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The Scandal of
Generic Models in the Social Science

              Bruce Edmonds
         Centre for Policy Modelling,
     Manchester Metropolitan University

             The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 1
Outline of Talk

    1.   The Main Point
    2.   A Bit About Context
    3.   Social Roots of Cognitive Context
    4.   Defensive Responses
    5.   Some Ways Forward

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 2
Part 1:

The Main Point
 (in four slides)

The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 3
The Elephant in the Room

• Many aspects of human cognition are known
  to be highly context-sensitive, including:
  memory, preferences, language, visual
  perception, reasoning and emotion
• There is a mountain of qualitative research that
  has documented instances where a specific
  context is essential to understanding the
  observed behaviour
• Simple observation and introspection tells us
  that behaviour in different kinds of situation is
  not only different but decided on in different
  ways (e.g. in a lecture and a football game)

                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 4
However despite this…

• Almost all formal models of human
  behaviour (mathematical, logical or
  computational) are generic – they do not
  exhibit this sharp context-dependency
• Another stream of models (models fitted to
  or tested against data) consider a single
  model (at a time) against a set of data that
  derives from many different contexts
• This seems to me to be a case of massive
  “wishful thinking”
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 5
Qualitative research…

• Does take context seriously in a way, but has
  (largely) retreated to description within specific (and
  described) contexts
• Knowledge is only useful if it is to some extent
  applicable in a new situation (even if only slightly
• Analogical reasoning can use knowledge from one
  context to be projected upon another, and this can
  give insights (interesting hypotheses) but not
  reliable knowledge
• This kind of research often avoids responsibility for
  the application of knowlnecessarily in a different
  situation to where it was observededge gained from
  its studies () whilst implying it is somehow useful
                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 6

To summarise:
• We have one set of researchers who are ignoring
  context, optimistically hoping to find general
  patterns even though they must know context must
  be crucial in many cases
• Another set of researchers refuse to look at what is
  general across contexts or how contexts might
  systematically affect behaviour
• Not many are seriously trying to study social context
  itself – how it works, what regularities there are,
  how to identify it, how to model its impact
• Social context is central to human behaviour but
  effectively not researched much

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 7
The Point of the Talk is…

 1. To look at the role context (again!)
 2. To look at (and argue against) some of
    the arguments that are raised to justify
    ignoring context
 3. To persuade you to take context
    seriously, not just as an “add-on”
 4. To suggest some positive ways forward
 5. To (hopefully!) motivate you to join this
    project and help contribute methods
    that will help us seriously tackle context
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 8
Part 2:

A Bit About Context

  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 9
The Difficulty of Talking about
• The word “context” is used in many different
  senses across different fields
• Somewhat of a “dustbin” concept resorted to
  when more immediate explanations fail (like
  the other “c-word”, complexity)
• Problematic to talk about, as it is not clear that
  “contexts” are usually identifiably distinct
• Mentioning “context” is often a signal for a
  more “humanities oriented” or
  “participatory/involved” approach and hence
  resisted by “scientists” who are seeking
  general laws
                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 10
A (simplistic) illustration of context from the
point of view of an actor

                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 11
Situational Context

• The situation in which an event takes place
• This is indefinitely extensive, it could include
  anything relevant or coincident
• The time and place specify it, but relevant
  details might not be retrievable from this
• It is almost universal to abstract to what is
  relevant about these to a recognised type
  when communicating about this
• Thus the question “What was the context?”
  often effectively means “What about the
  situation do I need to know to understand?
                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 12
Cognitive Context (CC)

• Many aspects of human cognition are context-
  dependent, including: memory, visual perception,
  choice making, reasoning, emotion, and language
• The brain somehow deals with situational context
  effectively, abstracting kinds of situations so
  relevant information can be easily and preferentially
• The relevant correlate of the situational context will
  be called the cognitive context
• It is not known how the brain does this, and
  probably does this in a rich and complex way that
  might prevent easy labeling/reification of contexts

                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 13
The Context Heuristic

• The kind of situation is recognised in a rich,
  fuzzy, complex and unconscious manner
• Knowledge, habits, norms etc. are learnt for
  that kind of situation and are retrieved for it
• Reasoning, learning, interaction happens
  with respect to the recognised kind of
• Context allows for the world to be dealt with
  by type of situation, and hence makes
  reasoning/learning etc. feasible

                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 14
Implications of the Context Heuristic

