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 Skin is the largest organ of the human body 
 Accounts for 16-20% of body weight…it weighs twice 
as much as your brain 
 For the average adult human, the skin has a surface 
area of between 1.5-2.0 sq.mtrs 
 The skin is composed of two basic layers (regions).. 
◦ Epidermis – outermost layer 
◦ Dermis –underlying connective tissue 
 Subcutaneous fat (Hypodermis),inspite of its close 
anatomic relationship and tendency to respond 
jointly to pathologic processes,is not a part of skin 
basic structure
 Primarily made up of keratinized stratified squamous 
 Gives strength to the skin. 
 Varies in thickness from thick skin to thin skin 
 Eyelids- 0.04 mm,Palms- 1.6 mm,average 0.1 mm 
 It does not have any vascularization, so it relies on 
the connective tissues deep to it. 
 Also contain melanocytes, merkel’s cells and 
Langerhans cell
Layers of epidermis 
 Stratum basale (the deepest layer) 
 Stratum spinosum 
 Stratum granulosum 
 Stratum lucidum (only in thick skin) 
 Stratum corneum (most superficial layer of 
Stratum Basale 
 The stratum germinativum (or basal layer, 
stratum basale) Consists of single layer of 
basophilic columnar or cuboidal cells. 
 Along with S. spinosum, it is a component of 
Malpighian layer 
 Cells are bound to each other by desmosomes 
and to basal lamina by hemidesmosomes. 
 All cells contain intermediate keratin filaments, 
number of which increases as cells progress 
Stratum Spinosum 
 Also contain the dividing cells as in basale. 
 Cells contain bundles of intermediate filament 
(tonofilaments) projecting into the processses of 
cells which give attachment to the desmosomes, so 
giving spined appearance. 
 Tonofilaments provide resistant to the abrasion so 
this layer is thicker in the areas prone to abrasion 
(thick skin) . 
 Keratinization begins in the stratum spinosum.
stratum granulosum 
 Consists of polygonal cells , cytoplasm of which 
is filled with the basophilic granule , 
keratohyaline granules. It is rich in 
phosphorylated histidine and cystine. 
 Cells contain, lamellated bodies, made up of 
lipid. It fuses with the cell membrane and it 
come out of cells and function as a intercellular 
cement or sealing agent. 
 This sealing effect is first evolutionary 
adaptation to terrestrial life
Stratum Lucidum 
 More prominent in thick skin .Cellular 
organells and nuclei are not prominent. 
 It is composed of clear non-nucleated 
 In the palms and soles, the stratum 
lucidum is present. The tan colored 
protein blocks the underlying 
melanocytes from view
Stratum corneum 
 The main difference between thick skin and thin 
skin relates to the thickness of the Stratum 
 These are the dead cells, flaking off. The cells lose 
their nucleus and fuse to form squamous sheets, 
which are eventually shed from the surface 
 The mean turnover or renewal time of epidermis is 
39 days(13+12+14) i.e.,time for a cell to move 
from the stratum basale to the distal edge of the 
stratum corneum and shed 
 13 days for proliferative compartment( lower two 
rows),12 days for differentiated compartment,14 
days for cornified layer
 It is connective tissue that support the epidermis and 
attaches the epidermis to the hypodermis. 
 Dermis is 15-40 times thicker than the epidermis 
 Its surface consists of many ridges (dermal papillae) 
which interdigitate with epidermal ridges. 
 The dermis is also the area where all the glands of the 
body are located. 
 Has 2 layers/compartments 
1. A thin zone immediately beneath the epidermis (the 
papillary dermis) and around adnexa ( the periadnexal 
dermis).The combination of papillary and periadnexal 
dermis is called Adventitial dermis 
2. A thick zone of Reticular dermis that extends from the 
base of the papillary dermis to the surface of the 
subcutaneous fat
papillary dermis 
 Papillary layer –The papillary dermis is the uppermost 
layer of the dermis,composed of thin haphazardly 
arranged collagen bundles,delicate branching elastic 
fibers,numerous fibrocytes,abundant ground 
substance.A highly developed microcirculation composed 
of arterioles,capillaries and venules 
 Its superior surface is uneven (fingerlike projections) 
which forms the characteristic fingerprint of the finger. 
