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What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Collecting results:
I produced a Questionnaire to receive feedback from my target age
group (13-22 demographic). I have emailed Sixth Form (ages 16-18)
because this is a simple way of getting multiple results from a bulk of
people in my target audience age range. I also posted my survey on
Facebook which allowed people to share and forward it onto their
friends and family, this allowed anybody, any age to complete the
survey. At the top of the survey I included links to my 3 products for
the audience to view. This will allow me to see if my video appealed
to the correct target audience. Here is the link to the questionnaire:
How did I collect my results?
As stated previously, I sent my survey
link via email to sixth form and posted
the link on Facebook. When posting
the survey link on Facebook, I got 2
comments on my post saying that the
links didn’t work. In order to rectify
this I deleted the post immediately
from Facebook and tried to correct
the links. The problem was that
people could not copy the video,
digipak and magazine advert links
from the top of my survey if they
were on their phone. I attempted to
make these links at the top of my
survey interactive hyperlinks so that
the person could just click on the link
for it to open. I was unable to do this,
so instead I commented the
hyperlinks below my post on
Facebook stating that ‘If the links
won’t open, please use these:’ and
this was successful.
Firstly, I asked the person’s gender. This
helps me determine whether the majority
of the people who completed my survey
were male or female and if one were
heavier then the other I would know that
my survey results are primarily from that
gender and mainly their opinion. I found
that the majority of the people who filled
my survey were female with only 4 males
out of 27.
I then asked their age in order to gage a better understanding of who was
filling out my survey. Fortunately the majority of people were within my
target audience age range which means that the survey results are mainly
feedback from my target audience allowing my to find out what they think
of my products. However, having all ages fill out my survey is also helpful
because it gives me an indication of what people enjoy in general.
By asking these basic questions at the beginning of my survey I can know
which gender and age are filling out my survey therefore knowing where
the majority of feedback is from.
I then asked the people completing my survey to rate my
products out of 5. I originally asked them to rate my
video out of 10, but realised that people will generally
give it a 5/10 which isn’t overly helpful because it
doesn’t give an indication of good or bad – it’s exactly in
the middle which doesn’t give me effective feedback. By
giving me a rate 1-5 it allows people to give me a more
specific rate as there’s less leeway to 5 meaning the rate
will either mean my products are strong or weak.
By asking for a rate for each of my products gives me
an overall and simple indication as to whether my
products were effective and the audience enjoyed
The results were very positive for my video (1 person skipped
this question meaning the results are out of 25 instead of 26).
68% (17/26) of the people who filled out my survey rated the
video 5 out of 5, which is a great result and clearly states that
the majority enjoyed it, especially my target audience as they
were the majority of my survey feedback. 28% (7/26) rated
my video 4 out of 5, which is still a positive result and there
are many reasons that the person did not rate 5 (e.g. editing
technique, acting, locations, lighting, timing etc. or it may
simply not be their taste). 1 Person rated my video a 3 out of
5, which isn’t positive nor negative and could simply be the
fact that my video was not that persons cup of tea.
By looking at these statistics, we can tell that the magazine advert is less
popular than the video as more people rated 4 than 5. 3 out of people
rated my magazine advert 3 out of 5 which suggests that there are flaws
in my advert 12 people rated my advert a 4 and 11 people rated it a 5.
This is still a successful set of results meaning my feedback is showing
that my products are appealing to all ages and genders as this was a
mixed survey. Alternatively, is more males filled out the survey there
may a different set of results as men stereotypically enjoy romance in
media less then women.
I also asked for them to rate my digipak out of 5. The results were as
expected, as I felt that my digipak was not quite to the same professional
standard as the rest of my work. Although the results were still positive, with
50% of people rating my digipak 4 out of 5. 4 out of 5 is a very positive
result, but my digipak may not appeal to my target audience as much as the
rest of my work. 10 out of 26 people rated my digipak a 5, which is very
impressive and I am happy with the outcome. 3 people rated it a 3, which as
I stated previously, is neither a negative or positive result. Because there is
no negative feedback on any of my products I am very pleased with the
outcome and how effective they appear to be.
In order to gain an understanding of what was effective and what
people enjoyed about each product I asked them ‘What do you like
about my…?’ and filled the gap with the name of my product. This
worked well, as only 3 people skipped this question and the other’s
answered honestly.
When asking what people liked about my video, there were
repetitive responses about the storyline and use of humour. Humour
works well in indie films which is why I used it because being an A
level student I was at a disadvantage by not having a large budget.
Humour can be cheap and effective therefore I am pleased with this
feedback. The storyline is an everyday situation emphasised for
humour and obviously appealed to my target audience as they could
laugh and possibly relate to it. Another common answer was the
transitions, especially the transition of the camera arising from the
water. These were effective because they maintain the audience’s
attention and appeal to my target audience because of the creativity
and unique water shot.
