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Reflection On Ethics
Ethics is a blend of various concepts and fundamental principles of decorous human conduct. It not
only studies these various concepts and principles but also governs the values pertaining to human
rights or natural rights, the essential equality of all men and women across the globe, the basic
concern for health and safety, and also for the natural environment on the whole. Be it any industry,
business, any form of work place, it follows a certain code of conduct, which is legit and
undeniable. Apart from restricting the concept of Ethics only to industries and business, I feel, ethics
begins from within. Ethics are basically the rules or standards leading to the conduct by which I live
my life and make all my decisions. One of the best ways of thinking about ethics is to take a quick
look at your beliefs and then think about how your reactions would be when those beliefs are
challenged. Ethics definitely do not arise out of a mere vacuity, they are more like a puzzle that is
thrown together over time, that when complete makes up who we are and what we believe. We tend
to learn from those around us and the things happening around us. ... Show more content on ...
There are about 31lakh NGO's across the country. NGO's are flexible with their administration and
real quick with their decision making. The NGO's have managed to achieve great success in their
work in attaining social harmony and peace. However, in spite of all these achievements in various
fields, NGOs are facing different problems which differ vastly. Most of the NGO's in India are
suffering from lack of government funding, misuse of funds, inadequate trained personnel. Since
NGO's are more developed in urban areas than rural areas, the rural areas are being ignored and no
enthusiasm is being shown among the social workers present in the rural areas. Hence, a lot of
inequality is been seen in those particular
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My Reflection Of My Leadership And Ethic Class
The leadership and ethic class was the first class of the semester and I did not know what to expect.
During my first class, I was greeted by many different persons all with different personalities. From
the second class onwards, each person made the class interesting and contributed valid points to
every discussion. Through discussions, each of us developed our own philosophies about who we
are and where we would like to go in life. 1. Describe what you have learnt about yourself during
the semester in relation to your capacity to demonstrate leadership. I learnt that not all leaders are
born but they are made. Some persons are born with the traits to be a leader but through experience,
they would blossom into a true leader. This class showed me that I can become a leader and it
showed me the possible traits a good leader should possess such as, being inclusive, honest and
respectful. All these attributes was a part of me so as of this class I cemented ... Show more content
on ...
Describe the leadership philosophy you have developed throughout this class. My Leadership
Philosophy is based on the principals that I have learned throughout this leadership and ethics class.
Leadership is about creating an environment that brings out the best in people, accomplishing goals,
and making each individual and the team successful. The following is my leadership philosophy:
The foundation of my leadership philosophy is built on trust, respect and integrity. I plan to earn
your trust and respect by being of good character, working hard, listening attentively, being decisive,
honest and true to my word, and never asking you to do something that I would not do myself. You
can earn my trust and respect by being honest and of good character, making sound and timely
decisions and owning up to your mistakes. Finally, I welcome diverse perspectives, differences of
opinion and I do not necessarily view disagreement as a sign of disloyalty. 4. How has it changed
from the beginning of the
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Reflection Paper On Ethics
My original goals for this project were to create an engaging presentation, use concrete examples
from modern video games, use concrete examples from postmodern philosophers, and describe in
detail why moral subjectivism is important. I believe that I was successful in these goals. Firstly, I
had many examples of anti–realism in both video games and other forms of media, and I was able to
tie in each example to its overaching anti–realist theory. However, I think that I was able to
successfully explain the idea of anti–realism, but I do not believe that I explained in a great enough
amount of detail why this theory is important in the modern world. To conclude, I believe that my
project was successful.
My findings changed the way I look at ethics. When I began this project, I wanted to talk about
ethical realtivism, which is a branch of absolute morality, however I quickly found that it could be
disputed very quickly, and that many examples that I found seemed to go father than a simple
misconception about what an absolute moral is. i then discovered anti–realism, and I found that this
fit in better with my project and also changed my opinion on ethics. At first I liked the ethical
relativism theory, but after looking at anti–realist theories I much prefer non–cognitivism, since it
gives a sufficent explanation as to why there can not be absolute morality. I also changed my
opinion on moral realism, and realized that perhaps anti–realism has a stronger claim, since it
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Str 581 Ethics Reflection Paper
Running head: Ethics Reflection Paper
Ethics Reflection Paper
University of Phoenix
|Content |General Comments |
|The paper explains the role of ethics and |The key elements of the assignment are covered in a
substantive way. The content of your |
|social responsibility in developing a |write up is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The
conclusion is logical, flows from the|
|strategic plan, considering stakeholder |body of the paper, and reviews the major points. Most
sentences are complete, clear, and |
|needs. |concise. Generally your write up is ... Show more content on ...
These beliefs and values can be outlined in a company's mission, vision, and philosophy statements
that provide direction, purpose, and a clear understanding of an organization's behavioral
expectations and decisions made by the stakeholders. When adhered to, the mission and vision
statements can be the baseline for goal–setting and strategic planning while keeping ethics at the
core of all decisions This is a powerful paragraph that is right on the point but do not forget to cite
the sources, even if you are paraphrasing. . Even with a strategic plan and ethical guidelines
established, unethical behavior is always a possibility that could occur at a management or
subordinate level. According to Pearce and & Robinson (2009), "central to the belief that companies
should be operated in a socially responsive way for the benefit of all stakeholders is the belief that
managers will behave in an ethical manner" (p. 60). Too many top–level management and
executives have acted inappropriately and have violated company policies. This was witnessed
through events such as the Enron, WorldCom, and Bernie Madoff scandals where unethical
behaviors was were called into question. Employees, specifically those in a management positions,
have an obligation to do what is right for the sake of their customers, the industry, and to help
maintain the company's image and reputation. When this fails to happen, the owners and board of
directors must take the
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Critical Reflection Is Essential For Developing An...
Critical reflection is essential for developing an adaptive pedagogy in that critical reflection
encourages the sharing of knowledge, skills and experiences. Furthermore, critical reflective
practice is a form of ongoing learning that involves engaging with questions of philosophy, ethics
and practice. Additionally, documenting the daily events in the ECE sector is an important aspect of
being a professional and are a compulsory requirement for meeting the NCAC (2005) guidelines for
high quality early childhood education and care (National Childcare Accreditation Council, 2005.)
Therefore it is becoming increasingly important for practitioners to have the ability to critically
reflect on pedagogical practice and the development of child agency in effective learning contexts.
Pedagogies, which are reflected in elements of teaching actions and practices, such as types of
documentation and methods of grouping children, should be relevant to the context and consistent
with the service's philosophy and approaches to curriculum. This means that '...approaches and
pedagogies will differ from one setting to the next as they take into account staff and family
perspectives, the service philosophy and analysis of the context's potential and challenges...'(USQ,
2016). As educators refine their philosophy they will also adjust pedagogies to reflect new
approaches. Understandings of children and childhood should lead practitioners to continuously
investigate how they transform approaches
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Business Ethics Reflection
Business Ethics Reflection Matthew Todd XMGT/216 4/22/12 Mike Ishmael Business Ethics
Reflection Matthew Todd XMGT/216 4/22/12 Mike Ishmael In my previous job, there was a couple
of ethical dilemmas I had over a period of time, but I'm only choosing one of them to focus on in
this paper. This situation involved me catching another co–worker stealing products from the shop. I
didn't say anything at first because I thought maybe this person had gotten permission to use these
items. I decided from then on that I was going to watch this person closely, to see if they would take
anymore products. Sure enough they did, and that was the moment I knew for sure they were
stealing from the company. I felt like I had to do something ... Show more content on ...
This stems from the greed of wanting more material assets, like I mentioned before. There are a
couple of different social pressures that I felt in this situation. The first is how nobody wants to be
called a "nark" or a "taddle tale", so many people turn to keeping their mouth shut in situations like
this so they don't cause any waves. I felt the pressure to not say anything about the problem and just
keep my mouth shut. I also feel the social pressure of defending my employer and not letting them
get taken advantage of. There is a certain obligation that I have with the company since I'm an
employee, and that is to stay honest and trustworthy, and to look out for potential problems that can
conflict with those values of honesty and trustworthiness. If I faced the same dilemma today, I think
I would go straight to management, unless I was especially close to the employee. Since I'm not a
manager I should stay out of these kind of problems, and leave it up to them. It becomes to akward
for me to confront a fellow employee, because they often become to defensive and management gets
involved anyway, and then you end up looking bad if the issue is brought up in front of them. They
will want to know how come you didn't tell them and why are you trying to handle it yourself? I
think in the future it will be much
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Reflection Paper On Ethics
First and foremost I wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your class this semester. I came in
every day actually excited to hear your lectures because I learned so much, I loved the real world
examples you experienced and this information was actually useful for me. With that being said I
wanted to talk about the subject of ethics and how it will apply to my future – not just my business
career but my life as well.
Ethics are ambiguous. For your class we defined ethics as "principles that form from the intersection
of law and morality". This can be taken in many ways, there is not clear definition or guideline for
ethical behaving; otherwise, there would be less temptations and improper actions and lawsuits.
People don't intentionally trying to be unethical. Ethical conflict arises when people encounter
stressful situation and are exposed to the abuses of power. The challenge is "staying grounded". So
how exactly does one "stay grounded"? I've come up with a few actions, some learned from you,
while others I found on my own due to your class:
Open door policy: In the work environment, establish an open–door policy where your co–workers
feel safe to approach you. Encourage them to hold you accountable for your actions and behavior.
Establish an accountability relationship with leaders you respect in order to encourage and mold
your owner behavior.
Keep my personal religious faith strong: holding myself accountable to God and preparing for the
Day of Judgment. For
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Reflection Paper On Ethics In Nursing
Reflection on Nursing Ethic
Ethic in nursing form the basis between which sound and moral decisions are derived. They form
the backbone of all the trust that is laid on nurses dealing with Moral Question. Acceptable cultures
and actions are gauged by nursing ethics that are derived from nursing values. Nurses are supposed
to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards as well as maintaining the trust they have from
the public. All nurses are bound to exercise the highest standard of ethics though the performance of
their functions.
Relevant and Meaningful Service Our group went to Broward County Library Miramar/Broward
College during a health fair. At the health fair, there were several professors, staff, students from
other classes, and some RN BSN students doing required community services. It was a great
opportunity to test our knowledge about the impact of culture on health behaviors in health
assessment findings and the significance of age and developmental stages. The presenter's nurses
had some knowledge about culture on health behaviors and health assessment findings as well as on
developmental age stages, but it was definitely a real learning experience. As nurse and future BSN,
we find it is imperative to educate the audience in the community by using a poster board with
normal and abnormal values for cholesterol, blood pressure, body ideal mass index, diabetes and
associate risk. We had the opportunity to interact with a diverse multicultural audience. For instance,
one person in the audience was a Hispanic adult man who only spoke Spanish, and the other person
was a young adult African American male. Both of these clients were assisted with vital signs and
had their questions answered regarding their health concerns. Also, there was a young African
American woman who said, she never checks her blood pressure, thus she was willing to learn and
allow us to check her blood pressure. Surprisingly, her blood pressure reading was 110/70. We
showed her on the board the normal and abnormal level for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar
and how to calculate her body ideal mass. We informed her that A1C checks the average
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Critical Reflection On Ethics
Critical Reflection
All three authors take a slightly different approach in explaining ethics with the analogies used, but
they are not that different at their core. Bonhoeffer (1995) describes a religious approach that
compares and contrasts the relationship with Jesus Christ and the influence on the ethical choices of
an individual. Palmer (2004), on the other hand, explains ethics using the wilderness and social
headliners to illustrate the current divide that exists. Finally, Borgmann (2006) uses a political
description of compromises for infrastructure that shapes the ethical views of the society such as the
Interstate Highway System that influenced future choices that now have consequences that need to
be managed. While the analogies are different, the root descriptions encompass a basic principle that
the conduct of an individual will determine the true ethical character of that person, but the
individual requires the support and direction from the society to truly influence a positive ethical
change. The expanse of that society is where the authors begin to divide with Bonhoeffer's (1995)
intended audience being countries based on Christian beliefs of the west, Borgmann (2006)
concentrating on the United States, and Palmer (2004) focusing on the individual within a specified
community that feeds to larger communities.
Each author describes in various methods how the actions of individuals will determine the nature of
the ethics they possess, but that the individual
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Reflection Of A Health Care Ethics Course
The course Health Care Ethics was a rather revealing study that highlighted many actions in the
provision of health care which would have otherwise gone unattended to. The course has helped
prepare me and deepened my understanding of ethical issues and their relevance in my job as a
future healthcare administrator. It has been a great experience going through the course as it has
greatly impacted my understanding and outlook in the healthcare industry.
I participated fully in the course being virtually present in every single class to receive first hand
information and interact with the instructor through asking questions and responding to questions, as
well as examining case studies. I also participated in discussion board, media gallery and contacted
my instructor through emails to ... Show more content on ...
I worked hard to read and submit class assignment on time. I made sure to go beyond the limit
combining what I had been thought and my own understanding of issues to do my assignments. I
had to properly read lecture notes and make researches in order to keep up with the challenging
demands of the course. The course featured regular submission of detailed and well written
assignment most of the time. It was a tough class that needed time and hard work. Though hard
work, I was able to submit every assignment as requested. I did my best with the questions as
required of me.
