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Running head: NARRATIVE 10- BURN UNIT 1
New practice approaches
An experience with new technology and better ways of dealing
with burn cases, treatment is quite fast and easy! Unlike the
traditional way of airway maintenance, the new way that
follows the ATLS guidelines enables the nurse to have a
definitive airway maintenance as well as ventilation monitoring.
Extraprofessional collaboration
The burn unit required a great deal of collaboration between
different medical practitioners in order to achieve quick
recovery and optimum treatment results. With the airway and c-
spine protection, monitoring the heart rate and blood pressure
would require different physicians to acquire optimum results.
Health care delivery and clinical systems
With the Airway with C-spine Protection, different procedures
and systems collaborate together to produce the best treatment
results. Assessment of breathing, circulation, disability and
exposure worked well with the clinical system each stage was
important in contributing to the greater good.
Ethical considerations in health care
When it comes to Airway with C-spine Protection, Improving
access to care, Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality are
paramount. Building and maintaining strong health care
workforce, Marketing practices and Care quality helps the unit
achieve quality care.
Population health concerns
In the Airway with C-spine Protection, the section has the
mandate of providing quality and convenient care. These help to
improve the workability of the hospital system in general.
The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
When accessing the Airway with C-spine Protection, use of
technology proved to be important especially when inspecting
for singed nasal, facial and eyebrow hairs.
Health policy
Definitely, health policies serve as important ways through
which the burn unit could provide quality healthcare. I did
notice this when it comes to ensuring that each patient gets the
most out of treatment they undergo.
Leadership and economic models
At the burn unit, it is almost blatant that leaders are responsible
and are economical in their decision making. This is evident by
the efficient allocation of resources.
Health disparities
Different patients come with different conditions. However, it is
the function of the nurses to do all they can to ensure that their
patients get well.
Running Head: Reflective Narrative 1
Oncology Unit: Reflective Narration
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Health disparities in Cancer
One of the most significant issues I encountered during of the
course of the week is the existing disparities in various aspects
of cancer such as death rates, higher rates of advanced cancer
diagnoses, less frequent use of proven screening test in specific
populations is an area in which progress has not been at par. I
noted health disparities existed in African American women
compared to women from other ethnic backgrounds where they
have a higher incidence of suffering from specific aggressive
form of breast cancer. Also, I noted Asians and pacific islanders
have higher incidences of suffering liver cancer compared to
other races. Lastly, there are higher rates of prostate cancer
incidences as well as death among African American compared
to men from other races.
New technology in cervical cancer screening
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in women globally,
which has necessitated the need to innovate the new
technologies to help in screening, diagnosis and treatment. In
the course of my practice this week I came through an
incredible technology the unit is planning of purchasing once it
has been approved to help in the screening of cervical cancer.
Pocket Colposcope developed by Duke University produces
images on a smart phone; the slender wand can be connected to
other devices apart from the Smartphone. The devices if adopted
will make it possible for women to make self-screen and have
significant benefits on the treatment and diagnosis of cervical
cancer (Science Daily, 2017)
Science Daily. (2017). New Tech Promises Easier Cervical
Cancer Screening. Retrieved January 29, 2018, from Science
Reflection Narrative 3
Experiences on the psychiatric floor provided essential
knowledge on the importance of treating patients with dignity.
Health care delivery became significant on the psychiatric floor
owing to the nature of various patients. It was essential to note
that many patients required nursing assistance and critical care
was important to ensure patients did not harm each other or
themselves. In the psychiatric floor, my resilience and patience
was tested, as this was the hardest experience to master.
However, I feel that there was growth in the way I deal with
patients, other medical professionals and family.
The psychiatric department calls for collaboration between
professionals in the medical world, and the nurse plays a critical
role. The doctors and psychiatrists visit with the patient during
specific hours of the day. However, nurses give full day care to
the patients, especially those that pose a threat to themselves.
Moreover, their family and friends often misunderstand some
patients in the psychiatric floor. The nurse, however, has an
opportunity to understand the patient and guide their family
through the bonding process; furthermore, the nurses are
important companions for psychiatric patients, especially those
within the facility for a long time.
The role of technology in managing psychiatric health is
important. The experience taught me that there is a big
opportunity to apply technology in psychiatric care. For
example, equipment can allow institutions to track patient’s
location and ensure their safety. Furthermore, leadership plays a
significant role in running the psychiatric floor. A leader with a
vision drives the department towards continuous improvement
but a leader without drive will only offer bare minimum care to
the patients. It is essential for leaders in the psychiatric wards
to unite and coordinate all professionals involved in the life of
the patients. Proper leadership and management results to
desirable patient outcomes.
