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Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector [pic] Executive Summary This paper will focus
upon the roles, responsibilities and boundaries in planning, managing and delivering learning based
around the teaching training cycle. This covers the application of learning styles to identify the
differences of my learners. The issues of entitlement, equality, diversity and Inclusitivity will be
addressed. It will also address the relevant legislation in my area of expertise and the importance of
record keeping to maintain quality standards. The outline of scheme of work, lesson planning,
methods used and resources available to meet the needs of my learners. Contents Introduction 4
Roles, responsibilities and functions of a teacher 4 ... Show more content on ...
I thought it was useful to set up a course file which contain all the documentation that is needed to
deliver the course. This includes the syllabus, session plan, scheme of work, assignments handouts
and activities. All the record of my learners are kept alphabetically so that I can easily access the
learners information easily. I tend to keep certain information about my learners such as their
application form, interview, Initial assessment, assessment records, action plan, tutorials, and review
notes. I always make sure that I have some extra stationery hand as many of my students tend to
forget to bring it with them. There are so many characteristics that make up an effective teacher. I
always have additional worksheets prepared for my learners to carry out just in case the session
finished earlier than expected. Teachers are addressed with many names such as assessor, coach,
facilitator, counsellor mentor however it is necessary that I must work within my professional
boundaries. It is about knowing where my role stops as a tutor. For instant make call to a learner to
find out why they have not turned up, but continuously ringing the learner is not appropriate. I
always make sure that I follow organisational requirements and policies. Below are some boundaries
of a teacher: ➢ Your roles are limited to teaching pastoral care ➢ Cant undermine other colleague
roles ➢ Not undermining departmental
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Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries...
7303 Award on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Assignment 1 – Theory
1 Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the
teaching training cycle.
I am tutoring adults to achieve an A1 qualification – qualifies the learners to assess an NVQ in the
job and area of expertise that they are competent in. The teacher training cycle is divided into 5 parts
and supports the tutors roles and responsibilities.
PLAN – Advertising the qualification. I advertise the qualification to schools in Newcastle–upon
Tyne via Newsletters, e–mails to administration staff, letters to SENCO's and by a memory key that
is posted to school's. A boundary would be lack of input for how and where ... Show more content
on ...
I incorporate VAK learning styles by including information sheets / quizzes, movement activities
when role playing the assessor's role and short videos / power points to introduce a topic. I plan for
discussion and question times in between activities to encourage learners to talk about the activity
and LO, answer any queries and gauge if extra knowledge is needed.
Each lesson is planned with a 2 hour framework and I provide an agenda handout for the session.
There is an aim and clear learning objective giving details of what should be learnt in the session. It
is my responsibility that the learner has a clear understanding of what the session topic is,
understands the learning objectives and how they will know if they have achieved the LO. I must
have resources and materials prepared – enough handouts, power point set up and ready to run.
I need to offer a friendly positive environment where learners feel respected and are treated with
dignity, have the confidence to learn and challenge themselves while achieving the A1 qualification.
ASSESSMENT – a tutor needs to use assessments to verify the learners are progressing towards the
qualification with knowledge and understanding from the sessions. I use verbal and written
assessment continually throughout the sessions, using various methods including quizzes, "brain
teasers", end of session recap open questions, closed quick
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Roles And Responsibilities Of A Modern Primary School Teacher
What am I?
The role of a modern primary school teacher within a classroom is almost impossible to describe in
full. Teachers are managers; they have an army of children before them that need guidance, support,
care and discipline. Teachers are carers who provide emotional and pastoral care. Teachers are
educationalists tasked with transferring knowledge and skills that will enable that child to develop
and learn independently. But, first of all, a teacher has to prioritise the many important tasks that
they must perform on a daily basis. This essay will attempt to set out and analyse some of the roles
and responsibilities they undertake during term time. Starting with the learning environment, the
pastoral care, lesson planning, other ... Show more content on ...
This too must be completed with care. As my own school policy states (appendix A) '[correct
marking] gives our pupils opportunities to become aware of and reflect on their learning needs' and
it 'give[s] clear strategies for improvement.' The setting of challenging, but realistic targets is an
important responsibility, as is monitoring performance against those targets.
The Relationship with the Child
It is now widely accepted that a school that provides excellent pastoral care can help improve
children's numeracy and literacy levels. The Independent Schools Inspectorate (2014) includes the
provision of pastoral care in its inspection criteria and OFSTED (2011) states in a press release,
'Successful schools showed that the acquisition of literacy skills often needs to be underpinned by
high–quality pastoral care.' This care comes predominantly from class teachers as they have the
most contact time with the child. A teacher must be supportive on many levels. They are, in effect,
leaders, carers and part–time parents. Therefore they must encourage growth, help build self–
confidence and inspire. Teaching all students as individuals helps children to feel like they matter.
Differentiation Bremner (2008:2) argues that, 'a mixed ability class does not just consist of a range
of abilities but also a range of learning styles and
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Roles and Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher Essay
Roles and responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher This assignment is aimed to highlight the
Roles and responsibilities of a teacher and the importance for a teacher to be aware of the legal
aspects of teaching inclusively and to follow all current legislation and codes using the
teaching/training cycle, a cycle of assessment, planning and review/evaluating. The Equal Act 2010
legislation is a legal requirement and code of practice to be adhered. This piece of legislation is to
ensure that all students are treated equally. As a teacher the ability to understand all students have
different learning perceptions and understanding. This would be identified in an initial assessment of
students which would continue, reassessing their ... Show more content on ...
This is also part of inclusive teaching ensuring all the learners are individually receiving the correct
materials and information adapted inclusively. Research shows 'that individuals have to gain through
learning collaboratively in appropriately structured and conducted groups'. J. Smith and A Spurling
(1999:44). Assessing and evaluating the needs of individual learners helps with facilitating quality,
inclusive and diverse teaching. This is an important aspect of teaching. A professional boundary
between teachers and other professional roles, ie social services and admin staff, needs to be in place
in any establishment. Without basic set boundaries, individuals may misunderstand or misinterpret a
situation. Boundaries are also an element of safe guarding. For example a teacher should not
interfere in a student's private life unless invited. If a student confides in a teacher, the teacher must
remain professional and not become over familiar or opinionated. A teacher must remember that
students are students and not 'friends'. Another important aspect of boundaries is to remember when
working, especially with vulnerable students or of the opposite sex, to be aware that teacher and
students are not alone in an isolated classroom. Another example would be that teachers do not give
students rides in your car or give out personal telephone numbers. If a student
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Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries...
7303 Award on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment 1 – Theory 1
Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the
teaching training cycle. I am tutoring adults to achieve an A1 qualification – qualifies the learners to
assess an NVQ in the job and area of expertise that they are competent in. The teacher training cycle
is divided into 5 parts and supports the tutors roles and responsibilities. PLAN – Advertising the
qualification. I advertise the qualification to schools in Newcastle–upon Tyne via Newsletters, e–
mails to administration staff, letters to SENCO's and by a memory key that is posted to school's. A
boundary would be lack of input for how and where the ... Show more content on ...
Did the assessment methods provide information and knowledge looking for? Evaluating – were
there are circumstances that you did not plan for and should have done? Did I get feedback for the
learners on the session? 7303 Award on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Assignment 1 – Theory 2) Identify the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of
practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation you would like to work for. As a tutor I
must have a knowledge and understanding of the following Health and Safety – I need to be aware
of the environment and ensure the learners are in safe environment at all times. I need to know who
to report any issues to and have good knowledge of the fire procedures and drill practices. When the
learners are assessing at schools I need to make sure that they have an understanding of H&S and
that they are not been put in situations that are unsafe. Data Protection – the learners are informed
who is privy to their records / personal details at the beginning of the course. Any information I have
is only passed onto the relevant persons and with the learners' knowledge. Equal opportunities – as a
tutor it is imperative that I support and enable equal opportunities for all the learners. This can mean
making arrangements so that the room is changed for a wheelchair user, arranging handouts to be
posted to learner unable to attend a session etc. The first thing the learners
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Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay
As an educator, it is important to have a personal teaching philosophy based on your beliefs. It also
helps you to keep the focus on what your goals are as an educator and the way you plan to integrate
those goals into your teaching. A statement of philosophy begins with the educator 's view on the
purpose of schooling. In what ways are teachers going to challenge students to have high
achievement standards? Along with goals for students, what are their responsibilities going to entail?
These two questions play into the most significant focus of a teacher 's philosophy: what is my role
going to be as a teacher? What standards do I want to be the focus of my classroom? Also, a
personal philosophy is not strictly in the classroom; there should be a basis of beliefs for actions
outside of the school setting. As a teacher or individual in the school setting, it is necessary to define
the purpose of education and learning. This starts by laying out standards such as why, what, and
how students learn. Recognizing student learning patterns allows the teacher to keep focused on
where her student 's progress should be. It is important for students to learn so they are
knowledgeable on topics of the world they live in; if a person does not learn basic things while in
school they will not be able to look out for themselves in the real world. Students should be taught
things like respect, integrity, kindness, and other virtues in order to be successful people. They
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Roles, Responsibilities, and Boundaries as a Teacher
Part 1 Part A (1 & 2) – Roles, responsibilities and boundaries As a Training Consultant (TC) and
teacher my main role and responsibilities are to educate and deliver effective training and impart my
skills and knowledge in my specialist area which is Childcare. This is needed to support the learner
either directly or indirectly and to maintain an inclusive, fair/just and motivating learning
environment. I understand that as a teacher I am primarily responsible for the health and safety also
the moral and physical welfare of my students/learners. I am also responsible for teaching students
with Special Educational Needs. I provide Training to Learners within their workplace which can be
either in a nursery, a school, Residential Care ... Show more content on ...
They are as follows: Integrity, Respect, Care, Practice, Disclosure and Responsibility. This is what
all members should adhere to, to ensure that good quality teaching is carried out. Thirdly, members
should constantly evaluate and reappraise their own methods, policies and practices and keep up to
date with current developments in light of changing needs and circumstances. Lastly, member
should be aware of the need for confidentiality within their professional practice. Part C – Equality,
Diversity and Ways to Promote Inclusion The Department for education and skills have a handout
called The learning Journey this is a vital tool for all assessors. This clearly shows the process to
follow when meeting with the learner/student for the first time. I need to acquire as much
information as possible to identify any support needs of the learners. During the discussion, as a
teacher I encourage learners to seek initial and further learning and to use services within the
organisation. This is called Signposting. This is when I will direct the learner on where to find
additional information, guidance and advice or learning resources. Another service within the
organisation is Referral. This is when I will direct them to an outside agency depending on the kind
of support they require. If they have mental health issues I would direct them to Children and
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Roles And Responsibilities Of Teacher
The roles and responsibilities of teacher, the boundaries they abide to.
Word count: 1317
Introduction This paper looks at teacher and a few requirements they have to do. It'll look at what a
teachers role is to the education system and what the teacher role is to learners. The professional
boundaries of teachers and their relationships with the learner. The different types of assessments for
the learners. The importance of record keeping what to keep and why and how to apply these into
my own teaching.
Teaching Role A teacher role in education is to teach the learner but it's more than that, it's to be a
role model, it's someone who a learner can depend and rely on. In 1984 David Kolb published his
model for the learning cycle. "Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the
transformation of experience" (Kolb, 1984, p. 38). The cycle is broken down into four parts; "1.
Concrete Experience – (a new experience of situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of
existing experience).
2. Reflective Observation (of the new experience. Of particular importance are any inconsistencies
between experience and understanding).
3. Abstract Conceptualization (Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing
abstract concept).
4. Active Experimentation (the learner applies them to the world around them to see what results)."
(S.McLeod,2013,1) The learning cycle show the process in which both children and adult learn.
Teachers also use
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Roles And Responsibilities Of A School
2.1 Describe the roles and responsibilities of:
A) School governors– Is made up of a team of maximum 20. They are responsible of running the
school. The team will consist of different people who have links with the school or the local
community. There will be at least 1 parent and 1 staff governor, and also the head teacher.
Additional governors will be a support staff governor and a local authority governor who is chosen
by the local authority, and also a local community governor. Governors work together with the head
teacher and the senior management team. They are rarely seen around the school during the working
day. Their main roles are to set aims for the school, accept new policies for achieving aims and
setting target for achieving the aims.
b) Senior management team– A group of experienced staff with management positions who work
closely with the head teacher. For primary schools, this is usually the deputy head teacher, year
group leaders and SENCO and also a foundation stage leader. In secondary schools this is also the
year group leaders, SENCO and also subject leaders. The team meet regular or once a week and
address issues and agree on a decision which will help run the school or help improve it. It is then
discussed on how it will be informed to staff and teachers.
c) Other statutory roles e.g. SENCO– Aside from the head teacher and deputy head teacher, there are
2 other main roles, SENCO and foundation stage manager in primary schools. The SENCO has the
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Roles And Responsibilities Of A Special Education Teacher
Being a special educator, there are different roles and responsibilities separate from a general
education teacher. As a special ed teacher, you need to be able to be more flexible and open–minded
when it comes to teaching. These students, whether in a self–contained classroom or an ICT class,
will have such differing needs than their counterparts. While they may still have some same needs,
most of them will be different and individual. Even though we may have several students with the
same disability in our class, that doesn't mean that we can treat them the same; each student has
differing abilities that we must figure out individually. This is one huge problem that I see prevailing
in schools today. Teachers tend to think that if a child has autism, they have the same issues and
needs as another child with autism but this is not the case. One child might need headphones for
noise–canceling features while the other child might be ok with sound but need more social
interactions skills. The ability to discern what a child needs based on their own performance is a
crucial aspect to supporting every student equally. As a special educator, we need to not only look at
their deficits but their capabilities as well. To define someone by what they can't do is such a
negative point of view. If we go into the classroom trying to find what is wrong with a child, we
may never notice what exceptional skills they may have. For example, in class when Mark Sarabian
came to talk about the
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Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries...
