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Sars-Cov Research Paper
Kendra Poirier Microbiology 9 December 2014 Finding the Natural Reservior of Sars–CoV A severe
pneumonia–like virus suddenly appeared in February 2003 in Hanoi of the Guangdong providence
in Southern China, and rapidly spread to thirty countries, infecting 8,098 people and killing more
than 774 in a matter of months [3]. Investigations identified a Chlmydia–like organism using
electron microscopy in patients who had died from this atypical pneumonia, however this could not
be confirmed as the disease, as it was not seen in other patients outside China [3]. After a global
collaboration, researchers identified the etiologic agent of this atypical pneumonia to be a
coronoavirus, known known as SARS–CoV [3]. The disease was eventually ... Show more content
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Retrospective serologic studies indicated that proior to the SARS outbreak, there were no antibodies
in the human population (KSIAZEK ET AL 2003). This finding was vitally important because it
indicated that animal–to–human transmission is responsible for the SARS–CoV entrance into the
human population. Two groups of researchers recently and independently demonstrated that bats
(genus Rhinolophus) are natural reservoirs of Sars–like viruses, which provided very strong
evidence that SARS–CoV was a zoonotic virus with wildlife orgin [6,7] The identification of a
natural reservoir is both difficult and essential. A natural reservoir is where the virus "hides"
between outbreaks, and is often difficult to identify because the organism does not display
symptoms of the disease. Early observation of patterns in SARS–CoV transmission showed that
many of the first patients were had gone to or worked in China's exotic animal markets. Early
studies in SARS–CoV identification focused on the wild–animal markets of southern China.
Researchers in China identified a SARS–like–coronavirus in masked palm civets (Paguma larvata)
and a raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in one market in the city Shenzhen, part of the
southern provience of Guangdong [8]. It was found that these animals had antibodies against a
genetically close coronavirus. Interestingly enough ten civet
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SARS: A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARS is; a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is a serious form of pneumonia that is caused by
a virus that was discovered in 2003. SARS is caused by a member of the family of Coronavirus, the
same family that causes the common cold. It is believed that this epidemic was caused by small
mammals in China. When someone with the SARS disease sneezes or coughs, droplets of the
infection spray out of their mouths. You can easily catch and spread this virus if you breathe in or
even touch these particles of infected droplets. The SARS virus can live up to almost six hours on
hands, tissues and other surfaces. And then another three hours, after the droplets have dried. SARS
can also spread through hands and other objects that the droplets of
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Outlasting the SARS Epidemic
When speaking of epidemics, the memories which come to mind are different for different people;
for those who lived in Hong Kong in 2002–2003, images that spring up would almost invariably be
of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the epidemic known to man as SARS in short. Sharing with
us the three–letter acronym (SAR) which was given to us by our leaders in China, this ordeal has
left its mark on our city in more ways than one. It had caused a widespread wave of mysophobia and
health consciousness among the Hong Kong people, which outlasted the SARS epidemic but is
probably slowly waning. It has also raised the awareness of the government of the importance of the
control of infectious diseases, both in the community and in the clinical setting. Most importantly,
SARS showed us what works and what needs improving in terms of infection control in the event of
a major epidemic.
Originally starting in November 2002 in Guangdong Province of China, the SARS coronavirus has
since infected as many as 8422 persons worldwide, with a total of 1755 patients infected, among
which 300 unfortunately succumbed to this disease. (1) Apart from being a major epidemic in the
medical history of Hong Kong and a health threat of global concern, another aspect of SARS worth
noting is the occurrence of nosocomial outbreaks. SARS was the cause of nosocomial outbreaks in
Canada, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore. (2) The impact of nosocomial outbreak in an
epidemic such as SARS
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SARS–The Commonly Uncommon Cold
Acute respiratory illnesses are among the most common infectious diseases known to humans as
they account for nearly half of all diseases that plague our species. Of these respiratory illnesses,
viruses are the cause in 50–75% of reported cases. The Corona Virus known as SARS or Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome is one of the most recently highly publicized respiratory illness that
has drawn a surge of research since the first reported cases of the virus in Southern China in 2002.
This publicity was due to the disease's possible complications, which can lead to the death of the
host organism. Even the discoverer of the disease, Dr. Carlo Ubani of the World Health Organization
unfortunately died shortly after ... Show more content on ...
When each sub–genomic mRNA is translated into a single polypeptide, they will assemble with a
nucleocapsid protein in the cytoplasm to form helical nucleocapsids which are to be released from
the host cell to infect other cells (Brooks et al., 2007).
However, these steps occur only after the virus has entered the host's body. One way in which the
virus can enter the host body is through direct transmission by droplet contact from an infected
individual to an uninfected host. The virus can live for up to six hours in a wet droplet on the skin,
tissues, and other surfaces. However, once the droplets have dried the virus can live for only three
hours longer. A second manner of spreading is through the oral–fecal route in which virus particles
in feces enter another organism through direct contact with the oral cavity. In this manner of spread,
the virus can survive up to four days in the feces (MedlinePlus: Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome). Thirdly, the virus can spread by airborne transmission, which is much more dangerous
as small particles can travel much farther and live much longer. This is a particularly important
attribute of the virus as it allowed it to spread worldwide as it is carried through the air of passenger
airliners from continent to continent. Once the airborne virus enters the respiratory tube where it
remains for about 2–3 weeks, it infects ciliated epithelial cells in the nasopharynx and respiratory
tract (Fauci et al.,2008). SARS is
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Essay On SARS
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS for short, is an internationally known epidemic that
first broke out in 2002 in southern China. SARS is caused by the SARS coronavirus, or SARS CoV
which was genetically proven to have originated from Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the origin of
which caused the spread of SARS into other countries. By 2003 SARS became a global disease
severely affecting several other countries such as, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Canada, and
Singapore. SARS causes numerous respiratory complications, some of which become fatal if not
properly treated in adequate time. Treatment options for SARS vary depending on the severity of the
disease, how strong or weak the person infected with SARS immune system is, and how quickly ...
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Lots of times when respiratory failure and hypoxemia become present, and as the infected patient's
health continues to deteriorate they are placed in the hospital's ICU. If further decline of the
respiratory system takes place and treatment does not succumb to the disease ARDS can take place,
which will require invasive mechanical ventilation. Death has occurred as a result from this disease
which is why the seriousness of seeking treatment early on is momentous. Due to SARS being a
newly discovered disease in 2002–2003, treatment options, possible cures, and plans for care of this
disease were unprecedented. Oxygen therapy was normally initiated in the preliminary stages of
SARS. Non–Invasive Ventilation (NIV) was reported to be found efficacious in those with
respiratory failure as a result from SARS. NIV reduced the occurrence of intubation or invasive
ventilation, as well as reduced the length of hospital stays in patients researched with SARS.
Ribavirin which is a drug that is helpful in fighting certain viruses by preventing replication of viral
cells has been greatly used in the treatment of SARS. Research later provided that the drug had no
notable effect on the disease. Lopinavir, another antiviral drug was another drug that was
experimented with as a treatment of SARS and was found to reduce overall death rate by 2.3% as
well as intubations. Other drugs such as IV pulse
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Analysis Of Cesar Chavez 's ' Wrath Of The Grapes Boycott '
Cesar Chavez addresses a speech that marks history known as the "Wrath of the Grapes Boycott,
1986" in which he expresses his feelings towards farmwork and the worth of humanity. Cesar
Chavez main argument was to regulate the use of pesticides in the agricultural industry. The
pesticides that were being used in the farms were detrimental to the health of many of the laborers.
They polluted the air, water, earth and the health of the people. In no way was this beneficial to
anyone 's health. Chavez objective was to boycott the grapes and show the agricultural industry that
they deserved to be treated better. Chavez speech was meaningful because he was one of the first
mexican american leader who fought for equality amongst farm laborers. ... Show more content on ...
Later Chavez became a national leader and resigned in 1962 to devote his time to farm laborers
("Cesar Chavez"). "During this period Chavez encountered the conditions that he would dedicate his
life to changing: wretched migrant camps, corrupt labor contractors, meager wages for backbreaking
work, bitter racism (Cesar Chavez)." One of biggest factors was the use of pesticides which was
harming the health of the farm workers.
This was motivation for Chavez to rise up and do something for the farmworkers. The pesticides
that were being used were harmful to the workers. This addresses the credibility of being a first hand
witness because of pesticide use. In that same year Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm
Workers Association that later became United Farm Workers ("The Story Of Cesar Chavez").
Chavez informed the people of the working conditions and the bad pay. Chavez strategy was to have
non violent marches, strikes and fasts. He encouraged the Farm Workers be be nonviolent and do
things right. The conditions they were working in where harmful to their health because of the
pesticides. The marches, strikes, and fasts led to a success in the grape boycott In 1970. "Table grape
growers at long last signed their first union contracts granting workers better pay, benefits and
protection (Kim)." But 20 years later the fight started again. This led for to a second boycott
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Economic Impact of Sars on the Singapore Economy
Topic: Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) on the economy of Singapore.
1. Introduction to SARS Page 3
2. Impact on Export and Local Consumption Page 4
3. Impact on Employment and Wages Page 8
4. Impact on Government Expenditure Page 10
5. Impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Page 11
6. Conclusion. Page 14
7. References Page 15
Introduction to SARS
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) first surfaced in Guangzhou, China, in November of
2002 and quickly spread throughout China, Asia and eventually to most parts of the world because
of its transmission through close contact with anyone who has SARS. Studies concluded that it was
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Although the manufacturing sector which contributes much of our export economy is not adversely
affected, there were some spillover effects, but these effects are not easily measured due to the
complexity of too many variables involved, the spread across a wide variety of industries and the
short period which people were quarantined and some of the productivity lost could have been
replaced by co–workers putting in more effort.
Impact on Local Consumption
The drop in consumption is largely contributed by a change in the consumption habits of
Singaporeans during the SARS period. Due to the transmission pattern of SARS, compounded by
the fact that the virus can survive in the environment for up to twelve hours, anyone can be infected
simply by touching an infected surface in public areas, and use their hands to rub their nose or lips.
This caused a panic among the general public and people shunned public places, like shopping
malls, restaurants, food courts and hawker centers.
According to the Economic Survey of Singapore, published in the third quarter of 2003 by the
Ministry for Trade and Industry, businesses in retail shops and food establishments decline by as
much as 50 per cent in the months of March to May 2003. Even taxi companies are not spared,
Comfort Taxi, the largest taxi operator in Singapore reported that daily bookings
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Community Health in the Event of a Sars Outbreak Essay
Community Health in the Event of a SARS Outbreak The SARS Outbreak of 2003 SARS (Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is a respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, originally reported in
Asia in February 2003 and spread to over two dozen countries before being contained (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2005). Once infected, individuals with SARS initially
develop a high fever and other flu–like symptoms including headache, body aches and "overall
feeling of discomfort" before, in most cases, progressing to pneumonia (CDC, 2005). The disease
was first diagnosed in a middle–aged man who had flown from China to Hong Kong. A few days
after the announcement of the disease, rumors and panic began to spread, causing ... Show more
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14). Routes of Transmission In the laboratory setting, the virus was found in respiratory droplets,
feces, saliva, tears and urine (WHO/DCDSR, 2003). SARS is primarily spread through close,
personal contact, such as kissing, hugging, eating or drinking, as well as being within 3 feet of a
person who coughs or sneezes while infected and shedding the virus. These activities allow the
respiratory droplets shed during these activities to come in contact with mucous membranes found
in the eyes, nose and mouth (Kutsar, 2004). Other modes of transmission include aerosolizing
procedures in hospital settings and contamination of surfaces in "healthcare facilities, households
and other closed environments" (Kutsar, 2004, para. 12). There has been no confirmation of fecal–
oral transmission or of transmission via water or food; however, over one–third of the earliest cases
in China were among food handlers (Kutsar, 2004). Finally, there is a possibility of animal vector
transmission, as discussed in regards to the Hong Kong's Amoy Gardens (WHO/DCDSR, 2003).
Effect of Outbreak on Community The SARS outbreak caused major effects on the communities
affected. Based on the 2003 outbreak, one can assume similar issues would develop should the
disease recur. The biggest impact to communities affected would be the strain on the healthcare
system. Since SARS is a largely respiratory disease, it can cause very serious problems in the
patients infected, requiring
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Essay about SARS
Life History
Severe Acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness that had recently been reported in
Asia, North America, and Europe. SARS was first reported is Asia in February of 2003, over the
next few months it spread to more than a dozen countries. By late July 2003, no new cases were
being reported and the global outbreak was declared over by the World Health Organization. During
this time period 8,098 people worldwide became infected with SARS and out of these 774 died. In
the United States a total of 192 SARS cases had been reported, including 159 suspect and 33
probable cases. Of the probable only 8 had laboratory evidence of SARS–CoV infection. Luckily, no
SARS relate deaths occurred in the US. ... Show more content on ...
From the sequence scientists were able to determine that virus probably began its life in an animal
then mutated before picking up the power to infect people.
SARS appears to spread by close person–to–person contact. It is thought that transmission is most
readily occurred through respiratory droplets. These can be produced when an infected person
coughs or sneezes. These droplets are propelled through the air and are deposited on the mucous
membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of a person that is nearby. It is also possible that the virus
can spread when a person touches a surface or object contaminated with infectious droplets and then
touches their mouth, nose, or eyes. Furthermore, it is possible that SARS–CoV might be airborne
spread or by other methods that are not yet known.
