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Case Study : Group Leadership Training

         Learner and context analyses are critical in instances where heterogeneous groups of learners
         who are not known to the instructional designer will be learning in unfamiliar contexts and
         performing their news skills in self-regulated contexts. This would be the case in the group
         leadership training example in this case study. You may want to refer back to the Case study
         section of Chapter 2 in order to refresh your memory of the neighborhood crime watch scenario.
         Table 5.2
Table Contoh formulir untuk menganalisis konteks kinerja
5.2   Information categories   Data sources                                  Performance site characteristics
      1. Managerial/supervis Interviews: current persons             holding Reward system (intrinsic-personal
          ory support          position, supervisors, administrators         growth      opportunities,  extrinsic-
                                                                             financial, promotion, recognition)
                              Organization records
                                                                             Amounts (time) and nature of direct
                                                                             Evidence of supervisor commitment
                                                                             (time resources)
      2. Physical aspects of Interviews: current persons holding position, Facilities
          site                 supervisors, administrators
                               Observe one to three sites considered typical Equipment

       3. Social     aspects   of Interviews :                                    Supervision:
          site                    current     persons     holding     position,
                                  supervisors, administrators                     Interaction :

                              Observations:                               Others effectively using skills:
                              Observe typical person performing skills at
                              sites selected
       4. Relevance of skills Interviews :                                Meet identified needs
          to workplace        current      persons    holding  position,
                              supervisors, administrators                 Currents applications:

                                   Observations:                               Future applications
                                   Observe typical person performing skills at
                                   sites selected

         Performance context analysis
         A performance context analysis is shown in Table 5.5. again, information categories are listed in
         column 1, data sources are included in column 2, and performance site characteristics are
         described in column 3. Gathering such information about the arena in which NCW leaders work
         will aid designers in choosing the best instructional strategies to use for maximizing the transfer
         of skills to the performance site. In this case, the leaders will be working in a public arena
         gathering information, organizing meetings and programs, and performing group management
         tasks during formal and informal meetings. They are unsupervised and receive little support
excepts for the country NCW coordinator and the assigned local police support person. Providing
these supports individuals with information and strategies for supporting the NCW leaders in
their communities could prove very beneficial for enhancing each leader‟s effectiveness in the
Table 5.3
 Table                    Example Form For Analyzing Performance Context
  5.3     Information Categories       Data Sources        Learning Site Characteristics
         1. Number/ nature of Interviews:                Number
             sites                Managers               Facilities
                                  Site visits:           Equipment
                                  Observations           Resource
         2. Site      compatibly Interviews:             Instructional strategies:
             with instructional Managers, instructors Delivery approaches
             needs                Site visits:           Time
                                  Observations           Personnel
         3. Site      compatibly Interviews:             Location (distance)
             with learner needs   Managers, instructors, Conveniences:
                                  Learners               Space:
                                  Site visits:           Equipment :
                                  Observations           Other:

         4. Feasibility      for Interviews:                  Supervisory characteristics:
            simulating      work Managers, instructors,       Physical characteristics:
            place                Learners                     Social characteristics
                                 Site visits:                 other


Table 5.6 contains a learning context analysis for the group leadership instructional goal. A list
of the information categories appears in the first column, the data sources in the second column,
and learning context characteristics in the third column. From this information, we can infer that
the design team has a very good instructional situation. The importance of the neighborhood
crime problem and the political/social priority currently attached to it has created the financial
and professional resources, facilities, equipment, and personnel to provide quality instructional
products and training sessions. The only apparent limitations placed on the designers are those
related to balancing learning efficiency and cost effectiveness.

For additional learning support and a school curriculum example of analyzing learners and
contexts, be sure to go to the Course Management site materials for chapter 5.
Table 5.4
Table                    Description Of Learner Characteristics For Newly Appointed
 5.4                              Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) leaders
        Information Categories      Data Sources                     Learner Characteristics
           1. Entry            Interviews and          Performance setting:
              behaviors        Observations            Learners have no prior experience as
                               Three current and       Neighborhood Crime Watch chairpersons, and
                               three newly elected     most have no prior experience in serving as the
                               NCW chairs, the         leader in problem solving discussions
                               county NCW
                               supervisor, three       Learners have served as members in work or
                               police liaison officers community related committee meetings;
                                                       however most have had no formal training in
                               Test data:              problem solving through interactive discussions
                               Posttest performance
                               from group
                               membership training
           2. Prior            Interviews and          Learners have general knowledge of the group
              knowledge of Observations                leadership area from participating as members
              topic area       Three current and       in group discussions and from observing
                               three newly elected     different leaders they have had through the
                               NCW chairs, the         years. As adults who have interacted more or
                               county NCW              less successfully with colleagues, they possess,
                               supervisor, three       at least at an awareness level, many of the skills
                               police liaison officers required to be effective discussion leaders.