This layer provides the epidermis with nutrients. Pain 
and touch receptors are found here 
 Together,the papillary dermis and epidermis form a 
morphologic and functional unit whose intimacy is 
reflected in their alteration jointly in various 
inflammatory processes 
 A similar interrelationship exists b/w periadnexal layer 
and its adjacent epithelium
Reticular dermis 
 Dense irregular Connective Tissue 
 Has thick bundles of Collagen and coarse Elastic 
fibers.Proportionally, there are fewer fibrocytes and 
blood vessels and less ground substance compared to 
papillary dermis 
 Arrangement of bundle in the direction of mechanical 
force give rise to the cleavage lines of Langer. 
 Strongest layer of the Dermis.Gives the area 
strength.Contains sweat,sebaceous glands and 
pressure receptors 
 Leather is made of this layer.
•Consists of loose connective tissue which helps in sliding 
the skin over the deep structure. 
•Consists of layer of fat according to the nutritional status of 
the person. 
•Also called as superficial fascia or panniculus adiposus 
Arteries form the 2 plexuses. One at the junction of 
papillary and reticular layer( sub- papillary plexus) and 
another at junction of dermis and hypodermis (cutaneous 
Veins form the three plexuses – 2 in same position as for 
arterial and another in the middle of the dermis
Cutaneous Glands 
1. Sebaceous (oil) glands-Sebaceous glands are microscopic 
glands in the skin which secrete an oily matter, called sebum, 
in the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair. In humans, 
they are found in greatest abundance on the face and scalp, 
though they are distributed throughout all skin sites except 
the palms and soles. An infection causes acne 
2. Sweat (sudoriferous) glands - Sweat glands are exocrine 
glands, found in the skin , that are used for body temperature 
a) Eccrine glands -Eccrine glands (or merocrine glands) are 
found at virtually all sites on the human body. They produce 
clear liquid (perspiration), consisting of water, salts, and urea. 
b) Apocrine glands- Apocrine glands are found in axillary and 
genital areas, secrete a milky protein and fat substance. This 
mixture is an excellent source of nutrients for bacteria which 
produce body odour.
 Follicle- A hair follicle is a part of the skin that grows hair by 
packing old cells together. 
 Root 
 Shaft 
 Hair bulb 
 Arrector pili -Arrectores pilorum (singular Arrector pili) 
are tiny muscle fibers attached to each hair follicle, which 
contract to make the hairs stand on end, causing goose 
bumps. Arrectores pilorum are smooth muscle, not skeletal 
muscle, which explains why humans cannot voluntarily give 
themselves goose bumps.
 Fingernails and toenails are made of a tough protein 
called keratin. Along with hair and teeth they are an 
appendage of the skin. 
 Free edge- The part of the nail that extends past the 
finger, beyond the nail plate. There should always be a 
free edge present to prevent infections. 
 Nail folds (cuticle)- A fold of hard skin overlapping the 
base and sides of a fingernail or toenail 
 Nail Matrix- This is the only living part of the nail. It is 
situated behind and underneath the Nail Fold and 
produces protein keratin which makes up the Nail Plate.
Embryology of skin 
The skin of the embryo begins to form during the first 
20 to 30 days of embryonic life, the period of active 
organogenesis in human development. 
The skin arises by the juxtaposition of two major 
embryological elements: 
 The prospective epidermis, originates from a 
surface area of the early gastrula; ectoderm. 
 The prospective mesoderm, which is brought into 
contact with the inner surface of the epidermis. 
