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Rational Unified Process for
   User Interface Design

       Rajendra Akerkar

           R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005   1
What Is the Rational Unified Process?

   The Rational Unified Process provides a
    disciplined approach to assigning tasks and
    responsibilities within a development
          i i

   Its goal is to ensure the production of high-
    quality product that meets the needs of its
    end users within a predictable schedule and

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005        2
The RUP Framework

   RUP = making a movie ≠ building a house
                      movie,                house.
   sheer size.
   hundreds of artifacts and activities involved
   RUP® framework is actually easy, particularly
    when th ' i t d
      h they're introduced b analogy t some
                           d by      l     to
    familiar process.

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     3
The trouble with the construction analogy

   RUP is so often compared to the process of
    constructing a building.
        t ti       b ildi
       it's about producing something concrete using a
        similar role set and vocabulary
   As with an interactive system,
       first have th f
        fi t h     the foundation ready (th i f
                           d ti      d (the information
        architecture in the our case) before building the
        walls and the roof.

                          R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005           4
The trouble with the construction analogy

   information architect deals with problems
    such as the internal workings of a interactive
   The house architect is more concerned about
    visual and functional design,
        which pretty much equals the concerns of a
        system analyst in the software world.

                         R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005      5
The trouble with the construction analogy
   The main objection to
    comparing the two is that the
    building process can be a
    totally predictable waterfall
   while a UI development
    process can't!
   the fact is that civil
    engineering relies on a
    number of well-known
    physical laws of nature and
    again, UI design doesn't!

                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005   6
A better analogy to the RUP framework

   The RUP does share the basic goals and
    strategies of engineering processes.

   The actual process to achieve those goals
       creative approach required by artistic disciplines
           making movies,
           authoring books, or
                    g       ,
           even writing an article.

                               R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005       7
The essential principles of the RUP

   RUP is based on common sense
       harvested from the best practices of numerous
        successful projects.
                   p j

   Interesting fact is that similar practices exist
    in areas other than UI development.

                         R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005        8
The essential principles of the RUP

   The RUP is used to mitigate the risks
    associated with software/UI development.

   By conforming to a well-defined and proven
    set of rules we aim to increase the
    probability of a successful result.

   Why would we bother with the extra effort?

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     9
The general risks associated with UI

    lack of resources for carrying out the project
    insufficient funding
    not enough time and too much to do
    immature, slow, or non-agile organizations

 These risks are the same as for any other type of

                          R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     10
Agile Approach
   Novel approach to development based on the
    development and delivery of very small increments
    of functionality.
      ff    i   li
   Based on Values of simplicity, communication,
    feedback and courage.
   Relies on constant code improvement, user
    involvement in the development team and pairwise
   Two crucial design heuristics
       never duplicate code
       use simplest design possible
   Continuous Testing
       Write the tests before we design the code

                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     11
The technical risks associated with UI
   Unknown t h l i
    U k      technologies.
   Undiscovered requirements.
   Complicated architecture.

    These risks are associated with unpredictable
    nature of UI development.

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005    12
The RUP strategy for handing risk

   Develop iteratively.
          p           y
   Manage requirements.
   Use a component architecture.
   Model visually.
   Continuously verify quality
   Manage change.
    The RUP gives us these primary strategies for handling
    such technical nature risks (the best practices of the RUP).

                           R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                 13
Develop iteratively
   Creating something innovative, whether a motion
    picture or UI requires many iterations to be
    performed on the same artifacts during the
    discovery process of building the final product.
   With a waterfall development strategy, projects cycle
    through the various phases in a sequential manner,
    postponing confrontation with potential problems
        t    i       f t ti    ith t ti l       bl
    until the product has been built and tested.
   Iterative development, on the other hand allows
               development               hand,
    projects to proceed by small steps, or increments, to
    gradually build a more complete system.

                        R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005         14
The RUP's iterative development
   Each iteration in the RUP is a pass
    through the disciplines.

   A discipline in the RUP can be
    described as a grouping of interrelated
    activities and the artifacts or
    deliverables they produce.

