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Prosthodontic management
of mandibular defects
Leader in continuing dental education



Classification of mandibular defects
Factors affecting treatment of mandibulectomy
Relating surgical and prosthetic considerations in
mandibulectomy patients
Management of mandibulectomy patients
- Use of processed bases
- Method of recording denture space
- Removable partial denture considerations in
mandibulectomy patients
- Treatment of mandibular deviation


Different types of prosthesis used for
mandibulectomy patients
- Guide flange prosthesis
- Maxillary occlusal table
- Maxillary inclined plane
- Palatal augmentation prosthesis
- Implant retained prosthesis
Gunnings splint and stent prosthesis
Summary and Conclusion
Classification of mandibular defects
Based on etiology
Acc to Laney(1979)
1.Acquired: - Marginal

- Segmental - a) Lateral to midline
- Body only
- Ramus- Body with disarticulation
b) Anterior body
- Subtotal
- Total
2. Congenital
- Incomplete formation
- Incomplete ossification
eg) hypoplasias, mandibulofacial dysostosis,etc
3. Developmental
as a result of postnatal insults
eg) trauma during birth, surgery,etc
Acc to amount of resection (Laney)

Continuity defect
(marginal resection)


- Inferior border and its
continuity preserved
- No deviation

Discontinuity defect
(segmental resection)
- Complete segment of mandible
from alveolar crest to inferior
border removed

- Less facial disfigurement

- Mandible deviates to resected

- Occlusion rarely changed

- Marked facial disfigurement

- Can be :- anterior defect
posterior defect

- Occlusion altered

- Can be :- lateral discontinuity
midline discontinuity
Acc to Cantor and Curtis (1971)
Class 1 : Radical alveolectomy with preservation of
mandibular continuity
Tissues resected : - Portion of alveolar process and body of mandible
- Lingual and buccal sulcus mucosa
- Portion of base of tongue and mylohyoid
- Lingual and inferior alveolar nerves
- Sublingual and Submaxillary salivary glands
- Sometimes anterior part of digastric muscle

1. Least debilitating.
2. Sometimes resection of part of mylohyoid muscle and resultant scarring
can raise the floor of the mouth causing reduction in tongue mobility.
3. Ability to shape and control the tongue may be lost due to loss of some
intrinsic muscles.
4. Resection of lingual and inf alveolar nerve results in loss of sensation to
mucosa of cheek,alveolar process,lower lip and loss of taste on anterior
2/3rd of the tongue.
Class 2 : Lateral resection of mandible distal to cuspid
Tissues resected: - condyle, ramus and body of mandible distal to cuspid
- mylohyoid, hypoglossal,anterior belly of digastric, internal
pterygoid,masseter,external pterygoid, pharangoglossal
and palatoglossal muscles, most of intrinsic muscles of
- hypoglossal , lingual and inferior alv nerves
- adjacent buccal and lingual mucosa

1 Speech, swallowing, saliva control, manipulation of food impaired.
2. Facial disfigurement apparent
3. Disarticulation and loss of muscles of mastication will hamper mandibular
4. Taste ,sensory and motor losses more extensive as compared to class 1
Class 3 - Lateral resection of the mandible to the

Tissues resected : all those described in class 2 in addition to the
anterior portion of the mandible, geniohyoid,
genioglossus, remaining portion of mylohyoid
muscle with lingual and buccal mucosa.

1. Restricted tongue mobility due to loss of tip of tongue and
genioglossus muscle
2. Speech, swallowing,saliva control and manipulation of food severely
3. Facial disfigurement is worse due to loss of anterior part of mandible
4. Disarticulation and reduction in amount of basal bone reduce
prosthodontic prognosis.
5. Scarring of orbicularis oris can interefere with expression of emotion
Class 4: Lateral bone graft surgical reconstruction


Lateral bone and split thickness skin or pedicle graft can be
performed on patients who have had:
- radical alveolectomies
- resection of mandible distal to cuspid with
or without disarticulation.
3 types of bone grafts are possible
1. Mandibular augmentation procedures.
2. Bone graft that connect a residual condyle with the larger
mandibular fragment.
3. Lateral bone grafts that extend from the mandibular
fragment into the defect area to establish a pseudo TMJ.
Class 5 :Anterior bone graft surgical reconstruction

