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A Recursive Frame Analysis of Solution-Focused
Brief Therapy Question Utilization: Process Informed
            Jeffrey Cotton, MS, LMFT, LMHC
            Ron Chenail, Ph D

            Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy: May 15, 2010
Workshop Objectives
•  Explore the relationship between
   problem and solution-focused talk.

•  Understand how SFBT questions
   serve as interventions.

•  Learn how to analyze a SFBT
Solution-Focused Brief
Therapy (SFBT): Overview
  •  Founded in 1982:
     –  Berg, de Shazer, and colleagues.

  •  Scaling, exception, coping,
     relationship, and the miracle

  •  Builds on what is working for

  •  Focuses on strengths and
Recursive Frame Analysis
  (RFA) Project History

  •  Began as a class assignment under Dr.
     Chenail, 2006.

  •  Member checked with Insoo Kim
     Berg, 2006.

  •  Accepted for publication, 2010:
      –  The Qualitative Report.

•  Lack of process research.

•  Investigate how SFBT language influences the session.

•  Provide Qualitative Process Informed Evidence.
When Connecting Process to
Investigators must know what happens in detail.
When Paying Attention to

•  Researchers confirm SFBT
   questions and formulations are

•  Researchers make explicit how
   language influences direction.

•  Researchers expose what happens.
What Constitutes Process
      Informed Evidence?
•  Discursive moves between participants.
   –  Questions, formulations, and responses.
   –  Discourse markers, overlapping speech, etc.

•  Discourse accepted as Common Ground.

•  The tenets of SFBT embedded as presuppositions.
Evidence (continued)

•  Shifts in talk.

•  New information.

•  Observing talk in which therapists selectively utilize.
Research Paradigm: Recursive
     Frame Analysis (RFA)
•  RFA- a method for observation,
   interpretation, and analysis.

•  Researchers note patterns by
   investigating interactional

•  Investigators develop an
   illustration of categorized data.

•  Conversation displayed as
   frames, galleries, and wings.
RFA (continued)

•  Describe the relationship
   among categories.

•  Recursively organizes
   communication for

•  Understanding client’s
   responses in relationship to
Rich Data
•  Single case study

•  Published video: Initial full-length
   session of Berg.

•  Conversation focused on the marital

•  Both video and transcript were
Rich Data (continued)

•  Organization of transcribed video:
   –  Word and PowerPoint.

•  Berg’s comments tracked:
   –  Openings, frames, galleries, and wings.

•  Berg’s questions punctuated as openings.
Researchers Must Ask
 Themselves Good Questions
•  How does Berg’s language influence conversation?
   –  Lexical choice, presuppositions, turn taking moves, etc.

•  How is the client influenced by Berg’s questions?
   –  Solution oriented responses, exceptions to the problem, etc.
Main Assumption
•  The use of solution-focused language and questions
   influences the client to respond with solution-oriented
Operational Definition:
•  Opening: A question that requests an answer.
   –  Based upon difference, relationships, exceptions, and
Operational Definition: Frame
•  Frame: The context of talk a client and therapist
   offer one another.
   –  Problem talk or solution talk?
Operational Definition: Gallery
•  Gallery: Includes a category of discourse contextualized as
   –  Past successes.
Operational Definition: Wing
•  Wing: The larger order of talk.
   –  The client’s exceptions to the problem.
Jumping Into The Data
Opening 1
•  What needs to be different in Robin’s life?
                                 001. TH 1: Um, let me ask you, what
                                 do you suppose that needs to be
                                 different in your life that will let
                                 you know that it was a good thing
                                 that you came and talked to me
                                 today, [CL: Um] that it was a good
                                 thing that you had done this?
                                 002. CL 1: Probably, um, helping me
                                 realize that, you know, a lot of things
                                 that, that go on are just normal
                                 everyday life. Um, you know, that,
                                 that I'm no different than anybody
                                 else. My, my experiences are all the
                                 same. Um
                                 003. TH 2: Okay.
                                 004. CL 2: 'Cause sometimes I, I
                                 sometimes blow things out of
                                 proportion and think only those things
                                 happen to me, but when in fact, you
                                 know, they're just normal everyday
Opening 1: A Question of
        Difference: Presuppositions
•    001. TH 1: Um, let me ask you, what DO you suppose that needs to be
     different in your life that WILL let you know that it was a good thing that
     you came and talked to me today?

