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Towards a Representative & 
Decentralized Governance System 


Access to reliable and affordable           This policy brief aims at providing
public services is a basic citizen right.   civil society with an alternative
Currently, public services in Lebanon       roadmap for improving the quality,
are of low quality, highly expensive,       accessibility, and efficiency of public
and inaccessible to all. There are          services through an administrative
many reasons hindering the Lebanese         decentralization law, an independent
government from improving public            municipal fund, and a free and fair
services, namely a highly centralized       local electoral law.
administration, lack of a clear socio-      	
economic development plan, weak
accountability mechanisms, and              The proposed policy aspires to
rampant clientelism aggravated by a         bolster public services through local
sectarian political system.                 participation aimed at:
Recent government efforts to                      Improving       administrative
enhance public services have been           performance;
ineffective, leading to an increase
in citizen dissatisfaction, popular              Enhancing municipal financial
protests, poverty and emigration            autonomy;
rates. The different initiatives
undertaken to improve public                     Ensuring free and fair local
services since the Ta’if Accord have        representation.
not achieved their goals, including
establishment of the Office of the
Minister of State for Administrative        Implementation of this policy
Reform (OMSAR), reform of the               requires a long-term process that
municipal code, and development             entails introducing new laws and
of a strategy for information and           practices, engaging with Parliament,
communication technology (ICT) and          and supporting government in
e-government mechanisms.                    implementing      reforms.     Since
                                            administrative      decentralization
                                            is a critical issue for all political
                                            parties and other stakeholders, it
                                            is important to formulate a clear
                                            strategy for influencing the policy-
                                            making process and forging broad-
                                            based alliances in support of the
                                            proposed reforms.


The Problem

Public service delivery is the core
function of the state. It enables
government to respond to citizens’
needs, protect their rights, and
meet their expectations. Yet public
services in Lebanon are of low quality,
expensive, and inaccessible to all.
Public institutions—the vehicle for
public service delivery—suffer from
excessive bureaucracy, corruption,
and inefficiency.
                                          Situation Brief                          The Urgency
Service delivery problems are even
more dire for citizens in localities.     The multiple challenges facing public    Lebanon’s development indicators
Citizens are increasingly demanding       service delivery in Lebanon include:     show a continued deterioration
access to better quality services                                                  of social, economic, and political
                                          1. Centralized government and
such as electricity, water, health,                                                conditions, manifested by popular
                                          exclusivity of service within public
education, housing, and security. The                                              demonstrations, security incidents,
limited administrative and financial                                               sectarian tensions, and high rates of
                                          2. Lack of management capacity,          emigration. There is an immediate
prerogatives of local governments
                                          information     technologies,   and      need to improve public services
and the controls imposed by central
                                          financial   resources    of   public     through local participation aimed
government are a main reason for this
                                          administrations       and      local     at reducing poverty, improving
situation. Local empowerment and
                                          governments.                             living conditions, and eradicating
participation mechanisms can make
a major contribution to improving the                                              the clientelistic webs that prevent
                                          3. Weak accountability mechanisms
quality of public services.                                                        government from serving the public
                                          and lack of transparency and
                                          access to information to participate
                                          in improving public services.
                                                                                   One key solution is to launch an
                                          4. Gaps and deficiencies in the          administrative        decentralization
                                          legislative framework for public-        process driven by local development
                                          private partnerships and participation   priorities and aimed at improving
                                          mechanisms.                              the quality of public services as well
                                          5. Inappropriate representation of       as instituting local participation and
                                          localities due to parliamentary and      accountability mechanisms.
                                          municipal electoral systems that
                                          foster clientelism.

2                                                                                                                      3
                                                                                                              1                                               Access to Public Services
The following policies, laws and practices are choices made by the Lebanese                                                                                       Financial Efficiency
government to improve the quality of public services. In assessing these policies,                                     2
we used four key indicators that are essential for any policy option aimed at
improving the quality of public services:                                                                                          3                               Local Participation

                                                                                                                                             4                       Accountability
1. enhance access to public services in localities
2. attain financial efficiency
3. allow local participation
4. permit accountability
                                                                                                                Law                                                         Assessment
                                                                                                                                                 >	Grades 1 to 3 public servants (i.e., middle and senior management)
      Law                                                      Assessment

                                                                                                               Employment process &
                                                                                                                                                   are appointed by the Cabinet based on political and sectarian

                                                                                                                 public institutions
                                                                                                                 conditions within
    Practice                                                                                                                                       affiliations.

                                    > Public service policies are top-down and are not enforced.                                                 > Remuneration in public institutions is too low to entice competent
    prerogatives related
     to public services
      Cabinet policies

                                    > The centralized authority allocated to ministries increases                                                  human resources, making private sector employment or
         & ministry

                                      administrative bureaucracy, lack of responsiveness to citizen needs,                                         emigration more attractive to many Lebanese.
                                      and difficult access to public services.                                                                   > Recruitment and hiring of all public servants is controlled by the
                                    > The political affiliations of ministers and public servants lead to                                          Civil Service Board, which lacks human and financial resources.
                                      discrimination in the provision of public services.
                                                                                                                                                 > Local development programs funded by donors are not

                                                                                                               international organizations
                                                                                                                                                   coordinated and are hindered by the bureaucracy of the ministry

                                                                                                                   programs funded by
     programs by OMSAR

                                    > Administrative reform programs face high resistance from some

                                                                                                                   Local development
       reform strategy &

                                      ministries when it comes to improving their performance.                                                     with which they collaborate.

                                    > OMSAR’s mandate does not allow it to enforce reform programs on                                            > These programs are limited in time and resources, and often fail to
                                      other ministries.                                                                                            translate their work at the policy level.
                                    > There is a lack of human and financial resources for efficient
                                                                                                                                                 > Donor-funded programs sometimes become an alternative to
                                      administrative reform.
                                                                                                                                                   government services rather than a means to enhance public
                                                                                                                                                   service delivery.
     prerogatives of the Ministry

                                    >	The prerogatives of municipalities defined in the Municipal Code are
     of Interior & Municipalities
        Municipal Code & the

                                      not feasible due to the administrative boundaries imposed by central

                                                                                                              regulatory framework
                                      government in making local decisions.                                                                      >	Public institutions are resistant to integrating ICT into their

                                                                                                                infrastructure, and
                                                                                                                                                   operations due to lack of capacity and resources.

