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Running head: Strategic Plan for The United Nations
Environmental Protection 1
Strategic Plan for The United Nations Environmental Protection
Strategic Plan for the United Nations Environmental Protection
Linda Jones
Walden University
Part I. The Fundamentals
The United Nations Environmental Protection (UNEP) has
core values that guide its strategic planning and decisions. They
are; respect for diversity, professionalism, and integrity. They
should be practiced and upheld by every individual working for
or allied to the organization as means of fostering the
organization’s culture. Respect for diversity means that the
organization is committed to upholding diversity in all areas
including human diversity such as treating men and women
equally. Integrity means that the organization’s decisions and
acts are carried out in a manner which is for the common good
and not for personal gain (Ivanova, 2010). Professionalism
entails demonstrating professional competence as well as
mastery of subject matter when implementing strategic
The core values are aligned with advocacy, leadership, and
social change. UNEP professionally advocates for various
methods that ensure the environment is not exposed to harm by
humans. For instance, it recommends ways through which
carbon emissions by automobiles can be reduced. More so, it
researches and presents findings on climate change and global
warming. For instance, its 2017 report indicated that the
emission gap could not be closed by 2030 as predicted (The
Emissions Gap Report 2017, 2017). Essentially, the
organization has been advocating for most effective strategies
that can be implemented in curbing climate change and global
warming while also evaluating whether laid measures are giving
promising results.
The core values are aligned with leadership as the organization
serves as the role model that other organizations and people
want to follow. More so, UNEP has been leading the way while
showing courage through taking the unpopular stands to realize
change and improvement. Further, UNEP has been proactive in
developing leadership strategies that help translate vision into
results through partnering with other bodies and agencies.
Essentially, the organization has shown leadership in the way it
relates with other internal and external parties.
UNEP has also aligned its core values with social change. It is a
major organization that has promoted measures against climate
change. For instance, the organization has been offering civic
education on bioenergy sources which have been proven more
effective and less harmful on the environment. Social change is
being attained through putting in place measures that protect the
environment from harm hence upholding diversity which is part
of the societies. Providing civic education has been impactful in
changing lives as the organization enables individuals to utilize
resources more effectively in a manner which is less harmful to
the environment.
UNEP’s mission entails providing leadership and encouraging
partnership in caring for the environment by informing,
inspiring, and enabling individuals and countries to impact their
lives without compromising that of the future generations
(About Us, 2017). It is aligned with core values as strategies are
undertaken in a manner that upholds them. More so, the mission
encompasses advocacy, leadership, and social change as it
involves various aspects such as encouraging, inspiring, and
informing countries and individuals to improve their quality of
life. In doing so, UNEP highly contributes to the well-being of
societies and communities.
UNEP’s vision entails creating a world where decision makers
in all sectors recognize and willingly take full account of
biodiversity as the foundation of a global green economy
(About Us, 2017). The vision has been driving decisions and
actions while aligning them with core values. The organization
collaborates with individuals and agencies across the world to
achieve more respect for diversity and professionalism. More
so, actions taken such as collaborating with government and
local organizations are done based on integrity hence focused
on the common good as opposed to personal gains or giving in
to political pressures. On the other hand, the vision aligns with
leadership, advocacy and social change as it focuses on creating
a greener world through leading the way while impacting the
society positively through upholding diversity and teaching
about biodiversity.
UNEP engages Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) which
encompasses numerous parties such as local environmental
agencies, researchers, governments, workers, communities,
funders, and partners among others (Ivanova, 2010). Workers
are internal stakeholders whose responsibilities entail
facilitating internal mechanisms such as strategic planning.
They are also required to facilitate transformational leadership
and management of relations with other parties. On the other
hand, researchers who are part of internal stakeholders carry out
research on behalf of the organization and presents actionable
information by UNEP as well as partners and local
organizations. External stakeholders refer to parties such as
partners, governments, funders, local authorities, communities,
and partners. Mainly, the organization collaborates with
external stakeholders in attaining certain goals. For instance, in
implementing strategies in a country, UNEP needs to
collaborate with the government as well as local agencies in
realizing the final goal. Essentially, working with external
stakeholders mainly aim at attaining better performance and
easier attainment of goals, providing actionable information to
various parties such as communities and taking the leadership
roles in various efforts that aim at improving the environment
and curbing climate change and global warming.
Part II. Needs Assessment
The first step involves identifying and engaging stakeholders in
the need assessment. One must establish trusting relationships
during the early stages of engagement in environmental
activities undertaken by the United Nations Environmental
Protection. The second step comprises of defining the targeted
stakeholders. The stakeholders may exist in the form of a
community found in the operations of the organization. It brings
the advocates, activists, and community members together in
protecting the environment. The third step revolves around the
process of collecting and analyzing data. It aggregates
quantitative, qualitative, secondary, and primary data to
prioritize the different environmental needs that exist in the
environment. Stakeholders must share information with each
other to enable effective data collection process.
The fourth step focuses on the aspect of prioritizing
environmental issue in the society. The data collected in the
third step may occur in terms of prioritizing the environmental
needs of the stakeholders involved. The fifth step includes
general communication and documentation in the United
Nations Environmental Protection. Stakeholders comment on
the data provided to them through the feedback they give the
organization (Snow). The fourth step may comprise of
improving strategies to keep different stakeholders involved in
the environmental advocacy through the process of ensuring
improved planning. The situation may motivate acceptability
and feasibility in the applied strategies and interventions.
Stakeholders involved in the Need Assessment
The need assessment may comprise of many stakeholders. They
include church associations, community councils, country
advisory boards, school boards, and the government among
other individuals. Organizations that focus on goal achievement
and implementation of strategies may also have their
participation in the need assessment. Regional, state and
country boards have a significant role in undertaking projects
implemented by the United Nations Environmental Protection.