                                Test data:
                                Posttest performance
                                from              group
                                membership training
            3. Attitudes        Interviews and            Learners believe the group problem solving
               toward content   Observations              skills they will learn are beneficial and will help
                                Three current and         them become good, contributing members of
                                three newly elected       team efforts. They also believe that acquiring
                                NCW chairs, the           the upcoming group leadership skills will help
                                county NCW                them ensure that their committee meetings will
                                supervisor, three         be effective and productive
                                police liaison officers

                                Test data:
                                Posttest performance
                                from              group
                                membership training
            4. Attitudes        Interviews and            Learners have experience learning through live
               toward           Observations              lectures, web based instruction, and live group
               potential        Three current and         problem solving simulations as a result of the
               delivery         three newly elected       prior instruction.
               system           NCW chairs, the           They liked the convenience of the web based
                                county NCW                instruction, and they believe that simulations
                                supervisor, three         were helpful
                                police liaison officers

                                Test data:
                                Posttest performance
                                from           group
                                membership training
5. Motivation for Interviews and              Learners are positive about their selection of
   instruction    Observations                leaders, and are anxious to develop/ refine their
   (ARCS)         Three current and           leadership skills. They believe the leadership
                  three newly elected         skills are relevant to their jobs as Neighborhood
                  NCW chairs, the             Crime Watch chair persons, and they are
                  county NCW                  confident they can become effective group
                  supervisor, three           discussion leaders.
                  police liaison officers     These factors, along with the interactive nature
                                              of the instruction, should help ensure that
                   Test data:                 learners are attentive during instruction.
                   Posttest performance
                   from group
                   membership training
6. Educational     Interviews and             Education levels : learners vary in their formal
   and     ability Observations               education with some completing high school,
   level           Three current and          some college, and some graduate degrees
                   three newly elected
                   NCW chairs, the             Ability levels: besides academic progress,
                   county NCW                 learners‟ interpersonal skills are a concern.
                   supervisor, three          Based on experience in the prior “group
                   police liaison officers    member” training, it seems that learners are
                                              heterogeneous with some high in interpersonal
                     Records:                 skills, some moderate and some low
                     Biographical data
                     from NCW
                     Application Form
                     Test data:
                     Posttest performance
                     from group
                     membership training
7. General           Attitude data :          Learners are experienced with a variety of
   learning          Questionnaire from       learning formats: however, they prefer not to be
   preferences       group membership         publicly “put on the spot” until they are
                     training                 completely clear about trainer and group
                                              expectations and the skills they are to
                     Interviews and           demonstrate in a group setting. In workshop
                     observations:            setting, they prefer a short cycle of (1)
                     All 16 learners in       presentation (what do you expect of me?), (2)
                     group membership         private rehearsal (how can I best accomplish
                     training session         this?) and then (3) interactive “on the spot”
                                              simulations      (can     I    manage       group
                                              interactions/progress with real people and
                                              problems?). they like simulations and like to be
8. Attitudes       Interviews:                Respondents have positive feelings about the
   toward training NCW Supervisor,            organization developing the materials, bout web
   organization    police liaison officers,   base instruction delivered via the Internet, and
                   current NCW leader         about the county learning center they used
                                              during prior training. All think the training is a
                                              good idea for helping them become acquainted
                                              with other NCW leaders from across the county
                                              and that these relationship. They also believe
                                              the training is helping them become acquainted
                                              with other NCW leaders from across the
                                              country and that these relationships will help
                                              them build an interpersonal network of support.
Interview :                Heterogeneity : Learners are extremely
                               NCW supervision,           heterogeneous in that they come from various
                               police liaison officer     neighborhood throughout a country ;come from
                               NCW Records :              a wide variety of work settings and areas of
                               Needs assessments,         expertise ;have varying years of work
           9. General group    history with NCW           experience ;and represent a mix of age, gender,
              characteristics  leaders, biographical      and cultural backgrounds.
              a. Heterogeneity
                               forms for leaders          Size: There will be a total of twenty learners
              b. Size
              c. Overall       Observations :             per training site to maximize learning efficiency
              impressions      Three current NCW          for live group interactive work.
                               leaders conducting         Overall impressions: Instruction will need to be
                               neighborhood               efficient, effective, and convenient or
                               meeting.                   „volunteer‟ participants may choose not to read
                                                          materials, complete computer-based activities
                                                          independently, or attend all group sessions.

