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Activities of Living-Case Study
Throughout this essay, the chosen nursing model of assessing a patient's social needs and medical history; Roper, Logan and Tierney (R–L–T model)
Activities of living (AL) will be outlined (Holland et al, 2008). Through the use of substantial and relevant theoretical literature, AL will be highlighted
i.e. biological, psychological, political economic, environmental and social–cultural issues. This will include theoretical highlights of care given to a
patient admitted in hospital holistically. Basically by assessing and examining the importance of model and framework in nursing practice will help to
understand the patient and rationale. A framework of Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (A. D. P.I.E) will be more
The lifespan situations and objectives are agreed between nurses and patients. Finally, assessment and nursing process is used regardless of the patient's
state of health (Holland et al, 2008). Negatively, to systematic approach provided to patients. R–L–T model focuses on patient's disease–centred
approach rather than their strengths and potentials. It makes patients loose independency and become dependent on nurses. I think meeting targets may
be jeopardised because AL are like a questionnaire and patients answer promptly. As Tierney, 1998 (cited in Pearson et al, 2005В№В№) stressed that it
might be seen as inflexible and stereotyping as nurses focus on health rather than illness. Similarly, R–L–T model uses important AL of patients to suit
appropriate care rather than a complete holistic care approach (Pearson et al, 2005В№В№) In addition, patients are involved more in the model not in
its uses, obstructing more time to focus on current issues. I noticed that, R–L–T model has a large impact on first assessment than acting as a
continuing process. Capra, 1982 (cited in Pearson et al, 2005В№В№) made a point that nurses' main duties and time were spend on healing process,
but patient contact not acknowledged and is diminished. Finally, the model expects the patient's biological aspect of health to recover and other factors
will be met (Aggleton, 2000). Chosen Patient and Rationale Mr Hussein, 57 years old,
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Essay on Nursing Care Plan
Introduction: A nursing diagnosis identifies an actual or potential response of a patient to a health problem (Jones 2009). Nursing diagnoses are
important because they provide the foundation for the selection of nursing interventions (Walton 2008). This care plan is the concluding half to the
initial care plan that identified nursing diagnoses and goals with the aim of promoting the holistic wellbeing, mental health, and independence of a 68
year old Mr. Bertoli who has returned home from hospital after experiencing a stroke. Particular emphasis will be placed on proposed interventions to
achieve Mr. Bertoli's healthcare goals and the provision of rationales. This is important to justify the significance of the interventions and indicate more content...
However collaboration between a professional interpreter and a family member can be beneficial when dealing with the older person. This is because
family member can assist in the provision of physician–to–patient information after the conclusion of the encounter (Rosenberg, Seller & Leanza 2008).
Intervention 1b: The provision of written information in the patient's primary language containing the purpose and side effects of the patient's
medications (Aboul–Enein & Ahmed 2006). Rationale 1b: The provision of written medication information given to the patient helps significantly in
cases of medication non compliance (McGraw & Drennan 2004). This is because it aids in memory retention and presents patients with access to a
reliable source of concise medication information, particularly if the patient needs to be reminded of certain aspects (Gorgos 2006). These written
medication information sheets need to be provided in the patients primary, dominant language because it reduces the difficulty and limits barriers to
patient understanding (Gorgos 2006).This is important because this intervention aims to increase a patient's understanding of their medications, and
when a patient feels more competent with the use of their medications, reduced
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PACU Nurse Observation Essay
On 01/27/2016, I observed about 22 patients in Postanesthesia Care Unit. Some of the patients were observed after surgeries while others were
observed after endoscopy. During my shift, I observed patients awaiting recovery for removal of kidney stones, malignant melanoma (removal of
moles), Endometrial Biopsy (EBX), superficial femoral artery (SFA), Hernia repair, Oophorectomy (ovary removal surgery), Cardiorrhaphy
(Ventricular repair), Cystolithalopaxy (bladder stone removal), gall stone removal, Ectopic pregnancy surgery, and leg surgery.
The role of PACUnurse is to monitor and care for patients during the immediate postanesthesia period. Their goal is to identify prospective problems
that may arise as a result of anesthesia and surgery and to mediate more content...
Second, the nurse commences assessment with an evaluation of patient's airway, breathing, and circulation for any signs of inadequate oxygenation
and ventilation. One of the patients' temperature was 102 F and the physician recommended pain medication (dilaudid) and it was administered
instantly. The nurse gets vital signs and compare the result with intraoperative care. The nurse chart vital signs every 5 mins for the next 15mins, every
15mins for the next hour depending on the recovery state of the patient. I also noticed that for diabetic patients, the nurse checks for blood glucose and
also compare result with intraoperative care unit result. Third, the nurse assess pain although the patients receive pain medication before surgery.
Fourth, the nurse assess surgical site (dressings and drainage). Fifth, the nurse assess neurologic (level of consciousness, orientation, sensory & motor
status, pupil size and reaction. Finally, the nurse assess gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, intake of
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Nursing Concept Analysis Essay
The framework of nursing science is built on developing a process that arises from practice and is reproduced through research, mainly by analysis and
development of concepts and theories. "Identification of the characteristics of the concept is the first stage of the analysis that leads to the actual
definition of the concept" (Ghadirian, Salsali, & Cheraghi, 2014, 4). The value of the holistic care nursing is to analyze and to clarify the role and the
function of the caregivers towards patient care delivery. To promote value in holistic care nursing, then, the nursing knowledge must be applied Also,
the value better understanding of evolutionary analysis concept may lead to better medicine management. This concept analysis touches many aspects
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Master's Prepared Nurse Essay
The role of the master's prepared nurse is just unlimited and life changing. I do not see just patient care in one specific route, but patient care in
numerous ways. It is so diverse that there are numerous opportunities for me to, directly and indirectly, tend to patient care as well as advocate health
care. I see more than just the role in providing direct patient care to be the only way to promote health care because a lot of time, the behind the
scene people are the people who continuously help spread knowledge and awareness all over the world. There is a range of career roles I could take on
such as clinical nurse leaders, nurse educators, and nurse practitioner and they all provide amazing healthcare in their own specific ways. When people
hear delivering patient–centered care, all the focus shifts more content...
