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State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012

The cloud of
State of Cloud Securit y Report                                            Spring 2012

                  State of Cloud Securit y Report
                          Executive Summary 2
                  Analyzing Real-World Data 4
                            PERCEPTION VS. DATA
                 Is the Cloud Really Insecure? 5
                        Incident Identification 6
                            SUMMARY OF RESULTS
                                 Just the Facts 7
     Incident Occurrence and Frequency Rates 8
                  The Alert Logic Perspective 9
                                    WRAPPING UP
                      The Data Tells the Story 10
                                   Data Tables 11

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012

    State of Cloud Securit y Report

    Executive Summary
                  Gartner surveyed               While there is clearly a heightened perception of risk in the cloud,
                                                 are these fears supported by empirical data? The customers and partners
                m o re t h an

                                                 of Alert Logic demand an answer to this question. This report is the first in
                                                 a series of twice-yearly, data-driven analyses in which Alert Logic examines
                                                 security trends across traditional on-premise and service-provider-managed
                                                 environments. Alert Logic utilizes real-world security findings to understand
                                                 the foundational differences between the classes of threats encountered in
                   cloud computing
                                                 traditional on-premise deployments versus those found in service provider
                users, asking them               environments where cloud and hosted infrastructures are managed.
                   to rank their top
                    three concerns.              In analyzing the state of security, Alert Logic draws on security data from real
                                                 end-user environments, both on-premise and managed by service providers,
                  NEARLY                         from its base of over 1,500 customers. In this report, the Alert Logic Security

                50                  %            Research Team utilized twelve months of security event data captured from
                                                 July 2010 through June 2011. Security incidents were identified through a
                                                 combination of automated correlation and validation by certified security
                                                 analysts. It should be noted that the sample is composed of data from
                     of respondents              customers who are making an active investment in security. As a result, the
                 identified service              findings of this report may represent security-aware organizations and any
                                                 conclusions drawn based on the data should be understood in that context.
           provider security as
            their primary issue.1

     Tier1 Research’s 2011 report
         on the hosting market
                                                           RISK INCREASES WITH SIZE AND DIVERSITY
     indicates that the majority
         of enterprises consider
      securing infrastructure as
          the most problematic
           aspect of the cloud.2


                                                                PROVIDER                                                       FIG. A
                Gartner Global IT Council for
                 Cloud Services report (2010)
                      Tier1 Research Global
                   Managed Hosting Market                                      size and diversity
                            Overview (2011)

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012

Key Findings:                                                                                  What does this mean for security
Findings from this study show that while there are differences between the                     management decisions, especially
classes and pervasiveness of incidents experienced in the on-premise and                       in the context of migrating
service provider environments, those differences may not necessarily line up                   infrastructure to hosted and
with general perceptions about security:                                                       cloud deployments?

                                                                                                      ecurity fears should not
•	When compared to traditional in-house managed IT environments, service
                                                                                                     prevent organizations from
   provider environments show lower occurrence rates for every class of                              taking advantage of hosting and
   incident examined.                                                                                cloud services. While security
                                                                                                     management is a critical
•	Service provider customers experienced lower threat diversity (i.e., the                          issue when choosing a service
   number of unique incident classes experienced by a customer) than                                 provider, the decision should be
                                                                                                     based on a review of actual risks,
   on-premise customers.
                                                                                                     not perceptions that are not
                                                                                                     supported by data.
•	On-premise environments were twelve times more likely than service
   provider environments to have common configuration issues, opening                                Service providers, who tend
   the door to compromise.                                                                           to have detailed, repeatable
                                                                                                     management processes and
                                                                                                     infrastructure configurations,
•	While conventional wisdom suggests a higher rate of Web application
                                                                                                     provide a good model for
   attacks in the service provider environment, Alert Logic found a higher                           enterprises committed to
   frequency of these incidents in on-premise environments.                                          maintaining on-premise
Part of the difference in risk level observed in these two environments can be
                                                                                                     Service providers should focus
explained by relevant IT surface area. While service providers often manage tens
                                                                                                     their security management efforts
of thousands of servers and applications across multiple data centers, they are                      on the threats most prevalent
composed of vast numbers of individual customer or tenant environments. Each                         in their environment, while
individual customer environment tends to have fewer application types residing                       continuing to manage to best
                                                                                                     practices to create secure, highly
on server-based operating systems (OSs) with tightly controlled network access,
                                                                                                     available environments.
resulting in a relatively small relevant surface area for attack. In contrast, on-premise
enterprise IT deployments tend to have a larger surface area due to their more                       IT decision-makers should
diverse environments characterized by a broad array of OSs and applications,                         consider the benefits and risks
                                                                                                     of each model when deciding
along with desktops, mobile devices and more network entry points.
                                                                                                     which workloads and applications
                                                                                                     to deploy in service provider
                                                                                                     environments and which to keep
                                                                                                     on-premise. In turn, internal
                                                                                                     resources can focus on the
                                                                                                     security posture of the area for
                                                                                                     which they maintain management

