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Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7                                       DOI 10.1002/biot.201100306        


Revolutionizing medicine in the 21st century through systems

Leroy Hood1, Rudi Balling2 and Charles Auffray3
1 Institute
          for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA, USA
2 Luxembourg   Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
3 European Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine, CNRS–UCBL–ENS, Université de Lyon, Lyon, France

Personalized medicine is a term for a revolution in medicine that envisions the individual patient
                                                                                                          Received 22 MAR 2012
as the central focus of healthcare in the future. The term “personalized medicine”, however, fails        Revised 09 MAY 2012
to reflect the enormous dimensionality of this new medicine that will be predictive, preventive, per-     Accepted 16 MAY 2012
sonalized, and participatory – a vision of medicine we have termed P4 medicine. This reflects a
paradigm change in how medicine will be practiced that is revolutionary rather than evolutionary.
P4 medicine arises from the confluence of a systems approach to medicine and from the digitali-
zation of medicine that creates the large data sets necessary to deal with the complexities of dis-
ease. We predict that systems approaches will empower the transition from conventional reactive
medical practice to a more proactive P4 medicine focused on wellness, and will reverse the esca-
lating costs of drug development and will have enormous social and economic benefits. Our vi-
sion for P4 medicine in 10 years is that each patient will be associated with a virtual data cloud of
billions of data points and that we will have the information technology for healthcare to reduce
this enormous data dimensionality to simple hypotheses about health and/or disease for each in-
dividual. These data will be multi-scale across all levels of biological organization and extremely
heterogeneous in type – this enormous amount of data represents a striking signal-to-noise (S/N)
challenge. The key to dealing with this S/N challenge is to take a “holistic systems approach” to
disease as we will discuss in this article.

Keywords: Functional genomics · Network biology · Personalized medicine · Systems medicine

1 Why does P4 medicine require so much                                      plex solutions, in response to adapting to the ever-
  data?                                                                     changing environment. Biological complexity re-
                                                                            minds one of the famous Rube Goldberg cartoon in
Biology and disease are incredibly complex [1].                             which Rube had assembled 14 gadgets connected
This is a consequence of the processes taking place                         together to cool his soup. In order to understand
during Darwinian evolution, which are not direct-                           how Rube’s apparatus works – one would have to
ed, but rather random and chaotic – they build                              have a parts list of all the components, know how
changes on top of present successful, but also com-                         the parts are connected together and understand
                                                                            the dynamics of how the parts move with respect to
                                                                            one another to cool the soup (the dynamics of the
                                                                            soup-cooling machine). These are three of the ma-
                                                                            jor requirements for a systems approach to under-
Correspondence: Dr. Leroy Hood, Institute for Systems Biology,
                                                                            standing biological systems – the parts list, their
401 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5234, USA
                                                                            interconnections, and the dynamics of the parts
                                                                            interactions – to determine how the system func-
Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DEG, differ-    tions or exhibits dysfunction.
entially expressed genes; iPS, induced pluripotent stem cell

© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim                                                                                   1
Biotechnology                                                                                       Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7

2 Viewing biology as an information science              3.1 Systems biology of prion disease

The informational view of biology allows data to be      To illustrate these principles, let us consider the
nicely organized around three central ideas. First,      studies we have carried out on neurodegeneration
there are two types of biological information, the       in mice initiated by the injection of infectious pri-
digital information of the genome and the environ-       on proteins into the brain [3]. These studies were
mental signals that come from outside the genome.        important because we could look at the initiation
These two types of information are integrated to-        and dynamics of the progression of the disease
gether to specify the central mechanisms of life –       from inception (e.g. the infection) to death, focus-
evolution, development, physiological responses,         ing initially on the mRNAs expressed in the brain
aging, and the initiation and progression of disease.    and how they changed across the 22-week pro-
Second, an interesting question is what joins the        gression of the disease. To identify the differential-
integrated information to phenotype? Two infor-          ly expressed genes (DEGs), the diseased brain
mation handling structure do – biological networks       transcriptomes were subtracted from the control
that capture, transmit, integrate, and pass informa-     transcriptomes at 10 time points across the pro-
tion on to molecular machines to execute the func-       gression of the disease. These temporal dynamical
tions of life. Hence the dynamics of networks and        studies revealed several striking points. First, 7400
molecular machines constitutes one of the central        RNA transcripts appeared to be changed in the
foci of systems approaches to biology and disease.       course of the disease – encoded by nearly 1/3rd of
Finally, biological information is hierarchical and      the mouse genes. These data obviously represent a
multi-scale across all levels of biological organiza-    significant S/N problem. This noise arises from two
tion – from DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, inter-      sources: technical noise and biological noise. Bio-
actions, and cells, to organs, individuals, popula-      logical noise arises from measuring a particular
tions, and ecologies – all representing an inter-        phenotype (e.g. the brain transcriptome) that is the
twined ascending and descending hierarchy of in-         sum of several different aspects of biology that lie
formation. The environment impinges upon                 outside the phenotype of interest (in this case neu-
information at each of these levels to modulate re-      rodegeneration). Approaches were developed in-
peatedly the original digital genome signal. Hence       volving eight different inbred strain/prion strain
it is essential to integrate information from the dif-   combinations for subtracting away the other types
ferent levels to explicate the environmental contri-     of biological variations – to focus on the biology of
butions if one is ever to understand how the system      neurodegeneration. These subtractions suggested
works – for this requires understanding how the in-      that about 300 DEGs are associated with neurode-
formation of the genome and environment interact.        generation (these subtractions thus provided more
These informational views of biology are also key        than a 20-fold enrichment in S/N). Second, four
to dealing with the S/N issues arising from the gen-     major biological networks appeared to participate
eration of large data sets with high-throughput          in prion disease as revealed by histopathological
methods. The biological information has to be inte-      studies. The core 300 DEGs were mapped into the
grated with clinical information and translated into     four interaction networks encoding these histo-
efficient and reliable decision support systems for      pathologies at ten different time points across the
health care.                                             22 weeks of disease progression. Two hundred of
                                                         these genes mapped into the four major networks
                                                         and the remaining 100 defined six smaller net-
3 A systems approach to disease                          works – not previously known to be involved with
                                                         prion disease. Third, the dynamics of how these
Disease arises as a consequence of disease-per-          transcripts changed across disease progress ex-
turbed networks in the diseased organ that propa-        plained virtually every aspect of the pathophysiol-
gate from one or a few disease-perturbed networks        ogy of the disease – a remarkable advance in un-
to many as the disease progresses. These initial dis-    derstanding disease dynamics. Fourth, the four ma-
ease perturbations may be genetic (e.g. mutations)       jor networks were sequentially disease-perturbed.
and/or environmental (e.g. infectious organisms).        The importance of this observation is that it pro-
These perturbations alter the information ex-            vides new strategies for diagnosis and therapy that
pressed in these networks dynamically – and these        may focus on the most proximal of the disease-per-
altered dynamics of information flow explain the         turbed networks. Finally, this dynamical network
pathophysiology of the disease and suggest new           analysis did suggest several new approaches to
approaches to diagnosis and therapy [2].                 blood diagnostics using, for example, comparative
                                                         organ transcriptome analyses to identify organ-

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Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7                                                        