The course has changed my perception and highly enlightened me on ethical knowledge in
healthcare provision. I consider myself more prepared to face ethical issues in my job now and in
future as an ethics healthcare administrator. The expansion of my knowledge in ethics has built in
me some level of confidence that will make me a practical administrator with a great ability to
handle ethical issues in my new job as a future
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Ethics Conference Reflection
Ethics Conference Reflection What? Every type of workplace has the potential for workplace
violence to take place. However, health care professionals have a much higher rate of experiencing
workplace violence than other professions. This is largely due to the type of patients that health care
professionals see. Patients that are more likely to become aggressive and violent are patients with a
mental illness, patients presenting to the emergency department, and other patients in acute care
settings. Patients are not the only people with the potential to become violent. Patient's families,
visitors, coworkers, and other 3rd parties can all be sources of violence. It is important to be able to
recognize situations that may become violent and
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Personal Reflection Of My Personal Code Of Ethics
After investing 5 weeks in my Ethics 302 class, I've learned that morals are, "rules and attitudes that
we live by, or are expected to live by." Therefore, morals are related to my personal code of ethics.
My personal code of ethics or conduct plays an important part in my everyday life and activities.
This personal code of conduct promotes many virtues and qualities and produces my moral
character. Some results of my moral character is integrity, courtesy, dependability, friendliness to
name a few. Therefore, my moral character will gauge if I'm a good person with a solid moral
compass. When I think about morality and how it relates to my personal code of ethics, I'm
constantly reminded that we have a free will to choose what is right and wrong and good or bad.
This free will or moral compass directs us which way to go when making decisions concerning right
or wrong. It will make a difference with the friends we choose, the profession we try to obtain and
also how we display our emotions such as happiness, anger and resilience. Thinking back, I believe
my personal code of ethics were influenced by my parents and my religion. As a young man, I strive
to live my life based on my christian upbringing. God is my moral strength when things get
challenging and difficult with the cares of life. He reminds me when I'm faced with wrong decisions
what's right or wrong. In addition to my belief and experiences, my parents have encouraged
morality in our household since birth. Okay, maybe not since birth but early childhood. With that
being said, I think I can say that I have good moral characteristics. The ethical theory that I closely
follow is Divine Command Theory. Based on the definition file distributed for this course, Divine
Command Theory is, "a theological theory that God has created the laws of morality; in other words,
something is right because God commands it. Opposed to natural law theory, which claims that God
commands something because it is right." I try to hold this theory close because I know I can't
control my moral compass without a higher deity. For example, I try to practice integrity in my life.
As I think back to one of the examples in our discussion forum where we shared about
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Reflection Paper On Ethics
Over the period of this course I have been able to really think about my ethical choices. I have taken
the time to ponder what I believe to be right and wrong. In my undergraduate degree, the professors
always talked about ethics and how we are supposed to handle our own views. One professor
informed me that even though our ethics are against something, we will always run into someone
who has the complete opposite thought process than we have. We will also come into situations
where we might not agree with something, but the situation might be best for our students. This
professor always talked about the conflict between our ethical view points and what is the right
thing to do. She always said no matter what we try to do, in the end, we must do everything for our
students. I never really thought about this until I enrolled in this degree program. Now I am just
trying to understand what is going on within a college setting. I have talked to many students who
are currently working in higher education and they let me know that this situation is not always easy.
My fellow classmates tell me no matter what we do, we will always make someone mad. However,
we need to have a close relationship between our ethics and what we are supposed to do, we will be
fine. One friend told me that our main goal is to make the student is in a safe environment. She tells
me all the time that when we least except a complicated situation, that is when one will occur. I have
always tried to make the right ethical decision in my thought process. I have always tried to make
sure that every decision that I have made, will not affect those around me. However, this can be
hard. This can be trying. We live in a world where people want to hurt each other. They hide behind
a computer screen and just torment each other. We believe that our words do not actually hurt
someone. The "This I Believe" assignment really opened my eyes on how to handle students who
are different. "Trying to figure out why someone could be so cruel is a very complex idealization.
Trying to figure out what makes people into doing certain things can be hurtful. However, if we can
teach each other to accept the lives of others, then we can find peace within
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Reflection Of Architecture Ethics
Throughout the course of this module I found myself to have grown tremendously in terms of my
understanding of architecture as a profession. I have been introduced to the main principle of
architectural practice in a broad sense along with its relationship to other related disciplines. I have
gained an introduction to professional responsibility and ethics through real life examples. I received
talks from architects, engineers, landscape architects, and planners. I have gained an introduction to
the vast world of reflective thinking. On one particular occasion we were offered a critical
comparison with medical ethics. Team discussions and critical thinking have been an essential
element of my studies. The seven lectures, talks and seminars, ... Show more content on ...
I now take on board an in depth knowledge of the different disciplines and teams when it comes to
the field of the built and designed environment. In addition to this I now have a far greater
understanding of the concept of reflection. I now look back on my work or an event that has
happened both in my career as a student and in my personal life. I know how to properly analyse an
event or idea by thinking in depth from a range of perspectives, considering both sides of story or
incident. Most importantly I have gained knowledge of professional ethics and responsibilities
which I will take forward with me throughout my studies and
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Reflection On Issues And Ethics
Issues and Ethics: Reflection Paper Assignment
Fareeha Ikram
Ethical Dilemma:
1. You are working with a man who has a history of suicide attempts and has been hospitalized on
more than one occasion. He tells you that he has found it very hard to get help in the past, because
whenever he tells a counselor he is feeling suicidal they immediately call for help and he is
hospitalized. He tells you that at those times he really just needs someone to talk to and wishes he
could find a counselor he could confide in when he is feeling suicidal who would not call an
ambulance and seek psychiatric help for him. He is a very high risk for suicide given his past
attempts and frequent thoughts that include a detailed plan. He tells you that he wants to tell you
something but is worried about how you will react. He wonders if he can tell you and if you can
promise that you will just help him and not involve emergency services, if you cannot make that
promise he will not tell you.
Part A
1. Step One: Identify the problem
The presenting problem is that as the counselor to a man with a history of suicide attempts and
hospitalization, I'm in a situation where he has asked me to promise to not report any information he
confides in me to emergency services.
The major participant in this situation is the man as his life and safety are at risk, given his troubling
history, and as the counselor, it is my responsibility to help and support him. Therefore, I must use
this 8–step ethical decision making model to decide the best course of action to solve this ethical
dilemma. 2. Step Two: Identify the potential issues involved
The issues involved are ethical and legal. First of all, choosing to remain quite in this situation can
be a form of enabling, but it will respect the client's promise. But, if I were to report this to
emergency services, I would be violating the client's confidentiality and his trust. This is a moral and
ethical issue. This issue is also legal in nature because while counselors must maintain
confidentiality, as per certain provincial and territorial laws, there is a "duty to protect/warn/inform"
in case of imminent danger to the client, even when it is inflicted by one's own self.
One can also
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Ethics Reflection Paper Str 581 Week 1
Assignment: Week 1; Ethics Reflections Paper
By Judith Judson
STR 591 – Phoenix Campus
University of Phoenix
Facilitator: Dr. Mark Kolesinsky
Week 1, July 18, 2012
Ethics Reflection Paper In the last decade, ethics in corporate America has become highly
publicized following the discovery of unethical and fraudulent business practices in major
corporations. Practices at Tyco, Enron, Arthur Anderson, and WorldCom, among others, have made
these corporate names synonymous with corporate fraud. The unethical behavior of top executives
such as Bernard "Bernie" Madoff and Martha Stewart for example, have resulted in critical issues
for companies and wide reaching job loss. ... Show more content on ...
My ethical perspectives have evolved through my MBA curriculum by inspiring changes in my
choices and behaviors. My awareness concerning ethical and social responsibilities has also
changed. I have been educated about the magnitude of ethical demeanor and development of my
guiding principles in addition to cultivating a positive societal image. Moral values and norms result
in behaviors valued by the workplace and society. Based on my perspective, an individual should
not demonstrate unethical actions for the sake of his or her vested interests. Practicing a moral
approach demonstrates a commitment to critical social responsibilities. This also raises the question
of altruism. Some people agree with the altruistic concept while others oppose the philosophy.
Should individuals assume a sympathetic stance for the sole purpose of assisting others? Some take
the sympathetic stance to the extreme of "carrying" others or taking on the responsibilities of others.
In my view, practicing an ethical code of conduct is obligatory as well as giving consideration to the
requests of external as well as internal stakeholders without assuming the responsibilities of others.
Donating to the social welfare of society is crucial as individuals should not enact unethical
behaviors that are destructive to others or society. To cheat [someone] for the benefit of anyone
[others] is not an ethical or "right"
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Ethics Reflection Paper
A person's ethics are the morals and values that they believe or set for themselves. Ethics are what
helps you to decide for yourself what is right or wrong to do, say, or believe. Some achieve their
personal morals through religion, while others may learn these values through teachings from their
family members and friends. Others may even gather their morals through people who have made
mistakes in the past that have impacted their life in a negative or positive way. Regardless of how
you may have obtained your morals, odds are, there are many people with similar values and
I was not raised in a strict religious household. Although my parents are both Christians, I was not
forced to believe in Christianity due to their views; I was free to form my own opinion. Although
my morals were not acquired through religion, I found myself having morals that related to those of
Christianity, thus I do consider myself a Christian.
I had very little diversity around me when I was young. One day in Springfield, I saw there was an
African American family shopping near us. I was not sure what to think as I had never come into
contact with someone of a different race before. Naturally, I asked my mother why these people
were different. To that she replied, "They aren't different. Their skin is just a dark color. They cannot
control that, and there is nothing wrong with it." In this situation, my mother taught me to never
judge another person. This is one of my most highly held values to this day. Although I wasn't very
old at the time, I remember this incident because it was very impactful. I was only a child, yet I
already had the understanding that everyone is equal. In correlation to this experience, I do not judge
anyone for their choices or lifestyle.
Another moral my mother has always held to me is telling the truth, and oh, how she stresses this
one. One specific occasion I recall that imprinted telling the truth into my mind was when I was
young and I asked to go over to a friend's house. My mom agreed to let me go over for a little while,
but on one condition: I cleaned my room. Now, I must say, I am not the messiest person in the
world; however, I am most certainly not the cleanest. I did not enjoy
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Write a Critical Evaluation of What It Means to Be a...
4. Write a critical evaluation of what it means to be a teacher/ trainer in your context within the
Lifelong Learning Sector
LO,1. Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the concept of professionalism; the
range of roles and responsibilities, both across the sector and in relation to own subject teaching and
the impact of each.
LO .2. Demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of theories and principles of reflective
practice and models of continuing professional practice in relation to self;
LO,3 . Demonstrate and address own identified learning needs for skills and knowledge and explore
the impact of own continuing professional development on own teaching and wider professional
2000 words. Actual ... Show more content on ...
There can be a wide differentiation of learners within each course and from one course to another.
What is vital is that quality, consistency and professionalism are maintained at all times.
The definition of professional as stated by Britannica online dictionary is; Characterized by or
conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession or The conduct, aims, or qualities
that characterize or mark a profession, or a professional person
The definition of professionalism as stated by Merriam–Webster online dictionary is;
Exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally business–like manner in the workplace
It would appear that the meaning of professionalism isn't easily defined. Barber suggests (1993,Pg
599–615) that
"Professionals require a systematic and generalised body of knowledge" and that "The behaviour of
professionals is strictly controlled by a code of ethics" he went on to continue to define
professionalism in terms of criteria such as autonomy, knowledge, and education."
However Maister (2000) argues that
" Professionalism is predominantly an attitude not a set of competencies. A real professional is a
technician who cares."
It would appear that whilst both
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Ethics Reflection Paper
Ethics Reflection Paper
September 30, 2012
Ethics Reflection Paper Social responsibility and ethics are essential elements in establishing a
strategic plan while contemplating the needs of stakeholders. Social responsibility and ethics should
be conceived as fundamental strategic concerns within organizations. Social responsibility and
ethics have the potentiality to help an organization succeed or fall. The achievement of an
organization's strategic plan relies on it. This paper will examine roles of social responsibility and
ethics in establishing a strategic plan while contemplating stakeholder needs. Last, this paper will ...
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By doing so, the implications become an integral part of the organization's scope. It is necessary for
all organizations to integrate ethics into its strategic planning process to represent its core values to
internal and external parties in a positive manner; this will assist in strengthening the organization's
image (Jin & Drozdenko, 2010). As a result, the majority of stakeholders will have the assurance
that the strategic plan serves their requirements and better interests.
Social Responsibility in Organizations Social responsibility is another integral component of a
strategic plan. It is essential to integrate corporate social responsibility within the daily operations of
an organization. By doing so, it helps ensure that the organization is moving toward the constant
development and better interest for the public by attempting to reduce any potential negative
impacts of its operations. As such, corporate social responsibility is an integral method of gaining a
competitive advantage through the enhancement of its corporate image through the perspective of
the stakeholders and the public. Knowing this, more and more organizations are allocating
additional resources in an attempt to strengthen their commitment to society. This is commonly
demonstrated in the reduction of environmental pollution or assisting in providing financial
resources for various social causes (Min–Dong Paul, 2009). When an organization focuses on social
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Reflective Models Used by Nurses Essay
Reflective Practice Introduction: Reflection its self is looking into personal thoughts and actions.
For nurses this would mean looking at how they performed a particular task taking into
consideration their interaction with their colleagues and other members of staff, patients and in some
cases relatives This then enables the nurse to assess their actions and thought processes. There are
various frameworks of reflection that one could choose and the examples used for this work is by
Gibbs (1988), Johns (2000) and Benner (1982) Gibbs: Gibbs reflective cycle encourages one to
think in order about the different areas of an experience. It is presented in a number of questions that
the reflective practitioner ... Show more content on ...
John's model (1995) for structured reflection adopts a humanistic view seeing the nurse and patient
as equal partners in creating the environment for care . Dawn Freshwater, Christopher Johns.
