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Learning Objectives
At the end of this training, you will understand the:
❖ Methods used by The City of Chattanooga to recruit and
select employees.
❖ Legal issues that affect recruitment and selection.
❖ HR’s role in the recruitment and selection process.
❖ Role of supervisors and peers in the recruitment and
selection of team members.
Recruitment and selection are a critical part of City of Chattanooga’s growth
and are crucial in any department or workplace because new employees brings
great potential for increased productivity and innovative ideas to the
This is only if the recruitment and selection processes are done correctly,
otherwise the people selected could be detrimental to the efficiency and
success of the City as a whole.
The Hiring Process: Employer Perspective
Job Offer
• Step 6
• Step 5
• Step 4
• Step 3
Job Posting
• Step 2
• Step 1
Hiring the Right Person: Recruitment
Recruitment is:
❖The process of attracting individuals in sufficient
numbers with the right skills and at appropriate
times to apply for open positions within the
Recruitment needs are of three types:
❖Planned: Arises from changes in organization and
retirement policy.
❖Unexpected: Arises during resignations, deaths,
accidents and illness.
❖Anticipated: Refers to those movements in
personnel which an organization can predict by
studying trends in the internal and external
Internal Environment: Promotion from within
❖Promotion as a reward for good work.
❖Motivational tool for other employees.
❖Promoted employee gets up to speed must faster in his or
her new job.
External Environment
Labor market conditions:
❖Strong economy = difficulty hiring
❖Weak economy = too many applicants
It’s Important to Remember…
Costs of recruitment and selection:
❖Replacing supervisory, technical and management personnel can
cost from 50 percent of salary to several hundred percent of salary.
Major Federal Employment Laws
“The City provides equal opportunity to all employees and applicants without
regards to age, race, sex, color ,religion, disability, national origin, protected veteran
or military status, sexual orientation, gender identity , ethnic origin, political
affiliations, genetic information, marital status, or any other protected basis is
accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws except where such
category or class that constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. “
❖Civil Rights Act of 1964
❖Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
❖Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1975
❖Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
❖The Family and Medical Leave Act
Understand what
the job requires and
be sure that all
aspects of the
recruitment and
selection process
relate to these
requirements only
Avoid guaranteeing
job security or
making any
guarantees or
assurances of
Understand the laws
surrounding the
hiring process
Avoid illegal
Avoiding Legal Pitfalls
Requisition and Approval
Requisition and Approval Paths
Requisition Approval Path
Approval 1: Department Administrator
Approval 2: Position Management
Approval 3: Budget Group
Approval 4: COO
Approval 5: HR Staff
Hire Approval Path
Approval 1: Department Administrator
Approval 2: HR Approver
Approval 3: Budget Group
Approval 4: HR Administrators
Approval 5: COO
Approval 6: HR Staff
What’s discussed in a Recruitment Plan?
Recruitment plan: maps the way your department plans to attract
and hire the best possible candidates and ensure that the applicant
pool is diverse. Your hiring committee should determine these
❖Posting period: A job posting should last on between 10-15 days depending
on the position.
❖Placement goals: How many people are you looking to hire and who are
you looking to hire
❖Additional Adverting Resources: Are you doing traditional recruitment,
online recruitment, resume bank searches, contacting diversity agencies,
inter-department hiring?
Internal Recruitment
Job Posting: The process of announcing job openings to
❖Job information must be made available to ALL employees.
❖Employee cynicism occurs when they perceive there is not “equal”
opportunity for open positions.
Employee Referrals:
❖Some believe this is the route to the best employees.
❖Can perpetuate discriminatory hiring practices.
Employment agencies.
Executive search firms.
Local advertising:
Job fairs.
College recruiting.
Walk-in candidates.
Internet Recruiting
❖Quick and easy to post announcement.
❖Responses arrive faster and in greater quantity.
❖Will generate a wider range of applicants.
❖Applicants can be screened by computer.
❖Some selection tests can be administered by computer.
❖Automated applicant tracking.
❖Ease of submission will result in a lot of applicants, many whom are not qualified.
❖May take more HR time to sort through the greater quantity of applicants.