Environmental institutions and programs may have their
management teams participating in the activities of the
organization at all levels (Snow). The United Nations
Environmental Protection may also focus on appointing new
stakeholders from different governmental and private
departments to motivate the development of positive initiatives
that may successfully affect their goals and activities in
different parts of the world.
Survey Development for Professional Issues
Questions on the Survey
i. What environmental factors create hazards in the human
ii. Who are the individuals involved in establishing the right
approaches for dealing with environmental issues?
iii. Is there a way through which the government and the private
sector may use to eliminate any negative factors relating to
negative environmental factors?
iv. Are the public and private institutions providing the best
education to serve environmental needs?
v. Given the chance to work in the environmental sector, what
would change as a professional?
vi. What areas serve as a key concern in your professional
vii. What policies exist when it comes to matters concerning
environmental well-being and cohesiveness in the aspect of
environmental development?
viii. Are there any existing collaborative frameworks that may
be attached to the work of the United Nations Environmental
ix. What is the mandate of the United Nations Environmental
Protection and its affiliated agencies in relation to
environmental development?
x. Lastly, name any strategy that the organization has
undertaken in the last decade that has made you see
improvement in the environmental sector?
Justification for the Questions, Stakeholders Roles, and the
Format of Questions
The questions focus on the environmental organization (the
United Nations Environmental Protection) and the various
stakeholders involved in its operations. The questions also show
the areas of significant involvement in supporting the work of
the organization. The format of the questions is rhetoric in their
nature as they seek to acquire straight answers for effective
analysis. When it comes to varying the items found on the
survey, the questions may change to serve the roles of the
stakeholders. The questions may focus on the areas of practice
and expertise for the stakeholders and their impacts in managing
the development of the organization. It may also investigate the
experience and the collaborative work undertaken by the
Part III. Strategic Issues
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis focuses on the internal and external
environments of a company or organization. It has been in the
contemporary community to determine an organization’s
internal and external business factors. It will determine the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the UNEPP
(United Nations Environmental Protection Program).
· The UNEPP has a common coherence policy of working as
single and one entity for the protection of the environment.
· Ability to work with other multinational organizations such as
the development of financial support from the World Bank and
other organizations.
· There is the development of local programs for mainstreaming
its core project and activities but with also integration with the
high-level organizations in the contemporary community.
· It has structures which offers policy makers guidance on how
to effectively improve its ecosystem and biodiversity
development for the growth of the community.
· A strong UN representation for different ethnic communities
in speaking in multiple languages in the community.
· There is a lack of a systematic integration of the core services
which offers a contextual integration of ecosystem economics.
· There are no safeguard policies for the protection of the
mainstream economics and coherency in its operations.
· The tools for development of the local policies and projects
are not fully utilized since organizations and countries are not
obligated to implement the necessary policies.
· Lack of making integral national and international policies due
to lack of the necessary processes and its ineffective lack of
comparison obligations.
· There is also the lack of specific programs which can be used
in the eradication of poverty in the modern community,
· All documentation is in the English language.
· There is the opportunity for tapping into the underdeveloped
mainstreaming resources in the contemporary community for
improving change.
· There are a lot of resources and policies which can be
enforced in the development and support of the core and critical
poverty eradication and environmental protection.
· There is the ability for developing a strategy and policy which
will be an obligation for the conservation of the
· There is a challenge in the long-term financial support for the
UNEP programs due to lack of policy and obligations from
· There is a challenge of communication and coordination
between the UNEP branches and core local entities with
mainstreaming potentials.
· Inequality in the leadership and supply of the resources for
maintaining the local and international environmental project
planning and implementation.
· ecosystem with focus on environmental protection.
Conducting and Environmental Scan
Internal conditions which might impact strategic development
of change includes the lack of coherence in policy development
and poor leadership in the centralization of the organization’s
programs and policies (Wronka, 2017). The role and major ways
to minimize is to improve the retention between the local and
international communities. This will offer an opportunity for
change and introduction of change in the community’s
development and processes.
External conditions which might impact change includes the
countries which participate in the programs’ projects and
financial stakeholders who finance the non-governmental
organizations. The mitigation is through developing a logical
memorandum of association for helping in the diversity of the
program. There is also the nature, means and ways for
supporting the organization’s performance, resources and
working with the major competitors (Wronka, 2017). This is
through developing policies which will improve the retention of
the company’s resources. It is also a process for encouraging
the potential for growth and performance. As a result,
encouraging cooperation through coherence in policing will
help to achieve the company’s ultimate objectives.
Strengths of the Agency
Utilizing the single entity policy, local entities, and structures
established for improving and increasing change will help in the
support, development, and encouragement of an organization.
This aims to improve, develop, and support the logical
organization which will help in the coordination, planning, and
settling on the international strengths of the company (Wronka,
2017). The strengths of the UNEP can be implemented for the
operational development of the organization’s objectives in the
community. The aim is to fully integrate its structures, leaders,
and local resources for an operational survey focused on
processes and plans to meet organizational performance.
Weaknesses of the Agency
There is the lack of a systematic integration and coherence of
its policies in the community and international boundaries. The
documentation is also only in the English language. It is also
important to focus on the weaknesses such as spreading the
nature of equal balance between tapping into the local resources
and entities of the UN in promoting change (Wronka, 2017). It
is also a process for meeting and increasing operational
performance for the support, development of the organization’s
foreign nations. Documentation in the English language can be
used sparingly for the support on the production, performance
and coordination to support the local and international
Opportunities of the Agency
There is the opportunity of tapping into the local mainstreams
resources for supporting grassroots projects. Poverty eradication
is also possible through the development, support, and overall
presentation of its processes and finally, there is also the nature
of adopting and improving policy coherence. As opportunities,
these can be used effectively to align the organization’s
functions for meeting eradication and protection of the
environment (Wronka, 2017). It is also a process for meeting
and increasing operational performance in the form of
encouraging and driving change in the community. Therefore,
the opportunities can be used effectively to align the
organization’s mission and values into the development of its
grassroots projects.