(1998,2005) It gives the user many more questions to answer instead of letting the practitioner find
their own way from section to section of the model. The Model: How could I handle this better in a
similar situation? What would be the consequences of alternative actions? How did my actions
match my beliefs? How do I feel about the situation? Has this changed my ways of knowing? A
model of structured reflection (10th version) Johns, 1995. As one can see this method of reflection is
rather prescriptive asking many questions but maybe this idea helps some practioners reflect without
missing anything they perceive as being important. To engage in such a deep level of reflection
requires the personal and daily practice of the nurse to undertake this commitment for ontological
development of one's self. A model of structured reflection (10th version) Johns ( 1995). Benner:
Benner is a nursing theorist who came up with a specific framework. Her Book from which the
framework originally comes looks at the knowledge within clinical nurse practice and uses the
Dreyfus model of skill acquisition used in nursing. Prentice Hall (2001). Her framework was
produced to enable nurses to put their nursing actions into systems. The
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Critical Reflection of the MEssages Presented in “The...
Our belief states are determined by the external factors, for example, perceived complexity and
priming ethics is an interesting subject and everyone lives by their thoughts and their ways.
Everyone lives by a different code. The difference between morality and ethics is that morality is
about primary making the right choices and ethics is proper reasoning. In the essay "The ethics of
belief" by W. K. Clifford, he argues that if anything on insufficient evidence, then it's unethical. In
this essay *I will defend the hypothesis that if anything doesn't have enough evidence then it is
unethical. * I agree with some of his (don't agree) (agree in some parts) I do not agree nor do I
disagree with what Clifford is trying to portray. I agree that we should have sufficient evidence
before making an assumption. But I don't believe that just because we don't have sufficient evidence
it's automatically wrong. I think that we have to look at the foundations we know and if they're
where some reasons to doubt, then I will doubt the principles. Knowledge does not depend upon
things of whose existence I do not yet have knowledge. All of our ideas come from our impression,
which is, come from our sensations or our perceptions. As a reasonable person we have the capacity
to decide which of our desires, if any, we will act on. Which are moral reason or self–interested
reason. Rationality should never be subordinated to or government by our desires. We respect our
own rationality and
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Principles of Personal Development in Adult Social Care...
What is required for good practice in adult social care
Standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out. Codes of Practice set out
the criteria against which providers are assessed by. They also describe the standards of conduct and
practice with which workers must carry out their activities and ensure that what they do is
competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants'
'fitness to practice' is determined. For a care worker to work in a certain profession, they have to
register with their particular Professional Council and then work to the Codes of Practice which they
deem fit. Not following their Code of Practice could result in them being taken of the ... Show more
content on ...
Find ways to reflect your self in your activity. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is
not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. It is a
learning tool that will help us improve our skill and develop our knowledge and practice. Also it is
important to find your strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop and improve on them, so
you can make your weakness your strengths. Reflecting on your self is a complex activity that
requires the individual to develop a set of skills. When you reflect you stand back and think of a
situation or problem, gain a new perspective of something, make sense of our experiences and
construct meaning and knowledge that directs actions in practice. Use evidence to help decide on
Ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work.
The best way to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs don't obstruct the quality of work is to be
dedicated to excellence. Personal attitudes can be changed through education. That is an important
way. It helps to develop a good work ethic.
How learning activities can develop knowledge, skills and understanding.
How a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding.
The more you think and plan, the better you can do. Think things all the way through to a successful
Improving improved own knowledge, skills and understanding by reflecting on a
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Ethics Reflection Paper
Introduction: I am going to discuss about how some of the personal experiences I have had in my
life have shaped my definition of ethics. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am
today and taught me how important ethics is in the modern society. Personal: According to me,
ethics is the medium through which we can define what's right and what's wrong. Ethics is as
important for businesses as it is for individuals. The first time I came across the concept of ethics
was when I started playing soccer. I realized they are a set of rules you have to respect in soccer and
being unethical and not following the rules can not only ruin the game for you. But also for the
people around you. In Indian schools, they aren't many consequences for breaching academic
integrity rules and students are usually let off with a warning. But in the U.S, educational
institutions are much more serious about academic integrity. It was my freshman year and one of my
close friend's GPA went down straight from a 3.05 to a 2.01 because he and his classmate had
finished their exam early and started talking amongst themselves while they were still in the exam
hall and distracted a few people around them. Later, when their grade came out we all were initially
surprised when they got a F for the class. But, in a way it was a lesson for all of us on how ethical
the U.S educational system is and more importantly, on how we weren't kids anymore and had a
responsibility to follow since our parents are investing a lot of money on us so we can get an
education from the U.S. I believe ethics is equally important in our personal life as it is in our
professional life or in a business. I also believe we get a stronger sense of ethics as we grow older.
Career: This summer I had the opportunity of interning with Aflac as a junior sales associate and got
to learn a lot about the insurance industry and ethics. Initially, I used to assist my superior with his
sales calls and was mainly instructed to observe and takes notes, and while I was observing, I
gradually noticed how serious Aflac is about ethics. All their policies are structured around how they
can help their clients instead of ripping them off, especially their cancer policy. Aflac
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Reflection On Ethics And Ethics
"Great individuals have great ethics and great values." Ethics and morality can be used
interchangeably as they sound as if they mean the same although there is a wide distinction between
them. "Strictly speaking, morality is used to refer to what we would call moral standards and moral
conduct while ethics is used to refer to the formal study of those standards and conduct. For this
reason, the study of ethics is also often called moral philosophy." (Gordana D 2007)
Morality comes first which constitutes of our beliefs and practices on what is right and wrong while
ethics comes next which is a reflection on the moral principles by our conscience. Morality is
influenced by law, religion, ethical relativism and professional codes.
On the other hand, we can ... Show more content on ...
When we have performances the amount of time we get to make a routine and practice is pretty less,
so not everyone gets to be a part of the team. Kicking someone out is not as easy as it sounds. As
rebellious as youngsters are, such fights could get out of hand. After studying about the normative
theories I realised that while making decisions about who should be removed, which show to
perform in etc. the main thing that I think of is what is going to benefit more number of people the
most. If I chose to remove a particular person, it brought them grief and guilt on my behalf in the
short term but in the long term, the level of performance rose leaving the crew, judges and the
audience happy. Also, sometimes we had to choose on which show to perform and which not to. In
this case we would select the show which gave us more exposure because it offers us greater benefit
opposed to a show at a smaller level. Thus, in this way the theory of utilitarianism helped me make
decisions when confused about what is ethical and what is
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Ethics Reflection Paper
Ethics, a moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. In todays
over sensitive society, it is more important than ever for an individual to pay more attention to their
own ethical behavior, and if in the power of position the behavior of those they oversee.
A few days ago an individual within my group, with my role being a back–up lead not any form of
management, sustained a major injury while on the job. Immediately questions were swirling as to
the possible scenarios of how this injury may have occurred. The injured party himself had already
given a statement to the security team as well as a member of one of the groups that is part of the
investigation process. I had been upstairs on the third floor when the accident happened and learned
about it when I arrived back on the first floor. It was not long before word of this injury spread, as
close to a half dozen individuals informed me as I was heading back to my work area. When I
realized he was outside with the paramedics, I went to inquire if anything was required on my end.
He mentioned minimal information as I was present, however, I was late to arrive. My issues are
what happened after the fact. Security came back in and needed to take pictures of the scene where
it happened, the head of safety also arrived. While discussing the situation, I became uncomfortable
when the focus turned to how it "might" have happened. As we all know, how it might have and how
it did happen
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Reflection Paper On Ethics
Ashley McMullen
November 25, 2017
Taking this ethics class has taught me so much that I never thought I would learn about. Some of the
topics that we learned about I thought that I already had a strong opinion and what I thought was
ethically and morally right or wrong. On some of the topics we dove into such as abortion,
euthanasia and assisted suicide, and the impaired infants unit, this class has clarified my views on
what I thought was ethically wrong. By getting to read other classmates responses as well as
responding to those classmate's posts, you get a feel for what other people believe in, and their
opinions on the matter at hand. Some people would have the same reasoning as you when it came to
what was considered ethically wrong and others would have to agree to disagree and give you
another outlook on the topic that you may not have thought about. We tend to only believe and
defend what we know so sometimes getting to see another person's perspective really gives you an
idea of how the world views controversial topics. Having the journal assignments and being able to
do those every week made the class more interesting because there were always articles at the end
that had to do with the topic but were a bit different so I got to learn even more about the subject.
The presentation of the material addressed aided in my understanding of the basic content areas in
many ways. Ethics and morals relate to "right" and "wrong" conduct. They can be used
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Reflection Of Human Ethics
To start with, I must affirm you that throughout the course all the topics were essential to me and has
helped me improve my skill on human ethics. However, as it is suggested let me focus on the four
concepts that were very essential to me. First, ethics and values are very necessary in the human life
both personally and professionally. When serving my clients at work and contributing to communal
change, these were the first keys component for me to use in my daily activity, and also with my
house of values I succeeded to encourage the distinctive characteristics of human facilitiesin my
community because in doing this community service support the integrity and ethics of the incentive
workers, help clients and our community well–being as well as increase our incentive payment. In
my everyday activity, ethics and values refer to the conduct of a professional and to the moral
standards I embrace. Therefore, some of the ethical ... Show more content on ...
On one hand, the second concept is where I began to question and critiques my own perception on
what it mean to be a human since I know that being human I must be able to understand myself
through thinking, networking and action, and I believe that this critical points influenced my life's
perspective and make change totally the sense of who I am as a human. On the other hand, it was
explained in the Aquinas lecture that a person is fully substantial from the union expressed by the
term 'I' (Clarke, 2004, p. 29), and I am convincing that to be fully human I really to know who I am
as substance. Even through, being in a moment is what makes me an excellent human whose life is
completely in harmony with other and who share the positive perception with other human in the
mean the mean of improving happiness and decreasing
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Personal Reflection On Ethics : Religion And Philosophy
This is my last journal for this course; I will be reflecting on what I've learned so far. When I
decided to take ethics as my elective (I'm a computer science student), I thought that I would be
learning something like civics of my high school. However, I was left enchanted by the depth of the
course and its coherence with ancient philosophy. I will certainly be reading the remaining chapters
and make myself better aware of ongoing ethical issues.
I liked how our book started with the definition and types of ethics. The introduction of metaethics
gave me an insight into the major questions asked in ethics. The other thing which I find most
important from the first chapter was the evaluation of arguments. I think one of the reasons for my
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Who knows, there might be an animal that can see our invisible wind. But it is not improbable to
think that we don't fully understand morality. Human thoughts change over time and therefore aren't
sufficient to be intrinsically grounded upon
The third chapter was about individual relativism with cultural relativism. For me, the notion of
prima facie duties was really interesting. Like I mentioned in our discussions, the true test of ethics
happens in extreme situations. Most of us have our beliefs about what's ethical or what's not but we
often don't weigh our values on a scale of importance. What is the most important value we have? Is
it family, property, service to others, pleasure (utilitarianism equates it with satisfaction), or none?
When we have time to think, these values can be easily ordered. However, situations that invoke
split–second response produce unwanted results if we don't prioritize our values.
Egoism, altruism, and the social contract was yet another enjoyable chapter. I had never thought that
I was an egoistic person until I read this chapter. Regardless of how much we uphold an altruistic
action, I believe that we are always conscious about how we benefit from it. For instance, there was
this amazing event last September at a nonprofit that I volunteer at (Open Arms) where we had to
cook 11,000 meals in less than 24 hours! The slots for the two–hour shifts were almost full; there
was only one open that was
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Reflection On Social Work Ethics
Coming into Ethics, I didn't really know what I was going to learn. I always thought ethics what
black and white. I soon found out there is more to ethics then I thought. I've learned a lot in 204
from decision–making models to the CSAW. The decisions we make in social work are fundamental
part our professional practice and ethical awareness. The commitment and ability to act ethically is a
must in the service we offer our services too. The ethical issues we face will inevitably challenge us
and make us think critical of our flection of actions. Every day we will be faced with dramatic
situations that are very stressful, but we need to keep things professional and ethical at all times. We
will end up dealing with touch decisions with clients that have the potential for benefit or harm and
we have to judge at the time if it's ethical or not, and we definitely won't always make right
discussions. Using the knowledge I've gained from SOWK 204 it will help me write this paper and
help prepare me for the field. I have chosen do scenario number four, along with using Reamer's
Model: Social Work Ethics and Shaefor and Horejsi ethical dilemma framework.
The ethical theory deontology is our duty and obligation based on ethic's judged by the morality of
an action. That being said based on the scenario, it's our duty to stand up for our other student and
make sure they are not being dehumanized in any way. In an effort for them to be treated as equal
and fairly. We are in the field
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Ethics Reflection Paper
Ethics Reflection
Ethics Reflection Ethics have played a role in how companies have done business and conducted
themselves but not as much as when Enron, WorldCom, Arthur Anderson were in the spot light for
fraud. The companies hid valuable information from internal and external stakeholder and
stockholders alike. The employees lost their retirement or at least some of their retirement to these
unethical actions of top executives. The researcher will explain the role that ethics and social
reasonability has on developing a strategic plan and how her ethical responsibilities have changed
because of her education in this program.
Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning According to Pearce and Robinson, 2011, ...
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As mentioned earlier there were some companies that did practice some unethical actions that went
against the strategy this in turn made other companies, employees, customers, stakeholders, and
investors have a bad view of companies like these.
