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Self Identity Essay
There are numerous factors that either make up or restrain the self–identity of a person or an
individual. Culture, in addition to family traditions, is one of the factors that affect the self–identity
of an individual. When growing up, the environment around affect the personality, values, as well
as, beliefs of an individual. The environment includes friends, family members, and the people that
affect the life of an individual. So, if the environment is negative, then an individual will have low
self esteem. Moreover, as an individual grows up from being a child, they receive cultural values
from the family or the society around. There are questions raised on matters dealing with identity:
Can an individual choose his or her more content...
The question is how do these issues affect self–identity? It is certain that people could choose what
to do or wear, but what influenced these decisions? Scientific research has it that, beliefs, traits and
emotions can be factors inherited from parents through the DNA. The memory of an event
experienced by a grandparent could be passed through generations. This means that there exist
certain identity traits in the genes of an individual. Images of violence or shows that are less
empowering could have a certain negative amount of influence in self–identity. A grown up also
faces pressure from family and community beliefs, which make them put on a different piece of
identity from their own. A theory known as the postmodern theory, explains that identity has
become a mask put over an individual, and not from within. The mask is created as a result of
influence from external forces that dictate what is right and what is wrong, or what is normal and
accepted. The postmodern theory goes ahead to stipulate that, as an individual, one creates a
self–identity through these external influences. People do this so as to fit into the environment
around them. In the United States, for example, there is a tendency of consumer culture to influence
the way most Americans think and make decisions. Giddens has described that the lifestyle of an
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My Self Identity
Many skills that I have learned are being to identify and understand my interpersonal skills and
facilitating skills. Through the course I have been able to undergo a shift in my identity as I
thought I knew who I was. Yet I come to class asking the same question, who I am, constantly. I
think this also has helped me identify what skills are those that I have learned and those that I have
made even stronger. Anotherskill that I have gained to appreciate more is storytelling and the
important role and value that it holds. I am able to see that storytelling can be vital to learning about
who we are as well as find out out about others in a matter of time. I think that I am getting used to
the idea that this in congruence with music and more content...
I believe that I am able to be more comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming. I know for
a fact that I am becoming more confident in who I am as I am still on my own self identity path
of discovery. I also believe that from our learnings in class, such as the drum circle, I have to put
myself in the uncomfortable position first in order to be comfortable and that will help set the
stage for my future clients. This we enable the counseling sessions to flow better and address that I
will know the emotions and feelings of how my client will feel. I also think that learning and with
the emphasis by being a culturally competent counselor, I have to strive to be that person wearing
multiple hats in being culturally diverse in my learning. I believe that with my strength of my mind,
body and spirit will help me conduct better sessions as I know what cultural implications can help
and impact both I as the counselor and
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A Reflection On The Self Identity Essay
Mirrored Self Is the person I claim to be, actually me, or is it just the person that I will be one day?
My entire life I have been asked the quintessential questions, "Who are you?" or, "Tell me a little
about yourself?" But there are several problems with these key questions; people never give the
god's honest truth. It is as if there is a social norm to reply by saying, "I am an ambitious person, who
also enjoys having fun!" or something in close comparison. Now, after marinating in the awkward
conversation you just had, you think, "If only they knew the real me..." or, "Who am I really?"
My true identity was not randomly picked out of a hat, or given to by a fortune teller; I am who I
have allowed myself to become. To begin, there are several biological factors that have created my
self–identity; without my ability to alter or change. Miraculously, I am the youngest member of a
packed Caucasian household. Being the youngest, I have been the most sheltered and protected in
the family. Growing up with 5 brothers and sisters allowed me to mature much faster than I had to;
when paired with an older sibling, you had to behave like them. On the other hand, my mother
always saw me as the baby of the family; the one needing the most amount of love and attention.
Having such a strong mother and son bond led to several life changing circumstances. I was
protected from contact sports, I was more emotional than the others, I picked up feminine niches,
and I saw females as friends
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College Essay On Self Identity
Self Identity
Everyone has more than one face, they may fail to realize it but others around them do notice. I
have many faces for many different reasons and for many different people, I have one for my
family, one for my friends, one for my employer, and one for just about any other specific group of
people. I used to not notice until I was called out on it by one of my cousins; she exclaimed that
way I act around my non–relative friends was not the way I acted around them and that made her
upset. Ever since that incident I have been fully aware of the way I act, however not much has
changed. Around my parents I act in a way that is intended to meet their expectations, I'll speak to
them respectfully and politely and do whatever they ask me to do. This way I can keep them
happy, there have been instances where humor is involved and the way we communicate can
become a little odd at the end of the day it remains the same with my parents. Like I said before
when it comes to my parents I must do what more content...
It is taking a whole different person perspective to a new level. My friends and I all have one thing
in common; we all play fighting games competitevely and are deeply involved in the FGC
(fighting game community) this is what makes new person to those who have yet to see this face.
The community has its own culture, lingo, and inside jokes that we all partake in whether they are
appropriate or not. When I attend tournaments with my friends we engage in the culture the FGC
has to offer, words I would say to them when we play I would never say to any other human being
that isn't involved in some way with the FGC. We nonchalantaly call each other names and other
insults when we play, we yell and get extremely excited over uncanny occurences that might happen
in game. The polite person my parents see is also a person who will yell and get exicited around other
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Reflection Of An Essay On Self And Self Identity
I am an individual who is responsible, cheerful, and positive to all aspects of life. Throughout my
journey as a student, I have grown significantly through personal challenges that helped me develop
my self identity. After seeing my maturation, people around me would conclude that I have emerged
as an enthusiastic leader who takes initiative and strives with determination. At the commencement of
high school, my shy personality and fright of public speaking created a barrier that separated me
from risks and challenges. To overcome this, I pushed myself to enter a speaking competition in
cadets, where I spoke about the impact of texting on interpersonal communication and also
performed an impromptu speech. I spent days writing and practicing my speech, and attended
weekly speech classes to improve my confidence. As a result of my perseverance, I was proudly
awarded first place and presented my speech to 200 people at the Cadets Annual Ceremonial
Review. By maintaining a positive outlook, I was able to turn my fears into strengths. This
experience taught me the importance of resolution in conquering barriers and henceforth increased
the number of challenges I take on, empowering my development as a confident public speaker.