                                                                                                                    ICT strategy,
                                    > The Independent Municipal Fund is controlled by the Ministry of
                                      Interior and Municipalities, and funds are distributed without clear,                                      > The technological infrastructure is weak given poor internet speed
                                      transparent criteria.                                                                                        and local telecom access.
                                    > The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities exercises more than an
                                                                                                                                                 > Many laws related to e-government have yet to be adopted and the
                                      oversight role over municipalities due to the prerogatives it enjoys
                                                                                                                                                   ones that were approved are not adequately enforced.
                                      through the Municipal Affairs Unit and the Mohafazat (governorates).

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5
                                                                                                                                                  “    Public services directly affect citizens’ livelihoods; they allow them to
                                                                                                                                                  live respectfully and independently from any form of oppressive authority.
                                                                                                                                                  They contribute to strengthening of the state-citizen relationship.
    The following table describes policy options for enhancing freedom of expression
    thorough research and participatory consultations with stakeholders around the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dr. Khaled Kabbani,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Director of the Civil Service Board
    country. Each policy is based on different assumptions, has a specific objective                                                                                                                         & Former Minister of Education.
    and strategies, and presents both advantages and disadvantages.

        Policy                                  Assumptions                  Objectives                  Strategies               Advantages                   Disadvantages                     Experts’ Take                     Policy
        options                                                                                                                                                                                                                    options
1                                          > Devolving administrative     > Decentralize        > Ensure financial autonomy      > Enhances local          > Long-term process that           “Leveraging local                                                           1
                                           & financial authorities from   the administrative    of local governments.            responsiveness,           requires a clear development        governments’ authority
                                           central government enhances    system to empower                                      participation, and        plan, significant financial         and autonomy would
                                                                                                > Transfer more

                                                                                                                                                                                               encourage citizens to

                                           local responsiveness and       municipalities,                                        accountability, and       and human resources, as

                                                                                                administrative prerogatives                                                                    participate in decision-
                                           accountability.                enhance service       to local governments.            increases access to       well as political will and          making and would
                                                                          delivery at the                                        public services at the    consensus.                          definitely help develop
                                                                                                > Improve local                                                                                public services.”
                                           > Liberating local             community level,                                       local level.
                                                                                                representation and enhance
                                           governments from the           and increase local
                                                                                                accountability mechanisms                                                                     Dr. Randa Antoun,
                                           central bureaucracy improves   participation and
                                                                                                to prevent corruption and                                                                     Associate Professor at the
                                           the quality of and access to   accountability.                                                                                                     American University of
                                                                                                increase efficiency.
                                           local services.                                                                                                                                    Beirut

2                                          > ICT integration into         > Develop an          > Create a legislative           > Increases               > Enhancing ICT                    “E-government                                                               2
                                           government services            e-government          framework for e-government       efficiency, decreases     infrastructure and public           and a proper ICT
                                           improves efficiency and        infrastructure        services.                        corruption and            servants’ capacity are              infrastructure will
         ICT Integration &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ICT Integration &
                                                                                                                                                                                               provide citizens with

                                           accessibility.                 and services to       > Enhance ICT infrastructure     bureaucracy,              expensive endeavors.
                                                                                                                                                                                               the means to claim
                                           > Developing e-government      increase access       and government capacity.         and enhances              > Not all citizens have the         their rights, and
                                           infrastructure and services    to public services                                     citizen access to         technological skills to access      institutions with the
                                                                                                > Raise citizen awareness
                                           decreases bureaucracy and      and decrease                                           government services.      e-government services.              needed efficiency to
                                                                                                and capacity to make use of                                                                    provide services.”
                                           corruption.                    bureaucracy and
                                                                                                online services.                                           > The prerequisite is public
                                                                          corruption.                                                                                                         Salam Yamout, Head of
                                                                                                                                                           servants’ readiness to adapt       the ICT Coordination Unit,
                                                                                                                                                           to new technologies.               Office of the Prime Minister

3                                          > Increasing public-           > Create a public-    > Pass laws related to           > Increases the           > Underprivileged citizens
             Public-Private Partnerships

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Public-Private Partnerships
                                           private partnerships           private partnership   public-private partnerships.     quality of public         might not have access to
                                           reduces the government’s       legislative                                            services, improves        certain public services.           “Privatization is not
                                                                                                > Create incentives for                                                                        the best reform path
                                           administrative and financial   framework and         private sector involvement in    efficiency, and           Government income from              for sectors other than
                                           burdens.                       incentives to         public service provision.        engages the private       public service provision will       telecommunications.
                                           > Engaging the private         increase efficiency                                    sector in sharing         be reduced.                         Public-private
                                                                                                > Enforce procurement and                                                                      partnerships could be.”
                                           sector in service provision    and access to                                          government
                                                                                                accountability mechanisms                                  > The prerequisite is the
                                           enhances efficiency and        quality services.                                      responsibilities.                                            Ziad Hayek, Director of the
                                                                                                to limit corruption and abuse.                             availability of a strong justice   Council for Privatization
                                           access to services at the                                                                                       system and accountability
                                           local level.                                                                                                    mechanisms to limit abuse.

    6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 7

A Decentralized Governance System

This policy brief focuses on the first policy option highlighted above—
administrative decentralization—as the most urgent and actionable by civil              “  Decentralizing the administrative system would empower
society organizations (CSOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and                municipalities, enhance service delivery at the community level,
community-based organizations (CBOs). The Lebanese Constitution, as                     and increase local participation and accountability.
amended by the Ta’if Accord of 1989, calls for administrative decentralization
in tandem with efforts to protect national unity and formulate a comprehensive
development plan. Administrative decentralization aims at empowering local
governments and providing them with financial autonomy while ensuring local
responsiveness and direct accountability to local citizens. It is a process that is
expected to be gradual, strategic, and driven by local development needs and

While all of the suggested policy options are important to improving quality of
public service, this policy brief focuses on three critical pillars that are most
urgent and actionable by civil society organizations (CSOs):

Pillar                                     Pillar
Propose        an      administrative      Ensure an independent municipal            This multi-pronged policy should      In the long run, it is important to
decentralization law. Devolving            fund.    Ensuring   the   financial        fall within a long-term local         complement these efforts to achieve
authorities from central government        autonomy of municipalities will            development strategy, benefit from    administrative decentralization with:
to elected localities will improve         reduce clientelism and give them           reliable audit and accountability
local responsiveness, accountability,      the capacity to finance local              mechanisms, rely on a central             Integration     of     ICT   and
and the quality of public services         development plans without political        government ICT infrastructure, and        development of e-government
by decreasing the bureaucratic             interference    and   manipulation.        capitalize on partnerships with the       infrastructure within government
load    on     central   government.                                                  local private sector, CSOs, NGOs,         services,
                                                                                      and CBOs.
                                           Pillar                                                                               Promotion and legislation of
                                                                                                                                Public-Private Partnerships.
                                           Reform the municipal elections
                                           law. Electing localities through free,
                                           fair, and democratic representation
                                           will provide citizens with a direct
                                           accountability    mechanism       and
                                           encourage voting based on local
                                           development platforms rather than
                                           sectarian agendas.

