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Picture of a fortune teller operating outside of the law
Art director: Sia Hong Jie
Project Manager: Koh Sung Jie
Editor: Evelin Devina, Ghaida Rashad
Graphic Designer: Ricco Soh Zheng Wei, Sham Zhen Wen
Photographer: Kan Sook San, Ong Seng Peng
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Printed in Malaysia
Open secret
The painting of the memory
on the wet vessel
of a place is continually
and beautifully polished by time.
Brushes of dark strokes
and a few bumps as parts of the piece.
Supporting the community, accepted as one.
Often ignored
but not forgotten.
Poetic Interpretation
Parameter servey
Laws are made to maintain the
stability of communities. The
line is drawn with many reasoning,
be it to the advantage of majority,
to support what is considered
‘good’ by most, is believed to
maintain the balance of people,
etc. Still it won’t satisfy the need
of every single individual on earth.
There are parties whose definition
of ‘good’ is different, whose faith
to their belief is stronger than the
law, may be who need to go out
of bounds to survive. Likewise,
the two sides of the same coin,
the supporting and opposing
parties towards the order will exist
side by side.
People who do accordingly
to the law become the good
people whilst the ones who go
beyond the line are considered a
disturbance, but both have their
own role in this world. They have
their own idea and reasons of the
‘right’ thing to do. In this paper,
our team took the pulse of the
balance of order that had been
built in a particular community:
Petaling Street. Being a tourist
spot for its trading activities for
visitors and infamous for the area
with law unto themselves, we
studied into the trading activities
happening in the area. It’s a
common knowledge that not all of
the businesses are above board.
Hence, the research is to throw
some light on how the disorderly
trading conducts in Petaling
Street came to exist. The price to
pay for such activities affects the
economy, culture, and life of the
residents, thus we are to look into
the matters as well.
In the attempt to conduct a
proper documentation and
analysis of Petaling Street, some
measures were taken to collect
the necessary information. A
direct exposure to the place is
a necessity to get the firsthand
The site was observed and
explored to bring light to the study.
Drifting around with purpose
around the area in attempt to get
the idea of its memory and present
condition. Therefore, individual
and personal perceptions can
be generated. Local and foreign
visitors who came temporarily;
and business owners who make
their life out of the activity have
their own particular attitude
towards the place and activities
happening around them.
Hence, quantitative measures in
form of questionnaires were taken
from the different user party to
achieve specific data:
The residents living their life or
making their life from the place are
the personification of the land’s
soul. Thus, a direct connection
with the people will give important
perspective and answers to the
study, providing the memory
which outsiders won’t see.
Visitors who help to make the
place alive and happening are
not to be forgotten as another
important factor to get the drift of
the spirit’s embodiment, as how
the outsider sees the community.
Both factors are interconnected
to each other. Lastly, existing data
and literature information are to
be reviewed as another reference
in the study.
There are different types of illegal
activities happening at Petaling
Street. The most common are
the trading of pirated and stolen
goods from Pasar Karat, the
brothels’ prostitution activities,
and the drug dealing business.
Although they are all illegal and
immoral, people have accepted
the fact and entirely legalized
those exposed on street levels
but find those hidden extremely
For one reason, people in Petaling
Street are exposed to these
markets daily and it is within
easy reach that it quickly became
part of the norm. Moreover, the
majority benefit from the illegal
goods and therefore they legalize
it as it is towards their own favor.
Hence at the end of the day,
both parties (the sellers and the
costumers) are pleased. On the
other hand, the brothels and the
drug dealing business are more
sensitive issues encountered
which are considered sinful and
immoral because of the cultural
and religious values of the majority.
Therefore, they are rejected and
considered completely criminal.
However, a working party in these
“black activities” had completely
accepted these acts as it may be
seen as the only possible way to
secure their income.
Since Petaling Street is located
in the heart of Kuala Lumpur,
the excessive amount of
people encourages diverse job
opportunities, despite it being
legal or illegal, moral or immoral.