The experience in psychiatric ward created a shift in
patient care perspective. It introduced me to the importance of
good leadership, sound ethics and top-notch healthcare methods.
A psychiatric department calls for dedications from all
healthcare providers and requires collaboration to produce
Surname 1
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Reflective Narrative: Acute Rehabilitation Floor
Acute rehabilitation was a good experience especially in
understanding interdisciplinary collaboration. A physician often
led a team of rehabilitation experts including rehabilitation
nurses, therapists, psychologists and case managers. Ideally, a
good team of experts often produces great results for patients in
need of acute rehabilitation. Furthermore, I learnt that acute
rehabilitation is essential because of the various patient types
that require such treatment. The patients include people with
neurological conditions, brain stroke, physical injuries and
other medical issues.
Ethical considerations in delivering acute treatment are
critical, especially in the dealing with various patients. Nurses
and other professionals must treat patients in ways that maintain
human dignity. In cases where patients cannot make decisions,
the professionals should collaborate with family members to
make the best decisions that suit the patient. Leadership is also
critical in delivering acute rehabilitation treatment. Most
treatment procedures involve rigorous physical, occupational or
speech therapies undertaken by a group of professionals.
Therefore, the management must coordinate the teams to ensure
optimum outcomes for patients in the program. Leadership often
dictates the welfare of patients and staff within the facility.
Technology is also critical in improving the role of acute
rehabilitation in improving quality of life among patients.
Notably, hospitals should keep up with new technology that
benefits patients. Where possible, it is essential for an acute
rehabilitation department to run a research department dedicated
to developing new rehabilitation technology. Finally, health
policy is critical in providing acute rehabilitation. The
department should regularly review health policies to ensure
they do not deter patients from receiving treatment. For
example, sound health policies provide avenues for patients to
pay for acute rehabilitation comfortably without straining. The
hospital should improve health policies, leadership,
collaboration and technology in the department.
Rights of psychiatrist’s patients
Any clinical practice needs to observe a given ethical, practical
and legal procedure in admitting its patients. Mental healthcare
organization such as a psychiatric organization needs to define
the rights to decision making, right to information, right to
consent and right to refuse treatment by its patients. It has been
found out scientifically that there are drugs that are given to
mentally ill people depending on their disorder to reduce their
condition. These drugs are not provided for free by hospitals. In
case, there is nobody close to taking care of these people then
they might not get to buy these drugs because they usually have
no income to afford the drugs. Being close to these mental
people can help them to gain access to these. For example, in
case I am taking care of one person suffering from the psychotic
disorder, and then I can buy drugs for him so that he may not be
affected very much by his condition. The government can also
get involved in this action by subsidizing these medications so
that they can be easily accessible to mentally ill.
Psychotic patients are also humans only that they are ill. They
can be taken care of but with a good plan. These patients also
have a right to shelter and attention. This can be done by
creating a home for mentally ill people. This home can be
designed in such a way that they will be able to be supplied
with all the essential needs. Many people have opposed the
procedure of putting mentally ill people in one place arguing
that it is against the human rights. This is because these patients
are settled in one place like solitude. However, this is the best
way to take care of them because in case they are on their own
in the society then it will be hard for them to acquire the basic
needs.The other justification for having a close relationship is
that the community neglects mentally ill people at times and
some undergo some of the criminal act from people such as
rape. Many sick mentally women have been found to be
pregnant whereas they are not in any relationships.
Surname 2
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Reflection Narrative 1
Working on the surgical floor brings various teachings on
varied issues like intraprofessional collaboration, new practice
approaches, health policy, leadership, ethics, technology and
other concerns. In this weeks practice, the importance of
intraprofessional collaboration became apparent in conducting
complex surgeries. Essentially, it is important for health care
practitioners to collaborate in surgical processes to provide
patients with optimum care. Critical to collaboration is ensuring
that team dynamics occur without hindrance through proper
management of the team. Furthermore, it is important for team
members to learn from each other given their diverse
experiences and fields of expertise.