The neural crest also makes contribution to the skin
Derivates of germinal layers 
Epithelial structures like 
 Epidermis 
 Folliculo-sebaceous-apocrine units 
 Eccrine units 
 Nail units 
& Merkel Cells ( From Primitive Ectodermal Cells From 
Embryonic Epidermis) 
 Melanocytes 
 Nerves & 
 Specialised sensory receptors
 Langerhans cells 
 Macrophages 
 Mast cells 
 Fibrocytes 
 Blood vessels 
 Lymph vessels 
 Muscles 
 adipocytes
Development of epidermis 
 In about the third week of fetal life, the 
epidermis consists of a single layer of 
undifferentiated, glycogen-filled, a single layer of 
 Present only in prekeratinized, developing skin 
sloughed to amniotic fluid. 
The periderm: 
In a 4- to 6-week-old fetus, two layers of cells can 
be distinguished, the periderm or epitrichial 
layer and a stratum germinativum ( basal 
germinative epithelium)
Development of epidermis 
3 Weeks Single Layer Of Flattened 
Epithelial Cells 
4 Weeks Basal Germinative Layer & 
3 Months Intermediate Cells 
5 Months Keratohyaline Granules, signs 
Of Cornification Starts 
6 Months Cornification Completed 
Term Increase In Thickness Of 
Cornified Layers
Development of cells in epidermis 
Derived from Neural Crest cells 
8 weeks - Reach epidermis 
4-6 Months - Become dendritic, synthesize & 
transfer melanosomes 
Langerhans cells : 
Derived from Bone marrow ( Mesoderm) 
In fetal life : yolk sac and/or Liver 
6-7 weeks – Appear 
12-14 wks - mature 
Merkel cells : 
Derived from neural crest ?? 
Evidence points towards origin from primitive 
ectodermal cells within embryonic epidermis 
12 wks – appear in plantar skin 
16 wks – palmar skin 
( as early as 9th week in Hair )
Development of dej 
Early Flat Interface 
1st Trimester Basal Lamina 
12 Wks Interface Undulated 
End Of 12 Wks Mature DEJ ( As Viewed 
Through An Electron 
6 Months Dermal Papillae
development of dermis 
 Intially, embryonic dermis comsists of stellate 
mesenchymal cells suspended in acid muco substance 
12 weeks fibrocyte produce delicate collagen 
16 weeks i. Mature collagen bundles 
ii. Dermis with papillary (thin 
collagen bundles) and Reticular 
(thicker collagen bundles) 
becomes recognizable 
24 weeks Fibrocyte derived elastic fibres 
appear interspread among collagen 
Devp. Of blood vessels,cells of dermis and 
sub cutaneous fat 
1st Trimester Dermal network of blood & lymph vessels 
1st appears 
2nd Trimester Mast cells and macrophages appear in 
the dermis 
Late 2nd 
Beneath the dermis, mesenchymal cells 
surrounding BV begin to differentiate into 
lipid filled primitive adipocytes,as a 
consequence subcutaneous fat comes 
into being 
3rd Trimester Arborizing arterial and Venous plexuses
Develeopment of neural network 
 Origin-ectoderm of neural crest 
 5th week – detectable in the embryonic dermis 
 In succeeding weeks, elaborate neural network develop 
consisting of autonomic motor nerves that innervate 
i. Blood vessels 
ii. Hair erector muscles 
iii. Eccrine & apocrine glands 
iv. Somatic sensory nerves 
v. Specialised sensory end organs ( pacini corpuscle, 
meissner corpuscle,mucocutaneous end organs)
Development of adnexa 
Folliculo-sebaceous-apocrine unit 
 Hair follicle 
 The earliest development of the hair rudiments occurs 
at about 9 weeks in the regions of the eyebrow, upper 
lip and chin. 
 The bulk of the remaining follicles begin to develop at 
approximately 4 to 5 months gestation in a cephalad-to- 
caudad direction. 