• One would expect whole clusters of norms,
  habits, expectations, knowledge, language,
  ways of making decisions etc. etc. to be
  associated with a context
• Although we may use various proxies for
  context (place in network, physical location,
  occurrence of co-occurring words etc.) kinds of
  situation are recognised in an information rich
  manner, often with quite subtle social signals
• It is a fallible heuristic…
• …so why do we have this kind of cognition?
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 15
Part 3:

Social Roots of Cognitive Context

         The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 16
Social Intelligence Hypothesis

• Kummer, H., Daston, L., Gigerenzer, G. and Silk, J. (1997)
• The crucial evolutionary advantages that
  human intelligence gives are due to the
  social abilities it allows
• Explains specific abilities such as imitation,
  language, social norm instinct, lying,
  alliances, gossip, politics etc.
• Social intelligence is not a result of general
  intelligence, but at the core of human
  intelligence, “general” intelligence is a side-
  effect of social intelligence
                    The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 17
An Evolutionary Perspective

Social intelligence implies that:
• Groups of humans can develop their own
  (sub)cultures of technologies, etc. (Boyd and
  Richerson 1985)
• These allow the group with their culture to
  inhabit a variety of ecological niches (e.g.
  the Kalahari, Polynesia) (Reader 1980)
• Thus humans, as a species, are able to
  survive catastrophes that effect different
  niches in different ways (specialisation)
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 18
Implications of SIH

• That different complex “cultures” of knowledge
  are significant
• An important part of those cultures is how to
  socially organise, behave, coordinate etc.
• One should expect different sets of social
  knowledge for different groups of people
• That these might not only be different in terms
  of content but imply different ways of
  coordinating, negotiating, cooperating etc.
• That these will relate as a complete “package”
  to a significant extent
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 19
Social Embedding

• Granovetter (1985)
• Contrasts with the under- and over-socialised
  models of behaviour
• That the particular patterns of social
  interactions between individuals matter
• In other words, only looking at individual
  behaviour or aggregate behaviour misses
  crucial aspects
• That the causes of behaviour might be spread
  throughout a society – “causal spread”
• Shown clearly in some simulation models
                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 20
Implications of Social Embedding

• In many circumstances agents can learn to
  exploit the computation and knowledge in their
  society, rather than do it themselves (invest in
  what Warren Buffet invests in)
• Knowledge is often not explicit but is
  something learned – this takes time
• This is particularly true of social knowledge –
  studying guides as to living in a culture are not
  the same as living there for a time
• Social embedding means that human
  behaviour can not be understood well separate
  from its cultural context

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 21
The Social Co-Development of Shared
Recognised Context
• Over time, due to their similarities, certain kinds of
  situation become recognised as similar by
• This facilitates the development of a set of shared
  habits, norms, knowledge, language etc. that is
  specific to the context
• The more this happens the more distinctive that
  kind of situation becomes and hence more
  recognisable by newcomers
• Eventually these may become institutionalised in
  terms of infranstructure, training etc. (e.g. how to
  behave in a lecture theatre)
• This co-development of context may be the reason
  for its social/evolutionary value
                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 22
Implications of the Social Roots of

• Behaviour of observed actors might change sharply
  across different social contexts
• The relevant behaviour, norms, kinds of interaction
  etc. might also change
• Social contexts are co-developed and changing
• They may be different for different groups
• Some kinds of social behaviour seem to be
  inherently context-dependent (compliance)
• It is unlikely that a lot of key social knowledge,
  norms, behaviour etc. will be generic
• Models that assume a cross-context engine of
  human behaviour may be deeply misleading!

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 23
Part 3:

Some Defensive Responses

     The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 24
Some Possible Responses

• Its too difficult, I’ll continue to ignore it
• I am only looking at the wider/more general picture,
  what is common across contexts
• I treat intra-context variation as random noise
• I have included context, it is the variables/features
  a, b, c etc. which vary with the context
• I am acting within context only
• I am only modelling a single context
• It is not scientific
• We can achieve generality through simpler models
• I need an analytic expression for my model
• Use natural language/analogical models only
• I don’t have enough data

                    The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 25
Background – wishful thinking and
the resistance to change
• Everyone (me included) has developed certain
  core habits/skills and is loth to abandon these,
  since it is a lot of effort
• There is also a tendency to shape our
  opinions/arguments to be coherent with our
  goals (rather than the other way around)
• We should not assume that the world we study
  (the social world) is organised for our benefit
  (as academics studying it)
• Thus I ask you to resist the impulse to react
  against “yet another difficulty” – the difficulty is
  real and exists even if we ignore it