Table         Description of Performance Context for Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) Leaders
 5.5    Information Categories       Data Sources                       Learner Characteristics
           1. Managerial        Interview :                Supervision of NCW chairperson is minimal.
              /supervision      Three current              Supervision mainly takes the form of providing
              support           Neighborhood Crime current information. For example, they receive
                                Watch (NCW)                organizational     bulletins,   materials,  and
                                chairpersons ;3 police information from NCW web site. They receive
                                support /liaison           immediate notification of current crimes
                                persons ;and the           committed in their neighborhood, details of
                                country NCW                those crimes, and statistical summaries of local
                                program administrator and area crimes on NCW web site from
                                Records :                  assigned police liaison person. Police liaison
                                Studied NCW charter person also serves as on-call resource person
                                and literature ;studied for chairpersons seeking information, and
                                records for NCW            attends NCW meeting as resource person for
                                leaders (function,         total group questions.
                                duties, etc)
           2. Physical          Interview :                Facilities: There are no facilities provided by
              aspects of site Three               current NCW Association or police for scheduled
                                Neighborhood Crime NCW meetings. Meetings typically occur
                                Watch             (NCW) within the neighborhood in a committee
                                chairpersons ;3 police member‟s home or in a neighborhood
                                support           /liaison association facility
                                persons      ;and      the Resources: No money is provided for NCW
                                country             NCW member meetings. Any resources required
                                program administrator (meeting announcement, materials distributed
                                Records                  : to attendees, refreshments, act) for operating
                                Studied NCW charter the meetings are sponsored by participating
                                and literature ;studied NCW members.
                                records for NCW Equipment :No particular equipment is required
                                leaders        (function, for the NCW meetings
                                duties, etc)
                                Observations :
                                Attended 3 NCW
                                meetings in different
                                regions of the country
           3. Social aspects Interview :                   Supervisions : the chairperson has no
              of site           Three             current supervision during the conduct of the meeting
                                Neighborhood Crime
                                Watch             (NCW) Interaction : the chairperson is actively
chairpersons ;3 police        interacting with community members who
                             support           /liaison    attend the NCW meetings. This interaction is a
                             persons      ;and       the   leader to manage the work of the group. The
                             country             NCW       chairperson has a police officer at meetings to
                             program administrator         serve as a content expert on crime and the law,
                             Records                   :   and can invite other experts to meetings as the
                             Studied NCW charter           topic to be discussed warrants
                             and literature ;studied
                             records for NCW               Others effectively using skills: there are no
                             leaders        (function,     others effectively using discussion leadership
                             duties, etc)                  skills in the meetings because the chairperson is
                             Observations :                the single designated NCW leader for the
                             Attended 3 NCW                community. Others in the group may have
                             meetings in different         discussion leadership skills developed in the
                             regions of the country        workplace or in other community settings.
         4. Relevance     of Interview :                   Meet identified needs: the leadership training
            skills        to Three             current     should meet NCW‟s identified needs of
            workplace        Neighborhood Crime            improving the effectiveness of NCW
                             Watch             (NCW)       chairpersons in the problem solving/solutions
                             chairpersons ;3 police        meetings. New chairpersons will be able to use
                             support           /liaison    the skills for their first neighborhood meeting
                             persons      ;and       the   session, and the skills will serve them well in
                             country             NCW       the future meetings.
                             program administrator
                             Records                   :
                             Studied NCW charter
                             and literature ;studied
                             records for NCW
                             leaders        (function,
                             duties, etc)
                             Observations :
                             Attended 3 NCW
                             meetings in different
                             regions of the country
                             Reviewed            needs
                             assessment           study
                             characteristics          of
                             NCW leader