 By 17th week-first fine wisps of hair emerge from 
ostia on the eyebrows and forehead and cover the 
entire scalp by 18 weeks 
 By 20 weeks,these lanugo hairs cover the whole 
cutaneous surface,except for the palms,soles,terminal 
phalanges of the digits,glans penis and labia minora
Follicular germ stage 
condensation of mesenchymal cells just beneath the slight downgrowth or 
“bud” of fetal basal keratinocytes.
Follicular peg stage, organization of keratinocytes 
in the follicle and the mesenchyme of the follicular 
sheath and follicular papilla located at the tip of 
the follicle.
Bulbous hair peg stage,(near 16th week). Two prominent bulge 
the uppermost becoms the sebaceous gland and the lowermost is 
the insertion site of the arrector pili muscle as well as the 
presumptive site of the hair follicle stem cells. 
In many follicles, a third bud later appears above the sebaceous 
gland; this is the rudiment of the apocrine gland.
Sebaceous glands 
 The sebaceous glands become differentiated at 13-15 
weeks, and are then large and functional. 
 These are, at first, solid, hemispherical protuberances on 
the posterior surfaces of the hair pegs. 
 The cells contain moderate amounts of glycogen, but 
soon the cells in the centre lose this, and become larger 
and foamy as they accumulate droplets of lipid. 
Apocrine glands 
• Anlagen of apocrine glands probably develop in all hair 
follicles, but after the fifth month,most begin to 
regress,so that by term they persist in only a few sites 
namely the axillae,areola and the periumbilical and 
anogenital skin 
• At 24 weeks,cord of cells which becomes coiled at its 
• Although the apocrine secretory segment secretes a 
milky fluid beginning at 7 months,apocrine glands are 
dormant postnatally until they resume secretory function 
around puberty
Eccrine glands 
 In embryos of 12 weeks, the rudiments of eccrine 
sweat glands are first identifiable as regularly spaced 
undulations of the stratum germ. 
 These start to develop on the palms and soles at 
about 3 months, but not over the rest of the body 
until the fifth month. 
 Cells forming them lie palisading and closely together, 
but otherwise they do not differ from the rest of the 
stratum germinativum. 
 By 14-15 weeks, the tips of the eccrine sweat-gland 
rudiments have penetrated deeply into the dermis, 
and have begun to form the coils
 The nail apparatus develops during the 9th embryonic 
week from the epidermis of the dorsal tip of the digit 
as a rectangular area, the nail field. 
 The proximal border of the nail field extends 
downward and proximally into the dermis to form the 
nail matrix primordium. 
 at 13 weeks, four morphologic components are 
recognizable in the epithelium of a developing nail 
unit. They are the basal zone,the spinous zone,the 
granular zone and the cornified zone.This region now 
termed e[ithelium of nail bed, loses its granular zone 
by the twentieth week 
 At 14 weeks,cornified cells mature at the proximal 
end of nail bed to form nail plate 
 By 16 weeks,nail plate advances to cover proximal 
half of the nail bed 
 By 20th week,covers its completely at which time the 
fetal nail resembles that of the adult
Mechanism that govern embryonal 
development of skin 
I. Mesenchyme Epithelial interaction 
Can occur via direct cell to cell contact or diffusible macromolecules 
 This interdependence is exemplified by embryogenesis of follicular 
 Epithelial unit will not develop from epidermis in absence of 
mesenchymal papilla and conversely a follicular papilla will not 
form in the absence of a covering epithelium 
II. Stratification of epidermal cells is dependant on the 
intactness of basal lamina 
 Seen in re epithelisation of healing wounds 
 The reconstitution of epidermis from keratinocytes of all 
ectodermally derived epithelial structures of adnexa demonstrates 
the pluripotentiality of adnexal keratinocytes
In conclusion 
 The development & maintenance of skin depend on 
interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme,between 
generative epithelium cells & components of their basal 
lamina,and of epithelial cells with one another. 
