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Essay on Self-Esteem
Self–Esteem over Logic and Beliefs
Columbia College, Missouri
Self–Esteem gives a person the right to value themselves. Our self–esteem sometimes overpowers our logic, and can lead us to act in ways that are not
always our own. This paper examines how the following theories; Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Self– Evaluation Maintenance Theory,
Self–Affirmation Theory, Rationalization Trap and Self–Discrepancy Theory impact a person's self–esteem decisions. Where people in different cases
come to realize that the choices they have made overpower their superior perfect logic, they have to deal with the consequences that come along with
the choices they have made.
Self–Esteem over Logic and Beliefs
According to more content...
This clearly shows how elements of life depend on the type of knowledge and wisdom used. When we use this knowledge and wisdom, we can better
the strategies we have so that we can achieve more. It should also be stated that individuals have different ways of looking at conflicts or situations.
Because of this vast difference, the way they accomplish tasks differs as well. Note that when someone does not carry out his strategies well, they are
bound to fail.
Theory of Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive dissonance can be defined as "a feeling of discomfort caused by performing an action that runs counter to
one's customary (typically positive) conception of oneself" (Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2010). The body's natural way of keeping one's
self–esteem high is to counteract that by either changing our actions or to talk ourselves into believing that what we have done was the right thing to
do in the moment (2010). For example, a female student chooses to take a job stripping in a night club after spending three months looking for a job.
She struggles with this decision mentally because she was raised in a strict, religious household. Her up–bringing and the need to pay tuition become
two points that challenge her positive self–esteem. The female student will make concessions to her beliefs to keep her self–esteem high saying things
like "this is my only choice so
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A Child's Self Esteem Essay
A Child's Self Esteem
Many factors contribute to the mental state that forms as a child grows to become a young adult. His/her self–esteem, or lack of, is a key factor.
Unfortunately, low self–esteem is more common than high self–esteem. Most cases of low self–esteem begin during the pre–teen and teenage years of
a child's life. These are the years containing the overwhelming pressures of high school. Teenagers are forced to cope with unmotivated teachers,
ignorant peers, doubting parents, and possibly not knowing, or not being able to afford, the trends of the time. Such burdens are unmistakably the main
causes of low self–esteem. Too often, teachers of all subjects lose their patience and desire to teach. When more content...
The most dangerous and influential type of peer pressure is found in high school among teenagers. That is the age when groups are distinctly labeled
as the "jock group," the "geek group," the "popular group," the "skater group," or the "I–don't–really–belong–to–a–group group." These labels are
unfortunate because they subtly, or sometimes directly, eliminate the individuality that teenagers are just discovering. Such labels also give certain
groups superiority over others, in turn causing the others to feel inferior. More often than not, members of the "inferior" group are the ones to lose their
self–esteem first. The "popular" students are surprisingly ignorant when it comes to the terms in which they discriminate against their "inferior"
peers. "Name calling" begins as the incredibly smart kids are made fun of by being called "nerds" or "geeks," the skaters are spoken of as "losers"
or "weirdos," and the jocks are deemed "stupid airheads." All the while, every negative remark is directed toward a teenager who was already
struggling to survive in the jungle that is high school. The opinion of a peer means a lot to all teenagers, and even more to those with little
confidence, harsh words and actions only inflict more pain onto an already tormented person. However, not all pain is inflicted by words, sometimes it
is the words not spoken that leads a teenager to doubt
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Self Esteem And Self Image
Rationale: Over the last three weeks, the Purple Group has been making great strides in building rapport and group members have been opening up
about their personal conflicts, anxieties and insecurities. I have felt touched that others have disclosed such heartfelt and gut wrenching personal
histories and at times, I have been almost moved to tears. While we have had many positive experiences and discussed many positive aspects in our
lives within the last three groups, I can 't help but think about the negative and emotional experiences. It is because of this that I want to spend an hour
discussing issues relating to self–esteem and self–image. I would like to consciously bring some well needed positivity to the group. Additionally,
over the last week I have been working on a paper with which I need to take a nonfictional person [Elliott Smith] and create a biopsychosocial,
diagnostic and clinical assessments and apply counseling theory approaches to that individual 's life. In fact. I will be using one of his songs to
demonstrate examples of low self–esteem. The majority of the 102 songs on his 8 albums–two of which were released posthumously–dealt with his
lifelong battle with depression, heroin and amphetamine addiction and avoidant behaviors. Having immersed myself into Elliott Smith 's dark
despairing music, I feel that I too am in need of an uplifting therapeutic group session. Moreover, many of my professors at Kutztown have implored
their students to discuss
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Self-Esteem in Women Essay
''I'm too short''. ''I'm too tall''. ''I would be happier if I were skinnier, fatter, had bigger muscles, smaller ears, had straight hair, curly hair''.
Do any of these statements ring a bell? Are you used to demoralizing yourself? If so, you are not alone. As a teenager, our body changes dramatically,
so does our physical image. These changes are hard to believe, seeing yourself transform into an adolescent. We sometimes have trouble adjusting to
these changes, which can damage our confidence as well as affect our self esteem.
Self esteem basically means that we should like ourselves, feel positive about yourself and respect your own worth. Feeling positive about yourself can
determine how you perform. When we more content...
Some of us mature early whilst others' growth is delayed. Some of us, increase in weight and ready ourselves for a growth spurt, however this
doesn't mean you will become a foot taller overnight! Some permanently stay overweight in preparation for a growth spurt in the latter stages of their
teen period, and others feel no change no matter how much they've eaten! We can't control these complicated things that happen to us, our genes are
set and act upon our bodies.When we go through changes during puberty, it can start to affect how we feel about ourselves, as we've all noticed,
many teens cover their spots with their hair! Female teenagers may feel ashamed of their maturing bodies and wish that their development would
speed up. On the other hand, male teenagers may feel they don't look masculine enough or big. It isn't just you it affects, these feelings happen to
every single teen, we all want to be perfect, but don't worry because in final stages of this article, we will give you the ultimate solution. Keep reading!
Our development isn't the only thing that affects us, many other influences like adverts of beautiful models and gym–hit guys can alter our perceptions
of ourselves and consequently lead to a lack self–esteem and self–confidence.
Family and friends can also make you feel inadequate as a maturing teenager by criticising, instead of
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Reflection On Self Esteem
Overtime I learned quite a bit about myself through social comparison. Sometimes it positively affects my self–esteem and other times it affects in a
negative way. We as individuals learn about self–concept, or what beliefs and values shape our personalities as we grow and develop through social
comparison, or the act of comparing ourselves with those around us.My self–concept has largely been shaped by my experiences with my family culture
school and certain other values and principles that bear great significance to me.
