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OER’s & A good educational system

                Terry Anderson, PhD
                Professor and Canada Research
                Chair in Distance Education
  “Canada is a great
 country, much too
 cold for common
 sense, inhabited by
 compassionate and
 intelligent people with
 bad haircuts”.
     Yann Martel, Life of Pi, 2002.
Athabasca University,
Alberta, Canada

                                 Fastest growing university in
                                 34,000 students, 700 courses
                                   100% distance education
                                     Graduate and
      *   Athabasca University     Undergraduate programs
  Athabasca University          Master & Doctorate – Distance
                                       Only USA Regionally
                                      Accredited University in
Presentation Overview
1.    Traditional Opening Joke
2.    Components of a Good Educational
3.    A way to conceptualize Net Tools –
      Taxonomy of the Many
4.    Interaction Theory revisited
5.    Your Comments and questions
Why is E-learning so Popular?

        Online Nation: Five Years of
        Growth in Online Learning
        Allen and Seaman 2007
E-Learning is
Better Than Sex !
 •    You can finish early without feeling guilty.
 •    You can get rid of any viruses you catch with a $50
            program from McAfee
 •    If you get tired, you can stop, bookmark your place
      and pick up where you left off.
 •    With a little coffee you can do it all night.
 •    You don’t usually get divorced if your spouse
          interrupts you in the middle of it.
 •    And If you're not sure what you are doing, you can
            always ask your teacher.
A good educational system should have three

                it should provide all who want to learn with
                 access to available resources at anytime in
                 their lives;
                empower all who want to share what they
                 know to find those who want to learn it
                 from them;
                 furnish all who want to present an issue to
                 the public with the opportunity to make
                 their challenge known. (Illich I.,1970)

Full text available:
1. Access to resources at anytime

                Imagine a world in which every single
                 person is given free access to the sum
                 of all human knowledge.
                That's what we're doing. –
                   Terry Foote, Wikipedia
Open Education Resources (OER)
Vision + Affordance

     “At the heart of the open educational resources
      movement is the simple and powerful idea that;
           the world’s knowledge is a public good in general
           the World Wide Web provides an extraordinary
           opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse that

           Hewlett Foundation Smith, & Casserly. The promise of open
           educational resources. Change 38(5): 8–17, 2006
OER Granularity

    Diagrams, photos
    Articles (Open access publications)
    Games, simulations, activities
    Units of learning (IMS LD)
    Units and courses
    Programs
OER’s are Open (Mostly)
    Meaning they can be:
         Augmented
         Edited
         Customized
         Aggregated and Mashups
         Reformatted
         Returned
    But they need to be licensed –
         not just put online

            See Scott Leslie’s 10 minute video at
Ownership and Licensing
    Familiar problems
         Who owns resource - educators or the institution?
         inflated expectations
    New problems
         OER’s are not just journal articles
              Articles are not “reworked”
              Is attribution critical?
              What defines commercial exploitation?
4 Ownership Models
    Institutional ownership
         Default under most ‘work for hire’ law
    Shared institutional and Academic
         Often unworkable
         Tragedy of the anti-commons
    Individual (academic ownership)
         Rights of succession? Multiple authors?
    Produsage
         Assume that each producer does not enforce their rights, all
          can treat product as a private good
              (copyleft, public domain, no tragedy of the anti-commons)
A Tale of 3 books

Commercial           E-Learning for      Open Access
publisher             the 21st Century
                     Commercial          100,000 downloads plus
934 copies sold at    Pub.               indiv. Chapters
 $52.00              1200 sold @
                      $135.00            500 hardcopies sold @
Buy at Amazon!!
                     2,000 copies in      $50.00
A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER)
Movement Achievements, Challenges, and New …
DE Atkins, JS Brown, AL Hammond, William and Flora
Major Problems with OER
  Little take up by conventional teachers
  Too little reward and recognition for authors
  Too few learners actually engage with the content
  Undeveloped business case
  Too few teachers remix and repost content
  Too difficult to upload, tag and share

     Solution?? Vibrant communities of Produsers??
Challenges                    and           Solutions
    Wrong timetabling/chunking            Modularized units

    Cultural constraints                  Tools Distributed with content

    Not invented here                     Transparency and objective display

    Wrong technical format                Dogged adherence to standards

    Wrong Language                        Produser translation

    Lack of Accreditation/authority       Consumer and peer review
                                           Challenge for credit
Our own Experiment:
Course development based on OER’s

