a	much	beWer	impression	for	the	specific	
moment	of	the	ongoing	event
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Large-scale	real	world	events	(2)	
						#nbafinals	→	2.6M	tweets	in	one	month	
#Bal2moreRiots	29	April-2	May	2015	
à1.3M	tweets	in	5	days		
E3	conference	2015	16-18	June	
>5M	tweets	before	conference	
2M	tweets	during	conference	
new	game	releases	à	mul2media	content
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Social	Event	Detec2on	(Discovery)	
-	Detec.on	of	social	events	within	social	media	collec.ons		
-	Usually	content	
	 SED	can	be	seen	as		a	clustering	problem	
Different	event		types	e.g.	news,	personal	
events,	entertainment,	etc	
Different	characteris.cs	of	each	type	
		Related	problems	
• 	Retrieval	of	events	e.g.	find	all	music	
events	and	associated	photos	that	took	
place	in	Canada	in	2014	
• 	Classify	events	and	associated	photos	
to	event	types
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Real	world	events	monitoring	(1)	
•  many	non-event	messages,	photos,	etc	
•  the	huge	number	of	messages,	makes	it	very	
challenging	for	interested	users	to	monitor	the	
evolu.on	of	the	event	
•  many	messages	can	be	considered	as	spam	or	non-
•  In	case	of	internet	memes,	
screenshots,	images	of	low	quality…	
•  Redundancy	due	to	near	duplicate	messages	and	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Real	world	events	monitoring	(2)	
Duplicates	with		
no	explicit	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Event	related	collec$on	is	available		
Visual	Event	Summariza2on	
Visual	Event	Summariza2on	is	the	problem	of	
a	concise	set	of	images	that	are	highly	relevant	to	the	
event	and	contain	visually,	the	key	aspects	of	the	event.	
List	of	all	event	images	
Set	of	Selected		
and	Diverse	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Incremental	Event	Detec2on	and	
•  New	messages	and	photos	available	every	single	moment	
–  2	million	new	images	per	day	in	Flickr	(2015)	
–  500	million	new	tweets	per	day	(2016)		
•  Track	evolu.on	of	events		
–  Events	emerge,	evolve,	disappear		
•  Detect	events	incrementally	e.g.	per	hour,	day	
–  Use	of	a	sliding	.me	window	→	Detect	events	per	.me	window		
–  Linkage		techniques	to	associate	events	from	successive	.me	windows	
•  Updated	summariza.on		
–  Summarize	to	no.fy	users	only	for	new	informa.on	for	an	event	
–  Summarize	per	.me	window	given	what	the	user	has	already	seen	in	
the	previous	ones
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Social	Event	Detec2on	(SED)	
SED	challenge	@	MediaEval	workshop
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
SED	@	MediaEval	Workshop	
Year Challenge Dataset
2011 Find events related to two categories: (a) soccer
matches in Barcelona & Rome, (b) concerts in
Paradiso & Parc del Forum
73,645 Flickr photos from
Five cities, May 2009
2012 Find events related to three categories: (a) technical
events (e.g. exhibitions) in Germany, (b) soccer
events in Hamburg and Madrid, (c) Indignados
movement events in Madrid
167,332 Flickr photos from
five cities, 2009-2011
2013 (a) Cluster photo collections into events, (b) attach
YouTube videos to the discovered events
437,370 Flickr photos around
upcoming or events,
2006-2012, and 1,327
YouTube videos around the
events defined by the photos
Categorize photos into eight event types or non-
event: concerts, conferences, exhibitions, fashions
shows, sports, protests, theatrical/dance events,
2014 (a) Cluster photo collections into events, (b) attach
YouTube videos to the discovered events
367,578 Flickr photos
clustered in 17,834 social
events, 110,541 unclustered
Retrieve events according to specific search criteria
e.g. location, event type, involved entities, etc