Threats of the Agency
There is a poor representation of local communities due to poor
language specification, lack of a stable funding sources and
inequality due to high-level mainstream of the necessary
entities between the local and international communities. The
minimization of inequality is by improving and increasing
equality through organizational support (Wronka, 2017). This is
an opportunity for improving and increasing operational
effectiveness in the accordance to planning and increasing
opportunities for organizational performance. It is a logical
solution focusing on change and driving support for improving
changes, planning, and supporting the overall language
constraints in the community. The structural changes in its
leadership will also help in the production, performance, and
support of the organizational development.
In conclusion, the SWOT analysis for the United Nations
Environmental Protection Program (UNEPP), helps to improve
the strategic change as devised by organizational mission and
value. To align its objectives such as meeting its mission and
vision in the protection of the environment, there is the need for
meeting and improving organizational development. It is also
important to focus on the growth of the organizational by
focusing on structural change, services, and implementing
change for meeting organization competition and objectives.
Part IV. The Technicals
United Nations Environmental Protection Program
Strategic Goals of an Agency
When it comes to the various goals involved in the operations of
an organization, one must look at the nature of the organization
and its interaction with the external and internal environment of
its operations. Globalization involves an organization opening
to the changes taking place in the global world. The internet has
become a major factor in the world. The situation means that an
agency should focus on digitalizing its operations to establish
an effective platform for interactions and sharing its operations.
The United Nations Environmental Protection Program may
meet its objectives by having a digital forum and a physical
office that takes advantage of globalization in its operations.
The United Nations Environmental Protection program may
identify the different cultures relating to its culture. It may use
them to establish an environment whereby everyone works
collaboratively to achieve its goals and vision.
When it comes to establishing alliances, the organization should
focus on the strengths associated with the alliances it
formulates at any given point. The situation means that an
organization should identify that alliances establish connections
that are unending in their nature and outcome. The United
Nations Environmental Protection Program acquires the needed
resources in a collaborative framework to achieve its goals
(Compton, Bahora, Watson, & Oliva, 2008). The existence of
alliances ensures that the organization eliminates any logistical
and financial hardships associated with its operations. The
importance of alliance may revolve around the aspect of the
availability of stakeholders to deal with the projects undertaken
by the United Nations Environmental Protection Program. The
organization may save huge amounts of financial and logistical
resources associated with its programs and projects.
Strategies in Goal Implementation
The first strategy involved in goal implementation may focus on
achieving the desired results. The United Nations
Environmental Protection Program and any other organization
may focus on elimination of carbon in the next decade. The
strategy may include bringing together different stakeholders
such as governments and private sectors in the program. The
second strategy may focus on setting social media and digital
platforms to create capacity among different members found in
the international community. The social media as a platform
ensures that many people are involved in the process of
establishing the program. It also saves cost when it comes to the
process of protecting the environment against any harm through
building a communication platform in the social media
platforms (Compton, Bahora, Watson, & Oliva, 2008).
The third strategy may focus on establishing the right team to
undertake roles relating to environmental protection. The team
may have the needed capacity to establish an environment for
implementation of the needed projects and elements of the
program. When it comes to environmental development, it is
important to know the different roles played by the team
members. The team members should have unique
responsibilities associated with their position in the
Accountability Issues
When it comes to monitoring the execution of the plan, it
becomes important to establish physical and virtual systems to
do so. A system such as SPSS serves as a statistical data
analysis technique that measures the risk and impacts analysis
factors associated with a project. It becomes easy for the
management and the employees to know the gaps found in a
program and work to mitigate their existence. The other strategy
may include employing officers to monitor the operations of the
program and account for each activity-taking place in the
organization (Daelmans, et al., 2013). The management may
employ a project manager, an assistant, a researcher, and an
evaluator to focus on the development of the project.
Capstone Project Part IV: The Technical: Measuring and
Evaluating Performance
The United Nations Environmental Program will receive a
number of benefits from its strategic plan. However, the
management has to focus on several indicators of success to
make the above process to become effective. The indicators to
be measured and with the association to the success should have
a quantifiable, measurable, and observable method. In relation
to the strategic plan, the paper looks into four main indicators
that revolve around the concept of success. It defines the
approaches involved in measuring the success. The paper uses
performance targets as a way to understand the representation of
the level at which performance takes place.
Four Indicators signifying Success and Measuring Approaches
When it comes to the successful implementation of the strategic
plan and its positive impact, we have to consider the following
Communication Effectiveness
Does the management of the United Nations Environmental
Protection comprehend communication message? Does the
organization have an effective outcome in the implementation of
the strategies associated with its development? The United
Nations Environmental Protection should have the right web
page, newsletter, memo, and emailing systems among other
communication gadgets. The main question may revolve around
the aspect of the management focusing on knowing the
implementation status of the strategic plan (Parker, Wasserman,
Kram, & Hall, 2015). It involves setting tests and quiz to
identify the effective communication.
Customer Relationships
Customer relationship does not focus on customer satisfaction.
The customers may have satisfaction from an organization, but
the organization may lack an effective way of establishing good
relationships. An organization should look into its relationships
with the customers. The customers should also pay their dues on
the right time as it enables an organization to generate enough
funding for development. The aspect of having a measure of
customer relationships includes focusing on the impact of the
customers on the operations of the organization.