HR Dilemma: Employee Referrals
An organization starts an employee referral program to find
employees for its assembly plant. The program is very effective,
but no candidates from protected groups are referred or hired.
1. Could the organization be guilty of discrimination?
2. Should the organization abandon its referral program?
Job Posting
Job Analysis
Before you can post a job, you need an understanding of what the job entails and that is where
the job analysis comes into play.
The basic parts of a job analysis include:
❖Identification: Title of Job, department, location, date
❖Job roles and responsibilities
❖Skills, knowledge, and abilities need to succeed at job
❖Education and experience needed
❖Physical requirements, if any
When to use?
❖ For New Position: Do a job analysis of the position and review the competencies and skills needed
for the job and average daily tasks for the job, and this will help with the creation of the job posting.
❖ For Position Replacements: Conduct a job analysis and review if there needs to be any skills, tasks,
or education requirement updates to the job description.
Key Aspects of a Job Posting
Be sure to say
exactly what the
job entails from
education to
Does the job
require heavy
lifting or will this
employee be
others? CONCISE
Avoid fluff. Say
what you have to
say and do it well.
words could create
If the posting is
going online try to
find terms that will
optimize search
engine results for
potential job
Do not use
dissimilatory or
exclusive language
in your job
Examples are
“young and
energetic” or
“recent graduate.”
Be sure to know
that you and your
future employer
are on the same
page when it
comes to the job
description and
job expectations
to avoid future
confusion and
Job Postings
The job post is the foundation to the
recruitment process as it clearly
describes the duties of the position
and ideal characteristics (knowledge,
skills, abilities, etc.) a job applicant
needs to know to successfully preform
the job.
Drafts Job
2. Draft Post
is emailed to
3. Hiring
checks min.
are clear
4. The Job is
ready to be
Job Ads
When creating a job advertisement, it is
important to account for the following factors:
❖Equal Opportunity Employer Language
❖List detailed description of mandatory skills
and essential functions
❖Listed education should reflect true level of
skill needed to do the job—not what you
❖Be sure to include the dates by which an
application must be received and the
method you want applicants to complete the
for Diversity
An diverse workforce enhances
creativity and may facilitate
expansion into global markets.
Recruiting must generate applicants
from a wide variety of individuals.
Organizations must use objective
Include pictures of minority and
disabled employees on recruitment
Review Time
Here is a good job description
and a bad job description:
Your task is to note a few
reasons why these descriptions
are labeled the way they are?
Do you disagree with this
labeling? Why or why not?
The Employment Application
Applications must include:
v Applicant information.
v Applicant signature certifying validity of information.
v Statement of employment at will, if permitted.
v Permission from the applicant for reference check.
Avoid the following:
v Discriminatory information.
v Citizenship and Social Security data.
v Information on past use of FMLA, ADA or Workers’ Compensation.
v Disability information.
v Past salary levels.
v Birth date or education dates.
v Driver’s license information, unless driving is a job requirement.
Importance of the Application
% of People Who Lie On Resumes
Untruthful Truthful
The goal of an application is to gather a group of
individuals with a certain skills set and choose the
best fit for the job opening from that applicant pool.
The application should be crafted to weed out
applicants that are not suitable for consideration.
Interview and Selection
Selection Committee
Based on position and department, a selection committee of 3-5
individuals may be needed, which would include:
❖ A hiring manager
❖ People who have held the job title before,
❖ People whose job is closely linked to that particular job.
This ensures the selection of a candidate that meets
company and department expectations.
The Interview and Avoiding Discrimination
Inconsistency is one of the most common missteps employers make in the hiring process which
may lead to successful discrimination challenges under a disparate treatment theory of
employment discrimination. One good way to make sure that your interview process avoids any
discrimination issues is to use a structured interview instead of an unstructured interview style.
5 Most Common Types of Interviews
Pros Cons
1. Telephone Interview (30 mins) → quick
→ cheap
→ assess applicant’s phone skills
→ useful for long distant candidates
→ less control on the situation
→ body language is impossible to read
→ difficult to build rapport
→ potentially hard to schedule.