    Each pass, which is like a mini
    waterfall, explores a new p
                 p            portion of the
    requirements set and offers a chance to
    correct defects and rework the result of
    the previous iteration.

   With each iteration, the solution is
             h it ti     th    l ti i
    coming closer and closer to the final

                                   R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005   15
Analogy of Moviemaking
   If making a movie is a pretty straightforward
    process of first writing a script then figuring
    out how to put the words into motion, doing
    the filming and editing, and finally watching
              g            g            y         g
    the result.
   This would be a traditional waterfall
   But just as the waterfall approach fails when
    we're writing UI it would f il i making a
        '    iti UI,         ld fail in   ki
    movie as well.

                      R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005         16
Analogy of Moviemaking
   Instead, the process is much more iterative.
   The actors start working with the script, and revisions
    arise out of that interaction.
   For example, the script for the blockbuster Lord of the
    Rings based on J R R Tolkien's classic masterpiece
    Rings,             J.R.R. Tolkien s        masterpiece,
    was rewritten almost every day after interaction with the
   Director Peter J k
    Di t P t Jackson described th creative process
                              d    ib d the     ti
    as a controlled chaos.
   Before the end of the project, the script had been
    rewritten many times. Each time (or iteration) resulted in
    an incremented (and better) version that more closely
    resembled the final version.

                          R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                17
Manage requirements
   Another essential task whenever a new
    product of any kind i d
       d t f          ki d is developed i ensuring
                                   l  d is     i
    that it meets the needs of its intended users.
   Troublesome task - users sometimes have
    only a vague idea of the product under
    d     l       t
   An active requirements management strategy
    can it ti l i
         iteratively improve th requirements i t
                               the    i     t into
    something that will satisfy users.

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     18
Manage requirements
   The RUP enforces requirements management
    throughout the lifecycle
   The requirements are iteratively and incrementally
    identified, documented, evaluated, and refined.
              ,              ,        ,
   Functional requirements are described in terms of
    use cases.
   Nonfunctional requirements are also identified and
       These are properties of the system that aren t described as use cases
        but usually have a great impact on them, involving the system's usability,
        reliability, performance, and supportability.

                                  R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                       19
Analogy of Moviemaking
   As moviemakers work with the script and the actors,
    they must think in terms of meeting the needs of
    their audience.
       What kind of emotional response do they want the movie to
                                  p             y
       What kind of experience do they want the audience to
       Where do they want the story to take viewers?
   The movie script is fine-tuned through many
                   p                      g       y
    iterations to match the director's vision of meeting
    these functional requirements.

                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005             20
Analogy of Moviemaking
   If the functional requirements of a UI product have
    their counterpart in movies, then can a movie also
    have nonfunctional requirements?
    h         f    ti   l     i     t ?
       The answer (not surprisingly) is yes.
       Maybe the movie must be viewable by children under 18 and
        no longer than 120 minutes

   Although these requirements aren't directly related to
    the t
    th story line, they'll h
               li  th 'll have an iimpact on th fi l result
                                        t    the final    lt
    - just as nonfunctional software requirements must
    have on a computer system.
   In th
    I the same way, these requirements must be
                       th        i      t      tb
    identified and addressed in the process of making the

                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                 21
Use a component architecture
   A component is a replaceable piece of UI that fulfills
    a clear function.
   The RUP encourages the use of components to
    assemble a system.
   Component based
    Component-based development has advantages:
       it facilitates reuse both within the system and by other
       it provides a convenient abstraction in the system design,
       it enables efficient parallel development.
   Furthermore, a well-structured component based
                    well structured component-based
    architecture makes a system more scalable and
    easier to maintain.