Researcher's Ethical Perspective This researcher has taken the assessment in a previous ethics
course, and she is surprised to see that her viewpoints had little change. According to Williams
Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, 2012, "Her ethical perspective tends to lean
toward the individual's duty or obligation to do what is morally right and principles that represent
what rational persons ought morally to do." She believes that ethical conduct has consciences. The
assessment states that ethical principle is always important no matter what circumstances, respectful
of human dignity, promoting individual freedom and autonomy. According to Williams Institute
Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, 2012, "No one should ever be treated as a means to the
accomplishment of some defined end, because the end does not justify the means." According to
Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, 2012, "Her ethical style is that human
beings have intrinsic value, and he or she has a right to individual respect." So she is less
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Normative Ethics Reflection Paper
Ethics surrounds many emotions which are not accepted by morality as not important what is
discussed about it at the moment. It is also regularly used in same manner as with morality. Ethical
concern having largely taken place with friends, family and society as well, preparing a place for
ideals such as social justice. Such Ethics able to exist or occurs together without conflict, like
ancient Greek explanation of the good life as found in Aristotle and Plato.
The type of ethical philosophy that I am interested to me is Changing Modern Philosophy.
Inheriting good things from past is not bad. We human beings we learn from surroundings, our
nature is also with mixture of good and bad. As long as we have the talent to choose what suits us
and does not, we have to choose the one fits us. After reading the unit 2 writings of different
philosophers, I am interested with Changing Modern Philosophy. In 1958 Elisabeth Anscombe,
came with a modern philosophy which changed the way we think about normative theories. Her
critics were the moral philosophy's pre–occupation by conceiving laws of ethics. This law deals with
highly regarded rules and regulations. Her critics on theories which were universally applied J.S
Mills ... Show more content on ...
It looks for an engaged personality of the right behavior. The normative ethics has got an example of
normative principle. The normative ethics is like give and take, systems, expecting from someone to
give and to take it back. I agree with golden rules of normative ethics regarding the Golden rules
which do not allow to lie, to harass, victimize assault or kill others is single principles judging all
actions. In normative ethics there is no alternatives only one happening coming at the end of the
process with criterion of moral conduct. It doesn't matter whether it comes in a single rule or a set of
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Nicomachean Ethics Reflection Paper
When we first started learning about Aristotles' theory, I did not understand the importance. Aristotle
wrote, Nicomachean Ethics many years ago. It did not seem like any of it would pertain to my life.
After reading into his theory, I found it to be quite interesting. It was a lot more relatable than I
originally thought. When we know what we are looking for, we can find aspects of his theory
There has been a similar moral dilemma that I have been faced with a few times in the past year. My
freshman year of college, I went to UW–Milwaukee. I lived there for a year and still go visit friends
frequently. However, it seems like every time I get off the highway, there would be a guy begging
for money. This one time in particular I ... Show more content on ...
That is the highest end and the best life we could possibly live. Eudaimonia is translated as
happiness. Even though it does not mean what we understand happiness to be. Eudaemonia is so
much more than just being happy. Aristotle wrote, "For we have said that happiness is a certain sort
of activity of the soul in accord with virtue" (Aristotle 9). To reach eudaimonia, a person has to be
functioning well. In order to be functioning well, we have to act using logos, which is our reasoning.
Another part of Aristotles' theory includes the idea of virtue. From my understanding, Virtue of
character has a lot to do with our actions. It looks at what makes us do what we do. He explains,
"Virtue, then, is of two sorts, virtue of thought and virtue of character" (Aristotle 18). In order to
reach eudaimonia, we have to act virtuously. That is done by doing the right thing and knowing that
you are doing it. Virtue of character is something that we do not automatically just have. It is
something that we have to work on and practice. With practice, right actions will become habits. The
virtuous person is someone who does not have to think about what the right thing to do is, they just
do it. There is also the virtue of thought. This can be broken down into two parts, sophia and
phronesis. Sophia is translated into english as wisdom. In other words, sophia could be viewed as
being book smart. It is the type of person who has a lot of factual
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Ethics Reflection Paper
Ethics Reflection Paper
July 26, 2010
University of Phoenix
Ethics Reflection Paper
Before WorldCom and Enron, many organizations unconditionally placed social and ethical
responsibility with administrative legal and compliance obligations, regulations and rules. Today, a
company's ethical behavior is vital to the success of the company. Consumers not only expect but
demand that a company is visible in their practices and are held accountable for their actions; be it
through internal regulations and rules through the involvement of the government. In this paper,
there will be discussions of the social responsibility and role of ethics as it relates to the
development of a strategic plan and how the ethical ... Show more content on ...
During this program, the author's perspective evolved as a result of the author being discovered that
the end–result of Enron failure was motivated ethically, the company itself was unsound ethically in
the mere beginning. Some may question how could this be; however, from the readings on the
organization, Enron was unethical from the start. Enron was in the business to sell natural gases and
electricity. The purchasing and selling natural gas and electricity is not something that would
necessarily be considered an ethical business. How this organization was handled was very strange
on unprofessional. Strategic planning taught valuable lessons such as ethics, honesty and trust in
which should be incorporated into the core foundation of the organization which to includes
conducting business in an ethical way. Being transparent is another concept learned in the chapters
of ethical behavior. From the information gathered on Enron, the organization was anything but
transparent to the shareholders and its customers or stakeholders. Communicating the ethical stance
of the company to all level employees is one of the most important concepts learned about ethics.
Obviously, the ethical behaviors would not be on Enron's list of ethical behavior list. While the
Enron scandal unambiguously is the most popular figure of obstinate corporate corruption and fraud,
there were some good tips that came of this for all organizations. As a
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Business Ethics
We have all heard of 'bad', unethical or immoral business practices. The FLOW documentary
outlines a number of unethical business practices in relation to water. Business Ethics provides some
tools (moral frames) for explaining what makes certain business behaviours unethical, which can
assist in ethical decision–making.
After viewing FLOW, find a journal article that meets the following conditions: it is based on one of
the moral frames listed in Q2 AND is relevant to one of the ethical issues you identify in Q1 . The
article should help you to deepen your understanding of the issues and the moral frames. After
viewing FLOW and finding a relevant journal article, answer the following questions in 500 words.
(You will probably use a ... Show more content on ...
Motive: The reason of development is to make human life better.
2. Basis of will: Find a balance between the sustainable economic growth and environment
3. Reasoned imperatives (commands/principles): When a country is in a period of rapid
industrialization, there is a large gap between economic growth and resource consumption. The
solution is always find a balance point in order to solve environmental problems through the
development, and promote development by addressing environmental issues. Since the utilitarian
view only consider influence for the result of the act, people may consider the economic growth
must bring consequence. Which means all the environmental damage are necessary. But under this
condition, this view consider as unethical view. Many people around world are suffering from the
consequence of pollution. And every aspect of people's life is affected by pollution and
wastefulness. It is unbelievable that people are having hard time to get natural resource that is
essential for human life. The reason of development is to make human life better. And one of the
most important symbol is a better environment. But not constantly consume the natural resource to
gain economic benefit. The view advocate that environment protection are more important than
economic growth. Under this condition, this view consider as ethical view.
3. Provide a full reference of your journal article, based on Academy of Management style.
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Ethical Action Reflection Essay : Ethics
Ethical Action Reflection Essay Ethics vary between people and are exercised in many different
forms. Ethics are the way individuals decide what is "right" from what is "wrong". One reason
ethics vary so drastically is because of different world views. World Views are quite simply how
people view the world around them and attach meaning to life in general. By knowing a person's
world view we can assume a certain ethical theory and will therefore be able to make educated
guesses on how they will act. The three generalized world views are Nihilism / Naturalism,
Humanism, and Theism. The Nihilistic world view is based upon an idea of "nothingness". The
world just came about from nowhere and it does not matter either way. There are no general rules of
ethics. It is simply do what is best for yourself and that is assumed to be ethical because mankind is
inherently good. Humanism is slightly more democratic. Humanism is based upon human reason.
They believe in things such as The Big Bang theory because it makes sense. They also believe man
is inherently good, however they are less concerned with the individual and care more about the
group majority. The ethical standard is to treat others how they treat you. Theism is more
complicated because it is based upon an "ultimate religious being". So for this purpose I will discuss
Christian Theism, which is the world view I most closely relate. In this world view, God is the bases
and he created the world and the heavens. Theists
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Essay On Reflection On Ethics
Venessa Bjork
The Situation:
A seasoned social worker employed by a community mental health center was seeking consultation
on an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma is that one of her clients, Alice M., had committed
suicide and her parents would like her to deliver a eulogy at Alice's funeral. The social worker
discussed how she wanted to be supportive, but she also was concerned about Alice's confidentiality
and boundaries with the family.
Dolgoff's General Decision Making Model:
1. Identify the problem
The practitioner should focus mostly on disagreeing values related to the client's privacy and worth,
the parents' right to self–determination, the social worker's obligation to client well–being, and ...
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If the social worker were to give the eulogy, she may offer comfort to the client's parents and
possibly others who attend the funeral. The social worker may also obtain some comfort in the
In contrast, giving the eulogy may compromise the client's privacy and confidentiality. Those who
attend the funeral may feel uncomfortable hearing the social worker's comments, especially if the
social worker reveals the nature of her relationship with the deceased. Also, the social worker's
status may be damaged (along with her agency and the social work profession) if those who are in
attendance are disapproving of the social worker's decision to give the eulogy.
If the social worker declines, the client's parents may be angry and upset. Also, the social worker
may feel some doubts as a result, particularly if the social worker's rapport with the parents becomes
6. Select and implement using Ethical Principles Screen:
a. Principle 1: Protection of life (the preservation of life is the highest principle)
In regards to the protection of life, it is important to not forget that this includes the quality of life.
One thing that is crucial in the principle is that we did not want to hinder the parents' quality of life,
especially after the death of their daughter. The social worker can do this by practicing his/her
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Engl/230 Week 1 Ethics Course Reflection
Shayna Berry
Professor Donald Carey
2 May 2017
Ethics Course Reflection
After partaking in Ethics class this past spring semester, I know that I can take several things with
me as a continue to pursue my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. Most of the materials covered
throughout the semester in this course have taught me how I perhaps should go about life and life's
challenging times. It has opened my eyes to innovative ideas and perspectives on life. I believe that
even some of the information can assist me in my career law that lies ahead.
In Unit 4, the topic covered was hedonic calculus and the discussion post required us to use a real–
world example. I really enjoyed this post because I could apply what was being discussed ... Show
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Bernard Mayo's ideas on rule–governed ethics versus virtue ethics. Bernard Mayo was a British
philosopher who used his philosophy knowledge to contrast deontologists' and teleologists'. Bernard
Mayo studied a multitude of Aristotle's works on virtue ethics. Deontologists' and teleologists'
contrast one another is a few basic ways. First off, deontology is based on obligation and duty. This
ultimately means that doing something that is morally wrong can sometimes end up becoming
something good. An example of this belief would be a father or husband killing an intruder in his
home in order to protect his family. The act of shooting someone is morally wrong, however,
protecting your family is morally good. Teleology gives things in life purpose. A fork has prongs in
order to stab food so humans can eat it is a prime example of this belief. Virtue ethics mostly relates
to Aristotle's beliefs and philosophies on moral obligation. He stated that a person who virtuous,
shows ideal characteristics. Virtue ethics does not clearly state how one person should act because
the simple beliefs the definition describes do not say how one should act specifically. The definition
is rather vague and does not go into description on as to what a virtuous person really is. Virtue
ethics emphasizes more so on the person, and moral rightness, than the rules. Deontology is the
belief that judges the morality of a situation based upon the rules set forth. Utilitarianism is based
upon what is morally right and what could be morally wrong. The saints from the readings are
serving as the "being", and the heroes are portrayed as the "doing". The saints are not doing
anything and are "being", while the heroes are actually doing things to make them seem morally
right and virtuous. However, both the actions of "being" and "doing" can be either morally right or
morally wrong. This philosophical theory could assist me when I finally reach my goal
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The Belief Systems That May Have An Impact On The...
The Belief Systems in Case Scenarios – reflective writing I am submitting a paper on counsellors'
belief systems that may have an impact on the therapeutic process. This paper discusses my
perspective of two case studies with different scenarios and is via my reflection of the cases. The
aim and goal will be to learn to write as the third person and gain insight. The method I will discuss
will be from placing me in the shoes of the counsellors', and walking in their shoes.
Ricoeur calls this a 'narrative commitment', "where we follow the other
– literally walking in their shoes – for an insight into where the other comes from". (Ricoeur, n.d., as
cited in Bager–Charleson, 2010, pg. 116).
I am hoping that faith grants me a potential ... Show more content on ...
(2005), explains that something within the projection could hook someone else in a negative way. In
addition, Rizq, R. (2005) defines projective identification as a development within the therapeutic
process resulting in feelings and thoughts conceivably affecting someone else and maybe reversed
from client to counsellor as well. Alternatively, the counsellor may have unconsciously brought,
proactive countertransference, Clarkson, P, (2002) to the process. Proactive countertransference is
defined as thoughts, feelings, and the ambience that are introduced into the process by the
counsellor. However, in saying this, if the counsellor was consciously awareness of this within the
process they may effectively be able to develop or could consider using this in helping them
understand the client. Additional attributes of the counsellor were wounds that appeared in the
counsellor 's thoughts, (a) mistrust of others, and (b) a presumption that relationships fall apart due
to hiding their secrets. This also infers, by placing trust in a relationship we are likely to be deceived
and deserted. My hypotheses were the counsellor could impose an espoused theory, Argyris and
Schön, (1978) explains where the actions of the counsellor will differ in enacting the theory in use,
which may impose implicit thoughts that are assumed and decided. There could be consequents
from a blind spot or wound of the counsellor and this could predetermine the relationship before any
... Get more on ...
Ethics Reflection of the National Board for Certified...
