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Real-time evaluation
           In theory and practice
       Jessica Letch, University of Melbourne
Thesis: Master of Assessment and Evaluation
Real-time evaluation
Questions and rationale
Logic and fidelity
RTE in theoretical context
Origins of RTE
Pivotal conflicts
 Persian Gulf Crisis, Rwanda, Kosovo

Early agencies
 UNHCR, World Bank, Danida

Humanitarian reform
 OCHA, Reliefweb, IASC, ALNAP
Humanitarian evaluation “tends to
 mirror humanitarian practice – it is often
 rushed, heavily dependent on the skills
 of its key protagonists, ignores local
 capacity, is top-down, and keeps an
 eye on the media and public relations
 implications of findings”
                  - Feinstein & Beck (2006)
“atheoretical and method-driven”– a
 less thoughtful and rigorous cousin of
 mainstream evaluation.
                  - Feinstein & Beck (2006)
The „wild west‟ of evaluation
        - AES conference Canberra, 2009
The centrality of theory
Without a strong theoretical base, “we
 are no different from the legions of
 others who also market themselves as
 evaluators today”
                        - Shadish (1998)
Aid evaluation emergent
At the time of the Rwanda evaluation,
 “there were no manuals, guidelines or
 good practice notes to follow on
 evaluating humanitarian action”

                           - Beck (2006)
The value of research
on evaluation
Rigorous and systematic study “can
 provide essential information in the
 development of an evidence base for
 a theoretically rooted evaluation
 practice, as well as provide the
 evidentiary base for the development
 of practice-based theory”
                         - Miller (2010)
Research questions
1. What is the conceptual logic
   behind real-time evaluation?
2. How is real-time evaluation
   applied in practice?
3. How can the theory and
   practice of real-time
   evaluation be strengthened?
Drawn from:
 Miller and Campbell (2006)
   Multistage sampling approach; examination of
    fidelity between theory and practice
 Hansen et al (in press)
   Logic modeling from coding framework
Espoused theory
Six items of literature
 Broughton, WFP (2001)
 Jamal and Crisp, UNHCR (2002)
 Sandison, UNICEF (2003)
 Cosgrave, Ramalingham & Beck (2009)
 Waldon, Scott & Lakeman (2010)
 Brusset, Cosgrave, MacDonald, ALNAP (2010)
Logic of theory
Context                                                            Activities                                                 Consequences / effects

  4-12 weeks into large,
   rapid onset single or                                                   Data collection via semi-
                                         Realistic design                                                                Evaluation is
  multi-agency program.                                                structured interviews, observation
                                           and flexible                                                                timely, credible
  May be concerns about                                                     with purposive sampling.
                                               plans.                                                                 and responsive to               Country team
       performance.                                                       Reflection workshops, focus
                                          Timeliness is                                                                  information               learning, reflection
                                            vital. May                 groups, limited document analysis.                                             and improved
                                          utilize a series                                                                                               morale.
                                             of visits.
    Internal and external                                                Analysis concurrent with data
    stakeholders, under                                                collection, with input from country
       great pressure.                                                         team via workshop.
                                          Planning with                                                                credibility from                 Immediate
                                           stakeholders                                                               effective planning            instrumental use.
                                             essential.                                                                 and short-term                   Stronger
                                                                          Stakeholder participation:
                                                                                                                        improvements.               understanding of
                                                                       Country team involvement crucial,
                                                                        beneficiary engagement strongly                                               context. Better
    HQ and donors need
                                                                           encouraged. Management                                                     guidelines and
       information.                        Evaluator's                                                                                                policy. Greater
                                               role is                        responds to findings.                       Stronger                    transparency.
                                             impartial                                                                 organizational
                                             outsider,                                                                capacity learning
                                            advisor and                   Multiple methods of report                    and decision-
      1-4 highly skilled                 facilitator. Must               generation. Written reports                   making in situ,
     evaluators with a                                                    secondary to briefings and                                                     Improved
                                         collate credible                                                             M&E systems and
    supportive manner,                                                  workshops. Rapid dissemination.                                                outcomes for
                                           information.                                                                 institutional
    diverse backgrounds                                                       Use of linking tool.                                                      survivors of

