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EAI Endorsed Transactions on
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in virtualized environment
02 -04 2015 | Volume 1 | Issue __ | e_
EAI Endorsed Transactions
On Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
Virtualization technology is extensively used across almost all IT departments today as it allows you
to increase your network capacity without significantly increasing your capital investment. But with
the advent of virtualization, you might ask whether your current security investments are still valid.
Will proven strategies continue to work? If they do, are they just as effective? What about all the tools
you have invested in? Perhaps the best way to answer these questions is to consider the changes that
virtualization will bring and how it impacts the core of your information technology. The objective of
this paper is to outline a risk analysis and discuss about mitigation techniques in such virtualized
1.0 Introduction
Virtualization has made a dramatic impact in a
very short time on IT and networking and has
already delivered huge cost savings and return
on investment to enterprise data centers and
cloud service providers. Typically, the drivers
for machine virtualization, including
multitenancy, are better server utilization, data
center consolidation, and relative ease and speed
of provisioning. Cloud service providers can
achieve higher density, which translates into
better margins. Enterprises can use
virtualization to shrink capital expenditures on
server hardware as well as to increase
operational efficiency.
Server virtualization is the masking of server
resources, including the number and identity of
individual physical servers, processors, and
operating systems, from server users. The server
administrator uses a software application to
divide one physical server into multiple isolated
virtual environments. The virtual environments
are sometimes called virtual private servers, but
they are also known as guests, instances,
containers or emulations.
Virtualization brings significant value to
business managers and engineers attempting to
keep pace with business pressure for additional
servers. It enables maximum use of hardware
resources while introducing an increased
flexibility in how organizations design and
implement new solutions. However, it also
introduces new security concerns. Until
recently, organizations had to leverage security
controls not specifically designed to protect
virtual environments.
As enterprises embark on their virtualization
journeys, it is critical to review existing
processes and develop strategies to address
security risks across physical and virtual
environments in order to ensure compliance and
security visibility in the data center. In that view
the objective of this paper is stress on the
analysis and mitigation of common risks
observed in virtual environments.
In the next section we shall discuss the overview
of a virtualization technology, section 3 shall
discuss architecture of server virtualization and
then section 4 emphasizes in identifying the
risks in virtual environment, finally section 5
will discuss risk assessment and mitigation
techniques in the virtual environment.
Siddharth Coontoor
2.0 Overview of Virtualization
Server virtualization allows multiple operating
systems and applications to run concurrently on
a single hardware. The OSs run independent of
each other in isolated environments (the VMs).
A virtualization layer is required to run on the
computer’s OSs as an application or service to
create multiple VM environments. OSs and
applications running in a VM can access the
CPU, memory, and disk and network resources
that are similar to a physical computer.
Figure 1: Virtual Server
The virtual server divides physical resources
into virtual resources called virtual machines as
seen in Figure 1. In this way virtualization adds
a layer of abstraction between two layers in that
computer system. The layer of abstraction is a
software layer between the hardware and the
guest operating systems. The layer acts as a
resource manager to enable the sharing of
processing power and memory. This software is
called a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or
hypervisor. VMMs virtualise the hardware of a
physical machine and partition it into multiple,
logically separated VMs. The VMM monitors
everything that happens inside a VM, and it
enforces resource management policies on the
VM. Multiple operating systems (OSs) can
coexist on the same virtual machine in isolation
from one another and can operate
simultaneously on a single server.
Virtualization in a distributed environment is the
basis for grid computing and cloud computing
supplying a computing infrastructure as a utility,
on-demand service. Virtualization can be
categorised into three areas:
Storage virtualization — Virtualizes the
physical storage from multiple network storage
devices so that they appear to be a single storage
device. In general, ‘virtualization’ refers to
server virtualization.
Network virtualization — Combines
computing resources in a network by splitting
the available bandwidth into independent
channels that can be assigned to a particular
server or device in real time.
Server virtualization — Hides the physical
nature of server resources, including the number
and identity of individual servers, processors
and OSs from the software running on them.
The term workload is increasingly used to
describe the a vast array of virtualized
resources. For example, a virtual machine is a
type of workload. While VMs are the
predominant virtualization technology
implemented today, there are a number of other
workloads to consider, including application,
desktop, network, and storage virtualization
3.0 Architecture of Server
Virtualization Technology and
Identification of critical assets
Server virtualization allows multiple operating
systems and applications to run concurrently on
a single hardware. The OSs run independent of
each other in isolated environments (the VMs).
A virtualization layer is required to run on the
computer’s OSs as an application or service to
create multiple VM environments. OSs and
applications running in a VM can access the
CPU, memory, and disk and network resources
that are similar to a physical computer.
Figure 2: Server Virtualization Architecture
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
Figure 2 shows architecture of server
virtualization. As seen in the figure there are
four major components in the virtualization
technology, they are as follows:
 Physical hardware - Physical machine on
which the VM environments reside. The
number of VMs that can be supported on a
single physical machine depends on the
hardware configuration and specifications.
 Operating system Layer - Primary OS on
the physical machine. The virtualization
layer resides on this OS.
 Virtualization layer - Virtualization
software that co-ordinates with the host OSs
for requests from VMs regarding CPU time,
physical memory, disk read and write,
network input/output (I/O), etc. The
virtualization software is called hypervisor.
 Virtual machine - Independent and isolated
environment created by the virtualization
software. OSs can run VMs independent of
each other.
 Guest operating systems - The OSs
installed on VMs. These run on the host OS.
Virtualization technology allows multiple
VMs with heterogeneous guest OSs to run in
isolation, side by side on the same physical
machine. The VMs have their own virtual
hardware (e.g., CPU, RAM, disks, network
cards) on which the guest OSs and
applications are loaded. The guest OSs
perform consistently, irrespective of the
physical components.
The virtualization software mentioned earlier is
known as the hypervisor. The hypervisor plays
an important role in virtualization technology.