My First impression of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Code of Ethics is that
this is a very standing ethical code. The NBCC Code of Ethics covers all aspects of how a counselor
should advocate, represent, and protect. The NBCC Code of Ethics prevents a counselor from
counseling in a field that they do not have training, and it prevents a counselor from unlawful
discrimination The NBCC Code of Ethics even regulates how a counselor should behavior on social
media in regards to their practice, research, and voicing of opinions. Upon reflecting on the Code of
Ethics I feel that having the Code of Ethics is important within the field of counseling. The Code of
Ethics provides a great foundation for counseling, and takes into consideration all aspects of
counseling. While the Code of Ethics covers all of the things that I knew would (confidentiality,
discrimination, and personal relationships with clients) there were several areas that I have never
given thought. One new area that I had learned about was taking measures to avoid interruptions of
counseling services due to illness, vacation, or unforeseen circumstances. This was surprising to me
because I had not considered this. I agree with this, because if a counselor was dealing with a client
who has depression a counselor could cause harm to the client by taking a month off in the middle
of their treatment. Another new area that was particularly surprising was having a procedure of what
to do with client
... Get more on ...

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Reflection On Ethics

  • 1. Reflection On Ethics Ethics is a blend of various concepts and fundamental principles of decorous human conduct. It not only studies these various concepts and principles but also governs the values pertaining to human rights or natural rights, the essential equality of all men and women across the globe, the basic concern for health and safety, and also for the natural environment on the whole. Be it any industry, business, any form of work place, it follows a certain code of conduct, which is legit and undeniable. Apart from restricting the concept of Ethics only to industries and business, I feel, ethics begins from within. Ethics are basically the rules or standards leading to the conduct by which I live my life and make all my decisions. One of the best ways of thinking about ethics is to take a quick look at your beliefs and then think about how your reactions would be when those beliefs are challenged. Ethics definitely do not arise out of a mere vacuity, they are more like a puzzle that is thrown together over time, that when complete makes up who we are and what we believe. We tend to learn from those around us and the things happening around us. ... Show more content on ... There are about 31lakh NGO's across the country. NGO's are flexible with their administration and real quick with their decision making. The NGO's have managed to achieve great success in their work in attaining social harmony and peace. However, in spite of all these achievements in various fields, NGOs are facing different problems which differ vastly. Most of the NGO's in India are suffering from lack of government funding, misuse of funds, inadequate trained personnel. Since NGO's are more developed in urban areas than rural areas, the rural areas are being ignored and no enthusiasm is being shown among the social workers present in the rural areas. Hence, a lot of inequality is been seen in those particular ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. My Reflection Of My Leadership And Ethic Class The leadership and ethic class was the first class of the semester and I did not know what to expect. During my first class, I was greeted by many different persons all with different personalities. From the second class onwards, each person made the class interesting and contributed valid points to every discussion. Through discussions, each of us developed our own philosophies about who we are and where we would like to go in life. 1. Describe what you have learnt about yourself during the semester in relation to your capacity to demonstrate leadership. I learnt that not all leaders are born but they are made. Some persons are born with the traits to be a leader but through experience, they would blossom into a true leader. This class showed me that I can become a leader and it showed me the possible traits a good leader should possess such as, being inclusive, honest and respectful. All these attributes was a part of me so as of this class I cemented ... Show more content on ... Describe the leadership philosophy you have developed throughout this class. My Leadership Philosophy is based on the principals that I have learned throughout this leadership and ethics class. Leadership is about creating an environment that brings out the best in people, accomplishing goals, and making each individual and the team successful. The following is my leadership philosophy: The foundation of my leadership philosophy is built on trust, respect and integrity. I plan to earn your trust and respect by being of good character, working hard, listening attentively, being decisive, honest and true to my word, and never asking you to do something that I would not do myself. You can earn my trust and respect by being honest and of good character, making sound and timely decisions and owning up to your mistakes. Finally, I welcome diverse perspectives, differences of opinion and I do not necessarily view disagreement as a sign of disloyalty. 4. How has it changed from the beginning of the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Reflection Paper On Ethics My original goals for this project were to create an engaging presentation, use concrete examples from modern video games, use concrete examples from postmodern philosophers, and describe in detail why moral subjectivism is important. I believe that I was successful in these goals. Firstly, I had many examples of anti–realism in both video games and other forms of media, and I was able to tie in each example to its overaching anti–realist theory. However, I think that I was able to successfully explain the idea of anti–realism, but I do not believe that I explained in a great enough amount of detail why this theory is important in the modern world. To conclude, I believe that my project was successful. My findings changed the way I look at ethics. When I began this project, I wanted to talk about ethical realtivism, which is a branch of absolute morality, however I quickly found that it could be disputed very quickly, and that many examples that I found seemed to go father than a simple misconception about what an absolute moral is. i then discovered anti–realism, and I found that this fit in better with my project and also changed my opinion on ethics. At first I liked the ethical relativism theory, but after looking at anti–realist theories I much prefer non–cognitivism, since it gives a sufficent explanation as to why there can not be absolute morality. I also changed my opinion on moral realism, and realized that perhaps anti–realism has a stronger claim, since it ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Str 581 Ethics Reflection Paper Running head: Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection Paper University of Phoenix |Content |General Comments | |The paper explains the role of ethics and |The key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. The content of your | |social responsibility in developing a |write up is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. The conclusion is logical, flows from the| |strategic plan, considering stakeholder |body of the paper, and reviews the major points. Most sentences are complete, clear, and | |needs. |concise. Generally your write up is ... Show more content on ... These beliefs and values can be outlined in a company's mission, vision, and philosophy statements that provide direction, purpose, and a clear understanding of an organization's behavioral expectations and decisions made by the stakeholders. When adhered to, the mission and vision statements can be the baseline for goal–setting and strategic planning while keeping ethics at the core of all decisions This is a powerful paragraph that is right on the point but do not forget to cite the sources, even if you are paraphrasing. . Even with a strategic plan and ethical guidelines established, unethical behavior is always a possibility that could occur at a management or subordinate level. According to Pearce and & Robinson (2009), "central to the belief that companies should be operated in a socially responsive way for the benefit of all stakeholders is the belief that managers will behave in an ethical manner" (p. 60). Too many top–level management and executives have acted inappropriately and have violated company policies. This was witnessed through events such as the Enron, WorldCom, and Bernie Madoff scandals where unethical behaviors was were called into question. Employees, specifically those in a management positions, have an obligation to do what is right for the sake of their customers, the industry, and to help maintain the company's image and reputation. When this fails to happen, the owners and board of directors must take the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Critical Reflection Is Essential For Developing An... Critical reflection is essential for developing an adaptive pedagogy in that critical reflection encourages the sharing of knowledge, skills and experiences. Furthermore, critical reflective practice is a form of ongoing learning that involves engaging with questions of philosophy, ethics and practice. Additionally, documenting the daily events in the ECE sector is an important aspect of being a professional and are a compulsory requirement for meeting the NCAC (2005) guidelines for high quality early childhood education and care (National Childcare Accreditation Council, 2005.) Therefore it is becoming increasingly important for practitioners to have the ability to critically reflect on pedagogical practice and the development of child agency in effective learning contexts. Pedagogies, which are reflected in elements of teaching actions and practices, such as types of documentation and methods of grouping children, should be relevant to the context and consistent with the service's philosophy and approaches to curriculum. This means that '...approaches and pedagogies will differ from one setting to the next as they take into account staff and family perspectives, the service philosophy and analysis of the context's potential and challenges...'(USQ, 2016). As educators refine their philosophy they will also adjust pedagogies to reflect new approaches. Understandings of children and childhood should lead practitioners to continuously investigate how they transform approaches ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Business Ethics Reflection Business Ethics Reflection Matthew Todd XMGT/216 4/22/12 Mike Ishmael Business Ethics Reflection Matthew Todd XMGT/216 4/22/12 Mike Ishmael In my previous job, there was a couple of ethical dilemmas I had over a period of time, but I'm only choosing one of them to focus on in this paper. This situation involved me catching another co–worker stealing products from the shop. I didn't say anything at first because I thought maybe this person had gotten permission to use these items. I decided from then on that I was going to watch this person closely, to see if they would take anymore products. Sure enough they did, and that was the moment I knew for sure they were stealing from the company. I felt like I had to do something ... Show more content on ... This stems from the greed of wanting more material assets, like I mentioned before. There are a couple of different social pressures that I felt in this situation. The first is how nobody wants to be called a "nark" or a "taddle tale", so many people turn to keeping their mouth shut in situations like this so they don't cause any waves. I felt the pressure to not say anything about the problem and just keep my mouth shut. I also feel the social pressure of defending my employer and not letting them get taken advantage of. There is a certain obligation that I have with the company since I'm an employee, and that is to stay honest and trustworthy, and to look out for potential problems that can conflict with those values of honesty and trustworthiness. If I faced the same dilemma today, I think I would go straight to management, unless I was especially close to the employee. Since I'm not a manager I should stay out of these kind of problems, and leave it up to them. It becomes to akward for me to confront a fellow employee, because they often become to defensive and management gets involved anyway, and then you end up looking bad if the issue is brought up in front of them. They will want to know how come you didn't tell them and why are you trying to handle it yourself? I think in the future it will be much ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Reflection Paper On Ethics First and foremost I wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your class this semester. I came in every day actually excited to hear your lectures because I learned so much, I loved the real world examples you experienced and this information was actually useful for me. With that being said I wanted to talk about the subject of ethics and how it will apply to my future – not just my business career but my life as well. Ethics are ambiguous. For your class we defined ethics as "principles that form from the intersection of law and morality". This can be taken in many ways, there is not clear definition or guideline for ethical behaving; otherwise, there would be less temptations and improper actions and lawsuits. People don't intentionally trying to be unethical. Ethical conflict arises when people encounter stressful situation and are exposed to the abuses of power. The challenge is "staying grounded". So how exactly does one "stay grounded"? I've come up with a few actions, some learned from you, while others I found on my own due to your class: Open door policy: In the work environment, establish an open–door policy where your co–workers feel safe to approach you. Encourage them to hold you accountable for your actions and behavior. Establish an accountability relationship with leaders you respect in order to encourage and mold your owner behavior. Keep my personal religious faith strong: holding myself accountable to God and preparing for the Day of Judgment. For ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Reflection Paper On Ethics In Nursing Reflection on Nursing Ethic Ethic in nursing form the basis between which sound and moral decisions are derived. They form the backbone of all the trust that is laid on nurses dealing with Moral Question. Acceptable cultures and actions are gauged by nursing ethics that are derived from nursing values. Nurses are supposed to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards as well as maintaining the trust they have from the public. All nurses are bound to exercise the highest standard of ethics though the performance of their functions. Relevant and Meaningful Service Our group went to Broward County Library Miramar/Broward College during a health fair. At the health fair, there were several professors, staff, students from other classes, and some RN BSN students doing required community services. It was a great opportunity to test our knowledge about the impact of culture on health behaviors in health assessment findings and the significance of age and developmental stages. The presenter's nurses had some knowledge about culture on health behaviors and health assessment findings as well as on developmental age stages, but it was definitely a real learning experience. As nurse and future BSN, we find it is imperative to educate the audience in the community by using a poster board with normal and abnormal values for cholesterol, blood pressure, body ideal mass index, diabetes and associate risk. We had the opportunity to interact with a diverse multicultural audience. For instance, one person in the audience was a Hispanic adult man who only spoke Spanish, and the other person was a young adult African American male. Both of these clients were assisted with vital signs and had their questions answered regarding their health concerns. Also, there was a young African American woman who said, she never checks her blood pressure, thus she was willing to learn and allow us to check her blood pressure. Surprisingly, her blood pressure reading was 110/70. We showed her on the board the normal and abnormal level for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and how to calculate her body ideal mass. We informed her that A1C checks the average ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Critical Reflection On Ethics Critical Reflection All three authors take a slightly different approach in explaining ethics with the analogies used, but they are not that different at their core. Bonhoeffer (1995) describes a religious approach that compares and contrasts the relationship with Jesus Christ and the influence on the ethical choices of an individual. Palmer (2004), on the other hand, explains ethics using the wilderness and social headliners to illustrate the current divide that exists. Finally, Borgmann (2006) uses a political description of compromises for infrastructure that shapes the ethical views of the society such as the Interstate Highway System that influenced future choices that now have consequences that need to be managed. While the analogies are different, the root descriptions encompass a basic principle that the conduct of an individual will determine the true ethical character of that person, but the individual requires the support and direction from the society to truly influence a positive ethical change. The expanse of that society is where the authors begin to divide with Bonhoeffer's (1995) intended audience being countries based on Christian beliefs of the west, Borgmann (2006) concentrating on the United States, and Palmer (2004) focusing on the individual within a specified community that feeds to larger communities. Each author describes in various methods how the actions of individuals will determine the nature of the ethics they possess, but that the individual ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Reflection Of A Health Care Ethics Course The course Health Care Ethics was a rather revealing study that highlighted many actions in the provision of health care which would have otherwise gone unattended to. The course has helped prepare me and deepened my understanding of ethical issues and their relevance in my job as a future healthcare administrator. It has been a great experience going through the course as it has greatly impacted my understanding and outlook in the healthcare industry. I participated fully in the course being virtually present in every single class to receive first hand information and interact with the instructor through asking questions and responding to questions, as well as examining case studies. I also participated in discussion board, media gallery and contacted my instructor through emails to ... Show more content on ... I worked hard to read and submit class assignment on time. I made sure to go beyond the limit combining what I had been thought and my own understanding of issues to do my assignments. I had to properly read lecture notes and make researches in order to keep up with the challenging demands of the course. The course featured regular submission of detailed and well written