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Introduction to English Language
Studying Written Language

    • Unit 1 focuses on reading non-fiction texts, which includes texts such as:

         diaries              letters             leaflets          brochures             articles

advertisements               reports           autobiographies               WebPages             fact-sheets

    •   This unit is assessed by an exam that lasts for one hour.
    •   The exam paper will include two non-fiction texts and you will be expected to answer four
        questions on them.

Some of the questions will ask you to look at the first non-fiction text, some will ask you to look at the second text

and at least one of the questions will ask you to compare and contrast both texts  .

                                          Assessment Objective

    •   For this exam, you will be assessed according to the following Assessment Objective:

                        Read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from
                        different sources and making comparisons and cross-references as appropriate.
                        Develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives.
  AO3                   Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, grammatical, structural and
                        presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader.
                        Understand texts in their social, cultural and historical contexts.
Non-Fiction Texts ?

    •    The non-fiction texts that you will see in the exam, will always include visual elements such as:
                     • Images
                     • Diagrams
                     • Layout features.
    •    This means that you should think about how these elements work with the main content to convey
         a particular meaning or create specific effects.

                                What will I need to do in the exam?

                   Comment on
                 particular words
                                                                         Read the texts

            Use close reading skills
               – track the text                                      Use short quotations

                                                                         Explore how a writer has used
  Explore persuasive techniques such as:
                                                                       language to create the effect they
rhetorical questions, repetition, appeals to
                                                                           require – how have they
  the reader, counter argument, emotive
                                                                       persuaded or influenced you, etc.
   language, humour (sarcasm or irony),
               hyperbole, etc

                                  How to write about non-fiction

        1. Technique spotting

        1. Quoting
        2. Explaining why the writer chose these words, in your
        3. Explaining the effect they have on you
Audience, Purpose & Form

                                                          •   Look carefully at the following texts.
The exam will focus on;                                          – Who are they aimed at?
   • Locating and selecting detail (Q.1)                         – What are they trying to do?
   • Writers’ ideas and perspectives (Q.2/3)          You would need to identify both the audience and purpose
                                                      for each example and explain your answer.

                                               •   Comment on the meaning of the headline in the article
         Example 1                                 about Namibia, and how it connects with the content below
                                               •   The words/phrases are intended to make Namibia seem
                                                   attractive. Pick out 2 or 3 that help to create a favourable
                                                   mood and atmosphere.
The sentence describing the park is very dense. If
           Example 2                                   you have to explain it in plain English, what would
                                                       you say? Finish the sentence: ‘It is trying to say that
                                                       Rhondda Heritage Park…’

Another advertisement, this time with the aim of
persuading people to visit Rhondda Heritage Park;
again, the complexity of the language suggests that
the advert is aimed at adults. The reference to ‘all
ages’ might suggest that the advert is trying to
appeal to families, although the image and design
of the text is arguably less family-friendly. The
design perhaps helps to support the ‘educational’
angle a little more than the ‘entertaining’ angle.
Question 1
 • This question will tend to ask you to locate information. They will
   expect you to locate textual references (quotations) in order for you to
   answer the question.
 • You must include these (quotations) in your answer.

REMEMBER: 10 Points = 10 Marks
Locating and Selecting detail

   •    The simplest type of exam question asks you to pick out particular information from a text.
        Examiners call these ‘locating and selecting detail’ questions.
   •    These kind of questions test the skills of reading and understanding texts, and selecting material
        appropriate to purpose.

Here are some tips on how to answer them well   .
                                         Locating Information

  Read the following text carefully

 At the age of 46, I was fed up of London. I sold my house and rented a cottage in the idyllic Scottish
 town where I grew up. After just a few weeks, I knew I’d made the right decision: Melrose, with its
 friendly people and stunning scenery, is where my heart is and it’s a wonderful place to live.
 It is terribly pretty, with the kind of charming, local shops that are rapidly being replaced by supermarket
 giants elsewhere. For such a tiny place, it is buzzing with life. There’s a theatre, museum and literary
 society. The sporting facilities are fantastic, with an excellent rugby pitch.

Q1. According to Betty Munro, why is the town of Melrose a wonderful place to live?
    You must use the text to support your answer.

    •   After you’ve read the question look back through the text.
    •   As you read, underline information that answers the question.

                                                    Focused Answer

    • All the points you make should be based on the text and help to answer the question.
    • Avoid copying out long quotes. If your quote is long, then copy out the first few and last few words,
       but use three dots (… = ellipsis) in between to indicate there is a gap and therefore more to the
           – For example, ‘A fearful man … with a great iron on his leg’.