The feedback was very positive and the audience enjoyed the
aspects which I planned to appeal to them. However, the theme of
sexual desire was not one of the themes I planned to include in my
video, yet one of the costumes was repeated as being enjoyed in my
video (the bikini shot) which appeals to the male audience. This
follows a pop genre convention of the male gaze.
Here are few of the responses:
However, when asking the audience what they disliked/would change
about my video there was some good constructive criticism which I
would use if I were to do the process again. (7 people skipped this
question so only 19 answered – whether they couldn’t think of anything
or just didn’t want to answer I am unsure). However, 7 people also said
that they wouldn’t change anything, which means that they thoroughly
enjoyed it and thought it couldn’t be improved.
On the other hand, a repeated criticism, was that some of the shots
were shaky and unsteady. One person specified that the shots of the
landscape were shaky – I tried to rectify this by slowing down the
footage when editing in order to make the unsteady camerawork less
The quality of the acting was critised multiple
times, therefore suggesting it’s noticeably
unprofessional. One person commented that
the boy in the video was ‘a bit too friendly’ and
‘smiles too much’. I directed that the actor laugh
at the girls frustration and anger which annoys
her further. This is relatable for some couples as
the man conventionally winds up the girl as girls
are stereotypically emotional. However, this
wasn’t obvious enough as people to
commented on the acting and did not
understand the storyline fully.
One person suggested that I include a
performance side to the video with shots of the
singer. These shots are usually effective,
however, I feel that my video is very busy
already and there are many scenarios
happening in my video already so adding
another may make it confusing and wouldn’t
flow very well.
I also asked the same questions (what do you like/dislike?) about my
magazine advert in order to gain some feedback from my target
audience. The feedback was very positive and the overall response was
When asked ‘What do you like about my magazine advert?’, 5 out of
21 (as 5 people skipped this questions) which is about ¼ of people,
commented that they could see a link between the poster and
video. This is great feedback as the link creates a professional brand
for my 3 products.
However, the main response to this question was the photography skills
and positive feedback on the photo itself. Many people said that the
lighting was effective – I enhanced the colours on Photoshop in order to
appeal to my target audience which has proven to be successful. They
also commented on the positioning of the image and how well centred
the couple are. I used the illusion of perspective to create an interesting
image and positioned the couple at the centre of the tree arch far
enough away that the light doesn’t beam through the arch because the
couple block it, which helps with the quality of the image as the light
didn’t flood the photo. Also, symmetry is used throughout my video by
the mirrored shots of the couple crossing paths in front of the cream
arches at the beach which is repeated in the chorus.
A few of the responses:
Multiple comments said that the colours worked
well, shown through the autumnal mise-en-scene,
font and outfits. I purposely wore a dress similar to
the colour of the autumn leaves and my font colour
in order to bring the image together as a whole and
appear professional. A couple of people said that
they like the font and that it fits with the theme and
the colours work well.
Overall, I have learnt that the magazine advert is
effective and appeals to my target audience due to
the eye-catching image and colour scheme. The font
and central framing are successful. The feedback is
very positive and better than I expected, especially
that ¼ of the people said that the video and advert
have a clear link which was the aim of the couple
featuring in the advert conveying their relationship.
Some also
commented that
the advert conveys
the couples
relationship and
that they’re ‘cute’.
Alternatively, when looking at the results from the question ‘What
do you dislike about my magazine advert (what would you
change)?’, there’s feedback which could help improve my
magazine advert.
For example; multiple people suggested a different font because
it doesn’t fit the advert and the colour is difficult to read among
the branches on the right hand side. Also the text is hard to read
at the bottom of the poster on the path due to the colour. As 7
people (out of the 22 that answered) commented on altering the
font due to the difficulty of reading it, this is a rather noticeable
On the other hand, in the last comments where people
mentioned what they liked, many people said the font and
colour were successful so there is no definite answer as to
whether it’s effective or not.
One person pointed out that the location in the advert
wasn’t featured in the video very much (about one 5
second shot). Whereas using a location which is iconic
to the video would be more effective because the
location would be easily recognisable and identified with
the video.
Although I chose this location for my advert because the
location is interesting and the tree arch creates an eye-
catching image with the audience being drawn into the
key signifiers. Also, when asked what people liked about
my video a few people said the location, therefore the
image appeals to my target audience.
A couple of people picked up on the star rating. One
person said that there should be 5 stars instead of 4,
which I assume is because the product will sell better with
a higher rating. The second person suggested that the
stars have a black outline or a different shade of yellow as
they ‘look a bit out of place’.
Here I have
tried the
outline and
it works
really well,
the stars
stand out:
Before: After:
I then asked what people like about my digipak. Again,
the feedback was very positive.