As I grew up, I had always been compared with my fellow cousins.They always did well in schools and in religious studies. My parents, being quite
the religious type, wanted me to have a good knowledge about my more content...
Moving from Pakistan to the USA,adjusting here was very difficult for me. When I first started my school here in the United States, I did not
know whether I would fail or succeed in everything I had attempted. I have never gone to a school in the U.S, so I did not know how I would do.
My first couple of years in school did not go well because I was struggling with a new language which was very different from my mother tongue
which I spoke back in Pakistan I started to work hard and stay after school for extra help which allowed me to earn better grades.It was from this
experience that I formed an identity that comprised of the following words: overachiever, hard worker, and exceptional student. The experience of
doing well in all of my classes increased my self–esteem. I felt that I could do well in anything because I even did well in classes that I normally did
not do so well in before. Now when I get assigned a project, I always feel like I can get it done. I try to manage and maintain that my identity of being a
hard worker. Whenever I get asked to do something, I always try to do my best. I also try to learn from every experience,, regardless if it is a good or
bad one. I feel that, I need to always have the mindset of a student, otherwise, I will stop growing as a person. I try to maintain those identities because
that is who I am.
My school experience also taught me about my values.
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Self Love And Self Esteem
It is very important for one to love himself. When you don't love yourself, it is hard to expect others to love you. Agreed, we may have many faults
and shortcomings. But you must embrace yourself with all your faults and learn to love yourself. Self love and self esteem are related to each
other. If you suffer from low esteem, you can't have enough self love. With low confidence, you will find it hard to love yourself at first, because
you don't think high of yourself. But as you start loving yourself, your self esteem will be boosted and you'll have higher confidence. If you want
to love yourself, you need to make a conscious decision. It is a decision that you have to make for a fulfilled and happy life. With low self esteem,
you can never reach your full potential. It is therefore a crucial 'task' to love yourself. Here are some tips that will help you complete this task:
Understand yourself: If you want your personality to grow, you need to understand yourself, and know what makes you bloom. You may have
many flaws, but you need to accept them and move on. You should understand that nobody is perfect. Yes, even the most perfect person you have
met or idolised also has flaws. You are not the only one. Go ahead and stand in front of a mirror. Admire your reflection and fall in love with
yourself. You might not be as important for others, but in your life story, you are the hero, and your life revolves around you. Don't criticise
yourself: Do you belittle yourself over small things? Whenever you make any small mistake, do you get a voice inside your head telling you that
you are stupid and good for nothing? If that happens a lot with you, you need to stop criticising yourself. It is important to look at your positive
points instead of focusing on the negative ones. Be positive and kind: When you start thinking positive, you become kinder towards yourself and
your self love increases. With this, increases your self esteem and confidence. Kindness towards others also helps. You need to love other people. If
you feel general hatred towards others, you'll turn out to be a bitter person, and this will decrease your love towards yourself. Love others and try to
help them. This will make you feel better about
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How important is good self–esteem in the development of children: extremely important!! Having good self–esteem is a key component in the healthy
development of children and adolescents (Nuttall, 1991). A person with high self–esteem feels like they can accomplish anything they set their minds
to, whereas a person with low self–esteem feels that they are unimportant and nothing they do will make a difference (Nuttall, 1991). How a person
feels about themselves affects how they will act, this is true in adults and adolescents as well as small children (Nuttall, 1991) There are a myriad of
influences that can make a difference in the self–esteem of children today: parents, teachers, friends, and society in general all have an effect on a more content...
if a parent loses a job they may be unable to pay rent or buy food for the family, thus negatively affecting the child) (Oswalt, 2008). The final level is
the macrosystem, this system is the biggest and "most remote" set of influences that affect a child (Oswalt, 2008). Even though this system is more
remote and large it still has a great influence both positive and negative over a child, the macrosystem includes economy, wars, government, cultural
values, etc... (Oswalt, 2008). Because self–esteem is influenced by so many different things (e.g. society, media, friends, etc...) it is very important that
parents and caretakers take the proper steps in helping a child develop a strong sense of who they are (Nuttall, 1991). By the time a child reaches
three years of age they have experienced a very wide range of emotions (Cluff, N.D.) Parents, teachers and caregivers will lay the foundation upon
which a child emotionally develops (Cluff, N.D.). Positive emotional development is important for children because this will not only determine their
ability to develop healthy relationships with their peers but also how to successfully deal with their own emotions (Cluff, N.D.). Many theorists agree
that there is a connection between a child's emotional levels and development; they also
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Reflective Essay On Self Esteem
Self–acceptance is an extremely prevalent issue that numerous people struggle with. It is one of the hardest to surmount, for it is something I still
struggle with to this day. Overall, my journey is a working progress as it will perpetuate to have its downfalls to test me. Like many of my generation,
social media has played an excessively paramount role in our lives, both negatively and positively. Sources of harmless entertainment have also
unintentionally encouraged self–judgment. Be that as it may, my perspective has been widely opened unexpectedly through a speaker's presentation as
she showed us how to recognize our self–worth. Confidence and self–esteem are hard to acquire for some, but it should not be a quantity you divest
yourself of. Self–acceptance of all insecurities and doubts is paramount since every individual has a unique beauty that should be cherished in order to
pursue a life full of love and jubilance.