Table       Description of Learning Context for Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) Chairpersons
 5.6    Information Categories        Data Sources                   Learner Characteristics
          1. Number/nature       Interview :            Number : one site per county in each of fifty
             of sites                                   counties across state
                                 managers               Facilities : the web based instruction will
                                                        occur over the Internet and be delivered
                                 Site visits            directly into the new NCW leaders‟ homes

                                 Observations:              The group instruction is to occur in each
                                                            county‟s government training facility. Typical
                                                            facilities across the state contain one lecture
                                                            hall for eighty to one hundred persons, three
                                                            to five classrooms for twenty to twenty five
                                                            persons, one conference room for sixteen to
twenty persons, one learning center open 8:00
                                      a.m until 8:00 p.m with one to two managers
                                      available for materials distribution ,
                                      equipment assistance, and learner guidance,
                                      one administrative office. Depending on
                                      scheduling conflicts, all facilities are available
                                      for the NCW chairperson training.

                                      Equipment:      typical   centers    contain
                                      chalkboards, overhead projection screens and
                                      projectors, LCD projector for computer
                                      display projection onto screens; newsprint
                                      pads and stands, five to six multimedia
                                      computer workstations.

                                      Resources: a state grant is provided to create
                                      centrally the web base instruction that will be
                                      distributed statewide. In addition, the grant
                                      will fund for each county a group instructor,
                                      instructional    materials,   mailings     and
                                      secretarial      assistance       (scheduling/

                                         1. The learning center is busy.
                                             Scheduling instruction may be
                                             difficult; however, there is less use
                                             evenings and weekends when planned
                                             training will occur for community
                                         2. The regular instructors available in
                                             each site are not content experts in
                                             group discussion leadership. Instructor
                                             training will need to be developed and
                                             implemented. One expert trainer may
                                             need      to    be     available    for
                                             troubleshooting across the sites.

2. Site               Interview :     Instructional strategies: a variety of
   compatibility                      instructional strategies can be employed
   with instructional managers        including     self-study   print    materials,
   needs                              computers based instruction, classroom
                      Instructors     presentations and discussion, and simulated,
                                      small-group discussion sessions in conference
                      Site visits     rooms.

                      Observations:   Delivery approaches: support is available for
                                      production and use of all typical print and non
                                      print materials. Support is also available for
                                      newer technologies such as WWW and other
                                      computer based, multimedia formats. The
                                      training center is also wired and equipped for
                                      local area and wide area telecommunications
                                      and teleconferencing.

                                      Time: instructional time in the center is
                                      limited to fifteen hours for project due to
constraints placed by volunteer NCW
                                                            chairpersons. This time is typically divided
                                                            into ten weekly, ninety-minute periods.
                                                            Independent study time is possible off site
                                                            between these scheduled sessions.

                                                            Personnel: Each site has an administrator,
                                                            several trainers, technicians, and secretaries.
                                                            There are no trainers present who have
                                                            provided small group leadership instruction
                                                            for NCW volunteers, although they have
                                                            provided leadership training for city and
                                                            county government employees.

            3. Site              Interview :                Location (distance): the learning centers are
               compatibility                                located centrally within each county area,
               with      learner managers                   making transportation for group sessions
               needs                                        convenient.
                                 Instructors, learners
                                                            Conveniences: restaurants are located in the
                                    Site visits             areas, and there is a coffee shop within most
                                                            of the centers.
                                                            Space: the classrooms can be used for group
                                                            simulations and the conference rooms for
                                                            smaller group “meeting” rehearsals.

                                                            Equipment: if needed, the five to eight
                                                            computer workstations can be scheduled to
                                                            avoid time conflicts with NCW leaders.
            4. Feasibility  for Interview :                 Supervisory characteristics: this cannot be
               simulating work-                             simulated since leaders will have no
               place            managers                    supervision and little support in their
                                                            neighborhoods (county NCW coordinator and
                                    Instructors, learners   local police officers)

                                    Site visits             Physical     characteristics:    within   the
                                                            neighborhood, learners will work as the
                                    Observations:           leaders of Neighborhood Crime Watch
                                                            interactive   group      discussions.   These
                                                            discussions with learners as leaders can
                                                            readily be simulated in the centers.