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


Analyzing Real-World Data
This report provides a comparative quantitative analysis of the classes and
frequencies of incidents encountered in on-premise environments vs. service
provider environments.
The analysis for both the service       Alert Logic utilizes a patented          The service provider cohort is
provider and on-premise cohorts         expert system that evaluates seven       composed of hosted and cloud
is based on incident data detected      factors in determining if one or         environments managed by one of
in actual customer environments         more network-based events elevate        the Alert Logic service provider
secured by Alert Logic, not             to the level of an authentic security    partners.
from surveys, lab environments,         incident (See Fig. D). Further, a
or honeypots. Alert Logic               team of GIAC-certified security          These providers include
captures security events in these       analysts reviews each incident to        more than half of the top 30
environments through network-           ensure validity and to confirm the       service providers headquarted
based, signature-driven intrusion       threat or compromise, providing          in North America and are listed
detection systems (IDS). To correct     an additional layer of scrutiny to       in the appendix.
for noise and false positives,          minimize false positives.
                                                                                 The on-premise cohort represents
                                                                                 environments deployed on the
                                                                                 customer’s premises. Alert Logic
                            visibility across                                    on-premise customers come from a
                         multiple environments                        FIG. B     broad range of organizations,
                                                                                 cutting across all verticals, with
                                                                                 a concentration of enterprises in
                                                                                 highly regulated industries such as
                                                                                 health care, finance, energy and
                                                                                 retail/e-commerce. As expected,
                                                                                 on-premise deployments were
                                                                                 typically larger than service
                                                                                 provider deployments, featuring
                                                                                 a broader set of applications and
                                                                                 operating systems. The majority of
                                                                                 both cohorts are located in North
                                                                                 America and Western Europe.

      Service Provider     On-Premise

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


Is the                                          Alert Logic customer DATA set

Cloud Really                                                                                                   FIG. C

Improved agility and financial
benefits have driven the growth of
the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
model. However, a perception
remains that IaaS offerings from
service providers pose greater
security risks than traditional
on-premise deployments.

While there is clearly a heightened
perception of risk, do managed
and cloud environments hosted by
service providers actually experience
different classes of threats, or
different frequencies of incidents?      ON-PREMISE? HOSTED? SERVICE PROVIDER? CLOUD?

As providers of Security-as-a-Service
                                         How Alert Logic
to over 1,500 organizations with         categorized its customer data
IT infrastructure housed either in
on-premise environments or with
                                         For its analysis, Alert Logic has
managed service providers,
                                         categorized security data into
Alert Logic draws on an extensive
                                         two environments: on-premise
warehouse of security event data
                                         and service provider. On-premise
to examine this assumption and
                                         customers own and manage
is uniquely poised to assess the
                                         their own IT infrastructure.
validity of popular beliefs regarding
                                         Service provider customers are
the relative security of service
                                         an aggregation of all customers
provider environments.
                                         utilizing Infrastructure-as-a-
                                         Service solutions from a service
                                         provider, spanning from the
                                         elastic cloud to managed or
                                         dedicated hosted environments.

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012

Incident Identification

2.2              B i ll i o n
security events observed
                                             ALERT L OG IC SE CURIT Y I NCID E N T CATE G ORI E S

                                              INCIDENT CLASS       D E F I N ITIO N                          EXAMPLES

during the study period were                  Application Attack   Exploit attempts against applications     Buffer overflow
automatically evaluated and                                        or services that are not running over
correlated through Alert Logic’s                                   HTTP protocol.

expert system and reviewed by                 Brute Force          Exploit attempts enumerating a large      Password cracking
                                                                   number of combinations, typically         attempts
Alert Logic’s security analysts.
                                                                   involving numerous credential failures.
m o re t h an

                                              Malware/             Malicious software installed on a host    Conficker, Zeus
                                              Botnet Activity      engaging in unscrupulous activity, data   botnet, command
                                                                   destruction, information gathering        and control botnet
                                                                   or creation of backdoors. Included        communication
                                                                   in this category is botnet activity:      activity
i n c i d en t s                                                   post-compromise activity displaying
were verified and classified into                                  characteristics of command and control
seven incident categories.
                                              Misconfiguration     Network/host/application configuration    Missing patches and
                                                                   issues that introduce possible security   writable anonymous
EVENT VS. INCIDENT                                                 vulnerabilities, typically a result of    FTP directories
                                                                   inadequate hardening.
Event :        Evidence of suspicious
behavior detected via an IDS signature.       Reconnaissance       Activity focused on mapping the           Port scans and
                                                                   networks, applications and/or             fingerprinting
Inc ident:          Validated threat                               services.
deemed to require a response, identified
by correlating one or more events.            Vulnerability Scan   Automated vulnerability discovery         Unauthorized
                                                                   in applications, services or protocol     Nessus scan
Example: A single port scan is an event.                           implementations.
A series of port scans over time from a
host recognized as an attack source is        Web Application      Attacks targeting the presentation,       SQL injection
                                              Attack               logic or database layer of Web
an incident.                                                       applications.

    FIG. D                               Incid ent I d en ti fi cati on Approach

                                   IDENTIFICATION      AUTOMATED EXPERT
                                                       SYSTEM ANALYSIS

             SECURITY                                                                      ANALYST
             EVENTS                                                                        REVIEW            INCIDENTS

                                                                                                             More Than
      2.2 Billion

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


Just the Facts
To assess whether on-premise and service provider
environments experience different levels of risk,
Alert Logic evaluated three factors:

Occurrence: The percentage of customers in each cohort                  These measures, in combination, help define the critical
experiencing each class of incident defined in the Security             elements of a security program. The class and frequency
Incident Categories chart. Customers are included if they               of events help determine the core elements of a program;
experienced a specific class of incident at least once                  higher threat diversity requires a more complex and
during the study period.                                                involved security program to adequately protect assets.