Today, I have become a caring individual who mobilizes large teams in clubs and organizations to
tackle issues in local communities. The past several years of experiences have given me the
phenomenal chance to grow, explore my innumerable talents, and emerge as a better version of
myself I did not realize existed.
What is important to you? And why? (maximum 250 words)
The arrival of winter's first snowflakes do not excite me to the extent they previously had, instead I
agonize over children sleeping on the harsh cement streets under a blanket of frigid air. For me, it is
important that I ignite change within the community, utilizing my skills to significantly impact
others. After reading an article regarding Burnaby's high child poverty rate, I was filled with feelings
of melancholy, generating my ambition to improve this situation. My involvement began in Grade 9
when I joined my school's youth homelessness club. I became the president in Grade 11 to improve
our initiatives, expanding the
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My Personal Identity Essay
A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests
and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some
factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a
person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture
may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and
sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a
person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set
individuals apart. An individual is not a more content...
Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends
I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music'
is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of
adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart
pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I
love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be
on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics
that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly
consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering
(especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is
measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very
strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that,
although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will
not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a
person's identity. I have not had too many educational
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Definition Essay On Self Identity
The definition of self identity is "the recognition of one's potential and qualities as an individual,
especially in relation to social context." Throughout the book Language Awareness the writers of
the essays all had similar traits in common. They knew who they were and what they stood for. I
feel like in today's world most people struggle with not knowing who they are because society has
such high expectations and doesn't really allow for anything other than what they think. At some
point everyone will ask themselves "who am I?". There are different aspects that will come into
play that will try to tell people who they are and what they should stand for but at the end of the day
we as people have to decide for ourselves who we are and more content...
Some of the examples state "Boys don't cry", "Take it like a man", "Size matters" and "Nice guys
finish last" (Kimmel 478). A lot of the times young men learn these things from their dads. Society
raises young children to grow up thinking and acting a certain way and it can be difficult being
different in a society that only allows for certain traits and characteristics. In our world today we
have gotten a little better and more accepting. Judgment can stop a person from feeling comfortable
with who they are and how they act and can get in the way of someone being truly happy. I know
I've definitely been in a position where I haven't felt the most comfortable being myself and had to
act like someone I am not but thankfully I have gained more than enough confidence to be myself at
all times and to not care what other people thought because at the end of the day no one else is in
control of my happiness and no one else puts food on my plate or provides a roof over my head so
why give them the power to have some control over how I
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Essay On Self Identity
Introduction This paper has become a release for me. A form of self–therapy that recounts my
experiences on a journey through self–acceptance. This journey parallels Native Americans'
struggles for the right to live on land that was originally theirs. This journey recounts my experiences
through the connection to three points in my life in which I am yearning for love and the liberty of
individuality and non–judgment, a journey that has been impacted by racist and sexist narratives
presented by the media and American culture. The Pre – Columbian time period will be paralleled
with my childhood where I was able to experience life fully and unrestricted. A point in which my
black identity was defined by my Jamaican roots. This more content...
My portion of US Colonization will be paralleled with the question of choosing between the
impossible, "conversion or decimation. The belief system imposed on me by American culture
has been "adhere to your role as a black woman or risk prison, death or alienation". AN almost
impossible decision to make because to assimilate means to abandon my blackness and to rebel
means that there is a negative impact on my class status. My desire for love and acceptance is a
metaphor for the Native desire for liberation from colonization. "Perfect self–confidence." I was born
in Panama, a country whose roots are unknown to me but a place I nevertheless my place of
origin. I was born to military parents, Jamaican immigrants who came over to the United States
during the immigration boom in the 90's. Two weeks after I was born my family migrated to
Germany, a place where I would spend the next 9 years of my life, the place I call home. Growing
up in Germany I never experienced racism. An experience that can be paralleled to the Native
Americans Pre– Columbian communities. It was sort of a utopia, a perfect childhood in which I
had no understanding of what it meant to be black or woman. Luckily I was too young, living in
Germany to be subjected to society's expectations of my femininity and fast approaching
womanhood. In pre– Columbian times Native communities developed systems of government,
agricultural management techniques, and
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Self Identity Research Paper
The influences that give power to people are all different. They depend on many factors and
lifetime experiences, such as children, their upbringing and their peers. As for myself with my
parents who were on the conservative side has helped me out. The way I had grown up has taught
me a lot of who I am today. The formal and informal education that I have experienced in my life
has brought me to find my self–identity. I recognized that I have a pattern of identification which
comes from the way I speak, my actions, what I hear, and how I perceive the information has
developed me into a very caring but serious person. As they say that one personal identity develops
more than two, but not a lot of times in ones life time. My identity
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Reflection Paper On Self Identity
Soto–Morera 1 Self–Identity As I walked down the hallway to my first class, I could feel myself
getting butterflies in my stomach. In the back of my head, I did not know what to expect for my
sixth grade year at Seven Springs Middle School because I have not seen or talked to these
people that I was close with for more than a year. Moving back from being in Tampa, Florida for
one year and a half made me get into different environments and meet culturally diverse people.
Coming back to Trinity again, I had to rekindle all the friendships I used to have and start middle
school which was pretty nerve–racking because this is when you really had to start focusing on
your education and making the right decisions. Sixth grade became one of the most important
years of my life in becoming confident and figuring out my own identity and who I am as a person.