specific transcripts. In this manner, more than           thus compared and combined the results obtained
100 brain-specific mouse transcripts could be iden-       in human patients with those collected in animal
tified – and many of these encoded proteins that          models or previously reported in the literature, and
were secreted into the blood – there to constitute a      the evidence obtained did not support the working
brain-specific blood fingerprint that could distin-       hypothesis. Rather, they pointed to an alternate hy-
guish for the brain, health from disease, and in the      pothesis that specific epigenetic changes linked to
case of disease, the type of disease. Fifteen of these    histone modifiers are associated with muscle dys-
brain-specific proteins permitted early preclinical       function and possibly driven by hypoxia, suggest-
diagnosis of prion disease, the stratification of dif-    ing that they could be investigated as novel targets
ferent types of neurodegenerative diseases, and the       for therapeutic intervention to restore muscle
ability to follow the progression of prion disease –      function in COPD patients.
all from the blood. The use of such organ-specific
blood fingerprints will thus be a powerful tool for
diagnostics in the future [4].                            4 Emerging technologies
3.2 Systems biology of respiratory and muscle             The study of leading-edge problems in biology or
    disease                                               disease quickly pushes studies to the point that
                                                          new technologies are needed to open up new di-
Another landmark study illustrates the power of           mensions of patient data space. Let us discuss six of
systems biology and network modeling approaches           these emerging technologies in the context of P4
to decipher the interplay of molecular networks in        medicine.
multiple organs and their perturbations in a com-
plex chronic respiratory disease such as chronic          4.1 Family genome sequencing
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which, in
addition to progressive airway obstruction, is char-      The genome is the digital source code of life, en-
acterized by muscle wasting [5]. COPD is a chronic        coding many of our most fundamental features –
life-threatening inflammatory disease of the lungs        such as development and physiological mecha-
characterized by progressive airway limitation            nisms for responding to the environment. Both
leading to severe impairment in the quality of life       processes may be modified by epigenetic marks.
of the patients. It is largely irreversible and associ-   With the rapid progress in sequencing technolo-
ated with muscle wasting. It is increasing in preva-      gies, family genome sequencing, that is determin-
lence and represents the fourth most important            ing the complete genome sequences of all of the
cause of death worldwide. Current treatments aim          members of a family, is enabling the integration of
at reversing the disease process through a combi-         genomics and genetics with fascinating results. For
nation of exercise training, anti-inflammatory            example, the sequencing of the genomes of a fam-
drugs and dietary supplements. In this study, tran-       ily of four where the parents were normal and the
scriptomic expression profiles were collected in          two kids each had two genetic diseases revealed the
skeletal muscle biopsies of the COPD patients and         multi-dimensional power of this approach [7].
controls at rest, before and after exercise training.     First, about 70% of the sequencing errors could be
Through integration of the differentially expressed       identified by using plausibility checks on the basis
genes detected with serum cytokine levels and a           of the principles of simple Mendelian genetics.
range of recorded physiological responses, the au-        Second, rare variants could be immediately identi-
thors were able to identify interaction networks          fied by asking whether two or more members of the
perturbed in the disease state. This provided sup-        family had them (hence they could not be sequenc-
porting evidence that a distinctive feature of COPD       ing errors). Third, the haplotypes of the members of
is the uncoupling between tissue remodeling and           the family could be determined through being able
the control of energy metabolism, and that this is        to map precisely the recombination sites in the
the result of a perturbation of transcriptional regu-     children’s chromosomes and hence the linkages of
lation leading to the modulation of inflammatory          their constellations of genetic variants across each
cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1β. Previous           of the diploid autosomes and the sex chromosomes.
work had pointed to a possible role of NF-κB tar-         This is important because then one can ask for
gets in these transcriptional regulation abnormali-       those family members with the disease – what frac-
ties [6]. In order to test the validity of this working   tion of their chromosomal haplotypes are shared,
hypothesis through a second iteration of the sys-         for it is in these shared chromosome regions that
tems biology process, the authors designed and            the disease-related genes must reside. This greatly
performed a set of validation experiments. They           reduces the area of chromosomal space that needs

© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim                                                                  3
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to be searched for disease-related genes. Finally,       biological processes occurring after the genome is
the number of disease gene candidates for the two        transcribed, including RNA editing, RNA splicing,
children could be reduced to just four genes – and       protein processing, and chemical modification.
the proper assignments were relatively straightfor-      Proteins are also dynamic – often changing their 3D
ward. Thus family genome sequencing, through the         structures in the context of carrying out their bio-
integration of genetics and genomics, increases          logical functions, thus responding to environmen-
enormously the S/N in most whole genome analy-           tal changes. Proteins, together with other complex
ses while searching for disease-related genes.           biomolecules and metabolites, execute the func-
    We believe that in 10 years the individual com-      tions of life and hence are closer to the phenotype
plete genome sequence will be a routine part of a        than DNA or RNA.
personal medical record – and it will provide fun-           One powerful approach to the quantification
damental insights into optimizing health. This is in     and identification of proteins from complex mix-
keeping with the fact that within 5 years we predict     tures (tissues, blood, cells, etc.) is the use of MS.
that the cost of a complete genome sequence will be      Proteins are purified from other compounds, di-
a few hundred dollars. We believe that what will be      gested by an enzyme such as trypsin to create pep-
a fundamental driver of societal acceptance of           tides and the peptides can then be analyzed (e.g.
complete genome sequences are “actionable gene           sequenced) and quantified in the mass spectrome-
variants.” An actionable variant is one that allows a    ter. Initially, MS was used in a shotgun manner to
physician to specify how a patient may improve his       identify and quantify proteins in complex mixtures
or her health. For example, there are variants of a      – but it was quickly determined that often most of
vitamin D transporter that lead to significant os-       the peptides analyzed are those from the predom-
teoporosis in the early 40’s (a young age). This con-    inant proteins in the mixture. Accordingly, a new
dition can be reversed merely by having the patient      approach termed targeted proteomics was pio-
take 20 times the normal dose of vitamin D. More         neered [8] where one could identify peptides that
than 250 of these “actionable gene variants” have        uniquely define each protein, then determine
already been identified. It is the continually in-       which of these peptides behave well in the mass
creasing number of actionable gene variants that         spectrometer – and then synthesize isotopically la-
will be the major driver in having society accept        beled peptides that when added to the peptide mix-
whole genome sequences as an important part of           ture would enable precise quantification. Rob
each person’s medical record. Indeed, in the future      Moritz at the Institute for Systems Biology, in col-
our genome sequence will be checked every year to        laboration with Ruedi Aebersold at the ETH, has
identify new actionable variants. Hence our              recently identified 3–6 peptide assays for each of
genome sequence will be an investment in our             20 000 human proteins. These assays have been
health for the rest of our lives.                        placed in a database that is openly accessible to all
                                                         scientists. Hence, targeted proteomics has “democ-
4.2 Proteomics                                           ratized” the human proteins in the same sense that
                                                         the HGP “democratized” all human genes – name-
The proteome is the entire complement of proteins        ly they are now accessible to all scientists (Moritz,
in a given biological compartment (an individual,        in preparation). These targeted proteomics assays
an organ, a cell, the blood, etc). Proteins have sev-    will be powerful tools in analyzing biological and
eral features that distinguish them from DNA and         disease mechanisms and they will provide power-
make their analyses more complex. First, DNA is          ful approaches to the identification of disease bio-
digital in nature (e.g. the chromosomes are digital      markers.
strings of Gs, Cs, As, and Ts with a diploid repre-          In the future we will want to create protein as-
sentation in the nucleus – only two copies of most       says that can analyze thousands of proteins from a
genes), while proteins, in addition to the digital in-   fraction of a droplet of blood on hundreds of mil-
formation translated from the genome sequence            lions of patients each year. MS will not be extend-
into strings of the 20 amino acids, are associated       able to analyses of this dimension. For example, we
with analog information (e.g. they fold into complex     envision being able to analyze perhaps 50 organ-
3D structures and they may be present in one com-        specific blood proteins from each of 50 human or-
partment, such as the blood, as one or a few copies      gans on a biannual basis. Jim Heath at Caltech has
or 1010 copies – manifesting an enormous dynamic         pioneered a microfluidic protein ELIZA chip that
range of concentrations). While there are about          can make 50 measurements in 5 min from 300 nL
20 000 protein-coding genes in the human genome,         of blood [9]. To be able to expand 50 measurements
there may be millions of proteins because proteins       to 2500 measurements (50 times 50) will require
(translated from mRNAs) can be modified by many          developing new types of protein-capture agents for