Frequency: The average frequency of incidents, by class,                Analysis of these three factors shows that even in security-
for impacted customers, indicating how often customers                  conscious environments, virtually every environment will
experience an incident of a particular category.                        encounter meaningful threats. Further, service-provider
                                                                        managed-environments encountered more favorable
Threat Diversity: The threat diversity in each group,                   results in all three of the criteria analyzed in this report.
i.e., the number of unique incident classes (of the seven               It should be noted that some of this could be explained by
categories reviewed) encountered by the customers                       the differences in size and platform diversity of cloud vs.
in each cohort.                                                         on-premise environments.

    The rate of occurrence in an                     The frequency of experienced           The threat diversity for
    on-premise environment is more                   incidents is higher for on-premise      on-premise environments is greater
    likely to be greater than the                    environments across most of the         than the threat diversity for service
    occurrence rate for service provider             threat categories.                      provider environments.
    customers. This observation is
    true for all threat categories.

               Top Three                  FIG. E                                     OCCURRENCE:                                FIG. F
           Incident Classes                                           PERCENT OF ALERT LOGIC customers
                                                                       experiencing security incidents
                                                                                   By Class of Incident

Web Application     Brute Force     Reconnaissance

  Brute Force     Web Application    Vulnerability
                      Attack             Scan

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


Incident Occurrence and Frequency Rates
While service-provider-managed                           The most significant spread was
environments encountered lower                           found in malware/botnet incidents.                                                 Threat diversity:
rates and frequency of security                          On-premise environments were
incidents across all categories,                         overwhelmingly more likely to
there are notable differences in                         encounter such incidents in their                     Threat diversity is the third
the data. Alert Logic observed                           environments when compared                            element that Alert Logic analyzed.
a far greater percentage of                              to service-provider-managed                           While a lower threat diversity by
misconfiguration-based incidents                         environments, with 43% of on-premise                  itself does not mean an inherently
in the on-premise environment.                           environments versus 2% of service-                    less risky environment, a higher
                                                         provider-managed environments.
                                                                                                               threat diversity indicates that a
The average number of                                                                                          broader set of attack vectors are
misconfiguration-related                                 Both on-premise (71%) and service
                                                                                                               at play.
incidents per impacted                                   provider (65 %) customers are highly
                                                         likely to have experienced Web
customers are roughly
                                                         application attacks, and impacted                 DISTRIBUTION OF                                                    FIG. H
equivalent: 3.0 instances                                                                                  UNIQUE THREATS
                                                         customers in both environments were
in hosted/cloud, 4.0
                                                         likely to have experienced a high                                                 30%
on-premise. However,                                     number of such attacks over the
                                                                                                                                                                  Mean: 2.1

                                                                                                     Percentage of Environments Impacted
12% of on-premise                                        period of study (on-premise 46.6,                                                 25%                    Mean: 3.0
customers experienced                                    service provider 32.4).
a misconfiguration incident                                                                                                                20%
while only 1% of service                                 Brute force incidents are even
provider customers did.                                  more commonly experienced in an                                                   15%

                    FREQUENCY:               FIG. G      on-premise environment than Web
          NUMBER OF INCIDENTS                            application attacks, with 83% of cus-
         PER IMPACTED CUSTOMER                           tomers receiving an average of 47.3
                 By Class of Incident                    such attacks. While brute force inci-
                                                         dents in the service provider realm are                                           0%
                                                         significant (44% of customers experi-                                                   0   1   2    3     4    5    6   7
July 2010 - June 2011
                                                         enced them), the difference between                                                 Unique Threat Classes Encountered
                         0   10   20    30   40     50
                 Web                                     the two environments is surprising.
    Application Attack                                                                                                                     Service Provider         On-Premise
                                                         With more public-facing targets
          Brute Force                                    (websites) in the service provider                    Alert Logic found lower threat
                                                         environment, the reverse might have                   diversity in service provider
    Vulnerability Scan
                                                         been expected.                                        environments than in on-premise
                                                                                                               environments. During the period
                                                         Vulnerability scans are observed
    Application Attack                                                                                         of this study, service provider
                                                         among 37% of service provider
                                                                                                               customers averaged threats in
     Misconfiguration                                    customers and 54% of on-premise
                                                                                                               2.1 categories (out of the seven
      Reconnaissance                                                                                           categories analyzed), while
                                                                                                               on-premise customers
      Service Provider                 On-Premise                                                              experienced 3.0.

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


The Alert Logic Perspective
A belief persists that service provider                                       OPPORTUNITY TO improve                    FIG. I

environments are less secure than                                                security posture
on-premise environments, but this is
simply not supported by Alert Logic data.

Alert Logic analysis indicates that service provider
environments tend to be less prone to a broad range
of security incidents than on-premise environments.

Further, service provider environments tend to experience                                         ON-PREMISE
a narrower range of attack vectors. Possible explanations
include the presence of more standardized system
configurations in the service provider world, a narrower                  SERVICE
range of use cases among service provider customers,                     PROVIDER
and the relative maturity of the IaaS industry.