9 out of 23 (3 people skipped this question) said that
they liked the theme and how well it linked with the
video and poster, which means that my attempt at
creating a brand for my 3 products is very successful.
Many people said that they liked the
theme and narrative shown through the
images on the inside of the digipak
showing the proposal sequence. One
person commented that they liked the
images on the front, back and inside flap
as it shows represents the action which
happens throughout the video:
The majority of the comments are complimenting the choice of
location and interesting background. I have used locations from the
video itself, but used a variety to appeal to my target audience. I have
used similar outdoor locations to keep the colour palate of organic
autumnal colours similar throughout. Also, I have used the same
location on the front cover as I have on my poster, but the couple are
positioned differently to keep the theme going but add variety.
The sequence of the proposal is obviously noticeable and clear, meaning
that my images are understandable and successful. I have included these
images to attract the audiences attention but I’ve used the enigma code in
hiding the result and new equilibrium making them want to watch the video
to find out. Little do the audience know that the video ends before showing
the equilibrium.
some of
However, my digipak came with potential changes,
suggested by my survey results. When asked ‘What do you
dislike about my digipak (what would you change)?’ 4 out
of 20 (6 people skipped this question) replied with
‘nothing’, making ¼ of the feedback positive.
The rest of the answers were not weighted to one specific
answer. The variety ranged from the font/text to the images
When criticising the font, a couple of people have said that
it was difficult to read and the colour blends in with the
background meaning it’s unclear and not very visible.
The positioning and colour of the track list was mentioned 4
times in the responses from my survey feedback. The
feedback was helpful, as I had considered making the track
list white text when making it, and the feedback confirms
that this would’ve been more effective and appealing to my
target audience. Also, the text would be easier to read on
the black box on which the list is positioned. I have changed
the track list text white in order to see the difference and
whether it’s effective. I have come to the conclusion that
the white is more effective as it’s clear and visible.
2 people commented that the
proposal sequence photos
were blurry. I noticed this when
editing my digipak and decided
not to re-shoot the images, as
the misty scenery and mise-en-
scene are effective and eye-
catching. I would also have to
re-shoot all of the images on
my print work due to a weather
change, which would be
difficult to recreate. The reason
that these images are slightly
blurry is due to the camera
setting. I did not alter the
setting to take photos, it was
still on recording when the
photos were taken. If I were to
make this digipak again I would
double check the camera
settings for a clear and sharp
image for it to be successful.
Getting rates on my work gives me an idea of the overall
feedback of each of my products. But in order to understand
what wasn’t effective and needed improving I asked what they
would change or disliked about each product. Some answers
were similar meaning that the issue is obviously noticeable and
may be more appealing to my target audience if I altered it.
Therefore, by asking what people liked/disliked I could gain an
understanding of what appeals to my target audience and how I
can alter my products to fulfil their needs.
Next, I asked ‘Do you think my 3 products (video, magazine advert
and digipak) link well together?’. I was astonished by the
impressive result! 100% of the people who completed my survey
said ‘Yes’ and nobody skipped this question – meaning all 26
people answered. This feedback is very positive, as it means that
all 3 of my products are easily identifiable as being part of the
same brand and work together effectively.
I then asked ‘If you answered 'Yes' to question 12 - why do they link
well? If you answered 'No’ to question 12 - why do they not link
well?’, in order to find out whether the factors I included to create
a brand are effective and appeal to my target audience. For
example, I have used the same colour palate throughout my print
work. I have also used the same font and costume and
actors/actresses in all 3 of my products.
Many people mentioned the use of similar images
throughout the products. One person replied saying,
‘Because there is a solid colour theme throughout and the
shots from the video have a strong link with the images used
in the digipak and the poster, making them relatable and
well linked’. The main answers included aspects of the
colours, font and theme.
Overall, my estimated answers were very similar to how
I imagined. Every person who answered this question
(all 21 people) mentioned an aspect which I included in
order to help create the brand. This proves that my
products are effective and my research has benefitted
me in understanding what appeals to my target
A few of the responses:
As well as sending out my survey, I also got a focus group together and asked them similar questions which were on my
survey to spark discussion between the members. The people in the focus group were all media students in my class. I
decided to use these people because they were aged 17-18 which is the middle of my target audience, and being media
students, they have a lot of knowledge of existing media videos and what is effective/not effective. Media students also have
an eye for profession and tend to be honest and critical of others work. The group watched my video then looked at my print
work and gave me feedback on all three of my products.
Overall, the focus group had similar opinions on my products to the survey results (maybe because they’re similar ages).