 These interactions collectively result in a heterogenous but 
unified structure i.e., skin with marked regional 
differentiation in form,color,consistency 
i. Samuel L. Moschella and Harry J. Hurley Dermatology 3/e 
ii. Jean L Bolognia MD ,Joseph L Jorizzo MD ,Ronald P Rapini 
MD Dermatology 3/e
Skin structure and development

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Skin structure and development

  • 2. introduction  Skin is the largest organ of the human body  Accounts for 16-20% of body weight…it weighs twice as much as your brain  For the average adult human, the skin has a surface area of between 1.5-2.0 sq.mtrs  The skin is composed of two basic layers (regions).. ◦ Epidermis – outermost layer ◦ Dermis –underlying connective tissue  Subcutaneous fat (Hypodermis),inspite of its close anatomic relationship and tendency to respond jointly to pathologic processes,is not a part of skin basic structure
  • 3. EPIDERMIS  Primarily made up of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium(keratinocytes)  Gives strength to the skin.  Varies in thickness from thick skin to thin skin  Eyelids- 0.04 mm,Palms- 1.6 mm,average 0.1 mm  It does not have any vascularization, so it relies on the connective tissues deep to it.  Also contain melanocytes, merkel’s cells and Langerhans cell
  • 4. Layers of epidermis  Stratum basale (the deepest layer)  Stratum spinosum  Stratum granulosum  Stratum lucidum (only in thick skin)  Stratum corneum (most superficial layer of epidermis)
  • 5.
  • 6. Stratum Basale  The stratum germinativum (or basal layer, stratum basale) Consists of single layer of basophilic columnar or cuboidal cells.  Along with S. spinosum, it is a component of Malpighian layer  Cells are bound to each other by desmosomes and to basal lamina by hemidesmosomes.  All cells contain intermediate keratin filaments, number of which increases as cells progress upward.
  • 7. Stratum Spinosum  Also contain the dividing cells as in basale.  Cells contain bundles of intermediate filament (tonofilaments) projecting into the processses of cells which give attachment to the desmosomes, so giving spined appearance.  Tonofilaments provide resistant to the abrasion so this layer is thicker in the areas prone to abrasion (thick skin) .  Keratinization begins in the stratum spinosum.
  • 8. stratum granulosum  Consists of polygonal cells , cytoplasm of which is filled with the basophilic granule , keratohyaline granules. It is rich in phosphorylated histidine and cystine.  Cells contain, lamellated bodies, made up of lipid. It fuses with the cell membrane and it come out of cells and function as a intercellular cement or sealing agent.  This sealing effect is first evolutionary adaptation to terrestrial life
  • 9. Stratum Lucidum  More prominent in thick skin .Cellular organells and nuclei are not prominent.  It is composed of clear non-nucleated cells.  In the palms and soles, the stratum lucidum is present. The tan colored protein blocks the underlying melanocytes from view
  • 10. Stratum corneum  The main difference between thick skin and thin skin relates to the thickness of the Stratum corneum.  These are the dead cells, flaking off. The cells lose their nucleus and fuse to form squamous sheets, which are eventually shed from the surface (desquamation).  The mean turnover or renewal time of epidermis is 39 days(13+12+14) i.e.,time for a cell to move from the stratum basale to the distal edge of the stratum corneum and shed  13 days for proliferative compartment( lower two rows),12 days for differentiated compartment,14 days for cornified layer
  • 11. Dermis  It is connective tissue that support the epidermis and attaches the epidermis to the hypodermis.  Dermis is 15-40 times thicker than the epidermis  Its surface consists of many ridges (dermal papillae) which interdigitate with epidermal ridges.  The dermis is also the area where all the glands of the body are located.  Has 2 layers/compartments 1. A thin zone immediately beneath the epidermis (the papillary dermis) and around adnexa ( the periadnexal dermis).The combination of papillary and periadnexal dermis is called Adventitial dermis 2. A thick zone of Reticular dermis that extends from the base of the papillary dermis to the surface of the subcutaneous fat
