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Front covers
The three magazines i was annotating were ‘Top Of The Pops’, ‘DJ’ and ‘Kerrang’. These three magazines are appealing to very
different target audiences. Kerrang uses the technique of onomatopoeia in the title of ‘Kerrang’ the lettering appears to be
smashed up, as if it cannot contain the music; the sound ‘Kerrang’ is meant to be produced when strumming a guitar. We know
from the front cover of this magazine, that it is appealing to an older audience as everyone on the front cover is middle aged and
also, the very eye catching picture of a musician on the front cover is holding his a guitar in a way that is presented to be an
extension of his manhood. We can see this from the position of the guitar and the way he is holding it therefore we can assume
that the magazine’s target audience is for people of an older generation and those who are into heavy metal. Also, the musician is
very scruffy, untidy and wearing black suggesting mystery. All this relates to the heavy metal music genre. There is a large title
with a swear word used but starred (*) out again suggesting heavy metal is very intense and this magazine is for an older age

Top of the Pops is appealing to a completely different target audience. From the front cover we can pick out things that suggests
it is designed for females in their teen years. We know this because the main colour used on the front cover is pink, and the
images on the front cover are young actors/artists and mainly people who are popular with the younger girls. The topics covered
in the magazine are easy for teenage girls to relate to and be interested in. However there is a topic of pregnancy on the front
page which is a bit inappropriate for the age of the target audience. There is slang used on the front page, again making the age
group of the target audience clear. Also the lettering of the title is girls with the swirls. The main picture is of a girl in a well
covered up dress and in a very happy and appropriate pose. This is another suggestion of a younger target audience and also of
the female kind because she is not being used as a sex symbol to get people interested.

The magazine ‘DJ’ uses a striking colour scheme that catches the eye and the colours are very unisex of baby blue, red and
white. However, there is a large picture of a women in a see through dress in certain places, this suggest a more male oriented
target audience and it seems that she is being the sex symbol to get men interested and to pick up the magazine. Unlike the
other two magazines, this one has no other images bar the large picture of the female. The topics on the magazine are very
unisex and equal to want women and men would want to read. the magazine offers a free bee for the audience. The topics of
plastic surgery suggests a target audience of people around 20-35. Slang is used on the front cover and the word ‘heroine’ is
used in big lettering this is another major suggestion that the target audience is more likely to be in their 20s or 30s.
All the magazines have an issue number, price and date. All have titles and sub titles and images however they all have
different ways off conveying who their target audience is and all three have different target audiences.
Contents page
Kerrang’s contents page is in keeping with the colour scheme on the front page. Its in a more formal format but still very
simple and easy to read and understand. At the bottom, there is a comment from the editor of the magazine with a
personal message saying thank you and he has signed it using a hand written font. This gives it the more personal touch.
There is a chance to subscribe online so its promoting its online website. This magazine would be for someone who was
very interested in their music and has an interest to know the details of artists. They offer a free poster to the readers so
gives them a freebie. The pages contents are split up with bold text boxes to categorise the subjects in the magazines and
also images used to show what’s on the certain pages.

Top of the pops contents page is very simple and in keeping with a girly pink theme. Slang used in the main title. Adverts for
clothing items and make up large images of them confirming the target audience of being young females teenagers. The
pages contents are also split up into categories like the Kerrang magazine but this magazine has highlighted the more
popular and interesting pages for them to see. Also there is a large image of a male in the corner interesting the girls. The
topics of ‘we love shopping’ and ‘ we love boys’ aren't very y relevant to music but again confirm s who the target audience
is. Also there is a very easy to read annotated picture of the magazine with arrows and numbers saying which page the
topics are on easy for any age to understand.

The contents page for the DJ magazine is not in keeping with the colour scheme very much. Its split up from left to right in
different ways of presenting a contents page. From coloured texts boxes breaking up the information, to the information
being put in different boxes depending on which topic it belonged in to imagery used to say what is on each page. The is a
picture at the bottom of a high tech piece of equipment suggesting a more mature but not old age group and it is used a
few times on the page so an informal tone.
Double Paged Spread
The Kerrang's double paged spread is pact with information and plenty of detail for the reader to read. This suggests the
readers of the magazines are very interested in their heavy metal music a more mature age and are dedicated to the
magazine . They've used drops tags/caps to break up the amount of text used in the article. All of the images used on the
page is off middle aged men, so its appealing to the people generally interested in their music as there's no females
drawing people into reading the article/magazine and also suggests that the people who read this magazine are defiantly
into their music and are interested. The facial expressions of the people on these pages have very serious expressions
suggesting that the article is serious and also that the people who read it will be serious about their music. There's a red
information bar used on the left hand side of the article and the colours keep with the colour scheme.