When asked what the group liked about my video, the group said:
• Mirror effect used on shot of couple in front of the arches
• Interesting transitions (especially the GoPro water one)
• The handheld home video footage at the beginning
• Variety of shots, which kept it flowing and interesting so not too much hesitation on one shot
• Relatable sense of humour
When asked what the group disliked about my video, the group said:
• Add more home footage (POV shots) throughout the rest of the video to keep it flowing
When asked what the group liked about my magazine advert, the group said:
• The colours – it looks very autumnal and the products link well together (including the girl’s outfit)
• The male character is conveyed to be the prankster and childish character (followed on from the video), as shown by his
grasp and muddy shoes
• Eye-catching main image
• Font fits the advert well and the colours are similar to the mise-en-scene but still visible and stands out
When asked what the group disliked about my magazine advert, the group said:
• More emphasis on the text, as some is hard to read (maybe make the title lighter than the rest so it stands out more)
When asked what the group liked about my digipak, the group said:
• The black box containing the track list looks very professional and makes the song titles stand out more
• The still from the video on the inside of the digipak work well
• The cover/inside flap and back cover all relate well to the poster but are not the same image
• The proposal image sequence is consistent and builds a story throughout it
When asked what the group disliked about my digipak, the group said:
• More variety on the images to create the proposal sequence
• The black box and text inside it (track list) seems too squished and the space wasn’t used well
Magazine Advert:
In conclusion, the focus group certainly liked my products, as they gave me little criticisms. However, I am going to act on the
suggestions both the survey and focus group put forward in order to improve my products and appeal to my target audience
to reach the best potential.
From the positive feedback, it is clear that my products appeal to my target
audience. Usually when a music video is popular in today’s society, people tend
to share them via social networks such as Facebook (which is a successful site
for sharing as shown via my survey – however things can also be shared
globally increasing the audience). They may also share it via Twitter or YouTube
itself, as there’s a ‘share’ button below each video which can connect to many
social networks such as Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit etc.
By sharing the video via social networks allows other people to view the video which may encourage them to buy the album,
as the video can be used as a teaser to entice them towards other work by the artist. Also, albums can be bought digitally
which makes the process easier for the ‘busy’ people of the 21st century. In today’s society people usually prefer buying the
album digitally via iTunes, Spotify etc., rather than storing multiple CDs.
I would publish the magazine advert first in order to create hype about the album and excitement to see the video. This
would be successful because my feedback showed that my magazine advert appealed to my target audience effectively
therefore suggesting if they were to see it in a magazine it would have the same affect and spur them on to want more.
I would use sequential viewing to keep the hype and encourage people to share their excitement with friends etc. After
publishing the poster I would release the video via YouTube, which is the most used site for music videos because it’s free for
the viewer and popular worldwide. This also allows people to share the video directly (as mentioned earlier). I would release
the digipak last, as I feel a digipak doesn’t create hype, it’s only used for creative packaging when selling the product. Digipaks
are not conventionally used when advertising so I am not going to risk spending money on releasing the digipak as it would be a
huge gamble. As digipaks are never used for advertising, other than product placement on TV adverts or on posters, I would not
use it for advertising purposes, especially as my digipak was the least appealing of my 3 products according to my survey.
Therefore, by releasing my poster and video first I am creating hype with products which appeal to my target audience, as
shown by my survey results, guaranteeing a successful release.
I myself have shared music videos via social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter and from using these sites I can confidently say that a lot
of other people share videos too – especially people in my target audience range (as that’s the majority of my friends). I can use this
knowledge to my advantage and manipulate the media via these sites by making a Facebook or twitter account and publishing teasers, such as
snippets of the video or interviews of the band.
From using YouTube personally, it is clear that pop is the most popular music genre, suggesting that my music
video will be popular as it’s an indie/pop song. However, I have used conventions in my video from multiple
genres which appeals to my target audience (according to my feedback), this will help the video advertise
itself, as quality content gets recognised if enough people view it, and as my products will be shared digitally
they are able to go global.
It’s clear that I am aiming my products towards audience 2.0, who not only consume it but also use it. This has
become possible because of the simplicity of converged technologies in today’s society, where a phone is not
only a contacting device, but also a clock, computer, MP3 player, camera, video recorder etc. This allows people
to create their own media and share it globally in a couple of seconds. The power of the internet is massive and
I shall use this to my advantage when advertising my products, especially as it’s little cost and I have a low
The power of sites such as Facebook are shown via the global share of a video or photo which was posted a few
seconds ago. I have experienced this first-hand, seeing celebrity ‘leaked’ photos or videos containing
controversial footage which have reached my newsfeed because someone has shared it, yet it was only posted
a minute ago, yet the views are in the millions. Also, YouTube is now famous for their ‘YouTubers’, such as Zoella
and Pointlessblog, which are people who started off with normal lives and now post videos of their everyday
lives or planned videos for a job. They earn millions of pounds due to merchandise and huge fan bases (each
viewer has over 3 million subscribers).