•    What = something
•    Suppose = imagine; possibility
•    Needs = essential; important
•    Be different = change
•    Life = existence
•    Know = understand
•    Good thing = positive experience
•    Came and talked = effort and communicate
•    Today = present
Gallery 1:
Help Robin Realize She Is Normal
 •  F1: 002: CL 1: Helping me realize that I’m no
    different than anybody else. My experiences
    are all the same.
 •  F2: 004: CL 2: I sometimes blow things out of
    proportion, they are just normal everyday
 •  F3: 005:TH 3: How will it be helpful for you
    to find out that how you react to things is
    pretty normal? (opening 2)
005. TH 3: So suppose you find that out. [CL Um
            hum]. That what's happening to you and how you
            react to things are pretty normal. [CL Um hum]
            How is that going to be helpful, how would that

Opening 2   be helpful for you?
            006. CL 3: It gives me peace of mind.
            007. TH 4: Okay.
            008. CL 4: Um, it lets me know that I'm not the only
            one out there pulling my hair out. (laughter)
            009. TH 5: Okay, all right. Ah, and so you have
            peace of mind and you say, "Ahhh, I'm like
            everybody else, I'm no different."
            010. CL 5: Well, in the things that happen to me,
            how I react to those things is what will make me
            011. TH 6: Right. So you react when you know this.
            You will react, oh well, it was just one of those
            things that happens to people.
            012. CL 6: Right, instead of getting frantic.
            013. TH 7: Right. Okay.
            014. CL 7: I'd be much more calm.
            015. TH 8: Calm about [CL Right] your reaction to
            016. CL 8: Right, right.
            017. TH 9: Okay. That makes sense. Okay, okay.
            So suppose you are, so suppose you are calm. [CL
            Mhm] You say, oh well. You know one of those
            things in life [CL Mhm] and be able to go on. [CL
            Mhm] I guess that's what you're talking about.
            018. CL 9: Right, right.
            019. TH 10: Instead of being frantic, you just say,
            okay, well, you know, [CL Right] take it with a grain
            of salt and just go on with your life.
            020. CL 10: Right.
            021. TH 11: What um, what would that be like for
Opening 2: A Question of How
 005. TH 3: So suppose you find that out. [CL Um hum]. That what's
 happening to you and how you react to things are pretty normal. [CL
 Um hum] How is that going to be helpful, how would that be helpful
 for you?

 006. CL 3: It gives me peace of mind.
Gallery 2:
Robin’s Search for Peace and Calm
 •  F1: 006: CL 3: It gives me peace of mind.
 •  F2: 008: CL 4: I’m not the only one out there
    pulling my hair out.
 •  F3: 010: CL 5: How I react is what will make
    me unique.
 •  F4: 014: CL 7: I’d be much more calm.
 •  F5: 021. TH 11: What um, what would that
    be like for you? (opening 3)
Opening 3:
Formulation and Question
           017. TH 9: So suppose you are, so
           suppose you are calm. [CL Mhm] You
           say, oh well. You know one of those
           things in life [CL Mhm] and be able to go
           on. [CL Mhm] I guess that's what you're
           talking about.
           018. CL 9: Right, right.
           019. TH 10: Instead of being frantic, you
           just say, okay, well, [CL Right] you know,
           take it with a grain of salt and just go on
           with your life.
           020. CL: 10: Right.
           021. TH 11: What um, what WOULD
           that be like for you?
Opening 3: A Question of “What”
   With A Deictic Reference