2. Video Interview (30-45 mins) → same as Telephone Interview
→ can tell focus level
→ body language is more readily available
→ same as telephone interviews
3. Panel Interview (45 mins) → blocks personal bias
→ allows for different opinions to be voiced
→ all relevant people meet at same time
→ good for new interviews, who may need help
→ scary for candidates
→ Not all interviews will work as hard at interviewing
4. Group Interview (45 mins) → assess interpersonal skills and teamwork.
→ You can interview all candidates at once.
→ Sparks competition.
→ Less individual pressure on candidates.
→ Out of the norm, generates genuine answers.
→ More difficult to administer effectively.
→ The pressure will put some candidates off.
→ Dominant personalities will quash others.
→ More difficult to build rapport with individuals.
→ Some candidates work better individually.
→ It requires more staff to pull off.
5. Face Interview (45 mins – 1 hour) → You can build rapport more easily
→ You can thoroughly assess the individual
→ You have opportunity to dig deeper
→ You can read their body language
→ You can test the candidate’s commitment
→ You’re more flexible with location/ style (informal/
→ Candidates can rehearse answers
→ It’s time-consuming
→ You’ll need a trained interviewer.
→ Interviewer bias will affect the decision
→ There’s no one present to assess the interviewer’s method
→ Can be inconsistent
Screening Interview
❖Usually conducted by telephone.
❖Not done in all organizations.
❖A few straight-forward questions.
❖Can eliminate those less qualified early in the selection
Interviewing Candidates
Team or individual interviewer?
Structured or patterned interview:
❖Pre-set questions asked of all candidates.
Nondirective interview:
❖Minimum of questions, not planned in advance.
❖Open-ended questions; interviewer follows the candidate’s lead.
Situational and problem-solving interview:
❖Candidate describes how he or she would solve a problem.
Behavioral interview:
❖Candidate describes how he or she responded to a specific situation.
Behavioral Interviewing
❖Behavioral Interviewing is a structured interviewing strategy built
on the premise that past behavior and performance is the best
predictor of future behavior and performance in similar
❖This approach is based on the assumption that it will provide
objective data about the candidate to facilitate and improve
employee selection.
Traditional vs Behavioral Questions
❖What are your goals in the next five
❖How do you make decisions?
❖Are you a team player?
❖Tell me about one of your personal
goals and something you’ve
specifically done in the last year to
achieve this goal.
❖Describe a situation where you had to
research and review information for
the purpose of making a decision or
❖Describe a situation in which you had
a peer that wasn’t cooperating.
Traditional: Behavioral:
SAR Framework
❖Frame your questions using the “SAR” technique: Situation, Action, Result
➢Situation Questions:
➢Tell me more about that…
➢What happened next?
➢Can you be more specific about…?
➢What were the circumstances…?
➢Action Questions:
➢What did you contribute to the effort?
➢What did you specifically do?
➢Describe your specific role in the situation?
➢Walk me through the steps you took
➢Result Questions:
➢What was the result?
➢How did it work out?
➢What successes or problems resulted from…?
➢What feedback did you receive?
Interview Tips
& Techniques
❖Try to build an early rapport
❖Be an effective listener
❖Accept silences
❖Candidates will be interviewing
you; allow time for their questions
❖Avoid quick judgments
❖Maintain control…keep the
applicant on track
❖Take notes!
Interviewing Dos and Don’ts
✓Introduce the interview panel.
✓Adhere to the interview questions
pre-approved by your HR Generalist.
✓Have a standardized approach to the
interview; i.e. ask all candidates the
same questions.
✓Give a brief synopsis of what the job
✓Ask open-ended questions that allow
candidates to elaborate and take
× Ask questions related to protected
× Ask questions unrelated to the
candidate’s ability to perform the job.
× Make job offers.
× Discuss salary specifics.
× Limit yourself to “yes” or “no”
Selection Tests & Relevant Checks
Selection Tests
❖SELECTION TEST: Any instrument that is used to make a decision about a
potential employee.
❖STANDARDIZATION: Uniformity of procedures and conditions related to
administering tests.
❖RELIABILITY: The extent to which a selection test provides consistent
❖VALIDITY: The extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure.(2)
Do higher test scores relate to higher success on the job?
Kinds of Selection Tests
Sometimes is it may be necessary to collect more information once an
applicant’s application has been reviewed. Common examples of this is:
❖Cognitive aptitude tests measure reasoning, vocabulary, verbal and numeric
❖Job knowledge tests measure knowledge regarding a particular job.