Top of the pops double paged spread backs up with the idea that the target audience are young teenagers. We know this
because the information is very little, and it is a simple answer and questions format which is simple and easy to read
through. They promote jls’s website and slang is used at the top in the subtitle again suggesting a younger target audience.
They have big circles with quotes from members of the group which are not music related but humorous for people to read.
This article is more of a joke and to make people laugh rather than the Kerrang's article where it was serious about their
music. The large image of JLS behind bars links in with the title used. The colours used are in keeping with the colour

The double paged spread in the DJ magazine is very different than the other two. Its an article about art in music, and
designs and other ways to be involved in music. This is a very artistic page where it shows different types of art and
different ways of being involved in music and different ways of expressing your self. This backs up the idea of the target
audience being in their 20s-30s looking for a way to express themselves in an artistic way. This magazine would appeal to
people who are very artistic. The text is quite a lot of information so would be for people who was interested in this topic.
Its very bright and colourful and very informative. Different fonts used and it seems to suggest a way of different people
coming together and creating something great.

5) If you said no why don’t you?

                                   11) What is your post code?

                                   12) How old are you?
                                   0-18 19-25 26-36       37+
Target Audience
The target audience of my music magazine will be people who are very open to different
types of genres of music. People who buy at least one magazine a month and people
who see music as an important factor of their lives.
Interview 1
I buy probably at least one music magazine a month. Things i look for is decent
headlines and articles on things i want to know about, the top celebrities and also
interesting pictures.
                          Laura Jackson 20
Interview 2
The main things I look for when buying music magazine is the genres of music it covers.
If it just covers one type of genre I tend to stay away from it because i like a range of
different music, Also the titles and subtitles , if they don't seem good or interesting I
never buy the magazine.
                              Elliot Francis 19
Interview 3
I do enjoy music however I don't buy music magazines as they don't tend to interest me,
I feel like most of things inside the magazine aren't relevant and probably aren't true are
just made up. I'd be more likely to buy a music magazine if it was real music people in
there not just celebrities.
                              Jessica Hogan 18
Questionnaires Results
                                     Do you buy music magazines ?                                                                How many music magazines do you buy a month?

                        20                                             18                                                   20     17

                                                                                                 number of people
     number of people

                        15             12                                                                                                      11
                                                                                                                            10                                                               Series1
                                                                                      Series1                                5                            1           0            0
                         0                                                                                                          0    one to two    three to   five to six   seven +
                                      yes                              no                                                                                four
                                                   yes/no                                                                                       magazines per month

                        From this research it shows most people don’t buy                       Quite a lot of people don’t buy any however 11 people buy at
                        music magazines.
                                                                                                least one.

                             What is the average you spend on a magazine?
                                                                                                                                               Do you listin to music?
                        20    17                                                                                                          28
number of people

                                                                                                         number of people
                        15                                                                                                  25
                                                  10                                                                        20
                        10                                                            Series1
                                                                                                                            15                                                            Series1
                         5              2                                                                                   10
                                                               0               0                                             5                                         2
                              0-£1   £1.01-£2   £2.01-£3    £3.01-34        £4.01 +
                                                                                                                                         yes                           no
                                            amount of money

Most people who bought the magazines paid no more                                                                           A lot of people listen to music.
than a pound. Some paid between £1-£2 and some £2+
Questionnaires Results
If you said no why don’t you ?

   No comments were made.                                                                                                            What type of music do you listin to ?
   The small amount of people who didn’t listen to music couldn’t state a reason why they don’t.
                                           How much money on average do you earn a year?
                                                                                                                                                         2                              hip-hop
                                                                                                                                                26                25
                   number of people

                                                8                            8
                                       8                                                                                                                                                indie
                                                                                                     Series1                                                                            rock
                                       4                       2                        2
                                       2                                                                                                                                                rnb
                                       0                                                                                                    28
                                            £0-£4,999   £5000-£8,999       £9000-    £20,000+                                                                     10
                                                                           £20,000                                                                   8       10                         dance
                                                                   money                                                                                                                other

                                      Average People earn either £0-4,999 or                                             There's a wide range of music listened to by people but most
                                      £9,999-£20,000                                                                     people enjoy all different types of genres.

                                                                                                                                       What adverts do you like to see?
                                                          Do you go music concerts?

