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Job Interviews - The Harsh Truth
    and how to get through it!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
About Me
    ✤   Matt Powell (31)

    ✤   Director, Savills Hanoi (5 yrs)
         ✤    150 staff in Hanoi (700 in VN) from 25 in 2006
         ✤    Involved in majority of interviews
         ✤    RMIT Interns for 3 years
    ✤   UK; Professional Recruiter (5 yrs)
         ✤    Placed over 250 professional jobseekers
              (grads to Director, $40 - $500k p.a.)
         ✤    Interviewed over 3,500 candidates
    ✤   Zoology graduate, Univ. of Liverpool

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Extend this conversation
    ✤   Email:

    ✤   Molbalpa:

    ✤   Linkedin:

    ✤   Blog:

    ✤   Twitter:       @mattpowelluk

    ✤   Skype:         mattpowelluk

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Things you should get out of this

    1. What is an interview

    2. Understand the people and motivations in an interview

    3. How to approach an interview

    4. How to nail an interview

    5. How to screw up an interview

    6. How to close the deal

Thursday, 5 May 2011
What I’m not covering

    ✤   Common interview questions

    ✤   ‘How to answer them’

    ✤   Application strategies (focus on a few jobs/companies IMHO, not

Thursday, 5 May 2011
First things first
    - Interviews are not that important
    ✤   What is important is you - BrandYou (

    ✤   BrandYou’s take charge of their own lives

    ✤   They are self-reliant and self-possessed

    ✤   They know that they are:

         ✤    Skills dependent

         ✤    Distinction dependent

         ✤    Network dependent

         ✤    Project dependent

         ✤    Growth dependent

    ✤   BrandYou’s - at age 21 or age 51 - are Leaders

Thursday, 5 May 2011
    Today I’m really talking about the basics
    of BrandYou
    - not “how to interview well”

   If you have a strong BrandYou then you do
   not need any “tricks” or “tips” or “interview
   role-playing” or “clever answers”

Thursday, 5 May 2011
My Main
    That you are fully motivated, have fully
    researched and actually really want to join
    the company you are trying to get an
    interview at.

    Do you?

Thursday, 5 May 2011
What is an interview (really)

Thursday, 5 May 2011
What is an
 ✤   Getting married after first date

 ✤   Flawed selection process (for employer)

 ✤   Great (for employee)

 ✤   Nerve-wracking (for employee)

 ✤   Nerve-wracking (for employer = $$....)

 ✤   Like American Idol auditions (for employer) - waiting for ‘the one’

 ✤   Not like American Idol - not 3 months of solid assessment before hiring!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Why interviews are stressful for
    ✤   For example:

    ✤   A typical hire costs $800 per month just in rent, electricity, equipment (excluding salary,
        insurance etc etc)

    ✤   So even if you work for free that is significant over a year. Especially when the
        company has 720 employees.

    ✤   If we hire badly that is a lost cost. Money that we have to earn by selling something

    ✤   Biggest concern is OPPORTUNITY COST - incalculable.

    ✤   And we have to make this investment decision with very limited data in 1 hour ‘sales
        meeting’ - can we believe the ‘sales person’?

Thursday, 5 May 2011
But really...

        An interview is a
        sales meeting
        (even if you are not applying for a sales job)

        (we’ll come back to this later)

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Structure of Interview Process
    ✤   CV received (1 of many very similar CV’s and cover letters)

    ✤   Phone interviews by HR (to weed out the real non-starters)

    ✤   First meeting with HR (to weed out the non-starters that got missed
        by the phone interview) i.e. those with terrible first impressions

    ✤   First meeting with Hiring Manager (first cut)

    ✤   Second interviews (more in depth, second cut)

    ✤   Final interview (final cut)

    ✤   Job offer
Thursday, 5 May 2011
A word on cover letters

    ✤   Normal: 3 paragraphs, mention company name a few times, formal,
        blah blah. Very boring, never get read. Doesn’t hurt but doesn’t help

    ✤   What I like: personalize them, refer to a recent event, press article,
        product launch, give a real opinion, ask an intelligent question, be
        controversial. Still be polite and humble (don’t want “WTF!?”

    ✤   Automatically you will be noticed.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
A word on CV’s
    ✤   Be interesting

    ✤   Be well formatted (no excuse now - google!)