With the help of nurse educators, they are there to educate and teach students, patients, and caregivers about disease prevention and management and
health care promotion. The fascinating thing is that being prepared from a master's program is always constant learning. Not only do the prepared
nurses builds on the baccalaureate level, but they are always on their feet to discover new and creative ways to deliver patient–centered care. The
master's prepared nurse would constantly be attending meetings and conferences to come up with better ideas to promote and provide health care,
simultaneously learning new things. Sometimes, they may think they know almost everything about healthcare, but when the world is constantly
evolving, healthcare would constantly be changing too. Attending meetings, promoting health care, learning and then bringing all those knowledge
back to patients and nurses is what keeps patient care great. The role of the master's prepared nurse provides not just hands on patient care, but they are
also prepared to expand their knowledge and pass it on to future nursing candidates to continue to deliver the best quality
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Nursing Case Study Sample
The patient is 65–year–old gentleman who has recurrent presentations to the ER first 1/22/2017 for a fall. Discharged 1/26/2017, another fall,
admitted to having some alcohol to drink, discharged, a repeat visit on 1/27 again because of falls, discharged with instructions to see Dr. Silva
the following Monday only for the patient to return to the ER about 5 or 6 hours later. He evidently has no place to live since the death of his wife
a year ago. He states he lives in the laundry room of the the building and he was kicked out and again has fallen. His laboratory work shows he has a
CO2 of 15, which is unexplained. He does have a left below the knee amputation with pain, swelling and some cellulitis of the lateral aspect. Evidently
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Nursing Care Study Essays
This assignment will present a nursing care study of a patient on a cardiac ward. The patient will be referred to as Ann to maintain confidentiality
(NMC, 2008). Ann's consent was gained prior to starting this care study. The care study will be developed using the Nursing process and the Roper,
Logan and Tierney model. These will both be outlined. The assignment will focus on the assessment process and one problem identified during the
assessment and the nursing care which followed this. I was placed on a cardiac ward within the Trust for my phase four placement. The ward deals
with patients who have acute cardiac conditions including myocardial infarction. The ward also accommodates those with chronic cardiac conditions
such more content...
The cardiac ward used Roper, Logan and Tierney model to assess the patients being admitted to the ward as a way of comparing how a patient's life
has changed due to illness or admission to the hospital (Roper N, 1980). This model was the first to be developed in the United Kingdom. Tierney
(1998) claims the contribution that the model has made to nursing is that it has encouraged nurses to refocus on health rather than ill health. The model
also shows the complexity of nursing. The model covers the patient's whole lifespan. In the model patients are seen as engaging in twelve basic
activities of living (Pearson et al 2005). The twelve activities of living are maintain a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking,
eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, mobilising, working and playing, expressing sexuality, sleeping and dying.
Each activity is seen to have five influencing factors, those being, biological. Psychological, socio–cultural, environmental and politico–economic. A
copy of my own assessment of Ann using this model is included in the appendix. Minardi (2007) maintains that assessment is an evolving, incremental
gathering and processing of information relevant to the clients situation or needs. Assessment must take place firstly to get a picture of the patient
before setting out
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Reflective Essay: My Role As A Care Assistant
In my role as a care assistant, I care for elderly people who have a wide spectrum of physical conditions and dementia. I am responsible for
delivering person centred care and I always treat people with dignity and respect. I have gained experience in the importance of meeting hydration
and nutrition needs, personal care and communicating with people who may have communication, comprehension and sensory deficits. I have gained
basic knowledge on the causes and treatments of disease by speaking to nurses and fellow care assistants. The nurses I work with have explained
medical jargon and the uses of medication to me, which I feel would be useful for this course. I have completed a course on mental capacity and best
interest's decisions along
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Essay On Acute Care Nursing
1 in every 4 individuals go to an ER in a year. When surrounded by 16 people, 4 of these individuals have had to visit an ER because of either a
sickness or an injury. Acute care nursing is a career that involves helping others every day. Nursing falls in the Health Science field of learning, this
involves both science and medicine. Acute care nurses have extremely important careers because of their chaotic work environment, their intense
education/training, as well as their knowledge and skills needed.
Work Environment and Tasks Acute care nursing takes place in the health science field or to be specific the medical field. In this career the nurses
would have to perform emergency medical procedures, manage and collaborate with patients, document data, diagnose acute or chronic conditions, as
well as prescribing medications, and treating wounds. Acute care nursing requires the employees to work full time at the minimum. Acute care nurses
work in a clinical environment such as a hospital or an emergency room. Traveling wouldn't be required in more content...
Before becoming an acute care nurse the student would have to earn an associate's degree, major in nursing and become a licensed nurse on the State
Board of Nursing. To earn an advancement or a promotion for the job the employee would have to further their education and earn a higher degree
such as a Bachelors or Doctoral degree. Careers that are similar to acute care nursing are practical nursing and language pathologist. Acute care nursing
requires an individual who can monitor a patient's health, listen to others while being ready with questions, a problem solver, and someone who can
recognize certain reactions. In college a few courses that acute care nursing students would have to take care therapy, counseling, medicine, dentistry,
customer service, course design, and
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Advanced Practice Nursing Essay examples
My own perspective on Advanced Practice Nursing
The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by
pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one's practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse's level of
education can become a critical factor to the patient–centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing
and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting.
Techniques and technologies in the medical field constantly evolve and change. With such a huge increase in information, there more content...
As people's life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid changes. There's increased needs for nurses in many
different field as well such as nursing home, hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a nurse
has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in more various setting. In order to provide better care in
various nursing field, continuing education is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there's also new diseases and new
treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and
optimum patient's overall outcome. The quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses' level of education. One research proves that nurses who
received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher
education which prepared nurses to handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time with ill
individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses' requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing
appropriate response to patient's condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly.