8                                                                                                                                                              9

Pillar                                                                                 Pillar
Propose an Administrative                                                              Ensure an Independent
Decentralization Law                                                                   Municipal Fund

Although several administrative           around it, and pressure government           For administrative decentralization      	       Advocating      for     more
decentralization     law     proposals    to make it a national priority.              to be effective, municipalities          equitable IMF practices that ensure
have been presented by MPs, the                                                        must enjoy financial autonomy that       municipalities receive funding based
issue is not a high priority on              Administrative districting must           supports local development plans         on clear, transparent criteria.
the government’s agenda. An               be based on social and economic              adapted to local needs. Today, the
administrative        decentralization    clustering rather than sectarian             Independent Municipal Fund (IMF)         	      Researching and developing
law aimed at transferring central         parameters.                                  suffers from lack of autonomy,           an innovative model for municipal
authorities to local government is a                                                   whereby the allocation of funds          funding that furthers municipal
key strategy to improve administrative       Local communities and municipal           is politically motivated and based       autonomy, social cohesion and local
performance and enhance the quality       governments must be equipped with            on clientelism. Very few initiatives     prosperity. This would be followed
of public services. Civil society faces   the necessary capacities to provide          have been undertaken to reform the       by direct lobbying to have it as
critical challenges in advancing this     high-quality services.                       IMF; the most recent is a proposal       an alternative to the existing IMF
goal:                                                                                  presented by the Prime Minister’s        mechanism.
                                              Strong accountability mechanisms         office.
   CSOs and NGOs must formulate a         must parallel the transfer of authorities
governance model for administrative       to the local level to prevent the transfer
decentralization, build consensus         of corrupt practices and guarantee
                                          public service quality.

Past Proposals & Reform Efforts                                                        Past Proposals and Reform Efforts
for Administrative Decentralization                                                    for the Independent Municipal Fund

>    At least four law proposals related to administrative decentralization            >    Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s office presented, in 2012, a proposal for
     are available and were presented to Parliament by Michel Murr, Robert                  reforming the Independent Municipal Fund.
     Ghanem, Auguste Bakhos, and Ziyad Baroud.
                                                                                       >   In 2011, LCPS published a policy brief titled “The Independent Municipal
>    In 2011, Beyond Reform & Development developed a comprehensive                        Fund: Reforming the Distributional Criteria.” 	
     model and a reform plan for administrative decentralization driven by
     local development.                                                                >   The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities issued a study in 2011 titled
     	                                                                                     “Municipal Finance Studies Program: Final Strategic Framework”, which
>    The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS) published a book and a                   presents steps to improve the Independent Municipal Fund.
     series of articles around the issue of decentralization and municipal
     work in Lebanon.

10                                                                                                                                                           11

Pillar                                                                               Past Proposals and Reform Efforts for Municipal Elections
Reform the Municipal
Elections Law

The existing municipal elections              Call for a complete reform of the      >   LADE developed a law proposal for municipal elections reform in
law dates back to 1998. As it is          municipal, or local government,                2009. This proposal was put forward by the Ministry of Interior and
based on the electoral system for         electoral system that falls within             Municipalities but was never passed.
parliamentary elections, this law         the criteria and requirements of
does not include critical measures for    an administrative decentralization
transforming the local elections into     process, and highlight possible
a free, fair, and democratic process,     actions that can be adopted to start
including the use of pre-printed          reforming the different components
ballots and voting based on place of      of the proposed reform.
residence rather than place of origin.
The most critical reform is the need
to establish an independent elections          Advocate for reforming key
commission since municipalities are       components of the current legislative
under the purview of the Ministry         framework       for    parliamentary
of Interior and Municipalities, and       elections, such as the integration
the latter has direct influence and       of pre-printed ballots, electoral
control over the electoral process.       media regulations, which, according
                                          to Article 16 of the Municipal Code,
In addition, the small size of many       apply to the municipal elections.
municipalities turns local elections
into contests that are driven by family
and confessional ties rather than         The Lebanese Association for
local development agendas. Over the       Democratic        Elections      (LADE)
last decade, the Ministry of Interior     drafted guidelines for improving the
has been allowing the creation of new     municipal elections law, which can
municipalities, often for confessional    be used to build the case for legal
reasons. Many activities initiated by     reform. The next municipal elections
municipal councils are frozen due         will take place in 2016; it is important
to partisan interests and politically     to start campaigning at an early
driven conflicts within the council.      stage to build support for the reform
To address these issues, CSOs, NGOs,
and community-based organizations
(CBOs) can adopt an approach that
falls within the following headlines:

12                                                                                                                                                        13

                                                       SHORT TO MEDIUM TERM                                                                         LONG TERM
                                                  National Level                                Local Level                    National Level                                Local Level


                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Propose an Administrative
                                         An administrative decentralization model is developed and agreed upon by key     An administrative decentralization law is developed and adopted by
 Propose an Administrative

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Decentralization Law
                                         stakeholders, with districting in favor of social cohesion and socio-economic    Parliament, with districting in favor of social cohesion and socio-economic
   Decentralization Law

                                         development                                                                      development

                                         Research existing laws and                Initiate local development projects
                                                                                                                          Develop a law proposal for
                                         benchmark them with other                 where unions of municipalities

                                                                                                                          administrative decentralization        Mobilize community-level

                                         countries to develop an                   partner with local NGOs to enhance
                                                                                                                          and launch an advocacy campaign        stakeholders to lobby local MPs to
                                         administrative decentralization           collaboration between local
                                                                                                                          led by CSOs, NGOs, and social          adopt the law proposal
                                         model through a participatory,            stakeholders, and document them
                                                                                                                          media activists
                                         inclusive process                         as validation of the national model


                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ensure an Independent
                                         A new model for the Independent Municipal Fund is developed and agreed upon      The Cabinet adopts a new model for the Independent Municipal Fund that
 Ensure an Independent

                                         by key stakeholders that allows local efficiency, autonomy, and accountability   allows local efficiency, autonomy, and accountability

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Municipal Fund
    Municipal Fund