 Good answer                                                  Bad answer
 The writer says Melrose is “terribly pretty” and             The writer says that at the age of 46, she was
 has “charming” shops. She is also enthusiastic               fed up of London. She must have been bored
 about the sporting facilities, for example the               of cities. She seems to think Melrose is much
 “excellent” rugby field.                                     better than London, probably because it’s rural.
Student Response

      1. What can people do to help Accrington Stanley Football Club in their current difficulties,
         according to the website?    [10]

Student response Question 1                                                         A good start;
Donate and raise money. The club need £308,000 to pay off their                     answer deals
                                                                                  directly with the
tax bill so they are asking people to help them. On the website                       question
they give lots of ways fans and others can help raise money.

They ask people to come to the games and bring friends along,                     points are clearly
hopefully paying for tickets in advance; this will help get the                      presented
money in faster. People can buy this historic club’s merchandise
either online or when at the club.                                                 effective use of
                                                                                  paragraphing to
There is a sponsorship form available to download for those who                     structure the
want to raise money through events. One little girl ‘Hannah’ who
is a fan has emptied her piggybank and given the money to the
club, so they are saying it all helps. Businesses can donate money                    writing is
and get involved in fundraising activities, as well as coming to the                 technically
games with customers or advertising their business at the club.

        A good start to the set of answers, and a good start to this
        particular answer – the club has no money, so it needs some!
        It’s a fairly efficient response all the way through, and I counted
        11 points which are well organised.
Question Types 2

• One question will ask you to think about how the
  writer of one of the texts achieves a particular effect.
  The effect will be stated in the question. For
  example, it could be:


           YOUR ANSWER

    •    What is persuasion?
           – …a form of influence. It is the process of guiding oneself toward the adoption of
                an idea, attitude, or action by rational and symbolic means.

        Rhetorical Question                   An emotive and hard-hitting question creates a
                                              dramatic impact, as an audience is forced to consider
                                              the issue.

•        Examples
            • How can you help?
            • Can we continue to sit back and allow this to happen?

        Emotive Language                     Powerful language that plays on our emotions,
                                             designed and chosen to sway our responses.

•        Example
            • Meat is Murder

    Appeals To The Reader
                                        Using ‘you’ enables writers to appeal directly to the
                                        reader, provoking a personal response of fear, guilt,
                                        pleasure, sadness etc

•       Example
           • You can help to save whales and dolphins

        Facts and Statistics
                                                People generally trust statistics and facts. They
                                                may surprise us, impress us, anger us, appal us,
                                                scare us etc

•       Examples
           • “Lies, damned lies and statistics” - Mark Twain
           • Every second another child dies
Expert Opinion                           We tend to believe what an ‘expert’ in their field tells
                                                   us, we bow to authority

•       Examples
           • Scientists have calculated that in the next decade we will suffer major power shortages, as
             fossil fuels run out?

            Oppositions                            Often offer a ‘before’ and ‘after’ view, to show how a
                                                   change can be made. May use connectives to
                                                   structure ideas, such as ‘on the one hand … on the
                                                   other hand … however …’

    •   Examples
           • On the one hand it could give unemployed people jobs in factories, on the other hand it
             could pollute the local area.

          Pattern of Three
                                                      Closely linked to the idea of repetition, this
                                                      technique is used to emphasise a point strongly

    •   Examples
           • Hunting is evil, cruel and out-dated.

Humour, Sarcasm or Irony                           Pokes fun at the ideas of other people, sometimes
                                                   through exaggeration (hyperbole)

    •   Examples
           • Britain's biggest dog (until it died recently) was called Tiny.
Counter Argument
                                                    A view or argument opposite to the it, it addresses
                                                    our potential concerns, makes us think that the
                                                    speaker has considered all sides so we trust them.
                                                    one the writer or speaker is making. Included in
                                                    order to challenge

•   Examples
       • It could be said that one person turning off their light will not save the world ...

            Pun                                     Play on words.

•   Examples
       • Michael Vaughan (ex-England cricket captain): My pride of Lions.

      Sentence Variety                      Long, complex sentences convey a lot of information and give
                                            the text a serious tone.
                                            Short sentences are used for emphasis.

•   Examples
       • A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and
         cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared
         and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin.
       • ‘Hold your noise!’
Example Answers

                The following answers discuss the use of a rhetorical question in the text.
                                      What do you think about them?