021. TH 11: What, what would that be like for you?

  019. TH 10: Instead of being frantic, you just say, okay, well,
  [CL Right] you know, take it with a grain of salt and just go on
  with your life.
  020. CL: 10: Right.
  021. TH 11: What um, what would that be like for you?
Opening 3
    021. TH 11: What um, what would that
    be like for you?
    022. CL 11: It would be control. I'd have
    a lot of self-control.
    023. TH 12: Self-control.
    024. CL 12: Yeah, um, that's one thing I
    probably lack the most.
    025. TH 13: Okay.
    026. CL 13: Um, I'd, uh, um, I'd be easy
    going. I wouldn't constantly be thinking all
    the time, and, um, it would just be matter
    of fact, you know. I wouldn't be over-
    analyzing situations.
    027. TH 14: Ah, okay, okay.
    028. CL 14: I seem to be very analytical.
    029. TH 15: Okay. So, what would you
    do instead of analyzing then, when you
    get to that point?
Gallery 3: If Robin Is Calm
  Then She Has Self-control.
•  F1: 022: CL 11: I’d have a lot of self-
•  F2: 026: CL 13: I wouldn’t be over
   analyzing situations.
•  F3: 029: TH 15: What would you do
   instead of analyzing? (Opening 4)
Opening 4: Instead of…
026. CL 13: I'd be easy going. I wouldn't constantly be thinking all the
time, and, um, it would just be matter of fact, you know. I wouldn't
be over-analyzing situations.
027. TH 14: Ah, okay, okay.
028. CL 14: I seem to be very analytical.
029. TH 15: Okay. So, what would you do instead of analyzing
then, when you get to that point?
Opening 4
      029. TH 15: Okay. So, what would you do
      instead of analyzing then, when you get to
      that point?
      030. CL 15: I'd just, you know, throw it up to the
      wind and not worry about it.
      031. TH 16: And say, oh well, that's life. That's
      what you would say?
      032. CL 16: Right.
      033. TH 17: Oh well, that's how it goes.
      034. CL 17: Yeah.
      035. TH 18: And just may be able to move on
      with your life.
      036. CL 18: Right, and not think that, that it's
      going to be the end of the world, you know.
      Tomorrow's a new day.
      037. TH 19: Okay.
      038. CL 19: I sometimes look at a situation and
      study it too much and think that my whole world
      revolves around the decision that I make or how I
      react. When, in essence, it doesn't.
Gallery 4:
 Instead of Analyzing, Robin
 Will Throw it Up to the Wind.
•  F1: 030: CL 15: I’d throw it up to the wind and
   not worry.
•  F2: 036: CL 18: Tomorrow’s a new day.
•  F3: 038: CL 19: I look at a situation and study
   it too much.
•  F4: 039: TH 20: What would people around
   you notice different if you are able to let
   things blow into the wind and then go on
   with your life?
Opening 5
     039. TH 20: All right. So suppose you
     are able to do that, [CL Mhm]
     suppose you are able to do that. [CL
     Mhm] What would people around
     you notice different about Robin
     that would let them know, "Ah, she
     is able to let things blow into the
     wind and then go on with her life?"
     040. CL 20: They would probably say
     that I'm finally growing up. (laughter)
     041. TH 21: Okay, okay.
     042. CL 21: Um, they'd say that I was
     more easy going, [TH Easy going],
     um, not stressed out. Um, uh, more
     fun to be around.
     043. TH 22: More fun to be around,
     okay, okay.
Relationship Question
039. TH 20: All right. So suppose you are able to do that, [CL Mhm]
suppose you are able to do that. [CL Mhm] What would people
around you notice different about Robin that would let them know,
"Ah, she is able to let things blow into the wind and then go on
with her life?"

             Lexical Choice
  able to do that
  notice different
  that would let them know
Gallery 5:
When People Notice That Robin is
Different They See Her Growing Up.

•  F1: 040: CL 20: They would say I’m
   growing up.
•  F2: 042: CL 21: I’m more easy going,
   not stressed out, more fun to be around.
•  F3: 049: TH 25: What would he
   (husband) notice different about you?
Gallery 1:
Help Robin realize she is normal
Wing 1: Helping Robin
The Galleries of Wing 1
Wing 2: Robin, self-control,
   and picking battles
Wing 3: Robin’s work toward
   enhancing emotions
Larger Context of Wing 2
Larger Context of Wing 3

•  Berg’s SFBT questions serve as interventions.

•  Consistent recursive patterns were noted.

•  SFBT questions are not neutral but are direct.
•  The accuracy of Berg’s application of solution-focused
   techniques is confirmed.