Going into lunch every day, I would sit with certain people but I just did not click with them. Each
day they were discussing stuff that personally, I had no interest in and it just caused my mood and
self–esteem to be low. There was no real connection I had with anyone and it got to a point where
I did not feel happy or good about myself. Walking to get my food, most girls wore PINK or
Abercrombie & Fitch and most of the people were predominantly white at the time, so I felt there
eyes draw to me as if I were there prey because I did not wear the clothing brands that were popular,
and had caramel colored skin with dark brown hair.
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Self Identity And Personality Development
I grew up in an average middle–class family, where I attend a public primary school during the early
years of my life. Primary school was rather simple reason been most of the pupils were friendly
and there was so social division both inside and outside of class. However, once I entered high
school life became different with the existence of classes due to boundaries between the
well–behaved students who were also classified as middle class and the students who were rude and
involve themselves in truancy was considered middle class. During this time, my personality and
emotional developments were developing and with the emotional support from my parents my
self–identity was enhanced. Which in turn gave me the foundation to become the person I am now.
Emotional and Personality development can have a positive outcome on behaviors, learning and the
decision that are made in schools this then can lead to a stronger self–identity. Self–identity in
adolescence is composed of two concepts. First, are self–concept this is referred to permanent
assessments of oneself such as knowledge of one self–skills and abilities, also the personality traits
and attributes. For example, an adolescent may have negative academic self–concept because of the
bad grades they are receiving but have a positive athletic self–concept because they are a star which
refers athlete. Secondly is self–esteem which refers to the global evaluative dimension of the self.
This can be seen as how the adolescence
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Self Identity
Society can not tell you who you are, or who you should be; it can only help guide you to look
yourself. I had problems trying to find my place on the social scale. It had been a long time since I
had to start fresh in a new environment with new people, I had always been with the same clique of
people from pre–k to the eighth grade. I did not know what to do when I was placed into a public
high school so before I could shut down and fall into a downward spiral I turned to the one place I
once neglected; education. Education became my main objective to keep myself focused instead of
worrying about being a loner and trying to make friends. The transition from a private school to a
public one was not easy, but it was the learning experience I needed push me to find a self–identity
and develop an appreciation for more content...
I had been going to a private christian school for twelve years, it was a small school with about
600 students who were either caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic, with only two blacks in my
graduating class. In my experience no one really pay attention to what were grades were or if you
really understood the material. I was not pushed to try harder or strive for the best education. I
began to think that it was not that important to have one, just try to do what you can and leave
everything else to God. I thought I had found my spiritual identity and a solid social group that I
would continue to surround myself with. High school was the awakening I needed to set myself on
a new path and see the world for what it
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Self Identity : The Influence Of Self-Identity
Self–identity is like a puzzle that gets constructed with answer Pieces as we grow older and truly
understand ourselves. Things such as race, education, class, religion, culture are some of the pieces
that fill the blank spaces in the puzzle and influences us as a person. But the main factor that has
the biggest influence on who we are as a person is society and the people around us simply because
of the society we which we are nurtured in inserts the culture, ideals, beliefs, certain way of thinking
onto us, which makes us act differently, form different opinions.
The first reason on why the society is so crucial on influencing is because growing up as well as
being around in certain the kind of environment we get inserted into its cultures, beliefs, values.
Things such as nationalisms, traditions, ideas are all some of the ideas that are proved by the
society upon us. The leaders, Presidents all enforce the idea of country love, patriotism by giving
speeches, inspiring the citizens, to make the whole nation have similar beliefs, and a common goal.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for
your country." Kennedy in his inauguration argues about how we should love our country and fight
for it which would make a stronger nation. As Kennedy argued like the other two Presidents in their
speeches the importance of nationalism and loyalty. In a way, the kinds of speeches inspire the
society which makes the whole community
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"Identity is a multifaceted concept" (Giddens, Appelbaum, Duneier & Carr, 2013). It is hard to
define identity, as it is how people understand themselves and what is important to them (Giddens,
Appelbaum, Duneier & Carr, 2013). Identities are complex constructions, as people from different
backgrounds will hold different views on the idea of identity. There are two main types of identity:
social identity and self–identity. Self–identity is how people view themselves as individuals in
relation to the world around them, as it focuses on a person's characteristics and personality, and
social identity refers to the idea of who an individual is, where they came from and their social status
within the society. Gender is an important aspect of our social identity as it helps people to
conform into a contributing member of society. Unlike sex, which refers to people's biological
differences of being female or male, gender is socially constructed; it is a set of social
expectations of how people should act based on their sex (O'shaughnessy & Stadler, 2012, p370).
Advertising plays an important role in constructing ideologies and social expectation in society,
which has a large influences on what people consider as their gender identity. Ideologies exist
solely because the society chooses to believe it, as it is how we make sense of the world
(O'shaughnessy & Stadler, 2012, p371). This essay will focus on three advertisements and discuss
how advertising influences and reflects women's
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Self-Identity Qualities
Identity is defined as the qualities that distinguish one from someone else. Thus, self– identity is how
one characterizes themselves as an individual. This may at first seem easy to conclude. One might
say I am me because I look in the mirror and recognize myself. Or, I am me because I possess a
mind and memories unique to me that cannot be replicated by another in the same perspective.
However, the body and the mind undergo constant change throughout life, so how can they be
attributed to one's "sameness"? I have arrived at the problem of self–identity, what makes one person
the same over time? I assert that in addition to the presence of unique physical and mental substance,
in each person is a constant factor that cannot be altered. I shall show that the problem of
self–identity is solved with both the existence of a soul as well as psychological makeup; X is the
same as Y so long as X possesses the same soul, body and consciousness as Y.