4                                                                    © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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the ELIZA assays – both peptide capture agents             One can also use single-cell analyses to character-
[10] and aptamer capture agents [11] appear prom-          ize disease states (e.g. how many quantized popu-
ising.                                                     lations are there in tumors), or to separate the 10 or
                                                           so classes of white blood cells to determine
4.3 Metabolomics                                           whether and how they can be useful in the diagno-
                                                           sis of disease. Our prediction is that single-cell
MS is the method of choice to determine the                analyses will transform profoundly our under-
metabolome of individual patients. Currently MS or         standing of health and disease.
LC coupled to GC are able to resolve 300–500
metabolites, such as amino acids, fatty acids, nu-         4.5 Imaging
cleotides, and many other small molecules [12].
Whereas the targeted or untargeted quantification          Spatial and temporal information will be key for
of metabolites provides the most “proximal” phe-           the development of reliable disease models that al-
notype, this information is still static in nature. Cur-   low the identification of actionable network com-
rently in vivo, whole organism methods are under           ponents. For this reason advanced high-resolution
development using stable isotopes that allow to fol-       and high-content imaging technology is being de-
low the fate and rate of individual metabolites, the       veloped [15, 16], to enable the reliable interpreta-
measurement of metabolite fluxes and enzyme                tion of molecular and cellular disease processes
rates, thereby tremendously increasing the infor-          and eventually the integration into molecular diag-
mation about disease progression and potential             nostics and medical decision support systems.
adaptive, compensatory physiological and patho-
physiological mechanisms. The MS-based methods             4.6 Induced pluripotent stem cells
are now being complemented by pattern-recogni-
tion array-sensors that capture volatile organic           Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from individ-
compounds in exhaled breath, providing disease-            ual patients will be useful in exploring mechanisms
specific molecular signatures. These so-called             of disease initiation and progression, in revealing
“electronic noses” are non-invasive diagnostic de-         fundamental aspects of development and in creat-
vices, which have shown promising results, e.g. in         ing the differentiated cell types of patients in a test
the early detection of diseases such as lung cancer        tube which can be analyzed with environmental
[13], and the distinction between asthma and               probes (ligands, drugs, etc.) eventually to stratify
COPD [14].                                                 disease by virtual of different responses for each
                                                           subtype of a disease that has its own unique com-
4.4 Single-cell analyses                                   bination of disease-perturbed networks [17, 18].
                                                           iPS cells derived from blood white cells and skin or
Virtually all studies until very recently have been        cheek fibroblasts will be complemented by iPS
carried out on complex mixtures of cells (either           cells derived from cells of the immune system that
from tissues or from the blood). It is clear that much     have undergone Tcr or Bcr recombination, opening
biology is executed by virtue of cells of different        the possibility for treating antigen-specific autoim-
types interacting with one another – or by interac-        munity and allergies.
tions with environmental signals from tissue scaf-            The combination of an informational view of
folds or other cells. Hence in order to understand         medicine, the systems approaches to disease, the
fundamental biological or disease mechanisms –             emergence of new technologies and strategies that
single cell analyses will be critical. Microfluidic        open up new dimensions of patient data space and
techniques have been developed that allow single           pioneering analytical tools (mathematical and
cells to be analyzed at the genomics and proteomics        computational) enable the development and im-
levels. One of the fundamental questions that can          plementation of P4 medicine in healthcare and so-
be answered with single-cell analyses is the num-          ciety.
ber of discrete (quantized) populations of cells that
exist within a tissue or organ. Once the single-cell
analyses have been carried out, the uniquely defin-        5 P4 medicine
ing cell-surface molecules can be identified that
will permit the separation of the quantized popula-        Systems medicine provides the strategies, tools,
tions by cell sorting. Then the cells of these quan-       and computational and analytical abilities to ana-
tized populations can be investigated to see how           lyze enormous amounts of information [19]. P4
they respond to environmental signals or the inter-        medicine uses these strategies and tools to attack
action with cells from other quantized populations.        disease (and wellness) for the benefit of the indi-

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vidual [20]. P4 medicine also must deal with the so-      role in optimizing wellness. Already now 60 or more
cietal challenges of systems medicine. Let us con-        digital parameters can be measured for each pa-
sider at a high level where we will be with the 4Ps       tient – providing unique opportunities for driving
in 10 or so years.                                        the optimization of individual wellness [21].

5.1 Predictive                                            5.3 Personalized

We suggest in 10 years that genomes will be a rou-        On average, humans differ from one another by 6
tine part of each patient’s medical record. From the      million nucleotides in their genome sequence, and
actionable gene variants we will be able to provide       an uncharacterized number of subsequent changes
each patient with critical information for optimiz-       in other biomolecules. Hence each of us is unique –
ing his or her wellness as well as dealing with the       and will have to serve as our own control for fol-
future potential for disease development. We pre-         lowing transitions from health to disease or vice
dict the availability of a small handheld device that     versa. This is the essence of personalized medicine
can prick your thumb, measure 2500 organ-specif-          – medicine must focus on each individual uniquely.
ic proteins, send this information to a server for            In 10- or 15-years, with the fast decline in the
analysis and feedback the information on the state        cost of next-generation sequencing, we will poten-
of your 50 organ systems. These measurements will         tially have access to the complete genomes and at-
be longitudinal in nature throughout our lives, im-       tendant medical, molecular, cellular, and environ-
mediately identifying any transitions from health         mental data for a growing fraction of the human
to disease, sending alerts early on and suggesting        population in both developed and developing
preventive measures such as changes in dietary or         countries. This will afford us an unparalleled op-
exercising habits. These measurements will thus           portunity to mine these data for the predictive
also be used to optimize wellness.                        medicine of the future – but only if these data are
                                                          made readily available for qualified researchers
5.2 Preventive                                            and health practitioners. Our view is that it is criti-
                                                          cal that society should have access to the data of
Systems approaches to studying disease-perturbed          each person and patient and that these data, after
networks will provide a completely new approach           anonymization, should be available to qualified in-
to the identification of drug targets, through            vestigators to mine for the predictive medicine of
reengineering of disease-perturbed networks to            the future that will transform healthcare for our
make them behave in a more normal or manage-              children and grandchildren (as well as us). After
able fashion through the use of multiple drugs to         all, society has created the resources that led to the
perturb the networks. We will have to learn how to        emergence of P4 medicine – and these resources
analyze and interpret reconstructed disease net-          should be leveraged through extensive data mining
works from individual patients and identify opti-         to pioneer the development of the future of medi-
mal interference strategies. In a first phase we will     cine. It will be important to provide legal safe-
need to re-engineer networks with drugs in mi-            guards against discriminatory use of these data –
croorganisms in order to elucidate the general en-        e.g. by employers and insurance companies.
gineering principles that will then be applied to hu-
mans. From a disease prevention point of view the         5.4 Participatory
most proximal disease-perturbed networks will be
the most promising ones to address first with this        The patient will participate in many of the different
strategy.                                                 dimensions of P4 medicine. First, patients or
    Systems approaches will enable us to under-           healthcare customers will increasing participate in
stand, for the first time, how to effectively induce      patient-driven social networks that will sustain the
cellular immunity. Hence we will be able to gener-        process of the acceptance of P4 medicine by de-
ate vaccines that can deal with infectious chal-          manding better healthcare for each person individ-
lenges such as AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. But       ually. Second, patients will need to be informed and
most important for prevention, we will increasing-        educated as to the opportunities and challenges of
ly focus on optimizing wellness for the individual.       P4 medicine. This holds true for physicians and in-
This will be done through identification of metrics       deed the entire healthcare community, which will
that will let us assess wellness and its dynamics for     have to be educated as to the revolution that P4
each individual. The digital revolution of medicine       medicine is bringing through a profound revision
that will make enormous amounts of the individ-           of the medical training curriculum. We believe
ual’s data available to him or her will play a critical   there will be a critical role for information technol-

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ogy in this education process. Third, patients will       derstand how the digital genome information and
have to actively participate in the process of mak-       environmental information combine to generate
ing available their billions of bytes of digitized data   the normal and disease phenotypes. The assess-
for the healthcare database of the future. The chal-      ment of each of these networks is fundamental to
lenges involved in IT for healthcare in acquiring,        capturing the environmental signals that impinge
validating, storing, mining, integrating, and finally     at each of these levels upon the core digital signal.
modeling these highly heterogeneous data are              Hence a true understanding of biology and disease
daunting – and not being effectively approached           mechanisms requires capturing the information of
yet by any of the current players in the information      each of these networks and a better understanding
technology for healthcare landscape. We need to           of the systems properties that emerge from their
develop user-friendly software solutions for              combinations.
crowd-sourcing enabling an efficient highly inter-            P4 medicine stands in striking comparison to
active patient–healthcare interface. Finally, it will     more conventional evidence-based medicine. In
be important to create a “gold standard” for health-      contrast to evidence-based medicine, P4 medicine
care information on the internet – so that patients       is proactive rather than reactive; is focused on well-
(and physicians) can obtain reliable healthcare in-       ness-maintenance rather than disease; employs
formation.                                                many measurements on the individual patient
                                                          rather than few; is individual-centric rather than
                                                          population based; integrates and mines large ag-
6 General features of P4 medicine                         gregated patient data sets to pioneer the P4 medi-
                                                          cine of the future; employs patient-driven societal
P4 medicine is concerned with understanding for           networks as a catalyst for change; and stratifies dis-
the individual patient of his or her “network of net-     eases into their distinct subtypes for impedance
works” – a hierarchy of networks operating across         matches against proper drugs. The quantized self –
multiple, complex, dynamic, and intertwined levels        that is, the collection of many digital measurements
of biological organization encompassing both the          on each individual will give us real time and read-
individual and his or her environment. A genetic          ily digestible insights into optimizing our wellness
network can be defined by analyzing how defects in        – and minimizing our disease. The article by Larry
pairs of genes affect the phenotype of the organ-         Smarr [21] in this issue illustrates beautifully this
ism. Gene regulatory networks result from the in-         principle.
teraction of transcription factors with their cognate         P4 medicine has two central goals – the quan-
cis-regulatory elements on chromosomes. The pro-          tification of wellness and the demystification of
teins produced through transcription and transla-         disease – and the two become intimately related for
tion in turn interact with one another and with           each individual.
other small molecules within functional protein in-
teraction networks: e.g. metabolites and enzymes
interact in metabolic networks. These diverse bio-        7 Impact of P4 medicine on society
chemical activities are integrated at the level of
cells interacting with one another within cellular,       P4 medicine will mandate that every sector of the
tissular, and organ networks, all of which are as-        public and private healthcare systems rewrite their
sembled together within an individual organism in         business plans over the next 10 years in accordance
the context of its extended environment (e.g. hu-         with the imperatives of each of the 4Ps. In our ex-
mans interacting in social networks). Each of these       perience, the bureaucracies and conservative lead-
networks is interfacing with the other types of net-      erships of healthcare providers will constitute ma-
works to form the “network of networks.” Obvious-         jor barriers to adapting to P4 medicine. The inter-
ly disease-perturbations in one network will reflect      esting point is that many new companies will
throughout the other networks as a consequence of         emerge during the next 10 years that will be fo-
their integrated interfaces. Thus one challenge of        cused on the needs of P4 medicine. Hence there are
disease is to ultimately understand how to con-           enormous economic opportunities ahead of us.
struct these individual networks from individual             P4 medicine will in time turn around the ever
patient data, to determine how these networks are         escalating costs of healthcare – and indeed bring
integrated and finally to ascertain how disease-          them down to the point that P4 medicine will be ex-
perturbations reflect throughout the “network of          portable to the developing world (just as the digiti-
networks” to modify its information content. Hence        zation of communications made the cell phone
P4 medicine is about integrating the information          available and affordable both to individuals in the
from each of these networks so as to be able to un-       developed nations as well as the developing na-

© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim                                                                  7
Biotechnology                                                                                        Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7

tions). Hence we can contemplate the previously           integrative, and milestone-driven effort with vi-
unthinkable – the possibility of a worldwide “de-         sionary leadership. At our institutions we became
mocratization” of healthcare. The cost reductions         convinced of the power of national and interna-
will come from the revolutions that are being initi-      tional strategic partnerships some years ago. These
ated by systems medicine (making blood a window           partnerships allow one to select the best scientists
for health and disease; the stratification of disease,    and engineers to help solve discrete sub-problems
therapy by reengineering disease-perturbed net-           within the P4 context; to choose partners with com-
works with drugs, and the metrics for wellness,           plementary skills and technologies; to enable com-
etc.), the digitization of medicine (hence making         pletely new approaches to fundraising that is es-
data incredibly cheap – and thus bringing costs           sential for attacking big scientific and medical
down) and the advance of exciting areas in con-           problems; and to bring together complementary re-
temporary medicine (cancer, stem cells, aging, neu-       sources (hospital infrastructure), materials (pa-
rodegeneration, etc.).                                    tient samples), and data (patient records).
    As noted above, P4 medicine will lead to a digi-          ISB has fashioned key strategic partnerships for
talization of medicine – with very broad implica-         P4 medicine. We have developed a strategic part-
tions (the creation of patient/consumer-driven so-        nership with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg that
cial networks, the quantification of self, the infor-     fostered the creation of the LCSB at the University
mation technology for healthcare which will cap-          of Luxembourg, a partnership focusing on neu-
ture the digitalized data of individuals to create a      rodegenerative diseases and Parkinson disease ini-
database for the predictive medicine of the future).      tially, that is being expanded to sustain the devel-
The quantification of wellness and the demystifica-       opment of the EISBM in Lyon in relation with the
tion of disease will create wealth for the institutions   local hospitals and authorities, academic and in-
and organizations that are at the leading edge of         dustrial partners of the Lyonbiopole competitive
this paradigm change. For example, we predict that        cluster.
a wellness industry will emerge over the next 10–15           We have also created the non-profit P4 Medi-
years that will far exceed the healthcare industry –      cine Institute (P4MI) with Ohio State Medical
leading to a unique series of potential economic          School. The objective of P4MI is to help create a
oportunities.                                             network of 5–6 clinical centers and ISB to employ
                                                          conventional and ISB clinical assays in pilot proj-
                                                          ects to demonstrate the power of P4 medicine. We
8 How do we bring P4 medicine to patients?                are now embarking on pilot projects that include
                                                          wellness and premature pre-term births. P4MI will
There are general challenges to bringing P4 medi-         also help recruit selected industrial partners to this
cine to patients. First, we must invent the systems       network. P4MI has a fellows program that will be-
strategies, technologies, and analytical tools neces-     gin writing white papers on some of the key socie-
sary to implement the P4 medicine vision in prac-         tal challenges to P4 medicine. Similarly, plans are
tice. Second, P4 medicine poses a host of challenges      materializing for the formation of a School of Med-
to society – ethics, privacy, confidentiality, legal,     icine at the University of Luxembourg that will im-
economic, regulatory, national policy, etc. These so-     plement systems principles in the training curricu-
cial challenges represent the greatest barrier to im-     lum, and is forming a Personalized Medicine Con-
plementation of P4 medicine. Hence there must be          sortium with regional and international clinical
integrated efforts for bringing P4 medicine to pa-        partners.
tients – for each is essential to the vision of P4 med-       Ultimately, after successful pilot projects per-
icine.                                                    formed by ISB and its partners in a growing world-
    P4 medicine represents a fundamental para-            wide network of systems P4 medicine centers and
digm change in healthcare. Paradigm changes are           institutes, we would like to persuade a small nation,
always met with enormous skepticism [22]. We be-          state or region to consider adopting a global P4
lieve the key to convincing skeptical physicians,         healthcare system. It would be a unique opportuni-
payers, providers, and indeed the many players in         ty to pioneer medicine of the future and play a
the healthcare systems is the successful comple-          leadership role in transforming medicine from its
tion of pilot projects that demonstrate the revolu-       current reactive mode to the proactive P4 mode. It
tionary power of P4 medicine.                             goes without saying that any nation that is a leader
    P4 medicine is a comprehensive and challeng-          in the P4 revolution will potentially encounter
ing problem for medicine, the healthcare system           striking economic opportunities.
and society. It requires a systems-driven, cross-dis-
ciplinary, large data-generating and data-analysis,

8                                                                     © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7                                                                                   

                                Dr. Leroy Hood received an MD from                                       Dr. Rudi Balling studied nutrition at the
                                John Hopkins and a PhD from Caltech                                      Universities of Bonn, Germany, and
                                where he was a faculty member for                                        Washington State University, USA.
                                22 years. In 1992 he founded the cross-                                  After receiving his PhD in Human
                                disciplinary University of Washington                                    Nutrition from the University of Bonn
                                Department of Molecular Biotechnolo-                                     in 1985 he held research positions at
                                gy in Seattle where in 2000 he co-                                       the Mount Sinai Research Institute in
                                founded the Institute for Systems Biol-                                  Toronto, Canada and the Max Planck
                                ogy. Dr. Hood is pioneering the transi-                                  Institutes of Biophysical Chemistry and
 tion from current reactive medicine to a proactive (P4) medicine.        Immunobiology in Göttingen and Freiburg. In 1993 he became Direc-
 He has published >700 peer-reviewed papers and textbooks, holds          tor of the Institute of Mammalian Genetics at the Helmholtz Centre
 32 patents and founded 13 biotechnology companies, including             for Environment and Health in Munich. From 2001 to 2009 he was
 Amgen, Applied Biosystems, Systemix, Darwin, Rosetta, Integrated         Scientific Director of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in
 Diagnostics and the Accelerator. Dr. Hood is a member of the Nation-     Braunschweig. He has published >150 papers in leading international
 al Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Amer-    journals. In September 2009 he became the founding director of the
 ican Association of Arts and Sciences, the Institute of Medicine and     Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University
 the National Academy of Engineering. He has received the 1987 Lasker     of Luxembourg in partnership with Leroy Hood and the ISB in Seattle,
 Award, the 2002 Kyoto Prize and the 2011 Russ Prize and was awarded      dedicated to the development of P4 medicine with an initial focus on
 17 honorary degrees from various academic institutions worldwide.        Parkinson’s disease.