During my sophomore year in high school, we had a Career Day with several guest speakers. They had split us up by gender, the girls stayed on
the right side of the school while the boys stayed on the left. We could not enter the opposite sides considering we had presentations concretely for
each group. As the boys had speakers to discuss the development of a gentleman, we had speakers addressing topics relating to makeup and on how
to be a lady. Towards the end of the day, my friends and I decided to choose our last presentation randomly. As we entered the room, there was this
resplendent woman with a surprisingly cordial atmosphere. She addressed us as if we were her own children; you could sense the love she had for
positivity before she even commenced to speak. She gave us a background story of her childhood during our age, for she too had struggled with
accepting herself with all her insecurities. She described her several encounters with bullying and how it had impacted her self–esteem even though she
appeared so vigorous and confident. I admired that about her the most, not once did she ever show the slightest bit of weakness, yet she too had
relatable problems. Then she mandated us to indite down the worst thing someone had ever verbally expressed about us, even if it were of our own
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Persuasive Essay On Self Esteem
Although self–esteem is something everyone has, it can sometimes be difficult to realize your worth. There are many tools that can raise your
awareness of your self–esteem, and journaling is just one of them. Not only can journaling raise your self–esteem, but it can improve your overall
physical and mental health (ref #5). On the surface, journaling is a relatively simple concept. You find a bound book you like, maybe something with a
nice picture on the front, and either line or unlined paper on the inside, whichever you prefer. Then get a qualitywriting pen and start putting words on
paper. While it seems simple enough sometimes people, especially those with low self–esteem, can turn journaling into a self–deprecating exercise, or
they may have trouble moving the thoughts in their head to the page in their hands. In any event, there are a few simple guidelines that should be
followed to make journaling effective in uncovering your self–esteem. First is to ensure that your journal remains private. You are the only one that is
ever going to read it so do not be afraid to write as you see fit. No one is grading you on punctuation, spelling, or sentence structure so do not get
caught up in the formality of writing. You can even add pictures or doodles on your pages if it helps you express your feelings. The other guideline
to follow is that you are not allowed to bash yourself with negative writings. It is acceptable to write about your bad day or the mistake you made
at work, however, do not bash yourself with comments such as "I am so stupid" or "I am too ugly". If these journal entries show up occasionally,
especially at the start of your writing journey, it is acceptable. Just move on and do not beat yourself up over it, but keep at it and try to improve over
time. Seek to find something good about yourself every day, no matter how small, because every positive thought counts. If you find yourself
struggling to figure out what to write some days, there are several prompts that can get your thoughts moving in the right direction. If today was a
relatively good day, you might write about why you enjoyed your day or things you are grateful for in your life. Conversely, if you had a particularly
rough day
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Speech On Low Self Esteem
you can not touch it, however it influences the way you experience. You can not see it, but it's there while you observe yourself in the mirror. You
can not hear it, however it's there each time you speak approximately your self. What is that this important however mysterious aspect? It's your
shallowness! Self Esteem is described as self assurance to your very own benefit as an character. Our self esteem is instilled in us all through our
adolescents. There are two styles of self confidence. There is high self confidence which is while you feel top about yourself, and then there is low
self esteem that's when you sense terrible about your self. Being continuously criticized with the aid of own family, buddies, and society tends to
slowly strip us of our feelings of self worth. Our low self–worth strips us of our self esteem to make even the smallest of decisions. We assume little of
ourselves, and experience we aren't really worth a penny and do no longer deserve to be glad. High self esteem is right maximum of the time,
however some people have too excessive self esteems and they might come on robust. People may also call seek advice from those kind as "cocky"
or "demanding. " But in view that low self confidence is still worse than the better one, let's see what solutions there are more content...
I'm sure you have got, all of us have. Think returned to a time wherein you performed your best goal, or whilst you one first location at your
basketball championship. You felt suitable failed to you? Your self confidence went manner up during that time because you felt tremendous
approximately your self. You achieved something high and you have been very satisfied. So your now not going to win a basketball championship
ordinary however there are many other matters you may do to raise your self esteem. Do some thing excellent for a person, make a person snicker,
pamper your self, exercising, smile,
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Self Esteem And Self-Esteem
Self–esteem, also known as self–respect, is the confidence in one's worth or abilities. Low self–esteem is the opposite or lack of confidence in one's
own worth. Self–esteem is shaped throughout one's life, it will increase and decrease throughout life but with essentially remain at the same level.
Self–esteem has both positive and negative affects depending on if an individual has low or high self–esteem. There is more research on the effects of
low self–esteem because it usually has to most negative effects on someone's health. Self–respect can also influence one's decision making, people with
low self–esteem generally make poor or unwise decisions due to lack of confidence. Bullying can be caused by low self–esteem or causes the
development of low self–esteem. Someone who does not have high levels of self–confidence may try and belittle others to feel better about
themselves; being bullied can in turn cause someone to feel bad about themselves, therefore, causing low self–esteem. Ultimately, low self–esteem has
been known to negatively affect someone's health, it can cause anxiety, depression, or lead to drug usage. Self–esteem has been studied for decades, by
focusing on the development, self–imagery, effect on decision making, bullying, and the negative effects that follow the high or low levels of
self–esteem we are able to unravel how self–esteem effects our lives and how we can change our own self–esteem. In a research article, done by
Ulrich Orth and Richard
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Essay On Low Self Esteem
Synopsis: Margo is an eighteen year old high school student and has been consistently bullied since freshman year. A group of her peers has singled
her out and teases her relentlessly about her weight. When Margo is alone, she indulges on all of her favorite foods in one sitting to make herself feel
better. After binging, Margo feels guilty about eating so much food and states, "I'm as big as a whale". She then proceeds to self–induce vomiting and
use her mother's laxatives in order to purge. The appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient is chronic low self–esteem evidenced by binging/purging
foods and derogatory self–slander related to bullying. Chronic low self–esteem is an applicable diagnosis because of how long the bullying has
occurred, causing the patient to develop negative self–perception. Patients with low self–esteem are at higher risk for developing depression and eating
disorders, especially if the patient is a female adolescence. Nursing interventions include, assess mood and presence of suicidal thoughts/behaviors,
discuss patient perceptions of illness and acknowledgement of issue and attend therapy to eliminate self–destructive behaviors and establish effective
coping mechanisms. Suicidal ideation is common in patients with eating disorders due to low self–esteem, disturbed body image and depression.
According to the article Suicide in Childhood," In addition to direct screening of ideation, there are additional risk factors that may
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Self Awareness And Self Esteem
Self–awareness, knowledge of oneself, can begin to grow as early as 12 months of age (Feldman, 2014). The notion of self–awareness in a child, can
further develop into a form of self–esteem and self–concept within the child. In most cases, this knowledge of oneself, can play a critical role in a
child's development (Rochat, 2003). During the progression of middle childhood years, children can begin to develop a high or low self–esteem,
otherwise known as a positive or negative self–evaluation (Feldman, 2014). Generally, a low or high self–esteem or self–concept within a child, can
cause harm. Several outside factors can either aid or hinder the development of a growing child with a high or low self–esteem, factors such as the
child's environment, peers, family, culture, and education. The various influences on a child's life, as well as the role of self–esteem and self–concept,
are important components to consider throughout the growing formation of a child's identity. For a child to develop a self–esteem, they must first
become aware of themselves. An early research study conducted by Philippe Rochat and Susan J. Hespos, from Emory University, purposed the notion
that from birth, and long before mirror self–recognition, infants manifest a sense of self as a differentiated and situated entity in the environment
(Rochat & Hespos, 1997). The research method conducted, had consisted of five newborns and eleven 4 week–old infants being observed throughout
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Essay On Self Esteem
Exercise is shown to increase Self–Esteem In a society that tells everyone what they need to wear, how they need to look, and what they need to buy
mental health disorders are only increasing. Things such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders are at an all time high. The main cause of these
disorders is low self esteem. People feel like they are not good enough because they aren't the perfect image of society. Our society isn't at a place
where it's going to change its ways overnight. However, exercise is proven to help with self esteem. In a society where many have low self esteem it
is necessary to take steps to change that. It starts within every person deciding they're going to improve and exercise regularly. People like to feel
accomplished. Making an exercise plan and following through with it gives that sense of accomplishment that all desire. A sense of accomplishment
increases self–esteem. When people are more productive, they automatically feel better about themselves. "Society is obsessed with body image and,
for many people, how they look has a direct bearing on self–esteem. Regular exercise, with an emphasis on aerobic exercise, can have a positive effect
on self–esteem –– especially for those who suffer from low self–esteem –– as fitness and appearance improve." (Crawford, 2017) People all around are
unsatisfied by the way they look. Society has given people an image of the "perfect body". For most people that image is not going to be a reality.