    ✤   Be in reverse chronological order

    ✤   Photos - use wisely - they are like chilli sauce.

    ✤   Don’t add your parents life history & Don’t sign it like a legal declaration

    ✤   Make it relevant. Tailor for each job

    ✤   If not much work exp (that’s ok) expand on extra-curricular activities, sports, interests,
        achievements, travel, strange obsessions whatever - make it interesting. “Likes
        swimming, TV and football” Yawn...

Thursday, 5 May 2011
A word on HR
    (use at your own risk!)

    ✤   Gatekeeper (remember sales)

    ✤   Imagine their task!

    ✤   Imagine their motivations!

    ✤   Can be your best supporter or worst

    ✤   Go direct to decision-maker at same
        time. Refer to your formal application.

    ✤   “He who dares, wins, Rodney”

Thursday, 5 May 2011
OMG! -you have an interview
    Now what?!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Before the Interview
    Do your research - or don’t turn up and save everyone some time

     ✤    The job role
     ✤    The company (not just the website)
     ✤    Recent press
     ✤    Key people in company
     ✤    Speak to other employees
     ✤    Research services / products
     ✤    Competitors
     ✤    Their market place
     ✤    The hiring manager (google is your friend!)
     ✤    You wouldn’t take an exam without doing at least some revision!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Hiring managers don’t expect you
    to be an expert but they expect
    you to have made the effort and
    to have an opinion.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
    ✤   SO IMPORTANT!!!

    ✤   SO Hard to recover from
        screwing this up

    ✤   SO Easy! Do the basics!!

    ✤   Dress well, be confident (i.e.
        normal), smile, eye contact,
        good handshake, be polite, be
        on time
                                        “Yawn...I know all this rubbish...”
    ✤   That’s it!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
This applies to you, RMIT students!
                        Many of your predecessors have screwed this up!
                                 (many of them haven’t as well)

                       All the time, effort, money, revision, exams, late
                       nights, great lectures, boring lectures, hot drives,
                            early starts - could be a waste of time!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
My pet peeve
     (applies          to ladies too!)
 ✤   Bad Handshakes:

      ✤    wet fish, sweaty, limp, too strong, too
           ‘dominant’, just coughed/wiped
           nose, too long, seated, no eye contact,
           too weird, double-handed, too close,
           funny moves.

      ✤    Not big thing culturally in Asia, but
           for most Westerners this is a massive
           part of our first impressions.

      ✤    I will make big judgment calls about        Take this seriously. This can
           your character in the first two seconds    screw your career (at an MNC).
           - Not fair I know! but thats life!                    No joke.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Easy; practice it!
    ✤   Firm

    ✤   Fully engage hand

    ✤   Eye contact

    ✤   Smile

    ✤   Dry

    ✤   2 seconds, couple of pumps

Thursday, 5 May 2011
    My second pet peeve!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
General Comments
    ✤   This is not uni, school, your parents house, a Tet visit, or anything else. This is a job
        interview. Companies expect you to look professional

    ✤   Remember the company has to decide whether to invest a lot of money in you based on
        interview. If you look like crap that’s an easy decision to make!

    ✤   Personally, I feel insulted if a candidate turns up without making an effort. Interview
        over immediately. Bye bye. [happens more often that you think; intl grads, RMIT incl]

    ✤   No excuse for not knowing how to dress properly. [Research]

    ✤   Overdress - dress code at the company may be more relaxed but not for your interview.