    4 courses:
         Nursing,
         Communications (Theatre)
         English for Business, &
         Educ. Tech
    Vastly different results
    Critical variable was the attitude of the developer(s)

     Christiansen, J., & Anderson, T. (2004). Feasibility of course development based on
     learning objects: Research analysis of three case studies. International Journal of
     Instructional Technology and Distance Education,
What is missing?
    Culture of development,
     sharing and remix
    ‘Community of Practice
    Social Software
    Easy to use Tools
    Harnessing student energy
     to create OERs
The Political Economy of Peer Production:
Michael Bauwens

      “produce use-value through the free cooperation of
       producers who have access to distributed capital
      a 'third mode of production' different from for-profit
       or public production by state-owned enterprises.
      Its product is not exchange value for a market, but
       but use-value for a community of users

Prod-Users - From production to produsage
- Axel Bruns (2008)

     Users become active participants in the production of
     Examples:
        Open source movement
        Wikipedia
        Citizen journalism (blogs)
        Immersive worlds
        Distributed creativity - music, video, Flickr
Produsage Principles
  Community-Based –the community as a whole can
   contribute more than a closed team of producers.
  Fluid Heterarcy – produsers participate as is
   appropriate to their personal skills, interests, and
   knowledge, and may form loose sub-groups to focus on
   specific issues, topics, or problems
  Unfinished Artifacts –projects are continually under
   development, and therefore always unfinished;
  Common Property, Individual Rewards –
   contributors permit (non-commercial) community use,
   adaptation, and further development of their intellectual
   property, and are rewarded by the status capital they
   gain through this process
Case study: Open University UKʼs
   Development of Open Learn
         Rationale Opportunity:
              The risk of doing nothing when technology and globalization issues
               need to be addressed.
              A testbed for new technology and new ways of working
              way to work with external funders who share similar aims and
              A chance to learn how to draw on the world as a resource.
         Brand Promotion
              A route for outreach beyond our student body
              Demonstration of the quality of Open University materials in new

Social Learn: to devise means to put ourselves out of business -
before our competitors do!!
Open Learn Example             490 units
Next evolution to Social Learn
    “For 3000 years education has made the learner adapt to
     the system. SocialLearn [1] aims to reverse this and make
     the education system adapt to the learner.”
    Make the formal informal, and the informal formal.
    Web 2.0 tools, attitudes, learning designs

               Martin Weller
Why Don’t we Use and contribute OERs??
2. A Good education system:
“empowers all who want to
share what they know to find
those who want to learn”
Creative Literacies:

     “The ability to experiment with
      technology in order to create and
      manipulate content that serves social
      goals rather than merely retrieving and
      absorbing information”
     p. 107 Burgess, J. (2006) Learning to Blog. Uses of
     Blogs Bruns &Jacobs
    Need to insure that our use of the Web actually results in
     increased access and not just more expensive access for
     those with existing high quality access to educational


Two-Way Use
  65,000   videos uploaded to YouTube every day
  Facebook and Myspace over 100 million
  Facebook 24 million photos uploaded daily
  50 million blogs, 50% written by under 19 year
     Scientific America 229(3) 2008 & FaceBook Home

  My presentation at ECEL 2007 in Copenhagen -
   maybe 200 in attendance F2F
  On Slideshare:
         2322 views | 4 comments | 6 favorites | 91 downloads |
          5 embeds
3. A Good Education:
Furnishes all who want to present an issue
to the public with the opportunity to make
their challenge known.

                       “One month after a virtual protest
                        staged in Second Life with almost
                        2,000 avatars demonstrating on IBM
                        islands, a new contract with IBM
                        Italy has been signed” Labour news from
                        UNI global union, 2007
Ethan Zuckerman (Global Voices) 2008
From a Deschooled society to a Learning
Society that includes new models of formal
and informal learning
Steven Warburton, 2007
Taxonomy of the Many


Dron & Anderson,
Social Learning 2.0 3.0 3.5
    Each of us participates in Groups, Networks and Collectives.
    Learning is enhanced by exploiting the affordances of all three
     sources of social learning.
    Issues, memes, opportunities and learning activities arise at all
     three levels of granularity.
    Tools are optimized for each level of granularity
    Formalize the formal
    Informalize the formal (Martin Weller)
Choosing the right tool?


