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DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

Manual provided by “Docebo”   Open source site      Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                             Authoring tool and Scorm 1.2

1) Small DoceboLMS story                          Pag.      3
2) Business services                              Pag.      5
3) Introduction to e-learning                     Pag.      6
4) Small introduction to the scorm standard       Pag.      7
5) How to create SCO's                            Pag.      10
6) Creating Sco's with FlashMX 2004               Pag.      10
7) Creating Sco's with Robodemo/Captivate         Pag.      12
8) Creating SCORM package with Reload Editor      Pag.      14
9) SCORM 1.2 su docebolms                         Pag.      17
10)Documentation use license                      Pag.      18

Manual provided by “Docebo”   Open source site      Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                                  Small DoceboLMS story

As all the stories ;-) the project started as casuality ... Claudio, Fabio and Andrea was
developing several PHPNUke modules and were well known as “open source people” because of
the “Spaghettibrain” project, Claudio is also a Teacher in IT University master.

One day Claudio propose to one customer and good friend that owned one of that Master to
finance an E-Learning startup project, he said yes and with few (really few) thousand Euro
Claudio Erba, Fabio Pirovano and Andrea Biraghi developed “by zero” (By zero means also that
“THIS PLATFORM IS NOT BASED ON PHPNUKE” and was written by us from the first line of
code) an e-learning system called “Spaghettilearning 0.9”, the platform was really ugly but in
the first month after the release we had 10 articles on Italian newspapers :-P ... this events
started in Claudio minds 2 kind of toughts

Tought 1) mmm ... this could be a nice oppotunity for contributing the open source
community and giving a nice product to our customers ... mmm ... maybe we had a good
idea ;-)

Tought 2) if we need to go on the market with an open source and totally free application we
MUST give to coustomers the security that this is not a quot;nightly programmerquot; game.

Claudio have an university degree in Economy and Marketing and knows that customers need
stability, so decided to organize the developement under few and clear rules (Fabio and Andrea
agreed ...):

Rule 1: All the team must be composed only by skilled people, “1 genius work better than
5 normal people” ;-)

Rule 2: We have to find founds for financing the development and give to the company
stability, this can be done only by a consulting activity, we can't wait for government R&D

Rule 3) We have to create an international network for translation, consulting and support,
world is our home ...

After this start several people Joined us, Especially the e-psychology team of the University of
Parma and later Bicocca University.

The first big technical problem started when we need to integrate the SCORM standard, i
started asking on Javascript NewsGroup some information regarding communications trough
Client and Server and ... we found another genius! ... Emanuele Sandri joined us in late 2003
and, after 6 months of hard engineering work first scorm module version was released.

Development team is now stable, we have found translators for several language but we need
more, and ... another people joined us in May 2004 ... Gianfranco Romano is our New
business account.

In january 2004 we decided that Spaghettilearning 1.x was not scalable so we decided to
rewrite the 2.0 version by zero:

With this contributions and with our website community request we finished the 2.0 version in
late deceber 2004 after months of silence ... but now we are here and we (and you) have in
hands the (probaly) best e-learning platform in the world ;-)

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

Results are:

Now the platoform is installed in varius places, most important are:
• 15.000 Users in 10 Italian Hospital network
• 2.500 users in one of the most important italian companies
• 2.000 students in a Bergamo (Italy) High School
• 500 Students in a “Science of education” italian university
• More than 120.000 theachers are using our SCORM module in the big e-learning project in
  the world!

We recived some award, for example the UNESCO institution included the DoceboLMS Project
in quot;Trustedquot; project list and the most important Italian economy Newspaper quot;Il Sole 24 Orequot;
said that we are on of the 10 most innovative open source project in Italy.

In january 2005 Docebo is also a commercial company that base his business model only in
Consulting in Open Source software

Enjoy the DoceboLMS 2.0!

The Docebo Team

Oh!!!! we have forgotten another people that contribute modules on DoceboLMS (especially
project management and votes modules ...), he's Giovanny Derks, now he's involved in our
content management Open Source project .... but this is another story ;-)

Manual provided by “Docebo”    Open source site       Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                                       Business services

Docebo SRL give free and open source software to the users, Docebo SRL also sell consulting
services related to this software.

