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Presented by Mohammad Naushad
Presented by Mohammad Naushad
We are an independent & not-for-profit organization
Mission & Vision is to…
Transform the un-skilled into skilled
HSE & Personality Development Trainer,
Public & Motivational Speaker. Member of
National Safety Council and Tech IOSH,
Ex- Regional Safety Manager in Synergy
Property Development Services Pvt. Ltd.
What you think about Personality
Most people think just by born good looking is a good personality, but this is far
from the truth, however, good grooming and looks is tiny part of it, the scope of
personality development is quite broad.
Personality means characteristics and appearances of a person, his/her way of
thought, feeling, behavior, communication ability, how to dress well and
interpersonal skills.
The personality can also be modified to a certain extent, as previously people
were thinking good personality is by born. But in recent years have seen a
variety of efforts by professionals to design courses, that develops certain
positive trends in personality. The objective of such courses is to remove those
barriers or obstructions that stand in the way of the good personality.
Good Personality Development Course covers:
 Gain Confidence and overcome your fear
 Good command over spoken English
 Improve Presentation skills
 Crack Interviews
 Build Leadership Qualities
 Re-invent yourself. 3
Most Essential traits forGood Personality Developmentis good Spoken English
Why Speaking English is Important for your Career?
Why do you want spoken English?
 A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced
knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers.
Also a strong command over English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more
social mobility, and a great deal of social success.
 No matter what career you choose, whether it is Engineering or History, having a
powerful command of the English language will greatly increase your odds of
 Learning to speak English confidently is nowadays a need. It is no more an issue of
status however it is of supreme necessity for a good quality job. Lots of
accomplishments in life are greatly dependent upon the way you conduct yourself
with the global customers and delegates, particularly in the international companies.
 Even in the management jobs the high profile people also require a fluency in
English. Usually people are able to easily make their point work in their own
goodwill, if they are able to interact appropriately and present their points in an open
Let’s See How Spoken English Can
Become Your Asset:
 For Business Executives – Effective communication helps business executives in
dealing effectively with co-workers, senior, clients, and external vendors.
 For Students – Students having a good command over spoken English express
their feelings better. They communicate well with classmates, friends, instructors,
and parents.
Lack of effective communication skills is more often people hate their jobs. With a
little bit of improvement in spoken English, they can realize their true potential and in
the long-run would love the same job.
With the globalization of business, almost all the major companies have started
looking for employees who can communicate better in English. This is now
becoming a standard communication channel in the business world. Speaking English
has become a mandatory requirement in the fields of Information Technology, call
centers, BPOs, Aviation sector & few other industries.
Four Skills Of English
English has fours skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. I’ve always tell my
trainees, “to speak is to listen and to write is to read.” Without the
combination between these four skills, English will be clueless.
In our ancient environment, students believe that English only consist of two main
parts, grammar and vocabulary, basically reading and writing. Even the educational
system supports this.
But researchers says “nothing gain” through this dull teaching methods except
examination that only measures reading and writing. When students come into job
market or TOFEL or IELTS, they do fail.