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 26
Ignoring Context

• Much modelling happens with a single
  context in mind, in which case it can be
  ignored but only if
  – everyone is using the same idea of this context
  – there is no significant “leakage” of causation
    from outside the background, that is the scope
    is wide enough to include all significant
    influencing factors
  – The actors/organisms don’t deal with the same
    situation as different cognitive contexts

                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 27
The “Simple is more General” Fallacy

• If one has a general model one can make it
  more specific (less general) by adding more
• …in which case it can become more complex
• However, the reverse is not true…
• If one simplifies/abstracts then you don’t get a
  more general model (well almost never)!
  – there may be no simpler model that is good
    enough for your purpose
  – But, even if there is, you don’t know which aspects
    can be safely omitted – if you remove an essential
    aspect if will be wrong everywhere (no generality)

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 28
Context-Dependency and

                                                                            appears to
                                                                            be random
                                                                            may in fact
                                                                            be due to
                                                                            variation of

            The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 29
Using Randomness as a Proxy for
Contextual Variation
• It is completely unsurprising that many factors
  will be significantly correlated with many
  outcomes in a multi-context situation
• It is also unsurprising that the explanatory level
  of such exercises are unimpressive
• The correlation may be due to a strong
  correlation in only one kind of context and,
  indeed, mask anti-correlations in others
• Using randomness as a proxy for contextual
  variation simply discards a lot of the
  information in the phenomena – it amounts to
  ignoring evidence

                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 30
Scaling by Size
  •   Look at variance as system size increases…
  •   Does variance as a proportion of size disappear?
  •   In this case Law of large numbers does not apply
  •   Simple examples:
          • Kaneko (1990): parallel globally coupled chaotic processes
          • Edmonds (199?): scaling Brian Arthur’s “El Farol Bar” Model

                                                                        Contextual variation
(scaled by size)
                                                           Model with random noise
                          The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 31
and “Being Scientific”
• If the relevant context can be reliably identified
• …context-dependency is not the same as
  subjectivity (even if there are a some hard
  cases that escape definition)
• Generality is nice if you can get it, but its no
  good pretending to have it if you can’t
• Science should adapt to what it wishes to
  understand, not the other way around
• It does mean (often) an acceptance that
  general/generic approaches are not useful
                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 32
Analogical Thinking

• Humans are good at using analogies, relating an idea or
  example from one context to another in a rich, relevant
  and flexible manner – it is a powerful method of thought
• They build the mapping from the analogy to the a
  context “on the fly”, largely unconsciously
• The mappings are different each time an analogy is
  applied, thus not a reliable source of transmittable
  knowledge – each person might build a different
  mapping unless they inhabit the same context
• Many published models do not have an explicit mapping
  to a domain, but are used more as analogy
• This is sometimes hidden, so when a simulation (or
  analytic model) does not directly map to observations
  but to an idea which then applies as an analogy to the
  domain and not directly, this gives a spurious
  impression of generality
                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 33
Part 4:

Some Ways Forward

  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 34
Some ways forward

• Keeping the data and simply NOT summarising it (at
  least not prematurely)
• Data mining local patterns to detect commonality of
  multiple models/measurements across similar contexts
• More complex simulation models with context-
  dependent cognitive models
• Context-sensitive microsimulation models
• Context-oriented visualisation techniques
• Integrating personal/anecdotal accounts of behaviour –
  making use of qualitative evidence with its context
• Not leaving the context(s) – acting within the normal
  sphere of shared and relevant situations
• Staging abstraction more gradually
• Clusters of related models covering different contexts
                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 35
Data-mining Rich Data

• Rich Data is data that:
  – Encodes many different aspects of the
  – Is over time (not one-shot) and reasonably
  – Is not merely lots of data if this is thin (e.g.
    second-by-second coordinates of where a
    person is)
• The first stage is to look for “Local Patterns”
  – patterns that hold for a part of the data
  along with their scope
                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 36
Cleveland Heart Disease Data Set – the
processed sub-set used
In processed sub-set:
• 281 entries
• 14 numeric or numerically coded attributes
• Attribute 14 is the outcome (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
• Some attributes: age, sex, resting blood
  pressure (trestpbs), cholesterol (chol),
  fasting blood sugar (fbs), maximum heart
  rate (thalach), number of major vessels (0-
  3) colored by flourosopy (ca)
• From the Machine Learning Repository
               The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 37
Fitting a Global Model (R=56%)

Num = -0.01*age + 0.17*sex + 0.20*cp + 0.00*trestbps + 0.10*restecg + -
0.01*thalach + 0.23*exang + 0.18*oldpeak + 0.16*slope + 0.43*ca + 0.14*thal + -
0.60 (+/- 0.83)
                          The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 38
Looking for Clusters in HD Data Set
(Start of Process)