    ✤   I want you to have a personality; but first I want to see you are taking this seriously and
        can act professionally.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
For the guys - some quick basics
   ✤    Get a suit. Dark: dark navy, black, dark grey, pinstripe, whatever. Make it nice. Make it
        fit and make it not shiny please. No safari suits please
   ✤    Get at least one decent white shirt [that fits] . Use it. (
   ✤    Get trousers that fit - I don’t need (or want!) a lesson in male anatomy
   ✤    Don’t wear white socks
   ✤    Get some decent black lace-up shoes.
   ✤    Shave. (you may be proud of your moustache doesn’t do much for people in biz)
   ✤    Interviewers are not impressed by the height or complexity of your hair.
   ✤    Your suit comes with a jacket, wear it. Yes I know its hot, but offices have A/C!
   ✤    Learn how to tie a tie. Wear one. A nice one.
   ✤    The button at the top of your shirt has a purpose. Use it. Or get a shirt that fits.
   ✤    Extra points for interviews at European & Aus companies: double cuff with cufflinks.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
For the girls
    ✤   Disclaimer: not my area of expertise! My observations:
    ✤   Makeup: less is more
    ✤   Hair: think professional not Dragonfly Bar
    ✤   There are some very nice women’s suit designs. I think a nice trouser
        suit with heels is sharp.
    ✤   Please no frilly shirts, massive shoulder pads, bunny rabbits etc.
    ✤   Don’t dress like its Saturday night or like my grandmother.
    ✤   Keep the outfit neutral but show personality with accessories or top.
    ✤   Remember its just an outfit, most important thing is you. So it
        shouldn’t overshadow you.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Body language

    ✤   Don’t underrate the importance of this. Non-verbal communication is vital to nailing
        an interview.
    ✤   Act natural, don’t stage it (looks a bit weird)
    ✤   Use good eye-contact (not a staring contest though)
    ✤   Good posture - don’t flop back like you’re watching TV.
    ✤   Research ‘mirroring’. Makes people feel more comfortable
    ✤   Be attentive, alert, confident and comfortable.
    ✤   Read this book; Influence: The Science of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Manners maketh the man
    (& woman)
    ✤   Remember the hiring manager is making an investment decision.
    ✤   Good manners show good ethics, diligence, respect, consideration, empathy and
        intelligence. All things you want to demonstrate.
    ✤   The interviewer is not your buddy, not someone you met in a bar, not on your football
        team, not a family member and not your teacher.
    ✤   Vietnam is not the only place where people show respect to elders and especially hiring
    ✤   Western business has a reputation for informality but there is an undercurrent of very
        complex cultural considerations. Its not that simple!
    ✤   Like your dress; if in doubt (which you will be) be over-polite rather than under-polite.
    ✤   Stand up when greeted / Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith, should be used. / Please & Thank-you
    ✤   We can be friends after you get the job but until then mind your manners.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
....and be on time....

Thursday, 5 May 2011
The Good News

  ✤    These topics are learnt skills. You can practice them and get them right.

  ✤    The key is to let your natural personality come through and shine
       without any of these basic issues making life difficult for you.

  ✤    Its a pity if a great candidate gets rejected because of something like
       this. But it will happen - fact of life.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
How to Stand
    Out from
    My sure-fire tips to make you shine and
    nail your interview!

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Remember an interview is a sales
    meeting? How do you sell?

    There are 3 main parts to a sale. This is technique, anyone can do it.

    1. Understand your interviewer’s Needs & Requirements (N&R)

    2. Highlight your Features & Benefits (F&B)


Thursday, 5 May 2011
    ✤   These will be qualifications, experience, character, work ethic, personality, suitability.

    ✤   You can get a lot of these from the Job Description.

    ✤   But what are they really looking for? You need to ask!

    ✤   You will surprise and impress interviewers by asking these questions.

    ✤   At the appropriate time go ahead:

         ✤    What will the successful candidate have to demonstrate to you?

         ✤    What type of person does well at this company?

         ✤    Assuming most candidates have similar backgrounds and qualifications, what will the
              deciding factor for you?

         ✤    How important are qualifications vs extra-curricular activities for you?

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Responding to Questions
    ✤   Relax, Smile, Breathe

    ✤   Qualify their question if necessary

         ✤    “Tell me about yourself”

         ✤    “Sure, where would you like me to start”

         ✤    This helps you tailor your answers to what the interviewer is most keen on

    ✤   Don’t script and rehearse your answers too much - do your research, know
        your CV backwards, know your motivations - relax, smile, break and go ahead!

    ✤   A good interview is like a conversation

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Open Questions

    ✤   Understanding how to use these will make you successful. I can’t
        make it any plainer.

    ✤   Open questions illicit information, help you build relationships,
        understand situations clearly and general mark you as a smart cookie.

    ✤   Use wisely, not every time you open your mouth. Think of them like
        fish sauce. Nice with rice but not to drink a glass!

    ✤   They are: Who..? What...? Where...? How...? When...? Why...?