•  These findings can assist other researchers.

•  This study demonstrates how one can evaluate a session.

•  It is this type of process research that SFBT needs.
Questions and Feedback
Allyn & Bacon (Producer). (2000). Psychotherapy with the experts: Solution focused
     therapy with Insoo Kim Berg [Video]. (Available from Allyn & Bacon
     Professional, 160 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA 02494-2310)
Bavelas, J. B., McGee, D., Philips, B., & Routledge, R. (2000). Microanalysis of
     communication on psychotherapy. Human Systems: The Journal of Systemic
     Consultation & Management, 11(1), 47-66.
Berg, I. K., & De Jong, P. (1996). Solution-building conversations: Co-constructing a
     sense of competence with clients. Families in Society, 77(6), 376-392.
Chenail, R. J. (1990/1991). Bradford Keeney’s cybernetic project and the creation of
     recursive frame analysis. The Qualitative Report, 1(2&3). Retrieved May 12, 2006,
Chenail, R. J. (1995). Recursive frame analysis. The Qualitative Report, 2(2). Retrieved
     May 12, 2006, from
Chenail, R. J., & Duffy, M. (2009). Utilizing Microsoftョ Office to produce and present recursive frame analysis findings. The Weekly Qualitative Report,
                     2(20), 117-132. Retrieved from
De Jong, P., & Berg, I. K. (2002). Interviewing for solutions. Pacific Grove, CA:
de Shazer, S., Berg, I. K., Lipchik, E., Nunnally, E., Molnar, A., Gingerich, W., et al. (1986). Brief therapy: Focused solution development. Family
                     Process, 25, 207-222.
de Shazer, S., Dolan, Y., Korman, H., Trepper, T., McCollum, E., & Berg, I. K. (2007).
     More than miracles: The state of the art of solution-focused brief therapy. New York: The Haworth Press.
Keeney, B. P. (1990). Improvisational therapy: A practical guide for creative clinical
     strategies. New York: The Guilford Press.
Lipchik, E. (2002). Beyond technique in solution-focused therapy. New York: The
     Guilford Press.
McGee, D., Del Vento, A., & Bavelas, J. B. (2005). An interactional model of questions as
     therapeutic interventions. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 31(4), 371-384.
Paper Reference
•  Cotton, J. (2010). Question utilization in solution-focused
   brief therapy: A recursive frame analysis of Insoo Kim Berg’s
   solution talk. The Qualitative Report, 15(1), 18-36.

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Question Utilization in Solution Focused Brief Therapy