Ethics remains a critical part of healthcare practice, especially
in a major institution. During surgeries and other associated
processes, healthcare practitioners take various measures to
ensure ethical practice. Ethics safeguard the patient’s wellbeing,
the position of the healthcare provider and the overall image of
the healthcare institution. Without ethics, it is apparent to
violate the patient and the profession. Therefore, healthcare
institutions should safeguard the position of ethics in promoting
fair medical practices.
Leadership determines the course of action during surgical
procedures. Critical in any institution is developing a leadership
strategy that promotes fairness in healthcare. The leadership
must recognize the needs of patients, healthcare providers and
consultants. Moreover, leadership institutions in the hospital
should remain accessible to all parties within the institution.
Proper leadership often promotes high quality healthcare,
reduces patient mortality and improves the workplace
envionment in which healthcare professionals operate.
Another critical issue recognized during surgical practice is the
role of technology in improving healthcare. Technology plays a
crucial role in surgery and makes it easier to provide optimum
care to various patients. However, there is need to safeguard the
medical profession from obliviousness arising from the growth
of medical technology. For example, it is rare to find young
healthcare practitioners that understand traditional techniques
used in medicine before the onset of various technologies.
Technology should never replace the healthcare provider but
should serve a complimentary role in patient care. The
experiences in surgery create a challenge to learn more,
especially from experienced healthcare providers. It sheds light
on the importance of good leadership, ethics, technology and
collaboration in providing optimum patient care.
Running Head: Reflective Narrative 1
Reflective Narrative on Nursing Experiences
Student’s Name:
Teamwork and collaboration in the workplace are crucial to the
success of any organization, and the same applies to the
healthcare sector (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). One of the most
inspiring moments I have experienced during my nursing
practice is how interprofessional collaborations can have such a
positive impact on the healthcare of patients. The healthcare
sector entails various professions and each one has a unique
role but understanding how each role results in the successful
delivery of exceptional healthcare to patients is vital. Mrs Drew
one of the patients has had four miscarriages in the last six
years with intervention and collobration on finding a solution
to deal with her between obsertic nursess, doctors, pharmacist,
and nutritionists she was able to carry her pregnancy to full
time with few complications.
Ethical consideration is a vital aspect in nursing practices, but
nurses commonly find themselves in ethical dilemma especially
when it comes disclosing relevant information on the patient's
health conditions (Whalen & Temple, 2012). Mr and Mrs
Matthews have used different means due to Mrs. Matthews’s
endometriosis condition which makes it impossible for her to
conceive, the couple has hope through medication and assisted
reproductive technology therapy they can be parents soon.
However, medical examinations were proving otherwise, and the
couple have to be informed of the little or possibility of Mrs.
Matthews to concieve or carry any pregnancy. Though the
decision to inform of her was not mine but that of the obstetrics
nurse it was clear the ethical dilemma the nurses’ encounter on
a routine basis with couples investing a lot of money and
resources to bear a child.
Formulation of new ways of informing patients on their
conditions has necessitated by the central role of the patient’s
narrative in health care. Nurses have an obligation to provide
health care putting into considerations patents self-personal
perceptions and their experiences with the illness as well as
recovery (Sitvast, 2017). One of the significant experiences is
how the use of narration can have an outstanding effect on the
recovery of a patient. According to my experience making the
patient the subject and relating to him/her in a subject-subject
relationship is a core aspect of person-centred care.
Bosch, B., & Mansell, H. (2015). Interproffession Collaboration
in Healthcare. Canada Pharmacists Journal , 176-179.
Sitvast, J. (2017). Importance of Patient's Narrative and
Dialogue in Healthcare. International Journal of Emergency
Mental Health and Human resilience , 122-125.
Whalen, O. L., & Temple, J. Y. (2012). Ethical and
Psychological Impact of Family Infertility. Current Obstetric
Gynecological Representation , 153-156.
Intensive Care Unit Experience
Institution Affiliation:
Student Name:
Date of submission:
The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is the department in the hospital
that is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and management
of critically ill patients and those patients that are not stable;
for example patients with extensive injuries, those who have
undergone invasive surgeries and patients with life-threatening
During the clinical practice in ICU, there were new practices
that were noted for example the ICU was divided into
subspecialties depending on the patient’s problem, for example,
coronary ICU. The nurse-patient ratio is 1:1. In addition to that,
there was a lot of, and nutritionist among many other
professions all collaborated in the care of the patients in ICU.