assignment most of the time. It was a tough class that needed time and hard work. Though hard work, I was able to submit every assignment as requested. I did my best with the questions as required of me. The course has changed my perception and highly enlightened me on ethical knowledge in healthcare provision. I consider myself more prepared to face ethical issues in my job now and in future as an ethics healthcare administrator. The expansion of my knowledge in ethics has built in me some level of confidence that will make me a practical administrator with a great ability to handle ethical issues in my new job as a future ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Ethics Conference Reflection Ethics Conference Reflection What? Every type of workplace has the potential for workplace violence to take place. However, health care professionals have a much higher rate of experiencing workplace violence than other professions. This is largely due to the type of patients that health care professionals see. Patients that are more likely to become aggressive and violent are patients with a mental illness, patients presenting to the emergency department, and other patients in acute care settings. Patients are not the only people with the potential to become violent. Patient's families, visitors, coworkers, and other 3rd parties can all be sources of violence. It is important to be able to recognize situations that may become violent and ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Personal Reflection Of My Personal Code Of Ethics After investing 5 weeks in my Ethics 302 class, I've learned that morals are, "rules and attitudes that we live by, or are expected to live by." Therefore, morals are related to my personal code of ethics. My personal code of ethics or conduct plays an important part in my everyday life and activities. This personal code of conduct promotes many virtues and qualities and produces my moral character. Some results of my moral character is integrity, courtesy, dependability, friendliness to name a few. Therefore, my moral character will gauge if I'm a good person with a solid moral compass. When I think about morality and how it relates to my personal code of ethics, I'm constantly reminded that we have a free will to choose what is right and wrong and good or bad. This free will or moral compass directs us which way to go when making decisions concerning right or wrong. It will make a difference with the friends we choose, the profession we try to obtain and also how we display our emotions such as happiness, anger and resilience. Thinking back, I believe my personal code of ethics were influenced by my parents and my religion. As a young man, I strive to live my life based on my christian upbringing. God is my moral strength when things get challenging and difficult with the cares of life. He reminds me when I'm faced with wrong decisions what's right or wrong. In addition to my belief and experiences, my parents have encouraged morality in our household since birth. Okay, maybe not since birth but early childhood. With that being said, I think I can say that I have good moral characteristics. The ethical theory that I closely follow is Divine Command Theory. Based on the definition file distributed for this course, Divine Command Theory is, "a theological theory that God has created the laws of morality; in other words, something is right because God commands it. Opposed to natural law theory, which claims that God commands something because it is right." I try to hold this theory close because I know I can't control my moral compass without a higher deity. For example, I try to practice integrity in my life. As I think back to one of the examples in our discussion forum where we shared about ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Reflection Paper On Ethics Over the period of this course I have been able to really think about my ethical choices. I have taken the time to ponder what I believe to be right and wrong. In my undergraduate degree, the professors always talked about ethics and how we are supposed to handle our own views. One professor informed me that even though our ethics are against something, we will always run into someone who has the complete opposite thought process than we have. We will also come into situations where we might not agree with something, but the situation might be best for our students. This professor always talked about the conflict between our ethical view points and what is the right thing to do. She always said no matter what we try to do, in the end, we must do everything for our students. I never really thought about this until I enrolled in this degree program. Now I am just trying to understand what is going on within a college setting. I have talked to many students who are currently working in higher education and they let me know that this situation is not always easy. My fellow classmates tell me no matter what we do, we will always make someone mad. However, we need to have a close relationship between our ethics and what we are supposed to do, we will be fine. One friend told me that our main goal is to make the student is in a safe environment. She tells me all the time that when we least except a complicated situation, that is when one will occur. I have always tried to make the right ethical decision in my thought process. I have always tried to make sure that every decision that I have made, will not affect those around me. However, this can be hard. This can be trying. We live in a world where people want to hurt each other. They hide behind a computer screen and just torment each other. We believe that our words do not actually hurt someone. The "This I Believe" assignment really opened my eyes on how to handle students who are different. "Trying to figure out why someone could be so cruel is a very complex idealization. Trying to figure out what makes people into doing certain things can be hurtful. However, if we can teach each other to accept the lives of others, then we can find peace within ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Reflection Of Architecture Ethics Throughout the course of this module I found myself to have grown tremendously in terms of my understanding of architecture as a profession. I have been introduced to the main principle of architectural practice in a broad sense along with its relationship to other related disciplines. I have gained an introduction to professional responsibility and ethics through real life examples. I received talks from architects, engineers, landscape architects, and planners. I have gained an introduction to the vast world of reflective thinking. On one particular occasion we were offered a critical comparison with medical ethics. Team discussions and critical thinking have been an essential element of my studies. The seven lectures, talks and seminars, ... Show more content on ... I now take on board an in depth knowledge of the different disciplines and teams when it comes to the field of the built and designed environment. In addition to this I now have a far greater understanding of the concept of reflection. I now look back on my work or an event that has happened both in my career as a student and in my personal life. I know how to properly analyse an event or idea by thinking in depth from a range of perspectives, considering both sides of story or incident. Most importantly I have gained knowledge of professional ethics and responsibilities which I will take forward with me throughout my studies and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Reflection On Issues And Ethics Issues and Ethics: Reflection Paper Assignment Fareeha Ikram Ethical Dilemma: 1. You are working with a man who has a history of suicide attempts and has been hospitalized on more than one occasion. He tells you that he has found it very hard to get help in the past, because whenever he tells a counselor he is feeling suicidal they immediately call for help and he is hospitalized. He tells you that at those times he really just needs someone to talk to and wishes he could find a counselor he could confide in when he is feeling suicidal who would not call an ambulance and seek psychiatric help for him. He is a very high risk for suicide given his past attempts and frequent thoughts that include a detailed plan. He tells you that he wants to tell you something but is worried about how you will react. He wonders if he can tell you and if you can promise that you will just help him and not involve emergency services, if you cannot make that promise he will not tell you. Part A 1. Step One: Identify the problem The presenting problem is that as the counselor to a man with a history of suicide attempts and hospitalization, I'm in a situation where he has asked me to promise to not report any information he confides in me to emergency services. The major participant in this situation is the man as his life and safety are at risk, given his troubling history, and as the counselor, it is my responsibility to help and support him. Therefore, I must use this 8–step ethical decision making model to decide the best course of action to solve this ethical dilemma. 2. Step Two: Identify the potential issues involved The issues involved are ethical and legal. First of all, choosing to remain quite in this situation can be a form of enabling, but it will respect the client's promise. But, if I were to report this to emergency services, I would be violating the client's confidentiality and his trust. This is a moral and ethical issue. This issue is also legal in nature because while counselors must maintain confidentiality, as per certain provincial and territorial laws, there is a "duty to protect/warn/inform" in case of imminent danger to the client, even when it is inflicted by one's own self.
  • 30. One can also ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Ethics Reflection Paper Str 581 Week 1 Running head: WEEK 1; ETHICS REFLECTIONS PAPER Assignment: Week 1; Ethics Reflections Paper By Judith Judson STR 591 – Phoenix Campus University of Phoenix Facilitator: Dr. Mark Kolesinsky Week 1, July 18, 2012 Ethics Reflection Paper In the last decade, ethics in corporate America has become highly publicized following the discovery of unethical and fraudulent business practices in major corporations. Practices at Tyco, Enron, Arthur Anderson, and WorldCom, among others, have made these corporate names synonymous with corporate fraud. The unethical behavior of top executives such as Bernard "Bernie" Madoff and Martha Stewart for example, have resulted in critical issues for companies and wide reaching job loss. ... Show more content on ... My ethical perspectives have evolved through my MBA curriculum by inspiring changes in my choices and behaviors. My awareness concerning ethical and social responsibilities has also changed. I have been educated about the magnitude of ethical demeanor and development of my guiding principles in addition to cultivating a positive societal image. Moral values and norms result in behaviors valued by the workplace and society. Based on my perspective, an individual should not demonstrate unethical actions for the sake of his or her vested interests. Practicing a moral approach demonstrates a commitment to critical social responsibilities. This also raises the question of altruism. Some people agree with the altruistic concept while others oppose the philosophy. Should individuals assume a sympathetic stance for the sole purpose of assisting others? Some take the sympathetic stance to the extreme of "carrying" others or taking on the responsibilities of others. In my view, practicing an ethical code of conduct is obligatory as well as giving consideration to the requests of external as well as internal stakeholders without assuming the responsibilities of others. Donating to the social welfare of society is crucial as individuals should not enact unethical behaviors that are destructive to others or society. To cheat [someone] for the benefit of anyone [others] is not an ethical or "right"
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  • 35. Ethics Reflection Paper A person's ethics are the morals and values that they believe or set for themselves. Ethics are what helps you to decide for yourself what is right or wrong to do, say, or believe. Some achieve their personal morals through religion, while others may learn these values through teachings from their family members and friends. Others may even gather their morals through people who have made mistakes in the past that have impacted their life in a negative or positive way. Regardless of how you may have obtained your morals, odds are, there are many people with similar values and standards. I was not raised in a strict religious household. Although my parents are both Christians, I was not forced to believe in Christianity due to their views; I was free to form my own opinion. Although my morals were not acquired through religion, I found myself having morals that related to those of Christianity, thus I do consider myself a Christian. I had very little diversity around me when I was young. One day in Springfield, I saw there was an African American family shopping near us. I was not sure what to think as I had never come into contact with someone of a different race before. Naturally, I asked my mother why these people were different. To that she replied, "They aren't different. Their skin is just a dark color. They cannot control that, and there is nothing wrong with it." In this situation, my mother taught me to never judge another person. This is one of my most highly held values to this day. Although I wasn't very old at the time, I remember this incident because it was very impactful. I was only a child, yet I already had the understanding that everyone is equal. In correlation to this experience, I do not judge anyone for their choices or lifestyle. Another moral my mother has always held to me is telling the truth, and oh, how she stresses this one. One specific occasion I recall that imprinted telling the truth into my mind was when I was young and I asked to go over to a friend's house. My mom agreed to let me go over for a little while, but on one condition: I cleaned my room. Now, I must say, I am not the messiest person in the world; however, I am most certainly not the cleanest. I did not enjoy ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Write a Critical Evaluation of What It Means to Be a... 4. Write a critical evaluation of what it means to be a teacher/ trainer in your context within the Lifelong Learning Sector LO,1. Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the concept of professionalism; the range of roles and responsibilities, both across the sector and in relation to own subject teaching and the impact of each. LO .2. Demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of theories and principles of reflective practice and models of continuing professional practice in relation to self; LO,3 . Demonstrate and address own identified learning needs for skills and knowledge and explore the impact of own continuing professional development on own teaching and wider professional role. 2000 words. Actual ... Show more content on ... There can be a wide differentiation of learners within each course and from one course to another. What is vital is that quality, consistency and professionalism are maintained at all times. The definition of professional as stated by Britannica online dictionary is; Characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession or The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession, or a professional person The definition of professionalism as stated by Merriam–Webster online dictionary is; Exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally business–like manner in the workplace It would appear that the meaning of professionalism isn't easily defined. Barber suggests (1993,Pg 599–615) that "Professionals require a systematic and generalised body of knowledge" and that "The behaviour of professionals is strictly controlled by a code of ethics" he went on to continue to define professionalism in terms of criteria such as autonomy, knowledge, and education." However Maister (2000) argues that " Professionalism is predominantly an attitude not a set of competencies. A real professional is a technician who cares." It would appear that whilst both
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  • 40. Ethics Reflection Paper Running head: ETHICS REFLECTION PAPER Ethics Reflection Paper STR/581 September 30, 2012 Ethics Reflection Paper Social responsibility and ethics are essential elements in establishing a strategic plan while contemplating the needs of stakeholders. Social responsibility and ethics should be conceived as fundamental strategic concerns within organizations. Social responsibility and ethics have the potentiality to help an organization succeed or fall. The achievement of an organization's strategic plan relies on it. This paper will examine roles of social responsibility and ethics in establishing a strategic plan while contemplating stakeholder needs. Last, this paper will ... Show more content on ... By doing so, the implications become an integral part of the organization's scope. It is necessary for all organizations to integrate ethics into its strategic planning process to represent its core values to internal and external parties in a positive manner; this will assist in strengthening the organization's image (Jin & Drozdenko, 2010). As a result, the majority of stakeholders will have the assurance that the strategic plan serves their requirements and better interests. Social Responsibility in Organizations Social responsibility is another integral component of a strategic plan. It is essential to integrate corporate social responsibility within the daily operations of an organization. By doing so, it helps ensure that the organization is moving toward the constant development and better interest for the public by attempting to reduce any potential negative impacts of its operations. As such, corporate social responsibility is an integral method of gaining a competitive advantage through the enhancement of its corporate image through the perspective of the stakeholders and the public. Knowing this, more and more organizations are allocating additional resources in an attempt to strengthen their commitment to society. This is commonly demonstrated in the reduction of environmental pollution or assisting in providing financial resources for various social causes (Min–Dong Paul, 2009). When an organization focuses on social responsibility ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Reflective Models Used by Nurses Essay Reflective Practice Introduction: Reflection its self is looking into personal thoughts and actions. For nurses this would mean looking at how they performed a particular task taking into consideration their interaction with their colleagues and other members of staff, patients and in some cases relatives This then enables the nurse to assess their actions and thought processes. There are various frameworks of reflection that one could choose and the examples used for this work is by Gibbs (1988), Johns (2000) and Benner (1982) Gibbs: Gibbs reflective cycle encourages one to think in order about the different areas of an experience. It is presented in a number of questions that the reflective practitioner ... Show more content on ... John's model (1995) for structured reflection adopts a humanistic view seeing the nurse and patient as equal partners in creating the environment for care . Dawn Freshwater, Christopher Johns. (1998,2005) It gives the user many more questions to answer instead of letting the practitioner find their own way from section to section of the model. The Model: How could I handle this better in a similar situation? What would be the consequences of alternative actions? How did my actions match my beliefs? How do I feel about the situation? Has this changed my ways of knowing? A model of structured reflection (10th version) Johns, 1995. As one can see this method of reflection is rather prescriptive asking many questions but maybe this idea helps some practioners reflect without missing anything they perceive as being important. To engage in such a deep level of reflection requires the personal and daily practice of the nurse to undertake this commitment for ontological development of one's self. A model of structured reflection (10th version) Johns ( 1995). Benner: Benner is a nursing theorist who came up with a specific framework. Her Book from which the framework originally comes looks at the knowledge within clinical nurse practice and uses the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition used in nursing. Prentice Hall (2001). Her framework was produced to enable nurses to put their nursing actions into systems. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Critical Reflection of the MEssages Presented in “The... Our belief states are determined by the external factors, for example, perceived complexity and priming ethics is an interesting subject and everyone lives by their thoughts and their ways. Everyone lives by a different code. The difference between morality and ethics is that morality is about primary making the right choices and ethics is proper reasoning. In the essay "The ethics of belief" by W. K. Clifford, he argues that if anything on insufficient evidence, then it's unethical. In this essay *I will defend the hypothesis that if anything doesn't have enough evidence then it is unethical. * I agree with some of his (don't agree) (agree in some parts) I do not agree nor do I disagree with what Clifford is trying to portray. I agree that we should have sufficient evidence before making an assumption. But I don't believe that just because we don't have sufficient evidence it's automatically wrong. I think that we have to look at the foundations we know and if they're where some reasons to doubt, then I will doubt the principles. Knowledge does not depend upon things of whose existence I do not yet have knowledge. All of our ideas come from our impression, which is, come from our sensations or our perceptions. As a reasonable person we have the capacity to decide which of our desires, if any, we will act on. Which are moral reason or self–interested reason. Rationality should never be subordinated to or government by our desires. We respect our own rationality and ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Principles of Personal Development in Adult Social Care... What is required for good practice in adult social care Standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out. Codes of Practice set out the criteria against which providers are assessed by. They also describe the standards of conduct and practice with which workers must carry out their activities and ensure that what they do is competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants' 'fitness to practice' is determined. For a care worker to work in a certain profession, they have to register with their particular Professional Council and then work to the Codes of Practice which they deem fit. Not following their Code of Practice could result in them being taken of the ... Show more content on ... Find ways to reflect your self in your activity. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. It is a learning tool that will help us improve our skill and develop our knowledge and practice. Also it is important to find your strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop and improve on them, so you can make your weakness your strengths. Reflecting on your self is a complex activity that requires the individual to develop a set of skills. When you reflect you stand back and think of a situation or problem, gain a new perspective of something, make sense of our experiences and construct meaning and knowledge that directs actions in practice. Use evidence to help decide on decisions. Ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work. The best way to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs don't obstruct the quality of work is to be dedicated to excellence. Personal attitudes can be changed through education. That is an important way. It helps to develop a good work ethic. How learning activities can develop knowledge, skills and understanding. How a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding. The more you think and plan, the better you can do. Think things all the way through to a successful conclusion. Improving improved own knowledge, skills and understanding by reflecting on a
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  • 49. Ethics Reflection Paper Introduction: I am going to discuss about how some of the personal experiences I have had in my life have shaped my definition of ethics. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am today and taught me how important ethics is in the modern society. Personal: According to me, ethics is the medium through which we can define what's right and what's wrong. Ethics is as important for businesses as it is for individuals. The first time I came across the concept of ethics was when I started playing soccer. I realized they are a set of rules you have to respect in soccer and being unethical and not following the rules can not only ruin the game for you. But also for the people around you. In Indian schools, they aren't many consequences for breaching academic integrity rules and students are usually let off with a warning. But in the U.S, educational institutions are much more serious about academic integrity. It was my freshman year and one of my close friend's GPA went down straight from a 3.05 to a 2.01 because he and his classmate had finished their exam early and started talking amongst themselves while they were still in the exam hall and distracted a few people around them. Later, when their grade came out we all were initially surprised when they got a F for the class. But, in a way it was a lesson for all of us on how ethical the U.S educational system is and more importantly, on how we weren't kids anymore and had a responsibility to follow since our parents are investing a lot of money on us so we can get an education from the U.S. I believe ethics is equally important in our personal life as it is in our professional life or in a business. I also believe we get a stronger sense of ethics as we grow older. Career: This summer I had the opportunity of interning with Aflac as a junior sales associate and got to learn a lot about the insurance industry and ethics. Initially, I used to assist my superior with his sales calls and was mainly instructed to observe and takes notes, and while I was observing, I gradually noticed how serious Aflac is about ethics. All their policies are structured around how they can help their clients instead of ripping them off, especially their cancer policy. Aflac ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Reflection On Ethics And Ethics "Great individuals have great ethics and great values." Ethics and morality can be used interchangeably as they sound as if they mean the same although there is a wide distinction between them. "Strictly speaking, morality is used to refer to what we would call moral standards and moral conduct while ethics is used to refer to the formal study of those standards and conduct. For this reason, the study of ethics is also often called moral philosophy." (Gordana D 2007) Morality comes first which constitutes of our beliefs and practices on what is right and wrong while ethics comes next which is a reflection on the moral principles by our conscience. Morality is influenced by law, religion, ethical relativism and professional codes. On the other hand, we can ... Show more content on ... When we have performances the amount of time we get to make a routine and practice is pretty less, so not everyone gets to be a part of the team. Kicking someone out is not as easy as it sounds. As rebellious as youngsters are, such fights could get out of hand. After studying about the normative theories I realised that while making decisions about who should be removed, which show to perform in etc. the main thing that I think of is what is going to benefit more number of people the most. If I chose to remove a particular person, it brought them grief and guilt on my behalf in the short term but in the long term, the level of performance rose leaving the crew, judges and the audience happy. Also, sometimes we had to choose on which show to perform and which not to. In this case we would select the show which gave us more exposure because it offers us greater benefit opposed to a show at a smaller level. Thus, in this way the theory of utilitarianism helped me make decisions when confused about what is ethical and what is ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics, a moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. In todays over sensitive society, it is more important than ever for an individual to pay more attention to their own ethical behavior, and if in the power of position the behavior of those they oversee. A few days ago an individual within my group, with my role being a back–up lead not any form of management, sustained a major injury while on the job. Immediately questions were swirling as to the possible scenarios of how this injury may have occurred. The injured party himself had already given a statement to the security team as well as a member of one of the groups that is part of the investigation process. I had been upstairs on the third floor when the accident happened and learned about it when I arrived back on the first floor. It was not long before word of this injury spread, as close to a half dozen individuals informed me as I was heading back to my work area. When I realized he was outside with the paramedics, I went to inquire if anything was required on my end. He mentioned minimal information as I was present, however, I was late to arrive. My issues are what happened after the fact. Security came back in and needed to take pictures of the scene where it happened, the head of safety also arrived. While discussing the situation, I became uncomfortable when the focus turned to how it "might" have happened. As we all know, how it might have and how it did happen ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Reflection Paper On Ethics Ashley McMullen November 25, 2017 Taking this ethics class has taught me so much that I never thought I would learn about. Some of the topics that we learned about I thought that I already had a strong opinion and what I thought was ethically and morally right or wrong. On some of the topics we dove into such as abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide, and the impaired infants unit, this class has clarified my views on what I thought was ethically wrong. By getting to read other classmates responses as well as responding to those classmate's posts, you get a feel for what other people believe in, and their opinions on the matter at hand. Some people would have the same reasoning as you when it came to what was considered ethically wrong and others would have to agree to disagree and give you another outlook on the topic that you may not have thought about. We tend to only believe and defend what we know so sometimes getting to see another person's perspective really gives you an idea of how the world views controversial topics. Having the journal assignments and being able to do those every week made the class more interesting because there were always articles at the end that had to do with the topic but were a bit different so I got to learn even more about the subject. The presentation of the material addressed aided in my understanding of the basic content areas in many ways. Ethics and morals relate to "right" and "wrong" conduct. They can be used ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Reflection Of Human Ethics To start with, I must affirm you that throughout the course all the topics were essential to me and has helped me improve my skill on human ethics. However, as it is suggested let me focus on the four concepts that were very essential to me. First, ethics and values are very necessary in the human life both personally and professionally. When serving my clients at work and contributing to communal change, these were the first keys component for me to use in my daily activity, and also with my house of values I succeeded to encourage the distinctive characteristics of human facilitiesin my community because in doing this community service support the integrity and ethics of the incentive workers, help clients and our community well–being as well as increase our incentive payment. In my everyday activity, ethics and values refer to the conduct of a professional and to the moral standards I embrace. Therefore, some of the ethical ... Show more content on ... On one hand, the second concept is where I began to question and critiques my own perception on what it mean to be a human since I know that being human I must be able to understand myself through thinking, networking and action, and I believe that this critical points influenced my life's perspective and make change totally the sense of who I am as a human. On the other hand, it was explained in the Aquinas lecture that a person is fully substantial from the union expressed by the term 'I' (Clarke, 2004, p. 29), and I am convincing that to be fully human I really to know who I am as substance. Even through, being in a moment is what makes me an excellent human whose life is completely in harmony with other and who share the positive perception with other human in the mean the mean of improving happiness and decreasing ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Personal Reflection On Ethics : Religion And Philosophy This is my last journal for this course; I will be reflecting on what I've learned so far. When I decided to take ethics as my elective (I'm a computer science student), I thought that I would be learning something like civics of my high school. However, I was left enchanted by the depth of the course and its coherence with ancient philosophy. I will certainly be reading the remaining chapters and make myself better aware of ongoing ethical issues. I liked how our book started with the definition and types of ethics. The introduction of metaethics gave me an insight into the major questions asked in ethics. The other thing which I find most important from the first chapter was the evaluation of arguments. I think one of the reasons for my ... Show more content on ... Who knows, there might be an animal that can see our invisible wind. But it is not improbable to think that we don't fully understand morality. Human thoughts change over time and therefore aren't sufficient to be intrinsically grounded upon The third chapter was about individual relativism with cultural relativism. For me, the notion of prima facie duties was really interesting. Like I mentioned in our discussions, the true test of ethics happens in extreme situations. Most of us have our beliefs about what's ethical or what's not but we often don't weigh our values on a scale of importance. What is the most important value we have? Is it family, property, service to others, pleasure (utilitarianism equates it with satisfaction), or none? When we have time to think, these values can be easily ordered. However, situations that invoke split–second response produce unwanted results if we don't prioritize our values. Egoism, altruism, and the social contract was yet another enjoyable chapter. I had never thought that I was an egoistic person until I read this chapter. Regardless of how much we uphold an altruistic action, I believe that we are always conscious about how we benefit from it. For instance, there was this amazing event last September at a nonprofit that I volunteer at (Open Arms) where we had to cook 11,000 meals in less than 24 hours! The slots for the two–hour shifts were almost full; there was only one open that was ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Reflection On Social Work Ethics Coming into Ethics, I didn't really know what I was going to learn. I always thought ethics what black and white. I soon found out there is more to ethics then I thought. I've learned a lot in 204 from decision–making models to the CSAW. The decisions we make in social work are fundamental part our professional practice and ethical awareness. The commitment and ability to act ethically is a must in the service we offer our services too. The ethical issues we face will inevitably challenge us and make us think critical of our flection of actions. Every day we will be faced with dramatic situations that are very stressful, but we need to keep things professional and ethical at all times. We will end up dealing with touch decisions with clients that have the potential for benefit or harm and we have to judge at the time if it's ethical or not, and we definitely won't always make right discussions. Using the knowledge I've gained from SOWK 204 it will help me write this paper and help prepare me for the field. I have chosen do scenario number four, along with using Reamer's Model: Social Work Ethics and Shaefor and Horejsi ethical dilemma framework. The ethical theory deontology is our duty and obligation based on ethic's judged by the morality of an action. That being said based on the scenario, it's our duty to stand up for our other student and make sure they are not being dehumanized in any way. In an effort for them to be treated as equal and fairly. We are in the field ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection STR/581 Ethics Reflection Ethics have played a role in how companies have done business and conducted themselves but not as much as when Enron, WorldCom, Arthur Anderson were in the spot light for fraud. The companies hid valuable information from internal and external stakeholder and stockholders alike. The employees lost their retirement or at least some of their retirement to these unethical actions of top executives. The researcher will explain the role that ethics and social reasonability has on developing a strategic plan and how her ethical responsibilities have changed because of her education in this program. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning According to Pearce and Robinson, 2011, ... Show more content on ... As mentioned earlier there were some companies that did practice some unethical actions that went against the strategy this in turn made other companies, employees, customers, stakeholders, and investors have a bad view of companies like these. Researcher's Ethical Perspective This researcher has taken the assessment in a previous ethics course, and she is surprised to see that her viewpoints had little change. According to Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, 2012, "Her ethical perspective tends to lean toward the individual's duty or obligation to do what is morally right and principles that represent what rational persons ought morally to do." She believes that ethical conduct has consciences. The assessment states that ethical principle is always important no matter what circumstances, respectful of human dignity, promoting individual freedom and autonomy. According to Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, 2012, "No one should ever be treated as a means to the accomplishment of some defined end, because the end does not justify the means." According to Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, 2012, "Her ethical style is that human beings have intrinsic value, and he or she has a right to individual respect." So she is less ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Normative Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics surrounds many emotions which are not accepted by morality as not important what is discussed about it at the moment. It is also regularly used in same manner as with morality. Ethical concern having largely taken place with friends, family and society as well, preparing a place for ideals such as social justice. Such Ethics able to exist or occurs together without conflict, like ancient Greek explanation of the good life as found in Aristotle and Plato. The type of ethical philosophy that I am interested to me is Changing Modern Philosophy. Inheriting good things from past is not bad. We human beings we learn from surroundings, our nature is also with mixture of good and bad. As long as we have the talent to choose what suits us and does not, we have to choose the one fits us. After reading the unit 2 writings of different philosophers, I am interested with Changing Modern Philosophy. In 1958 Elisabeth Anscombe, came with a modern philosophy which changed the way we think about normative theories. Her critics were the moral philosophy's pre–occupation by conceiving laws of ethics. This law deals with highly regarded rules and regulations. Her critics on theories which were universally applied J.S Mills ... Show more content on ... It looks for an engaged personality of the right behavior. The normative ethics has got an example of normative principle. The normative ethics is like give and take, systems, expecting from someone to give and to take it back. I agree with golden rules of normative ethics regarding the Golden rules which do not allow to lie, to harass, victimize assault or kill others is single principles judging all actions. In normative ethics there is no alternatives only one happening coming at the end of the process with criterion of moral conduct. It doesn't matter whether it comes in a single rule or a set of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Nicomachean Ethics Reflection Paper When we first started learning about Aristotles' theory, I did not understand the importance. Aristotle wrote, Nicomachean Ethics many years ago. It did not seem like any of it would pertain to my life. After reading into his theory, I found it to be quite interesting. It was a lot more relatable than I originally thought. When we know what we are looking for, we can find aspects of his theory everywhere. There has been a similar moral dilemma that I have been faced with a few times in the past year. My freshman year of college, I went to UW–Milwaukee. I lived there for a year and still go visit friends frequently. However, it seems like every time I get off the highway, there would be a guy begging for money. This one time in particular I ... Show more content on ... That is the highest end and the best life we could possibly live. Eudaimonia is translated as happiness. Even though it does not mean what we understand happiness to be. Eudaemonia is so much more than just being happy. Aristotle wrote, "For we have said that happiness is a certain sort of activity of the soul in accord with virtue" (Aristotle 9). To reach eudaimonia, a person has to be functioning well. In order to be functioning well, we have to act using logos, which is our reasoning. Another part of Aristotles' theory includes the idea of virtue. From my understanding, Virtue of character has a lot to do with our actions. It looks at what makes us do what we do. He explains, "Virtue, then, is of two sorts, virtue of thought and virtue of character" (Aristotle 18). In order to reach eudaimonia, we have to act virtuously. That is done by doing the right thing and knowing that you are doing it. Virtue of character is something that we do not automatically just have. It is something that we have to work on and practice. With practice, right actions will become habits. The virtuous person is someone who does not have to think about what the right thing to do is, they just do it. There is also the virtue of thought. This can be broken down into two parts, sophia and phronesis. Sophia is translated into english as wisdom. In other words, sophia could be viewed as being book smart. It is the type of person who has a lot of factual ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics Reflection Paper STR/581 July 26, 2010 University of Phoenix Ethics Reflection Paper Before WorldCom and Enron, many organizations unconditionally placed social and ethical responsibility with administrative legal and compliance obligations, regulations and rules. Today, a company's ethical behavior is vital to the success of the company. Consumers not only expect but demand that a company is visible in their practices and are held accountable for their actions; be it through internal regulations and rules through the involvement of the government. In this paper, there will be discussions of the social responsibility and role of ethics as it relates to the development of a strategic plan and how the ethical ... Show more content on ... During this program, the author's perspective evolved as a result of the author being discovered that the end–result of Enron failure was motivated ethically, the company itself was unsound ethically in the mere beginning. Some may question how could this be; however, from the readings on the organization, Enron was unethical from the start. Enron was in the business to sell natural gases and electricity. The purchasing and selling natural gas and electricity is not something that would necessarily be considered an ethical business. How this organization was handled was very strange on unprofessional. Strategic planning taught valuable lessons such as ethics, honesty and trust in which should be incorporated into the core foundation of the organization which to includes conducting business in an ethical way. Being transparent is another concept learned in the chapters of ethical behavior. From the information gathered on Enron, the organization was anything but transparent to the shareholders and its customers or stakeholders. Communicating the ethical stance of the company to all level employees is one of the most important concepts learned about ethics. Obviously, the ethical behaviors would not be on Enron's list of ethical behavior list. While the Enron scandal unambiguously is the most popular figure of obstinate corporate corruption and fraud, there were some good tips that came of this for all organizations. As a ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Business Ethics We have all heard of 'bad', unethical or immoral business practices. The FLOW documentary outlines a number of unethical business practices in relation to water. Business Ethics provides some tools (moral frames) for explaining what makes certain business behaviours unethical, which can assist in ethical decision–making. After viewing FLOW, find a journal article that meets the following conditions: it is based on one of the moral frames listed in Q2 AND is relevant to one of the ethical issues you identify in Q1 . The article should help you to deepen your understanding of the issues and the moral frames. After viewing FLOW and finding a relevant journal article, answer the following questions in 500 words. (You will probably use a ... Show more content on ... Motive: The reason of development is to make human life better. 2. Basis of will: Find a balance between the sustainable economic growth and environment protection. 3. Reasoned imperatives (commands/principles): When a country is in a period of rapid industrialization, there is a large gap between economic growth and resource consumption. The solution is always find a balance point in order to solve environmental problems through the development, and promote development by addressing environmental issues. Since the utilitarian view only consider influence for the result of the act, people may consider the economic growth must bring consequence. Which means all the environmental damage are necessary. But under this condition, this view consider as unethical view. Many people around world are suffering from the consequence of pollution. And every aspect of people's life is affected by pollution and wastefulness. It is unbelievable that people are having hard time to get natural resource that is essential for human life. The reason of development is to make human life better. And one of the most important symbol is a better environment. But not constantly consume the natural resource to gain economic benefit. The view advocate that environment protection are more important than economic growth. Under this condition, this view consider as ethical view. 3. Provide a full reference of your journal article, based on Academy of Management style. ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Ethical Action Reflection Essay : Ethics Ethical Action Reflection Essay Ethics vary between people and are exercised in many different forms. Ethics are the way individuals decide what is "right" from what is "wrong". One reason ethics vary so drastically is because of different world views. World Views are quite simply how people view the world around them and attach meaning to life in general. By knowing a person's world view we can assume a certain ethical theory and will therefore be able to make educated guesses on how they will act. The three generalized world views are Nihilism / Naturalism, Humanism, and Theism. The Nihilistic world view is based upon an idea of "nothingness". The world just came about from nowhere and it does not matter either way. There are no general rules of ethics. It is simply do what is best for yourself and that is assumed to be ethical because mankind is inherently good. Humanism is slightly more democratic. Humanism is based upon human reason. They believe in things such as The Big Bang theory because it makes sense. They also believe man is inherently good, however they are less concerned with the individual and care more about the group majority. The ethical standard is to treat others how they treat you. Theism is more complicated because it is based upon an "ultimate religious being". So for this purpose I will discuss Christian Theism, which is the world view I most closely relate. In this world view, God is the bases and he created the world and the heavens. Theists ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Essay On Reflection On Ethics CRITICAL REFLECTION ON ETHICS Venessa Bjork The Situation: A seasoned social worker employed by a community mental health center was seeking consultation on an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma is that one of her clients, Alice M., had committed suicide and her parents would like her to deliver a eulogy at Alice's funeral. The social worker discussed how she wanted to be supportive, but she also was concerned about Alice's confidentiality and boundaries with the family. Dolgoff's General Decision Making Model: 1. Identify the problem The practitioner should focus mostly on disagreeing values related to the client's privacy and worth, the parents' right to self–determination, the social worker's obligation to client well–being, and ... Show more content on ... If the social worker were to give the eulogy, she may offer comfort to the client's parents and possibly others who attend the funeral. The social worker may also obtain some comfort in the manner. In contrast, giving the eulogy may compromise the client's privacy and confidentiality. Those who attend the funeral may feel uncomfortable hearing the social worker's comments, especially if the social worker reveals the nature of her relationship with the deceased. Also, the social worker's status may be damaged (along with her agency and the social work profession) if those who are in attendance are disapproving of the social worker's decision to give the eulogy. If the social worker declines, the client's parents may be angry and upset. Also, the social worker may feel some doubts as a result, particularly if the social worker's rapport with the parents becomes stressed. 6. Select and implement using Ethical Principles Screen: a. Principle 1: Protection of life (the preservation of life is the highest principle) In regards to the protection of life, it is important to not forget that this includes the quality of life. One thing that is crucial in the principle is that we did not want to hinder the parents' quality of life, especially after the death of their daughter. The social worker can do this by practicing his/her ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Engl/230 Week 1 Ethics Course Reflection Shayna Berry Professor Donald Carey ENGL–2300–48F 2 May 2017 Ethics Course Reflection After partaking in Ethics class this past spring semester, I know that I can take several things with me as a continue to pursue my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. Most of the materials covered throughout the semester in this course have taught me how I perhaps should go about life and life's challenging times. It has opened my eyes to innovative ideas and perspectives on life. I believe that even some of the information can assist me in my career law that lies ahead. In Unit 4, the topic covered was hedonic calculus and the discussion post required us to use a real– world example. I really enjoyed this post because I could apply what was being discussed ... Show more content on ... Bernard Mayo's ideas on rule–governed ethics versus virtue ethics. Bernard Mayo was a British philosopher who used his philosophy knowledge to contrast deontologists' and teleologists'. Bernard Mayo studied a multitude of Aristotle's works on virtue ethics. Deontologists' and teleologists' contrast one another is a few basic ways. First off, deontology is based on obligation and duty. This ultimately means that doing something that is morally wrong can sometimes end up becoming something good. An example of this belief would be a father or husband killing an intruder in his home in order to protect his family. The act of shooting someone is morally wrong, however, protecting your family is morally good. Teleology gives things in life purpose. A fork has prongs in order to stab food so humans can eat it is a prime example of this belief. Virtue ethics mostly relates to Aristotle's beliefs and philosophies on moral obligation. He stated that a person who virtuous, shows ideal characteristics. Virtue ethics does not clearly state how one person should act because the simple beliefs the definition describes do not say how one should act specifically. The definition is rather vague and does not go into description on as to what a virtuous person really is. Virtue ethics emphasizes more so on the person, and moral rightness, than the rules. Deontology is the belief that judges the morality of a situation based upon the rules set forth. Utilitarianism is based upon what is morally right and what could be morally wrong. The saints from the readings are serving as the "being", and the heroes are portrayed as the "doing". The saints are not doing anything and are "being", while the heroes are actually doing things to make them seem morally right and virtuous. However, both the actions of "being" and "doing" can be either morally right or morally wrong. This philosophical theory could assist me when I finally reach my goal ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. The Belief Systems That May Have An Impact On The... The Belief Systems in Case Scenarios – reflective writing I am submitting a paper on counsellors' belief systems that may have an impact on the therapeutic process. This paper discusses my perspective of two case studies with different scenarios and is via my reflection of the cases. The aim and goal will be to learn to write as the third person and gain insight. The method I will discuss will be from placing me in the shoes of the counsellors', and walking in their shoes. Ricoeur calls this a 'narrative commitment', "where we follow the other – literally walking in their shoes – for an insight into where the other comes from". (Ricoeur, n.d., as cited in Bager–Charleson, 2010, pg. 116). I am hoping that faith grants me a potential ... Show more content on ... (2005), explains that something within the projection could hook someone else in a negative way. In addition, Rizq, R. (2005) defines projective identification as a development within the therapeutic process resulting in feelings and thoughts conceivably affecting someone else and maybe reversed from client to counsellor as well. Alternatively, the counsellor may have unconsciously brought, proactive countertransference, Clarkson, P, (2002) to the process. Proactive countertransference is defined as thoughts, feelings, and the ambience that are introduced into the process by the counsellor. However, in saying this, if the counsellor was consciously awareness of this within the process they may effectively be able to develop or could consider using this in helping them understand the client. Additional attributes of the counsellor were wounds that appeared in the counsellor 's thoughts, (a) mistrust of others, and (b) a presumption that relationships fall apart due to hiding their secrets. This also infers, by placing trust in a relationship we are likely to be deceived and deserted. My hypotheses were the counsellor could impose an espoused theory, Argyris and Schön, (1978) explains where the actions of the counsellor will differ in enacting the theory in use, which may impose implicit thoughts that are assumed and decided. There could be consequents from a blind spot or wound of the counsellor and this could predetermine the relationship before any therapeutic ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Ethics Reflection of the National Board for Certified... My First impression of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Code of Ethics is that this is a very standing ethical code. The NBCC Code of Ethics covers all aspects of how a counselor should advocate, represent, and protect. The NBCC Code of Ethics prevents a counselor from counseling in a field that they do not have training, and it prevents a counselor from unlawful discrimination The NBCC Code of Ethics even regulates how a counselor should behavior on social media in regards to their practice, research, and voicing of opinions. Upon reflecting on the Code of Ethics I feel that having the Code of Ethics is important within the field of counseling. The Code of Ethics provides a great foundation for counseling, and takes into consideration all aspects of counseling. While the Code of Ethics covers all of the things that I knew would (confidentiality, discrimination, and personal relationships with clients) there were several areas that I have never given thought. One new area that I had learned about was taking measures to avoid interruptions of counseling services due to illness, vacation, or unforeseen circumstances. This was surprising to me because I had not considered this. I agree with this, because if a counselor was dealing with a client who has depression a counselor could cause harm to the client by taking a month off in the middle of their treatment. Another new area that was particularly surprising was having a procedure of what to do with client ... Get more on ...