Satisfaction of Employees and Brand Image of the Organization
Satisfied employees may perform well and influence an
organization to have happier customers. An organization should
have different measures, which act as an index for employees’
satisfaction. Among them, include the aspect of checking
absenteeism and complaints launched by employees in the
professional environment. The management should have
consistent surveys that focus on the issues raised above relating
to the wellbeing of patients (Muthuri, Matten, & Moon, 2009).
The employees may also protect and preserve brand recognition.
The employees and the customers should have a positive image
towards the organization and its impact on them. Surveys and
market research may act as the right frameworks to determine
positive brand images.
Every individual in an organization such as the United Nations
Environmental Protection has a job to do. The organization
requires them to spend the right amount of time in the
workplace. The management should consider employing quality
improvement measurements, analysis of administrative tasks,
and evaluation of time and impact on the tasks allocated to
employees. The above act as an indicator for success since it
eliminates any waste of time and resources in implementing
strategies in an organization.
Conclusion-Performance Targets for the Indicators
The paper has described four main indicators, which comprise
of communication effectiveness; Customer Relationships;
Satisfaction of Employees and Brand Image of the Organization;
and distraction. However, for each of the above indicators
knowing the performance targets may influence the United
Nations Environmental Protection to achieve its organizational
goals. When it comes to developing good customer
relationships, it becomes easy for the organization to set good
products relating to the protection of the environment.
The organization should listen to the customers and ensure that
it meets their needs (Smith, Case, Smith, Harwell, & summers,
2013). The same applies to the employees. Provision of
satisfactory allowances and remuneration influences the
employees to work well and enables an effective brand image.
Communication should ensure that the organization has an
organized and professional structure influencing the
development and strengthening relationships among the
employees. Distraction may include having an employee
monitoring system to look into the performance of employees
and their relationship with their professional environments.
Part V. Action Plans
Goal: To create an effective environmental protection agency
through proper customer relations, satisfaction of employees,
proper branding image and identifying distractions.
Pronged strategy:
· Focus on achieving the desired results.
· Focus on setting social media and digital platforms to create
capacity among different members found in the international
· Establish the right team to undertake roles relating to
environmental protection. Measuring and Evaluating
Action Steps
Resources needed internal/external
Progress indicated at benchmark
Completion date
Evidence of improvement
Identify and engage stakeholders in the need assessment
The research and development department under UNEPP.
Government, church organization, private and public
Conference rooms, telephone, papers and pen
Identification and engagement has been achieved
April 2017
The government, private companies like uniliver has taken into
environment protection
Defining the targeted stakeholders
The research and development department under UNEPP.
Government, church organization, private and public
Government policy scripts, Papers and pens.
Stakeholders policy and guidelines are already in place
May 2017
Policy and guidelines defining the targeted stakeholders has
been defined.
Collecting and analyzing data
The research and development department manager.
Government church organizations and companies.
Computer, Microsoft excel, analysts and recording papers
Raw data has already been collected.
September 2017
An analyzed comprehensive data is in the progress of filing.
Prioritize environment issue in the society
The manager environmental sensitization department.
Society, educators, reformers.
Seminar forums, conference rooms
Companies have already deployed solar systems to the society
Jan 2018
Society has started using proposed energy alternatives like
General communication and documentation
The manager environmental sensitization department,
Government, companies, Analysts, stakeholders.
Computer, projector, conference rooms.
Documents are already in the printing room
April 2018
A documentation is in the process of being presented.
Carry out a SWOT analysis on UNEPP
The analysis and statistics department, community and
Analysts, computers, internet connections and UNEPP data files
Analysis is ready to begin
September 2018
Materials for carrying out the analysis has been collected.
Conduct an environmental scan both internal and external
The research and development department, government,
community and societies.
Capital, vehicles and volunteers
Environment needs more attention
Jan 2019
Detailed informational scan is in the editorial department.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the agency
External analysis companies and non-governmental agencies.
UNEPP data files and customer feedback information.
Strengths are more than weakness.
May 2019
Survey is already in place being carried out by a non-
governmental agency.
Identify the opportunities and threats of the agency
The research and development department, Other non-
governmental agencies, Government and public/private
Current avenues, research teams and non-governmental
Promising opportunities have been identified like the bacterial
degradation of polyethene’s in 4 months (Tribedi & Dey, 2017)
September 2019
The research and development department has already started
the research.
Achieving the desired results by bringing all stakeholder
The managing director UNEPP, Government, community and
Other non-governmental agencies.
Conference rooms, information connectivity and stakeholder’s
Stake holders are active in environmental protection
Nov 2019
Conferences has already been held with all stakeholders in place
Getting social media and digital platforms to create capacity
The advertising and sensitization department, media and digital
companies, community.
Top advertising companies, capital and advertising tools
Capacity has reached a recognizable state
Jan 2020
45% sensitization rating has already been achieved
Establishing the right team to undertake roles relating to
environmental protection
The Human resource managing director UNEPP.
The human resources team.
Interviews are being carried to take in new team.
April 2020
Applications has already been received.
Measuring the communication effectiveness
The information technology department UNEPP, community,
Government, private and public companies.
Informational technology team.
More than 46% people in the society are informed (Yang &
Chen, 2017)
June 2020
There is improved information flow.
Measuring the customer relations
Department of customer relations, Government, companies and
other stake holders.
Supply and customer relation team.
Customers are impressed by the recent trends.
Oct 2020
Customers participation has improved to date.
Identifying the distractions to environmental protection
The research and development department, Other non-
governmental agencies, Government, public and private
Research and development team.
Cutting of trees has already been controlled.
April 2021
Distractions like unlawful cutting of trees has been dealt with.
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Psychiatry and the Law Online, 36(1), 47-55.