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Advanced Nursing Practice Essay
Competencies of Advanced Nursing Practice
Technology and Information Literacy
Description of Technology and Information Literacy
The introduction of various technologies in the past two decades has improved patient care and provide opportunity for patient involvement in their
care. Example of such technologies are; computer, EHR, smart phones, Pyxis, telephones, and pagers to mention but a few. Technology encourages
patient's continuity of care, create an opportunity for similar health practices, procedures across the globe especially in developed countries that can
afford the cost. These technologies serve as a good learning and teaching resources for the health care providers. In addition, the patients benefit from
this teaching and learning resources include; obtaining relevant health information, preventive measures, home remedies for simple conditions such as
common cold, also education on the signs and symptoms about the illnesses and the knowledge more content...
A way to implement the competency could be through coordination of care with other health care providers via electronic health records (EHR),
emails, telephone calls, sending referrals, and pagers systems. Communication between healthcare providers and patients especially non–English
speaking population through language line (telephone) and voice massage interpretation (VMI) in the patient original language is another method. The
EHR has not only improved patient's satisfaction, the health care providers' productivity and revenue has increased and it's cost effective. In addition,
duplication of diagnostic test, medication errors, will be minimized. The EHR allows easy accessibility to patient's records, facilitates providers
communication, sharing information and responsibility with patients when access is allowed (Liu, Luo, Zhang, & Huang
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Nursing Case Studies Essay
Amy is a 29–year–old here today for a followup regarding her anxiety and depression. She would also like to talk about some dysuria she is having
and a breast lump she has noticed.
The patient tells me overall she is feeling better from an anxiety and depression standpoint. She thinks the Lexapro has been helpful. She has been
on a regimen of 10 mg daily since mid August. She tells me that her mood seems better. She is less irritable. She is less anxious about everything
all the time, in her words. She initially had some nausea, as well as some tiredness, but those have resolved. Her energy level is good, except that
she awakens in the night with her son which makes her somewhat tired. Her appetite is good. She is eating and drinking normally. Her weight is
stable from her last visit. She is feeling well enough on this dose that she does not feel she needs to make any changes. She would describe herself
as feeling 90+ percent improved. She still does struggle some with sleep. When we discussed this initially, it was unclear what the cause was, but
with more discussion, it seems as though if her son were not waking her up, she would be able to sleep through the night. She is going to monitor that.
They are going to work on trying to help him with his sleep issues and more content...
She says just for last couple of days she has noticed that there is some burning with urination and perhaps an odor in her urine as well. She does
have a history of kidney stones about five years ago and passed them on her own. She knows that she has some residual kidney stones and is not
sure if that is the issue. She is not having any urgency. She has not noticed frequency. She does not feel as though she is incompletely emptying her
bladder. She has not had a discharge. No concerns for STDs. She is about a week away from the start of her menstrual cycle. No concerns for pregnancy
at this time or STD at this
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Unit 2 Health And Social Care Study
Task 2: Understand how to implement a person–centred approach in an adult social care setting. 2.1: Describe how to find out the history, preference,
wishes and needs of an individual. As a care worker you can find out information about the individual by putting the individual in the centre of any kind
of planning and supporting. You can do this by communicating with the individual and find out more about their history, preferences and wishes. It is
extremely important that you work in a non – judgemental manner. You have to make sure that you don't discriminate in against the individual. By
supporting the individual to be independent, you can also ensure the equality and general practice. You can kindly encourage and empower the
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Essay Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Critique Since the early 1900's nurses have been trying to improve and individualise patient care. In the 1970s this became more structured
when the nursing process was introduced by the general nursing council (GNC), (Lloyd, Hancock & Campbell, 2007) .By doing this their intentions
were to try and understand the patient in order to give them the best care possible (Cronin & Anderson, 2003). Through the nursing process philosophy
care plans were written for patients. It was understood that this relationship would ensure the patient received the best care possible to suit them
individually. This would consist of not just the patient as a physical being but their spiritual emotional and holistic being also (Cutler, 2010).
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Mr McCue says that he is drinking more often in an attempt to get a better night sleep. However Vinson (2010) believes this could hinder the
patient's sleep pattern (Vinson et al, 2010). Furthermore he goes on to say that drink can initially help the person sleep but as the drinking
becomes more intense it becomes a dependent, where restless sleep is common and trying to get back to sleep is ineffective (Vinson et al, 2010).
Moreover Stein (2005) agrees and says alcohol has a massive effect on sleep and the distribution of sleep. He acknowledges that alcohol can be
seen as a sedative to some. However like Vinson (2010) acknowledges the more alcohol that is being consumed insomnia is likely to become a
feature in the sleep pattern. Moreover he goes on to say that if the nursing staff is alerted to this in a timely fashion something can be done about it
(Stein, 2005). In the care plan it has been shown in the assessment that he drinks alcohol to enhance sleep but nothing has been done to reduce this
problem which may be linked to other factors. Moreover in the assessment it has been shown that he does not feel rested on been wakened. Stein
(2005) says this can be due to the alcohol it has a greater effect on the brain and causes a dependence on the alcohol which in return disturbs sleep and
can leave people to feel un–rested and moody(Stein & Friedmann, 2005). Stein (2005) and Vinson (2010) both
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Diabetes Care Study Essay
This is a diabetes case study of Mr. Charles D., a 45–year old male who is experiencing classic symptoms of hyperglycaemia. Recently divorced and
living alone in a new home, Charles has complained of recent weight loss, excessive thirst, and frequent urination. He is a busy CEO for a major
technological company. This case study for Charles will educate him as to what are the causes of diabetes: explain the presenting signs and symptoms
emphasize the psycho–social impact to his amended life, and instruct him in the economic impact that he and millions share. Vitally important for
Charles is education and giving him the tools to successfully manage his disease. Charles will verbalize an understanding of all aspects of the disease
and more content...