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Essay On Self Esteem
1. Self–esteem is your assessment of your worth, value, skills, abilities, talents and appearance. Communication can enhance your self–esteem because
when you know how to communicate effectively, you are able to express yourself in a clear and precise manner, which in turn, would boost your
self–esteem. When you can convey positive thoughts or gestures, or have them conveyed to you, it's no doubt a good feeling. When I feel that I'm
communicating clearly and effectively, my confidence and self–perception is always increased. However, I feel insecure when I can't find the right
words to say to express my thoughts and feelings. Self–awareness is a very critical skill for improving self–esteem because you need to know your true
self, more content...
I feel I could reduce or eliminate the noise while talking on the phone with my best friend by simply asking her if she wanted to call back at a better
time. That way, in the future our conversation might be less interrupted and I won't have to repeat myself as much.
3. Out of the three metacommunication processes, I feel I implement adaptive metacommunication the best. I can quickly judge how a
conversation is going and I'm able adapt to each individual situation it can have. If I am speaking to someone and they don't seem to understand
what I'm saying, I'm not shy to simply ask, "Does that make sense?" or most of the time I'm good at sensing body language conveyed by others. If
the receiver's response makes me feel like I am unclear, I can confidently adapt and use a different approach to explain myself or get my point
across. For example, at my job in the dental field, most patients prefer brief conversation, make their appointments and leave quickly but there are
times things don't go as planned. As I was scheduling an older patient, I noticed right away that she was worried, scared and confused after I started
using dental terminology like, "Root Canal, Implant, Abundant and Crown Lengthening". I immediately got caught on and I began to talk at slower
pace. I also started to pull out presentation papers I had in a folder that included drawings with easy to read explanations. I
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What Is Self Esteem? Essay
What is self–esteem? Self–esteem is a term used in psychology to describe someone's level of confidence and respect for themselves. Pride, shame and
dignity are some of the emotions self–esteem encompasses. In 1943, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist created the Maslow's hierarchy of
needs; it was composed of physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self–actualization, physiological being the most basic needs. He believed
that psychological health is not possible unless people accepted, loved and respected you and if you didn't accept yourself. Self–esteem is influenced
massively by a person's experiences. Positive experiences brings up one's self–esteem while negative experiences do the opposite. Babies aren't capable more content...
People with a healthy and positive self–esteem level are confident in who they are, have firm beliefs and trust their own judgment. They can enjoy
numerous activities and don't feel inferior or superior to people around them. They don't dwell too much on the past and aren't unnecessarily worried
about the future. Having a higher self–esteem increases the capacity to be happy and have richer relationships. Unhealthily high or low self–esteem
levels can be both socially and emotionally harmful. If people with inflated self–worth are attacked or challenged, they react in a secure and defensive
way. High self–esteem can result in narcissism meaning that the person has difficulty with empathy because has too much love for themselves which
makes them arrogant. The word narcissism originated from Narcissus from Greek Mythology. He fell in love with his own reflection. As well as high
self–esteem, there is low self–esteem which can result due to many reasons including appearances, mental diseases, security and bullying
/peer–pressure. People with low–self esteem find many faults with themselves, whether or not it's true. They show too much eagerness to please and
gain other people's affections and not offend people. They are also envious and jealous of others with traits and possessions they wish to have. They
have an air of hostility around them and be irritable without a reason. They rely on other people's opinions and praise to draw an idea on their
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Effects Of Self Esteem On Self-Esteem
). Self–esteem significantly affects the child's development in regulating their emotions to support healthy and positive interpersonal relationships.
Children with high self–esteem display higher confidence in self–expression, giving and receiving love, development of judgment, and gain critical
cognitive skills (Kostelnik et al., 2010). Moreover, children with low self–esteem often showcase negative emotional response, aggression, antisocial
behavior, and a pessimistic outlook (Kostelnik et al., 2010). As confidence is stemmed from the sense of security that children feel from their
caregivers; healthy parental efficacy plays a role in helping their child develop positive self–esteem. The caregiver must provide an adequate amount of
WAGER to provide a secure space for the child to learn, gain self–awareness, and develop self–regulating skills (Kostelnik et al., 2010). Therefore, the
amount of WAGER and sensitive caregiving that a parent provides is correlated to the level of self–esteem that the child develops. For example, when
parents provide a sensitive nurturance, children are more likely to feel secure in their worth, competence, and control (Kostelnik et al., 2010). As social
participants, children will project their self–esteem when accepting or rejecting how others treat them (Kostelnik et al., 2010). As a result, the
self–esteem and self–perception that children develop ultimately influences social interaction and interpersonal relationships (Kostelnik et al.,
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Reflection Paper On Self Esteem
My self–concept is simply how I perceive myself. The way I define myself and understand my inner identity. It is very vital because it also has a
close relationship on how other people perceive you. In that case you must have high definition of yourself at any given time because it will have a
reflection on all the relationship around you especially with your spouse.
Then, there arises the component of self–image, which is the traits we seem to possess and are identical to us, only. The self–image is vital in the
sense that it gives one the feeling of being unique and special from other people and the only thing defining this are the traits we possess.
Self–esteem engages the worthwhile aspect of our impact on life and also our interaction with others. We must have very good self–esteem at any
given time because when we feel valuable and important to other people, the subtle message is decoded and they reciprocate just that.