                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 39
Final Set of Clustered Solutions
                                                             • Final solution
                                                               set after some
                                                             • Still complex but
                                                               some structure
                                                               is revealed
                                                             • Note presence
                                                               of “fbs” despite
                                                               not being
                                                               correlated and
                                                               that “chol”
                                                               helped define
                                                               the context

              The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 40
Clusters of Model Scopes may
suggest a ContextM               1
                        M1 M2

                                                                 suggests a context

A useful context is one that:
  – includes related models with different
    goals/predictions but similar scope
                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 41
Need for a Meta-Clustering

              Time of Day                                                             a Context

  Item Type                                                                                 Shop

                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 42
Adding Context-Dependency into
Simulation Models

• Wander has argued for a needs-oriented
  cognitive architecture for the agents in a
• Here the idea is to allow the agents in a
  simulation to learn/reason/decide in a
  context dependent fashion
• This does not affect the method of each of
  these, but does change what knowledge,
  expectations etc. the methods act upon

               The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 43
Basic Cognitive Model


• Rich, automatic, imprecise, messy cognitive
  context recognition using many inputs
  (including maybe internal ones)
• Crisp, costly, conscious, explicit cognitive
  processes using material indicated by
  cognitive context
                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 44
Example: an artificial stock market

• Traders decide which of several stocks to hold,
  or to keep cash
• Fundamentals are the dividend rates which
  follow slow random walks
• Agents evolve and evaluate possible strategies
  by what their wealth would be (including all
  aspects like transaction costs) of using these
  over a past time period
• Some agents can be given a context-
  dependent memory of strategies, others a
  universal store of strategies
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 45
Example – models in the
cognition of a trading agent
 Volatility - past 5 periods





                                     750        850            950
                                           Volume - past 5 periods
                                           The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 46
The model contents in snapshot of
one trader
    model-256 priceLastWeek [stock-4]
    model-274 priceLastWeek [stock-5]
    model-271 doneByLast [normTrader-5] [stock-4]
    model-273 IDidLastTime [stock-2]
    model-276 IDidLastTime [stock-5]
                    [priceLastWeek [stock-2]]
    model-399       [priceLastWeek [stock-5]]]
                    [priceLastWeek [stock-4]]
                    [priceNow [stock-5]]]

                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 47
Total Assets in a Typical Run

Total Value of Assets

                                0         100                  200                  300                  400                   500

                                    Black=context, White= non-context
                                         The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 48
Lessons from Stock Market Example

• Traders with a context-dependent memory
  learned to recognise certain market conditions
  and develop/select strategies specifically for
• Though the context heuristic was not always
  better – e.g. if the market was very turbulent
  then it is better to act fast and adaptively
• In any case “context traders” acted in a
  different kind of pattern to “generic traders”
• The presence of “context traders” changed
  how the whole market reacted
                The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 49
Integrating Aspects of Qualitative
Evidence into Formal Models
• Identifying kinds of context (those over which we
  might expect some regularity in terms of shared
  norms, expectations etc.) might allow suggestions
  from qualitative evidence to be incorporated into
  agent-based models
• For example by providing the repertoire of possible
  strategies in the context which are decided between
• This could greatly enrich agent-based models
  allowing in some of the social “mess” we observe
• However this requires new methods to analyse
  narrative evidence in a context-depenent manner

                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 50
Analysing Narrative Evidence in a
Context-Sensitive Manner
• It is hard since people assume context, it is
  usually left implicit, indeed people are often not
  aware of the context they are assuming
• However…
  – Socially entrenched contexts can be identified
  – When giving examples (could you imagine doing
    that in situation X) people are relatively good at
    recognising when the context is wrong
  – Our intuitions are a good starting point, as long as
    we are aware they might be wrong
• No well-developed methods – this needs
  further research

                  The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 51
Conclusions – Prospects for
Researching Context
• Ignoring it and simply hoping it won’t matter is not
  an option (if we are serious about our project)
• There are ways forward to meaningfully make
  progress in dealing with context-dependency
• And some of these involve the integration of
  qualitative/in situ approaches with
  quantitative/formal modelling
• We will need a LOT more data both
  multi-dimensional and at a finer-granularity, but this
  is starting to come on stream
• Ignoring context seems to be impeding the
  integration of both: action-oriented and model-
  based approaches, as well as quantitative and
  qualitative approaches
• Please help
                   The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 52