Your Institutions
      LMS 2770 logos as of Oct 31, 2008
Formal Education and

   Classes   and cohort
   Increases:
      completion rates,
      achievement
      satisfaction
   Same logistic challenges as for institutional,
    campus -based learning
   Can operate ‘behind the garden wall” to allow
    freedom for expression and development
   refuge for scholarship
Formal Learning and Groups
  Long history of research and study
  Need to optimize:
         Social presence
         Cognitive presence
         Teaching presence (
    Established sets of tools –
         Classrooms,
         Learning Management Systems
         Synchronous (video & net conferencing)
         Email
Problems with Groups

     Restrictions in time, space
      pace, & relationship
     Often overly confined by
      teacher expectation and
      institutional curriculum
     Isolated from the authentic
      world of practice               Paulsen (1993)
     Poor preparation for Lifelong   Law of Cooperative Freedom

Challenges of using informal social
 software tools for formal tasks
    Control
    Support
    Privacy
    Assessment
    Ownership and perseverance
Group Example: The Educational Blog
    Structural characteristics:
         Multimedia
         Chronological order
         Web based, easy to edit
    Networked Characteristics
         Linked to other sites
         Syndicated (RSS, Atom etc)
         Comments and Trackbacks– spammed
    Pedagogical
         Reflective, personal, archival, communicative, public
How are Blogs used today in Groups?
    “You are required to post at least two messages to your blog
     and respond to the postings of at least two other enrolled
    Please use your postings to address the issue discussed on
     pages 34-38 of your text.
    Your post and responses will be assessed for 10% of your final
    To protect your privacy, your blog is not accessible outside of
     the LMS and postings will be destroyed at the end of the

      Paraphrased from major UK university graduate school requirements
2. Formal Learning with Networks
    Networks create and sustain links between individuals
     creating communication and information spaces
    Each of us may belong to many networks
    Network use creates social capital
    Networks can connect self-paced and independent
     learners to cooperative study activities
    Network leadership arises in multiple

    Networks combine personalization with socialization
     creating transparency (Dalsgaard 2008)
    Focus is on the individual’s spaces and the way they share
     and expose their space to others
         Reflections (blog)
         Resources (photos, links, tasks)
         Accomplishments (portfolio, artifacts)
         Sharing sand growing interests and skills

2. Networks
   Provide resources from which students’ extract and
    contribute information
   In school one should learn to build, contribute
    to and manage one’s networks
   Transparency provides application and validation of
    information and skills developed in formal learning
   Provides models for new students
   Networks last beyond the course - basis for
    ongoing support and advise from alumni and
    professional communities

Network Tools
    Most web 2.0 apps including:
         Profiles: Finding significant others
         Blogging - outside the garden wall
         Resource recommendations finding highest quality content
          (Slashdot, Diig, Cite-u-like)
         Scheduling meet-ups for study, debate, collaboration
         WIKIs, Google docs and other open collaboration tools
         Commercial Social Networking sites- Facebook etc.

Network Tool Set (example)


     Stepanyan, Mather & Payne, 2007
Network Pedagogy
    Connectivism
         Learning is network formation: adding new nodes, creating new
          neural paths
         “It is not what you know, but who you know to ask.”
          Siemens, G. (2007)
    Learning as a means to develop social capital
         Social capital and social relationships “enlarge the concept of
          individualism to include the ability and obligation to
          work with others when the task demands it.” Edgar H.
          Schein, 1995

Groups are Managed -
Networks Emerge!

    Cannot be controlled like a group - requires new types of
     learning activities
    Need to both amplify and extinguish interaction
    Facilitate quality knowledge and artifact construction
    Emergent behaviours, complexity, and adaption

3. Collectives: Harvesting the Wisdom of

3. Formal Education and

    Collectives aggregate, then filter, compare, contrast and recommend.
    Personal and collaborative search and filter for learning
    Smart retrieval from the universal library of resources – human and
     learning objects
    Need to develop and practice skills and interest to easily contribute to
     collectives (tagging, sharing whenever possible, leaving traces)
       only 16% of users are taggers (Pew, 2005)
    Allows discovery and validation of norms, values, opinion and “ways of

Hive mind? Borgs?
 Group consciousness?
     Collectively managing planet Earth
     What does it mean to be aware of each other?