                                         Research and benchmark with other                                                                                       Establish local funds governed by
                                                                                                                          Engage unions of municipalities,

                                         countries’ funding mechanisms to          Enable local stakeholders to build                                            a partnership between municipal

                                                                                                                          CSOs, and NGOs to lobby the
                                         develop a model for independent           the capacity of municipalities to                                             unions and local stakeholders as
                                                                                                                          Cabinet to adopt an independent
                                         municipal funding using                   improve their financial capabilities                                          models for independent funding
                                                                                                                          funding mechanism
                                         participatory mechanisms                                                                                                mechanisms

                                         The municipal elections law includes major reforms, including the use of         A free, fair, and democratic electoral system is adopted for local
                                         pre-printed ballots, voting based on place of residence, and creation of an      governments, with districting based on socio-economic factors in line with
 Reform the Municipal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reform the Municipal
                                         independent elections commission                                                 the administrative decentralization model
     Elections Law

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Elections Law
                                         Launch a campaign led by CSOs,            Mobilize community-level               Launch a campaign led by CSOs,         Mobilize community-level

                                         NGOs, and social media activists          stakeholders to lobby local MPs to     NGOs, and social media activists       stakeholders to lobby local MPs to
                                         using direct actions to reform the        introduce reforms to the municipal     using direct actions to reform the     introduce reforms to the municipal
                                         municipal elections law                   elections law                          municipal elections law                elections law

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                            15
ILLUSTRATIVE ACTIVITIES                                                                   ENGAGING WITH DIFFERENT
During the last decade, several initiatives have pushed for administrative                The suggested policy option must be endorsed by key stakeholders and policy-
decentralization in Lebanon, but these efforts have been limited and failed to            makers to be implemented. The influence that the various stakeholders yield
achieve major impact. The following are suggestions for illustrative activities           on the decision-making process will determine how they should be engaged
based on expert roundtables, interviews, and focus groups, which can be adopted           and the messages they should receive. Below is a list of stakeholders to be
by CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs to press forward on administrative decentralization.              considered.
                                                                                          > President of the Republic      > Parliamentary blocks         > Business
Illustrative Activities at the              Illustrative Activities at the                > Cabinet of Ministers           > Parliamentary                  associations
                                                                                          > Ministry of Finance              Committee on Public          > Syndicates
National Level:                             Local Level:                                  > OMSAR                            Management & Justice         > Academia &
                                             	 Involve local businesses, CSOs, NGOs,      > Court of Audit                 > Ministry of Interior &         research institutes
 	 Conduct research on local economic
                                               CBOs,     cooperatives,    universities,   > Civil Service Board              Municipalities               > CSOs, NGOs, CBOs
   development needs and priorities.
                                               youth and women groups in proposing        > Department of Municipal        > Political parties            > Media
 	 Link decentralization proposals to          an administrative decentralization           Affairs in the Ministry of     > Unions of                    > Local private
   districting based on socio-economic         model that responds to local needs.          Interior and Municipalities      municipalities                  sector
   factors    rather   than   sectarian                                                   > Mohafazat & Qae’m Maqam        > Municipalities
                                             	 Monitor the performance of Mohafazat         (governorates & districts)
                                               (governorates),     Qa’em     Maqam
 	 Highlight financial gaps that are           (districts), and municipalities, and
   hindering municipalities’ role in           document cases that prove the need         Each of these entities requires a different strategy and approach to ally it with
   development.                                for decentralization.
                                                                                          the suggested policy. The following table highlights the incentives for the key
 	 Design        an      administrative      	 Encourage public-private partnerships      stakeholders to adopt or support the proposed policy. These incentives can form
   decentralization model that protects        at the local level.                        the basis for developing communication messages to persuade the stakeholders
   national unity and promotes local         	 Invite the Lebanese diaspora to invest     to take action.
   development.                                in and support decentralization and
                                               local economic development.
 	 Document case studies and best                                                          Stakeholders                                  Incentives
                                             	 Foster networking among local
   practices of local development and                                                      Cabinet and              Improve public institutions’ performance and enhance
                                               CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs to advocate
   municipal cooperation as models for                                                     Ministry of Interior     responsiveness to citizen needs, thereby increasing trust
                                               collectively   vis-à-vis     central
   administrative decentralization.                                                        and Municipalities       in government
                                               government for decentralization and
 	 Facilitate access to funding for            independent municipal funding.              Parliament and           Increase local outreach and involvement at the
   municipalities to start development       	 Collaborate with municipalities to          Parliamentary            community level through institutional mechanisms
   projects.                                   develop local development plans             Committees               rather than clientelism
 	 Develop and advocate for a capacity-        and engage with citizens across
                                                                                           Municipalities           Guarantee more autonomy to achieve local development
   building program for municipalities to      confessions and with neighboring            and Unions of
                                               municipalities.                                                      goals and enhance responsiveness to community needs
   better plan and manage local affairs.                                                   Municipalities
                                             	 Design awareness programs on local
 	 Monitor municipal practices and             development needs and the respective        Business
   publicize the results to the public.                                                    Associations and         Decrease bureaucracy and create opportunities for
                                               roles of central government and             Local Private            private sector collaboration for market expansion
                                               municipalities.                             Sector
                                             	 Educate citizens on the importance of                                Gain local leverage and improve the quality of public
                                                                                           NGOs, CSOs, &
                                               decentralization and its contribution                                services at the community level, allowing civil society to
                                               to reducing sectarian divisions.                                     shift the focus to other policy issues

16                                                                                                                                                                               17

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                                                                                                                           Policy and Services. Retrieved from
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         committee).                                                                                                       Personal interview by N. Menhall, BRD/I.

	        Doumit, G., & Geha, C. (2011). The Path of Decentralization in a Sectarian State: Options and                 	   The Status of Women in the Middle East and North Africa. International Foundation for
         Alternatives for Lebanon. Presented at the British Society for Middle East Studies, Institute of                  Electoral Systems (IFES), Institute for Women’s Policy Research and Canadian International
         Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.                                                   Development Agency (2010). Focus on Lebanon: Healthcare Access Topic Brief. Retrieved
	        Engage Lebanon (2010). Local Governance and Active Citizenship. Beirut.                                           swmena/2010_Lebanon_Healthcare_Access.pdf
	        Gebara, K., President of the Lebanese Center for Good Governance (September 24, 2012).                        	   The World Bank Group, Social and Economic Development Group, Middle East and North
         Personal interview by C. Geha, BRD/I.                                                                             Africa Region (2009). Lebanon: Social Impact Analysis - Electricity and Water Sectors.
	        Ghanem, R. (n.d.). Administrative Decentralization Draft Law (presented to parliamentary                          Retrieved from
         committee).                                                                                                       electricity_water.pdf

	        Hadwan, B. M. (2010). Blending Description and Prescription: A Model of Strategic Planning                    	   UN-Habitat (2009). Promoting Local Economic Development Through Strategic Planning.
         for the Lebanese Public Sector. American University of Beirut (Master's thesis).                                  Local Economic Development Series.