These businesses, like the
counterfeit and stolen goods that
have been running on the site
for so many years have become
the main attraction to Petaling
Street. Although the counterfeit
goods are generally considered
illegal, this kind of trade is globally
famous that in most cases, it is
no longer considered as illegal.
It has flourished Petaling Street
more than the legal trades that
runs on the site. Which on the
other hand, has stolen the original
settlers’ income that has been
run by generations and invaded
the original essence of the site,
which was once known as the
food haven.
According to one of the roast
duck stall owners, the business
has changed, nowadays, it’s only
old people who come to buy or
their children, only for nostalgic
sake. On the other hand, the
brothels and drug dealing that
occur at the hidden lane of the
site is what set a corrupt image
and increase the crime rate of
the site. Although based on
the interviews conducted this
seem to be affecting the visitors
more than the locals. In fact, the
locals seem to be numb to the
whole image that they don’t find
it threatening anymore. However,
from some of the visitors’ point of
view, these activities repel them
from the site where they do not
feel secure strolling around the
site or visiting the site at all. But to
other visitors, this elusive image
of the site, where it is dilapidated
and broken at some parts but
boost with vibrancy on the other,
creates curiosity to explore more
of the site.
Looking back at how hard the original
Chinese people worked
to start and build Petaling Street
with the pride of their ethnic identity,
the spirit and culture
seem to have been fading away.
Aside of the big, strong entrance gate
as the remembrance of the former glory
and some small footmarks left,
the place seems to have lost its way
in the globalization flow.
Who to blame when people
are just trying to scratch some pennies from
the evergrowing desire of other people?
Still, what about the sleepless nights, effort,
and time invested in a product to build its
trademark identity,
only to be stolen later on?
1 Poetic interpretation
In an attempt to get the best in their life,
people are trying to involve the confidence
and help from something
that they can’t understand with their mind
A new hope, guidance, relief, taking every
chance they can have to peek at the future,
the time and events which are yet to come.
People are not fond of
unfavoured surprises.
In the middle of the hustle
and bustle of the market,
some people are lying around
in their small, obscure bubble.
Asking for some fortune and mercy
from the fast-paced, ignorant world.
Passing yet another day.
Making a living from the nature,
the ‘Amak’
mediates the naturerichness to the people.
In faithfulness
delivering the treasure of the land
becomes accessible to anyone,
giving some smiles to families
and new strength to continue on
with life.
Where are the goods originated from?
Not something the community
would like to consider in their mind
so long the trade business is profitable to
both sellers and customers
Visitors are not at fault of
taking interest in
pirated products.
Content with their own life
within their financial capability,
help the owners to make their living.
is it just for the creator
and inventor of such branding?
A humble living of a meat seller
in a low profile old market.
Hidden from the skim of the eyes,
the small alley hidden by the street
creates a life capsule of unchanging
lifestyle of the people
from old times.
Signboards become silent, surviving
witness of the history and exhibit mute
explanations about the soul of the place
at present.
1 Poetic interpretation
An open secret is allowed to exist because
people turn a blind eye against it. Even
when the signs clearly say“No counterfeit
products allowed”,the merchants persist.
The customers engage the sellers and
provide them business. Even more, the
present police officer also turns a blind
eye and accepted the trade as natural
part of Petaling Street.
The doctrine of caveat emptor would
apply in the bargaining happened in
Pasar Karat more than Petaling Street.
Residing next to Petaling Street, it
becomes an alternative for locals who
searched for goods as cheap as chips.
Interests grown within the people are
then suppressing the authentic products
and shops. Faces of foreigners keep
replacing the local Chinese community.
However, they do contribute to the
economy by maintaining the working
sector, making this situation
a dilemma of focus between the
conservation of culture and heritage and
a need for working force.
1 Poetic interpretation
The degradation of the place
leads to the degradation
of the activities carried out.
The young generation has lost interest
in the place and another party
replaces them by illegal
and “seemingly” legal activities.
What they are doing might not seem
right, but nonetheless they do it openly,
for all to see.
This is the Open Secret.
A fast glance at the street shows the
gleaming and full of colour busy market
daily life, passing by the darkness
creeping in-between the dance of colours.
