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Pros And Cons Of Whaling Controversy In Norway And Japan
Whaling Controversy in Norway and Japan
For centuries nations across the globe have hunted a variety of animals to provide for their
inhabitants' diets and economies, which for some species has resulted in endangerment or extinction.
Several species of whale have become endangered because of the process of whale hunting, and in
order to combat excessive whale hunting the International Whaling Comission (IWC) set forth a ban
in 1986 to halt the whaling industry (International Whaling Comission, n.d.); however, nations such
as Norway and Japan insisted that their practices continue on the basis of cultural exception. The
economies of their whaling regions, they argued, would be put into danger by the moratorium, and
so the nations have been allowed to continue hunting small amounts of the non–endangered winke
whales and, in some cases, fin whales. As whaling is an important part of the coastal economies for
certain countries, the nations certainly have a right to attempt a case of cultural exemption. Without
whaling certain villages could lose most of ... Show more content on ...
This can be done through two main forces: through putting a hard limit on the amount of whales and
types of whales to be hunted and through requiring scientists to monitor whale populations in the
areas. The first limit will keep whaling industries in check by making sure that they can still provide
income for their workers while protecting whale populations. Also, it will mean that a quota cannot
be surpassed, so only a small amount of whales can be hunted. Also, biologists and conservationists
should definitely be involved to make sure that quotas are not too high. Quotas which are too high
would result in hunting whales faster than the populations can reproduce, causing a threat to the
whale populations and the surrounding ecosystems, and so they must be monitored
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The Destruction of the Minke Whale in Mobe Dick by Herman...
Captain Ahab was a fictional character that participated in whale hunting in a book called Moby
Dick. Moby Dick was the name of the great white whale that Captain Ahab was pursing to hunt.
"The Minke Whale also known as the baleen whale is the smallest of the rorqual species, and the
females are normally larger than the males," Sea Shepherd1, but due to commercial whaling they are
facing extinction. Minke Whale Hunting is a problem in Antarctic Ocean which is also known as the
Southern Ocean, They are being killed by the Japanese to be used for sushi. "The Japanese and other
countries have been hunting whales since the 1800's", studies that were recorded in 1986 have
shown that over 30,000 Minke whales have been killed.4 People should pay ... Show more content
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We are currently losing our Minke Whale because they are unable to reproduce due to hunting. The
predicted effects are that they will be no longer existing.1
Brian Handwerk4 discusses the Southern Sanctuary which was established as a "compromise effort
during this week's meeting." The Southern Sanctuary was developed in 1994 and presumed, "that 19
million square miles (50 million square kilometers) of waters surrounding Antarctica–as a critical
space safe from commercial whaling. Most of the world's whales feed in these waters."4 People
should care about whales because they are being hunted, which is illegal. The whales' population is
damage due to hunting. The people who eat sushi with whale meat in it. The people are a part of the
problem because they are demanding an animal that is near extinction. The ecosystem is affected
because whales are a part of it. Whales are a part of the ocean. In the ocean is revolving cycle, such
as planktons being eating by fish, which are eaten by whales. In order for the ocean to function, a
cycle has to happen, Jeremy Jackson5. A solution could be finding another meat to use to substitute
whale meat, or having a numerous amount of customer that stop demanding sushi. By lower demand
the Japanese will have no reason to kill the Minke whale because it is not a request.
While some conservationists argue that the minke
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Cetacean Research: Whaling In Japan
Since the 1986 Whaling moratorium, scientific whaling is the only whaling that the IWC
(International Whaling Commission) using the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of
Whaling (ICRW) which allows a country's government to issue permits to use lethal methods as
long as the whaling is for science. Iceland and Norway were originally signatories of this ruling and
stopped commercial whaling for a short period and only had scientific whaling however they have
since broken apart from the IWC and continue to whale commercially around their waters. Other
countries such as Canada and the United states are granted aboriginal rights for whaling in small
numbers for tradition and ceremonies of certain communities (Côté & Farvaro, 2016). Japan's
scientific whaling program is the most active of all countries within the IWC. Since the 1986
moratorium Japan's Institute for Cetacean Research has been granted 5 whaling permits. ... Show
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Before the 1986 whaling moratorium Japan had one of the largest commercial whaling fleets
although they also had a small scientific program. From 1954 to 1986 Japans scientific whaling
programs killed 840 whales globally for scientific research however after 1986 Japan's new larger
Scientific whaling program killed over 8321 for research in 18 years 1986–2004, almost a tenfold
increase in half the amount of time. All other nations undergoing scientific whaling research killed
around 2100 whales between 1952–2005 (Gales, et al.,
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Cetacean Bycatch Is A Problem
Cetacean Bycatch is a Problem Cetacean bycatch is an ongoing problem in the oceans of the world.
Cetaceans are defined as whales, dolphins and porpoises(CBRC 1). Bycatch is "marine mammals
that are "captured" but discarded"(Read 2). This happens when fishing industries are fishing for a
certain type of marine animal and other marine animals are caught accidentally along with the
intended catch. Many times, this leads to the death of the animal that was not meant to be caught,
and the animal is tossed back into the ocean. This happens with all kinds of marine life, and it has
caused the depletion of many different species. However, this is specifically bad for cetaceans, such
as dolphins and whales, because they have such a long lifespan(Brown 2). They also take a very
long time to mature(Brown 2). These factors make catching these animals very detrimental to the
species as a whole because it takes longer for them to reach an age where they can reproduce(Brown
2). The population of many cetaceans have decreased exponentially. When there is someone
watching the nets that cetaceans are accidentally caught in, many times they can be saved. However,
there are only select few types of fishing methods that do this, and they are not of the prevalent
fishing methods that produce cetacean bycatch. This is a problem because there is a connection
between most living animals. If a certain part of the connection is eliminated, it will all fall apart.
For example, the relationship between
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Essay on Bottlenose Dolphins
Bottlenose Dolphins This essay is NOT formatted Bottlenose dolphins are among the most vocal of
the nonhuman animals and exhibit remarkable development of the sound production and auditory
mechanisms. This can be seen in audition, which is shown in the animal's highly refined
echolocation ability, and in tightly organized schools in which they live that are made up by sound
communication. In testing the communication skills of dolphins, extensive studies have been done
on vocal mimicry, in which the animal imitates computer–generated sounds in order to test motor
control in terms of cognitive ability. Language comprehension on the other hand has been tested
through labeling of objects, which has proven to be ... Show more content on ...
1986). In order to understand the complexity of these highly mechanized acoustic systems, it is
necessary to learn the process for which the dolphin hears. In most water–adapted cetaceans, tissue
conduction is the primary route of sound conduction to the middle ear. The isolation of the bullae
shows an adaptation for tissue conducted sound. The lower jaw contains fat that is closely associated
with the impedance of seawater. The lower jawbone of most odontocetes becomes broadened and
quite thin posteriorly, and the fat forms an oval shape that closely corresponds to the area of
minimum thickness of the jaw. This fat body leads directly to the bulla, producing a sound path to
the ear structures located deep within the head. Paired and single air sacs are scattered throughout
the skull, which serve to channel these tissue–conducted sounds (Popov & Supin, 1991). Other than
this description, there are still more studies needed to determine the function of the middle ear and
the type of bone conduction that occurs within the bulla. Due to detailed audiograms, dolphins have
been shown to have the ability to detect high–frequency sounds. In an experiment by Johnson
(1966) as cited in Schusterman et al. (1986), sine–wave sounds ranging in frequency from 75 Hz to
150 Hz were presented to a bottle–nosed dolphin. The animal was trained to swim in a stationary
area within a stall and to
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Commercial Whaling Research Paper
Norway and Japan In 1993 Norway resumed hunting whales for political reasons When scientists
were hired by the government to calculate whale stocks and realized that the Northeast Atlantic The
numbers scientists presented were found to be misleading however, and since then Norway a
"traditional activity of very small scale, catching only minke whales" (Norwegian Whaling). Most
politicians and much of the population.
Norway want a return to whaling. If it were not for the IWC, whalers from this country would be
hunting about 2,000 minke whales a year, which is the historical average although not a sustainable
one. In 1998 Norway's IWC Commissioner stated that , "'Norway will never accept a ban on export
of whale ... Show more content on ...
In 1991 the IWC decided to permit aboriginal subsistence whaling as; "whaling for purposes of local
aboriginal consumption carried out by or on behalf of aboriginal, Indigenous or native peoples.
Who share strong community, familial social and cultural ties related to a continuing traditional
dependence on whaling and the use of whales" (Commercial Vs. Subsistence) Japanese whaling
practices have more in common with aboriginal subsistence whaling than the strict definitions of
commercial whaling
The vessels they use are relatively small and operations exist in community–oriented towns in order
to enhance that village's identity rather then simply make revenue for the nation. Legal arguments
used by both Norway and Japan to oppose IWC and other regulations on whaling are underlined
with the idea that there is no scientific evidence to support the moratorium. Also, the threat of
economic sanctions is in violation of GATT trading rules,
U.S. policies are hypocritical because of allowing such groups as Alaskan natives to hunt whales.
There is also the moral argument attacking the U.S. that says, Americans eat cows, why must the
U.S. impose its hypocritical views of animal "worth" on other nations (class notes, Gov. 263)? Sea
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A Brief Note On The Scottish Coastal Waters
Cetaceans in Scottish waters
Scottish coastal waters accommodate several populations of cetacean species. However, the
interference of human activities on the marine habitat has been increasing gradually and thus,
impacted the marine creatures negatively. This paper introduces different cetaceans that can be
found in seas surrounding Scotland, threats that can affect them and how humans can tackle the
problems through conservation and management. Some suggestions may not be successfully carried
out but they still act as potential methods that can be applicable.
The seas around Scotland are the richest seas in Europe for their marine mammals, holding over
twenty species of cetaceans. Both residential and migratory communities are increasingly interfered
by human activities such as fishery by–catch, shipping, tourism and pollution, which are disrupting
the natural behavioural patterns of marine creatures, causing injuries and even death. To prevent
these marine mammals from extinction, we have to take actions to protect them and increase their
population abundantly. The majority of Cetacean species are marine; some estuarine and freshwater
species can be found in tropical and sub tropical niches. Cetaceans are aquatic, they have undergone
more extreme anatomical adaptation then their terrestrial ancestors. The mysticetes perform a lot of
long distance seasonal migrations, while odontocetes also migrate seasonally but without a common
pattern like
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Endangered Whales
I believe that Japanese and Norwegian fisherman should be allowed to hunt non–endangered species
of whales if certain conditions are met. These conditions would include the establishment of
precedence, or in other words a strong case for historical actions and verifiable proof that the
specific species had been hunted long prior to international bans. Furthermore, the conditions should
include a systematic conservation plan to prevent endangering the species of whale, as well as,
obtaining a license in order to prevent poachers from other countries posing as Norwegian or
Japanese fisherman.
The reason for the cultural exemption is due to the belief that these are in fact violations of these
nations' sovereignty, the definition of which is, ... Show more content on ...
Japanese fisherman have been hunting whales for over 1,000 years (facts about Japan). In that time,
the cultures have learn to revere the animals as sustenance and a form of commerce. From the
worlds view, whales should not be hunted, although I'm not sure that the fate of those who depend
on this industry to survive has been taken into account. If the species are not endangered and are a
form of sustenance to the Norwegian and Japanese fisherman then an amendment to the moratorium
on whaling should be made for these cultures. As a factor, there should be strict regulations made
that allow only for those who are able to demonstrate a long lineage of whale hunting in addition to
being able to prove that it is how they feed themselves and their family. The meat and whale
products should not be exported and an area of sea should be mapped to describe the fishing
grounds in which their boats can operate. I believe that if these restrictions were to be made and the
population of the species of whales being hunted could be accurately determined, then a middle
ground could be reached and that both sides of the argument could be
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Bottlenose Dolphin Research Paper
The bottlenose dolphin, genus Tursiops, is a cetacean renowned for its social intelligence, even
being prescribed the status of non–human persons along with other intelligent species such as great
apes. Both dolphins and primates share a number of attributes that have led to an evolutionary
propensity for intelligence, including prolonged parental care, long lives, complex social bonds, and
communicative cooperation (Reynolds et al., 2000). But unlike primates, dolphins lack opposable
thumbs, as well as any sort of limb that is able to manipulate their environment capably. Dolphins
evolved in an environment that is less affected by gravity and provides three–dimensional
movement, but provides limited chemosensory and visual cues for orientation ... Show more content
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Dolphins are able to plan their behavior to achieve a solution more efficiently, as well as create
novel behaviors. Trained to move weights across a pool to receive a reward, each dolphin
independently deduced that they could carry multiple weights at once to reduce the number of trips
(Kuczaj et al., 2009). In another test they were able to plan the order of dropping weights in order to
optimize the number of fish rewards they could receive (Kuczaj et al., 2009). These demonstrated
their ability to analyze problems, plan an appropriate solution, and carry it out in an efficient order.
Mirror self–recognition (MSR) has also been demonstrated in bottlenose dolphins, with the dolphins
using the mirror to investigate a mark on their heads using a mirror, a level of self–awareness only
shared by great apes (Marino, 2002). It is possible that the level of cortical connectivity is a
significant factor in the emergence of complex cognitive capabilities such as self–recognition
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Commercial Whaling and its Controversy
Many countries have been killing whales calling it "research". Many believe that commercial
whaling is not okay and is killing whales off. The international community has to make the choice
whether we want to risk killing them. We should continue killing the whales at certain guidelines as
to how many each year. It is a part of some cultures and we should not harm that. There are a few
positives that come from the whaling. There is different cultures that influence eating different kinds
of foods. Some cultures do not understand the importance of whaling, many countries do not whale.
Many cultures think that whaling is part of their countries way of life (Skare). People in many U.S
states hunt for many different animals, how is hunting any worse than killing whales. Media plays a
big role in making whaling out to be a very evil practice. Whale Wars sabotage the Japanese ships
that are whaling. Whale Wars throws stuff onto the ships deck. Whale meat consists of very high
amounts of nutrients. For many countries that eat a lot of whale it is easy access to nutrients. Whale
is very high in protein. It is also very low in saturated fats which is really good to not have(Nutrition
Facts). They do not just kill whales they also do research on the whales and the populations. They
evaluate the deep sea roles of whales and the food chains (Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs). On
the flip side there are a lot of very bad things that come from whaling as much as some countries do.