Collectives operate as mirrors to monitor and learn from
our collective selves (Spivack, 2006)
Collective Tools

Example: Determining our Effect?
    Analysis of blog postings using semantic and matching
     Potential uses:
       uncover suicidal ideation
       mental health of the community
       understand evolving communication genres
       measure impact of popular memes

Collective Example:
 Terry’s Store at Amazon

    Explicit recommender systems:


Digg Monitoring collective recommendations
in real time

Collective Examples for Educational
  Artifact Ranking systems: Google Search; CitULike;
  Tag Clouds
  Recommendation Systems:
  Wikis: Contributions from the crowd
  Folksonomies: Bottom up classification systems
  Voting and auction
  Prediction Markets
Is DE Better than Classroom Instruction?
Project 1: 2000 – 2004
    Question: How does distance education compare
     to classroom instruction? (inclusive dates
    Total number of effect sizes: k = 232
    Measures: Achievement, Attitudes and Retention
     (opposite of drop-out)
    Divided into Asynchronous and Synchronous DE

Primary findings
  DE and CI are essentially equal (g+ ≈ 0.0 to low
   average effect) on all measures
  Effect size distributions are heterogeneous; some
   DE >> CI, some DE << CI
  Generally poor methodological quality
  Pedagogical study features account for more
   variation than media study features (Clark, 1994)
  Interactive DE an important variable*
     *Lou, Y., Bernard, R.M., & Abrami, P.C. (2006). Media and pedagogy in undergraduate distance
         education: A theory-based meta-analysis of empirical literature. Educational Technology
         Research & Development, 54(2), 141-176.
Summary of results: Achievement

     Achievement Outcomes

     *Significantly heterogeneous average effect

Summary of results: Attitudes

     Attitude Outcomes

     *Significantly heterogeneous average effect

Summary of results: Retention
     Retention Outcomes

     *Significantly heterogeneous effect sizes

Equivalency: Are all types of
Interaction necessary?

Anderson’s Equivalency Theorem
Moore (1989) distinctions are:
  Three types of interaction
  o    student-student interaction
  o    student-teacher interaction
  o    Student-content interaction
Anderson (2003) hypotheses state:
  High
      levels of one out of 3 interactions will produce satisfying
  educational experience
  Increasingsatisfaction through teacher and learner
  interaction interaction may not be as time or cost-effective as
  student-content interactive learning sequences

Do the three types of interaction differ?
Moore’s distinctions

Achievement and Attitude Outcomes

Interaction           Achievement              Attitudes
Categories            k       g+adj.         k         g+adj.
Student-Student      10       0.342         6         0.358
Student-Teacher      44       0.254         30        0.052
Student-Content      20       0.339         8         0.136
Total                74       0.291         44        0.090
Between-class                 2.437                   6.892*

Moore’s distinctions seem to apply for achievement (equal
importance), but not for attitudes (however, samples are low
for SS and SC)                 69
Does strengthening interaction improve
achievement and attitudes? Anderson’s hypotheses

Achievement and Attitude Outcomes
Interaction               Achievement                       Attitudes
Strength             k       g+adj.       SE         k        g+adj.     SE
Low Strength        30       0.163       0.043      21       0.071      0.042
Med Strength        29       0.418       0.044      18       0.170      0.043
High Strength       15       0.305       0.062      5        -0.173     0.091
Total               74       0.291       0.027      44       0.090      0.029
(Q) Between-class           17.582*                         12.060*

   Anderson’s first hypothesis about achievement appears to be supported

   Anderson’s second hypothesis about satisfaction (attitude) appears to be
   supported, but only to an extent (i.e., only 5 studies in High Category)

  Bernard, Abrami, Borokhovski, Wade, Tamin, & Surkes, (in
  press). Examining Three Forms of Interaction in Distance
  Education: A Meta-Analysis of Between-DE Studies. Review
  of Research in Education
    The Net provides means to drastically improve education
     effectiveness, efficiency and engagement by providing
     access to learn, to teach and to speak one’s truth.
    Equally useful (and disruptive) to distance and campus
    Our challenge, as educators, is to insure that our students
     and our world benefit from these Net affordances
    Illich tells us to search for and build
     “educational webs which heighten
     the opportunity for each one to
     transform each moment of his living
     into one of learning, sharing, and
     caring” Illich, 1970
quot;He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;
 he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”