Descartes theory of dualism supposes that there are two fundamental substances. The body is an
example of a material substance, as it can be defined by its dimension, shape, movement, and other
extensions. However, an immaterial substance like the mind cannot be defined by such concepts,
nor can it be interpreted from sensory data. Descartes argues that the mind is the soul, as it cannot
be altered by physiological means and ascribes its place in the pineal gland. Though I agree with
Descartes distinguishing of the mind and body, I do
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The Value Of Self And Identity
Recognize Yourself? The Taijitu also known as the Ying Yang symbol imparts the concept of two
different halves that together create complete wholeness and equilibrium. Both halves are
interdependent of each other and in a given case when they are not together the state of equilibrium
and completion gets destroyed. Moreover, alike the Ying Yang symbol, theself and identity are
linked together since each play a vital role in shaping the individual. In this case the individual
represents the whole, whereas one half embodies the self and the other half the identity. The self is
the aspect of an individual's personality or character; on the other hand identity is the social
construct of the individual, which consists of social relationships, environment, values, culture, etc.
that the individual surrounds themselves in. Both the self and identity are continuously evolving
since they are both constructed by growth and life experiences.
When asked who are you many individuals link the answer to be about their personal self. The self
tends to arise from the psychological concept, in other words the individual's personality. And an
individual's personality is present from the daily experiences the individual has developed
throughout their lifetime. Every experience keeps constructing the individual's self and due to the
influx of experiences the individual is constantly writing their story. Just like John Locke an English,
philosopher, refers the human mind to a Tabula Rasa or a
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Self Concept Is Our Self Identity Essay
Self–concept is our self–identity, and is the way that one perceives itself, it includes both attitudes
and the collection of beliefs. Self–Concept also branches out into self–image and self–esteem.
Self–image, is the way the person pictures itself. The self–esteem is the way we evaluate ourselves.
We identify ourselves by our communication, and our interactions with others. In other words "I
think, therefore I am" (RenГ© Descartes; "ego cogito, ergo sum") If a person was to tell another
person what they think they look like, odds are that that person may view himself as what the other
person thinks/views him as. It could either raise or lower the self–esteem of the person, it could also
enhance the way we view ourselves, depending on the type of people the person associates,
communicates and experience interactions with them. If a person associates himself or herself
with educated people, he or she will most likely feel respected. If he or she associates with people of
less morals, odds are that that person may just have a lower self–esteem and self–image compared to
the person that hangs around overall good people.
It is believed that developing a self–concept is essential to perform well in the work place. A work
place involves a constant interaction between its workers and environment, communication. Believe
it or not communication and self–esteem are related, we perceive ourselves based on our own
experiences and communication with others. The people one is surrounded by
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Reflection Paper On Self Identity
Self–Identity Paper Kennedy D. Woods Boise State University Self–identity is a concept that
envelops how an individual views themselves and also how an individual varies from others in
micro, mezzo and macro environments. As I explored my own self–identity I had to reflect on
life–changing memories as well as expose some skeletons in my closet. Throughout this paper, I
identify parts of my past and upbringing and how they impacted my self–concept and identity.
Impressions of Ethnicity and Background Whenever I asked my parents about my ethnicity they
would always respond "you're a mut, a mix of everything," so even now as a 22–year–old, I still do
not know anything about my family history or heritage. As I reflect on my ethnicity and how it
creates my life and world views I realize that my upbringing in a rural community and family
dynamics have shaped my life. Grangeville is a small rural town that has a predominantly white,
middle–class population. The lack of diversity and isolation from other areas created a protective
force against the outside world, but it also provided the groundwork for people to be ignorant,
racist, and scared of others. Lack of diversity generates a thought that everyone is similar. The
ingroups vs. outgroups mentality in small towns are harmful because not only does it produce a
negative image of people who are different but it completely takes away any empathy and
curiosity to understand social problems in society outside of their bubble. I grew up saying racial
and homophobic slurs and I am not proud of it, but these memories shape how I was raised and my
identity. I remember going to Seaside, Oregon on a family vacation when I was 11 and seeing gay
couples for the first time and I recall holding my mom's hand and walking down the boardwalk
pretending to be a lesbian. There was a kid who looked Japanese a grade ahead of me and one time I
asked him if he ate dolphins. One of my closer friends was African American and I used to "joke"
with her and tell her she was Afro–American. I did not see anything wrong with saying and doing
these things when I was a kid. I viewed the world in a tough love fashion and did not care about
being insensitive or disrespectful
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The Theory Of Self And Identity Essay
The idea of self and identity is highly intricate, and the self can either be one of three options: the
self is private, constructive, or a mixture of both. In the private viewpoint, the self is static, founded
on a set number of traits, values, and dispositions that will not change with time. The constructivist
theory argues that the self is changeable by nature and changes based on varying
circumstances.Then, there is the mixture idea, that these separate opposing ideas are connected, as
the way the self is developed and reflected upon is based on how the brain and individual thoughts
develop. This is highlighted in Gopnik's statement that, "Ourselves shape our brains at least as much
as our brains our selves" (Gopnik 2). When reflecting on Gopnik's article more it seems only logical
to think that some parts of the self is constructed, whereas other parts are private, and this completely
depends on the environment of the child. Parenting styles is one of those environmental aspects, and
it largely impacts how a child's socioemotional, and language skills develop, which in turn has a
ripple effect on how the child ultimately views their own personality and self. The most telling test to
measure socioemotional development of a child is through attachment, and the most successful way
to measure this is through the strange experiment. Children are classed as insecure–resistant,
insecure–disorganized, insecure–avoidant, or secure based on how they behave during the
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What are you? Do you classify yourself as simply black, African–American, or do you not know?
When I ask what are you, I am asking you about your roots, the roots that make you, you. My roots
is what I use to differentiate myself because I am more than just an American and I am more than
just black. Nowadays black identity is used not only as a race but as ethnicity, including for people
who do not know their heritage. On the other hand, freedom for people in the black race is much
more than it was in the 20th century. Although, the black race have civil rights, racial issues still
continue to exist today.
Black identity is not only the color of your skin but how you identify yourself whether it is by
cultural experiences, accustoms, and historical roots. Personally, I do not classify myself as being
African–American. I am black as in my skin color, but the main part of my identity is my ethnicity.
