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The Role of Sonography 
in Thyroid Cancer 
Stephanie F. Coquia, MD*, Linda C. Chu, MD, Ulrike M. Hamper, MD, MBA 
 Thyroid nodules  Thyroid cancer  Fine-needle aspiration biopsy 
 Cervical lymph node metastases  Lateral neck compartment  Central neck compartment 
 Thyroid nodules are commonly detected on ultrasound (US). 
 Specific sonographic features are found in many malignant nodules and lymph nodes. 
 Identification of cervical nodal metastasis is important for accurate staging and surgical manage-ment 
of de novo thyroid cancer. 
 Pathologic diagnosis of a thyroid nodule requires fine-needle aspiration (FNA). 
 US accurately provides imaging guidance for FNA of indeterminate or suspicious thyroid nodules 
and cervical lymph nodes. 
 US is routinely used in the postoperative surveillance of the neck for tumor recurrence in the thyroid 
bed or nodal stations. 
According to the National Cancer Institute, an 
estimated 63,000 cases of thyroid cancer will be 
diagnosed in 2014.1 When pathologically well 
differentiated and diagnosed early, the disease is 
highly treatable and can be curable. The 5-year 
relative survival rate of most types of stage I 
thyroid cancer approaches 100%.2 
US is used routinely in the diagnosis and man-agement 
of thyroid cancer, from initial detection 
and diagnosis to preoperative planning to post-operative 
surveillance. This review discusses 
the various roles of sonography in managing 
patients with thyroid cancer and reviews the sono-graphic 
appearance of thyroid cancer and nodal 
The thyroid gland is a bilobed gland that sits 
atop the trachea within the anterior-inferior neck 
(Fig. 1). The isthmus connects the right and left 
thyroid lobes. Each lobe measures approximately 
4 to 6 cm in length and less than 2 cm in width 
and in the anterior-posterior dimension.3 The 
normal isthmus measures less than 6 mm in the 
anterior-posterior dimension. The normal gland is 
homogeneous in echotexture and hyperechoic 
compared with the adjacent strap muscles (see 
Fig. 1). 
After documentation of any thyroid lesion that 
has suspicious features for primary thyroid cancer, 
the cervical lymph nodes are imaged. A normal 
lymph node has an elongated shape (a 2:1 ratio 
between length and short-axis dimensions) and 
demonstrates an echogenic fatty hilum. Vascular 
flow is seen entering into the lymph node via the 
fatty hilum (Fig. 2) and the cortex is symmetrically 
The neck can be divided into nodal levels or 
stations by anatomic landmarks. The numeric 
classification system of the neck nodal stations is 
outlined in Table 1 and depicted in Fig. 3.4 Using 
this classification, the neck can be divided into 
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University School of 
Medicine, 601 North Caroline Street, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA 
* Corresponding author. 601 North Caroline Street, JHOC 3142, Baltimore, MD 21287. 
E-mail address: 
Radiol Clin N Am - (2014) -–- 
0033-8389/14/$ – see front matter  2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Coquia et al 
Fig. 1. Normal sonographic appearance of the thyroid. 
The thyroid (arrows) sits atop the trachea (T) and is 
a bilobed structure echogenic to the adjacent muscula-ture 
central and lateral neck compartments. Stations I, 
VI, and VII are considered central neck compart-ments 
and stations II to V are considered lateral 
neck compartments. The medial edge of the com-mon 
carotid artery serves as a landmark to divide 
the central from the lateral compartment. The 
distinction between the central and lateral neck 
compartments is important for the surgical man-agement 
of thyroid cancer if nodal metastases 
are present (discussed later). 
The thyroid gland is imaged with a linear high-frequency 
transducer (7–15 MHz). Occasionally, 
if the thyroid gland is enlarged, a curved, lower-frequency 
transducer may be used to fully image 
the thyroid. 
The right and left thyroid lobes are imaged in the 
transverse and sagittal planes. Anterior-posterior 
dimension, width, and length are measured at 
the mid thyroid gland. The isthmus is measured 
in the anterior-posterior dimension. Nodules, if 
present, are measured in the transverse and 
sagittal planes in three dimensions and evaluated 
with color Doppler to document vascularity. 
Cervical Lymph Nodes 
The neck nodes are imaged with the same trans-ducers 
as the thyroid: a high-frequency linear 
transducer for most of the nodal stations and oc-casionally 
a curved transducer for the lower and, 
therefore, deeper level IV and VI lymph nodes. 
Each nodal station within the neck is evaluated 
to assess for the presence of normal or abnormal 
lymph nodes. Normal-appearing lymph nodes 
can be documented for each level, with the fatty 
hilum included in the image. Measurement of 
sonographically normal-appearing lymph nodes 
is not necessary. Abnormal lymph nodes (dis-cussed 
later) should be imaged and measured in 
the transverse and sagittal planes. The nodes 
also should be interrogated with color Doppler 
US to assess for abnormal and disorganized blood 
General imaging protocols for the thyroid gland 
and cervical lymph nodes are summarized in 
Table 2. 
Types of Thyroid Cancer 
There are several types of primary thyroid cancer. 
Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most 
common, accounting for approximately 75% to 
80% of thyroid cancers. PTC is multifocal in 
approximately 20% of cases and more common 
in females than males. PTC usually presents 
before age 40 years, often with cervical nodal me-tastases. 
It is also the most common thyroid malig-nancy 
in children. PTC has the best prognosis and 
highest survival rate of all thyroid cancers, reach-ing 
a 20-year survival rate of approximately 90% 
to 95%. Other types of thyroid carcinoma include 
follicular carcinoma (10%–20%), medullary carci-noma 
(5%–10%), and anaplastic carcinoma 
Fig. 2. Normal lymph nodes. (A) Lymph node with smooth, homogeneous, hypoechoic cortex (arrow), and central 
echogenic fatty hilum. (B) Another lymph node demonstrating normal central hilar flow (arrow).
(1%–2%).5 Follicular thyroid carcinoma most often 
affects women in the 6th decade of life and may 
present with metastatic lesions to bone, brain, 
lung, and liver via hematogenous spread. FNA 
biopsy (FNAB) cannot differentiate between fol-licular 
adenoma and carcinoma and surgical 
resection is required to make this distinction. Med-ullary 
thyroid carcinoma arises from the parafollic-ular 
cells (C cells) of the thyroid gland. It is often 
familial in origin (vs sporadic) and is associated 
with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 syndrome 
in 10% to 20% of cases. Patients present with 
Table 1 
Cervical nodal stations: numeric classification 
Nodal Station Location 
IA Submental lymph nodes 
IB Submandibular lymph nodes 
II Internal jugular vein chain from base of skull to the inferior border of the hyoid bone 
A: Anterior to the internal jugular vein 
B: Posterior the internal jugular vein 
III Internal jugular vein chain from the inferior border of the hyoid bone to the inferior 
border of the cricoid cartilage 
IV Internal jugular vein chain from the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage to the 
supraclavicular fossa 
V Posterior triangle lymph nodes, posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle 
A: From the skull base to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage 
B: From the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage to the clavicle 
VI Central compartment nodes from the hyoid bone to the suprasternal notch 
VII Central compartment nodes inferior to the suprasternal notch in the superior 
Note: The lateral compartments (II–V) are separated from the central compartments (I, VI, and VII) by the medial edge of 
the common carotid artery. 
From Som PM, Curtin HD, Mancuso AA. An imaging-based classification for the cervical nodes designed as an adjunct to 
recent clinically based nodal classifications. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;125(4):391; with permission. 
Fig. 3. Diagram of the neck nodal stations. (From Som PM, Curtin HD, Mancuso AA. An imaging-based classifica-tion 
for the cervical nodes designed as an adjunct to recent clinically based nodal classifications. Arch Otolaryngol 
Head Neck Surg 1999;125(4):394; with permission.) 
The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 3
elevated calcitonin levels due to the secretion of 
calcitonin by the parafollicular cells. Anaplastic 
thyroid carcinoma is the rarest and most aggres-sive 
of the primary thyroid carcinomas, often fatal. 
Its dismal prognosis carries a 5-year survival rate 
of only 5%.6 There is often local invasion of the 
adjacent soft tissues, trachea, and lymph nodes. 
Risk factors for the development of thyroid 
carcinoma include a history of neck irradiation 
and a family history of thyroid cancer. Additional 
risk factors that increase the probability of cancer 
within a given thyroid nodule include age under 
30 years or over 60 years and male gender.7 Nod-ules 
greater than 2 cm also are reported to have 
an increased risk of cancer (Fig. 4).8 
Lymphomatous involvement of the thyroid is 
rare, accounting for less than 5% of thyroid malig-nancies. 
It may present as a manifestation of 
generalized lymphoma or be primary to the thyroid 
gland, usually a non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Hashi-moto 
thyroiditis is a risk factor for the development 
of thyroid lymphoma. Metastatic disease to the 
thyroid is also uncommon; primary malignancies 
include lung, breast, and renal cell carcinomas as 
well as melanoma.6 
Thyroid Nodules 
Thyroid nodules are common in the United States; 
it has been estimated that approximately 50% 
of the adult population has thyroid nodules, 
although less than 7% of these nodules prove ma-lignant. 