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Creed‐Kanashiro, H., & Pareja, R. (2013). Designing
appropriate complementary feeding recommendations: tools for
programmatic action. Maternal & child nutrition(S2), 116-130.
Jefferds, M., Irizarry, L., Timmer, A., & Tripp, K. (2013).
UNICEF—CDC Global Assessment of Home Fortification
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Implications for Policy and Programmatic Guidance. Food and
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tax: Revenue-sharing versus cost-sharing. Omega.

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  • 1. Running head: Strategic Plan for The United Nations Environmental Protection 1 Strategic Plan for The United Nations Environmental Protection 26 Strategic Plan for the United Nations Environmental Protection Linda Jones Walden University Part I. The Fundamentals The United Nations Environmental Protection (UNEP) has core values that guide its strategic planning and decisions. They are; respect for diversity, professionalism, and integrity. They should be practiced and upheld by every individual working for or allied to the organization as means of fostering the organization’s culture. Respect for diversity means that the organization is committed to upholding diversity in all areas including human diversity such as treating men and women equally. Integrity means that the organization’s decisions and acts are carried out in a manner which is for the common good and not for personal gain (Ivanova, 2010). Professionalism entails demonstrating professional competence as well as mastery of subject matter when implementing strategic decisions. The core values are aligned with advocacy, leadership, and social change. UNEP professionally advocates for various methods that ensure the environment is not exposed to harm by humans. For instance, it recommends ways through which carbon emissions by automobiles can be reduced. More so, it researches and presents findings on climate change and global warming. For instance, its 2017 report indicated that the emission gap could not be closed by 2030 as predicted (The Emissions Gap Report 2017, 2017). Essentially, the
  • 2. organization has been advocating for most effective strategies that can be implemented in curbing climate change and global warming while also evaluating whether laid measures are giving promising results. The core values are aligned with leadership as the organization serves as the role model that other organizations and people want to follow. More so, UNEP has been leading the way while showing courage through taking the unpopular stands to realize change and improvement. Further, UNEP has been proactive in developing leadership strategies that help translate vision into results through partnering with other bodies and agencies. Essentially, the organization has shown leadership in the way it relates with other internal and external parties. UNEP has also aligned its core values with social change. It is a major organization that has promoted measures against climate change. For instance, the organization has been offering civic education on bioenergy sources which have been proven more effective and less harmful on the environment. Social change is being attained through putting in place measures that protect the environment from harm hence upholding diversity which is part of the societies. Providing civic education has been impactful in changing lives as the organization enables individuals to utilize resources more effectively in a manner which is less harmful to the environment. UNEP’s mission entails providing leadership and encouraging partnership in caring for the environment by informing, inspiring, and enabling individuals and countries to impact their lives without compromising that of the future generations (About Us, 2017). It is aligned with core values as strategies are undertaken in a manner that upholds them. More so, the mission
  • 3. encompasses advocacy, leadership, and social change as it involves various aspects such as encouraging, inspiring, and informing countries and individuals to improve their quality of life. In doing so, UNEP highly contributes to the well-being of societies and communities. UNEP’s vision entails creating a world where decision makers in all sectors recognize and willingly take full account of biodiversity as the foundation of a global green economy (About Us, 2017). The vision has been driving decisions and actions while aligning them with core values. The organization collaborates with individuals and agencies across the world to achieve more respect for diversity and professionalism. More so, actions taken such as collaborating with government and local organizations are done based on integrity hence focused on the common good as opposed to personal gains or giving in to political pressures. On the other hand, the vision aligns with leadership, advocacy and social change as it focuses on creating a greener world through leading the way while impacting the society positively through upholding diversity and teaching about biodiversity. UNEP engages Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) which encompasses numerous parties such as local environmental agencies, researchers, governments, workers, communities, funders, and partners among others (Ivanova, 2010). Workers are internal stakeholders whose responsibilities entail facilitating internal mechanisms such as strategic planning. They are also required to facilitate transformational leadership and management of relations with other parties. On the other hand, researchers who are part of internal stakeholders carry out research on behalf of the organization and presents actionable information by UNEP as well as partners and local organizations. External stakeholders refer to parties such as
  • 4. partners, governments, funders, local authorities, communities, and partners. Mainly, the organization collaborates with external stakeholders in attaining certain goals. For instance, in implementing strategies in a country, UNEP needs to collaborate with the government as well as local agencies in realizing the final goal. Essentially, working with external stakeholders mainly aim at attaining better performance and easier attainment of goals, providing actionable information to various parties such as communities and taking the leadership roles in various efforts that aim at improving the environment and curbing climate change and global warming. Part II. Needs Assessment The first step involves identifying and engaging stakeholders in the need assessment. One must establish trusting relationships during the early stages of engagement in environmental activities undertaken by the United Nations Environmental Protection. The second step comprises of defining the targeted stakeholders. The stakeholders may exist in the form of a community found in the operations of the organization. It brings the advocates, activists, and community members together in protecting the environment. The third step revolves around the process of collecting and analyzing data. It aggregates quantitative, qualitative, secondary, and primary data to prioritize the different environmental needs that exist in the environment. Stakeholders must share information with each other to enable effective data collection process. The fourth step focuses on the aspect of prioritizing environmental issue in the society. The data collected in the third step may occur in terms of prioritizing the environmental needs of the stakeholders involved. The fifth step includes general communication and documentation in the United
  • 5. Nations Environmental Protection. Stakeholders comment on the data provided to them through the feedback they give the organization (Snow). The fourth step may comprise of improving strategies to keep different stakeholders involved in the environmental advocacy through the process of ensuring improved planning. The situation may motivate acceptability and feasibility in the applied strategies and interventions. Stakeholders involved in the Need Assessment The need assessment may comprise of many stakeholders. They include church associations, community councils, country advisory boards, school boards, and the government among other individuals. Organizations that focus on goal achievement and implementation of strategies may also have their participation in the need assessment. Regional, state and country boards have a significant role in undertaking projects implemented by the United Nations Environmental Protection. Environmental institutions and programs may have their management teams participating in the activities of the organization at all levels (Snow). The United Nations Environmental Protection may also focus on appointing new stakeholders from different governmental and private departments to motivate the development of positive initiatives that may successfully affect their goals and activities in different parts of the world. Survey Development for Professional Issues Questions on the Survey i. What environmental factors create hazards in the human environment? ii. Who are the individuals involved in establishing the right approaches for dealing with environmental issues?