Generations had been leaving their
memory in Petaling Street, slowly forming
a forest of community from a seed of
tree. Brushes of colour added on top of
the colour base, creating another frame
of mind.A history. Dark and bright colours
of the painting, sleekness and bumps on
wet mould surface, all of those create a
community called Petaling Street.
They are no strangers of the community,
they are one part of the piece.
At the other end, untouched by the
flow of the time, a small community
by the backstreet alley of the colourful
market facade has been living in a time
capsule. Like a time warp door to another
dimension, a narrow opening leads to the
past. Where people don’t get itchy feet,
they are not disturbed by the world. They
stay true.
Data Analysis
We interviewed more locals than foreigners as the
locals are more approachable to us. Most of the
people setting up business here come from all ages.
However, through observation, the local merchants
are usually older than the foreign ones.
Their opinion towards
Petaling Street are mixed,
more of them being
positive. As Petaling
Street has become their
daily lives, 63% do not
consider Petaling Street
as the Chinatown of
Kuala Lumpur anymore
and most of them want the
government to take action
on improving the location.
When asked about
illegal shops and stalls, they
commented that it do not
affect their business thus
63% of them do not want
them to be eliminated.
Parameter Survey
The types of visitors interviewed were even, having
50/50. However, the visitors interviewed with the
questionnaires were young adults as most older
visitors were office workers who do not have time nor
interest in taking part of the survey
When asked about
their impression on
Petaling Street, 4
of them had a more
positive opinion
while 2 of them think
that the place has lost
its character. Most
of them visit Petaling
Street because it is a
tourist attraction and
they found interest in
buying apparel, food
and other products.
Moreover, all of
them have bought
them from roadside
Half of the visitors still
consider Petaling Street
as the Chinatown and
the others do not. Only
one of them is aware
that there are illegal
activities at work there.
None of them has tried
the illegal services.
Two-thirds of them
wants the illegal activities
A rubber shop owner
The business is hidden at the
upper floor of the shop house
along Jalan Sultan and a back
alley of Jalan Sultan. If there are
old men sitting at the entrance of
staircase, they are mostly pimps
who approach the customers. It is
usually patronized by the foreign
workers to fulfil their sexual
desire. If prostitution is eliminated,
the rape crime rate might increase
as there’s no place for them to
satisfy their “needs”. The whole
Kuala Lumpur is Chinatown as it
is mostly occupied by Chinese.
I think not only Petaling Street
can represent the presence of
Chinese culture.
An owner of Chocha
food store and Interior
We came back as Petaling Street
is given that notorious impression
such as unsafe and unhygienic.
As part of the young generation,
we have the responsibility to
contribute something (through
business) to this society. I would
still go to Petaling Street’s florist
to purchase some fresh flower for
my café.
A customer
Regarding the illegal for-
eign workers, they managed
to escape from police by closing
their stalls and then hiding at the
places where the police could not
find. Even though they are arrest-
ed by the police, they will be re-
leased if they are willing to pay the
“coffee money”. This is the “open
secret”. The law enforcement is
not strict enough and nobody is
willing to stand up for this issue. If
there is any discussion on “inap-
propriate” issues such as “buying
second hand house”, the person
will be arrested. Therefore, the
problem is still unsolvable.
A false teeth maker
The problem of foreign workers
cannot be solved anymore and it
is not a negative issue. We rely on
them for many things. If they are
eliminated from our country, the
shop owners will be helpless as
they need the foreign workers to
help them such as preparing food,
cleaning the shop and etc. “Are
you willing to do these? Are
you willing to do it with RM1000
salary? Are you willing to work at
wplaces without air-conditioning?
If you guys are not going to do it,
who is going to do it?”
Comments/Opinions by Locals
The wind of news from The
Star has reached the ear of
the public on 17th March 2016.
The written ink stated a saddening
truth that the nature selection
of economy is to cut 1 out of 5
Petaling Street shop doors in a
near period of 6 counting months.
Just to sustain the seeds that had
been laid down has truly broken
the legs of the small people who
tried to break a leg.