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
SED	using	“Same	Event”	model	(1)	
Mul.modal	“Same-Event”	Model	
•  Adopt	an	item-item	approach	(message	to	message)	
•  Represent	messages	using	k	features/	
–  Textual	content		(H·idf),	visual	content	(VLAD+SURF),	
temporal	informa.on,	contributor,	loca.on,	etc	
•  Calculate	a	distance	vector	v(i,j)	between	messages	i,	j,	
based	on	each	modality	
–  Different	distance	func$ons	per	modality	e.g.	cosine	
for	text,	harvesing	distance	for	loca$on,	etc		
•  Predict	(e.g.	using	SVM)	whether	two	messages	mi	and	mj	
belong	to	the	same	event	according	to	the	calculate	
distance	vector	v(i,j)
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
SED	using	“Same	Event”	model	(2)
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Large-scale	graph-based	clustering	
•  Problem:	Discover	
structure	in	large-scale	
datasets	by	
their	rela.ons	
•  Challenges	-	Approach:		
–  Large-scale	
–  Fast	response	.mes	
–  Efficient	memory	usage	
–  Noise	Resilient	
–  Number	of	clusters	not	
•  Structural	similarity	+	
local	expansion	
community	detec.on	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
•  Structural similarity + Local
(highly efficient and
scalable approach)
•  Not necessary to know the
number of clusters
•  Noise resilient
(not all nodes need to be
part of a community)
•  Generic approach adaptable to
many applications
(depending on node – edge
S. Papadopoulos, Y. Kompatsiaris, A. Vakali. “A Graph-based Clustering Scheme for Identifying Related Tags in
Folksonomies”. In Proceedings of DaWaK'10, Springer-Verlag, 65-76
Large-scale	graph-based	clustering
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Pre-processing	/	Filtering	
Text-based	filtering	
•  heuris.c	rules	for	spam	filtering	→	discard	very	short	messages	&	
messages	with	many	men.ons,	URLs	or	hashtags.	
•  filtering	of	unstructured	messages	using	POS	tagging	
	Accept		→	(determiner?	adjec$ve*	noun+	verb)+	
Visual-based	filtering	of	messages	with	mul2media	content	
•  discard	small	images,	images	of	low	quality,	etc	
•  detect	and	discard	memes,	screenshots	and	images	containing	
heavy	text
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Pre-processing	/	Filtering	
Text-based	filtering	
Visual-based	filtering	
Tweet	length	
POS	tagging	filtering
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
“Same	Event”	Graph	Crea2on	GSE	
•  For	each	message	(image)	get	candidate	messages	(images)		
•  Calculate	“Same	Event”	score	only	for	candidates	sub-list	
•  Add	edges	for	pairs	with	high	score	(thresholding)	
•  Messages	from	the	same	event	form	dense	sub-graphs
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Event	Detec2on	
•  Apply	Structural	Clustering	Algorithm	for	Networks	(SCAN)	→	iden.fy	
dense	sub-graphs	of	messages	in	GSE		
•  Sub-graphs	represent	the	events	that	exist	in	the	stream	of	messages	
•  A	amount	of	messages	is	kept	outside	of	the	detected	clusters:	
Hubs	&	Outliers	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Post	Processing	
•  Assign	un-clustered	images	to	events	
–  Hubs:	Adjacent	to	mul.ple	→	Assign	to	the	
community	with	more	connec.ons	if	this	number	exceeds	
a	threshold	Tdeg	
–  Outliers:	Isolated	messages	in	the	graph	→	Either	form	
single	item	events	or	discard	them		
•  Use	classifica.on	techniques	to	detect	event	types	
for	each	detected	event	
•  Calculate	a	representa.on	for	each	detected	event	
–  Find	.tle,	dura.on,	loca.on,	etc
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
BeWer	results	in	2014	challenge	
but	the	same	approach	
• 			Fine	tuning	of	thresholding	during	
graph	crea.on	
• 			Advanced	technique	the	for	selec2on	