                                Chinese Proverb

              Terry Anderson

                                   Your comments and
                                   questions most

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Sloan 2008

  • 1. OER’s & A good educational system Terry Anderson, PhD Professor and Canada Research Chair in Distance Education
  • 2.   “Canada is a great country, much too cold for common sense, inhabited by compassionate and intelligent people with bad haircuts”.   Yann Martel, Life of Pi, 2002.
  • 3. Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada Fastest growing university in Canada 34,000 students, 700 courses 100% distance education Graduate and * Athabasca University Undergraduate programs  Athabasca University Master & Doctorate – Distance Education Only USA Regionally Accredited University in Canada
  • 4. Presentation Overview 1.  Traditional Opening Joke 2.  Components of a Good Educational System 3.  A way to conceptualize Net Tools – Taxonomy of the Many 4.  Interaction Theory revisited 5.  Your Comments and questions
  • 5. Why is E-learning so Popular? Online Nation: Five Years of Growth in Online Learning Allen and Seaman 2007
  • 6. E-Learning is Better Than Sex ! •  You can finish early without feeling guilty. •  You can get rid of any viruses you catch with a $50 program from McAfee •  If you get tired, you can stop, bookmark your place and pick up where you left off. •  With a little coffee you can do it all night. •  You don’t usually get divorced if your spouse interrupts you in the middle of it. •  And If you're not sure what you are doing, you can always ask your teacher.
  • 7. A good educational system should have three purposes:   it should provide all who want to learn with access to available resources at anytime in their lives;   empower all who want to share what they know to find those who want to learn it from them;   furnish all who want to present an issue to the public with the opportunity to make their challenge known. (Illich I.,1970) Full text available:
  • 8. 1. Access to resources at anytime Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing. – Terry Foote, Wikipedia
  • 9. Open Education Resources (OER) Vision + Affordance   “At the heart of the open educational resources movement is the simple and powerful idea that;   the world’s knowledge is a public good in general   the World Wide Web provides an extraordinary opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse that knowledge.” Hewlett Foundation Smith, & Casserly. The promise of open educational resources. Change 38(5): 8–17, 2006
  • 10. OER Granularity   Diagrams, photos   Articles (Open access publications)   Games, simulations, activities   Units of learning (IMS LD)   Units and courses   Programs
  • 11. OER’s are Open (Mostly)   Meaning they can be:   Augmented   Edited   Customized   Aggregated and Mashups   Reformatted   Returned   But they need to be licensed –   not just put online See Scott Leslie’s 10 minute video at
  • 12. Ownership and Licensing   Familiar problems   Who owns resource - educators or the institution?   inflated expectations   New problems   OER’s are not just journal articles   Articles are not “reworked”   Is attribution critical?   What defines commercial exploitation?
  • 13. 4 Ownership Models   Institutional ownership   Default under most ‘work for hire’ law   Shared institutional and Academic   Often unworkable   Tragedy of the anti-commons   Individual (academic ownership)   Rights of succession? Multiple authors?   Produsage   Assume that each producer does not enforce their rights, all can treat product as a private good   (copyleft, public domain, no tragedy of the anti-commons)
  • 14. A Tale of 3 books Commercial E-Learning for Open Access publisher the 21st Century Commercial 100,000 downloads plus 934 copies sold at Pub. indiv. Chapters $52.00 1200 sold @ $135.00 500 hardcopies sold @ Buy at Amazon!! 2,000 copies in $50.00
  • 15. A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement Achievements, Challenges, and New … DE Atkins, JS Brown, AL Hammond, William and Flora