Those people who put their
luck on the mountains of goods
purchased at the starting line
have been struggling to cash the
mountain over the long ticking
time. Making things worse,
raw materials keeps hiking its
value and the supposed shop
helpers ‘helped’ with higher
salary demand. Both factors
and the inclining shop rent after
the introduction of Goods and
Services Tax (GST) had crippled
the sustainability of the business.
Spying openly through the road,
our team found the roadside
stalls had won the election over
the shops by the visitors. The
competition had had a big margin
with the stalls leading a wide step.
From the local owners’ sidelines,
most operators have reached
more of their allowed life time.
Their children, who accepted
higher education, sought for a
better life, and thus leaving their
family business. These children
have more care to go than
the will to stay. Adding clouds
upon more clouds, another
party then came to cash in
on the situation, immigrants
from the neighboring countries
such as Myanmar, Indonesia,
Bangladesh, Philippines and
more. Their frontline in Petaling
Street had made the place lose
its ground as Kuala Lumpur’s
Chinatown. The Malaymail 24th
February 2016 stated the black
and white data that the foreign
labor brought more grit with them
to take in lower pay. It is not a
raw deal for them either, taking
into consideration the situation
in their homeland. Meals can be
served to their family’s table by
working in Malaysia, and the work
does not include high intelligent
requirements thus is very easy to
pick up. Some people travelled
into the land legally whilst others
entered behind closed doors.
They then started opening stalls
which are not bound by nor
rent payment neither taxes. The
goods origins are off the record
and sold for the price of an apple
and an egg. Quoting from one
customer we interviewed, “Even
though they are arrested by the
police, they will be released if
they are willing to pay the ‘coffee
money’.” Moreover, our team’s
observations have shown that
even the force has swept it under
the rug. A rubber shop owner
directly linked the prostitution to
the presence of foreign workers
as the demand comes from them.
However, we have shed light that
there is a notion that the business
is preventing foreign workers
from turning a trick to locals.
Unconsciously, the foreign
residents became the ones
who maintained the economy
in Petaling Street in the tourism
aspect. Nonetheless, one can
argue that the notoriety of
Petaling Street is due to its illegal
business and the presence
of foreign workers. The locals
dishing the dirt of how they can
threaten public safety also brings
negative impact to the place.
The interest of public may decline
as the word is spread. We believe
that the carrots are not cooked
yet. Every cloud has its silver
lining but it is sometimes a little
difficult to get it to the mint.
Representing Place Final Project

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Representing Place Final Project

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Picture of a fortune teller operating outside of the law
  • 4. Art director: Sia Hong Jie Project Manager: Koh Sung Jie Editor: Evelin Devina, Ghaida Rashad Graphic Designer: Ricco Soh Zheng Wei, Sham Zhen Wen Photographer: Kan Sook San, Ong Seng Peng All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any infoarmation storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Malaysia
  • 5. Open secret The painting of the memory on the wet vessel of a place is continually and beautifully polished by time. Brushes of dark strokes and a few bumps as parts of the piece. Supporting the community, accepted as one. Often ignored but not forgotten.