Figure 3: View of Hypervisor
It intercepts the hardware resource requests
from the virtual machines that reside on it and
translates the requests to a format that can be
understood by the physical hardware. Similarly,
the requests from the physical hardware are
translated by the hypervisor so that the virtual
machines can understand. This way the
hypervisor decouples the VMs from the physical
hosts by introducing a layer of abstraction
between the VMs and the physical hardware
Based on the architecture of the virtualized
server and the services it would provide, it
would be essential to identify critical assets
whose working is important to the business.
Similar to traditional risk assessment
approaches, the first step is to identify the assets
that are important to business. Nest step, would
be to identify the risks associated with these
assets and their associated vulnerabilities.
The critical assets in a virtualized environment
are as follows:
 Physical server
 Host Operating System
 Hypervisor
 Hypervisor Management tools and API
 Virtual Machines
 Network
 Storage
4.0 Identifying Risk in Virtualized
While virtualization may provide a number
functional and operational benefits, moving to a
virtual environment doesn’t alleviate the risks
which existed on the physical systems, and may
also introduce new and unique risks. Therefore
as a part of risk assessment, it is important to
identify the virtualization server as an important
asset and take into consideration risks associated
with it. The following are the most common
risks associated with a virtualized servers
Siddharth Coontoor
identified by virtualization vendors and stake
Risk 1 - VM Sprawl
Uncontrolled proliferation of VMs can lead to
an unmanageable condition of unpatched and
unaccounted for machines.
Risk 2 - Sensitive Data within a VM
Data confidentiality within VMs can be easily
compromised, because data can be easily
transported and tampered with.
Risk 3 - Resource Exhaustion
Uncontrolled physical resource consumption by
virtual processes can lead to reduced
A risk factor unique to virtual environments is
the hypervisor. Hypervisor is the software
and/or firmware responsible for hosting and
managing VMs. It provides a single point of
access into the virtual environment and is also
potentially a single point of failure. A
misconfigured hypervisor can result in a single
point of compromise of the security of all its
hosted components. It does not matter how
individual VMs are hardened a compromised
hypervisor can override those controls and
provide a convenient single point of
unauthorized access to all the VMs. The
following security risks related to the use of
hypervisor should be considered by those
planning to use or currently using virtual
Risk 4 - Hypervisor Security
Hypervisor security is the process of ensuring
that the hypervisor, the software that enables
virtualization, is secure throughout its life cycle,
including development, implementation,
provisioning, and management.
Risk 5 - Unauthorized Access to Hypervisor
Administrative access controls to the hypervisor
may not be adequate to protect against potential
hacker attacks.
Compared to traditional IT environments,
virtualization of IT systems inevitably leads to
changes in operational procedures. As a result,
some common defence in depth practices used
in securing physical servers may be affected or
ignored, while newly introduced features or
functions may expose the environment to
additional risks. The following security risks
related to changes in operation procedures
should be considered:
Risk 6 - Account or Service Hijacking
Through the Self-Service Portal
Portal vulnerabilities can lead to privilege
escalation attacks.
Risk 7 - Workloads of Different Trust Levels
Located on the Same Server
Ensure that there is sufficient security
segregation of workloads on a physical host.
Some enterprise infocom personnel may elect to
apply virtualization technologies through
outsourcing services from cloud service
providers. In such cases, it may be necessary to
consider additional risk factors, including the
Risk 8 - Risk Due to Cloud Service Provider
A hybrid (private/public) cloud virtualization
implementation can pose security risks due to
account/authentication federation.
5.0 Risk Assessment and
Once risks have been identified as in the above
section, it is important that a risk table be
maintained for the risks related to the virtualized
server as shown in Appendix A1.
The risk table maintains details about the risk
like Risk name, description, relevant security
aspect(confidentiality, integrity, availability),
risk governance area, vulnerabilities that lead to
this risk, affected assets.
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
The risk table helps enlist vulnerabilities
associated to that risk. Based on the risk the risk
table for each risk is as follows:
Risk name VM Sprawl
Relevant Security
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural and
configuration risk
associated with the risk
 Proper policy and
control processes to
manage VM lifecycle
do not exist.
 Placement / zoning
policies or enforcement
of where a dormant VM
can instantiate or reside
do not exist.
 A discovery tool for
identification of
unauthorized VMs does
not exist.
Affected Assets VM
Risk name Sensitive Data Within a VM
Relevant Security
Risk to confidentiality and
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Configuration risk
associated with the risk
 VM images and
snapshots are not
treated the same way
as the sensitive data
they contain. They
are not protected
from unauthorized
access, modification,
duplication, and
 Policies and procedures
to restrict storage of
VM images and
snapshots do not exist,
Formal change
management processes
that govern image
creation, security,
distribution, storage,
use, retirement, and
Monitoring and control
of stored images and
snapshots, including
activities logging
Affected Assets VM & Storage
Risk name Resource Exhaustion
Relevant Security
Risk to availability
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural and hypervisor
software risk
associated with the risk
 Servers can be
burdened by
execution of
software such as
anti- virus software
on multiple VMs.
 Simultaneous
operating system
patches on a group
of VMs can create
an enormous excess
strain on a common
storage resource.
Affected Assets VM
Risk name Hypervisor Security
Relevant Security
Risk to confidentiality,
integrity, and availability
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural and hypervisor
software risk
associated with the risk
 Hypervisor
configuration may
not be hardened to
reduce areas of
vulnerability, such
as unused services.
 Vendor-
recommended best
practices have not
been adopted.
 Unused physical
hardware devices
are connected, and
clipboard / file-
sharing services are
not disabled.
 Vendor security
bulletins / alerts are
not implemented
 Hypervisor self-
integrity checks (or
the equivalent) are
Siddharth Coontoor
not conducted upon
 Ongoing
including analysis
of hypervisor logs,
does not occur.