Though I am an American due to the fact that it is my birth country, I do not adhere to the
quintessential American culture. My bloodline is pure Haitian. I do not associate myself as being
a true American because I do not share the same customs and history. My mother was born in Haiti
and migrated to the United States in 1995, so essentially I was raised in a strict Haitian household.
She was very sheltered from America's issues and immersed herself in the Haitian enclaves. Thus, in
my household my family would speak Creole, I went to a Haitian church, and was only fed Haitian
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Self Identity Essay

  • 1. Self Identity Essay There are numerous factors that either make up or restrain the self–identity of a person or an individual. Culture, in addition to family traditions, is one of the factors that affect the self–identity of an individual. When growing up, the environment around affect the personality, values, as well as, beliefs of an individual. The environment includes friends, family members, and the people that affect the life of an individual. So, if the environment is negative, then an individual will have low self esteem. Moreover, as an individual grows up from being a child, they receive cultural values from the family or the society around. There are questions raised on matters dealing with identity: Can an individual choose his or her more content... The question is how do these issues affect self–identity? It is certain that people could choose what to do or wear, but what influenced these decisions? Scientific research has it that, beliefs, traits and emotions can be factors inherited from parents through the DNA. The memory of an event experienced by a grandparent could be passed through generations. This means that there exist certain identity traits in the genes of an individual. Images of violence or shows that are less empowering could have a certain negative amount of influence in self–identity. A grown up also faces pressure from family and community beliefs, which make them put on a different piece of identity from their own. A theory known as the postmodern theory, explains that identity has become a mask put over an individual, and not from within. The mask is created as a result of influence from external forces that dictate what is right and what is wrong, or what is normal and accepted. The postmodern theory goes ahead to stipulate that, as an individual, one creates a self–identity through these external influences. People do this so as to fit into the environment around them. In the United States, for example, there is a tendency of consumer culture to influence the way most Americans think and make decisions. Giddens has described that the lifestyle of an individual Get more content on
  • 2. My Self Identity Many skills that I have learned are being to identify and understand my interpersonal skills and facilitating skills. Through the course I have been able to undergo a shift in my identity as I thought I knew who I was. Yet I come to class asking the same question, who I am, constantly. I think this also has helped me identify what skills are those that I have learned and those that I have made even stronger. Anotherskill that I have gained to appreciate more is storytelling and the important role and value that it holds. I am able to see that storytelling can be vital to learning about who we are as well as find out out about others in a matter of time. I think that I am getting used to the idea that this in congruence with music and more content... I believe that I am able to be more comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming. I know for a fact that I am becoming more confident in who I am as I am still on my own self identity path of discovery. I also believe that from our learnings in class, such as the drum circle, I have to put myself in the uncomfortable position first in order to be comfortable and that will help set the stage for my future clients. This we enable the counseling sessions to flow better and address that I will know the emotions and feelings of how my client will feel. I also think that learning and with the emphasis by being a culturally competent counselor, I have to strive to be that person wearing multiple hats in being culturally diverse in my learning. I believe that with my strength of my mind, body and spirit will help me conduct better sessions as I know what cultural implications can help and impact both I as the counselor and Get more content on
  • 3. A Reflection On The Self Identity Essay Mirrored Self Is the person I claim to be, actually me, or is it just the person that I will be one day? My entire life I have been asked the quintessential questions, "Who are you?" or, "Tell me a little about yourself?" But there are several problems with these key questions; people never give the god's honest truth. It is as if there is a social norm to reply by saying, "I am an ambitious person, who also enjoys having fun!" or something in close comparison. Now, after marinating in the awkward conversation you just had, you think, "If only they knew the real me..." or, "Who am I really?" My true identity was not randomly picked out of a hat, or given to by a fortune teller; I am who I have allowed myself to become. To begin, there are several biological factors that have created my self–identity; without my ability to alter or change. Miraculously, I am the youngest member of a packed Caucasian household. Being the youngest, I have been the most sheltered and protected in the family. Growing up with 5 brothers and sisters allowed me to mature much faster than I had to; when paired with an older sibling, you had to behave like them. On the other hand, my mother always saw me as the baby of the family; the one needing the most amount of love and attention. Having such a strong mother and son bond led to several life changing circumstances. I was protected from contact sports, I was more emotional than the others, I picked up feminine niches, and I saw females as friends Get more content on
  • 4. College Essay On Self Identity Self Identity Everyone has more than one face, they may fail to realize it but others around them do notice. I have many faces for many different reasons and for many different people, I have one for my family, one for my friends, one for my employer, and one for just about any other specific group of people. I used to not notice until I was called out on it by one of my cousins; she exclaimed that way I act around my non–relative friends was not the way I acted around them and that made her upset. Ever since that incident I have been fully aware of the way I act, however not much has changed. Around my parents I act in a way that is intended to meet their expectations, I'll speak to them respectfully and politely and do whatever they ask me to do. This way I can keep them happy, there have been instances where humor is involved and the way we communicate can become a little odd at the end of the day it remains the same with my parents. Like I said before when it comes to my parents I must do what more content... It is taking a whole different person perspective to a new level. My friends and I all have one thing in common; we all play fighting games competitevely and are deeply involved in the FGC (fighting game community) this is what makes new person to those who have yet to see this face. The community has its own culture, lingo, and inside jokes that we all partake in whether they are appropriate or not. When I attend tournaments with my friends we engage in the culture the FGC has to offer, words I would say to them when we play I would never say to any other human being that isn't involved in some way with the FGC. We nonchalantaly call each other names and other insults when we play, we yell and get extremely excited over uncanny occurences that might happen in game. The polite person my parents see is also a person who will yell and get exicited around other Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection Of An Essay On Self And Self Identity I am an individual who is responsible, cheerful, and positive to all aspects of life. Throughout my journey as a student, I have grown significantly through personal challenges that helped me develop my self identity. After seeing my maturation, people