     In the Computer Aid advert there is an
                                                                   In paragraph two, the writer uses a
     example of a rhetorical question, where                       rhetorical question to show that he
     it says: ‘But what about the developing                       knows what it means to live in a
     world, poor countries where clean                             developing country, to make readers
     water, nutritious food, a safe home and                       think about what priorities might be in
     access to health care are luxuries that                       these circumstances. He uses it to
     most people can only dream of?’ This                          make readers think about whether
     is a rhetorical question that does not                        computers haven’t become just as
     expect an answer and really makes you                         important to a good standard of living
     think.                                                        as other necessities.

                        Which of these do you think the examiner disliked? Why?

The student has correctly identified a rhetorical question and quoted it. They obviously understand how it
works, but they have not shown this by explaining why this question is effective in this text. The comment
that ‘it does not expect an answer and really makes you think’ could be about any rhetorical question.

                                               Mock Exam Paper
Student Response

   2. How does the Save Our Stanley campaign appeal to a range of people to help Accrington
      Stanley Football Club?              [10]

                                                                   a good start; but this
Student response Question 2
                                                                  would benefit from more
The campaign clearly outlines how everyone can be                   focus on persuasive
involved in helping Accrington Stanley Football Club                    techniques
raise the money it needs. It appeals not just to the
football fans and followers of the club, but businesses
and individuals, both adults and children. The website
makes it easy to donate money by showing that it
                                                                      would be better to
accepts all payments on card, cash, PayPal and even                consider how the writer
shows that emptied piggybanks are acceptable and                  tries to persuade different
gratefully received.                                                     types of people
 The campaign is honest and shows why they need the
money to pay a tax bill, not anything else. It asks
businesses to get involved with ‘hospitality visits, match
day tickets, sponsorships and advertising’. It lists very
clearly 4 ‘SOS’ ways to help. Fans can bring friends to              answer discusses the
                                                                    strengths soundly but
games and buy tickets in advance, buy merchandise
                                                                   misses an opportunity to
which is open to everyone. Accrington Stanley is                   talk about how the text
described as a ‘historic football club’, which is well-                     works
Question Types 3

 • All questions will test your ability to read for understanding and
 • Some questions will ask you to read one of the source texts and pick out
   specific information. These questions may be worded as follows:

• What is the writer’s opinion of...
• According to the writer of this text, why / what / who / when...

Locating Fact and Opinions

           •   Facts are definitely true. There is evidence to back it up.
                  – Fact: Liverpool FC won the UEFA Champions League in May 2005.
                  – Fact: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
                  – Fact: Tony Blair was the UK Prime Minister after John Major.

           •   Opinions are someone’s beliefs. They are likely to be someone’s interpretation of events or
                   – Opinion: I think that animal testing for cosmetics should be banned.
                   – Opinion: China and India will be very powerful in the 21 Century.

                                                  Student Response

           3. What is the writer’s attitude to the money being spent by Manchester City Football Club?

                                                                             answer focuses on the question
       Student response Question 3
       The title of the article immediately shows how the writer
       feels when it says ‘Manchester City is making a mockery
       of the game’. The writer is clearly unimpressed and goes
                                                                              a shorter quotation would be
       on to say very strongly that ‘their wild excess in the                 more effective here, just ‘wild
       transfer market won’t buy them any friends or win them                  excess’ would be adequate
       any respect’. The writer is critical about some clubs’ ability
       to buy any footballer without much thought to what is
       happening in the economy of the rest of the country.
       Whilst ‘employers are all having to scale right back’ this              this answer would benefit from
       club continues to spend ridiculous money ‘rocketing                      more comment on the longer
       through the £200 million barrier since Hughes took over’.
       The writer thinks ‘mega-rich’ City is leading football to
       sign players for whatever it takes money wise and it is not
       realistic. It is also not acceptable to think this way when             more confidence in focusing the
                                                                                argument would take answer
       the rest of the country suffers.                                           into the next grade band

Another good answer, which clearly picks up to some extent on the writer’s strength of feeling. Sometimes
writes are very subtle in their attitudes to the subject they are writing about. But here the journalist is upset
by the amount of money that goes to waste and the answer needs to reflect that. Some of the quotations
here are a little too long; a short phrase like ‘wild excess’ could be used to illustrate irresponsibility.
Alternatively, some comment should have been made on the longer quotation, as it stands. A little more
confidence in focusing the argument would take this answer into the highest grade band.
Question Types 4

• Finally, one of the questions will ask you to
  compare both source texts.
• This question might be worded as follows:

• Compare and contrast what... and... say
• Both of these texts are about... Compare and
  contrast the texts.

