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Social	Media	Verifica.on		
Challenges,	Approaches	and	Applica.ons	
Dr.	Yiannis	Kompatsiaris,	
Mul$media,	Knowledge	and	Social	Media	Analy$cs	Lab,	Head	
3rd	Interna.onal	
Conference	on	Internet	
Science	(INSCI	2016)
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
•  Introduc.on	
–	–	Challenges	
•  Social	Media	in	News	and	Journalism	
•  The	problem	of	verifica.on	
•  Approaches	
–  Context	extrac.on	from	Web	and	Social	Media	
–  Image	Forensics	
–  Computa.onal	verifica.on	
•  Demos	-	Resources	
•  Conclusions	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	3	
Pope	Francis	
Pope	Benedict	
2007:	iPhone	release	
2008:	Android	release	
2010:	iPad	release	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	4	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Social	Media	aspects
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	6	
rise	of	the	networks
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Mul2-modal	graphs	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Social	Networks	as	Graphs
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	9	
Social	Networks	as	Real-Life	Sensors	
•  Social	Networks	is	a	data	source	with	an	
extremely	dynamic	nature	that	reflects	
events	and	the	evolu.on	of	community	
focus	(user’s	interests)	
•  Huge	smartphones	and	mobile	devices	
penetra2on	provides	and	
loca.on-based	user	feedback	
•  Transform	individually	rare	but	
collec2vely	frequent	media	to	meaningful	
topics,	events,	points	of	interest,	emo.onal	
states	and	social	connec.ons	
•  Present	in	an	efficient	way	for	a	variety	of	
applica.ons	(news,,	science,	
health,	entertainment)
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	10	
Real-life	Social	Networks	
•  Social	networks	have	emergent	
proper2es.	Emergent	
are	new	aVributes	of	a	whole	
that	arise	from	the	interac.on	
and	interconnec.on	of	the	parts	
•  Emo.ons,	Health,	Sexual	
rela.onships	depend	on	our	
connec2ons	(e.g.	number	of	
them)	and	on	our	posi2on	-	
structure	in	the	social	graph	
•  Central	–	Hub	
•  Outlier	
•  Transi.vity	(connec.ons	between	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Examples	-	Science	
Xin	Jin,	Andrew	Gallagher,	Liangliang	Cao,	Jiebo	Luo,	and	
Jiawei	Han.	The	wisdom	of	social	mul*media:	using	
flickr	for	predic*on	and	forecast,	Interna.onal	
conference	on	(MM	'10).	ACM.	
“…if	you're	more	than	100	km	away	from	the	epicenter	
[of	an	earthquake]	you	can	read	about	the	quake	on	
twiVer	before	it	hits	you…”	
Many	twiVer	examples	at:	What	can	TwiVer	tell	us	about	the	real	world?	TwiVer	and	the	Real	
World	CIKM'13	Tutorial,	hVps://
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Examples	-	Science	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Example	–	News	(Boston	bombing)	
“Following	the	Boston	Marathon	bombings,	one	
quarter	of	Americans	reportedly	looked	to	Facebook,	
TwiVer	and	other	social	networking	sites	for	
informa.on,	according	to	The	Pew	Research	Center.	
When	the	Boston	Police	Department	posted	its	final	
“CAPTURED!!!”	tweet	of	the	manhunt,	more	than	
140,000	people	retweeted	it.”		