Tissues resected at time of orignal operation:
- anterior portion of the mandible
- large bilateral portions of mylohyoid, geniohyoid
genioglossus and anterior digastric muscles
- bilateral lingual and inferior alv nerves
- bilateral submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands
- mucosa of lower lip
- anterior floor of mouth
- ventral surface of tongue

The mucosa retained in the labial and buccal regions is sutured to the
residual stump of the tongue and a krischner wire is often positioned to
maintain the mandibular fragments .
Bone graft and split thickness skin graft or pedicle graft procedures can be
is used to restore anterior facial contour and bilateral mandibular function.
Class 6: Resection of anterior portion of the
mandible without reconstructive surgery to unite
lateral fragments
Factors affecting treatment of mandibulectomy patients
1.Location and extent of mandibular defects
Radical alveolectomy
Least debilitating
Main problems – loss of vertical ridge height and vestibular depth
Vertical discrepancy most important when prosthesis supported
by dental implants is considered.
Discontinuity defects
RULE OF THUMB:-The farther anterior the defect, the
disfiguring and functionally debilitating
it is likely to be.
Defects of the symphyseal region
Most debilitating and difficult to treat.
Greatest facial disfigurement.
Surgical reconstruction necessary or at least segmental
stabilization before prosthodontic treatment can be
Mandibulectomy defects in the molar region more well
suited for surgical reconstruction compared to anterior
If muscle attachments are intact – Good prognosis
Near normal appearance and function is achievable.
2. Presence of remaining natural teeth/pre-existing
Pts after mandibulectomy present with few or no
remaining natural teeth.
2 reasons:
1. Pts with greatest risk of sq cell carcinoma are heavy
users of tobacco and alcohol.
2. Teeth are usually extracted prior to radiotherapy to prevent
complications such as osteoradionecrosis.
Greater the number of teeth ,better the prognosis.
Maximum number of abutment teeth should be incorporated in
the design of the prosthesis to maximise stability and dissipate
functional forces
Ideal for rehabilitation
A maxillary complete denture will function well for a
mandibulectomy patient against a reconstructed mandibular
Collapse of residual proximal mandibular stump against the
posterior maxillary alveolus prohibiting adequate denture flange
When a guide flange prosthesis is planned for treatment of
mandibular deviation
3.Degree of post mandibulectomy rotation and
Deviation towards the defect and rotation of mandibular
occlusal plane inferiorly

Deviation: Primarily due to loss of tissue involved in surgical
Rotation:Due to
- Pull of the suprahyoid muscles on the residual fragment
causing inferior displacement and rotation around the
fulcrum of the remaining condyle.
- Gravity. Loss of anchorage of elevator muscles.


Facial disfigurement
Loss of occlusal contact
Loss of ability to bring lips together
Drooling of saliva and difficulty to initiate swallowing



Prosthodontic prognosis in such patients can be
improved by early post resection physical therapy to
reposition the mandibular fragment to a more normal
position and to minimize scar formation that will make
deviation more severe.
Should be carried out as early as possible.After 6-8
weeks post operatively it will not be as beneficial.
Can be in the form of
1.Physical therapy carried out by the patient himself
2.Mandibular resection guidance prosthesis
5.Available mouth opening
Trismus –due to surgical trauma
Physical therapy should be started immediately.
Scar tissue formation will further reduce mouth
Simple test to check mouth opening:Insert a stock
mandibular impression tray in the mouth.If this cannot
be accomplished rehabilitation will be less than
Surgical intervention
6.Functional limitation of tongue
- Frequently the surgical wound is closed by suturing
the remaining tissues of the floor of the mouth or
tongue to the remaining buccal tissues.
This compromises: - Speech
- Swallowing
- Mastication
- Control of food bolus
- Ability to control removable
- Lingual vestibuloplasty and skin or mucosal grafting can
be used to improve tongue mobility
- Evaluation of tongue mobility
- In patients whom anterior resection has been done,
ability to lick the lips when the artificial prosthesis is
placed in the mouth may be difficult (due to loss of
genioglossus muscle)
In such cases consideration is given to lowering the anterior
occlusal plane or arranging the teeth slightly lingually.