Type 2 happens gradually with increasing insulin resistance so weight loss is not as noticeable. (Manzela, 2007). Classic symptoms of diabetes usually
presented with newly diagnosed diabetics are: hyperglycaemia, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, and unexplained
weight loss. Ketone bodies are found in the urine, this abnormal finding occurs when fatty acid by–products (acetones) are excreted in the urine. The
ketones are present from a lack of the insulin hormone used to metabolize fats and carbohydrates. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life–threatening
complication which results from minimal useful insulin hormone in the body, hypoglycaemia, or insufficient food intake (American Diabetes
Association, 2008). Effects of Diabetes as a Chronic Process Long–term effects of diabetes can cause many serious complications: heart disease, stroke,
blindness, amputations, and kidney disease and nerve damage. These complications are usually progressive and develop over time due to poor
control of blood glucose levels. High blood glucose levels cause a narrowing of all the vessels, blockage, and high blood pressure. This narrowing
leads to poor perfusion of the body and the serious complications affecting the blood vessels of the heart (coronary heart disease), the extremities
(peripheral vascular disease), the eyes (retinopathy), the nerves (neuropathy), and the kidneys (nephropathy). Poor circulation and perfusion results in
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Nursing Assessment and Patient Care Essay
Lily was a 65 year old lady with stage 5 CKD, she had recently begun hemodialysis treatment three times a week as an inpatient and had been
responding well to treatment. During dialysis treatment on the morning of the first day, Lily's observations showed that she was: tachycardic,
hypotensive, tachypnoeaic, had an oxygen saturation level of 88% and was becoming confused and drowsy. It became apparent that Lily had become
hypovolaemic. The hypovolaemic shock seen in this patient was of a particular critical nature due to the fact that her dialysis treatment had moved her
rapidly through the first two stages of shock with her compensatory mechanisms failing very quickly (Tait, 2012). It was also much harder to identify
the early signs more content...
Lily had only recently began dialysis treatment, and her unwillingness to proceed with treatment would have resulted in her care becoming palliative,
something the healthcare professional did not think was suitable at this point in her illness trajectory. Tait (2012) points out that a critically ill patient
experiences not only physiological trauma, but also psychological trauma. This psychological trauma that can be experienced after critical care has
been addressed by the National Outreach Forum (2003) who suggested that services should be developed to address the implications of critical illness.
Samuelson (2011) suggests that any negative emotions associated with critical care can be counterbalanced with memories that reinforce safety, control
and trust. This is a useful point to consider in Lily case, who fortunately had the time to talk through her worries concerning continual dialysis treatment
with the staff on the ward, who were able to convince her she was in the safest possible hands and that continuing her dialysis treatment would be the
best option.
The psychosocial impact of this event and its repercussions surrounding Lily unwillingness to continue her dialysis treatment is a key aspect to
consider when looking at involving Lily in the decision making process. The DOH document "No decision about me, without me" (2012)
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Nursing Case Report Essay
DOI: 4/12/1994. Patient is a 62–year old female upholstery seamstress who sustained injuries to her upper extremity due repetitive sewing and
reaching. Per OMNI, the patient underwent a left leg below the knee amputation on 08/12/12 and was fitted with prosthesis on 02/04/13.Per AME
report dated 11/01/2010, the patient is at Permanent and Stationary status. She is to have regular visits with a rheumatologist and Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)–approved medications. She will need continued treatment for her diabetes, as well as osteoporosis. She also needs to
participate in a weight loss program such as Lindora. As per office notes dated 6/22/16, the patient complains of backpain, neck pain, shoulder pain,
elbow pain, wrist pain, hand pain, finger pain, low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain, foot pain, and toe pain. The patient has pain for20 years.
Pain rating is 6/10 at least and 8/10 at worst. She more content...
The patient notes that the medciation helps with pain and improves function. With the medication she is able to sit, stand 10–15 minutes, and walk
10–20 feetr at a time. Activiteis of daily living do continue to need assistance but they are less painful. Without the medications she is mostly
bedbound. Voltaren gel helps with joint pain and is indicated for topical relief. Nuvigil helps with sleep difficulty. She continues with "IDD" for
baseline pain. She saw surgeon and facet block was recommended. The patient is in mild distress during examination. There is decreased range of
motion noted. The patient has tenderness to palpation of the lumbar paraspinous area and spasm noted. Assessment includes complex regional pain
syndrome I of upper limb, bilateral; radiculopathy, lumbar region; and other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region. The patient was instructed
to lose weight. Current medications include Nuvigil and Vicodin "ES". The patient is allergic to penicillin, Darvon/Darvocet, and sulfa
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Caring Nursing Student Analysis
During the clinical weeks, I truly demonstrate caring behaviors and advocate for my patients. For example, during my assessments, I noticed that my
patient complained pain in his abdominal and his back by using numerical pain scale I asked him to evaluate his pain. I immediately notified to the
patient's nurse, and she gave him pain medication. Thus, this and other care I provided to my patients can show how caring nursing student I was.
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Acute Care Nursing Essay
The aim of this assignment is to critically discuss the nursing assessment individualised care and nursing interventions of the acutely ill patient. The
patient discussed developed severe sepsis due to a urinary tract infection and her condition deteriorated during the recovery process in the nurse's care.
Lovick (2009) defines sepsis 'as a known or suspected infection accompanied by evidence of two or more of the SIRS criteria'. SIRS is outlined as a
'systemic inflammatory response' consisting of two or more of the following symptoms 'temperature >38 degrees Celsius or 90 beats per minute,
respiratory rates greater than 20 breaths per minute and white blood count higher than 12,000 cells per microliter or lower than 4000 cells
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The nurse found Mrs Smith to be tachypnoeic, her respirations were recorded as 24 breaths per minute it was observed as being fast and it appeared
that her accessory muscles were being used. Mrs Smith's pallor also appeared flushed and her saturations were documented as 93%. The nurse used
the stethoscope to check for wheeze the patient's lungs were clear and chest rise was symmetrical. Mrs Smith was commenced on 100% oxygen
through a non–rebreathe mask, oxygen as an intervention is necessary as Creed & Spiers (2010) highlight 'metabolic demand for oxygen throughout
the body is hugely increased by sepsis and is essential to ensure the supply of oxygen is maximized' .The nurse monitored the patient closely because in
her confused state the patient may try to remove the oxygen mask.
An evaluation of Mrs Smith circulation was the next step carried out by the nurse, as in the breathing assessment Mrs Smith pallor was noted as
being flushed and the patient appeared confused this could be associated with poor cardiac output. The nurse recorded the patient's blood pressure
using a dinamap it was measured at 88/50, it was then rechecked manually to ensure accuracy. The pulse was checked manually for rate and rhythm it
was recorded as 98 beats per minute. Capillary refill was checked, was found to be normal.