Health care is delivered through the systems approach in that
patients are treated by the body’s systems; cardiovascular,
nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal and
pulmonary system. In addition to that in the ICU, the practice of
the health care givers is governed by ethical principles like
beneficence in that the practitioners must always do what is
good for the patients. Another ethical principle is veracity in
that the practitioners must always be truthful.
In the ICU, the population of patients with cardiac conditions
was higher than other conditions in the ICU. The technology
was highly embraced in the ICU; diagnosis and management
were done using machines. For example the life-support
machines, defibrillators, oxygen concentrators, suction
machines among many machines that were used in the ICU.
These machines increase efficiency.
Besides that, the ICU is governed by health policies that must
be implemented the health caregivers in the ICU. The health
policies include the restriction policy that regulates the number
of people visiting the ICU rooms. This policy helps to reduce
the transfer of infections from other people to the critically ill
patients. The ICU is managed by leaders who have had
experience in the department for a long time. The ICU funds
come from both the government and the patients (cost sharing).
Finally, the ICU shows a lot of health disparities. The young,
the old, and the people from the higher socioeconomic status are
the majority people in the ICU.
Institution Affiliation:
Student Name:
Date of submission:
The emergency department is the designed place in the hospital
where people first visit when they get to any health facility. It
receives both inpatients and outpatients. It carries out roles like
triaging, resuscitation, treatment and emotional support to the
significant others victims.
During the clinical placement in the emergency department, new
approaches were noted for example there is a new department
on the emergency floor that is the neonate department; the
subdivision responsible for receiving children below 28days.
This is essential because neonates’ health is critical. Secondly,
the emergency department shows interprofessional collaboration
in that there are different personnel trained with different skills
that are essential in the emergency department for example;
pharmacist, laboratory technicians, surgeons, nurses and
In addition to that ethical principles are essential in the
activities in the emergency floor. Every client is treated equally
as other clients that are no one is considered special. The
healthcare practitioners should ensure confidentiality.
Negligence is an unacceptable act. Clients should be properly
triaged to avoid negligence. The clinician should ensure that
good intention is the key driving force of an action
The popular concerns of the clients in the emergency
department are upper respiratory problems like asthma, mostly
the young and old people are the majority of the population
visiting this department. In this department, technology is
embraced in roles like documentation of the findings of clients,
registration, and machines are used in measuring patients’ vital
signs that is essential in the diagnosis of patients.
The health policy that governs this department is well-timed,
harmless and quality emergency care. The leaders should know
how to allocate staff, measure performance of the workers and
how to reward high performers. Economically the department is
funded by being allocated resources according to the number of
clients they serve and the type of hospital. However, in the
emergency department, there are health disparities across the
different groups for example only the people from a higher
socioeconomic group afford health insurance. The poor have
low access to quality services.
Surname 1
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Reflection Narrative 2
Nursing in the surgical floor is critical in providing
patients with care before, during and after surgery.
Additionally, the role of a surgical nurse also involves
providing support to other healthcare practitioners like surgeons
and aestheticians. Serving as charge nurse in the surgical floor
comes with various responsibilities that require excellent
leadership and management. A charge nurse must assign duties
to nurses on the surgical floor to ensure efficiency in the
department. Furthermore, the charge nurse plays a critical
supervisory role to ensure that nurses perform their duties
optimally. Lack of guidance from the charge nurse can cause
chaos within the surgical department especially when patient
care becomes compromised.
Nursing in surgery requires professional collaboration
among various healthcare professionals to achieve a common
goal. Therefore, nurses often work with other professionals and
assist during surgery. The charge nurse plays a pivotal role in
ensuring that the collaboration is efficient and works in the best
interest of the patient. When conflict arises within the surgical
team, the charge nurse plays a critical role in meditation and
conflict resolution. Furthermore, nurses look up to the charge
nurse to manage teams and promote cohesion in the work.
Healthcare provision is essential in surgery, especially
during and after surgery. Particularly, the recovery stage after
surgery requires input from nurses. Care provided to patients
post-surgery must meet high standards of healthcare to promote
quick recovery. The charge nurse has the responsibility to
ensure that nurses provide adequate post-surgery healthcare to
all patients. The charge nurse is the custodian for all nursing
practices in their department. Therefore, they must supervise
nurses to ensure they employ best practices in their work; take
due care and put enough effort to ensure patients recover.
Furthermore, the charge nurse should recognize the skills
possessed by other nurses and suggest areas that require
additional training to improve performance.