      Many thanks to all those with whom I have
         discussed these ideas, including…
     Emma Norling, Nick Shryane, Jason Dykes,
     Scott Moss, Wander Yager, Cathy Urquhart;
   those at the Conference Series on “Modelling &
                   Using Context”;
the regulars at the Manchester Complexity Seminar;
              those in the SCID Project;
 and the participants of the recent Lorentz workshop
     on “Formal Methods for an Informal World”.
                 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 53
The End

        Bruce Edmonds
Centre for Policy Modelling

 The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 54

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The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences

  • 1. The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Science Bruce Edmonds Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester Metropolitan University The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 1
  • 2. Outline of Talk 1. The Main Point 2. A Bit About Context 3. Social Roots of Cognitive Context 4. Defensive Responses 5. Some Ways Forward The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 2
  • 3. Part 1: The Main Point (in four slides) The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 3
  • 4. The Elephant in the Room • Many aspects of human cognition are known to be highly context-sensitive, including: memory, preferences, language, visual perception, reasoning and emotion • There is a mountain of qualitative research that has documented instances where a specific context is essential to understanding the observed behaviour • Simple observation and introspection tells us that behaviour in different kinds of situation is not only different but decided on in different ways (e.g. in a lecture and a football game) The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 4
  • 5. However despite this… • Almost all formal models of human behaviour (mathematical, logical or computational) are generic – they do not exhibit this sharp context-dependency • Another stream of models (models fitted to or tested against data) consider a single model (at a time) against a set of data that derives from many different contexts • This seems to me to be a case of massive “wishful thinking” The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 5
  • 6. Qualitative research… • Does take context seriously in a way, but has (largely) retreated to description within specific (and described) contexts • Knowledge is only useful if it is to some extent applicable in a new situation (even if only slightly new) • Analogical reasoning can use knowledge from one context to be projected upon another, and this can give insights (interesting hypotheses) but not reliable knowledge • This kind of research often avoids responsibility for the application of knowlnecessarily in a different situation to where it was observededge gained from its studies () whilst implying it is somehow useful The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 6
  • 7. Context To summarise: • We have one set of researchers who are ignoring context, optimistically hoping to find general patterns even though they must know context must be crucial in many cases • Another set of researchers refuse to look at what is general across contexts or how contexts might systematically affect behaviour • Not many are seriously trying to study social context itself – how it works, what regularities there are, how to identify it, how to model its impact • Social context is central to human behaviour but effectively not researched much The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 7
  • 8. The Point of the Talk is… 1. To look at the role context (again!) 2. To look at (and argue against) some of the arguments that are raised to justify ignoring context 3. To persuade you to take context seriously, not just as an “add-on” 4. To suggest some positive ways forward 5. To (hopefully!) motivate you to join this project and help contribute methods that will help us seriously tackle context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 8
  • 9. Part 2: A Bit About Context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 9
  • 10. The Difficulty of Talking about Context • The word “context” is used in many different senses across different fields • Somewhat of a “dustbin” concept resorted to when more immediate explanations fail (like the other “c-word”, complexity) • Problematic to talk about, as it is not clear that “contexts” are usually identifiably distinct • Mentioning “context” is often a signal for a more “humanities oriented” or “participatory/involved” approach and hence resisted by “scientists” who are seeking general laws The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 10
  • 11. A (simplistic) illustration of context from the point of view of an actor The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 11
  • 12. Situational Context • The situation in which an event takes place • This is indefinitely extensive, it could include anything relevant or coincident • The time and place specify it, but relevant details might not be retrievable from this • It is almost universal to abstract to what is relevant about these to a recognised type when communicating about this • Thus the question “What was the context?” often effectively means “What about the situation do I need to know to understand? The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 12
  • 13. Cognitive Context (CC) • Many aspects of human cognition are context- dependent, including: memory, visual perception, choice making, reasoning, emotion, and language • The brain somehow deals with situational context effectively, abstracting kinds of situations so relevant information can be easily and preferentially accessed • The relevant correlate of the situational context will be called the cognitive context • It is not known how the brain does this, and probably does this in a rich and complex way that might prevent easy labeling/reification of contexts The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 13