Speech therapy
Loss of innervation will compromise tongue function and
prognosis of prosthodontic rehabilitation.
If lingual nerve is sacrificed during resection, the tongue on the
defect side will permanently remain without any feeling.
Loss of sensory capability:- Affects speech
Prosthesis control
Loss of sensory innervation of the buccal mucosa(long buccal
nerve) and lower lip(mental nerve) will reduce patients ability
to control food and saliva
7.Compromise of vestibular extensions

Vestibular depth is critical for stability and peripheral
It is also critical when mandibular continuity is restored
with bone grafting and implants are considered.
8.Skin grafting

Skin grafts are used for surgical reconstruction either as lining
for the surface of resected soft tissue or as part of skin and
connective tissue grafts such as pedicle flaps, free flaps etc.
1. Effective load bearing tissue.
2. Can withstand pressure and chafing from prosthesis.
3. Protects underlying bone and connective tissue well due to
rapid turnover of keratin producing cells.
1. No sensory innervation.
2. Full thickness grafts may incorporate hair follicles.
3. Skin is not very compatible with titanium surface of implants.
9.Radiation therapy


Careful treatment planning is required for
patients with radiation therapy

Irradiated tissue is fragile ,sensitive to
manipulation,dessicated,slow to heal,prone
to infection and at risk of osteoradionecrosis
10. Altered anatomic relationships following
restoration of mandibular continuity

Reconstruction of anterior defects
Most difficult situation for grafting and frequently results in a
graft that is deficient anteriorly.
- Results in a severe Class 2 like situation.

The prosthodontic difficulties seen in rehabilitating such a patient
are:- Inability to provide proper lip support.
- Speech problems associated with mandibular dentition
placed too far lingually.
- Inability to control food bolus due to lack of motor
function of lips and lower part of the face.
- Excessive display of mandibular teeth due to patients inability
to maintain normal lip posture.
- Difficulty gaining adequate space for prosthesis placement
without encroaching on function of tongue.
- Misalignment of remaining unresected mandibular fragments
and resultant relationship between maxillary and mandibular

Reconstruction of posterior defects
- More predictable from prosthodontic point of view as compared
to anterior defects.
- The mediolateral positon of the graft is frequently seen lateral
to the orignal position of the mandibular body. Thus the
prosthesis must be built in cross bite to maintain the denture
teeth over the supporting base of the bone graft.
Angled dental implants

Inadequate space after
surgical reconstruction

Excessive space after
surgical reconstruction
Relating surgical considerations to prosthodontic
Marginal mandibulectomy
Soft tissues are mainly used to reconstruct marginaL
They may be: - Skin graft
- Local flap
- Pedicle flap
- Microvascular free flaps

Skin grafts are ideal for prosthetic reconstruction.
However when soft tissue bulk is required or recipient bed is
previously irradiated microvascular free flaps are the treatment
of choice.

Discontinuity defects
Previously soft tissue local flaps(mainly the residual
tongue sutured to the border of the defect) and
pedicle flaps (pectoralis muscle) were used.
MVFF have revolutionized the treatment of
discontinuity defects.
Microvascularized bone is mainly obtained from:
1.Fibula- most common
2.Iliac crest
Soft tissue MVFF are obtained from
2.Rectus muscle
Mandibular malposition after bony reconstruction
May be due to:
1. Minimal proximal mandible on the surgical side to attach the
bone graft.
2. Mandibular segments are not stabilized and maintained in their
pre-operative relation to each other during grafting procedures.
3. Delayed reconstruction may not be able to overcome scar tissue
formation completely.
4. The bone grafts used i.e the fibula and the iliac crest graft have
some inherent problems:
- Lacks height compared to the residual mandible

- Pyramidal in shape bieng narrower at the occlusal surface
- Grafted to restore inferior border of the mandible which is
necessary to restore facial form.This places it bucally in the
plane of the cheek.
- Since bone is placed bucally in the cheek implants distal to the
premolar area cause constant soft tissue and infection problems

Management of mandibulectomy patients
Processed bases




Necessary due to loss of supporting bone ,unusual intra-oral
contours,gross malposition of occlusal contacts.
Allow the determination of the relationship of the final prosthesis
periphery and the buccal or lingual tooth position.
Recording maxillo-mandibular relationship with processed bases
allow the clinician to evaluate retention and stability proir to adding
wax rims or dentition.