  • 1. A Recursive Frame Analysis of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Question Utilization: Process Informed Evidence Jeffrey Cotton, MS, LMFT, LMHC Ron Chenail, Ph D Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy: May 15, 2010
  • 2. Workshop Objectives •  Explore the relationship between problem and solution-focused talk. •  Understand how SFBT questions serve as interventions. •  Learn how to analyze a SFBT session.
  • 3. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT): Overview •  Founded in 1982: –  Berg, de Shazer, and colleagues. •  Scaling, exception, coping, relationship, and the miracle question. •  Builds on what is working for clients. •  Focuses on strengths and resources.
  • 4. Recursive Frame Analysis (RFA) Project History •  Began as a class assignment under Dr. Chenail, 2006. •  Member checked with Insoo Kim Berg, 2006. •  Accepted for publication, 2010: –  The Qualitative Report.
  • 5. Purpose •  Lack of process research. •  Investigate how SFBT language influences the session. •  Provide Qualitative Process Informed Evidence.
  • 6. When Connecting Process to Outcomes… Investigators must know what happens in detail.
  • 7. When Paying Attention to Process… •  Researchers confirm SFBT questions and formulations are positive. •  Researchers make explicit how language influences direction. •  Researchers expose what happens.
  • 8. What Constitutes Process Informed Evidence? •  Discursive moves between participants. –  Questions, formulations, and responses. –  Discourse markers, overlapping speech, etc. •  Discourse accepted as Common Ground. •  The tenets of SFBT embedded as presuppositions.
  • 9. Evidence (continued) •  Shifts in talk. •  New information. •  Observing talk in which therapists selectively utilize.
  • 10. Research Paradigm: Recursive Frame Analysis (RFA) •  RFA- a method for observation, interpretation, and analysis. •  Researchers note patterns by investigating interactional sequences. •  Investigators develop an illustration of categorized data. •  Conversation displayed as frames, galleries, and wings.
  • 11. RFA (continued) •  Describe the relationship among categories. •  Recursively organizes communication for examination. •  Understanding client’s responses in relationship to questions.
  • 12. Rich Data •  Single case study •  Published video: Initial full-length session of Berg. •  Conversation focused on the marital relationship. •  Both video and transcript were investigated.
  • 13. Rich Data (continued) •  Organization of transcribed video: –  Word and PowerPoint. •  Berg’s comments tracked: –  Openings, frames, galleries, and wings. •  Berg’s questions punctuated as openings.
  • 14. Researchers Must Ask Themselves Good Questions •  How does Berg’s language influence conversation? –  Lexical choice, presuppositions, turn taking moves, etc. •  How is the client influenced by Berg’s questions? –  Solution oriented responses, exceptions to the problem, etc.
  • 15. Main Assumption •  The use of solution-focused language and questions influences the client to respond with solution-oriented language.
  • 16. Operational Definition: Opening •  Opening: A question that requests an answer. –  Based upon difference, relationships, exceptions, and presuppositions.
  • 17. Operational Definition: Frame •  Frame: The context of talk a client and therapist offer one another. –  Problem talk or solution talk?
  • 18. Operational Definition: Gallery •  Gallery: Includes a category of discourse contextualized as frames. –  Past successes.
  • 19. Operational Definition: Wing •  Wing: The larger order of talk. –  The client’s exceptions to the problem.
  • 21. Opening 1 •  What needs to be different in Robin’s life? 001. TH 1: Um, let me ask you, what do you suppose that needs to be different in your life that will let you know that it was a good thing that you came and talked to me today, [CL: Um] that it was a good thing that you had done this? 002. CL 1: Probably, um, helping me realize that, you know, a lot of things that, that go on are just normal everyday life. Um, you know, that, that I'm no different than anybody else. My, my experiences are all the same. Um 003. TH 2: Okay. 004. CL 2: 'Cause sometimes I, I sometimes blow things out of proportion and think only those things happen to me, but when in fact, you know, they're just normal everyday occurrences.
  • 22. Opening 1: A Question of Difference: Presuppositions •  001. TH 1: Um, let me ask you, what DO you suppose that needs to be different in your life that WILL let you know that it was a good thing that you came and talked to me today? •  What = something •  Suppose = imagine; possibility •  Needs = essential; important •  Be different = change •  Life = existence •  Know = understand •  Good thing = positive experience •  Came and talked = effort and communicate •  Today = present