Once infected the typical incubation period for SARS is 2–7 days, however, in some cases it may be
as long as 10 days. The illness usually begins with a fever. Sometimes chills accompany the fever
and other symptoms including headache, general feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Some
people also develop mild respiratory symptoms at the outset. After the incubation period of 2 to 7
days SARS patients may develop a dry nonproductive cough that might be accompanied by or
progresses to the point where insufficient oxygen is getting to the blood. The CDC says that SARS
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Richard Cory, by Edwin Arlington Robinson Essay
The narrator in "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson is a low class working citizen telling
the reader, in detail, about a distinguished gentleman named Richard Cory who eventually "put a
bullet through his head." Almost everyone, including the narrator, would stare at him with awe every
time they saw him. He was "imperially slim"(4), always charismatic and well–dressed. He was
extremely courteous and polite. He would please everyone's heart with a simple "Good Morning."
Then the narrator soon explains that on "one calm summer night" he executes himself by putting a
gun to his head. When I first read the poem, I thought it told the story of a young man and his riches.
After about my third or fourth reading, I realized this poem is ... Show more content on ...
When the poem read, "he was always human when he talked," I did not quite understand. Soon
afterward, I realized the author meant Richard Cory was not a conceited or arrogant man; he was a
friendly man. I could imagine him being the brightest thing on the street when I comprehended "he
glittered when he walked." I realized that Richard Cory was more than just a rich man.
"...Yes richer than a king," the third stanza states. At first reading, I thought, "This man must have
money growing on trees!" Resulting from another reading, I came to the conclusion that maybe the
narrator just couldn't picture someone having so much money and might have exaggerated to show
how much wealthier Richard Cory was than most people. As the people in line 11, I can certainly
relate to thinking that a particular person "was everything."
After finishing line 13, I did not entirely understand what was meant by "the light." Did it signify
daylight or symbolize a rescuer from the life they were living? The final stanza ended by telling the
reader how Richard Cory went home one night and shot himself in the head. I found it kind of
selfish that Richard Cory––a man who could afford to eat at a fancy restaurant
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Cesar Chavez 's Work For Improved Working Conditions
Cesar Chavez is a well renowned labor leader in American history. César Estrada Chávez was raised
by a poor family of migrant farm workers. He had little to no time for school or freetime activities
with his peers and experienced many bias racial comments because of his Mexican–American
heritage. Despite this, César grew to become a gifted leader who inspired thousands of people to fix
their lives and make it better. In the 1960's César founded the United Farm Workers, an organization
that led the members to fight for improved working conditions.
César was born to the parents Librado Chavez and Juana Estrada on March 31, 1927 on the family
farm. Cesar was the born during the devastating Great Depression, which caused the United States
to ... Show more content on ...
Restaurants would refuse to serve Mexican Americans, and theaters allowed them to sit in only one
section of the cinema. In 1944 César joined the U.S. Navy's to fight in World War II, César was only
seventeen at the time. Even while fighting for his country he experienced discrimination. After two
years of serving in the Navy he returned to California and began to work in the farms again. In 1948
he married Helen Fabela, he lived in a One–room shack and began to raise his family in the town of
Delano. Over many years the married couple had eight children. The racism and poor working
conditions facing migrant farmers before the war did not change. Because of Césars experiences in
his childhood, he was anxious with solving the problems of the nation's farm laborers. In 1952 César
met Fred Ross, the founder of Community Service Organization or CSO, a group that desired for
better living conditions for migrant workers. César was impressed by Ross and his ideas then began
working for CSO as a community organizer. Going from house to house at night, he helped labors
with their day to day problems. By 1958 César became the director of the CSO in California and
Arizona. César heard many grievances from migrant workers as he moved between California and
Arizona. César was concerned about claims that landowners often used Mexicans illegally bused
across the border to work in the field with the lowest
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Acute Respiratory Syndrome Research Paper
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Lucky Evolution? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) was a viral disease that quickly spread China and the world in 2003 to 2004. The corona
virus targeted the respiratory system and killed 10% of people who caught it. By examining articles
that relate to this disease, I have come to the conclusion that SARS was just a "One Hit Wonder"
that was the result of a lucky evolution because of how and when it happened. The virus only lasted
for 2 years, evolved from bats, and is not likely to happen again in the same way. First of all, SARS
was a lucky evolution because it only lasted for about a year. The first case of SARS was
documented on November 16, 2002 and there have been no known cases since 2004. According to
the EDU, "a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick ... Of these, 774 died." The virus
disappeared after only about 2 years, and only a 10% fatality rate. If the virus was not a lucky
evolution, and was designed to infect people, then would it ... Show more content on ...
According to Berkeley University, "the ancestor of [SARS was] a bat virus ..." SARS is actually
divided into 8 strains, with the 3rd and 4th strains, called SARS 3 and 4, infecting humans. Of the 6
other strains, 5 of them are carried by bats. Berkley also says, " Chinese horseshoe bats . . .are the
[common] carriers of the SARS virus" The disease came to humans by way of live animal markets
in China, where the bats were kept in cages and handled by many people. All it took was one of the
two human infecting strains to jump from the bats to one of the handlers, and the disease was set to
infect all whom it came in contact with. Even though bats are a common source of infection, there
are several reasons why the infections rarely become epidemic. The ancestors of the SARS virus had
evolved to infect bats, and when one strain infected humans, it wasn't prepared to infect the human
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Analysis Of Sal Castro And Maria Tula 's Hear My Testimony
Blowout!, by Sal Castro and Maria Tula's Hear my Testimony are both testimonios, meaning that
they are told in the first–person narrative. They provide an accurate representation of the attitude
and ideology of not only their own, but others at that time period as well. In both books, the
testimonio helped tell a fuller story because it provided a deeper first hand view of socially
significant scenes and demonstrated, through their own voice, first hand how characters identities
were developed. These individuals were transformed because they faced realizations of larger
political pictures. Cesar Chavez was a civil rights activist who organized the earliest Chicano
movements. In an essay by Jorge Mariscal, Chavez's political ideology is ... Show more content on ...
He explains an encounter where a teacher told him, "'Sit in the encounter until you learn English'"
(Garcia & Castro, Blowout! pg32). This quote shows that even in the first grade Castro realized that
racism was alive and present, and it was wrong. He believed that it was wrong for the school to be
treating him a certain way (badly), simply because of his culture. Through the testimonio, these
early encounters show us how Castro's identity and core values were shaped. Furthermore, Castro's
testimonio allows him to tell a fuller story of social activism. For example, Castro vividly recalls the
Watts Riot that took place in Los Angeles. The Watts Riot was the result of the community reacting
to allegations of police brutality against an African–American motorcyclist. Castros explains, "If
you lived or worked anywhere near Watts, located south of the downtown area, you saw and smelled
the smoke from the burning cars and buildings."(Garcia & Castro, Blowout! pg131). This
demonstrates how the testimonio gave us a different view of social activism that was occurring
during the time period. It is portrayed to us through a personal response of someone who experience
it first hand. As the Blowouts progressed the Chicano students attitudes changed. A student explains
after the movement, "'were the first time that we began to develop consciousness...It was very
affirmative. Thats where you began to have an identity'"(Garcia & Castro, Blowout! pg 322). The
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Coastguard Search And Rescue (SAR)
Search and Rescue (SAR) is one of the Coast Guards oldest missions. Minimizing the loss of life,
injury, property damage or loss by rendering aid to persons in distress has always been one of the
Coast Guards top priorities. On the early morning of November 16, 2017 around 8:45 AM, Coast
Guard Station Washington overheard a terrifying event taking place on their local channel 17 radio.
There was a forty–foot pleasure craft vessel on fire with two people on board, along with eight other
people in the water occurring in the mouth of the Washington channel by Haines Point. A crew of
five experienced Boat Crew members worked quickly to get underway on their 29–foot small
response boat. Once underway and on scene at 9:00 AM there were already other multiple
government agencies responding. The Coxswain, BM3 Westoby was surveying the scene and
noticed Fire boat 201 was fighting the fire on the forty–foot pleasure ... Show more content on ...
Thankfully nobody including the small child was injured and didn't need any immediate medical
attention. Once all the victims were tended to they were transported to Haines Point to the local land
units and the crew of the 29–foot RBS conducted a security perimeter while fire boat 201 finished
fighting the fire. Once fire boat 201 finished fighting the fire and no longer needed any coast guard
assistance, the crew of the 29–foot RBS got permission to return to base. Once asked about what
went on in your head when you heard what you needed to get underway for? BM3 Westoby stated
"My first thought was to respond as fast and safely as possible by limiting the person's time in the
49–degree water". "There were many agencies on scene to do one thing and that was to mitigate the
situation", said BM3 Westoby. "Together we all flawlessly did just that and were able to have all
survivors go home safety, which is the most important and rewarding thing in our line of
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Narrative Essay On Sar Joe
On Thursday January 29th, 2015 in Glenmont Job Corps I met this young man name Sahr Joe. I was
At the Recreation center inside the dance room with a few girls I just met. We were fooling around.
Sahr Joe was with a couple of his guy friends playing 2k14 on the ps4. I stopped to use my input
brother's, Justin, phone. I happened to look up and Sahr is staring at me, so I started yelling at him.
Sahr didn't respond to me he just unpaused his game and started playing it again. Then during snack
time I was walking through the hallway and Sahr asked me what my name was. I told him, he and
asked if I want to take a walk with him I said sure. We walked around the campus for an hour and
half telling each other about ourselves once our conversation
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SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARS is known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS is caused by the SARS coronavirus
(SARS–CoV). There is no known vaccine for SARS; however, most people can recover from SARS
or even maintain the disease with the help of therapy and advanced machines. SARS had broken out
in 2003 at this time no one knew what SARS even was, Scientist had begun doing everything to
figure out the cause of this odd disease. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) paired with WHO
(World Health Organization) to determine the cause of a pneumonia in Southeast Asia. March 12,
this odd disease was given a name, sever acute respiratory syndrome. The symptoms of SARS is
similar to flu–like symptoms but overtime can become worse. Common symptoms of SARS are
chills, shaking, ... Show more content on ...
Tracheal intubation is used to keep the airway open so that a person with SARS can breathe since
they cannot breathe on their own. Oxygen therapy is used to provide extra oxygen to the lungs.
People may also use high doses of steroids to reduce swelling in the lungs; although, people do not
know how effective steroids are. Antibiotics are used to treat the bacteria that cause pneumonia one
in general is ribavirin. Ribavirin is a purine nucleoside analogue. However, its mechanism of action
is still talked about, it prevents the growing of RNA and DNA viruses by inhibiting the enzyme
inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, which is needed for the synthesis of guanosine triphosphate.
The final step in the process of events is lethal mutagenesis of the RNA genome.1 In vitro inhibition
of RSV, influenza viruses and parainfluenza viruses is achieved at ribavirin concentrations of 3–10
μg/mL. Ribavirin can be given by mouth intravenously or as an aerosol. In adults an oral dose of
600 mg slows peak plasma levels of 1.3 μg/mL, an large dose of 1000 mg results in mean
concentrations of 24 μg/mL, and the aerosol appears in the plasma at levels of 0.2 to 1 μg/mL.
Ribavirin helps treat severe lung infections when inhaled, it also comes in an oral form which is
used to treat Hepatitis C. Studies show that when ribavirin was paired with corticosteroids and other
steroids it
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Synthetic Aperture Radar ( Sar ) As An Effective Tool For...
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) as an effective tool for Oil Spill Analysis
Naveen Sankaran
Marine oil pollution, caused by discharges from ships, and leakages from oil platforms and oil–
tanker accidents, is a major threat to fragile marine and coastal ecosystems and it is a subject of
increasing public concern.
Airborne and space–borne radars are used as an effective option for operational oil spill detection.
Remote sensing in microwave band has definite advantage over other techniques and microwave
sensors are proved to be useful tool for detecting hydrocarbon spillages and becoming the most
commonly used sensors for oil spill remote sensing.
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be used ... Show more content on ...
Space Res. 15 (11) (1995) 101–110.
2. Yue Guo and Heng Zhen Zhang, Oil spill detection using synthetic aperture radar images and
feature selection in shape space, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geo
information 30 (2014) 146–157.
3. K. Topouzelis et al. Detection and discrimination between oil spills and look–alike phenomena
through neural networks. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 62 (2007) 264–270.
4. Antonio Martinez and Victoriano Moreno, An Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on SAR
Images.Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, 3 1/2 (1996) 65–71.
5. G. Perrotta and P. Xefteris Small Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Constellations for Tracking
Oil Spills Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, 3, 1/2 (1996) 73–82.
Informative Summary
An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine
areas, due to transport of oil tankers and offshore exploration causes ocean pollution. Oil spills are a
major threat to marine ecosystem. Oil pollution at sea is an issue of great interest owing to its
environment and economic impact. In this paper the development and implementation for the
detection of marine oil spills is presented.
The system is based on the analysis of satellite SAR images as they are reliable remote sensing data
and have a high accuracy level. The basic architecture of the system includes raw data
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In “Kyoto Climate Change Conference”, Al Gore, The Former
In "Kyoto Climate Change Conference", Al Gore, the Former Vice President of the United States,
calls on the heads of state to take action on reducing emissions and protecting the Earth 's
environment. Gore mentions environmental problems such as polluted water, dirty air, and
destruction of critical habitats that we are experienced have threatened people's living and future.
Gore highlights aerosphere, the most important and most vulnerable part the Earth's environment,
are damaged by gaseous wastes which stops aerosphere dissipating heat and lead to the global
warm. Moreover, he emphasizes the global warm causes more serious consequence such as floods,
droughts, stronger storms, rising sea level, etc. which will affect the survival of ... Show more
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And it is working." (857) He shows an example that we have done this before and it works, which
enhances the reliability of his speech. He emphasizes that "The first and most important task for
developed countries is to hear the immediate needs of the developing world. And let me say, the
United States has listened and we have learned. We understand that your first priority is to lift your
citizens from the poverty so many endure and build strong economies that will assure a better future.