“	have	recognized	that	one	
the	first	places	people	go	in	events	like	
this	is	to	social	media,	to	see	what	the	
crowd	is	saying	about	what	to	do	next”	
"I	have	been	following	my	friend's	
Facebook	[account]	who	is	near	the	scene	
and	she	is	upda2ng	everyone	before	it	
even	gets	to	the	news”
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Many	other	examples:	smellymaps	
Smell	related	words	in	geo-located	social	media	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Be	careful	of	correla2on	diagrams	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	16	
API	Wrapper	
Website	Wrapper	
Visual	Indexing	
Text	Indexing	
Media	Fetcher	
Sen2ment	-	Influence	
Trends	-	Topics	
Model	Building	
Crawling	Specs	
Conceptual	Architecture
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	17	
Challenges	–	Content	(Indexing	-	Mining)	
• Mul2-modality:	e.g.	image	+	tags,	video,	audio	
• Rich	social	context:	spa.o-temporal,	social	connec.ons,	
rela.ons	and	social	graph	
• Specific	messages:	short,	conversa.ons,	errors,	no	context	
• Inconsistent	quality:	noise,	spam,	fake,	propaganda	
• Huge	volume:	Massively	produced	and	disseminated	
• Mul2-source:	may	be	generated	by	different	applica.ons	and	
• Dynamic:	Fast	updates,
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Policy	–	Licensing	–	Legal	challenges	
•  	Fragmented	access	to	data	
–  Separate	wrappers/APIs	for	each	source	(TwiVer,	Facebook,	etc.)	
–  Different	data	collec.on/crawling	policies	
•  	Limita.ons	imposed	by	API	providers	(“Walled	Gardens”)	
•  Full	access	to	data	impossible	or	extremely	expensive	(e.g.	see	data	
	licensing	plans	for	GNIP	and	DataSit)	
•  Non-transparent	data	access	prac.ces	(e.g.	access	is	provided	to	an	
	organiza.on/person	if	they	have	a	contact	in	TwiVer)		
•  	Constant	change	of	model	and	ToS	of	social	APIs	
–  No	backwards	compa.bility,	addi.onal	development	costs	
•  	Ephemeral	nature	of	content	
•  Social	search	results	oten	lead	to	removed	content	à inconsistent	
	and	unreliable	referencing	
•  	User	Privacy	&	Purpose	of	use	
•  Fuzzy	regulatory	framework	regarding	mining	user-contributed	data
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	19	
“It	has	changed	the	way	we	do	news”(MSN)	
“Social	media	is	the	key	place	for	emerging	stories	–	
interna$onally,	na$onally,	locally”	(BBC)	
“Social	media	is	transforming	the	way	we	do	journalism”	
(New	York	Times)	
Source:		picture	alliance	/	dpa
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	20	
		 		 		 																	Source:	GeVy	Images	
“It’s	really	hard	to	find	the	nuggets	of	useful	stuff	in	an	ocean	of	
content”	(BBC)	
“Things	that	aren’t	relevant	crowd	out	the	content	you	are	looking	for”	(MSN)	
“The	filters	aren’t	configurable	enough”	(CNN)
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Verifica2on	was	simpler	in	the	past...	
Source:	Frank	Grätz	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	22	
News	Requirements	
Quickly	surface	trusted	and	relevant	material	from	
social	media	–	with	context.	
• “quickly”:	in	real	.me	
• “surfaces”:	automa.cally	discovers,	clusters	and	searches		
• “trusted”:	automa.c	support	in	verifica.on	process	
• “relevant”:	to	the	specific	event	
• “material”:	any	material	(text,	image,	audio,	video	=,	aggregated	with	other	sources	(e.g.	web)	
• “social	media”:	across	all	relevant	social	media	playorms	
• “with	context”:	loca.on,	.me,	sen.ment,	influence
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Can	mul2media	on	the	Web	be	trusted?	
Real	photo	
captured	April	2011	by	WSJ	
heavily	tweeted	during	Hurricane	Sandy	
(29	Oct	2012)	
Tweeted	by	mul.ple	sources	&	
retweeted	mul.ple	.mes	
Original	online	at:	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Can	mul2media	on	the	Web	be	trusted?
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
The	Problem	
•  Everyone	can	easily	publish	content	on	the	Web	
•  Content	can	be	easily	repurposed	and	manipulated	
•  Not	only	for	fun	but	also	for	propaganda	
•  News	outlets	are	for	views	and	clicks	à
Pressure	for	airing	stories	very	quickly	leaves	very	liVle	
room	for	verifica.on.	à Very	oten,	even	well-
reputed	news	providers	fall	for	fake	news	content.	