                                                                                      size and diversity

     It’s not that the cloud is inherently
                                                                Fig. I represents a conceptual framework for thinking
     secure or insecure. It’s really about                      about these differences. While service providers manage
     the quality of management applied                          vast networks with tens of thousands of servers and
                                                                applications, the relevant surface area a prospective buyer
     to any IT environment.                                     of IaaS solutions should consider is that of the individual
                                                                customer environment. In Alert Logic’s experience, those
                                                                individual customer environments skew to a smaller and
While this data certainly casts doubt on conventional
                                                                simpler footprint as measured by a number of nodes and
wisdom and concerns about security in the service
                                                                applications, and breadth of operating systems. In contrast,
provider environment, Alert Logic does not believe that
                                                                on-premise environments managed by the typical enterprise
it leads to a simple “service provider vs. on-premise”
                                                                span a much broader array of endpoints, applications and
conclusion. While we observed differences between the
                                                                operating systems.
two environments, we believe that there are several
factors that help explain these variances:
                                                                Service provider environments, with smaller deployments,
                                                                inherently avoid some of that risk and therefore are a
•	    The typical size of a customer/user in each environment
                                                                good choice for appropriate workloads.
•	    The types of workloads found in each environment
                                                                Organizations making decisions about cloud and hosted
•	    The diversity of each environment                         infrastructure can exploit these differences to improve
                                                                their security posture and make the most effective use of
•	    The presence of user endpoints in the on-premise
                                                                IT resources.

All of these differences speak to the relationship between
risk level and IT surface area in any environment.

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012

Smart enterprises should                   they wish to let someone else handle       Security management is not a
take advantage                             them. Selection of a service provider      discrete goal to be achieved and
of the service provider model              should include careful evaluation          considered complete; it is an
for certain workloads.                     of the security policies and solutions     ongoing process that is fundamental
                                           that are available from the providers      to providing IT infrastructure
Those workloads can take advantage         under consideration.                       management as a service.
of the service provider’s highly repeat-
able configurations and processes and      Service providers must be
demonstrated ability to manage to          aware that while they benefit WRAPPING UP:
best practices (evident in the far lower
misconfiguration rates observed).
                                           structurally from more limited             The Data Tells
                                           and well-defined workloads,
These characteristics allow service
providers to very effectively manage       enterprise security concerns               the Story
security for a focused set of threats.     will not disappear.
For example, a Web-based server                                                       With security visibility into both
                                           Lower threat diversity today doesn’t
application and related databases          mean that service providers will not       on-premise and service provider
containing sensitive customer data         face increasing threat diversity in the    environments, Alert Logic findings
may be a good fit for migrating            future. To protect against leading         offer a unique perspective on
to a hosted or cloud environment.          threat vectors, service providers are      managing IT security. Whether in the
The segregation of server-based            best served by focusing time and           cloud or an on-premise environment,
applications and assets from               energy on the most pervasive risks         effectively securing IT infrastructure
a diverse and porous on-premise            in their customer environments: Web        is largely about the quality of
network with numerous mobile               application attacks, brute force and       management:
clients and desktops, which are often      reconnaissance. In addition, service
targets of highly prevalent malware        providers should continue to build         •	Focusing on basic hygiene,
and botnet infection, can create an        on their demonstrated competence              Web application security and
inherently more secure environment         in managing to best practices around          configuration issues
for that application. At the same time,    fundamental security hygiene, such
in-house IT resources can focus on the     as configuration management and            •	 Strategically isolating
unique challenges in their environment.    operating system hardening.                	 workloads in the most
Service-provider-managed                                                              	 appropriate environment
environments are not magic                 By utilizing strong product
bullets and not all are                    management disciplines to determine        •	 Building and maintaining
                                           which IaaS solutions are offered           	 security expertise for workloads
created equal.
                                           and supported, service providers can       	 retained on-premise
Alert Logic data and experience            play a role in minimizing the threat
suggest that much of the improvement       diversity in cloud environments            Despite the widespread
in risk profile in the service provider    by limiting the IT surface area for        perception that the cloud
customer data comes from a lower           potential attacks. Managing security       presents an increased
complexity and diversity and better        programs requires service providers        security risk, fears that
management of the basics, most             to maintain continued visibility
                                                                                      the cloud is inherently
notably configuration management.          into the threats encountered by
                                                                                      insecure are not supported
The primary decision an enterprise         customers and continuous
                                                                                      by the data.n
must make is whether they wish to          improvement in identifying and
replicate those best practices or if       defending against those threats.