I remember the way in which I perceived myself as an ultimate self–concept. Where my self–image perceived that I was a taller young man against my
peers. My self–esteem then placed high premium on my height so that I joined a local basketball team in the village. The whole process is a reflex in
the mind but is happening whether we are aware or not throughout our lives. To boost self–esteem you must always think positively about yourself and
your partner to derive the feelings of being unique and is also important to note that stress levels
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Essay Self Esteem
This paper is about the impact of self–esteem on daily life. The more negative thoughts and feelings you have about yourself, the lower your
self–esteem. People with low self–esteem often have little confidence in their abilities and question their self–worth. A common scenario, which
exemplifies a lack of self–esteem, features college students who say, "It won't do any good to study. I won't make a good grade anyway." These
students think they are doomed to failure because of poor performance in the past or their current fears of failure. Consequently, their lack of
self–confidence results in passivity with little or no effort to establish goals. Even when they do make worthwhile accomplishments, these students
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Children growing into adulthood need to feel they are trusted to make decisions on their own. Individuality plays a major role in this growth area in
self–esteem. A good question to ask your self in this area is, how do you feel when you are not trusted? Do you feel you have a high or low
self–esteem when faced with distrust? Children do not feel a high sense of self–esteem either when not trusted. Working with children in sports events
gives you a sense of how children develop their self–esteems. Children play sports in most cases harder then adults do. Every event of the games they
perform helps them build or damage self–esteem. The best way to make a positive out of this method is to make them feel good on accomplishments
and greater on errors. Children need assistance when they do make errors. If all they see is that they failed and blame is left on them then they are
failures inside. If they see they failed and words of encouragement are left in their head, they will try harder when faced with same mistake. The best
way to develop self–esteem in children is to be an active role in their life for the rest of their lives. Major depression affects one in fifty school children.
Countless others are affected by milder cases of depression, which may also affect school performance. The peak age of depression correlates with the
peak years of low self–esteem. Right at the prime period for low self–esteem is early and middle
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Essay On Self-Esteem

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  • 4. Self Esteem And Self Image Rationale: Over the last three weeks, the Purple Group has been making great strides in building rapport and group members have been opening up about their personal conflicts, anxieties and insecurities. I have felt touched that others have disclosed such heartfelt and gut wrenching personal histories and at times, I have been almost moved to tears. While we have had many positive experiences and discussed many positive aspects in our lives within the last three groups, I can 't help but think about the negative and emotional experiences. It is because of this that I want to spend an hour discussing issues relating to self–esteem and self–image. I would like to consciously bring some well needed positivity to the group. Additionally, over the last week I have been working on a paper with which I need to take a nonfictional person [Elliott Smith] and create a biopsychosocial, diagnostic and clinical assessments and apply counseling theory approaches to that individual 's life. In fact. I will be using one of his songs to demonstrate examples of low self–esteem. The majority of the 102 songs on his 8 albums–two of which were released posthumously–dealt with his lifelong battle with depression, heroin and amphetamine addiction and avoidant behaviors. Having immersed myself into Elliott Smith 's dark despairing music, I feel that I too am in need of an uplifting therapeutic group session. Moreover, many of my professors at Kutztown have implored their students to discuss Get more content on
  • 5. Self-Esteem in Women Essay ''I'm too short''. ''I'm too tall''. ''I would be happier if I were skinnier, fatter, had bigger muscles, smaller ears, had straight hair, curly hair''. Do any of these statements ring a bell? Are you used to demoralizing yourself? If so, you are not alone. As a teenager, our body changes dramatically, so does our physical image. These changes are hard to believe, seeing yourself transform into an adolescent. We sometimes have trouble adjusting to these changes, which can damage our confidence as well as affect our self esteem. Self–esteem Self esteem basically means that we should like ourselves, feel positive about yourself and respect your own worth. Feeling positive about yourself can determine how you perform. When we more content... Some of us mature early whilst others' growth is delayed. Some of us, increase in weight and ready ourselves for a growth spurt, however this doesn't mean you will become a foot taller overnight! Some permanently stay overweight in preparation for a growth spurt in the latter stages of their teen period, and others feel no change no matter how much they've eaten! We can't control these complicated things that happen to us, our genes are set and act upon our bodies.When we go through changes during puberty, it can start to affect how we feel about ourselves, as we've all noticed, many teens cover their spots with their hair! Female teenagers may feel ashamed of their maturing bodies and wish that their development would speed up. On the other hand, male teenagers may feel they don't look masculine enough or big. It isn't just you it affects, these feelings happen to every single teen, we all want to be perfect, but don't worry because in final stages of this article, we will give you the ultimate solution. Keep reading! Our development isn't the only thing that affects us, many other influences like adverts of beautiful models and gym–hit guys can alter our perceptions of ourselves and consequently lead to a lack self–esteem and self–confidence. Family and friends can also make you feel inadequate as a maturing teenager by criticising, instead of Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection On Self Esteem Overtime I learned quite a bit about myself through social comparison. Sometimes it positively affects my self–esteem and other times it affects in a negative way. We as individuals learn about self–concept, or what beliefs and values shape our personalities as we grow and develop through social comparison, or the act of comparing ourselves with those around us.My self–concept has largely been shaped by my experiences with my family culture school and certain other values and principles that bear great significance to me. As I grew up, I had always been compared with my fellow cousins.They always did well in schools and in religious studies. My parents, being quite the religious type, wanted me to have a good knowledge about my more content... Moving from Pakistan to the USA,adjusting here was very difficult for me. When I first started my school here in the United States, I did not know whether I would fail or succeed in everything I had attempted. I have never gone to a school in the U.S, so I did not know how I would do. My first couple of years in school did not go well because I was struggling with a new language which was very different from my mother tongue which I spoke back in Pakistan I started to work hard and stay after school for extra help which allowed me to earn better grades.It was from this experience that I formed an identity that comprised of the following words: overachiever, hard worker, and exceptional student. The experience of doing well in all of my classes increased my self–esteem. I felt that I could do well in anything because I even did well in classes that I normally did not do so well in before. Now when I get assigned a project, I always feel like I can get it done. I try to manage and maintain that my identity of being a hard worker. Whenever I get asked to do something, I always try to do my best. I also try to learn from every experience,, regardless if it is a good or bad one. I feel that, I need to always have the mindset of a student, otherwise, I will stop growing as a person. I try to maintain those identities because that is who I am. My school experience also taught me about my values. Get more content on