We would like to acknowledge the support of the Lux-
embourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine and the
                                                                                                         Dr. Charles Auffray graduated in Physi-
University of Luxembourg (LH and RB), the NIH
                                                                                                         ology and Biochemistry (Ecole Normale
General Medical Sciences Center for Systems Biolo-
                                                                                                         Supérieure), obtained a PhD in Molec-
gy GM076547 (LH) and a Department of Defense
                                                                                                         ular Immunology (Pierre & Marie Curie
contract on Liver Toxicity W911SR-09-C-0062 (LH).
                                                                                                         Paris University and Pasteur Institute).
The formation of the European Institute for Systems
                                                                                                         He was Post-doctoral Fellow and Junior
Biology & Medicine hosted at Claude Bernard Uni-
                                                                                                         Faculty (Harvard University); Group
versity is supported by the Lyonbiopole competitive
                                                                                                         Leader (Institute of Embryology,
cluster and its academic, industrial, and local au-
                                                                                                         Nogent s/Marne); Scientific Director
thority partners, including Grand Lyon, Région
                                                                          (Généthon, Evry); Head of CNRS Research Unit (Functional Genomics
Rhône-Alpes, Direction de la Recherche et de la Tech-
                                                                          and Systems Biology for Health, Villejuif). In 2010, he founded the Eu-
nologie, and the Finovi Foundation (CA).
                                                                          ropean Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine in Lyon. Dr. Charles
                                                                          Auffray develops a systems approach to cancer and the physio-pathol-
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
                                                                          ogy of the immune, neuro-muscular and respiratory systems by inte-
                                                                          grating functional genomics, mathematical, physical and computa-
                                                                          tional approaches through public-private partnerships and EU-funded
9 References                                                              projects. He has published >250 original papers and 11 books. He co-
                                                                          founded the Systemoscope International Consortium with Profs Leroy
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Revolutionizing medicine in the 21st century through systems approaches