This is your right: it will not be denied." (857) He shows that the United States knows the
developing world wants to improve the living standard of their citizens for their first priority and he
understand this is their rights, showing that he also cares about the development of developing
world. He also asserts the developed countries should hear what the developing world needs, which
shows developed countries and developing countries should in the same group. Besides, he shows
that the developed countries will help the developing world, so the developing world doesn't need to
care about protecting environment will increase the poverty level. All of these make Gore's speech
more reliable and ethical. In "Wrath of Grapes Boycott Speech", Cesar Chavez emphasizes that "We
farm workers are closest to food production." (690, Chavez) He highlights he is a farm worker
working closest to food
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Research Paper
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an extremely rare, deleterious disease caused by a
type of viral pathogen called a coronavirus. The disease first appeared among residents of southern
China, near Hong Kong, in 2002. Over the course of eight months, the disease spread to up to 8,000
individuals, 10% of which died. As a contagious viral pandemic, SARS diffused to nearly 30
countries by 2003, including Germany, Canada, and the United States. However, by 2004, all cases
of SARS disappeared and have not reappeared anywhere since then. After considerable research,
scientists discovered that the infection was caused by a single–stranded RNA coronavirus. The virus
was so named due to the several corona–like "spikes" that were known to protrude from the
molecule. Because SARS suddenly attracted widespread attention when it was first identified in
China in 2002, the virus was classified as an emerging infectious disease. ... Show more content on ...
Symptoms that commonly afflict people with SARS are flu–like symptoms such as fever, fatigue,
weakness, chills, muscle ache, and migraine headaches. It is not until after the onset of these
symptoms when the virus begins to attack the respiratory system. Some of the most severe clinical
respiratory symptoms include breathing difficulties, dry coughing, and a sharp reduction of oxygen
levels in the blood. In some instances, the respiratory symptoms of SARS are fatal. After contracting
SARS, people typically develop terminal pneumonia soon thereafter. Because it can be extremely
difficult to breathe, SARS patients usually require a mechanical respirator or some other apparatus
to facilitate
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Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler
When the British first settled America there was a high need for labor to work the Tabaco fields.
With the help of the International Slave Trade the United States, Caribbean and South America had
ample amount of workers waiting to be bought. After time the International Slave Trade was
disbanded and farmers now had a self–sustaining Slave Trade with in the United States. After
Abraham Lincoln made America a "free" nation all seemed to be looking up for minorities in the
United States. Unfortunately this is not the case. In the post apocalyptic book Parable of the Sower
by Octavia Butler set in mid 2020's touches upon a world where there is still slavery, with the same
evil but with a different face. Through this essay we will be looking at the comparisons of the
Hispanic farmworkers rights movement in the 1960's and 1970's and the world Octavia Butler has
produced through her book expanding on the idea that that modern day slavery has not disappeared.
In the book Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, we follow the life of Lauren Olamina. Living
under her Baptist Minister father Lauren finds her own religion Earthseed. In the apocalyptic world
Lauren and her family live behind a wall to protect themselves from the rape, murder and
pyromaniacs that roam the streets. After the safety of the wall gets broken down Lauren is flung into
the unstable dog eat dog world based in Southern California. She begins her walk up north hoping
for jobs and stability. During her journey she
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The United Farm Workers Association Improve The Conditions...
To what degree did the United Farm Workers Association improve the conditions of farmworkers in
In 1910 mexicans fled from Mexico to work in agriculture in America, "they labored in inhumane
conditions" and the people they worked for "ignored state laws on working conditions"(Tavaana).
This is how the farm workers would work before the United Farm Workers Union came along. They
didn't have the rights they deserved, they were treated however the growers would like to treat them
because they would go around the law and do what they wanted. Farm workers didn't have unions
and the rights that they do now back in 1910. Research has been done on this topic on how them
migrating started, on how they were treated, and how it has gotten better over the years. This topic is
important because it discusses some of the history of Mexican immigrants. It also demonstrates
some challenges they went through when they came to the United States to find work. My study of
the topic is important because it will give some background information on how the farm workers
were brought and how they were treated. After I will bring in Cesar Chavez and his contributions to
helping the farm workers. Lastly I will be talking about his negative contribution which isn't talked
about that often and comparing it with the positive. My investigation fits into broader questions in
the subject because it is taking two different points of views and comparing them to each other. I
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Secute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was found in the early 2003 which is believed to be a
form of pneumonia and caused by a coronavirus. Scientists assume that the virus started from
Guangdong China, infecting people who picked up virus droplets from cat–like mammals called
civets. 8098 people worldwide had contracted SARS ,and 774 cases of death where reported in over
thirty countries in five different continents. This essay represents the causes, symptoms, treatment ,
and prevention from (SARS). SARS is caused by an unrecognised coronavirus. Researchers have
not discovered from where the virus developed ,however, they assume that it is linked to the
mammal civets. SARS causes are not evident ,yet it spreads efficiently ,moreover similarly
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Marie Moreau And Alain Delon Star Persona
Both Jeanne Moreau and Alain Delon star persona's are notable for being embodiments of two
distinctly different approaches to France's burgeoning modernity in a post war context. Though each
star 's representation of a new form of French modernity deviate due to their different gendered
experiences. Their images of modernity challenged traditional codes and conventions of France's
past and represented different and new ideas of the French individual. These challenges were
particularly gendered, through their perpetuation of new ideals and images of gender in French
society. In the case of Jeanne Moreau, her star image came to represent a new image of the French
woman. Moreau's image represented an idea of femininity that was a radical ... Show more content
on ...
She lived a new form of bourgeois lifestyle that was affluent, cultivated but more anti conformist
and less cynical, despite remaining very consumeristic. Her focus on leisure as well as individual
freedom, represented another key aspect of French modernity in its mirroring of capitalist and
Western ideology. This behaviour could be seen in her private life and film roles, as she smoked,
drunk and strolled the streets of urban environments, while going to street bars, cafes, casinos. Just
like like the modern female Moreau showed a boredom with traditional bourgeois life and her role
as an urban woman, was a departure of typical conceptions of French femininity, that kept the
woman in the domesticated sphere. This urban femininity can be seen in many of her film roles,
such as the 1957 Louis Malle directed film Ascenseur Pour l 'Échafaud (Elevators to the Gallows).
The film captures her freedom to wander and traverse the environment through its use of tracking
shots that trace her movement and emphasise her belonging and control over the space. Moreau's
modernity must also be considered through her significant role as an actor of the New Wave. In
many ways Jeanne Moreau became a personification of the New Wave style in her star persona, and
this shaped her image of femininity. As a New Wave star, Moreau rejected, the overly constructed
image of the French female, that dominated the persona of previous stars. Unlike previous
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is Caused by the SARS...
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a respiratory disease caused by the SARS
coronavirus, hit Hong Kong severely between February and July 2003. SARS was a new type of
viral infection first recorded in China in November 2002. Capable of transmitting through direct
contact with infectious respiratory droplets, the disease spread rapidly across Hong Kong when an
infected doctor visited and died in Hong Kong on 23rd February, 2003. The outbreak of SARS, the
first deadly epidemic of the 21st Century, started from Guangdong, a south province in China in
November 2002. People in Guangdong soon got panic and rushed to shops to purchase vinegar to
heat the vinegar at home and make indoor air humid and acidic. It was hindsight revealed that
China's initial response to the outbreak in Guangdong was slow and lacking transparency. WHO
received the information from China about the "infection" of SARS only on February 11, 2003,
three months later after the first case in Guangdong. While the international community criticized
China for its lack of transparency in its initial response and attempts to tell the minimum impact of
the disease, one fact remained true was that by that time no body in the world had pre–knowledge of
the disease and the cause of the disease. The frustration of knowing so little about the virus, its
prevention, treatment and the difficulty of distinguishing the SARS infection from other known
disease infection caused diagnostic delays and took China some
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
SARS, also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, caused a major epidemic in 2002–2003.
The virus had originated in the middle east area from a mammal group handled and bred in the first
effect area. The virus had developed and was transmitted to the people handling the animals. The
handlers would contract the virus and then would spread it to others around them. The disease was
able to be transferred or passed on to others by means of close contact and or the air. The virus itself
was not noticeable unless tested or until it had further developed. Anyone who had contracted the
disease only showed flu like symptoms when first diagnosed with the virus. However, these would
soon worsen and even take the lives of people. Though it only affected ... Show more content on ...
Though it had traveled to a multitude of areas, only about six of the thirty or so locations saw severe
cases of SARS at their medical centers. The disease itself did not contaminate only the middle east,
but had traveled to places such was North America, South America ,and Europe Out of the affected
areas, about twenty percent of the people who contracted the virus were healthcare workers, such as
doctors, nurses, family doctors and specialist. The spreading of the virus seemed to follow its own
pattern. The first stage would start with infected people coming to the hospital with more severe
cases. These hospitalized cases would than in turn enter the second stage of transmission. The health
care workers themselves would than get affected due to have close contact with the patients and
breathing contaminated air. Seeing as the virus was transmitted via close contact and the air. Being
around the ill patients allowed the virus to enter the workers bodies. Seeing as health workers
worked not only with just those patients any other patients who interacted with that health care taker
could also contract the virus. This was the third stage of the outbreak. Not only did the patients
already have to deal with their own problems, nurses and staff could also infect them with this
horrible disease that know one had known the effects of or if it was
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Creative Writing-Part One John And Sar A Short Story
– Part One John and Sara Warm yellow sunlight poured into the old neutral color office. The office
was bland mix of browns ,white ,gray and coal black. The owner of this office was wearing a white
business shirt with a black V–neck sweater over it. On top of that was a long black leather trench
coat. He matched his room. His room was freezing like the Antarctic, and in a way he comes off as
cold. "I think he's just dedicated." the narrator broke from the story and said. "Who am I?" The
narrator commented on the readers suspicion "I'm his stepdaughter and I'm telling the story from his
journal, the narrator said acting like this is common knowledge. "Yes, it's an old book, but he was
interesting guy.", the Narrator said cheerfully. "It tells ... Show more content on ...
I was considered quite cruel in school. Leo was a jock. Smart and always trying to get one over on
me... Intellectually. Games on who could win chess/checkers Or who could get a number first. I
usually win because if just predict what it was while he was chatting them up. Then there was a girl
a cheerleader in our ap science class her name was Sara . A strawberry blonde I introduced to John
who he later married and had Francis with she died in childbirth. "Francis?" The narrator said
breaking from the story addressing the guy listening to her read "It's fine ,but is there any entries
about my mom?" Francis teen male voice said voice almost breaking he didn't know James brought
them "I'm going to get some air ill be back." Another guy said "That's fine." Our female narrator
said before continuing the story is She didn't pay attention much in class, She had beautiful blue
eyes and strawberry blonde hair. He liked her a lot and he thought he'd have a better chance being a
jock. So long story short I introduced her to John they got married. And Leo hates him for it. And
john hates him for his attitude. "That explains a lot so your dad got my parents together." Francis
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Cuban American Family Of Six Children
Chavez who born in March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona, in a Mexican–American family of six
children, had always a huge sense of connection with the land and the people who work hard of
build the life by farming the land. His family owned a grocery store and a ranch, but their land was
lost during the Great Depression of 1930s, which was the longest, deepest, and most widespread
depression of the 20th century. During that time his family 's home was taken away after his father
had agreed to clear eighty acres of land in exchange for the deed to the house, an agreement which
was subsequently broken. Later, when Chavez 's father attempted to purchase the house, he could
not pay the interest on the loan and the house was sold back to ... Show more content on ...
Later, he would say, The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our being but it is
also the most true to our nature. Then my story with Caser Chavez starts from here, and I think it
would be very useful if I start to describe the historical path of Modern Mexican–American
movement in order to make a sense of Chavez legacy. From different historical resource we learned
that the origins of Mexican Americans in the United States today go back to the days of the Spanish
who first came to Mexico and then expanded north into the Southern United States, especially into
the Southwest. While The Mexican Revolution in 1810 drove the Spanish out of Mexico and
Mexican territory, the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848 ended Mexican control of the Southwest,
and this is what explains the process of forming another American minority that so called Mexican
Americans, and like any other minority of that era, they suffered losing power, land, and wealth. To
stand against inequality, injustice, and discrimination, we, as Mexican Americans, formed different
organizations that to take a collective actions in order to achieve our goals of equality, justice, and
civil rights. For example the Confederacion de Uniones de Obreros Mexicanos (CUOM) was
formed in 1927 in Los Angeles. It proved to be the first really stable organization among Mexican
workers. They organized three thousand workers into twenty locals, and in 1928 they struck in the
Imperial Valley.
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Analysis Of Cesar Chavez Union Leader
Grecia Acosta
Econ 341
Woman or Minority Paper
Cesar Chavez Union Leader
Effort, hard work, dedication and desire for justice are some of the adjectives that describe the union
leader Cesar Chavez. Below I'll explain the efforts that this man did to fight for the improvement of
working conditions for migrant laborers in the farms.
Chavez was an American union leader; born on March 31, 1927 near Yuma (Arizona) and died on
April 23, 1993 in San Luis (Arizona). Cesar Chavez was the founder of "la
Unidad de los Trabajadores Agricolas" in 1964. He brought together migrant laborers, mostly
Hispanic, to fight for improved working conditions.