Spoken English
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. About The DYNAMIC
3. Game-1 (Ice Breaker)
4. Commitment
5. Daily Workshop Activities
6. Starter- What Stop You-
6.1. English Grammar Vs. Spoken English
6.2. Accuracy Vs. Fluency
6.3. The Story About The Tiny Frogs
7. Four Rules Of Learning
8. Tips Of Correcting Error
9. Game-2 (Describe Yourself In 1 Word)
10. Repeat Day/Month/Number
11. Introducing Yourself
What we are going to cover
Table of Contents
12. Basic Grammar:
12.1. Verb/Helping Verb
12.2. Structure Of Tense
12.3. Easy Grammar
12.4. Class Room Exercise
12.5. Drill- Easy Grammar
12.6. Sentence Making (All Three Tense)
12.7. Exercise
12.8. Mime Video
12.9. Improvisation
12.10. Question Making- W/H Family
12.11. Exercise Of Present Tense
12.12. Game-3 (Running Direction)
12.13. Chit Chat-present Tense
Table of Contents
12.14. Game- 4 (Bingo)
12.15. Exercise Of Past Tense
12.16. Chit Chat- Past Tense
12.17. Game- 5 (Alibi)
12.18. Ten Conversation Stories
12.19. Chit Chat- Future/Imaginary Tense
12.20. Uses Of Helping Verbs
12.21. Uses Of Prepositions
13. Active Listening:
13.1. Game-6 (Listen & Draw)
13.2. Audio Listening Practice (Short Stories)
14. Intensive Reading Skill:
14.1. Voice And Accent
14.2. Video Play
14.3. American Accent/Sound Practice
14.4. Pronunciation Of Vowels
14.5. Tongue Twisters
Table of Contents
15. Public Speaking:
15.1. Extempore Round
15.2. Exercise- Extempore Tree
15.3. Extempore Topic
15.4. Group Discussion
15.5. GD Exercise
15.6. Role Play- 8 No.
16. Personality development:
16.1. Presentation Skill
16.2. Confident Development
16.3. Positive Attitude
16.4. Personal Grooming
16.5. Communication Skill
16.6. Leadership skills
16.7. Time Management
16.8. Interview Handling Skills
Because we know, we train “human not machine”.
Let me introduce the “Human Anatomy”.
“Every Human has closed-loop control system, and this closed-loop control
system works, when human start to speak. Speaking is controlled in the mind by
Feedback from Hearing, Jaw Movement and by Memory. In order to produce
fluent speech in English, a person must simultaneously retrain the entire feedback
chain used by the mind”. It means when you speak, your all senses start working.
Example- At first trainees has to read it in mind and then
So by this methodology,
Only studying English fails to give instruction effectively to open-loop control,
because grammar based studying only emphasizes memory alone without the
simultaneously uses of all senses.
Hence, we strongly believe, “You can never speak English by just studying it, no
matter how much you study”??? Yes, you read it right.
Only studying is the wrong thing to do, People spent probably thousands of hours,
locked up in their rooms, studying tables of rules and vocabulary and they still
can’t speak. The purpose of this Institution is not to tell the world to stop
studying. However, studying will help you to speak English language better.
Most people think the reason that this happens because the materials and teacher isn’t
good enough. Or perhaps the speaking English is really impossible and it’s the
hardest one in the world.
I say No!
You can speak fluently but not this way, because studying is not the way to get this
About The Institution! continued…
When you study, you acquire vocabulary, you improve your
grammar and you do exercises. Logically enough, your level
improves. With time your potential increases and you can
understand more and you can theoretically join in on a wider
scope of conversations.
But “One day”, when think now you are ready, you can finally
start speaking. But you get nervous and still you say..
“Not today though- may be just need to study a
little bit more”.
Just because the academic system seems to have drilled into us,
that studying is the way to speak an English. Studying helps
you improve and to pass a test/examination, but not produce
confidence to speak.
About The Institution! continued…
Not Today?
So, if studying is not, how can you learn to speak an English
language, then what is? I’ll tell you, and it’s going to blow
your mind.
Are you ready hear?
Are you sitting down? Brace yourself!
You have to speak it!
Yes, I know- it sounds absolutely crazy, doesn’t it! To speak an
English language you have to actual speak it.
It will be hard at first- you won’t know how to say things. It
will be embarrassing; you’ll hesitate a lot and feel frustrated
that you can’t say things precisely the way you want to.
How Do You Learn To Speak Then?
This will happen even if you study for decades, you will always have this barrier to get
through it. Until you actually use the English language in natural context. If you
practice often enough and enthusiastically enough you will get the result quickly.
You can do this in the class, or if there are other learners, natives close by you and at
least over the internet with millions of natives.
These are not things that you can put under a microscope. Language means “two
way of communication”. It’s not a table of grammar rules in some dusty old book, or
a piece of paper that you have to spread ink for your teacher to be happy.
You can learn like a musician, as a musician learns from many natural and
unnatural things. Like through sound of wind flow, water fall, thunder, sound
of animals etc.
So, there are lots of people living their lives surrounding you, like- young couples
flirting with one another, someone buying his morning bread in mall, a tale caller is
sailing his goods or gathering of family members. That is what a English language is
for. When you are locked in the room, so that you are avoiding these contacts and
that’s why so many people never speak.
How Do You Learn To Speak Then?
Don’t have this attitude of “leave me alone, can’t you see I am learning English
There is a Lot of ways, you can speak an English language in the first week, even if
you didn’t study it much yet, you already have the ability to say something right
now just need to polish yourself.
Because we believe an English language is a social tool and being locked up in your
room studying. It is frankly antisocial way. You can’t avoid studying to improve
your English language skills, but if you want to speak then stop studying and just
Therefore DYNAMIC Institution provides fully equipped workshop for developing
communication skills, public speaking, oral speaking and voice & accent.
Do you understand -“WORKSHOP ?”
How Do You Learn To Speak Then?