                             R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                 22
Use a component architecture
( Analogy to Moviemaking)

   The most obvious equivalent of a component
    in a movie is a scene.
   A film is typically made up of a number of
    scenes unified in a coherent structure that
    realizes the director's vision.
                  director s
   Each scene is fully replaceable, meaning that
    it s
    it's possible to replace it alter it or even
                             it,      it,
    remove it without compromising the whole
    picture ( that's what the director wants).
             (if                               )
                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005   23
Use a component architecture
( Analogy to Moviemaking)

   Developing a computer application of considerable size without
    using a component-based architecture, something that's still
    done today,
   It is like shooting a movie in only one take.
     This is how the 2002 drama Russian Ark by Aleksandr Sokurov
        was made - the whole movie (2 hours, 16 minutes) is one
        continuous shot.
     Given that it's pretty hard to make even a ten minute continuous
                   it s                           ten-minute
        scene, Sokurov's achievement is truly heroic.

   Going back to the UI design world the RUP principle of
    component-based architecture relieves developers of the need to
    be heroes on impossible quests.

                             R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                     24
Use a component architecture
( Analogy to Moviemaking)

   Another movie equivalent to software components is:
     In making the computer-animated adventure Finding Nemo,

     The modelers were challenged with the task of creating natural-
      looking surging and swelling water. (under water story)

   The problem was not only to accurately simulate the movement
    of water, but also
       to capture how light refracts through it,
     the way particles dance around,

     the colors of different types of water, and so on.

   This had never been achieved to that extent before in computer

                             R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                    25
Use a component architecture
( Analogy to Moviemaking)

   As soon as the project was launched, the design department
    started experimenting with water modeling.
     t t d        i    ti     ith   t     d li
     Extensive studies, consulted experts on oceanography, made
       sketches and drawings, and most important of all, made
       prototypes based on their increasing knowledge of the problem
   The prototypes were then exposed to the director's critical eye.
   Then the final result of the hard labor was a design template
    covering every conceivable water simulation in the movie
   This template was a fundamental component of the film's
   other components (templates) resolved different problems such
    as the motion patterns of fish and plants.

                             R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                    26
In the kingdom of UI development

   design templates tell designers how to deal
    with the most significant problems.
   Without a solid architecture or design
    template, there really isn't much point in
    moving on in the project.
   Until these kinds of issues can be resolved,
    designers will never be able to meet the

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005       27
Model visually
   A model is a simplified representation of a real-world
    entity or process, intended to help us imagine and
    flesh out the real-world version.
   At some point early in the development of UI
    software, there's a need to understand the
    interaction between the system and its users.
   The developers have two options:
       they can implement the software as they guess it should
        work, or
       they can create a model of it, which can then be exposed to
        potential users, designers, and testers, whose feedback
        can in turn alter the model.

                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005              28
Model visually
   This type of model, describing how a user interacts
    with the system, is usually referred to as a use case
   The point of creating use case models is to mitigate
         p                g                          g
    the risk of building the wrong system.
   Modeling is theoretical exercise to understand
    complex system behavior by simplification.
   The RUP encourages architecture teams to prove
    their architectural concepts by executing prototypes

                        R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005          29
Model visually (Analogy to Moviemaking)
   In the early stages of a movie project, all that exists is a script.
   But just as in the software case, the director needs to see the product
    before it's completed.
   As with the RUP, the solution is to build a model of the story.
   This is known in the film industry as visualization, and it can be
    achieved by various techniques:
        traditional actor acting,
     puppet acting,
     storyboarding, and

     even 3D computer graphics.
    If storyboarding (a concept that also exists in the RUP) is used, the
         t    b    di (            t th t l   i t i th           i     d th
    model consists of a sequential series of sketches illustrating stages or
   From the storyboards, the director can decide if a scene seems too
    long or should be removed, or if something is missing.
                          removed                     missing
   The storyboards can be filmed and edited, and temporary sound
    effects and music can be added, just to further enhance the model's

                               R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                    30
Continuously verify quality
   The RUP is divided into four phases, each one
    focusing on a certain aspect of the development
           g                p                 p
       Inception,
       Elaboration,
       Construction, and
       Transition.
   In each of these phases the RUP best practices give
    us the opportunity to verify the progress and quality
    of the project under development and thus to find
    flaws and potential improvements as early as

                            R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     31
Continuously verify quality
   In the Inception phase, the focus is on
    understanding the objectives of the project
   The question to be answered before the end
    of this phase is whether the project is worth
    doing at all.
   Once the project has a go to continue, it
    enters the Elaboration phase.
       Here, the focus is on establishing a solid design
        foundation (the architecture) and mitigating the
        major risks of the project.