The next step of the framework is disability. Mrs Smith's conscious level was measured
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Activities Of Living-Case Study

  • 1. Activities of Living-Case Study Throughout this essay, the chosen nursing model of assessing a patient's social needs and medical history; Roper, Logan and Tierney (R–L–T model) Activities of living (AL) will be outlined (Holland et al, 2008). Through the use of substantial and relevant theoretical literature, AL will be highlighted i.e. biological, psychological, political economic, environmental and social–cultural issues. This will include theoretical highlights of care given to a patient admitted in hospital holistically. Basically by assessing and examining the importance of model and framework in nursing practice will help to understand the patient and rationale. A framework of Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (A. D. P.I.E) will be more content... The lifespan situations and objectives are agreed between nurses and patients. Finally, assessment and nursing process is used regardless of the patient's state of health (Holland et al, 2008). Negatively, to systematic approach provided to patients. R–L–T model focuses on patient's disease–centred approach rather than their strengths and potentials. It makes patients loose independency and become dependent on nurses. I think meeting targets may be jeopardised because AL are like a questionnaire and patients answer promptly. As Tierney, 1998 (cited in Pearson et al, 2005В№В№) stressed that it might be seen as inflexible and stereotyping as nurses focus on health rather than illness. Similarly, R–L–T model uses important AL of patients to suit appropriate care rather than a complete holistic care approach (Pearson et al, 2005В№В№) In addition, patients are involved more in the model not in its uses, obstructing more time to focus on current issues. I noticed that, R–L–T model has a large impact on first assessment than acting as a continuing process. Capra, 1982 (cited in Pearson et al, 2005В№В№) made a point that nurses' main duties and time were spend on healing process, but patient contact not acknowledged and is diminished. Finally, the model expects the patient's biological aspect of health to recover and other factors will be met (Aggleton, 2000). Chosen Patient and Rationale Mr Hussein, 57 years old, Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Nursing Care Plan Introduction: A nursing diagnosis identifies an actual or potential response of a patient to a health problem (Jones 2009). Nursing diagnoses are important because they provide the foundation for the selection of nursing interventions (Walton 2008). This care plan is the concluding half to the initial care plan that identified nursing diagnoses and goals with the aim of promoting the holistic wellbeing, mental health, and independence of a 68 year old Mr. Bertoli who has returned home from hospital after experiencing a stroke. Particular emphasis will be placed on proposed interventions to achieve Mr. Bertoli's healthcare goals and the provision of rationales. This is important to justify the significance of the interventions and indicate more content... However collaboration between a professional interpreter and a family member can be beneficial when dealing with the older person. This is because family member can assist in the provision of physician–to–patient information after the conclusion of the encounter (Rosenberg, Seller & Leanza 2008). Intervention 1b: The provision of written information in the patient's primary language containing the purpose and side effects of the patient's medications (Aboul–Enein & Ahmed 2006). Rationale 1b: The provision of written medication information given to the patient helps significantly in cases of medication non compliance (McGraw & Drennan 2004). This is because it aids in memory retention and presents patients with access to a reliable source of concise medication information, particularly if the patient needs to be reminded of certain aspects (Gorgos 2006). These written medication information sheets need to be provided in the patients primary, dominant language because it reduces the difficulty and limits barriers to patient understanding (Gorgos 2006).This is important because this intervention aims to increase a patient's understanding of their medications, and when a patient feels more competent with the use of their medications, reduced Get more content on
  • 3. PACU Nurse Observation Essay On 01/27/2016, I observed about 22 patients in Postanesthesia Care Unit. Some of the patients were observed after surgeries while others were observed after endoscopy. During my shift, I observed patients awaiting recovery for removal of kidney stones, malignant melanoma (removal of moles), Endometrial Biopsy (EBX), superficial femoral artery (SFA), Hernia repair, Oophorectomy (ovary removal surgery), Cardiorrhaphy (Ventricular repair), Cystolithalopaxy (bladder stone removal), gall stone removal, Ectopic pregnancy surgery, and leg surgery. The role of PACUnurse is to monitor and care for patients during the immediate postanesthesia period. Their goal is to identify prospective problems that may arise as a result of anesthesia and surgery and to mediate more content... Second, the nurse commences assessment with an evaluation of patient's airway, breathing, and circulation for any signs of inadequate oxygenation and ventilation. One of the patients' temperature was 102 F and the physician recommended pain medication (dilaudid) and it was administered instantly. The nurse gets vital signs and compare the result with intraoperative care. The nurse chart vital signs every 5 mins for the next 15mins, every 15mins for the next hour depending on the recovery state of the patient. I also noticed that for diabetic patients, the nurse checks for blood glucose and also compare result with intraoperative care unit result. Third, the nurse assess pain although the patients receive pain medication before surgery. Fourth, the nurse assess surgical site (dressings and drainage). Fifth, the nurse assess neurologic (level of consciousness, orientation, sensory & motor status, pupil size and reaction. Finally, the nurse assess gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, intake of Get more content on
  • 4. Nursing Concept Analysis Essay The framework of nursing science is built on developing a process that arises from practice and is reproduced through research, mainly by analysis and development of concepts and theories. "Identification of the characteristics of the concept is the first stage of the analysis that leads to the actual definition of the concept" (Ghadirian, Salsali, & Cheraghi, 2014, 4). The value of the holistic care nursing is to analyze and to clarify the role and the function of the caregivers towards patient care delivery. To promote value in holistic care nursing, then, the nursing knowledge must be applied Also, the value better understanding of evolutionary analysis concept may lead to better medicine management. This concept analysis touches many aspects Get more content on