During World War II, Cesar Chavez served our country in the Navy. After servicing for 2 years, he
returned to Arizona to work in the field where his family and he worked their entire life. In 1952 he
started as an advisor in the Organization of
Community Services (OSC). His great organizational skills made him the director of the
CSO in 1958; he resigned after four years to work on the creation of an agricultural union to fight
for labor rights of Chicano population. In 1962, Cesar founded the National
Farm Workers Association, later become the United Farm Workers or UFW. During all the social
issues that touched the American society in 1968, Cesar Chavez won a significant public relevance
to launch a nationwide boycott against the producers of grapes in California to obtain a fairer deal
for the seasonal grape pickers.
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SARS Virus: A Case Study
Public Health keeps on working to eliminate SARS Virus, for instance CDC has been meeting
expectations with other government offices, state and neighborhood healthcare sectors and
community healthcares to get ready for quick acknowledgment and reaction if individual to–
individual transmission of SARS–CoV noticed. "More than 800 CDC staff members were organized
into 13 domestic teams, with core members serving throughout most of the 7–month response
period" (LeDuc and Pflieger, 2004). CDC has created suggestions and rules to help public health
and medicinal services authorities arrangement to react rapidly if noticed a return of SARS in any
hospitals, clinics and urgent cares. Expansive worldwide systems of people and associations inside
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Persuasive Essay On Why People Should Pay For Their Own Sar
Having your life in danger is something that not many people can imagine. You only get one life and
when it is endangered you panic. By instinct the first thing you do is call for help and hope that
someone comes. But what about the lives of rescuers that come to help. Uncountable numbers of
rangers, firefighters, police, etc. have died trying to save people when there lives are endangered. On
top of that who puts in the money? Rescues can cost thousands of dollars and who pays for that?
You may be surprised but everyone pays for the rescue of people who put themselves at risk through
tax dollars. It isn't fair that we have to give up our hard earned money for the mistakes of others.
People should have to pay for their own SAR. People should ... Show more content on ...
If people are charged for search and rescue maybe they will be more careful out in the wilderness.
By calling someone for help you aren't the only one in danger anymore; You are now endangering
them as well. Some may say people should be given the right to free SAR so people won't be afraid
to call for help even if they can't afford them but this isn't fair to the people who answer the call.
What about the lives of the people that come to rescue them? What about their lives. For example
one ranger who died trying to save someone was "Nick Hall...On June 21, Hall and other rangers
were assisting climbers who were injured at 13,800 feet on the Emmons Glacier section of the
mountain. After helping them into a rescue helicopter, he was trying to secure an empty litter in high
winds when he fell 2,500 feet onto the Winthrop Glacier"(Davidson 2012). If these people knew
they would be charged maybe they wouldn't make the mistake of climbing the mountain without
knowing the dangers. This is why people should have to pay for their own SAR because by trying to
save people, people put their own lives in big
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The Mighty Handful
The Mighty Handful
During nineteenth century, there were five major players who worked together to establish the
unique and distinct sound that is Russian classical music. Mily Balakirev, Cesar Cui, Modest
Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky–Korsakov and Alexander Borodin. The five composers all lived in
Saint Petersburg, Russia, and worked together to created amazing works of music from 1856 to
1870. The Mighty Handful got their name from an article entitled Mr. Balakirev's Slavic Concert, by
acclaimed critic Vladimir Stasov which was a concert that was performed for visiting Slavic
delegates in May 1867 at the All–Russian Ethnographical Exhibition" in Moscow, Russia. The four
Russian composers whose worked were featured at the concert were Mikhail Glinka, Alexander
Dargomyzhsky, Mily Balakirev, and Nikolai Rimsky–Korsakov. The article itself ended with the
statement that lead to be named "The Mighty Handful" "God grant that our Slav guests may never
forget today's concert; God grant that they may forever preserve the memory of how much poetry,
feeling, talent, and intelligence are possessed by the small but already might handful of Russian
musicians." The group started off as a twosome in 1856 with Balakirev and Cui. The rest of the
group started slowly forming starting with Mussorgsky in 1857, Rimsky–Korsakov in 1861, and
then Borodin in 1862. All the composers were young, self–trained amateurs who had other careers
that combined their careers and their love of music.
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Evaluating The Simplicity And Timeliness Of Sars...
The purpose of SARS–surveillance system includes, early detection and prompt identification of
high risk subjects, super spreaders and disease cases and clusters, without intense laboratory testing
and complete reporting of potential SARS–CoV transmission and outbreak with contact tracing to
contain the disease and prevent the spread. Post epidemic, ongoing surveillance of SARS is useful in
preparedness for future outbreaks, due to potential sources of re–emergence like animal reservoirs,
humans with persistent infection and laboratory exposures or development of novel coronavirus. [4]
The operation is mostly as a syndromic surveillance, which is phased based on the level of
epidemic. Due to globalization and increased travelling and ... Show more content on ...
[5] The system complex to be executed, as it was based on syndromic surveillance hence, the
disease identification was delayed until symptoms are exhibited. The patients were classified as
preliminary positive, probable, confirmed or unverifiable [6] with case definition and laboratory
testing that took time to give confirmation. Unnecessary travel to and from china was restricted with
strict travel advisory and data collection for contact tracing of passengers. A combined force of
WHO, GROAN and its partners made up of 115 technical and academic institutions, national health
services and individuals; virtual epidemiologist network, public health institutions, ministries of
health and laboratory network formed the response team for SARS. [4] The Global SARS
surveillance employed the mechanism of daily cases of SARS summary for that country. This in
turn was informed to WHO headquarters in Geneva, by national public health authorities as a report
containing number of incident cases and deaths since last report, cumulative number of probable
cases with the details of their geographical distribution. The local transmission in any area if present
was updated on WHO website daily. [4] Hence, the SARS surveillance was complex requiring
extensive laboratory reporting, multiple levels of reporting, integration of systems requiring special
skills to collect data and perform tests for diagnosis, and required a lot of resources in the form of
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome or in short SARS is a member of the coronavirus
family of viruses, it is considered to be a life threatening form of pneumonia.
How Can You Get Infected? When an individual that is infected with SARS sneezes or coughs,
infected droplets of fluid spray into the air. If you then inhale or come in contact with the infected
fluid it may be transmitted to you. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, "The SARS
virus may live on hands, tissues, and other surfaces for up to 6 hours in these droplets and up to 3
hours after the droplets have dried." Other reports say SARS can live up to 24 hours on a surface.
What symptoms should I be aware of? Symptoms occur approximately 2 to 10 days after
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The Truth About SARS Essay
The Truth About SARS
People in general are both fascinated and paranoid of the onset of new infectious diseases. While
films such as "Outbreak" are smash hits at the box office, when an actual disease becomes apparent
people often react with a kind of mass hysteria. Last year, a new illness reared its evil head. While
the name "SARS" has become fairly well–known, the actual facts behind the illness are not as
widely talked about.
SARS is an acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The illness usually first becomes
evident with a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, general malaise, and body aches. This
adds to the difficulty of identifying SARS; the general signs of the illness are so similar to more
common ailments ... Show more content on ...
Scientists have detected a previously unrecognized coronavirus in SARS patients, and this has
become the leading hypothesis for the cause of SARS. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that,
when viewed under a powerful microscope, have a halo or crown–like (hence corona) appearance.
Viruses under these headings are known to commonly cause mild to moderate upper respiratory
illness in humans. In animals, coronaviruses are associated with respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver,
and neurological diseases. Also, new ways to detect SARS have been discovered. Serologic testing
for the SARS syndrome can be performed using indirect fluorescent antibodies or enzyme–linked
immunosorbent assays that are specific for the antibody that was produced after infection. A reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (known as RT–PCR) test can also detect SARS in
specimens such as serum, stool, and nasal secretions. Also, viral cultures and isolation have been
used to detect SARS < "1">1)
While many conclusions have been drawn about SARS, such as its incubation period and symptoms,
the unknowns concerning the syndrome remain unsettling. The fear that people have concerning the
syndrome is not unwarranted. According to the World Health Organization, as of June 5, 2003, an
estimated 8,403 cases have been reported with a total of 775 deaths attributed to the syndrome <
"2">2)world health organization. The countries that have the
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Summary Of ' Depression ' You Say? Check Those Safety Nets '
Andrea Jacqueline Delmar Dr. Angelica Palacios Mexican–American History 24 May 2016
According to Charles Duhigg, author of ''Depression, You Say? Check Those Safety Nets" in the
1930 's one of the longest, deepest and most widespread events in history occurred. Duhigg explains
how the stock market crashing led to a significant decline in economic activity and bigger interest
rates. This wiped out millions of investors. Consumer spending dropped and investments too. Steep
declines in industrial output led to rising levels of unemployment. This event affected many
families, but in this case we are going to focus on one family in particular. The Chavez' family. After
being kicked out from their farm located in Yuma, Arizona, where Cesar was born, his family
decided to move to California to find opportunity. For ten years, moving up and down the state
working in the fields of California, Cesar Chavez lived the circumstances he then realized he was
going to dedicate his life to change. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, authors of ' 'The Reader's
Companion to American History ' ' describe what Cesar Chavez wanted to change, ' 'Wretched
migrant camps, corrupt labor contractors, insufficient wages for backbreaking work and bitter
racism. ' ' Despite that, Chavez had a complex view on immigration. He thought that being on the
illegal immigrant's side could be used as ''deal breakers'' as it would undermine the pay for those
who were already legal workers. But his
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Dolores Clara Fernandez Huert An American Labor Leader And...
Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta born April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico is an American labor
leader and civil rights activist who was co–founder of the National Farm Workers Association, and
later the United Farm workers. Huerta has received many awards and accolades and has remained a
role model and voice to many in the Latino community. Huerta had been born to Juan Fernandez
and Alicia Chavez; they divorced when Huerta was just three years old. Both Huerta's parents were
active in the rights of people and the community itself. Huerta's father was a field worker, miner, as
well as a union activist. Huerta's mother was a business woman who owned a restaurant and a 70–
room hotel where she helped low wage workers. A lot of Huerta's humanitarianism came from her
mother, who was known for her kindness and compassion for others. Huerta personality followed
close to her mother's as she too was caring and compassionate yet strong minded. Huerta began her
activism when she was attending high school at Stockton High School. She was involved in several
school programs and was even a dedicated Girl Scout till she was eighteen. High school wasn't the
easiest for her, though, in a time when racial times were tough, she recalls a situation where a
teacher accused her of plagiarism and gave her an unfair grade, and she believes this was due to
racism. She soon went off to study at the University of the Pacific's Stockton College. While
studying there she was able to gain a temporary
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Sars Coronavirus Research Paper
SARS coronavirus (SARS–CoV) currently has no cure, but with research, a possible cure and or a
vaccination can be created to prevent future outbreaks of this virus. To better understand this virus
there has been some research regarding what pathways are activated as SARS–CoV is in the human
body. There are many different types of proteins that are part of this virus; with one of the most
commonly studied proteins being structural proteins and nucleocapsid proteins. Proteins are being
modified so that the virus can "engage, modify and/ or disrupt the host cell signaling and nuclear
import machinery for the benefit of the virus replications," (Frieman, 2008). Proteins such as
structural proteins are being changed which also changes how the human body reacts to the virus, ...
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There are three different pathways that can all be activated depending on what proteins are being
activated from SARS–Cov. This virus is able to interfere with the classical complement pathway due
to the proteins. Spike protein is one of the major structural proteins that is "essential for the
interaction of the virons with host cell receptors and subsequent fusion of the viral envelop with host
cell membrane to allow infection" (Wu, 2004). The classical pathway happens when antibodies bind
with antigens, which in this case the spike proteins are attaching to the host cell and infecting the
host. The spike proteins are able to cleave and bind to other proteins, thus making it harder for the
classical pathway to go though a smooth process when the spike proteins cleaving. Another pathway
is the alternative pathway, which can be activated without
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Project Feasibility Study
Fawaq International School
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Project Feasibility Study
In partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Technology and Livelihood Ecucation (TLE) IV
Submitted by:
Danielle Aimee Salaya Catapang
IV – Universe
Submitted to:
Ms. Herna S. Bautista
TLE Teacher
March 09, 2011
Project Feasibility Study
* I. Introduction
A. Name of Business The name of the café is HotSpot.
B. Type of Business
The type of this business is Individual Proprietorship. This type of business entity is owned and run
by an individual. In this type, there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. Since
this is the simplest among all the types of business, I chose to run this type.
C. ... Show more content on ...
Financial Management
A. Financial Planning 1. Major items needed in producing the product are as follows: * Coffee
machines * Conventional Oven * Refrigerator * Freezer * Sound system * Wireless broadband
Note: The equipments that will be used in this business will be all new. 2. Cost of producing the
product * Labor SAR 6 000 * Transportation SAR 200 * Packaging SAR 1 000 * Bills SAR 800
3. Capital
The capital needed is SAR 50 000. It will be from the personal account of the businesswoman.
B. Financial System 1. Simple Bookkeeping Week No. | Date | Transaction | 1 | March 5 – 11, 2011 |
Acquired SAR 50 000 from personal savings, bought SAR 45 000 | | | worth of items and materials
needed, and hired employees | 2 | March 15 – 18, 2011 | Earned SAR 19 800 | 3 | March 19 – 25,
2011 | Earned SAR 27 200 | 4 | March 26 – 31, 2011 | Earned SAR 29 100, paid SAR 800 worth of
bills and SAR 6 000 | | | worth of salaries |
2. Income Statement (March) Sales | | SAR 76 100 | | Less – Cost of Goods Sold: | | | | Purchases |
SAR 5000 | | | Less : Raw Materials Inventory | SAR 2 000 | | | Raw materials used | SAR 3 000 | | |
Depreciation | SAR
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Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. And Ghandi Essay
Cesar Chavez was a great leader that left a legacy in the United States, just like Martin Luther King
Jr. and Ghandi. These great leaders preached for equality and fairness. They were elegant, civilized
and thoughtful about their approach against oppression. Cesar Chavez recognized and praised his
predecessors. He studied and learned from them and their techniques. He used many of the
approaches that MLK and Gandhi used to become successful. Non– violence was crucial to Cesar,
among many other principles. Just like in the generations of these great leaders, hostility and
oppression still exists in the world. In the United States, there are racial, ethnic, and religious groups
that are still being oppressed. There are many ways to go about fighting this oppression, at the
moment I believe that many people are doing it wrong. I feel that protestors, activists and other
organizations should come together to learn and organize an elegant, smart, and respectful
movement that will lead the affected groups into a better tomorrow.