 The attack surface
is further increased
uncontrolled use of
management APIs
by IT / DevOps
tools and scripts
and other
Affected Assets Hypervisor
Risk name Unauthorized Access to
Relevant Security
Risk to confidentiality,
integrity, and availability
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural, hypervisor
software, and configuration
associated with the risk
 Access to the
virtualization layer
is not restricted as
with any sensitive
OS (i.e., using
console access
restricted by
 The hypervisor may
not support role-
based access
control of
 Additional third-
party tools designed
to provide tight
control are not
 Separate
authentication is not
used to restrict
 Hypervisor
management APIs /
CLIs are not
 A separate
LAN” is not
deployed to manage
access to
 Remote
management of
hypervisors is not
 Administrative
interfaces are
exposed through
configuration errors
and lack of change
Affected Assets Hypervisor, Management
tools and API
Risk name Account or Service
Hijacking Through the Self-
Service Portal
Relevant Security
Risk to confidentiality,
integrity, and availability
confined to the designated
virtual environment
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural and hypervisor
software risk
associated with the risk
 Strong authentication
control is lacking.
 Policy governing the
creation and use of self-
service portals does not
 Policy-based self-
service portal
management is not used.
 Unauthorized activity is
not proactively
 Account management
(e.g., password reset
sent in clear text) is
Affected Assets Applications, VMs, and
virtualization platform
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
Risk name Workloads of Different
Trust Levels Located on the
Same Server
Relevant Security
Risk to confidentiality,
integrity, and availability
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural and
configuration risk
associated with the risk
 VMs of different trust-
levels are hosted on or
migrated to the same
physical server (host).
 Physical or logical
networks for VMs of
different trust levels are
not segregated.
 Physical and virtual
firewalls are not
deployed to isolate
groups of VMs from
other hosted groups, for
example, production
from development
systems or development
from other cloud-
resident systems.
 Virtual desktop
workloads are not
isolated from rest of the
physical data center.
 Administrative
separation of duties may
not be implemented,
allowing unauthorized
changes or accidental
misconfiguration that
violates the logical
Affected Assets VMs on physical server
Risk name Risk due to Cloud Service
Provider API
Relevant Security
Risk to confidentiality,
integrity, and availability
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
Architectural and
configuration risk
associated with the risk
 The cloud service
provider’s API set is not
 Data transmitted or
stored in the cloud is
not protected by
 Strong authentication /
access control is not
implemented for
external systems.
 Identity and credential
federation, such as
Active Directory
services or another
LDAPv3 directory, is
not used. Traffic is not
transmitted via a private
/ out-of-band encrypted
channel that is separate
from normal internal
 Security, compliance,
and governance controls
and monitoring are not
consistently enabled.
Affected Assets Security of Hybrid
The risk table helps enlist the vulnerabilities
associated with each risk scenario based upon
which the impact and likelihood can be derived
that would finally form a risk matrix.
As vulnerabilities are enlisted and risk
calculated for them, suitably mitigation
techniques for these vulnerabilities can be
derived which would help calculate the residual
The likelihood rating is provided in Appendix
A2, which provides the rating notation for
creating risk matrix. Similarly Appendix A3
provides impact rating for CIA compromise and
Appendix A4 provides risk matrix defining the
risk levels.
The risk evaluation is based on the likelihood of
a particular vulnerability being exploited and the
impact it would have on the business.
Siddharth Coontoor
Vulnerability Likelihood
Appendix A2)
Impact Due
Appendix A2)
Impact Due
e (See
Impact Due
e (See
Control to be
Type of Risk: 1 – VM Sprawl
Asset exposed to risk: VM
Lack of effective
control process to
manage VM lifecycle
Low Low Low Low 1 Put effective
guidelines, and
processes in place
to govern and
control VM
including self-
service and
automated scripts /
DevOps tools.
Lack of placement / zoning
policies or enforcement
of where a dormant VM
can instantiate or reside
Low Low Low Low
Lack of discovery tool to
identify unauthorized VMs
Low Low Low Low 1
Type of Risk: 2 – Sensitive Data in VM
Asset exposed to risk: VM and Storage
VM images and snapshots
are not treated in the same
way as the sensitive data.
Medium High High Low 4 Encrypt data stored
on virtual and
cloud servers to
make it unreadable.
Develop policies to
restrict storage of
VM images and
Policies and processes are
not in place to control
storage of VM images and
Low High High Low 3 1
Type of Risk: 3 – Resource Exhaustion
Asset exposed to risk: VM
Servers are burdened by
concurrent execution of
resource-intensive software.
High Low Low High 5 Implement
procedure that
detects VMs that
are throttled due
to resource
exhaustion and
puts a remedy in
place instantly.
Simultaneous OS automated
patching on a group of VMs
causes enormous access strain
on a common storage
Medium Low Low High
4 2
Type of Risk: 4 – Hypervisor Security
Asset exposed to risk: Hypervisor
Configuration of
hypervisor may not be
hardened to reduce areas
of vulnerabilities.
Medium Medium Low Medium
3 Harden the
configuration to
reduce areas of
Put vendor-
provided best
practices in place
where applicable.
Vendor- recommended best
practices are not adopted.
Low Low Low Low 1
Unused physical hardware
devices are connected.
Clipboard / file-sharing
services are not disabled.
Low Low Low Low
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
Vulnerability Likelihood
(See Appendix
Impact Due to
y Compromise
(See Appendix
Impact Due
e (See
Impact Due
e (See
Control to
Vendor security bulletins
/alerts are not subscribed
to. Security updates are
not implemented
Low Low Low Low
1 Disconnect
devices and
clipboard or
Use a
for example,
Intel Trusted
ed Execution
Self-integrity checks or
equivalence are not
conducted upon boot-
up to confirm whether
or not hypervisor has
been compromised.
