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Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Mechanics and Transportation Systems

           A Brief Review of Vision Based Hand Gesture Recognition
                                   Department of Communication
                                 Politehnica University of Timișoara
                                 Bd. Vasile Pârvan No.2, Timișoara

Abstract: - The evolution of user interfaces shapes the changes in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Direct
use of hand as an input device is an attractive method for providing natural HCI. The applications of gesture
recognition are manifold, ranging from sign language to medical rehabilitation to virtual reality. In this paper
we present a brief review of vision based hand gesture recognition.

Key-Words: - hand gestures, recognition, model based approach, view based approach, human computer
interaction, applications

1 Introduction                                                    there are non invasive and are based on the way
         People perform various gestures in their                 human beings perceive information about their
daily lives. It is in our nature to use gestures in order         surroundings. Although it is difficult to design a
to improve the communication between us. Try to                   vision based interface for generic usage, yet it is
imagine speaking with a person who makes no                       feasible to design such an interface for a controlled
gesture. It is very difficult to understand if your               environment but has no lake of challenges including
message is clear for him or her, if he or she agrees              accuracy, processing speed.
with your saying, in other words it is very hard to                  This paper is organized as follows: In section 2
guess what type of reaction your message produces.                we provide a survey on vision based hand gesture
Between all kind of gestures that we perform, hand                recognition. In section 3 we present various
gestures play an important role. Hand gestures can                applications areas for gesture recognition and in
help us say more in less time. In these days,                     section 4 we give the conclusions.
computers have become an important part in our
lives, so why not use hand gesture in order to
communicate with them.                                            2 Problem Formulation
    The direct use of the hand as an input device is                 The approaches to Vision based hand gesture
an attractive method for providing natural Human–                 recognition can be divided into two categories: 3 D
Computer Interaction. Two approaches are                          hand model based approaches and appearance based
commonly used to interpret gestures for Human                     approaches [1].
Computer Interaction.
         Methods Which Use Data Gloves: Since                     2.1     Model based approach
now, the only technology that satisfies the advanced                      Model based approaches attempt to infer the
requirements of hand-based input for HCI is glove-                pose of the palm and the joint angles, this approach
based sensing This method employs sensors                         is ideal for realistic interactions in virtual
(mechanical or optical) attached to a glove that                  environments. By large, the approach consists of
transducers’ finger flexions into electrical signals              searching for the kinematic parameters that brings
for determining the hand posture. Several                         the 2D projection of a 3D model of hand into
drawbacks make this technology not so popular:                    correspondence with an edge-based image of a
first of all interaction with the computer-controlled             hand.
environment loses naturalness and easiness the user                       The model of the hand can be more or less
is forced to carry a load of cables which are                     elaborated.
connected to the computer and it also requires                            A 3D model with 27 degrees of freedom
calibration and setup procedures.                                 (DOF) was introduced and, it has been used in many
    Methods which are Vision Based: Computer
vision based techniques have the potential to
provide more natural and non-contact solutions,

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studies    and   it   is      shown   in   Fig.   1   a.         between the profiles and edges extracted from the
                                                                          In [10] they have reformulated the problem
                                                                 within a Bayesian (probabilistic) framework.
                                                                 Bayesian approaches allow for the pooling of
                                                                 multiple sources of information (e.g. system
                                                                 dynamics, prior observations) to arrive at both an
                                                                 optimal estimate of the parameters and a probability
                                                                 distribution of the parameter space to guide future
                                                                 search for parameters. On contrary to Kalman filter
                                                                 approach, Bayesian approaches allow nonlinear
                          .                                      system formulations and non- Gaussian (multi-
          a)                    b)                               modal) uncertainty (e.g.caused by occlusions) at the
            Fig.1. Skeletal hand model: (a) Hand                 expense of a closed-form solution of the uncertainty.
  anatomy, (b) the kinematic model according to [7]                       In [12], a model-based visual hand posture
         The CMC joints are assumed to be fixed,                 tracking algorithm is proposed to guide a dexterous
which quite unrealistically models the palm as a                 robot hand. The approach adopts a 3D model-based
rigid body. The fingers are modeled as planar serial             framework with full-DOF kinematic and an
kinematic chains attached to the palm at anchor                  effective measurement method based on chamfer
points located at MCP joints.                                    distance for both silhouette and edges. GA is
         Over the years the kinematic model was                  integrated to traditional PF as a solution of high-
improved by adding extra twist motion to MCP                     dimensional        and     multi-modal      tracking.
joints [2], [3] introducing one flexion/extension                Experimental      results   show     a    significant
DOF to CMC joints [4] or using a spherical joint for             improvement of tracking performance compared
TM [5]                                                           with traditional PF.