Significant loss of alveolar bone as well as rotation and deviation
of the mandible postoperatively make it necessary for the record
bases to be as stable as possible during maxillomandibular
Extension beyond the periphery of the prosthesis may be
required to support the lip.To add stability to the
prosthesis,occlusal contact may need to be significantly buccal
lingual to normal anatomic landmarks that usually denote the
occlusal table.
Pts who have implant retained prosthesis should have
retentive elements incorporated in the processed bases.This
gives the clinician an early idea as to the support that can be
gained for the soft tissues of the face
Methods of recording denture


Shifman and Lepley(1982):Neutral zone or denture
space concept for marginal mandibulectomy patients.
They supported this by quoting Fish(1933) and

Cantor and Curtis(1971):Swallowing technique in
edentulous patient
Partial denture design in mandibulectomy patients

Kelly(1965):described the advantages of using combination
in mandibulectomy patients.He also described a double bar type
of stress breaker which helped maintain the partial denture in
Management of mandibular deviation
Review of literature


Ackerman(1955) advocated the use of intermaxillary fixation or
a guidance prosthesis immediately post operatively.The
prosthesis used a gate hinge clasp for maximum stability during
function.This design is similar to the swing lock partial denture
Adisman(1962) fabricate guide plane splints that were used as
postoperative intermaxillary splints. After healing the fixed
prosthesis was replaced by a mandibular removable partial
denture guide plane.The RPD framework was made of cast
metal with a acrylic resin or heavy wire loop that extended into
the mucobuccal fold and functioned against the maxillary
posterior teeth



Scanell(1965) stated that a mandibular resection patient should
be seen by a dentist within 7-10 days.He noted that a corrective
guide flange prosthesis inserted early can avoid later difficulty in
mandibular movement.
Swoope (1969) while treating edentulous mandibular resection
patients formed a palatal ramp on the maxillary denture to
broaden the occlusal table and make it easier for the patient to
obtain stabilizing occlusal contacts.
Schaff(1976) described a removable partial denture flange
prosthesis for the patient with natural teeth. In partially
edentulous patients if teeth are strong enough, a mandibular
cast removable partial denture flange prosthesis can be used to
reduce mandibular deviation.



Armany and Meyers (1977) advocated use of intermaxillary
fixation at time of surgery for 5-7 weeks.For dentulous patients if
mandibular deviation is observed after fixation, a guide flange
prosthesis can be used until the patient returns to intercuspal
Desjardins(1979) stated that in dentulous patients a maxillary
palatal inclined plane palatal to the posterior teeth on the non
defect side can be used as a training device for mandibular
movement. This device is only suitable for dentulous patients.
Chalian et al(1979) indicated that a guide plane prosthesis must
be used if the resection includes the body of the mandible, ramus
and condyle.These prosthesis consist of a maxillary and
mandibular cast removable partial denture framework. A lower
inverted U shaped flange slides against a upper horizontal bar on
the non defect side.
Mandibular guide flange prosthesis
Maxillary occlusal table

Maxillary inclined plane prosthesis
Palatal augmentation prosthesis

Implant retained prosthesis
Gunnings splint

Stent prosthesis
Summary and






Ackerman AJ The prosthodontic management of oral and facial
defects J Prosthet Dent,1955;5:413-432
Scannel JB Practical considerations in dental treatment of
patients with head and neck cancer J Prosthet
Kelly EK Partial denture design applicable to the maxillofacial
patient J Prosthet Dent,1965;15:168-173
Swoope CC Prosthetic management of resected edentulous
mandibles J Prosthet Dent,1969;21:197-201
Cantor R and Curtis TA Prosthetic management of edentulous
mandibulectomy patients Part 1 J Prosthet Dent,1971;25:447455, Part 2 J Prosthet Dent,1971;25:547-555, Part 3 J Prosthet
Schaff NG Oral reconstruction for edentulous patients after
partial mandibulectomies J Prosthet Dent,1976;36:292-297





Armany MA and Meyers EN Intermaxillary fixation following
mandibular resection J Prosthet Dent,1977;37:437-443
Desjardins RP Occlusal considerations in partial
mandibulectomy patients J Prosthet Dent,1979;41:308-311
Shifman A and Lepley JB Prosthodontic management of
postsurgical soft tissue deformities associated with marginal
mandibulectomies J Prosthet Dent,1982;48:178-183
Clinical maxillofacial prosthetics, Thomas D Taylor;1 st edition
Maxillofacial prosthetics, Varoujan A Chalian
Maxillofacial prosthetics, postgraduate dental hand book
series,Vol 4 William R Laney
Removable partial prosthodontics,Alan B Carr;11th edition
Clinical removable partial prosthodontics,Kenneth L Stewart;2 nd