Have you done Exercise or
Do we know over weight or skinny body is a disease!
Do you want fit body, then you have to do exercise daily
Rope Jump is very effective for fit body. Do you know how to do Rope
Jump? (Can any one read it loudly)
1.Take a good quality of rope in a open area with the enough space.
2.Jump 2 inches off floor, only the toe of the feet should touch the floor.
3.Keep elbows close to sides as you turn the rope.
YES- it’s possible to stay super-fit by joining a gym and doing nothing more
than reading ABOUT fitness and LEARNING THEORETICAL knowledge.
You have got fit body like this
Same apply with English speaking, you can’t speak barely
studying. Ultimately you have to do language EXERCISE or
Seriously you do laugh one me
Then why don’t you laugh about traditional English teaching industry where students
spend 95% of their time engaged in all sorts of activities building their passive
vocabulary, improving their ability to analyze the English language from the grammar
perspective and improving their comprehension while at the same time completely
neglecting their ability to speak?
The single biggest problem:
It’s super easy to fool yourself that you are doing the right
Same apply with English speaking, you can’t speak barely
studying. Ultimately you have to do language EXERCISE or
Game-1 (Icebreakers)
Trainees Introduction to the Class
All trainees need to write full name on a piece of paper.
Trainer will collect paper and re-distribute them.
The trainees will walk around and look for the persons who hold his/her name.
The card holder will ask the below following questions:
Introduce the person to the class.
Hence all students are expected to fulfill the following requirements for the
 Attend and participate actively in all workshop sessions & activities
 Attend and be well prepared for any scheduled workout
 Complete all required readings, pronunciation exercises,
 Submit a voice web board assignment as required
 Speak up no matter what
NOTE: This is a skills-based course which requires participation and effort during every class
session and regular practice outside of class. Students will not improve their speaking
and listening skills without a personal commitment to serious effort.
Before we begin, let's be frank to ourselves-
there is no magic formula that will work for
all who want to speak English fluently until
your commitment & dedication.
Daily Workshop
1 Start day with greetings H/C
Speak/discussion on daily news bulletin, what listen or
watch through print media and digital media. Like- daily
news, movie, daily serial, game.
3 Speak on what’s going on in the community. H/C
4 Read News Paper loudly (One paragraph 3 times). H
5 Pick new words and make your own vocabulary store. H
6 Record your own voice when read News Paper. H
7 How did you spend yesterday? C
8 Reminder- Yesterday’s conducted class. C
The Story About The Tiny
There was a bunch of tiny frogs,...
… who arranged a running competition.
The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race
and cheer on the contestants...
And the race began…
No one in the crowd really believed that, the tiny frogs
would reach the top of the tower…
You heard statements such as:
"Oh, WAY too difficult!!
They will NEVER make it to the top.“ Or "Not a chance that
they will succeed. The tower is too high!”
The tiny frogs also began collapsing. One by one...
The crowd continued to yell…
"It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!”
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up...
But ONE frog continued higher and higher and higher...
This one wouldn’t give up!
At the end everyone else had given up to climbing the tower.
Except for the one tiny frog, who was the only one that
reached the top! after big effort.
THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know
how this one frog managed to do it?
A contestant asked the tiny frog how the one who succeeded
had found the strength to reach the goal?
It turned out...
That the winner was
The wisdom of this story is:
Never listen to other people’s,
their tendencies to be negative or pessimistic...
when people tell YOU that
YOU can not fulfil YOUR dreams!
Always think:
I can do this!
What stop you? When you start to speak English, what come first in your mind?
Looking sentences in Hindi and translate into English.
Now problem starts here because you try to set correct syntax of grammar.
For sake of that you hesitate to speak because you think whether you a correct
and wrong.
What audience think after your wrong syntax?
A person stands to learn English quicker if he stresses more on the spoken side of it,
as compared to the grammatical side. Constant speaking and listening to correct
usage will incorporate the right rules of grammar in his brain. This doesn't mean that
Grammar can be neglected.
A conversation becomes more meaningful with the right usage of grammar, but as
with anything new, stress should be more on practicing what you have learnt many
times first, before moving on to something more complex. Similarly, beginners
should stress on speaking what they have learnt first, before moving on to grammar
and more technical stuff.
Example of cricket game
English Grammar V/S Spoken English
Accuracy Vs.
Speaking fluently in English is a major goal for many non-native speakers. However,
to communicate your ideas effectively, you will need both accuracy as well as
In majority of cases, people are either good at accuracy or good at fluency.