                          R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005           32
Continuously verify quality
(Analogy to Moviemaking)

   In the RUP, the quality of the latest increment is verified in every
   In a movie project, the director primarily uses the modeling tools
    in his or her toolbox to catch problems with
       a diverging story line,
       scenes that don't fit together, or
       a tempo (rhythm) that just isn't right.

   When problems are found early, it's easier to do something about
   In moviemaking as in UI development the general rule is that the
    earlier a fault is discovered, the cheaper it is to fix.
   The best practice of continuously verifying quality can facilitate

                                   R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005             33
Manage change
   change is necessary but inconvenient.
   Requirements will almost inevitably change
    over time.
   waterfall development so often fails is that it's
    unable to handle change.
   An iterative and incremental methodology, by
    contrast, facilitates continuous change,
    iterating t
    it ti toward a better solution.
                     d b tt      l ti

                      R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005       34
Manage Change (Analogy to Moviemaking)
   Making a feature film: a huge crew and a substantial budget.
   Communicating well about needed changes is vital to the success of
    such a project
       Imagine that the director wants to improve the final scene.

   Although it comes at the end of the movie, the need for improvement
    can b id ifi d early since quality i continuously verified on all
        be identified   l i          li is    i      l    ifi d    ll
        Do the screenwriters have to update the script?
       Who will review and approve it?
       Does the scene have to be modeled again?
       If so, will storyboards, 3D graphics, or plastic models be used?
       Does the set need to be modified, or does a new set need to be built? How
        does this affect our budget?
       Do we have to ask for more time and money?

   These are the kinds of questions that result in changing plans and
    therefore must be addressed preferably in an iterative manner
                      addressed,                            manner.

                                  R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                           35
A movie project plan
   One of the key artifacts in the RUP
    framework is the project plan
   The project plan details the tasks, schedule,
    cost, resources, milestones,
    cost resources milestones and deliverables
    needed to complete the project.
   Progress is tracked against the plan and
    measured by work completed by milestones
    reached and results delivered.
   The plan is conceived early in the project and
    frequently updated throughout the lifecycle.

                     R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005     36
The Iterative Model graph of RUP
   The horizontal axis
    represents time and
    shows the dynamic
    aspect of the process as
    it is enacted, and it is
    expressed in terms of
    cycles, phases,
    iterations, and

   The vertical axis
    represents the static
    aspect of the p
       p           process:
    how it is described in
    terms of activities,
    artifacts, workers and

                               R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005   37
A movie project plan = a User Interface
development project

               R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005   38
A movie project plan = a User Interface
development project
   In this figure, activities related to making a movie are substituted
    for the RUP disciplines.
     Developing the screenplay is analogous to writing requirements,

     filming corresponds to implementation, and

     producing the movie is more or less like project management.

   Dividing the timeline into four p
            g                       phases pputs the focus on different
    aspects of the movie project at different times.
   We also see that the activities run in parallel, typically
    exchanging information and work packages in a highly efficient,
    cross-functional manner:
      just as the RUP.

                              R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005                     39
The Essentials of RUP
        In all projects, it is important to explore what will
         happen if any of these essentials is ignored.

        For example:
    1.     No vision? You may lose track of where you are going.
    2.     No plan? You will not be able to track progress.
    3.     No risk list? You may be focusing on the wrong issues
    4.     No issues li ? With t accountability, th
           N i         list? Without      t bilit these are th
           roadblocks to success.
    5.     No architecture? You may be unable to handle
           communication, synchronization,
           communication synchronization and data access issues
           as they arise.

                             R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005               40
The Essentials of RUP
 6.   No product (prototype)? Get started writing code; get
      something working in front of the customers
 7.   No evaluation? Don’t keep your head in the sand. It is
      important to face the truth. How close are you really to your
      deadline? To your goals in quality or budget?
 8.   No change requests? How do you keep track of these?
 9.   No user support? What happens when a user has a
                 pp               pp
      question or can’t figure out how to use the product?