  • 14. The Context Heuristic • The kind of situation is recognised in a rich, fuzzy, complex and unconscious manner • Knowledge, habits, norms etc. are learnt for that kind of situation and are retrieved for it • Reasoning, learning, interaction happens with respect to the recognised kind of situation • Context allows for the world to be dealt with by type of situation, and hence makes reasoning/learning etc. feasible The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 14
  • 15. Implications of the Context Heuristic • One would expect whole clusters of norms, habits, expectations, knowledge, language, ways of making decisions etc. etc. to be associated with a context • Although we may use various proxies for context (place in network, physical location, occurrence of co-occurring words etc.) kinds of situation are recognised in an information rich manner, often with quite subtle social signals • It is a fallible heuristic… • …so why do we have this kind of cognition? The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 15
  • 16. Part 3: Social Roots of Cognitive Context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 16
  • 17. Social Intelligence Hypothesis • Kummer, H., Daston, L., Gigerenzer, G. and Silk, J. (1997) • The crucial evolutionary advantages that human intelligence gives are due to the social abilities it allows • Explains specific abilities such as imitation, language, social norm instinct, lying, alliances, gossip, politics etc. • Social intelligence is not a result of general intelligence, but at the core of human intelligence, “general” intelligence is a side- effect of social intelligence The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 17
  • 18. An Evolutionary Perspective Social intelligence implies that: • Groups of humans can develop their own (sub)cultures of technologies, etc. (Boyd and Richerson 1985) • These allow the group with their culture to inhabit a variety of ecological niches (e.g. the Kalahari, Polynesia) (Reader 1980) • Thus humans, as a species, are able to survive catastrophes that effect different niches in different ways (specialisation) The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 18
  • 19. Implications of SIH • That different complex “cultures” of knowledge are significant • An important part of those cultures is how to socially organise, behave, coordinate etc. • One should expect different sets of social knowledge for different groups of people • That these might not only be different in terms of content but imply different ways of coordinating, negotiating, cooperating etc. • That these will relate as a complete “package” to a significant extent The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 19
  • 20. Social Embedding • Granovetter (1985) • Contrasts with the under- and over-socialised models of behaviour • That the particular patterns of social interactions between individuals matter • In other words, only looking at individual behaviour or aggregate behaviour misses crucial aspects • That the causes of behaviour might be spread throughout a society – “causal spread” • Shown clearly in some simulation models The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 20
  • 21. Implications of Social Embedding • In many circumstances agents can learn to exploit the computation and knowledge in their society, rather than do it themselves (invest in what Warren Buffet invests in) • Knowledge is often not explicit but is something learned – this takes time • This is particularly true of social knowledge – studying guides as to living in a culture are not the same as living there for a time • Social embedding means that human behaviour can not be understood well separate from its cultural context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 21
  • 22. The Social Co-Development of Shared Recognised Context • Over time, due to their similarities, certain kinds of situation become recognised as similar by participants • This facilitates the development of a set of shared habits, norms, knowledge, language etc. that is specific to the context • The more this happens the more distinctive that kind of situation becomes and hence more recognisable by newcomers • Eventually these may become institutionalised in terms of infranstructure, training etc. (e.g. how to behave in a lecture theatre) • This co-development of context may be the reason for its social/evolutionary value The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 22
  • 23. Implications of the Social Roots of Context-Dependency • Behaviour of observed actors might change sharply across different social contexts • The relevant behaviour, norms, kinds of interaction etc. might also change • Social contexts are co-developed and changing • They may be different for different groups • Some kinds of social behaviour seem to be inherently context-dependent (compliance) • It is unlikely that a lot of key social knowledge, norms, behaviour etc. will be generic • Models that assume a cross-context engine of human behaviour may be deeply misleading! The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 23
  • 24. Part 3: Some Defensive Responses The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 24
  • 25. Some Possible Responses • Its too difficult, I’ll continue to ignore it • I am only looking at the wider/more general picture, what is common across contexts • I treat intra-context variation as random noise • I have included context, it is the variables/features a, b, c etc. which vary with the context • I am acting within context only • I am only modelling a single context • It is not scientific • We can achieve generality through simpler models • I need an analytic expression for my model • Use natural language/analogical models only • I don’t have enough data The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 25
  • 26. Background – wishful thinking and the resistance to change • Everyone (me included) has developed certain core habits/skills and is loth to abandon these, since it is a lot of effort • There is also a tendency to shape our opinions/arguments to be coherent with our goals (rather than the other way around) • We should not assume that the world we study (the social world) is organised for our benefit (as academics studying it) • Thus I ask you to resist the impulse to react against “yet another difficulty” – the difficulty is real and exists even if we ignore it The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 26