  • 1. Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 DOI 10.1002/biot.201100306 Perspective Revolutionizing medicine in the 21st century through systems approaches Leroy Hood1, Rudi Balling2 and Charles Auffray3 1 Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA, USA 2 Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg 3 European Institute for Systems Biology and Medicine, CNRS–UCBL–ENS, Université de Lyon, Lyon, France Personalized medicine is a term for a revolution in medicine that envisions the individual patient Received 22 MAR 2012 as the central focus of healthcare in the future. The term “personalized medicine”, however, fails Revised 09 MAY 2012 to reflect the enormous dimensionality of this new medicine that will be predictive, preventive, per- Accepted 16 MAY 2012 sonalized, and participatory – a vision of medicine we have termed P4 medicine. This reflects a paradigm change in how medicine will be practiced that is revolutionary rather than evolutionary. P4 medicine arises from the confluence of a systems approach to medicine and from the digitali- zation of medicine that creates the large data sets necessary to deal with the complexities of dis- ease. We predict that systems approaches will empower the transition from conventional reactive medical practice to a more proactive P4 medicine focused on wellness, and will reverse the esca- lating costs of drug development and will have enormous social and economic benefits. Our vi- sion for P4 medicine in 10 years is that each patient will be associated with a virtual data cloud of billions of data points and that we will have the information technology for healthcare to reduce this enormous data dimensionality to simple hypotheses about health and/or disease for each in- dividual. These data will be multi-scale across all levels of biological organization and extremely heterogeneous in type – this enormous amount of data represents a striking signal-to-noise (S/N) challenge. The key to dealing with this S/N challenge is to take a “holistic systems approach” to disease as we will discuss in this article. Keywords: Functional genomics · Network biology · Personalized medicine · Systems medicine 1 Why does P4 medicine require so much plex solutions, in response to adapting to the ever- data? changing environment. Biological complexity re- minds one of the famous Rube Goldberg cartoon in Biology and disease are incredibly complex [1]. which Rube had assembled 14 gadgets connected This is a consequence of the processes taking place together to cool his soup. In order to understand during Darwinian evolution, which are not direct- how Rube’s apparatus works – one would have to ed, but rather random and chaotic – they build have a parts list of all the components, know how changes on top of present successful, but also com- the parts are connected together and understand the dynamics of how the parts move with respect to one another to cool the soup (the dynamics of the soup-cooling machine). These are three of the ma- jor requirements for a systems approach to under- Correspondence: Dr. Leroy Hood, Institute for Systems Biology, standing biological systems – the parts list, their 401 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5234, USA E-mail: interconnections, and the dynamics of the parts interactions – to determine how the system func- Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DEG, differ- tions or exhibits dysfunction. entially expressed genes; iPS, induced pluripotent stem cell © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1
  • 2. Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 Journal 2 Viewing biology as an information science 3.1 Systems biology of prion disease The informational view of biology allows data to be To illustrate these principles, let us consider the nicely organized around three central ideas. First, studies we have carried out on neurodegeneration there are two types of biological information, the in mice initiated by the injection of infectious pri- digital information of the genome and the environ- on proteins into the brain [3]. These studies were mental signals that come from outside the genome. important because we could look at the initiation These two types of information are integrated to- and dynamics of the progression of the disease gether to specify the central mechanisms of life – from inception (e.g. the infection) to death, focus- evolution, development, physiological responses, ing initially on the mRNAs expressed in the brain aging, and the initiation and progression of disease. and how they changed across the 22-week pro- Second, an interesting question is what joins the gression of the disease. To identify the differential- integrated information to phenotype? Two infor- ly expressed genes (DEGs), the diseased brain mation handling structure do – biological networks transcriptomes were subtracted from the control that capture, transmit, integrate, and pass informa- transcriptomes at 10 time points across the pro- tion on to molecular machines to execute the func- gression of the disease. These temporal dynamical tions of life. Hence the dynamics of networks and studies revealed several striking points. First, 7400 molecular machines constitutes one of the central RNA transcripts appeared to be changed in the foci of systems approaches to biology and disease. course of the disease – encoded by nearly 1/3rd of Finally, biological information is hierarchical and the mouse genes. These data obviously represent a multi-scale across all levels of biological organiza- significant S/N problem. This noise arises from two tion – from DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, inter- sources: technical noise and biological noise. Bio- actions, and cells, to organs, individuals, popula- logical noise arises from measuring a particular tions, and ecologies – all representing an inter- phenotype (e.g. the brain transcriptome) that is the twined ascending and descending hierarchy of in- sum of several different aspects of biology that lie formation. The environment impinges upon outside the phenotype of interest (in this case neu- information at each of these levels to modulate re- rodegeneration). Approaches were developed in- peatedly the original digital genome signal. Hence volving eight different inbred strain/prion strain it is essential to integrate information from the dif- combinations for subtracting away the other types ferent levels to explicate the environmental contri- of biological variations – to focus on the biology of butions if one is ever to understand how the system neurodegeneration. These subtractions suggested works – for this requires understanding how the in- that about 300 DEGs are associated with neurode- formation of the genome and environment interact. generation (these subtractions thus provided more These informational views of biology are also key than a 20-fold enrichment in S/N). Second, four to dealing with the S/N issues arising from the gen- major biological networks appeared to participate eration of large data sets with high-throughput in prion disease as revealed by histopathological methods. The biological information has to be inte- studies. The core 300 DEGs were mapped into the grated with clinical information and translated into four interaction networks encoding these histo- efficient and reliable decision support systems for pathologies at ten different time points across the health care. 22 weeks of disease progression. Two hundred of these genes mapped into the four major networks and the remaining 100 defined six smaller net- 3 A systems approach to disease works – not previously known to be involved with prion disease. Third, the dynamics of how these Disease arises as a consequence of disease-per- transcripts changed across disease progress ex- turbed networks in the diseased organ that propa- plained virtually every aspect of the pathophysiol- gate from one or a few disease-perturbed networks ogy of the disease – a remarkable advance in un- to many as the disease progresses. These initial dis- derstanding disease dynamics. Fourth, the four ma- ease perturbations may be genetic (e.g. mutations) jor networks were sequentially disease-perturbed. and/or environmental (e.g. infectious organisms). The importance of this observation is that it pro- These perturbations alter the information ex- vides new strategies for diagnosis and therapy that pressed in these networks dynamically – and these may focus on the most proximal of the disease-per- altered dynamics of information flow explain the turbed networks. Finally, this dynamical network pathophysiology of the disease and suggest new analysis did suggest several new approaches to approaches to diagnosis and therapy [2]. blood diagnostics using, for example, comparative organ transcriptome analyses to identify organ- 2 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
  • 3. Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 specific transcripts. In this manner, more than thus compared and combined the results obtained 100 brain-specific mouse transcripts could be iden- in human patients with those collected in animal tified – and many of these encoded proteins that models or previously reported in the literature, and were secreted into the blood – there to constitute a the evidence obtained did not support the working brain-specific blood fingerprint that could distin- hypothesis. Rather, they pointed to an alternate hy- guish for the brain, health from disease, and in the pothesis that specific epigenetic changes linked to case of disease, the type of disease. Fifteen of these histone modifiers are associated with muscle dys- brain-specific proteins permitted early preclinical function and possibly driven by hypoxia, suggest- diagnosis of prion disease, the stratification of dif- ing that they could be investigated as novel targets ferent types of neurodegenerative diseases, and the for therapeutic intervention to restore muscle ability to follow the progression of prion disease – function in COPD patients. all from the blood. The use of such organ-specific blood fingerprints will thus be a powerful tool for diagnostics in the future [4]. 4 Emerging technologies 3.2 Systems biology of respiratory and muscle The study of leading-edge problems in biology or disease disease quickly pushes studies to the point that new technologies are needed to open up new di- Another landmark study illustrates the power of mensions of patient data space. Let us discuss six of systems biology and network modeling approaches these emerging technologies in the context of P4 to decipher the interplay of molecular networks in medicine. multiple organs and their perturbations in a com- plex chronic respiratory disease such as chronic 4.1 Family genome sequencing obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which, in addition to progressive airway obstruction, is char- The genome is the digital source code of life, en- acterized by muscle wasting [5]. COPD is a chronic coding many of our most fundamental features – life-threatening inflammatory disease of the lungs such as development and physiological mecha- characterized by progressive airway limitation nisms for responding to the environment. Both leading to severe impairment in the quality of life processes may be modified by epigenetic marks. of the patients. It is largely irreversible and associ- With the rapid progress in sequencing technolo- ated with muscle wasting. It is increasing in preva- gies, family genome sequencing, that is determin- lence and represents the fourth most important ing the complete genome sequences of all of the cause of death worldwide. Current treatments aim members of a family, is enabling the integration of at reversing the disease process through a combi- genomics and genetics with fascinating results. For nation of exercise training, anti-inflammatory example, the sequencing of the genomes of a fam- drugs and dietary supplements. In this study, tran- ily of four where the parents were normal and the scriptomic expression profiles were collected in two kids each had two genetic diseases revealed the skeletal muscle biopsies of the COPD patients and multi-dimensional power of this approach [7]. controls at rest, before and after exercise training. First, about 70% of the sequencing errors could be Through integration of the differentially expressed identified by using plausibility checks on the basis genes detected with serum cytokine levels and a of the principles of simple Mendelian genetics. range of recorded physiological responses, the au- Second, rare variants could be immediately identi- thors were able to identify interaction networks fied by asking whether two or more members of the perturbed in the disease state. This provided sup- family had them (hence they could not be sequenc- porting evidence that a distinctive feature of COPD ing errors). Third, the haplotypes of the members of is the uncoupling between tissue remodeling and the family could be determined through being able the control of energy metabolism, and that this is to map precisely the recombination sites in the the result of a perturbation of transcriptional regu- children’s chromosomes and hence the linkages of lation leading to the modulation of inflammatory their constellations of genetic variants across each cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1β. Previous of the diploid autosomes and the sex chromosomes. work had pointed to a possible role of NF-κB tar- This is important because then one can ask for gets in these transcriptional regulation abnormali- those family members with the disease – what frac- ties [6]. In order to test the validity of this working tion of their chromosomal haplotypes are shared, hypothesis through a second iteration of the sys- for it is in these shared chromosome regions that tems biology process, the authors designed and the disease-related genes must reside. This greatly performed a set of validation experiments. They reduces the area of chromosomal space that needs © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3