of	nega2ve/posi2ve	pairs	in	SEM	
• 		CNN-based	visual	features	for	images
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Visual	Event	Summariza2on	on	Social	Media	using	
Topic	Modelling	and	Graph-based	Ranking	Algorithms
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
MGraph:	Framework	Overview	
1.  create	message	mul.-graph	using	textual,	visual	and	temporal	proximity	
2.  find	underlying	topics	using	SCAN	algorithm	
3.  calculate	prior	scores	of	images	based	on	topics	and	popularity	(relevance)	
4.  diversify	using	DivRank
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Mul2-graph	Genera2on	(1)	
Given	a	set	of	(original)	messages	M={m1,	m2,	...,	mn}	we	construct	a	
mul.-graph	GM	=	{V,	Etextual,	Evisual,	Esocial,	E2me}	
•  vertex	vi	∈	V	corresponds	to	message	mi		
•  Etextual	→	undirected	edges	expressing	the	textual	similarity	(cosine	
similarity)	between	nodes	(N·idf	vector	vm)	
•  Evisual	→	undirected	edges	that	represent	the	visual	similarity	(L2	
distance)	between	nodes	with	images	(VLAD+SURF	vectors)		
Thresholding:	add	an	edge	in	Etextual	or	Evisual,	only	if	the	textual	or	visual	similarity	
between	the	corresponding	nodes	is	higher	than	thtextual	or	thvisual	respec.vely
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Mul2-graph	Genera2on	(2)
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Example	mul2-modal	sub-graph	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Visual	deduplica2on	
•  Visual	duplicates	for	which	there	is	no	explicit	connec.on	→	
apply	Clique	Percola.on	Method	(CPM)	on	sub-graph	Gvisual	=	
{V,	Evisual}		
•  Represent	detected	cliques	as	single	messages:	
–  VLAD	aggrega.on	on	SURF	descriptors	of	all	images	in	the	clique		
–  mean	value	of	publica.on	.me	
–  aggregated	value	of	reposts	of	each	message.		
–  merged	I·idf	vector	
•  Replace	clustered	messages	in	GM	with																																cliques	
and	re-calculate	the	corresponding																														edges
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Visual	deduplica2on	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Message	Selec2on	Score	
Reposts	(retweets)	
relevance	x					
cluster	size	
x	specificity
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
High	specificity	 Low	specificity	
rare	across	all	
topics	of	the	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Image	Ranking	&	Diversifica2on	
variant	of	
PageRank	aiming	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Dataset	and	Event	Descrip2on	
•  dataset	of	McMinn	et	al.	having	more	than	500	events	
from	different		domains			
•  we	used	the	50	largest	events	in	terms	of	tweets	
•  sports	events		(e.g.,	the	Sochi	winter	Olympics),	events	(Ukraine		crisis,	Venezuelan	protests),	
disasters,	etc.	
•  364,005	tweets,	on	average	4,730	tweets/event	
•  296,160	remaining	tweets,	due	to	suspended		accounts		
and	deleted		messages	
•  about	3,51%	of	these,	i.e.	12,772	tweets,	contain	an	
embedded	image
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Relevance	Judgments	
Each	image	is	shown	to	3	par.cipants	(20	img-20	part)	without	ranking	
Task	Descrip2on:	You	are	presented	with	an	image	and	an	event	.tle	
describing	a	trending	topic	in	TwiWer.	For	each	image	and	event	.tle,	you	are	
asked	to	answer	the	following	ques.on:	
Is	this	image	relevant	to	the	event?	
1.  The	image	is	clearly	not	relevant	to	the	event.	
2.  The	image	is	probably	not	relevant	to	the	event,	but	I	am	not	en.rely	sure.	
3.  The	image	is	somewhat	relevant	to	the	event,	but	I	have	my	doubts	on	whether	
I	would	like	to	see	it	in	a	photo	coverage	of	the	event.	
4.  The	image	is	clearly	relevant	to	the	event,	and	I	would	like	to	see	it	in	a	photo	
coverage	of	the	event.