Low Low Low Low
Ongoing monitoring
analysis of hypervisor
logs does not occur.
Medium Low Low Low
2 1
Attack surface is further
increased through
uncontrolled use of
hypervisor management
APIs by IT/DevOps tools
and scripts and other
Medium Medium Medium Medium
3 2
Type of Risk: 5 – Unauthorized Access to hypervisor
Asset exposed to risk: Hypervisor and Management Tools
Access to virtualization
layer is not restricted as
with any sensitive OS.
High High Medium Medium
5 Restrict
access to the
layer by
firewalls that
role based
access control
policies in
order to
ensure that
they are
Deploy a
LAN” to
access to
Hypervisor may not
support role-based access
Low Low Low Low 1
Additional third-party
tools that provide tight
administrative control are
not deployed.
Low Low Low Low
A separate authentication
not used to restrict access.
Low Medium Medium Low 2 1
Hypervisor management
APIs/CLIs are not
adequately protected.
Low Medium Low Low 2 1
Separate LAN
authentication is not used
to restrict access.
Medium High Low Low 4 2
Remote hypervisor
management is not
Low High Low High 3 1
Siddharth Coontoor
Vulnerability Likelihood
Appendix A2)
Impact Due to
(See Appendix
Impact Due
e (See
Impact Due to
Control to
Administrative interfaces
are accidentally exposed
through network
configuration errors and
lack of change of
management procedures
Low Medium Medium Medium
2 Deploy a
LAN” to
access to
Type of Risk: 6 – Account or Service Hijacking through Self- Service Portal
Asset exposed to risk: Privileged access to applications, VM, and Virtualization Platform
Strong authentication
control is lacking.
Low High High Medium 3 Use
based on
users’ roles
and needs.
of accounts,
identities, and
Policy governing creation
and use of self-service
portals is lacking.
Low Low Low Low 1
Policy-based management
of self-service portal is not
Low Low Low Low 1
Proactive monitoring of
unauthorized activity does
not occur.
Low Low Low Low 1
Account management is
“relaxed” (e.g., password
reset sent in clear text)
Low High High Low 3 2
Type of Risk: 7 – Workload of Different Trust Levels Located on the Same Server (Commingling of Data)
Asset exposed to risk: VMs in the same physical server
Different VM trust levels
are hosted on to the same
physical server.
High High Medium Low 5 Carefully
design and
access from
each trust
level to
physical and
and security
policies and
processes to
systems and
according to
Physical/logical s/w defined-
n/w for VMs of different
trust levels are not separated.
High High Low Low
5 3
Physical and virtual
are not deployed to isolate
groups of VMs from other
hosted groups.
Medium Medium Low Low
3 2
Virtual desktop workloads
are not isolated from the
Low Low Low Low 1
Administrative separation
of duties may not be
implemented, allowing
unauthorized changes or
misconfiguration that
violates logical zoning.
Low Low High High
3 1
Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments
The Risk matrix once created, risk evaluation
can be performed and given a point in the scale
of 1-5 as seen in Appendix 3. The risk can also
be mitigated by providing a remediation
technique in "Risk Treatment control to be
implement" and accordingly the risk evaluation
can be done again after mitigation as residual
Above is the Risk evaluation along with
mitigation techniques for all the risks discussed.
6.0 Conclusion
Inside a cloud, it is difficult to identify where
data is stored and how it is segregated. This lack
of visibility and the ability to control, audit, and
verify poses a number of security and
compliance concerns for IT personnel, end-
users, and regulators. While the cloud
community is still grappling with these
emerging risks, virtualization technologies are
continuing to be rapidly innovated. To manage
such a dynamic risk environment, organizations
Vulnerability Likelihood
(See Appendix
Impact Due to
(See Appendix
Impact Due to
Impact Due to
Control to
Type of Risk: 8 – Risk Due to CSP API)
Asset exposed to risk: Security of the hybrid environment
Cloud service provider API
set is not secured.
Medium Medium Low Low 3 Implement
and granular
access control
traffic via a
private / out-
channel that is
separate from
Internet traffic
if it is used
across the
Data transmission is not
protected by encryption.
Low High Low Low 3 2
Strong authentication/
access control is not
implemented for external
Low Medium Medium Low 2 1
Active Directory traffic is
not transmitted via a
private/out- of- band
encrypted channel
(separated from normal
internal traffic)
Low High High Low
3 2
Identity federation is not
Low Low High Low 3 1
Security, compliance, and
governance controls and
monitoring are not
consistently enabled.
Low Medium Medium Medium 3 1
Siddharth Coontoor
should put effective governance and risk
management processes and controls in place to
continually monitor and proactively mitigate the
evolving risks.
7.0 Appendix
A1: Risk Table
Risk name
Relevant Security
Relevant Security
Governance Risk Area
associated with the risk
Affected Assets VM/Hypervisor/Network/O
A2: Likelihood Rating for Vulnerability
Likelihood Rating Evaluation Criteria
High Relevant security control
not in place
Medium Relevant security control in
place but not effective
Low Relevant security control in
place and effective
A3: Impact Rating for CIA Compromise
Impact Rating Evaluation Criteria
High Significant Business
Impact to the enterprise
Medium There is tangible or
intangible loss to
Low There is insignificant loss
due to minor inconvenience
in business operations.