6 US features suspicious for malignancy 
are reviewed in this section. They are also summa-rized 
in Table 3. 
Calcification within the thyroid may be classified 
as microcalcification, coarse calcification, or peri-pheral 
rim calcification. Although calcification may 
be seen in both benign and malignant processes 
of the thyroid, it is the US feature most commonly 
associated with malignancy. Of these various 
types, microcalcifications are the most specific 
for thyroid malignancy, with a specificity of up to 
95%.6 Microcalcifications are most commonly 
found in PTC and appear as tiny punctate echo-genic 
foci within the nodule (Fig. 5). Due to their 
small size, they usually do not demonstrate poste-rior 
acoustic shadowing. Colloid may also appear 
on US as tiny echogenic foci but tends to appear 
linear and demonstrates posterior ring-down or 
comet-tail artifact (Fig. 6).9 Making this distinction 
can be difficult, however, and biopsy should be 
performed for indeterminate foci and for those 
foci lacking the comet-tail artifact. Furthermore, 
the presence of the ring-down artifact does 
not necessarily preclude contemplating biopsy; 
microcalcifications and colloid may coexist in the 
same nodule. 
Coarse calcification and peripheral rimlike 
calcification may also be seen with thyroid malig-nancies; 
however, they also may be found in multi-nodular 
thyroids or goiters. Due to their larger size, 
Table 2 
Imaging protocols for thyroid and cervical 
lymph node examinations 
Thyroid imaging protocol 
Transducer Linear 7–15 MHz (curved 
transducer as needed) 
Lobes: anterior-posterior 
dimension, width, 
longitudinal dimension 
Isthmus: anterior-posterior 
Nodules Measurement of each 
nodule in three 
dimensions; color Doppler 
interrogation of nodule 
Cervical lymph node imaging protocol 
Transducer Linear 7–15 MHz (curved 
transducer as needed) 
Nodes Each nodal station 
evaluated on each side of 
the neck 
Documentation of 
abnormal lymph nodes: 
Size measured in three 
Color Doppler 
interrogation of node 
Fig. 4. PTC. This nodule measured 5.2 cm and was 
found in a 17-year-old girl who presented with neck 
swelling. The patient’s age and the size of the nodule 
increased the probability of this nodule being 
4 Coquia et al
these calcifications demonstrate posterior acous-tic 
shadowing (Fig. 7). Coarse calcifications may 
be seen in PTC; however, they are more com-monly 
associated with medullary thyroid 
carcinoma.6 Nodules with coarse calcifications 
necessitate FNAB. 
Solid hypoechoic nodule 
Thyroid nodules may be completely cystic or solid 
or a combination of both. Likewise, thyroid nodules 
may be hyperechoic, isoechoic, or hypoechoic 
to the remainder of the thyroid parenchyma. Most 
PTCs are hypoechoic and nearly all medullary 
thyroid carcinomas are hypoechoic.10 Some inves-tigators 
believe the extremely hypoechoic nodule 
The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 5 
confers a higher risk of malignancy. Benign nodules 
may also be hypoechoic; therefore, evaluation 
for additional suspicious features, such as calcifi-cation, 
should be performed. If no other suspicious 
features are present, these hypoechoic nodules 
can be biopsied when of sufficient size (discussed 
Follicular neoplasms (adenoma and carcinoma) 
can also appear as solid, well-marginated, hypoe-choic 
nodules with thin hypoechoic halos10 and 
central linear hypoechoic striations or areas 
(Fig. 8). Because the distinction between follicular 
adenoma and carcinoma can only be made based 
on vascular and capsular invasion, the diagnosis 
can only be made by surgical resection. As such, 
once a nodule is diagnosed as a follicular 
neoplasm via FNAB, surgical management is the 
next step. 
Local invasion 
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and thyroid lym-phoma 
may present as large, rapidly growing 
masses. The masses may be discrete or infiltra-tive. 
Extracapsular extension into the soft tissues 
is common with invasion into the trachea, neck 
vessels, and strap muscles. There is usually asso-ciated 
cervical lymphadenopathy. 
Edge refraction shadow 
Posterior acoustic shadowing from the edges of a 
solid nodule has also been associated with PTC. It 
is thought that the fibrotic reaction around the 
edge of the tumor is responsible for the edge 
refraction shadow.10 
Other features suggesting malignancy in 
thyroid nodules 
Additional suspicious features include nodules 
that are taller than they are wide,11 have irregular 
shape or margins,11 demonstrate posterior acous-tic 
shadowing in the absence of edge refraction, or 
are accompanied by sonographically suspicious 
lymph nodes, such as lymph nodes with 
Table 3 
Diagnostic criteria: sonographic features 
suggestive of malignancy 
US Feature Comment 
Calcification Micro-, macro-, 
coarse, peripheral 
(especially micro) 
Solid hypoechoic 
Especially if very 
Local invasion More common in 
anaplastic and 
Edge refraction 
Taller than wide Nodule anterior-posterior 
dimension greater 
than width 
Irregular margins 
Adjacent suspicious 
lymph nodes 
Size 2 cm 
Posterior acoustic 
Fig. 5. (A, B) Examples of microcalcification. Multiple punctate echogenic foci (arrows) are seen within each of 
the hypoechoic nodules. Both of these nodules are markedly hypoechoic with irregular borders. These nodules 
were pathologically proved to be PTC.
calcification, cystic change, or abnormally in-creased 
or disorganized blood flow. A more 
detailed discussion of the sonographic findings 
suspicious for cervical lymph node metastasis 
from thyroid carcinoma follows. 
Although these features can be seen in thyroid 
malignancies, they are by no means pathogno-monic; 
benign nodules may also demonstrate 
these features. The differential diagnosis of thyroid 
nodules is found in Table 4. Therefore, when nod-ules 
present with features suspicious or sugges-tive 
of malignancy, these should proceed to 
biopsy when of sufficient size. 
Size criteria for biopsy 
Multiple guidelines for FNAB of thyroid nodules 
exist because multiple medical specialties and 
organizations are involved in the care of patients 
with thyroid nodules. These include recommenda-tions 
from the American Thyroid Association 
(ATA), the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, 
and the American Association of Clinical Endocri-nologists 
(AACE).5,12,13 Regardless of the recom-mending 
body, the guidelines take into account 
the nodule’s sonographic appearance as well as 
size. In addition, the ATA uses clinical risk stratifi-cation, 
providing differing guidelines for high-risk 
and low-risk patients. In general, for low-risk 
patients, the various guidelines recommend 
biopsy of solid nodules at sizes greater than 1 to 
1.5 cm and mixed cystic and solid nodules at sizes 
greater than 1.5 to 2 cm. The ATA decreases its 
minimum size threshold to 5 mm in high-risk pa-tients 
who have nodules with suspicious features 
or nodules accompanied by suspicious lymph no-des, 
whereas the AACE decreases its size 
threshold below 1.0 cm if there are suspicious 
sonographic features present. 
Due to the multitude of guidelines available, 
it may be confusing as to which specific recom-mendations 
to follow. Each department or practice 
should meet with the referring endocrinologists 
and surgeons to decide which of the guidelines 
is to be used by all members of the clinical team 
to provide seamless care to patients. 
Pitfalls of thyroid US in the detection of 
Parathyroid adenomas may be confused with 
thyroid nodules. Most parathyroid adenomas are 
extrathyroidal in location; evaluation for the echo-genic 
thyroid capsule separating the adenoma 
from the thyroid tissue is helpful in making this 
distinction. Parathyroid adenomas are usually 
located posterior to the mid gland or inferior to 
the thyroid gland (Fig. 9A). Adenomas are quite 
vascular and obtain their vascular supply from 
the thyroid (see Fig. 9B). 
Fig. 6. Example of colloid within a predominately 
cystic thyroid nodule. The punctate echogenic foci 
demonstrate comet-tail artifact (arrow). 
Fig. 7. Coarse calcification. Hypoechoic nodule 
with slightly indistinct and irregular border demon-strates 
a cluster of coarse echogenic calcifications 
demonstrating posterior acoustic shadowing (arrow). 
Pathology was PTC. 
Fig. 8. Hypoechoic nodule. The nodule is well defined 
and homogeneously hypoechoic with a thin hypoe-choic 
halo. FNA resulted in pathology of follicular 
neoplasm. The patient was scheduled for lobectomy 
for definitive diagnosis. 
6 Coquia et al
Hashimoto thyroiditis may also present with 
nodules. The nodules are usually subcentimeter 
in size (typically 2–3 mm and less than 6 mm) 
and numerous (termed micronodulation or giraffe 
pattern), however, causing diffuse heterogeneity 
of the gland. This diffuse heterogeneity may 
also create the appearance of larger nodules. 
The borders of these apparent lesions are indis-tinct, 
however. Moreover, because it is an auto-immune 
process, prominent reactive cervical 
lymph nodes, usually in level VI, may be present 
and could be confused as suspicious lymph no-des. 