Assumptions                                                                               External factors
Emergency response is difficult to monitor and evaluate. RTE is more interactive than     Complex and difficult programming environment, subject to rapid changes. Time,
standard humanitarian evaluation. Utilization is increased with staff engagement.         logistics and security constraints.
Organizational change is slow.
Theory in use
56 case examples
Logic of practice
Figure 1: Logic model for real-time evaluation from RTE reports
Context                                                      Activities                                              Consequences / effects

    Large-scale single- or             Planning via a
 multi-agency response to             reference group              Personnel, beneficiaries and                                            RTE promotes
  sudden-onset or rapidly            and pre-RTE field          external stakeholders provide data.                                        staff reflection,
                                     mission. Terms of                                                         Findings depend            communication,
 deteriorating crises. Soon                                       Formal management response.
                                        reference set,                                                               upon                   coordination,
 after establishment phase.
                                      then evaluators                                                           recollections of            learning and
   Learning opportunities
                                       develop design                                                             informants,
           present.                                                                                                                        accountability.
                                      after initial data                                                         triangulated.
                                       collection and             Data collection: semi-structured
                                        consultation.             interviews, primarily with field
   Information needed for                                        personnel. Documents, field visits                                        Detailed action
  field personnel, external                                              and focus groups.                        Evaluator
                                                                                                                                          plans established
  stakeholders and future              Single or multi-                                                           credibility
                                                                                                                                              with the
  organizational response.              phase design                                                             established
                                                                                                                                            ownership of
                                          with light                                                               through
                                                                                                                                           teams. Broader
                                      footprint. 11-21                                                        transparency and
                                                                  Findings and recommendations                                                 policy
                                     field days. 36-111                                                       meta-evaluation.
 Primary stakeholders are                                        reviewed via reflection workshops                                          development.
   agency staff and their              informants, 40-                   with field teams.
  partners. Will be under            133 beneficiaries.
        pressure.                                                                                              Organizational
                                                                                                                                              outcomes for
  3-4 internal or external               Evaluator                                                              enhanced via
                                                                     Multiple reporting methods                                                survivors of
  evaluators with sectoral           provides support,                                                           reflection,
                                                                   including oral presentations at                                            humanitarian
     and management                  guidance, outside                                                         communication
                                                                 field and headquarters.19-43 page                                            emergencies.
   expertise and balanced             perspective and                                                          and chronicling
          profiles.                   accountability.                                                              events.

Assumptions                                                                         External factors
Early deployment leads to influence. Ownership and participation faciliate          Frequent changes, rapid staff turnover of staff and competing field
utilization. RTEs measure opinions but not impact. RTEs will result in important    missions. Sensitive political environment, security threats. Compromised
lessons learned.                                                                    infrastructure, living and working conditions. Remote travel required.
                                                                                    Visas and recruitment cause delays.
Contrasts in logic models
               • Theory: Concerns about
                 programme performance
               • Practice: Silent on these

               • Theory: Agency knowledge
               • Practice: External evaluators
                 with sectoral expertise and
                 diverse backgrounds

               • Theory: Field based planning
               • Practice: Reference groups
Contrasts in logic models
                  • Theory: Field and management response.
  Stakeholders    • Practice: More optimistic picture of
                    beneficiary consultation.

                  • Theory: Effective planning.
   Credibility    • Practice: Relationships, transparency,

 Organizational   • Theory: Establishing M&E systems.
Contrasts in logic models
                 • Theory: Learning
  Process use    • Practice: Communication and

                 • Theory: Understanding at
                 • Practice: Field team ownership
                   and action plans.

  Constraints    • Practice: Political environment.
Contrasts in logic models
                • Theory: Modest expectations of
                  organizational change.
                • Practice: The importance of
                  lessons learned.