Experience during the exercise showed that the charge
nurse plays an important role in leadership, management and
coordination. The nurse is a mediator that brings together all
professionals collaborating in the surgical process. Furthermore,
they provide leadership to the nursing team in the hospital.

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  • 1. Running head: NARRATIVE 10- BURN UNIT 1 NARRATIVE 10- BURN UNIT 2 New practice approaches An experience with new technology and better ways of dealing with burn cases, treatment is quite fast and easy! Unlike the traditional way of airway maintenance, the new way that follows the ATLS guidelines enables the nurse to have a definitive airway maintenance as well as ventilation monitoring. Extraprofessional collaboration The burn unit required a great deal of collaboration between different medical practitioners in order to achieve quick recovery and optimum treatment results. With the airway and c- spine protection, monitoring the heart rate and blood pressure would require different physicians to acquire optimum results. Health care delivery and clinical systems With the Airway with C-spine Protection, different procedures and systems collaborate together to produce the best treatment results. Assessment of breathing, circulation, disability and exposure worked well with the clinical system each stage was important in contributing to the greater good. Ethical considerations in health care When it comes to Airway with C-spine Protection, Improving access to care, Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality are paramount. Building and maintaining strong health care workforce, Marketing practices and Care quality helps the unit achieve quality care. Population health concerns In the Airway with C-spine Protection, the section has the mandate of providing quality and convenient care. These help to improve the workability of the hospital system in general. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes When accessing the Airway with C-spine Protection, use of technology proved to be important especially when inspecting for singed nasal, facial and eyebrow hairs.
  • 2. Health policy Definitely, health policies serve as important ways through which the burn unit could provide quality healthcare. I did notice this when it comes to ensuring that each patient gets the most out of treatment they undergo. Leadership and economic models At the burn unit, it is almost blatant that leaders are responsible and are economical in their decision making. This is evident by the efficient allocation of resources. Health disparities Different patients come with different conditions. However, it is the function of the nurses to do all they can to ensure that their patients get well. Running Head: Reflective Narrative 1 Oncology Unit: Reflective Narration Student’s Name: Institution- Affiliated: Health disparities in Cancer One of the most significant issues I encountered during of the course of the week is the existing disparities in various aspects
  • 3. of cancer such as death rates, higher rates of advanced cancer diagnoses, less frequent use of proven screening test in specific populations is an area in which progress has not been at par. I noted health disparities existed in African American women compared to women from other ethnic backgrounds where they have a higher incidence of suffering from specific aggressive form of breast cancer. Also, I noted Asians and pacific islanders have higher incidences of suffering liver cancer compared to other races. Lastly, there are higher rates of prostate cancer incidences as well as death among African American compared to men from other races. New technology in cervical cancer screening Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in women globally, which has necessitated the need to innovate the new technologies to help in screening, diagnosis and treatment. In the course of my practice this week I came through an incredible technology the unit is planning of purchasing once it has been approved to help in the screening of cervical cancer. Pocket Colposcope developed by Duke University produces images on a smart phone; the slender wand can be connected to other devices apart from the Smartphone. The devices if adopted will make it possible for women to make self-screen and have significant benefits on the treatment and diagnosis of cervical cancer (Science Daily, 2017) References Science Daily. (2017). New Tech Promises Easier Cervical Cancer Screening. Retrieved January 29, 2018, from Science Daily: htm
  • 4. Reflection Narrative 3 Experiences on the psychiatric floor provided essential knowledge on the importance of treating patients with dignity. Health care delivery became significant on the psychiatric floor owing to the nature of various patients. It was essential to note that many patients required nursing assistance and critical care was important to ensure patients did not harm each other or themselves. In the psychiatric floor, my resilience and patience was tested, as this was the hardest experience to master. However, I feel that there was growth in the way I deal with patients, other medical professionals and family. The psychiatric department calls for collaboration between professionals in the medical world, and the nurse plays a critical role. The doctors and psychiatrists visit with the patient during specific hours of the day. However, nurses give full day care to the patients, especially those that pose a threat to themselves. Moreover, their family and friends often misunderstand some patients in the psychiatric floor. The nurse, however, has an opportunity to understand the patient and guide their family through the bonding process; furthermore, the nurses are important companions for psychiatric patients, especially those within the facility for a long time. The role of technology in managing psychiatric health is important. The experience taught me that there is a big opportunity to apply technology in psychiatric care. For example, equipment can allow institutions to track patient’s location and ensure their safety. Furthermore, leadership plays a significant role in running the psychiatric floor. A leader with a vision drives the department towards continuous improvement but a leader without drive will only offer bare minimum care to the patients. It is essential for leaders in the psychiatric wards to unite and coordinate all professionals involved in the life of the patients. Proper leadership and management results to desirable patient outcomes. The experience in psychiatric ward created a shift in patient care perspective. It introduced me to the importance of