         Rehg and Kanade [6] proposed one of the
earliest model based approaches to the problem of
bare hand tracking. They used a 3D model with 27
DOF for their system called DigitEyes.
         Heap et al.[8] proposed a deformable 3D
hand model and modeled the entire surface of the
hand by a surface mash constructed via PCA from
training examples.

                                                                  Fig.3. a) The 3D model presented in [12],b) The 3D
                                                                                 model presented in [13]
                                                                 In [13] proposed a realistic 3D model of the hand.
                                                                 This deformable model consists of a polygonal skin,
                                                                 driven by an underlying skeleton. A new pose is
                                                                 computed by linearly blending the motions that each
                                                                 skin vertex would undergo when rigidly coupled to
                                                                 a subset of the skeleton joints. The model is used in
    a)                          b)
                                                                 a particle filter framework. A novel algorithm which
Fig.2. a) Hand tracking using 3D Point Distribution
                                                                 combines the SMD (Stochastic Meta-Descent)
 Model from [8] and b) Quadrics-based hand model                 optimization with a particle filter to form ‘smart particles‘
                      from [9]                                   is proposed. After propagating the particles, SMD is
         Stenger et al. [9] used quadrics as shape               performed and the resulting new particle set is included
primitives. The use of quadrics to build the 3D                  such that the original Bayesian distribution is not altered.
model yields a practical and elegant method for                         In [14,15] an approach to the recovery of
generating the contours of the model, which are then             geometric and photometric pose parameters of a 3D
compared with the image data. The pose of the hand               model with 28 DOF from monocular image
model is estimated with an Unscented Kalman filter               sequences is presented.
(UKF), which minimizes the geometric error

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         The 3D hand pose, the hand texture and the                   Another approach is to look for skin colored
illuminant are dynamically estimated through                     regions in the image. This is a very popular method
minimization of an objective function. Derived from              [18], [19], [20], [21] but has some drawbacks. First,
an inverse problem formulation, the objective                    skin color detection is very sensitive to lighting
function enables explicit use of texture temporal                conditions. While practicable and efficient methods
continuity and shading information, while handling               exist for skin color detection under controlled (and
important      self-occlusions    and     time-varying           known) illumination, the problem of learning a
illumination. The minimization is done efficiently               flexible skin model and adapting it over time is
using a quasi-Newton method, for which was                       challenging. Lindberg [16] used scale-space color
proposed a rigorous derivation of the objective                  features to recognize hand gestures. Multi scale
function gradient.                                               features can be found in an image at different scales.
         In [16] truncated quadrics are used to build            Therefore, the hand can be described as one bigger
a 3D hand model where the DOF for each joint                     blob feature for the palm, having smaller blob
correspond to the DOF of a real hand.                            features representing the finger tips which are
Quadratic chamfer distance function is used to                   connected by some rigid features. Furthermore, it
compute the edge likelihood and the silhouette                   was proposed to perform the feature extraction
likelihood is performed by a Bayesian classifier and             directly in the color space, as this allows the
online adaptation of skin color probabilities. Particle          combination of probabilistic skin colors directly in
filtering is used to track the hand by predicting the            the extraction phase. The advantage of directly
next state of 3D hand model.                                     working on a color image lies in the better
         The 3D hand models are articulated                      distinction of hand and background regions, but the
deformable objects with many degrees of freedom; a               authors showed real time application only with no
very large image database is required to cover all               other skin colored objects present in the scene.
the characteristic shapes under different views.                      Another approach is to use the eigenspace.
Another common problem with model based                          Given a set of images, eigenspace approaches
approaches is the problem of feature extraction and              construct a small set of basis images that
lack of capability to deal with singularities that arise         characterize the majority of the variation in the
from ambiguous views.                                            training set and can be used to approximate any of
                                                                 the training images. To reconstruct an image in the
2.2 Appearance based approaches                                  training set, a linear combination of the basis
      Appearance-based models are derived directly               vectors (images) are taken, where the coefficients of
from the information contained in the images and                 the basis vectors are the result of projecting the
have traditionally been used for gesture recognition.            image to be reconstructed on to the respective basis
No explicit model of the hand is needed; this means              vectors. In [17] an approach for tracking hands by
no internal degrees of freedom to be specifically                an eigenspace approach is presented. The authors
modeled.                                                         provide three major improvements to the original
      When only the appearance of the hand in the                eigenspace approach formulation, namely, a large
video frames is known, differentiating between                   invariance to occlusions, some invariance to
gestures is not as straight forward as with the model            differences in background from the input images
based approach. The gesture recognition will                     and the training images, and the ability to handle
therefore typically involve some sort of statistical             both small and large affine transformations (i.e.