                • Practice has a stronger
    Overall       emphasis on bottom-up
                  influence and approaches.
Change in scores
pre- and post- ALNAP guide
Element          Pre-March 2009                     % change
Median no of                            136
                 40 beneficiaries                    240%
beneficiaries                       beneficiaries
Matrix of
recommendation         9%               29%          222%
5 to 10
                      16%              33%
recommendation                                       106%
                   average 24       average 15
Inception report
                       9%               17%           89%
List of
                      41%               63%           54%
                      50%               67%           34%
Change in scores
pre- and post- ALNAP guide
Element             Pre-March 2009    Post-March 2009   % change

Workshop in field        59%               75%            27%
Average fidelity         45%               53%
score                6.25 out of 14    7.38 our of 14
                         78%               88%            13%

1 to 4 evaluators        81%               88%            9%
7 to 21 days in          50%               54%
field               median 13 days    median 16 days
Average fidelity         45%               53%
score                6.25 out of 14    7.38 our of 14
                         78%               88%            13%
Change in scores
pre- and post- ALNAP guide
Element              Pre-March 2009                      % change
                          97%               92%            -5%
triangulation and         38%               33%            -13%

Timeline                  38%               33%            -13%

Report 15 to 40            59%              46%
pages                average 30 pages average 38 pages
Matrix of evidence         0%               21%            N/A

                      Median change      (all scores)      18%
Highest fidelity scores
Found in Humanitarian
 Accountability Project, IASC and
 among external evaluators.
Many of these evaluators also
 contributed to the literature on RTE.
Lowest scores
Found in mixed and internal teams,
 multi-country evaluations.
Some reports seem to be labeled RTE
 simply for its cachet.
In theory
Is RTE new?
 Though described as innovative, it has many
  antecedents outside the humanitarian field.
Is RTE evaluation at all?
 „Purists‟ would argue that it‟s
  pseudoevaluation. RTE is part of an
  increasingly vague distinction between
  evaluators and organizational development
Classifying RTE
2nd stage evaluation
        Shadish, Cook and Leviton (1991)

“Use” branch
                   Alkin & Christie (2004)
Type of use    Potential for real-time evaluation

               Influence actions and decisions.
Instrumental   Develop action plans.
               Change policies and programs.
               Lessons learned for country teams,
               headquarters and donors.
               Information for donors.
               Demonstrate transparency, accountability.

Process        Communication, coordination and morale.
Program in a continuous state of
 change; operations will never
 become fixed or stable.
                                           Patton (2008)

Not to prove
        …but to improve
          Krueger & Sagmeister (2012), Stufflebeam (2004)
“There are no algorithms, rules, recipes
 or the like to use”
                                              Eisner (2004)

Expert-led, lightweight and agile
Credibility (and supply) of experts a
 key limitation.
            Stufflebeam & Shinkfield (2007), Miller (2010)
There is a strengthening relationship
 between theory and practice
A strong logic is emerging from RTE
RTE has roots in mainstream evaluation,
 especially developmental and
 utilization-focussed approaches. Must
 be wary of the risks of connoisseurship.
Humanitarian evaluators: stronger
 engagement with theory and better
 training in guidance.
Mainstream theorists: attention to the
 specificities of emergencies, to adapt
 traditional models.
 Further research on evaluation in
 humanitarian programs.
Thank you
Jess Letch
 Masters candidate
 University of Melbourne, Australia