    ✤   Practice and research this topic.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
    ✤   Demonstrate your experience, qualities, hobbies, sports, activities etc and find the benefit to
        the interviewer.

    ✤   For example:

         ✤    Feature: I play on the RMIT football team

               ✤       Benefit: I’m self-motivated, dedicated, can work in a team, competitive spirit.

         ✤    F: I worked in my parents shop at weekends

               ✤       B: I am committed, I think of others, I can deal with other people well, I am motivated

         ✤    F: I was top of my class

               ✤       B: I am intelligent, I am competitive, I can put my mind to a task.

    ✤   Analyse yourself: what are your Features and Benefits?

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Build a relationship
    Smile / Relax / Be confident / Ask smart questions / Be polite and friendly

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Close the deal
    ✤   Reality is - you are not going to
        close the deal straightaway.

    ✤   BUT make the effort, it will
        make things clearer and
        demonstrate your aptitude.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
The Close

    ✤   Thank them for their time and express a strong interest in the position

    ✤   What will the next stage in the interview process be?

    ✤   Who else, if anyone, will be involved in the interviews?

    ✤   How did I do? What could I have done better?

    ✤   When could you let me know about the next interview stage?

    ✤   When can I start ;) ?

    ✤   Be a bit persistent.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Go the extra mile

    ✤   Surprise them & show initiative   ✤   Bring extra CV’s
                                          ✤   Attend one of the company’s
    ✤   Demonstrate your knowledge            events

    ✤   Ask intelligent questions about   ✤   Visit their sites - make some
        the company, clients, recent          notes and comments. Surprise
        events or product launches.           them!

    ✤   Ask questions about the

    ✤   Take notes.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Relationship / Info gathering qu’s
    Don’t ask things that are on the job description or website. It looks lazy. “What are your products?”

    ✤   What has been the main factor in the company’s success last year?

    ✤   What is the main strategy for this year?

    ✤   Who is your biggest competitor? What sets you apart?

    ✤   How long have you been with the company? Aside from the obvious, what is it you like so much
        about the company?

    ✤   What is the company culture? What type of people tend to do well at the company?

    ✤   How long has the position been vacant? What is the reason for the recruitment?

    ✤   What difficulties does the company face in Vietnam?

    ✤   Etc etc. Make intelligent conversation. Do your research, it will generate questions.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
“After Sales

    ✤   Send a handwritten note or a
        personal email thanking each
        participant for their time and
        the interview; express your
        interest in the position; say you
        hope to have the opportunity
        to progress to the next round.

    ✤   “Go the extra mile” +
        “Manners maketh the man”

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Thursday, 5 May 2011
The “Fine Lines”....your judgment and experience
                              Turn ons                            Turn offs
                            Confidence                            Arrogance
                            Friendliness                       Overfamiliarity
                              Manners                            Ass-kissing
                          Well-researched                  Creepy internet stalker
                          Strong character                         Psycho
                             Ambition                            Entitlement
                             Humility                             Weakness
                              Nervous                              Scared
                               Keen                               Insincere
                            Good grades                            Boring
                          Lots of interests                      Bad grades
                             Dynamic                               Crazy
                       Well-presented (guys)        More time preparing hair than for int.
                       Well-presented (ladies)       Clown-face, pole-dancer, grandma
Thursday, 5 May 2011
What I look for
    ✤   Honesty

    ✤   Intelligence

    ✤   Confidence

    ✤   Character

    ✤   Humility

    ✤   Competitiveness

    ✤   Normal people

    ✤   Ambition

    ✤   X-factor (sorry!) = combination of
        everything I’ve been talking about

Thursday, 5 May 2011
My advice. Seriously
    ✤   Take personal development seriously - BrandYou, sales (everyone has to sell), management, time
        skills, organisation. You’ve done the theory now you need the practical skills.

    ✤   Read. A lot. Seriously. . Read everything
        ever written by Tom Peters.

    ✤   Learn about sales. Its important for everyone. You have to sell yourself all the time. Everything has
        to be sold by someone to somebody. Don’t kid yourself that you don’t have to.

    ✤   Take your internship seriously. You could toss around for a few weeks, take it easy and get
        through. Or it could be a useful life-changing experience where you make great contacts and learn
        some useful skills. Its no skin off my nose, its your life!