  • 23. Gallery 1: Help Robin Realize She Is Normal •  F1: 002: CL 1: Helping me realize that I’m no different than anybody else. My experiences are all the same. •  F2: 004: CL 2: I sometimes blow things out of proportion, they are just normal everyday occurrences. •  F3: 005:TH 3: How will it be helpful for you to find out that how you react to things is pretty normal? (opening 2)
  • 24. 005. TH 3: So suppose you find that out. [CL Um hum]. That what's happening to you and how you react to things are pretty normal. [CL Um hum] How is that going to be helpful, how would that Opening 2 be helpful for you? 006. CL 3: It gives me peace of mind. 007. TH 4: Okay. 008. CL 4: Um, it lets me know that I'm not the only one out there pulling my hair out. (laughter) 009. TH 5: Okay, all right. Ah, and so you have peace of mind and you say, "Ahhh, I'm like everybody else, I'm no different." 010. CL 5: Well, in the things that happen to me, how I react to those things is what will make me unique. 011. TH 6: Right. So you react when you know this. You will react, oh well, it was just one of those things that happens to people. 012. CL 6: Right, instead of getting frantic. 013. TH 7: Right. Okay. 014. CL 7: I'd be much more calm. 015. TH 8: Calm about [CL Right] your reaction to whatever? 016. CL 8: Right, right. 017. TH 9: Okay. That makes sense. Okay, okay. So suppose you are, so suppose you are calm. [CL Mhm] You say, oh well. You know one of those things in life [CL Mhm] and be able to go on. [CL Mhm] I guess that's what you're talking about. 018. CL 9: Right, right. 019. TH 10: Instead of being frantic, you just say, okay, well, you know, [CL Right] take it with a grain of salt and just go on with your life. 020. CL 10: Right. 021. TH 11: What um, what would that be like for you?
  • 25. Opening 2: A Question of How 005. TH 3: So suppose you find that out. [CL Um hum]. That what's happening to you and how you react to things are pretty normal. [CL Um hum] How is that going to be helpful, how would that be helpful for you? 006. CL 3: It gives me peace of mind.
  • 26. Gallery 2: Robin’s Search for Peace and Calm •  F1: 006: CL 3: It gives me peace of mind. •  F2: 008: CL 4: I’m not the only one out there pulling my hair out. •  F3: 010: CL 5: How I react is what will make me unique. •  F4: 014: CL 7: I’d be much more calm. •  F5: 021. TH 11: What um, what would that be like for you? (opening 3)
  • 27. Opening 3: Formulation and Question 017. TH 9: So suppose you are, so suppose you are calm. [CL Mhm] You say, oh well. You know one of those things in life [CL Mhm] and be able to go on. [CL Mhm] I guess that's what you're talking about. 018. CL 9: Right, right. 019. TH 10: Instead of being frantic, you just say, okay, well, [CL Right] you know, take it with a grain of salt and just go on with your life. 020. CL: 10: Right. 021. TH 11: What um, what WOULD that be like for you?
  • 28. Opening 3: A Question of “What” With A Deictic Reference 021. TH 11: What, what would that be like for you? 019. TH 10: Instead of being frantic, you just say, okay, well, [CL Right] you know, take it with a grain of salt and just go on with your life. 020. CL: 10: Right. 021. TH 11: What um, what would that be like for you?
  • 29. Opening 3 021. TH 11: What um, what would that be like for you? 022. CL 11: It would be control. I'd have a lot of self-control. 023. TH 12: Self-control. 024. CL 12: Yeah, um, that's one thing I probably lack the most. 025. TH 13: Okay. 026. CL 13: Um, I'd, uh, um, I'd be easy going. I wouldn't constantly be thinking all the time, and, um, it would just be matter of fact, you know. I wouldn't be over- analyzing situations. 027. TH 14: Ah, okay, okay. 028. CL 14: I seem to be very analytical. 029. TH 15: Okay. So, what would you do instead of analyzing then, when you get to that point?
  • 30. Gallery 3: If Robin Is Calm Then She Has Self-control. •  F1: 022: CL 11: I’d have a lot of self- control. •  F2: 026: CL 13: I wouldn’t be over analyzing situations. •  F3: 029: TH 15: What would you do instead of analyzing? (Opening 4)
  • 31. Opening 4: Instead of… 026. CL 13: I'd be easy going. I wouldn't constantly be thinking all the time, and, um, it would just be matter of fact, you know. I wouldn't be over-analyzing situations. 027. TH 14: Ah, okay, okay. 028. CL 14: I seem to be very analytical. 029. TH 15: Okay. So, what would you do instead of analyzing then, when you get to that point?