❖Work sample tests allow candidates to demonstrate how they would work on the
❖Psychomotor abilities tests assess the skill level of tasks required on the job.
❖Personality tests assess traits and personal characteristics. They are used to
determine if the applicant is the right fit for the organization.
❖Vocational interests tests identify occupations in which the candidate is most
❖Honesty and integrity tests try to measure a candidate’s truthfulness
Tests, Inquiries, and Checks
❖Background Checks, Arrest and
Conviction Inquires
❖Social Media/Networking Checks 40%
Why are Background and References Checks
Lie about work and educational
falsify creditials and licenses
purposely misrepresent
Legal Liability
Defamation: the act of harming the
reputation of another by making a false
statement to a third party.
Negligence: the failure to exercise the
standard of care that a reasonably prudent
person would have exercised in the same
Legal Liability - Negligence
Negligent referral: the legal risk incurred when a past
employer fails to warn a potential employer of the
inherent danger presented by a former employee.
Negligent hiring: the liability incurred when failing to
conduct a reasonable investigation of an applicant’s
background and then assigns a potentially dangerous
person to a position where he or she can inflict harm.
The Job Offer
❖Making the job offer:
oMay be done by phone, letter or in person.
oMake arrangements for further conditions:
• Physical exam
• Drug screen.
❖Discuss salary and benefits:
oAvoid quoting an annual salary.
❖Realistic job preview,
❖Verify employment eligibility:
oI-9 form.
You have a new employee!
◦ d0zrz51hr7b5m5b7
Human Resource Law from A to Z manual (Nov. 1, 2016)
Human Resource Selection (Edition 8)
Psychology Applied to Work (Edition 11)

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Recruitment 101 Project

  • 2. Learning Objectives At the end of this training, you will understand the: ❖ Methods used by The City of Chattanooga to recruit and select employees. ❖ Legal issues that affect recruitment and selection. ❖ HR’s role in the recruitment and selection process. ❖ Role of supervisors and peers in the recruitment and selection of team members.
  • 3. Introduction Recruitment and selection are a critical part of City of Chattanooga’s growth and are crucial in any department or workplace because new employees brings great potential for increased productivity and innovative ideas to the workplace. This is only if the recruitment and selection processes are done correctly, otherwise the people selected could be detrimental to the efficiency and success of the City as a whole. BUT….
  • 4. The Hiring Process: Employer Perspective Job Offer • Step 6 Hire Approval • Step 5 Interview and Selection • Step 4 Application • Step 3 Job Posting • Step 2 Requisition and Approval • Step 1
  • 5. Hiring the Right Person: Recruitment Recruitment is: ❖The process of attracting individuals in sufficient numbers with the right skills and at appropriate times to apply for open positions within the organization. Recruitment needs are of three types: ❖Planned: Arises from changes in organization and retirement policy. ❖Unexpected: Arises during resignations, deaths, accidents and illness. ❖Anticipated: Refers to those movements in personnel which an organization can predict by studying trends in the internal and external environment
  • 6. Internal Environment: Promotion from within Advantages: ❖Promotion as a reward for good work. ❖Motivational tool for other employees. ❖Promoted employee gets up to speed must faster in his or her new job.
  • 7. External Environment Labor market conditions: ❖Strong economy = difficulty hiring ❖Weak economy = too many applicants
  • 8. It’s Important to Remember… Costs of recruitment and selection: ❖Replacing supervisory, technical and management personnel can cost from 50 percent of salary to several hundred percent of salary.