Caesar Chavez was at times addressed to as the "Mexican Moses'' as a reference to the biblical story
of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Cesar's followers saw themselves as the
Israelites, because farm workers at the time were being oppressed and exploited by farm owners and
other civilians. Even though the affected were Mexicans and Mexican Americans, there was a
smaller population of Filipinos who were also affected. Chavez and his family went
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Sars-Cov Research Paper Kendra Poirier Microbiology 9 December 2014 Finding the Natural Reservior of Sars–CoV A severe pneumonia–like virus suddenly appeared in February 2003 in Hanoi of the Guangdong providence in Southern China, and rapidly spread to thirty countries, infecting 8,098 people and killing more than 774 in a matter of months [3]. Investigations identified a Chlmydia–like organism using electron microscopy in patients who had died from this atypical pneumonia, however this could not be confirmed as the disease, as it was not seen in other patients outside China [3]. After a global collaboration, researchers identified the etiologic agent of this atypical pneumonia to be a coronoavirus, known known as SARS–CoV [3]. The disease was eventually ... Show more content on ... Retrospective serologic studies indicated that proior to the SARS outbreak, there were no antibodies in the human population (KSIAZEK ET AL 2003). This finding was vitally important because it indicated that animal–to–human transmission is responsible for the SARS–CoV entrance into the human population. Two groups of researchers recently and independently demonstrated that bats (genus Rhinolophus) are natural reservoirs of Sars–like viruses, which provided very strong evidence that SARS–CoV was a zoonotic virus with wildlife orgin [6,7] The identification of a natural reservoir is both difficult and essential. A natural reservoir is where the virus "hides" between outbreaks, and is often difficult to identify because the organism does not display symptoms of the disease. Early observation of patterns in SARS–CoV transmission showed that many of the first patients were had gone to or worked in China's exotic animal markets. Early studies in SARS–CoV identification focused on the wild–animal markets of southern China. Researchers in China identified a SARS–like–coronavirus in masked palm civets (Paguma larvata) and a raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in one market in the city Shenzhen, part of the southern provience of Guangdong [8]. It was found that these animals had antibodies against a genetically close coronavirus. Interestingly enough ten civet ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. SARS: A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS is; a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is a serious form of pneumonia that is caused by a virus that was discovered in 2003. SARS is caused by a member of the family of Coronavirus, the same family that causes the common cold. It is believed that this epidemic was caused by small mammals in China. When someone with the SARS disease sneezes or coughs, droplets of the infection spray out of their mouths. You can easily catch and spread this virus if you breathe in or even touch these particles of infected droplets. The SARS virus can live up to almost six hours on hands, tissues and other surfaces. And then another three hours, after the droplets have dried. SARS can also spread through hands and other objects that the droplets of ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Outlasting the SARS Epidemic Introduction When speaking of epidemics, the memories which come to mind are different for different people; for those who lived in Hong Kong in 2002–2003, images that spring up would almost invariably be of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the epidemic known to man as SARS in short. Sharing with us the three–letter acronym (SAR) which was given to us by our leaders in China, this ordeal has left its mark on our city in more ways than one. It had caused a widespread wave of mysophobia and health consciousness among the Hong Kong people, which outlasted the SARS epidemic but is probably slowly waning. It has also raised the awareness of the government of the importance of the control of infectious diseases, both in the community and in the clinical setting. Most importantly, SARS showed us what works and what needs improving in terms of infection control in the event of a major epidemic. Originally starting in November 2002 in Guangdong Province of China, the SARS coronavirus has since infected as many as 8422 persons worldwide, with a total of 1755 patients infected, among which 300 unfortunately succumbed to this disease. (1) Apart from being a major epidemic in the medical history of Hong Kong and a health threat of global concern, another aspect of SARS worth noting is the occurrence of nosocomial outbreaks. SARS was the cause of nosocomial outbreaks in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore. (2) The impact of nosocomial outbreak in an epidemic such as SARS ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Sars SARS–The Commonly Uncommon Cold Acute respiratory illnesses are among the most common infectious diseases known to humans as they account for nearly half of all diseases that plague our species. Of these respiratory illnesses, viruses are the cause in 50–75% of reported cases. The Corona Virus known as SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is one of the most recently highly publicized respiratory illness that has drawn a surge of research since the first reported cases of the virus in Southern China in 2002. This publicity was due to the disease's possible complications, which can lead to the death of the host organism. Even the discoverer of the disease, Dr. Carlo Ubani of the World Health Organization unfortunately died shortly after ... Show more content on ... When each sub–genomic mRNA is translated into a single polypeptide, they will assemble with a nucleocapsid protein in the cytoplasm to form helical nucleocapsids which are to be released from the host cell to infect other cells (Brooks et al., 2007). However, these steps occur only after the virus has entered the host's body. One way in which the virus can enter the host body is through direct transmission by droplet contact from an infected individual to an uninfected host. The virus can live for up to six hours in a wet droplet on the skin, tissues, and other surfaces. However, once the droplets have dried the virus can live for only three hours longer. A second manner of spreading is through the oral–fecal route in which virus particles in feces enter another organism through direct contact with the oral cavity. In this manner of spread, the virus can survive up to four days in the feces (MedlinePlus: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Thirdly, the virus can spread by airborne transmission, which is much more dangerous as small particles can travel much farther and live much longer. This is a particularly important attribute of the virus as it allowed it to spread worldwide as it is carried through the air of passenger airliners from continent to continent. Once the airborne virus enters the respiratory tube where it remains for about 2–3 weeks, it infects ciliated epithelial cells in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract (Fauci et al.,2008). SARS is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay On SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS for short, is an internationally known epidemic that first broke out in 2002 in southern China. SARS is caused by the SARS coronavirus, or SARS CoV which was genetically proven to have originated from Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the origin of which caused the spread of SARS into other countries. By 2003 SARS became a global disease severely affecting several other countries such as, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Canada, and Singapore. SARS causes numerous respiratory complications, some of which become fatal if not properly treated in adequate time. Treatment options for SARS vary depending on the severity of the disease, how strong or weak the person infected with SARS immune system is, and how quickly ... Show more content on ... Lots of times when respiratory failure and hypoxemia become present, and as the infected patient's health continues to deteriorate they are placed in the hospital's ICU. If further decline of the respiratory system takes place and treatment does not succumb to the disease ARDS can take place, which will require invasive mechanical ventilation. Death has occurred as a result from this disease which is why the seriousness of seeking treatment early on is momentous. Due to SARS being a newly discovered disease in 2002–2003, treatment options, possible cures, and plans for care of this disease were unprecedented. Oxygen therapy was normally initiated in the preliminary stages of SARS. Non–Invasive Ventilation (NIV) was reported to be found efficacious in those with respiratory failure as a result from SARS. NIV reduced the occurrence of intubation or invasive ventilation, as well as reduced the length of hospital stays in patients researched with SARS. Ribavirin which is a drug that is helpful in fighting certain viruses by preventing replication of viral cells has been greatly used in the treatment of SARS. Research later provided that the drug had no notable effect on the disease. Lopinavir, another antiviral drug was another drug that was experimented with as a treatment of SARS and was found to reduce overall death rate by 2.3% as well as intubations. Other drugs such as IV pulse ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Analysis Of Cesar Chavez 's ' Wrath Of The Grapes Boycott ' Cesar Chavez addresses a speech that marks history known as the "Wrath of the Grapes Boycott, 1986" in which he expresses his feelings towards farmwork and the worth of humanity. Cesar Chavez main argument was to regulate the use of pesticides in the agricultural industry. The pesticides that were being used in the farms were detrimental to the health of many of the laborers. They polluted the air, water, earth and the health of the people. In no way was this beneficial to anyone 's health. Chavez objective was to boycott the grapes and show the agricultural industry that they deserved to be treated better. Chavez speech was meaningful because he was one of the first mexican american leader who fought for equality amongst farm laborers. ... Show more content on ... Later Chavez became a national leader and resigned in 1962 to devote his time to farm laborers ("Cesar Chavez"). "During this period Chavez encountered the conditions that he would dedicate his life to changing: wretched migrant camps, corrupt labor contractors, meager wages for backbreaking work, bitter racism (Cesar Chavez)." One of biggest factors was the use of pesticides which was harming the health of the farm workers. This was motivation for Chavez to rise up and do something for the farmworkers. The pesticides that were being used were harmful to the workers. This addresses the credibility of being a first hand witness because of pesticide use. In that same year Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association that later became United Farm Workers ("The Story Of Cesar Chavez"). Chavez informed the people of the working conditions and the bad pay. Chavez strategy was to have non violent marches, strikes and fasts. He encouraged the Farm Workers be be nonviolent and do things right. The conditions they were working in where harmful to their health because of the pesticides. The marches, strikes, and fasts led to a success in the grape boycott In 1970. "Table grape growers at long last signed their first union contracts granting workers better pay, benefits and protection (Kim)." But 20 years later the fight started again. This led for to a second boycott ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Economic Impact of Sars on the Singapore Economy Topic: Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) on the economy of Singapore. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction to SARS Page 3 2. Impact on Export and Local Consumption Page 4 3. Impact on Employment and Wages Page 8 4. Impact on Government Expenditure Page 10 5. Impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Page 11 6. Conclusion. Page 14 7. References Page 15 Introduction to SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) first surfaced in Guangzhou, China, in November of 2002 and quickly spread throughout China, Asia and eventually to most parts of the world because of its transmission through close contact with anyone who has SARS. Studies concluded that it was ... Show more content on ... Although the manufacturing sector which contributes much of our export economy is not adversely affected, there were some spillover effects, but these effects are not easily measured due to the complexity of too many variables involved, the spread across a wide variety of industries and the short period which people were quarantined and some of the productivity lost could have been replaced by co–workers putting in more effort. Impact on Local Consumption The drop in consumption is largely contributed by a change in the consumption habits of Singaporeans during the SARS period. Due to the transmission pattern of SARS, compounded by the fact that the virus can survive in the environment for up to twelve hours, anyone can be infected
  • 14. simply by touching an infected surface in public areas, and use their hands to rub their nose or lips. This caused a panic among the general public and people shunned public places, like shopping malls, restaurants, food courts and hawker centers. According to the Economic Survey of Singapore, published in the third quarter of 2003 by the Ministry for Trade and Industry, businesses in retail shops and food establishments decline by as much as 50 per cent in the months of March to May 2003. Even taxi companies are not spared, Comfort Taxi, the largest taxi operator in Singapore reported that daily bookings ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Community Health in the Event of a Sars Outbreak Essay Community Health in the Event of a SARS Outbreak The SARS Outbreak of 2003 SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is a respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus, originally reported in Asia in February 2003 and spread to over two dozen countries before being contained (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2005). Once infected, individuals with SARS initially develop a high fever and other flu–like symptoms including headache, body aches and "overall feeling of discomfort" before, in most cases, progressing to pneumonia (CDC, 2005). The disease was first diagnosed in a middle–aged man who had flown from China to Hong Kong. A few days after the announcement of the disease, rumors and panic began to spread, causing ... Show more content on ... 