People can subscribe to you on YouTube which allows them to get all your latest updates and videos. They can
also follow you or like a page of Facebook or Twitter allowing them to view all your content directly once
you’ve posted it. Therefore, by creating a page I could make a fan base which will see my products as soon as I
publish them. However, once the content is published, it’s out of your hands and anybody anywhere in the
world could now have viewed/shared/saved it (which for advertising purposes it helpful).

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Question 3

  • 1. What have you learned from your audience feedback? Collecting results: I produced a Questionnaire to receive feedback from my target age group (13-22 demographic). I have emailed Sixth Form (ages 16-18) because this is a simple way of getting multiple results from a bulk of people in my target audience age range. I also posted my survey on Facebook which allowed people to share and forward it onto their friends and family, this allowed anybody, any age to complete the survey. At the top of the survey I included links to my 3 products for the audience to view. This will allow me to see if my video appealed to the correct target audience. Here is the link to the questionnaire:
  • 2. How did I collect my results? As stated previously, I sent my survey link via email to sixth form and posted the link on Facebook. When posting the survey link on Facebook, I got 2 comments on my post saying that the links didn’t work. In order to rectify this I deleted the post immediately from Facebook and tried to correct the links. The problem was that people could not copy the video, digipak and magazine advert links from the top of my survey if they were on their phone. I attempted to make these links at the top of my survey interactive hyperlinks so that the person could just click on the link for it to open. I was unable to do this, so instead I commented the hyperlinks below my post on Facebook stating that ‘If the links won’t open, please use these:’ and this was successful.
  • 3. Firstly, I asked the person’s gender. This helps me determine whether the majority of the people who completed my survey were male or female and if one were heavier then the other I would know that my survey results are primarily from that gender and mainly their opinion. I found that the majority of the people who filled my survey were female with only 4 males out of 27. I then asked their age in order to gage a better understanding of who was filling out my survey. Fortunately the majority of people were within my target audience age range which means that the survey results are mainly feedback from my target audience allowing my to find out what they think of my products. However, having all ages fill out my survey is also helpful because it gives me an indication of what people enjoy in general. By asking these basic questions at the beginning of my survey I can know which gender and age are filling out my survey therefore knowing where the majority of feedback is from.
  • 4. I then asked the people completing my survey to rate my products out of 5. I originally asked them to rate my video out of 10, but realised that people will generally give it a 5/10 which isn’t overly helpful because it doesn’t give an indication of good or bad – it’s exactly in the middle which doesn’t give me effective feedback. By giving me a rate 1-5 it allows people to give me a more specific rate as there’s less leeway to 5 meaning the rate will either mean my products are strong or weak. By asking for a rate for each of my products gives me an overall and simple indication as to whether my products were effective and the audience enjoyed them. The results were very positive for my video (1 person skipped this question meaning the results are out of 25 instead of 26). 68% (17/26) of the people who filled out my survey rated the video 5 out of 5, which is a great result and clearly states that the majority enjoyed it, especially my target audience as they were the majority of my survey feedback. 28% (7/26) rated my video 4 out of 5, which is still a positive result and there are many reasons that the person did not rate 5 (e.g. editing technique, acting, locations, lighting, timing etc. or it may simply not be their taste). 1 Person rated my video a 3 out of 5, which isn’t positive nor negative and could simply be the fact that my video was not that persons cup of tea.
  • 5. By looking at these statistics, we can tell that the magazine advert is less popular than the video as more people rated 4 than 5. 3 out of people rated my magazine advert 3 out of 5 which suggests that there are flaws in my advert 12 people rated my advert a 4 and 11 people rated it a 5. This is still a successful set of results meaning my feedback is showing that my products are appealing to all ages and genders as this was a mixed survey. Alternatively, is more males filled out the survey there may a different set of results as men stereotypically enjoy romance in media less then women. I also asked for them to rate my digipak out of 5. The results were as expected, as I felt that my digipak was not quite to the same professional standard as the rest of my work. Although the results were still positive, with 50% of people rating my digipak 4 out of 5. 4 out of 5 is a very positive result, but my digipak may not appeal to my target audience as much as the rest of my work. 10 out of 26 people rated my digipak a 5, which is very impressive and I am happy with the outcome. 3 people rated it a 3, which as I stated previously, is neither a negative or positive result. Because there is no negative feedback on any of my products I am very pleased with the outcome and how effective they appear to be.