A4: Risk Matrix showing the defined risk
Likelihood Low Medium High
Low 1
Medium 2
High 3

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Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments

  • 1. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Risk Analysis and Mitigation in virtualized environment 02 -04 2015 | Volume 1 | Issue __ | e_ EAI Endorsed Transactions On Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments Editorial 1 Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments Abstract Virtualization technology is extensively used across almost all IT departments today as it allows you to increase your network capacity without significantly increasing your capital investment. But with the advent of virtualization, you might ask whether your current security investments are still valid. Will proven strategies continue to work? If they do, are they just as effective? What about all the tools you have invested in? Perhaps the best way to answer these questions is to consider the changes that virtualization will bring and how it impacts the core of your information technology. The objective of this paper is to outline a risk analysis and discuss about mitigation techniques in such virtualized environments. 1.0 Introduction Virtualization has made a dramatic impact in a very short time on IT and networking and has already delivered huge cost savings and return on investment to enterprise data centers and cloud service providers. Typically, the drivers for machine virtualization, including multitenancy, are better server utilization, data center consolidation, and relative ease and speed of provisioning. Cloud service providers can achieve higher density, which translates into better margins. Enterprises can use virtualization to shrink capital expenditures on server hardware as well as to increase operational efficiency. Server virtualization is the masking of server resources, including the number and identity of individual physical servers, processors, and operating systems, from server users. The server administrator uses a software application to divide one physical server into multiple isolated virtual environments. The virtual environments are sometimes called virtual private servers, but they are also known as guests, instances, containers or emulations. Virtualization brings significant value to business managers and engineers attempting to keep pace with business pressure for additional servers. It enables maximum use of hardware resources while introducing an increased flexibility in how organizations design and implement new solutions. However, it also introduces new security concerns. Until recently, organizations had to leverage security controls not specifically designed to protect virtual environments. As enterprises embark on their virtualization journeys, it is critical to review existing processes and develop strategies to address security risks across physical and virtual environments in order to ensure compliance and security visibility in the data center. In that view the objective of this paper is stress on the analysis and mitigation of common risks observed in virtual environments. In the next section we shall discuss the overview of a virtualization technology, section 3 shall discuss architecture of server virtualization and then section 4 emphasizes in identifying the risks in virtual environment, finally section 5 will discuss risk assessment and mitigation techniques in the virtual environment.
  • 2. Siddharth Coontoor 2 2.0 Overview of Virtualization Technology Server virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to run concurrently on a single hardware. The OSs run independent of each other in isolated environments (the VMs). A virtualization layer is required to run on the computer’s OSs as an application or service to create multiple VM environments. OSs and applications running in a VM can access the CPU, memory, and disk and network resources that are similar to a physical computer. Figure 1: Virtual Server The virtual server divides physical resources into virtual resources called virtual machines as seen in Figure 1. In this way virtualization adds a layer of abstraction between two layers in that computer system. The layer of abstraction is a software layer between the hardware and the guest operating systems. The layer acts as a resource manager to enable the sharing of processing power and memory. This software is called a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or hypervisor. VMMs virtualise the hardware of a physical machine and partition it into multiple, logically separated VMs. The VMM monitors everything that happens inside a VM, and it enforces resource management policies on the VM. Multiple operating systems (OSs) can coexist on the same virtual machine in isolation from one another and can operate simultaneously on a single server. Virtualization in a distributed environment is the basis for grid computing and cloud computing supplying a computing infrastructure as a utility, on-demand service. Virtualization can be categorised into three areas: Storage virtualization — Virtualizes the physical storage from multiple network storage devices so that they appear to be a single storage device. In general, ‘virtualization’ refers to server virtualization. Network virtualization — Combines computing resources in a network by splitting the available bandwidth into independent channels that can be assigned to a particular server or device in real time. Server virtualization — Hides the physical nature of server resources, including the number and identity of individual servers, processors and OSs from the software running on them. The term workload is increasingly used to describe the a vast array of virtualized resources. For example, a virtual machine is a type of workload. While VMs are the predominant virtualization technology implemented today, there are a number of other workloads to consider, including application, desktop, network, and storage virtualization models. 3.0 Architecture of Server Virtualization Technology and Identification of critical assets Server virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to run concurrently on a single hardware. The OSs run independent of each other in isolated environments (the VMs). A virtualization layer is required to run on the computer’s OSs as an application or service to create multiple VM environments. OSs and applications running in a VM can access the CPU, memory, and disk and network resources that are similar to a physical computer. Figure 2: Server Virtualization Architecture