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Drive Hunting in the Oceans
Every year tens of thousands of marine mammals are killed all over the world, with over twenty
thousand small cetaceans killed in Japanese waters alone (Butterworth et al., 2013). These small
cetaceans include various species of small whales, many dolphin species and some porpoises. They
are killed in various manors, ranging from accidental ship strikes to the more morally controversial
yearly drive hunts. As you may know nearly all cetaceans use some sort of sound production in
order to navigate waters, communicate with other individuals and groups of their respective species
as well as capture prey (Brownell et al., 2008). An example of this is the variety sounds produced by
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) when exploring and foraging. These types of noises vary
from echolocation, whistles and pops according to Nowacek (2005) which aid in location of prey,
and communication when hunting in groups. Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most well–known
cetacean species (Bearzi et al., 2008). They inhabit various marine habitats across the world
including just about any region with a warm–temperate to tropical ocean climate (Reeves et al.,
2002). Just like many other cetaceans they are well known for inhabiting coastal areas, which makes
them particularly vulnerable to human interaction and threats they wouldn't necessarily face on the
coast of uninhabited lands (Wilson et al., 2008). This use of sound is an extraordinary adaption for
life under the sea, unless of
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Cetaceans Stranding
Introduction Cetaceans have an important role in the structure and functioning of ecosystems. For a
long time, scientists have been studying their status, distribution, and seasonal abundance through
strandings. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Services defines a stranding as a marine mammal
found dead on shore, alive on shore but unable to return to the water, or in a foreign habitat and
unable to return to its own habitat without assistance (–states/our–
work/animal–rescue/faqs–about–strandings). The reasons why cetaceans strand are still largely
unknown. The stranding of single animals is more likely to occur because the animal is ill, diseased,
or injured. Mass strandings involve two or more cetaceans that strand ... Show more content on ...
Cetaceans use echolocation to make sense of their world and has only recently been of concern due
to the ability of dolphins to locate objects and discriminate objects based on size, shape, and
composition (Akamatsu, Nakaqawa, & Hatakeyama, 1995). Any disturbance in the form of sound
pollution could cause these cetaceans to mass strand because they are so dependent on sound as their
principal sense (Nowacek et al. 2007). Sound travels very efficiently underwater and so impacted
areas can affect thousands of square kilometers out. Most of the sound pollution in the ocean come
from underwater explosions caused by sonar, seismic testing caused by oil and gas industries, or
underwater sea quakes through natural events. The anthropogenic noises can cause deep–diving
populations like beaked whales to be threatened and abandon their habitat and surface rapidly.
Exposure to anthropogenic sounds negatively affect deep–diving cetaceans (Cox et al. 2006). There
are a number of hypotheses for the injuries in the cetaceans that stranded in areas of sonar exercises
like decompression sickness and behavioral
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Diverse Mating Strategies Among Different Species
Diverse Mating Strategies Among Different Dolphin Species
There are a variety of different mating strategies among different male dolphins species. "Male
mating strategies and forms of competitive interaction among male cetaceans lead to the
development of sexually dimorphic features such as prominent postanal humps, reproductive
adaptation such as large testis size, and retained bodily scarring caused by interactions with
conspecifics." (Murphy, 2005) Cetacean have been noted to either have a polygynous or
polygynandrous mating system. (Murphy, 2005) These mating systems have led to a number of
different types of competition among males such as contest competition (where males limit the
access of other males to females by aggressive displays or fights) scramble competition
(competition to disperse and find sexually receptive females), endurance–rivalry competition
(competition to remain sexually active over a longer period of time), mate–choice competition
(competition in courtship), and sperm competition (competition between the sperm of 2 or more
males)." (Murphy, 2005) Individual males will use these different strategies depending on their
dominance in rank, size, age , and number and quality of reproductive females. (Murphy, 2005)
Contest competition and courtship competition have been documented in polygynous species such
as bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncates), and humpback whales.( Murphy, 2005) "Sexual
dimorphism in size, weaponry (teeth and husks), and
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Communicating In Pods Essay
Kassi Brown Lab 2
Communication in Cetaceans
Current Research:
How Dolphins Communicate– Dolphins travel together in pods. Even though they are travelling in
pods it doesn't necessarily mean they are swimming side by side, so they have developed
communication tactics to communicate between one other. Dolphins use sound communication,
since sounds travels 4.5 to 5 times faster in the water. Over time dolphins have developed a very
high pitch whistles to communicate with others. Dolphins whistle for many different means of
communication such as, letting the rest of the pod know where they are, letting others know who is
in the pod, or about their state of mentality (if they are distressed). Dolphins do not always whistle
back right away to ... Show more content on ...
Baleen whales are born with plates that have bristles attached to the plates ( 2015).
Baleen whales will communicate using long very low frequency sounds. Humpback whales
communicate using melodic whale songs. These low sounds can be heard many miles away and
allow whales to communicate long distances. Which is helpful in keeping track of the other whales
when on long trips, looking for a mate, or to let others know of their claimed territory
( 2015).
Technology used to determine communication– Divers have carried computers underwater to record
the sounds of the marine mammals communicating. The computer will emit a light that picks up the
frequencies to will make a path to detect which way they are coming from. The diver will also carry
a device which is called a Twiddler that can choose and make a sound in response (New Scientist
2015). Sonar: Active Sonar: Scientists have discovered a way to be able to send signals into the
water to communicate with the marine mammals that are within range. We call this process "active
sonar." This process is still being researched in order to perfect it and to be able to understand what
the different sounds mean (
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Essay On Cetaceans
Unlike others who may be writing on the medical aspects and applications of mammalian genetics,
such as specific types of cancer genetics or stem cell differentiation, my topic will discuss perhaps
the not as applicable, but by no means less interesting radiation, biodiversity, and phylogenetic
relationships among cetaceans. This topic is of major interest to me because of my fascination with
the origin and evolution of life on earth. When I was younger I had an ambition to become a
paleontologist and study prehistoric life, particularly dinosaurs. I am now a biochemistry and
genetics major, but my interest in paleontology is still very much present. The reason I chose
cetaceans rather than some other group or clade of mammal, is because ... Show more content on ...
The ungulate hypothesis had morphological evidence based on cerebral blood circulation that
indicated a link between Cetaceans and Artiodactyls (even–toed ungulates).1 It was also
hypothesized that another group of extinct mammals, the mesonychids, were the direct ancestors of
modern whales. Mesonychids were a taxa of large and carnivorous ungulates. The evidence that led
to this hypothesis was based on the teeth of mesonychids being similar to the teeth of early whales,
called archaeocetes.1 Phylogenetic analyses done in the mid–2000s as well as the discovery of hind
limbs in archaeocetes that lived around the same time as mesonychids, have since shown this
hypothesis to be false; mesonychids, however, are considered still a sister group to the cetaceans.1,2
As mentioned above, phylogenetic analyses revealed that mesonychids were not the direct ancestors
of cetaceans. Similar phylogenetic analyses also revealed that the closest living sister group to the
modern cetaceans are the artiodactyls, which include animals like the giraffe and hippopotamus.
More specifically, a sister–group relationship was proposed between Cetacea and Hippopotamidae
by analysis of the cytochrome b gene sequences that included cetacean and Hippopotamus DNA.3
This analysis showed that there was a relationship between the two groups, but it would be deemed
artifactual due to factors such as convergent evolution due to a
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Anthropogenic Noise Pollution And Its Effects On Cetaceans
Anthropogenic Noise Pollution and Its Effects on Cetaceans
Cetaceans use sound extensively in both communication, hunting, and navigation. However as
humanity continues to make use of the ocean we are constantly filling it with equipment that
produces high amounts of sound. These devices are starting to have an impact on cetaceans
worldwide, from mass strandings often linked to military exercises to area denials caused by busy
commercial shipping lanes and seismic surveys. If consideration is not taken towards this problem
now it could develop into something that could have degrading effects on cetacean populations in
the future. Sound waves are nothing more than an energy transfer through a medium be it through a
liquid, solid, or a gas. Sound pressure or intensity is measured on logarithmic scale in decibels dB
which increases on an order of magnitude. For instance a quiet conversation would be around 30 dB
and whereas the human pain threshold would be just over 100 dB. While the pitch or frequency of
the sound is measured in hertz or Hz, the higher the hertz the higher the pitch of the sound and vice
versa (Hildebrand, 2004).
Anthropologic noise pollution can come from many different sources, some of the more common
ones are commercial shipping, acoustic deterrent devices, military sonar, and explosives (used in
some seismic surveys for oil and gas as well as military exercises). The main focus will be on
military sonar use, seismic surveys, and acoustic deterrent
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How Does Anthropogenic Noise Affect Cetaceans
Introduction As human presence in the oceans is continually revealed to be detrimental to marine
life, one major area of concern is noise pollution in the ocean and its effects on marine mammals.
Sound is vital to marine mammals' communication and livelihood, so the disturbance of the sound in
their habitat has varying effects. The impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals,
specifically cetaceans, can be seen in various experiments and observations concerning the sounds
produced by shipping, construction, and sonars. All of which reveal potential and consequential
behavioral and physiological effects, which include acoustic masking, change in foraging behavior,
and mass strandings. Species studied include harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), ... Show more
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It is important that we continue to research known harmful anthropogenic sounds and their effects
on cetaceans to limit further damage, and to research other sources of noise due to humans and their
potential effects to prevent future harm. Through research, it is shown that various noise pollution
caused by humans can have detrimental effects on cetaceans such as harbor porpoises, bottlenose
dolphins, killer whales, and Cuvier's beaked whales. Shipping, windfarm construction, and sonar
can cause temporary or permanent hearing threshold changes, which can result in decreased
foraging ability and communication ability. Shipping has been seen to decrease foraging time and
cause acoustic masking. Sonar can cause death due to strandings and lesions. These all add up to
show that, overall, noise pollution by humans has a serious effect on the quality of life for cetaceans.
It is also important to recognize that absence of a detected reaction does not mean that there is no
impact on these cetaceans. It is possible that noise pollution can cause physiological and
psychological responses without any external symptoms we can detect. It may be important to
develop methods to observe these more subtle reactions to noise pollution that may impact
cetacean's way of life. It is important that humans realize the full extent of their effect on marine life
and create measures to prevent more harm. Noise pollution's effect on cetaceans affect not only
these species, but the other marine life they interact with and the ecosystems of the
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Pros And Cons Of Cetacean Bycatch
Cetacean Bycatch is Under Control Cetacean bycatch in fishing industries has been a highly debated
topic for decades and is still considered an ongoing problem(NOAA 8). However, when it is looked
at in comparison, the problem of bycatch has already been solved as much as is possible while still
allowing fishing industries to fish at all. Cetaceans are defined as marine mammals. Bycatch is
defined as any marine life that is caught and returned to the sea, whether it is dead or alive(Brooke
2). Therefore, many marine animals that are considered bycatch are not harmed in any way.
Including these animals, the national bycatch ratio is still low(Brooke 3). Many actions have already
been taken since this has become an issue that has reduced bycatch ... Show more content on ...
Instead of keeping the dolphins in the nets that they catch the other fish with, they are required to
release the dolphins from the net as soon as possible(NOAA 5). This is done carefully so that "the
dolphins are released alive(NOAA 6)." This allows more dolphins, despite still being bycatch, to
live through the process and carry on with their lives. They also catch tuna in ways other than
following dolphins, such as using logs or tuna caught on a trip in which no dolphins are
harmed(NOAA 12). This type of tuna fishing allows fishing industries to put the Dolphin–Safe label
on their tuna(NOAA 11). Fishing industries have already taken the necessary actions to stop
cetacean bycatch as much as they can. How much they have changed their gear and their methods in
order to compensate for the cetaceans supports that cetacean bycatch is no longer an
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A Research Study On Bottlenose Dolphins
Bottlenose dolphins are among the most familiar cetaceans, just as whales. The Bottlenose dolphin
is a primitive member of the subfamily Delphinine. Bottlenose dolphins are grey, varying from dark
grey at the top near the dorsal fin to very light grey and almost white at the underside. There are two
ecotypes of bottlenose dolphins the coastal and the offshore. The Coastal dolphin has a small body
and large flippers to increase agility and heat dissipation. They have a limited movement into
offshore waters and like shallow warm water near the shore. Coastal dolphins for the most part
remain in their region. The Offshore dolphin has a large body to help conserve heat and defend itself
against predators. They are less restricted in range and movement and like deep, cold waters.
Offshore dolphins in the North Atlantic have migratory patterns that follow prey distribution.
Bottlenose dolphins live in groups typically of 10–30 members, called pods, but group size varies
from single individuals up to more than 1,000. In a case study performed by Randall Wells who is
the leader of the longest study of dolphin population since 1970, it was discovered that there are
three main factors that influence migration: Seasonal changes in prey location, predation pressure
and reproductive requirements. (Wells, 1980). In the fall dolphins follow mullet fish when they
migrate from the bays into the Gulf of Mexico to spawn. Dolphins experience the most predation
pressure during the summer when
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The Taagic Story of Dolphin Mistreatment
Ever since I was young, I was always fond of the ocean. The waves that the sea created intriqued me
and the animals that lived underwater were even more unbelievable. I found the dolphin to be
extremely fascinating. Since the first time I saw one while surfing at my local beach, Manly, I was
hooked. What I didnt know was the horiffic story behind those playful creatures I saw at aquariums
every year. Whether it be on a primary school excursion or a family outing with my family to the
aquarium, those "happy" looking creatures beyond the glass where no more than abused animals
living a nightmare. So where did they come from?