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


Data Tables
OCCURrENCE: Percent of Customers                                THreat diversity: DISTRIBUTION
Experiencing Security Incidents                                 OF UNIQUE THREATS

By Class of Incident       SERVICE                                  THREAT                SERVICE
Jul 2010 – Jun 2011                           ON-PREMISE                                                    ON-PREMISE
                          PROVIDER                                 DIVERSITY             PROVIDER

Web Application                                                            0                    9%                   0%
                            65%                    71%
                                                                           1                    27%                  20%
Brute Force                 44%                    83%
                                                                           2                    27%                  23%
Reconnaissance              42%                    51%                     3                    21%                  22%

Vulnerability Scan                                                         4                    14%                  18%
                            37%                     54%
                                                                           5                    2%                   11%
Application Attack           3%                     9%
                                                                           6                    0%                   5%
Malware/                     2%                     43%                    7                    0%                   2%
Botnet Activity

Misconfiguration             1%                     12%         Mean No. of Threat              2.1                  3.0
                                                                Classes Encountered

FREQUENCY: Number of Incidents per                              Service provider partners
Impacted Customer                                               INCLUDED IN STUDY
By Class of Incident       SERVICE
Jul 2010 – Jun 2011                           ON-PREMISE         SERVICE PROVIDER PARTNER                    WEBSITE

Web Application                                                 ATOS Origin                 
                             32.4                   46.6
Attack                                                          CyrusOne                    
Brute Force                  22.4                   47.3        Datapipe                    

Vulnerability Scan           21.8                   22.9        DediPower                   

                             8.4                    28.1
Botnet Activity
Application Attack           6.2                    6.2         Internap                    
Misconfiguration             3.0                    4.0         Latisys                     

Reconnaissance               2.4                    10.1        LayeredTech                 


Top three incident cLASSES

   SERVICE PROVIDER                      ON-PREMISE             OpSource                    


1.  eb App. Attack (65%)
   W                                1. Brute Force (83%)        Rackspace                   

                                                                Sungard Availability Services
2. Brute Force (44%)                2.  eb App. Attack (71%)
3. Reconnaissance (42%)             3. Reconnaissance (54%)     Windstream                  

State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012


                 Lead Analysts
                  Tyler Borland
               Mukul Gupta, PhD
                Jacob Martinson
               Johnathan Norman

                 Maureen Rogers

                 Celeste Monroe
                 John Whiteside

© Copyright 2012 Alert Logic, Inc. All rights reserved.
Security. Compliance. Cloud.

               Alert Logic, Inc.
           1776 Yorktown, 7th Floor
             Houston, TX 77056


© Copyright 2012 Alert Logic, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Removing the Cloud of Insecurity