  • 6. iii. Is there a way through which the government and the private sector may use to eliminate any negative factors relating to negative environmental factors? iv. Are the public and private institutions providing the best education to serve environmental needs? v. Given the chance to work in the environmental sector, what would change as a professional? vi. What areas serve as a key concern in your professional background? vii. What policies exist when it comes to matters concerning environmental well-being and cohesiveness in the aspect of environmental development? viii. Are there any existing collaborative frameworks that may be attached to the work of the United Nations Environmental Protection? ix. What is the mandate of the United Nations Environmental Protection and its affiliated agencies in relation to environmental development? x. Lastly, name any strategy that the organization has undertaken in the last decade that has made you see improvement in the environmental sector? Justification for the Questions, Stakeholders Roles, and the Format of Questions The questions focus on the environmental organization (the
  • 7. United Nations Environmental Protection) and the various stakeholders involved in its operations. The questions also show the areas of significant involvement in supporting the work of the organization. The format of the questions is rhetoric in their nature as they seek to acquire straight answers for effective analysis. When it comes to varying the items found on the survey, the questions may change to serve the roles of the stakeholders. The questions may focus on the areas of practice and expertise for the stakeholders and their impacts in managing the development of the organization. It may also investigate the experience and the collaborative work undertaken by the stakeholders. Part III. Strategic Issues SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis focuses on the internal and external environments of a company or organization. It has been in the contemporary community to determine an organization’s internal and external business factors. It will determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the UNEPP (United Nations Environmental Protection Program). Strengths · The UNEPP has a common coherence policy of working as single and one entity for the protection of the environment. · Ability to work with other multinational organizations such as the development of financial support from the World Bank and other organizations. · There is the development of local programs for mainstreaming its core project and activities but with also integration with the high-level organizations in the contemporary community.
  • 8. · It has structures which offers policy makers guidance on how to effectively improve its ecosystem and biodiversity development for the growth of the community. · A strong UN representation for different ethnic communities in speaking in multiple languages in the community. Weaknesses · There is a lack of a systematic integration of the core services which offers a contextual integration of ecosystem economics. · There are no safeguard policies for the protection of the mainstream economics and coherency in its operations. · The tools for development of the local policies and projects are not fully utilized since organizations and countries are not obligated to implement the necessary policies. · Lack of making integral national and international policies due to lack of the necessary processes and its ineffective lack of comparison obligations. · There is also the lack of specific programs which can be used in the eradication of poverty in the modern community, · All documentation is in the English language. Opportunities · There is the opportunity for tapping into the underdeveloped mainstreaming resources in the contemporary community for improving change. · There are a lot of resources and policies which can be enforced in the development and support of the core and critical poverty eradication and environmental protection.
  • 9. · There is the ability for developing a strategy and policy which will be an obligation for the conservation of the · Threats · There is a challenge in the long-term financial support for the UNEP programs due to lack of policy and obligations from countries. · There is a challenge of communication and coordination between the UNEP branches and core local entities with mainstreaming potentials. · Inequality in the leadership and supply of the resources for maintaining the local and international environmental project planning and implementation. · ecosystem with focus on environmental protection. Conducting and Environmental Scan Internal conditions which might impact strategic development of change includes the lack of coherence in policy development and poor leadership in the centralization of the organization’s programs and policies (Wronka, 2017). The role and major ways to minimize is to improve the retention between the local and international communities. This will offer an opportunity for change and introduction of change in the community’s development and processes. External conditions which might impact change includes the countries which participate in the programs’ projects and financial stakeholders who finance the non-governmental organizations. The mitigation is through developing a logical memorandum of association for helping in the diversity of the program. There is also the nature, means and ways for supporting the organization’s performance, resources and working with the major competitors (Wronka, 2017). This is
  • 10. through developing policies which will improve the retention of the company’s resources. It is also a process for encouraging the potential for growth and performance. As a result, encouraging cooperation through coherence in policing will help to achieve the company’s ultimate objectives. Strengths of the Agency Utilizing the single entity policy, local entities, and structures established for improving and increasing change will help in the support, development, and encouragement of an organization. This aims to improve, develop, and support the logical organization which will help in the coordination, planning, and settling on the international strengths of the company (Wronka, 2017). The strengths of the UNEP can be implemented for the operational development of the organization’s objectives in the community. The aim is to fully integrate its structures, leaders, and local resources for an operational survey focused on processes and plans to meet organizational performance. Weaknesses of the Agency There is the lack of a systematic integration and coherence of its policies in the community and international boundaries. The documentation is also only in the English language. It is also important to focus on the weaknesses such as spreading the nature of equal balance between tapping into the local resources and entities of the UN in promoting change (Wronka, 2017). It is also a process for meeting and increasing operational performance for the support, development of the organization’s foreign nations. Documentation in the English language can be used sparingly for the support on the production, performance and coordination to support the local and international communities. Opportunities of the Agency