Special thanks to supervisor Brad Astbury

Special acknowledgement to Ros Hurworth
 Alkin, M. C., & Christie, C. A. (2004). An evaluation theory tree. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation roots: tracing
  theorists' views and influences (pp. 12-65). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
 Beck, T. (2006). Evaluating humanitarian action using the OECD-DAC criteria: An ALNAP guide for
  humanitarian agencies: ALNAP.
 Broughton, B. (2001). Proposal Outlining a Conceptual Framework and Terms of Reference for a Pilot Real-
  Time Evaluation (O. O. o. Evaluation), Trans.). Canberra: World Food Program.
 Brusset, E., Cosgrave, J., & MacDonald, W. (2010). Real-time evaluation in humanitarian emergencies.
  [Article]. New Directions for Evaluation(126), 9-20.
 Cosgrave, J., Ramalingham, B., & Beck, T. (2009). Real-Time Evaluations of Humanitarian Action: An ALNAP
  Guide (Pilot Version): ALNAP.
 Eisner, E. (2004). The roots of connoisseurship and criticism: A personal journey. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.),
  Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists' Views and Influences (pp. 8p). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
 Feinstein, O., & Beck, T. (2006). Evaluation of Development Interventions and Humanitarian Action. In I. F.
  Shaw, J. C. Greene & M. M. Mark (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Evaluation. London: Sage.
 Hansen, M., Alkin, M. C., & LeBaron Wallace, T. (in press). Depicting the logic of three evaluation theories.
  Evaluation and Program Planning. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.03.012
 Jamal, A., & Crisp, J. (2002). Real-Time Humanitarian Evaluations: Some Frequently Asked Questions (E. a. P.
  A. Unit, Trans.): UNHCR.
 Krueger, S., & Sagmeister, E. (2012). Real-Time Evaluation of Humanitarian Assistance Revisited: Lessons
  Learned and the Way Forward. Paper presented at the European Evaluation Society, Helsinki.
 Miller, R. L. (2010). Developing standards for empirical examinations of evaluation theory. American Journal
  of Evaluation, 31(390). doi: 10.1177/1098214010371819
 Miller, R. L., & Campbell, R. (2006). Taking stock of empowerment evaluation: An empirical review.
  American Journal of Evaluation, 27(3), 296-319.
 Owen, J. M., & Rogers, P. J. (1999). Program Evaluation: Forms and approaches Retrieved from SAGE
  Research Methods database Retrieved from
  evaluation/SAGE.xml doi:10.4135/9781849209601
 Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization-Focused Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
 Sandison, P. (2003). Desk Review of Real-Time Evaluation Experience. New York: UNICEF.
 Shadish, W. R. (1998). Evaluation theory is who we are. American Journal of Evaluation, 19(1), 18.
 Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Leviton, L. C. (1991). Foundations of program evaluation: theories of practice.
  Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
 Stake, R. E. (2004). Stake and Responsive Evaluation. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists'
  Views and Influences (pp. 204-216). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Retrieved from
 Stufflebeam, D. L. (2004). The 21st Century Cipp Model. In M. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists'
  Views and Influences (pp. 245-266). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
 Stufflebeam, D. L., & Shinkfield, A. J. (2007). Evaluation theory, models, and applications / Daniel L.
  Stufflebeam, Anthony J. Shinkfield: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2007.
 Walden, V. M., Scott, I., & Lakeman, J. (2010). Snapshots in time: using real-time evaluations in humanitarian
  emergencies. Disaster Prevention and Management, 19(3), 8.

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Real time evaluation in theory and practice