An English language perfectionist might pause frequently to correct himself when he
makes accidental errors in grammar, pronunciation and structure.
However, in the long run, it will separate the listeners from the conversation.
On the other hand, a fluent person who does not bother much about grammatical
accuracy might realize soon enough that the listeners are finding it difficult to
understand what you really mean.
So, how can you make sure to balance a mix of both is the question.
The ideal way is definitely to speak accurately and fluently, but that will come after
years of practice. The important point is to strike a balance between the two.
Four Tricks, which actually works
1. Fake it till make it- Be a fake person until you make correction. Like when you
are shooting picture you always hold smile on your face after clicking, you get
normal. Doesn't matter your are unhappy in your life.
2. Do mistakes- As a teenager, you always conscious to other people, as how they
react about your dressing, your looks, your walking style. But when grown up you
don’t think so, because you have confidence and also those people them self worried
in their life. So always think “who cares” do mistakes.
3. Take it easy- Listen carefully, use simple sentences. Like in the beginning starts
Yes/No, respond with body language, with present action. No need to speak lot.
4. Prepare & Practice- Read it loud and record your voice.
Example- secret of life- A tiny frog
Four Rules Of Learning
Speaking, Thinking, Practicing & Checking.
Many suggest that continuous practice is the key to fluent
Spoken English, however, studies have found that only practicing
doesn't necessarily guarantee results.
Speak the language
It is important that you speak loudly and clearly when you are
learning your target language. You must always use spoken
exercises. You are retraining your mind to respond to a new
pattern of closed loop control system. This can only be done
when you are speaking aloud at full volume.
One of the reasons that traditional language study methods
require so much time to produce results because in silent study
closed loop control system does not work.
Four Rules Of Learning! Continued…
Think in the target language
(Information sources- news paper, new channels).
Most of us have a faulty technique of thinking about a sentence in our native
language and then translating it in our head into English before finally speaking it
You need to remember that speaking, in itself, is an extremely tricky and complex
exercise involving a huge part of our brain, throat and tongue muscles and wind flow.
Adding mental translation to the already complex task leads to errors like rapid
pauses and fillers in speaking.
Any language comes with its own set of sounds, phonetics, wind flow that makes
pronunciation of words and sounds in that language very different from the way we
speak in our native language.
To master these variations in sounds and speech, one needs immense practice of the
correctly pronounced sounds.
It will require much repetition to build the new patterns in your mind. As these new
patterns develop, there will be progression from a laborious, conscious effort, to
speech which is reproduced rapidly and unconsciously.
Trainees need to regularly check their improvement during in the class or at home.
Ideally, if you used only correct syntax and pronunciation, you could retrain your
speech in considerably less time. Consequently, you could learn to speak the target
language more quickly.
Four Rules Of Learning! Continued…
The Art of Paraphrasing
Despite having a wide vocabulary enables you to speak fluently and accurately in
English, not knowing the right word for something you want to mention shouldn't dent
your confidence too. A lot of people feel insecure about speaking in English for the
fear of not being able to find the right words. In cases like these, they should revert to
a very effective technique called "paraphrasing“
Paraphrasing is a technique of using an alternative word or sentence to describe
something you wanted to say, for example, instead of saying 'rhinoceros', you could
say- "you know? That animal with a horn on its head?", or instead of resume', you
could say- 'that document you are supposed to give to the HR'
Example- A bird, who wake up early in the morning and raise his voice, we also say
that bird is performing Azaan.
Tips Of Correcting Error
When you speak to someone, it’s a two way
communication. Both are equally important to
be a part of the conversation. If your listeners
lose interest while you wait for the right word,
the conversation might get over very quickly.
Paraphrasing will allow you to continue your
speaking while involving the listeners by
asking them to help you out with the right
Speaker- "I went to... what do you call it? The
place where they keep animals?" Listener-
Yes, yes... a zoo. You went to the zoo? Wow!
See? The listener feels he has a part in helping
you speak and in return, will value the
conversation much more.
Tips Of Correcting Error! Continued…
Give your trainees to some time to think and choose one word to describe
Allow time for questions.
Taking times.