  • 3. Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments 3 Figure 2 shows architecture of server virtualization. As seen in the figure there are four major components in the virtualization technology, they are as follows:  Physical hardware - Physical machine on which the VM environments reside. The number of VMs that can be supported on a single physical machine depends on the hardware configuration and specifications.  Operating system Layer - Primary OS on the physical machine. The virtualization layer resides on this OS.  Virtualization layer - Virtualization software that co-ordinates with the host OSs for requests from VMs regarding CPU time, physical memory, disk read and write, network input/output (I/O), etc. The virtualization software is called hypervisor.  Virtual machine - Independent and isolated environment created by the virtualization software. OSs can run VMs independent of each other.  Guest operating systems - The OSs installed on VMs. These run on the host OS. Virtualization technology allows multiple VMs with heterogeneous guest OSs to run in isolation, side by side on the same physical machine. The VMs have their own virtual hardware (e.g., CPU, RAM, disks, network cards) on which the guest OSs and applications are loaded. The guest OSs perform consistently, irrespective of the physical components. The virtualization software mentioned earlier is known as the hypervisor. The hypervisor plays an important role in virtualization technology. Figure 3: View of Hypervisor It intercepts the hardware resource requests from the virtual machines that reside on it and translates the requests to a format that can be understood by the physical hardware. Similarly, the requests from the physical hardware are translated by the hypervisor so that the virtual machines can understand. This way the hypervisor decouples the VMs from the physical hosts by introducing a layer of abstraction between the VMs and the physical hardware layer. Based on the architecture of the virtualized server and the services it would provide, it would be essential to identify critical assets whose working is important to the business. Similar to traditional risk assessment approaches, the first step is to identify the assets that are important to business. Nest step, would be to identify the risks associated with these assets and their associated vulnerabilities. The critical assets in a virtualized environment are as follows:  Physical server  Host Operating System  Hypervisor  Hypervisor Management tools and API  Virtual Machines  Network  Storage 4.0 Identifying Risk in Virtualized Environments While virtualization may provide a number functional and operational benefits, moving to a virtual environment doesn’t alleviate the risks which existed on the physical systems, and may also introduce new and unique risks. Therefore as a part of risk assessment, it is important to identify the virtualization server as an important asset and take into consideration risks associated with it. The following are the most common risks associated with a virtualized servers
  • 4. Siddharth Coontoor 4 identified by virtualization vendors and stake holders. Risk 1 - VM Sprawl Uncontrolled proliferation of VMs can lead to an unmanageable condition of unpatched and unaccounted for machines. Risk 2 - Sensitive Data within a VM Data confidentiality within VMs can be easily compromised, because data can be easily transported and tampered with. Risk 3 - Resource Exhaustion Uncontrolled physical resource consumption by virtual processes can lead to reduced availability. A risk factor unique to virtual environments is the hypervisor. Hypervisor is the software and/or firmware responsible for hosting and managing VMs. It provides a single point of access into the virtual environment and is also potentially a single point of failure. A misconfigured hypervisor can result in a single point of compromise of the security of all its hosted components. It does not matter how individual VMs are hardened a compromised hypervisor can override those controls and provide a convenient single point of unauthorized access to all the VMs. The following security risks related to the use of hypervisor should be considered by those planning to use or currently using virtual technologies: Risk 4 - Hypervisor Security Hypervisor security is the process of ensuring that the hypervisor, the software that enables virtualization, is secure throughout its life cycle, including development, implementation, provisioning, and management. Risk 5 - Unauthorized Access to Hypervisor Administrative access controls to the hypervisor may not be adequate to protect against potential hacker attacks. Compared to traditional IT environments, virtualization of IT systems inevitably leads to changes in operational procedures. As a result, some common defence in depth practices used in securing physical servers may be affected or ignored, while newly introduced features or functions may expose the environment to additional risks. The following security risks related to changes in operation procedures should be considered: Risk 6 - Account or Service Hijacking Through the Self-Service Portal Portal vulnerabilities can lead to privilege escalation attacks. Risk 7 - Workloads of Different Trust Levels Located on the Same Server Ensure that there is sufficient security segregation of workloads on a physical host. Some enterprise infocom personnel may elect to apply virtualization technologies through outsourcing services from cloud service providers. In such cases, it may be necessary to consider additional risk factors, including the following. Risk 8 - Risk Due to Cloud Service Provider APIs A hybrid (private/public) cloud virtualization implementation can pose security risks due to account/authentication federation. 5.0 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Once risks have been identified as in the above section, it is important that a risk table be maintained for the risks related to the virtualized server as shown in Appendix A1. The risk table maintains details about the risk like Risk name, description, relevant security aspect(confidentiality, integrity, availability), risk governance area, vulnerabilities that lead to this risk, affected assets.
  • 5. Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments 5 The risk table helps enlist vulnerabilities associated to that risk. Based on the risk the risk table for each risk is as follows: Risk name VM Sprawl Relevant Security Aspect Confidentiality/Integrity/Av ailability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural and configuration risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  Proper policy and control processes to manage VM lifecycle do not exist.  Placement / zoning policies or enforcement of where a dormant VM can instantiate or reside do not exist.  A discovery tool for identification of unauthorized VMs does not exist. Affected Assets VM Risk name Sensitive Data Within a VM Relevant Security Aspect Risk to confidentiality and integrity Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Configuration risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  VM images and snapshots are not treated the same way as the sensitive data they contain. They are not protected from unauthorized access, modification, duplication, and replacement  Policies and procedures to restrict storage of VM images and snapshots do not exist, including: Formal change management processes that govern image creation, security, distribution, storage, use, retirement, and destruction Monitoring and control of stored images and snapshots, including activities logging Affected Assets VM & Storage Risk name Resource Exhaustion Relevant Security Aspect Risk to availability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural and hypervisor software risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  Servers can be burdened by concurrent execution of resource-intensive software such as anti- virus software on multiple VMs.  Simultaneous automated operating system patches on a group of VMs can create an enormous excess strain on a common storage resource. Affected Assets VM Risk name Hypervisor Security Relevant Security Aspect Risk to confidentiality, integrity, and availability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural and hypervisor software risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  Hypervisor configuration may not be hardened to reduce areas of vulnerability, such as unused services.  Vendor- recommended best practices have not been adopted.  Unused physical hardware devices are connected, and clipboard / file- sharing services are not disabled.  Vendor security bulletins / alerts are not implemented promptly.  Hypervisor self- integrity checks (or the equivalent) are