classifier based on a set of features that represent the         scale and rotation) of the input image with respect to
hand. In many gesture applications all that are                  the training images. The authors demonstrate their
required is a mapping between input video and                    approach with the ability to track four hand gestures
gesture. Therefore, many have argued that the full               using 25 basis images.
reconstruction of the hand is not essential for                       In the last years is noticeable a new trend, more
gesture recognition. Instead many approaches have                and more approaches use invariant local features
utilized the extraction of low-level image                       [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31].
measurements that are fairly robust to noise and can                  In [24], Adaboost learning algorithm with SIFT
be extracted quickly. Low-level features that have               features is used. The Scale Invariant Feature
been proposed in the literature include: the centroid            Transform (SIFT) introduced by Lowe [32] consists
of the hand region [16], principle axes defining an              of a histogram representing gradient orientation and
elliptical bounding region of the hand, and the                  magnitude information within a small image patch.
optical flow/affine flow [17] of the hand region in a            SIFT is a rotation and scale invariant feature and is
scene.                                                           robust to some variations of illuminations,

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viewpoints and noise. The accuracy of multi-class               mixture of the part distributions. From all candidate
hand posture recognition is improved by the sharing             compositions, relevant compositions must be
feature concept. However, different features such as            selected. There are two types of relevant
contrast context histogram need to be studied and               compositions: those compositions that occur
applied to accomplish hand posture recognition in               frequently in all categories and also those which are
real time.                                                      specific for a category. The category posterior of
      In [25] Bag-of-Words representation (BoW)                 compositions is learned in the training phase, and it
and SIFT features is used. In a typical BoW                     is a measure of relevance. The entropy of the
representation, “interesting” local patches are first           category posterior helps to discriminate between
identified from an image, either by densely                     categories. A cost function is obtained by combining
sampling, or by an interest point detector. These               the priors of the prototypes and the entropy. The
local patches, represented by vectors in a high                 process of recognition is based on bag of
dimensional space, are often referred to as the key             composition method, where a discriminative
points. The bag-of-words methods main idea is to                function is defined.
quantize each extracted key point into one of the                     In [28] Maximally Stable Extremal Region
visual words, and then represent each image by a                (MSER) detector and color likelihood maps are used
histogram of visual words. A clustering algorithm is            for hand tracking. Such a combination allows
generally used to generate the visual words                     performing repeated figure/ground segmentation in
dictionary. In [25] K-means algorithm has been used             every frame in an efficient manner.
for clustering. A multi-class SVM was used to train             The MSER detector is one of the best interest region
the classifier model. In the testing stage, the                 detectors in computer vision [35]. MSER detection
keypoints were extracted from every image captured              is mostly applied to single gray scale images, but the
from the webcam and fed into the cluster model to               method can be easily extended for analysis of color
map them with one (Bag-of-words) vector, which is               images by defining a suitable ordering relationship
finally fed into the multi-class SVM training                   on the color pixels. In general the MSER detector
classifier model to recognize the hand gesture.                 finds bright connected regions which have
      In [26] the ARPD descriptor (Appearance and               consequently darker values along their boundaries.
Relative Position Descriptor) is proposed. This                 The set of MSERs is closed under continuous
descriptor includes color histogram, relative-                  geometric transformations and is invariant to affine
position information, and SURF [33]. The process                intensity changes. Furthermore MSERs are detected
of constructing ARPD includes two steps: extracting             at all scales. Therefore, due to these properties
SURF keypoints and color histogram from images,                 MSER detection is suited for segmentation
and computing relative-position information of                  purposes.
every keypoint within images, the relative-position                   In [29], [30], [31] Haar like features are used
information is also included as part of ARPD. The               for the task of hand detection. Haar like features
ARPD was used in the BoW representation.                        focus more on the information within a certain area
The BoW was used to detect and recognize hand                   of the image rather than each single pixel. To
posture based on sliding-window framework. To                   improve classification accuracy and achieve
meet real-time request, several approaches were                 realtime performance, AdaBoost learning algorithm
proposed to speed up hand posture recognition                   that can adaptively select the best features in each
process. In tracking process, CAMESHIFT                         step and combine them into a strong classifier can
algorithm to track hand motion and a strategy based             be used. The training algorithm based on AdaBoost
on histogram to reinitialize tracking process were              learning algorithm takes a set of “positive” samples,
used.                                                           which contain the object of interest and a set of
      In [27] compositional techniques are used for             “negative” samples, i.e., images that do not contain
hand posture recognition. A hand posture                        objects of interest.