  • 10. Laws are made to maintain the stability of communities. The line is drawn with many reasoning, be it to the advantage of majority, to support what is considered ‘good’ by most, is believed to maintain the balance of people, etc. Still it won’t satisfy the need of every single individual on earth. There are parties whose definition of ‘good’ is different, whose faith to their belief is stronger than the law, may be who need to go out of bounds to survive. Likewise, the two sides of the same coin, the supporting and opposing parties towards the order will exist side by side. People who do accordingly to the law become the good people whilst the ones who go beyond the line are considered a disturbance, but both have their own role in this world. They have their own idea and reasons of the ‘right’ thing to do. In this paper, our team took the pulse of the balance of order that had been built in a particular community: Petaling Street. Being a tourist spot for its trading activities for visitors and infamous for the area with law unto themselves, we studied into the trading activities happening in the area. It’s a common knowledge that not all of the businesses are above board. Hence, the research is to throw some light on how the disorderly trading conducts in Petaling Street came to exist. The price to pay for such activities affects the economy, culture, and life of the residents, thus we are to look into the matters as well. Introduction 前 言
  • 11. 9 In the attempt to conduct a proper documentation and analysis of Petaling Street, some measures were taken to collect the necessary information. A direct exposure to the place is a necessity to get the firsthand information. The site was observed and explored to bring light to the study. Drifting around with purpose around the area in attempt to get the idea of its memory and present condition. Therefore, individual and personal perceptions can be generated. Local and foreign visitors who came temporarily; and business owners who make their life out of the activity have their own particular attitude towards the place and activities happening around them. Hence, quantitative measures in form of questionnaires were taken from the different user party to achieve specific data: The residents living their life or making their life from the place are the personification of the land’s soul. Thus, a direct connection with the people will give important perspective and answers to the study, providing the memory which outsiders won’t see. Visitors who help to make the place alive and happening are not to be forgotten as another important factor to get the drift of the spirit’s embodiment, as how the outsider sees the community. Both factors are interconnected to each other. Lastly, existing data and literature information are to be reviewed as another reference in the study.
  • 12. There are different types of illegal activities happening at Petaling Street. The most common are the trading of pirated and stolen goods from Pasar Karat, the brothels’ prostitution activities, and the drug dealing business. Although they are all illegal and immoral, people have accepted the fact and entirely legalized those exposed on street levels but find those hidden extremely corrupt. For one reason, people in Petaling Street are exposed to these markets daily and it is within easy reach that it quickly became part of the norm. Moreover, the majority benefit from the illegal goods and therefore they legalize it as it is towards their own favor. Hence at the end of the day, both parties (the sellers and the costumers) are pleased. On the other hand, the brothels and the drug dealing business are more sensitive issues encountered which are considered sinful and immoral because of the cultural and religious values of the majority. Therefore, they are rejected and considered completely criminal. However, a working party in these “black activities” had completely accepted these acts as it may be seen as the only possible way to secure their income. Since Petaling Street is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, the excessive amount of people encourages diverse job opportunities, despite it being legal or illegal, moral or immoral. These businesses, like the counterfeit and stolen goods that have been running on the site for so many years have become the main attraction to Petaling Street. Although the counterfeit goods are generally considered illegal, this kind of trade is globally famous that in most cases, it is no longer considered as illegal. It has flourished Petaling Street more than the legal trades that runs on the site. Which on the other hand, has stolen the original settlers’ income that has been run by generations and invaded the original essence of the site, which was once known as the food haven. According to one of the roast duck stall owners, the business has changed, nowadays, it’s only old people who come to buy or their children, only for nostalgic sake. On the other hand, the brothels and drug dealing that occur at the hidden lane of the site is what set a corrupt image and increase the crime rate of the site. Although based on the interviews conducted this 前 言
  • 13. 11 seem to be affecting the visitors more than the locals. In fact, the locals seem to be numb to the whole image that they don’t find it threatening anymore. However, from some of the visitors’ point of view, these activities repel them from the site where they do not feel secure strolling around the site or visiting the site at all. But to other visitors, this elusive image of the site, where it is dilapidated and broken at some parts but boost with vibrancy on the other, creates curiosity to explore more of the site.
  • 16.
  • 17. 15 Looking back at how hard the original Chinese people worked to start and build Petaling Street with the pride of their ethnic identity, the spirit and culture seem to have been fading away. Aside of the big, strong entrance gate as the remembrance of the former glory and some small footmarks left, the place seems to have lost its way in the globalization flow. Who to blame when people are just trying to scratch some pennies from the evergrowing desire of other people? Still, what about the sleepless nights, effort, and time invested in a product to build its trademark identity, only to be stolen later on? 1 Poetic interpretation
  • 18. In an attempt to get the best in their life, people are trying to involve the confidence and help from something that they can’t understand with their mind alone. A new hope, guidance, relief, taking every chance they can have to peek at the future, the time and events which are yet to come. People are not fond of unfavoured surprises. 印 象
  • 19. 17 In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the market, some people are lying around in their small, obscure bubble. Asking for some fortune and mercy from the fast-paced, ignorant world. Passing yet another day. Making a living from the nature, the ‘Amak’ mediates the naturerichness to the people. In faithfulness delivering the treasure of the land becomes accessible to anyone, giving some smiles to families and new strength to continue on with life.