                                 25                                                             21                                    3, 10%
     number of people

                                 20                                                                                                 1, 3%                                   music/tickets/gigs
                                 15                                                                                                                                         perfume
                                                          9                                                    Series1            5, 17%
                                 10                                                                                                                                         make-up
                                      5                                                                                                                       18, 63%       clothing
                                      0                                                                                             2, 7%                                   other
                                                         yes                                    no

     Quite a lot of people don’t go to music concerts .                                                                  Majority of people would like to see adverts about the
                                                                                                                         music gigs going on to make-up and perfume and
                                                                                                                         clothing adds.
Questionnaire Results

                     What type of music do you like to read about or see                                       What attracts you when buying a magazine?
                                        pictures of?

                                                                                      number of people
                                                                           pop                           25
                                              0, 0%                                                      20
                                 20, 17%       10, 9%                                                    15
                                                                           rap                                                                                        Series1
                                                                                                         10                   7
                                                      20, 17%              indie
                                                                                                          5                                   2            1
                               11, 9%
                                                                           rock                           0
                                                      10, 9%               rnb                                front cover   images         freebies   the headings
                                27, 23%             10, 9%                 grime                                                                        and titles
                                                                           dance                                            Things that attact you
                                               8, 7%

Again a wide range of different genres of music and most                             It is clear the front cover has to be appealing and the images
people would be happy to see them all in a music                                     as it is seen high with the public for reasons to buy the
magazine.                                                                            magazine.

                                        Whats your postcode?                                                                How old are you ?

                    12                                                                                   20                  18

                                                                                      number of people
                    10                  9
 number of people

                     6                                         5    5    Series1                         10                                                          Series1
                     4                                                                                                                       4
                     2                          1                                                                                                         0
                     0                                                                                    0
                         B27       B10         B9            B44   B68                                          0-18        19-25          26-36         37+

                                            Postcodes                                                                                Age

 I found there's a variety of areas people will be                                             The majority of people i asked were aged 19-25
 seeing my music magazine.
From my research of 30 people doing my questionnaire i found out quite a lot of
people don't buy a music magazine but they do listen to music. The people who did
buy the magazines were buying them of the prices between £1-£4. I will make my
magazine £3 so it fits in with the average that the people pay for them. Most people
said that the titles and images on the front cover of the magazines are the main
reasons why they buy the magazine therefore i need to bare this in mind when i
make my magazine as it will be the main reason why people would buy my name.
The majority of people enjoy and would want to see all different types of genres in
the magazine so i will have to make sure i cover the different genres. The adverts
that attract most people are adverts of music concerts/gigs, seeing how these are
the most popular adverts i will make sure they are inside my magazine. Because a
lot of people don't buy music magazines i will try make mien very eye catching and
containing things people generally want to read about and see pictures off
.Hopefully by doing this it will attract people into picking my magazine and maybe
even get them into buying music magazines. The people who don't buy music
magazines didn't give me any feed back into why they don't, so that didn't help me
when making my magazine. The majority of people i asked were aged 19-25 so i
will be aiming my magazine to these age group.
This was the original
Lasso Tool Fireworks   picture with nothing
                       done to it.
Real magazine presentation
Real magazine presentation
Real magazine presentation
Real magazine presentation