  • 4. Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 Journal to be searched for disease-related genes. Finally, biological processes occurring after the genome is the number of disease gene candidates for the two transcribed, including RNA editing, RNA splicing, children could be reduced to just four genes – and protein processing, and chemical modification. the proper assignments were relatively straightfor- Proteins are also dynamic – often changing their 3D ward. Thus family genome sequencing, through the structures in the context of carrying out their bio- integration of genetics and genomics, increases logical functions, thus responding to environmen- enormously the S/N in most whole genome analy- tal changes. Proteins, together with other complex ses while searching for disease-related genes. biomolecules and metabolites, execute the func- We believe that in 10 years the individual com- tions of life and hence are closer to the phenotype plete genome sequence will be a routine part of a than DNA or RNA. personal medical record – and it will provide fun- One powerful approach to the quantification damental insights into optimizing health. This is in and identification of proteins from complex mix- keeping with the fact that within 5 years we predict tures (tissues, blood, cells, etc.) is the use of MS. that the cost of a complete genome sequence will be Proteins are purified from other compounds, di- a few hundred dollars. We believe that what will be gested by an enzyme such as trypsin to create pep- a fundamental driver of societal acceptance of tides and the peptides can then be analyzed (e.g. complete genome sequences are “actionable gene sequenced) and quantified in the mass spectrome- variants.” An actionable variant is one that allows a ter. Initially, MS was used in a shotgun manner to physician to specify how a patient may improve his identify and quantify proteins in complex mixtures or her health. For example, there are variants of a – but it was quickly determined that often most of vitamin D transporter that lead to significant os- the peptides analyzed are those from the predom- teoporosis in the early 40’s (a young age). This con- inant proteins in the mixture. Accordingly, a new dition can be reversed merely by having the patient approach termed targeted proteomics was pio- take 20 times the normal dose of vitamin D. More neered [8] where one could identify peptides that than 250 of these “actionable gene variants” have uniquely define each protein, then determine already been identified. It is the continually in- which of these peptides behave well in the mass creasing number of actionable gene variants that spectrometer – and then synthesize isotopically la- will be the major driver in having society accept beled peptides that when added to the peptide mix- whole genome sequences as an important part of ture would enable precise quantification. Rob each person’s medical record. Indeed, in the future Moritz at the Institute for Systems Biology, in col- our genome sequence will be checked every year to laboration with Ruedi Aebersold at the ETH, has identify new actionable variants. Hence our recently identified 3–6 peptide assays for each of genome sequence will be an investment in our 20 000 human proteins. These assays have been health for the rest of our lives. placed in a database that is openly accessible to all scientists. Hence, targeted proteomics has “democ- 4.2 Proteomics ratized” the human proteins in the same sense that the HGP “democratized” all human genes – name- The proteome is the entire complement of proteins ly they are now accessible to all scientists (Moritz, in a given biological compartment (an individual, in preparation). These targeted proteomics assays an organ, a cell, the blood, etc). Proteins have sev- will be powerful tools in analyzing biological and eral features that distinguish them from DNA and disease mechanisms and they will provide power- make their analyses more complex. First, DNA is ful approaches to the identification of disease bio- digital in nature (e.g. the chromosomes are digital markers. strings of Gs, Cs, As, and Ts with a diploid repre- In the future we will want to create protein as- sentation in the nucleus – only two copies of most says that can analyze thousands of proteins from a genes), while proteins, in addition to the digital in- fraction of a droplet of blood on hundreds of mil- formation translated from the genome sequence lions of patients each year. MS will not be extend- into strings of the 20 amino acids, are associated able to analyses of this dimension. For example, we with analog information (e.g. they fold into complex envision being able to analyze perhaps 50 organ- 3D structures and they may be present in one com- specific blood proteins from each of 50 human or- partment, such as the blood, as one or a few copies gans on a biannual basis. Jim Heath at Caltech has or 1010 copies – manifesting an enormous dynamic pioneered a microfluidic protein ELIZA chip that range of concentrations). While there are about can make 50 measurements in 5 min from 300 nL 20 000 protein-coding genes in the human genome, of blood [9]. To be able to expand 50 measurements there may be millions of proteins because proteins to 2500 measurements (50 times 50) will require (translated from mRNAs) can be modified by many developing new types of protein-capture agents for 4 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
  • 5. Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 the ELIZA assays – both peptide capture agents One can also use single-cell analyses to character- [10] and aptamer capture agents [11] appear prom- ize disease states (e.g. how many quantized popu- ising. lations are there in tumors), or to separate the 10 or so classes of white blood cells to determine 4.3 Metabolomics whether and how they can be useful in the diagno- sis of disease. Our prediction is that single-cell MS is the method of choice to determine the analyses will transform profoundly our under- metabolome of individual patients. Currently MS or standing of health and disease. LC coupled to GC are able to resolve 300–500 metabolites, such as amino acids, fatty acids, nu- 4.5 Imaging cleotides, and many other small molecules [12]. Whereas the targeted or untargeted quantification Spatial and temporal information will be key for of metabolites provides the most “proximal” phe- the development of reliable disease models that al- notype, this information is still static in nature. Cur- low the identification of actionable network com- rently in vivo, whole organism methods are under ponents. For this reason advanced high-resolution development using stable isotopes that allow to fol- and high-content imaging technology is being de- low the fate and rate of individual metabolites, the veloped [15, 16], to enable the reliable interpreta- measurement of metabolite fluxes and enzyme tion of molecular and cellular disease processes rates, thereby tremendously increasing the infor- and eventually the integration into molecular diag- mation about disease progression and potential nostics and medical decision support systems. adaptive, compensatory physiological and patho- physiological mechanisms. The MS-based methods 4.6 Induced pluripotent stem cells are now being complemented by pattern-recogni- tion array-sensors that capture volatile organic Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from individ- compounds in exhaled breath, providing disease- ual patients will be useful in exploring mechanisms specific molecular signatures. These so-called of disease initiation and progression, in revealing “electronic noses” are non-invasive diagnostic de- fundamental aspects of development and in creat- vices, which have shown promising results, e.g. in ing the differentiated cell types of patients in a test the early detection of diseases such as lung cancer tube which can be analyzed with environmental [13], and the distinction between asthma and probes (ligands, drugs, etc.) eventually to stratify COPD [14]. disease by virtual of different responses for each subtype of a disease that has its own unique com- 4.4 Single-cell analyses bination of disease-perturbed networks [17, 18]. iPS cells derived from blood white cells and skin or Virtually all studies until very recently have been cheek fibroblasts will be complemented by iPS carried out on complex mixtures of cells (either cells derived from cells of the immune system that from tissues or from the blood). It is clear that much have undergone Tcr or Bcr recombination, opening biology is executed by virtue of cells of different the possibility for treating antigen-specific autoim- types interacting with one another – or by interac- munity and allergies. tions with environmental signals from tissue scaf- The combination of an informational view of folds or other cells. Hence in order to understand medicine, the systems approaches to disease, the fundamental biological or disease mechanisms – emergence of new technologies and strategies that single cell analyses will be critical. Microfluidic open up new dimensions of patient data space and techniques have been developed that allow single pioneering analytical tools (mathematical and cells to be analyzed at the genomics and proteomics computational) enable the development and im- levels. One of the fundamental questions that can plementation of P4 medicine in healthcare and so- be answered with single-cell analyses is the num- ciety. ber of discrete (quantized) populations of cells that exist within a tissue or organ. Once the single-cell analyses have been carried out, the uniquely defin- 5 P4 medicine ing cell-surface molecules can be identified that will permit the separation of the quantized popula- Systems medicine provides the strategies, tools, tions by cell sorting. Then the cells of these quan- and computational and analytical abilities to ana- tized populations can be investigated to see how lyze enormous amounts of information [19]. P4 they respond to environmental signals or the inter- medicine uses these strategies and tools to attack action with cells from other quantized populations. disease (and wellness) for the benefit of the indi- © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 5
  • 6. Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 Journal vidual [20]. P4 medicine also must deal with the so- role in optimizing wellness. Already now 60 or more cietal challenges of systems medicine. Let us con- digital parameters can be measured for each pa- sider at a high level where we will be with the 4Ps tient – providing unique opportunities for driving in 10 or so years. the optimization of individual wellness [21]. 5.1 Predictive 5.3 Personalized We suggest in 10 years that genomes will be a rou- On average, humans differ from one another by 6 tine part of each patient’s medical record. From the million nucleotides in their genome sequence, and actionable gene variants we will be able to provide an uncharacterized number of subsequent changes each patient with critical information for optimiz- in other biomolecules. Hence each of us is unique – ing his or her wellness as well as dealing with the and will have to serve as our own control for fol- future potential for disease development. We pre- lowing transitions from health to disease or vice dict the availability of a small handheld device that versa. This is the essence of personalized medicine can prick your thumb, measure 2500 organ-specif- – medicine must focus on each individual uniquely. ic proteins, send this information to a server for In 10- or 15-years, with the fast decline in the analysis and feedback the information on the state cost of next-generation sequencing, we will poten- of your 50 organ systems. These measurements will tially have access to the complete genomes and at- be longitudinal in nature throughout our lives, im- tendant medical, molecular, cellular, and environ- mediately identifying any transitions from health mental data for a growing fraction of the human to disease, sending alerts early on and suggesting population in both developed and developing preventive measures such as changes in dietary or countries. This will afford us an unparalleled op- exercising habits. These measurements will thus portunity to mine these data for the predictive also be used to optimize wellness. medicine of the future – but only if these data are made readily available for qualified researchers 5.2 Preventive and health practitioners. Our view is that it is criti- cal that society should have access to the data of Systems approaches to studying disease-perturbed each person and patient and that these data, after networks will provide a completely new approach anonymization, should be available to qualified in- to the identification of drug targets, through vestigators to mine for the predictive medicine of reengineering of disease-perturbed networks to the future that will transform healthcare for our make them behave in a more normal or manage- children and grandchildren (as well as us). After able fashion through the use of multiple drugs to all, society has created the resources that led to the perturb the networks. We will have to learn how to emergence of P4 medicine – and these resources analyze and interpret reconstructed disease net- should be leveraged through extensive data mining works from individual patients and identify opti- to pioneer the development of the future of medi- mal interference strategies. In a first phase we will cine. It will be important to provide legal safe- need to re-engineer networks with drugs in mi- guards against discriminatory use of these data – croorganisms in order to elucidate the general en- e.g. by employers and insurance companies. gineering principles that will then be applied to hu- mans. From a disease prevention point of view the 5.4 Participatory most proximal disease-perturbed networks will be the most promising ones to address first with this The patient will participate in many of the different strategy. dimensions of P4 medicine. First, patients or Systems approaches will enable us to under- healthcare customers will increasing participate in stand, for the first time, how to effectively induce patient-driven social networks that will sustain the cellular immunity. Hence we will be able to gener- process of the acceptance of P4 medicine by de- ate vaccines that can deal with infectious chal- manding better healthcare for each person individ- lenges such as AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. But ually. Second, patients will need to be informed and most important for prevention, we will increasing- educated as to the opportunities and challenges of ly focus on optimizing wellness for the individual. P4 medicine. This holds true for physicians and in- This will be done through identification of metrics deed the entire healthcare community, which will that will let us assess wellness and its dynamics for have to be educated as to the revolution that P4 each individual. The digital revolution of medicine medicine is bringing through a profound revision that will make enormous amounts of the individ- of the medical training curriculum. We believe ual’s data available to him or her will play a critical there will be a critical role for information technol- 6 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