  • 1. Real-time evaluation In theory and practice Jessica Letch, University of Melbourne Thesis: Master of Assessment and Evaluation
  • 2. Overview Real-time evaluation Questions and rationale Methodology Logic and fidelity RTE in theoretical context Suggestions
  • 3. Origins of RTE Pivotal conflicts Persian Gulf Crisis, Rwanda, Kosovo Early agencies UNHCR, World Bank, Danida Humanitarian reform OCHA, Reliefweb, IASC, ALNAP
  • 4. Rationale Humanitarian evaluation “tends to mirror humanitarian practice – it is often rushed, heavily dependent on the skills of its key protagonists, ignores local capacity, is top-down, and keeps an eye on the media and public relations implications of findings” - Feinstein & Beck (2006)
  • 5. Rationale “atheoretical and method-driven”– a less thoughtful and rigorous cousin of mainstream evaluation. - Feinstein & Beck (2006) The „wild west‟ of evaluation - AES conference Canberra, 2009
  • 6. The centrality of theory Without a strong theoretical base, “we are no different from the legions of others who also market themselves as evaluators today” - Shadish (1998)
  • 7. Aid evaluation emergent At the time of the Rwanda evaluation, “there were no manuals, guidelines or good practice notes to follow on evaluating humanitarian action” - Beck (2006)
  • 8. The value of research on evaluation Rigorous and systematic study “can provide essential information in the development of an evidence base for a theoretically rooted evaluation practice, as well as provide the evidentiary base for the development of practice-based theory” - Miller (2010)
  • 9. Research questions 1. What is the conceptual logic behind real-time evaluation? 2. How is real-time evaluation applied in practice? 3. How can the theory and practice of real-time evaluation be strengthened?
  • 10. Methodology Drawn from: Miller and Campbell (2006)  Multistage sampling approach; examination of fidelity between theory and practice Hansen et al (in press)  Logic modeling from coding framework
  • 12. Espoused theory Six items of literature Broughton, WFP (2001) Jamal and Crisp, UNHCR (2002) Sandison, UNICEF (2003) Cosgrave, Ramalingham & Beck (2009) Waldon, Scott & Lakeman (2010) Brusset, Cosgrave, MacDonald, ALNAP (2010)
  • 13. Logic of theory Context Activities Consequences / effects 4-12 weeks into large, rapid onset single or Data collection via semi- Realistic design Evaluation is multi-agency program. structured interviews, observation and flexible timely, credible May be concerns about with purposive sampling. plans. and responsive to Country team performance. Reflection workshops, focus Timeliness is information learning, reflection vital. May groups, limited document analysis. and improved needs. utilize a series morale. of visits. Internal and external Analysis concurrent with data stakeholders, under collection, with input from country Evaluator great pressure. team via workshop. Planning with credibility from Immediate stakeholders effective planning instrumental use. essential. and short-term Stronger Stakeholder participation: improvements. understanding of Country team involvement crucial, beneficiary engagement strongly context. Better HQ and donors need encouraged. Management guidelines and information. Evaluator's policy. Greater role is responds to findings. Stronger transparency. impartial organizational outsider, capacity learning advisor and Multiple methods of report and decision- 1-4 highly skilled facilitator. Must generation. Written reports making in situ, evaluators with a secondary to briefings and Improved collate credible M&E systems and supportive manner, workshops. Rapid dissemination. outcomes for information. institutional diverse backgrounds Use of linking tool. survivors of learning. humanitarian emergencies Assumptions External factors Emergency response is difficult to monitor and evaluate. RTE is more interactive than Complex and difficult programming environment, subject to rapid changes. Time, standard humanitarian evaluation. Utilization is increased with staff engagement. logistics and security constraints. Organizational change is slow.
  • 14. Theory in use 56 case examples