	        Hayek, Z., Director of the Council for Privatization (September 10, 2012).
         Personal interview by N. Menhall, BRD/I.
	        Iskandar, A. (n.d.). Public Service Accountability in Lebanon. Doctoral dissertation, American
         University of Beirut (AUB), available from the Digital Documentation Center, AUB. Retrieved
	        Juma, S. (2003), Governance and Public Sector Management in MENA, Sector Brief, The
         World Bank Group, Retrieved from /37_1.pdf

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
This policy brief was developed by Beyond Reform & Development , part of BRD/I Group S.A.L.,
                             in close collaboration with experts, activists and civil society organizations.
                                                                                            Lebanon, 2012
Quality of Public Services  -English

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Quality of Public Services -English

  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Access to reliable and affordable This policy brief aims at providing public services is a basic citizen right. civil society with an alternative Currently, public services in Lebanon roadmap for improving the quality, are of low quality, highly expensive, accessibility, and efficiency of public and inaccessible to all. There are services through an administrative many reasons hindering the Lebanese decentralization law, an independent government from improving public municipal fund, and a free and fair services, namely a highly centralized local electoral law. administration, lack of a clear socio- economic development plan, weak accountability mechanisms, and The proposed policy aspires to rampant clientelism aggravated by a bolster public services through local sectarian political system. participation aimed at: Recent government efforts to Improving administrative enhance public services have been performance; ineffective, leading to an increase in citizen dissatisfaction, popular Enhancing municipal financial protests, poverty and emigration autonomy; rates. The different initiatives undertaken to improve public Ensuring free and fair local services since the Ta’if Accord have representation. not achieved their goals, including establishment of the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Implementation of this policy Reform (OMSAR), reform of the requires a long-term process that municipal code, and development entails introducing new laws and of a strategy for information and practices, engaging with Parliament, communication technology (ICT) and and supporting government in e-government mechanisms. implementing reforms. Since administrative decentralization is a critical issue for all political parties and other stakeholders, it is important to formulate a clear strategy for influencing the policy- making process and forging broad- based alliances in support of the proposed reforms. 1
  • 3. FRAMING THE ISSUE The Problem Public service delivery is the core function of the state. It enables government to respond to citizens’ needs, protect their rights, and meet their expectations. Yet public services in Lebanon are of low quality, expensive, and inaccessible to all. Public institutions—the vehicle for public service delivery—suffer from excessive bureaucracy, corruption, and inefficiency. Situation Brief The Urgency Service delivery problems are even more dire for citizens in localities. The multiple challenges facing public Lebanon’s development indicators Citizens are increasingly demanding service delivery in Lebanon include: show a continued deterioration access to better quality services of social, economic, and political 1. Centralized government and such as electricity, water, health, conditions, manifested by popular exclusivity of service within public education, housing, and security. The demonstrations, security incidents, institutions. limited administrative and financial sectarian tensions, and high rates of 2. Lack of management capacity, emigration. There is an immediate prerogatives of local governments information technologies, and need to improve public services and the controls imposed by central financial resources of public through local participation aimed government are a main reason for this administrations and local at reducing poverty, improving situation. Local empowerment and governments. living conditions, and eradicating participation mechanisms can make a major contribution to improving the the clientelistic webs that prevent 3. Weak accountability mechanisms quality of public services. government from serving the public and lack of transparency and interest. access to information to participate in improving public services. One key solution is to launch an 4. Gaps and deficiencies in the administrative decentralization legislative framework for public- process driven by local development private partnerships and participation priorities and aimed at improving mechanisms. the quality of public services as well 5. Inappropriate representation of as instituting local participation and localities due to parliamentary and accountability mechanisms. municipal electoral systems that foster clientelism. 2 3
  • 4. LOOKING AT EXISTING POLICIES, LAWS AND PRACTICES 1 Access to Public Services The following policies, laws and practices are choices made by the Lebanese Financial Efficiency government to improve the quality of public services. In assessing these policies, 2 we used four key indicators that are essential for any policy option aimed at improving the quality of public services: 3 Local Participation 4 Accountability 1. enhance access to public services in localities 2. attain financial efficiency 3. allow local participation Policy 4. permit accountability Law Assessment Practice Policy > Grades 1 to 3 public servants (i.e., middle and senior management) Law Assessment Employment process & are appointed by the Cabinet based on political and sectarian public institutions conditions within Practice affiliations. > Public service policies are top-down and are not enforced. > Remuneration in public institutions is too low to entice competent prerogatives related to public services Cabinet policies > The centralized authority allocated to ministries increases human resources, making private sector employment or & ministry administrative bureaucracy, lack of responsiveness to citizen needs, emigration more attractive to many Lebanese. and difficult access to public services. > Recruitment and hiring of all public servants is controlled by the > The political affiliations of ministers and public servants lead to Civil Service Board, which lacks human and financial resources. discrimination in the provision of public services. > Local development programs funded by donors are not international organizations coordinated and are hindered by the bureaucracy of the ministry programs funded by programs by OMSAR > Administrative reform programs face high resistance from some Local development reform strategy & ministries when it comes to improving their performance. with which they collaborate. Administrative > OMSAR’s mandate does not allow it to enforce reform programs on > These programs are limited in time and resources, and often fail to other ministries. translate their work at the policy level. > There is a lack of human and financial resources for efficient > Donor-funded programs sometimes become an alternative to administrative reform. government services rather than a means to enhance public service delivery. prerogatives of the Ministry > The prerogatives of municipalities defined in the Municipal Code are of Interior & Municipalities Municipal Code & the not feasible due to the administrative boundaries imposed by central regulatory framework government in making local decisions. > Public institutions are resistant to integrating ICT into their infrastructure, and operations due to lack of capacity and resources. ICT strategy, > The Independent Municipal Fund is controlled by the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, and funds are distributed without clear, > The technological infrastructure is weak given poor internet speed transparent criteria. and local telecom access. > The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities exercises more than an > Many laws related to e-government have yet to be adopted and the oversight role over municipalities due to the prerogatives it enjoys ones that were approved are not adequately enforced. through the Municipal Affairs Unit and the Mohafazat (governorates). 4 5