  • 6. Siddharth Coontoor 6 not conducted upon boot-up.  Ongoing monitoring, including analysis of hypervisor logs, does not occur.  The attack surface is further increased through uncontrolled use of hypervisor management APIs by IT / DevOps tools and scripts and other infrastructure technologies. Affected Assets Hypervisor Risk name Unauthorized Access to Hypervisor Relevant Security Aspect Risk to confidentiality, integrity, and availability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural, hypervisor software, and configuration risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  Access to the virtualization layer is not restricted as with any sensitive OS (i.e., using console access restricted by firewalls).  The hypervisor may not support role- based access control of administrative responsibilities.  Additional third- party tools designed to provide tight administrative control are not deployed.  Separate authentication is not used to restrict access.  Hypervisor management APIs / CLIs are not adequately protected.  A separate “management LAN” is not deployed to manage access to hypervisors.  Remote management of hypervisors is not disabled.  Administrative interfaces are accidentally exposed through network configuration errors and lack of change management procedures. Affected Assets Hypervisor, Management tools and API Risk name Account or Service Hijacking Through the Self- Service Portal Relevant Security Aspect Risk to confidentiality, integrity, and availability confined to the designated virtual environment Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural and hypervisor software risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  Strong authentication control is lacking.  Policy governing the creation and use of self- service portals does not exist.  Policy-based self- service portal management is not used.  Unauthorized activity is not proactively monitored.  Account management (e.g., password reset sent in clear text) is “relaxed.” Affected Assets Applications, VMs, and virtualization platform
  • 7. Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments 7 Risk name Workloads of Different Trust Levels Located on the Same Server Relevant Security Aspect Risk to confidentiality, integrity, and availability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural and configuration risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  VMs of different trust- levels are hosted on or migrated to the same physical server (host).  Physical or logical software-defined networks for VMs of different trust levels are not segregated.  Physical and virtual firewalls are not deployed to isolate groups of VMs from other hosted groups, for example, production from development systems or development from other cloud- resident systems.  Virtual desktop workloads are not isolated from rest of the physical data center.  Administrative separation of duties may not be implemented, allowing unauthorized changes or accidental misconfiguration that violates the logical zoning. Affected Assets VMs on physical server Risk name Risk due to Cloud Service Provider API Relevant Security Aspect Risk to confidentiality, integrity, and availability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Architectural and configuration risk Vulnerabilities associated with the risk  The cloud service provider’s API set is not secured.  Data transmitted or stored in the cloud is not protected by encryption.  Strong authentication / access control is not implemented for external systems.  Identity and credential federation, such as Active Directory services or another LDAPv3 directory, is not used. Traffic is not transmitted via a private / out-of-band encrypted channel that is separate from normal internal traffic.  Security, compliance, and governance controls and monitoring are not consistently enabled. Affected Assets Security of Hybrid Environment The risk table helps enlist the vulnerabilities associated with each risk scenario based upon which the impact and likelihood can be derived that would finally form a risk matrix. As vulnerabilities are enlisted and risk calculated for them, suitably mitigation techniques for these vulnerabilities can be derived which would help calculate the residual risk. The likelihood rating is provided in Appendix A2, which provides the rating notation for creating risk matrix. Similarly Appendix A3 provides impact rating for CIA compromise and Appendix A4 provides risk matrix defining the risk levels. The risk evaluation is based on the likelihood of a particular vulnerability being exploited and the impact it would have on the business.
  • 8. Siddharth Coontoor 8 Vulnerability Likelihood (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Confidentialit y Compromise (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Integrity Compromis e (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Availability Compromis e (See Appendix A2) Evalu ate Risk Level (See Appen dix A3) Risk Treatment Control to be implemented Evaluate Residual Risk Level (See Appendix A3) Type of Risk: 1 – VM Sprawl Asset exposed to risk: VM Lack of effective control process to manage VM lifecycle Low Low Low Low 1 Put effective policies, guidelines, and processes in place to govern and control VM lifecycle management, including self- service and automated scripts / DevOps tools. Lack of placement / zoning policies or enforcement of where a dormant VM can instantiate or reside Low Low Low Low 1 Lack of discovery tool to identify unauthorized VMs Low Low Low Low 1 Type of Risk: 2 – Sensitive Data in VM Asset exposed to risk: VM and Storage VM images and snapshots are not treated in the same way as the sensitive data. Medium High High Low 4 Encrypt data stored on virtual and cloud servers to make it unreadable. Develop policies to restrict storage of VM images and snapshots. 1 Policies and processes are not in place to control storage of VM images and snapshots. Low High High Low 3 1 Type of Risk: 3 – Resource Exhaustion Asset exposed to risk: VM Servers are burdened by concurrent execution of resource-intensive software. High Low Low High 5 Implement operating procedure that detects VMs that are throttled due to resource exhaustion and puts a remedy in place instantly. 2 Simultaneous OS automated patching on a group of VMs causes enormous access strain on a common storage resource. Medium Low Low High 4 2 Type of Risk: 4 – Hypervisor Security Asset exposed to risk: Hypervisor Configuration of hypervisor may not be hardened to reduce areas of vulnerabilities. Medium Medium Low Medium 3 Harden the hypervisor’s configuration to reduce areas of vulnerability. Put vendor- provided best practices in place where applicable. 2 Vendor- recommended best practices are not adopted. Low Low Low Low 1 Unused physical hardware devices are connected. Clipboard / file-sharing services are not disabled. Low Low Low Low 1