  • 6. In order to gain an understanding of what was effective and what people enjoyed about each product I asked them ‘What do you like about my…?’ and filled the gap with the name of my product. This worked well, as only 3 people skipped this question and the other’s answered honestly. When asking what people liked about my video, there were repetitive responses about the storyline and use of humour. Humour works well in indie films which is why I used it because being an A level student I was at a disadvantage by not having a large budget. Humour can be cheap and effective therefore I am pleased with this feedback. The storyline is an everyday situation emphasised for humour and obviously appealed to my target audience as they could laugh and possibly relate to it. Another common answer was the transitions, especially the transition of the camera arising from the water. These were effective because they maintain the audience’s attention and appeal to my target audience because of the creativity and unique water shot. The feedback was very positive and the audience enjoyed the aspects which I planned to appeal to them. However, the theme of sexual desire was not one of the themes I planned to include in my video, yet one of the costumes was repeated as being enjoyed in my video (the bikini shot) which appeals to the male audience. This follows a pop genre convention of the male gaze. Here are few of the responses:
  • 7. However, when asking the audience what they disliked/would change about my video there was some good constructive criticism which I would use if I were to do the process again. (7 people skipped this question so only 19 answered – whether they couldn’t think of anything or just didn’t want to answer I am unsure). However, 7 people also said that they wouldn’t change anything, which means that they thoroughly enjoyed it and thought it couldn’t be improved. On the other hand, a repeated criticism, was that some of the shots were shaky and unsteady. One person specified that the shots of the landscape were shaky – I tried to rectify this by slowing down the footage when editing in order to make the unsteady camerawork less obvious. The quality of the acting was critised multiple times, therefore suggesting it’s noticeably unprofessional. One person commented that the boy in the video was ‘a bit too friendly’ and ‘smiles too much’. I directed that the actor laugh at the girls frustration and anger which annoys her further. This is relatable for some couples as the man conventionally winds up the girl as girls are stereotypically emotional. However, this wasn’t obvious enough as people to commented on the acting and did not understand the storyline fully. One person suggested that I include a performance side to the video with shots of the singer. These shots are usually effective, however, I feel that my video is very busy already and there are many scenarios happening in my video already so adding another may make it confusing and wouldn’t flow very well.
  • 8. I also asked the same questions (what do you like/dislike?) about my magazine advert in order to gain some feedback from my target audience. The feedback was very positive and the overall response was successful. When asked ‘What do you like about my magazine advert?’, 5 out of 21 (as 5 people skipped this questions) which is about ¼ of people, commented that they could see a link between the poster and video. This is great feedback as the link creates a professional brand for my 3 products. However, the main response to this question was the photography skills and positive feedback on the photo itself. Many people said that the lighting was effective – I enhanced the colours on Photoshop in order to appeal to my target audience which has proven to be successful. They also commented on the positioning of the image and how well centred the couple are. I used the illusion of perspective to create an interesting image and positioned the couple at the centre of the tree arch far enough away that the light doesn’t beam through the arch because the couple block it, which helps with the quality of the image as the light didn’t flood the photo. Also, symmetry is used throughout my video by the mirrored shots of the couple crossing paths in front of the cream arches at the beach which is repeated in the chorus. A few of the responses: Multiple comments said that the colours worked well, shown through the autumnal mise-en-scene, font and outfits. I purposely wore a dress similar to the colour of the autumn leaves and my font colour in order to bring the image together as a whole and appear professional. A couple of people said that they like the font and that it fits with the theme and the colours work well. Overall, I have learnt that the magazine advert is effective and appeals to my target audience due to the eye-catching image and colour scheme. The font and central framing are successful. The feedback is very positive and better than I expected, especially that ¼ of the people said that the video and advert have a clear link which was the aim of the couple featuring in the advert conveying their relationship. Some also commented that the advert conveys the couples relationship and that they’re ‘cute’.