  • 12. papillary dermis  Papillary layer –The papillary dermis is the uppermost layer of the dermis,composed of thin haphazardly arranged collagen bundles,delicate branching elastic fibers,numerous fibrocytes,abundant ground substance.A highly developed microcirculation composed of arterioles,capillaries and venules  Its superior surface is uneven (fingerlike projections) which forms the characteristic fingerprint of the finger. This layer provides the epidermis with nutrients. Pain and touch receptors are found here  Together,the papillary dermis and epidermis form a morphologic and functional unit whose intimacy is reflected in their alteration jointly in various inflammatory processes  A similar interrelationship exists b/w periadnexal layer and its adjacent epithelium
  • 13. Reticular dermis  Dense irregular Connective Tissue  Has thick bundles of Collagen and coarse Elastic fibers.Proportionally, there are fewer fibrocytes and blood vessels and less ground substance compared to papillary dermis  Arrangement of bundle in the direction of mechanical force give rise to the cleavage lines of Langer.  Strongest layer of the Dermis.Gives the area strength.Contains sweat,sebaceous glands and pressure receptors  Leather is made of this layer.
  • 14. HYPODERMIS •Consists of loose connective tissue which helps in sliding the skin over the deep structure. •Consists of layer of fat according to the nutritional status of the person. •Also called as superficial fascia or panniculus adiposus VESSELS IN SKIN Arteries form the 2 plexuses. One at the junction of papillary and reticular layer( sub- papillary plexus) and another at junction of dermis and hypodermis (cutaneous plexus). Veins form the three plexuses – 2 in same position as for arterial and another in the middle of the dermis
  • 15.
  • 16. Cutaneous Glands 1. Sebaceous (oil) glands-Sebaceous glands are microscopic glands in the skin which secrete an oily matter, called sebum, in the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair. In humans, they are found in greatest abundance on the face and scalp, though they are distributed throughout all skin sites except the palms and soles. An infection causes acne 2. Sweat (sudoriferous) glands - Sweat glands are exocrine glands, found in the skin , that are used for body temperature regulation. a) Eccrine glands -Eccrine glands (or merocrine glands) are found at virtually all sites on the human body. They produce clear liquid (perspiration), consisting of water, salts, and urea. b) Apocrine glands- Apocrine glands are found in axillary and genital areas, secrete a milky protein and fat substance. This mixture is an excellent source of nutrients for bacteria which produce body odour.
  • 17. hair  Follicle- A hair follicle is a part of the skin that grows hair by packing old cells together.  Root  Shaft  Hair bulb  Arrector pili -Arrectores pilorum (singular Arrector pili) are tiny muscle fibers attached to each hair follicle, which contract to make the hairs stand on end, causing goose bumps. Arrectores pilorum are smooth muscle, not skeletal muscle, which explains why humans cannot voluntarily give themselves goose bumps.
  • 18. nails  Fingernails and toenails are made of a tough protein called keratin. Along with hair and teeth they are an appendage of the skin.  Free edge- The part of the nail that extends past the finger, beyond the nail plate. There should always be a free edge present to prevent infections.  Nail folds (cuticle)- A fold of hard skin overlapping the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail  Nail Matrix- This is the only living part of the nail. It is situated behind and underneath the Nail Fold and produces protein keratin which makes up the Nail Plate.
  • 19. Embryology of skin DR.P.NIKHILESH REDDY
  • 20. The skin of the embryo begins to form during the first 20 to 30 days of embryonic life, the period of active organogenesis in human development. The skin arises by the juxtaposition of two major embryological elements:  The prospective epidermis, originates from a surface area of the early gastrula; ectoderm.  The prospective mesoderm, which is brought into contact with the inner surface of the epidermis. The neural crest also makes contribution to the skin
  • 21. Derivates of germinal layers Ectoderm: Epithelial structures like  Epidermis  Folliculo-sebaceous-apocrine units  Eccrine units  Nail units & Merkel Cells ( From Primitive Ectodermal Cells From Embryonic Epidermis) Neuroectoderm:  Melanocytes  Nerves &  Specialised sensory receptors
  • 22. Mesoderm:  Langerhans cells  Macrophages  Mast cells  Fibrocytes  Blood vessels  Lymph vessels  Muscles  adipocytes
  • 23.