  • 16. Major Problems with OER   Little take up by conventional teachers   Too little reward and recognition for authors   Too few learners actually engage with the content   Undeveloped business case   Too few teachers remix and repost content   Too difficult to upload, tag and share Solution?? Vibrant communities of Produsers??
  • 17. Challenges and Solutions   Wrong timetabling/chunking   Modularized units   Cultural constraints   Tools Distributed with content   Not invented here   Transparency and objective display   Wrong technical format   Dogged adherence to standards   Wrong Language   Produser translation   Lack of Accreditation/authority   Consumer and peer review   Challenge for credit
  • 18. Our own Experiment: Course development based on OER’s   4 courses:   Nursing,   Communications (Theatre)   English for Business, &   Educ. Tech   Vastly different results   Critical variable was the attitude of the developer(s) Christiansen, J., & Anderson, T. (2004). Feasibility of course development based on learning objects: Research analysis of three case studies. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education,
  • 19. What is missing?   Culture of development, sharing and remix   ‘Community of Practice Solution   Social Software affordances   Easy to use Tools   Harnessing student energy to create OERs
  • 20. The Political Economy of Peer Production: Michael Bauwens   “produce use-value through the free cooperation of producers who have access to distributed capital   a 'third mode of production' different from for-profit or public production by state-owned enterprises.   Its product is not exchange value for a market, but but use-value for a community of users
  • 21. Prod-Users - From production to produsage - Axel Bruns (2008)   Users become active participants in the production of artifacts:   Examples:   Open source movement   Wikipedia   Citizen journalism (blogs)   Immersive worlds   Distributed creativity - music, video, Flickr
  • 22. Produsage Principles   Community-Based –the community as a whole can contribute more than a closed team of producers.   Fluid Heterarcy – produsers participate as is appropriate to their personal skills, interests, and knowledge, and may form loose sub-groups to focus on specific issues, topics, or problems   Unfinished Artifacts –projects are continually under development, and therefore always unfinished;   Common Property, Individual Rewards – contributors permit (non-commercial) community use, adaptation, and further development of their intellectual property, and are rewarded by the status capital they gain through this process
  • 23. Case study: Open University UKʼs Development of Open Learn   Rationale Opportunity:   The risk of doing nothing when technology and globalization issues need to be addressed.   A testbed for new technology and new ways of working   way to work with external funders who share similar aims and ideals   A chance to learn how to draw on the world as a resource.   Brand Promotion   A route for outreach beyond our student body   Demonstration of the quality of Open University materials in new regions. Social Learn: to devise means to put ourselves out of business - before our competitors do!!
  • 24. Open Learn Example 490 units
  • 25.
  • 26. Next evolution to Social Learn   “For 3000 years education has made the learner adapt to the system. SocialLearn [1] aims to reverse this and make the education system adapt to the learner.”   Make the formal informal, and the informal formal.   Web 2.0 tools, attitudes, learning designs Martin Weller
  • 27. Why Don’t we Use and contribute OERs??
  • 28. 2. A Good education system: “empowers all who want to share what they know to find those who want to learn”
  • 29. Creative Literacies: “The ability to experiment with technology in order to create and manipulate content that serves social goals rather than merely retrieving and absorbing information” p. 107 Burgess, J. (2006) Learning to Blog. Uses of Blogs Bruns &Jacobs
  • 30.   Need to insure that our use of the Web actually results in increased access and not just more expensive access for those with existing high quality access to educational opportunity Jim