After much research, I found that the countries contributing most to dolphin killing where located in
Asian countries in particular Japan. As you can see in the following chart showing whaling
distribution throughout the globe, Japan is a hotpot for dolphin hunts. Because the dolphins can be
sold to marine parks and butchers across the country for such good money, fisherman in the Region
of Taiji (an area with large influxes of marine mammals), kill them annually. Other regions such as
Guinea and other Pacific Islands have openly admited that Japan had been financially aiding them to
undertake dolphin kills.
Whats most appauling is the way in which the dolphins are killed. The Tiaji Fishing Cooperative in
southeastern Japan have put numerous efforts into methods that kill the dolphin quickest in the hope
that more killings means more profit. The
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The Whaling Of The World Without Whales
The earth has a problem that will result in the evisceration of all cetaceans if it is not stopped. What
would happen if whales disappeared from the earth? In the event it would be catastrophic. A world
without whales is a world which has lost part of the key to the ecosystem of itself. A gentle creature
that has been hunted for its blubber, oils produced in the blubber, and for scientific research.
Rampant whaling caused the population of many whale species to decrease. These marine mammals
dwindled to the point they were in danger of becoming extinct: "One of the most endangered of all
marine mammals, the North Atlantic right whale currently hovers at a population of around 500"
(Finch). The International Whaling Commission (IWC) imposed ... Show more content on ...
Many countries and organizations are suspicious of Japan's intentions, which includes the Sea
Shepherd Conservation Society. Many saw this as an act of deception. Recently the state of North
Korea gave its stand on the argument of Japan's whaling industry and scientific research: "North
Korea slammed Japan for its whaling practices . . ., calling the hunt for marine mammals a "criminal
act"" (Shim). Some reason that "scientific research" as a means for commercial whaling. Many
believe that Japan wishes to continue its tradition of commercial whaling: "North Korea also said
Japan's claims to "scientific research" was nothing more than a smokescreen to hide its commercial
objectives. Each country is responsible for regulating the whaling industry not the IWC. Thus each
country sets the amount whales that can be caught in the hunting season: "In other words, Japan's
approves its own permits for scientific whaling without any external scrutiny or need for
explanation" ("Ending Commercial Whaling"). The process of killing a whale or dolphin is long and
painful. The methods used by Japanese whalers are barbaric at best. The use of
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Bottlenose Dolphin
A Bottlenose dolphin has very many actions, like cute, funny or even playful. Dolphins are so
adorable they love to play. Dolphins are very playful and love to meet people. Sometimes they even
will play jokes cause they're so sweet. Dolphins have diets, like squid, fish, and crustaceans.
Dolphins are commonly seen in aquariums, sea parks, TV shows, and movies, the bottlenose
dolphin is a wildly recognizable cetacean (marine mammal). In the wild, bottlenose dolphins inhabit
the temperate and tropical oceans around the world with coastal populations entering into bays,
estuaries, and river mouths. Like the name "bottlenose" suggests, this species of dolphin has a short,
stubby beak. Its sleek, conical body varies in color from a light to slate ... Show more content on ...
They have a thick layer of blubber which helps them maintain their body heat and protects them
from predators such as killer whales and large sharks. They have sensitive, smooth skin that flakes
off and gets replaced every few hours.
Despite the fact that they live underwater and can hold their breath for up to 7 minutes, dolphins
must come to the surface to breathe air. A muscular flap covers their blowhole while underwater and
opens to exhale once they reach the surface. Dolphins can exhale air at 160 km/hr (100 mph). When
they inhale, they can exchange up to 80% of the contents of their lungs. Humans, by comparison,
only exchange 17% of the air in their lungs when they breathe.
Dolphins aren't involuntary breathers like humans. They must consciously swim to the surface to
take a breath. This means they can never fully sleep. One side of their brain must always be active
so that they remember to breathe. Although they have little to no sense of smell, bottlenose dolphins
have other well–developed sensory
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Cetaceans And Pinnipeds Essay
The physiological effects of pressure on man, cetaceans and pinnipeds Pressure has varied effects on
different organisms; these effects will contrast majorly between man, cetaceans and pinniped's as
they have different adaptations to help with the pressure created from diving. Man is known as
human beings (Homo sapiens) a species of the genus homo in which are the only surviving species.
They Homo sapiens originate on land and do not venture to the sea unless hunting. However this has
changed since become an intelligent species wanting to learn and discover more in which they look
to the ocean. Cetaceans are fully aquatic marine mammals. There are around 88 different species of
cetaceans, which consist mainly of whales and dolphins. Cetaceans evolved many years ago to adapt
to their lives in water, forming two limbs into flippers and creating streamlined bodies ... Show more
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Although we refer to this as nitrogen narcosis it is know known, as gas narcosis as oxygen as well as
nitrogen can both be narcotic. Gas narcosis will generally start to take place when diving too deep.
This is thought to be at around 30 meters or so however each diver will be different. If you start to
feel effects of gas narcosis abort dive to a shallower depth and systems should quickly clear if they
persist you must abort the dive. The symptoms include; loss of coordination, feeling intoxicated,
slowed thinking and reactions, disregard of safety, panic, inappropriate laughter and depression.
Both cetaceans and pinnipeds have adapted to prevent or minimize this problem. This by being able
to collapse their lungs which will in return force air away from the alveoli to stop gas exchange into
the blood at deep depths. This will prevent any further absorption of nitrogen or gas within the
blood. Therefore eliminating nitrogen bubbles that should normal form at high
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The Research On Marine Mammal Captivity
Introduction: In recent years, animals in captive environments such as zoos and theme parks have
grown more controversial. The literature I have reviewed focuses on a particular group of animals in
captivity, cetaceans. Cetaceans include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The literature includes a
range of themes, from their unique level of intelligence to why they may mentally and physically
suffer in captive environments. However, it all connects to how and why these animals live and
behave differently in captive environments than their wild counterparts. I had a unique method to
how I researched the literature. Since marine mammal captivity is a personal interest of mine, I have
attended educational conferences on the subject where I have made friends with many scientists
such as Dr. Jeff Ventre and Dr. Lori Marino. Since I know them personally, I used their published
research as a starting point because I was already familiar with it and knew exactly where to find it.
From there, I mainly used the "related articles" feature within the database to read through titles and
abstracts to find my other six sources.
Cetacean intelligence has been studied for many years both in captivity and in the wild. A milestone
discovery in cetacean intelligence is self–awareness. An experiment was conducted with two male
captive bottlenose dolphins in New York Aquarium. The dolphins were marked on a part of their
body that was not visible without a mirror. After being
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Vaquita Research Paper
When you hear the name vaquita, you probably think about the word "cow" or "small cow" in
Spanish, but the truth is there is an animal out there named that in English, and their numbers have
been dropping treacherously low. Also known as the Gulf of California Harbor Porpoise, or by it's
Latin name, Phocoena sinus, as well as cochito or desert porpoise, this cetaceans resembles a
dolphin, having the same sleek, grey dorsal surface, it's only distinguishable feature being it's flat or
rounded face and dark areas around the eyes and mouth, making it look like it has a short beak.
Newborn offspring have a much darker coloration. Vaquitas are relatively small in size, adults being
5 feet long, which is about the high of the average teenager in the United States, while offspring are
about the size of a large human baby or a small toddler. An adult vaquita weights up to 120 pounds.
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Since not very much is known about vaquita's reproductive behaviors, it is believed that vaquitas
become sexually mature as early as 3 years of age, but most commonly at 6. Females give birth to
one calf approximately every two years. Mothers nurse their offspring for 6 to 8 months, and then
left when they are strong enough. Vaquitas are carnivorous, feeding on different types of lagoon fish
and other marine animals. They use echolocation to track down their dinner, which includes species
from demersal (flatfish, manta rays and flounders) and benthic (crustaceans) zones, teleosts
(croakers, sea trout and grunts) as well as squid and other smaller fish. Vaquitas are native to the
northern Gulf of California, staying around the gulf's shallow areas, though swimming away when a
boat approaches. They are the only porpoise found in such warm temperatures
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Anthropogenic Noise On Cetaceans
Rays of pale sunlight pass through a gradient of cerulean blue. The wide–open space seems almost
eerie until a humpback whale gently swimming sings his song, and the space fills with wonder, until
a disturbance arises.
Cetaceans evolved to use sound as their way of sensing the environment, navigating, foraging, and
selecting mates. Anthropogenic sounds have negative effects on marine life. Humans produce their
own underwater sounds through activities such as aircraft overflights, boats and ships (vessels),
tourism, stationary offshore activities, air gun firing, sonars, explosions, and methods to control
movement of marine life (W. Johnson Richardson and Bernd Würsig, 1997).
Many studies have discovered vessels as the main contributor of anthropogenic noise. It is difficult
to study the effects of anthropogenic noise on cetaceans because it is hard for scientists to see the
effects on communities in aquatic environments. Nevertheless, researchers are finding new methods
to study cetacean acoustics, which results in better details, but it is still hard to understand the long–
term effects of anthropogenic noise on these mammals. Researchers need to conduct more studies
and add to previous data and results ... Show more content on ...
Bottlenose dolphins will decrease their calls in the presence of certain vessels. Call rates decrease,
frequency and length of whistles increase, and creaks changed in the presence of ferries and leisure
boats. Dolphin whistles are a form of social communication. Vessel noise masks whistles interfering
with important social interactions such as mating and mother–calf communication, it is hard for the
receiver to recognize signals. Dolphins use creaks in echolocation; changes in these creaks reduce
the efficiency of foraging. Short–term vessel noise effects on foraging and mating may turn into
long–term, affecting residency patterns (David Lundquist et al.,
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A Case Of Nuturant Care : Adoption Of A Presumed Delphinus...
A novel case of nuturant care: Adoption of a presumed Delphinus calf by bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus) in Far North waters, New Zealand.
CH Petersa* and KA Stockina aCoastal–Marine Research Group, Institute of Natural and
Mathematical Sciences, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Worldwide inter–specific behavioural interactions in the order Cetacea are diverse and often
complex. Epimelatic care can be described as nurturant or Succorant in nature. Adoption can be
classified as nuturant behaviour, however very few examples of nuturant adoption have been
reported among wild cetaceans and even less between species. During routine dedicated transect
surveys, an adult female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was found in the presence of a
young common dolphin calf that did not appear to be her own. This mother–calf–like relationship
lasted 9 months until the mother was sighted on multiple occasions without the calf. This paper
describes repeated behavioural observations of apparent inter–specific association, and discusses the
"type" and potential function of this interaction.
Key Words: adoption, epimeletic care, nurturant behaviour, succorant behaviour, allomaternal care,
allomother, alloparental, inter–species, bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, common dolphin,
Delphinus spp., Bay of Islands, New Zealand Introduction
Inter–specific behavioural interactions in the order Cetacea are varied and often complex, including
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The Bottlenose Dolphin Essay
Have you ever wondered how the Tursiops Truncatus dolphin got its name? It got its name because
it's nose, which is short and stubby. The Tursiops Truncatus' coloring is different from other
dolphins. Their physical appearance is intriguing and distinctive. They have fascinating family life
and eating habits. You can even see bottlenose dolphins in many places in the U.S.A. Their main
home is the Pacific Ocean, but they also live in many other places. The coloring of the bottlenose
dolphin is unique. It is light gray on top and pale pink on bottom. This coloring helps disguise itself
from its predators. The light gray coloring helps it be camouflaged with shadows in the water. The
underside coloring, a pale pink, helps the ... Show more content on ...
Hydrodynamic motion is impressive water movement or quickly moving water. The bottlenose
dolphin's head allows for twenty to twenty–four sharp, conical teeth on each side of the upper jaw,
and eighteen to twenty–four teeth on each side of the lower jaw. That gives the bottlenose dolphin
seventy–six to ninety–eight teeth in all! Conical means cone–shaped. These teeth might compare to
the human incisors. The teeth are used mainly for catching food and holding the food so it won't get
away. The eating habits of the dolphin can vary by habitat, location and the food accessibility and
availability. Bottlenose dolphins may eat many various aquatic organisms. Usually bottlenose
dolphins eat fish and crustaceans. They also may eat octopus, mackerel, cod, herring, mullet, squid
and eels, along with shrimp. The adult dolphins take in about four to five percent of their body
weight in food each day! The average bottlenose dolphin will consume seven to ten pounds of food
a day. Of course, the male will eat more than the female. A nursing mother will eat more than the
standard dolphins; she takes in about eight percent of her body weight. When hunting for food
dolphins may corner the prey in shallow water. The bottlenose dolphin will usually swallow the
prey's head first. For larger fish, such as the impressive hammerhead shark, several bottlenose
dolphins will kick it out of the water with their flukes. This injures and stuns the large fish and the
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Is Moby Dick An Effective Novel?
Is Moby Dick an Effective Novel? Moby Dick is an 18th century novel which is about a whaling
journey by the protagonist Ishmael on board The Peuquod. Unfortunately, the novel fails to replicate
its potential of an action packed whaling journey. Instead it is a tedious read due to its constant
rambling of analogies to the whales and little relevance to the whaling journey, which is Melville's
main purpose for the novel. Hence the book will be an eyesore for future readers and is thus not
encouraged even for the most avid whalers. Moby Dick bored me and many other readers because it
contains too many descriptions pertaining to a whale's features. Melville fails to connect with his
readers with his descriptions about the whaling journey. In the chapter "the ... Show more content on ...
Melville decided to elaborate more on the anatomy of the whale rather than the hunt. Melville took a
gamble by describing many of the whale's features as he advertised his novel about the hunt for
Moby Dick. This gamble backfired. After the right whale and sperm whale are killed, Melville
describes both. He begins by looking at the sperm whale, comparing how the sperm whale had a
"certain mathematical symmetry" (359) which the right whale lacks. Though I comprehended his
comparison, I wanted Melville to get on to the purpose as he had only wrote about the whale hunt
for a short portion of the book and at page 359, he should be demonstrating why he called his novel
about a hunt for a whale for I was more than halfway past the book. Yet he continues to make more
comparisons – this time he looks at their ears. He notes how the sperm's whale's ears "corresponds
to that of a man's ears," (360) using his constant connections of the whale's ears with how its ears
were similar to a man's. Next he still goes on about its eyes and how the sperm whale has peculiar
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Evolution Of Whales
This assignment will look at the fossil record of whales as an example of empirical evidence for
evolution and is inspired by the article "Land–living ancestors of whales" from the "Berkeley:
History of Evolutionary Thought" resource for Module 1.