                           R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005               41
   Rational Unified Process, version 5.5, Rational Software
    Corporation, Cupertino, CA (1999)
   Introduction to the IBM Rational Unified Process Essentials,
    an article by Mats Wessberg (2005).
   Philippe Kruchten, The Rational Unified Process An
    Introduction, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Reading, MA (1999)
   Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, The Unified
    Software Development Process, Addison Wesley (1999)
                            Process Addison-Wesley
   Grady Booch, et al., UML User’s Guide, Addison-Wesley-
    Longman, Reading, MA (1999).
   Stefan Bergstrand, Adopting the Rational Unified Process:
    Success with the RUP, Addison Wesley (2004).

                          R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005             42

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Rational Unified Process for User Interface Design

  • 1. Rational Unified Process for User Interface Design g Rajendra Akerkar R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 1
  • 2. What Is the Rational Unified Process?  The Rational Unified Process provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. i i  Its goal is to ensure the production of high- quality product that meets the needs of its end-users, end users within a predictable schedule and budget. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 2
  • 3. The RUP Framework  RUP = making a movie ≠ building a house movie, house.  sheer size.  hundreds of artifacts and activities involved involved.  RUP® framework is actually easy, particularly when th ' i t d h they're introduced b analogy t some d by l to familiar process. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 3
  • 4. The trouble with the construction analogy  RUP is so often compared to the process of constructing a building. t ti b ildi  it's about producing something concrete using a similar role set and vocabulary vocabulary.  As with an interactive system,  first have th f fi t h the foundation ready (th i f d ti d (the information ti architecture in the our case) before building the walls and the roof. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 4
  • 5. The trouble with the construction analogy  information architect deals with problems such as the internal workings of a interactive system. y  The house architect is more concerned about visual and functional design,  which pretty much equals the concerns of a system analyst in the software world. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 5
  • 6. The trouble with the construction analogy  The main objection to comparing the two is that the building process can be a totally predictable waterfall process,  while a UI development process can't!  the fact is that civil engineering relies on a number of well-known physical laws of nature and nature, again, UI design doesn't! R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 6
  • 7. A better analogy to the RUP framework  The RUP does share the basic goals and strategies of engineering processes.  The actual process to achieve those goals  creative approach required by artistic disciplines  making movies,  authoring books, or g ,  even writing an article. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 7
  • 8. The essential principles of the RUP  RUP is based on common sense sense,  harvested from the best practices of numerous successful projects. p j  Interesting fact is that similar practices exist in areas other than UI development. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 8
  • 9. The essential principles of the RUP  The RUP is used to mitigate the risks associated with software/UI development.  By conforming to a well-defined and proven set of rules we aim to increase the rules, probability of a successful result.  Why would we bother with the extra effort? R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 9
  • 10. The general risks associated with UI development  lack of resources for carrying out the project  insufficient funding g  not enough time and too much to do  immature, slow, or non-agile organizations These risks are the same as for any other type of development. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 10
  • 11. Agile Approach  Novel approach to development based on the development and delivery of very small increments of functionality. ff i li  Based on Values of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. g  Relies on constant code improvement, user involvement in the development team and pairwise programming  Two crucial design heuristics  never duplicate code  use simplest design possible  Continuous Testing  Write the tests before we design the code R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 11
  • 12. The technical risks associated with UI development  Unknown t h l i U k technologies.  Undiscovered requirements.  Complicated architecture. These risks are associated with unpredictable nature of UI development. p R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 12
  • 13. The RUP strategy for handing risk  Develop iteratively. p y  Manage requirements.  Use a component architecture. architecture  Model visually.  Continuously verify quality quality.  Manage change. The RUP gives us these primary strategies for handling such technical nature risks (the best practices of the RUP). R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 13