  • 11. There is the opportunity of tapping into the local mainstreams resources for supporting grassroots projects. Poverty eradication is also possible through the development, support, and overall presentation of its processes and finally, there is also the nature of adopting and improving policy coherence. As opportunities, these can be used effectively to align the organization’s functions for meeting eradication and protection of the environment (Wronka, 2017). It is also a process for meeting and increasing operational performance in the form of encouraging and driving change in the community. Therefore, the opportunities can be used effectively to align the organization’s mission and values into the development of its grassroots projects. Threats of the Agency There is a poor representation of local communities due to poor language specification, lack of a stable funding sources and inequality due to high-level mainstream of the necessary entities between the local and international communities. The minimization of inequality is by improving and increasing equality through organizational support (Wronka, 2017). This is an opportunity for improving and increasing operational effectiveness in the accordance to planning and increasing opportunities for organizational performance. It is a logical solution focusing on change and driving support for improving changes, planning, and supporting the overall language constraints in the community. The structural changes in its leadership will also help in the production, performance, and support of the organizational development. Conclusion In conclusion, the SWOT analysis for the United Nations Environmental Protection Program (UNEPP), helps to improve
  • 12. the strategic change as devised by organizational mission and value. To align its objectives such as meeting its mission and vision in the protection of the environment, there is the need for meeting and improving organizational development. It is also important to focus on the growth of the organizational by focusing on structural change, services, and implementing change for meeting organization competition and objectives. Part IV. The Technicals United Nations Environmental Protection Program Strategic Goals of an Agency When it comes to the various goals involved in the operations of an organization, one must look at the nature of the organization and its interaction with the external and internal environment of its operations. Globalization involves an organization opening to the changes taking place in the global world. The internet has become a major factor in the world. The situation means that an agency should focus on digitalizing its operations to establish an effective platform for interactions and sharing its operations. The United Nations Environmental Protection Program may meet its objectives by having a digital forum and a physical office that takes advantage of globalization in its operations. The United Nations Environmental Protection program may identify the different cultures relating to its culture. It may use them to establish an environment whereby everyone works collaboratively to achieve its goals and vision. When it comes to establishing alliances, the organization should focus on the strengths associated with the alliances it formulates at any given point. The situation means that an organization should identify that alliances establish connections that are unending in their nature and outcome. The United
  • 13. Nations Environmental Protection Program acquires the needed resources in a collaborative framework to achieve its goals (Compton, Bahora, Watson, & Oliva, 2008). The existence of alliances ensures that the organization eliminates any logistical and financial hardships associated with its operations. The importance of alliance may revolve around the aspect of the availability of stakeholders to deal with the projects undertaken by the United Nations Environmental Protection Program. The organization may save huge amounts of financial and logistical resources associated with its programs and projects. Strategies in Goal Implementation The first strategy involved in goal implementation may focus on achieving the desired results. The United Nations Environmental Protection Program and any other organization may focus on elimination of carbon in the next decade. The strategy may include bringing together different stakeholders such as governments and private sectors in the program. The second strategy may focus on setting social media and digital platforms to create capacity among different members found in the international community. The social media as a platform ensures that many people are involved in the process of establishing the program. It also saves cost when it comes to the process of protecting the environment against any harm through building a communication platform in the social media platforms (Compton, Bahora, Watson, & Oliva, 2008). The third strategy may focus on establishing the right team to undertake roles relating to environmental protection. The team may have the needed capacity to establish an environment for implementation of the needed projects and elements of the program. When it comes to environmental development, it is important to know the different roles played by the team
  • 14. members. The team members should have unique responsibilities associated with their position in the organization. Accountability Issues When it comes to monitoring the execution of the plan, it becomes important to establish physical and virtual systems to do so. A system such as SPSS serves as a statistical data analysis technique that measures the risk and impacts analysis factors associated with a project. It becomes easy for the management and the employees to know the gaps found in a program and work to mitigate their existence. The other strategy may include employing officers to monitor the operations of the program and account for each activity-taking place in the organization (Daelmans, et al., 2013). The management may employ a project manager, an assistant, a researcher, and an evaluator to focus on the development of the project. Capstone Project Part IV: The Technical: Measuring and Evaluating Performance The United Nations Environmental Program will receive a number of benefits from its strategic plan. However, the management has to focus on several indicators of success to make the above process to become effective. The indicators to be measured and with the association to the success should have a quantifiable, measurable, and observable method. In relation to the strategic plan, the paper looks into four main indicators that revolve around the concept of success. It defines the approaches involved in measuring the success. The paper uses performance targets as a way to understand the representation of the level at which performance takes place. Four Indicators signifying Success and Measuring Approaches
  • 15. When it comes to the successful implementation of the strategic plan and its positive impact, we have to consider the following indicators: Communication Effectiveness Does the management of the United Nations Environmental Protection comprehend communication message? Does the organization have an effective outcome in the implementation of the strategies associated with its development? The United Nations Environmental Protection should have the right web page, newsletter, memo, and emailing systems among other communication gadgets. The main question may revolve around the aspect of the management focusing on knowing the implementation status of the strategic plan (Parker, Wasserman, Kram, & Hall, 2015). It involves setting tests and quiz to identify the effective communication. Customer Relationships Customer relationship does not focus on customer satisfaction. The customers may have satisfaction from an organization, but the organization may lack an effective way of establishing good relationships. An organization should look into its relationships with the customers. The customers should also pay their dues on the right time as it enables an organization to generate enough funding for development. The aspect of having a measure of customer relationships includes focusing on the impact of the customers on the operations of the organization. Satisfaction of Employees and Brand Image of the Organization