  • 31. Two-Way Use   65,000 videos uploaded to YouTube every day   Facebook and Myspace over 100 million profiles   Facebook 24 million photos uploaded daily   50 million blogs, 50% written by under 19 year olds   Scientific America 229(3) 2008 & FaceBook Home
  • 32. Example   My presentation at ECEL 2007 in Copenhagen - maybe 200 in attendance F2F   On Slideshare:   2322 views | 4 comments | 6 favorites | 91 downloads | 5 embeds
  • 33. 3. A Good Education: Furnishes all who want to present an issue to the public with the opportunity to make their challenge known.   “One month after a virtual protest staged in Second Life with almost 2,000 avatars demonstrating on IBM islands, a new contract with IBM Italy has been signed” Labour news from UNI global union, 2007
  • 34. Ethan Zuckerman (Global Voices) 2008
  • 35. From a Deschooled society to a Learning Society that includes new models of formal and informal learning
  • 37. Taxonomy of the Many Groups NETWORKS Collectives Dron & Anderson, 2007
  • 38. Social Learning 2.0 3.0 3.5   Each of us participates in Groups, Networks and Collectives.   Learning is enhanced by exploiting the affordances of all three sources of social learning.   Issues, memes, opportunities and learning activities arise at all three levels of granularity.   Tools are optimized for each level of granularity   Formalize the formal   Informalize the formal (Martin Weller)
  • 39. Choosing the right tool? OR Your Institutions LMS 2770 logos as of Oct 31, 2008
  • 40. Formal Education and Groups:   Classes and cohort   Increases:   completion rates,   achievement   satisfaction   Same logistic challenges as for institutional, campus -based learning   Can operate ‘behind the garden wall” to allow freedom for expression and development   refuge for scholarship
  • 41. Formal Learning and Groups   Long history of research and study   Need to optimize:   Social presence   Cognitive presence   Teaching presence (   Established sets of tools –   Classrooms,   Learning Management Systems   Synchronous (video & net conferencing)   Email
  • 42. Problems with Groups   Restrictions in time, space pace, & relationship   Often overly confined by teacher expectation and institutional curriculum control Relationships   Isolated from the authentic world of practice Paulsen (1993)   Poor preparation for Lifelong Law of Cooperative Freedom Learning
  • 43. Challenges of using informal social software tools for formal tasks   Control   Support   Privacy   Assessment   Ownership and perseverance
  • 44. Group Example: The Educational Blog   Structural characteristics:   Multimedia   Chronological order   Web based, easy to edit   Networked Characteristics   Linked to other sites   Syndicated (RSS, Atom etc)   Comments and Trackbacks– spammed   Pedagogical   Reflective, personal, archival, communicative, public
  • 45. How are Blogs used today in Groups?   “You are required to post at least two messages to your blog and respond to the postings of at least two other enrolled students.   Please use your postings to address the issue discussed on pages 34-38 of your text.   Your post and responses will be assessed for 10% of your final grade   To protect your privacy, your blog is not accessible outside of the LMS and postings will be destroyed at the end of the course.” Paraphrased from major UK university graduate school requirements
  • 46. 2. Formal Learning with Networks   Networks create and sustain links between individuals creating communication and information spaces   Each of us may belong to many networks   Network use creates social capital   Networks can connect self-paced and independent learners to cooperative study activities   Network leadership arises in multiple formats 46
  • 47.   Networks combine personalization with socialization creating transparency (Dalsgaard 2008)   Focus is on the individual’s spaces and the way they share and expose their space to others   Reflections (blog)   Resources (photos, links, tasks)   Accomplishments (portfolio, artifacts)   Sharing sand growing interests and skills 47
  • 48. 2. Networks   Provide resources from which students’ extract and contribute information   In school one should learn to build, contribute to and manage one’s networks   Transparency provides application and validation of information and skills developed in formal learning   Provides models for new students   Networks last beyond the course - basis for ongoing support and advise from alumni and professional communities 48
  • 49. Network Tools   Most web 2.0 apps including:   Profiles: Finding significant others   Blogging - outside the garden wall   Resource recommendations finding highest quality content (Slashdot, Diig, Cite-u-like)   Scheduling meet-ups for study, debate, collaboration   WIKIs, Google docs and other open collaboration tools   Commercial Social Networking sites- Facebook etc. 49
  • 50. Network Tool Set (example) Text Text 50 Stepanyan, Mather & Payne, 2007
  • 51. Network Pedagogy   Connectivism   Learning is network formation: adding new nodes, creating new neural paths   “It is not what you know, but who you know to ask.” Siemens, G. (2007)   Learning as a means to develop social capital   Social capital and social relationships “enlarge the concept of individualism to include the ability and obligation to work with others when the task demands it.” Edgar H. Schein, 1995 51