  • 15. Logic of practice Figure 1: Logic model for real-time evaluation from RTE reports Context Activities Consequences / effects Large-scale single- or Planning via a multi-agency response to reference group Personnel, beneficiaries and RTE promotes sudden-onset or rapidly and pre-RTE field external stakeholders provide data. staff reflection, mission. Terms of Findings depend communication, deteriorating crises. Soon Formal management response. reference set, upon coordination, after establishment phase. then evaluators recollections of learning and Learning opportunities develop design informants, present. accountability. after initial data triangulated. collection and Data collection: semi-structured consultation. interviews, primarily with field Information needed for personnel. Documents, field visits Detailed action field personnel, external and focus groups. Evaluator plans established stakeholders and future Single or multi- credibility with the organizational response. phase design established ownership of with light through teams. Broader footprint. 11-21 transparency and Findings and recommendations policy field days. 36-111 meta-evaluation. Primary stakeholders are reviewed via reflection workshops development. agency staff and their informants, 40- with field teams. partners. Will be under 133 beneficiaries. pressure. Organizational Improved capacity outcomes for 3-4 internal or external Evaluator enhanced via Multiple reporting methods survivors of evaluators with sectoral provides support, reflection, including oral presentations at humanitarian and management guidance, outside communication field and headquarters.19-43 page emergencies. expertise and balanced perspective and and chronicling reports. profiles. accountability. events. Assumptions External factors Early deployment leads to influence. Ownership and participation faciliate Frequent changes, rapid staff turnover of staff and competing field utilization. RTEs measure opinions but not impact. RTEs will result in important missions. Sensitive political environment, security threats. Compromised lessons learned. infrastructure, living and working conditions. Remote travel required. Visas and recruitment cause delays.
  • 16. Contrasts in logic models • Theory: Concerns about programme performance Impetus • Practice: Silent on these concerns • Theory: Agency knowledge • Practice: External evaluators Evaluator with sectoral expertise and diverse backgrounds • Theory: Field based planning Planning • Practice: Reference groups
  • 17. Contrasts in logic models • Theory: Field and management response. Stakeholders • Practice: More optimistic picture of beneficiary consultation. • Theory: Effective planning. Credibility • Practice: Relationships, transparency, meta-evaluation. Organizational • Theory: Establishing M&E systems. capacity
  • 18. Contrasts in logic models • Theory: Learning Process use • Practice: Communication and coordination. • Theory: Understanding at headquarters. Utilization • Practice: Field team ownership and action plans. Constraints • Practice: Political environment.
  • 19. Contrasts in logic models • Theory: Modest expectations of organizational change. Assumptions • Practice: The importance of lessons learned. • Practice has a stronger Overall emphasis on bottom-up influence and approaches.
  • 21. Change in scores pre- and post- ALNAP guide Post-March Element Pre-March 2009 % change 2009 Median no of 136 40 beneficiaries 240% beneficiaries beneficiaries Matrix of recommendation 9% 29% 222% s 5 to 10 16% 33% recommendation 106% average 24 average 15 s Inception report 9% 17% 89% included List of 41% 63% 54% informants Group 50% 67% 34%
  • 22. Change in scores pre- and post- ALNAP guide Element Pre-March 2009 Post-March 2009 % change Workshop in field 59% 75% 27% Average fidelity 45% 53% 18% score 6.25 out of 14 7.38 our of 14 Beneficiary 78% 88% 13% consultation 1 to 4 evaluators 81% 88% 9% 7 to 21 days in 50% 54% 8% field median 13 days median 16 days Average fidelity 45% 53% 18% score 6.25 out of 14 7.38 our of 14 Beneficiary 78% 88% 13% consultation
  • 23. Change in scores pre- and post- ALNAP guide Post-March Element Pre-March 2009 % change 2009 Describes 97% 92% -5% methods Describes triangulation and 38% 33% -13% validity Timeline 38% 33% -13% Report 15 to 40 59% 46% -22% pages average 30 pages average 38 pages Matrix of evidence 0% 21% N/A Median change (all scores) 18%
  • 24. Highest fidelity scores Found in Humanitarian Accountability Project, IASC and among external evaluators. Many of these evaluators also contributed to the literature on RTE.
  • 25. Lowest scores Found in mixed and internal teams, multi-country evaluations. Some reports seem to be labeled RTE simply for its cachet.
  • 26. In theory Is RTE new? Though described as innovative, it has many antecedents outside the humanitarian field. Is RTE evaluation at all? „Purists‟ would argue that it‟s pseudoevaluation. RTE is part of an increasingly vague distinction between evaluators and organizational development consultants.
  • 27. Classifying RTE 2nd stage evaluation Shadish, Cook and Leviton (1991) “Use” branch Alkin & Christie (2004)
  • 28. Utilization-focused evaluation Type of use Potential for real-time evaluation Influence actions and decisions. Instrumental Develop action plans. Change policies and programs. Lessons learned for country teams, Conceptual headquarters and donors. Information for donors. Symbolic Demonstrate transparency, accountability. Process Communication, coordination and morale.