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Experimental	Sexng	
•  VLAD+SURF	extrac.on	
–  64–dimensional	SURF	descriptors	
–  four	codebooks	of	128	visual	words	(in	total	512)	to	quan.ze	each	descriptor		
–  aggregate	SURF	descriptors	into	a	single	vector	of	64*512	=	32.768	dimensions		using	VLAD	
–  PCA	to	create	a	1024-dimensional	L2-normalized	reduced	vector	that	represents	the	visual	
content	of	the	image	
•  Mul.-graph	genera.on	
–  k	=	500	nearest	neighbors	
–  visual	and	textual	similarity	thresholds	were	set	to	0.5	and	0.6	
–  σ2	of	the	temporal	kernel	was	empirically	set	to	24	hours	
•  SCAN	parameters	were	set	to		μ=2	and		ε=0.65	
•  DivRank’s	dumping	factor	was	set	to	d=0.75
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Evalua2on	metrics	(1)	
Precision-oriented	metrics	
•  Precision	(P@N):	The	percentage	of	images	among	the	top	N	
that	are	relevant	(answers	3&4)	to	the	corresponding	event,	
averaged	among	all	events.	We	calculate	precision	for	N	equal	
to	1,	5,	and	10.	
•  Success	(S@N):	Percentage	of	events,	where	there	exist	at	
least	one	relevant	image	among	the	top	N	returned,	for	N=10.	
•  Mean	Reciprocal	Rank	(MRR)	:	Computed	as	1/r,	where	r	is	the	
rank	of	the	first	relevant	image	returned,	averaged	over	all	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Evalua2on	metrics	(2)	
Diversity-oriented	metrics	
•  α-normalized	Discounted	Cumula2ve	Gain	:	α-nDCG@N	
measures	the	usefulness,	or	gain,	of	the	returned	images	based	
on	their	posi.on	in	the	summary	(N=10).	
•  Average	Visual	Similarity:	AVS@N	measures	the	average	visual	
similarity	among	all	pairs	of	images	in	the	top	N	selected	
images,	averaged	over	all	events.	Lower	AVS	values	are	
preferable	since	they	imply	higher	diversity	in	terms	of	visual	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
•  Random:	randomly	selects	N	images	from	the	filtered	set	of	images	as	the	
summary	set	
•  MostPopular:	picks	up	the	N	most	popular	images	in	terms	of	reposts	
•  LexRank:	uses	items	graph	GM,	ranks	the	nodes	using	the	LexRank	and	
selects	the	top	N	nodes	that	contain	images		
•  TopicBased:	selects	the	N	most	relevant	messages	from	the	most	
significant	topics	(S_cov)	(relevance,	no	specificity	&	diversity)	
•  P-TWR:	ranks	images	in	descending	order	using	the	scheme	
described	in	McParlane	et	al.	(popularity)	
•  S-TWR:	groups	the	tweets	of	each	event	into	sub-clusters	and	select	the	
highest	ranked	item	of	each	cluster	using	the	previous	scheme	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Results	(1)	–	Precision	oriented	metrics		
•  MGraph	outperforms	all	of	the	methods	
•  Popularity-based	approach	performs	well	for	P@1	but	drops	
significantly	for	N=5,10		
•  LexRank	and	TopicBased	approaches	achieve	lower	but	more	steady	
First	relevant	in		
posi.ons	1	-	2
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Results:	Canada	Team	in	#Sochi	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Results	(2)	–	Diversity	oriented	metrics		
•  MGraph	achieves	the	best	score	for	α-nDCG@10	
•  Best	values	of	AVS	achieved	by	S-TWR	
•  The	worst	results	in	terms	of	AVS	are	obtained	using	LexRank
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Results	(3)	
Performance	of	MGraph	across	different	categories	
•  Best	P@10	measure	is	obtained	for	events	about	Science	&	Technology	
•  The	second	best	P@10	is	obtained	for	events	about	Arts	&	Entertainment		
•  Difficult	to	diversify	
•  The	best	value	of	AVS	is	achieved	for	events	about	disasters	&	accidents	
e.g.,	earthquakes
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Results	(4)	
Impact	of	the	dumping	factor	d	on	P@10,	S@5,	MRR	and	α-nDCG@10	
•  The	worst	results	for	all	
metrics	are	obtained	for	
d=0		(no	re-ranking)	
•  The	best	results	are	
achieved	for	0.7<d<0.8	
•  slight	decrease	for	d>0.8		
•  more	diverse	→	less	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Incremental	Large-Scale	Event	Summariza2on
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Yahoo-Flickr	Event	Summariza2on	Task	
-  Yahoo-Flickr	Commons	Dataset		
-  99m	images,	1m	videos	
-  Detect	events	and	summarize	each	detected	event	
-  Open	issue:	how	to	evaluate?	