 Both writers believe that dog owners should be responsible.
                                                                            True             False

The second writer suggests that dog owners are irresponsible, but the first suggests that most are not.

 Both extracts suggest that dog owners favour their dogs over people.

The first writer believes specifically that owners who let their dogs off
    the lead are a nuisance; the second writer avoids specific criticism.

  The first text is written in an impersonal style and is therefore more formal than the second

The second text uses short sentences to add impact to the writer’s point of view. The first opens
             with a long sentence to fully explain the problems caused by dog owners.

    Both texts consider the impact that dog owners have on children.

 The first text includes an instruction in the headline, demanding that action is taken. The second
                 text gives a statement in the headline, affirming a particular point of view.
Question 4

   •   Read through Question 4.
          – What do you think the keywords are in this question?
                 • Highlight them.

                                              Student Response

   4. The images of Manchester City Football Club and Accrington Stanley Football Club in these texts
      are very different. In what ways are they different?               [10]

Student response Question 4                                           these opening sentences
Manchester City and Accrington Stanley Football clubs could            are sharp and focused
not be more different. Clearly one has far too much money
and the other needs money to stay alive. Whilst Manchester
City spends ‘£200 million’, Accrington Stanley is trying
                                                                      this section strays away from
everything possible to raise £308,000 to pay a tax bill.
                                                                      the question slightly and does
Accrington Stanley is calling on the help of loyal fans to the        not really focus on ‘different’
club and football fans everywhere to help them, by being                       and ‘images’
honest and straightforward in its appeal on the website.
Accrington Stanley’s appeal also highlights how much fans
think of the club when ‘Hannah Holland has emptied her                  the student makes points
piggybank to help save’ the club and how grateful the club              clearly with a lively tone
are to her by giving her a seat in the directors‘ box as a thank
Manchester City are not thinking of normal people or fans at
                                                                          although this is a good
all, when they continue to spend, spend, spend ‘while many
                                                                      commentary, sharper analysis
fans struggle to rake together enough cash to be able to afford
                                                                        is needed to get top marks
tickets’. The club are proving how ‘they are completely out
of step with the rest of us’ when they pay £25 million for one
player and then immediately pay it out again for another.

   The answer completes a very good set of response from our candidate. It’s a clear,
   coherent response, giving the reader every chance to tick points made. But does it
   truly focus on ‘different’ and ’images’? Although it is a good commentary,
   sharper analysis is needed for top marks.
Mock Exam Paper

                               Point, Evidence, Explanation

 •   When you answer questions, especially one which is based on a text, the PEE model of
     writing is a simple and effective way of making sure you are keeping on track.
 •   Point – the idea you want to put across; the idea you are making – this is done briefly.
 •   Evidence – this is where you back your point up using a quote or referring back to the
 •   Explanation - this is where you fully explain your point, usually referring to something
     in the text – link it to how it would affect the audience.

Everyone might have similar or even the same points and evidence. The real difference
comes in the explanation section – this is your main opportunity to show how well you
                     have understood the text and the question.

                                All Answers Should include;

    Unsupported assertions and simple comments with occasional references to the text?
    Appropriate references to the text with simple comments/inferences?
    Valid comments based on appropriate detail from the text, which begin to address the issue of
     ‘how’, but with some ‘spotting and listing’ of key words or quotations?
    Valid comments/inferences, which combine specific detail with overview and are fully engaged
     with analysis of techniques?

                 What do I look for when analysing the headline of a text?

•   Analyse the headline by;
       – Looking at language and tone
       – Thinking what is purpose and effect
       – Looking at position on the page


                 What do I look for when analysing pictures within a text?

•   Analyse a picture as you would words.
       – What message does it contain? (denotation / connotation)
       – What feel or atmosphere does it create?
       – Is it meant to shock/entertain/arouse our curiosity?


                  What do I look for when analysing the layout of a text?

•   Think about the way everything is put together on the page.
       – Are the pictures related to the text they are near?
       – Do the pictures break up the text?
       – Think about the length of paragraphs.
       – Think about any sections which stand out for any reason.
Reading with Insight

    •     Reading with insight is what the examiners call a ‘higher order’ reading skill. This means
          you’ve got to show you can do it to get the higher grades.

    1. You can show insight if you work                          There is a strong sense that the writer feels
       out what a writer’s attitude is.                          angry about the changes

        2. You could show you understand
           what the writer wants the reader                      The article makes the reader question
           to think about.                                       whether schools are a good thing.