PTLLS Assessment Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher
or trainer in terms of the teaching and learning cycle. How might "equality", "diversity" and
"inclusion" impact on a learner's experience? Give examples from your own experience and
research to support your assertions. "This submission is entirely my own work unless I have used
quotation marks to indicate my reference to the work of others" As a teacher or trainer, there are a
variety of roles and responsibilities that are important to consider. The main role of a teacher is to
create a relaxed, comfortable learning environment for students to meet their learning needs. In
many cases, the teacher's role also involves delivery of ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the teacher is responsible for researching the subject area to ensure a wide, current
knowledge base that will help when establishing credibility and professionalism, and then to
develop a variety of interesting ways to deliver the content whilst ensuring a safe working
environment for students. The teacher's role is then to deliver the lesson content in a manner
consistent with the learning styles and requirements of the delegates. These might include lecturing,
large group discussion or case studies. In the past I have taught legislative considerations in regard
to health and safety aspects of manual handling and use of display screen equipment and have used
role play; small group work and case studies to try to accommodate different learning styles. Within
all this, it is essential that the teacher establishes and maintains professional boundaries. These can
be varied and quite different, depending on the context, the environment and the group or individual
being taught, for example, a teacher teaching young children would have a different set of
boundaries than a football coach coaching an adult football team. However, the teacher should
always consider relevant legislation. This includes health and safety legislation such as the Health
and Safety at Work Act, 1974; the Equality Act, 2010 and most relevant to the above example, child
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Roles and Responsibility Essay
Roles and Responsibilities This essay is to evaluate what your role, responsibilities and boundaries
as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle. In order for one to completely explore
the task expected from the author, it is paramount to understand the meaning of the terminology
used in this essay. The author begins by giving a brief definition of "role". According to the
dictionary, role is defined as one's part, expected function, job, duty, task, responsibility. Readers'
digest. Whilst, online dictionary, Encarta (1998–2005) claim added that, "role" is usual or expected
function, characteristic or expected pattern of behaviour. On the other hand, "responsibilities" refer
to accountability, that is the ... Show more content on ...
This author when on to state that, the roles of teachers' is to act as a professional because one's role
can influence others. Wilson (2008). As a teacher, one's role and responsibility should be towards
the learners' ability to learn and for learning to be as tailored made for the individual learner.
Moreover, Francis and Gould (2009), when on further by adding that, our expectation as a teacher,
trainer, assessor or tutor is checking and reporting learner's attendance and achievement, treating all
learners with fairness, equal respect, giving opportunity to get involved, encouraging all,
acknowledging diversity and differentiation. Keep up to date with subject development to mention a
few, which also includes current legislation such as health and safety act 1974, manual handling
operation 1992, RIDDOR, sex discrimination act 1975. Furthermore, Huddleston and Unwin (2008)
p85 uses diversity and change in their research. "Where will I teach" and "who will I teach".
Furthermore, that "adult teach and learn in one another's company, they find themselves engaged in
a challenging, passionate and creative activity", and that "acts of teaching and learning – the creation
and alteration of our beliefs, value, action, relationships, and social forms that result from this – are
ways in which we realise our humanity". The reason for
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Ptlls Assignment 1 Roles and Responsibilities Essay
Lifelong Learning Sector Lifelong learning sector covers adult education (16+) outside universities
and takes place in further education colleges, adult and community learning centres, work–bases,
libraries, archives and information centres, the forces, NHS, prisons, private colleges. The learners
range widely in their ages, interests, abilities, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, etc. Teacher's Roles
and Responsibilities Our role as ESOL teachers is extremely diverse and includes many other
aspects outside teaching in class, e.g. we can be a subject leader, a manager of learning resources, a
curriculum developer, a tutor, an assessor, an advice giver, an administrator, a record keeper, an
interviewer (Francis & Gould, 2009, ... Show more content on ...
As an ESOL teacher, I will be required to explain fire evacuation procedure pointing out to the
nearest fire exit and keeping a register in case of fire, check the classroom before and after the
lesson, ensure appropriate ventilation and lighting. Equality Act 2006 ESOL teachers should ensure
that all learners are treated equally and have equal opportunities regardless of their race, sex,
cultural background and abilities. During the observed lesson, the teacher treated the learners with
equal respect, he gave them equal opportunities to participate in the activities and discussions, he
listened to everyone and respected their views and opinions. The class was conducted taking into
account the multicultural nature of the class and different backgrounds of the students. Boundaries
When our responsibilities are clearly defined in the job description, during induction process and in
instructions and guidelines, it ensures clear understanding and co–operation, effective working
relationships, positive psychological environment and smooth running of all aspects of
teaching/learning process. The Institute for Learning (IfL) is responsible for enforcing the Code Of
Professional Practice introduced in April 2008 to regulate the activities of
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Roles and Responsibilities of School Governors, Senior...
Worksheet 2 2.1 Describe roles and responsibilities of school governors, senior management team,
and other statutory roles (e.g. SENCO), teachers, support staff | Roles | Responsibilities | School
governors | The school governors must appoint a chair and a vice–chair and may wish to make a
number of other specific appointments to lead on to certain aspects of the school. There are many
different types of governors such as parent governors, staff governors, community governors,
authority governors, foundation governors, partnership governors and sponsor governors which all
play a part in making schools successful. | The school governor's responsibilities are to set targets
for pupil achievements, managing the school finances, ... Show more content on ...
* Specialist and technical staff who are on hand in schools to provide knowledge and resources that
support learning and teaching. * Site staff ensures that the environment is clean, safe and tidy and
make sure meals are available at lunch time. | The support staff responsibilities are to support the
school so it's running smoothly by helping pupils progress their learning and welfare, making sure
the school is clean safe and tidy, have knowledge and resources to support learning and teaching. |
Head teacher | The head teacher is the head administrator of the school who works with the school
governors and Senior management team to make sure the school is running smoothly and taking on
any problems and solves them. | The head teacher is responsible for the whole school from staff,
pupil to finances. | | | | 2.2 Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school
(e.g. educational psychologist) | Roles | Responsibilities | Educational psychologist | Educational
psychologists bring a specialised perspective to children. They are concerned with children's
learning and development and bring a positive change for children by their skills in a range of
psychological and educational assessment techniques and in different methods of helping children
who experience difficulties in learning, behaviour and social adjustment. | Educational psychologist
responsibilities are to help children who have difficulties in a
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Teaching Training Role And Responsibilities
301. (a) Explain the teaching training role and responsibilities in education training, Identifying
ROLES, Teacher, Assessor, Reviewer.
Responsibilities; It will be important to identify the needs of the learners so that you can plan /
design the course to meet the individual requirements of the learners, this may be carried out
through interview prior to the course taking place or through an application process where the
learner needs can be identified, these could include social, physical intellectual, cultural, and
emotional issues. Design.
ROLES, Planner, Reviewer, Organiser.
Responsibilities; The course should be designed to ... Show more content on ...
Teachers have a responsibility to keep their learners safe (physically and emotionally), they need to
assess the safety of classroom activities and make sure that none of the learners are being bullied,
harassed, discriminated against either by themselves, the organisation, or by other learners.
Teachers have a responsibility to ensure that they have sufficient up to date knowledge or skill to
deliver the course content and answer any learner questions.
Assess and Evaluate.
ROLES; Assessor, marker, recorder, reviewer, feedback provider
Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that learner achievement and
progression is checked throughout the learning process (formative assessment) and at the end of the
course (summative assessment). The assessment methods have to be fair, reliable and valid and
linked to the planned activity tasks, with consistent marking strategy.
(b) Explain how the teaching/training role involves working with other professional.
All teachers should act in a appropriate way with everyone they meet, this includes their learners,
colleagues, parents, and other professionals, this means that the teacher will be competent, ethical,
will be trustworthy, reliable and committed. Teachers should strive to put their learners first, be
approachable, and keep up to date with their own personal development, and
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Teaching All Children To Read: The Roles Of A Reading...
In the article, Complexities in the Roles of Reading Specialists, the responsibilities of a reading
specialist are explained in great detail since the roles and responsibilities are so complex. Defining a
reading specialist's role and responsibilities is important because many teachers and administrators
misunderstand the effectiveness of a reading specialist. Through this article's results and findings, a
reading specialist's role become more defined and thoroughly explains how they can be utilized in
the classroom in order to help students become successful readers. In the article titled, Teaching All
Children to Read: The Roles of a Reading Specialist, the major roles of a reading specialist are
described as a person who is "contributing
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Discuss The Role And Responsibilities Of A Clinical Teacher
As an education to be more meaningful and enjoyable to an educators as well as students there are
certain roles a teacher must play.There are also roles that can make be an outstanding educator
through applying those roles and those roles must keep in contact the learner and the educator.
A teacher is expected to set learning objectives with aid of criteria for success and assessment
methods in learning as the vital components of this role.Learning objectives describe what learners
should be able to do at the end of the course,this implies that learners will be able to apply their
newly acquired skills,knowledge as well as technics tackling their daily lives problems.Each
individual learning should support the comprehensive goal of the course,this ... Show more content
on ...
Assuring and maintaining and educational qualities,the role emphasises the responsibility of a
teacher to establish and sustain the content of education at a higher level and good quality.The
teacher is expected to provide trustworthy and reliable information about the learning,teacher listens
to,and respond to student's views about quality.Strong and reliable use of an external
examining,making provision for diverse learning,aslo giving consideration to student's
employability.The quality of newly acquired education should change the lives of
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Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries...
Rotherham College of Arts and Technology City & Guilds 7303 L3/4 Tutor Barry Holmes Learner
ID: 01049010 Brenda Diskin Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a
teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle – theory assignment 1 (23/09/09) Roles,
responsibilities and boundaries are qualities which the teacher/trainer incorporates into the
teaching/training cycle; the cycle consists of identifying needs, planning and designing, delivery,
assessment, and evaluation. My role as a teacher/trainer is to first identify what needs to be taught
by myself so that my students will be ... Show more content on ...
My other responsibilities include introducing new material into each session and evaluating each
session individually either by tests, question and answer sessions or by setting homework. After
each session I reflect on whether the lesson was appropriate to the learning and if the students
digested the information put across in the session, if not, I should be prepared to make adjustments
to make sure that the information is understandable in the future. It is my responsibility to be
professional in my approach, encouraging, understanding and trustworthy. To put the progress,
well–being and development of my students first, make sure that everyone is included and feels part
of the group. I can be advisor, confidant and leader, but I acknowledge my limitations. I understand
the need to maintain appropriate boundaries in my dealings with students. I must take care to make
sure that my relationships with students reflect the age, gender and maturity of the students. I should
not use inappropriate language and be aware those certain aspects of demeanour, language and
attitudes, however conveyed, could give rise to misunderstandings. I must be fully aware that
touching students, including well–intentioned gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or
arm, could be misconstrued by a student, parent or other person observing the act. Such physical
contact must
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Roles and Responsibilities
Teaching Service
Last updated 1 January 2015
Roles and Responsibilities – Teaching Service
Page 1
The roles and responsibilities that can be expected of employees at the various classification levels,
including the principal class, is set out below and incorporates Schedule 2 of the
Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2013.
The role of the principal is to lead and manage the planning, delivery, evaluation and improvement
of the education of all students in a community through the ... Show more content on ...
Roles and Responsibilities – Teaching Service
Page 3
Leading teachers will be highly skilled classroom practitioners and undertake leadership and
management roles commensurate with their salary range. The role of leading teachers is to improve
the skill, knowledge and performance of the teaching workforce in a school or group of schools and
to improve the curriculum program of a school. Typically, leading teachers are responsible for
coordinating a number of staff to achieve improvements in teaching and learning which may involve
the coordination and professional support of colleagues through modelling, collaborating and
coaching and using processes that develop knowledge, practice and professional engagement in
Leading teachers are expected to lead and manage a significant area or function within the school
with a
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The Roles Of Bandura's Social Learning Theory
Transformation and cultivation of learning practices require increasing knowledge and
understanding of learning principles to aid in implementing strategies and informing policies
(Weimer, 2002). Learner–centered teaching emphasizes learning that puts the needs of the student
first and seeks to help faculty understand their role and student's responsibilities in the learning
experience. Also, gaining a more practical view of how students learn in a social context through
"vicarious experiences" helps instructors to design optimal learning environments where students
can develop and thrive (Bandura, 1971). The results of a thorough search of the literature prompted
Weimer (2002) to recommend five changes for implementation of a learning–centered pedagogy.
For the purposes of this essay, the writer will focus on two of the recommended changes: the role of
the teacher and the responsibility for the learner and examine how the changes relate to Bandura's
Social Learning Theory.