  • 5. CONSIDERING POLICY OPTIONS “ Public services directly affect citizens’ livelihoods; they allow them to live respectfully and independently from any form of oppressive authority. They contribute to strengthening of the state-citizen relationship. The following table describes policy options for enhancing freedom of expression thorough research and participatory consultations with stakeholders around the ” Dr. Khaled Kabbani, Director of the Civil Service Board country. Each policy is based on different assumptions, has a specific objective & Former Minister of Education. and strategies, and presents both advantages and disadvantages. Policy Assumptions Objectives Strategies Advantages Disadvantages Experts’ Take Policy options options 1 > Devolving administrative > Decentralize > Ensure financial autonomy > Enhances local > Long-term process that “Leveraging local 1 & financial authorities from the administrative of local governments. responsiveness, requires a clear development governments’ authority central government enhances system to empower participation, and plan, significant financial and autonomy would > Transfer more Decentralization encourage citizens to Decentralization Administrative local responsiveness and municipalities, accountability, and and human resources, as Administrative administrative prerogatives participate in decision- accountability. enhance service to local governments. increases access to well as political will and making and would delivery at the public services at the consensus. definitely help develop > Improve local public services.” > Liberating local community level, local level. representation and enhance governments from the and increase local accountability mechanisms Dr. Randa Antoun, central bureaucracy improves participation and to prevent corruption and Associate Professor at the the quality of and access to accountability. American University of increase efficiency. local services. Beirut 2 > ICT integration into > Develop an > Create a legislative > Increases > Enhancing ICT “E-government 2 government services e-government framework for e-government efficiency, decreases infrastructure and public and a proper ICT improves efficiency and infrastructure services. corruption and servants’ capacity are infrastructure will ICT Integration & ICT Integration & provide citizens with E-Government E-Government accessibility. and services to > Enhance ICT infrastructure bureaucracy, expensive endeavors. the means to claim > Developing e-government increase access and government capacity. and enhances > Not all citizens have the their rights, and infrastructure and services to public services citizen access to technological skills to access institutions with the > Raise citizen awareness decreases bureaucracy and and decrease government services. e-government services. needed efficiency to and capacity to make use of provide services.” corruption. bureaucracy and online services. > The prerequisite is public corruption. Salam Yamout, Head of servants’ readiness to adapt the ICT Coordination Unit, to new technologies. Office of the Prime Minister 3 > Increasing public- > Create a public- > Pass laws related to > Increases the > Underprivileged citizens 3 Public-Private Partnerships Public-Private Partnerships private partnerships private partnership public-private partnerships. quality of public might not have access to reduces the government’s legislative services, improves certain public services. “Privatization is not > Create incentives for the best reform path administrative and financial framework and private sector involvement in efficiency, and Government income from for sectors other than burdens. incentives to public service provision. engages the private public service provision will telecommunications. > Engaging the private increase efficiency sector in sharing be reduced. Public-private > Enforce procurement and partnerships could be.” sector in service provision and access to government accountability mechanisms > The prerequisite is the enhances efficiency and quality services. responsibilities. Ziad Hayek, Director of the to limit corruption and abuse. availability of a strong justice Council for Privatization access to services at the system and accountability local level. mechanisms to limit abuse. 6 7
  • 6. RECOMMENDING POLICY A Decentralized Governance System This policy brief focuses on the first policy option highlighted above— administrative decentralization—as the most urgent and actionable by civil “ Decentralizing the administrative system would empower society organizations (CSOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and municipalities, enhance service delivery at the community level, community-based organizations (CBOs). The Lebanese Constitution, as and increase local participation and accountability. amended by the Ta’if Accord of 1989, calls for administrative decentralization in tandem with efforts to protect national unity and formulate a comprehensive ” development plan. Administrative decentralization aims at empowering local governments and providing them with financial autonomy while ensuring local responsiveness and direct accountability to local citizens. It is a process that is expected to be gradual, strategic, and driven by local development needs and priorities. While all of the suggested policy options are important to improving quality of public service, this policy brief focuses on three critical pillars that are most urgent and actionable by civil society organizations (CSOs): Pillar Pillar Propose an administrative Ensure an independent municipal This multi-pronged policy should In the long run, it is important to decentralization law. Devolving fund. Ensuring the financial fall within a long-term local complement these efforts to achieve authorities from central government autonomy of municipalities will development strategy, benefit from administrative decentralization with: to elected localities will improve reduce clientelism and give them reliable audit and accountability local responsiveness, accountability, the capacity to finance local mechanisms, rely on a central Integration of ICT and and the quality of public services development plans without political government ICT infrastructure, and development of e-government by decreasing the bureaucratic interference and manipulation. capitalize on partnerships with the infrastructure within government load on central government. local private sector, CSOs, NGOs, services, and CBOs. Pillar Promotion and legislation of Public-Private Partnerships. Reform the municipal elections law. Electing localities through free, fair, and democratic representation will provide citizens with a direct accountability mechanism and encourage voting based on local development platforms rather than sectarian agendas. 8 9