14). Routes of Transmission In the laboratory setting, the virus was found in respiratory droplets, feces, saliva, tears and urine (WHO/DCDSR, 2003). SARS is primarily spread through close, personal contact, such as kissing, hugging, eating or drinking, as well as being within 3 feet of a person who coughs or sneezes while infected and shedding the virus. These activities allow the respiratory droplets shed during these activities to come in contact with mucous membranes found in the eyes, nose and mouth (Kutsar, 2004). Other modes of transmission include aerosolizing procedures in hospital settings and contamination of surfaces in "healthcare facilities, households and other closed environments" (Kutsar, 2004, para. 12). There has been no confirmation of fecal– oral transmission or of transmission via water or food; however, over one–third of the earliest cases in China were among food handlers (Kutsar, 2004). Finally, there is a possibility of animal vector transmission, as discussed in regards to the Hong Kong's Amoy Gardens (WHO/DCDSR, 2003). Effect of Outbreak on Community The SARS outbreak caused major effects on the communities affected. Based on the 2003 outbreak, one can assume similar issues would develop should the disease recur. The biggest impact to communities affected would be the strain on the healthcare system. Since SARS is a largely respiratory disease, it can cause very serious problems in the patients infected, requiring ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Essay about SARS SARS Life History Severe Acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a respiratory illness that had recently been reported in Asia, North America, and Europe. SARS was first reported is Asia in February of 2003, over the next few months it spread to more than a dozen countries. By late July 2003, no new cases were being reported and the global outbreak was declared over by the World Health Organization. During this time period 8,098 people worldwide became infected with SARS and out of these 774 died. In the United States a total of 192 SARS cases had been reported, including 159 suspect and 33 probable cases. Of the probable only 8 had laboratory evidence of SARS–CoV infection. Luckily, no SARS relate deaths occurred in the US. ... Show more content on ... From the sequence scientists were able to determine that virus probably began its life in an animal then mutated before picking up the power to infect people. Transmission SARS appears to spread by close person–to–person contact. It is thought that transmission is most readily occurred through respiratory droplets. These can be produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets are propelled through the air and are deposited on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of a person that is nearby. It is also possible that the virus can spread when a person touches a surface or object contaminated with infectious droplets and then touches their mouth, nose, or eyes. Furthermore, it is possible that SARS–CoV might be airborne spread or by other methods that are not yet known. Diagnosis Once infected the typical incubation period for SARS is 2–7 days, however, in some cases it may be as long as 10 days. The illness usually begins with a fever. Sometimes chills accompany the fever and other symptoms including headache, general feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Some people also develop mild respiratory symptoms at the outset. After the incubation period of 2 to 7 days SARS patients may develop a dry nonproductive cough that might be accompanied by or progresses to the point where insufficient oxygen is getting to the blood. The CDC says that SARS ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Richard Cory, by Edwin Arlington Robinson Essay The narrator in "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson is a low class working citizen telling the reader, in detail, about a distinguished gentleman named Richard Cory who eventually "put a bullet through his head." Almost everyone, including the narrator, would stare at him with awe every time they saw him. He was "imperially slim"(4), always charismatic and well–dressed. He was extremely courteous and polite. He would please everyone's heart with a simple "Good Morning." Then the narrator soon explains that on "one calm summer night" he executes himself by putting a gun to his head. When I first read the poem, I thought it told the story of a young man and his riches. After about my third or fourth reading, I realized this poem is ... Show more content on ... When the poem read, "he was always human when he talked," I did not quite understand. Soon afterward, I realized the author meant Richard Cory was not a conceited or arrogant man; he was a friendly man. I could imagine him being the brightest thing on the street when I comprehended "he glittered when he walked." I realized that Richard Cory was more than just a rich man. "...Yes richer than a king," the third stanza states. At first reading, I thought, "This man must have money growing on trees!" Resulting from another reading, I came to the conclusion that maybe the narrator just couldn't picture someone having so much money and might have exaggerated to show how much wealthier Richard Cory was than most people. As the people in line 11, I can certainly relate to thinking that a particular person "was everything." After finishing line 13, I did not entirely understand what was meant by "the light." Did it signify daylight or symbolize a rescuer from the life they were living? The final stanza ended by telling the reader how Richard Cory went home one night and shot himself in the head. I found it kind of selfish that Richard Cory––a man who could afford to eat at a fancy restaurant ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Cesar Chavez 's Work For Improved Working Conditions Cesar Chavez is a well renowned labor leader in American history. César Estrada Chávez was raised by a poor family of migrant farm workers. He had little to no time for school or freetime activities with his peers and experienced many bias racial comments because of his Mexican–American heritage. Despite this, César grew to become a gifted leader who inspired thousands of people to fix their lives and make it better. In the 1960's César founded the United Farm Workers, an organization that led the members to fight for improved working conditions. César was born to the parents Librado Chavez and Juana Estrada on March 31, 1927 on the family farm. Cesar was the born during the devastating Great Depression, which caused the United States to ... Show more content on ... Restaurants would refuse to serve Mexican Americans, and theaters allowed them to sit in only one section of the cinema. In 1944 César joined the U.S. Navy's to fight in World War II, César was only seventeen at the time. Even while fighting for his country he experienced discrimination. After two years of serving in the Navy he returned to California and began to work in the farms again. In 1948 he married Helen Fabela, he lived in a One–room shack and began to raise his family in the town of Delano. Over many years the married couple had eight children. The racism and poor working conditions facing migrant farmers before the war did not change. Because of Césars experiences in his childhood, he was anxious with solving the problems of the nation's farm laborers. In 1952 César met Fred Ross, the founder of Community Service Organization or CSO, a group that desired for better living conditions for migrant workers. César was impressed by Ross and his ideas then began working for CSO as a community organizer. Going from house to house at night, he helped labors with their day to day problems. By 1958 César became the director of the CSO in California and Arizona. César heard many grievances from migrant workers as he moved between California and Arizona. César was concerned about claims that landowners often used Mexicans illegally bused across the border to work in the field with the lowest ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Acute Respiratory Syndrome Research Paper Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Lucky Evolution? Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was a viral disease that quickly spread China and the world in 2003 to 2004. The corona virus targeted the respiratory system and killed 10% of people who caught it. By examining articles that relate to this disease, I have come to the conclusion that SARS was just a "One Hit Wonder" that was the result of a lucky evolution because of how and when it happened. The virus only lasted for 2 years, evolved from bats, and is not likely to happen again in the same way. First of all, SARS was a lucky evolution because it only lasted for about a year. The first case of SARS was documented on November 16, 2002 and there have been no known cases since 2004. According to the EDU, "a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick ... Of these, 774 died." The virus disappeared after only about 2 years, and only a 10% fatality rate. If the virus was not a lucky evolution, and was designed to infect people, then would it ... Show more content on ... According to Berkeley University, "the ancestor of [SARS was] a bat virus ..." SARS is actually divided into 8 strains, with the 3rd and 4th strains, called SARS 3 and 4, infecting humans. Of the 6 other strains, 5 of them are carried by bats. Berkley also says, " Chinese horseshoe bats . . .are the [common] carriers of the SARS virus" The disease came to humans by way of live animal markets in China, where the bats were kept in cages and handled by many people. All it took was one of the two human infecting strains to jump from the bats to one of the handlers, and the disease was set to infect all whom it came in contact with. Even though bats are a common source of infection, there are several reasons why the infections rarely become epidemic. The ancestors of the SARS virus had evolved to infect bats, and when one strain infected humans, it wasn't prepared to infect the human immune ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Analysis Of Sal Castro And Maria Tula 's Hear My Testimony Blowout!, by Sal Castro and Maria Tula's Hear my Testimony are both testimonios, meaning that they are told in the first–person narrative. They provide an accurate representation of the attitude and ideology of not only their own, but others at that time period as well. In both books, the testimonio helped tell a fuller story because it provided a deeper first hand view of socially significant scenes and demonstrated, through their own voice, first hand how characters identities were developed. These individuals were transformed because they faced realizations of larger political pictures. Cesar Chavez was a civil rights activist who organized the earliest Chicano movements. In an essay by Jorge Mariscal, Chavez's political ideology is ... Show more content on ... He explains an encounter where a teacher told him, "'Sit in the encounter until you learn English'" (Garcia & Castro, Blowout! pg32). This quote shows that even in the first grade Castro realized that racism was alive and present, and it was wrong. He believed that it was wrong for the school to be treating him a certain way (badly), simply because of his culture. Through the testimonio, these early encounters show us how Castro's identity and core values were shaped. Furthermore, Castro's testimonio allows him to tell a fuller story of social activism. For example, Castro vividly recalls the Watts Riot that took place in Los Angeles. The Watts Riot was the result of the community reacting to allegations of police brutality against an African–American motorcyclist. Castros explains, "If you lived or worked anywhere near Watts, located south of the downtown area, you saw and smelled the smoke from the burning cars and buildings."(Garcia & Castro, Blowout! pg131). This demonstrates how the testimonio gave us a different view of social activism that was occurring during the time period. It is portrayed to us through a personal response of someone who experience it first hand. As the Blowouts progressed the Chicano students attitudes changed. A student explains after the movement, "'were the first time that we began to develop consciousness...It was very affirmative. Thats where you began to have an identity'"(Garcia & Castro, Blowout! pg 322). The Chicano ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Coastguard Search And Rescue (SAR) Search and Rescue (SAR) is one of the Coast Guards oldest missions. Minimizing the loss of life, injury, property damage or loss by rendering aid to persons in distress has always been one of the Coast Guards top priorities. On the early morning of November 16, 2017 around 8:45 AM, Coast Guard Station Washington overheard a terrifying event taking place on their local channel 17 radio. There was a forty–foot pleasure craft vessel on fire with two people on board, along with eight other people in the water occurring in the mouth of the Washington channel by Haines Point. A crew of five experienced Boat Crew members worked quickly to get underway on their 29–foot small response boat. Once underway and on scene at 9:00 AM there were already other multiple government agencies responding. The Coxswain, BM3 Westoby was surveying the scene and noticed Fire boat 201 was fighting the fire on the forty–foot pleasure ... Show more content on ... Thankfully nobody including the small child was injured and didn't need any immediate medical attention. Once all the victims were tended to they were transported to Haines Point to the local land units and the crew of the 29–foot RBS conducted a security perimeter while fire boat 201 finished fighting the fire. Once fire boat 201 finished fighting the fire and no longer needed any coast guard assistance, the crew of the 29–foot RBS got permission to return to base. Once asked about what went on in your head when you heard what you needed to get underway for? BM3 Westoby stated "My first thought was to respond as fast and safely as possible by limiting the person's time in the 49–degree water". "There were many agencies on scene to do one thing and that was to mitigate the situation", said BM3 Westoby. "Together we all flawlessly did just that and were able to have all survivors go home safety, which is the most important and rewarding thing in our line of ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Narrative Essay On Sar Joe On Thursday January 29th, 2015 in Glenmont Job Corps I met this young man name Sahr Joe. I was At the Recreation center inside the dance room with a few girls I just met. We were fooling around. Sahr Joe was with a couple of his guy friends playing 2k14 on the ps4. I stopped to use my input brother's, Justin, phone. I happened to look up and Sahr is staring at me, so I started yelling at him. Sahr didn't respond to me he just unpaused his game and started playing it again. Then during snack time I was walking through the hallway and Sahr asked me what my name was. I told him, he and asked if I want to take a walk with him I said sure. We walked around the campus for an hour and half telling each other about ourselves once our conversation ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS is known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS is caused by the SARS coronavirus (SARS–CoV). There is no known vaccine for SARS; however, most people can recover from SARS or even maintain the disease with the help of therapy and advanced machines. SARS had broken out in 2003 at this time no one knew what SARS even was, Scientist had begun doing everything to figure out the cause of this odd disease. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) paired with WHO (World Health Organization) to determine the cause of a pneumonia in Southeast Asia. March 12, this odd disease was given a name, sever acute respiratory syndrome. The symptoms of SARS is similar to flu–like symptoms but overtime can become worse. Common symptoms of SARS are chills, shaking, ... Show more content on ... Tracheal intubation is used to keep the airway open so that a person with SARS can breathe since they cannot breathe on their own. Oxygen therapy is used to provide extra oxygen to the lungs. People may also use high doses of steroids to reduce swelling in the lungs; although, people do not know how effective steroids are. Antibiotics are used to treat the bacteria that cause pneumonia one in general is ribavirin. Ribavirin is a purine nucleoside analogue. However, its mechanism of action is still talked about, it prevents the growing of RNA and DNA viruses by inhibiting the enzyme inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, which is needed for the synthesis of guanosine triphosphate. The final step in the process of events is lethal mutagenesis of the RNA genome.1 In vitro inhibition of RSV, influenza viruses and parainfluenza viruses is achieved at ribavirin concentrations of 3–10 μg/mL. Ribavirin can be given by mouth intravenously or as an aerosol. In adults an oral dose of 600 mg slows peak plasma levels of 1.3 μg/mL, an large dose of 1000 mg results in mean concentrations of 24 μg/mL, and the aerosol appears in the plasma at levels of 0.2 to 1 μg/mL. Ribavirin helps treat severe lung infections when inhaled, it also comes in an oral form which is used to treat Hepatitis C. Studies show that when ribavirin was paired with corticosteroids and other steroids it ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Synthetic Aperture Radar ( Sar ) As An Effective Tool For... Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) as an effective tool for Oil Spill Analysis ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Naveen Sankaran Abstract Marine oil pollution, caused by discharges from ships, and leakages from oil platforms and oil– tanker accidents, is a major threat to fragile marine and coastal ecosystems and it is a subject of increasing public concern. Airborne and space–borne radars are used as an effective option for operational oil spill detection. Remote sensing in microwave band has definite advantage over other techniques and microwave sensors are proved to be useful tool for detecting hydrocarbon spillages and becoming the most commonly used sensors for oil spill remote sensing. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be used ... Show more content on ... Space Res. 15 (11) (1995) 101–110. 2. Yue Guo and Heng Zhen Zhang, Oil spill detection using synthetic aperture radar images and feature selection in shape space, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geo information 30 (2014) 146–157. 3. K. Topouzelis et al. Detection and discrimination between oil spills and look–alike phenomena through neural networks. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 62 (2007) 264–270. 4. Antonio Martinez and Victoriano Moreno, An Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on SAR Images.Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, 3 1/2 (1996) 65–71. 5. G. Perrotta and P. Xefteris Small Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Constellations for Tracking Oil Spills Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, 3, 1/2 (1996) 73–82. Informative Summary An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to transport of oil tankers and offshore exploration causes ocean pollution. Oil spills are a major threat to marine ecosystem. Oil pollution at sea is an issue of great interest owing to its environment and economic impact. In this paper the development and implementation for the detection of marine oil spills is presented.