Learner–centered Teaching by Maryellen Weimer (2002) is a work in which embraces cognitive,
educational psychology and constructivist philosophies that emphasize active learning in a social
context, where learners are free to hypothesize, explore intellectual curiosities, and exhibit self–
regulation (Weimer, 2002). To integrate a learner–centered pedagogy, a transformation of thinking,
must occur that challenges the idea of the teacher in front of the class and the owner of the
knowledge, instead,
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Roles And Responsibilities Of An Early Childhood Teacher
What are the roles and responsibilities of an early childhood teacher? What makes an early
childhood teacher effective if they use developmentally appropriate practices (DAP)? According to
DAP, there are five main facets that make up the role of an early childhood educator. Each facet
makes up what needs to be done by an educator to encourage the children's development and
learning and by using DAP it gives the children support.
Community of learners The educator must build a community inside their classrooms. According to
the NAEYC position statement on DAP; "The role of the community is to provide a physical,
emotional, and cognitive environment conducive to that development and learning" (Copple &
Bredekamp, 2009, pg. 16). To build a community is the foundation on how the children build
relationships outside of their own homes and families. Every person in the child care and/or
classroom community needs to know that they are appreciated, respected, that they are safe, and feel
part of that community. As educators we need to model these types of interactions, whether it be to
other children and/or to adults. To help build that community educators need to get to know every
child and their families, observe and learn about each child's personality, understand their abilities,
know what they are interested in, and in what ways they learn. The most important are that the
educator makes a point to grow a positive relationship with every child in its care.
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What Is the Role and Responsibility of the Teacher in...
What is the role and responsibility of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector? The roles and
responsibilities of a teacher in the field of lifelong learning sector that covers all publicly funded
post–16 education outside universities are extremely varied and diverse. When examined closely the
diverse roles of a teacher, trainer, assessor or tutor, seem to be associated a multitude/body of
expectations. Ideally the teacher should have the ability to combine roles and responsibilities in a
way, which firstly benefit the pupil, the education system but also the community and ultimately the
state and its economy. Teachers in (LLLS) must provide significant assistance in training people,
either after completion of compulsory schooling ... Show more content on ...
In this context it is important to note that currently more students are in Further Education than at
university. One in five adults now is studying in FE, 3/4 of the students are 19 years or older. The
teacher lifelong learning contributes to the transformation/"creation" of students aiming for them to
become active citizens. As a result this will expend the number of people who work socially and
ethically responsible towards those in authority but also amongst individuals. This contributes to the
creation of social cohesion. This process also encourages students to actively participate in
community issues and thus engages them critically on a wider base on a national level. The students
for lifelong learning, with the help of their teachers, become aware of how to effectively engage in
public life, acquire appropriate knowledge, develop specific skills, acquiring values, upon which
they can build their lives. It is important that teachers of lifelong learning keep up to date within
their professional field through continuing professional development, aiming to evolve and develop
their own teaching skills. A teacher's duties involve a multitude of responsibilities. Amongst others,
monitoring and reporting their pupils achievements in order to document student's progress. The
tutor is obliged to treat all
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PTLLS Assignment 1: Roles and Responsibilities in the...
1. Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the
teaching/training cycle. My role as a teacher In her book Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning
sector 2011 (P9), Ann Gravells explains that "Your main role as a teacher should be to teach your
subject in a way that actively involves and engages your students during every session." Beyond
this, my role as a teacher of business management extends to firstly being an exemplar of good
management practice, behaviour and conduct. I would need to be a positive role model to my
students in interpersonal relationships, organisation, time management, leadership and other aspects
of the role of a manager. My role as a teacher also extends to ... Show more content on ...
Using my personal presence, presonal example, charisma and tools such as ground rules, I need to
create the right first impression to ensure that my learners are aware of their responsibilities within
the learning environment. I try to create an environment of support, collaboration and mutual
respect. I am responsible for ensuring inclusivity of the learners and celebrating their diversity. I
have a duty of care in respect of my learners and should get advice and guidance from my fellow
professionals in areas I am unsure of. The environment should be in accordance with Health and
Safety requirements allowing free movement and access, no trip hazards, safe, tested electrical
equipment. I need to create a psychologically safe environment without intimidation or disrespect. I
would do this by challenging inappropriate behaviour and encouraging positive behaviour. I could
also refer learners back to the ground rules. Depending on the learning needs / progress of
individuals I might need to adapt and target some parts of the course content. I need to minimise
jargon and adapt my language and style to the needs of the participants. I need to create
opportunities for networking, self–development and experimentation. I must also be aware of any
perceived or real barriers to learning and make appropriate interventions. To do this I would confer
with teaching assistants or 'privately' discuss any issues directly with learners.
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Roles Responsibilities as a Teacher
Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the
teaching/training cycle
The Teaching/Training cycle is a model of assessment of needs, planning and review set out to guide
teachers in their roles, responsibilities and boundaries.
Initial assessment and the identification of individual learners needs is a crucial part of the learning
journey. The initial assessment of individual needs helps to identify both learners' skills against
national standards and further diagnostic testing can identify preferred learning styles. The analysis
of results can then be used to design an individual programme of learning for the learner which
underpins the success of a course and act as a benchmark from ... Show more content on ...
Adult Teaching Adult Learning (Continuing Education Press, University of Nottingham, 1997)
Hall L. and Marsh K. Professionalism, Policies and Values (University of Greenwich Press, London,
Your role/responsibility is to facilitate learning to everyone, without discrimination, gender or racial.
To work at each individuals level and to assist learning to their capabilities, ie if you have someone
with dyslexia how would assist this,(find out what they needed to help with their dyslexia, pink or
yellow paper, or use of a laptop). This could be assisted with a test paper at the beginning of a
course (the colleges provide you with this its a generic paper). This can pinpoint who needs extra
help with basic English, etc.
You are a teacher and assessor, so therefore you will be teaching the subject to the curriculum,
ensuring that aims and objectives are met, to continually assess throughout the course, to give
constructive feedback to the student indicating where they are not achieving and suggestions on how
to achieve.
You will support each student, observing how they are coping with the work and offering assistance
if needed.
To ensure that all assignments, modules are completed, set homework and mark this.
To prepare the student for practical assessments as well as theory assessments.
To guide them through essential health and safety issues.
To explain how the assessing procedure is done, ie assessor,
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teaching and education training we need to develop knowledge and understanding of our roles,
responsibilities and relationships within the teacher, student environment. I see this valuable to my
progression and career development. The initial task was to produce a job description on my ideal
job. Through research and reading, I was able to extend my knowledge and understanding of the
importance to the following areas: TEACHING ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: My role and
responsibilities as a teacher are paramount for success and a clear understanding of what is required
is important for the student's ... Show more content on ...
It is therefore important to recognise that I do not let my personal situations affect my
professionalism. Francis and Gould (2009) states: 'Professionalism requires us to maintain
appropriate standards and fulfil our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues'. KEY
As with any professional role there is always a legal requirement and ethical
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Unit 301 Understanding Roles leaflet
Mr. Peter Bowen Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and
Training Unit 301 The areas covered within this leaflet are: The teaching role and responsibilities in
education and training How the teaching/training role involves working with other professionals The
boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles including points of referral to
meet the needs of learners The key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of
practice relevant to the roles and responsibilities of our own professional role As teacher's we are
committing to a life time of learning and development of ourselves and our learners. The roles and
responsibilities in education and training. These are ... Show more content on ...
Teachers will inevitably be in contact with other professionals daily. It is always important to treat
these professionals with respect. These professionals may include some of the following:
Management, OFSTED, Colleagues, Reprographics department, Suppliers and external agencies An
example might be, external agencies required to repair classrooms or equipment so as the lesson or
course may proceed. The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles,
including points of referral to meet the needs of learners. Some learners may have needs that exceed
what we the teacher can offer. It is our role as the teacher to recognise our own boundaries and refer
the learner elsewhere. It is of utmost importance that as a teacher you do not cross boundaries with
learners by becoming too familiar. During lessons it may become apparent that a learner has a
specific need that requires help such as financial guidance, bereavement, dyslexia, or help with
maths/English skills. We would refer them to an appropriate professional such as finance staff,
welfare centre or counselling staff to ensure they get the help and advice they need. Some of
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Just Do It For Me: The Roles and Responsibilities of A...
As new teachers leave the world of the University for the world of teaching, they often do not fully
understand what is expected of them. The roles and responsibilities of a teacher can be vague and
hard to understand when a new teacher is unwilling to ask questions of a mentor teacher, or the
mentor teacher is unwilling to aid the new student. As Cathrine Le Maistre states in her paper, titled
"Mentoring Neophyte Teachers: Lessons Learned from Experience" there is a much higher level of
attrition after the first year of teaching than in any other year (2000). She believes that new teachers
should be taught how to use their own minds, and not simply be given "manila folder of notes" (La
Maistre, 2000. p. 84) and be expected to follow ... Show more content on ...
Also, if you plan on teaching someone, it is not enough to hand the student a set of notes and expect
them to understand; a mentor teacher should look at their student teacher as a student, which is what
they still are and explain the process to them like they are a student. Student teachers and first year
teachers are very similar, and should not be treated the same as experienced teacher; they should be
given more guidance so they are better able to become experienced teachers in the future. Since new
or student teacher will not understand fully the roles and responsibilities of a teacher, it is up to the
mentor teacher and other experienced teachers to guide them through the process of becoming a
teacher. Most schools that hire first year teachers will have a mentor program in place, however,
according to Thomas M. McCann and Larry R. Johannessen, authors of "The Role and
Responsibility of the Experienced Teacher" explain how simply having a mentor program is not
enough to guarantee the success of a first year teacher. McCann and Johannessen explain what
makes a poor mentor program; one in which there is an over emphasis on specific meeting times,
and the time commitment of such a program is actually counter–intuitive as both sides of the mentor
relationship will become frustrated
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The Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher...
The roles, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher and establishing ground rules within a
learning environment In this assignment I will explore my role, responsibilities and boundaries as a
teacher within the teacher training cycle and will analyse the different ways in which I would
establish ground rules with students which may promote good behaviour and respect for other
students who are participating within the same learning environment (Gravells, 2010). According to
Clarke (2006) the role, responsibilities and boundaries are evolving qualities within the teacher
which are assessed and reflected upon using the teaching/training cycle; a cycle of assessment,
planning and review. My main role as a teacher is to facilitate ... Show more content on ...
Group discussions of expectations and inclusion of all views may ensure that every student feels
heard and included. This form of inclusion can facilitate a memorable establishment of ground
rules/boundaries which are individually as well as collectively meaningful. However, this may be
compromised by students with special needs such as auditory problems and students whose first
language is not English these issues if not catered for can hinder the inclusion of that demographic
of student when establishing ground rules (Feiler and Watson, 2010). When discussing ground rules
with learners it is important for me as the teacher to establish the rules of the student which may
reflect their commitment to the teaching/learning relationship. My own ground rules would
incorporate being fully prepared for lessons and ensuring I keep good time for classes to start and
finish promptly. I would reciprocate to the students /learners' commitment to completing
assignments by making sure that all marking is completed and returned in equally good time.
Further rules to ensure students get the most out of their learning experience encompasses my
making sure all have an equal voice when expressing opinions (General Teaching Council, 2009).
However, the issue of ground rules within the Teaching Codes of Conduct and Practice for
Registered Teachers can produce ethical dilemmas such as
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Roles And Responsibilities Of A Teacher In Lifelong...
1. Explain the roles and responsibilities of a teacher in lifelong learning sector
Definition of Role – the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation,
organization, society, or relationship. (Anon., 2017). In education environment there is assumption
for a role of teacher, tutor, mentor, instructor, lecturer, etc. The main role for a teacher is to teach to
the best ability, engaging all students in planned activities. Without highly stimulating learning
opportunities, students will not be able to progress in their learning and develop in their future
Teaching is only one of many roles, that teacher will be involved in. Most of these roles will not
engage students.
Ann Gravells mentions five areas of a role of the teacher. This is called Teaching and Learning
Cycle (Gravells, 2012) and it includes:
Identifying needs
Planning learning
Facilitating learning
Assessing learning
Quality assurance and evaluation
Teacher will have various duties related to the role, but not all of them have to be followed by the
Teaching and Learning Cycle.
When identifying needs of learners, teacher will have to make sure the learner is on the right course.
Initial assessment will help to ascertain what qualifications and knowledge the learner possesses.
Student with little knowledge or no skills/experience will not be eligible to enrol on high level
courses. Teacher's role during this process is to identify barriers or challenges to learning. It is very
important to allow students with learning difficulties or disabilities on the courses. But before
student can enrol teacher needs to either make special arrangements for TA's or wheelchair access
for the student to be able to study. Of course it won't be possible if there is no lift in the learning
centre or there are no qualified support workers available. Sometimes the barrier could be family
situation or work situation. Teacher will have to assess if learner will have enough time to attend
sessions and study individually from home.
Before the session will commence, teacher will be involved in planning learning. This process
involves creating the session plan, resources and activities needed to perform the subject. On very
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Review Your Own Role and Responsibilities and Boundaries...