These lymph nodes, however, usually have 
fatty hila and maintain the morphologic appear-ance 
of a benign lymph node. A truly discrete 
nodule, however, in a patient with Hashimoto 
thyroiditis should be viewed with concern 
The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 7 
because these patients are at increased risk for 
both lymphoma and PTC. 
Management of multiple thyroid nodules 
Patients sometimes present with multiple nodules, 
which may pose a dilemma regarding which nod-ules 
to biopsy. Regardless of the number of nod-ules 
present, the risk of thyroid cancer in a 
patient is unchanged.5 Furthermore, it has been 
found that although a majority of cancers found 
in patients with multinodular thyroids are within 
the dominant nodule, approximately one-third of 
the cancers are found in the nondominant nodule.5 
Therefore, each nodule should be evaluated inde-pendently, 
evaluating for suspicious features and 
then triaging the nodules for biopsy in the order 
of most suspicious features and then by size. 
Table 4 
Differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules 
Diagnosis Comment 
Adenomatoid nodule 
Follicular adenoma Surgical excision is required to differentiate adenoma from 
Hashimoto thyroiditis Lymphocytic thyroiditis can be used as alternative nomenclature 
Parathyroid adenoma Most are extrathyroidal in location; evaluate for capsule separating 
lesion from thyroid; correlate with parathyroid hormone level 
Follicular thyroid carcinoma 
Medullary thyroid carcinoma 
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma 
Lymphoma Treat with systemic therapy rather than thyroidectomy 
Metastatic disease 
Note that benign and malignant nodules may have overlapping appearances and can only be differentiated by FNAB. 
Different pathology laboratories may use slightly different cytologic descriptions. 
Fig. 9. Parathyroid adenoma. (A) The inferior parathyroid gland is typically located posterior and inferior to the 
thyroid. The echogenic thyroid capsule (arrow) separates the parathyroid adenoma (P) from the thyroid. (B) The 
parathyroid adenoma is quite vascular and receives its blood supply from the thyroid gland. Unlike the central 
hilar flow of a lymph node, the flow within a parathyroid adenoma is peripheral/polar in distribution.
Thyroid Nodule Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy 
Biopsy and cytologic evaluation 
Thyroid nodules can be sampled via US guidance 
or by palpation; however, in this day and age, 
they should be sampled with US guidance. After 
sterilization of the skin at the needle entrance site 
and administration of local anesthesia, FNA 
samples are obtained with small-gauge needles 
with a bevel tip, typically 25 or 26 gauge. Pathologic 
evaluation can be performed on site or the samples 
can be transported to a laboratory for off-site 
testing. The presence of at least 6 groups of benign 
follicular cells, with each group containing at least 
10 cells, is required for a specimen to be consid-ered 
adequate and benign, per the Bethesda 
System criteria.14 Other alternative criteria for ade-quacy 
include the presence of abundant colloid 
(suggesting a benign macrofollicular nodule) or 
enough cells to suggest an alternative diagnosis, 
such as lymphocytic (or Hashimoto) thyroiditis or 
atypia. Aspirated thyroid nodules are classified as 
benign, atypia of undetermined significance/follic-ular 
lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/ 
FLUS), follicular neoplasm, suspicious for malig-nancy, 
or malignant, per the Bethesda System 
classification.14 Approximately 10% of thyroid 
FNAs from most laboratories are read, however, 
as nondiagnostic or inadequate.14 
Benign nodules are managed conservatively with 
clinical and imaging follow-up whereas nodules 
classified as follicular neoplasm, suspicious for 
malignancy, or malignant go on to surgical man-agement. 
Nodules classified as AUS/FLUS fall 
into an indeterminate category, comprising be-tween 
3% and 6% of total diagnoses.14 In these 
cases, repeat FNA is recommended. However, 
20% of these nodules remain AUS after repeat 
biopsy. The risk of malignancy in these nodules is 
between 5% and 15%.14 
To avoid diagnostic surgery for what may ulti-mately 
be a benign nodule, FNA samples can be 
sent for genomic testing. The Afirma Gene Expres-sion 
Classifier (AGEC) from Veracyte (South San 
Francisco, California) classifies these cytologically 
indeterminate nodules as either benign or malig-nant, 
with a 95% negative predictive value.15 
To minimize the need for a third FNA specifically 
just to perform this test, additional FNA passes 
are obtained at the time of the second FNA for 
AGEC testing. This material is then reserved and 
analyzed in the event that the repeat (or second) 
FNA is also called indeterminate. A nodule classi-fied 
as benign on AGEC is managed just as a 
nodule classified as benign on cytology, with 
imaging and clinical follow-up.15 A benign AGEC 
result, therefore, negates the necessity of per-forming 
surgery for diagnosis of cytologically inde-terminate 
nodules. At one center, the number of 
diagnostic surgeries performed for these nodules 
dropped 10-fold after the implementation of 
AGEC testing, and 1 surgery was avoided for 
every 2 AGEC tests performed.15 A suspicious 
for malignancy AGEC result correlates to a greater 
than 50% risk of malignancy for the nodule, and 
surgery should be performed for pathologic 
Preoperative Evaluation for Cervical Nodal 
Current best surgical practice in the United States 
recommends central lymph node dissection at the 
time of thyroidectomy as well as lateral neck 
dissection if there are confirmed metastatic cervi-cal 
lymph nodes. Therefore, prior to thyroidectomy, 
the cervical lymph nodes should be evaluated for 
lymph node metastases both with palpation and 
US; if abnormal lymph nodes are suspected, FNA 
should be performed. Stulak and colleagues16 in 
2006 reported a sensitivity and specificity of 
83.5% and 97.7% of preoperative US in the detec-tion 
of lateral nodal metastasis in newly diagnosed 
thyroid cancer patients, respectively. Hence, a 
systematic sonographic evaluation of the neck 
nodes is performed bilaterally to identify suspicious 
US features of suspicious nodes 
Benign sonographic morphologic features of 
lymph nodes include the presence of an echo-genic 
fatty hilum, central regular hilar vascular 
flow, and elongated shape. Deviations from this 
appearance should be considered abnormal. 
A node demonstrating cystic change or the 
presence of calcification (mimicking the appear-ance 
of the primary tumor) has been shown to be 
100% specific for metastatic disease.17 Increased 
or eccentric irregular vascularity, round shape 
and/or loss of the normal elongated shape, hyper-echogenicity 
of the node relative to the adjacent 
strap muscles, and loss of a fatty hilum are all 
features of abnormal lymph nodes. A summary of 
suspicious features is in Box 1, and examples of 
suspicious nodes are given in Figs. 10–12. 
Metastatic disease from other primaries, how-ever, 
such as squamous cell carcinoma, can pro-duce 
cystic degeneration of a lymph node. 
Management of suspicious nodes 
Unlike the guidelines for thyroid nodule biopsy, no 
specific size criteria are commonly used in regard 
to lymph node biopsy. Some institutions may have 
8 Coquia et al
their own size cutoff (ie, biopsy lymph nodes 
8 mm or larger), formed by consensus between 
their surgeons, endocrinologists, and radiolo-gists. 
For example, at the authors’ institution, 
because of the high specificity of lymph nodes 
containing calcification or cystic areas in predict-ing 
metastatic disease, these are biopsied 
regardless of size. Those that are abnormal but 
do not contain these features are usually biopsied 
when 8 mm in size. 
Lymph nodes that are homogeneously hypoe-choic 
without an echogenic fatty hilum present 
and do not demonstrate any other suspicious 
features may be followed, with biopsy for those 
that demonstrate interval growth or interval 
The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 9 
development of additional suspicious features. 
Again, this particular management step may be 
based on the consensus between the referring 
physicians and the radiologists. 
Suspicious lymph nodes can be biopsied preop-eratively 
to confirm the necessity for lateral neck 
dissection at the time of thyroidectomy. Because 
these nodes are usually not palpable, they are 
sampled under US guidance, using the same tech-nique 
as described for FNA of thyroid nodules. If 
the lymph node is cystic, such that it yields insuffi-cient 
cells for diagnosis, the fluid can be aspirated 
and sent for thyroglobulin. 
Alternatively a surgeon may choose to proceed 
to surgery and remove the suspicious lymph no-des 
at the time of thyroidectomy. To help the sur-geon 
find the nodes intraoperatively, preoperative 
Fig. 10. Cystic replacement of a cervical lymph node. 
The lymph node is enlarged and has a large anechoic 
component, causing increased through transmission, 
compatible with cystic change (C). A small area of re-sidual 
soft tissue is seen within the node (arrow). A 
punctate echogenic focus is seen within the soft tis-sue, 
compatible with calcification. 
Fig. 11. Calcifications within a lymph node. Multiple 
echogenic foci (arrow) are seen within a lymph node 
(arrowheads), compatible with calcification. The lymph 
node is also round, another suspicious feature. The 
node was biopsied, with pathology of metastatic PTC. 