•  Mul.ple	tools	and	services	available	for	individual	tasks	
à complex	verifica.on	process	
Very	hard	and	2me	consuming	to	check	the	veracity	of	
Web	mul2media	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Image	verifica2on:	tools	of	the	trade	
•  Metadata	analysis	
–  E.g.	do	the	dates/loca.ons	match?	Is	the	image	already	
copyrighted?	By	whom?	
•  Context	Extrac.on	from	Web	and	Social	Networks	
–  Reverse	image	search	using	e.g.	Google	or	TinEye		
–  Clustering	
•  Has	the	image	been	posted	elsewhere?	Does	it	originate	from	a	
different	context?	
•  Supervised	machine	learning	for	automa.c	
–	paVerns	of	usage,	content,	linking	of	fake/real	
•  Content	analysis	(forensics)	for	tampering	localiza.on	
–  Most	commonly,	Error	Level	Analysis	(ELA)
Monitoring	and	intelligence	system	for	
Web	mul2media	verifica2on
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Media	REVEALr	
•  Developed	within	the	REVEAL	project:	 	 	
•  Framework	for,	indexing	and	browsing	content	from	the	Web	and	social	media	
•  Support	for	verifica.on:	
–  Near-duplicate	detec.on	against	an	indexed	collec.on	
–  Clustering	of	social	media	posts	by	visual	similarity	à	view	of	the	same	incident	
–  Aggrega.on	and	visualiza.on	of	Named	around	an	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Overview	of	Media	REVEALr	
Media	collec.on	
Media	pre-processing	&	
feature	extrac.on	
Media	analysis,	mining	&	
Persistence	(storage,	indexing)	
Access	(API)	
Visualiza.on,	front-end	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Named	En2ty	Detec2on	
•  Brevity	and	noisy	nature	of	text	in	social	media	poses	
a	serious	challenge	
•  Employed	solu.on:	
–  Pre-processing:	tokeniza.on,	user	men.on	resolu.on,	text	
–  Stanford	NER	+	user	men.on	resolu.on	
–  Regular	expressions	to	remove	special	characters	and	
symbols	(e.g.,	#,	@,	URLs,	etc.)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Visual	Indexing	
•  Content-based	image	retrieval	to	solve	Near-
Duplicate	Search	(NDS)	problem		
•  Based	on	local	descriptors	(SURF),	aggrega.on	
(VLAD),	dimensionality	reduc.on	(PCA),	
(PQ)	and	indexing	(IVFADC)	
•  State-of-the-art	visual	similarity	search	
–  High	precision/recall	
–  Very	efficient	and	scalable	implementa2on	(search	many	
millions	of	images	in	a	few	msec,	maintain	full	index	in	
memory	using	~1GB/10M	images)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Improving	NDS	Resilience	(NDS+)	
•  Oten,	NDS	performance	suffers	from	overlay	
graphics	and	fonts	
•  To	address	this	issue,	we	integrate	a	descriptor-level	
classifier	that	tries	to	remove	the	font/graphic	
descriptors	from	the	VLAD	vector	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Example:	Filtering	Out	Font	Descriptors	
•  Assuming	that	in	most	cases	the	classifier	is	correct,	
the	VLAD	vector	is	of	much	higher	quality	
compared	to	the	one	without	filtering	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Classifier	Details	
•  Random	Forest	used	as	base	classifier	
•  Cost	meta-classifier	to	penalize	
misclassifica.on	of	True	Posi.ves	
•  Challenge	due	to	Class	Imbalance	(overlay	descriptors	
<<	useful	image	content	descriptors)	
–  Cost	meta-classifier	performs	over-sampling	of	
minority	class	to	balance	the	training	set	
•  Training	set	created	by	images	with	
overlays	(e.g.,	memes)	from	the	Web	and	manually	them	(	areas	w.	fonts/overlays)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Mining:	Clustering	and	Aggrega2on	
•  Visual	aggrega.on	
–  DBSCAN	on	the	visual	feature	representa.on	(PCA-reduced	
VLAD	vectors)	
–  Element	(tweet)	selected	based	on	the	largest	amount	of	