  • 7. THE WAY FORWARD Pillar Pillar Propose an Administrative Ensure an Independent Decentralization Law Municipal Fund Although several administrative around it, and pressure government For administrative decentralization Advocating for more decentralization law proposals to make it a national priority. to be effective, municipalities equitable IMF practices that ensure have been presented by MPs, the must enjoy financial autonomy that municipalities receive funding based issue is not a high priority on Administrative districting must supports local development plans on clear, transparent criteria. the government’s agenda. An be based on social and economic adapted to local needs. Today, the administrative decentralization clustering rather than sectarian Independent Municipal Fund (IMF) Researching and developing law aimed at transferring central parameters. suffers from lack of autonomy, an innovative model for municipal authorities to local government is a whereby the allocation of funds funding that furthers municipal key strategy to improve administrative Local communities and municipal is politically motivated and based autonomy, social cohesion and local performance and enhance the quality governments must be equipped with on clientelism. Very few initiatives prosperity. This would be followed of public services. Civil society faces the necessary capacities to provide have been undertaken to reform the by direct lobbying to have it as critical challenges in advancing this high-quality services. IMF; the most recent is a proposal an alternative to the existing IMF goal: presented by the Prime Minister’s mechanism. Strong accountability mechanisms office. CSOs and NGOs must formulate a must parallel the transfer of authorities governance model for administrative to the local level to prevent the transfer decentralization, build consensus of corrupt practices and guarantee public service quality. Past Proposals & Reform Efforts Past Proposals and Reform Efforts for Administrative Decentralization for the Independent Municipal Fund > At least four law proposals related to administrative decentralization > Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s office presented, in 2012, a proposal for are available and were presented to Parliament by Michel Murr, Robert reforming the Independent Municipal Fund. Ghanem, Auguste Bakhos, and Ziyad Baroud. > In 2011, LCPS published a policy brief titled “The Independent Municipal > In 2011, Beyond Reform & Development developed a comprehensive Fund: Reforming the Distributional Criteria.” model and a reform plan for administrative decentralization driven by local development. > The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities issued a study in 2011 titled “Municipal Finance Studies Program: Final Strategic Framework”, which > The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS) published a book and a presents steps to improve the Independent Municipal Fund. series of articles around the issue of decentralization and municipal work in Lebanon. 10 11
  • 8. THE WAY FORWARD Pillar Past Proposals and Reform Efforts for Municipal Elections Reform the Municipal Elections Law The existing municipal elections Call for a complete reform of the > LADE developed a law proposal for municipal elections reform in law dates back to 1998. As it is municipal, or local government, 2009. This proposal was put forward by the Ministry of Interior and based on the electoral system for electoral system that falls within Municipalities but was never passed. parliamentary elections, this law the criteria and requirements of does not include critical measures for an administrative decentralization transforming the local elections into process, and highlight possible a free, fair, and democratic process, actions that can be adopted to start including the use of pre-printed reforming the different components ballots and voting based on place of of the proposed reform. residence rather than place of origin. The most critical reform is the need to establish an independent elections Advocate for reforming key commission since municipalities are components of the current legislative under the purview of the Ministry framework for parliamentary of Interior and Municipalities, and elections, such as the integration the latter has direct influence and of pre-printed ballots, electoral control over the electoral process. media regulations, which, according to Article 16 of the Municipal Code, In addition, the small size of many apply to the municipal elections. municipalities turns local elections into contests that are driven by family and confessional ties rather than The Lebanese Association for local development agendas. Over the Democratic Elections (LADE) last decade, the Ministry of Interior drafted guidelines for improving the has been allowing the creation of new municipal elections law, which can municipalities, often for confessional be used to build the case for legal reasons. Many activities initiated by reform. The next municipal elections municipal councils are frozen due will take place in 2016; it is important to partisan interests and politically to start campaigning at an early driven conflicts within the council. stage to build support for the reform process. To address these issues, CSOs, NGOs, and community-based organizations (CBOs) can adopt an approach that falls within the following headlines: 12 13
  • 9. FUTURE ACTION SHORT TO MEDIUM TERM LONG TERM National Level Local Level National Level Local Level Outcome Expected Propose an Administrative An administrative decentralization model is developed and agreed upon by key An administrative decentralization law is developed and adopted by Outcome Expected Propose an Administrative Decentralization Law stakeholders, with districting in favor of social cohesion and socio-economic Parliament, with districting in favor of social cohesion and socio-economic Decentralization Law development development Research existing laws and Initiate local development projects Develop a law proposal for benchmark them with other where unions of municipalities Strategy administrative decentralization Mobilize community-level Strategy countries to develop an partner with local NGOs to enhance and launch an advocacy campaign stakeholders to lobby local MPs to administrative decentralization collaboration between local led by CSOs, NGOs, and social adopt the law proposal model through a participatory, stakeholders, and document them media activists inclusive process as validation of the national model Outcome Expected Outcome Expected Ensure an Independent A new model for the Independent Municipal Fund is developed and agreed upon The Cabinet adopts a new model for the Independent Municipal Fund that Ensure an Independent by key stakeholders that allows local efficiency, autonomy, and accountability allows local efficiency, autonomy, and accountability Municipal Fund Municipal Fund Research and benchmark with other Establish local funds governed by Engage unions of municipalities, Strategy countries’ funding mechanisms to Enable local stakeholders to build a partnership between municipal Strategy CSOs, and NGOs to lobby the develop a model for independent the capacity of municipalities to unions and local stakeholders as Cabinet to adopt an independent municipal funding using improve their financial capabilities models for independent funding funding mechanism participatory mechanisms mechanisms Outcome Expected Outcome Expected The municipal elections law includes major reforms, including the use of A free, fair, and democratic electoral system is adopted for local pre-printed ballots, voting based on place of residence, and creation of an governments, with districting based on socio-economic factors in line with Reform the Municipal Reform the Municipal independent elections commission the administrative decentralization model Elections Law Elections Law Launch a campaign led by CSOs, Mobilize community-level Launch a campaign led by CSOs, Mobilize community-level Strategy Strategy NGOs, and social media activists stakeholders to lobby local MPs to NGOs, and social media activists stakeholders to lobby local MPs to using direct actions to reform the introduce reforms to the municipal using direct actions to reform the introduce reforms to the municipal municipal elections law elections law municipal elections law elections law 14 15