  • 9. Alternatively, when looking at the results from the question ‘What do you dislike about my magazine advert (what would you change)?’, there’s feedback which could help improve my magazine advert. For example; multiple people suggested a different font because it doesn’t fit the advert and the colour is difficult to read among the branches on the right hand side. Also the text is hard to read at the bottom of the poster on the path due to the colour. As 7 people (out of the 22 that answered) commented on altering the font due to the difficulty of reading it, this is a rather noticeable issue. On the other hand, in the last comments where people mentioned what they liked, many people said the font and colour were successful so there is no definite answer as to whether it’s effective or not. One person pointed out that the location in the advert wasn’t featured in the video very much (about one 5 second shot). Whereas using a location which is iconic to the video would be more effective because the location would be easily recognisable and identified with the video. Although I chose this location for my advert because the location is interesting and the tree arch creates an eye- catching image with the audience being drawn into the key signifiers. Also, when asked what people liked about my video a few people said the location, therefore the image appeals to my target audience. A couple of people picked up on the star rating. One person said that there should be 5 stars instead of 4, which I assume is because the product will sell better with a higher rating. The second person suggested that the stars have a black outline or a different shade of yellow as they ‘look a bit out of place’. Here I have tried the outline and it works really well, the stars stand out: Before: After:
  • 10. I then asked what people like about my digipak. Again, the feedback was very positive. 9 out of 23 (3 people skipped this question) said that they liked the theme and how well it linked with the video and poster, which means that my attempt at creating a brand for my 3 products is very successful. Many people said that they liked the theme and narrative shown through the images on the inside of the digipak showing the proposal sequence. One person commented that they liked the images on the front, back and inside flap as it shows represents the action which happens throughout the video: The majority of the comments are complimenting the choice of location and interesting background. I have used locations from the video itself, but used a variety to appeal to my target audience. I have used similar outdoor locations to keep the colour palate of organic autumnal colours similar throughout. Also, I have used the same location on the front cover as I have on my poster, but the couple are positioned differently to keep the theme going but add variety. The sequence of the proposal is obviously noticeable and clear, meaning that my images are understandable and successful. I have included these images to attract the audiences attention but I’ve used the enigma code in hiding the result and new equilibrium making them want to watch the video to find out. Little do the audience know that the video ends before showing the equilibrium. Here’s some of the feedback:
  • 11. However, my digipak came with potential changes, suggested by my survey results. When asked ‘What do you dislike about my digipak (what would you change)?’ 4 out of 20 (6 people skipped this question) replied with ‘nothing’, making ¼ of the feedback positive. The rest of the answers were not weighted to one specific answer. The variety ranged from the font/text to the images themselves. When criticising the font, a couple of people have said that it was difficult to read and the colour blends in with the background meaning it’s unclear and not very visible. The positioning and colour of the track list was mentioned 4 times in the responses from my survey feedback. The feedback was helpful, as I had considered making the track list white text when making it, and the feedback confirms that this would’ve been more effective and appealing to my target audience. Also, the text would be easier to read on the black box on which the list is positioned. I have changed the track list text white in order to see the difference and whether it’s effective. I have come to the conclusion that the white is more effective as it’s clear and visible. Before: After: 2 people commented that the proposal sequence photos were blurry. I noticed this when editing my digipak and decided not to re-shoot the images, as the misty scenery and mise-en- scene are effective and eye- catching. I would also have to re-shoot all of the images on my print work due to a weather change, which would be difficult to recreate. The reason that these images are slightly blurry is due to the camera setting. I did not alter the setting to take photos, it was still on recording when the photos were taken. If I were to make this digipak again I would double check the camera settings for a clear and sharp image for it to be successful.
  • 12. Getting rates on my work gives me an idea of the overall feedback of each of my products. But in order to understand what wasn’t effective and needed improving I asked what they would change or disliked about each product. Some answers were similar meaning that the issue is obviously noticeable and may be more appealing to my target audience if I altered it. Therefore, by asking what people liked/disliked I could gain an understanding of what appeals to my target audience and how I can alter my products to fulfil their needs. Next, I asked ‘Do you think my 3 products (video, magazine advert and digipak) link well together?’. I was astonished by the impressive result! 100% of the people who completed my survey said ‘Yes’ and nobody skipped this question – meaning all 26 people answered. This feedback is very positive, as it means that all 3 of my products are easily identifiable as being part of the same brand and work together effectively. I then asked ‘If you answered 'Yes' to question 12 - why do they link well? If you answered 'No’ to question 12 - why do they not link well?’, in order to find out whether the factors I included to create a brand are effective and appeal to my target audience. For example, I have used the same colour palate throughout my print work. I have also used the same font and costume and actors/actresses in all 3 of my products. Many people mentioned the use of similar images throughout the products. One person replied saying, ‘Because there is a solid colour theme throughout and the shots from the video have a strong link with the images used in the digipak and the poster, making them relatable and well linked’. The main answers included aspects of the colours, font and theme. Overall, my estimated answers were very similar to how I imagined. Every person who answered this question (all 21 people) mentioned an aspect which I included in order to help create the brand. This proves that my products are effective and my research has benefitted me in understanding what appeals to my target audience. A few of the responses:
  • 13. As well as sending out my survey, I also got a focus group together and asked them similar questions which were on my survey to spark discussion between the members. The people in the focus group were all media students in my class. I decided to use these people because they were aged 17-18 which is the middle of my target audience, and being media students, they have a lot of knowledge of existing media videos and what is effective/not effective. Media students also have an eye for profession and tend to be honest and critical of others work. The group watched my video then looked at my print work and gave me feedback on all three of my products. Overall, the focus group had similar opinions on my products to the survey results (maybe because they’re similar ages). When asked what the group liked about my video, the group said: • Mirror effect used on shot of couple in front of the arches • Interesting transitions (especially the GoPro water one) • The handheld home video footage at the beginning • Variety of shots, which kept it flowing and interesting so not too much hesitation on one shot • Relatable sense of humour When asked what the group disliked about my video, the group said: • Add more home footage (POV shots) throughout the rest of the video to keep it flowing Video:
  • 14. When asked what the group liked about my magazine advert, the group said: • The colours – it looks very autumnal and the products link well together (including the girl’s outfit) • The male character is conveyed to be the prankster and childish character (followed on from the video), as shown by his grasp and muddy shoes • Eye-catching main image • Font fits the advert well and the colours are similar to the mise-en-scene but still visible and stands out When asked what the group disliked about my magazine advert, the group said: • More emphasis on the text, as some is hard to read (maybe make the title lighter than the rest so it stands out more) When asked what the group liked about my digipak, the group said: • The black box containing the track list looks very professional and makes the song titles stand out more • The still from the video on the inside of the digipak work well • The cover/inside flap and back cover all relate well to the poster but are not the same image • The proposal image sequence is consistent and builds a story throughout it When asked what the group disliked about my digipak, the group said: • More variety on the images to create the proposal sequence • The black box and text inside it (track list) seems too squished and the space wasn’t used well Digipak: Magazine Advert: In conclusion, the focus group certainly liked my products, as they gave me little criticisms. However, I am going to act on the suggestions both the survey and focus group put forward in order to improve my products and appeal to my target audience to reach the best potential.