  • 29. Developmental evaluation Program in a continuous state of change; operations will never become fixed or stable. Patton (2008) Not to prove …but to improve Krueger & Sagmeister (2012), Stufflebeam (2004)
  • 30. Connoisseurship “There are no algorithms, rules, recipes or the like to use” Eisner (2004) Expert-led, lightweight and agile design. Credibility (and supply) of experts a key limitation. Stufflebeam & Shinkfield (2007), Miller (2010)
  • 31. Summary There is a strengthening relationship between theory and practice A strong logic is emerging from RTE RTE has roots in mainstream evaluation, especially developmental and utilization-focussed approaches. Must be wary of the risks of connoisseurship.
  • 32. Suggestions Humanitarian evaluators: stronger engagement with theory and better training in guidance. Mainstream theorists: attention to the specificities of emergencies, to adapt traditional models.  Further research on evaluation in humanitarian programs.
  • 33. Thank you Jess Letch Masters candidate University of Melbourne, Australia Special thanks to supervisor Brad Astbury Special acknowledgement to Ros Hurworth
  • 34. References  Alkin, M. C., & Christie, C. A. (2004). An evaluation theory tree. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation roots: tracing theorists' views and influences (pp. 12-65). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.  Beck, T. (2006). Evaluating humanitarian action using the OECD-DAC criteria: An ALNAP guide for humanitarian agencies: ALNAP.  Broughton, B. (2001). Proposal Outlining a Conceptual Framework and Terms of Reference for a Pilot Real- Time Evaluation (O. O. o. Evaluation), Trans.). Canberra: World Food Program.  Brusset, E., Cosgrave, J., & MacDonald, W. (2010). Real-time evaluation in humanitarian emergencies. [Article]. New Directions for Evaluation(126), 9-20.  Cosgrave, J., Ramalingham, B., & Beck, T. (2009). Real-Time Evaluations of Humanitarian Action: An ALNAP Guide (Pilot Version): ALNAP.  Eisner, E. (2004). The roots of connoisseurship and criticism: A personal journey. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists' Views and Influences (pp. 8p). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.  Feinstein, O., & Beck, T. (2006). Evaluation of Development Interventions and Humanitarian Action. In I. F. Shaw, J. C. Greene & M. M. Mark (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Evaluation. London: Sage.  Hansen, M., Alkin, M. C., & LeBaron Wallace, T. (in press). Depicting the logic of three evaluation theories. Evaluation and Program Planning. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.03.012  Jamal, A., & Crisp, J. (2002). Real-Time Humanitarian Evaluations: Some Frequently Asked Questions (E. a. P. A. Unit, Trans.): UNHCR.  Krueger, S., & Sagmeister, E. (2012). Real-Time Evaluation of Humanitarian Assistance Revisited: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward. Paper presented at the European Evaluation Society, Helsinki.  Miller, R. L. (2010). Developing standards for empirical examinations of evaluation theory. American Journal of Evaluation, 31(390). doi: 10.1177/1098214010371819
  • 35. References  Miller, R. L., & Campbell, R. (2006). Taking stock of empowerment evaluation: An empirical review. American Journal of Evaluation, 27(3), 296-319.  Owen, J. M., & Rogers, P. J. (1999). Program Evaluation: Forms and approaches Retrieved from SAGE Research Methods database Retrieved from evaluation/SAGE.xml doi:10.4135/9781849209601  Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization-Focused Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.  Sandison, P. (2003). Desk Review of Real-Time Evaluation Experience. New York: UNICEF.  Shadish, W. R. (1998). Evaluation theory is who we are. American Journal of Evaluation, 19(1), 18.  Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Leviton, L. C. (1991). Foundations of program evaluation: theories of practice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.  Stake, R. E. (2004). Stake and Responsive Evaluation. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists' Views and Influences (pp. 204-216). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Retrieved from  Stufflebeam, D. L. (2004). The 21st Century Cipp Model. In M. Alkin (Ed.), Evaluation Roots: Tracing Theorists' Views and Influences (pp. 245-266). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.  Stufflebeam, D. L., & Shinkfield, A. J. (2007). Evaluation theory, models, and applications / Daniel L. Stufflebeam, Anthony J. Shinkfield: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2007.  Walden, V. M., Scott, I., & Lakeman, J. (2010). Snapshots in time: using real-time evaluations in humanitarian emergencies. Disaster Prevention and Management, 19(3), 8.