keywords	(expected	to	result	in	more	informa.on)	
•  En.ty	aggrega.on	
–  NER	on	individual	items	
–  En.ty	categoriza.on	(àPersons,	Loca.on,	Organiza.ons)	
–  En.ty	ranking	based	on	frequency	of	occurrence	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
User	Interface:	Collec2ons	View	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
User	Interface:	Items	View	&	Search	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
User	Interface:	Clusters	View	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
User	Interface:	En22es	View	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Evalua2on:	NER	
•  Manual	annota.on	of	400	tweets	from	the	SNOW	
Data	Challenge	dataset	(Papadopoulos	et	al.,	2014)	
•  Measure:	Accuracy	à instance	is	considered	
correct	when	both	en.ty	and	type	are	correctly	
•  Three	solu.ons:		
–  Base	Stanford	NER	(S-NER)	
–  S-NER	+	Extensions/Post-processing	(S-NER+)	
–  Ellogon	library	(hVp://		
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Evalua2on:	NDS	
•  Benchmark	Datasets	
–  Holidays:	1,491	images,	500	queries	(Jegou	et	al.,	2008)	
–  Oxford:	5,063	images,	55	queries	(Philbin	et	al.,	2008)	
–  Paris:	6,412	images,	55	queries	(Philbin	et	al.,	2008)	
•  Accuracy:	mean	Average	Precision	(mAP)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Use	Cases:	Real-world	Datasets	
sandy	 boston	 malaysia	 ferry
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
NDS	Use	Case	(boston)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Clustering	Use	Case	(boston)	
•  Visual	clustering	enables	view	and	analysis	over	
.me	(in	this	case	showing	increasing	confidence	on	picture).	
•  When	journalists	see	many	similar	photos	of	the	same	scene,	
they	have	more	confidence	that	it	is	real	and	not	fabricated.	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
En2ty	Aggrega2on	Use	Case	(snow)		
Image	Forensics	for	Verifica2on
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Image	Forensics	for	Verifica2on	
Computa2onal	Verifica2on	in	Social	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Computa2onal	Verifica2on	in	Social	Media	
•  Create	a	computa$onal	verifica$on	framework	to	
classify	tweets	with	unreliable	media	content.	
•  Events	used	for	experimenta.on	
Fake	images	posted	during	Hurricane	Sandy	natural	disaster	 Fake	images	posted	during	Boston	Marathon	bombings
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
•  Dis.nguish	between	fake	and	real	content	shared	on	
TwiVer	using	a	supervised	approach	
•  Provide	closer	to	reality	es.mates	of	automa.c	
verifica.on	performance	
•  Explore	methodological	issues	with	respect	to	classifier	performance	
•  Create	reusable	resources	
–  Fake	(and	real)	tweets	(incl.	images)	corpus	
–  Open-source	implementa.on	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
•  Corpus	Crea.on	
–  Topsy	API	
–  Near-duplicate	image	detec.on	
•  Feature	Extrac.on	
–  Content-based	features	
–  User-based	features	
–  Link-based	features	
•  Classifier	Building	&	Evalua.on	
–  Cross-valida.on	
–  Independent	photo	sets	
–  Cross-dataset	training	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Corpus	Crea2on	
•  Define	a	set	of	keywords	K	around	an	event	of	interest.	
•  Use	Topsy	API	(keyword-based	search)	and	keep	only	tweets	
containing	images	T.	
•  Using	independent	online	sources,	define	a	set	of	fake	
images	IF	and	a	set	of	real	ones	IR.	
•  Select	TC	⊂ T	of	tweets	that	contain	any	of	the	images	in	IF	or	
•  Use	near-duplicate	visual	search	(VLAD+SURF)	to	extend	TC	
with	tweets	that	contain	near-duplicate	images.	