representation is based on compositions of parts:                     This invariant features allowed us to model the
descriptors are grouped according to the perceptual             hand as collection of characteristic parts. Key points
laws of grouping [34] obtain a set of possible                  or characteristic regions are extracted. Using such
candidate compositions. These groups are a sparse               features the hand gesture is decomposed in simpler
representation of the hand posture based on                     parts which are easier to recognize. This approach
overlapping subregions.                                         has major advantages: even if some parts are
      The detected part descriptors are represented as          missing a gestures still can be recognized, so there
probability distributions over a codebook which is              are robust to partials occlusions, changes in view
obtained in the learning phase. A composition is a              point and considerable deformations. Bag of Words

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methods and compositional methods become more                   annotating and editing documents using pen-based
and more popular in hand gesture recognition. These             gestures [41]. This year eyeSight introduced gesture
techniques have been studied in many diverse fields             recognition Technology for Android Tablets and
such as linguistics, logic, and neuroscience, but               Windows-based Portable Computers [50].
compositionality is especially evident in the syntax                     Sign Language: Sign language is an
and semantics of language where a limited number                important case of communicative gestures. Since
of letter scan form a huge variety of words and                 sign languages are highly structural, they are very
sentences. In computer vision these techniques are              suitable as testbeds for vision algorithms [42]. At
used in the context of a general problem:                       the same time, they can also be a good way to help
categorization. Using these techniques we address               the disabled to interact with computers. Sign
also to the semantic gap that exists between the low            language for the deaf (e.g. American Sign
level features and high level representations. The              Language) is an example that has received
hand posture is no longer modeled as a whole.                   significant attention in the gesture literature [43, 44,
These characteristic regions are assembled to form              45 and 46].
compositions; these compositions at their turn can                       Vehicle interfaces: A number of hand
be group in compositions of compositions and so                 gesture recognition techniques for human vehicle
on.                                                             interface have been proposed time to time [47,48].
                                                                The primary motivation of research into the use of
3 Application Areas                                             hand gestures for in-vehicle secondary controls is
         There is a large variety of applications               broadly based on the premise that taking the eyes
which involves hand gestures. Hand gestures can be              off the road to operate conventional secondary
used to achieve natural human computer interaction              controls can be reduced by using hand gestures.
for virtual environments, or there can be used to                        Healthcare: Wachs et al. [49] developed a
communicate with deaf and dumb. An important                    hand-gesture recognition system that enables
application area is that of vehicle interfaces.                 doctors to manipulate digital images during medical
         In this section an overview of few                     procedures using hand gestures instead of touch
application areas is given.                                     screens or computer keyboards. A sterile human-
         Virtual Reality: Gestures for virtual and              machine interface is of supreme importance because
augmented reality applications have experienced                 it is the means by which the surgeon controls
one of the greatest levels of uptake interactions [36]          medical        information,      avoiding        patient
or 2D displays that simulate 3D interactions [37].              contamination, the operating room and the other
         Robotics and Telepresence: When robots                 surgeons. The gesture based system could replace
are moved out of factories and introduced into our              touch screens now used in many hospital operating
daily lives they have to face many challenges such              rooms which must be sealed to prevent
as cooperating with humans in complex and                       accumulation or spreading of contaminants and
uncertain environments or maintaining long-term                 requires smooth surfaces that must be thoroughly
human-robot relationships. Telepresence and                     cleaned after each procedure – but sometimes aren't.
telerobotic applications are typically situated within          With infection rates at hospitals now at
the domain of space exploration and military-based              unacceptably high rates, the hand gesture
research projects.                                              recognition system offers a possible alternative.
The gestures used to interact with and control robots
are similar to fully-immersed virtual reality                   4 Conclusion
interactions, however the worlds are often real,                         In this paper a review of vision based hand
presenting the operator with video feed from                    gesture recognition methods has been presented. In
cameras located on the robot [38]. Here, gestures               the last years remarkable progress in the field of
can control a robots hand and arm movements to                  vision based hand gesture recognition has been
reach for and manipulate actual objects, as well its            done. Further research in the areas of feature
movement through the world.                                     extraction, classification methods and gesture
Hand gesture recognition for robotic control is                 representation are required to realize the ultimate
presented in [24, 39]                                           goal of humans interfacing with machines on their
         Desktop and Tablet PC Applications: In                 own natural terms.
desktop computing applications, gestures can                             It is obviously that the near future belongs
provide an alternative interaction to the mouse and             to hand gesture recognition. Probably sooner that
keyboard [40]. Many gestures for desktop                        one may think the surrounding devices will be hand
computing tasks involve manipulating graphics, or               gesture interfaced.