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  • 1. Front covers The three magazines i was annotating were ‘Top Of The Pops’, ‘DJ’ and ‘Kerrang’. These three magazines are appealing to very different target audiences. Kerrang uses the technique of onomatopoeia in the title of ‘Kerrang’ the lettering appears to be smashed up, as if it cannot contain the music; the sound ‘Kerrang’ is meant to be produced when strumming a guitar. We know from the front cover of this magazine, that it is appealing to an older audience as everyone on the front cover is middle aged and also, the very eye catching picture of a musician on the front cover is holding his a guitar in a way that is presented to be an extension of his manhood. We can see this from the position of the guitar and the way he is holding it therefore we can assume that the magazine’s target audience is for people of an older generation and those who are into heavy metal. Also, the musician is very scruffy, untidy and wearing black suggesting mystery. All this relates to the heavy metal music genre. There is a large title with a swear word used but starred (*) out again suggesting heavy metal is very intense and this magazine is for an older age group. Top of the Pops is appealing to a completely different target audience. From the front cover we can pick out things that suggests it is designed for females in their teen years. We know this because the main colour used on the front cover is pink, and the images on the front cover are young actors/artists and mainly people who are popular with the younger girls. The topics covered in the magazine are easy for teenage girls to relate to and be interested in. However there is a topic of pregnancy on the front page which is a bit inappropriate for the age of the target audience. There is slang used on the front page, again making the age group of the target audience clear. Also the lettering of the title is girls with the swirls. The main picture is of a girl in a well covered up dress and in a very happy and appropriate pose. This is another suggestion of a younger target audience and also of the female kind because she is not being used as a sex symbol to get people interested. The magazine ‘DJ’ uses a striking colour scheme that catches the eye and the colours are very unisex of baby blue, red and white. However, there is a large picture of a women in a see through dress in certain places, this suggest a more male oriented target audience and it seems that she is being the sex symbol to get men interested and to pick up the magazine. Unlike the other two magazines, this one has no other images bar the large picture of the female. The topics on the magazine are very unisex and equal to want women and men would want to read. the magazine offers a free bee for the audience. The topics of plastic surgery suggests a target audience of people around 20-35. Slang is used on the front cover and the word ‘heroine’ is used in big lettering this is another major suggestion that the target audience is more likely to be in their 20s or 30s. All the magazines have an issue number, price and date. All have titles and sub titles and images however they all have different ways off conveying who their target audience is and all three have different target audiences.
  • 2. Contents page Kerrang’s contents page is in keeping with the colour scheme on the front page. Its in a more formal format but still very simple and easy to read and understand. At the bottom, there is a comment from the editor of the magazine with a personal message saying thank you and he has signed it using a hand written font. This gives it the more personal touch. There is a chance to subscribe online so its promoting its online website. This magazine would be for someone who was very interested in their music and has an interest to know the details of artists. They offer a free poster to the readers so gives them a freebie. The pages contents are split up with bold text boxes to categorise the subjects in the magazines and also images used to show what’s on the certain pages. Top of the pops contents page is very simple and in keeping with a girly pink theme. Slang used in the main title. Adverts for clothing items and make up large images of them confirming the target audience of being young females teenagers. The pages contents are also split up into categories like the Kerrang magazine but this magazine has highlighted the more popular and interesting pages for them to see. Also there is a large image of a male in the corner interesting the girls. The topics of ‘we love shopping’ and ‘ we love boys’ aren't very y relevant to music but again confirm s who the target audience is. Also there is a very easy to read annotated picture of the magazine with arrows and numbers saying which page the topics are on easy for any age to understand. The contents page for the DJ magazine is not in keeping with the colour scheme very much. Its split up from left to right in different ways of presenting a contents page. From coloured texts boxes breaking up the information, to the information being put in different boxes depending on which topic it belonged in to imagery used to say what is on each page. The is a picture at the bottom of a high tech piece of equipment suggesting a more mature but not old age group and it is used a few times on the page so an informal tone.
  • 3. Double Paged Spread The Kerrang's double paged spread is pact with information and plenty of detail for the reader to read. This suggests the readers of the magazines are very interested in their heavy metal music a more mature age and are dedicated to the magazine . They've used drops tags/caps to break up the amount of text used in the article. All of the images used on the page is off middle aged men, so its appealing to the people generally interested in their music as there's no females drawing people into reading the article/magazine and also suggests that the people who read this magazine are defiantly into their music and are interested. The facial expressions of the people on these pages have very serious expressions suggesting that the article is serious and also that the people who read it will be serious about their music. There's a red information bar used on the left hand side of the article and the colours keep with the colour scheme. Top of the pops double paged spread backs up with the idea that the target audience are young teenagers. We know this because the information is very little, and it is a simple answer and questions format which is simple and easy to read through. They promote jls’s website and slang is used at the