•  Manually	check	that	the	returned	near-duplicates	indeed	
correspond	to	the	images	of	IF	or	IR.	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Features	(verifica2on	handbook)	
#	 User	Features	
1	 Username	
2	 Number	of	friends	
3	 Number	of	followers	
4	 Number	of	followers/number	of	friends	
5	 Number	of	.mes	the	user	was	listed	
6	 If	the	user’s	status	contains	URL	
7	 If	the	user	is	verified	or	not	
#	 Content	Features	
1	 Length	of	the	tweet	
2	 Number	of	words	
3	 Number	of	exclama.on	marks	
4	 Number	of	quota.on	marks	
5	 Contains	emo.con	(happy/sad)	
6	 Number	of	uppercase	characters	
7	 Number	of	hashtags	
8	 Number	of	men.ons	
9	 Number	of	pronouns	
10	 Number	of	URLs	
11	 Number	of	sen.ment	words	
12	 Number	of	retweets		
13	 Readability1	
#	 Link-based	features	
1	 Web	Of	Trust	score	(WOT)2	
2	 In-degree	and	harmonic	centrali.es3	
3	 Alexa	rankings4	
1	Flesch	reading	ease	method	to	compute	a	score	in	[0,100]	range,	0	hard-
to-read	and	100	easy-to-read	text	
2	A	metric	for	how	trustworthy	a	website	is,	based	on	user	ra$ngs	
3	Rankings	computed	based	on	the	Web	graph	
4 Alexa rankings, which evaluate the frequency of visits on various
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Training	and	Tes2ng	the	Classifier	
•  Care	should	be	taken	to	make	sure	that	no	
knowledge	from	the	training	set	enters	the	
test	set.	
•  This	is	NOT	the	case	when	using	standard	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
The	Problem	with	Cross-Valida2on	
Training/Test	tweets	are	randomly	selected.	
One	of	the	reference	fake	images	 Mul.ple	tweets	per	reference	image.
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Independence	of	Training-Test	Set	
Training/Test	tweets	are	constraint	to	correspond	to	
different	reference	images.
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Cross-dataset	Training-Tes2ng	
•  In	the	most	unfavourable	case,	the	dataset	used	for	
training	should	refer	to	a	different	event	than	the	one	
used	for	
•  Simulates	real-world	scenario	of	a	breaking	story,	
where	no	prior	informa.on	is	available	to	news	
•  Variants:		
–  Different	event,	same	domain	
–  Different	event,	different	domain	(very	challenging!)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
•  Datasets	
–  Hurricane	Sandy	
–  Boston	Marathon	bombings	
•  Evalua.on	of	two	sets	of	features	(content/
•  Evalua.on	of	different	classifier	se‚ngs	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Dataset	–	Hurricane	Sandy	
Natural	disaster	held	around	the	USA	from	October	22nd	to	31st,	2012.	Fake	
images	and	content,	such	as	sharks	inside	New	York	and	flooded	Statue	of	
Liberty,	went	viral.	
Hurricane	Sandy	 #hurricaneSandy	
Hurricane	 #hurricane	
Sandy	 #Sandy
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Dataset	–	Boston	Marathon	Bombings	
The	bombings	occurred	on	15	April,	2013	during	the	Boston	Marathon	when	
two	pressure	cooker	bombs	exploded	at	2:49	pm	EDT,	killing	three	people	
and	injuring	an	es.mated	264	others.	
Boston	Marathon	 #bostonMarathon	
Boston	bombings	 #bostonbombings	
Boston	suspect	 #bostonSuspect	
manhunt	 #manhunt	
watertown	 #watertown	
Tsarnaev	 #Tsarnaev	
4chan	 #4chan	
Sunil	Tripathi	 #prayForBoston
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Dataset	Sta2s2cs	
Tweets	with	other	image	URLs	 343939	
Tweets	with	fake	images	 10758	
Tweets	with	real	images	 3540	
Hurricane	Sandy	 Boston	Marathon	
Tweets	with	other	image	URLs	 112449	
Tweets	with	fake	images	 281	
Tweets	with	real	images	 460	
Tweets	with	
fake	images	1%	
Tweets	with	
other	image	
Tweets	with	fake	images	
Tweets	with	real	images	
Tweets	with	other	image	URLs	
3%	1%	
Tweets	with	fake	images	
Tweets	with	real	images	
Tweets	with	other	image	URLs
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Predic2on	accuracy	(1)	
0.	 10.	 20.	 30.	 40.	 50.	 60.	 70.	 80.	 90.	100.	