There are two extant groups of whales; odontocetes (toothed whales) and mysticetes (baleen whales)
and both share many features with all other mammals: they generate heat and regulate their internal
temperature. The females bear live young and produce milk in mammary glands to feed them.
Although they do not have hair on their bodies some adult whales have sensory bristles around their
mouths and there is a stage when the foetus has hair.
Along with these general mammal characteristics whales ... Show more content on
They still had hindlimbs but these were tiny and the pelvis was detached from the vertebral column
so they are unlikely to have been weight bearing. Figure 4 shows their skeleton. Figure 4. Skeleton
of Basilosaurus; the tiny hind limb is shown enlarged. Adapted from National Geographic's The
evolution of whales by Douglas H. Chadwick, Shawn Gould and Robert Clark Re–illustrated for
public access distribution by Sharon Mooney ©2006. Open source licence CC ASA 2.5 as viewed at
The Dorudontids probably gave rise to the Basilosaurids and the two families of extant cetaceans.
They had similar proportions to the modern cetaceans, as shown in figure 5, and were completely
independent of freshwater.
Figure 5. Skeleton of Dorudon atrox; © Philip D. Gingerich 1996, available online on his web site
as viewed at
The vestigial hindlimbs are good evidence for evolution. If the whale had been designed they
wouldn't be there. (sorry I have run out of time).
References (all accessed
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Biographical Essay: Whale Researcher
"Mom I wanna be a whale researcher!" exclaimed Alaina Kelly who was a regular 12 year old girl
with a light coffee like brown hair who wanted to help whales. She found a company who wanted
12–18 year old people who would specialize in whales. One day she woke up and said, " I want to
work for that company.
She started studying all about the whales and worked so hard. She started taking classes to get into
the company and kept talking about how she was going to do that. Her teacher told her," You're
going to do great on the exam soon, you are going to join those kids who are working with whales
right now." "Thanks I'm going to work hard!" Alaina exclaimed. It was one more week until the
exam and she was never so nervous. Every time she tried to study, she would get too nervous
because the exam was coming up, sooner and sooner. She told her teacher," I'm too ... Show more
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It's now 11:30. "Thump thump thump" said her floorboards. She was walking even more intense
now that it was almost here. It was 12:01 and the mailman hasn't been here yet. There was a knock
on the door and she ran to the door. She opened it and saw her teacher. "Ahhh look at what I have, I
hold in my hand the letter from the whale company!" her teacher exclaimed. "Yayy let's open it"
Alaina exclaimed.
She slowly opened it and it read," Alaina Kelly we regret to inform you that you did not exceed the
company's expectations." Alaina's face darkened and began to cry. No don't worry you are very
talented and you just have to stand up for yourself." the teacher said.
She began to cheer up and decided that the next day she would go to the company and demand for
them to give her the job. She woke up the next morning and met her teacher outside because they
were going to go together. There was a knock on the door. she went to the door and opened it. It was
her teacher. They greeted each other and then took
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Analysis Of The Film Whale Rider
Throughout the film Whale Rider, many characters address the ancient custom that only males can
ascend to chiefdom in the Maori tribe. In the film, the culture and traditions are extremely important
to the Maori tribe, especially the elders. Koro is blind to the potential his granddaughter holds
because he holds onto the ancient traditions dearly. The movie Whale Rider deals with a hybrid
culture, and some characters have a harder time transitioning than others. In the film, the audience
sees the biggest struggle during this transition with one of the elders, Koro. Throughout the film
Whale Rider, Koro resists cultural change and this has a major impact on his life because he pushes
his son and granddaughter away and then tries to lead a traditional school that leaves Koro
physically ill.
In the movie Whale Rider, Koro resists cultural changes and pushes away his son, Porokangi
because of it. He begins to do this when Porokangi was younger. Koro pushed his son to be the
leader because he is the first–born male and it is a tradition in their family. Porokangi shows this
while talking to Paikea, he says, "You know, your Koro, did the same thing to me." Implying that
Koro believed so much that he was going the new leader. Koro is now disappointed in Porokangi
because he did not live up to the standards that he set. Koro set the same standards for his grandson
before he was born. Doing this pushed Porourangi away further. In the hospital after Porokangi wife
dies, Koro comes to the hospital and walks in while his son is grieving the loss of his wife. Koro
says nothing except, "where's the boy?" This causes an argument with Porokangi and his father
because all Koro wanted the boy to become the leader. After this confrontation, Porokangi leaves for
the first time and leaves his daughter with Koro. When Porokangi comes back, Koro insults his
work by saying, "you call it work? It's not work. It's souvenirs." Koro insults his work because he
believes that Porokangi should be at home continuing the traditions. This argument with Porokangi
and Koro causes Porokangi to leave again, this time taking Paikea with him.
Throughout the movie, Whale Rider Koro resists cultural changes and pushes away his
granddaughter, Paikea.
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Bottlenose Dolphin Research Paper
Bottlenose Dolphins
By: Eve Lingard & Lilly Peebles
Period 4– O'brien & Period 1– Prosser
Mount Baker Middle School
June 1, 2017
This paper explores the life of bottlenose dolphins. In this paper, we explain that dolphins are
intelligent and general information about them. The research was conducted by analyzing books
about bottlenose dolphins and doing online research. From doing this research, I learned the truth
behind the myths of bottlenose dolphins and their anatomy.
Some common dolphin myths are "Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman legends tell of dolphins
befriending people, especially children, and even carrying drowning swimmers to safety. Fishermen
have long considered dolphins a sign of fair weather and good luck, and in their ... Show more
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These smart and intelligent animals are also sometimes spotted following fishing boats in hopes of
dining on leftovers. Bottlenose dolphins track down their prey through the use of echolocation.
"Bottlenose dolphins travel in groups and communicate with each other with a complex system of
squeaks and whistles. Bottlenose dolphins are well known as the intelligent and charismatic stars of
many aquarium shows. Their curved mouths give the appearance of a friendly, permanent smile, and
they can be trained to perform complex tricks."(National Geographic Creative.)
Bottlenose dolphins were once wildly hunted for their meat and oil, but today only limited dolphin
fishing occurs. Bottlenose dolphins use echolocation to track their prey and it bounces off the target
and returns to it's dolphin senders, revealing the location, size, and shape of the target.
They can go over 20 miles per hour when they work hard. The body shape of a dolphin helps it
swim fast. A dolphin's body is shaped like a tube that is pointed at both ends which helps them move
very fast. They are really fast and they are able to move around faster than any other
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What Is Cetaceans In Crisis
Cetaceans in Crisis:
Protecting the Dolphins and Porpoises The Irrawaddy River dolphin is listed as Vulnerable and has a
rapidly decreasing population. The Vaquita Porpoise is listed as Critically Endangered and has fewer
than one hundred individuals in the wild. We must protect these animals in order to keep balance
and have these animals for future generations to appreciate.
Dolphin and Porpoise Basics Both the dolphin and the porpoise are cetaceans. The Irrawaddy River
Dolphin lives in the Mekong River, Ayeyarwady River, and the Mahakam River in South and
Southeast Asia. They have short beaks, bulging foreheads, and are seen as a sacred animal to the
Khmer and Lao people, also being an important source of income for these people involved ... Show
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The importance of ecofriendly and compostable items, biodegradable items, battery operated items
that are rechargeable, and natural systems contribute to reduce pollution. Hybrid cars use both gas
and electricity as operating systems. Including some of these ideas into fisheries would reduce
carbon admissions, harmful waste, and help keep waters cleaner.
Net Fishing`s Impact By–catch is the incidental capture of dolphins and porpoises in fisheries. The
nets entangle them. More of a struggle means more entanglement. Dolphins and porpoises are
mammals and therefore need air to breathe. Being tangled in a net does not allow these animals to
swim to the surface to breathe. They often die by drowning in their home. Conclusions and Future
These species, the Irrawaddy River dolphin and the Vaquita, are vulnerable to the effects of human
interference in their environment. The overfishing of their food sources depletes the population. The
pollution of modern society is having a huge impact on the oceans. Net fishing is dangerous and
proposes a threat to the populations of the porpoise and the dolphin. Without these animals there are
many problems. Ecosystems become out of balance. People who depend on the marine life for
income must find another way of living. Further research is needed in ways to increase the
populations without direct
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Persuasive Essay On Dolphins
The Interesting Dolphin
Many people know those cute, funny, intelligent animals that are known as dolphins, right?
There are so many interesting things about them. Dolphins have been around for about 15 million
years now. They're extremely intelligent, probably even more intelligent than us humans. Dolphins
are becoming endangered because of humans and many don't know that. They are known as the
oceans most kind animals.Dolphins have originated millions of years ago,are extremely
endangered,and are becoming endangered.The most important thing to know about dolphins would
probably be how they originated because without that those cute aquatic mammals wouldn't even
exist. Dolphins have been around a lot longer than humans. They originated about 50 million years
ago. The most common dolphin, being the bottlenose dolphin, has been around for 15 million years.
Surprisingly, dolphins originated from members of the cetaceans group. Cetaceans used to be land
mammals but evolved into being aquatic mammals. In From Land to Water it stated, "The transition
from land to water is documented by a series of intermediate fossils from India and Pakistan." This
research helps prove how they used to be land mammals but evolved to live in the ocean. Dolphins
are one out of many aquatic mammals who need oxygen, but they need water in order to live.
Believe it or not, dolphins are somewhat related to hippos, camels, deer, cattle, and giraffes. In From
Land to Water, " Many features that are
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Evolution Of Dolphins
"The process of evolution can be very slow, and allows living creatures to develop an anatomy that
is structured for them to thrive" (Dolphin Evolution). Evolution is the gradual development of a
creature, especially from a simple to a more complex organism. Many mammals have evolved from
one animal to another. For instance, dolphins has evolved from land animals to ocean animals. All of
the dolphins belong to the cetacean family, which also include whales, dolphins and porpoises.
Dolphins are now aquatic mammals who are very intelligent and curious. However, what forces
made them evolve? And what did Darwin mean by "survive by the fittest"? Or what principles of
evolution or survival are at work? (Samantha & Paula)
Many scientists wonder
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Argumentative Essay on the Pros and Cons of Dolphins...
Argumentative Essay on the Pros and Cons of Dolphins Living in Captivity versus the Pros and
Cons of Dolphins Living in the Wild.
The Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) are probably the most popular species of
dolphins around. Coming under the order of Cetecea and the family of Delphinidae, the bottlenose
dolphins are closely related to whales and are highly intelligent creatures (source 7). They are
widely distributed around the world in the deep tropical and sub–tropical seas as well as other warm
regions. For this reason, there is no recorded global estimate of the number of Bottlenose Dolphins
in this world. According to source 9, it is regarded as a common cetacean, and too large and strong
to be captured by accident. ... Show more content on ...
Captured animal's natural hunting and survival instincts grow dull after living the lax life in a tank.
Upon being released back into the wild, they are unable to fend for themselves and are quickly
hunted by predators. Also, experience has proven that the spectators of educational animal shows
come away with little thought for the welfare of the animals and more for other exciting things like
fun rides, etc. Spectators mostly go to shows not for the education but for the entertainment of
watching different and sometimes "weird" animals perform. Besides, many do not consider the
mental distress that plagues the dolphins that are suddenly brought into captivity to be studied.
Again referring to source 1 and 6, the animals may most likely not be able to adept well and this
may increase their aggression towards their tank–mates as well as show other signs of obvious
mental suffering. What's more, it is obviously not easy to care for these animals, not to mention
costly. Safaris and parks fork out billions a year for the maintenance and care of their animals.
Looking at SeaWorld's impressive facilities as an example, imagine the cost for designing, building
and then maintaining the aquariums, plumbing, dietary needs, etc of the animals. And even then, it is
no match for Mother Nature. Also, the ethical side of dealing with all living things dictates that it is
immoral to interfere with the lives of the dolphins. We violate
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The Pros And Cons Of Cetacean Bycatch
Cetacean bycatch in fishing industries has been a highly debated topic for decades and is still
considered an ongoing problem(NOAA 8). However, when it is looked at in comparison, the
problem of bycatch has already been solved as much as is possible while still allowing fishing
industries to fish at all. Bycatch is defined as any marine life that is caught and returned to the sea,
whether it is dead or alive(Brooke 2). Therefore, many marine animals that are considered bycatch
are not harmed in any way. Including these animals, the national bycatch ratio is still low(Brooke 3).
Many actions have already been taken since this has become an issue that has reduced bycatch by an
incredibly large amount. In many areas, the amount of bycatch compared to the amount of fish that
the fisheries in that area take in is only a small fraction(Brooke 3). There will always be bycatch in
fishing, even if a single fisherman is fishing with a single ... Show more content on
However, as long as there is bycatch, people will think that there is a problem. In order to get
completely rid of bycatch, there would have to be no fishing at all. This will never happen.
Therefore, there is no longer a solvable problem with cetacean bycatch. A couple facts supporting
this statement are that the amount of cetacean bycatch has already reduced exponentially and the
national bycatch rate is very low. The amount of cetacean bycatch in the fishing industries of the
world has decreased incredibly since it was first announced as a problem(NOAA 8). In the 1960's,
there was an estimated number of 500,000 dolphins caught as bycatch per year by fishing industries
alone(NOAA 8). There was an act, the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act, that was passed in
1972. This act's main goal was to reduce marine mammal bycatch. This act required that "scientific
studies were initiated, observers were placed on fishing boats, fishing gear was inspected,
... Get more on ...