  • 9. Major Federal Employment Laws “The City provides equal opportunity to all employees and applicants without regards to age, race, sex, color ,religion, disability, national origin, protected veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender identity , ethnic origin, political affiliations, genetic information, marital status, or any other protected basis is accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws except where such category or class that constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification. “ ❖Civil Rights Act of 1964 ❖Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ❖Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1975 ❖Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ❖The Family and Medical Leave Act
  • 10. Understand Understand what the job requires and be sure that all aspects of the recruitment and selection process relate to these requirements only Avoid Avoid guaranteeing job security or making any promises, guarantees or assurances of longevity Understand Understand the laws surrounding the hiring process Avoid Avoid illegal discrimination Avoiding Legal Pitfalls
  • 11. Requisition and Approval THE FIRST STEP IN PROCESS OF CITY HIRING
  • 12. Requisition and Approval Paths Requisition Approval Path Approval 1: Department Administrator Approval 2: Position Management Approval 3: Budget Group Approval 4: COO Approval 5: HR Staff Hire Approval Path Approval 1: Department Administrator Approval 2: HR Approver Approval 3: Budget Group Approval 4: HR Administrators Approval 5: COO Approval 6: HR Staff
  • 13. What’s discussed in a Recruitment Plan? Recruitment plan: maps the way your department plans to attract and hire the best possible candidates and ensure that the applicant pool is diverse. Your hiring committee should determine these things: ❖Posting period: A job posting should last on between 10-15 days depending on the position. ❖Placement goals: How many people are you looking to hire and who are you looking to hire ❖Additional Adverting Resources: Are you doing traditional recruitment, online recruitment, resume bank searches, contacting diversity agencies, inter-department hiring?
  • 14. Internal Recruitment Job Posting: The process of announcing job openings to employees. ❖Job information must be made available to ALL employees. ❖Employee cynicism occurs when they perceive there is not “equal” opportunity for open positions. Employee Referrals: ❖Some believe this is the route to the best employees. ❖Can perpetuate discriminatory hiring practices.
  • 15. External Recruitment Employment agencies. Executive search firms. Local advertising: ❖Newspaper. ❖Multimedia. Internships. Job fairs. College recruiting. Walk-in candidates.
  • 16. Internet Recruiting ❖Advantages: ❖Inexpensive. ❖Quick and easy to post announcement. ❖Responses arrive faster and in greater quantity. ❖Will generate a wider range of applicants. ❖Applicants can be screened by computer. ❖Some selection tests can be administered by computer. ❖Automated applicant tracking. ❖Disadvantages: ❖Ease of submission will result in a lot of applicants, many whom are not qualified. ❖May take more HR time to sort through the greater quantity of applicants.
  • 17. HR Dilemma: Employee Referrals An organization starts an employee referral program to find employees for its assembly plant. The program is very effective, but no candidates from protected groups are referred or hired. 1. Could the organization be guilty of discrimination? 2. Should the organization abandon its referral program?
  • 19. Job Analysis Before you can post a job, you need an understanding of what the job entails and that is where the job analysis comes into play. The basic parts of a job analysis include: ❖Identification: Title of Job, department, location, date ❖Job roles and responsibilities ❖Skills, knowledge, and abilities need to succeed at job ❖Education and experience needed ❖Physical requirements, if any When to use? ❖ For New Position: Do a job analysis of the position and review the competencies and skills needed for the job and average daily tasks for the job, and this will help with the creation of the job posting. ❖ For Position Replacements: Conduct a job analysis and review if there needs to be any skills, tasks, or education requirement updates to the job description.
  • 20. Key Aspects of a Job Posting SPECIFIC Be sure to say exactly what the job entails from education to previous experience requirements. Does the job require heavy lifting or will this employee be supervising others? CONCISE Avoid fluff. Say what you have to say and do it well. Unnecessary words could create confusion. If the posting is going online try to find terms that will optimize search engine results for potential job applicants. INCLUSIVE Do not use dissimilatory or exclusive language in your job posting. Examples are “young and energetic” or “recent graduate.” MUTUAL Be sure to know that you and your future employer are on the same page when it comes to the job description and job expectations to avoid future confusion and workplace disruption.
  • 21. Job Postings The job post is the foundation to the recruitment process as it clearly describes the duties of the position and ideal characteristics (knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.) a job applicant needs to know to successfully preform the job. 1.HR Generalist Drafts Job Post 2. Draft Post is emailed to hiring manager 3. Hiring manager checks min. and preferred qualifications are clear 4. The Job is ready to be posted publicly.
  • 22. Job Ads When creating a job advertisement, it is important to account for the following factors: ❖Equal Opportunity Employer Language ❖List detailed description of mandatory skills and essential functions ❖Listed education should reflect true level of skill needed to do the job—not what you desire. ❖Be sure to include the dates by which an application must be received and the method you want applicants to complete the application.