J48	decision	tree	
0.	 10.	20.	30.	40.	50.	60.	70.	80.	90.	100.	
0.	 10.	 20.	 30.	 40.	 50.	 60.	 70.	 80.	 90.	100.	
Random	Forest	
Boston	Marathon	
Hurricane	Sandy	
•  10-fold	cross	valida.on	results	using	different	classifiers	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Predic2on	accuracy	(2)	
•  Results	using	different	training	and	set	from	the	
Hurricane	Sandy	dataset		
0.	 25.	 50.	 75.	 100.	
Random	Forest	
J48	decision	tree	
•  Results	using	Hurricane	Sandy	for	training	and	Boston	
Marathon	for	
0.	 10.	 20.	 30.	 40.	 50.	 60.	 70.	 80.	 90.	 100.	
Random	Forest	
J48	decision	tree	
separate	classifiers	might	be	built	
for	certain	types	of	incidents
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Sample	Results	
•  Real	tweet		
My	friend's	sister's	Trampolene	in	Long	Island.	
Classified	as	real	
•  Real	tweet		
23rd	street	repost	from	@wendybarton		
#hurricanesandy	#nyc	
Classified	as	fake	
•  Fake	tweet		
Sharks	in	people's	front	yard	#hurricane	#sandy	#bringing	
#sharks	#newyork	#crazy	hZp://	
Classified	as	fake	
•  Fake	tweet		
Statue	of	Liberty	+	crushing	waves.	hZp://	
#hurricaneparty	#sandy	
Classified	as	real
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	65	
Sample	fake	and	real	images	in	Sandy	
•  Fake	pictures	shared	on	social	media	
•  Real	pictures	shared	on	social	media
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Reusable	results	
•  Computa2onal	verifica2on		
–  	Dataset:	hVps://	
–  Code:	hVps://		
•  The	Wild	Web	Tampered	Image	Dataset	
–  80	confirmed	digital	forgeries,	10,870	images,	Ground	truth	binary	masks		
–  Dataset:	hVps://		
•  The	Deutsche	Welle	Tampered	Image	Dataset	
–  6	original	images,	3	image	sources,	7	different	modified	versions	
–  Surprisingly	tough	to	crack	using	the	state-of-the-art	
–  Dataset:	
•  Open-source	projects	(Apache	License	v2):					 	 	
–  	Data	collec.on	(stream-manager,	storm-focused-crawler)	
–  	Indexing	(framework-client,	
–  	Mining	(topic-detec.on,,	community-evolu.on-
analysis,	social-event-detec.on)	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
•  Dr.	Symeon	Papadopoulos	
–  Social	network	analysis,	social	media	content	mining	and	indexing	and	retrieval	
–  hVp://	
–  TwiVer:	@sympap	
•  Dr.	Zampoglou	Markos	
–  Web	verifica.on,	image	forensics	for	
•  Boididou		
–  computa.onal	approaches	for	verifica.on	
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
Tools	and	services	for	
Social	Media	verifica.on	
from	a	journalis.c	and	
Knowledge	verifica.on	
playorm	to	detect	emerging	
stories	and	assess	the	
reliability	of	newsworthy	
video	files	and	content	spread	
via	social	media	
EU	funded	projects
3rd	interna*onal	conference	on	Internet	Science		
INSCI	2016	
Social	Media	Verifica*on	
•  Social	media	data	useful	in	many	applica.ons	
–  From	confirming	and	known	correla.ons	to	predic.on	
and	decision-making	
•  Many	challenges	exist	
–  Data	availability	(infrastructure,	policies)		
–  Personal	data	value	(legal,	ethical)	
–	and	scalable	approaches	
–  Fusion	of	various	(Content,	social,	temporal,	loca.on)	
•  Verifica.on	requires	contribu.on	from	various	disciplines	
–  Content	Analy.cs	
–  Machine	Learning	
–  Network	Analysis	
–  Psychology	–	Social	Sciences	(paVerns	of	presenta.on,	sharing)	
–  Visualiza.on	
Thank	you	for	your	aVen.on!	

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