Whaling Persuasive Essay
As a person who grew admiring the wildlife, the rumor that numerous species of animals are
currently experiencing major changes in life can be confirmed by myself. From global warming to
over hunting and poaching, these species have strongly been affected by humanity's increase in food
and space as our dominance over the planet continues. One family of animals affected in numbers
by man is the Cetaceans, the family of whales and dolphins, who for two centuries have been
farmed by man in mass numbers for their sources in a process known as whaling. Whaling is a
dangerous process, but in the short run, it is not as important as people tend to believe, not for
humans but for the sake of the whales.
To describe my reasoning on why whaling should not be abolished, but simply limited in numbers, I
will explain to you why whaling is an outdated source of food and science, as well of how it affects
whales: both physically and mentally.
Whaling is Not Important
While there are positive outcomes we humans can obtain by hunting whales, such as their meat and
the largest bones on the planet, it is not entirely necessary for us to continuously hunt off the species
simply for their sources. The oil from blubber, for example, is a medicine that science can easily
create now due to technology. There is no need to kill an animal simply for its sources.
Whale Population Crisis
Another key factor of your actions of whaling is that you are hurting whale species in general.
Because of the long
... Get more on ...

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Pros And Cons Of Whaling Controversy In Norway And Japan

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Whaling Controversy In Norway And Japan Whaling Controversy in Norway and Japan For centuries nations across the globe have hunted a variety of animals to provide for their inhabitants' diets and economies, which for some species has resulted in endangerment or extinction. Several species of whale have become endangered because of the process of whale hunting, and in order to combat excessive whale hunting the International Whaling Comission (IWC) set forth a ban in 1986 to halt the whaling industry (International Whaling Comission, n.d.); however, nations such as Norway and Japan insisted that their practices continue on the basis of cultural exception. The economies of their whaling regions, they argued, would be put into danger by the moratorium, and so the nations have been allowed to continue hunting small amounts of the non–endangered winke whales and, in some cases, fin whales. As whaling is an important part of the coastal economies for certain countries, the nations certainly have a right to attempt a case of cultural exemption. Without whaling certain villages could lose most of ... Show more content on ... This can be done through two main forces: through putting a hard limit on the amount of whales and types of whales to be hunted and through requiring scientists to monitor whale populations in the areas. The first limit will keep whaling industries in check by making sure that they can still provide income for their workers while protecting whale populations. Also, it will mean that a quota cannot be surpassed, so only a small amount of whales can be hunted. Also, biologists and conservationists should definitely be involved to make sure that quotas are not too high. Quotas which are too high would result in hunting whales faster than the populations can reproduce, causing a threat to the whale populations and the surrounding ecosystems, and so they must be monitored ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Destruction of the Minke Whale in Mobe Dick by Herman... Captain Ahab was a fictional character that participated in whale hunting in a book called Moby Dick. Moby Dick was the name of the great white whale that Captain Ahab was pursing to hunt. "The Minke Whale also known as the baleen whale is the smallest of the rorqual species, and the females are normally larger than the males," Sea Shepherd1, but due to commercial whaling they are facing extinction. Minke Whale Hunting is a problem in Antarctic Ocean which is also known as the Southern Ocean, They are being killed by the Japanese to be used for sushi. "The Japanese and other countries have been hunting whales since the 1800's", studies that were recorded in 1986 have shown that over 30,000 Minke whales have been killed.4 People should pay ... Show more content on ... We are currently losing our Minke Whale because they are unable to reproduce due to hunting. The predicted effects are that they will be no longer existing.1 Brian Handwerk4 discusses the Southern Sanctuary which was established as a "compromise effort during this week's meeting." The Southern Sanctuary was developed in 1994 and presumed, "that 19 million square miles (50 million square kilometers) of waters surrounding Antarctica–as a critical space safe from commercial whaling. Most of the world's whales feed in these waters."4 People should care about whales because they are being hunted, which is illegal. The whales' population is damage due to hunting. The people who eat sushi with whale meat in it. The people are a part of the problem because they are demanding an animal that is near extinction. The ecosystem is affected because whales are a part of it. Whales are a part of the ocean. In the ocean is revolving cycle, such as planktons being eating by fish, which are eaten by whales. In order for the ocean to function, a cycle has to happen, Jeremy Jackson5. A solution could be finding another meat to use to substitute whale meat, or having a numerous amount of customer that stop demanding sushi. By lower demand the Japanese will have no reason to kill the Minke whale because it is not a request. While some conservationists argue that the minke ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Cetacean Research: Whaling In Japan Since the 1986 Whaling moratorium, scientific whaling is the only whaling that the IWC (International Whaling Commission) using the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW) which allows a country's government to issue permits to use lethal methods as long as the whaling is for science. Iceland and Norway were originally signatories of this ruling and stopped commercial whaling for a short period and only had scientific whaling however they have since broken apart from the IWC and continue to whale commercially around their waters. Other countries such as Canada and the United states are granted aboriginal rights for whaling in small numbers for tradition and ceremonies of certain communities (Côté & Farvaro, 2016). Japan's scientific whaling program is the most active of all countries within the IWC. Since the 1986 moratorium Japan's Institute for Cetacean Research has been granted 5 whaling permits. ... Show more content on ... Before the 1986 whaling moratorium Japan had one of the largest commercial whaling fleets although they also had a small scientific program. From 1954 to 1986 Japans scientific whaling programs killed 840 whales globally for scientific research however after 1986 Japan's new larger Scientific whaling program killed over 8321 for research in 18 years 1986–2004, almost a tenfold increase in half the amount of time. All other nations undergoing scientific whaling research killed around 2100 whales between 1952–2005 (Gales, et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Cetacean Bycatch Is A Problem Cetacean Bycatch is a Problem Cetacean bycatch is an ongoing problem in the oceans of the world. Cetaceans are defined as whales, dolphins and porpoises(CBRC 1). Bycatch is "marine mammals that are "captured" but discarded"(Read 2). This happens when fishing industries are fishing for a certain type of marine animal and other marine animals are caught accidentally along with the intended catch. Many times, this leads to the death of the animal that was not meant to be caught, and the animal is tossed back into the ocean. This happens with all kinds of marine life, and it has caused the depletion of many different species. However, this is specifically bad for cetaceans, such as dolphins and whales, because they have such a long lifespan(Brown 2). They also take a very long time to mature(Brown 2). These factors make catching these animals very detrimental to the species as a whole because it takes longer for them to reach an age where they can reproduce(Brown 2). The population of many cetaceans have decreased exponentially. When there is someone watching the nets that cetaceans are accidentally caught in, many times they can be saved. However, there are only select few types of fishing methods that do this, and they are not of the prevalent fishing methods that produce cetacean bycatch. This is a problem because there is a connection between most living animals. If a certain part of the connection is eliminated, it will all fall apart. For example, the relationship between ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay on Bottlenose Dolphins Bottlenose Dolphins This essay is NOT formatted Bottlenose dolphins are among the most vocal of the nonhuman animals and exhibit remarkable development of the sound production and auditory mechanisms. This can be seen in audition, which is shown in the animal's highly refined echolocation ability, and in tightly organized schools in which they live that are made up by sound communication. In testing the communication skills of dolphins, extensive studies have been done on vocal mimicry, in which the animal imitates computer–generated sounds in order to test motor control in terms of cognitive ability. Language comprehension on the other hand has been tested through labeling of objects, which has proven to be ... Show more content on ... 1986). In order to understand the complexity of these highly mechanized acoustic systems, it is necessary to learn the process for which the dolphin hears. In most water–adapted cetaceans, tissue conduction is the primary route of sound conduction to the middle ear. The isolation of the bullae shows an adaptation for tissue conducted sound. The lower jaw contains fat that is closely associated with the impedance of seawater. The lower jawbone of most odontocetes becomes broadened and quite thin posteriorly, and the fat forms an oval shape that closely corresponds to the area of minimum thickness of the jaw. This fat body leads directly to the bulla, producing a sound path to the ear structures located deep within the head. Paired and single air sacs are scattered throughout the skull, which serve to channel these tissue–conducted sounds (Popov & Supin, 1991). Other than this description, there are still more studies needed to determine the function of the middle ear and the type of bone conduction that occurs within the bulla. Due to detailed audiograms, dolphins have been shown to have the ability to detect high–frequency sounds. In an experiment by Johnson (1966) as cited in Schusterman et al. (1986), sine–wave sounds ranging in frequency from 75 Hz to 150 Hz were presented to a bottle–nosed dolphin. The animal was trained to swim in a stationary area within a stall and to ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Commercial Whaling Research Paper Norway and Japan In 1993 Norway resumed hunting whales for political reasons When scientists were hired by the government to calculate whale stocks and realized that the Northeast Atlantic The numbers scientists presented were found to be misleading however, and since then Norway a "traditional activity of very small scale, catching only minke whales" (Norwegian Whaling). Most politicians and much of the population. Norway want a return to whaling. If it were not for the IWC, whalers from this country would be hunting about 2,000 minke whales a year, which is the historical average although not a sustainable one. In 1998 Norway's IWC Commissioner stated that , "'Norway will never accept a ban on export of whale ... Show more content on ... In 1991 the IWC decided to permit aboriginal subsistence whaling as; "whaling for purposes of local aboriginal consumption carried out by or on behalf of aboriginal, Indigenous or native peoples. Who share strong community, familial social and cultural ties related to a continuing traditional dependence on whaling and the use of whales" (Commercial Vs. Subsistence) Japanese whaling practices have more in common with aboriginal subsistence whaling than the strict definitions of commercial whaling . The vessels they use are relatively small and operations exist in community–oriented towns in order to enhance that village's identity rather then simply make revenue for the nation. Legal arguments used by both Norway and Japan to oppose IWC and other regulations on whaling are underlined with the idea that there is no scientific evidence to support the moratorium. Also, the threat of economic sanctions is in violation of GATT trading rules, U.S. policies are hypocritical because of allowing such groups as Alaskan natives to hunt whales. There is also the moral argument attacking the U.S. that says, Americans eat cows, why must the U.S. impose its hypocritical views of animal "worth" on other nations (class notes, Gov. 263)? Sea Shepherd ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. A Brief Note On The Scottish Coastal Waters Cetaceans in Scottish waters Abstract Scottish coastal waters accommodate several populations of cetacean species. However, the interference of human activities on the marine habitat has been increasing gradually and thus, impacted the marine creatures negatively. This paper introduces different cetaceans that can be found in seas surrounding Scotland, threats that can affect them and how humans can tackle the problems through conservation and management. Some suggestions may not be successfully carried out but they still act as potential methods that can be applicable. Introduction The seas around Scotland are the richest seas in Europe for their marine mammals, holding over twenty species of cetaceans. Both residential and migratory communities are increasingly interfered by human activities such as fishery by–catch, shipping, tourism and pollution, which are disrupting the natural behavioural patterns of marine creatures, causing injuries and even death. To prevent these marine mammals from extinction, we have to take actions to protect them and increase their population abundantly. The majority of Cetacean species are marine; some estuarine and freshwater species can be found in tropical and sub tropical niches. Cetaceans are aquatic, they have undergone more extreme anatomical adaptation then their terrestrial ancestors. The mysticetes perform a lot of long distance seasonal migrations, while odontocetes also migrate seasonally but without a common pattern like ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Endangered Whales I believe that Japanese and Norwegian fisherman should be allowed to hunt non–endangered species of whales if certain conditions are met. These conditions would include the establishment of precedence, or in other words a strong case for historical actions and verifiable proof that the specific species had been hunted long prior to international bans. Furthermore, the conditions should include a systematic conservation plan to prevent endangering the species of whale, as well as, obtaining a license in order to prevent poachers from other countries posing as Norwegian or Japanese fisherman. The reason for the cultural exemption is due to the belief that these are in fact violations of these nations' sovereignty, the definition of which is, ... Show more content on ... Japanese fisherman have been hunting whales for over 1,000 years (facts about Japan). In that time, the cultures have learn to revere the animals as sustenance and a form of commerce. From the worlds view, whales should not be hunted, although I'm not sure that the fate of those who depend on this industry to survive has been taken into account. If the species are not endangered and are a form of sustenance to the Norwegian and Japanese fisherman then an amendment to the moratorium on whaling should be made for these cultures. As a factor, there should be strict regulations made that allow only for those who are able to demonstrate a long lineage of whale hunting in addition to being able to prove that it is how they feed themselves and their family. The meat and whale products should not be exported and an area of sea should be mapped to describe the fishing grounds in which their boats can operate. I believe that if these restrictions were to be made and the population of the species of whales being hunted could be accurately determined, then a middle ground could be reached and that both sides of the argument could be ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Bottlenose Dolphin Research Paper The bottlenose dolphin, genus Tursiops, is a cetacean renowned for its social intelligence, even being prescribed the status of non–human persons along with other intelligent species such as great apes. Both dolphins and primates share a number of attributes that have led to an evolutionary propensity for intelligence, including prolonged parental care, long lives, complex social bonds, and communicative cooperation (Reynolds et al., 2000). But unlike primates, dolphins lack opposable thumbs, as well as any sort of limb that is able to manipulate their environment capably. Dolphins evolved in an environment that is less affected by gravity and provides three–dimensional movement, but provides limited chemosensory and visual cues for orientation ... Show more content on ... Dolphins are able to plan their behavior to achieve a solution more efficiently, as well as create novel behaviors. Trained to move weights across a pool to receive a reward, each dolphin independently deduced that they could carry multiple weights at once to reduce the number of trips (Kuczaj et al., 2009). In another test they were able to plan the order of dropping weights in order to optimize the number of fish rewards they could receive (Kuczaj et al., 2009). These demonstrated their ability to analyze problems, plan an appropriate solution, and carry it out in an efficient order. Mirror self–recognition (MSR) has also been demonstrated in bottlenose dolphins, with the dolphins using the mirror to investigate a mark on their heads using a mirror, a level of self–awareness only shared by great apes (Marino, 2002). It is possible that the level of cortical connectivity is a significant factor in the emergence of complex cognitive capabilities such as self–recognition (Marino, ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Commercial Whaling and its Controversy Many countries have been killing whales calling it "research". Many believe that commercial whaling is not okay and is killing whales off. The international community has to make the choice whether we want to risk killing them. We should continue killing the whales at certain guidelines as to how many each year. It is a part of some cultures and we should not harm that. There are a few positives that come from the whaling. There is different cultures that influence eating different kinds of foods. Some cultures do not understand the importance of whaling, many countries do not whale. Many cultures think that whaling is part of their countries way of life (Skare). People in many U.S states hunt for many different animals, how is hunting any worse than killing whales. Media plays a big role in making whaling out to be a very evil practice. Whale Wars sabotage the Japanese ships that are whaling. Whale Wars throws stuff onto the ships deck. Whale meat consists of very high amounts of nutrients. For many countries that eat a lot of whale it is easy access to nutrients. Whale is very high in protein. It is also very low in saturated fats which is really good to not have(Nutrition Facts). They do not just kill whales they also do research on the whales and the populations. They evaluate the deep sea roles of whales and the food chains (Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs). On the flip side there are a lot of very bad things that come from whaling as much as some countries do. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Drive Hunting in the Oceans Every year tens of thousands of marine mammals are killed all over the world, with over twenty thousand small cetaceans killed in Japanese waters alone (Butterworth et al., 2013). These small cetaceans include various species of small whales, many dolphin species and some porpoises. They are killed in various manors, ranging from accidental ship strikes to the more morally controversial yearly drive hunts. As you may know nearly all cetaceans use some sort of sound production in order to navigate waters, communicate with other individuals and groups of their respective species as well as capture prey (Brownell et al., 2008). An example of this is the variety sounds produced by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) when exploring and foraging. These types of noises vary from echolocation, whistles and pops according to Nowacek (2005) which aid in location of prey, and communication when hunting in groups. Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most well–known cetacean species (Bearzi et al., 2008). They inhabit various marine habitats across the world including just about any region with a warm–temperate to tropical ocean climate (Reeves et al., 2002). Just like many other cetaceans they are well known for inhabiting coastal areas, which makes them particularly vulnerable to human interaction and threats they wouldn't necessarily face on the coast of uninhabited lands (Wilson et al., 2008). This use of sound is an extraordinary adaption for life under the sea, unless of ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Cetaceans Stranding Introduction Cetaceans have an important role in the structure and functioning of ecosystems. For a long time, scientists have been studying their status, distribution, and seasonal abundance through strandings. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Services defines a stranding as a marine mammal found dead on shore, alive on shore but unable to return to the water, or in a foreign habitat and unable to return to its own habitat without assistance (–states/our– work/animal–rescue/faqs–about–strandings). The reasons why cetaceans strand are still largely unknown. The stranding of single animals is more likely to occur because the animal is ill, diseased, or injured. Mass strandings involve two or more cetaceans that strand ... Show more content on ... Cetaceans use echolocation to make sense of their world and has only recently been of concern due to the ability of dolphins to locate objects and discriminate objects based on size, shape, and composition (Akamatsu, Nakaqawa, & Hatakeyama, 1995). Any disturbance in the form of sound pollution could cause these cetaceans to mass strand because they are so dependent on sound as their principal sense (Nowacek et al. 2007). Sound travels very efficiently underwater and so impacted areas can affect thousands of square kilometers out. Most of the sound pollution in the ocean come from underwater explosions caused by sonar, seismic testing caused by oil and gas industries, or underwater sea quakes through natural events. The anthropogenic noises can cause deep–diving populations like beaked whales to be threatened and abandon their habitat and surface rapidly. Exposure to anthropogenic sounds negatively affect deep–diving cetaceans (Cox et al. 2006). There are a number of hypotheses for the injuries in the cetaceans that stranded in areas of sonar exercises like decompression sickness and behavioral ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Diverse Mating Strategies Among Different Species Diverse Mating Strategies Among Different Dolphin Species There are a variety of different mating strategies among different male dolphins species. "Male mating strategies and forms of competitive interaction among male cetaceans lead to the development of sexually dimorphic features such as prominent postanal humps, reproductive adaptation such as large testis size, and retained bodily scarring caused by interactions with conspecifics." (Murphy, 2005) Cetacean have been noted to either have a polygynous or polygynandrous mating system. (Murphy, 2005) These mating systems have led to a number of different types of competition among males such as contest competition (where males limit the access of other males to females by aggressive displays or fights) scramble competition (competition to disperse and find sexually receptive females), endurance–rivalry competition (competition to remain sexually active over a longer period of time), mate–choice competition (competition in courtship), and sperm competition (competition between the sperm of 2 or more males)." (Murphy, 2005) Individual males will use these different strategies depending on their dominance in rank, size, age , and number and quality of reproductive females. (Murphy, 2005) Contest competition and courtship competition have been documented in polygynous species such as bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncates), and humpback whales.( Murphy, 2005) "Sexual dimorphism in size, weaponry (teeth and husks), and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Communicating In Pods Essay Kassi Brown Lab 2 Communication in Cetaceans Current Research: How Dolphins Communicate– Dolphins travel together in pods. Even though they are travelling in pods it doesn't necessarily mean they are swimming side by side, so they have developed communication tactics to communicate between one other. Dolphins use sound communication, since sounds travels 4.5 to 5 times faster in the water. Over time dolphins have developed a very high pitch whistles to communicate with others. Dolphins whistle for many different means of communication such as, letting the rest of the pod know where they are, letting others know who is in the pod, or about their state of mentality (if they are distressed). Dolphins do not always whistle back right away to ... Show more content on ... Baleen whales are born with plates that have bristles attached to the plates ( 2015). Baleen whales will communicate using long very low frequency sounds. Humpback whales communicate using melodic whale songs. These low sounds can be heard many miles away and allow whales to communicate long distances. Which is helpful in keeping track of the other whales when on long trips, looking for a mate, or to let others know of their claimed territory ( 2015). Technology used to determine communication– Divers have carried computers underwater to record the sounds of the marine mammals communicating. The computer will emit a light that picks up the frequencies to will make a path to detect which way they are coming from. The diver will also carry a device which is called a Twiddler that can choose and make a sound in response (New Scientist 2015). Sonar: Active Sonar: Scientists have discovered a way to be able to send signals into the water to communicate with the marine mammals that are within range. We call this process "active sonar." This process is still being researched in order to perfect it and to be able to understand what the different sounds mean ( ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Essay On Cetaceans Unlike others who may be writing on the medical aspects and applications of mammalian genetics, such as specific types of cancer genetics or stem cell differentiation, my topic will discuss perhaps the not as applicable, but by no means less interesting radiation, biodiversity, and phylogenetic relationships among cetaceans. This topic is of major interest to me because of my fascination with the origin and evolution of life on earth. When I was younger I had an ambition to become a paleontologist and study prehistoric life, particularly dinosaurs. I am now a biochemistry and genetics major, but my interest in paleontology is still very much present. The reason I chose cetaceans rather than some other group or clade of mammal, is because ... Show more content on ... The ungulate hypothesis had morphological evidence based on cerebral blood circulation that indicated a link between Cetaceans and Artiodactyls (even–toed ungulates).1 It was also hypothesized that another group of extinct mammals, the mesonychids, were the direct ancestors of modern whales. Mesonychids were a taxa of large and carnivorous ungulates. The evidence that led to this hypothesis was based on the teeth of mesonychids being similar to the teeth of early whales, called archaeocetes.1 Phylogenetic analyses done in the mid–2000s as well as the discovery of hind limbs in archaeocetes that lived around the same time as mesonychids, have since shown this hypothesis to be false; mesonychids, however, are considered still a sister group to the cetaceans.1,2 As mentioned above, phylogenetic analyses revealed that mesonychids were not the direct ancestors of cetaceans. Similar phylogenetic analyses also revealed that the closest living sister group to the modern cetaceans are the artiodactyls, which include animals like the giraffe and hippopotamus. More specifically, a sister–group relationship was proposed between Cetacea and Hippopotamidae by analysis of the cytochrome b gene sequences that included cetacean and Hippopotamus DNA.3 This analysis showed that there was a relationship between the two groups, but it would be deemed artifactual due to factors such as convergent evolution due to a ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Anthropogenic Noise Pollution And Its Effects On Cetaceans Anthropogenic Noise Pollution and Its Effects on Cetaceans Cetaceans use sound extensively in both communication, hunting, and navigation. However as humanity continues to make use of the ocean we are constantly filling it with equipment that produces high amounts of sound. These devices are starting to have an impact on cetaceans worldwide, from mass strandings often linked to military exercises to area denials caused by busy commercial shipping lanes and seismic surveys. If consideration is not taken towards this problem now it could develop into something that could have degrading effects on cetacean populations in the future. Sound waves are nothing more than an energy transfer through a medium be it through a liquid, solid, or a gas. Sound pressure or intensity is measured on logarithmic scale in decibels dB which increases on an order of magnitude. For instance a quiet conversation would be around 30 dB and whereas the human pain threshold would be just over 100 dB. While the pitch or frequency of the sound is measured in hertz or Hz, the higher the hertz the higher the pitch of the sound and vice versa (Hildebrand, 2004). Anthropologic noise pollution can come from many different sources, some of the more common ones are commercial shipping, acoustic deterrent devices, military sonar, and explosives (used in some seismic surveys for oil and gas as well as military exercises). The main focus will be on military sonar use, seismic surveys, and acoustic deterrent ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. How Does Anthropogenic Noise Affect Cetaceans Introduction As human presence in the oceans is continually revealed to be detrimental to marine life, one major area of concern is noise pollution in the ocean and its effects on marine mammals. Sound is vital to marine mammals' communication and livelihood, so the disturbance of the sound in their habitat has varying effects. The impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals, specifically cetaceans, can be seen in various experiments and observations concerning the sounds produced by shipping, construction, and sonars. All of which reveal potential and consequential behavioral and physiological effects, which include acoustic masking, change in foraging behavior, and mass strandings. Species studied include harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), ... Show more content on ... It is important that we continue to research known harmful anthropogenic sounds and their effects on cetaceans to limit further damage, and to research other sources of noise due to humans and their potential effects to prevent future harm. Through research, it is shown that various noise pollution caused by humans can have detrimental effects on cetaceans such as harbor porpoises, bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, and Cuvier's beaked whales. Shipping, windfarm construction, and sonar can cause temporary or permanent hearing threshold changes, which can result in decreased foraging ability and communication ability. Shipping has been seen to decrease foraging time and cause acoustic masking. Sonar can cause death due to strandings and lesions. These all add up to show that, overall, noise pollution by humans has a serious effect on the quality of life for cetaceans. It is also important to recognize that absence of a detected reaction does not mean that there is no impact on these cetaceans. It is possible that noise pollution can cause physiological and psychological responses without any external symptoms we can detect. It may be important to develop methods to observe these more subtle reactions to noise pollution that may impact cetacean's way of life. It is important that humans realize the full extent of their effect on marine life and create measures to prevent more harm. Noise pollution's effect on cetaceans affect not only these species, but the other marine life they interact with and the ecosystems of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Pros And Cons Of Cetacean Bycatch Cetacean Bycatch is Under Control Cetacean bycatch in fishing industries has been a highly debated topic for decades and is still considered an ongoing problem(NOAA 8). However, when it is looked at in comparison, the problem of bycatch has already been solved as much as is possible while still allowing fishing industries to fish at all. Cetaceans are defined as marine mammals. Bycatch is defined as any marine life that is caught and returned to the sea, whether it is dead or alive(Brooke 2). Therefore, many marine animals that are considered bycatch are not harmed in any way. Including these animals, the national bycatch ratio is still low(Brooke 3). Many actions have already been taken since this has become an issue that has reduced bycatch ... Show more content on ... Instead of keeping the dolphins in the nets that they catch the other fish with, they are required to release the dolphins from the net as soon as possible(NOAA 5). This is done carefully so that "the dolphins are released alive(NOAA 6)." This allows more dolphins, despite still being bycatch, to live through the process and carry on with their lives. They also catch tuna in ways other than following dolphins, such as using logs or tuna caught on a trip in which no dolphins are harmed(NOAA 12). This type of tuna fishing allows fishing industries to put the Dolphin–Safe label on their tuna(NOAA 11). Fishing industries have already taken the necessary actions to stop cetacean bycatch as much as they can. How much they have changed their gear and their methods in order to compensate for the cetaceans supports that cetacean bycatch is no longer an ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. A Research Study On Bottlenose Dolphins Bottlenose dolphins are among the most familiar cetaceans, just as whales. The Bottlenose dolphin is a primitive member of the subfamily Delphinine. Bottlenose dolphins are grey, varying from dark grey at the top near the dorsal fin to very light grey and almost white at the underside. There are two ecotypes of bottlenose dolphins the coastal and the offshore. The Coastal dolphin has a small body and large flippers to increase agility and heat dissipation. They have a limited movement into offshore waters and like shallow warm water near the shore. Coastal dolphins for the most part remain in their region. The Offshore dolphin has a large body to help conserve heat and defend itself against predators. They are less restricted in range and movement and like deep, cold waters. Offshore dolphins in the North Atlantic have migratory patterns that follow prey distribution. Bottlenose dolphins live in groups typically of 10–30 members, called pods, but group size varies from single individuals up to more than 1,000. In a case study performed by Randall Wells who is the leader of the longest study of dolphin population since 1970, it was discovered that there are three main factors that influence migration: Seasonal changes in prey location, predation pressure and reproductive requirements. (Wells, 1980). In the fall dolphins follow mullet fish when they migrate from the bays into the Gulf of Mexico to spawn. Dolphins experience the most predation pressure during the summer when ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Taagic Story of Dolphin Mistreatment Ever since I was young, I was always fond of the ocean. The waves that the sea created intriqued me and the animals that lived underwater were even more unbelievable. I found the dolphin to be extremely fascinating. Since the first time I saw one while surfing at my local beach, Manly, I was hooked. What I didnt know was the horiffic story behind those playful creatures I saw at aquariums every year. Whether it be on a primary school excursion or a family outing with my family to the aquarium, those "happy" looking creatures beyond the glass where no more than abused animals living a nightmare. So where did they come from? After much research, I found that the countries contributing most to dolphin killing where located in Asian countries in particular Japan. As you can see in the following chart showing whaling distribution throughout the globe, Japan is a hotpot for dolphin hunts. Because the dolphins can be sold to marine parks and butchers across the country for such good money, fisherman in the Region of Taiji (an area with large influxes of marine mammals), kill them annually. Other regions such as Guinea and other Pacific Islands have openly admited that Japan had been financially aiding them to undertake dolphin kills. Whats most appauling is the way in which the dolphins are killed. The Tiaji Fishing Cooperative in southeastern Japan have put numerous efforts into methods that kill the dolphin quickest in the hope that more killings means more profit. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Whaling Of The World Without Whales The earth has a problem that will result in the evisceration of all cetaceans if it is not stopped. What would happen if whales disappeared from the earth? In the event it would be catastrophic. A world without whales is a world which has lost part of the key to the ecosystem of itself. A gentle creature that has been hunted for its blubber, oils produced in the blubber, and for scientific research. Rampant whaling caused the population of many whale species to decrease. These marine mammals dwindled to the point they were in danger of becoming extinct: "One of the most endangered of all marine mammals, the North Atlantic right whale currently hovers at a population of around 500" (Finch). The International Whaling Commission (IWC) imposed ... Show more content on ... Many countries and organizations are suspicious of Japan's intentions, which includes the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Many saw this as an act of deception. Recently the state of North Korea gave its stand on the argument of Japan's whaling industry and scientific research: "North Korea slammed Japan for its whaling practices . . ., calling the hunt for marine mammals a "criminal act"" (Shim). Some reason that "scientific research" as a means for commercial whaling. Many believe that Japan wishes to continue its tradition of commercial whaling: "North Korea also said Japan's claims to "scientific research" was nothing more than a smokescreen to hide its commercial objectives. Each country is responsible for regulating the whaling industry not the IWC. Thus each country sets the amount whales that can be caught in the hunting season: "In other words, Japan's approves its own permits for scientific whaling without any external scrutiny or need for explanation" ("Ending Commercial Whaling"). The process of killing a whale or dolphin is long and painful. The methods used by Japanese whalers are barbaric at best. The use of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Bottlenose Dolphin A Bottlenose dolphin has very many actions, like cute, funny or even playful. Dolphins are so adorable they love to play. Dolphins are very playful and love to meet people. Sometimes they even will play jokes cause they're so sweet. Dolphins have diets, like squid, fish, and crustaceans. Dolphins are commonly seen in aquariums, sea parks, TV shows, and movies, the bottlenose dolphin is a wildly recognizable cetacean (marine mammal). In the wild, bottlenose dolphins inhabit the temperate and tropical oceans around the world with coastal populations entering into bays, estuaries, and river mouths. Like the name "bottlenose" suggests, this species of dolphin has a short, stubby beak. Its sleek, conical body varies in color from a light to slate ... Show more content on ... They have a thick layer of blubber which helps them maintain their body heat and protects them from predators such as killer whales and large sharks. They have sensitive, smooth skin that flakes off and gets replaced every few hours. Despite the fact that they live underwater and can hold their breath for up to 7 minutes, dolphins must come to the surface to breathe air. A muscular flap covers their blowhole while underwater and opens to exhale once they reach the surface. Dolphins can exhale air at 160 km/hr (100 mph). When they inhale, they can exchange up to 80% of the contents of their lungs. Humans, by comparison, only exchange 17% of the air in their lungs when they breathe. Dolphins aren't involuntary breathers like humans. They must consciously swim to the surface to take a breath. This means they can never fully sleep. One side of their brain must always be active so that they remember to breathe. Although they have little to no sense of smell, bottlenose dolphins have other well–developed sensory ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Cetaceans And Pinnipeds Essay The physiological effects of pressure on man, cetaceans and pinnipeds Pressure has varied effects on different organisms; these effects will contrast majorly between man, cetaceans and pinniped's as they have different adaptations to help with the pressure created from diving. Man is known as human beings (Homo sapiens) a species of the genus homo in which are the only surviving species. They Homo sapiens originate on land and do not venture to the sea unless hunting. However this has changed since become an intelligent species wanting to learn and discover more in which they look to the ocean. Cetaceans are fully aquatic marine mammals. There are around 88 different species of cetaceans, which consist mainly of whales and dolphins. Cetaceans evolved many years ago to adapt to their lives in water, forming two limbs into flippers and creating streamlined bodies ... Show more content on ... Although we refer to this as nitrogen narcosis it is know known, as gas narcosis as oxygen as well as nitrogen can both be narcotic. Gas narcosis will generally start to take place when diving too deep. This is thought to be at around 30 meters or so however each diver will be different. If you start to feel effects of gas narcosis abort dive to a shallower depth and systems should quickly clear if they persist you must abort the dive. The symptoms include; loss of coordination, feeling intoxicated, slowed thinking and reactions, disregard of safety, panic, inappropriate laughter and depression. Both cetaceans and pinnipeds have adapted to prevent or minimize this problem. This by being able to collapse their lungs which will in return force air away from the alveoli to stop gas exchange into the blood at deep depths. This will prevent any further absorption of nitrogen or gas within the blood. Therefore eliminating nitrogen bubbles that should normal form at high ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Research On Marine Mammal Captivity Introduction: In recent years, animals in captive environments such as zoos and theme parks have grown more controversial. The literature I have reviewed focuses on a particular group of animals in captivity, cetaceans. Cetaceans include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The literature includes a range of themes, from their unique level of intelligence to why they may mentally and physically suffer in captive environments. However, it all connects to how and why these animals live and behave differently in captive environments than their wild counterparts. I had a unique method to how I researched the literature. Since marine mammal captivity is a personal interest of mine, I have attended educational conferences on the subject where I have made friends with many scientists such as Dr. Jeff Ventre and Dr. Lori Marino. Since I know them personally, I used their published research as a starting point because I was already familiar with it and knew exactly where to find it. From there, I mainly used the "related articles" feature within the database to read through titles and abstracts to find my other six sources. Intelligence: Cetacean intelligence has been studied for many years both in captivity and in the wild. A milestone discovery in cetacean intelligence is self–awareness. An experiment was conducted with two male captive bottlenose dolphins in New York Aquarium. The dolphins were marked on a part of their body that was not visible without a mirror. After being ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Vaquita Research Paper When you hear the name vaquita, you probably think about the word "cow" or "small cow" in Spanish, but the truth is there is an animal out there named that in English, and their numbers have been dropping treacherously low. Also known as the Gulf of California Harbor Porpoise, or by it's Latin name, Phocoena sinus, as well as cochito or desert porpoise, this cetaceans resembles a dolphin, having the same sleek, grey dorsal surface, it's only distinguishable feature being it's flat or rounded face and dark areas around the eyes and mouth, making it look like it has a short beak. Newborn offspring have a much darker coloration. Vaquitas are relatively small in size, adults being 5 feet long, which is about the high of the average teenager in the United States, while offspring are about the size of a large human baby or a small toddler. An adult vaquita weights up to 120 pounds. ... Show more content on ... Since not very much is known about vaquita's reproductive behaviors, it is believed that vaquitas become sexually mature as early as 3 years of age, but most commonly at 6. Females give birth to one calf approximately every two years. Mothers nurse their offspring for 6 to 8 months, and then left when they are strong enough. Vaquitas are carnivorous, feeding on different types of lagoon fish and other marine animals. They use echolocation to track down their dinner, which includes species from demersal (flatfish, manta rays and flounders) and benthic (crustaceans) zones, teleosts (croakers, sea trout and grunts) as well as squid and other smaller fish. Vaquitas are native to the northern Gulf of California, staying around the gulf's shallow areas, though swimming away when a boat approaches. They are the only porpoise found in such warm temperatures ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Anthropogenic Noise On Cetaceans Rays of pale sunlight pass through a gradient of cerulean blue. The wide–open space seems almost eerie until a humpback whale gently swimming sings his song, and the space fills with wonder, until a disturbance arises. Cetaceans evolved to use sound as their way of sensing the environment, navigating, foraging, and selecting mates. Anthropogenic sounds have negative effects on marine life. Humans produce their own underwater sounds through activities such as aircraft overflights, boats and ships (vessels), tourism, stationary offshore activities, air gun firing, sonars, explosions, and methods to control movement of marine life (W. Johnson Richardson and Bernd Würsig, 1997). Many studies have discovered vessels as the main contributor of anthropogenic noise. It is difficult to study the effects of anthropogenic noise on cetaceans because it is hard for scientists to see the effects on communities in aquatic environments. Nevertheless, researchers are finding new methods to study cetacean acoustics, which results in better details, but it is still hard to understand the long– term effects of anthropogenic noise on these mammals. Researchers need to conduct more studies and add to previous data and results ... Show more content on ... Bottlenose dolphins will decrease their calls in the presence of certain vessels. Call rates decrease, frequency and length of whistles increase, and creaks changed in the presence of ferries and leisure boats. Dolphin whistles are a form of social communication. Vessel noise masks whistles interfering with important social interactions such as mating and mother–calf communication, it is hard for the receiver to recognize signals. Dolphins use creaks in echolocation; changes in these creaks reduce the efficiency of foraging. Short–term vessel noise effects on foraging and mating may turn into long–term, affecting residency patterns (David Lundquist et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. A Case Of Nuturant Care : Adoption Of A Presumed Delphinus... SHORT COMMUNICATION A novel case of nuturant care: Adoption of a presumed Delphinus calf by bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Far North waters, New Zealand. CH Petersa* and KA Stockina aCoastal–Marine Research Group, Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand Worldwide inter–specific behavioural interactions in the order Cetacea are diverse and often complex. Epimelatic care can be described as nurturant or Succorant in nature. Adoption can be classified as nuturant behaviour, however very few examples of nuturant adoption have been reported among wild cetaceans and even less between species. During routine dedicated transect surveys, an adult female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was found in the presence of a young common dolphin calf that did not appear to be her own. This mother–calf–like relationship lasted 9 months until the mother was sighted on multiple occasions without the calf. This paper describes repeated behavioural observations of apparent inter–specific association, and discusses the "type" and potential function of this interaction. Key Words: adoption, epimeletic care, nurturant behaviour, succorant behaviour, allomaternal care, allomother, alloparental, inter–species, bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, common dolphin, Delphinus spp., Bay of Islands, New Zealand Introduction Inter–specific behavioural interactions in the order Cetacea are varied and often complex, including ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Bottlenose Dolphin Essay Have you ever wondered how the Tursiops Truncatus dolphin got its name? It got its name because it's nose, which is short and stubby. The Tursiops Truncatus' coloring is different from other dolphins. Their physical appearance is intriguing and distinctive. They have fascinating family life and eating habits. You can even see bottlenose dolphins in many places in the U.S.A. Their main home is the Pacific Ocean, but they also live in many other places. The coloring of the bottlenose dolphin is unique. It is light gray on top and pale pink on bottom. This coloring helps disguise itself from its predators. The light gray coloring helps it be camouflaged with shadows in the water. The underside coloring, a pale pink, helps the ... Show more content on ... Hydrodynamic motion is impressive water movement or quickly moving water. The bottlenose dolphin's head allows for twenty to twenty–four sharp, conical teeth on each side of the upper jaw, and eighteen to twenty–four teeth on each side of the lower jaw. That gives the bottlenose dolphin seventy–six to ninety–eight teeth in all! Conical means cone–shaped. These teeth might compare to the human incisors. The teeth are used mainly for catching food and holding the food so it won't get away. The eating habits of the dolphin can vary by habitat, location and the food accessibility and availability. Bottlenose dolphins may eat many various aquatic organisms. Usually bottlenose dolphins eat fish and crustaceans. They also may eat octopus, mackerel, cod, herring, mullet, squid and eels, along with shrimp. The adult dolphins take in about four to five percent of their body weight in food each day! The average bottlenose dolphin will consume seven to ten pounds of food a day. Of course, the male will eat more than the female. A nursing mother will eat more than the standard dolphins; she takes in about eight percent of her body weight. When hunting for food dolphins may corner the prey in shallow water. The bottlenose dolphin will usually swallow the prey's head first. For larger fish, such as the impressive hammerhead shark, several bottlenose dolphins will kick it out of the water with their flukes. This injures and stuns the large fish and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Is Moby Dick An Effective Novel? Is Moby Dick an Effective Novel? Moby Dick is an 18th century novel which is about a whaling journey by the protagonist Ishmael on board The Peuquod. Unfortunately, the novel fails to replicate its potential of an action packed whaling journey. Instead it is a tedious read due to its constant rambling of analogies to the whales and little relevance to the whaling journey, which is Melville's main purpose for the novel. Hence the book will be an eyesore for future readers and is thus not encouraged even for the most avid whalers. Moby Dick bored me and many other readers because it contains too many descriptions pertaining to a whale's features. Melville fails to connect with his readers with his descriptions about the whaling journey. In the chapter "the ... Show more content on ... Melville decided to elaborate more on the anatomy of the whale rather than the hunt. Melville took a gamble by describing many of the whale's features as he advertised his novel about the hunt for Moby Dick. This gamble backfired. After the right whale and sperm whale are killed, Melville describes both. He begins by looking at the sperm whale, comparing how the sperm whale had a "certain mathematical symmetry" (359) which the right whale lacks. Though I comprehended his comparison, I wanted Melville to get on to the purpose as he had only wrote about the whale hunt for a short portion of the book and at page 359, he should be demonstrating why he called his novel about a hunt for a whale for I was more than halfway past the book. Yet he continues to make more comparisons – this time he looks at their ears. He notes how the sperm's whale's ears "corresponds to that of a man's ears," (360) using his constant connections of the whale's ears with how its ears were similar to a man's. Next he still goes on about its eyes and how the sperm whale has peculiar ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Evolution Of Whales This assignment