    ✤   You will get low-level tasks in your internship. Great - make the best damn pile of photocopies
        anyone has ever done. Put your hand up for the next crap task. And the next. And the next. View
        each project as an opportunity to shine. [Did you think you were getting the best projects on the first
        day?] We’ve all been there. Think of a successful organisation like a fine restaurant’s kitchen - you
        have to know how to wash up before we let you near the food. Read ‘Linchpin’ by Seth Godin for
        more on this.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Finally, a word on rejection

    ✤   Embrace it, learn from it - its a learning opportunity.

    ✤   Get used to it. All successful people have been rejected over and over

    ✤   If you don’t make it through - thank them for the opportunity; you
        are trying to improve so would appreciate some candid feedback; say
        you hope to have to opportunity to try again in the future.

Thursday, 5 May 2011
Relax, Smile, Breathe

     You’ll do great!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

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RMIT - talk on job interviews

  • 1. Job Interviews - The Harsh Truth and how to get through it! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 2. About Me ✤ Matt Powell (31) ✤ Director, Savills Hanoi (5 yrs) ✤ 150 staff in Hanoi (700 in VN) from 25 in 2006 ✤ Involved in majority of interviews ✤ RMIT Interns for 3 years ✤ UK; Professional Recruiter (5 yrs) ✤ Placed over 250 professional jobseekers (grads to Director, $40 - $500k p.a.) ✤ Interviewed over 3,500 candidates ✤ Zoology graduate, Univ. of Liverpool Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 3. Extend this conversation ✤ Email: ✤ Molbalpa: ✤ Linkedin: ✤ Blog: ✤ Twitter: @mattpowelluk ✤ Skype: mattpowelluk Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 4. Things you should get out of this 1. What is an interview 2. Understand the people and motivations in an interview 3. How to approach an interview 4. How to nail an interview 5. How to screw up an interview 6. How to close the deal Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 5. What I’m not covering ✤ Common interview questions ✤ ‘How to answer them’ ✤ Application strategies (focus on a few jobs/companies IMHO, not hundreds). Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 6. First things first - Interviews are not that important ✤ What is important is you - BrandYou ( ✤ BrandYou’s take charge of their own lives ✤ They are self-reliant and self-possessed ✤ They know that they are: ✤ Skills dependent ✤ Distinction dependent ✤ Network dependent ✤ Project dependent ✤ Growth dependent ✤ BrandYou’s - at age 21 or age 51 - are Leaders Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 7. BrandYou Today I’m really talking about the basics of BrandYou - not “how to interview well” If you have a strong BrandYou then you do not need any “tricks” or “tips” or “interview role-playing” or “clever answers” Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 8. My Main Assumption That you are fully motivated, have fully researched and actually really want to join the company you are trying to get an interview at. Do you? Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 9. What is an interview (really) Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 10. What is an interview ✤ Getting married after first date ✤ Flawed selection process (for employer) ✤ Great (for employee) ✤ Nerve-wracking (for employee) ✤ Nerve-wracking (for employer = $$....) ✤ Like American Idol auditions (for employer) - waiting for ‘the one’ ✤ Not like American Idol - not 3 months of solid assessment before hiring! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 11. Why interviews are stressful for companies. ✤ For example: ✤ A typical hire costs $800 per month just in rent, electricity, equipment (excluding salary, insurance etc etc) ✤ So even if you work for free that is significant over a year. Especially when the company has 720 employees. ✤ If we hire badly that is a lost cost. Money that we have to earn by selling something ✤ Biggest concern is OPPORTUNITY COST - incalculable. ✤ And we have to make this investment decision with very limited data in 1 hour ‘sales meeting’ - can we believe the ‘sales person’? Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 12. But really... An interview is a sales meeting (even if you are not applying for a sales job) (we’ll come back to this later) Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 13. Structure of Interview Process ✤ CV received (1 of many very similar CV’s and cover letters) ✤ Phone interviews by HR (to weed out the real non-starters) ✤ First meeting with HR (to weed out the non-starters that got missed by the phone interview) i.e. those with terrible first impressions ✤ First meeting with Hiring Manager (first cut) ✤ Second interviews (more in depth, second cut) ✤ Final interview (final cut) ✤ Job offer Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 14. A word on cover letters ✤ Normal: 3 paragraphs, mention company name a few times, formal, blah blah. Very boring, never get read. Doesn’t hurt but doesn’t help much. ✤ What I like: personalize them, refer to a recent event, press article, product launch, give a real opinion, ask an intelligent question, be controversial. Still be polite and humble (don’t want “WTF!?” reaction). ✤ Automatically you will be noticed. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 15. A word on CV’s ✤ Be interesting ✤ Be well formatted (no excuse now - google!) ✤ Be in reverse chronological order ✤ Photos - use wisely - they are like chilli sauce. ✤ Don’t add your parents life history & Don’t sign it like a legal declaration ✤ Make it relevant. Tailor for each job ✤ If not much work exp (that’s ok) expand on extra-curricular activities, sports, interests, achievements, travel, strange obsessions whatever - make it interesting. “Likes swimming, TV and football” Yawn... Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 16. A word on HR (use at your own risk!) ✤ Gatekeeper (remember sales) ✤ Imagine their task! ✤ Imagine their motivations! ✤ Can be your best supporter or worst enemy ✤ Go direct to decision-maker at same time. Refer to your formal application. [caution] ✤ “He who dares, wins, Rodney” Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 17. OMG! -you have an interview Now what?! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 18. Before the Interview Do your research - or don’t turn up and save everyone some time Research ✤ The job role ✤ The company (not just the website) ✤ Recent press ✤ Key people in company ✤ Speak to other employees ✤ Research services / products ✤ Competitors ✤ Their market place ✤ The hiring manager (google is your friend!) ✤ You wouldn’t take an exam without doing at least some revision! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 19. Hiring managers don’t expect you to be an expert but they expect you to have made the effort and to have an opinion. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 20. First Impressions ✤ SO IMPORTANT!!! ✤ SO Hard to recover from screwing this up ✤ SO Easy! Do the basics!! ✤ Dress well, be confident (i.e. normal), smile, eye contact, good handshake, be polite, be on time “Yawn...I know all this rubbish...” ✤ That’s it! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 21. This applies to you, RMIT students! Many of your predecessors have screwed this up! (many of them haven’t as well) All the time, effort, money, revision, exams, late nights, great lectures, boring lectures, hot drives, early starts - could be a waste of time! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 22. My pet peeve (applies to ladies too!) ✤ Bad Handshakes: ✤ wet fish, sweaty, limp, too strong, too ‘dominant’, just coughed/wiped nose, too long, seated, no eye contact, too weird, double-handed, too close, funny moves. ✤ Not big thing culturally in Asia, but for most Westerners this is a massive part of our first impressions. ✤ I will make big judgment calls about Take this seriously. This can your character in the first two seconds screw your career (at an MNC). - Not fair I know! but thats life! No joke. Practice! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 23. Easy; practice it! ✤ Firm ✤ Fully engage hand ✤ Eye contact ✤ Smile ✤ Dry ✤ 2 seconds, couple of pumps Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 24. Personal Presentation My second pet peeve! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 25. General Comments ✤ This is not uni, school, your parents house, a Tet visit, or anything else. This is a job interview. Companies expect you to look professional ✤ Remember the company has to decide whether to invest a lot of money in you based on interview. If you look like crap that’s an easy decision to make! ✤ Personally, I feel insulted if a candidate turns up without making an effort. Interview over immediately. Bye bye. [happens more often that you think; intl grads, RMIT incl] ✤ No excuse for not knowing how to dress properly. [Research] ✤ Overdress - dress code at the company may be more relaxed but not for your interview. ✤ I want you to have a personality; but first I want to see you are taking this seriously and can act professionally. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 26. For the guys - some quick basics ✤ Get a suit. Dark: dark navy, black, dark grey, pinstripe, whatever. Make it nice. Make it fit and make it not shiny please. No safari suits please ✤ Get at least one decent white shirt [that fits] . Use it. ( ✤ Get trousers that fit - I don’t need (or want!) a lesson in male anatomy ✤ Don’t wear white socks ✤ Get some decent black lace-up shoes. ✤ Shave. (you may be proud of your moustache doesn’t do much for people in biz) ✤ Interviewers are not impressed by the height or complexity of your hair. ✤ Your suit comes with a jacket, wear it. Yes I know its hot, but offices have A/C! ✤ Learn how to tie a tie. Wear one. A nice one. ✤ The button at the top of your shirt has a purpose. Use it. Or get a shirt that fits. ✤ Extra points for interviews at European & Aus companies: double cuff with cufflinks. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 27. For the girls ✤ Disclaimer: not my area of expertise! My observations: ✤ Makeup: less is more ✤ Hair: think professional not Dragonfly Bar ✤ There are some very nice women’s suit designs. I think a nice trouser suit with heels is sharp. ✤ Please no frilly shirts, massive shoulder pads, bunny rabbits etc. ✤ Don’t dress like its Saturday night or like my grandmother. ✤ Keep the outfit neutral but show personality with accessories or top. ✤ Remember its just an outfit, most important thing is you. So it shouldn’t overshadow you. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 28. Body language ✤ Don’t underrate the importance of this. Non-verbal communication is vital to nailing an interview. ✤ Act natural, don’t stage it (looks a bit weird) ✤ Use good eye-contact (not a staring contest though) ✤ Good posture - don’t flop back like you’re watching TV. ✤ Research ‘mirroring’. Makes people feel more comfortable ✤ Be attentive, alert, confident and comfortable. ✤ Read this book; Influence: The Science of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 29. Manners maketh the man (& woman) ✤ Remember the hiring manager is making an investment decision. ✤ Good manners show good ethics, diligence, respect, consideration, empathy and intelligence. All things you want to demonstrate. ✤ The interviewer is not your buddy, not someone you met in a bar, not on your football team, not a family member and not your teacher. ✤ Vietnam is not the only place where people show respect to elders and especially hiring managers. ✤ Western business has a reputation for informality but there is an undercurrent of very complex cultural considerations. Its not that simple! ✤ Like your dress; if in doubt (which you will be) be over-polite rather than under-polite. ✤ Stand up when greeted / Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith, should be used. / Please & Thank-you ✤ We can be friends after you get the job but until then mind your manners. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 30. ....and be on time.... Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 31. The Good News ✤ These topics are learnt skills. You can practice them and get them right. ✤ The key is to let your natural personality come through and shine without any of these basic issues making life difficult for you. ✤ Its a pity if a great candidate gets rejected because of something like this. But it will happen - fact of life. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 32. How to Stand Out from Crowd My sure-fire tips to make you shine and nail your interview! Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 33. Remember an interview is a sales meeting? How do you sell? There are 3 main parts to a sale. This is technique, anyone can do it. 1. Understand your interviewer’s Needs & Requirements (N&R) 2. Highlight your Features & Benefits (F&B) 3. CLOSE THE DEAL Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 34. N&R ✤ These will be qualifications, experience, character, work ethic, personality, suitability. ✤ You can get a lot of these from the Job Description. ✤ But what are they really looking for? You need to ask! ✤ You will surprise and impress interviewers by asking these questions. ✤ At the appropriate time go ahead: ✤ What will the successful candidate have to demonstrate to you? ✤ What type of person does well at this company? ✤ Assuming most candidates have similar backgrounds and qualifications, what will the deciding factor for you? ✤ How important are qualifications vs extra-curricular activities for you? Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 35. Responding to Questions ✤ Relax, Smile, Breathe ✤ Qualify their question if necessary ✤ “Tell me about yourself” ✤ “Sure, where would you like me to start” ✤ This helps you tailor your answers to what the interviewer is most keen on hearing. ✤ Don’t script and rehearse your answers too much - do your research, know your CV backwards, know your motivations - relax, smile, break and go ahead! ✤ A good interview is like a conversation Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 36. Open Questions ✤ Understanding how to use these will make you successful. I can’t make it any plainer. ✤ Open questions illicit information, help you build relationships, understand situations clearly and general mark you as a smart cookie. ✤ Use wisely, not every time you open your mouth. Think of them like fish sauce. Nice with rice but not to drink a glass! ✤ They are: Who..? What...? Where...? How...? When...? Why...? ✤ Practice and research this topic. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 37. F&B’s ✤ Demonstrate your experience, qualities, hobbies, sports, activities etc and find the benefit to the interviewer. ✤ For example: ✤ Feature: I play on the RMIT football team ✤ Benefit: I’m self-motivated, dedicated, can work in a team, competitive spirit. ✤ F: I worked in my parents shop at weekends ✤ B: I am committed, I think of others, I can deal with other people well, I am motivated ✤ F: I was top of my class ✤ B: I am intelligent, I am competitive, I can put my mind to a task. ✤ Analyse yourself: what are your Features and Benefits? Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 38. Build a relationship Smile / Relax / Be confident / Ask smart questions / Be polite and friendly Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 39. Close the deal ✤ Reality is - you are not going to close the deal straightaway. ✤ BUT make the effort, it will make things clearer and demonstrate your aptitude. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 40. The Close ✤ Thank them for their time and express a strong interest in the position ✤ What will the next stage in the interview process be? ✤ Who else, if anyone, will be involved in the interviews? ✤ How did I do? What could I have done better? ✤ When could you let me know about the next interview stage? ✤ When can I start ;) ? ✤ Be a bit persistent. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 41. Go the extra mile ✤ Surprise them & show initiative ✤ Bring extra CV’s (r.a.r.e!!!) ✤ Attend one of the company’s ✤ Demonstrate your knowledge events ✤ Ask intelligent questions about ✤ Visit their sites - make some the company, clients, recent notes and comments. Surprise events or product launches. them! ✤ Ask questions about the interviewer ✤ Take notes. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 42. Relationship / Info gathering qu’s Don’t ask things that are on the job description or website. It looks lazy. “What are your products?” “Next!” ✤ What has been the main factor in the company’s success last year? ✤ What is the main strategy for this year? ✤ Who is your biggest competitor? What sets you apart? ✤ How long have you been with the company? Aside from the obvious, what is it you like so much about the company? ✤ What is the company culture? What type of people tend to do well at the company? ✤ How long has the position been vacant? What is the reason for the recruitment? ✤ What difficulties does the company face in Vietnam? ✤ Etc etc. Make intelligent conversation. Do your research, it will generate questions. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 43. “After Sales Service” ✤ Send a handwritten note or a personal email thanking each participant for their time and the interview; express your interest in the position; say you hope to have the opportunity to progress to the next round. ✤ “Go the extra mile” + “Manners maketh the man” Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 45. The “Fine Lines”....your judgment and experience Turn ons Turn offs Confidence Arrogance Friendliness Overfamiliarity Manners Ass-kissing Well-researched Creepy internet stalker Strong character Psycho Ambition Entitlement Humility Weakness Nervous Scared Keen Insincere Good grades Boring Lots of interests Bad grades Dynamic Crazy Well-presented (guys) More time preparing hair than for int. Well-presented (ladies) Clown-face, pole-dancer, grandma Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 46. What I look for ✤ Honesty ✤ Intelligence ✤ Confidence ✤ Character ✤ Humility ✤ Competitiveness ✤ Normal people ✤ Ambition ✤ X-factor (sorry!) = combination of everything I’ve been talking about Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 47. My advice. Seriously ✤ Take personal development seriously - BrandYou, sales (everyone has to sell), management, time skills, organisation. You’ve done the theory now you need the practical skills. ✤ Read. A lot. Seriously. . Read everything ever written by Tom Peters. ✤ Learn about sales. Its important for everyone. You have to sell yourself all the time. Everything has to be sold by someone to somebody. Don’t kid yourself that you don’t have to. ✤ Take your internship seriously. You could toss around for a few weeks, take it easy and get through. Or it could be a useful life-changing experience where you make great contacts and learn some useful skills. Its no skin off my nose, its your life! ✤ You will get low-level tasks in your internship. Great - make the best damn pile of photocopies anyone has ever done. Put your hand up for the next crap task. And the next. And the next. View each project as an opportunity to shine. [Did you think you were getting the best projects on the first day?] We’ve all been there. Think of a successful organisation like a fine restaurant’s kitchen - you have to know how to wash up before we let you near the food. Read ‘Linchpin’ by Seth Godin for more on this. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 48. Finally, a word on rejection ✤ Embrace it, learn from it - its a learning opportunity. ✤ Get used to it. All successful people have been rejected over and over again. ✤ If you don’t make it through - thank them for the opportunity; you are trying to improve so would appreciate some candid feedback; say you hope to have to opportunity to try again in the future. Thursday, 5 May 2011
  • 49. Relax, Smile, Breathe You’ll do great! Thursday, 5 May 2011