Box 1 
Sonographic features suspicious for lymph 
node metastasis 
Cystic change 
Peripheral, increased, irregular, or eccentric 
Loss of the normal elongated shape (less than 
2:1 ratio between long axis and short axis) or 
round shape 
Hyperechogenicity of the lymph node relative 
to adjacent strap muscle 
Loss of fatty hilum 
Irregular, asymmetrically thickened cortex 
Fig. 12. Abnormal lymph node vascularity. Instead of 
central hilar flow, there is peripheral vascularity, 
which is increased. A fatty hilum is also not seen. 
This was biopsied with pathology of metastatic PTC.
US can be used to mark the suspicious nodes on 
the skin. In more complex cases, intraoperative 
US guidance can be provided. 
Postoperative Surveillance 
After thyroidectomy, in conjunction with laboratory 
follow-up and nuclear medicine radioiodine imag-ing, 
the neck is evaluated routinely with US for the 
development of nodal metastases. The initial US 
examination should be performed in the first 6 to 
12 months and then periodically depending on 
a patient’s risk for recurrence and thyroglobulin 
level.12 The frequency and length of surveillance 
may also be dependent on the institution, endocri-nologist, 
or surgeon. The risk of recurrence either 
within the thyroid bed or within the cervical lymph 
nodes in PTC has been reported to between 15% 
and 25%.18 
The postoperative neck can be divided into 
lateral and central compartments (right lateral 
neck, right central neck, left lateral neck, and left 
central neck), discussed previously. Disease found 
in each separate compartment leads to its own 
separate neck dissection. Therefore, if multiple 
abnormal nodes are present in multiple compart-ments, 
a suspicious node from each compartment 
should be sampled to accurately plan surgical 
management and decrease the extent of the 
neck dissection. 
Identification of thyroid cells within the lymph 
node is confirmatory for lymph node metastasis. 
In the event the lymph node sampling is nondiag-nostic 
or indeterminate for metastatic disease, 
the lymph node can be aspirated and the sample 
sent for thyroglobulin assay. It is particularly help-ful 
to aspirate and analyze the fluid within small 
cystic areas. A thyroglobulin level in a lymph 
node greater than the serum thyroglobulin level is 
diagnostic for metastatic disease. 
Pitfalls in the postoperative surveillance period 
In one study, approximately 34% of postoperative 
patients were found to have small thyroid bed nod-ules. 
18 Of these nodules, only a small percentage 
(9%) increased in size during the median 3-year 
follow-up period, growing at a rate of 1.3 mm/y. 
Furthermore, only one-third of those proved malig-nant 
demonstrated interval growth. This behavior 
demonstrates the slow indolent nature of papillary 
thyroid cancer. Therefore, many small nodules in 
the thyroid bed without suspicious features can 
be observed over time. 
In addition to recurrence, other masses can be 
seen in the surgical bed on postoperative exami-nations, 
such as residual thyroid tissue, scarring/ 
fibrosis, and suture granulomas. Residual thyroid 
tissue may be focal and can be vascular, features 
that make it difficult to differentiate from recur-rence 
by imaging. FNA can be performed to differ-entiate 
the mass as either malignant (compatible 
with recurrence) or benign (normal residual thyroid 
tissue). Scarring in the postsurgical bed can be 
nonspecific in appearance but typically is nonvas-cular 
and elongated, blending into the adjacent fat 
and muscle. These areas can also be observed 
over time for interval increase in size or develop-ment 
of suspicious features that prompt biopsy. 
Suture granulomas can present as focal masses 
within the thyroid bed. The sonographic appear-ance 
of suture granulomas has been described 
as a hypoechoic lesion with central echogenic 
lines or foci.19 Although echogenic foci within a 
lesion may suggest microcalcification and, there-fore, 
imply recurrence, features that support su-ture 
granuloma include centrality of the foci, 
paired foci, and foci larger than 1 mm.19 Suture 
granulomas also tend to regress or resolve over 
Suture granulomas also may present within the 
neck, buried within the sternocleidomastoid mus-cle 
or subcutaneous tissue. Neuromas may also 
be seen within the neck, typically presenting as hy-poechoic 
masses in close relation to the carotid 
artery. Traumatic neuromas may develop after 
neck dissection.20 
Because many of these masses in the thyroid 
bed and neck can demonstrate either no growth 
or minimal growth over time, it is important to 
correlate with a patient’s thyroglobulin level over 
time because this may indicate residual or pro-gressive 
Alcohol ablation of lymph node metastases 
As an alternative to surgical management, alcohol 
(ethanol) ablation can be performed in the treat-ment 
of cervical lymph node metastases, espe-cially 
in patients who are either poor surgical 
candidates or those who wish to avoid surgery. 
The ethanol is administered through percutaneous 
injection under US guidance.21 
US plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and 
management of patients with thyroid cancer. Not 
only is it the best imaging modality for the detec-tion 
of suspicious thyroid nodules and cervical 
nodal metastases but also the imaging modality 
of choice to provide guidance during the perfor-mance 
of thyroid and nodal biopsies. Knowledge 
of the sonographic anatomy of the thyroid gland 
and nodal stations as well as features commonly 
seen in malignant thyroid nodules and nodal 
metastases and experience with the use of the 
10 Coquia et al
latest state-of the art high-resolution US equip-ment 
is imperative to its effective use in the 
evaluation of thyroid cancer patients. A summary 
of the pearls, pitfalls, and variants and what radiol-ogists 
need to know is found in Boxes 2 and 3. 
Many groups of physicians (radiologists, sur-geons, 
and endocrinologists) are involved in the 
care of patients with thyroid cancer and the rec-ommendations 
and management steps discussed 
in this article may vary by institution. Therefore, 
multidepartmental collaboration and meetings 
are essential to keeping a practice up to date to 
ensure satisfaction of the referring physicians 
and providing optimal patient care. 
The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 11 
1. General information about thyroid cancer. In: thyroid 
cancer treatment PDQ. 2014. Available at: http:// 
HealthProfessional. Accessed March 3, 2014. 
2. Thyroid cancer survival by type and stage. In: thy-roid 
cancer. 2014. Available at: http://www.cancer. 
rates. Accessed March 3, 2014. 
3. Middleton WD, Kurtz AB, Hertzberg BS. Neck and 
chest. In: Ultrasound: The Requisites. St Louis 
(MO): Mosby; 2004. p. 244–77. 
4. Som PM, Curtin HD, Mancuso AA. An imaging-based 
classification for the cervical nodes designed 
as an adjunct to recent clinically based nodal classi-fications. 
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 
5. Frates MC, Benson CB, Chrboneau JW, et al. Man-agement 
of thyroid nodules detect at US: Society 
of Radiologists in ultrasound consensus conference 
statement. Ultrasound Q 2006;22(4):231–8. 
Box 2 
Pearls, pitfalls, and variants 
 Hashimoto thyroiditis can present with 
diffuse small nodules (6 mm) or diffuse het-erogeneity 
that can appear like nodules. 
 Parathyroid adenomas may be confused with 
thyroid nodules or lymph nodes due to their 
 Evaluate for an echogenic line denoting 
the thyroid capsule to place the lesion as 
extrathyroidal in location. 
 Parathyroid adenomas are usually located 
posterior to the mid gland and inferior to 
the inferior pole of the thyroid. 
 Parathyroid adenomas demonstrate polar/ 
peripheral vascular flow from the thyroid 
rather than central hilar vascular flow on 
color Doppler. 
 Microcalcifications within thyroid nodules 
may not demonstrate posterior acoustic 
 Colloid can be confused with microcalcifica-tion: 
evaluate for comet-tail artifact. 
 Rapid growth and invasion of adjacent struc-tures 
can be seen in anaplastic thyroid carci-noma 
and lymphoma. 
 The presence of cystic change and calcifica-tion 
in cervical lymph nodes is 100% specific 
for metastatic thyroid cancer. Occasionally, 
metastases from other primaries, most 
commonly squamous cell head and neck can-cer, 
sometimes cause cystic degeneration in 
cervical lymph nodes. 
 The differential diagnosis of thyroid bed and 
neck masses seen postoperatively other than 
recurrence includes residual thyroid tissue, 
scarring/fibrosis, scar granuloma, and neu-romas. 
Box 3 
What the radiologist needs to know 
 In the adult population, 50% have thyroid 
nodules, but only 7% are malignant. 
 Microcalcification has the highest specificity 
for thyroid carcinoma. 
 Most malignant nodules are hypoechoic. 
 A thyroid nodule biopsy returning a diagnosis 
of AUS/FLUS should be repeated with addi-tional 
samples reserved for AGEC gene 
 Preoperative US of the neck is performed to 
evaluate the need for lateral neck dissection. 
 The location and number of lymph node 
biopsies to be performed are determined by 
the number of neck compartments showing 
suspicious lymph nodes (right and left lateral 
neck, central neck—if postoperative). At least 
1 biopsy in each compartment should be per-formed 
to definitively diagnose metastatic 
involvement prior to surgery. 
 In the post-thyroidectomy patient, indetermi-nate 
or nondiagnostic lymph node biopsies, 
especially with cystic areas, should be tested 
for thyroglobulin. 
 Thryoid bed masses may be stable in size or 
show minimal growth over time; correlation 
with thyroglobulin levels is imperative to 
assessing the risk of recurrence when the 
sonographic appearance is indeterminate.