top in the subtitle again suggesting a younger target audience. They have big circles with quotes from members of the group which are not music related but humorous for people to read. This article is more of a joke and to make people laugh rather than the Kerrang's article where it was serious about their music. The large image of JLS behind bars links in with the title used. The colours used are in keeping with the colour scheme. The double paged spread in the DJ magazine is very different than the other two. Its an article about art in music, and designs and other ways to be involved in music. This is a very artistic page where it shows different types of art and different ways of being involved in music and different ways of expressing your self. This backs up the idea of the target audience being in their 20s-30s looking for a way to express themselves in an artistic way. This magazine would appeal to people who are very artistic. The text is quite a lot of information so would be for people who was interested in this topic. Its very bright and colourful and very informative. Different fonts used and it seems to suggest a way of different people coming together and creating something great.
  • 4. Questionnaire 5) If you said no why don’t you? 11) What is your post code? 12) How old are you? 0-18 19-25 26-36 37+
  • 5. Target Audience The target audience of my music magazine will be people who are very open to different types of genres of music. People who buy at least one magazine a month and people who see music as an important factor of their lives. Interview 1 I buy probably at least one music magazine a month. Things i look for is decent headlines and articles on things i want to know about, the top celebrities and also interesting pictures. Laura Jackson 20 Interview 2 The main things I look for when buying music magazine is the genres of music it covers. If it just covers one type of genre I tend to stay away from it because i like a range of different music, Also the titles and subtitles , if they don't seem good or interesting I never buy the magazine. Elliot Francis 19 Interview 3 I do enjoy music however I don't buy music magazines as they don't tend to interest me, I feel like most of things inside the magazine aren't relevant and probably aren't true are just made up. I'd be more likely to buy a music magazine if it was real music people in there not just celebrities. Jessica Hogan 18
  • 6. Questionnaires Results Do you buy music magazines ? How many music magazines do you buy a month? 20 18 20 17 number of people 15 number of people 15 12 11 10 Series1 10 Series1 5 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 one to two three to five to six seven + yes no four yes/no magazines per month From this research it shows most people don’t buy Quite a lot of people don’t buy any however 11 people buy at music magazines. least one. What is the average you spend on a magazine? Do you listin to music? 20 17 28 30 number of people number of people 15 25 10 20 10 Series1 15 Series1 5 2 10 0 0 5 2 0 0 0-£1 £1.01-£2 £2.01-£3 £3.01-34 £4.01 + yes no amount of money yes/no Most people who bought the magazines paid no more A lot of people listen to music. than a pound. Some paid between £1-£2 and some £2+
  • 7. Questionnaires Results If you said no why don’t you ? No comments were made. What type of music do you listin to ? The small amount of people who didn’t listen to music couldn’t state a reason why they don’t. pop How much money on average do you earn a year? 2 hip-hop 26 25 rap 10 number of people 8 8 8 indie 7 6 Series1 rock 4 2 2 28 2 rnb 0 28 grime £0-£4,999 £5000-£8,999 £9000- £20,000+ 10 £20,000 8 10 dance money other Average People earn either £0-4,999 or There's a wide range of music listened to by people but most £9,999-£20,000 people enjoy all different types of genres. What adverts do you like to see? Do you go music concerts? 25 21 3, 10% number of people 20 1, 3% music/tickets/gigs 15 perfume 9 Series1 5, 17% 10 make-up 5 18, 63% clothing 0 2, 7% other yes no yes/no Quite a lot of people don’t go to music concerts . Majority of people would like to see adverts about the music gigs going on to make-up and perfume and clothing adds.
  • 8. Questionnaire Results What type of music do you like to read about or see What attracts you when buying a magazine? pictures of? number of people pop 25 20 0, 0% 20 hip-hop 20, 17% 10, 9% 15 rap Series1 10 7 20, 17% indie 5 2 1 11, 9% rock 0 10, 9% rnb front cover images freebies the headings 27, 23% 10, 9% grime and titles dance Things that attact you 8, 7% other Again a wide range of different genres of music and most It is clear the front cover has to be appealing and the images people would be happy to see them all in a music as it is seen high with the public for reasons to buy the magazine. magazine. Whats your postcode? How old are you ? 12 20 18 number of people 10 10 9 number of people 15 8 9 6 5 5 Series1 10 Series1 4 4 5 2 1 0 0 0 B27 B10 B9 B44 B68 0-18 19-25 26-36 37+ Postcodes Age I found there's a variety of areas people will be The majority of people i asked were aged 19-25 seeing my music magazine.
  • 9. Analysis From my research of 30 people doing my questionnaire i found out quite a lot of people don't buy a music magazine but they do listen to music. The people who did buy the magazines were buying them of the prices between £1-£4. I will make my magazine £3 so it fits in with the average that the people pay for them. Most people said that the titles and images on the front cover of the magazines are the main reasons why they buy the magazine therefore i need to bare this in mind when i make my magazine as it will be the main reason why people would buy my name. The majority of people enjoy and would want to see all different types of genres in the magazine so i will have to make sure i cover the different genres. The adverts that attract most people are adverts of music concerts/gigs, seeing how these are the most popular adverts i will make sure they are inside my magazine. Because a lot of people don't buy music magazines i will try make mien very eye catching and containing things people generally want to read about and see pictures off .Hopefully by doing this it will attract people into picking my magazine and maybe even get them into buying music magazines. The people who don't buy music magazines didn't give me any feed back into why they don't, so that didn't help me when making my magazine. The majority of people i asked were aged 19-25 so i will be aiming my magazine to these age group.
  • 10. This was the original Lasso Tool Fireworks picture with nothing done to it.