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Indian dental academy
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Indian dental academy
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Prosthodontic management

  • 1. Prosthodontic management of mandibular defects INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
  • 2. Contents      Introduction Classification of mandibular defects Factors affecting treatment of mandibulectomy patients Relating surgical and prosthetic considerations in mandibulectomy patients Management of mandibulectomy patients - Use of processed bases - Method of recording denture space - Removable partial denture considerations in mandibulectomy patients - Treatment of mandibular deviation
  • 3.     Different types of prosthesis used for mandibulectomy patients - Guide flange prosthesis - Maxillary occlusal table - Maxillary inclined plane - Palatal augmentation prosthesis - Implant retained prosthesis Gunnings splint and stent prosthesis Summary and Conclusion References
  • 5. Classification of mandibular defects Based on etiology Acc to Laney(1979) 1.Acquired: - Marginal - Segmental - a) Lateral to midline - Body only - Ramus- Body with disarticulation b) Anterior body - Subtotal - Total
  • 6. 2. Congenital - Incomplete formation - Incomplete ossification eg) hypoplasias, mandibulofacial dysostosis,etc 3. Developmental as a result of postnatal insults eg) trauma during birth, surgery,etc
  • 7. Acc to amount of resection (Laney)  Continuity defect (marginal resection)  - Inferior border and its continuity preserved - No deviation Discontinuity defect (segmental resection) - Complete segment of mandible from alveolar crest to inferior border removed - Less facial disfigurement - Mandible deviates to resected side - Occlusion rarely changed - Marked facial disfigurement - Can be :- anterior defect posterior defect - Occlusion altered - Can be :- lateral discontinuity defect midline discontinuity defect
  • 8. Acc to Cantor and Curtis (1971) Class 1 : Radical alveolectomy with preservation of mandibular continuity
  • 9. Tissues resected : - Portion of alveolar process and body of mandible - Lingual and buccal sulcus mucosa - Portion of base of tongue and mylohyoid muscle - Lingual and inferior alveolar nerves - Sublingual and Submaxillary salivary glands - Sometimes anterior part of digastric muscle FEATURES 1. Least debilitating. 2. Sometimes resection of part of mylohyoid muscle and resultant scarring can raise the floor of the mouth causing reduction in tongue mobility. 3. Ability to shape and control the tongue may be lost due to loss of some intrinsic muscles. 4. Resection of lingual and inf alveolar nerve results in loss of sensation to mucosa of cheek,alveolar process,lower lip and loss of taste on anterior 2/3rd of the tongue.
  • 10. Class 2 : Lateral resection of mandible distal to cuspid
  • 11. Tissues resected: - condyle, ramus and body of mandible distal to cuspid - mylohyoid, hypoglossal,anterior belly of digastric, internal pterygoid,masseter,external pterygoid, pharangoglossal and palatoglossal muscles, most of intrinsic muscles of tongue. - hypoglossal , lingual and inferior alv nerves - adjacent buccal and lingual mucosa FEATURES 1 Speech, swallowing, saliva control, manipulation of food impaired. 2. Facial disfigurement apparent 3. Disarticulation and loss of muscles of mastication will hamper mandibular movements 4. Taste ,sensory and motor losses more extensive as compared to class 1
  • 12. Class 3 - Lateral resection of the mandible to the midline
  • 13.  Tissues resected : all those described in class 2 in addition to the anterior portion of the mandible, geniohyoid, genioglossus, remaining portion of mylohyoid muscle with lingual and buccal mucosa. FEATURES 1. Restricted tongue mobility due to loss of tip of tongue and genioglossus muscle 2. Speech, swallowing,saliva control and manipulation of food severely restricted. 3. Facial disfigurement is worse due to loss of anterior part of mandible 4. Disarticulation and reduction in amount of basal bone reduce prosthodontic prognosis. 5. Scarring of orbicularis oris can interefere with expression of emotion
  • 14. Class 4: Lateral bone graft surgical reconstruction
  • 15.   Lateral bone and split thickness skin or pedicle graft can be performed on patients who have had: - radical alveolectomies - resection of mandible distal to cuspid with or without disarticulation. 3 types of bone grafts are possible 1. Mandibular augmentation procedures. 2. Bone graft that connect a residual condyle with the larger mandibular fragment. 3. Lateral bone grafts that extend from the mandibular fragment into the defect area to establish a pseudo TMJ.
  • 16. Class 5 :Anterior bone graft surgical reconstruction