6. Hoang JK, Lee WK, Lee M, et al. US features of thy-roid 
malignancy: pearls and pitfalls. Radiographics 
7. Polyzos SA, Kita M, Avramidis A. Thyroid nodules – 
Stepwise diagnosis and management. Hormones 
8. Kamran SC, Marqusee E, Kim MI, et al. Thyroid nodule 
size and prediction of cancer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 
9. Beland MD, Kwon L, Delellis RA, et al. Nonshadowing 
echogenic foci in thyroid nodules. J Ultrasound Med 
10. Reading CC, Charboneau JW, Hay ID, et al. Sono-graphy 
of thyroid nodules: a “classic pattern” diag-nostic 
approach. Ultrasound Q 2006;21(3):157–65. 
11. Kim JY, Lee CH, Kim SY, et al. Radiologic and path-ologic 
findings of nonpalpable thyroid carcinomas 
detected by ultrasonography in a Medical Screening 
Center. J Ultrasound Med 2008;27(2):215–23. 
12. Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR, et al. Re-vised 
American Thyroid Association Management 
Guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules and 
differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid 2009;19(11): 
13. Gharib H, Papini E, Valcavi R, et al. American Asso-ciation 
of Clinical Endocrinologists and Associa-zione 
Medici Endocrinologi medical guidelines for 
clinical practice for the diagnosis and management 
of thyroid nodules. Endocr Pract 2006;12(1):63–102. 
14. Cibas ES, Ali SZ. The Bethesda system for reporting 
thyroid cytopathology. Am J Clin Pathol 2009;132: 
15. Duick DS, Klopper JP, Diggans JC, et al. The impact 
of benign gene expression classifier test results on 
the endocrinologist – patient decision to operate 
on patients with thyroid nodules with indeterminate 
fine-needle aspiration cytopathology. Thyroid 2012; 
16. Stulak JM, Grant CS, Farley DR, et al. Value of pre-operative 
ultrasonography in the surgical manage-ment 
of initial and preoperative papillary thyroid 
cancer. Arch Surg 2006;141:489–96. 
17. Shin LK, Olcott EW, Jeffrey RB, et al. Sonographic 
evaluation of cervical lymph nodes in papillary 
thyroid cancer. Ultrasound Q 2013;29:25–32. 
18. Rondeau G, Fish S, Hann LE, et al. Ultrasonograph-ically 
detected small thyroid bed nodules identified 
after total thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid 
cancer seldom show clinically significant structural 
progression. Thyroid 2011;21(8):845–53. 
19. Kim JH, Lee JH, Shong YK, et al. Ultrasound fea-tures 
of suture granulomas in the thyroid bed after 
thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma with 
an emphasis on their differentiation from locally 
recurrent thyroid carcinomas. Ultrasound Med Biol 
20. Huang LF, Weissman JL, Fan C. Traumatic neuroma 
after neck dissection: CT characterstics in four 
cases. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2000;21:1676–80. 
21. Lewis BD, Hay ID, Charboneau JW, et al. Percuta-neous 
ethanol injection for treatment of cervical 
lymph node metastases in patient with papillary 
thyroid carcinoma. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2002; 
12 Coquia et al

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  • 1. The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer Stephanie F. Coquia, MD*, Linda C. Chu, MD, Ulrike M. Hamper, MD, MBA KEYWORDS Thyroid nodules Thyroid cancer Fine-needle aspiration biopsy Cervical lymph node metastases Lateral neck compartment Central neck compartment KEY POINTS Thyroid nodules are commonly detected on ultrasound (US). Specific sonographic features are found in many malignant nodules and lymph nodes. Identification of cervical nodal metastasis is important for accurate staging and surgical manage-ment of de novo thyroid cancer. Pathologic diagnosis of a thyroid nodule requires fine-needle aspiration (FNA). US accurately provides imaging guidance for FNA of indeterminate or suspicious thyroid nodules and cervical lymph nodes. US is routinely used in the postoperative surveillance of the neck for tumor recurrence in the thyroid bed or nodal stations. INTRODUCTION According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 63,000 cases of thyroid cancer will be diagnosed in 2014.1 When pathologically well differentiated and diagnosed early, the disease is highly treatable and can be curable. The 5-year relative survival rate of most types of stage I thyroid cancer approaches 100%.2 US is used routinely in the diagnosis and man-agement of thyroid cancer, from initial detection and diagnosis to preoperative planning to post-operative surveillance. This review discusses the various roles of sonography in managing patients with thyroid cancer and reviews the sono-graphic appearance of thyroid cancer and nodal metastases. NORMAL ANATOMY AND IMAGING TECHNIQUE The thyroid gland is a bilobed gland that sits atop the trachea within the anterior-inferior neck (Fig. 1). The isthmus connects the right and left thyroid lobes. Each lobe measures approximately 4 to 6 cm in length and less than 2 cm in width and in the anterior-posterior dimension.3 The normal isthmus measures less than 6 mm in the anterior-posterior dimension. The normal gland is homogeneous in echotexture and hyperechoic compared with the adjacent strap muscles (see Fig. 1). After documentation of any thyroid lesion that has suspicious features for primary thyroid cancer, the cervical lymph nodes are imaged. A normal lymph node has an elongated shape (a 2:1 ratio between length and short-axis dimensions) and demonstrates an echogenic fatty hilum. Vascular flow is seen entering into the lymph node via the fatty hilum (Fig. 2) and the cortex is symmetrically hypoechoic. The neck can be divided into nodal levels or stations by anatomic landmarks. The numeric classification system of the neck nodal stations is outlined in Table 1 and depicted in Fig. 3.4 Using this classification, the neck can be divided into Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 601 North Caroline Street, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA * Corresponding author. 601 North Caroline Street, JHOC 3142, Baltimore, MD 21287. E-mail address: Radiol Clin N Am - (2014) -–- 0033-8389/14/$ – see front matter 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 2 Coquia et al Fig. 1. Normal sonographic appearance of the thyroid. The thyroid (arrows) sits atop the trachea (T) and is a bilobed structure echogenic to the adjacent muscula-ture (M). central and lateral neck compartments. Stations I, VI, and VII are considered central neck compart-ments and stations II to V are considered lateral neck compartments. The medial edge of the com-mon carotid artery serves as a landmark to divide the central from the lateral compartment. The distinction between the central and lateral neck compartments is important for the surgical man-agement of thyroid cancer if nodal metastases are present (discussed later). IMAGING PROTOCOLS Thyroid The thyroid gland is imaged with a linear high-frequency transducer (7–15 MHz). Occasionally, if the thyroid gland is enlarged, a curved, lower-frequency transducer may be used to fully image the thyroid. The right and left thyroid lobes are imaged in the transverse and sagittal planes. Anterior-posterior dimension, width, and length are measured at the mid thyroid gland. The isthmus is measured in the anterior-posterior dimension. Nodules, if present, are measured in the transverse and sagittal planes in three dimensions and evaluated with color Doppler to document vascularity. Cervical Lymph Nodes The neck nodes are imaged with the same trans-ducers as the thyroid: a high-frequency linear transducer for most of the nodal stations and oc-casionally a curved transducer for the lower and, therefore, deeper level IV and VI lymph nodes. Each nodal station within the neck is evaluated to assess for the presence of normal or abnormal lymph nodes. Normal-appearing lymph nodes can be documented for each level, with the fatty hilum included in the image. Measurement of sonographically normal-appearing lymph nodes is not necessary. Abnormal lymph nodes (dis-cussed later) should be imaged and measured in the transverse and sagittal planes. The nodes also should be interrogated with color Doppler US to assess for abnormal and disorganized blood flow. General imaging protocols for the thyroid gland and cervical lymph nodes are summarized in Table 2. IMAGING FINDINGS AND PATHOLOGY Types of Thyroid Cancer There are several types of primary thyroid cancer. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common, accounting for approximately 75% to 80% of thyroid cancers. PTC is multifocal in approximately 20% of cases and more common in females than males. PTC usually presents before age 40 years, often with cervical nodal me-tastases. It is also the most common thyroid malig-nancy in children. PTC has the best prognosis and highest survival rate of all thyroid cancers, reach-ing a 20-year survival rate of approximately 90% to 95%. Other types of thyroid carcinoma include follicular carcinoma (10%–20%), medullary carci-noma (5%–10%), and anaplastic carcinoma Fig. 2. Normal lymph nodes. (A) Lymph node with smooth, homogeneous, hypoechoic cortex (arrow), and central echogenic fatty hilum. (B) Another lymph node demonstrating normal central hilar flow (arrow).