After 3 years of business growing Docebo SRL is now a Copany that sell consulting services
related to e-learning, Content management to companies, governement and university.

Every consulting service is made by our high skill consultants all over the world. Company is
young but have so many customers as big companies and government.

                             We have 6 kind of consulting services:

•   DoceboLMS Installation configuration and new modules developing
•   Consulting services, technical support and Need Analisys based on DoceboLMS
•   Courses and certifications based on DoceboLMs usage
•   Scorm consulting and support
•   Learning Object building
•   Mission critical hardware setup

Docebo is an international network, thanks to the partners all over the world we can support
companies located in these countries:

Hong Kong

Our consultants have the following skill:

Technicals:                         PHP, Mysql, Xhtml, Css, Javascript, Linux, Domino, Java,
                                    Scorm, LMS, CMS

Management:                         Knowledge   management,     Project   management,   CRM,
Organizzazione                      aziendale

Didactical:                         E-Learning Teaching and different models for University,
                                    Business and Health

Contact us and visit our website:



Manual provided by “Docebo”      Open source site         Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                                        Introduction to e-learning

We don't want explain to you what is e-learning, we prefer starting to explain what it is NOT
(or NOT ONLY) e-learning.

•   E-learning   is   not   a website that store files
•   E-learning   is   not   (only) a videoconference system
•   E-learning   is   not   the PC that you use at school
•   E-learning   is   not   (only) a video streaming

Generally we can consider E-Learning a kind of activity that is:

quot;teaching activity managed by telematic instruments based in Intranet or Internet, in our case
content is delivered by an interface viewable trough a web browserquot;.

A Learning Management System is an instrument to manage Knowledge delivery that:

•   Manage users
•   Manage learning content and learning objects
•   Manage votes and results
•   Manage user interactions
•   Monitor user activity

Remeber that a nice LMS is nothing without a nice teacher and a didactical project!

Manual provided by “Docebo”             Open source site                Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                          Small introduction to the scorm standard

Firstly there were 3 standards: IEEE, IMS and AICC. Now , they have been grouped in only one
standard, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model).

In every SCORM description we can find the same outlines, the same descriptions, but not an
exaustive description of what SCORM really is.This introduction is not an exaustive
explanation, but an easy way to approach SCORM and its functions.

SCORM focus on re-using, tracking and classificating standards of learning objects, so we can
see that SCORM is not platform-based, but Learning Objects based. E-Learning platform is only
a way to communicate and “translate” all messages and information the learning object gives.
So platform “understands” the object and “reply “to it.

An example of learning object can be a group of linked html pages or flash objects, but also
closed-format files that must be interpreted by particular plugins.

To be compatibile with SCORM standard, every Learning Object must be:

Classifiable using metadata (standard description fields) to be ranked and searched in the
LMS. Description fields are many, but not all requested. You have to specify the author, the
version, last modify date... All the information are stored in metadata section, in a file called

The objects can “talk” with the LMS, giving it all necessary data to track student's activity
(for example the time the student is attending a lesson) results of tests, and necessary assets
to go to the next object. Data pass from the L.O. To the LMS, and from the LMS to the L.O. All
this communications are made in Javascript and is interpreted by an API that links the data
which are transmitted between the L.O. And the LMS.

Re-usabe: objects can be implemented on each other platform that supports SCORM,without
any problem of compatibility. This is very important for the Standars, because the object and
the platform don't have to be modified to activate tracking and classification functions.

Comparison table between quot;scormquot; and quot;non scormquot; objects

As we saw previously, SCORM hasn't any particular closed format. Any type of file can be a
learning object, on condition that the object can communicate with the LMS or it is a support-
object that doesn't communicate with the E-Learning platform.

Manual provided by “Docebo”      Open source site         Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

Comparison table between file format

Integrated standards:

- IMS (Navigation and catalogation)
- AICC (Sequencing and RTE)

Official website is, elements included in the standard are:

The scorm package
Scorm and Assets organized and sequenced. The package format is a .zip or a .pif (seems to
be a .zip renamed). Inside the scorm package, in the main directory, is MANDATORY that a
manifest file is present and must be named imsmanifest.xml

Sco's e gli asset
The sco's have specific functions that allow the object to quot;talkquot; (send and receive data-
instructions) from/to the Learning Manager, the asset are support object that don't have
capabilities to talk with the LMS. All this objects (and also the molecular part that compose it)
are called quot;resourcesquot;.