  • 52. Groups are Managed - Networks Emerge!   Cannot be controlled like a group - requires new types of learning activities   Need to both amplify and extinguish interaction   Facilitate quality knowledge and artifact construction   Emergent behaviours, complexity, and adaption 52
  • 53. 3. Collectives: Harvesting the Wisdom of Crowds 53
  • 54. 3. Formal Education and Collectives   Collectives aggregate, then filter, compare, contrast and recommend.   Personal and collaborative search and filter for learning   Smart retrieval from the universal library of resources – human and learning objects   Need to develop and practice skills and interest to easily contribute to collectives (tagging, sharing whenever possible, leaving traces)   only 16% of users are taggers (Pew, 2005)   Allows discovery and validation of norms, values, opinion and “ways of understanding” 54
  • 55. Hive mind? Borgs? Group consciousness?   Collectively managing planet Earth   What does it mean to be aware of each other? Collectives operate as mirrors to monitor and learn from our collective selves (Spivack, 2006) 55
  • 57. Example: Determining our Effect?   Analysis of blog postings using semantic and matching techniques Potential uses: uncover suicidal ideation mental health of the community understand evolving communication genres measure impact of popular memes 57
  • 58. Collective Example: Terry’s Store at Amazon 58
  • 59.   Explicit recommender systems: Explicit 59
  • 60. Digg Monitoring collective recommendations in real time 60
  • 61. Collective Examples for Educational Application   Artifact Ranking systems: Google Search; CitULike;   Tag Clouds   Recommendation Systems:   Wikis: Contributions from the crowd   Folksonomies: Bottom up classification systems   Voting and auction   Prediction Markets
  • 62. Is DE Better than Classroom Instruction? Project 1: 2000 – 2004   Question: How does distance education compare to classroom instruction? (inclusive dates 1985-2002)   Total number of effect sizes: k = 232   Measures: Achievement, Attitudes and Retention (opposite of drop-out)   Divided into Asynchronous and Synchronous DE 62
  • 63. Primary findings   DE and CI are essentially equal (g+ ≈ 0.0 to low average effect) on all measures   Effect size distributions are heterogeneous; some DE >> CI, some DE << CI   Generally poor methodological quality   Pedagogical study features account for more variation than media study features (Clark, 1994)   Interactive DE an important variable* *Lou, Y., Bernard, R.M., & Abrami, P.C. (2006). Media and pedagogy in undergraduate distance education: A theory-based meta-analysis of empirical literature. Educational Technology Research & Development, 54(2), 141-176. 63
  • 64. Summary of results: Achievement Achievement Outcomes *Significantly heterogeneous average effect 64
  • 65. Summary of results: Attitudes Attitude Outcomes *Significantly heterogeneous average effect 65
  • 66. Summary of results: Retention Retention Outcomes *Significantly heterogeneous effect sizes 66
  • 67. Equivalency: Are all types of Interaction necessary? Anderson, 2003 IRRODL
  • 68. Anderson’s Equivalency Theorem (2003) Moore (1989) distinctions are:   Three types of interaction o  student-student interaction o  student-teacher interaction o  Student-content interaction Anderson (2003) hypotheses state:   High levels of one out of 3 interactions will produce satisfying educational experience   Increasingsatisfaction through teacher and learner interaction interaction may not be as time or cost-effective as student-content interactive learning sequences 68
  • 69. Do the three types of interaction differ? Moore’s distinctions Achievement and Attitude Outcomes Interaction Achievement Attitudes Categories k g+adj. k g+adj. Student-Student 10 0.342 6 0.358 Student-Teacher 44 0.254 30 0.052 Student-Content 20 0.339 8 0.136 Total 74 0.291 44 0.090 Between-class 2.437 6.892* Moore’s distinctions seem to apply for achievement (equal importance), but not for attitudes (however, samples are low for SS and SC) 69
  • 70. Does strengthening interaction improve achievement and attitudes? Anderson’s hypotheses Achievement and Attitude Outcomes Interaction Achievement Attitudes Strength k g+adj. SE k g+adj. SE Low Strength 30 0.163 0.043 21 0.071 0.042 Med Strength 29 0.418 0.044 18 0.170 0.043 High Strength 15 0.305 0.062 5 -0.173 0.091 Total 74 0.291 0.027 44 0.090 0.029 (Q) Between-class 17.582* 12.060* Anderson’s first hypothesis about achievement appears to be supported Anderson’s second hypothesis about satisfaction (attitude) appears to be supported, but only to an extent (i.e., only 5 studies in High Category) 70
  • 71.   Bernard, Abrami, Borokhovski, Wade, Tamin, & Surkes, (in press). Examining Three Forms of Interaction in Distance Education: A Meta-Analysis of Between-DE Studies. Review of Research in Education
  • 72. Conclusions   The Net provides means to drastically improve education effectiveness, efficiency and engagement by providing access to learn, to teach and to speak one’s truth.   Equally useful (and disruptive) to distance and campus education   Our challenge, as educators, is to insure that our students and our world benefit from these Net affordances
  • 73.   Illich tells us to search for and build “educational webs which heighten the opportunity for each one to transform each moment of his living into one of learning, sharing, and caring” Illich, 1970
  • 74. quot;He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” Chinese Proverb Terry Anderson Blog: Your comments and questions most welcomed!