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Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Program                [12] Bay M, Koller-Meier, Gool L.V., Smart
Human Resources 2007-2013.                                           particle filtering for 3D hand tracking, in: Sixth
            This work was supported by the national                  IEEE International Conference on Automatic
grant ID 931, contr. 651/19.01.2009.                                 Face and Gesture Recognition, Los Alamitos,
                                                                     CA, USA, 2004, pp 675
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  • 1. Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Mechanics and Transportation Systems A Brief Review of Vision Based Hand Gesture Recognition GEORGIANA SIMION (1), VASILE GUI (2), MARIUS OTEȘTEANU Department of Communication Politehnica University of Timișoara Bd. Vasile Pârvan No.2, Timișoara ROMANIA,, Abstract: - The evolution of user interfaces shapes the changes in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Direct use of hand as an input device is an attractive method for providing natural HCI. The applications of gesture recognition are manifold, ranging from sign language to medical rehabilitation to virtual reality. In this paper we present a brief review of vision based hand gesture recognition. Key-Words: - hand gestures, recognition, model based approach, view based approach, human computer interaction, applications 1 Introduction there are non invasive and are based on the way People perform various gestures in their human beings perceive information about their daily lives. It is in our nature to use gestures in order surroundings. Although it is difficult to design a to improve the communication between us. Try to vision based interface for generic usage, yet it is imagine speaking with a person who makes no feasible to design such an interface for a controlled gesture. It is very difficult to understand if your environment but has no lake of challenges including message is clear for him or her, if he or she agrees accuracy, processing speed. with your saying, in other words it is very hard to This paper is organized as follows: In section 2 guess what type of reaction your message produces. we provide a survey on vision based hand gesture Between all kind of gestures that we perform, hand recognition. In section 3 we present various gestures play an important role. Hand gestures can applications areas for gesture recognition and in help us say more in less time. In these days, section 4 we give the conclusions. computers have become an important part in our lives, so why not use hand gesture in order to communicate with them. 2 Problem Formulation The direct use of the hand as an input device is The approaches to Vision based hand gesture an attractive method for providing natural Human– recognition can be divided into two categories: 3 D Computer Interaction. Two approaches are hand model based approaches and appearance based commonly used to interpret gestures for Human approaches [1]. Computer Interaction. Methods Which Use Data Gloves: Since 2.1 Model based approach now, the only technology that satisfies the advanced Model based approaches attempt to infer the requirements of hand-based input for HCI is glove- pose of the palm and the joint angles, this approach based sensing This method employs sensors is ideal for realistic interactions in virtual (mechanical or optical) attached to a glove that environments. By large, the approach consists of transducers’ finger flexions into electrical signals searching for the kinematic parameters that brings for determining the hand posture. Several the 2D projection of a 3D model of hand into drawbacks make this technology not so popular: correspondence with an edge-based image of a first of all interaction with the computer-controlled hand. environment loses naturalness and easiness the user The model of the hand can be more or less is forced to carry a load of cables which are elaborated. connected to the computer and it also requires A 3D model with 27 degrees of freedom calibration and setup procedures. (DOF) was introduced and, it has been used in many Methods which are Vision Based: Computer vision based techniques have the potential to provide more natural and non-contact solutions, ISBN: 978-1-61804-062-6 181
  • 2. Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Mechanics and Transportation Systems studies and it is shown in Fig. 1 a. between the profiles and edges extracted from the images. In [10] they have reformulated the problem within a Bayesian (probabilistic) framework. Bayesian approaches allow for the pooling of multiple sources of information (e.g. system dynamics, prior observations) to arrive at both an optimal estimate of the parameters and a probability distribution of the parameter space to guide future search for parameters. On contrary to Kalman filter approach, Bayesian approaches allow nonlinear . system formulations and non- Gaussian (multi- a) b) modal) uncertainty (e.g.caused by occlusions) at the Fig.1. Skeletal hand model: (a) Hand expense of a closed-form solution of the uncertainty. anatomy, (b) the kinematic model according to [7] In [12], a model-based visual hand posture The CMC joints are assumed to be fixed, tracking algorithm is proposed to guide a dexterous which quite unrealistically models the palm as a robot hand. The approach adopts a 3D model-based rigid body. The fingers are modeled as planar serial framework with full-DOF kinematic and an kinematic chains attached to the palm at anchor effective measurement method based on chamfer points located at MCP joints. distance for both silhouette and edges. GA is Over the years the kinematic model was integrated to traditional PF as a solution of high- improved by adding extra twist motion to MCP dimensional and multi-modal tracking. joints [2], [3] introducing one flexion/extension Experimental results show a significant DOF to CMC joints [4] or using a spherical joint for improvement of tracking performance compared TM [5] with traditional PF. Rehg and Kanade [6] proposed one of the earliest model based approaches to the problem of bare hand tracking. They used a 3D model with 27 DOF for their system called DigitEyes. Heap et al.