L'IMS Manifest
Is the Index file that contain information regarding:
- Resources included in the scorm package
- Resources destination (if are treated as sco's or asset)
- The organizations (different way for using/navigatig a certain course)
- The metadata, fields description of the total package, the organization or the sco's/asset)

Sco's status and specific call
The system can receive and send to the LMS some quot;stausquot; regarding the learning object and
student's activity. The Scorm Standard use lot of description keys, we analyze, only for general
purpose, only the most used:

> cmi.core.lesson_status is the scorm call that send to the LMS the status of the Object, status
have the following values:

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

not attempted

> cmi.core.session_time send to the LMS the time occured for this session

> cmi.core.student_name call the student name from the LMs

Manual provided by “Docebo”    Open source site       Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                                     How to create SCO's

In this manual first version we will refer only to 2 authoring tools, both of them are produced
and sold by Macromedia: Flash Mx 2004 and Macromedia Captivate/Robodemo.

Attention: this two tools doesn't create scorm packages but sco's the you can sequence,
organize and package with another tool examined in the next pages.

                             Creating Sco's with FlashMX 2004


1) If you don't have it please download the extension manager from:
2) Download fsscorm_124.mxp extension located in the exchange area of Macromedia website
   (, search in the quot;flashquot; area with the quot;scormquot; keyword.
3) Install the extension
4) Create a new file from Flash 2004
5) Set up html publish option on quot;Scorm 1.2 Templatequot;

6) Create a botton that need to set the quot;completedquot; status on the object once is clicked
7) Insert inside the button action following call

           fscommand(quot;CMIFinishquot;, quot;quot;)

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

8) Publish it
9) You will see an .html file and also a .sef file

Remeber that the finish method can be associated to other action that are different to a button

Manual provided by “Docebo”      Open source site         Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                         Creating Sco's with Robodemo/Captivate


Once the movie is done or the slides converted you must proceed as follow:
1) Position on movie/e-learning and enable the option quot;Enable Output Optionquot;

2) Check the radiobutton on SCORM
3) If you don't need dont enable quot;passedquot; quot;failedquot; on quot;report pass or failquot;, if you need it you
   have to configure points setting in the dialog and also check if it corresponing to the points
   assigned in test areas

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

4) You also have to possibility to edit the Manifest, we suggest to don't do it because you can
   do it better with reload editor. (so you have to delete the manifest called imsmanifest.xml
   created with robodemo/captivate)
5) As for flash you will export an .html file and a .swf file

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                       Creating SCORM package with Reload Editor


Software to use for this is the quot;Reload Editorquot; that you can find at the address:

1) Before proceeding to the package creation is important that you have all the sco's and the
   asset ready
2) In this sample we will create a scorm package with 2 organization; the first one is a free
   organization (so the user can start browsing content from the first or the last oject), the
   second one will allow access to the second sco only if you have completed the first one
3) Go on quot;File Newquot; choose to create ADL SCORM 1.2 Package

4) After this operation put the main files (in our example are the HTML and not the SWF that
   are considered dipendent from the html) inside the resources and marke it as SCO (for
   default are marked as ASSET
5) After you have populated the resource area you can create the 2 organization named at the
   start of this tutorial (quot;freequot; and quot;lockedquot;), please don't use symbols and special chars for
   item and organizations name.

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

6) Set in the quot;lockedquot; organition the sequencing rules

Manual provided by “Docebo”     Open source site        Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

7) Once finished you can create the scorm package

Manual provided by “Docebo”    Open source site       Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                                SCORM 1.2 on doceboLMS


Once loaded the sample scormpackage on DoceboLMS we can see in the learning object list 2
new organiztions, as you can see the 2 organizations are considered as 2 new indipendent
learning objects. This is the learning object area:

Once clicked on one of the 2 objects you can see the Robodemo object we have built before:

Manual provided by “Docebo”    Open source site       Company site
DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2

                       Documentation use license

You are free:

    •   to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
    •   to make derivative works
    •   to make commercial use of the work

Under the following conditions:

                        Attribution. You must give the original author credit.