Revew your own role and responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher, what your role,
responsibilities and boundaries would be/are as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle| The
teaching/training cycle is an invaluable model that should inform the practice of any teacher, of any
subject. The beauty of it is that it provides a structure so that both teachers and trainers can assess
and refresh their practice and, at the same time, review their role, responsibility and boundaries. By
following the training cycle, teachers should be able to instill greater understanding of the course
that is being taught and to afford students greater enjoyment and satisfaction. At the beginning of the
cycle is the assessment. The teacher's ... Show more content on ...
At the same time teachers must ensure that confidentiality is kept. Having assessed the class,
teachers' second role is that of a planning according to needs, researching any unknown and
organizing timings, material etc. Teaching should meet both students' needs and course
requirements, particularly if leading to an exam. There may already be a syllabus in which case it
needs to be adapted or the teacher may need to write a new one. In both cases the learning outcome
must be clearly defined so that time, resources and delivery / assessment methods are carefully
selected. If courses are leading to a qualification then teacher need to be also aware of the
requirements of the awarding body and make sure that all outcomes are reached within the time
frame provided. Due consideration should also be given to health and safety. In the third element of
the cycle teachers may take on board many roles; from lecturer to mentor, from coach to listener,
from assessor to presenter, all the while maintaining their professionalism. This goes from their day
to day behaviour to (i.e.) dressing appropriately and maintaining a distance that allows for trust and
respect) to being a good communicator and being prepared for the session. Each lesson should be
well planned with a beginning (introduction and objectives), a middle (main body of lecture) and an
end (drawing conclusions). Teachers have also the responsibility of keeping
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Legal Roles And Responsibilities Of Teachers
Legal Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers
Teacher's legal roles and responsibilities in the United States is a very important to know, especially
for new teachers. Along the way of teacher's career, and as a public figure, they have the same rights
as anybody. The Bill of Rights assurances each citizen the rights to bear arms, free speech, and
religion, the Constitution helps teachers to understand their rights. A teacher 's responsibility is vital
to guaranteeing that every child obtains the best education possible while protecting their health and
safety. No Child Left Behind (Klein, 2015), FERPA, INTASC helps teachers to understand the
meaning of student's academic level and success.
The Bill of Rights states to bear arms, free speech, to privacy and more. The freedom of expression
allows teachers to express themselves in many ways as writing a newspaper or editor letter. The
Pickering v. Board schools "A high school science teacher wrote a letter to the editor of a
community newspaper, criticizing the board of education's allocation of funds between academics
and athletics. The school board terminated the teacher, saying that the letter contained false
statements that impugned the integrity of the school system" (McCloskey, n.d.). Moreover, the
Pickering v. Board schools case demonstrated that teacher has the freedom of expression and the
rights to express themselves. Furthermore, teachers are not a lot to write about student's education or
personal life.
The age
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Describe Roles and Responsibilities of: A. School...
TASK3, Describe roles and responsibilities of: A. school governors. B. senior management team. C.
other statutory roles e.g. SENCO. D. ... Show more content on ...
If the school has no foundation or equivalent body, the foundation governors are replaced by
partnership governors appointed by the governing body after a nominations process. Sponsor
governors are appointed by the governing body it is at the governing body's discretion whether they
choose to appoint sponsor governors or not. The governing can appoint 2 people as sponsor
governors or up to 4 where the school is a secondary school. Associate members can be appointed to
serve on one or more governing body committees and attend full governing body meetings. Pupils,
school staff and people who want to contribute specifically on issues related to their area of
expertise can be appointed as associate members, They are appointed for a period of between one
and four years but are not governors. School governors will make regular visits to oversee the
delivery of their scheduled subject, report to the curriculum sub–committee and to the full governing
body. B) The head teacher has overall responsibility for the leadership and management of the
school, should ensure the school is well managed, organised, providing leadership and direction.
Support teachers and other staff, ensuring appropriate policies and procedures are in place. Ensuring
good relationships are fostered within the whole school community. The deputy head plays a major
role in managing the school and has responsibility for the school in the absence of the head teacher,
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Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries Within Teaching
Course Title .Understand own role, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to teaching
Chris Hirst PTLLS Preparing to Teach in Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3 Award Depending on the
organisation, your role, responsilbities and boundaries as a teacher will depend on five areas of the
teaching/learning cycle. The purpose of the cycle is to educate, communicate, and motivate students
to learn. Identifying the learners needs Role of the teacher is to identify the individual needs of the
students. The teacher's responsibility is to attend organisational events. These are informal meetings,
where the learners may be given advised on the relevant courses to suit ... Show more content on ...
As the awarding body will require the teacher to assess the student's level of learning, the teacher
will still need to decide what methods of assessment are required. This may be observation during
any session, and completing assignments. It is important when any assessment has been made the
teacher must give the student feedback. Finally the teacher needs to review any assessment and
make any changes where necessary. It is important that the teacher maintains a record of student
progress as this may be a requirement of the organisation. Evaluating The final role is evaluating
and assuring the quality of the teaching programme. . From start to finish the teacher has a
responsibility to evaluate their teaching .During the design of the scheme of work, the teacher will
have to review the session and ask what when well, or not, how can I improve the next session. It is
important to remember the organisation or awarding body will require further evidence that
evaluation and quality assurance has taken place. The purpose of this is to provide consistency and
quality across any teaching session. This may be linked to performance targets for the college.
Evaluating teaching and teachers can be done by several methods .Internal monitoring; this may be
another member of staff, the teacher may be required to undertake this as
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Understanding Roles, Responsibilities And Relationships
Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training Globalization
creates more opportunity for people to learn and share their experience. On the other hand, teachers
get more challenge to set their own roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
as they evolve with time and circumstance. To avoid these problems scholars set some common
roles, responsibilities and relationship with educational curriculum. This report aims to analyse the
roles, responsibilities and relationship and boundaries between teacher and other professionals. Then
explain the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals.
Finally, the key aspects of legislation and codes ... Show more content on ...
Last but not least, I am responsible negotiating some ground rules, ensuring Health and Safety and
providing adequate resources to promote an appropriate learning environment. 1.2 Analyse the
relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. Teacher and
other professionals (internal and external) play their own roles to meet the desire outcome. Teachers
have to liaise with these teams and realise their boundaries. As a teacher I am responsible to
communicate with maths department about the requirements, resources and some modification
about the course based on the learners' level of knowledge and needs. If I have computer or electric
problem, I would not undertake to repair by myself but consult technicians. I always forward
safeguarding issue for health and safety executive. I always set maintenance schedule help. Teachers
should be friendly but professional approach. Trainers have to refrain sharing social media, personal
telephone and using slang words as boundaries can be crossed easily. Teachers should be aware their
boundaries and when and where they get support for themselves as well as their learners (point of
referral). 3.1 The role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual goals Initial
and diagnostic assessment methods start from the initial application and continual assessment
throughout the length of course.
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The Teaching Cycle and the Associated Responsibilities and...
There are many articles and books that refer to the teaching cycle and the associated roles and
responsibilities of the teacher, most articles refer to either a four or five stage cycle. In this
assignment I will cover the five stage cycle and concentrate on my role and responsibilities as a
teacher in the lifelong learning sector. Wilson 2009 states that the teacher cycle should be a
structured process, so it is split into five sections placing the teacher roles and responsibility into
various groups. The cycle can begin at any given point and is designed to show improvement. These
five stages consist of, 1. Identifying needs 2. Planning learning and design 3. Delivery 4.
Assessments 5. Evaluation Identifying needs In my role as a ... Show more content on ...
I should address any needs that have arisen at the previous stage. I then need to structure the course
making sure that I stay within the boundaries of the syllabus if the course is accredited. If I am
unsure then I can discuss this with my colleagues. I should also make sure that a risk assessment is
carried out in the classroom following the guidelines of the health and safety act 1979. Delivery
Once have identified the students needs and have planned and designed the course I can then deliver
or facilitate the learning. I can use different styles and activities to keep the students interested. I can
invite comments and discussions to enhance their learning. This could promote inclusion of the
quietest of the students and also give me time to carefully observe and assess their learning . I may
need ice breakers and energisers at times and also maintain any ground rules that may have been
agreed at the beginning of the course by the students. I must conform to codes of practice at all
times ensuring also that I promote respect, equality and diversity. I will also try to embed language,
literacy, numeracy,and ict Assessment I need to monitor and assess the progress of each student by
maintaining accurate record using a variety of assessment tools, gaining feedback, formative
informative,formal and informal whilst also maintaining my organisations requirements. Evaluate It
is important that I do a student evaluation and a self evaluation in order to see how well
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Paraprofessionals In Schools
Paraprofessionals have become commonplace in the modern school system. Due to an increased
emphasis on the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, the use of
paraprofessionals has concurrently increased (Douglas, Chapin, & Nolan, 2016). The glaring
question is whether these teacher assistants provide a necessary service for students with disabilities
or if they are inadvertently hindering their success. While some educators claim paraprofessionals
are an essential aspect of student services, others argue the potentially adverse academic and social
consequences. Despite their increased prominence, paraprofessional's lack of training, role
confusion, extensive responsibility, and intrusion on student–peer ... Show more content on ...
In their efforts to support these educators and their students with disabilities, teacher assistants are
asked to play many roles. Responsibilities include behavioral support, adapting/modifying materials,
personal care assistance, and the facilitation of daily interactions. As stated by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (2014), paraprofessional's roles consist of providing lesson reinforcement, ensuring rule
adherence, preparing materials, and the supervision of students. Also, the United States Department
of Education (2001) provides a set of responsibilities involving one–on–one tutoring, classroom
management assistance, and the provision of instructional services under teacher supervision
(Ramos, 2017). When asked to identify their own roles, paraprofessionals cited making sure
students with disabilities were not a distraction to the general education teacher, providing
immediate modifications to academic content, and the expectation of expansive instructional
knowledge. According to survey response, teacher assistant's most commonly performed actions
include the reteaching of general education curriculum and the monitoring of student behaviors in
and out of the classroom (Harris, 2012). As a result of primary responsibilities including lesson
reinforcement, one–on–one tutoring, and reteaching curriculum, teacher assistants have become the
primary educators of
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Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essay
Assessment Question 1 – Roles and Responsibilities as a Teacher
As in every profession, roles, responsibilities and boundaries are set in order to define the line
indicating the acceptable limits.
Many people think the role of a teacher is just to teach students new skills; however the role goes
much further than this, it can include assessor, verifier, advisor, record keeper, course designer,
working with employers and personal tutor.
Within this position there are naturally a huge number of responsibilities related to each of the roles
that must be undertaken. It is therefore important to be clear on what your roles and responsibilities
include and what the boundaries of your role are whilst remaining professional at all times. ... Show
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All this is in line with the LLUK Standard Domain E "The role of feedback in effective evaluation
and improvement of own assessment skills."
I have the task of Identifying Needs. It is important that you identify the needs of your learners so
you can design the course to reflect individual differences. Although this is usually described as the
first stage in the teaching/training cycle it is a process that may have to be deferred until you meet
your learners for the first time and usually should be a continuing requirement throughout the
learning journey. However, some organisations interview their learners before the course, or there
may be an application process where learner needs can be identified.
The range of learner needs can be described by a variety of acronyms – one of which is SPICE:
Social – | | might affect how a learner can interact with others or how they view learning especially
if they have had previously bad experiences of education. | Physical – | | might affect how a learner
can access learning (e.g. sensory disabilities or reduced mobility). | Intellectual– | | might affect how
a learner gains new knowledge/skills. Learners may be at different academic or skill levels and take
longer or shorter times to process new knowledge/skills than others in the group. | Cultural – | |
might affect learner views, values and beliefs. | Emotional – | | might affect learner motivation or
ability to concentrate. |
In all cases
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Roles And Responsibilities Of Teachers
Academic report: The role of teachers
Roles and responsibilities of teachers
Ultimately, the role of the teacher is to advance student learning. Although I am not presently
employed as a teacher, after many years as a student I have come to appreciate that it is the teachers
who supported me in my quest for understanding as a person and as a learner that I valued the most
and whose lessons remained with me many years later. A teacher can be friendly, but being a good
teacher is not synonymous with being a 'best friend' and only requiring the class to do what it wants
to do. Conversely, a good teacher is not simply a disciplinarian. The teacher needs to be responsive
to the needs of students and be willing to listen to their input and feedback from formative learning
assignments such as quizzes and essays. Although the teacher may be the guiding intelligence that
steers the class in its ultimate direction, the teacher must still be in dialogue with what students are
telling him or her along the way and be willing to change course when necessary to arrive with all
students 'on board.' Particularly with adult students who bring the richness of their perspective to the
classroom, teachers must have an 'ear' for student concerns.
Teachers must be responsive to the needs of different student learners. Although all teachers are
required to have their students meet certain, basic standards of the state on standardized tests and
also fulfill the requirements of the school,
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Roles and Responsibilities of the Teacher in the Lifelong...
Amanda Smith
Pttles Teaching Programme
Tutor: Joanna Martin
Essay Title/ Level 4 Assessment:
'Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the
teaching/ training cycle'?
Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the
teaching/training cycle.