  • 5. Master's Prepared Nurse Essay The role of the master's prepared nurse is just unlimited and life changing. I do not see just patient care in one specific route, but patient care in numerous ways. It is so diverse that there are numerous opportunities for me to, directly and indirectly, tend to patient care as well as advocate health care. I see more than just the role in providing direct patient care to be the only way to promote health care because a lot of time, the behind the scene people are the people who continuously help spread knowledge and awareness all over the world. There is a range of career roles I could take on such as clinical nurse leaders, nurse educators, and nurse practitioner and they all provide amazing healthcare in their own specific ways. When people hear delivering patient–centered care, all the focus shifts more content... With the help of nurse educators, they are there to educate and teach students, patients, and caregivers about disease prevention and management and health care promotion. The fascinating thing is that being prepared from a master's program is always constant learning. Not only do the prepared nurses builds on the baccalaureate level, but they are always on their feet to discover new and creative ways to deliver patient–centered care. The master's prepared nurse would constantly be attending meetings and conferences to come up with better ideas to promote and provide health care, simultaneously learning new things. Sometimes, they may think they know almost everything about healthcare, but when the world is constantly evolving, healthcare would constantly be changing too. Attending meetings, promoting health care, learning and then bringing all those knowledge back to patients and nurses is what keeps patient care great. The role of the master's prepared nurse provides not just hands on patient care, but they are also prepared to expand their knowledge and pass it on to future nursing candidates to continue to deliver the best quality Get more content on
  • 6. Nursing Case Study Sample The patient is 65–year–old gentleman who has recurrent presentations to the ER first 1/22/2017 for a fall. Discharged 1/26/2017, another fall, admitted to having some alcohol to drink, discharged, a repeat visit on 1/27 again because of falls, discharged with instructions to see Dr. Silva the following Monday only for the patient to return to the ER about 5 or 6 hours later. He evidently has no place to live since the death of his wife a year ago. He states he lives in the laundry room of the the building and he was kicked out and again has fallen. His laboratory work shows he has a CO2 of 15, which is unexplained. He does have a left below the knee amputation with pain, swelling and some cellulitis of the lateral aspect. Evidently Get more content on
  • 7. Nursing Care Study Essays This assignment will present a nursing care study of a patient on a cardiac ward. The patient will be referred to as Ann to maintain confidentiality (NMC, 2008). Ann's consent was gained prior to starting this care study. The care study will be developed using the Nursing process and the Roper, Logan and Tierney model. These will both be outlined. The assignment will focus on the assessment process and one problem identified during the assessment and the nursing care which followed this. I was placed on a cardiac ward within the Trust for my phase four placement. The ward deals with patients who have acute cardiac conditions including myocardial infarction. The ward also accommodates those with chronic cardiac conditions such more content... The cardiac ward used Roper, Logan and Tierney model to assess the patients being admitted to the ward as a way of comparing how a patient's life has changed due to illness or admission to the hospital (Roper N, 1980). This model was the first to be developed in the United Kingdom. Tierney (1998) claims the contribution that the model has made to nursing is that it has encouraged nurses to refocus on health rather than ill health. The model also shows the complexity of nursing. The model covers the patient's whole lifespan. In the model patients are seen as engaging in twelve basic activities of living (Pearson et al 2005). The twelve activities of living are maintain a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, mobilising, working and playing, expressing sexuality, sleeping and dying. Each activity is seen to have five influencing factors, those being, biological. Psychological, socio–cultural, environmental and politico–economic. A copy of my own assessment of Ann using this model is included in the appendix. Minardi (2007) maintains that assessment is an evolving, incremental gathering and processing of information relevant to the clients situation or needs. Assessment must take place firstly to get a picture of the patient before setting out Get more content on
  • 8. Reflective Essay: My Role As A Care Assistant In my role as a care assistant, I care for elderly people who have a wide spectrum of physical conditions and dementia. I am responsible for delivering person centred care and I always treat people with dignity and respect. I have gained experience in the importance of meeting hydration and nutrition needs, personal care and communicating with people who may have communication, comprehension and sensory deficits. I have gained basic knowledge on the causes and treatments of disease by speaking to nurses and fellow care assistants. The nurses I work with have explained medical jargon and the uses of medication to me, which I feel would be useful for this course. I have completed a course on mental capacity and best interest's decisions along Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Acute Care Nursing 1 in every 4 individuals go to an ER in a year. When surrounded by 16 people, 4 of these individuals have had to visit an ER because of either a sickness or an injury. Acute care nursing is a career that involves helping others every day. Nursing falls in the Health Science field of learning, this involves both science and medicine. Acute care nurses have extremely important careers because of their chaotic work environment, their intense education/training, as well as their knowledge and skills needed. Work Environment and Tasks Acute care nursing takes place in the health science field or to be specific the medical field. In this career the nurses would have to perform emergency medical procedures, manage and collaborate with patients, document data, diagnose acute or chronic conditions, as well as prescribing medications, and treating wounds. Acute care nursing requires the employees to work full time at the minimum. Acute care nurses work in a clinical environment such as a hospital or an emergency room. Traveling wouldn't be required in more content... Before becoming an acute care nurse the student would have to earn an associate's degree, major in nursing and become a licensed nurse on the State Board of Nursing. To earn an advancement or a promotion for the job the employee would have to further their education and earn a higher degree such as a Bachelors or Doctoral degree. Careers that are similar to acute care nursing are practical nursing and language pathologist. Acute care nursing requires an individual who can monitor a patient's health, listen to others while being ready with questions, a problem solver, and someone who can recognize certain reactions. In college a few courses that acute care nursing students would have to take care therapy, counseling, medicine, dentistry, customer service, course design, and Get more content on
  • 10. Advanced Practice Nursing Essay examples My own perspective on Advanced Practice Nursing ABSTRACT: The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one's practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse's level of education can become a critical factor to the patient–centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting. Techniques and technologies in the medical field constantly evolve and change. With such a huge increase in information, there more content... As people's life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid changes. There's increased needs for nurses in many different field as well such as nursing home, hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a nurse has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in more various setting. In order to provide better care in various nursing field, continuing education is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there's also new diseases and new treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and optimum patient's overall outcome. The quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses' level of education. One research proves that nurses who received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher education which prepared nurses to handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time with ill individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses' requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing appropriate response to patient's condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly. Get more content on