[8] proposed a deformable 3D hand model and modeled the entire surface of the hand by a surface mash constructed via PCA from training examples. Fig.3. a) The 3D model presented in [12],b) The 3D model presented in [13] In [13] proposed a realistic 3D model of the hand. This deformable model consists of a polygonal skin, driven by an underlying skeleton. A new pose is computed by linearly blending the motions that each skin vertex would undergo when rigidly coupled to a subset of the skeleton joints. The model is used in a) b) a particle filter framework. A novel algorithm which Fig.2. a) Hand tracking using 3D Point Distribution combines the SMD (Stochastic Meta-Descent) Model from [8] and b) Quadrics-based hand model optimization with a particle filter to form ‘smart particles‘ from [9] is proposed. After propagating the particles, SMD is Stenger et al. [9] used quadrics as shape performed and the resulting new particle set is included primitives. The use of quadrics to build the 3D such that the original Bayesian distribution is not altered. model yields a practical and elegant method for In [14,15] an approach to the recovery of generating the contours of the model, which are then geometric and photometric pose parameters of a 3D compared with the image data. The pose of the hand model with 28 DOF from monocular image model is estimated with an Unscented Kalman filter sequences is presented. (UKF), which minimizes the geometric error ISBN: 978-1-61804-062-6 182
  • 3. Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Mechanics and Transportation Systems The 3D hand pose, the hand texture and the Another approach is to look for skin colored illuminant are dynamically estimated through regions in the image. This is a very popular method minimization of an objective function. Derived from [18], [19], [20], [21] but has some drawbacks. First, an inverse problem formulation, the objective skin color detection is very sensitive to lighting function enables explicit use of texture temporal conditions. While practicable and efficient methods continuity and shading information, while handling exist for skin color detection under controlled (and important self-occlusions and time-varying known) illumination, the problem of learning a illumination. The minimization is done efficiently flexible skin model and adapting it over time is using a quasi-Newton method, for which was challenging. Lindberg [16] used scale-space color proposed a rigorous derivation of the objective features to recognize hand gestures. Multi scale function gradient. features can be found in an image at different scales. In [16] truncated quadrics are used to build Therefore, the hand can be described as one bigger a 3D hand model where the DOF for each joint blob feature for the palm, having smaller blob correspond to the DOF of a real hand. features representing the finger tips which are Quadratic chamfer distance function is used to connected by some rigid features. Furthermore, it compute the edge likelihood and the silhouette was proposed to perform the feature extraction likelihood is performed by a Bayesian classifier and directly in the color space, as this allows the online adaptation of skin color probabilities. Particle combination of probabilistic skin colors directly in filtering is used to track the hand by predicting the the extraction phase. The advantage of directly next state of 3D hand model. working on a color image lies in the better The 3D hand models are articulated distinction of hand and background regions, but the deformable objects with many degrees of freedom; a authors showed real time application only with no very large image database is required to cover all other skin colored objects present in the scene. the characteristic shapes under different views. Another approach is to use the eigenspace. Another common problem with model based Given a set of images, eigenspace approaches approaches is the problem of feature extraction and construct a small set of basis images that lack of capability to deal with singularities that arise characterize the majority of the variation in the from ambiguous views. training set and can be used to approximate any of the training images. To reconstruct an image in the 2.2 Appearance based approaches training set, a linear combination of the basis Appearance-based models are derived directly vectors (images) are taken, where the coefficients of from the information contained in the images and the basis vectors are the result of projecting the have traditionally been used for gesture recognition. image to be reconstructed on to the respective basis No explicit model of the hand is needed; this means vectors. In [17] an approach for tracking hands by no internal degrees of freedom to be specifically an eigenspace approach is presented. The authors modeled. provide three major improvements to the original When only the appearance of the hand in the eigenspace approach formulation, namely, a large video frames is known, differentiating between invariance to occlusions, some invariance to gestures is not as straight forward as with the model differences in background from the input images based approach. The gesture recognition will and the training images, and the ability to handle therefore typically involve some sort of statistical both