  • 32. Opening 4 029. TH 15: Okay. So, what would you do instead of analyzing then, when you get to that point? 030. CL 15: I'd just, you know, throw it up to the wind and not worry about it. 031. TH 16: And say, oh well, that's life. That's what you would say? 032. CL 16: Right. 033. TH 17: Oh well, that's how it goes. 034. CL 17: Yeah. 035. TH 18: And just may be able to move on with your life. 036. CL 18: Right, and not think that, that it's going to be the end of the world, you know. Tomorrow's a new day. 037. TH 19: Okay. 038. CL 19: I sometimes look at a situation and study it too much and think that my whole world revolves around the decision that I make or how I react. When, in essence, it doesn't.
  • 33. Gallery 4: Instead of Analyzing, Robin Will Throw it Up to the Wind. •  F1: 030: CL 15: I’d throw it up to the wind and not worry. •  F2: 036: CL 18: Tomorrow’s a new day. •  F3: 038: CL 19: I look at a situation and study it too much. •  F4: 039: TH 20: What would people around you notice different if you are able to let things blow into the wind and then go on with your life?
  • 34. Opening 5 039. TH 20: All right. So suppose you are able to do that, [CL Mhm] suppose you are able to do that. [CL Mhm] What would people around you notice different about Robin that would let them know, "Ah, she is able to let things blow into the wind and then go on with her life?" 040. CL 20: They would probably say that I'm finally growing up. (laughter) 041. TH 21: Okay, okay. 042. CL 21: Um, they'd say that I was more easy going, [TH Easy going], um, not stressed out. Um, uh, more fun to be around. 043. TH 22: More fun to be around, okay, okay.
  • 35. Relationship Question 039. TH 20: All right. So suppose you are able to do that, [CL Mhm] suppose you are able to do that. [CL Mhm] What would people around you notice different about Robin that would let them know, "Ah, she is able to let things blow into the wind and then go on with her life?" Lexical Choice suppose able to do that notice different that would let them know
  • 36. Gallery 5: When People Notice That Robin is Different They See Her Growing Up. •  F1: 040: CL 20: They would say I’m growing up. •  F2: 042: CL 21: I’m more easy going, not stressed out, more fun to be around. •  F3: 049: TH 25: What would he (husband) notice different about you?
  • 37. Gallery 1: Help Robin realize she is normal
  • 40. Wing 2: Robin, self-control, and picking battles
  • 41. Wing 3: Robin’s work toward enhancing emotions
  • 44. Findings •  Berg’s SFBT questions serve as interventions. •  Consistent recursive patterns were noted. •  SFBT questions are not neutral but are direct.
  • 45. Discussion •  The accuracy of Berg’s application of solution-focused techniques is confirmed. •  These findings can assist other researchers. •  This study demonstrates how one can evaluate a session. •  It is this type of process research that SFBT needs.
  • 47. References Allyn & Bacon (Producer). (2000). Psychotherapy with the experts: Solution focused therapy with Insoo Kim Berg [Video]. (Available from Allyn & Bacon Professional, 160 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA 02494-2310) Bavelas, J. B., McGee, D., Philips, B., & Routledge, R. (2000). Microanalysis of communication on psychotherapy. Human Systems: The Journal of Systemic Consultation & Management, 11(1), 47-66. Berg, I. K., & De Jong, P. (1996). Solution-building conversations: Co-constructing a sense of competence with clients. Families in Society, 77(6), 376-392. Chenail, R. J. (1990/1991). Bradford Keeney’s cybernetic project and the creation of recursive frame analysis. The Qualitative Report, 1(2&3). Retrieved May 12, 2006, from Chenail, R. J. (1995). Recursive frame analysis. The Qualitative Report, 2(2). Retrieved May 12, 2006, from Chenail, R. J., & Duffy, M. (2009). Utilizing Microsoftョ Office to produce and present recursive frame analysis findings. The Weekly Qualitative Report, 2(20), 117-132. Retrieved from De Jong, P., & Berg, I. K. (2002). Interviewing for solutions. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. de Shazer, S., Berg, I. K., Lipchik, E., Nunnally, E., Molnar, A., Gingerich, W., et al. (1986). Brief therapy: Focused solution development. Family Process, 25, 207-222. de Shazer, S., Dolan, Y., Korman, H., Trepper, T., McCollum, E., & Berg, I. K. (2007). More than miracles: The state of the art of solution-focused brief therapy. New York: The Haworth Press. Keeney, B. P. (1990). Improvisational therapy: A practical guide for creative clinical strategies. New York: The Guilford Press. Lipchik, E. (2002). Beyond technique in solution-focused therapy. New York: The Guilford Press. McGee, D., Del Vento, A., & Bavelas, J. B. (2005). An interactional model of questions as therapeutic interventions. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 31(4), 371-384.
  • 48. Paper Reference •  Cotton, J. (2010). Question utilization in solution-focused brief therapy: A recursive frame analysis of Insoo Kim Berg’s solution talk. The Qualitative Report, 15(1), 18-36.