  • 3. (1%–2%).5 Follicular thyroid carcinoma most often affects women in the 6th decade of life and may present with metastatic lesions to bone, brain, lung, and liver via hematogenous spread. FNA biopsy (FNAB) cannot differentiate between fol-licular adenoma and carcinoma and surgical resection is required to make this distinction. Med-ullary thyroid carcinoma arises from the parafollic-ular cells (C cells) of the thyroid gland. It is often familial in origin (vs sporadic) and is associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 syndrome in 10% to 20% of cases. Patients present with Table 1 Cervical nodal stations: numeric classification Nodal Station Location IA Submental lymph nodes IB Submandibular lymph nodes II Internal jugular vein chain from base of skull to the inferior border of the hyoid bone A: Anterior to the internal jugular vein B: Posterior the internal jugular vein III Internal jugular vein chain from the inferior border of the hyoid bone to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage IV Internal jugular vein chain from the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage to the supraclavicular fossa V Posterior triangle lymph nodes, posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle A: From the skull base to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage B: From the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage to the clavicle VI Central compartment nodes from the hyoid bone to the suprasternal notch VII Central compartment nodes inferior to the suprasternal notch in the superior mediastinum Note: The lateral compartments (II–V) are separated from the central compartments (I, VI, and VII) by the medial edge of the common carotid artery. From Som PM, Curtin HD, Mancuso AA. An imaging-based classification for the cervical nodes designed as an adjunct to recent clinically based nodal classifications. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;125(4):391; with permission. Fig. 3. Diagram of the neck nodal stations. (From Som PM, Curtin HD, Mancuso AA. An imaging-based classifica-tion for the cervical nodes designed as an adjunct to recent clinically based nodal classifications. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;125(4):394; with permission.) The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 3
  • 4. elevated calcitonin levels due to the secretion of calcitonin by the parafollicular cells. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is the rarest and most aggres-sive of the primary thyroid carcinomas, often fatal. Its dismal prognosis carries a 5-year survival rate of only 5%.6 There is often local invasion of the adjacent soft tissues, trachea, and lymph nodes. Risk factors for the development of thyroid carcinoma include a history of neck irradiation and a family history of thyroid cancer. Additional risk factors that increase the probability of cancer within a given thyroid nodule include age under 30 years or over 60 years and male gender.7 Nod-ules greater than 2 cm also are reported to have an increased risk of cancer (Fig. 4).8 Lymphomatous involvement of the thyroid is rare, accounting for less than 5% of thyroid malig-nancies. It may present as a manifestation of generalized lymphoma or be primary to the thyroid gland, usually a non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Hashi-moto thyroiditis is a risk factor for the development of thyroid lymphoma. Metastatic disease to the thyroid is also uncommon; primary malignancies include lung, breast, and renal cell carcinomas as well as melanoma.6 Thyroid Nodules Thyroid nodules are common in the United States; it has been estimated that approximately 50% of the adult population has thyroid nodules, although less than 7% of these nodules prove ma-lignant. 6 US features suspicious for malignancy are reviewed in this section. They are also summa-rized in Table 3. Calcification Calcification within the thyroid may be classified as microcalcification, coarse calcification, or peri-pheral rim calcification. Although calcification may be seen in both benign and malignant processes of the thyroid, it is the US feature most commonly associated with malignancy. Of these various types, microcalcifications are the most specific for thyroid malignancy, with a specificity of up to 95%.6 Microcalcifications are most commonly found in PTC and appear as tiny punctate echo-genic foci within the nodule (Fig. 5). Due to their small size, they usually do not demonstrate poste-rior acoustic shadowing. Colloid may also appear on US as tiny echogenic foci but tends to appear linear and demonstrates posterior ring-down or comet-tail artifact (Fig. 6).9 Making this distinction can be difficult, however, and biopsy should be performed for indeterminate foci and for those foci lacking the comet-tail artifact. Furthermore, the presence of the ring-down artifact does not necessarily preclude contemplating biopsy; microcalcifications and colloid may coexist in the same nodule. Coarse calcification and peripheral rimlike calcification may also be seen with thyroid malig-nancies; however, they also may be found in multi-nodular thyroids or goiters. Due to their larger size, Table 2 Imaging protocols for thyroid and cervical lymph node examinations Thyroid imaging protocol Transducer Linear 7–15 MHz (curved lower-frequency transducer as needed) Gland measurements Lobes: anterior-posterior dimension, width, longitudinal dimension Isthmus: anterior-posterior dimension Nodules Measurement of each nodule in three dimensions; color Doppler interrogation of nodule Cervical lymph node imaging protocol Transducer Linear 7–15 MHz (curved lower-frequency transducer as needed) Nodes Each nodal station evaluated on each side of the neck Documentation of abnormal lymph nodes: Size measured in three dimensions Color Doppler interrogation of node Fig. 4. PTC. This nodule measured 5.2 cm and was found in a 17-year-old girl who presented with neck swelling. The patient’s age and the size of the nodule increased the probability of this nodule being malignant. 4 Coquia et al
  • 5. these calcifications demonstrate posterior acous-tic shadowing (Fig. 7). Coarse calcifications may be seen in PTC; however, they are more com-monly associated with medullary thyroid carcinoma.6 Nodules with coarse calcifications necessitate FNAB. Solid hypoechoic nodule Thyroid nodules may be completely cystic or solid or a combination of both. Likewise, thyroid nodules may be hyperechoic, isoechoic, or hypoechoic to the remainder of the thyroid parenchyma. Most PTCs are hypoechoic and nearly all medullary thyroid carcinomas are hypoechoic.10 Some inves-tigators believe the extremely hypoechoic nodule The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 5 confers a higher risk of malignancy. Benign nodules may also be hypoechoic; therefore, evaluation for additional suspicious features, such as calcifi-cation, should be performed. If no other suspicious features are present, these hypoechoic nodules can be biopsied when of sufficient size (discussed later). Follicular neoplasms (adenoma and carcinoma) can also appear as solid, well-marginated, hypoe-choic nodules with thin hypoechoic halos10 and central linear hypoechoic striations or areas (Fig. 8). Because the distinction between follicular adenoma and carcinoma can only be made based on vascular and capsular invasion, the diagnosis can only be made by surgical resection. As such, once a nodule is diagnosed as a follicular neoplasm via FNAB, surgical management is the next step. Local invasion Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and thyroid lym-phoma may present as large, rapidly growing masses. The masses may be discrete or infiltra-tive. Extracapsular extension into the soft tissues is common with invasion into the trachea, neck vessels, and strap muscles. There is usually asso-ciated cervical lymphadenopathy. Edge refraction shadow Posterior acoustic shadowing from the edges of a solid nodule has also been associated with PTC. It is thought that the fibrotic reaction around the edge of the tumor is responsible for the edge refraction shadow.10 Other features suggesting malignancy in thyroid nodules Additional suspicious features include nodules that are taller than they are wide,11 have irregular shape or margins,11 demonstrate posterior acous-tic shadowing in the absence of edge refraction, or are accompanied by sonographically suspicious lymph nodes, such as lymph nodes with Table 3 Diagnostic criteria: sonographic features suggestive of malignancy US Feature Comment Calcification Micro-, macro-, coarse, peripheral (especially micro) Solid hypoechoic nodule Especially if very hypoechoic Local invasion More common in anaplastic and lymphoma Edge refraction shadow Taller than wide Nodule anterior-posterior dimension greater than width Irregular margins Adjacent suspicious lymph nodes Size 2 cm Posterior acoustic shadowing Fig. 5. (A, B) Examples of microcalcification. Multiple punctate echogenic foci (arrows) are seen within each of the hypoechoic nodules. Both of these nodules are markedly hypoechoic with irregular borders. These nodules were pathologically proved to be PTC.