Traditionally the role of the teacher has been as a purveyor of information and trusted to be the fount
of all knowledge. This suggests that the teacher was the one in control of the passing of knowledge
onto passive students. Of course this 'chalk and talk' approach has now altered dramatically from the
'traditional' model and thus altering the role of the teacher. Reece and Walker believe that, " ... Show
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The need to encourage innovation and be a keen supporter or motivator as well as catering to the
special needs of all the students. Record keeping, administration, organisation and planning are
essential to the development of a course and to help to gauge whether the learner's have learnt from
the sessions. I see my role of the teacher as one who orchestrates learning through experience and
practical methods interwoven with an accelerated learning style. It is also the role of the teacher to
self evaluate his/her sessions. Although, we can have a gut instinct to a delivered session what went
well what didn't work as planned etc it is agreed by many teaching professionals that there need to
be a much more structured and systematic approach to self evaluation such as checklists, rating
scales, questionnaires or perhaps to keep a diary of each session.
Reece and Walker suggests, to include such diary headings as: prep/ presentation/classroom
relationships/ Communications/ Assessment and provide a list of appropriate self designed questions
for each heading (Reece & Walker 2002)
The Pro–forma headings for self evaluation could be as Reece and Walker suggest: Preparation/
entry behaviour/Aims; Objectives/ Aids/
... Get more on ...

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Roles And Responsibilities Of A Teacher

  • 1. Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector [pic] Executive Summary This paper will focus upon the roles, responsibilities and boundaries in planning, managing and delivering learning based around the teaching training cycle. This covers the application of learning styles to identify the differences of my learners. The issues of entitlement, equality, diversity and Inclusitivity will be addressed. It will also address the relevant legislation in my area of expertise and the importance of record keeping to maintain quality standards. The outline of scheme of work, lesson planning, methods used and resources available to meet the needs of my learners. Contents Introduction 4 Roles, responsibilities and functions of a teacher 4 ... Show more content on ... I thought it was useful to set up a course file which contain all the documentation that is needed to deliver the course. This includes the syllabus, session plan, scheme of work, assignments handouts and activities. All the record of my learners are kept alphabetically so that I can easily access the learners information easily. I tend to keep certain information about my learners such as their application form, interview, Initial assessment, assessment records, action plan, tutorials, and review notes. I always make sure that I have some extra stationery hand as many of my students tend to forget to bring it with them. There are so many characteristics that make up an effective teacher. I always have additional worksheets prepared for my learners to carry out just in case the session finished earlier than expected. Teachers are addressed with many names such as assessor, coach, facilitator, counsellor mentor however it is necessary that I must work within my professional boundaries. It is about knowing where my role stops as a tutor. For instant make call to a learner to find out why they have not turned up, but continuously ringing the learner is not appropriate. I always make sure that I follow organisational requirements and policies. Below are some boundaries of a teacher: ➢ Your roles are limited to teaching pastoral care ➢ Cant undermine other colleague roles ➢ Not undermining departmental ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries... 7303 Award on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment 1 – Theory 1 Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching training cycle. I am tutoring adults to achieve an A1 qualification – qualifies the learners to assess an NVQ in the job and area of expertise that they are competent in. The teacher training cycle is divided into 5 parts and supports the tutors roles and responsibilities. PLAN – Advertising the qualification. I advertise the qualification to schools in Newcastle–upon Tyne via Newsletters, e–mails to administration staff, letters to SENCO's and by a memory key that is posted to school's. A boundary would be lack of input for how and where ... Show more content on ... I incorporate VAK learning styles by including information sheets / quizzes, movement activities when role playing the assessor's role and short videos / power points to introduce a topic. I plan for discussion and question times in between activities to encourage learners to talk about the activity and LO, answer any queries and gauge if extra knowledge is needed. Each lesson is planned with a 2 hour framework and I provide an agenda handout for the session. There is an aim and clear learning objective giving details of what should be learnt in the session. It is my responsibility that the learner has a clear understanding of what the session topic is, understands the learning objectives and how they will know if they have achieved the LO. I must have resources and materials prepared – enough handouts, power point set up and ready to run. I need to offer a friendly positive environment where learners feel respected and are treated with dignity, have the confidence to learn and challenge themselves while achieving the A1 qualification. ASSESSMENT – a tutor needs to use assessments to verify the learners are progressing towards the qualification with knowledge and understanding from the sessions. I use verbal and written assessment continually throughout the sessions, using various methods including quizzes, "brain teasers", end of session recap open questions, closed quick ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Roles And Responsibilities Of A Modern Primary School Teacher What am I? The role of a modern primary school teacher within a classroom is almost impossible to describe in full. Teachers are managers; they have an army of children before them that need guidance, support, care and discipline. Teachers are carers who provide emotional and pastoral care. Teachers are educationalists tasked with transferring knowledge and skills that will enable that child to develop and learn independently. But, first of all, a teacher has to prioritise the many important tasks that they must perform on a daily basis. This essay will attempt to set out and analyse some of the roles and responsibilities they undertake during term time. Starting with the learning environment, the pastoral care, lesson planning, other ... Show more content on ... This too must be completed with care. As my own school policy states (appendix A) '[correct marking] gives our pupils opportunities to become aware of and reflect on their learning needs' and it 'give[s] clear strategies for improvement.' The setting of challenging, but realistic targets is an important responsibility, as is monitoring performance against those targets. The Relationship with the Child It is now widely accepted that a school that provides excellent pastoral care can help improve children's numeracy and literacy levels. The Independent Schools Inspectorate (2014) includes the provision of pastoral care in its inspection criteria and OFSTED (2011) states in a press release, 'Successful schools showed that the acquisition of literacy skills often needs to be underpinned by high–quality pastoral care.' This care comes predominantly from class teachers as they have the most contact time with the child. A teacher must be supportive on many levels. They are, in effect, leaders, carers and part–time parents. Therefore they must encourage growth, help build self– confidence and inspire. Teaching all students as individuals helps children to feel like they matter. Differentiation Bremner (2008:2) argues that, 'a mixed ability class does not just consist of a range of abilities but also a range of learning styles and ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Roles and Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher Essay Roles and responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher This assignment is aimed to highlight the Roles and responsibilities of a teacher and the importance for a teacher to be aware of the legal aspects of teaching inclusively and to follow all current legislation and codes using the teaching/training cycle, a cycle of assessment, planning and review/evaluating. The Equal Act 2010 legislation is a legal requirement and code of practice to be adhered. This piece of legislation is to ensure that all students are treated equally. As a teacher the ability to understand all students have different learning perceptions and understanding. This would be identified in an initial assessment of students which would continue, reassessing their ... Show more content on ... This is also part of inclusive teaching ensuring all the learners are individually receiving the correct materials and information adapted inclusively. Research shows 'that individuals have to gain through learning collaboratively in appropriately structured and conducted groups'. J. Smith and A Spurling (1999:44). Assessing and evaluating the needs of individual learners helps with facilitating quality, inclusive and diverse teaching. This is an important aspect of teaching. A professional boundary between teachers and other professional roles, ie social services and admin staff, needs to be in place in any establishment. Without basic set boundaries, individuals may misunderstand or misinterpret a situation. Boundaries are also an element of safe guarding. For example a teacher should not interfere in a student's private life unless invited. If a student confides in a teacher, the teacher must remain professional and not become over familiar or opinionated. A teacher must remember that students are students and not 'friends'. Another important aspect of boundaries is to remember when working, especially with vulnerable students or of the opposite sex, to be aware that teacher and students are not alone in an isolated classroom. Another example would be that teachers do not give students rides in your car or give out personal telephone numbers. If a student ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries... 7303 Award on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment 1 – Theory 1 Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching training cycle. I am tutoring adults to achieve an A1 qualification – qualifies the learners to assess an NVQ in the job and area of expertise that they are competent in. The teacher training cycle is divided into 5 parts and supports the tutors roles and responsibilities. PLAN – Advertising the qualification. I advertise the qualification to schools in Newcastle–upon Tyne via Newsletters, e– mails to administration staff, letters to SENCO's and by a memory key that is posted to school's. A boundary would be lack of input for how and where the ... Show more content on ... Did the assessment methods provide information and knowledge looking for? Evaluating – were there are circumstances that you did not plan for and should have done? Did I get feedback for the learners on the session? 7303 Award on Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment 1 – Theory 2) Identify the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation you would like to work for. As a tutor I must have a knowledge and understanding of the following Health and Safety – I need to be aware of the environment and ensure the learners are in safe environment at all times. I need to know who to report any issues to and have good knowledge of the fire procedures and drill practices. When the learners are assessing at schools I need to make sure that they have an understanding of H&S and that they are not been put in situations that are unsafe. Data Protection – the learners are informed who is privy to their records / personal details at the beginning of the course. Any information I have is only passed onto the relevant persons and with the learners' knowledge. Equal opportunities – as a tutor it is imperative that I support and enable equal opportunities for all the learners. This can mean making arrangements so that the room is changed for a wheelchair user, arranging handouts to be posted to learner unable to attend a session etc. The first thing the learners ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay As an educator, it is important to have a personal teaching philosophy based on your beliefs. It also helps you to keep the focus on what your goals are as an educator and the way you plan to integrate those goals into your teaching. A statement of philosophy begins with the educator 's view on the purpose of schooling. In what ways are teachers going to challenge students to have high achievement standards? Along with goals for students, what are their responsibilities going to entail? These two questions play into the most significant focus of a teacher 's philosophy: what is my role going to be as a teacher? What standards do I want to be the focus of my classroom? Also, a personal philosophy is not strictly in the classroom; there should be a basis of beliefs for actions outside of the school setting. As a teacher or individual in the school setting, it is necessary to define the purpose of education and learning. This starts by laying out standards such as why, what, and how students learn. Recognizing student learning patterns allows the teacher to keep focused on where her student 's progress should be. It is important for students to learn so they are knowledgeable on topics of the world they live in; if a person does not learn basic things while in school they will not be able to look out for themselves in the real world. Students should be taught things like respect, integrity, kindness, and other virtues in order to be successful people. They ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Roles, Responsibilities, and Boundaries as a Teacher Part 1 Part A (1 & 2) – Roles, responsibilities and boundaries As a Training Consultant (TC) and teacher my main role and responsibilities are to educate and deliver effective training and impart my skills and knowledge in my specialist area which is Childcare. This is needed to support the learner either directly or indirectly and to maintain an inclusive, fair/just and motivating learning environment. I understand that as a teacher I am primarily responsible for the health and safety also the moral and physical welfare of my students/learners. I am also responsible for teaching students with Special Educational Needs. I provide Training to Learners within their workplace which can be either in a nursery, a school, Residential Care ... Show more content on ... They are as follows: Integrity, Respect, Care, Practice, Disclosure and Responsibility. This is what all members should adhere to, to ensure that good quality teaching is carried out. Thirdly, members should constantly evaluate and reappraise their own methods, policies and practices and keep up to date with current developments in light of changing needs and circumstances. Lastly, member should be aware of the need for confidentiality within their professional practice. Part C – Equality, Diversity and Ways to Promote Inclusion The Department for education and skills have a handout called The learning Journey this is a vital tool for all assessors. This clearly shows the process to follow when meeting with the learner/student for the first time. I need to acquire as much information as possible to identify any support needs of the learners. During the discussion, as a teacher I encourage learners to seek initial and further learning and to use services within the organisation. This is called Signposting. This is when I will direct the learner on where to find additional information, guidance and advice or learning resources. Another service within the organisation is Referral. This is when I will direct them to an outside agency depending on the kind of support they require. If they have mental health issues I would direct them to Children and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Roles And Responsibilities Of Teacher The roles and responsibilities of teacher, the boundaries they abide to. Word count: 1317 Introduction This paper looks at teacher and a few requirements they have to do. It'll look at what a teachers role is to the education system and what the teacher role is to learners. The professional boundaries of teachers and their relationships with the learner. The different types of assessments for the learners. The importance of record keeping what to keep and why and how to apply these into my own teaching. Teaching Role A teacher role in education is to teach the learner but it's more than that, it's to be a role model, it's someone who a learner can depend and rely on. In 1984 David Kolb published his model for the learning cycle. "Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience" (Kolb, 1984, p. 38). The cycle is broken down into four parts; "1. Concrete Experience – (a new experience of situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of existing experience). 2. Reflective Observation (of the new experience. Of particular importance are any inconsistencies between experience and understanding). 3. Abstract Conceptualization (Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept). 