  • 17.  Tissues resected at time of orignal operation: - anterior portion of the mandible - large bilateral portions of mylohyoid, geniohyoid genioglossus and anterior digastric muscles - bilateral lingual and inferior alv nerves - bilateral submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands - mucosa of lower lip - anterior floor of mouth - ventral surface of tongue The mucosa retained in the labial and buccal regions is sutured to the residual stump of the tongue and a krischner wire is often positioned to maintain the mandibular fragments . Bone graft and split thickness skin graft or pedicle graft procedures can be is used to restore anterior facial contour and bilateral mandibular function.
  • 18. Class 6: Resection of anterior portion of the mandible without reconstructive surgery to unite lateral fragments
  • 19. Factors affecting treatment of mandibulectomy patients 1.Location and extent of mandibular defects Radical alveolectomy Least debilitating Main problems – loss of vertical ridge height and vestibular depth Vertical discrepancy most important when prosthesis supported by dental implants is considered.
  • 20. Discontinuity defects RULE OF THUMB:-The farther anterior the defect, the more disfiguring and functionally debilitating it is likely to be. Defects of the symphyseal region
  • 21. Most debilitating and difficult to treat. Greatest facial disfigurement. Surgical reconstruction necessary or at least segmental stabilization before prosthodontic treatment can be initiated. Mandibulectomy defects in the molar region more well suited for surgical reconstruction compared to anterior defects. If muscle attachments are intact – Good prognosis Near normal appearance and function is achievable.
  • 22. 2. Presence of remaining natural teeth/pre-existing implants Pts after mandibulectomy present with few or no remaining natural teeth. 2 reasons: 1. Pts with greatest risk of sq cell carcinoma are heavy users of tobacco and alcohol. 2. Teeth are usually extracted prior to radiotherapy to prevent complications such as osteoradionecrosis. Greater the number of teeth ,better the prognosis. Maximum number of abutment teeth should be incorporated in the design of the prosthesis to maximise stability and dissipate functional forces
  • 24. A maxillary complete denture will function well for a mandibulectomy patient against a reconstructed mandibular dentition Exceptions: Collapse of residual proximal mandibular stump against the posterior maxillary alveolus prohibiting adequate denture flange extension. When a guide flange prosthesis is planned for treatment of mandibular deviation
  • 25. 3.Degree of post mandibulectomy rotation and deviation Deviation towards the defect and rotation of mandibular occlusal plane inferiorly Deviation: Primarily due to loss of tissue involved in surgical resection.
  • 26. Rotation:Due to - Pull of the suprahyoid muscles on the residual fragment causing inferior displacement and rotation around the fulcrum of the remaining condyle. - Gravity. Loss of anchorage of elevator muscles.     Sequelae Facial disfigurement Loss of occlusal contact Loss of ability to bring lips together Drooling of saliva and difficulty to initiate swallowing process
  • 27.    Prosthodontic prognosis in such patients can be improved by early post resection physical therapy to reposition the mandibular fragment to a more normal position and to minimize scar formation that will make deviation more severe. Should be carried out as early as possible.After 6-8 weeks post operatively it will not be as beneficial. Can be in the form of 1.Physical therapy carried out by the patient himself 2.Mandibular resection guidance prosthesis
  • 28. 5.Available mouth opening Trismus –due to surgical trauma Physical therapy should be started immediately. Scar tissue formation will further reduce mouth opening. Simple test to check mouth opening:Insert a stock mandibular impression tray in the mouth.If this cannot be accomplished rehabilitation will be less than satisfactory. Surgical intervention
  • 29. 6.Functional limitation of tongue - Frequently the surgical wound is closed by suturing the remaining tissues of the floor of the mouth or tongue to the remaining buccal tissues.
  • 30. This compromises: - Speech - Swallowing - Mastication - Control of food bolus - Ability to control removable prosthesis - Lingual vestibuloplasty and skin or mucosal grafting can be used to improve tongue mobility - Evaluation of tongue mobility - In patients whom anterior resection has been done, ability to lick the lips when the artificial prosthesis is placed in the mouth may be difficult (due to loss of genioglossus muscle)