  • 6. calcification, cystic change, or abnormally in-creased or disorganized blood flow. A more detailed discussion of the sonographic findings suspicious for cervical lymph node metastasis from thyroid carcinoma follows. Although these features can be seen in thyroid malignancies, they are by no means pathogno-monic; benign nodules may also demonstrate these features. The differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules is found in Table 4. Therefore, when nod-ules present with features suspicious or sugges-tive of malignancy, these should proceed to biopsy when of sufficient size. Size criteria for biopsy Multiple guidelines for FNAB of thyroid nodules exist because multiple medical specialties and organizations are involved in the care of patients with thyroid nodules. These include recommenda-tions from the American Thyroid Association (ATA), the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, and the American Association of Clinical Endocri-nologists (AACE).5,12,13 Regardless of the recom-mending body, the guidelines take into account the nodule’s sonographic appearance as well as size. In addition, the ATA uses clinical risk stratifi-cation, providing differing guidelines for high-risk and low-risk patients. In general, for low-risk patients, the various guidelines recommend biopsy of solid nodules at sizes greater than 1 to 1.5 cm and mixed cystic and solid nodules at sizes greater than 1.5 to 2 cm. The ATA decreases its minimum size threshold to 5 mm in high-risk pa-tients who have nodules with suspicious features or nodules accompanied by suspicious lymph no-des, whereas the AACE decreases its size threshold below 1.0 cm if there are suspicious sonographic features present. Due to the multitude of guidelines available, it may be confusing as to which specific recom-mendations to follow. Each department or practice should meet with the referring endocrinologists and surgeons to decide which of the guidelines is to be used by all members of the clinical team to provide seamless care to patients. Pitfalls of thyroid US in the detection of nodules Parathyroid adenomas may be confused with thyroid nodules. Most parathyroid adenomas are extrathyroidal in location; evaluation for the echo-genic thyroid capsule separating the adenoma from the thyroid tissue is helpful in making this distinction. Parathyroid adenomas are usually located posterior to the mid gland or inferior to the thyroid gland (Fig. 9A). Adenomas are quite vascular and obtain their vascular supply from the thyroid (see Fig. 9B). Fig. 6. Example of colloid within a predominately cystic thyroid nodule. The punctate echogenic foci demonstrate comet-tail artifact (arrow). Fig. 7. Coarse calcification. Hypoechoic nodule with slightly indistinct and irregular border demon-strates a cluster of coarse echogenic calcifications demonstrating posterior acoustic shadowing (arrow). Pathology was PTC. Fig. 8. Hypoechoic nodule. The nodule is well defined and homogeneously hypoechoic with a thin hypoe-choic halo. FNA resulted in pathology of follicular neoplasm. The patient was scheduled for lobectomy for definitive diagnosis. 6 Coquia et al
  • 7. Hashimoto thyroiditis may also present with nodules. The nodules are usually subcentimeter in size (typically 2–3 mm and less than 6 mm) and numerous (termed micronodulation or giraffe pattern), however, causing diffuse heterogeneity of the gland. This diffuse heterogeneity may also create the appearance of larger nodules. The borders of these apparent lesions are indis-tinct, however. Moreover, because it is an auto-immune process, prominent reactive cervical lymph nodes, usually in level VI, may be present and could be confused as suspicious lymph no-des. These lymph nodes, however, usually have fatty hila and maintain the morphologic appear-ance of a benign lymph node. A truly discrete nodule, however, in a patient with Hashimoto thyroiditis should be viewed with concern The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 7 because these patients are at increased risk for both lymphoma and PTC. Management of multiple thyroid nodules Patients sometimes present with multiple nodules, which may pose a dilemma regarding which nod-ules to biopsy. Regardless of the number of nod-ules present, the risk of thyroid cancer in a patient is unchanged.5 Furthermore, it has been found that although a majority of cancers found in patients with multinodular thyroids are within the dominant nodule, approximately one-third of the cancers are found in the nondominant nodule.5 Therefore, each nodule should be evaluated inde-pendently, evaluating for suspicious features and then triaging the nodules for biopsy in the order of most suspicious features and then by size. Table 4 Differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules Diagnosis Comment Benign Adenomatoid nodule Follicular adenoma Surgical excision is required to differentiate adenoma from carcinoma Hashimoto thyroiditis Lymphocytic thyroiditis can be used as alternative nomenclature Parathyroid adenoma Most are extrathyroidal in location; evaluate for capsule separating lesion from thyroid; correlate with parathyroid hormone level Malignant PTC Follicular thyroid carcinoma Medullary thyroid carcinoma Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma Lymphoma Treat with systemic therapy rather than thyroidectomy Metastatic disease Note that benign and malignant nodules may have overlapping appearances and can only be differentiated by FNAB. Different pathology laboratories may use slightly different cytologic descriptions. Fig. 9. Parathyroid adenoma. (A) The inferior parathyroid gland is typically located posterior and inferior to the thyroid. The echogenic thyroid capsule (arrow) separates the parathyroid adenoma (P) from the thyroid. (B) The parathyroid adenoma is quite vascular and receives its blood supply from the thyroid gland. Unlike the central hilar flow of a lymph node, the flow within a parathyroid adenoma is peripheral/polar in distribution.
  • 8. Thyroid Nodule Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Biopsy and cytologic evaluation Thyroid nodules can be sampled via US guidance or by palpation; however, in this day and age, they should be sampled with US guidance. After sterilization of the skin at the needle entrance site and administration of local anesthesia, FNA samples are obtained with small-gauge needles with a bevel tip, typically 25 or 26 gauge. Pathologic evaluation can be performed on site or the samples can be transported to a laboratory for off-site testing. The presence of at least 6 groups of benign follicular cells, with each group containing at least 10 cells, is required for a specimen to be consid-ered adequate and benign, per the Bethesda System criteria.14 Other alternative criteria for ade-quacy include the presence of abundant colloid (suggesting a benign macrofollicular nodule) or enough cells to suggest an alternative diagnosis, such as lymphocytic (or Hashimoto) thyroiditis or atypia. Aspirated thyroid nodules are classified as benign, atypia of undetermined significance/follic-ular lesion of undetermined significance (AUS/ FLUS), follicular neoplasm, suspicious for malig-nancy, or malignant, per the Bethesda System classification.14 Approximately 10% of thyroid FNAs from most laboratories are read, however, as nondiagnostic or inadequate.14 Management Benign nodules are managed conservatively with clinical and imaging follow-up whereas nodules classified as follicular neoplasm, suspicious for malignancy, or malignant go on to surgical man-agement. Nodules classified as AUS/FLUS fall into an indeterminate category, comprising be-tween 3% and 6% of total diagnoses.14 In these cases, repeat FNA is recommended. However, 20% of these nodules remain AUS after repeat biopsy. The risk of malignancy in these nodules is between 5% and 15%.14 To avoid diagnostic surgery for what may ulti-mately be a benign nodule, FNA samples can be sent for genomic testing. The Afirma Gene Expres-sion Classifier (AGEC) from Veracyte (South San Francisco, California) classifies these cytologically indeterminate nodules as either benign or malig-nant, with a 95% negative predictive value.15 To minimize the need for a third FNA specifically just to perform this test, additional FNA passes are obtained at the time of the second FNA for AGEC testing. This material is then reserved and analyzed in the event that the repeat (or second) FNA is also called indeterminate. A nodule classi-fied as benign on AGEC is managed just as a nodule classified as benign on cytology, with imaging and clinical follow-up.15 A benign AGEC result, therefore, negates the necessity of per-forming surgery for diagnosis of cytologically inde-terminate nodules. At one center, the number of diagnostic surgeries performed for these nodules dropped 10-fold after the implementation of AGEC testing, and 1 surgery was avoided for every 2 AGEC tests performed.15 A suspicious for malignancy AGEC result correlates to a greater than 50% risk of malignancy for the nodule, and surgery should be performed for pathologic diagnosis. Preoperative Evaluation for Cervical Nodal Metastases Current best surgical practice in the United States recommends central lymph node dissection at the time of thyroidectomy as well as lateral neck dissection if there are confirmed metastatic cervi-cal lymph nodes. Therefore, prior to thyroidectomy, the cervical lymph nodes should be evaluated for lymph node metastases both with palpation and US; if abnormal lymph nodes are suspected, FNA should be performed. Stulak and colleagues16 in 2006 reported a sensitivity and specificity of 83.5% and 97.7% of preoperative US in the detec-tion of lateral nodal metastasis in newly diagnosed thyroid cancer patients, respectively. Hence, a systematic sonographic evaluation of the neck nodes is performed bilaterally to identify suspicious nodes. US features of suspicious nodes Benign sonographic morphologic features of lymph nodes include the presence of an echo-genic fatty hilum, central regular hilar vascular flow, and elongated shape. Deviations from this appearance should be considered abnormal. A node demonstrating cystic change or the presence of calcification (mimicking the appear-ance of the primary tumor) has been shown to be 100% specific for metastatic disease.17 Increased or eccentric irregular vascularity, round shape and/or loss of the normal elongated shape, hyper-echogenicity of the node relative to the adjacent strap muscles, and loss of a fatty hilum are all features of abnormal lymph nodes. A summary of suspicious features is in Box 1, and examples of suspicious nodes are given in Figs. 10–12. Metastatic disease from other primaries, how-ever, such as squamous cell carcinoma, can pro-duce cystic degeneration of a lymph node. Management of suspicious nodes Unlike the guidelines for thyroid nodule biopsy, no specific size criteria are commonly used in regard to lymph node biopsy. Some institutions may have 8 Coquia et al
  • 9. their own size cutoff (ie, biopsy lymph nodes 8 mm or larger), formed by consensus between their surgeons, endocrinologists, and radiolo-gists. For example, at the authors’ institution, because of the high specificity of lymph nodes containing calcification or cystic areas in predict-ing metastatic disease, these are biopsied regardless of size. Those that are abnormal but do not contain these features are usually biopsied when 8 mm in size. Lymph nodes that are homogeneously hypoe-choic without an echogenic fatty hilum present and do not demonstrate any other suspicious features may be followed, with biopsy for those that demonstrate interval growth or interval The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 9 development of additional suspicious features. Again, this particular management step may be based on the consensus between the referring physicians and the radiologists. Suspicious lymph nodes can be biopsied preop-eratively to confirm the necessity for lateral neck dissection at the time of thyroidectomy. Because these nodes are usually not palpable, they are sampled under US guidance, using the same tech-nique as described for FNA of thyroid nodules. If the lymph node is cystic, such that it yields insuffi-cient cells for diagnosis, the fluid can be aspirated and sent for thyroglobulin. Alternatively a surgeon may choose to proceed to surgery and remove the suspicious lymph no-des at the time of thyroidectomy. To help the sur-geon find the nodes intraoperatively, preoperative Fig. 10. Cystic replacement of a cervical lymph node. The lymph node is enlarged and has a large anechoic component, causing increased through transmission, compatible with cystic change (C). A small area of re-sidual soft tissue is seen within the node (arrow). A punctate echogenic focus is seen within the soft tis-sue, compatible with calcification. Fig. 11. Calcifications within a lymph node. Multiple echogenic foci (arrow) are seen within a lymph node (arrowheads), compatible with calcification. The lymph node is also round, another suspicious feature. The node was biopsied, with pathology of metastatic PTC. Box 1 Sonographic features suspicious for lymph node metastasis Cystic change Calcification Peripheral, increased, irregular, or eccentric vascularity Loss of the normal elongated shape (less than 2:1 ratio between long axis and short axis) or round shape Hyperechogenicity of the lymph node relative to adjacent strap muscle Loss of fatty hilum Irregular, asymmetrically thickened cortex Fig. 12. Abnormal lymph node vascularity. Instead of central hilar flow, there is peripheral vascularity, which is increased. A fatty hilum is also not seen. This was biopsied with pathology of metastatic PTC.