  • 24. Development of epidermis  In about the third week of fetal life, the epidermis consists of a single layer of undifferentiated, glycogen-filled, a single layer of cells.  Present only in prekeratinized, developing skin sloughed to amniotic fluid. The periderm: In a 4- to 6-week-old fetus, two layers of cells can be distinguished, the periderm or epitrichial layer and a stratum germinativum ( basal germinative epithelium)
  • 25.
  • 26. Development of epidermis EGA EVENTS 3 Weeks Single Layer Of Flattened Epithelial Cells 4 Weeks Basal Germinative Layer & Periderm 3 Months Intermediate Cells ,Tonofilaments-desmosomes 5 Months Keratohyaline Granules, signs Of Cornification Starts 6 Months Cornification Completed Term Increase In Thickness Of Cornified Layers
  • 27.
  • 28. Development of cells in epidermis Melanocytes: Derived from Neural Crest cells 8 weeks - Reach epidermis 4-6 Months - Become dendritic, synthesize & transfer melanosomes Langerhans cells : Derived from Bone marrow ( Mesoderm) In fetal life : yolk sac and/or Liver 6-7 weeks – Appear 12-14 wks - mature Merkel cells : Derived from neural crest ?? Evidence points towards origin from primitive ectodermal cells within embryonic epidermis 12 wks – appear in plantar skin 16 wks – palmar skin ( as early as 9th week in Hair )
  • 29. Development of dej EGA EVENTS Early Flat Interface 1st Trimester Basal Lamina 12 Wks Interface Undulated End Of 12 Wks Mature DEJ ( As Viewed Through An Electron Microscope) 6 Months Dermal Papillae
  • 30. development of dermis  Intially, embryonic dermis comsists of stellate mesenchymal cells suspended in acid muco substance EGA EVENTS 12 weeks fibrocyte produce delicate collagen bundles 16 weeks i. Mature collagen bundles ii. Dermis with papillary (thin collagen bundles) and Reticular (thicker collagen bundles) becomes recognizable 24 weeks Fibrocyte derived elastic fibres appear interspread among collagen bundles
  • 31. Devp. Of blood vessels,cells of dermis and sub cutaneous fat EGA EVENTS 1st Trimester Dermal network of blood & lymph vessels 1st appears 2nd Trimester Mast cells and macrophages appear in the dermis Late 2nd Trimester Beneath the dermis, mesenchymal cells surrounding BV begin to differentiate into lipid filled primitive adipocytes,as a consequence subcutaneous fat comes into being 3rd Trimester Arborizing arterial and Venous plexuses
  • 32. Develeopment of neural network  Origin-ectoderm of neural crest  5th week – detectable in the embryonic dermis  In succeeding weeks, elaborate neural network develop consisting of autonomic motor nerves that innervate i. Blood vessels ii. Hair erector muscles iii. Eccrine & apocrine glands iv. Somatic sensory nerves v. Specialised sensory end organs ( pacini corpuscle, meissner corpuscle,mucocutaneous end organs)
  • 33. Development of adnexa Folliculo-sebaceous-apocrine unit  Hair follicle  The earliest development of the hair rudiments occurs at about 9 weeks in the regions of the eyebrow, upper lip and chin.  The bulk of the remaining follicles begin to develop at approximately 4 to 5 months gestation in a cephalad-to- caudad direction.  By 17th week-first fine wisps of hair emerge from ostia on the eyebrows and forehead and cover the entire scalp by 18 weeks  By 20 weeks,these lanugo hairs cover the whole cutaneous surface,except for the palms,soles,terminal phalanges of the digits,glans penis and labia minora
  • 34. Follicular germ stage condensation of mesenchymal cells just beneath the slight downgrowth or “bud” of fetal basal keratinocytes.