  • 7. Self Love And Self Esteem It is very important for one to love himself. When you don't love yourself, it is hard to expect others to love you. Agreed, we may have many faults and shortcomings. But you must embrace yourself with all your faults and learn to love yourself. Self love and self esteem are related to each other. If you suffer from low esteem, you can't have enough self love. With low confidence, you will find it hard to love yourself at first, because you don't think high of yourself. But as you start loving yourself, your self esteem will be boosted and you'll have higher confidence. If you want to love yourself, you need to make a conscious decision. It is a decision that you have to make for a fulfilled and happy life. With low self esteem, you can never reach your full potential. It is therefore a crucial 'task' to love yourself. Here are some tips that will help you complete this task: Understand yourself: If you want your personality to grow, you need to understand yourself, and know what makes you bloom. You may have many flaws, but you need to accept them and move on. You should understand that nobody is perfect. Yes, even the most perfect person you have met or idolised also has flaws. You are not the only one. Go ahead and stand in front of a mirror. Admire your reflection and fall in love with yourself. You might not be as important for others, but in your life story, you are the hero, and your life revolves around you. Don't criticise yourself: Do you belittle yourself over small things? Whenever you make any small mistake, do you get a voice inside your head telling you that you are stupid and good for nothing? If that happens a lot with you, you need to stop criticising yourself. It is important to look at your positive points instead of focusing on the negative ones. Be positive and kind: When you start thinking positive, you become kinder towards yourself and your self love increases. With this, increases your self esteem and confidence. Kindness towards others also helps. You need to love other people. If you feel general hatred towards others, you'll turn out to be a bitter person, and this will decrease your love towards yourself. Love others and try to help them. This will make you feel better about Get more content on
  • 8. How important is good self–esteem in the development of children: extremely important!! Having good self–esteem is a key component in the healthy development of children and adolescents (Nuttall, 1991). A person with high self–esteem feels like they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, whereas a person with low self–esteem feels that they are unimportant and nothing they do will make a difference (Nuttall, 1991). How a person feels about themselves affects how they will act, this is true in adults and adolescents as well as small children (Nuttall, 1991) There are a myriad of influences that can make a difference in the self–esteem of children today: parents, teachers, friends, and society in general all have an effect on a more content... if a parent loses a job they may be unable to pay rent or buy food for the family, thus negatively affecting the child) (Oswalt, 2008). The final level is the macrosystem, this system is the biggest and "most remote" set of influences that affect a child (Oswalt, 2008). Even though this system is more remote and large it still has a great influence both positive and negative over a child, the macrosystem includes economy, wars, government, cultural values, etc... (Oswalt, 2008). Because self–esteem is influenced by so many different things (e.g. society, media, friends, etc...) it is very important that parents and caretakers take the proper steps in helping a child develop a strong sense of who they are (Nuttall, 1991). By the time a child reaches three years of age they have experienced a very wide range of emotions (Cluff, N.D.) Parents, teachers and caregivers will lay the foundation upon which a child emotionally develops (Cluff, N.D.). Positive emotional development is important for children because this will not only determine their ability to develop healthy relationships with their peers but also how to successfully deal with their own emotions (Cluff, N.D.). Many theorists agree that there is a connection between a child's emotional levels and development; they also Get more content on
  • 9. Reflective Essay On Self Esteem Self–acceptance is an extremely prevalent issue that numerous people struggle with. It is one of the hardest to surmount, for it is something I still struggle with to this day. Overall, my journey is a working progress as it will perpetuate to have its downfalls to test me. Like many of my generation, social media has played an excessively paramount role in our lives, both negatively and positively. Sources of harmless entertainment have also unintentionally encouraged self–judgment. Be that as it may, my perspective has been widely opened unexpectedly through a speaker's presentation as she showed us how to recognize our self–worth. Confidence and self–esteem are hard to acquire for some, but it should not be a quantity you divest yourself of. Self–acceptance of all insecurities and doubts is paramount since every individual has a unique beauty that should be cherished in order to pursue a life full of love and jubilance. During my sophomore year in high school, we had a Career Day with several guest speakers. They had split us up by gender, the girls stayed on the right side of the school while the boys stayed on the left. We could not enter the opposite sides considering we had presentations concretely for each group. As the boys had speakers to discuss the development of a gentleman, we had speakers addressing topics relating to makeup and on how to be a lady. Towards the end of the day, my friends and I decided to choose our last presentation randomly. As we entered the room, there was this resplendent woman with a surprisingly cordial atmosphere. She addressed us as if we were her own children; you could sense the love she had for positivity before she even commenced to speak. She gave us a background story of her childhood during our age, for she too had struggled with accepting herself with all her insecurities. She described her several encounters with bullying and how it had impacted her self–esteem even though she appeared so vigorous and confident. I admired that about her the most, not once did she ever show the slightest bit of weakness, yet she too had relatable problems. Then she mandated us to indite down the worst thing someone had ever verbally expressed about us, even if it were of our own Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Self Esteem Although self–esteem is something everyone has, it can sometimes be difficult to realize your worth. There are many tools that can raise your awareness of your self–esteem, and journaling is just one of them. Not only can journaling raise your self–esteem, but it can improve your overall physical and mental health (ref #5). On the surface, journaling is a relatively simple concept. You find a bound book you like, maybe something with a nice picture on the front, and either line or unlined paper on the inside, whichever you prefer. Then get a qualitywriting pen and start putting words on paper. While it seems simple enough sometimes people, especially those with low self–esteem, can turn journaling into a self–deprecating exercise, or they may have trouble moving the thoughts in their head to the page in their hands. In any event, there are a few simple guidelines that should be followed to make journaling effective in uncovering your self–esteem. First is to ensure that your journal remains private. You are the only one that is ever going to read it so do not be afraid to write as you see fit. No one is grading you on punctuation, spelling, or sentence structure so do not get caught up in the formality of writing. You can even add pictures or doodles on your pages if it helps you express your feelings. The other guideline to follow is that you are not allowed to bash yourself with negative writings. It is acceptable to write about your bad day or the mistake you made at work, however, do not bash yourself with comments such as "I am so stupid" or "I am too ugly". If these journal entries show up occasionally, especially at the start of your writing journey, it is acceptable. Just move on and do not beat yourself up over it, but keep at it and try to improve over time. Seek to find something good about yourself every day, no matter how small, because every positive thought counts. If you find yourself struggling to figure out what to write some days, there are several prompts that can get your thoughts moving in the right direction. If today was a relatively good day, you might write about why you enjoyed your day or things you are grateful for in your life. Conversely, if you had a particularly rough day Get more content on