To begin this stage of instructional design, you should have completed or be working on the goal
analysis and the subordinate skills analysis including the identification of entry behaviors. You
should also have general ideas about the target population for which instruction will be
developed. These ideas usually include general descriptions such as kindergarten children,
seventh graders, college freshmen, ambulance drivers, or automobile operators convicted of
reckless driving following a serious accident.
The first task is to identifying the general characteristics that members of the target population
bring to the instruction. These characteristics include descriptions such as reading levels,
attention span, previous experience, motivation levels in previous instructional situations.
Another important characteristic is the extent and context of related knowledge and skills that
members of the target population already possess. One outcome from these target group analysis
activities is a description of the learners‟ characteristics that will facilitate later design
considerations such as appropriate contexts, motivational information and activities, materials
formatting, and the amount of material to be presented at one time.

The second task is to describe the performance context, or environment, where learners will
assume their natural roles as students, employees, citizens, or clients and actually use the
information and skills prescribed in the instructional goal. Categories of information about the
performance site that are important to describe include whether the learner will receive
managerial or supervisory support in the performance context, the physical and social aspects of
the information and skills to be learned to the performance site.

The final task in this section is to describe the learning context. Critical issues in the learning
context are discovered through a review of resources that could support instruction and
constraint that could inhibit instruction or limit instructional options. Both resources and
constraints are usually analyzed in categories such as finances, personnel, time, facilities,
equipment, and local culture. In addition, you should describe the compatibility of the learning
site with your instructional needs and the learners‟ needs. Finally, you should describe the
feasibility of simulating the performance site within the learning site. The closer you can
simulate the performance site, the more likely learners will be able to transfer and implement
newly acquired skills.
Tugas 2 inggris case study