4. Active Experimentation (the learner applies them to the world around them to see what results)." (S.McLeod,2013,1) The learning cycle show the process in which both children and adult learn. Teachers also use ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Roles And Responsibilities Of A School 2.1 Describe the roles and responsibilities of: A) School governors– Is made up of a team of maximum 20. They are responsible of running the school. The team will consist of different people who have links with the school or the local community. There will be at least 1 parent and 1 staff governor, and also the head teacher. Additional governors will be a support staff governor and a local authority governor who is chosen by the local authority, and also a local community governor. Governors work together with the head teacher and the senior management team. They are rarely seen around the school during the working day. Their main roles are to set aims for the school, accept new policies for achieving aims and setting target for achieving the aims. b) Senior management team– A group of experienced staff with management positions who work closely with the head teacher. For primary schools, this is usually the deputy head teacher, year group leaders and SENCO and also a foundation stage leader. In secondary schools this is also the year group leaders, SENCO and also subject leaders. The team meet regular or once a week and address issues and agree on a decision which will help run the school or help improve it. It is then discussed on how it will be informed to staff and teachers. c) Other statutory roles e.g. SENCO– Aside from the head teacher and deputy head teacher, there are 2 other main roles, SENCO and foundation stage manager in primary schools. The SENCO has the ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Roles And Responsibilities Of A Special Education Teacher Being a special educator, there are different roles and responsibilities separate from a general education teacher. As a special ed teacher, you need to be able to be more flexible and open–minded when it comes to teaching. These students, whether in a self–contained classroom or an ICT class, will have such differing needs than their counterparts. While they may still have some same needs, most of them will be different and individual. Even though we may have several students with the same disability in our class, that doesn't mean that we can treat them the same; each student has differing abilities that we must figure out individually. This is one huge problem that I see prevailing in schools today. Teachers tend to think that if a child has autism, they have the same issues and needs as another child with autism but this is not the case. One child might need headphones for noise–canceling features while the other child might be ok with sound but need more social interactions skills. The ability to discern what a child needs based on their own performance is a crucial aspect to supporting every student equally. As a special educator, we need to not only look at their deficits but their capabilities as well. To define someone by what they can't do is such a negative point of view. If we go into the classroom trying to find what is wrong with a child, we may never notice what exceptional skills they may have. For example, in class when Mark Sarabian came to talk about the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries... PTLLS Assessment Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher or trainer in terms of the teaching and learning cycle. How might "equality", "diversity" and "inclusion" impact on a learner's experience? Give examples from your own experience and research to support your assertions. "This submission is entirely my own work unless I have used quotation marks to indicate my reference to the work of others" As a teacher or trainer, there are a variety of roles and responsibilities that are important to consider. The main role of a teacher is to create a relaxed, comfortable learning environment for students to meet their learning needs. In many cases, the teacher's role also involves delivery of ... Show more content on ... In addition, the teacher is responsible for researching the subject area to ensure a wide, current knowledge base that will help when establishing credibility and professionalism, and then to develop a variety of interesting ways to deliver the content whilst ensuring a safe working environment for students. The teacher's role is then to deliver the lesson content in a manner consistent with the learning styles and requirements of the delegates. These might include lecturing, large group discussion or case studies. In the past I have taught legislative considerations in regard to health and safety aspects of manual handling and use of display screen equipment and have used role play; small group work and case studies to try to accommodate different learning styles. Within all this, it is essential that the teacher establishes and maintains professional boundaries. These can be varied and quite different, depending on the context, the environment and the group or individual being taught, for example, a teacher teaching young children would have a different set of boundaries than a football coach coaching an adult football team. However, the teacher should always consider relevant legislation. This includes health and safety legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974; the Equality Act, 2010 and most relevant to the above example, child protection ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Roles and Responsibility Essay Roles and Responsibilities This essay is to evaluate what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle. In order for one to completely explore the task expected from the author, it is paramount to understand the meaning of the terminology used in this essay. The author begins by giving a brief definition of "role". According to the dictionary, role is defined as one's part, expected function, job, duty, task, responsibility. Readers' digest. Whilst, online dictionary, Encarta (1998–2005) claim added that, "role" is usual or expected function, characteristic or expected pattern of behaviour. On the other hand, "responsibilities" refer to accountability, that is the ... Show more content on ... This author when on to state that, the roles of teachers' is to act as a professional because one's role can influence others. Wilson (2008). As a teacher, one's role and responsibility should be towards the learners' ability to learn and for learning to be as tailored made for the individual learner. Moreover, Francis and Gould (2009), when on further by adding that, our expectation as a teacher, trainer, assessor or tutor is checking and reporting learner's attendance and achievement, treating all learners with fairness, equal respect, giving opportunity to get involved, encouraging all, acknowledging diversity and differentiation. Keep up to date with subject development to mention a few, which also includes current legislation such as health and safety act 1974, manual handling operation 1992, RIDDOR, sex discrimination act 1975. Furthermore, Huddleston and Unwin (2008) p85 uses diversity and change in their research. "Where will I teach" and "who will I teach". Furthermore, that "adult teach and learn in one another's company, they find themselves engaged in a challenging, passionate and creative activity", and that "acts of teaching and learning – the creation and alteration of our beliefs, value, action, relationships, and social forms that result from this – are ways in which we realise our humanity". The reason for ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Ptlls Assignment 1 Roles and Responsibilities Essay Lifelong Learning Sector Lifelong learning sector covers adult education (16+) outside universities and takes place in further education colleges, adult and community learning centres, work–bases, libraries, archives and information centres, the forces, NHS, prisons, private colleges. The learners range widely in their ages, interests, abilities, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, etc. Teacher's Roles and Responsibilities Our role as ESOL teachers is extremely diverse and includes many other aspects outside teaching in class, e.g. we can be a subject leader, a manager of learning resources, a curriculum developer, a tutor, an assessor, an advice giver, an administrator, a record keeper, an interviewer (Francis & Gould, 2009, ... Show more content on ... As an ESOL teacher, I will be required to explain fire evacuation procedure pointing out to the nearest fire exit and keeping a register in case of fire, check the classroom before and after the lesson, ensure appropriate ventilation and lighting. Equality Act 2006 ESOL teachers should ensure that all learners are treated equally and have equal opportunities regardless of their race, sex, cultural background and abilities. During the observed lesson, the teacher treated the learners with equal respect, he gave them equal opportunities to participate in the activities and discussions, he listened to everyone and respected their views and opinions. The class was conducted taking into account the multicultural nature of the class and different backgrounds of the students. Boundaries When our responsibilities are clearly defined in the job description, during induction process and in instructions and guidelines, it ensures clear understanding and co–operation, effective working relationships, positive psychological environment and smooth running of all aspects of teaching/learning process. The Institute for Learning (IfL) is responsible for enforcing the Code Of Professional Practice introduced in April 2008 to regulate the activities of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Roles and Responsibilities of School Governors, Senior... Worksheet 2 2.1 Describe roles and responsibilities of school governors, senior management team, and other statutory roles (e.g. SENCO), teachers, support staff | Roles | Responsibilities | School governors | The school governors must appoint a chair and a vice–chair and may wish to make a number of other specific appointments to lead on to certain aspects of the school. There are many different types of governors such as parent governors, staff governors, community governors, authority governors, foundation governors, partnership governors and sponsor governors which all play a part in making schools successful. | The school governor's responsibilities are to set targets for pupil achievements, managing the school finances, ... Show more content on ... * Specialist and technical staff who are on hand in schools to provide knowledge and resources that support learning and teaching. * Site staff ensures that the environment is clean, safe and tidy and make sure meals are available at lunch time. | The support staff responsibilities are to support the school so it's running smoothly by helping pupils progress their learning and welfare, making sure the school is clean safe and tidy, have knowledge and resources to support learning and teaching. | Head teacher | The head teacher is the head administrator of the school who works with the school governors and Senior management team to make sure the school is running smoothly and taking on any problems and solves them. | The head teacher is responsible for the whole school from staff, pupil to finances. | | | | 2.2 Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school (e.g. educational psychologist) | Roles | Responsibilities | Educational psychologist | Educational psychologists bring a specialised perspective to children. They are concerned with children's learning and development and bring a positive change for children by their skills in a range of psychological and educational assessment techniques and in different methods of helping children who experience difficulties in learning, behaviour and social adjustment. | Educational psychologist responsibilities are to help children who have difficulties in a ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Teaching Training Role And Responsibilities 301. (a) Explain the teaching training role and responsibilities in education training, Identifying Needs. ROLES, Teacher, Assessor, Reviewer. Responsibilities; It will be important to identify the needs of the learners so that you can plan / design the course to meet the individual requirements of the learners, this may be carried out through interview prior to the course taking place or through an application process where the learner needs can be identified, these could include social, physical intellectual, cultural, and emotional issues. Design. ROLES, Planner, Reviewer, Organiser. Responsibilities; The course should be designed to ... Show more content on ... Teachers have a responsibility to keep their learners safe (physically and emotionally), they need to assess the safety of classroom activities and make sure that none of the learners are being bullied, harassed, discriminated against either by themselves, the organisation, or by other learners. Teachers have a responsibility to ensure that they have sufficient up to date knowledge or skill to deliver the course content and answer any learner questions. Assess and Evaluate. ROLES; Assessor, marker, recorder, reviewer, feedback provider Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that learner achievement and progression is checked throughout the learning process (formative assessment) and at the end of the course (summative assessment). The assessment methods have to be fair, reliable and valid and linked to the planned activity tasks, with consistent marking strategy. (b) Explain how the teaching/training role involves working with other professional. All teachers should act in a appropriate way with everyone they meet, this includes their learners, colleagues, parents, and other professionals, this means that the teacher will be competent, ethical, will be trustworthy, reliable and committed. Teachers should strive to put their learners first, be approachable, and keep up to date with their own personal development, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Teaching All Children To Read: The Roles Of A Reading... In the article, Complexities in the Roles of Reading Specialists, the responsibilities of a reading specialist are explained in great detail since the roles and responsibilities are so complex. Defining a reading specialist's role and responsibilities is important because many teachers and administrators misunderstand the effectiveness of a reading specialist. Through this article's results and findings, a reading specialist's role become more defined and thoroughly explains how they can be utilized in the classroom in order to help students become successful readers. In the article titled, Teaching All Children to Read: The Roles of a Reading Specialist, the major roles of a reading specialist are described as a person who is "contributing ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Discuss The Role And Responsibilities Of A Clinical Teacher As an education to be more meaningful and enjoyable to an educators as well as students there are certain roles a teacher must play.There are also roles that can make be an outstanding educator through applying those roles and those roles must keep in contact the learner and the educator. A teacher is expected to set learning objectives with aid of criteria for success and assessment methods in learning as the vital components of this role.Learning objectives describe what learners should be able to do at the end of the course,this implies that learners will be able to apply their newly acquired skills,knowledge as well as technics tackling their daily lives problems.Each individual learning should support the comprehensive goal of the course,this ... Show more content on ... Assuring and maintaining and educational qualities,the role emphasises the responsibility of a teacher to establish and sustain the content of education at a higher level and good quality.The teacher is expected to provide trustworthy and reliable information about the learning,teacher listens to,and respond to student's views about quality.Strong and reliable use of an external examining,making provision for diverse learning,aslo giving consideration to student's employability.The quality of newly acquired education should change the lives of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Describe What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries... Rotherham College of Arts and Technology City & Guilds 7303 L3/4 Tutor Barry Holmes Learner ID: 01049010 Brenda Diskin Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle – theory assignment 1 (23/09/09) Roles, responsibilities and boundaries are qualities which the teacher/trainer incorporates into the teaching/training cycle; the cycle consists of identifying needs, planning and designing, delivery, assessment, and evaluation. My role as a teacher/trainer is to first identify what needs to be taught by myself so that my students will be ... Show more content on ... My other responsibilities include introducing new material into each session and evaluating each session individually either by tests, question and answer sessions or by setting homework. After each session I reflect on whether the lesson was appropriate to the learning and if the students digested the information put across in the session, if not, I should be prepared to make adjustments to make sure that the information is understandable in the future. It is my responsibility to be professional in my approach, encouraging, understanding and trustworthy. To put the progress, well–being and development of my students first, make sure that everyone is included and feels part of the group. I can be advisor, confidant and leader, but I acknowledge my limitations. I understand the need to maintain appropriate boundaries in my dealings with students. I must take care to make sure that my relationships with students reflect the age, gender and maturity of the students. I should not use inappropriate language and be aware those certain aspects of demeanour, language and attitudes, however conveyed, could give rise to misunderstandings. I must be fully aware that touching students, including well–intentioned gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or arm, could be misconstrued by a student, parent or other person observing the act. Such physical contact must ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. EDUCATION SUPPORT CLASS 7 Roles and Responsibilities – Teaching Service Page 1 OVERVIEW The roles and responsibilities that can be expected of employees at the various classification levels, including the principal class, is set out below and incorporates Schedule 2 of the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2013. PRINCIPALS The role of the principal is to lead and manage the planning, delivery, evaluation and improvement of the education of all students in a community through the ... Show more content on ... Roles and Responsibilities – Teaching Service Page 3 LEADING TEACHERS Leading teachers will be highly skilled classroom practitioners and undertake leadership and management roles commensurate with their salary range. The role of leading teachers is to improve the skill, knowledge and performance of the teaching workforce in a school or group of schools and to improve the curriculum program of a school. Typically, leading teachers are responsible for coordinating a number of staff to achieve improvements in teaching and learning which may involve the coordination and professional support of colleagues through modelling, collaborating and coaching and using processes that develop knowledge, practice and professional engagement in others. Leading teachers are expected to lead and manage a significant area or function within the school with a ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The Roles Of Bandura's Social Learning Theory Transformation and cultivation of learning practices require increasing knowledge and understanding of learning principles to aid in implementing strategies and informing policies (Weimer, 2002). Learner–centered teaching emphasizes learning that puts the needs of the student first and seeks to help faculty understand their role and student's responsibilities in the learning experience. Also, gaining a more practical view of how students learn in a social context through "vicarious experiences" helps instructors to design optimal learning environments where students can develop and thrive (Bandura, 1971). The results of a thorough search of the literature prompted Weimer (2002) to recommend five changes for implementation of a learning–centered pedagogy. For the purposes of this essay, the writer will focus on two of the recommended changes: the role of the teacher and the responsibility for the learner and examine how the changes relate to Bandura's Social Learning Theory. Learner–centered Teaching by Maryellen Weimer (2002) is a work in which embraces cognitive, educational psychology and constructivist philosophies that emphasize active learning in a social context, where learners are free to hypothesize, explore intellectual curiosities, and exhibit self– regulation (Weimer, 2002). To integrate a learner–centered pedagogy, a transformation of thinking, must occur that challenges the idea of the teacher in front of the class and the owner of the knowledge, instead, ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Roles And Responsibilities Of An Early Childhood Teacher What are the roles and responsibilities of an early childhood teacher? What makes an early childhood teacher effective if they use developmentally appropriate practices (DAP)? According to DAP, there are five main facets that make up the role of an early childhood educator. Each facet makes up what needs to be done by an educator to encourage the children's development and learning and by using DAP it gives the children support. Community of learners The educator must build a community inside their classrooms. According to the NAEYC position statement on DAP; "The role of the community is to provide a physical, emotional, and cognitive environment conducive to that development and learning" (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009, pg. 16). To build a community is the foundation on how the children build relationships outside of their own homes and families. Every person in the child care and/or classroom community needs to know that they are appreciated, respected, that they are safe, and feel part of that community. As educators we need to model these types of interactions, whether it be to other children and/or to adults. To help build that community educators need to get to know every child and their families, observe and learn about each child's personality, understand their abilities, know what they are interested in, and in what ways they learn. The most important are that the educator makes a point to grow a positive relationship with every child in its care. ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. What Is the Role and Responsibility of the Teacher in... What is the role and responsibility of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector? The roles and responsibilities of a teacher in the field of lifelong learning sector that covers all publicly funded post–16 education outside universities are extremely varied and diverse. When examined closely the diverse roles of a teacher, trainer, assessor or tutor, seem to be associated a multitude/body of expectations. Ideally the teacher should have the ability to combine roles and responsibilities in a way, which firstly benefit the pupil, the education system but also the community and ultimately the state and its economy. Teachers in (LLLS) must provide significant assistance in training people, either after completion of compulsory schooling ... Show more content on ... In this context it is important to note that currently more students are in Further Education than at university. One in five adults now is studying in FE, 3/4 of the students are 19 years or older. The teacher lifelong learning contributes to the transformation/"creation" of students aiming for them to become active citizens. As a result this will expend the number of people who work socially and ethically responsible towards those in authority but also amongst individuals. This contributes to the creation of social cohesion. This process also encourages students to actively participate in community issues and thus engages them critically on a wider base on a national level. The students for lifelong learning, with the help of their teachers, become aware of how to effectively engage in public life, acquire appropriate knowledge, develop specific skills, acquiring values, upon which they can build their lives. It is important that teachers of lifelong learning keep up to date within their professional field through continuing professional development, aiming to evolve and develop their own teaching skills. A teacher's duties involve a multitude of responsibilities. Amongst others, monitoring and reporting their pupils achievements in order to document student's progress. The tutor is obliged to treat all ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. PTLLS Assignment 1: Roles and Responsibilities in the... 1. Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. My role as a teacher In her book Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning sector 2011 (P9), Ann Gravells explains that "Your main role as a teacher should be to teach your subject in a way that actively involves and engages your students during every session." Beyond this, my role as a teacher of business management extends to firstly being an exemplar of good management practice, behaviour and conduct. I would need to be a positive role model to my students in interpersonal relationships, organisation, time management, leadership and other aspects of the role of a manager. My role as a teacher also extends to ... Show more content on ... Using my personal presence, presonal example, charisma and tools such as ground rules, I need to create the right first impression to ensure that my learners are aware of their responsibilities within the learning environment. I try to create an environment of support, collaboration and mutual respect. I am responsible for ensuring inclusivity of the learners and celebrating their diversity. I have a duty of care in respect of my learners and should get advice and guidance from my fellow professionals in areas I am unsure of. The environment should be in accordance with Health and Safety requirements allowing free movement and access, no trip hazards, safe, tested electrical equipment. I need to create a psychologically safe environment without intimidation or disrespect. I would do this by challenging inappropriate behaviour and encouraging positive behaviour. I could also refer learners back to the ground rules. Depending on the learning needs / progress of individuals I might need to adapt and target some parts of the course content. I need to minimise jargon and adapt my language and style to the needs of the participants. I need to create opportunities for networking, self–development and experimentation. I must also be aware of any perceived or real barriers to learning and make appropriate interventions. To do this I would confer with teaching assistants or 'privately' discuss any issues directly with learners. ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Roles Responsibilities as a Teacher Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle The Teaching/Training cycle is a model of assessment of needs, planning and review set out to guide teachers in their roles, responsibilities and boundaries. Initial assessment and the identification of individual learners needs is a crucial part of the learning journey. The initial assessment of individual needs helps to identify both learners' skills against national standards and further diagnostic testing can identify preferred learning styles. The analysis of results can then be used to design an individual programme of learning for the learner which underpins the success of a course and act as a benchmark from ... Show more content on ... Adult Teaching Adult Learning (Continuing Education Press, University of Nottingham, 1997) Hall L. and Marsh K. Professionalism, Policies and Values (University of Greenwich Press, London, 2005) Your role/responsibility is to facilitate learning to everyone, without discrimination, gender or racial. To work at each individuals level and to assist learning to their capabilities, ie if you have someone with dyslexia how would assist this,(find out what they needed to help with their dyslexia, pink or yellow paper, or use of a laptop). This could be assisted with a test paper at the beginning of a course (the colleges provide you with this its a generic paper). This can pinpoint who needs extra help with basic English, etc. You are a teacher and assessor, so therefore you will be teaching the subject to the curriculum, ensuring that aims and objectives are met, to continually assess throughout the course, to give constructive feedback to the student indicating where they are not achieving and suggestions on how to achieve. You will support each student, observing how they are coping with the work and offering assistance if needed. To ensure that all assignments, modules are completed, set homework and mark this. To prepare the student for practical assessments as well as theory assessments.
  • 49. To guide them through essential health and safety issues. To explain how the assessing procedure is done, ie assessor, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TEACHERS AND OTHER... UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TEACHERS AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING. INTRODUCTION: As a key part of our teaching and education training we need to develop knowledge and understanding of our roles, responsibilities and relationships within the teacher, student environment. I see this valuable to my progression and career development. The initial task was to produce a job description on my ideal job. Through research and reading, I was able to extend my knowledge and understanding of the importance to the following areas: TEACHING ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: My role and responsibilities as a teacher are paramount for success and a clear understanding of what is required is important for the student's ... Show more content on ... It is therefore important to recognise that I do not let my personal situations affect my professionalism. Francis and Gould (2009) states: 'Professionalism requires us to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil our responsibilities to learners, institutions and colleagues'. KEY ASPECTS OF LEGISLATION, REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND CODES OF PRACTICE: As with any professional role there is always a legal requirement and ethical ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Unit 301 Understanding Roles leaflet Mr. Peter Bowen Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training Unit 301 The areas covered within this leaflet are: The teaching role and responsibilities in education and training How the teaching/training role involves working with other professionals The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles including points of referral to meet the needs of learners The key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relevant to the roles and responsibilities of our own professional role As teacher's we are committing to a life time of learning and development of ourselves and our learners. The roles and responsibilities in education and training. These are ... Show more content on ... Teachers will inevitably be in contact with other professionals daily. It is always important to treat these professionals with respect. These professionals may include some of the following: Management, OFSTED, Colleagues, Reprographics department, Suppliers and external agencies An example might be, external agencies required to repair classrooms or equipment so as the lesson or course may proceed. The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, including points of referral to meet the needs of learners. Some learners may have needs that exceed what we the teacher can offer. It is our role as the teacher to recognise our own boundaries and refer the learner elsewhere. It is of utmost importance that as a teacher you do not cross boundaries with learners by becoming too familiar. During lessons it may become apparent that a learner has a specific need that requires help such as financial guidance, bereavement, dyslexia, or help with maths/English skills. We would refer them to an appropriate professional such as finance staff, welfare centre or counselling staff to ensure they get the help and advice they need. Some of ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Just Do It For Me: The Roles and Responsibilities of A... As new teachers leave the world of the University for the world of teaching, they often do not fully understand what is expected of them. The roles and responsibilities of a teacher can be vague and hard to understand when a new teacher is unwilling to ask questions of a mentor teacher, or the mentor teacher is unwilling to aid the new student. As Cathrine Le Maistre states in her paper, titled "Mentoring Neophyte Teachers: Lessons Learned from Experience" there is a much higher level of attrition after the first year of teaching than in any other year (2000). She believes that new teachers should be taught how to use their own minds, and not simply be given "manila folder of notes" (La Maistre, 2000. p. 84) and be expected to follow ... Show more content on ... Also, if you plan on teaching someone, it is not enough to hand the student a set of notes and expect them to understand; a mentor teacher should look at their student teacher as a student, which is what they still are and explain the process to them like they are a student. Student teachers and first year teachers are very similar, and should not be treated the same as experienced teacher; they should be given more guidance so they are better able to become experienced teachers in the future. Since new or student teacher will not understand fully the roles and responsibilities of a teacher, it is up to the mentor teacher and other experienced teachers to guide them through the process of becoming a teacher. Most schools that hire first year teachers will have a mentor program in place, however, according to Thomas M. McCann and Larry R. Johannessen, authors of "The Role and Responsibility of the Experienced Teacher" explain how simply having a mentor program is not enough to guarantee the success of a first year teacher. McCann and Johannessen explain what makes a poor mentor program; one in which there is an over emphasis on specific meeting times, and the time commitment of such a program is actually counter–intuitive as both sides of the mentor relationship will become frustrated ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries of a Teacher... The roles, responsibilities and boundaries of a teacher and establishing ground rules within a learning environment In this assignment I will explore my role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher within the teacher training cycle and will analyse the different ways in which I would establish ground rules with students which may promote good behaviour and respect for other students who are participating within the same learning environment (Gravells, 2010). According to Clarke (2006) the role, responsibilities and boundaries are evolving qualities within the teacher which are assessed and reflected upon using the teaching/training cycle; a cycle of assessment, planning and review. My main role as a teacher is to facilitate ... Show more content on ... Group discussions of expectations and inclusion of all views may ensure that every student feels heard and included. This form of inclusion can facilitate a memorable establishment of ground rules/boundaries which are individually as well as collectively meaningful. However, this may be compromised by students with special needs such as auditory problems and students whose first language is not English these issues if not catered for can hinder the inclusion of that demographic of student when establishing ground rules (Feiler and Watson, 2010). When discussing ground rules with learners it is important for me as the teacher to establish the rules of the student which may reflect their commitment to the teaching/learning relationship. My own ground rules would incorporate being fully prepared for lessons and ensuring I keep good time for classes to start and finish promptly. I would reciprocate to the students /learners' commitment to completing assignments by making sure that all marking is completed and returned in equally good time. Further rules to ensure students get the most out of their learning experience encompasses my making sure all have an equal voice when expressing opinions (General Teaching Council, 2009). However, the issue of ground rules within the Teaching Codes of Conduct and Practice for Registered Teachers can produce ethical dilemmas such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Roles And Responsibilities Of A Teacher In Lifelong... 1. Explain the roles and responsibilities of a teacher in lifelong learning sector Definition of Role – the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation, organization, society, or relationship. (Anon., 2017). In education environment there is assumption for a role of teacher, tutor, mentor, instructor, lecturer, etc. The main role for a teacher is to teach to the best ability, engaging all students in planned activities. Without highly stimulating learning opportunities, students will not be able to progress in their learning and develop in their future careers. Teaching is only one of many roles, that teacher will be involved in. Most of these roles will not engage students. Ann Gravells mentions five areas of a role of the teacher. This is called Teaching and Learning Cycle (Gravells, 2012) and it includes: Identifying needs Planning learning Facilitating learning Assessing learning Quality assurance and evaluation Teacher will have various duties related to the role, but not all of them have to be followed by the Teaching and Learning Cycle. When identifying needs of learners, teacher will have to make sure the learner is on the right course. Initial assessment will help to ascertain what qualifications and knowledge the learner possesses. Student with little knowledge or no skills/experience will not be eligible to enrol on high level courses. Teacher's role during this process is to identify barriers or challenges to learning. It is very important to allow students with learning difficulties or disabilities on the courses. But before student can enrol teacher needs to either make special arrangements for TA's or wheelchair access for the student to be able to study. Of course it won't be possible if there is no lift in the learning centre or there are no qualified support workers available. Sometimes the barrier could be family situation or work situation. Teacher will have to assess if learner will have enough time to attend sessions and study individually from home. Before the session will commence, teacher will be involved in planning learning. This process involves creating the session plan, resources and activities needed to perform the subject. On very occasions ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Review Your Own Role and Responsibilities and Boundaries... Revew your own role and responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher, what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be/are as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle| The teaching/training cycle is an invaluable model that should inform the practice of any teacher, of any subject. The beauty of it is that it provides a structure so that both teachers and trainers can assess and refresh their practice and, at the same time, review their role, responsibility and boundaries. By following the training cycle, teachers should be able to instill greater understanding of the course that is being taught and to afford students greater enjoyment and satisfaction. At the beginning