small and large affine transformations (i.e. classifier based on a set of features that represent the scale and rotation) of the input image with respect to hand. In many gesture applications all that are the training images. The authors demonstrate their required is a mapping between input video and approach with the ability to track four hand gestures gesture. Therefore, many have argued that the full using 25 basis images. reconstruction of the hand is not essential for In the last years is noticeable a new trend, more gesture recognition. Instead many approaches have and more approaches use invariant local features utilized the extraction of low-level image [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31]. measurements that are fairly robust to noise and can In [24], Adaboost learning algorithm with SIFT be extracted quickly. Low-level features that have features is used. The Scale Invariant Feature been proposed in the literature include: the centroid Transform (SIFT) introduced by Lowe [32] consists of the hand region [16], principle axes defining an of a histogram representing gradient orientation and elliptical bounding region of the hand, and the magnitude information within a small image patch. optical flow/affine flow [17] of the hand region in a SIFT is a rotation and scale invariant feature and is scene. robust to some variations of illuminations, ISBN: 978-1-61804-062-6 183
  • 4. Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Mechanics and Transportation Systems viewpoints and noise. The accuracy of multi-class mixture of the part distributions. From all candidate hand posture recognition is improved by the sharing compositions, relevant compositions must be feature concept. However, different features such as selected. There are two types of relevant contrast context histogram need to be studied and compositions: those compositions that occur applied to accomplish hand posture recognition in frequently in all categories and also those which are real time. specific for a category. The category posterior of In [25] Bag-of-Words representation (BoW) compositions is learned in the training phase, and it and SIFT features is used. In a typical BoW is a measure of relevance. The entropy of the representation, “interesting” local patches are first category posterior helps to discriminate between identified from an image, either by densely categories. A cost function is obtained by combining sampling, or by an interest point detector. These the priors of the prototypes and the entropy. The local patches, represented by vectors in a high process of recognition is based on bag of dimensional space, are often referred to as the key composition method, where a discriminative points. The bag-of-words methods main idea is to function is defined. quantize each extracted key point into one of the In [28] Maximally Stable Extremal Region visual words, and then represent each image by a (MSER) detector and color likelihood maps are used histogram of visual words. A clustering algorithm is for hand tracking. Such a combination allows generally used to generate the visual words performing repeated figure/ground segmentation in dictionary. In [25] K-means algorithm has been used every frame in an efficient manner. for clustering. A multi-class SVM was used to train The MSER detector is one of the best interest region the classifier model. In the testing stage, the detectors in computer vision [35]. MSER detection keypoints were extracted from every image captured is mostly applied to single gray scale images, but the from the webcam and fed into the cluster model to method can be easily extended for analysis of color map them with one (Bag-of-words) vector, which is images by defining a suitable ordering relationship finally fed into the multi-class SVM training on the color pixels. In general the MSER detector classifier model to recognize the hand gesture. finds bright connected regions which have In [26] the ARPD descriptor (Appearance and consequently darker values along their boundaries. Relative Position Descriptor) is proposed. This The set of MSERs is closed under continuous descriptor includes color histogram, relative- geometric transformations and is invariant to affine position information, and SURF [33]. The process intensity changes. Furthermore MSERs are detected of constructing ARPD includes two steps: extracting at all scales. Therefore, due to these properties SURF keypoints and color histogram from images, MSER detection is suited for segmentation and computing relative-position information of purposes. every keypoint within images, the relative-position In [29], [30], [31] Haar like features are used information is also included as part of ARPD. The for the task of hand detection. Haar like features ARPD was used in the BoW representation. focus more on the information within a certain area The BoW was used to detect and recognize hand of the image rather than each single pixel. To posture based on sliding-window framework. To improve classification accuracy and achieve meet real-time request, several approaches were realtime performance, AdaBoost learning algorithm proposed to speed up hand posture recognition that can adaptively select the best features in each process. In tracking process, CAMESHIFT step and combine them into a strong classifier can algorithm to track hand motion and a strategy based be used. The training algorithm based on AdaBoost on histogram to reinitialize tracking process were learning algorithm takes a set of “positive” samples, used. which contain the object of interest and a set of In [27] compositional techniques are used for “negative” samples, i.e., images that do not contain hand posture recognition. A hand posture objects of interest. representation is based on compositions of parts: This invariant features allowed us to model the descriptors are grouped according to the perceptual hand as collection of characteristic parts. Key points laws of grouping [34] obtain a set of possible or characteristic regions are extracted. Using such candidate compositions. These groups are a sparse features the hand gesture is decomposed in simpler representation of the hand posture based on parts which are easier to recognize. This approach overlapping subregions. has major advantages: even if some parts are The detected part descriptors are represented as missing a gestures still can be recognized, so there probability distributions over a codebook which is are robust to partials occlusions, changes in view obtained in the learning phase. A composition is a point and considerable deformations. Bag of Words ISBN: 978-1-61804-062-6 184