will look at the fossil record of whales as an example of empirical evidence for evolution and is inspired by the article "Land–living ancestors of whales" from the "Berkeley: History of Evolutionary Thought" resource for Module 1. There are two extant groups of whales; odontocetes (toothed whales) and mysticetes (baleen whales) and both share many features with all other mammals: they generate heat and regulate their internal temperature. The females bear live young and produce milk in mammary glands to feed them. Although they do not have hair on their bodies some adult whales have sensory bristles around their mouths and there is a stage when the foetus has hair. Along with these general mammal characteristics whales ... Show more content on ... They still had hindlimbs but these were tiny and the pelvis was detached from the vertebral column so they are unlikely to have been weight bearing. Figure 4 shows their skeleton. Figure 4. Skeleton of Basilosaurus; the tiny hind limb is shown enlarged. Adapted from National Geographic's The evolution of whales by Douglas H. Chadwick, Shawn Gould and Robert Clark Re–illustrated for public access distribution by Sharon Mooney ©2006. Open source licence CC ASA 2.5 as viewed at The Dorudontids probably gave rise to the Basilosaurids and the two families of extant cetaceans. They had similar proportions to the modern cetaceans, as shown in figure 5, and were completely independent of freshwater. Figure 5. Skeleton of Dorudon atrox; © Philip D. Gingerich 1996, available online on his web site as viewed at The vestigial hindlimbs are good evidence for evolution. If the whale had been designed they wouldn't be there. (sorry I have run out of time). References (all accessed ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Biographical Essay: Whale Researcher "Mom I wanna be a whale researcher!" exclaimed Alaina Kelly who was a regular 12 year old girl with a light coffee like brown hair who wanted to help whales. She found a company who wanted 12–18 year old people who would specialize in whales. One day she woke up and said, " I want to work for that company. She started studying all about the whales and worked so hard. She started taking classes to get into the company and kept talking about how she was going to do that. Her teacher told her," You're going to do great on the exam soon, you are going to join those kids who are working with whales right now." "Thanks I'm going to work hard!" Alaina exclaimed. It was one more week until the exam and she was never so nervous. Every time she tried to study, she would get too nervous because the exam was coming up, sooner and sooner. She told her teacher," I'm too ... Show more content on ... It's now 11:30. "Thump thump thump" said her floorboards. She was walking even more intense now that it was almost here. It was 12:01 and the mailman hasn't been here yet. There was a knock on the door and she ran to the door. She opened it and saw her teacher. "Ahhh look at what I have, I hold in my hand the letter from the whale company!" her teacher exclaimed. "Yayy let's open it" Alaina exclaimed. She slowly opened it and it read," Alaina Kelly we regret to inform you that you did not exceed the company's expectations." Alaina's face darkened and began to cry. No don't worry you are very talented and you just have to stand up for yourself." the teacher said. She began to cheer up and decided that the next day she would go to the company and demand for them to give her the job. She woke up the next morning and met her teacher outside because they were going to go together. There was a knock on the door. she went to the door and opened it. It was her teacher. They greeted each other and then took ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Analysis Of The Film Whale Rider Throughout the film Whale Rider, many characters address the ancient custom that only males can ascend to chiefdom in the Maori tribe. In the film, the culture and traditions are extremely important to the Maori tribe, especially the elders. Koro is blind to the potential his granddaughter holds because he holds onto the ancient traditions dearly. The movie Whale Rider deals with a hybrid culture, and some characters have a harder time transitioning than others. In the film, the audience sees the biggest struggle during this transition with one of the elders, Koro. Throughout the film Whale Rider, Koro resists cultural change and this has a major impact on his life because he pushes his son and granddaughter away and then tries to lead a traditional school that leaves Koro physically ill. In the movie Whale Rider, Koro resists cultural changes and pushes away his son, Porokangi because of it. He begins to do this when Porokangi was younger. Koro pushed his son to be the leader because he is the first–born male and it is a tradition in their family. Porokangi shows this while talking to Paikea, he says, "You know, your Koro, did the same thing to me." Implying that Koro believed so much that he was going the new leader. Koro is now disappointed in Porokangi because he did not live up to the standards that he set. Koro set the same standards for his grandson before he was born. Doing this pushed Porourangi away further. In the hospital after Porokangi wife dies, Koro comes to the hospital and walks in while his son is grieving the loss of his wife. Koro says nothing except, "where's the boy?" This causes an argument with Porokangi and his father because all Koro wanted the boy to become the leader. After this confrontation, Porokangi leaves for the first time and leaves his daughter with Koro. When Porokangi comes back, Koro insults his work by saying, "you call it work? It's not work. It's souvenirs." Koro insults his work because he believes that Porokangi should be at home continuing the traditions. This argument with Porokangi and Koro causes Porokangi to leave again, this time taking Paikea with him. Throughout the movie, Whale Rider Koro resists cultural changes and pushes away his granddaughter, Paikea. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Bottlenose Dolphin Research Paper Bottlenose Dolphins By: Eve Lingard & Lilly Peebles Period 4– O'brien & Period 1– Prosser Mount Baker Middle School June 1, 2017 Abstract This paper explores the life of bottlenose dolphins. In this paper, we explain that dolphins are intelligent and general information about them. The research was conducted by analyzing books about bottlenose dolphins and doing online research. From doing this research, I learned the truth behind the myths of bottlenose dolphins and their anatomy. Some common dolphin myths are "Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman legends tell of dolphins befriending people, especially children, and even carrying drowning swimmers to safety. Fishermen have long considered dolphins a sign of fair weather and good luck, and in their ... Show more content on ... These smart and intelligent animals are also sometimes spotted following fishing boats in hopes of dining on leftovers. Bottlenose dolphins track down their prey through the use of echolocation. "Bottlenose dolphins travel in groups and communicate with each other with a complex system of squeaks and whistles. Bottlenose dolphins are well known as the intelligent and charismatic stars of many aquarium shows. Their curved mouths give the appearance of a friendly, permanent smile, and they can be trained to perform complex tricks."(National Geographic Creative.) Bottlenose dolphins were once wildly hunted for their meat and oil, but today only limited dolphin fishing occurs. Bottlenose dolphins use echolocation to track their prey and it bounces off the target and returns to it's dolphin senders, revealing the location, size, and shape of the target. They can go over 20 miles per hour when they work hard. The body shape of a dolphin helps it swim fast. A dolphin's body is shaped like a tube that is pointed at both ends which helps them move very fast. They are really fast and they are able to move around faster than any other ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. What Is Cetaceans In Crisis Cetaceans in Crisis: Protecting the Dolphins and Porpoises The Irrawaddy River dolphin is listed as Vulnerable and has a rapidly decreasing population. The Vaquita Porpoise is listed as Critically Endangered and has fewer than one hundred individuals in the wild. We must protect these animals in order to keep balance and have these animals for future generations to appreciate. Dolphin and Porpoise Basics Both the dolphin and the porpoise are cetaceans. The Irrawaddy River Dolphin lives in the Mekong River, Ayeyarwady River, and the Mahakam River in South and Southeast Asia. They have short beaks, bulging foreheads, and are seen as a sacred animal to the Khmer and Lao people, also being an important source of income for these people involved ... Show more content on ... The importance of ecofriendly and compostable items, biodegradable items, battery operated items that are rechargeable, and natural systems contribute to reduce pollution. Hybrid cars use both gas and electricity as operating systems. Including some of these ideas into fisheries would reduce carbon admissions, harmful waste, and help keep waters cleaner. Net Fishing`s Impact By–catch is the incidental capture of dolphins and porpoises in fisheries. The nets entangle them. More of a struggle means more entanglement. Dolphins and porpoises are mammals and therefore need air to breathe. Being tangled in a net does not allow these animals to swim to the surface to breathe. They often die by drowning in their home. Conclusions and Future Study These species, the Irrawaddy River dolphin and the Vaquita, are vulnerable to the effects of human interference in their environment. The overfishing of their food sources depletes the population. The pollution of modern society is having a huge impact on the oceans. Net fishing is dangerous and proposes a threat to the populations of the porpoise and the dolphin. Without these animals there are many problems. Ecosystems become out of balance. People who depend on the marine life for income must find another way of living. Further research is needed in ways to increase the populations without direct ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Persuasive Essay On Dolphins The Interesting Dolphin Many people know those cute, funny, intelligent animals that are known as dolphins, right? There are so many interesting things about them. Dolphins have been around for about 15 million years now. They're extremely intelligent, probably even more intelligent than us humans. Dolphins are becoming endangered because of humans and many don't know that. They are known as the oceans most kind animals.Dolphins have originated millions of years ago,are extremely endangered,and are becoming endangered.The most important thing to know about dolphins would probably be how they originated because without that those cute aquatic mammals wouldn't even exist. Dolphins have been around a lot longer than humans. They originated about 50 million years ago. The most common dolphin, being the bottlenose dolphin, has been around for 15 million years. Surprisingly, dolphins originated from members of the cetaceans group. Cetaceans used to be land mammals but evolved into being aquatic mammals. In From Land to Water it stated, "The transition from land to water is documented by a series of intermediate fossils from India and Pakistan." This research helps prove how they used to be land mammals but evolved to live in the ocean. Dolphins are one out of many aquatic mammals who need oxygen, but they need water in order to live. Believe it or not, dolphins are somewhat related to hippos, camels, deer, cattle, and giraffes. In From Land to Water, " Many features that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Evolution Of Dolphins "The process of evolution can be very slow, and allows living creatures to develop an anatomy that is structured for them to thrive" (Dolphin Evolution). Evolution is the gradual development of a creature, especially from a simple to a more complex organism. Many mammals have evolved from one animal to another. For instance, dolphins has evolved from land animals to ocean animals. All of the dolphins belong to the cetacean family, which also include whales, dolphins and porpoises. Dolphins are now aquatic mammals who are very intelligent and curious. However, what forces made them evolve? And what did Darwin mean by "survive by the fittest"? Or what principles of evolution or survival are at work? (Samantha & Paula) Many scientists wonder ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Argumentative Essay on the Pros and Cons of Dolphins... Argumentative Essay on the Pros and Cons of Dolphins Living in Captivity versus the Pros and Cons of Dolphins Living in the Wild. The Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) are probably the most popular species of dolphins around. Coming under the order of Cetecea and the family of Delphinidae, the bottlenose dolphins are closely related to whales and are highly intelligent creatures (source 7). They are widely distributed around the world in the deep tropical and sub–tropical seas as well as other warm regions. For this reason, there is no recorded global estimate of the number of Bottlenose Dolphins in this world. According to source 9, it is regarded as a common cetacean, and too large and strong to be captured by accident. ... Show more content on ... Captured animal's natural hunting and survival instincts grow dull after living the lax life in a tank. Upon being released back into the wild, they are unable to fend for themselves and are quickly hunted by predators. Also, experience has proven that the spectators of educational animal shows come away with little thought for the welfare of the animals and more for other exciting things like fun rides, etc. Spectators mostly go to shows not for the education but for the entertainment of watching different and sometimes "weird" animals perform. Besides, many do not consider the mental distress that plagues the dolphins that are suddenly brought into captivity to be studied. Again referring to source 1 and 6, the animals may most likely not be able to adept well and this may increase their aggression towards their tank–mates as well as show other signs of obvious mental suffering. What's more, it is obviously not easy to care for these animals, not to mention costly. Safaris and parks fork out billions a year for the maintenance and care of their animals. Looking at SeaWorld's impressive facilities as an example, imagine the cost for designing, building and then maintaining the aquariums, plumbing, dietary needs, etc of the animals. And even then, it is no match for Mother Nature. Also, the ethical side of dealing with all living things dictates that it is immoral to interfere with the lives of the dolphins. We violate ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Pros And Cons Of Cetacean Bycatch Cetacean bycatch in fishing industries has been a highly debated topic for decades and is still considered an ongoing problem(NOAA 8). However, when it is looked at in comparison, the problem of bycatch has already been solved as much as is possible while still allowing fishing industries to fish at all. Bycatch is defined as any marine life that is caught and returned to the sea, whether it is dead or alive(Brooke 2). Therefore, many marine animals that are considered bycatch are not harmed in any way. Including these animals, the national bycatch ratio is still low(Brooke 3). Many actions have already been taken since this has become an issue that has reduced bycatch by an incredibly large amount. In many areas, the amount of bycatch compared to the amount of fish that the fisheries in that area take in is only a small fraction(Brooke 3). There will always be bycatch in fishing, even if a single fisherman is fishing with a single ... Show more content on ... However, as long as there is bycatch, people will think that there is a problem. In order to get completely rid of bycatch, there would have to be no fishing at all. This will never happen. Therefore, there is no longer a solvable problem with cetacean bycatch. A couple facts supporting this statement are that the amount of cetacean bycatch has already reduced exponentially and the national bycatch rate is very low. The amount of cetacean bycatch in the fishing industries of the world has decreased incredibly since it was first announced as a problem(NOAA 8). In the 1960's, there was an estimated number of 500,000 dolphins caught as bycatch per year by fishing industries alone(NOAA 8). There was an act, the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act, that was passed in 1972. This act's main goal was to reduce marine mammal bycatch. This act required that "scientific studies were initiated, observers were placed on fishing boats, fishing gear was inspected, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Whaling Persuasive Essay As a person who grew admiring the wildlife, the rumor that numerous species of animals are currently experiencing major changes in life can be confirmed by myself. From global warming to over hunting and poaching, these species have strongly been affected by humanity's increase in food and space as our dominance over the planet continues. One family of animals affected in numbers by man is the Cetaceans, the family of whales and dolphins, who for two centuries have been farmed by man in mass numbers for their sources in a process known as whaling. Whaling is a dangerous process, but in the short run, it is not as important as people tend to believe, not for humans but for the sake of the whales. To describe my reasoning on why whaling should not be abolished, but simply limited in numbers, I will explain to you why whaling is an outdated source of food and science, as well of how it affects whales: both physically and mentally. Whaling is Not Important While there are positive outcomes we humans can obtain by hunting whales, such as their meat and the largest bones on the planet, it is not entirely necessary for us to continuously hunt off the species simply for their sources. The oil from blubber, for example, is a medicine that science can easily create now due to technology. There is no need to kill an animal simply for its sources. Whale Population Crisis Another key factor of your actions of whaling is that you are hurting whale species in general. Because of the long ... Get more on ...