  • 31. In such cases consideration is given to lowering the anterior occlusal plane or arranging the teeth slightly lingually.   Speech therapy Loss of innervation will compromise tongue function and prognosis of prosthodontic rehabilitation. If lingual nerve is sacrificed during resection, the tongue on the defect side will permanently remain without any feeling. Loss of sensory capability:- Affects speech Mastication Prosthesis control Loss of sensory innervation of the buccal mucosa(long buccal nerve) and lower lip(mental nerve) will reduce patients ability to control food and saliva
  • 33. 7.Compromise of vestibular extensions  Vestibular depth is critical for stability and peripheral seal It is also critical when mandibular continuity is restored with bone grafting and implants are considered.
  • 34. 8.Skin grafting  Skin grafts are used for surgical reconstruction either as lining for the surface of resected soft tissue or as part of skin and connective tissue grafts such as pedicle flaps, free flaps etc. Advantages 1. Effective load bearing tissue. 2. Can withstand pressure and chafing from prosthesis. 3. Protects underlying bone and connective tissue well due to rapid turnover of keratin producing cells. Disadvantages 1. No sensory innervation. 2. Full thickness grafts may incorporate hair follicles. 3. Skin is not very compatible with titanium surface of implants.
  • 35. 9.Radiation therapy   Careful treatment planning is required for patients with radiation therapy Irradiated tissue is fragile ,sensitive to manipulation,dessicated,slow to heal,prone to infection and at risk of osteoradionecrosis
  • 36. 10. Altered anatomic relationships following restoration of mandibular continuity  Reconstruction of anterior defects Most difficult situation for grafting and frequently results in a graft that is deficient anteriorly. - Results in a severe Class 2 like situation. The prosthodontic difficulties seen in rehabilitating such a patient are:- Inability to provide proper lip support. - Speech problems associated with mandibular dentition placed too far lingually. - Inability to control food bolus due to lack of motor function of lips and lower part of the face.
  • 37. - Excessive display of mandibular teeth due to patients inability to maintain normal lip posture. - Difficulty gaining adequate space for prosthesis placement without encroaching on function of tongue. - Misalignment of remaining unresected mandibular fragments and resultant relationship between maxillary and mandibular teeth.  Reconstruction of posterior defects - More predictable from prosthodontic point of view as compared to anterior defects. - The mediolateral positon of the graft is frequently seen lateral to the orignal position of the mandibular body. Thus the prosthesis must be built in cross bite to maintain the denture teeth over the supporting base of the bone graft.
  • 38. Angled dental implants Inadequate space after surgical reconstruction Excessive space after surgical reconstruction
  • 39. Relating surgical considerations to prosthodontic treatment Marginal mandibulectomy Soft tissues are mainly used to reconstruct marginaL mandibulectomies They may be: - Skin graft - Local flap - Pedicle flap - Microvascular free flaps  Skin grafts are ideal for prosthetic reconstruction. However when soft tissue bulk is required or recipient bed is previously irradiated microvascular free flaps are the treatment of choice.
  • 40.  Discontinuity defects Previously soft tissue local flaps(mainly the residual tongue sutured to the border of the defect) and pedicle flaps (pectoralis muscle) were used. MVFF have revolutionized the treatment of discontinuity defects. Microvascularized bone is mainly obtained from: 1.Fibula- most common 2.Iliac crest Soft tissue MVFF are obtained from 1.Forearm 2.Rectus muscle
  • 41. Mandibular malposition after bony reconstruction May be due to: 1. Minimal proximal mandible on the surgical side to attach the bone graft. 2. Mandibular segments are not stabilized and maintained in their pre-operative relation to each other during grafting procedures. 3. Delayed reconstruction may not be able to overcome scar tissue formation completely. 4. The bone grafts used i.e the fibula and the iliac crest graft have some inherent problems: - Lacks height compared to the residual mandible 
  • 42. - Pyramidal in shape bieng narrower at the occlusal surface - Grafted to restore inferior border of the mandible which is necessary to restore facial form.This places it bucally in the plane of the cheek. - Since bone is placed bucally in the cheek implants distal to the premolar area cause constant soft tissue and infection problems