of the cycle is the assessment. The teacher's ... Show more content on ... At the same time teachers must ensure that confidentiality is kept. Having assessed the class, teachers' second role is that of a planning according to needs, researching any unknown and organizing timings, material etc. Teaching should meet both students' needs and course requirements, particularly if leading to an exam. There may already be a syllabus in which case it needs to be adapted or the teacher may need to write a new one. In both cases the learning outcome must be clearly defined so that time, resources and delivery / assessment methods are carefully selected. If courses are leading to a qualification then teacher need to be also aware of the requirements of the awarding body and make sure that all outcomes are reached within the time frame provided. Due consideration should also be given to health and safety. In the third element of the cycle teachers may take on board many roles; from lecturer to mentor, from coach to listener, from assessor to presenter, all the while maintaining their professionalism. This goes from their day to day behaviour to (i.e.) dressing appropriately and maintaining a distance that allows for trust and respect) to being a good communicator and being prepared for the session. Each lesson should be well planned with a beginning (introduction and objectives), a middle (main body of lecture) and an end (drawing conclusions). Teachers have also the responsibility of keeping ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Legal Roles And Responsibilities Of Teachers Legal Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers Teacher's legal roles and responsibilities in the United States is a very important to know, especially for new teachers. Along the way of teacher's career, and as a public figure, they have the same rights as anybody. The Bill of Rights assurances each citizen the rights to bear arms, free speech, and religion, the Constitution helps teachers to understand their rights. A teacher 's responsibility is vital to guaranteeing that every child obtains the best education possible while protecting their health and safety. No Child Left Behind (Klein, 2015), FERPA, INTASC helps teachers to understand the meaning of student's academic level and success. The Bill of Rights states to bear arms, free speech, to privacy and more. The freedom of expression allows teachers to express themselves in many ways as writing a newspaper or editor letter. The Pickering v. Board schools "A high school science teacher wrote a letter to the editor of a community newspaper, criticizing the board of education's allocation of funds between academics and athletics. The school board terminated the teacher, saying that the letter contained false statements that impugned the integrity of the school system" (McCloskey, n.d.). Moreover, the Pickering v. Board schools case demonstrated that teacher has the freedom of expression and the rights to express themselves. Furthermore, teachers are not a lot to write about student's education or personal life. The age ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Describe Roles and Responsibilities of: A. School... TASK3, Describe roles and responsibilities of: A. school governors. B. senior management team. C. other statutory roles e.g. SENCO. D. ... Show more content on ... If the school has no foundation or equivalent body, the foundation governors are replaced by partnership governors appointed by the governing body after a nominations process. Sponsor governors are appointed by the governing body it is at the governing body's discretion whether they choose to appoint sponsor governors or not. The governing can appoint 2 people as sponsor governors or up to 4 where the school is a secondary school. Associate members can be appointed to serve on one or more governing body committees and attend full governing body meetings. Pupils, school staff and people who want to contribute specifically on issues related to their area of expertise can be appointed as associate members, They are appointed for a period of between one and four years but are not governors. School governors will make regular visits to oversee the delivery of their scheduled subject, report to the curriculum sub–committee and to the full governing body. B) The head teacher has overall responsibility for the leadership and management of the school, should ensure the school is well managed, organised, providing leadership and direction. Support teachers and other staff, ensuring appropriate policies and procedures are in place. Ensuring good relationships are fostered within the whole school community. The deputy head plays a major role in managing the school and has responsibility for the school in the absence of the head teacher, responsible ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries Within Teaching Course Title .Understand own role, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to teaching Chris Hirst PTLLS Preparing to Teach in Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3 Award Depending on the organisation, your role, responsilbities and boundaries as a teacher will depend on five areas of the teaching/learning cycle. The purpose of the cycle is to educate, communicate, and motivate students to learn. Identifying the learners needs Role of the teacher is to identify the individual needs of the students. The teacher's responsibility is to attend organisational events. These are informal meetings, where the learners may be given advised on the relevant courses to suit ... Show more content on ... As the awarding body will require the teacher to assess the student's level of learning, the teacher will still need to decide what methods of assessment are required. This may be observation during any session, and completing assignments. It is important when any assessment has been made the teacher must give the student feedback. Finally the teacher needs to review any assessment and make any changes where necessary. It is important that the teacher maintains a record of student progress as this may be a requirement of the organisation. Evaluating The final role is evaluating and assuring the quality of the teaching programme. . From start to finish the teacher has a responsibility to evaluate their teaching .During the design of the scheme of work, the teacher will have to review the session and ask what when well, or not, how can I improve the next session. It is important to remember the organisation or awarding body will require further evidence that evaluation and quality assurance has taken place. The purpose of this is to provide consistency and quality across any teaching session. This may be linked to performance targets for the college. Evaluating teaching and teachers can be done by several methods .Internal monitoring; this may be another member of staff, the teacher may be required to undertake this as ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Understanding Roles, Responsibilities And Relationships Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training Globalization creates more opportunity for people to learn and share their experience. On the other hand, teachers get more challenge to set their own roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training as they evolve with time and circumstance. To avoid these problems scholars set some common roles, responsibilities and relationship with educational curriculum. This report aims to analyse the roles, responsibilities and relationship and boundaries between teacher and other professionals. Then explain the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals. Finally, the key aspects of legislation and codes ... Show more content on ... Last but not least, I am responsible negotiating some ground rules, ensuring Health and Safety and providing adequate resources to promote an appropriate learning environment. 1.2 Analyse the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. Teacher and other professionals (internal and external) play their own roles to meet the desire outcome. Teachers have to liaise with these teams and realise their boundaries. As a teacher I am responsible to communicate with maths department about the requirements, resources and some modification about the course based on the learners' level of knowledge and needs. If I have computer or electric problem, I would not undertake to repair by myself but consult technicians. I always forward safeguarding issue for health and safety executive. I always set maintenance schedule help. Teachers should be friendly but professional approach. Trainers have to refrain sharing social media, personal telephone and using slang words as boundaries can be crossed easily. Teachers should be aware their boundaries and when and where they get support for themselves as well as their learners (point of referral). 3.1 The role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual goals Initial and diagnostic assessment methods start from the initial application and continual assessment throughout the length of course. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Teaching Cycle and the Associated Responsibilities and... There are many articles and books that refer to the teaching cycle and the associated roles and responsibilities of the teacher, most articles refer to either a four or five stage cycle. In this assignment I will cover the five stage cycle and concentrate on my role and responsibilities as a teacher in the lifelong learning sector. Wilson 2009 states that the teacher cycle should be a structured process, so it is split into five sections placing the teacher roles and responsibility into various groups. The cycle can begin at any given point and is designed to show improvement. These five stages consist of, 1. Identifying needs 2. Planning learning and design 3. Delivery 4. Assessments 5. Evaluation Identifying needs In my role as a ... Show more content on ... I should address any needs that have arisen at the previous stage. I then need to structure the course making sure that I stay within the boundaries of the syllabus if the course is accredited. If I am unsure then I can discuss this with my colleagues. I should also make sure that a risk assessment is carried out in the classroom following the guidelines of the health and safety act 1979. Delivery Once have identified the students needs and have planned and designed the course I can then deliver or facilitate the learning. I can use different styles and activities to keep the students interested. I can invite comments and discussions to enhance their learning. This could promote inclusion of the quietest of the students and also give me time to carefully observe and assess their learning . I may need ice breakers and energisers at times and also maintain any ground rules that may have been agreed at the beginning of the course by the students. I must conform to codes of practice at all times ensuring also that I promote respect, equality and diversity. I will also try to embed language, literacy, numeracy,and ict Assessment I need to monitor and assess the progress of each student by maintaining accurate record using a variety of assessment tools, gaining feedback, formative informative,formal and informal whilst also maintaining my organisations requirements. Evaluate It is important that I do a student evaluation and a self evaluation in order to see how well ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Paraprofessionals In Schools Paraprofessionals have become commonplace in the modern school system. Due to an increased emphasis on the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, the use of paraprofessionals has concurrently increased (Douglas, Chapin, & Nolan, 2016). The glaring question is whether these teacher assistants provide a necessary service for students with disabilities or if they are inadvertently hindering their success. While some educators claim paraprofessionals are an essential aspect of student services, others argue the potentially adverse academic and social consequences. Despite their increased prominence, paraprofessional's lack of training, role confusion, extensive responsibility, and intrusion on student–peer ... Show more content on ... In their efforts to support these educators and their students with disabilities, teacher assistants are asked to play many roles. Responsibilities include behavioral support, adapting/modifying materials, personal care assistance, and the facilitation of daily interactions. As stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014), paraprofessional's roles consist of providing lesson reinforcement, ensuring rule adherence, preparing materials, and the supervision of students. Also, the United States Department of Education (2001) provides a set of responsibilities involving one–on–one tutoring, classroom management assistance, and the provision of instructional services under teacher supervision (Ramos, 2017). When asked to identify their own roles, paraprofessionals cited making sure students with disabilities were not a distraction to the general education teacher, providing immediate modifications to academic content, and the expectation of expansive instructional knowledge. According to survey response, teacher assistant's most commonly performed actions include the reteaching of general education curriculum and the monitoring of student behaviors in and out of the classroom (Harris, 2012). As a result of primary responsibilities including lesson reinforcement, one–on–one tutoring, and reteaching curriculum, teacher assistants have become the primary educators of ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher Essay Assessment Question 1 – Roles and Responsibilities as a Teacher As in every profession, roles, responsibilities and boundaries are set in order to define the line indicating the acceptable limits. Many people think the role of a teacher is just to teach students new skills; however the role goes much further than this, it can include assessor, verifier, advisor, record keeper, course designer, working with employers and personal tutor. Within this position there are naturally a huge number of responsibilities related to each of the roles that must be undertaken. It is therefore important to be clear on what your roles and responsibilities include and what the boundaries of your role are whilst remaining professional at all times. ... Show more content on ... All this is in line with the LLUK Standard Domain E "The role of feedback in effective evaluation and improvement of own assessment skills." I have the task of Identifying Needs. It is important that you identify the needs of your learners so you can design the course to reflect individual differences. Although this is usually described as the first stage in the teaching/training cycle it is a process that may have to be deferred until you meet your learners for the first time and usually should be a continuing requirement throughout the learning journey. However, some organisations interview their learners before the course, or there may be an application process where learner needs can be identified. The range of learner needs can be described by a variety of acronyms – one of which is SPICE: Social – | | might affect how a learner can interact with others or how they view learning especially if they have had previously bad experiences of education. | Physical – | | might affect how a learner can access learning (e.g. sensory disabilities or reduced mobility). | Intellectual– | | might affect how a learner gains new knowledge/skills. Learners may be at different academic or skill levels and take longer or shorter times to process new knowledge/skills than others in the group. | Cultural – | | might affect learner views, values and beliefs. | Emotional – | | might affect learner motivation or ability to concentrate. | In all cases ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Roles And Responsibilities Of Teachers Academic report: The role of teachers Roles and responsibilities of teachers Ultimately, the role of the teacher is to advance student learning. Although I am not presently employed as a teacher, after many years as a student I have come to appreciate that it is the teachers who supported me in my quest for understanding as a person and as a learner that I valued the most and whose lessons remained with me many years later. A teacher can be friendly, but being a good teacher is not synonymous with being a 'best friend' and only requiring the class to do what it wants to do. Conversely, a good teacher is not simply a disciplinarian. The teacher needs to be responsive to the needs of students and be willing to listen to their input and feedback from formative learning assignments such as quizzes and essays. Although the teacher may be the guiding intelligence that steers the class in its ultimate direction, the teacher must still be in dialogue with what students are telling him or her along the way and be willing to change course when necessary to arrive with all students 'on board.' Particularly with adult students who bring the richness of their perspective to the classroom, teachers must have an 'ear' for student concerns. Teachers must be responsive to the needs of different student learners. Although all teachers are required to have their students meet certain, basic standards of the state on standardized tests and also fulfill the requirements of the school, ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Roles and Responsibilities of the Teacher in the Lifelong... Amanda Smith Pttles Teaching Programme Tutor: Joanna Martin Essay Title/ Level 4 Assessment: 'Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/ training cycle'? Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. Traditionally the role of the teacher has been as a purveyor of information and trusted to be the fount of all knowledge. This suggests that the teacher was the one in control of the passing of knowledge onto passive students. Of course this 'chalk and talk' approach has now altered dramatically from the 'traditional' model and thus altering the role of the teacher. Reece and Walker believe that, " ... Show more content on ... The need to encourage innovation and be a keen supporter or motivator as well as catering to the special needs of all the students. Record keeping, administration, organisation and planning are essential to the development of a course and to help to gauge whether the learner's have learnt from the sessions. I see my role of the teacher as one who orchestrates learning through experience and practical methods interwoven with an accelerated learning style. It is also the role of the teacher to self evaluate his/her sessions. Although, we can have a gut instinct to a delivered session what went well what didn't work as planned etc it is agreed by many teaching professionals that there need to be a much more structured and systematic approach to self evaluation such as checklists, rating scales, questionnaires or perhaps to keep a diary of each session. Reece and Walker suggests, to include such diary headings as: prep/ presentation/classroom relationships/ Communications/ Assessment and provide a list of appropriate self designed questions for each heading (Reece & Walker 2002) The Pro–forma headings for self evaluation could be as Reece and Walker suggest: Preparation/ entry behaviour/Aims; Objectives/ Aids/ ... Get more on ...