        3. You could comment on how the
           writer tries to make the readers                      The writer seems to want to make readers
           feel.                                                 feel guilty.

        4. You might write about why you                         Perhaps the writer felt he needed to make
           think a piece was written.                            sure the memory of his friend was kept

                                                 Your Opinion

    •      You can get marks for giving a thoughtful personal response. Make sure you focus on the text
           though – examiners don’t want to know your general opinions on various unrelated issues.

This would be good                                                                           This would be bad
         I think the article would             The short sentences                     I think old people are
         remind older people of                could give an impression                quite boring.
         happier times because it              of anxiety and tension, or
         includes so many                      they could suggest to
         descriptive details.                  some readers that the
                                               writer has an arrogant
                                                                                                   shows that
                                                                                                   you’ve got
                                                                                                   plenty of
    •     Examiners love alternative                                                               ideas.
    •     If you give more than one
          possible way of looking at a
          text, the examiner will be
          extremely impressed.

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Revision Booklet for GCSE English Unit 1 Exam

  • 1. Introduction to English Language Studying Written Language • Unit 1 focuses on reading non-fiction texts, which includes texts such as: diaries letters leaflets brochures articles advertisements reports autobiographies WebPages fact-sheets • This unit is assessed by an exam that lasts for one hour. • The exam paper will include two non-fiction texts and you will be expected to answer four questions on them. Some of the questions will ask you to look at the first non-fiction text, some will ask you to look at the second text and at least one of the questions will ask you to compare and contrast both texts . Assessment Objective • For this exam, you will be assessed according to the following Assessment Objective: Read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from different sources and making comparisons and cross-references as appropriate. Develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives. AO3 Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, grammatical, structural and presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader. Understand texts in their social, cultural and historical contexts.
  • 2. Non-Fiction Texts ? • The non-fiction texts that you will see in the exam, will always include visual elements such as: • Images • Diagrams • Layout features. • This means that you should think about how these elements work with the main content to convey a particular meaning or create specific effects. What will I need to do in the exam? Comment on particular words Read the texts carefully Use close reading skills – track the text Use short quotations Explore how a writer has used Explore persuasive techniques such as: language to create the effect they rhetorical questions, repetition, appeals to require – how have they the reader, counter argument, emotive persuaded or influenced you, etc. language, humour (sarcasm or irony), hyperbole, etc How to write about non-fiction 1. Technique spotting 1. Quoting 2. Explaining why the writer chose these words, in your opinion 3. Explaining the effect they have on you
  • 3. Audience, Purpose & Form • Look carefully at the following texts. The exam will focus on; – Who are they aimed at? • Locating and selecting detail (Q.1) – What are they trying to do? • Writers’ ideas and perspectives (Q.2/3) You would need to identify both the audience and purpose for each example and explain your answer. • Comment on the meaning of the headline in the article Example 1 about Namibia, and how it connects with the content below it. • The words/phrases are intended to make Namibia seem attractive. Pick out 2 or 3 that help to create a favourable mood and atmosphere.
  • 4. The sentence describing the park is very dense. If Example 2 you have to explain it in plain English, what would you say? Finish the sentence: ‘It is trying to say that Rhondda Heritage Park…’ Response Another advertisement, this time with the aim of persuading people to visit Rhondda Heritage Park; again, the complexity of the language suggests that the advert is aimed at adults. The reference to ‘all ages’ might suggest that the advert is trying to appeal to families, although the image and design of the text is arguably less family-friendly. The design perhaps helps to support the ‘educational’ angle a little more than the ‘entertaining’ angle.
  • 5. Question 1 • This question will tend to ask you to locate information. They will expect you to locate textual references (quotations) in order for you to answer the question. • You must include these (quotations) in your answer. • ALWAYS WRITE IN A PARAGRAPH – NOT A LIST REFER BACK TO THE QUESTION THROUGHOUT REMEMBER: 10 Points = 10 Marks