  • 15. From the positive feedback, it is clear that my products appeal to my target audience. Usually when a music video is popular in today’s society, people tend to share them via social networks such as Facebook (which is a successful site for sharing as shown via my survey – however things can also be shared globally increasing the audience). They may also share it via Twitter or YouTube itself, as there’s a ‘share’ button below each video which can connect to many social networks such as Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit etc. By sharing the video via social networks allows other people to view the video which may encourage them to buy the album, as the video can be used as a teaser to entice them towards other work by the artist. Also, albums can be bought digitally which makes the process easier for the ‘busy’ people of the 21st century. In today’s society people usually prefer buying the album digitally via iTunes, Spotify etc., rather than storing multiple CDs. I would publish the magazine advert first in order to create hype about the album and excitement to see the video. This would be successful because my feedback showed that my magazine advert appealed to my target audience effectively therefore suggesting if they were to see it in a magazine it would have the same affect and spur them on to want more. I would use sequential viewing to keep the hype and encourage people to share their excitement with friends etc. After publishing the poster I would release the video via YouTube, which is the most used site for music videos because it’s free for the viewer and popular worldwide. This also allows people to share the video directly (as mentioned earlier). I would release the digipak last, as I feel a digipak doesn’t create hype, it’s only used for creative packaging when selling the product. Digipaks are not conventionally used when advertising so I am not going to risk spending money on releasing the digipak as it would be a huge gamble. As digipaks are never used for advertising, other than product placement on TV adverts or on posters, I would not use it for advertising purposes, especially as my digipak was the least appealing of my 3 products according to my survey. Therefore, by releasing my poster and video first I am creating hype with products which appeal to my target audience, as shown by my survey results, guaranteeing a successful release.
  • 16. I myself have shared music videos via social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter and from using these sites I can confidently say that a lot of other people share videos too – especially people in my target audience range (as that’s the majority of my friends). I can use this knowledge to my advantage and manipulate the media via these sites by making a Facebook or twitter account and publishing teasers, such as snippets of the video or interviews of the band. From using YouTube personally, it is clear that pop is the most popular music genre, suggesting that my music video will be popular as it’s an indie/pop song. However, I have used conventions in my video from multiple genres which appeals to my target audience (according to my feedback), this will help the video advertise itself, as quality content gets recognised if enough people view it, and as my products will be shared digitally they are able to go global. It’s clear that I am aiming my products towards audience 2.0, who not only consume it but also use it. This has become possible because of the simplicity of converged technologies in today’s society, where a phone is not only a contacting device, but also a clock, computer, MP3 player, camera, video recorder etc. This allows people to create their own media and share it globally in a couple of seconds. The power of the internet is massive and I shall use this to my advantage when advertising my products, especially as it’s little cost and I have a low budget. The power of sites such as Facebook are shown via the global share of a video or photo which was posted a few seconds ago. I have experienced this first-hand, seeing celebrity ‘leaked’ photos or videos containing controversial footage which have reached my newsfeed because someone has shared it, yet it was only posted a minute ago, yet the views are in the millions. Also, YouTube is now famous for their ‘YouTubers’, such as Zoella and Pointlessblog, which are people who started off with normal lives and now post videos of their everyday lives or planned videos for a job. They earn millions of pounds due to merchandise and huge fan bases (each viewer has over 3 million subscribers). People can subscribe to you on YouTube which allows them to get all your latest updates and videos. They can also follow you or like a page of Facebook or Twitter allowing them to view all your content directly once you’ve posted it. Therefore, by creating a page I could make a fan base which will see my products as soon as I publish them. However, once the content is published, it’s out of your hands and anybody anywhere in the world could now have viewed/shared/saved it (which for advertising purposes it helpful).