  • 11. Advanced Nursing Practice Essay Competencies of Advanced Nursing Practice Technology and Information Literacy Description of Technology and Information Literacy The introduction of various technologies in the past two decades has improved patient care and provide opportunity for patient involvement in their care. Example of such technologies are; computer, EHR, smart phones, Pyxis, telephones, and pagers to mention but a few. Technology encourages patient's continuity of care, create an opportunity for similar health practices, procedures across the globe especially in developed countries that can afford the cost. These technologies serve as a good learning and teaching resources for the health care providers. In addition, the patients benefit from this teaching and learning resources include; obtaining relevant health information, preventive measures, home remedies for simple conditions such as common cold, also education on the signs and symptoms about the illnesses and the knowledge more content... A way to implement the competency could be through coordination of care with other health care providers via electronic health records (EHR), emails, telephone calls, sending referrals, and pagers systems. Communication between healthcare providers and patients especially non–English speaking population through language line (telephone) and voice massage interpretation (VMI) in the patient original language is another method. The EHR has not only improved patient's satisfaction, the health care providers' productivity and revenue has increased and it's cost effective. In addition, duplication of diagnostic test, medication errors, will be minimized. The EHR allows easy accessibility to patient's records, facilitates providers communication, sharing information and responsibility with patients when access is allowed (Liu, Luo, Zhang, & Huang Get more content on
  • 12. Nursing Case Studies Essay CC Amy is a 29–year–old here today for a followup regarding her anxiety and depression. She would also like to talk about some dysuria she is having and a breast lump she has noticed. HPI The patient tells me overall she is feeling better from an anxiety and depression standpoint. She thinks the Lexapro has been helpful. She has been on a regimen of 10 mg daily since mid August. She tells me that her mood seems better. She is less irritable. She is less anxious about everything all the time, in her words. She initially had some nausea, as well as some tiredness, but those have resolved. Her energy level is good, except that she awakens in the night with her son which makes her somewhat tired. Her appetite is good. She is eating and drinking normally. Her weight is stable from her last visit. She is feeling well enough on this dose that she does not feel she needs to make any changes. She would describe herself as feeling 90+ percent improved. She still does struggle some with sleep. When we discussed this initially, it was unclear what the cause was, but with more discussion, it seems as though if her son were not waking her up, she would be able to sleep through the night. She is going to monitor that. They are going to work on trying to help him with his sleep issues and more content... She says just for last couple of days she has noticed that there is some burning with urination and perhaps an odor in her urine as well. She does have a history of kidney stones about five years ago and passed them on her own. She knows that she has some residual kidney stones and is not sure if that is the issue. She is not having any urgency. She has not noticed frequency. She does not feel as though she is incompletely emptying her bladder. She has not had a discharge. No concerns for STDs. She is about a week away from the start of her menstrual cycle. No concerns for pregnancy at this time or STD at this Get more content on
  • 13. Unit 2 Health And Social Care Study Task 2: Understand how to implement a person–centred approach in an adult social care setting. 2.1: Describe how to find out the history, preference, wishes and needs of an individual. As a care worker you can find out information about the individual by putting the individual in the centre of any kind of planning and supporting. You can do this by communicating with the individual and find out more about their history, preferences and wishes. It is extremely important that you work in a non – judgemental manner. You have to make sure that you don't discriminate in against the individual. By supporting the individual to be independent, you can also ensure the equality and general practice. You can kindly encourage and empower the individuals Get more content on
  • 14. Essay Nursing Care Plan Nursing Critique Since the early 1900's nurses have been trying to improve and individualise patient care. In the 1970s this became more structured when the nursing process was introduced by the general nursing council (GNC), (Lloyd, Hancock & Campbell, 2007) .By doing this their intentions were to try and understand the patient in order to give them the best care possible (Cronin & Anderson, 2003). Through the nursing process philosophy care plans were written for patients. It was understood that this relationship would ensure the patient received the best care possible to suit them individually. This would consist of not just the patient as a physical being but their spiritual emotional and holistic being also (Cutler, 2010). more content... Mr McCue says that he is drinking more often in an attempt to get a better night sleep. However Vinson (2010) believes this could hinder the patient's sleep pattern (Vinson et al, 2010). Furthermore he goes on to say that drink can initially help the person sleep but as the drinking becomes more intense it becomes a dependent, where restless sleep is common and trying to get back to sleep is ineffective (Vinson et al, 2010). Moreover Stein (2005) agrees and says alcohol has a massive effect on sleep and the distribution of sleep. He acknowledges that alcohol can be seen as a sedative to some. However like Vinson (2010) acknowledges the more alcohol that is being consumed insomnia is likely to become a feature in the sleep pattern. Moreover he goes on to say that if the nursing staff is alerted to this in a timely fashion something can be done about it (Stein, 2005). In the care plan it has been shown in the assessment that he drinks alcohol to enhance sleep but nothing has been done to reduce this problem which may be linked to other factors. Moreover in the assessment it has been shown that he does not feel rested on been wakened. Stein (2005) says this can be due to the alcohol it has a greater effect on the brain and causes a dependence on the alcohol which in return disturbs sleep and can leave people to feel un–rested and moody(Stein & Friedmann, 2005). Stein (2005) and Vinson (2010) both Get more content on