  • 5. Recent Researches in Circuits, Systems, Mechanics and Transportation Systems methods and compositional methods become more annotating and editing documents using pen-based and more popular in hand gesture recognition. These gestures [41]. This year eyeSight introduced gesture techniques have been studied in many diverse fields recognition Technology for Android Tablets and such as linguistics, logic, and neuroscience, but Windows-based Portable Computers [50]. compositionality is especially evident in the syntax Sign Language: Sign language is an and semantics of language where a limited number important case of communicative gestures. Since of letter scan form a huge variety of words and sign languages are highly structural, they are very sentences. In computer vision these techniques are suitable as testbeds for vision algorithms [42]. At used in the context of a general problem: the same time, they can also be a good way to help categorization. Using these techniques we address the disabled to interact with computers. Sign also to the semantic gap that exists between the low language for the deaf (e.g. American Sign level features and high level representations. The Language) is an example that has received hand posture is no longer modeled as a whole. significant attention in the gesture literature [43, 44, These characteristic regions are assembled to form 45 and 46]. compositions; these compositions at their turn can Vehicle interfaces: A number of hand be group in compositions of compositions and so gesture recognition techniques for human vehicle on. interface have been proposed time to time [47,48]. The primary motivation of research into the use of 3 Application Areas hand gestures for in-vehicle secondary controls is There is a large variety of applications broadly based on the premise that taking the eyes which involves hand gestures. Hand gestures can be off the road to operate conventional secondary used to achieve natural human computer interaction controls can be reduced by using hand gestures. for virtual environments, or there can be used to Healthcare: Wachs et al. [49] developed a communicate with deaf and dumb. An important hand-gesture recognition system that enables application area is that of vehicle interfaces. doctors to manipulate digital images during medical In this section an overview of few procedures using hand gestures instead of touch application areas is given. screens or computer keyboards. A sterile human- Virtual Reality: Gestures for virtual and machine interface is of supreme importance because augmented reality applications have experienced it is the means by which the surgeon controls one of the greatest levels of uptake interactions [36] medical information, avoiding patient or 2D displays that simulate 3D interactions [37]. contamination, the operating room and the other Robotics and Telepresence: When robots surgeons. The gesture based system could replace are moved out of factories and introduced into our touch screens now used in many hospital operating daily lives they have to face many challenges such rooms which must be sealed to prevent as cooperating with humans in complex and accumulation or spreading of contaminants and uncertain environments or maintaining long-term requires smooth surfaces that must be thoroughly human-robot relationships. Telepresence and cleaned after each procedure – but sometimes aren't. telerobotic applications are typically situated within With infection rates at hospitals now at the domain of space exploration and military-based unacceptably high rates, the hand gesture research projects. recognition system offers a possible alternative. The gestures used to interact with and control robots are similar to fully-immersed virtual reality 4 Conclusion interactions, however the worlds are often real, In this paper a review of vision based hand presenting the operator with video feed from gesture recognition methods has been presented. In cameras located on the robot [38]. Here, gestures the last years remarkable progress in the field of can control a robots hand and arm movements to vision based hand gesture recognition has been reach for and manipulate actual objects, as well its done. Further research in the areas of feature movement through the world. extraction, classification methods and gesture Hand gesture recognition for robotic control is representation are required to realize the ultimate presented in [24, 39] goal of humans interfacing with machines on their Desktop and Tablet PC Applications: In own natural terms. desktop computing applications, gestures can It is obviously that the near future belongs provide an alternative interaction to the mouse and to hand gesture recognition. Probably sooner that keyboard [40]. Many gestures for desktop one may think the surrounding devices will be hand computing tasks involve manipulating graphics, or gesture interfaced. ISBN: 978-1-61804-062-6 185
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