  • 27. Ignoring Context • Much modelling happens with a single context in mind, in which case it can be ignored but only if – everyone is using the same idea of this context – there is no significant “leakage” of causation from outside the background, that is the scope is wide enough to include all significant influencing factors – The actors/organisms don’t deal with the same situation as different cognitive contexts The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 27
  • 28. The “Simple is more General” Fallacy • If one has a general model one can make it more specific (less general) by adding more processes/aspects… • …in which case it can become more complex • However, the reverse is not true… • If one simplifies/abstracts then you don’t get a more general model (well almost never)! – there may be no simpler model that is good enough for your purpose – But, even if there is, you don’t know which aspects can be safely omitted – if you remove an essential aspect if will be wrong everywhere (no generality) The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 28
  • 29. Context-Dependency and Randomness What appears to be random may in fact be due to variation of context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 29
  • 30. Using Randomness as a Proxy for Contextual Variation • It is completely unsurprising that many factors will be significantly correlated with many outcomes in a multi-context situation • It is also unsurprising that the explanatory level of such exercises are unimpressive • The correlation may be due to a strong correlation in only one kind of context and, indeed, mask anti-correlations in others • Using randomness as a proxy for contextual variation simply discards a lot of the information in the phenomena – it amounts to ignoring evidence The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 30
  • 31. Scaling by Size • Look at variance as system size increases… • Does variance as a proportion of size disappear? • In this case Law of large numbers does not apply • Simple examples: • Kaneko (1990): parallel globally coupled chaotic processes • Edmonds (199?): scaling Brian Arthur’s “El Farol Bar” Model Contextual variation Variance (scaled by size) Model with random noise Size The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 31
  • 32. Context-Dependency and “Being Scientific” • If the relevant context can be reliably identified then… • …context-dependency is not the same as subjectivity (even if there are a some hard cases that escape definition) • Generality is nice if you can get it, but its no good pretending to have it if you can’t • Science should adapt to what it wishes to understand, not the other way around • It does mean (often) an acceptance that general/generic approaches are not useful The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 32
  • 33. Analogical Thinking • Humans are good at using analogies, relating an idea or example from one context to another in a rich, relevant and flexible manner – it is a powerful method of thought • They build the mapping from the analogy to the a context “on the fly”, largely unconsciously • The mappings are different each time an analogy is applied, thus not a reliable source of transmittable knowledge – each person might build a different mapping unless they inhabit the same context • Many published models do not have an explicit mapping to a domain, but are used more as analogy • This is sometimes hidden, so when a simulation (or analytic model) does not directly map to observations but to an idea which then applies as an analogy to the domain and not directly, this gives a spurious impression of generality The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 33
  • 34. Part 4: Some Ways Forward The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 34
  • 35. Some ways forward • Keeping the data and simply NOT summarising it (at least not prematurely) • Data mining local patterns to detect commonality of multiple models/measurements across similar contexts • More complex simulation models with context- dependent cognitive models • Context-sensitive microsimulation models • Context-oriented visualisation techniques • Integrating personal/anecdotal accounts of behaviour – making use of qualitative evidence with its context • Not leaving the context(s) – acting within the normal sphere of shared and relevant situations • Staging abstraction more gradually • Clusters of related models covering different contexts The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 35
  • 36. Data-mining Rich Data • Rich Data is data that: – Encodes many different aspects of the event/situation/actor – Is over time (not one-shot) and reasonably frequent – Is not merely lots of data if this is thin (e.g. second-by-second coordinates of where a person is) • The first stage is to look for “Local Patterns” – patterns that hold for a part of the data along with their scope The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 36
  • 37. Cleveland Heart Disease Data Set – the processed sub-set used In processed sub-set: • 281 entries • 14 numeric or numerically coded attributes • Attribute 14 is the outcome (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) • Some attributes: age, sex, resting blood pressure (trestpbs), cholesterol (chol), fasting blood sugar (fbs), maximum heart rate (thalach), number of major vessels (0- 3) colored by flourosopy (ca) • From the Machine Learning Repository The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 37
  • 38. Fitting a Global Model (R=56%) Num = -0.01*age + 0.17*sex + 0.20*cp + 0.00*trestbps + 0.10*restecg + - 0.01*thalach + 0.23*exang + 0.18*oldpeak + 0.16*slope + 0.43*ca + 0.14*thal + - 0.60 (+/- 0.83) The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 38
  • 39. Looking for Clusters in HD Data Set (Start of Process) The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 39
  • 40. Final Set of Clustered Solutions • Final solution set after some time. • Still complex but some structure is revealed • Note presence of “fbs” despite not being globally correlated and that “chol” helped define the context space The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 40