  • 10. US can be used to mark the suspicious nodes on the skin. In more complex cases, intraoperative US guidance can be provided. Postoperative Surveillance After thyroidectomy, in conjunction with laboratory follow-up and nuclear medicine radioiodine imag-ing, the neck is evaluated routinely with US for the development of nodal metastases. The initial US examination should be performed in the first 6 to 12 months and then periodically depending on a patient’s risk for recurrence and thyroglobulin level.12 The frequency and length of surveillance may also be dependent on the institution, endocri-nologist, or surgeon. The risk of recurrence either within the thyroid bed or within the cervical lymph nodes in PTC has been reported to between 15% and 25%.18 The postoperative neck can be divided into lateral and central compartments (right lateral neck, right central neck, left lateral neck, and left central neck), discussed previously. Disease found in each separate compartment leads to its own separate neck dissection. Therefore, if multiple abnormal nodes are present in multiple compart-ments, a suspicious node from each compartment should be sampled to accurately plan surgical management and decrease the extent of the neck dissection. Identification of thyroid cells within the lymph node is confirmatory for lymph node metastasis. In the event the lymph node sampling is nondiag-nostic or indeterminate for metastatic disease, the lymph node can be aspirated and the sample sent for thyroglobulin assay. It is particularly help-ful to aspirate and analyze the fluid within small cystic areas. A thyroglobulin level in a lymph node greater than the serum thyroglobulin level is diagnostic for metastatic disease. Pitfalls in the postoperative surveillance period In one study, approximately 34% of postoperative patients were found to have small thyroid bed nod-ules. 18 Of these nodules, only a small percentage (9%) increased in size during the median 3-year follow-up period, growing at a rate of 1.3 mm/y. Furthermore, only one-third of those proved malig-nant demonstrated interval growth. This behavior demonstrates the slow indolent nature of papillary thyroid cancer. Therefore, many small nodules in the thyroid bed without suspicious features can be observed over time. In addition to recurrence, other masses can be seen in the surgical bed on postoperative exami-nations, such as residual thyroid tissue, scarring/ fibrosis, and suture granulomas. Residual thyroid tissue may be focal and can be vascular, features that make it difficult to differentiate from recur-rence by imaging. FNA can be performed to differ-entiate the mass as either malignant (compatible with recurrence) or benign (normal residual thyroid tissue). Scarring in the postsurgical bed can be nonspecific in appearance but typically is nonvas-cular and elongated, blending into the adjacent fat and muscle. These areas can also be observed over time for interval increase in size or develop-ment of suspicious features that prompt biopsy. Suture granulomas can present as focal masses within the thyroid bed. The sonographic appear-ance of suture granulomas has been described as a hypoechoic lesion with central echogenic lines or foci.19 Although echogenic foci within a lesion may suggest microcalcification and, there-fore, imply recurrence, features that support su-ture granuloma include centrality of the foci, paired foci, and foci larger than 1 mm.19 Suture granulomas also tend to regress or resolve over time.19 Suture granulomas also may present within the neck, buried within the sternocleidomastoid mus-cle or subcutaneous tissue. Neuromas may also be seen within the neck, typically presenting as hy-poechoic masses in close relation to the carotid artery. Traumatic neuromas may develop after neck dissection.20 Because many of these masses in the thyroid bed and neck can demonstrate either no growth or minimal growth over time, it is important to correlate with a patient’s thyroglobulin level over time because this may indicate residual or pro-gressive disease. Alcohol ablation of lymph node metastases As an alternative to surgical management, alcohol (ethanol) ablation can be performed in the treat-ment of cervical lymph node metastases, espe-cially in patients who are either poor surgical candidates or those who wish to avoid surgery. The ethanol is administered through percutaneous injection under US guidance.21 SUMMARY US plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of patients with thyroid cancer. Not only is it the best imaging modality for the detec-tion of suspicious thyroid nodules and cervical nodal metastases but also the imaging modality of choice to provide guidance during the perfor-mance of thyroid and nodal biopsies. Knowledge of the sonographic anatomy of the thyroid gland and nodal stations as well as features commonly seen in malignant thyroid nodules and nodal metastases and experience with the use of the 10 Coquia et al
  • 11. latest state-of the art high-resolution US equip-ment is imperative to its effective use in the evaluation of thyroid cancer patients. A summary of the pearls, pitfalls, and variants and what radiol-ogists need to know is found in Boxes 2 and 3. Many groups of physicians (radiologists, sur-geons, and endocrinologists) are involved in the care of patients with thyroid cancer and the rec-ommendations and management steps discussed in this article may vary by institution. Therefore, multidepartmental collaboration and meetings are essential to keeping a practice up to date to ensure satisfaction of the referring physicians and providing optimal patient care. The Role of Sonography in Thyroid Cancer 11 REFERENCES 1. General information about thyroid cancer. In: thyroid cancer treatment PDQ. 2014. Available at: http:// HealthProfessional. Accessed March 3, 2014. 2. Thyroid cancer survival by type and stage. In: thy-roid cancer. 2014. Available at: http://www.cancer. org/cancer/thyroidcancer/detailedguide/thyroid-cancer-survival- rates. Accessed March 3, 2014. 3. Middleton WD, Kurtz AB, Hertzberg BS. Neck and chest. In: Ultrasound: The Requisites. St Louis (MO): Mosby; 2004. p. 244–77. 4. Som PM, Curtin HD, Mancuso AA. An imaging-based classification for the cervical nodes designed as an adjunct to recent clinically based nodal classi-fications. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125(4):388–96. 5. Frates MC, Benson CB, Chrboneau JW, et al. Man-agement of thyroid nodules detect at US: Society of Radiologists in ultrasound consensus conference statement. Ultrasound Q 2006;22(4):231–8. Box 2 Pearls, pitfalls, and variants Hashimoto thyroiditis can present with diffuse small nodules (6 mm) or diffuse het-erogeneity that can appear like nodules. Parathyroid adenomas may be confused with thyroid nodules or lymph nodes due to their location: Evaluate for an echogenic line denoting the thyroid capsule to place the lesion as extrathyroidal in location. Parathyroid adenomas are usually located posterior to the mid gland and inferior to the inferior pole of the thyroid. Parathyroid adenomas demonstrate polar/ peripheral vascular flow from the thyroid rather than central hilar vascular flow on color Doppler. Microcalcifications within thyroid nodules may not demonstrate posterior acoustic shadowing. Colloid can be confused with microcalcifica-tion: evaluate for comet-tail artifact. Rapid growth and invasion of adjacent struc-tures can be seen in anaplastic thyroid carci-noma and lymphoma. The presence of cystic change and calcifica-tion in cervical lymph nodes is 100% specific for metastatic thyroid cancer. Occasionally, metastases from other primaries, most commonly squamous cell head and neck can-cer, sometimes cause cystic degeneration in cervical lymph nodes. The differential diagnosis of thyroid bed and neck masses seen postoperatively other than recurrence includes residual thyroid tissue, scarring/fibrosis, scar granuloma, and neu-romas. Box 3 What the radiologist needs to know In the adult population, 50% have thyroid nodules, but only 7% are malignant. Microcalcification has the highest specificity for thyroid carcinoma. Most malignant nodules are hypoechoic. A thyroid nodule biopsy returning a diagnosis of AUS/FLUS should be repeated with addi-tional samples reserved for AGEC gene testing. Preoperative US of the neck is performed to evaluate the need for lateral neck dissection. The location and number of lymph node biopsies to be performed are determined by the number of neck compartments showing suspicious lymph nodes (right and left lateral neck, central neck—if postoperative). At least 1 biopsy in each compartment should be per-formed to definitively diagnose metastatic involvement prior to surgery. In the post-thyroidectomy patient, indetermi-nate or nondiagnostic lymph node biopsies, especially with cystic areas, should be tested for thyroglobulin. Thryoid bed masses may be stable in size or show minimal growth over time; correlation with thyroglobulin levels is imperative to assessing the risk of recurrence when the sonographic appearance is indeterminate.
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