  • 6. Locating and Selecting detail • The simplest type of exam question asks you to pick out particular information from a text. Examiners call these ‘locating and selecting detail’ questions. • These kind of questions test the skills of reading and understanding texts, and selecting material appropriate to purpose. Here are some tips on how to answer them well . Locating Information Read the following text carefully At the age of 46, I was fed up of London. I sold my house and rented a cottage in the idyllic Scottish town where I grew up. After just a few weeks, I knew I’d made the right decision: Melrose, with its friendly people and stunning scenery, is where my heart is and it’s a wonderful place to live. It is terribly pretty, with the kind of charming, local shops that are rapidly being replaced by supermarket giants elsewhere. For such a tiny place, it is buzzing with life. There’s a theatre, museum and literary society. The sporting facilities are fantastic, with an excellent rugby pitch. Q1. According to Betty Munro, why is the town of Melrose a wonderful place to live? You must use the text to support your answer. • After you’ve read the question look back through the text. • As you read, underline information that answers the question. Focused Answer • All the points you make should be based on the text and help to answer the question. • Avoid copying out long quotes. If your quote is long, then copy out the first few and last few words, but use three dots (… = ellipsis) in between to indicate there is a gap and therefore more to the quotation. – For example, ‘A fearful man … with a great iron on his leg’. Good answer Bad answer The writer says Melrose is “terribly pretty” and The writer says that at the age of 46, she was has “charming” shops. She is also enthusiastic fed up of London. She must have been bored about the sporting facilities, for example the of cities. She seems to think Melrose is much “excellent” rugby field. better than London, probably because it’s rural.
  • 7. Student Response 1. What can people do to help Accrington Stanley Football Club in their current difficulties, according to the website? [10] Student response Question 1 A good start; Donate and raise money. The club need £308,000 to pay off their answer deals directly with the tax bill so they are asking people to help them. On the website question they give lots of ways fans and others can help raise money. They ask people to come to the games and bring friends along, points are clearly hopefully paying for tickets in advance; this will help get the presented money in faster. People can buy this historic club’s merchandise either online or when at the club. effective use of paragraphing to There is a sponsorship form available to download for those who structure the response want to raise money through events. One little girl ‘Hannah’ who is a fan has emptied her piggybank and given the money to the club, so they are saying it all helps. Businesses can donate money writing is and get involved in fundraising activities, as well as coming to the technically accurate games with customers or advertising their business at the club. A good start to the set of answers, and a good start to this particular answer – the club has no money, so it needs some! It’s a fairly efficient response all the way through, and I counted 11 points which are well organised.
  • 8. Question Types 2 • One question will ask you to think about how the writer of one of the texts achieves a particular effect. The effect will be stated in the question. For example, it could be: REFER BACK TO THE QUESTION USE QUOTATIONS THROUGHOUT YOUR ANSWER
  • 9. Persuasion • What is persuasion? – …a form of influence. It is the process of guiding oneself toward the adoption of an idea, attitude, or action by rational and symbolic means. Rhetorical Question An emotive and hard-hitting question creates a dramatic impact, as an audience is forced to consider the issue. • Examples • How can you help? • Can we continue to sit back and allow this to happen? Emotive Language Powerful language that plays on our emotions, designed and chosen to sway our responses. • Example • Meat is Murder Appeals To The Reader Using ‘you’ enables writers to appeal directly to the reader, provoking a personal response of fear, guilt, pleasure, sadness etc • Example • You can help to save whales and dolphins Facts and Statistics People generally trust statistics and facts. They may surprise us, impress us, anger us, appal us, scare us etc • Examples • “Lies, damned lies and statistics” - Mark Twain • Every second another child dies
  • 10. Expert Opinion We tend to believe what an ‘expert’ in their field tells us, we bow to authority • Examples • Scientists have calculated that in the next decade we will suffer major power shortages, as fossil fuels run out? Oppositions Often offer a ‘before’ and ‘after’ view, to show how a change can be made. May use connectives to structure ideas, such as ‘on the one hand … on the other hand … however …’ • Examples • On the one hand it could give unemployed people jobs in factories, on the other hand it could pollute the local area. Pattern of Three Closely linked to the idea of repetition, this technique is used to emphasise a point strongly • Examples • Hunting is evil, cruel and out-dated. Humour, Sarcasm or Irony Pokes fun at the ideas of other people, sometimes through exaggeration (hyperbole) • Examples • Britain's biggest dog (until it died recently) was called Tiny.
  • 11. Counter Argument A view or argument opposite to the it, it addresses our potential concerns, makes us think that the speaker has considered all sides so we trust them. one the writer or speaker is making. Included in order to challenge • Examples • It could be said that one person turning off their light will not save the world ... Pun Play on words. • Examples • Michael Vaughan (ex-England cricket captain): My pride of Lions. Sentence Variety Long, complex sentences convey a lot of information and give the text a serious tone. Short sentences are used for emphasis. • Examples • A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin. • ‘Hold your noise!’