  • 41. Clusters of Model Scopes may suggest a ContextM 1 M1 M2 suggests a context A useful context is one that: – includes related models with different goals/predictions but similar scope The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 41
  • 42. Need for a Meta-Clustering Algorithm Suggests Time of Day a Context Item Type Shop Location The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 42
  • 43. Adding Context-Dependency into Simulation Models • Wander has argued for a needs-oriented cognitive architecture for the agents in a simulation • Here the idea is to allow the agents in a simulation to learn/reason/decide in a context dependent fashion • This does not affect the method of each of these, but does change what knowledge, expectations etc. the methods act upon The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 43
  • 44. Basic Cognitive Model Reasoning/plan Context ning/belief Recognition revision/etc. Context-Structured Memory • Rich, automatic, imprecise, messy cognitive context recognition using many inputs (including maybe internal ones) • Crisp, costly, conscious, explicit cognitive processes using material indicated by cognitive context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 44
  • 45. Example: an artificial stock market • Traders decide which of several stocks to hold, or to keep cash • Fundamentals are the dividend rates which follow slow random walks • Agents evolve and evaluate possible strategies by what their wealth would be (including all aspects like transaction costs) of using these over a past time period • Some agents can be given a context- dependent memory of strategies, others a universal store of strategies The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 45
  • 46. Example – models in the cognition of a trading agent 950 Volatility - past 5 periods 900 850 800 750 700 750 850 950 Volume - past 5 periods The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 46
  • 47. The model contents in snapshot of one trader model-256 priceLastWeek [stock-4] model-274 priceLastWeek [stock-5] model-271 doneByLast [normTrader-5] [stock-4] model-273 IDidLastTime [stock-2] model-276 IDidLastTime [stock-5] minus [divide [priceLastWeek [stock-2]] model-399 [priceLastWeek [stock-5]]] [times [priceLastWeek [stock-4]] [priceNow [stock-5]]] The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 47
  • 48. Total Assets in a Typical Run 30000 Total Value of Assets 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time Black=context, White= non-context The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 48
  • 49. Lessons from Stock Market Example • Traders with a context-dependent memory learned to recognise certain market conditions and develop/select strategies specifically for these • Though the context heuristic was not always better – e.g. if the market was very turbulent then it is better to act fast and adaptively • In any case “context traders” acted in a different kind of pattern to “generic traders” • The presence of “context traders” changed how the whole market reacted The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 49
  • 50. Integrating Aspects of Qualitative Evidence into Formal Models • Identifying kinds of context (those over which we might expect some regularity in terms of shared norms, expectations etc.) might allow suggestions from qualitative evidence to be incorporated into agent-based models • For example by providing the repertoire of possible strategies in the context which are decided between • This could greatly enrich agent-based models allowing in some of the social “mess” we observe • However this requires new methods to analyse narrative evidence in a context-depenent manner The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 50
  • 51. Analysing Narrative Evidence in a Context-Sensitive Manner • It is hard since people assume context, it is usually left implicit, indeed people are often not aware of the context they are assuming • However… – Socially entrenched contexts can be identified – When giving examples (could you imagine doing that in situation X) people are relatively good at recognising when the context is wrong – Our intuitions are a good starting point, as long as we are aware they might be wrong • No well-developed methods – this needs further research The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 51
  • 52. Conclusions – Prospects for Researching Context • Ignoring it and simply hoping it won’t matter is not an option (if we are serious about our project) • There are ways forward to meaningfully make progress in dealing with context-dependency • And some of these involve the integration of qualitative/in situ approaches with quantitative/formal modelling • We will need a LOT more data both multi-dimensional and at a finer-granularity, but this is starting to come on stream • Ignoring context seems to be impeding the integration of both: action-oriented and model- based approaches, as well as quantitative and qualitative approaches • Please help The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 52
  • 53. Acknowledgements Many thanks to all those with whom I have discussed these ideas, including… Emma Norling, Nick Shryane, Jason Dykes, Scott Moss, Wander Yager, Cathy Urquhart; those at the Conference Series on “Modelling & Using Context”; the regulars at the Manchester Complexity Seminar; those in the SCID Project; and the participants of the recent Lorentz workshop on “Formal Methods for an Informal World”. The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 53
  • 54. The End Bruce Edmonds Centre for Policy Modelling The Scandal of Generic Models in the Social Sciences, Bruce Edmonds, Gronigen, , April 2013, slide 54

Editor's Notes

  1. AI, NL, Sociology, Philosophy, Mobile devices, Psychology, Cognitive ScienceFor detailed argument seem my previous papers on thisDustbin Like complexitywill talk about this problem later
  2. Imagine a professor of physics in a wild place – does his intelligence help him to survive?
  3. Reader 1980, Man on Earth
  4. leakage  noisenot the case where un-modelled aspects are effectively randomdiscuss random gas example