  • 1.
  • 2. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 Removing The cloud of insecurity State of Cloud Securit y Report Spring 2012 State of Cloud Securit y Report Executive Summary 2 Methodology Analyzing Real-World Data 4 PERCEPTION VS. DATA Is the Cloud Really Insecure? 5 Incident Identification 6 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Just the Facts 7 STATISTICS Incident Occurrence and Frequency Rates 8 conclusions The Alert Logic Perspective 9 WRAPPING UP The Data Tells the Story 10 APPENDIX Data Tables 11 1
  • 3. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 State of Cloud Securit y Report Executive Summary Gartner surveyed While there is clearly a heightened perception of risk in the cloud, are these fears supported by empirical data? The customers and partners m o re t h an 300 of Alert Logic demand an answer to this question. This report is the first in a series of twice-yearly, data-driven analyses in which Alert Logic examines security trends across traditional on-premise and service-provider-managed environments. Alert Logic utilizes real-world security findings to understand the foundational differences between the classes of threats encountered in cloud computing traditional on-premise deployments versus those found in service provider users, asking them environments where cloud and hosted infrastructures are managed. to rank their top three concerns. In analyzing the state of security, Alert Logic draws on security data from real end-user environments, both on-premise and managed by service providers, NEARLY from its base of over 1,500 customers. In this report, the Alert Logic Security 50 % Research Team utilized twelve months of security event data captured from July 2010 through June 2011. Security incidents were identified through a combination of automated correlation and validation by certified security analysts. It should be noted that the sample is composed of data from of respondents customers who are making an active investment in security. As a result, the identified service findings of this report may represent security-aware organizations and any conclusions drawn based on the data should be understood in that context. provider security as their primary issue.1 Tier1 Research’s 2011 report on the hosting market RISK INCREASES WITH SIZE AND DIVERSITY indicates that the majority of enterprises consider securing infrastructure as the most problematic aspect of the cloud.2 risk ON-PREMISE SERVICE PROVIDER FIG. A 1 Gartner Global IT Council for Cloud Services report (2010) 2 Tier1 Research Global Managed Hosting Market size and diversity Overview (2011) 2
  • 4. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 Key Findings: What does this mean for security Findings from this study show that while there are differences between the management decisions, especially classes and pervasiveness of incidents experienced in the on-premise and in the context of migrating service provider environments, those differences may not necessarily line up infrastructure to hosted and with general perceptions about security: cloud deployments? S ecurity fears should not • When compared to traditional in-house managed IT environments, service prevent organizations from provider environments show lower occurrence rates for every class of taking advantage of hosting and incident examined. cloud services. While security management is a critical • Service provider customers experienced lower threat diversity (i.e., the issue when choosing a service number of unique incident classes experienced by a customer) than provider, the decision should be based on a review of actual risks, on-premise customers. not perceptions that are not supported by data. • On-premise environments were twelve times more likely than service provider environments to have common configuration issues, opening Service providers, who tend the door to compromise. to have detailed, repeatable management processes and infrastructure configurations, • While conventional wisdom suggests a higher rate of Web application provide a good model for attacks in the service provider environment, Alert Logic found a higher enterprises committed to frequency of these incidents in on-premise environments. maintaining on-premise infrastructure. Part of the difference in risk level observed in these two environments can be Service providers should focus explained by relevant IT surface area. While service providers often manage tens their security management efforts of thousands of servers and applications across multiple data centers, they are on the threats most prevalent composed of vast numbers of individual customer or tenant environments. Each in their environment, while individual customer environment tends to have fewer application types residing continuing to manage to best practices to create secure, highly on server-based operating systems (OSs) with tightly controlled network access, available environments. resulting in a relatively small relevant surface area for attack. In contrast, on-premise enterprise IT deployments tend to have a larger surface area due to their more IT decision-makers should diverse environments characterized by a broad array of OSs and applications, consider the benefits and risks of each model when deciding along with desktops, mobile devices and more network entry points. which workloads and applications to deploy in service provider environments and which to keep on-premise. In turn, internal resources can focus on the security posture of the area for which they maintain management responsibility. 3
  • 5. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 Methodology: Analyzing Real-World Data This report provides a comparative quantitative analysis of the classes and frequencies of incidents encountered in on-premise environments vs. service provider environments. The analysis for both the service Alert Logic utilizes a patented The service provider cohort is provider and on-premise cohorts expert system that evaluates seven composed of hosted and cloud is based on incident data detected factors in determining if one or environments managed by one of in actual customer environments more network-based events elevate the Alert Logic service provider secured by Alert Logic, not to the level of an authentic security partners. from surveys, lab environments, incident (See Fig. D). Further, a or honeypots. Alert Logic team of GIAC-certified security These providers include captures security events in these analysts reviews each incident to more than half of the top 30 environments through network- ensure validity and to confirm the service providers headquarted based, signature-driven intrusion threat or compromise, providing in North America and are listed detection systems (IDS). To correct an additional layer of scrutiny to in the appendix. for noise and false positives, minimize false positives. The on-premise cohort represents environments deployed on the customer’s premises. Alert Logic visibility across on-premise customers come from a multiple environments FIG. B broad range of organizations, cutting across all verticals, with a concentration of enterprises in highly regulated industries such as health care, finance, energy and retail/e-commerce. As expected, on-premise deployments were typically larger than service provider deployments, featuring a broader set of applications and operating systems. The majority of both cohorts are located in North America and Western Europe. Service Provider On-Premise 4