Graph-based	Event	Detec2on		
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Yahoo-Flickr	Event	Summariza2on	Task	
•  Incremental	approach:	Use	a	sliding	.me	window	
–  Update	“Same	Event”	graph	with	new	images	and	discard	
the	old	ones	
•  Detect	events	in	a	.meslot	basis	
–  Merge	events	in	successive	.meslots	using	structural	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Use	H·idf	retrieval	
schema	to	get	
events	relevant	to	
specific	topics	e.g.	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	67	
Search	in	detected	events	for	conferences
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Technology	Stack	
Storage	&	Indexing	
•  MongoDB	→	storage	of	social	media	items		
•  SOLR	→	text	indexing	and	retrieval	of	a)	social	media	
items,	b)	detected	events	
Visual	Indexing	
•  For	visual	features	extrac.on	and	indexing	of	yfcc100m	
dataset	→	Elas2c	Map-Reduce	(EMR)	service	of	Amazon	
Web	Service	(AWS)	
•  Berkeley	DB	for	index	structure	(but	any	other	key-value	
store	can	be	considered	e.g.	Redis)		
Graph	Handling		
•  In	memory	storage	→	graph	DBs	(neo4j)	as	future	work	
•  Storm	for	distributed	stream	processing	(focused	crawling,	
indexing	etc)		
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
Same	Event	Model	
•  Petkos,	Georgios,	et	al.	"Graph-based	mul.modal	clustering	for	social	event	detec.on	in	
large	collec.ons	of	images."	Interna$onal	Conference	on	Mul$media	Modeling.	Springer	
Interna.onal	Publishing,	2014.	
•  Schinas,	Manos,	et	al.	"Visual	event	summariza.on	on	social	media	using	topic	modelling	
and	graph-based	ranking	algorithms."	Proceedings	of	the	5th	ACM	on	Interna$onal	
Conference	on	Mul$media	Retrieval.	ACM,	2015.	
•  Schinas,	Manos,	et	al.	"Mul.modal	graph-based	event	detec.on	and	summariza.on	in	
social	media	streams."	Proceedings	of	the	23rd	ACM	interna$onal	conference	on	
Mul$media.	ACM,	2015.	
MediaEval	Social	Event	Detec2on	
•  Petkos,	Georgios,	et	al.	"Social	event	detec.on	at	MediaEval:	a	three-year	retrospect	of	
tasks	and	results."	ICMR	2014	Workshop	on	Social	Events	in	Web	Mul$media	(SEWM).	
•  Riga,	Marina,	et	al.	"CERTH@	MediaEval	2014	Social	Event	Detec.on	Task."	MediaEval.	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
•  Dr.	Symeon	Papadopoulos	
–  Social	network	analysis,	community	detec.on,	social	media	
content	mining	and	indexing	and	retrieval	
–  hWp://	
–  TwiWer:	@sympap	
•  Manos	Schinas		
–  Event	detec.on	in	social	media	
11th	Interna*onal	Workshop	on	Seman*c	and	Social	
Media	Adapta*on	and	Personaliza*on	(SMAP	2016)	
Graph-Based	Event	Detec*on	
•  Social	media	data	useful	in	many	applica.ons	
–  Challenge	is	to	go	from	confirming	and	known	
correla.ons	to	predic.on	and	decision-making	
•  Many	other	challenges	exist	
–  Data	availability	(infrastructure,	policies)		
–  Verifica.on	
–  Personal	data	value	(legal,	ethical)	
–  Discrimina.on	and	bias	
–	and	scalable	approaches	
–  Fusion	of	various	(Content,	social,	temporal,	loca.on)	
•  Events	
–  Mul.modal	and	graph-based	helps	
–  Evalua.on	is	an	open	issue	
–  Event	predic.on	is	an	ongoing	challenge	
Thank	you	for	your	aWen.on!	

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