  • 5. good leadership, sound ethics and top-notch healthcare methods. A psychiatric department calls for dedications from all healthcare providers and requires collaboration to produce results. Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Reflective Narrative: Acute Rehabilitation Floor Acute rehabilitation was a good experience especially in understanding interdisciplinary collaboration. A physician often led a team of rehabilitation experts including rehabilitation nurses, therapists, psychologists and case managers. Ideally, a good team of experts often produces great results for patients in need of acute rehabilitation. Furthermore, I learnt that acute rehabilitation is essential because of the various patient types that require such treatment. The patients include people with neurological conditions, brain stroke, physical injuries and other medical issues. Ethical considerations in delivering acute treatment are critical, especially in the dealing with various patients. Nurses and other professionals must treat patients in ways that maintain human dignity. In cases where patients cannot make decisions, the professionals should collaborate with family members to make the best decisions that suit the patient. Leadership is also critical in delivering acute rehabilitation treatment. Most treatment procedures involve rigorous physical, occupational or speech therapies undertaken by a group of professionals. Therefore, the management must coordinate the teams to ensure optimum outcomes for patients in the program. Leadership often dictates the welfare of patients and staff within the facility.
  • 6. Technology is also critical in improving the role of acute rehabilitation in improving quality of life among patients. Notably, hospitals should keep up with new technology that benefits patients. Where possible, it is essential for an acute rehabilitation department to run a research department dedicated to developing new rehabilitation technology. Finally, health policy is critical in providing acute rehabilitation. The department should regularly review health policies to ensure they do not deter patients from receiving treatment. For example, sound health policies provide avenues for patients to pay for acute rehabilitation comfortably without straining. The hospital should improve health policies, leadership, collaboration and technology in the department. Rights of psychiatrist’s patients Any clinical practice needs to observe a given ethical, practical and legal procedure in admitting its patients. Mental healthcare organization such as a psychiatric organization needs to define the rights to decision making, right to information, right to consent and right to refuse treatment by its patients. It has been found out scientifically that there are drugs that are given to mentally ill people depending on their disorder to reduce their condition. These drugs are not provided for free by hospitals. In case, there is nobody close to taking care of these people then they might not get to buy these drugs because they usually have no income to afford the drugs. Being close to these mental people can help them to gain access to these. For example, in case I am taking care of one person suffering from the psychotic disorder, and then I can buy drugs for him so that he may not be affected very much by his condition. The government can also get involved in this action by subsidizing these medications so that they can be easily accessible to mentally ill. Psychotic patients are also humans only that they are ill. They can be taken care of but with a good plan. These patients also have a right to shelter and attention. This can be done by creating a home for mentally ill people. This home can be
  • 7. designed in such a way that they will be able to be supplied with all the essential needs. Many people have opposed the procedure of putting mentally ill people in one place arguing that it is against the human rights. This is because these patients are settled in one place like solitude. However, this is the best way to take care of them because in case they are on their own in the society then it will be hard for them to acquire the basic needs.The other justification for having a close relationship is that the community neglects mentally ill people at times and some undergo some of the criminal act from people such as rape. Many sick mentally women have been found to be pregnant whereas they are not in any relationships. Surname 2 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Reflection Narrative 1 Working on the surgical floor brings various teachings on varied issues like intraprofessional collaboration, new practice approaches, health policy, leadership, ethics, technology and other concerns. In this weeks practice, the importance of intraprofessional collaboration became apparent in conducting complex surgeries. Essentially, it is important for health care practitioners to collaborate in surgical processes to provide patients with optimum care. Critical to collaboration is ensuring that team dynamics occur without hindrance through proper management of the team. Furthermore, it is important for team members to learn from each other given their diverse experiences and fields of expertise. Ethics remains a critical part of healthcare practice, especially in a major institution. During surgeries and other associated processes, healthcare practitioners take various measures to ensure ethical practice. Ethics safeguard the patient’s wellbeing,