  • 6. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 PERCEPTION VS. DATA: Is the Alert Logic customer DATA set Cloud Really FIG. C Insecure? Improved agility and financial benefits have driven the growth of the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model. However, a perception remains that IaaS offerings from service providers pose greater security risks than traditional on-premise deployments. While there is clearly a heightened perception of risk, do managed and cloud environments hosted by service providers actually experience different classes of threats, or different frequencies of incidents? ON-PREMISE? HOSTED? SERVICE PROVIDER? CLOUD? As providers of Security-as-a-Service How Alert Logic to over 1,500 organizations with categorized its customer data IT infrastructure housed either in on-premise environments or with For its analysis, Alert Logic has managed service providers, categorized security data into Alert Logic draws on an extensive two environments: on-premise warehouse of security event data and service provider. On-premise to examine this assumption and customers own and manage is uniquely poised to assess the their own IT infrastructure. validity of popular beliefs regarding Service provider customers are the relative security of service an aggregation of all customers provider environments. utilizing Infrastructure-as-a- Service solutions from a service provider, spanning from the elastic cloud to managed or dedicated hosted environments. 5
  • 7. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 Incident Identification 2.2 B i ll i o n security events observed ALERT L OG IC SE CURIT Y I NCID E N T CATE G ORI E S INCIDENT CLASS D E F I N ITIO N EXAMPLES during the study period were Application Attack Exploit attempts against applications Buffer overflow automatically evaluated and or services that are not running over correlated through Alert Logic’s HTTP protocol. expert system and reviewed by Brute Force Exploit attempts enumerating a large Password cracking number of combinations, typically attempts Alert Logic’s security analysts. involving numerous credential failures. m o re t h an 62,000 Malware/ Malicious software installed on a host Conficker, Zeus Botnet Activity engaging in unscrupulous activity, data botnet, command destruction, information gathering and control botnet or creation of backdoors. Included communication in this category is botnet activity: activity i n c i d en t s post-compromise activity displaying were verified and classified into characteristics of command and control communication. seven incident categories. Misconfiguration Network/host/application configuration Missing patches and issues that introduce possible security writable anonymous EVENT VS. INCIDENT vulnerabilities, typically a result of FTP directories inadequate hardening. Event : Evidence of suspicious behavior detected via an IDS signature. Reconnaissance Activity focused on mapping the Port scans and networks, applications and/or fingerprinting Inc ident: Validated threat services. deemed to require a response, identified by correlating one or more events. Vulnerability Scan Automated vulnerability discovery Unauthorized in applications, services or protocol Nessus scan Example: A single port scan is an event. implementations. A series of port scans over time from a host recognized as an attack source is Web Application Attacks targeting the presentation, SQL injection Attack logic or database layer of Web an incident. applications. FIG. D Incid ent I d en ti fi cati on Approach THREAT IDENTIFICATION AUTOMATED EXPERT SYSTEM ANALYSIS CERTIFIED SECURITY ANALYST EVENTS REVIEW INCIDENTS More Than 2.2 Billion 62,000 6
  • 8. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 SUMMARY OF RESULTS: Just the Facts To assess whether on-premise and service provider environments experience different levels of risk, Alert Logic evaluated three factors: Occurrence: The percentage of customers in each cohort These measures, in combination, help define the critical experiencing each class of incident defined in the Security elements of a security program. The class and frequency Incident Categories chart. Customers are included if they of events help determine the core elements of a program; experienced a specific class of incident at least once higher threat diversity requires a more complex and during the study period. involved security program to adequately protect assets. Frequency: The average frequency of incidents, by class, Analysis of these three factors shows that even in security- for impacted customers, indicating how often customers conscious environments, virtually every environment will experience an incident of a particular category. encounter meaningful threats. Further, service-provider managed-environments encountered more favorable Threat Diversity: The threat diversity in each group, results in all three of the criteria analyzed in this report. i.e., the number of unique incident classes (of the seven It should be noted that some of this could be explained by categories reviewed) encountered by the customers the differences in size and platform diversity of cloud vs. in each cohort. on-premise environments. The rate of occurrence in an The frequency of experienced The threat diversity for on-premise environment is more incidents is higher for on-premise on-premise environments is greater likely to be greater than the environments across most of the than the threat diversity for service occurrence rate for service provider threat categories. provider environments. customers. This observation is true for all threat categories. Top Three FIG. E OCCURRENCE: FIG. F Incident Classes PERCENT OF ALERT LOGIC customers experiencing security incidents By Class of Incident Web Application Brute Force Reconnaissance Attack Brute Force Web Application Vulnerability Attack Scan 7
  • 9. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 STATISTICS: Incident Occurrence and Frequency Rates While service-provider-managed The most significant spread was environments encountered lower found in malware/botnet incidents. Threat diversity: rates and frequency of security On-premise environments were incidents across all categories, overwhelmingly more likely to there are notable differences in encounter such incidents in their Threat diversity is the third the data. Alert Logic observed environments when compared element that Alert Logic analyzed. a far greater percentage of to service-provider-managed While a lower threat diversity by misconfiguration-based incidents environments, with 43% of on-premise itself does not mean an inherently in the on-premise environment. environments versus 2% of service- less risky environment, a higher provider-managed environments. threat diversity indicates that a The average number of broader set of attack vectors are misconfiguration-related Both on-premise (71%) and service at play. incidents per impacted provider (65 %) customers are highly likely to have experienced Web customers are roughly application attacks, and impacted DISTRIBUTION OF FIG. H equivalent: 3.0 instances UNIQUE THREATS customers in both environments were in hosted/cloud, 4.0 likely to have experienced a high 30% on-premise. However, number of such attacks over the Mean: 2.1 Percentage of Environments Impacted 12% of on-premise period of study (on-premise 46.6, 25% Mean: 3.0 customers experienced service provider 32.4). a misconfiguration incident 20% while only 1% of service Brute force incidents are even provider customers did. more commonly experienced in an 15% FREQUENCY: FIG. G on-premise environment than Web 10% NUMBER OF INCIDENTS application attacks, with 83% of cus- PER IMPACTED CUSTOMER tomers receiving an average of 47.3 5% By Class of Incident such attacks. While brute force inci- dents in the service provider realm are 0% significant (44% of customers experi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 July 2010 - June 2011 enced them), the difference between Unique Threat Classes Encountered 0 10 20 30 40 50 Web the two environments is surprising. Application Attack Service Provider On-Premise With more public-facing targets Brute Force (websites) in the service provider Alert Logic found lower threat environment, the reverse might have diversity in service provider Vulnerability Scan been expected. environments than in on-premise Malware/Botnet environments. During the period Vulnerability scans are observed Application Attack of this study, service provider among 37% of service provider customers averaged threats in Misconfiguration customers and 54% of on-premise 2.1 categories (out of the seven customers. Reconnaissance categories analyzed), while on-premise customers Service Provider On-Premise experienced 3.0. 8