  • 11. Speech On Low Self Esteem you can not touch it, however it influences the way you experience. You can not see it, but it's there while you observe yourself in the mirror. You can not hear it, however it's there each time you speak approximately your self. What is that this important however mysterious aspect? It's your shallowness! Self Esteem is described as self assurance to your very own benefit as an character. Our self esteem is instilled in us all through our adolescents. There are two styles of self confidence. There is high self confidence which is while you feel top about yourself, and then there is low self esteem that's when you sense terrible about your self. Being continuously criticized with the aid of own family, buddies, and society tends to slowly strip us of our feelings of self worth. Our low self–worth strips us of our self esteem to make even the smallest of decisions. We assume little of ourselves, and experience we aren't really worth a penny and do no longer deserve to be glad. High self esteem is right maximum of the time, however some people have too excessive self esteems and they might come on robust. People may also call seek advice from those kind as "cocky" or "demanding. " But in view that low self confidence is still worse than the better one, let's see what solutions there are more content... I'm sure you have got, all of us have. Think returned to a time wherein you performed your best goal, or whilst you one first location at your basketball championship. You felt suitable failed to you? Your self confidence went manner up during that time because you felt tremendous approximately your self. You achieved something high and you have been very satisfied. So your now not going to win a basketball championship ordinary however there are many other matters you may do to raise your self esteem. Do some thing excellent for a person, make a person snicker, pamper your self, exercising, smile, Get more content on
  • 12. Self Esteem And Self-Esteem Self–esteem, also known as self–respect, is the confidence in one's worth or abilities. Low self–esteem is the opposite or lack of confidence in one's own worth. Self–esteem is shaped throughout one's life, it will increase and decrease throughout life but with essentially remain at the same level. Self–esteem has both positive and negative affects depending on if an individual has low or high self–esteem. There is more research on the effects of low self–esteem because it usually has to most negative effects on someone's health. Self–respect can also influence one's decision making, people with low self–esteem generally make poor or unwise decisions due to lack of confidence. Bullying can be caused by low self–esteem or causes the development of low self–esteem. Someone who does not have high levels of self–confidence may try and belittle others to feel better about themselves; being bullied can in turn cause someone to feel bad about themselves, therefore, causing low self–esteem. Ultimately, low self–esteem has been known to negatively affect someone's health, it can cause anxiety, depression, or lead to drug usage. Self–esteem has been studied for decades, by focusing on the development, self–imagery, effect on decision making, bullying, and the negative effects that follow the high or low levels of self–esteem we are able to unravel how self–esteem effects our lives and how we can change our own self–esteem. In a research article, done by Ulrich Orth and Richard Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Low Self Esteem Synopsis: Margo is an eighteen year old high school student and has been consistently bullied since freshman year. A group of her peers has singled her out and teases her relentlessly about her weight. When Margo is alone, she indulges on all of her favorite foods in one sitting to make herself feel better. After binging, Margo feels guilty about eating so much food and states, "I'm as big as a whale". She then proceeds to self–induce vomiting and use her mother's laxatives in order to purge. The appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient is chronic low self–esteem evidenced by binging/purging foods and derogatory self–slander related to bullying. Chronic low self–esteem is an applicable diagnosis because of how long the bullying has occurred, causing the patient to develop negative self–perception. Patients with low self–esteem are at higher risk for developing depression and eating disorders, especially if the patient is a female adolescence. Nursing interventions include, assess mood and presence of suicidal thoughts/behaviors, discuss patient perceptions of illness and acknowledgement of issue and attend therapy to eliminate self–destructive behaviors and establish effective coping mechanisms. Suicidal ideation is common in patients with eating disorders due to low self–esteem, disturbed body image and depression. According to the article Suicide in Childhood," In addition to direct screening of ideation, there are additional risk factors that may Get more content on
  • 14. Self Awareness And Self Esteem Self–awareness, knowledge of oneself, can begin to grow as early as 12 months of age (Feldman, 2014). The notion of self–awareness in a child, can further develop into a form of self–esteem and self–concept within the child. In most cases, this knowledge of oneself, can play a critical role in a child's development (Rochat, 2003). During the progression of middle childhood years, children can begin to develop a high or low self–esteem, otherwise known as a positive or negative self–evaluation (Feldman, 2014). Generally, a low or high self–esteem or self–concept within a child, can cause harm. Several outside factors can either aid or hinder the development of a growing child with a high or low self–esteem, factors such as the child's environment, peers, family, culture, and education. The various influences on a child's life, as well as the role of self–esteem and self–concept, are important components to consider throughout the growing formation of a child's identity. For a child to develop a self–esteem, they must first become aware of themselves. An early research study conducted by Philippe Rochat and Susan J. Hespos, from Emory University, purposed the notion that from birth, and long before mirror self–recognition, infants manifest a sense of self as a differentiated and situated entity in the environment (Rochat & Hespos, 1997). The research method conducted, had consisted of five newborns and eleven 4 week–old infants being observed throughout their Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Self Esteem Exercise is shown to increase Self–Esteem In a society that tells everyone what they need to wear, how they need to look, and what they need to buy mental health disorders are only increasing. Things such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders are at an all time high. The main cause of these disorders is low self esteem. People feel like they are not good enough because they aren't the perfect image of society. Our society isn't at a place where it's going to change its ways overnight. However, exercise is proven to help with self esteem. In a society where many have low self esteem it is necessary to take steps to change that. It starts within every person deciding they're going to improve and exercise regularly. People like to feel accomplished. Making an exercise plan and following through with it gives that sense of accomplishment that all desire. A sense of accomplishment increases self–esteem. When people are more productive, they automatically feel better about themselves. "Society is obsessed with body image and, for many people, how they look has a direct bearing on self–esteem. Regular exercise, with an emphasis on aerobic exercise, can have a positive effect on self–esteem –– especially for those who suffer from low self–esteem –– as fitness and appearance improve." (Crawford, 2017) People all around are unsatisfied by the way they look. Society has given people an image of the "perfect body". For most people that image is not going to be a reality. Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Self Esteem 1. Self–esteem is your assessment of your worth, value, skills, abilities, talents and appearance. Communication can enhance your self–esteem because when you know how to communicate effectively, you are able to express yourself in a clear and precise manner, which in turn, would boost your self–esteem. When you can convey positive thoughts or gestures, or have them conveyed to you, it's no doubt a good feeling. When I feel that I'm communicating clearly and effectively, my confidence and self–perception is always increased. However, I feel insecure when I can't find the right words to say to express my thoughts and feelings. Self–awareness is a very critical skill for improving self–esteem because you need to know your true self, more content... I feel I could reduce or eliminate the noise while talking on the phone with my best friend by simply asking her if she wanted to call back at a better time. That way, in the future our conversation might be less interrupted and I won't have to repeat myself as much. 3. Out of the three metacommunication processes, I feel I implement adaptive metacommunication the best. I can quickly judge how a conversation is going and I'm able adapt to each individual situation it can have. If I am speaking to someone and they don't seem to understand what I'm saying, I'm not shy to simply ask, "Does that make sense?" or most of the time I'm good at sensing body language conveyed by others. If the receiver's response makes me feel like I am unclear, I can confidently adapt and use a different approach to explain myself or get my point across. For example, at my job in the dental field, most patients prefer brief conversation, make their appointments and leave quickly but there are times things don't go as planned. As I was scheduling an older patient, I noticed right away that she was worried, scared and confused after I started using dental terminology like, "Root Canal, Implant, Abundant and Crown Lengthening". I immediately got caught on and I began to talk at slower pace. I also started to pull out presentation papers I had in a folder that included drawings with easy to read explanations. I Get more content on