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Tugas 2 inggris case study

  • 1. Case Study : Group Leadership Training Learner and context analyses are critical in instances where heterogeneous groups of learners who are not known to the instructional designer will be learning in unfamiliar contexts and performing their news skills in self-regulated contexts. This would be the case in the group leadership training example in this case study. You may want to refer back to the Case study section of Chapter 2 in order to refresh your memory of the neighborhood crime watch scenario. Table 5.2 Table Contoh formulir untuk menganalisis konteks kinerja 5.2 Information categories Data sources Performance site characteristics 1. Managerial/supervis Interviews: current persons holding Reward system (intrinsic-personal ory support position, supervisors, administrators growth opportunities, extrinsic- financial, promotion, recognition) Organization records Amounts (time) and nature of direct supervision Evidence of supervisor commitment (time resources) 2. Physical aspects of Interviews: current persons holding position, Facilities site supervisors, administrators Resources Observations: Observe one to three sites considered typical Equipment Timing 3. Social aspects of Interviews : Supervision: site current persons holding position, supervisors, administrators Interaction : Observations: Others effectively using skills: Observe typical person performing skills at sites selected 4. Relevance of skills Interviews : Meet identified needs to workplace current persons holding position, supervisors, administrators Currents applications: Observations: Future applications Observe typical person performing skills at sites selected Performance context analysis A performance context analysis is shown in Table 5.5. again, information categories are listed in column 1, data sources are included in column 2, and performance site characteristics are described in column 3. Gathering such information about the arena in which NCW leaders work will aid designers in choosing the best instructional strategies to use for maximizing the transfer of skills to the performance site. In this case, the leaders will be working in a public arena gathering information, organizing meetings and programs, and performing group management tasks during formal and informal meetings. They are unsupervised and receive little support
  • 2. excepts for the country NCW coordinator and the assigned local police support person. Providing these supports individuals with information and strategies for supporting the NCW leaders in their communities could prove very beneficial for enhancing each leader‟s effectiveness in the community. Table 5.3 Table Example Form For Analyzing Performance Context 5.3 Information Categories Data Sources Learning Site Characteristics 1. Number/ nature of Interviews: Number sites Managers Facilities Site visits: Equipment Observations Resource Constraint: 2. Site compatibly Interviews: Instructional strategies: with instructional Managers, instructors Delivery approaches needs Site visits: Time Observations Personnel Other 3. Site compatibly Interviews: Location (distance) with learner needs Managers, instructors, Conveniences: Learners Space: Site visits: Equipment : Observations Other: 4. Feasibility for Interviews: Supervisory characteristics: simulating work Managers, instructors, Physical characteristics: place Learners Social characteristics Site visits: other Observations LEARNING CONTEXT ANALYSIS Table 5.6 contains a learning context analysis for the group leadership instructional goal. A list of the information categories appears in the first column, the data sources in the second column, and learning context characteristics in the third column. From this information, we can infer that the design team has a very good instructional situation. The importance of the neighborhood crime problem and the political/social priority currently attached to it has created the financial and professional resources, facilities, equipment, and personnel to provide quality instructional products and training sessions. The only apparent limitations placed on the designers are those related to balancing learning efficiency and cost effectiveness. For additional learning support and a school curriculum example of analyzing learners and contexts, be sure to go to the Course Management site materials for chapter 5.
  • 3. Table 5.4 Table Description Of Learner Characteristics For Newly Appointed 5.4 Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) leaders Information Categories Data Sources Learner Characteristics 1. Entry Interviews and Performance setting: behaviors Observations Learners have no prior experience as Three current and Neighborhood Crime Watch chairpersons, and three newly elected most have no prior experience in serving as the NCW chairs, the leader in problem solving discussions county NCW supervisor, three Learners have served as members in work or police liaison officers community related committee meetings; however most have had no formal training in Test data: problem solving through interactive discussions Posttest performance from group membership training 2. Prior Interviews and Learners have general knowledge of the group knowledge of Observations leadership area from participating as members topic area Three current and in group discussions and from observing three newly elected different leaders they have had through the NCW chairs, the years. As adults who have interacted more or county NCW less successfully with colleagues, they possess, supervisor, three at least at an awareness level, many of the skills police liaison officers required to be effective discussion leaders. Test data: Posttest performance from group membership training 3. Attitudes Interviews and Learners believe the group problem solving toward content Observations skills they will learn are beneficial and will help Three current and them become good, contributing members of three newly elected team efforts. They also believe that acquiring NCW chairs, the the upcoming group leadership skills will help county NCW them ensure that their committee meetings will supervisor, three be effective and productive police liaison officers Test data: Posttest performance from group membership training 4. Attitudes Interviews and Learners have experience learning through live toward Observations lectures, web based instruction, and live group potential Three current and problem solving simulations as a result of the delivery three newly elected prior instruction. system NCW chairs, the They liked the convenience of the web based county NCW instruction, and they believe that simulations supervisor, three were helpful police liaison officers Test data: Posttest performance from group membership training