  • 10. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 conclusions: The Alert Logic Perspective A belief persists that service provider OPPORTUNITY TO improve FIG. I environments are less secure than security posture on-premise environments, but this is simply not supported by Alert Logic data. Alert Logic analysis indicates that service provider environments tend to be less prone to a broad range of security incidents than on-premise environments. risk Further, service provider environments tend to experience ON-PREMISE a narrower range of attack vectors. Possible explanations include the presence of more standardized system configurations in the service provider world, a narrower SERVICE range of use cases among service provider customers, PROVIDER and the relative maturity of the IaaS industry. size and diversity It’s not that the cloud is inherently Fig. I represents a conceptual framework for thinking secure or insecure. It’s really about about these differences. While service providers manage the quality of management applied vast networks with tens of thousands of servers and applications, the relevant surface area a prospective buyer to any IT environment. of IaaS solutions should consider is that of the individual customer environment. In Alert Logic’s experience, those individual customer environments skew to a smaller and While this data certainly casts doubt on conventional simpler footprint as measured by a number of nodes and wisdom and concerns about security in the service applications, and breadth of operating systems. In contrast, provider environment, Alert Logic does not believe that on-premise environments managed by the typical enterprise it leads to a simple “service provider vs. on-premise” span a much broader array of endpoints, applications and conclusion. While we observed differences between the operating systems. two environments, we believe that there are several factors that help explain these variances: Service provider environments, with smaller deployments, inherently avoid some of that risk and therefore are a • The typical size of a customer/user in each environment good choice for appropriate workloads. • The types of workloads found in each environment Organizations making decisions about cloud and hosted • The diversity of each environment infrastructure can exploit these differences to improve their security posture and make the most effective use of • The presence of user endpoints in the on-premise IT resources. environments All of these differences speak to the relationship between risk level and IT surface area in any environment. 9
  • 11. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 Smart enterprises should they wish to let someone else handle Security management is not a take advantage them. Selection of a service provider discrete goal to be achieved and of the service provider model should include careful evaluation considered complete; it is an for certain workloads. of the security policies and solutions ongoing process that is fundamental that are available from the providers to providing IT infrastructure Those workloads can take advantage under consideration. management as a service. of the service provider’s highly repeat- able configurations and processes and Service providers must be demonstrated ability to manage to aware that while they benefit WRAPPING UP: best practices (evident in the far lower misconfiguration rates observed). structurally from more limited The Data Tells and well-defined workloads, These characteristics allow service providers to very effectively manage enterprise security concerns the Story security for a focused set of threats. will not disappear. For example, a Web-based server With security visibility into both Lower threat diversity today doesn’t application and related databases mean that service providers will not on-premise and service provider containing sensitive customer data face increasing threat diversity in the environments, Alert Logic findings may be a good fit for migrating future. To protect against leading offer a unique perspective on to a hosted or cloud environment. threat vectors, service providers are managing IT security. Whether in the The segregation of server-based best served by focusing time and cloud or an on-premise environment, applications and assets from energy on the most pervasive risks effectively securing IT infrastructure a diverse and porous on-premise in their customer environments: Web is largely about the quality of network with numerous mobile application attacks, brute force and management: clients and desktops, which are often reconnaissance. In addition, service targets of highly prevalent malware providers should continue to build • Focusing on basic hygiene, and botnet infection, can create an on their demonstrated competence Web application security and inherently more secure environment in managing to best practices around configuration issues for that application. At the same time, fundamental security hygiene, such in-house IT resources can focus on the as configuration management and • Strategically isolating unique challenges in their environment. operating system hardening. workloads in the most Service-provider-managed appropriate environment environments are not magic By utilizing strong product bullets and not all are management disciplines to determine • Building and maintaining which IaaS solutions are offered security expertise for workloads created equal. and supported, service providers can retained on-premise Alert Logic data and experience play a role in minimizing the threat suggest that much of the improvement diversity in cloud environments Despite the widespread in risk profile in the service provider by limiting the IT surface area for perception that the cloud customer data comes from a lower potential attacks. Managing security presents an increased complexity and diversity and better programs requires service providers security risk, fears that management of the basics, most to maintain continued visibility the cloud is inherently notably configuration management. into the threats encountered by insecure are not supported The primary decision an enterprise customers and continuous by the data.n must make is whether they wish to improvement in identifying and replicate those best practices or if defending against those threats. 10
  • 12. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 APPENDIX: Data Tables OCCURrENCE: Percent of Customers THreat diversity: DISTRIBUTION Experiencing Security Incidents OF UNIQUE THREATS By Class of Incident SERVICE THREAT SERVICE Jul 2010 – Jun 2011 ON-PREMISE ON-PREMISE PROVIDER DIVERSITY PROVIDER Web Application 0 9% 0% 65% 71% Attack 1 27% 20% Brute Force 44% 83% 2 27% 23% Reconnaissance 42% 51% 3 21% 22% Vulnerability Scan 4 14% 18% 37% 54% 5 2% 11% Application Attack 3% 9% 6 0% 5% Malware/ 2% 43% 7 0% 2% Botnet Activity Misconfiguration 1% 12% Mean No. of Threat 2.1 3.0 Classes Encountered FREQUENCY: Number of Incidents per Service provider partners Impacted Customer INCLUDED IN STUDY By Class of Incident SERVICE Jul 2010 – Jun 2011 ON-PREMISE SERVICE PROVIDER PARTNER WEBSITE PROVIDER Web Application ATOS Origin 32.4 46.6 Attack CyrusOne Brute Force 22.4 47.3 Datapipe Vulnerability Scan 21.8 22.9 DediPower Malware/ 8.4 28.1 Botnet Activity Hostway Application Attack 6.2 6.2 Internap Misconfiguration 3.0 4.0 Latisys Reconnaissance 2.4 10.1 LayeredTech LogicWorks Megapath Top three incident cLASSES NaviSite SERVICE PROVIDER ON-PREMISE OpSource Peer1 1. eb App. Attack (65%) W 1. Brute Force (83%) Rackspace Sungard Availability Services 2. Brute Force (44%) 2. eb App. Attack (71%) W Visi 3. Reconnaissance (42%) 3. Reconnaissance (54%) Windstream 11
  • 13. State of Cloud Security Report | Spring 2012 Contributors Lead Analysts Tyler Borland Mukul Gupta, PhD Jacob Martinson Johnathan Norman Author Maureen Rogers Editors Celeste Monroe John Whiteside © Copyright 2012 Alert Logic, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 14. Security. Compliance. Cloud. Alert Logic, Inc. 1776 Yorktown, 7th Floor Houston, TX 77056 © Copyright 2012 Alert Logic, Inc. All rights reserved.