  • 7. Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 ogy in this education process. Third, patients will derstand how the digital genome information and have to actively participate in the process of mak- environmental information combine to generate ing available their billions of bytes of digitized data the normal and disease phenotypes. The assess- for the healthcare database of the future. The chal- ment of each of these networks is fundamental to lenges involved in IT for healthcare in acquiring, capturing the environmental signals that impinge validating, storing, mining, integrating, and finally at each of these levels upon the core digital signal. modeling these highly heterogeneous data are Hence a true understanding of biology and disease daunting – and not being effectively approached mechanisms requires capturing the information of yet by any of the current players in the information each of these networks and a better understanding technology for healthcare landscape. We need to of the systems properties that emerge from their develop user-friendly software solutions for combinations. crowd-sourcing enabling an efficient highly inter- P4 medicine stands in striking comparison to active patient–healthcare interface. Finally, it will more conventional evidence-based medicine. In be important to create a “gold standard” for health- contrast to evidence-based medicine, P4 medicine care information on the internet – so that patients is proactive rather than reactive; is focused on well- (and physicians) can obtain reliable healthcare in- ness-maintenance rather than disease; employs formation. many measurements on the individual patient rather than few; is individual-centric rather than population based; integrates and mines large ag- 6 General features of P4 medicine gregated patient data sets to pioneer the P4 medi- cine of the future; employs patient-driven societal P4 medicine is concerned with understanding for networks as a catalyst for change; and stratifies dis- the individual patient of his or her “network of net- eases into their distinct subtypes for impedance works” – a hierarchy of networks operating across matches against proper drugs. The quantized self – multiple, complex, dynamic, and intertwined levels that is, the collection of many digital measurements of biological organization encompassing both the on each individual will give us real time and read- individual and his or her environment. A genetic ily digestible insights into optimizing our wellness network can be defined by analyzing how defects in – and minimizing our disease. The article by Larry pairs of genes affect the phenotype of the organ- Smarr [21] in this issue illustrates beautifully this ism. Gene regulatory networks result from the in- principle. teraction of transcription factors with their cognate P4 medicine has two central goals – the quan- cis-regulatory elements on chromosomes. The pro- tification of wellness and the demystification of teins produced through transcription and transla- disease – and the two become intimately related for tion in turn interact with one another and with each individual. other small molecules within functional protein in- teraction networks: e.g. metabolites and enzymes interact in metabolic networks. These diverse bio- 7 Impact of P4 medicine on society chemical activities are integrated at the level of cells interacting with one another within cellular, P4 medicine will mandate that every sector of the tissular, and organ networks, all of which are as- public and private healthcare systems rewrite their sembled together within an individual organism in business plans over the next 10 years in accordance the context of its extended environment (e.g. hu- with the imperatives of each of the 4Ps. In our ex- mans interacting in social networks). Each of these perience, the bureaucracies and conservative lead- networks is interfacing with the other types of net- erships of healthcare providers will constitute ma- works to form the “network of networks.” Obvious- jor barriers to adapting to P4 medicine. The inter- ly disease-perturbations in one network will reflect esting point is that many new companies will throughout the other networks as a consequence of emerge during the next 10 years that will be fo- their integrated interfaces. Thus one challenge of cused on the needs of P4 medicine. Hence there are disease is to ultimately understand how to con- enormous economic opportunities ahead of us. struct these individual networks from individual P4 medicine will in time turn around the ever patient data, to determine how these networks are escalating costs of healthcare – and indeed bring integrated and finally to ascertain how disease- them down to the point that P4 medicine will be ex- perturbations reflect throughout the “network of portable to the developing world (just as the digiti- networks” to modify its information content. Hence zation of communications made the cell phone P4 medicine is about integrating the information available and affordable both to individuals in the from each of these networks so as to be able to un- developed nations as well as the developing na- © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 7
  • 8. Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 Journal tions). Hence we can contemplate the previously integrative, and milestone-driven effort with vi- unthinkable – the possibility of a worldwide “de- sionary leadership. At our institutions we became mocratization” of healthcare. The cost reductions convinced of the power of national and interna- will come from the revolutions that are being initi- tional strategic partnerships some years ago. These ated by systems medicine (making blood a window partnerships allow one to select the best scientists for health and disease; the stratification of disease, and engineers to help solve discrete sub-problems therapy by reengineering disease-perturbed net- within the P4 context; to choose partners with com- works with drugs, and the metrics for wellness, plementary skills and technologies; to enable com- etc.), the digitization of medicine (hence making pletely new approaches to fundraising that is es- data incredibly cheap – and thus bringing costs sential for attacking big scientific and medical down) and the advance of exciting areas in con- problems; and to bring together complementary re- temporary medicine (cancer, stem cells, aging, neu- sources (hospital infrastructure), materials (pa- rodegeneration, etc.). tient samples), and data (patient records). As noted above, P4 medicine will lead to a digi- ISB has fashioned key strategic partnerships for talization of medicine – with very broad implica- P4 medicine. We have developed a strategic part- tions (the creation of patient/consumer-driven so- nership with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg that cial networks, the quantification of self, the infor- fostered the creation of the LCSB at the University mation technology for healthcare which will cap- of Luxembourg, a partnership focusing on neu- ture the digitalized data of individuals to create a rodegenerative diseases and Parkinson disease ini- database for the predictive medicine of the future). tially, that is being expanded to sustain the devel- The quantification of wellness and the demystifica- opment of the EISBM in Lyon in relation with the tion of disease will create wealth for the institutions local hospitals and authorities, academic and in- and organizations that are at the leading edge of dustrial partners of the Lyonbiopole competitive this paradigm change. For example, we predict that cluster. a wellness industry will emerge over the next 10–15 We have also created the non-profit P4 Medi- years that will far exceed the healthcare industry – cine Institute (P4MI) with Ohio State Medical leading to a unique series of potential economic School. The objective of P4MI is to help create a oportunities. network of 5–6 clinical centers and ISB to employ conventional and ISB clinical assays in pilot proj- ects to demonstrate the power of P4 medicine. We 8 How do we bring P4 medicine to patients? are now embarking on pilot projects that include wellness and premature pre-term births. P4MI will There are general challenges to bringing P4 medi- also help recruit selected industrial partners to this cine to patients. First, we must invent the systems network. P4MI has a fellows program that will be- strategies, technologies, and analytical tools neces- gin writing white papers on some of the key socie- sary to implement the P4 medicine vision in prac- tal challenges to P4 medicine. Similarly, plans are tice. Second, P4 medicine poses a host of challenges materializing for the formation of a School of Med- to society – ethics, privacy, confidentiality, legal, icine at the University of Luxembourg that will im- economic, regulatory, national policy, etc. These so- plement systems principles in the training curricu- cial challenges represent the greatest barrier to im- lum, and is forming a Personalized Medicine Con- plementation of P4 medicine. Hence there must be sortium with regional and international clinical integrated efforts for bringing P4 medicine to pa- partners. tients – for each is essential to the vision of P4 med- Ultimately, after successful pilot projects per- icine. formed by ISB and its partners in a growing world- P4 medicine represents a fundamental para- wide network of systems P4 medicine centers and digm change in healthcare. Paradigm changes are institutes, we would like to persuade a small nation, always met with enormous skepticism [22]. We be- state or region to consider adopting a global P4 lieve the key to convincing skeptical physicians, healthcare system. It would be a unique opportuni- payers, providers, and indeed the many players in ty to pioneer medicine of the future and play a the healthcare systems is the successful comple- leadership role in transforming medicine from its tion of pilot projects that demonstrate the revolu- current reactive mode to the proactive P4 mode. It tionary power of P4 medicine. goes without saying that any nation that is a leader P4 medicine is a comprehensive and challeng- in the P4 revolution will potentially encounter ing problem for medicine, the healthcare system striking economic opportunities. and society. It requires a systems-driven, cross-dis- ciplinary, large data-generating and data-analysis, 8 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
  • 9. Biotechnol. J. 2012, 7 Dr. Leroy Hood received an MD from Dr. Rudi Balling studied nutrition at the John Hopkins and a PhD from Caltech Universities of Bonn, Germany, and where he was a faculty member for Washington State University, USA. 22 years. In 1992 he founded the cross- After receiving his PhD in Human disciplinary University of Washington Nutrition from the University of Bonn Department of Molecular Biotechnolo- in 1985 he held research positions at gy in Seattle where in 2000 he co- the Mount Sinai Research Institute in founded the Institute for Systems Biol- Toronto, Canada and the Max Planck ogy. Dr. Hood is pioneering the transi- Institutes of Biophysical Chemistry and tion from current reactive medicine to a proactive (P4) medicine. Immunobiology in Göttingen and Freiburg. In 1993 he became Direc- He has published >700 peer-reviewed papers and textbooks, holds tor of the Institute of Mammalian Genetics at the Helmholtz Centre 32 patents and founded 13 biotechnology companies, including for Environment and Health in Munich. From 2001 to 2009 he was Amgen, Applied Biosystems, Systemix, Darwin, Rosetta, Integrated Scientific Director of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Diagnostics and the Accelerator. Dr. Hood is a member of the Nation- Braunschweig. He has published >150 papers in leading international al Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the Amer- journals. In September 2009 he became the founding director of the ican Association of Arts and Sciences, the Institute of Medicine and Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University the National Academy of Engineering. He has received the 1987 Lasker of Luxembourg in partnership with Leroy Hood and the ISB in Seattle, Award, the 2002 Kyoto Prize and the 2011 Russ Prize and was awarded dedicated to the development of P4 medicine with an initial focus on 17 honorary degrees from various academic institutions worldwide. Parkinson’s disease. We would like to acknowledge the support of the Lux- embourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine and the Dr. Charles Auffray graduated in Physi- University of Luxembourg (LH and RB), the NIH ology and Biochemistry (Ecole Normale General Medical Sciences Center for Systems Biolo- Supérieure), obtained a PhD in Molec- gy GM076547 (LH) and a Department of Defense ular Immunology (Pierre & Marie Curie contract on Liver Toxicity W911SR-09-C-0062 (LH). Paris University and Pasteur Institute). The formation of the European Institute for Systems He was Post-doctoral Fellow and Junior Biology & Medicine hosted at Claude Bernard Uni- Faculty (Harvard University); Group versity is supported by the Lyonbiopole competitive Leader (Institute of Embryology, cluster and its academic, industrial, and local au- Nogent s/Marne); Scientific Director thority partners, including Grand Lyon, Région (Généthon, Evry); Head of CNRS Research Unit (Functional Genomics Rhône-Alpes, Direction de la Recherche et de la Tech- and Systems Biology for Health, Villejuif). In 2010, he founded the Eu- nologie, and the Finovi Foundation (CA). ropean Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine in Lyon. 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