around me would conclude that I have emerged as an enthusiastic leader who takes initiative and strives with determination. At the commencement of high school, my shy personality and fright of public speaking created a barrier that separated me from risks and challenges. To overcome this, I pushed myself to enter a speaking competition in cadets, where I spoke about the impact of texting on interpersonal communication and also performed an impromptu speech. I spent days writing and practicing my speech, and attended weekly speech classes to improve my confidence. As a result of my perseverance, I was proudly awarded first place and presented my speech to 200 people at the Cadets Annual Ceremonial Review. By maintaining a positive outlook, I was able to turn my fears into strengths. This experience taught me the importance of resolution in conquering barriers and henceforth increased the number of challenges I take on, empowering my development as a confident public speaker. Today, I have become a caring individual who mobilizes large teams in clubs and organizations to tackle issues in local communities. The past several years of experiences have given me the phenomenal chance to grow, explore my innumerable talents, and emerge as a better version of myself I did not realize existed. What is important to you? And why? (maximum 250 words) The arrival of winter's first snowflakes do not excite me to the extent they previously had, instead I agonize over children sleeping on the harsh cement streets under a blanket of frigid air. For me, it is important that I ignite change within the community, utilizing my skills to significantly impact others. After reading an article regarding Burnaby's high child poverty rate, I was filled with feelings of melancholy, generating my ambition to improve this situation. My involvement began in Grade 9 when I joined my school's youth homelessness club. I became the president in Grade 11 to improve our initiatives, expanding the Get more content on
  • 6. My Personal Identity Essay A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a more content... Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music' is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering (especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that, although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a person's identity. I have not had too many educational Get more content on
  • 7. Definition Essay On Self Identity The definition of self identity is "the recognition of one's potential and qualities as an individual, especially in relation to social context." Throughout the book Language Awareness the writers of the essays all had similar traits in common. They knew who they were and what they stood for. I feel like in today's world most people struggle with not knowing who they are because society has such high expectations and doesn't really allow for anything other than what they think. At some point everyone will ask themselves "who am I?". There are different aspects that will come into play that will try to tell people who they are and what they should stand for but at the end of the day we as people have to decide for ourselves who we are and more content... Some of the examples state "Boys don't cry", "Take it like a man", "Size matters" and "Nice guys finish last" (Kimmel 478). A lot of the times young men learn these things from their dads. Society raises young children to grow up thinking and acting a certain way and it can be difficult being different in a society that only allows for certain traits and characteristics. In our world today we have gotten a little better and more accepting. Judgment can stop a person from feeling comfortable with who they are and how they act and can get in the way of someone being truly happy. I know I've definitely been in a position where I haven't felt the most comfortable being myself and had to act like someone I am not but thankfully I have gained more than enough confidence to be myself at all times and to not care what other people thought because at the end of the day no one else is in control of my happiness and no one else puts food on my plate or provides a roof over my head so why give them the power to have some control over how I Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Self Identity Introduction This paper has become a release for me. A form of self–therapy that recounts my experiences on a journey through self–acceptance. This journey parallels Native Americans' struggles for the right to live on land that was originally theirs. This journey recounts my experiences through the connection to three points in my life in which I am yearning for love and the liberty of individuality and non–judgment, a journey that has been impacted by racist and sexist narratives presented by the media and American culture. The Pre – Columbian time period will be paralleled with my childhood where I was able to experience life fully and unrestricted. A point in which my black identity was defined by my Jamaican roots. This more content... My portion of US Colonization will be paralleled with the question of choosing between the impossible, "conversion or decimation. The belief system imposed on me by American culture has been "adhere to your role as a black woman or risk prison, death or alienation". AN almost impossible decision to make because to assimilate means to abandon my blackness and to rebel means that there is a negative impact on my class status. My desire for love and acceptance is a metaphor for the Native desire for liberation from colonization. "Perfect self–confidence." I was born in Panama, a country whose roots are unknown to me but a place I nevertheless my place of origin. I was born to military parents, Jamaican immigrants who came over to the United States during the immigration boom in the 90's. Two weeks after I was born my family migrated to Germany, a place where I would spend the next 9 years of my life, the place I call home. Growing up in Germany I never experienced racism. An experience that can be paralleled to the Native Americans Pre– Columbian communities. It was sort of a utopia, a perfect childhood in which I had no understanding of what it meant to be black or woman. Luckily I was too young, living in Germany to be subjected to society's expectations of my femininity and fast approaching womanhood. In pre– Columbian times Native communities developed systems of government, agricultural management techniques, and Get more content on
  • 9. Self Identity Research Paper The influences that give power to people are all different. They depend on many factors and lifetime experiences, such as children, their upbringing and their peers. As for myself with my parents who were on the conservative side has helped me out. The way I had grown up has taught me a lot of who I am today. The formal and informal education that I have experienced in my life has brought me to find my self–identity. I recognized that I have a pattern of identification which comes from the way I speak, my actions, what I hear, and how I perceive the information has developed me into a very caring but serious person. As they say that one personal identity develops more than two, but not a lot of times in ones life time. My identity Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Paper On Self Identity Soto–Morera 1 Self–Identity As I walked down the hallway to my first class, I could feel myself getting butterflies in my stomach. In the back of my head, I did not know what to expect for my sixth grade year at Seven Springs Middle School because I have not seen or talked to these people that I was close with for more than a year. Moving back from being in Tampa, Florida for one year and a half made me get into different environments and meet culturally diverse people. Coming back to Trinity again, I had to rekindle all the friendships I used to have and start middle school which was pretty nerve–racking because this is when you really had to start focusing on your education and making the right decisions. Sixth grade became one of the most important years of my life in becoming confident and figuring out my own identity and who I am as a person. Going into lunch every day, I would sit with certain people but I just did not click with them. Each day they were discussing stuff that personally, I had no interest in and it just caused my mood and self–esteem to be low. There was no real connection I had with anyone and it got to a point where I did not feel happy or good about myself. Walking to get my food, most girls wore PINK or Abercrombie & Fitch and most of the people were predominantly white at the time, so I felt there eyes draw to me as if I were there prey because I did not wear the clothing brands that were popular, and had caramel colored skin with dark brown hair. Get more content on