  • 20. Where are the goods originated from? Not something the community would like to consider in their mind so long the trade business is profitable to them, both sellers and customers Visitors are not at fault of taking interest in pirated products. Content with their own life within their financial capability, help the owners to make their living. Yet, is it just for the creator and inventor of such branding? 印 象
  • 21. 19
  • 22. 印 象 A humble living of a meat seller in a low profile old market. Hidden from the skim of the eyes, the small alley hidden by the street creates a life capsule of unchanging lifestyle of the people from old times.
  • 23. 21 Signboards become silent, surviving witness of the history and exhibit mute explanations about the soul of the place at present. 1 Poetic interpretation
  • 24. 印 象 An open secret is allowed to exist because people turn a blind eye against it. Even when the signs clearly say“No counterfeit products allowed”,the merchants persist. The customers engage the sellers and provide them business. Even more, the present police officer also turns a blind eye and accepted the trade as natural part of Petaling Street.
  • 25. 23
  • 26.
  • 27. 25 The doctrine of caveat emptor would apply in the bargaining happened in Pasar Karat more than Petaling Street. Residing next to Petaling Street, it becomes an alternative for locals who searched for goods as cheap as chips. Interests grown within the people are then suppressing the authentic products and shops. Faces of foreigners keep replacing the local Chinese community. However, they do contribute to the economy by maintaining the working sector, making this situation a dilemma of focus between the conservation of culture and heritage and a need for working force. 1 Poetic interpretation
  • 28. The degradation of the place leads to the degradation of the activities carried out. The young generation has lost interest in the place and another party replaces them by illegal and “seemingly” legal activities. What they are doing might not seem right, but nonetheless they do it openly, for all to see. This is the Open Secret. 印 象
  • 29. 27
  • 30. A fast glance at the street shows the gleaming and full of colour busy market daily life, passing by the darkness creeping in-between the dance of colours. Generations had been leaving their memory in Petaling Street, slowly forming a forest of community from a seed of tree. Brushes of colour added on top of the colour base, creating another frame of mind.A history. Dark and bright colours of the painting, sleekness and bumps on wet mould surface, all of those create a community called Petaling Street. They are no strangers of the community, they are one part of the piece. At the other end, untouched by the flow of the time, a small community by the backstreet alley of the colourful market facade has been living in a time capsule. Like a time warp door to another dimension, a narrow opening leads to the past. Where people don’t get itchy feet, they are not disturbed by the world. They stay true. 印 象
  • 31. 29
  • 34. Data Analysis OWNERS/WORKERS We interviewed more locals than foreigners as the locals are more approachable to us. Most of the people setting up business here come from all ages. However, through observation, the local merchants are usually older than the foreign ones. 數 據
  • 35. 33 Their opinion towards Petaling Street are mixed, more of them being positive. As Petaling Street has become their daily lives, 63% do not consider Petaling Street as the Chinatown of Kuala Lumpur anymore and most of them want the government to take action on improving the location. When asked about illegal shops and stalls, they commented that it do not affect their business thus 63% of them do not want them to be eliminated.
  • 36. VISITORS Parameter Survey 數 據 The types of visitors interviewed were even, having 50/50. However, the visitors interviewed with the questionnaires were young adults as most older visitors were office workers who do not have time nor interest in taking part of the survey
  • 37. 35 When asked about their impression on Petaling Street, 4 of them had a more positive opinion while 2 of them think that the place has lost its character. Most of them visit Petaling Street because it is a tourist attraction and they found interest in buying apparel, food and other products. Moreover, all of them have bought them from roadside stalls.
  • 38. Half of the visitors still consider Petaling Street as the Chinatown and the others do not. Only one of them is aware that there are illegal activities at work there. None of them has tried the illegal services. Two-thirds of them wants the illegal activities abolished.