  • 23. Recruitment for Diversity An diverse workforce enhances creativity and may facilitate expansion into global markets. Recruiting must generate applicants from a wide variety of individuals. Organizations must use objective standards. Include pictures of minority and disabled employees on recruitment flyers.
  • 24. Review Time Here is a good job description and a bad job description: Your task is to note a few reasons why these descriptions are labeled the way they are? Do you disagree with this labeling? Why or why not?
  • 26. The Employment Application Applications must include: v Applicant information. v Applicant signature certifying validity of information. v Statement of employment at will, if permitted. v Permission from the applicant for reference check. Avoid the following: v Discriminatory information. v Citizenship and Social Security data. v Information on past use of FMLA, ADA or Workers’ Compensation. v Disability information. v Past salary levels. v Birth date or education dates. v Driver’s license information, unless driving is a job requirement.
  • 27. Importance of the Application % of People Who Lie On Resumes Untruthful Truthful The goal of an application is to gather a group of individuals with a certain skills set and choose the best fit for the job opening from that applicant pool. The application should be crafted to weed out applicants that are not suitable for consideration.
  • 29. Selection Committee Based on position and department, a selection committee of 3-5 individuals may be needed, which would include: ❖ A hiring manager ❖ People who have held the job title before, ❖ People whose job is closely linked to that particular job. This ensures the selection of a candidate that meets company and department expectations.
  • 30. The Interview and Avoiding Discrimination Inconsistency is one of the most common missteps employers make in the hiring process which may lead to successful discrimination challenges under a disparate treatment theory of employment discrimination. One good way to make sure that your interview process avoids any discrimination issues is to use a structured interview instead of an unstructured interview style.
  • 31. 5 Most Common Types of Interviews Pros Cons 1. Telephone Interview (30 mins) → quick → cheap → assess applicant’s phone skills → useful for long distant candidates → less control on the situation → body language is impossible to read → difficult to build rapport → potentially hard to schedule. 2. Video Interview (30-45 mins) → same as Telephone Interview → can tell focus level → body language is more readily available → same as telephone interviews 3. Panel Interview (45 mins) → blocks personal bias → allows for different opinions to be voiced → all relevant people meet at same time → good for new interviews, who may need help → scary for candidates → Not all interviews will work as hard at interviewing 4. Group Interview (45 mins) → assess interpersonal skills and teamwork. → You can interview all candidates at once. → Sparks competition. → Less individual pressure on candidates. → Out of the norm, generates genuine answers. → More difficult to administer effectively. → The pressure will put some candidates off. → Dominant personalities will quash others. → More difficult to build rapport with individuals. → Some candidates work better individually. → It requires more staff to pull off. 5. Face Interview (45 mins – 1 hour) → You can build rapport more easily → You can thoroughly assess the individual → You have opportunity to dig deeper → You can read their body language → You can test the candidate’s commitment → You’re more flexible with location/ style (informal/ formal). → Candidates can rehearse answers → It’s time-consuming → You’ll need a trained interviewer. → Interviewer bias will affect the decision → There’s no one present to assess the interviewer’s method → Can be inconsistent
  • 32. Screening Interview ❖Usually conducted by telephone. ❖Not done in all organizations. ❖A few straight-forward questions. ❖Can eliminate those less qualified early in the selection process.
  • 33. Interviewing Candidates Team or individual interviewer? Structured or patterned interview: ❖Pre-set questions asked of all candidates. Nondirective interview: ❖Minimum of questions, not planned in advance. ❖Open-ended questions; interviewer follows the candidate’s lead. Situational and problem-solving interview: ❖Candidate describes how he or she would solve a problem. Behavioral interview: ❖Candidate describes how he or she responded to a specific situation.
  • 34. Behavioral Interviewing ❖Behavioral Interviewing is a structured interviewing strategy built on the premise that past behavior and performance is the best predictor of future behavior and performance in similar circumstances. ❖This approach is based on the assumption that it will provide objective data about the candidate to facilitate and improve employee selection.