  • 10. ILLUSTRATIVE ACTIVITIES ENGAGING WITH DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS During the last decade, several initiatives have pushed for administrative The suggested policy option must be endorsed by key stakeholders and policy- decentralization in Lebanon, but these efforts have been limited and failed to makers to be implemented. The influence that the various stakeholders yield achieve major impact. The following are suggestions for illustrative activities on the decision-making process will determine how they should be engaged based on expert roundtables, interviews, and focus groups, which can be adopted and the messages they should receive. Below is a list of stakeholders to be by CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs to press forward on administrative decentralization. considered. > President of the Republic > Parliamentary blocks > Business Illustrative Activities at the Illustrative Activities at the > Cabinet of Ministers > Parliamentary associations > Ministry of Finance Committee on Public > Syndicates National Level: Local Level: > OMSAR Management & Justice > Academia & Involve local businesses, CSOs, NGOs, > Court of Audit > Ministry of Interior & research institutes Conduct research on local economic CBOs, cooperatives, universities, > Civil Service Board Municipalities > CSOs, NGOs, CBOs development needs and priorities. youth and women groups in proposing > Department of Municipal > Political parties > Media Link decentralization proposals to an administrative decentralization Affairs in the Ministry of > Unions of > Local private districting based on socio-economic model that responds to local needs. Interior and Municipalities municipalities sector factors rather than sectarian > Mohafazat & Qae’m Maqam > Municipalities Monitor the performance of Mohafazat (governorates & districts) boundaries. (governorates), Qa’em Maqam Highlight financial gaps that are (districts), and municipalities, and hindering municipalities’ role in document cases that prove the need Each of these entities requires a different strategy and approach to ally it with development. for decentralization. the suggested policy. The following table highlights the incentives for the key Design an administrative Encourage public-private partnerships stakeholders to adopt or support the proposed policy. These incentives can form decentralization model that protects at the local level. the basis for developing communication messages to persuade the stakeholders national unity and promotes local Invite the Lebanese diaspora to invest to take action. development. in and support decentralization and local economic development. Document case studies and best Stakeholders Incentives Foster networking among local practices of local development and Cabinet and Improve public institutions’ performance and enhance CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs to advocate municipal cooperation as models for Ministry of Interior responsiveness to citizen needs, thereby increasing trust collectively vis-à-vis central administrative decentralization. and Municipalities in government government for decentralization and Facilitate access to funding for independent municipal funding. Parliament and Increase local outreach and involvement at the municipalities to start development Collaborate with municipalities to Parliamentary community level through institutional mechanisms projects. develop local development plans Committees rather than clientelism Develop and advocate for a capacity- and engage with citizens across Municipalities Guarantee more autonomy to achieve local development building program for municipalities to confessions and with neighboring and Unions of municipalities. goals and enhance responsiveness to community needs better plan and manage local affairs. Municipalities Design awareness programs on local Monitor municipal practices and development needs and the respective Business publicize the results to the public. Associations and Decrease bureaucracy and create opportunities for roles of central government and Local Private private sector collaboration for market expansion municipalities. Sector Educate citizens on the importance of Gain local leverage and improve the quality of public NGOs, CSOs, & decentralization and its contribution services at the community level, allowing civil society to CBOs to reducing sectarian divisions. shift the focus to other policy issues 16 17
  • 11. PARTIAL LIST OF REFERENCES Arab Rule of Law Initiative. State of Media in Lebanon. Retrieved from http://www.arabruleoflaw. Kabbani, K. Director of the Civil Service Board and Former Minister of Education. org/Files/PDF/Media/Arabic/P2/MediaLebanonReportP2S2_AR.pdf (September 13, 2012). Personal interview by N. Menhall, BRD/I. “Artist Facing Jail Time: ‘Freedom of Expression Is a Myth in Lebanon.’” (April 6, 2012). Ya Karageozian N. (2006). Simplified Development Plans in Twelve Clusters of Municipalities in Libnan. Retrieved from Lebanon. AUB: URPL660, unpublished term paper. expressionis-a-myth-in-lebanon/ Messarra, A., Salem, P. (1996). Administrative Decentralization in Lebanon. Lebanese Center Chahine, J. (May 5, 2004). “Lebanese Media Fractured, Politicized.” The Daily Star. for Policy Studies, Beirut. Retrieved from Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, First Municipal Infrastructure Project (2011). Municipal A Guidebook on Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure, (2011), United Nations ESCAP, Finance Studies Program: Final Strategic Framework. Retrieved from Bangkok, Retrieved from moim/PDF/StrategicFramework.pdf Abou Dayeh, M. H. (2008). Effectiveness of Lebanese Non-Governmental Organizations on Murr, M. (2001). Administrative Decentralization Draft Law (presented to parliamentary Shaping Government Policies, American University of Beirut (Master's thesis). committee). Antar, C. G., (2011). Public-Private Partnerships: A Policy Option for the Improvement of Nahas, C. Economic Research Forum (2009). Financing and Political Economy of Higher Public Service Delivery in Lebanon, American University of Beirut (Master's thesis). Education in Lebanon. Retrieved from Economic Research Forum website http://charbelnahas. org/textes/Economie_et_politiques_economiques/HigherEducationFinancing-Lebanon.pdf Antoun, R., Associate Professor at the American University of Beirut (September 13, 2012). Personal interview by N. Menhall, BRD/I. OECD Studies on Public Engagement (2009). Focus on Citizens: Public Engagement for Better Policy and Services. Retrieved from Atallah, S. Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (2011). The Independent Municipal Fund: Reforming the Distributional Criteria. Retrieved from Relief International (2011). Empowering Municipalities Through Local Economic publications/1331312295-imf-policybrief-eng.pdf Development: The Path from Local Economic Development to National Policy. Beirut. Bakhos, A. (n.d.). Administrative Decentralization Draft Law (presented to parliamentary Sader, D. (n.d.). Municipal Work Experience in Lebanon: Achievements, Constraints and committee). Challenges. Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Beirut. Baroud, Z. (n.d.). Administrative Decentralization Draft Law (presented to parliamentary Takydine, S., Lawyer and Legal Expert (September 25, 2012). committee). Personal interview by N. Menhall, BRD/I. Doumit, G., & Geha, C. (2011). The Path of Decentralization in a Sectarian State: Options and The Status of Women in the Middle East and North Africa. International Foundation for Alternatives for Lebanon. Presented at the British Society for Middle East Studies, Institute of Electoral Systems (IFES), Institute for Women’s Policy Research and Canadian International Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Development Agency (2010). Focus on Lebanon: Healthcare Access Topic Brief. Retrieved from Engage Lebanon (2010). Local Governance and Active Citizenship. Beirut. swmena/2010_Lebanon_Healthcare_Access.pdf Gebara, K., President of the Lebanese Center for Good Governance (September 24, 2012). The World Bank Group, Social and Economic Development Group, Middle East and North Personal interview by C. Geha, BRD/I. Africa Region (2009). Lebanon: Social Impact Analysis - Electricity and Water Sectors. Ghanem, R. (n.d.). Administrative Decentralization Draft Law (presented to parliamentary Retrieved from committee). electricity_water.pdf Hadwan, B. M. (2010). Blending Description and Prescription: A Model of Strategic Planning UN-Habitat (2009). Promoting Local Economic Development Through Strategic Planning. for the Lebanese Public Sector. American University of Beirut (Master's thesis). Local Economic Development Series. Hayek, Z., Director of the Council for Privatization (September 10, 2012). Personal interview by N. Menhall, BRD/I. Iskandar, A. (n.d.). Public Service Accountability in Lebanon. Doctoral dissertation, American University of Beirut (AUB), available from the Digital Documentation Center, AUB. Retrieved from Juma, S. (2003), Governance and Public Sector Management in MENA, Sector Brief, The World Bank Group, Retrieved from /37_1.pdf ` 18 19
  • 12. This policy brief was developed by Beyond Reform & Development , part of BRD/I Group S.A.L., in close collaboration with experts, activists and civil society organizations. Lebanon, 2012