  • 15. Diabetes Care Study Essay This is a diabetes case study of Mr. Charles D., a 45–year old male who is experiencing classic symptoms of hyperglycaemia. Recently divorced and living alone in a new home, Charles has complained of recent weight loss, excessive thirst, and frequent urination. He is a busy CEO for a major technological company. This case study for Charles will educate him as to what are the causes of diabetes: explain the presenting signs and symptoms emphasize the psycho–social impact to his amended life, and instruct him in the economic impact that he and millions share. Vitally important for Charles is education and giving him the tools to successfully manage his disease. Charles will verbalize an understanding of all aspects of the disease and more content... Type 2 happens gradually with increasing insulin resistance so weight loss is not as noticeable. (Manzela, 2007). Classic symptoms of diabetes usually presented with newly diagnosed diabetics are: hyperglycaemia, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, and unexplained weight loss. Ketone bodies are found in the urine, this abnormal finding occurs when fatty acid by–products (acetones) are excreted in the urine. The ketones are present from a lack of the insulin hormone used to metabolize fats and carbohydrates. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life–threatening complication which results from minimal useful insulin hormone in the body, hypoglycaemia, or insufficient food intake (American Diabetes Association, 2008). Effects of Diabetes as a Chronic Process Long–term effects of diabetes can cause many serious complications: heart disease, stroke, blindness, amputations, and kidney disease and nerve damage. These complications are usually progressive and develop over time due to poor control of blood glucose levels. High blood glucose levels cause a narrowing of all the vessels, blockage, and high blood pressure. This narrowing leads to poor perfusion of the body and the serious complications affecting the blood vessels of the heart (coronary heart disease), the extremities (peripheral vascular disease), the eyes (retinopathy), the nerves (neuropathy), and the kidneys (nephropathy). Poor circulation and perfusion results in Get more content on
  • 16. Nursing Assessment and Patient Care Essay Lily was a 65 year old lady with stage 5 CKD, she had recently begun hemodialysis treatment three times a week as an inpatient and had been responding well to treatment. During dialysis treatment on the morning of the first day, Lily's observations showed that she was: tachycardic, hypotensive, tachypnoeaic, had an oxygen saturation level of 88% and was becoming confused and drowsy. It became apparent that Lily had become hypovolaemic. The hypovolaemic shock seen in this patient was of a particular critical nature due to the fact that her dialysis treatment had moved her rapidly through the first two stages of shock with her compensatory mechanisms failing very quickly (Tait, 2012). It was also much harder to identify the early signs more content... Lily had only recently began dialysis treatment, and her unwillingness to proceed with treatment would have resulted in her care becoming palliative, something the healthcare professional did not think was suitable at this point in her illness trajectory. Tait (2012) points out that a critically ill patient experiences not only physiological trauma, but also psychological trauma. This psychological trauma that can be experienced after critical care has been addressed by the National Outreach Forum (2003) who suggested that services should be developed to address the implications of critical illness. Samuelson (2011) suggests that any negative emotions associated with critical care can be counterbalanced with memories that reinforce safety, control and trust. This is a useful point to consider in Lily case, who fortunately had the time to talk through her worries concerning continual dialysis treatment with the staff on the ward, who were able to convince her she was in the safest possible hands and that continuing her dialysis treatment would be the best option. The psychosocial impact of this event and its repercussions surrounding Lily unwillingness to continue her dialysis treatment is a key aspect to consider when looking at involving Lily in the decision making process. The DOH document "No decision about me, without me" (2012) Get more content on
  • 17. Nursing Case Report Essay DOI: 4/12/1994. Patient is a 62–year old female upholstery seamstress who sustained injuries to her upper extremity due repetitive sewing and reaching. Per OMNI, the patient underwent a left leg below the knee amputation on 08/12/12 and was fitted with prosthesis on 02/04/13.Per AME report dated 11/01/2010, the patient is at Permanent and Stationary status. She is to have regular visits with a rheumatologist and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved medications. She will need continued treatment for her diabetes, as well as osteoporosis. She also needs to participate in a weight loss program such as Lindora. As per office notes dated 6/22/16, the patient complains of backpain, neck pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, hand pain, finger pain, low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain, foot pain, and toe pain. The patient has pain for20 years. Pain rating is 6/10 at least and 8/10 at worst. She more content... The patient notes that the medciation helps with pain and improves function. With the medication she is able to sit, stand 10–15 minutes, and walk 10–20 feetr at a time. Activiteis of daily living do continue to need assistance but they are less painful. Without the medications she is mostly bedbound. Voltaren gel helps with joint pain and is indicated for topical relief. Nuvigil helps with sleep difficulty. She continues with "IDD" for baseline pain. She saw surgeon and facet block was recommended. The patient is in mild distress during examination. There is decreased range of motion noted. The patient has tenderness to palpation of the lumbar paraspinous area and spasm noted. Assessment includes complex regional pain syndrome I of upper limb, bilateral; radiculopathy, lumbar region; and other intervertebral disc degeneration, lumbar region. The patient was instructed to lose weight. Current medications include Nuvigil and Vicodin "ES". The patient is allergic to penicillin, Darvon/Darvocet, and sulfa Get more content on
  • 18. Caring Nursing Student Analysis During the clinical weeks, I truly demonstrate caring behaviors and advocate for my patients. For example, during my assessments, I noticed that my patient complained pain in his abdominal and his back by using numerical pain scale I asked him to evaluate his pain. I immediately notified to the patient's nurse, and she gave him pain medication. Thus, this and other care I provided to my patients can show how caring nursing student I was. Get more content on
  • 19. Acute Care Nursing Essay The aim of this assignment is to critically discuss the nursing assessment individualised care and nursing interventions of the acutely ill patient. The patient discussed developed severe sepsis due to a urinary tract infection and her condition deteriorated during the recovery process in the nurse's care. Lovick (2009) defines sepsis 'as a known or suspected infection accompanied by evidence of two or more of the SIRS criteria'. SIRS is outlined as a 'systemic inflammatory response' consisting of two or more of the following symptoms 'temperature >38 degrees Celsius or 90 beats per minute, respiratory rates greater than 20 breaths per minute and white blood count higher than 12,000 cells per microliter or lower than 4000 cells more content... The nurse found Mrs Smith to be tachypnoeic, her respirations were recorded as 24 breaths per minute it was observed as being fast and it appeared that her accessory muscles were being used. Mrs Smith's pallor also appeared flushed and her saturations were documented as 93%. The nurse used the stethoscope to check for wheeze the patient's lungs were clear and chest rise was symmetrical. Mrs Smith was commenced on 100% oxygen through a non–rebreathe mask, oxygen as an intervention is necessary as Creed & Spiers (2010) highlight 'metabolic demand for oxygen throughout the body is hugely increased by sepsis and is essential to ensure the supply of oxygen is maximized' .The nurse monitored the patient closely because in her confused state the patient may try to remove the oxygen mask. An evaluation of Mrs Smith circulation was the next step carried out by the nurse, as in the breathing assessment Mrs Smith pallor was noted as being flushed and the patient appeared confused this could be associated with poor cardiac output. The nurse recorded the patient's blood pressure using a dinamap it was measured at 88/50, it was then rechecked manually to ensure accuracy. The pulse was checked manually for rate and rhythm it was recorded as 98 beats per minute. Capillary refill was checked, was found to be normal. The next step of the framework is disability. Mrs Smith's conscious level was measured Get more content on