  • 12. Example Answers The following answers discuss the use of a rhetorical question in the text. What do you think about them? In the Computer Aid advert there is an In paragraph two, the writer uses a example of a rhetorical question, where rhetorical question to show that he it says: ‘But what about the developing knows what it means to live in a world, poor countries where clean developing country, to make readers water, nutritious food, a safe home and think about what priorities might be in access to health care are luxuries that these circumstances. He uses it to most people can only dream of?’ This make readers think about whether is a rhetorical question that does not computers haven’t become just as expect an answer and really makes you important to a good standard of living think. as other necessities. Which of these do you think the examiner disliked? Why? The student has correctly identified a rhetorical question and quoted it. They obviously understand how it works, but they have not shown this by explaining why this question is effective in this text. The comment that ‘it does not expect an answer and really makes you think’ could be about any rhetorical question. Mock Exam Paper
  • 13. Student Response 2. How does the Save Our Stanley campaign appeal to a range of people to help Accrington Stanley Football Club? [10] a good start; but this Student response Question 2 would benefit from more The campaign clearly outlines how everyone can be focus on persuasive involved in helping Accrington Stanley Football Club techniques raise the money it needs. It appeals not just to the football fans and followers of the club, but businesses and individuals, both adults and children. The website makes it easy to donate money by showing that it would be better to accepts all payments on card, cash, PayPal and even consider how the writer shows that emptied piggybanks are acceptable and tries to persuade different gratefully received. types of people The campaign is honest and shows why they need the money to pay a tax bill, not anything else. It asks businesses to get involved with ‘hospitality visits, match day tickets, sponsorships and advertising’. It lists very clearly 4 ‘SOS’ ways to help. Fans can bring friends to answer discusses the strengths soundly but games and buy tickets in advance, buy merchandise misses an opportunity to which is open to everyone. Accrington Stanley is talk about how the text described as a ‘historic football club’, which is well- works worded.
  • 14. Question Types 3 • All questions will test your ability to read for understanding and meaning. • Some questions will ask you to read one of the source texts and pick out specific information. These questions may be worded as follows: • What is the writer’s opinion of... • According to the writer of this text, why / what / who / when... REFER TO THE QUESTION USE QUOTATIONS THROUGHOUT
  • 15. Locating Fact and Opinions • Facts are definitely true. There is evidence to back it up. – Fact: Liverpool FC won the UEFA Champions League in May 2005. – Fact: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. – Fact: Tony Blair was the UK Prime Minister after John Major. • Opinions are someone’s beliefs. They are likely to be someone’s interpretation of events or details. – Opinion: I think that animal testing for cosmetics should be banned. st – Opinion: China and India will be very powerful in the 21 Century. Student Response 3. What is the writer’s attitude to the money being spent by Manchester City Football Club? [10] answer focuses on the question Student response Question 3 straight-away The title of the article immediately shows how the writer feels when it says ‘Manchester City is making a mockery of the game’. The writer is clearly unimpressed and goes a shorter quotation would be on to say very strongly that ‘their wild excess in the more effective here, just ‘wild transfer market won’t buy them any friends or win them excess’ would be adequate any respect’. The writer is critical about some clubs’ ability to buy any footballer without much thought to what is happening in the economy of the rest of the country. Whilst ‘employers are all having to scale right back’ this this answer would benefit from club continues to spend ridiculous money ‘rocketing more comment on the longer quotations through the £200 million barrier since Hughes took over’. The writer thinks ‘mega-rich’ City is leading football to sign players for whatever it takes money wise and it is not realistic. It is also not acceptable to think this way when more confidence in focusing the argument would take answer the rest of the country suffers. into the next grade band Another good answer, which clearly picks up to some extent on the writer’s strength of feeling. Sometimes writes are very subtle in their attitudes to the subject they are writing about. But here the journalist is upset by the amount of money that goes to waste and the answer needs to reflect that. Some of the quotations here are a little too long; a short phrase like ‘wild excess’ could be used to illustrate irresponsibility. Alternatively, some comment should have been made on the longer quotation, as it stands. A little more confidence in focusing the argument would take this answer into the highest grade band.
  • 16. Question Types 4 • Finally, one of the questions will ask you to compare both source texts. • This question might be worded as follows: • Compare and contrast what... and... say about... • Both of these texts are about... Compare and contrast the texts.