  • 35. The system is based on the analysis of satellite SAR images as they are reliable remote sensing data and have a high accuracy level. The basic architecture of the system includes raw data ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. In “Kyoto Climate Change Conference”, Al Gore, The Former In "Kyoto Climate Change Conference", Al Gore, the Former Vice President of the United States, calls on the heads of state to take action on reducing emissions and protecting the Earth 's environment. Gore mentions environmental problems such as polluted water, dirty air, and destruction of critical habitats that we are experienced have threatened people's living and future. Gore highlights aerosphere, the most important and most vulnerable part the Earth's environment, are damaged by gaseous wastes which stops aerosphere dissipating heat and lead to the global warm. Moreover, he emphasizes the global warm causes more serious consequence such as floods, droughts, stronger storms, rising sea level, etc. which will affect the survival of ... Show more content on ... And it is working." (857) He shows an example that we have done this before and it works, which enhances the reliability of his speech. He emphasizes that "The first and most important task for developed countries is to hear the immediate needs of the developing world. And let me say, the United States has listened and we have learned. We understand that your first priority is to lift your citizens from the poverty so many endure and build strong economies that will assure a better future. This is your right: it will not be denied." (857) He shows that the United States knows the developing world wants to improve the living standard of their citizens for their first priority and he understand this is their rights, showing that he also cares about the development of developing world. He also asserts the developed countries should hear what the developing world needs, which shows developed countries and developing countries should in the same group. Besides, he shows that the developed countries will help the developing world, so the developing world doesn't need to care about protecting environment will increase the poverty level. All of these make Gore's speech more reliable and ethical. In "Wrath of Grapes Boycott Speech", Cesar Chavez emphasizes that "We farm workers are closest to food production." (690, Chavez) He highlights he is a farm worker working closest to food ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Research Paper Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an extremely rare, deleterious disease caused by a type of viral pathogen called a coronavirus. The disease first appeared among residents of southern China, near Hong Kong, in 2002. Over the course of eight months, the disease spread to up to 8,000 individuals, 10% of which died. As a contagious viral pandemic, SARS diffused to nearly 30 countries by 2003, including Germany, Canada, and the United States. However, by 2004, all cases of SARS disappeared and have not reappeared anywhere since then. After considerable research, scientists discovered that the infection was caused by a single–stranded RNA coronavirus. The virus was so named due to the several corona–like "spikes" that were known to protrude from the molecule. Because SARS suddenly attracted widespread attention when it was first identified in China in 2002, the virus was classified as an emerging infectious disease. ... Show more content on ... Symptoms that commonly afflict people with SARS are flu–like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, weakness, chills, muscle ache, and migraine headaches. It is not until after the onset of these symptoms when the virus begins to attack the respiratory system. Some of the most severe clinical respiratory symptoms include breathing difficulties, dry coughing, and a sharp reduction of oxygen levels in the blood. In some instances, the respiratory symptoms of SARS are fatal. After contracting SARS, people typically develop terminal pneumonia soon thereafter. Because it can be extremely difficult to breathe, SARS patients usually require a mechanical respirator or some other apparatus to facilitate ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler When the British first settled America there was a high need for labor to work the Tabaco fields. With the help of the International Slave Trade the United States, Caribbean and South America had ample amount of workers waiting to be bought. After time the International Slave Trade was disbanded and farmers now had a self–sustaining Slave Trade with in the United States. After Abraham Lincoln made America a "free" nation all seemed to be looking up for minorities in the United States. Unfortunately this is not the case. In the post apocalyptic book Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler set in mid 2020's touches upon a world where there is still slavery, with the same evil but with a different face. Through this essay we will be looking at the comparisons of the Hispanic farmworkers rights movement in the 1960's and 1970's and the world Octavia Butler has produced through her book expanding on the idea that that modern day slavery has not disappeared. In the book Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, we follow the life of Lauren Olamina. Living under her Baptist Minister father Lauren finds her own religion Earthseed. In the apocalyptic world Lauren and her family live behind a wall to protect themselves from the rape, murder and pyromaniacs that roam the streets. After the safety of the wall gets broken down Lauren is flung into the unstable dog eat dog world based in Southern California. She begins her walk up north hoping for jobs and stability. During her journey she ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The United Farm Workers Association Improve The Conditions... To what degree did the United Farm Workers Association improve the conditions of farmworkers in California. Introduction: In 1910 mexicans fled from Mexico to work in agriculture in America, "they labored in inhumane conditions" and the people they worked for "ignored state laws on working conditions"(Tavaana). This is how the farm workers would work before the United Farm Workers Union came along. They didn't have the rights they deserved, they were treated however the growers would like to treat them because they would go around the law and do what they wanted. Farm workers didn't have unions and the rights that they do now back in 1910. Research has been done on this topic on how them migrating started, on how they were treated, and how it has gotten better over the years. This topic is important because it discusses some of the history of Mexican immigrants. It also demonstrates some challenges they went through when they came to the United States to find work. My study of the topic is important because it will give some background information on how the farm workers were brought and how they were treated. After I will bring in Cesar Chavez and his contributions to helping the farm workers. Lastly I will be talking about his negative contribution which isn't talked about that often and comparing it with the positive. My investigation fits into broader questions in the subject because it is taking two different points of views and comparing them to each other. I choose ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Secute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was found in the early 2003 which is believed to be a form of pneumonia and caused by a coronavirus. Scientists assume that the virus started from Guangdong China, infecting people who picked up virus droplets from cat–like mammals called civets. 8098 people worldwide had contracted SARS ,and 774 cases of death where reported in over thirty countries in five different continents. This essay represents the causes, symptoms, treatment , and prevention from (SARS). SARS is caused by an unrecognised coronavirus. Researchers have not discovered from where the virus developed ,however, they assume that it is linked to the mammal civets. SARS causes are not evident ,yet it spreads efficiently ,moreover similarly ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Marie Moreau And Alain Delon Star Persona Both Jeanne Moreau and Alain Delon star persona's are notable for being embodiments of two distinctly different approaches to France's burgeoning modernity in a post war context. Though each star 's representation of a new form of French modernity deviate due to their different gendered experiences. Their images of modernity challenged traditional codes and conventions of France's past and represented different and new ideas of the French individual. These challenges were particularly gendered, through their perpetuation of new ideals and images of gender in French society. In the case of Jeanne Moreau, her star image came to represent a new image of the French woman. Moreau's image represented an idea of femininity that was a radical ... Show more content on ... She lived a new form of bourgeois lifestyle that was affluent, cultivated but more anti conformist and less cynical, despite remaining very consumeristic. Her focus on leisure as well as individual freedom, represented another key aspect of French modernity in its mirroring of capitalist and Western ideology. This behaviour could be seen in her private life and film roles, as she smoked, drunk and strolled the streets of urban environments, while going to street bars, cafes, casinos. Just like like the modern female Moreau showed a boredom with traditional bourgeois life and her role as an urban woman, was a departure of typical conceptions of French femininity, that kept the woman in the domesticated sphere. This urban femininity can be seen in many of her film roles, such as the 1957 Louis Malle directed film Ascenseur Pour l 'Échafaud (Elevators to the Gallows). The film captures her freedom to wander and traverse the environment through its use of tracking shots that trace her movement and emphasise her belonging and control over the space. Moreau's modernity must also be considered through her significant role as an actor of the New Wave. In many ways Jeanne Moreau became a personification of the New Wave style in her star persona, and this shaped her image of femininity. As a New Wave star, Moreau rejected, the overly constructed image of the French female, that dominated the persona of previous stars. Unlike previous ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is Caused by the SARS... The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), a respiratory disease caused by the SARS coronavirus, hit Hong Kong severely between February and July 2003. SARS was a new type of viral infection first recorded in China in November 2002. Capable of transmitting through direct contact with infectious respiratory droplets, the disease spread rapidly across Hong Kong when an infected doctor visited and died in Hong Kong on 23rd February, 2003. The outbreak of SARS, the first deadly epidemic of the 21st Century, started from Guangdong, a south province in China in November 2002. People in Guangdong soon got panic and rushed to shops to purchase vinegar to heat the vinegar at home and make indoor air humid and acidic. It was hindsight revealed that China's initial response to the outbreak in Guangdong was slow and lacking transparency. WHO received the information from China about the "infection" of SARS only on February 11, 2003, three months later after the first case in Guangdong. While the international community criticized China for its lack of transparency in its initial response and attempts to tell the minimum impact of the disease, one fact remained true was that by that time no body in the world had pre–knowledge of the disease and the cause of the disease. The frustration of knowing so little about the virus, its prevention, treatment and the difficulty of distinguishing the SARS infection from other known disease infection caused diagnostic delays and took China some ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) SARS, also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, caused a major epidemic in 2002–2003. The virus had originated in the middle east area from a mammal group handled and bred in the first effect area. The virus had developed and was transmitted to the people handling the animals. The handlers would contract the virus and then would spread it to others around them. The disease was able to be transferred or passed on to others by means of close contact and or the air. The virus itself was not noticeable unless tested or until it had further developed. Anyone who had contracted the disease only showed flu like symptoms when first diagnosed with the virus. However, these would soon worsen and even take the lives of people. Though it only affected ... Show more content on ... Though it had traveled to a multitude of areas, only about six of the thirty or so locations saw severe cases of SARS at their medical centers. The disease itself did not contaminate only the middle east, but had traveled to places such was North America, South America ,and Europe Out of the affected areas, about twenty percent of the people who contracted the virus were healthcare workers, such as doctors, nurses, family doctors and specialist. The spreading of the virus seemed to follow its own pattern. The first stage would start with infected people coming to the hospital with more severe cases. These hospitalized cases would than in turn enter the second stage of transmission. The health care workers themselves would than get affected due to have close contact with the patients and breathing contaminated air. Seeing as the virus was transmitted via close contact and the air. Being around the ill patients allowed the virus to enter the workers bodies. Seeing as health workers worked not only with just those patients any other patients who interacted with that health care taker could also contract the virus. This was the third stage of the outbreak. Not only did the patients already have to deal with their own problems, nurses and staff could also infect them with this horrible disease that know one had known the effects of or if it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Creative Writing-Part One John And Sar A Short Story – Part One John and Sara Warm yellow sunlight poured into the old neutral color office. The office was bland mix of browns ,white ,gray and coal black. The owner of this office was wearing a white business shirt with a black V–neck sweater over it. On top of that was a long black leather trench coat. He matched his room. His room was freezing like the Antarctic, and in a way he comes off as cold. "I think he's just dedicated." the narrator broke from the story and said. "Who am I?" The narrator commented on the readers suspicion "I'm his stepdaughter and I'm telling the story from his journal, the narrator said acting like this is common knowledge. "Yes, it's an old book, but he was interesting guy.", the Narrator said cheerfully. "It tells ... Show more content on ... I was considered quite cruel in school. Leo was a jock. Smart and always trying to get one over on me... Intellectually. Games on who could win chess/checkers Or who could get a number first. I usually win because if just predict what it was while he was chatting them up. Then there was a girl a cheerleader in our ap science class her name was Sara . A strawberry blonde I introduced to John who he later married and had Francis with she died in childbirth. "Francis?" The narrator said breaking from the story addressing the guy listening to her read "It's fine ,but is there any entries about my mom?" Francis teen male voice said voice almost breaking he didn't know James brought them "I'm going to get some air ill be back." Another guy said "That's fine." Our female narrator said before continuing the story is She didn't pay attention much in class, She had beautiful blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. He liked her a lot and he thought he'd have a better chance being a jock. So long story short I introduced her to John they got married. And Leo hates him for it. And john hates him for his attitude. "That explains a lot so your dad got my parents together." Francis ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Cuban American Family Of Six Children Chavez who born in March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona, in a Mexican–American family of six children, had always a huge sense of connection with the land and the people who work hard of build the life by farming the land. His family owned a grocery store and a ranch, but their land was lost during the Great Depression of 1930s, which was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. During that time his family 's home was taken away after his father had agreed to clear eighty acres of land in exchange for the deed to the house, an agreement which was subsequently broken. Later, when Chavez 's father attempted to purchase the house, he could not pay the interest on the loan and the house was sold back to ... Show more content on ... Later, he would say, The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our being but it is also the most true to our nature. Then my story with Caser Chavez starts from here, and I think it would be very useful if I start to describe the historical path of Modern Mexican–American movement in order to make a sense of Chavez legacy. From different historical resource we learned that the origins of Mexican Americans in the United States today go back to the days of the Spanish who first came to Mexico and then expanded north into the Southern United States, especially into the Southwest. While The Mexican Revolution in 1810 drove the Spanish out of Mexico and Mexican territory, the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848 ended Mexican control of the Southwest, and this is what explains the process of forming another American minority that so called Mexican Americans, and like any other minority of that era, they suffered losing power, land, and wealth. To stand against inequality, injustice, and discrimination, we, as Mexican Americans, formed different organizations that to take a collective actions in order to achieve our goals of equality, justice, and civil rights. For example the Confederacion de Uniones de Obreros Mexicanos (CUOM) was formed in 1927 in Los Angeles. It proved to be the first really stable organization among Mexican workers. They organized three thousand workers into twenty locals, and in 1928 they struck in the Imperial Valley. ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Analysis Of Cesar Chavez Union Leader Grecia Acosta Econ 341 Woman or Minority Paper Cesar Chavez Union Leader Effort, hard work, dedication and desire for justice are some of the adjectives that describe the union leader Cesar Chavez. Below I'll explain the efforts that this man did to fight for the improvement of working conditions for migrant laborers in the farms. Chavez was an American union leader; born on March 31, 1927 near Yuma (Arizona) and died on April 23, 1993 in San Luis (Arizona). Cesar Chavez was the founder of "la Unidad de los Trabajadores Agricolas" in 1964. He brought together migrant laborers, mostly Hispanic, to fight for improved working conditions. During World War II, Cesar Chavez served our country in the Navy. After servicing for 2 years, he returned to Arizona to work in the field where his family and he worked their entire life. In 1952 he started as an advisor in the Organization of Community Services (OSC). His great organizational skills made him the director of the CSO in 1958; he resigned after four years to work on the creation of an agricultural union to fight for labor rights of Chicano population. In 1962, Cesar founded the National Farm Workers Association, later become the United Farm Workers or UFW. During all the social issues that touched the American society in 1968, Cesar Chavez won a significant public relevance to launch a nationwide boycott against the producers of grapes in California to obtain a fairer deal for the seasonal grape pickers. ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. SARS Virus: A Case Study Public Health keeps on working to eliminate SARS Virus, for instance CDC has been meeting expectations with other government offices, state and neighborhood healthcare sectors and community healthcares to get ready for quick acknowledgment and reaction if individual to– individual transmission of SARS–CoV noticed. "More than 800 CDC staff members were organized into 13 domestic teams, with core members serving throughout most of the 7–month response period" (LeDuc and Pflieger, 2004). CDC has created suggestions and rules to help public health and medicinal services authorities arrangement to react rapidly if noticed a return of SARS in any hospitals, clinics and urgent cares. Expansive worldwide systems of people and associations inside and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Persuasive Essay On Why People Should Pay For Their Own Sar Having your life in danger is something that not many people can imagine. You only get one life and when it is endangered you panic. By instinct the first thing you do is call for help and hope that someone comes. But what about the lives of rescuers that come to help. Uncountable numbers of rangers, firefighters, police, etc. have died trying to save people when there lives are endangered. On top of that who puts in the money? Rescues can cost thousands of dollars and who pays for that? You may be surprised but everyone pays for the rescue of people who put themselves at risk through tax dollars. It isn't fair that we have to give up our hard earned money for the mistakes of others. People should have to pay for their own SAR. People should ... Show more content on ... If people are charged for search and rescue maybe they will be more careful out in the wilderness. By calling someone for help you aren't the only one in danger anymore; You are now endangering them as well. Some may say people should be given the right to free SAR so people won't be afraid to call for help even if they can't afford them but this isn't fair to the people who answer the call. What about the lives of the people that come to rescue them? What about their lives. For example one ranger who died trying to save someone was "Nick Hall...On June 21, Hall and other rangers were assisting climbers who were injured at 13,800 feet on the Emmons Glacier section of the mountain. After helping them into a rescue helicopter, he was trying to secure an empty litter in high winds when he fell 2,500 feet onto the Winthrop Glacier"(Davidson 2012). If these people knew they would be charged maybe they wouldn't make the mistake of climbing the mountain without knowing the dangers. This is why people should have to pay for their own SAR because by trying to save people, people put their own lives in big ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Mighty Handful The Mighty Handful During nineteenth century, there were five major players who worked together to establish the unique and distinct sound that is Russian classical music. Mily Balakirev, Cesar Cui, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky–Korsakov and Alexander Borodin. The five composers all lived in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and worked together to created amazing works of music from 1856 to 1870. The Mighty Handful got their name from an article entitled Mr. Balakirev's Slavic Concert, by acclaimed critic Vladimir Stasov which was a concert that was performed for visiting Slavic delegates in May 1867 at the All–Russian Ethnographical Exhibition" in Moscow, Russia. The four Russian composers whose worked were featured at the concert were Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Dargomyzhsky, Mily Balakirev, and Nikolai Rimsky–Korsakov. The article itself ended with the statement that lead to be named "The Mighty Handful" "God grant that our Slav guests may never forget today's concert; God grant that they may forever preserve the memory of how much poetry, feeling, talent, and intelligence are possessed by the small but already might handful of Russian musicians." The group started off as a twosome in 1856 with Balakirev and Cui. The rest of the group started slowly forming starting with Mussorgsky in 1857, Rimsky–Korsakov in 1861, and then Borodin in 1862. All the composers were young, self–trained amateurs who had other careers that combined their careers and their love of music. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Evaluating The Simplicity And Timeliness Of Sars... The purpose of SARS–surveillance system includes, early detection and prompt identification of high risk subjects, super spreaders and disease cases and clusters, without intense laboratory testing and complete reporting of potential SARS–CoV transmission and outbreak with contact tracing to contain the disease and prevent the spread. Post epidemic, ongoing surveillance of SARS is useful in preparedness for future outbreaks, due to potential sources of re–emergence like animal reservoirs, humans with persistent infection and laboratory exposures or development of novel coronavirus. [4] The operation is mostly as a syndromic surveillance, which is phased based on the level of epidemic. Due to globalization and increased travelling and ... Show more content on ... [5] The system complex to be executed, as it was based on syndromic surveillance hence, the disease identification was delayed until symptoms are exhibited. The patients were classified as preliminary positive, probable, confirmed or unverifiable [6] with case definition and laboratory testing that took time to give confirmation. Unnecessary travel to and from china was restricted with strict travel advisory and data collection for contact tracing of passengers. A combined force of WHO, GROAN and its partners made up of 115 technical and academic institutions, national health services and individuals; virtual epidemiologist network, public health institutions, ministries of health and laboratory network formed the response team for SARS. [4] The Global SARS surveillance employed the mechanism of daily cases of SARS summary for that country. This in turn was informed to WHO headquarters in Geneva, by national public health authorities as a report containing number of incident cases and deaths since last report, cumulative number of probable cases with the details of their geographical distribution. The local transmission in any area if present was updated on WHO website daily. [4] Hence, the SARS surveillance was complex requiring extensive laboratory reporting, multiple levels of reporting, integration of systems requiring special skills to collect data and perform tests for diagnosis, and required a lot of resources in the form of money ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) What is SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome or in short SARS is a member of the coronavirus family of viruses, it is considered to be a life threatening form of pneumonia. How Can You Get Infected? When an individual that is infected with SARS sneezes or coughs, infected droplets of fluid spray into the air. If you then inhale or come in contact with the infected fluid it may be transmitted to you. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, "The SARS virus may live on hands, tissues, and other surfaces for up to 6 hours in these droplets and up to 3 hours after the droplets have dried." Other reports say SARS can live up to 24 hours on a surface. What symptoms should I be aware of? Symptoms occur approximately 2 to 10 days after ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Truth About SARS Essay The Truth About SARS People in general are both fascinated and paranoid of the onset of new infectious diseases. While films such as "Outbreak" are smash hits at the box office, when an actual disease becomes apparent people often react with a kind of mass hysteria. Last year, a new illness reared its evil head. While the name "SARS" has become fairly well–known, the actual facts behind the illness are not as widely talked about. SARS is an acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The illness usually first becomes evident with a temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, general malaise, and body aches. This adds to the difficulty of identifying SARS; the general signs of the illness are so similar to more common ailments ... Show more content on ... Scientists have detected a previously unrecognized coronavirus in SARS patients, and this has become the leading hypothesis for the cause of SARS. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that, when viewed under a powerful microscope, have a halo or crown–like (hence corona) appearance. Viruses under these headings are known to commonly cause mild to moderate upper respiratory illness in humans. In animals, coronaviruses are associated with respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver, and neurological diseases. Also, new ways to detect SARS have been discovered. Serologic testing for the SARS syndrome can be performed using indirect fluorescent antibodies or enzyme–linked immunosorbent assays that are specific for the antibody that was produced after infection. A reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (known as RT–PCR) test can also detect SARS in specimens such as serum, stool, and nasal secretions. Also, viral cultures and isolation have been used to detect SARS < "1">1) While many conclusions have been drawn about SARS, such as its incubation period and symptoms, the unknowns concerning the syndrome remain unsettling. The fear that people have concerning the syndrome is not unwarranted. According to the World Health Organization, as of June 5, 2003, an estimated 8,403 cases have been reported with a total of 775 deaths attributed to the syndrome < "2">2)world health organization. The countries that have the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Summary Of ' Depression ' You Say? Check Those Safety Nets ' Andrea Jacqueline Delmar Dr. Angelica Palacios Mexican–American History 24 May 2016 According to Charles Duhigg, author of ''Depression, You Say? Check Those Safety Nets" in the 1930 's one of the longest, deepest and most widespread events in history occurred. Duhigg explains how the stock market crashing led to a significant decline in economic activity and bigger interest rates. This wiped out millions of investors. Consumer spending dropped and investments too. Steep declines in industrial output led to rising levels of unemployment. This event affected many families, but in this case we are going to focus on one family in particular. The Chavez' family. After being kicked out from their farm located in Yuma, Arizona, where Cesar was born, his family decided to move to California to find opportunity. For ten years, moving up and down the state working in the fields of California, Cesar Chavez lived the circumstances he then realized he was going to dedicate his life to change. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, authors of ' 'The Reader's Companion to American History ' ' describe what Cesar Chavez wanted to change, ' 'Wretched migrant camps, corrupt labor contractors, insufficient wages for backbreaking work and bitter racism. ' ' Despite that, Chavez had a complex view on immigration. He thought that being on the illegal immigrant's side could be used as ''deal breakers'' as it would undermine the pay for those who were already legal workers. But his ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Dolores Clara Fernandez Huert An American Labor Leader And... Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta born April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who was co–founder of the National Farm Workers Association, and later the United Farm workers. Huerta has received many awards and accolades and has remained a role model and voice to many in the Latino community. Huerta had been born to Juan Fernandez and Alicia Chavez; they divorced when Huerta was just three years old. Both Huerta's parents were active in the rights of people and the community itself. Huerta's father was a field worker, miner, as well as a union activist. Huerta's mother was a business woman who owned a restaurant and a 70– room hotel where she helped low wage workers. A lot of Huerta's humanitarianism came from her mother, who was known for her kindness and compassion for others. Huerta personality followed close to her mother's as she too was caring and compassionate yet strong minded. Huerta began her activism when she was attending high school at Stockton High School. She was involved in several school programs and was even a dedicated Girl Scout till she was eighteen. High school wasn't the easiest for her, though, in a time when racial times were tough, she recalls a situation where a teacher accused her of plagiarism and gave her an unfair grade, and she believes this was due to racism. She soon went off to study at the University of the Pacific's Stockton College. While studying there she was able to gain a temporary ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Sars Coronavirus Research Paper SARS coronavirus (SARS–CoV) currently has no cure, but with research, a possible cure and or a vaccination can be created to prevent future outbreaks of this virus. To better understand this virus there has been some research regarding what pathways are activated as SARS–CoV is in the human body. There are many different types of proteins that are part of this virus; with one of the most commonly studied proteins being structural proteins and nucleocapsid proteins. Proteins are being modified so that the virus can "engage, modify and/ or disrupt the host cell signaling and nuclear import machinery for the benefit of the virus replications," (Frieman, 2008). Proteins such as structural proteins are being changed which also changes how the human body reacts to the virus, ... Show more content on ... There are three different pathways that can all be activated depending on what proteins are being activated from SARS–Cov. This virus is able to interfere with the classical complement pathway due to the proteins. Spike protein is one of the major structural proteins that is "essential for the interaction of the virons with host cell receptors and subsequent fusion of the viral envelop with host cell membrane to allow infection" (Wu, 2004). The classical pathway happens when antibodies bind with antigens, which in this case the spike proteins are attaching to the host cell and infecting the host. The spike proteins are able to cleave and bind to other proteins, thus making it harder for the classical pathway to go though a smooth process when the spike proteins cleaving. Another pathway is the alternative pathway, which can be activated without ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Project Feasibility Study Fawaq International School Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project Feasibility Study In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Technology and Livelihood Ecucation (TLE) IV Submitted by: Danielle Aimee Salaya Catapang IV – Universe Submitted to: Ms. Herna S. Bautista TLE Teacher March 09, 2011 Project Feasibility Study * I. Introduction A. Name of Business The name of the café is HotSpot. B. Type of Business The type of this business is Individual Proprietorship. This type of business entity is owned and run by an individual. In this type, there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. Since this is the simplest among all the types of business, I chose to run this type. C. ... Show more content on ... Financial Management A. Financial Planning 1. Major items needed in producing the product are as follows: * Coffee machines * Conventional Oven * Refrigerator * Freezer * Sound system * Wireless broadband Note: The equipments that will be used in this business will be all new. 2. Cost of producing the product * Labor SAR 6 000 * Transportation SAR 200 * Packaging SAR 1 000 * Bills SAR 800 3. Capital
  • 78. The capital needed is SAR 50 000. It will be from the personal account of the businesswoman. B. Financial System 1. Simple Bookkeeping Week No. | Date | Transaction | 1 | March 5 – 11, 2011 | Acquired SAR 50 000 from personal savings, bought SAR 45 000 | | | worth of items and materials needed, and hired employees | 2 | March 15 – 18, 2011 | Earned SAR 19 800 | 3 | March 19 – 25, 2011 | Earned SAR 27 200 | 4 | March 26 – 31, 2011 | Earned SAR 29 100, paid SAR 800 worth of bills and SAR 6 000 | | | worth of salaries | 2. Income Statement (March) Sales | | SAR 76 100 | | Less – Cost of Goods Sold: | | | | Purchases | SAR 5000 | | | Less : Raw Materials Inventory | SAR 2 000 | | | Raw materials used | SAR 3 000 | | | Depreciation | SAR ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. And Ghandi Essay Cesar Chavez was a great leader that left a legacy in the United States, just like Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi. These great leaders preached for equality and fairness. They were elegant, civilized and thoughtful about their approach against oppression. Cesar Chavez recognized and praised his predecessors. He studied and learned from them and their techniques. He used many of the approaches that MLK and Gandhi used to become successful. Non– violence was crucial to Cesar, among many other principles. Just like in the generations of these great leaders, hostility and oppression still exists in the world. In the United States, there are racial, ethnic, and religious groups that are still being oppressed. There are many ways to go about fighting this oppression, at the moment I believe that many people are doing it wrong. I feel that protestors, activists and other organizations should come together to learn and organize an elegant, smart, and respectful movement that will lead the affected groups into a better tomorrow. Caesar Chavez was at times addressed to as the "Mexican Moses'' as a reference to the biblical story of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Cesar's followers saw themselves as the Israelites, because farm workers at the time were being oppressed and exploited by farm owners and other civilians. Even though the affected were Mexicans and Mexican Americans, there was a smaller population of Filipinos who were also affected. Chavez and his family went ... Get more on ...