  • 14. Develop iteratively  Creating something innovative, whether a motion picture or UI requires many iterations to be UI, performed on the same artifacts during the discovery process of building the final product.  With a waterfall development strategy, projects cycle through the various phases in a sequential manner, postponing confrontation with potential problems t i f t ti ith t ti l bl until the product has been built and tested.  Iterative development, on the other hand allows development hand, projects to proceed by small steps, or increments, to gradually build a more complete system. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 14
  • 15. The RUP's iterative development process  Each iteration in the RUP is a pass through the disciplines. disciplines  A discipline in the RUP can be described as a grouping of interrelated activities and the artifacts or deliverables they produce.  Each pass, which is like a mini waterfall, explores a new p p portion of the requirements set and offers a chance to correct defects and rework the result of the previous iteration.  With each iteration, the solution is h it ti th l ti i coming closer and closer to the final product. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 15
  • 16. Analogy of Moviemaking  If making a movie is a pretty straightforward process of first writing a script then figuring script, out how to put the words into motion, doing the filming and editing, and finally watching g g y g the result.  This would be a traditional waterfall approach.  But just as the waterfall approach fails when we're writing UI it would f il i making a ' iti UI, ld fail in ki movie as well. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 16
  • 17. Analogy of Moviemaking  Instead, the process is much more iterative.  The actors start working with the script, and revisions arise out of that interaction.  For example, the script for the blockbuster Lord of the Rings based on J R R Tolkien's classic masterpiece Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien s masterpiece, was rewritten almost every day after interaction with the actors.  Director Peter J k Di t P t Jackson described th creative process d ib d the ti as a controlled chaos.  Before the end of the project, the script had been rewritten many times. Each time (or iteration) resulted in an incremented (and better) version that more closely resembled the final version. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 17
  • 18. Manage requirements  Another essential task whenever a new product of any kind i d d t f ki d is developed i ensuring l d is i that it meets the needs of its intended users.  Troublesome task - users sometimes have only a vague idea of the product under development. d l t  An active requirements management strategy can it ti l i iteratively improve th requirements i t the i t into something that will satisfy users. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 18
  • 19. Manage requirements  The RUP enforces requirements management throughout the lifecycle lifecycle.  The requirements are iteratively and incrementally identified, documented, evaluated, and refined. , , ,  Functional requirements are described in terms of use cases.  Nonfunctional requirements are also identified and managed.  These are properties of the system that aren t described as use cases aren't but usually have a great impact on them, involving the system's usability, reliability, performance, and supportability. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 19
  • 20. Analogy of Moviemaking  As moviemakers work with the script and the actors, they must think in terms of meeting the needs of their audience.  What kind of emotional response do they want the movie to p y evoke?  What kind of experience do they want the audience to have?  Where do they want the story to take viewers?  The movie script is fine-tuned through many p g y iterations to match the director's vision of meeting these functional requirements. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 20
  • 21. Analogy of Moviemaking  If the functional requirements of a UI product have their counterpart in movies, then can a movie also have nonfunctional requirements? h f ti l i t ?  The answer (not surprisingly) is yes.  Maybe the movie must be viewable by children under 18 and no longer than 120 minutes minutes.  Although these requirements aren't directly related to the t th story line, they'll h li th 'll have an iimpact on th fi l result t the final lt - just as nonfunctional software requirements must have on a computer system.  In th I the same way, these requirements must be th i t tb identified and addressed in the process of making the movie. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 21
  • 22. Use a component architecture  A component is a replaceable piece of UI that fulfills a clear function.  The RUP encourages the use of components to assemble a system.  Component based Component-based development has advantages:  it facilitates reuse both within the system and by other systems,  it provides a convenient abstraction in the system design, and  it enables efficient parallel development.  Furthermore, a well-structured component based well structured component-based architecture makes a system more scalable and easier to maintain. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 22
  • 23. Use a component architecture ( Analogy to Moviemaking)  The most obvious equivalent of a component in a movie is a scene.  A film is typically made up of a number of scenes unified in a coherent structure that realizes the director's vision. director s  Each scene is fully replaceable, meaning that it s it's possible to replace it alter it or even it, it, remove it without compromising the whole p picture ( that's what the director wants). (if ) R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 23