  • 8. the position of the healthcare provider and the overall image of the healthcare institution. Without ethics, it is apparent to violate the patient and the profession. Therefore, healthcare institutions should safeguard the position of ethics in promoting fair medical practices. Leadership determines the course of action during surgical procedures. Critical in any institution is developing a leadership strategy that promotes fairness in healthcare. The leadership must recognize the needs of patients, healthcare providers and consultants. Moreover, leadership institutions in the hospital should remain accessible to all parties within the institution. Proper leadership often promotes high quality healthcare, reduces patient mortality and improves the workplace envionment in which healthcare professionals operate. Another critical issue recognized during surgical practice is the role of technology in improving healthcare. Technology plays a crucial role in surgery and makes it easier to provide optimum care to various patients. However, there is need to safeguard the medical profession from obliviousness arising from the growth of medical technology. For example, it is rare to find young healthcare practitioners that understand traditional techniques used in medicine before the onset of various technologies. Technology should never replace the healthcare provider but should serve a complimentary role in patient care. The experiences in surgery create a challenge to learn more, especially from experienced healthcare providers. It sheds light on the importance of good leadership, ethics, technology and collaboration in providing optimum patient care. Running Head: Reflective Narrative 1
  • 9. Reflective Narrative on Nursing Experiences Student’s Name: Institution-Affiliated: Teamwork and collaboration in the workplace are crucial to the success of any organization, and the same applies to the healthcare sector (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). One of the most inspiring moments I have experienced during my nursing practice is how interprofessional collaborations can have such a positive impact on the healthcare of patients. The healthcare sector entails various professions and each one has a unique role but understanding how each role results in the successful delivery of exceptional healthcare to patients is vital. Mrs Drew one of the patients has had four miscarriages in the last six years with intervention and collobration on finding a solution to deal with her between obsertic nursess, doctors, pharmacist, and nutritionists she was able to carry her pregnancy to full time with few complications. Ethical consideration is a vital aspect in nursing practices, but nurses commonly find themselves in ethical dilemma especially when it comes disclosing relevant information on the patient's health conditions (Whalen & Temple, 2012). Mr and Mrs Matthews have used different means due to Mrs. Matthews’s endometriosis condition which makes it impossible for her to conceive, the couple has hope through medication and assisted reproductive technology therapy they can be parents soon. However, medical examinations were proving otherwise, and the couple have to be informed of the little or possibility of Mrs. Matthews to concieve or carry any pregnancy. Though the decision to inform of her was not mine but that of the obstetrics nurse it was clear the ethical dilemma the nurses’ encounter on a routine basis with couples investing a lot of money and
  • 10. resources to bear a child. Formulation of new ways of informing patients on their conditions has necessitated by the central role of the patient’s narrative in health care. Nurses have an obligation to provide health care putting into considerations patents self-personal perceptions and their experiences with the illness as well as recovery (Sitvast, 2017). One of the significant experiences is how the use of narration can have an outstanding effect on the recovery of a patient. According to my experience making the patient the subject and relating to him/her in a subject-subject relationship is a core aspect of person-centred care. References Bosch, B., & Mansell, H. (2015). Interproffession Collaboration in Healthcare. Canada Pharmacists Journal , 176-179. Sitvast, J. (2017). Importance of Patient's Narrative and Dialogue in Healthcare. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human resilience , 122-125. Whalen, O. L., & Temple, J. Y. (2012). Ethical and Psychological Impact of Family Infertility. Current Obstetric Gynecological Representation , 153-156. Running head: INTENSIVE CARE UNIT EXPERIENCE 1 INTENSIVE CARE UNIT EXPERIENCE 3 Intensive Care Unit Experience Institution Affiliation: Student Name:
  • 11. Date of submission: The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is the department in the hospital that is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of critically ill patients and those patients that are not stable; for example patients with extensive injuries, those who have undergone invasive surgeries and patients with life-threatening diseases. During the clinical practice in ICU, there were new practices that were noted for example the ICU was divided into subspecialties depending on the patient’s problem, for example, coronary ICU. The nurse-patient ratio is 1:1. In addition to that, there was a lot of, and nutritionist among many other professions all collaborated in the care of the patients in ICU. Health care is delivered through the systems approach in that patients are treated by the body’s systems; cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal and pulmonary system. In addition to that in the ICU, the practice of the health care givers is governed by ethical principles like beneficence in that the practitioners must always do what is good for the patients. Another ethical principle is veracity in that the practitioners must always be truthful. In the ICU, the population of patients with cardiac conditions was higher than other conditions in the ICU. The technology was highly embraced in the ICU; diagnosis and management were done using machines. For example the life-support machines, defibrillators, oxygen concentrators, suction machines among many machines that were used in the ICU. These machines increase efficiency. Besides that, the ICU is governed by health policies that must be implemented the health caregivers in the ICU. The health policies include the restriction policy that regulates the number of people visiting the ICU rooms. This policy helps to reduce the transfer of infections from other people to the critically ill patients. The ICU is managed by leaders who have had experience in the department for a long time. The ICU funds