  • 11. Self Identity And Personality Development I grew up in an average middle–class family, where I attend a public primary school during the early years of my life. Primary school was rather simple reason been most of the pupils were friendly and there was so social division both inside and outside of class. However, once I entered high school life became different with the existence of classes due to boundaries between the well–behaved students who were also classified as middle class and the students who were rude and involve themselves in truancy was considered middle class. During this time, my personality and emotional developments were developing and with the emotional support from my parents my self–identity was enhanced. Which in turn gave me the foundation to become the person I am now. Emotional and Personality development can have a positive outcome on behaviors, learning and the decision that are made in schools this then can lead to a stronger self–identity. Self–identity in adolescence is composed of two concepts. First, are self–concept this is referred to permanent assessments of oneself such as knowledge of one self–skills and abilities, also the personality traits and attributes. For example, an adolescent may have negative academic self–concept because of the bad grades they are receiving but have a positive athletic self–concept because they are a star which refers athlete. Secondly is self–esteem which refers to the global evaluative dimension of the self. This can be seen as how the adolescence Get more content on
  • 12. Self Identity Society can not tell you who you are, or who you should be; it can only help guide you to look yourself. I had problems trying to find my place on the social scale. It had been a long time since I had to start fresh in a new environment with new people, I had always been with the same clique of people from pre–k to the eighth grade. I did not know what to do when I was placed into a public high school so before I could shut down and fall into a downward spiral I turned to the one place I once neglected; education. Education became my main objective to keep myself focused instead of worrying about being a loner and trying to make friends. The transition from a private school to a public one was not easy, but it was the learning experience I needed push me to find a self–identity and develop an appreciation for more content... I had been going to a private christian school for twelve years, it was a small school with about 600 students who were either caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic, with only two blacks in my graduating class. In my experience no one really pay attention to what were grades were or if you really understood the material. I was not pushed to try harder or strive for the best education. I began to think that it was not that important to have one, just try to do what you can and leave everything else to God. I thought I had found my spiritual identity and a solid social group that I would continue to surround myself with. High school was the awakening I needed to set myself on a new path and see the world for what it Get more content on
  • 13. Self Identity : The Influence Of Self-Identity Self–identity is like a puzzle that gets constructed with answer Pieces as we grow older and truly understand ourselves. Things such as race, education, class, religion, culture are some of the pieces that fill the blank spaces in the puzzle and influences us as a person. But the main factor that has the biggest influence on who we are as a person is society and the people around us simply because of the society we which we are nurtured in inserts the culture, ideals, beliefs, certain way of thinking onto us, which makes us act differently, form different opinions. The first reason on why the society is so crucial on influencing is because growing up as well as being around in certain the kind of environment we get inserted into its cultures, beliefs, values. Things such as nationalisms, traditions, ideas are all some of the ideas that are proved by the society upon us. The leaders, Presidents all enforce the idea of country love, patriotism by giving speeches, inspiring the citizens, to make the whole nation have similar beliefs, and a common goal. "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country." Kennedy in his inauguration argues about how we should love our country and fight for it which would make a stronger nation. As Kennedy argued like the other two Presidents in their speeches the importance of nationalism and loyalty. In a way, the kinds of speeches inspire the society which makes the whole community Get more content on
  • 14. "Identity is a multifaceted concept" (Giddens, Appelbaum, Duneier & Carr, 2013). It is hard to define identity, as it is how people understand themselves and what is important to them (Giddens, Appelbaum, Duneier & Carr, 2013). Identities are complex constructions, as people from different backgrounds will hold different views on the idea of identity. There are two main types of identity: social identity and self–identity. Self–identity is how people view themselves as individuals in relation to the world around them, as it focuses on a person's characteristics and personality, and social identity refers to the idea of who an individual is, where they came from and their social status within the society. Gender is an important aspect of our social identity as it helps people to conform into a contributing member of society. Unlike sex, which refers to people's biological differences of being female or male, gender is socially constructed; it is a set of social expectations of how people should act based on their sex (O'shaughnessy & Stadler, 2012, p370). Advertising plays an important role in constructing ideologies and social expectation in society, which has a large influences on what people consider as their gender identity. Ideologies exist solely because the society chooses to believe it, as it is how we make sense of the world (O'shaughnessy & Stadler, 2012, p371). This essay will focus on three advertisements and discuss how advertising influences and reflects women's Get more content on
  • 15. Self-Identity Qualities Identity is defined as the qualities that distinguish one from someone else. Thus, self– identity is how one characterizes themselves as an individual. This may at first seem easy to conclude. One might say I am me because I look in the mirror and recognize myself. Or, I am me because I possess a mind and memories unique to me that cannot be replicated by another in the same perspective. However, the body and the mind undergo constant change throughout life, so how can they be attributed to one's "sameness"? I have arrived at the problem of self–identity, what makes one person the same over time? I assert that in addition to the presence of unique physical and mental substance, in each person is a constant factor that cannot be altered. I shall show that the problem of self–identity is solved with both the existence of a soul as well as psychological makeup; X is the same as Y so long as X possesses the same soul, body and consciousness as Y. Descartes theory of dualism supposes that there are two fundamental substances. The body is an example of a material substance, as it can be defined by its dimension, shape, movement, and other extensions. However, an immaterial substance like the mind cannot be defined by such concepts, nor can it be interpreted from sensory data. Descartes argues that the mind is the soul, as it cannot be altered by physiological means and ascribes its place in the pineal gland. Though I agree with Descartes distinguishing of the mind and body, I do Get more content on