  • 24. Use a component architecture ( Analogy to Moviemaking)  Developing a computer application of considerable size without using a component-based architecture, something that's still done today,  It is like shooting a movie in only one take.  This is how the 2002 drama Russian Ark by Aleksandr Sokurov was made - the whole movie (2 hours, 16 minutes) is one continuous shot.  Given that it's pretty hard to make even a ten minute continuous it s ten-minute scene, Sokurov's achievement is truly heroic.  Going back to the UI design world the RUP principle of world, component-based architecture relieves developers of the need to be heroes on impossible quests. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 24
  • 25. Use a component architecture ( Analogy to Moviemaking)  Another movie equivalent to software components is:  In making the computer-animated adventure Finding Nemo,  The modelers were challenged with the task of creating natural- looking surging and swelling water. (under water story)  The problem was not only to accurately simulate the movement of water, but also  to capture how light refracts through it,  the way particles dance around,  the colors of different types of water, and so on.  This had never been achieved to that extent before in computer animation. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 25
  • 26. Use a component architecture ( Analogy to Moviemaking)  As soon as the project was launched, the design department started experimenting with water modeling. t t d i ti ith t d li  Extensive studies, consulted experts on oceanography, made sketches and drawings, and most important of all, made prototypes based on their increasing knowledge of the problem problem.  The prototypes were then exposed to the director's critical eye.  Then the final result of the hard labor was a design template covering every conceivable water simulation in the movie movie.  This template was a fundamental component of the film's architecture;  other components (templates) resolved different problems such problems, as the motion patterns of fish and plants. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 26
  • 27. In the kingdom of UI development  design templates tell designers how to deal with the most significant problems.  Without a solid architecture or design architecture, template, there really isn't much point in moving on in the project.  Until these kinds of issues can be resolved, designers will never be able to meet the requirements. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 27
  • 28. Model visually  A model is a simplified representation of a real-world entity or process, intended to help us imagine and process flesh out the real-world version.  At some point early in the development of UI software, there's a need to understand the f interaction between the system and its users.  The developers have two options:  they can implement the software as they guess it should work, or  they can create a model of it, which can then be exposed to it potential users, designers, and testers, whose feedback can in turn alter the model. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 28
  • 29. Model visually  This type of model, describing how a user interacts with the system, is usually referred to as a use case system model.  The point of creating use case models is to mitigate p g g the risk of building the wrong system.  Modeling is theoretical exercise to understand complex system behavior by simplification.  The RUP encourages architecture teams to prove their architectural concepts by executing prototypes prototypes. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 29
  • 30. Model visually (Analogy to Moviemaking)  In the early stages of a movie project, all that exists is a script.  But just as in the software case, the director needs to see the product before it's completed.  As with the RUP, the solution is to build a model of the story.  This is known in the film industry as visualization, and it can be achieved by various techniques:  traditional actor acting,  puppet acting,  storyboarding, and  even 3D computer graphics.  If storyboarding (a concept that also exists in the RUP) is used, the t b di ( t th t l i t i th i d th model consists of a sequential series of sketches illustrating stages or scenes.  From the storyboards, the director can decide if a scene seems too long or should be removed, or if something is missing. removed missing  The storyboards can be filmed and edited, and temporary sound effects and music can be added, just to further enhance the model's usefulness. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 30
  • 31. Continuously verify quality  The RUP is divided into four phases, each one focusing on a certain aspect of the development g p p cycle:  Inception,  Elaboration, Elaboration  Construction, and  Transition.  In each of these phases the RUP best practices give us the opportunity to verify the progress and quality of the project under development and thus to find flaws and potential improvements as early as possible. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 31
  • 32. Continuously verify quality  In the Inception phase, the focus is on understanding the objectives of the project project.  The question to be answered before the end of this phase is whether the project is worth doing at all.  Once the project has a go to continue, it enters the Elaboration phase.  Here, the focus is on establishing a solid design foundation (the architecture) and mitigating the major risks of the project. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 32