  • 43.  Management of mandibulectomy patients Processed bases    Necessary due to loss of supporting bone ,unusual intra-oral contours,gross malposition of occlusal contacts. Allow the determination of the relationship of the final prosthesis periphery and the buccal or lingual tooth position. Recording maxillo-mandibular relationship with processed bases allow the clinician to evaluate retention and stability proir to adding wax rims or dentition.
  • 44.    Significant loss of alveolar bone as well as rotation and deviation of the mandible postoperatively make it necessary for the record bases to be as stable as possible during maxillomandibular records. Extension beyond the periphery of the prosthesis may be required to support the lip.To add stability to the prosthesis,occlusal contact may need to be significantly buccal or lingual to normal anatomic landmarks that usually denote the occlusal table. Pts who have implant retained prosthesis should have retentive elements incorporated in the processed bases.This gives the clinician an early idea as to the support that can be gained for the soft tissues of the face
  • 45. Methods of recording denture space   Shifman and Lepley(1982):Neutral zone or denture space concept for marginal mandibulectomy patients. They supported this by quoting Fish(1933) and Brill(1965)
  • 47.  Cantor and Curtis(1971):Swallowing technique in edentulous patient
  • 49. Partial denture design in mandibulectomy patients  Kelly(1965):described the advantages of using combination clasps in mandibulectomy patients.He also described a double bar type of stress breaker which helped maintain the partial denture in place.
  • 52. Management of mandibular deviation Review of literature   Ackerman(1955) advocated the use of intermaxillary fixation or a guidance prosthesis immediately post operatively.The prosthesis used a gate hinge clasp for maximum stability during function.This design is similar to the swing lock partial denture design. Adisman(1962) fabricate guide plane splints that were used as postoperative intermaxillary splints. After healing the fixed prosthesis was replaced by a mandibular removable partial denture guide plane.The RPD framework was made of cast metal with a acrylic resin or heavy wire loop that extended into the mucobuccal fold and functioned against the maxillary posterior teeth
  • 53.    Scanell(1965) stated that a mandibular resection patient should be seen by a dentist within 7-10 days.He noted that a corrective guide flange prosthesis inserted early can avoid later difficulty in mandibular movement. Swoope (1969) while treating edentulous mandibular resection patients formed a palatal ramp on the maxillary denture to broaden the occlusal table and make it easier for the patient to obtain stabilizing occlusal contacts. Schaff(1976) described a removable partial denture flange prosthesis for the patient with natural teeth. In partially edentulous patients if teeth are strong enough, a mandibular cast removable partial denture flange prosthesis can be used to reduce mandibular deviation.
  • 54.    Armany and Meyers (1977) advocated use of intermaxillary fixation at time of surgery for 5-7 weeks.For dentulous patients if mandibular deviation is observed after fixation, a guide flange prosthesis can be used until the patient returns to intercuspal position. Desjardins(1979) stated that in dentulous patients a maxillary palatal inclined plane palatal to the posterior teeth on the non defect side can be used as a training device for mandibular movement. This device is only suitable for dentulous patients. Chalian et al(1979) indicated that a guide plane prosthesis must be used if the resection includes the body of the mandible, ramus and condyle.These prosthesis consist of a maxillary and mandibular cast removable partial denture framework. A lower inverted U shaped flange slides against a upper horizontal bar on the non defect side.
  • 55. Mandibular guide flange prosthesis
  • 56. Maxillary occlusal table Maxillary inclined plane prosthesis
  • 57. Palatal augmentation prosthesis Implant retained prosthesis
  • 60. References       Ackerman AJ The prosthodontic management of oral and facial defects J Prosthet Dent,1955;5:413-432 Scannel JB Practical considerations in dental treatment of patients with head and neck cancer J Prosthet Dent,1965;15:764-778 Kelly EK Partial denture design applicable to the maxillofacial patient J Prosthet Dent,1965;15:168-173 Swoope CC Prosthetic management of resected edentulous mandibles J Prosthet Dent,1969;21:197-201 Cantor R and Curtis TA Prosthetic management of edentulous mandibulectomy patients Part 1 J Prosthet Dent,1971;25:447455, Part 2 J Prosthet Dent,1971;25:547-555, Part 3 J Prosthet Dent,1971;25:671-678. Schaff NG Oral reconstruction for edentulous patients after partial mandibulectomies J Prosthet Dent,1976;36:292-297
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