                        Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this
                        work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a
                        license identical to this one.

    •   For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this
    •   Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

           Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.

This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license).

Manual provided by “Docebo”      Open source site         Company site

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Scorm Manual Eng

  • 1. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 2. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Authoring tool and Scorm 1.2 1) Small DoceboLMS story Pag. 3 2) Business services Pag. 5 3) Introduction to e-learning Pag. 6 4) Small introduction to the scorm standard Pag. 7 5) How to create SCO's Pag. 10 6) Creating Sco's with FlashMX 2004 Pag. 10 7) Creating Sco's with Robodemo/Captivate Pag. 12 8) Creating SCORM package with Reload Editor Pag. 14 9) SCORM 1.2 su docebolms Pag. 17 10)Documentation use license Pag. 18 Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 3. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Small DoceboLMS story As all the stories ;-) the project started as casuality ... Claudio, Fabio and Andrea was developing several PHPNUke modules and were well known as “open source people” because of the “Spaghettibrain” project, Claudio is also a Teacher in IT University master. One day Claudio propose to one customer and good friend that owned one of that Master to finance an E-Learning startup project, he said yes and with few (really few) thousand Euro Claudio Erba, Fabio Pirovano and Andrea Biraghi developed “by zero” (By zero means also that “THIS PLATFORM IS NOT BASED ON PHPNUKE” and was written by us from the first line of code) an e-learning system called “Spaghettilearning 0.9”, the platform was really ugly but in the first month after the release we had 10 articles on Italian newspapers :-P ... this events started in Claudio minds 2 kind of toughts Tought 1) mmm ... this could be a nice oppotunity for contributing the open source community and giving a nice product to our customers ... mmm ... maybe we had a good idea ;-) Tought 2) if we need to go on the market with an open source and totally free application we MUST give to coustomers the security that this is not a quot;nightly programmerquot; game. Claudio have an university degree in Economy and Marketing and knows that customers need stability, so decided to organize the developement under few and clear rules (Fabio and Andrea agreed ...): Rule 1: All the team must be composed only by skilled people, “1 genius work better than 5 normal people” ;-) Rule 2: We have to find founds for financing the development and give to the company stability, this can be done only by a consulting activity, we can't wait for government R&D founds. Rule 3) We have to create an international network for translation, consulting and support, world is our home ... After this start several people Joined us, Especially the e-psychology team of the University of Parma and later Bicocca University. The first big technical problem started when we need to integrate the SCORM standard, i started asking on Javascript NewsGroup some information regarding communications trough Client and Server and ... we found another genius! ... Emanuele Sandri joined us in late 2003 and, after 6 months of hard engineering work first scorm module version was released. Development team is now stable, we have found translators for several language but we need more, and ... another people joined us in May 2004 ... Gianfranco Romano is our New business account. In january 2004 we decided that Spaghettilearning 1.x was not scalable so we decided to rewrite the 2.0 version by zero: With this contributions and with our website community request we finished the 2.0 version in late deceber 2004 after months of silence ... but now we are here and we (and you) have in hands the (probaly) best e-learning platform in the world ;-) Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 4. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Results are: Now the platoform is installed in varius places, most important are: • 15.000 Users in 10 Italian Hospital network • 2.500 users in one of the most important italian companies • 2.000 students in a Bergamo (Italy) High School • 500 Students in a “Science of education” italian university • More than 120.000 theachers are using our SCORM module in the big e-learning project in the world! We recived some award, for example the UNESCO institution included the DoceboLMS Project in quot;Trustedquot; project list and the most important Italian economy Newspaper quot;Il Sole 24 Orequot; said that we are on of the 10 most innovative open source project in Italy. In january 2005 Docebo is also a commercial company that base his business model only in Consulting in Open Source software Enjoy the DoceboLMS 2.0! The Docebo Team Oh!!!! we have forgotten another people that contribute modules on DoceboLMS (especially project management and votes modules ...), he's Giovanny Derks, now he's involved in our content management Open Source project .... but this is another story ;-) Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 5. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Business services Docebo SRL give free and open source software to the users, Docebo SRL also sell consulting services related to this software. After 3 years of business growing Docebo SRL is now a Copany that sell consulting services related to e-learning, Content management to companies, governement and university. Every consulting service is made by our high skill consultants all over the world. Company is young but have so many customers as big companies and government. We have 6 kind of consulting services: • DoceboLMS Installation configuration and new modules developing • Consulting services, technical support and Need Analisys based on DoceboLMS • Courses and certifications based on DoceboLMs usage • Scorm consulting and support • Learning Object building • Mission critical hardware setup Docebo is an international network, thanks to the partners all over the world we can support companies located in these countries: Austria Germany France Portugal Brazil Hong Kong Taiwan China India Our consultants have the following skill: Technicals: PHP, Mysql, Xhtml, Css, Javascript, Linux, Domino, Java, Scorm, LMS, CMS Management: Knowledge management, Project management, CRM, Organizzazione aziendale Didactical: E-Learning Teaching and different models for University, Business and Health Contact us and visit our website: Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 6. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Introduction to e-learning We don't want explain to you what is e-learning, we prefer starting to explain what it is NOT (or NOT ONLY) e-learning. • E-learning is not a website that store files • E-learning is not (only) a videoconference system • E-learning is not the PC that you use at school • E-learning is not (only) a video streaming Generally we can consider E-Learning a kind of activity that is: quot;teaching activity managed by telematic instruments based in Intranet or Internet, in our case content is delivered by an interface viewable trough a web browserquot;. A Learning Management System is an instrument to manage Knowledge delivery that: • Manage users • Manage learning content and learning objects • Manage votes and results • Manage user interactions • Monitor user activity Remeber that a nice LMS is nothing without a nice teacher and a didactical project! Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 7. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Small introduction to the scorm standard Firstly there were 3 standards: IEEE, IMS and AICC. Now , they have been grouped in only one standard, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model). In every SCORM description we can find the same outlines, the same descriptions, but not an exaustive description of what SCORM really is.This introduction is not an exaustive explanation, but an easy way to approach SCORM and its functions. SCORM focus on re-using, tracking and classificating standards of learning objects, so we can see that SCORM is not platform-based, but Learning Objects based. E-Learning platform is only a way to communicate and “translate” all messages and information the learning object gives. So platform “understands” the object and “reply “to it. An example of learning object can be a group of linked html pages or flash objects, but also closed-format files that must be interpreted by particular plugins. To be compatibile with SCORM standard, every Learning Object must be: Classifiable using metadata (standard description fields) to be ranked and searched in the LMS. Description fields are many, but not all requested. You have to specify the author, the version, last modify date... All the information are stored in metadata section, in a file called imsmanifest.xml. The objects can “talk” with the LMS, giving it all necessary data to track student's activity (for example the time the student is attending a lesson) results of tests, and necessary assets to go to the next object. Data pass from the L.O. To the LMS, and from the LMS to the L.O. All this communications are made in Javascript and is interpreted by an API that links the data which are transmitted between the L.O. And the LMS. Re-usabe: objects can be implemented on each other platform that supports SCORM,without any problem of compatibility. This is very important for the Standars, because the object and the platform don't have to be modified to activate tracking and classification functions. Comparison table between quot;scormquot; and quot;non scormquot; objects As we saw previously, SCORM hasn't any particular closed format. Any type of file can be a learning object, on condition that the object can communicate with the LMS or it is a support- object that doesn't communicate with the E-Learning platform. Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 8. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Comparison table between file format Integrated standards: - IMS (Navigation and catalogation) - AICC (Sequencing and RTE) - IEEE Official website is, elements included in the standard are: The scorm package Scorm and Assets organized and sequenced. The package format is a .zip or a .pif (seems to be a .zip renamed). Inside the scorm package, in the main directory, is MANDATORY that a manifest file is present and must be named imsmanifest.xml Sco's e gli asset The sco's have specific functions that allow the object to quot;talkquot; (send and receive data- instructions) from/to the Learning Manager, the asset are support object that don't have capabilities to talk with the LMS. All this objects (and also the molecular part that compose it) are called quot;resourcesquot;. L'IMS Manifest Is the Index file that contain information regarding: - Resources included in the scorm package - Resources destination (if are treated as sco's or asset) - The organizations (different way for using/navigatig a certain course) - The metadata, fields description of the total package, the organization or the sco's/asset) Sco's status and specific call The system can receive and send to the LMS some quot;stausquot; regarding the learning object and student's activity. The Scorm Standard use lot of description keys, we analyze, only for general purpose, only the most used: > cmi.core.lesson_status is the scorm call that send to the LMS the status of the Object, status have the following values: completed Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 9. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 incomplete not attempted failed passed > cmi.core.session_time send to the LMS the time occured for this session > cmi.core.student_name call the student name from the LMs Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 10. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 How to create SCO's In this manual first version we will refer only to 2 authoring tools, both of them are produced and sold by Macromedia: Flash Mx 2004 and Macromedia Captivate/Robodemo. Attention: this two tools doesn't create scorm packages but sco's the you can sequence, organize and package with another tool examined in the next pages. Creating Sco's with FlashMX 2004 ATTACHMENTS: 1) If you don't have it please download the extension manager from: 2) Download fsscorm_124.mxp extension located in the exchange area of Macromedia website (, search in the quot;flashquot; area with the quot;scormquot; keyword. 3) Install the extension 4) Create a new file from Flash 2004 5) Set up html publish option on quot;Scorm 1.2 Templatequot; 6) Create a botton that need to set the quot;completedquot; status on the object once is clicked 7) Insert inside the button action following call on(release) { fscommand(quot;CMISetCompletedquot;,quot;quot;) fscommand(quot;CMIFinishquot;, quot;quot;) } Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 11. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 8) Publish it 9) You will see an .html file and also a .sef file Remeber that the finish method can be associated to other action that are different to a button click Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 12. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Creating Sco's with Robodemo/Captivate ATTACHMENTS: Once the movie is done or the slides converted you must proceed as follow: 1) Position on movie/e-learning and enable the option quot;Enable Output Optionquot; 2) Check the radiobutton on SCORM 3) If you don't need dont enable quot;passedquot; quot;failedquot; on quot;report pass or failquot;, if you need it you have to configure points setting in the dialog and also check if it corresponing to the points assigned in test areas Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 13. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 4) You also have to possibility to edit the Manifest, we suggest to don't do it because you can do it better with reload editor. (so you have to delete the manifest called imsmanifest.xml created with robodemo/captivate) 5) As for flash you will export an .html file and a .swf file Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 14. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Creating SCORM package with Reload Editor ATTACHMENTS: Software to use for this is the quot;Reload Editorquot; that you can find at the address: 1) Before proceeding to the package creation is important that you have all the sco's and the asset ready 2) In this sample we will create a scorm package with 2 organization; the first one is a free organization (so the user can start browsing content from the first or the last oject), the second one will allow access to the second sco only if you have completed the first one 3) Go on quot;File Newquot; choose to create ADL SCORM 1.2 Package 4) After this operation put the main files (in our example are the HTML and not the SWF that are considered dipendent from the html) inside the resources and marke it as SCO (for default are marked as ASSET 5) After you have populated the resource area you can create the 2 organization named at the start of this tutorial (quot;freequot; and quot;lockedquot;), please don't use symbols and special chars for item and organizations name. Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 15. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 6) Set in the quot;lockedquot; organition the sequencing rules Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 16. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 7) Once finished you can create the scorm package Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 17. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 SCORM 1.2 on doceboLMS ATTACHMENTS: Once loaded the sample scormpackage on DoceboLMS we can see in the learning object list 2 new organiztions, as you can see the 2 organizations are considered as 2 new indipendent learning objects. This is the learning object area: Once clicked on one of the 2 objects you can see the Robodemo object we have built before: Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site
  • 18. DoceboLMS Learning Management System – Authoring tool e Scorm 1.2 Documentation use license You are free: • to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work • to make derivative works • to make commercial use of the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must give the original author credit. Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. • For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. • Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license). Manual provided by “Docebo” Open source site Company site