  • 16. The Value Of Self And Identity Recognize Yourself? The Taijitu also known as the Ying Yang symbol imparts the concept of two different halves that together create complete wholeness and equilibrium. Both halves are interdependent of each other and in a given case when they are not together the state of equilibrium and completion gets destroyed. Moreover, alike the Ying Yang symbol, theself and identity are linked together since each play a vital role in shaping the individual. In this case the individual represents the whole, whereas one half embodies the self and the other half the identity. The self is the aspect of an individual's personality or character; on the other hand identity is the social construct of the individual, which consists of social relationships, environment, values, culture, etc. that the individual surrounds themselves in. Both the self and identity are continuously evolving since they are both constructed by growth and life experiences. When asked who are you many individuals link the answer to be about their personal self. The self tends to arise from the psychological concept, in other words the individual's personality. And an individual's personality is present from the daily experiences the individual has developed throughout their lifetime. Every experience keeps constructing the individual's self and due to the influx of experiences the individual is constantly writing their story. Just like John Locke an English, philosopher, refers the human mind to a Tabula Rasa or a Get more content on
  • 17. Self Concept Is Our Self Identity Essay Self–concept is our self–identity, and is the way that one perceives itself, it includes both attitudes and the collection of beliefs. Self–Concept also branches out into self–image and self–esteem. Self–image, is the way the person pictures itself. The self–esteem is the way we evaluate ourselves. We identify ourselves by our communication, and our interactions with others. In other words "I think, therefore I am" (RenГ© Descartes; "ego cogito, ergo sum") If a person was to tell another person what they think they look like, odds are that that person may view himself as what the other person thinks/views him as. It could either raise or lower the self–esteem of the person, it could also enhance the way we view ourselves, depending on the type of people the person associates, communicates and experience interactions with them. If a person associates himself or herself with educated people, he or she will most likely feel respected. If he or she associates with people of less morals, odds are that that person may just have a lower self–esteem and self–image compared to the person that hangs around overall good people. It is believed that developing a self–concept is essential to perform well in the work place. A work place involves a constant interaction between its workers and environment, communication. Believe it or not communication and self–esteem are related, we perceive ourselves based on our own experiences and communication with others. The people one is surrounded by Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection Paper On Self Identity Self–Identity Paper Kennedy D. Woods Boise State University Self–identity is a concept that envelops how an individual views themselves and also how an individual varies from others in micro, mezzo and macro environments. As I explored my own self–identity I had to reflect on life–changing memories as well as expose some skeletons in my closet. Throughout this paper, I identify parts of my past and upbringing and how they impacted my self–concept and identity. Impressions of Ethnicity and Background Whenever I asked my parents about my ethnicity they would always respond "you're a mut, a mix of everything," so even now as a 22–year–old, I still do not know anything about my family history or heritage. As I reflect on my ethnicity and how it creates my life and world views I realize that my upbringing in a rural community and family dynamics have shaped my life. Grangeville is a small rural town that has a predominantly white, middle–class population. The lack of diversity and isolation from other areas created a protective force against the outside world, but it also provided the groundwork for people to be ignorant, racist, and scared of others. Lack of diversity generates a thought that everyone is similar. The ingroups vs. outgroups mentality in small towns are harmful because not only does it produce a negative image of people who are different but it completely takes away any empathy and curiosity to understand social problems in society outside of their bubble. I grew up saying racial and homophobic slurs and I am not proud of it, but these memories shape how I was raised and my identity. I remember going to Seaside, Oregon on a family vacation when I was 11 and seeing gay couples for the first time and I recall holding my mom's hand and walking down the boardwalk pretending to be a lesbian. There was a kid who looked Japanese a grade ahead of me and one time I asked him if he ate dolphins. One of my closer friends was African American and I used to "joke" with her and tell her she was Afro–American. I did not see anything wrong with saying and doing these things when I was a kid. I viewed the world in a tough love fashion and did not care about being insensitive or disrespectful Get more content on
  • 19. The Theory Of Self And Identity Essay The idea of self and identity is highly intricate, and the self can either be one of three options: the self is private, constructive, or a mixture of both. In the private viewpoint, the self is static, founded on a set number of traits, values, and dispositions that will not change with time. The constructivist theory argues that the self is changeable by nature and changes based on varying circumstances.Then, there is the mixture idea, that these separate opposing ideas are connected, as the way the self is developed and reflected upon is based on how the brain and individual thoughts develop. This is highlighted in Gopnik's statement that, "Ourselves shape our brains at least as much as our brains our selves" (Gopnik 2). When reflecting on Gopnik's article more it seems only logical to think that some parts of the self is constructed, whereas other parts are private, and this completely depends on the environment of the child. Parenting styles is one of those environmental aspects, and it largely impacts how a child's socioemotional, and language skills develop, which in turn has a ripple effect on how the child ultimately views their own personality and self. The most telling test to measure socioemotional development of a child is through attachment, and the most successful way to measure this is through the strange experiment. Children are classed as insecure–resistant, insecure–disorganized, insecure–avoidant, or secure based on how they behave during the Get more content on
  • 20. What are you? Do you classify yourself as simply black, African–American, or do you not know? When I ask what are you, I am asking you about your roots, the roots that make you, you. My roots is what I use to differentiate myself because I am more than just an American and I am more than just black. Nowadays black identity is used not only as a race but as ethnicity, including for people who do not know their heritage. On the other hand, freedom for people in the black race is much more than it was in the 20th century. Although, the black race have civil rights, racial issues still continue to exist today. Black identity is not only the color of your skin but how you identify yourself whether it is by cultural experiences, accustoms, and historical roots. Personally, I do not classify myself as being African–American. I am black as in my skin color, but the main part of my identity is my ethnicity. Though I am an American due to the fact that it is my birth country, I do not adhere to the quintessential American culture. My bloodline is pure Haitian. I do not associate myself as being a true American because I do not share the same customs and history. My mother was born in Haiti and migrated to the United States in 1995, so essentially I was raised in a strict Haitian household. She was very sheltered from America's issues and immersed herself in the Haitian enclaves. Thus, in my household my family would speak Creole, I went to a Haitian church, and was only fed Haitian Get more content on