  • 9. Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments 9 Vulnerability Likelihood (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Confidentialit y Compromise (See Appendix A2)) Impact Due to Integrity Compromis e (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Availabiliy Compromis e (See Appendix A2) Evaluate Risk Level (See Appendix A3) Risk Treatment Control to be implemente d Evaluate Residual Risk Level (See Appendix A3) Vendor security bulletins /alerts are not subscribed to. Security updates are not implemented promptly Low Low Low Low 1 Disconnect unused physical hardware devices and disable clipboard or file-sharing services. Use a hypervisor integrity monitoring technology, for example, Intel Trusted Platform Module/Trust ed Execution Technology. Self-integrity checks or equivalence are not conducted upon boot- up to confirm whether or not hypervisor has been compromised. Low Low Low Low 1 Ongoing monitoring including analysis of hypervisor logs does not occur. Medium Low Low Low 2 1 Attack surface is further increased through uncontrolled use of hypervisor management APIs by IT/DevOps tools and scripts and other infrastructure technologies. Medium Medium Medium Medium 3 2 Type of Risk: 5 – Unauthorized Access to hypervisor Asset exposed to risk: Hypervisor and Management Tools Access to virtualization layer is not restricted as with any sensitive OS. High High Medium Medium 5 Restrict access to the virtualization layer by firewalls that restrict console access. Evaluate implemented role based access control policies in order to ensure that they are functionally correct. Deploy a separate “management LAN” to manage access to hypervisors. 3 Hypervisor may not support role-based access control. Low Low Low Low 1 Additional third-party tools that provide tight administrative control are not deployed. Low Low Low Low 1 A separate authentication is not used to restrict access. Low Medium Medium Low 2 1 Hypervisor management APIs/CLIs are not adequately protected. Low Medium Low Low 2 1 Separate LAN authentication is not used to restrict access. Medium High Low Low 4 2 Remote hypervisor management is not disabled. Low High Low High 3 1
  • 10. Siddharth Coontoor 10 Vulnerability Likelihood (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Confidentiality Compromise (See Appendix A2)) Impact Due to Integrity Compromis e (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Availabiliy Compromise (See Appendix A2) Evalu ate Risk Level (See Appe ndix A3) Risk Treatment Control to be implemente d Evaluate Residual Risk Level (See Appendix A3) Administrative interfaces are accidentally exposed through network configuration errors and lack of change of management procedures Low Medium Medium Medium 2 Deploy a separate “management LAN” to manage access to hypervisors. 1 Type of Risk: 6 – Account or Service Hijacking through Self- Service Portal Asset exposed to risk: Privileged access to applications, VM, and Virtualization Platform Strong authentication control is lacking. Low High High Medium 3 Use administrative controls selectively, based on users’ roles and needs. Enforce secure management of accounts, identities, and credentials. 2 Policy governing creation and use of self-service portals is lacking. Low Low Low Low 1 Policy-based management of self-service portal is not used. Low Low Low Low 1 Proactive monitoring of unauthorized activity does not occur. Low Low Low Low 1 Account management is “relaxed” (e.g., password reset sent in clear text) Low High High Low 3 2 Type of Risk: 7 – Workload of Different Trust Levels Located on the Same Server (Commingling of Data) Asset exposed to risk: VMs in the same physical server Different VM trust levels are hosted on to the same physical server. High High Medium Low 5 Carefully design and implement access from each trust level to physical and virtual management and security systems. Implement policies and processes to categorize systems and data according to different security classifications . 3 Physical/logical s/w defined- n/w for VMs of different trust levels are not separated. High High Low Low 5 3 Physical and virtual firewalls are not deployed to isolate groups of VMs from other hosted groups. Medium Medium Low Low 3 2 Virtual desktop workloads are not isolated from the rest.. Low Low Low Low 1 Administrative separation of duties may not be implemented, allowing unauthorized changes or accidental misconfiguration that violates logical zoning. Low Low High High 3 1
  • 11. Risk Analysis and Mitigation in Virtualized Environments 11 The Risk matrix once created, risk evaluation can be performed and given a point in the scale of 1-5 as seen in Appendix 3. The risk can also be mitigated by providing a remediation technique in "Risk Treatment control to be implement" and accordingly the risk evaluation can be done again after mitigation as residual risk. Above is the Risk evaluation along with mitigation techniques for all the risks discussed. 6.0 Conclusion Inside a cloud, it is difficult to identify where data is stored and how it is segregated. This lack of visibility and the ability to control, audit, and verify poses a number of security and compliance concerns for IT personnel, end- users, and regulators. While the cloud community is still grappling with these emerging risks, virtualization technologies are continuing to be rapidly innovated. To manage such a dynamic risk environment, organizations Vulnerability Likelihood (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Confidentiality Compromise (See Appendix A2)) Impact Due to Integrity Compromise (See Appendix A2) Impact Due to Availabiliy Compromise (See Appendix A2) Eva luat e Ris k Lev el (See Ap pen dix A3) Risk Treatment Control to be implemente d Evaluate Residual Risk Level (See Appendix A3) Type of Risk: 8 – Risk Due to CSP API) Asset exposed to risk: Security of the hybrid environment Cloud service provider API set is not secured. Medium Medium Low Low 3 Implement strong authentication and granular access control with encrypted transmission. Transmit Active Directory traffic via a private / out- of-band encrypted channel that is separate from normal Internet traffic if it is used across the Internet. 2 Data transmission is not protected by encryption. Low High Low Low 3 2 Strong authentication/ access control is not implemented for external systems. Low Medium Medium Low 2 1 Active Directory traffic is not transmitted via a private/out- of- band encrypted channel (separated from normal internal traffic) Low High High Low 3 2 Identity federation is not used. Low Low High Low 3 1 Security, compliance, and governance controls and monitoring are not consistently enabled. Low Medium Medium Medium 3 1
  • 12. Siddharth Coontoor 12 should put effective governance and risk management processes and controls in place to continually monitor and proactively mitigate the evolving risks. 7.0 Appendix A1: Risk Table Risk name Relevant Security Aspect Confidentiality/Integrity/Av ailability Relevant Security Governance Risk Area Configuration/Architectural/ Operational Vulnerabilities associated with the risk Affected Assets VM/Hypervisor/Network/O S/Applications/Physical Server A2: Likelihood Rating for Vulnerability Likelihood Rating Evaluation Criteria High Relevant security control not in place Medium Relevant security control in place but not effective Low Relevant security control in place and effective A3: Impact Rating for CIA Compromise Impact Rating Evaluation Criteria High Significant Business Impact to the enterprise Medium There is tangible or intangible loss to enterprise. Low There is insignificant loss due to minor inconvenience in business operations. A4: Risk Matrix showing the defined risk levels Impact Likelihood Low Medium High Low 1 (Insignificant) 2 (Minor) 3 (Medium) Medium 2 (Minor) 3 (Medium) 4 (High) High 3 (Medium) 4 (High) 5 (Very High) References [1] virtualization-security/ [2] e-key-security-ent-arch-wp.ion [3] 1/Pages/Auditing-Security-Risks-in-Virtual-IT- Systems.aspx [4] ecurity_response/whitepapers/threats_to_virtual_environm ents.pdf [5] ation_InfoSupp_v2.pdf [6] s.pdf [7] est_Practices_for%20_Mitigating_Risks_Virtual_Environ ments_April2015_4-1-15_GLM5.pdf