  • 4. 5. Motivation for Interviews and Learners are positive about their selection of instruction Observations leaders, and are anxious to develop/ refine their (ARCS) Three current and leadership skills. They believe the leadership three newly elected skills are relevant to their jobs as Neighborhood NCW chairs, the Crime Watch chair persons, and they are county NCW confident they can become effective group supervisor, three discussion leaders. police liaison officers These factors, along with the interactive nature of the instruction, should help ensure that Test data: learners are attentive during instruction. Posttest performance from group membership training 6. Educational Interviews and Education levels : learners vary in their formal and ability Observations education with some completing high school, level Three current and some college, and some graduate degrees three newly elected NCW chairs, the Ability levels: besides academic progress, county NCW learners‟ interpersonal skills are a concern. supervisor, three Based on experience in the prior “group police liaison officers member” training, it seems that learners are heterogeneous with some high in interpersonal Records: skills, some moderate and some low Biographical data from NCW Chairperson Application Form Test data: Posttest performance from group membership training 7. General Attitude data : Learners are experienced with a variety of learning Questionnaire from learning formats: however, they prefer not to be preferences group membership publicly “put on the spot” until they are training completely clear about trainer and group expectations and the skills they are to Interviews and demonstrate in a group setting. In workshop observations: setting, they prefer a short cycle of (1) All 16 learners in presentation (what do you expect of me?), (2) group membership private rehearsal (how can I best accomplish training session this?) and then (3) interactive “on the spot” simulations (can I manage group interactions/progress with real people and problems?). they like simulations and like to be involved 8. Attitudes Interviews: Respondents have positive feelings about the toward training NCW Supervisor, organization developing the materials, bout web organization police liaison officers, base instruction delivered via the Internet, and current NCW leader about the county learning center they used during prior training. All think the training is a good idea for helping them become acquainted with other NCW leaders from across the county and that these relationship. They also believe the training is helping them become acquainted with other NCW leaders from across the country and that these relationships will help them build an interpersonal network of support.
  • 5. Interview : Heterogeneity : Learners are extremely NCW supervision, heterogeneous in that they come from various police liaison officer neighborhood throughout a country ;come from NCW Records : a wide variety of work settings and areas of Needs assessments, expertise ;have varying years of work 9. General group history with NCW experience ;and represent a mix of age, gender, characteristics leaders, biographical and cultural backgrounds. a. Heterogeneity forms for leaders Size: There will be a total of twenty learners b. Size c. Overall Observations : per training site to maximize learning efficiency impressions Three current NCW for live group interactive work. leaders conducting Overall impressions: Instruction will need to be neighborhood efficient, effective, and convenient or meeting. „volunteer‟ participants may choose not to read materials, complete computer-based activities independently, or attend all group sessions. Table Description of Performance Context for Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) Leaders 5.5 Information Categories Data Sources Learner Characteristics 1. Managerial Interview : Supervision of NCW chairperson is minimal. /supervision Three current Supervision mainly takes the form of providing support Neighborhood Crime current information. For example, they receive Watch (NCW) organizational bulletins, materials, and chairpersons ;3 police information from NCW web site. They receive support /liaison immediate notification of current crimes persons ;and the committed in their neighborhood, details of country NCW those crimes, and statistical summaries of local program administrator and area crimes on NCW web site from Records : assigned police liaison person. Police liaison Studied NCW charter person also serves as on-call resource person and literature ;studied for chairpersons seeking information, and records for NCW attends NCW meeting as resource person for leaders (function, total group questions. duties, etc) 2. Physical Interview : Facilities: There are no facilities provided by aspects of site Three current NCW Association or police for scheduled Neighborhood Crime NCW meetings. Meetings typically occur Watch (NCW) within the neighborhood in a committee chairpersons ;3 police member‟s home or in a neighborhood support /liaison association facility persons ;and the Resources: No money is provided for NCW country NCW member meetings. Any resources required program administrator (meeting announcement, materials distributed Records : to attendees, refreshments, act) for operating Studied NCW charter the meetings are sponsored by participating and literature ;studied NCW members. records for NCW Equipment :No particular equipment is required leaders (function, for the NCW meetings duties, etc) Observations : Attended 3 NCW meetings in different regions of the country 3. Social aspects Interview : Supervisions : the chairperson has no of site Three current supervision during the conduct of the meeting Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) Interaction : the chairperson is actively
  • 6. chairpersons ;3 police interacting with community members who support /liaison attend the NCW meetings. This interaction is a persons ;and the leader to manage the work of the group. The country NCW chairperson has a police officer at meetings to program administrator serve as a content expert on crime and the law, Records : and can invite other experts to meetings as the Studied NCW charter topic to be discussed warrants and literature ;studied records for NCW Others effectively using skills: there are no leaders (function, others effectively using discussion leadership duties, etc) skills in the meetings because the chairperson is Observations : the single designated NCW leader for the Attended 3 NCW community. Others in the group may have meetings in different discussion leadership skills developed in the regions of the country workplace or in other community settings. 4. Relevance of Interview : Meet identified needs: the leadership training skills to Three current should meet NCW‟s identified needs of workplace Neighborhood Crime improving the effectiveness of NCW Watch (NCW) chairpersons in the problem solving/solutions chairpersons ;3 police meetings. New chairpersons will be able to use support /liaison the skills for their first neighborhood meeting persons ;and the session, and the skills will serve them well in country NCW the future meetings. program administrator Records : Studied NCW charter and literature ;studied records for NCW leaders (function, duties, etc) Observations : Attended 3 NCW meetings in different regions of the country Records: Reviewed needs assessment study describing characteristics of effective/ineffective NCW leader Table Description of Learning Context for Neighborhood Crime Watch (NCW) Chairpersons 5.6 Information Categories Data Sources Learner Characteristics 1. Number/nature Interview : Number : one site per county in each of fifty of sites counties across state managers Facilities : the web based instruction will occur over the Internet and be delivered Site visits directly into the new NCW leaders‟ homes Observations: The group instruction is to occur in each county‟s government training facility. Typical facilities across the state contain one lecture hall for eighty to one hundred persons, three to five classrooms for twenty to twenty five persons, one conference room for sixteen to