  • 35. Traditional vs Behavioral Questions ❖What are your goals in the next five years? ❖How do you make decisions? ❖Are you a team player? ❖Tell me about one of your personal goals and something you’ve specifically done in the last year to achieve this goal. ❖Describe a situation where you had to research and review information for the purpose of making a decision or recommendation. ❖Describe a situation in which you had a peer that wasn’t cooperating. Traditional: Behavioral:
  • 36. SAR Framework ❖Frame your questions using the “SAR” technique: Situation, Action, Result ➢Situation Questions: ➢Tell me more about that… ➢What happened next? ➢Can you be more specific about…? ➢What were the circumstances…? ➢Action Questions: ➢What did you contribute to the effort? ➢What did you specifically do? ➢Describe your specific role in the situation? ➢Walk me through the steps you took ➢Result Questions: ➢What was the result? ➢How did it work out? ➢What successes or problems resulted from…? ➢What feedback did you receive?
  • 37. Interview Tips & Techniques ❖Try to build an early rapport ❖Be an effective listener ❖Accept silences ❖Candidates will be interviewing you; allow time for their questions ❖Avoid quick judgments ❖Maintain control…keep the applicant on track ❖Take notes!
  • 38. Interviewing Dos and Don’ts DO: DO NOT: ✓Introduce the interview panel. ✓Adhere to the interview questions pre-approved by your HR Generalist. ✓Have a standardized approach to the interview; i.e. ask all candidates the same questions. ✓Give a brief synopsis of what the job entails. ✓Ask open-ended questions that allow candidates to elaborate and take notes. × Ask questions related to protected classes. × Ask questions unrelated to the candidate’s ability to perform the job. × Make job offers. × Discuss salary specifics. × Limit yourself to “yes” or “no” questions.
  • 39. Selection Tests & Relevant Checks IS YOUR BEST REALLY BETTER THAN THE REST?
  • 40. Selection Tests ❖SELECTION TEST: Any instrument that is used to make a decision about a potential employee. ❖STANDARDIZATION: Uniformity of procedures and conditions related to administering tests. ❖RELIABILITY: The extent to which a selection test provides consistent results. ❖VALIDITY: The extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure.(2) Do higher test scores relate to higher success on the job?
  • 41. Kinds of Selection Tests Sometimes is it may be necessary to collect more information once an applicant’s application has been reviewed. Common examples of this is: ❖Cognitive aptitude tests measure reasoning, vocabulary, verbal and numeric skills. ❖Job knowledge tests measure knowledge regarding a particular job. ❖Work sample tests allow candidates to demonstrate how they would work on the job ❖Psychomotor abilities tests assess the skill level of tasks required on the job. ❖Personality tests assess traits and personal characteristics. They are used to determine if the applicant is the right fit for the organization. ❖Vocational interests tests identify occupations in which the candidate is most interested ❖Honesty and integrity tests try to measure a candidate’s truthfulness
  • 42. Tests, Inquiries, and Checks ❖Background Checks, Arrest and Conviction Inquires ❖Social Media/Networking Checks 40% 30% 20% Why are Background and References Checks Important? Lie about work and educational histories falsify creditials and licenses purposely misrepresent themselves
  • 43. Legal Liability Defamation: the act of harming the reputation of another by making a false statement to a third party. Negligence: the failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised in the same situation.
  • 44. Legal Liability - Negligence Negligent referral: the legal risk incurred when a past employer fails to warn a potential employer of the inherent danger presented by a former employee. Negligent hiring: the liability incurred when failing to conduct a reasonable investigation of an applicant’s background and then assigns a potentially dangerous person to a position where he or she can inflict harm.
  • 45. The Job Offer ❖Making the job offer: oMay be done by phone, letter or in person. oMake arrangements for further conditions: • Physical exam • Drug screen. ❖Discuss salary and benefits: oAvoid quoting an annual salary. ❖Realistic job preview, ❖Verify employment eligibility: oI-9 form.
  • 47. References Websites: ◦ ◦ ction_PowerPoint_Final.ppt. ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ d0zrz51hr7b5m5b7 ◦ ◦ Books: Human Resource Law from A to Z manual (Nov. 1, 2016) Human Resource Selection (Edition 8) Psychology Applied to Work (Edition 11)