  • 16. Satisfied employees may perform well and influence an organization to have happier customers. An organization should have different measures, which act as an index for employees’ satisfaction. Among them, include the aspect of checking absenteeism and complaints launched by employees in the professional environment. The management should have consistent surveys that focus on the issues raised above relating to the wellbeing of patients (Muthuri, Matten, & Moon, 2009). The employees may also protect and preserve brand recognition. The employees and the customers should have a positive image towards the organization and its impact on them. Surveys and market research may act as the right frameworks to determine positive brand images. Distraction Every individual in an organization such as the United Nations Environmental Protection has a job to do. The organization requires them to spend the right amount of time in the workplace. The management should consider employing quality improvement measurements, analysis of administrative tasks, and evaluation of time and impact on the tasks allocated to employees. The above act as an indicator for success since it eliminates any waste of time and resources in implementing strategies in an organization. Conclusion-Performance Targets for the Indicators The paper has described four main indicators, which comprise of communication effectiveness; Customer Relationships; Satisfaction of Employees and Brand Image of the Organization; and distraction. However, for each of the above indicators knowing the performance targets may influence the United
  • 17. Nations Environmental Protection to achieve its organizational goals. When it comes to developing good customer relationships, it becomes easy for the organization to set good products relating to the protection of the environment. The organization should listen to the customers and ensure that it meets their needs (Smith, Case, Smith, Harwell, & summers, 2013). The same applies to the employees. Provision of satisfactory allowances and remuneration influences the employees to work well and enables an effective brand image. Communication should ensure that the organization has an organized and professional structure influencing the development and strengthening relationships among the employees. Distraction may include having an employee monitoring system to look into the performance of employees and their relationship with their professional environments. Part V. Action Plans ACTION PLAN Goal: To create an effective environmental protection agency through proper customer relations, satisfaction of employees, proper branding image and identifying distractions. Pronged strategy: · Focus on achieving the desired results. · Focus on setting social media and digital platforms to create capacity among different members found in the international community. · Establish the right team to undertake roles relating to environmental protection. Measuring and Evaluating Performance Action Steps Person(s)
  • 18. Partners(s) responsible Resources needed internal/external Progress indicated at benchmark Completion date Evidence of improvement Identify and engage stakeholders in the need assessment The research and development department under UNEPP. Government, church organization, private and public companies. Conference rooms, telephone, papers and pen Identification and engagement has been achieved April 2017 The government, private companies like uniliver has taken into environment protection Defining the targeted stakeholders The research and development department under UNEPP. Government, church organization, private and public companies. Government policy scripts, Papers and pens. Stakeholders policy and guidelines are already in place May 2017 Policy and guidelines defining the targeted stakeholders has been defined. Collecting and analyzing data The research and development department manager. Government church organizations and companies. Computer, Microsoft excel, analysts and recording papers Raw data has already been collected. September 2017 An analyzed comprehensive data is in the progress of filing. Prioritize environment issue in the society
  • 19. The manager environmental sensitization department. Society, educators, reformers. Seminar forums, conference rooms Companies have already deployed solar systems to the society Jan 2018 Society has started using proposed energy alternatives like solar. General communication and documentation The manager environmental sensitization department, Government, companies, Analysts, stakeholders. Computer, projector, conference rooms. Documents are already in the printing room April 2018 A documentation is in the process of being presented. Carry out a SWOT analysis on UNEPP The analysis and statistics department, community and stakeholders Analysts, computers, internet connections and UNEPP data files Analysis is ready to begin September 2018 Materials for carrying out the analysis has been collected. Conduct an environmental scan both internal and external The research and development department, government, community and societies. Capital, vehicles and volunteers Environment needs more attention Jan 2019 Detailed informational scan is in the editorial department. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the agency External analysis companies and non-governmental agencies. UNEPP data files and customer feedback information. Strengths are more than weakness. May 2019 Survey is already in place being carried out by a non- governmental agency.
  • 20. Identify the opportunities and threats of the agency The research and development department, Other non- governmental agencies, Government and public/private companies Current avenues, research teams and non-governmental supports. Promising opportunities have been identified like the bacterial degradation of polyethene’s in 4 months (Tribedi & Dey, 2017) September 2019 The research and development department has already started the research. Achieving the desired results by bringing all stakeholder together The managing director UNEPP, Government, community and Other non-governmental agencies. Conference rooms, information connectivity and stakeholder’s leaders Stake holders are active in environmental protection Nov 2019 Conferences has already been held with all stakeholders in place Getting social media and digital platforms to create capacity The advertising and sensitization department, media and digital companies, community. Top advertising companies, capital and advertising tools Capacity has reached a recognizable state Jan 2020 45% sensitization rating has already been achieved Establishing the right team to undertake roles relating to environmental protection The Human resource managing director UNEPP. The human resources team. Interviews are being carried to take in new team. April 2020 Applications has already been received. Measuring the communication effectiveness The information technology department UNEPP, community,
  • 21. Government, private and public companies. Informational technology team. More than 46% people in the society are informed (Yang & Chen, 2017) June 2020 There is improved information flow. Measuring the customer relations Department of customer relations, Government, companies and other stake holders. Supply and customer relation team. Customers are impressed by the recent trends. Oct 2020 Customers participation has improved to date. Identifying the distractions to environmental protection The research and development department, Other non- governmental agencies, Government, public and private companies. Research and development team. Cutting of trees has already been controlled. April 2021 Distractions like unlawful cutting of trees has been dealt with. References About US. (2018, January 17). Retrieved from UN Environment: Ivanova, M. (2010). UNEP in Global Environmental Governance: Design, Leadership, Location . The MIT Press Journal, 116-133. (2017). The Emissions Gap Report 2017. Geneva: UN Environment. Snow, K. (2013). The importance of advocacy and advocacy competencies in human service professions. Journal of Human Services, 33(1), 5-16.
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