Editor's Notes

  1. CriteriaComprehensive description or guidance for the rationale, theory and practice of real-time evaluation.Discernable influence upon the subsequent development of real-time evaluation.Consolidation of practice wisdom or empirical research.
  2. Of the 56 reports identified, 47 described operations in single countries. Nine of the reports spanned two or more countries. The countries with the most studied programmes were Pakistan (n=8)and Haiti (n=6). Together these countries represented 25% of the sample. All six of the Haiti evaluations (from five different agencies) related to the 2010 earthquake. The Pakistan evaluations, from four different agencies, examined the earthquake, floods and civil conflict.  The largest number of evaluation studied related to conflict (n=16) or situations of violence (n=3). 59 per cent (n=33) related to natural disasters: cyclone, drought, earthquake, epidemic, flood or tsunami. Floods (n=8) were the most studied response; five of these reports related to floods in Pakistan.
  3. Overall, yes – a modest upward trend in the similarity between theory and practice according to the proxy indicators – but still a wide distribution, a lot of variance between actors.We would expect this, as theory should inform practice and vice versa. Indeed, many of those writing the guiding texts are also producing the case examples.Measurable proxy indicators of similarity between theory and practice:Does the report describe the methods used to carry out the evaluation?Does the report have 5-10 recommendations? Is there an inception report included in the report?Does the report include a matrix of evidence? Does the report include a matrix of recommendations?Does the report refer to methods used to triangulate and validate data?Is there a timeline of events related to the humanitarian emergency?Does the report refer to consultation or data collection with beneficiaries?Does the report refer to group interviews with the affected population?Does the evaluation team include 1-4 evaluators?Is the final report (excluding annexes) 15-40 pages?Does the evaluation team spend 7-21 days in the field?Does the report mention a results workshop in the field?
  4. Is RTE new?Important question, as we have an approach called “real-time evaluation” that has emerged seemingly out of thin air. Many writers claim that RTE is innovative. Is this a new approach, or is it an existing approach with a new name? Writers on RTE point to formative and developmental evaluation.In some ways RTE is no different to other rushed field reviews. The only difference is the timing.Is RTE evaluation?It is important to ask this question: RTE doesn’t conform to the strict old-fashioned notion of evaluation as a “systematic investigation of the worth or merit of an object”*Here, different schools emerge. Those who see evaluation as satisfying a wide-range of uses. Others who see this as pseudoevaluation: a guiding hand from a technical expert, an organizational development consultant’s role and not much of an evaluation at all.*Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. (1994). The programevaluation standards: How to assess evaluations of educational programs(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  5. 1st Stage: methods and evidence2nd Stage: relationships and utilization3rd Stage: long-range learning plus utilizationMethods: truth and evidenceValuing: establishing the value of a program approachUse: instrumental or conceptual use by stakeholders
  6. But lacks some elements of Quinn Patton’s approach:Establishing a leadership group among users to determine outcomes.Training staff on evaluation approaches and obtaining their buy-in.Sharing design decisions with a working team.Piloting data collection tools, running mock scenarios of findings.Involving staff in data interpretation and analysis.
  7. To be distinguished from formative evaluation:The process of improving and preparing a program for post-hoc, summative evaluation (Patton, 2008). Can avert the difficulties that often plague evaluations (Scriven, 1991).In developmental evaluation, the program never becomes fixed.