  • 7. twenty persons, one learning center open 8:00 a.m until 8:00 p.m with one to two managers available for materials distribution , equipment assistance, and learner guidance, one administrative office. Depending on scheduling conflicts, all facilities are available for the NCW chairperson training. Equipment: typical centers contain chalkboards, overhead projection screens and projectors, LCD projector for computer display projection onto screens; newsprint pads and stands, five to six multimedia computer workstations. Resources: a state grant is provided to create centrally the web base instruction that will be distributed statewide. In addition, the grant will fund for each county a group instructor, instructional materials, mailings and secretarial assistance (scheduling/ communication) Constraints: 1. The learning center is busy. Scheduling instruction may be difficult; however, there is less use evenings and weekends when planned training will occur for community volunteers. 2. The regular instructors available in each site are not content experts in group discussion leadership. Instructor training will need to be developed and implemented. One expert trainer may need to be available for troubleshooting across the sites. 2. Site Interview : Instructional strategies: a variety of compatibility instructional strategies can be employed with instructional managers including self-study print materials, needs computers based instruction, classroom Instructors presentations and discussion, and simulated, small-group discussion sessions in conference Site visits rooms. Observations: Delivery approaches: support is available for production and use of all typical print and non print materials. Support is also available for newer technologies such as WWW and other computer based, multimedia formats. The training center is also wired and equipped for local area and wide area telecommunications and teleconferencing. Time: instructional time in the center is limited to fifteen hours for project due to
  • 8. constraints placed by volunteer NCW chairpersons. This time is typically divided into ten weekly, ninety-minute periods. Independent study time is possible off site between these scheduled sessions. Personnel: Each site has an administrator, several trainers, technicians, and secretaries. There are no trainers present who have provided small group leadership instruction for NCW volunteers, although they have provided leadership training for city and county government employees. 3. Site Interview : Location (distance): the learning centers are compatibility located centrally within each county area, with learner managers making transportation for group sessions needs convenient. Instructors, learners Conveniences: restaurants are located in the Site visits areas, and there is a coffee shop within most of the centers. Observations: Space: the classrooms can be used for group simulations and the conference rooms for smaller group “meeting” rehearsals. Equipment: if needed, the five to eight computer workstations can be scheduled to avoid time conflicts with NCW leaders. 4. Feasibility for Interview : Supervisory characteristics: this cannot be simulating work- simulated since leaders will have no place managers supervision and little support in their neighborhoods (county NCW coordinator and Instructors, learners local police officers) Site visits Physical characteristics: within the neighborhood, learners will work as the Observations: leaders of Neighborhood Crime Watch interactive group discussions. These discussions with learners as leaders can readily be simulated in the centers. SUMMARY To begin this stage of instructional design, you should have completed or be working on the goal analysis and the subordinate skills analysis including the identification of entry behaviors. You should also have general ideas about the target population for which instruction will be developed. These ideas usually include general descriptions such as kindergarten children, seventh graders, college freshmen, ambulance drivers, or automobile operators convicted of reckless driving following a serious accident.
  • 9. The first task is to identifying the general characteristics that members of the target population bring to the instruction. These characteristics include descriptions such as reading levels, attention span, previous experience, motivation levels in previous instructional situations. Another important characteristic is the extent and context of related knowledge and skills that members of the target population already possess. One outcome from these target group analysis activities is a description of the learners‟ characteristics that will facilitate later design considerations such as appropriate contexts, motivational information and activities, materials formatting, and the amount of material to be presented at one time. The second task is to describe the performance context, or environment, where learners will assume their natural roles as students, employees, citizens, or clients and actually use the information and skills prescribed in the instructional goal. Categories of information about the performance site that are important to describe include whether the learner will receive managerial or supervisory support in the performance context, the physical and social aspects of the information and skills to be learned to the performance site. The final task in this section is to describe the learning context. Critical issues in the learning context are discovered through a review of resources that could support instruction and constraint that could inhibit instruction or limit instructional options. Both resources and constraints are usually analyzed in categories such as finances, personnel, time, facilities, equipment, and local culture. In addition, you should describe the compatibility of the learning site with your instructional needs and the learners‟ needs. Finally, you should describe the feasibility of simulating the performance site within the learning site. The closer you can simulate the performance site, the more likely learners will be able to transfer and implement newly acquired skills.