  • 12. come from both the government and the patients (cost sharing). Finally, the ICU shows a lot of health disparities. The young, the old, and the people from the higher socioeconomic status are the majority people in the ICU. Running head: EXPERIENCE IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 1 EXPERIENCE IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 2 EXPERIENCE IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Institution Affiliation: Student Name: Date of submission: The emergency department is the designed place in the hospital where people first visit when they get to any health facility. It receives both inpatients and outpatients. It carries out roles like triaging, resuscitation, treatment and emotional support to the significant others victims. During the clinical placement in the emergency department, new approaches were noted for example there is a new department on the emergency floor that is the neonate department; the subdivision responsible for receiving children below 28days. This is essential because neonates’ health is critical. Secondly,
  • 13. the emergency department shows interprofessional collaboration in that there are different personnel trained with different skills that are essential in the emergency department for example; pharmacist, laboratory technicians, surgeons, nurses and doctors. In addition to that ethical principles are essential in the activities in the emergency floor. Every client is treated equally as other clients that are no one is considered special. The healthcare practitioners should ensure confidentiality. Negligence is an unacceptable act. Clients should be properly triaged to avoid negligence. The clinician should ensure that good intention is the key driving force of an action (beneficence). The popular concerns of the clients in the emergency department are upper respiratory problems like asthma, mostly the young and old people are the majority of the population visiting this department. In this department, technology is embraced in roles like documentation of the findings of clients, registration, and machines are used in measuring patients’ vital signs that is essential in the diagnosis of patients. The health policy that governs this department is well-timed, harmless and quality emergency care. The leaders should know how to allocate staff, measure performance of the workers and how to reward high performers. Economically the department is funded by being allocated resources according to the number of clients they serve and the type of hospital. However, in the emergency department, there are health disparities across the different groups for example only the people from a higher socioeconomic group afford health insurance. The poor have low access to quality services. Surname 1 Student’s Name
  • 14. Professor’s Name Course Date Reflection Narrative 2 Nursing in the surgical floor is critical in providing patients with care before, during and after surgery. Additionally, the role of a surgical nurse also involves providing support to other healthcare practitioners like surgeons and aestheticians. Serving as charge nurse in the surgical floor comes with various responsibilities that require excellent leadership and management. A charge nurse must assign duties to nurses on the surgical floor to ensure efficiency in the department. Furthermore, the charge nurse plays a critical supervisory role to ensure that nurses perform their duties optimally. Lack of guidance from the charge nurse can cause chaos within the surgical department especially when patient care becomes compromised. Nursing in surgery requires professional collaboration among various healthcare professionals to achieve a common goal. Therefore, nurses often work with other professionals and assist during surgery. The charge nurse plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the collaboration is efficient and works in the best interest of the patient. When conflict arises within the surgical team, the charge nurse plays a critical role in meditation and conflict resolution. Furthermore, nurses look up to the charge nurse to manage teams and promote cohesion in the work. Healthcare provision is essential in surgery, especially during and after surgery. Particularly, the recovery stage after surgery requires input from nurses. Care provided to patients post-surgery must meet high standards of healthcare to promote quick recovery. The charge nurse has the responsibility to ensure that nurses provide adequate post-surgery healthcare to all patients. The charge nurse is the custodian for all nursing practices in their department. Therefore, they must supervise nurses to ensure they employ best practices in their work; take due care and put enough effort to ensure patients recover.
  • 15. Furthermore, the charge nurse should recognize the skills possessed by other nurses and suggest areas that require additional training to improve performance. Experience during the exercise showed that the charge nurse plays an important role in leadership, management and coordination. The nurse is a mediator that brings together all professionals collaborating in the surgical process. Furthermore, they provide leadership to the nursing team in the hospital.