  • 17. Comparison Both writers believe that dog owners should be responsible. True False The second writer suggests that dog owners are irresponsible, but the first suggests that most are not. Both extracts suggest that dog owners favour their dogs over people. The first writer believes specifically that owners who let their dogs off the lead are a nuisance; the second writer avoids specific criticism. The first text is written in an impersonal style and is therefore more formal than the second text. The second text uses short sentences to add impact to the writer’s point of view. The first opens with a long sentence to fully explain the problems caused by dog owners. Both texts consider the impact that dog owners have on children. The first text includes an instruction in the headline, demanding that action is taken. The second text gives a statement in the headline, affirming a particular point of view.
  • 18. Question 4 • Read through Question 4. – What do you think the keywords are in this question? • Highlight them. Student Response 4. The images of Manchester City Football Club and Accrington Stanley Football Club in these texts are very different. In what ways are they different? [10] Student response Question 4 these opening sentences Manchester City and Accrington Stanley Football clubs could are sharp and focused not be more different. Clearly one has far too much money and the other needs money to stay alive. Whilst Manchester City spends ‘£200 million’, Accrington Stanley is trying this section strays away from everything possible to raise £308,000 to pay a tax bill. the question slightly and does Accrington Stanley is calling on the help of loyal fans to the not really focus on ‘different’ club and football fans everywhere to help them, by being and ‘images’ honest and straightforward in its appeal on the website. Accrington Stanley’s appeal also highlights how much fans think of the club when ‘Hannah Holland has emptied her the student makes points piggybank to help save’ the club and how grateful the club clearly with a lively tone are to her by giving her a seat in the directors‘ box as a thank you. Manchester City are not thinking of normal people or fans at although this is a good all, when they continue to spend, spend, spend ‘while many commentary, sharper analysis fans struggle to rake together enough cash to be able to afford is needed to get top marks tickets’. The club are proving how ‘they are completely out of step with the rest of us’ when they pay £25 million for one player and then immediately pay it out again for another. The answer completes a very good set of response from our candidate. It’s a clear, coherent response, giving the reader every chance to tick points made. But does it truly focus on ‘different’ and ’images’? Although it is a good commentary, sharper analysis is needed for top marks.
  • 19. Mock Exam Paper Point, Evidence, Explanation • When you answer questions, especially one which is based on a text, the PEE model of writing is a simple and effective way of making sure you are keeping on track. • Point – the idea you want to put across; the idea you are making – this is done briefly. • Evidence – this is where you back your point up using a quote or referring back to the text. • Explanation - this is where you fully explain your point, usually referring to something in the text – link it to how it would affect the audience. Everyone might have similar or even the same points and evidence. The real difference comes in the explanation section – this is your main opportunity to show how well you have understood the text and the question. All Answers Should include;  Unsupported assertions and simple comments with occasional references to the text?  Appropriate references to the text with simple comments/inferences?  Valid comments based on appropriate detail from the text, which begin to address the issue of ‘how’, but with some ‘spotting and listing’ of key words or quotations?  Valid comments/inferences, which combine specific detail with overview and are fully engaged with analysis of techniques?
  • 20. Headline What do I look for when analysing the headline of a text? • Analyse the headline by; – Looking at language and tone – Thinking what is purpose and effect – Looking at position on the page Pictures What do I look for when analysing pictures within a text? • Analyse a picture as you would words. – What message does it contain? (denotation / connotation) – What feel or atmosphere does it create? – Is it meant to shock/entertain/arouse our curiosity? Layout What do I look for when analysing the layout of a text? • Think about the way everything is put together on the page. – Are the pictures related to the text they are near? – Do the pictures break up the text? – Think about the length of paragraphs. – Think about any sections which stand out for any reason.
  • 21. Reading with Insight • Reading with insight is what the examiners call a ‘higher order’ reading skill. This means you’ve got to show you can do it to get the higher grades. 1. You can show insight if you work There is a strong sense that the writer feels out what a writer’s attitude is. angry about the changes 2. You could show you understand what the writer wants the reader The article makes the reader question to think about. whether schools are a good thing. 3. You could comment on how the writer tries to make the readers The writer seems to want to make readers feel. feel guilty. 4. You might write about why you Perhaps the writer felt he needed to make think a piece was written. sure the memory of his friend was kept alive Your Opinion • You can get marks for giving a thoughtful personal response. Make sure you focus on the text though – examiners don’t want to know your general opinions on various unrelated issues. This would be good This would be bad I think the article would The short sentences I think old people are remind older people of could give an impression quite boring. happier times because it of anxiety and tension, or includes so many they could suggest to descriptive details. some readers that the This writer has an arrogant shows that attitude. you’ve got plenty of • Examiners love alternative ideas. interpretations • If you give more than one possible way of looking at a text, the examiner will be extremely impressed.