  • 17. What Is Self Esteem? Essay What is self–esteem? Self–esteem is a term used in psychology to describe someone's level of confidence and respect for themselves. Pride, shame and dignity are some of the emotions self–esteem encompasses. In 1943, Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist created the Maslow's hierarchy of needs; it was composed of physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self–actualization, physiological being the most basic needs. He believed that psychological health is not possible unless people accepted, loved and respected you and if you didn't accept yourself. Self–esteem is influenced massively by a person's experiences. Positive experiences brings up one's self–esteem while negative experiences do the opposite. Babies aren't capable more content... People with a healthy and positive self–esteem level are confident in who they are, have firm beliefs and trust their own judgment. They can enjoy numerous activities and don't feel inferior or superior to people around them. They don't dwell too much on the past and aren't unnecessarily worried about the future. Having a higher self–esteem increases the capacity to be happy and have richer relationships. Unhealthily high or low self–esteem levels can be both socially and emotionally harmful. If people with inflated self–worth are attacked or challenged, they react in a secure and defensive way. High self–esteem can result in narcissism meaning that the person has difficulty with empathy because has too much love for themselves which makes them arrogant. The word narcissism originated from Narcissus from Greek Mythology. He fell in love with his own reflection. As well as high self–esteem, there is low self–esteem which can result due to many reasons including appearances, mental diseases, security and bullying /peer–pressure. People with low–self esteem find many faults with themselves, whether or not it's true. They show too much eagerness to please and gain other people's affections and not offend people. They are also envious and jealous of others with traits and possessions they wish to have. They have an air of hostility around them and be irritable without a reason. They rely on other people's opinions and praise to draw an idea on their worthiness. Get more content on
  • 18. Effects Of Self Esteem On Self-Esteem ). Self–esteem significantly affects the child's development in regulating their emotions to support healthy and positive interpersonal relationships. Children with high self–esteem display higher confidence in self–expression, giving and receiving love, development of judgment, and gain critical cognitive skills (Kostelnik et al., 2010). Moreover, children with low self–esteem often showcase negative emotional response, aggression, antisocial behavior, and a pessimistic outlook (Kostelnik et al., 2010). As confidence is stemmed from the sense of security that children feel from their caregivers; healthy parental efficacy plays a role in helping their child develop positive self–esteem. The caregiver must provide an adequate amount of WAGER to provide a secure space for the child to learn, gain self–awareness, and develop self–regulating skills (Kostelnik et al., 2010). Therefore, the amount of WAGER and sensitive caregiving that a parent provides is correlated to the level of self–esteem that the child develops. For example, when parents provide a sensitive nurturance, children are more likely to feel secure in their worth, competence, and control (Kostelnik et al., 2010). As social participants, children will project their self–esteem when accepting or rejecting how others treat them (Kostelnik et al., 2010). As a result, the self–esteem and self–perception that children develop ultimately influences social interaction and interpersonal relationships (Kostelnik et al., Get more content on
  • 19. Reflection Paper On Self Esteem My self–concept is simply how I perceive myself. The way I define myself and understand my inner identity. It is very vital because it also has a close relationship on how other people perceive you. In that case you must have high definition of yourself at any given time because it will have a reflection on all the relationship around you especially with your spouse. Then, there arises the component of self–image, which is the traits we seem to possess and are identical to us, only. The self–image is vital in the sense that it gives one the feeling of being unique and special from other people and the only thing defining this are the traits we possess. Self–esteem engages the worthwhile aspect of our impact on life and also our interaction with others. We must have very good self–esteem at any given time because when we feel valuable and important to other people, the subtle message is decoded and they reciprocate just that. I remember the way in which I perceived myself as an ultimate self–concept. Where my self–image perceived that I was a taller young man against my peers. My self–esteem then placed high premium on my height so that I joined a local basketball team in the village. The whole process is a reflex in the mind but is happening whether we are aware or not throughout our lives. To boost self–esteem you must always think positively about yourself and your partner to derive the feelings of being unique and is also important to note that stress levels Get more content on
  • 20. Essay Self Esteem This paper is about the impact of self–esteem on daily life. The more negative thoughts and feelings you have about yourself, the lower your self–esteem. People with low self–esteem often have little confidence in their abilities and question their self–worth. A common scenario, which exemplifies a lack of self–esteem, features college students who say, "It won't do any good to study. I won't make a good grade anyway." These students think they are doomed to failure because of poor performance in the past or their current fears of failure. Consequently, their lack of self–confidence results in passivity with little or no effort to establish goals. Even when they do make worthwhile accomplishments, these students perceive more content... Children growing into adulthood need to feel they are trusted to make decisions on their own. Individuality plays a major role in this growth area in self–esteem. A good question to ask your self in this area is, how do you feel when you are not trusted? Do you feel you have a high or low self–esteem when faced with distrust? Children do not feel a high sense of self–esteem either when not trusted. Working with children in sports events gives you a sense of how children develop their self–esteems. Children play sports in most cases harder then adults do. Every event of the games they perform helps them build or damage self–esteem. The best way to make a positive out of this method is to make them feel good on accomplishments and greater on errors. Children need assistance when they do make errors. If all they see is that they failed and blame is left on them then they are failures inside. If they see they failed and words of encouragement are left in their head, they will try harder when faced with same mistake. The best way to develop self–esteem in children is to be an active role in their life for the rest of their lives. Major depression affects one in fifty school children. Countless others are affected by milder cases of depression, which may also affect school performance. The peak age of depression correlates with the peak years of low self–esteem. Right at the prime period for low self–esteem is early and middle Get more content on