  • 39. 37 A rubber shop owner The business is hidden at the upper floor of the shop house along Jalan Sultan and a back alley of Jalan Sultan. If there are old men sitting at the entrance of staircase, they are mostly pimps who approach the customers. It is usually patronized by the foreign workers to fulfil their sexual desire. If prostitution is eliminated, the rape crime rate might increase as there’s no place for them to satisfy their “needs”. The whole Kuala Lumpur is Chinatown as it is mostly occupied by Chinese. I think not only Petaling Street can represent the presence of Chinese culture. An owner of Chocha food store and Interior Designer We came back as Petaling Street is given that notorious impression such as unsafe and unhygienic. As part of the young generation, we have the responsibility to contribute something (through business) to this society. I would still go to Petaling Street’s florist to purchase some fresh flower for my café. A customer Regarding the illegal for- eign workers, they managed to escape from police by closing their stalls and then hiding at the places where the police could not find. Even though they are arrest- ed by the police, they will be re- leased if they are willing to pay the “coffee money”. This is the “open secret”. The law enforcement is not strict enough and nobody is willing to stand up for this issue. If there is any discussion on “inap- propriate” issues such as “buying second hand house”, the person will be arrested. Therefore, the problem is still unsolvable. A false teeth maker The problem of foreign workers cannot be solved anymore and it is not a negative issue. We rely on them for many things. If they are eliminated from our country, the shop owners will be helpless as they need the foreign workers to help them such as preparing food, cleaning the shop and etc. “Are you willing to do these? Are you willing to do it with RM1000 salary? Are you willing to work at wplaces without air-conditioning? If you guys are not going to do it, who is going to do it?” Comments/Opinions by Locals
  • 42. The wind of news from The Star has reached the ear of the public on 17th March 2016. The written ink stated a saddening truth that the nature selection of economy is to cut 1 out of 5 Petaling Street shop doors in a near period of 6 counting months. Just to sustain the seeds that had been laid down has truly broken the legs of the small people who tried to break a leg. Those people who put their luck on the mountains of goods purchased at the starting line have been struggling to cash the mountain over the long ticking time. Making things worse, raw materials keeps hiking its value and the supposed shop helpers ‘helped’ with higher salary demand. Both factors and the inclining shop rent after the introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) had crippled the sustainability of the business. Spying openly through the road, our team found the roadside stalls had won the election over the shops by the visitors. The competition had had a big margin with the stalls leading a wide step. From the local owners’ sidelines, most operators have reached more of their allowed life time. Their children, who accepted higher education, sought for a better life, and thus leaving their family business. These children have more care to go than the will to stay. Adding clouds upon more clouds, another party then came to cash in on the situation, immigrants from the neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines and more. Their frontline in Petaling Street had made the place lose its ground as Kuala Lumpur’s Chinatown. The Malaymail 24th February 2016 stated the black and white data that the foreign labor brought more grit with them to take in lower pay. It is not a raw deal for them either, taking into consideration the situation in their homeland. Meals can be served to their family’s table by working in Malaysia, and the work does not include high intelligent requirements thus is very easy to pick up. Some people travelled into the land legally whilst others entered behind closed doors. Conclusion 結 論
  • 43. 41 They then started opening stalls which are not bound by nor rent payment neither taxes. The goods origins are off the record and sold for the price of an apple and an egg. Quoting from one customer we interviewed, “Even though they are arrested by the police, they will be released if they are willing to pay the ‘coffee money’.” Moreover, our team’s observations have shown that even the force has swept it under the rug. A rubber shop owner directly linked the prostitution to the presence of foreign workers as the demand comes from them. However, we have shed light that there is a notion that the business is preventing foreign workers from turning a trick to locals. Unconsciously, the foreign residents became the ones who maintained the economy in Petaling Street in the tourism aspect. Nonetheless, one can argue that the notoriety of Petaling Street is due to its illegal business and the presence of foreign workers. The locals dishing the dirt of how they can threaten public safety also brings negative impact to the place. The interest of public may decline as the word is spread. We believe that the carrots are not cooked yet. Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint.
  • 44.
  • 45. End.