  • 35. Follicular peg stage, organization of keratinocytes in the follicle and the mesenchyme of the follicular sheath and follicular papilla located at the tip of the follicle.
  • 36. Bulbous hair peg stage,(near 16th week). Two prominent bulge outgrowths the uppermost becoms the sebaceous gland and the lowermost is the insertion site of the arrector pili muscle as well as the presumptive site of the hair follicle stem cells. In many follicles, a third bud later appears above the sebaceous gland; this is the rudiment of the apocrine gland.
  • 37.
  • 38. Sebaceous glands  The sebaceous glands become differentiated at 13-15 weeks, and are then large and functional.  These are, at first, solid, hemispherical protuberances on the posterior surfaces of the hair pegs.  The cells contain moderate amounts of glycogen, but soon the cells in the centre lose this, and become larger and foamy as they accumulate droplets of lipid. Apocrine glands • Anlagen of apocrine glands probably develop in all hair follicles, but after the fifth month,most begin to regress,so that by term they persist in only a few sites namely the axillae,areola and the periumbilical and anogenital skin • At 24 weeks,cord of cells which becomes coiled at its base • Although the apocrine secretory segment secretes a milky fluid beginning at 7 months,apocrine glands are dormant postnatally until they resume secretory function around puberty
  • 39. Eccrine glands  In embryos of 12 weeks, the rudiments of eccrine sweat glands are first identifiable as regularly spaced undulations of the stratum germ.  These start to develop on the palms and soles at about 3 months, but not over the rest of the body until the fifth month.  Cells forming them lie palisading and closely together, but otherwise they do not differ from the rest of the stratum germinativum.  By 14-15 weeks, the tips of the eccrine sweat-gland rudiments have penetrated deeply into the dermis, and have begun to form the coils
  • 40.
  • 41. nails  The nail apparatus develops during the 9th embryonic week from the epidermis of the dorsal tip of the digit as a rectangular area, the nail field.  The proximal border of the nail field extends downward and proximally into the dermis to form the nail matrix primordium.  at 13 weeks, four morphologic components are recognizable in the epithelium of a developing nail unit. They are the basal zone,the spinous zone,the granular zone and the cornified zone.This region now termed e[ithelium of nail bed, loses its granular zone by the twentieth week  At 14 weeks,cornified cells mature at the proximal end of nail bed to form nail plate  By 16 weeks,nail plate advances to cover proximal half of the nail bed  By 20th week,covers its completely at which time the fetal nail resembles that of the adult
  • 42.
  • 43. Mechanism that govern embryonal development of skin I. Mesenchyme Epithelial interaction Can occur via direct cell to cell contact or diffusible macromolecules  This interdependence is exemplified by embryogenesis of follicular unit  Epithelial unit will not develop from epidermis in absence of mesenchymal papilla and conversely a follicular papilla will not form in the absence of a covering epithelium II. Stratification of epidermal cells is dependant on the intactness of basal lamina  Seen in re epithelisation of healing wounds  The reconstitution of epidermis from keratinocytes of all ectodermally derived epithelial structures of adnexa demonstrates the pluripotentiality of adnexal keratinocytes
  • 44. In conclusion  The development & maintenance of skin depend on interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme,between generative epithelium cells & components of their basal lamina,and of epithelial cells with one another.  These interactions collectively result in a heterogenous but unified structure i.e., skin with marked regional differentiation in form,color,consistency References i. Samuel L. Moschella and Harry J. Hurley Dermatology 3/e ii. Jean L Bolognia MD ,Joseph L Jorizzo MD ,Ronald P Rapini MD Dermatology 3/e