  • 33. Continuously verify quality (Analogy to Moviemaking)  In the RUP, the quality of the latest increment is verified in every iteration.  In a movie project, the director primarily uses the modeling tools in his or her toolbox to catch problems with  a diverging story line,  scenes that don't fit together, or  a tempo (rhythm) that just isn't right.  When problems are found early, it's easier to do something about them.  In moviemaking as in UI development the general rule is that the development, earlier a fault is discovered, the cheaper it is to fix.  The best practice of continuously verifying quality can facilitate this. this R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 33
  • 34. Manage change  change is necessary but inconvenient.  Requirements will almost inevitably change over time.  waterfall development so often fails is that it's unable to handle change.  An iterative and incremental methodology, by contrast, facilitates continuous change, iterating t it ti toward a better solution. d b tt l ti R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 34
  • 35. Manage Change (Analogy to Moviemaking)  Making a feature film: a huge crew and a substantial budget.  Communicating well about needed changes is vital to the success of such a project project.  Imagine that the director wants to improve the final scene.  Although it comes at the end of the movie, the need for improvement can b id ifi d early since quality i continuously verified on all be identified l i li is i l ifi d ll levels.  Do the screenwriters have to update the script?  Who will review and approve it? pp  Does the scene have to be modeled again?  If so, will storyboards, 3D graphics, or plastic models be used?  Does the set need to be modified, or does a new set need to be built? How does this affect our budget? g  Do we have to ask for more time and money?  These are the kinds of questions that result in changing plans and therefore must be addressed preferably in an iterative manner addressed, manner. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 35
  • 36. A movie project plan  One of the key artifacts in the RUP framework is the project plan plan.  The project plan details the tasks, schedule, cost, resources, milestones, cost resources milestones and deliverables needed to complete the project.  Progress is tracked against the plan and measured by work completed by milestones reached and results delivered.  The plan is conceived early in the project and frequently updated throughout the lifecycle. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 36
  • 37. The Iterative Model graph of RUP  The horizontal axis represents time and shows the dynamic aspect of the process as it is enacted, and it is expressed in terms of cycles, phases, iterations, and milestones.  The vertical axis represents the static aspect of the p p process: how it is described in terms of activities, artifacts, workers and workflows. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 37
  • 38. A movie project plan = a User Interface development project R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 38
  • 39. A movie project plan = a User Interface development project  In this figure, activities related to making a movie are substituted for the RUP disciplines.  Developing the screenplay is analogous to writing requirements,  filming corresponds to implementation, and  producing the movie is more or less like project management.  Dividing the timeline into four p g phases pputs the focus on different aspects of the movie project at different times.  We also see that the activities run in parallel, typically exchanging information and work packages in a highly efficient, cross-functional manner: f  just as the RUP. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 39
  • 40. The Essentials of RUP  In all projects, it is important to explore what will happen if any of these essentials is ignored.  For example: 1. No vision? You may lose track of where you are going. 2. No plan? You will not be able to track progress. 3. No risk list? You may be focusing on the wrong issues now. 4. No issues li ? With t accountability, th N i list? Without t bilit these are th the roadblocks to success. 5. No architecture? You may be unable to handle communication, synchronization, communication synchronization and data access issues as they arise. R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 40
  • 41. The Essentials of RUP 6. No product (prototype)? Get started writing code; get something working in front of the customers customers. 7. No evaluation? Don’t keep your head in the sand. It is important to face the truth. How close are you really to your deadline? To your goals in quality or budget? 8. No change requests? How do you keep track of these? 9. No user support? What happens when a user has a pp pp question or can’t figure out how to use the product? R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 41
  • 42. References  Rational Unified Process, version 5.5, Rational Software Corporation, Cupertino, CA (1999)  Introduction to the IBM Rational Unified Process Essentials, an article by Mats Wessberg (2005).  Philippe Kruchten, The Rational Unified Process An Process—An Introduction, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Reading, MA (1999)  Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, The Unified Software Development Process, Addison Wesley (1999) Process Addison-Wesley  Grady Booch, et al., UML User’s Guide, Addison-Wesley- Longman, Reading, MA (1999).  Stefan Bergstrand, Adopting the Rational Unified Process: Success with the RUP, Addison Wesley (2004). R. Akerkar SE 160, 2005 42