Listening to them patiently
Game-2 (Describe Yourself In 1
Repeat Days & Months
Days of the week
 Sunday
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday
 Saturday
Months of the year
 January
 February
 March
 April
 May
 June
 July
 August
 September
 October
 November
 December
Repeat each
0 [zero] 16 [sixteen]
1 [one] 17 [seventeen]
2 [two] 18 [eighteen]
3 [three] 19 nineteen]
4 [four] 20 [twenty]
5 [five] 30 [thirty]
6 [six] 40 [forty]
7 [seven] 50 [fifty]
8 [eight] 60 [sixty]
9 [nine] 70 [seventy]
10 [ten] 80 [eighty]
11 [eleven] 90 [ninety]
12 [twelve] 100 [one hundred]
13 [thirteen] 1,000 [one thousand]
14 [fourteen]
15 [fifteen]
Objective: The lesson aims to help learners introduce themselves in English.
Instructions for teaching the lesson:-
Step 1- Trainer has to introduce himself to the class, pausing after each phrase. For
 I am Md. Naushad.
 I am a Personality Development Trainer.
 I am MBA in Industrial Safety.
 I am 36 years old.
 I am from Patna, Bihar.
 I love to providing training.
Step 2- Introduce yourself again, once again pausing after each phrase. Write down
each sentence on the board.
Step 3- Encourage the trainees to introduce themselves. They can use the phrases on
the board as a model.
Step 4- Once they have all introduced themselves, they can change details like
name, age, nationality etc. and introduce themselves as fictional characters.46
They may make up these details, as they wish. Encourage them to be funny.
For example:
 I am Salman Khan.
 I am an actor.
 I am 49 years old.
 I am fit and healthy
 I am from Mumbai,
 I love making movies.
Stages- Timings
Stage 1 (5 minutes) Teacher introduces himself/herself.
Stage 2 (5 minutes) Teacher writes the expressions used on the board and
introduces himself/herself again.
Stage 3 (20 minutes) Learners introduce themselves.
Stage 4 (30 minutes) Learners create fake identities for themselves and then
introduce themselves. 47
Basic Grammar
Grammar is a science that teaches us how to speak and write correct English. When
we speak we use words, grouping of these words in proper manner makes a sentence.
Verb= Action (Verb means action)
There are two types of verb:
Main verb
Helping verb
Lets Understand The Meaning
Of Verb
There are 24 helping verbs. If we know how and where to use them, then no one can
challenge your English.
There Are Three Types Of Tense
Present Tense- The actions that you repeat over and over or an ongoing
Past Tense- Speaks of an event that has ended in the past.
Future Tense- speaks of a future event.
Note- Each tense has four time zones: a) Indefinite, b) Perfect, c) Continuous, d) Perfect
Learn English Grammar
Research shows that this technique is the best way to learn grammar.
The name of technique is “Point Of View” mini stores. I tell you a mini story again
and again but I change the point of view. In other words, I change the time/action
for example or I change the grammar somehow in the same story.
 The story is.. (PRESENT TENSE)
There is a boy. His name is bill. Bill goes to the store. He buys a bottle of water. He
pays two dollars for the water. Ok, that’s it. This is my story which I told you in
present tense.
All you need to do just listen, listen and listen again.
Now, how do we learn grammar from the story? Well next I tell the same story but
now it’s in the past time zone. The story is.. (PAST TENSE)
 There was a boy named Bill. Yesterday, Bill went to the store. He bought a bottle
of water. He paid two dollars for the water. That’s all now.
Learn English Grammar
This is an easy example of past tense. Don’t think about grammar, just listen, listen
and listen again. Listen the second story and understand the meaning that’s all.
It’s easy, effortless grammar learning.
You got present and past tense stories. So next I tell the same story in the future
tense. So just imagine. The story is.. (FUTURE TENSE)
 There will be a boy. His name will be Bill. He will go to the store. And he’ll buy
a bottle of water. He will pay two dollars for the water. So that’s the end of the
example in the future. Now you listen this story in present, past and future and
understood the meaning of story.
Now again I might sure you understood the meaning of story . That is easy learning
grammar. You don’t need to know which tense I have used.
Learn English Grammar
So, now you understand it,
Story changes and simultaneously changes in verbs/action. That’s why the stories are
easy and powerful to understand easly.
You have listen the story number one. You have listen the story number two, and the
story number three. So you learnt the grammar like a child.
When you practicing in this manner, you will learn to use grammar automatically,
and quickly and instantly. You don’t need to think about the rules. Forget the
I learnt same way, you just need to listen the short stories and practice in this manner,
so just relax and learn grammar easily.
Simple Action He takes He took He will take
They take They took They will take
You take You took You will take
I take I took I will take
Action without
He is going He was going He will be going
They are going They were going They will be going
You are going You were going You will be going
I am going I was going I will be going
TASK: It is use full to practice a particular vocabulary area (for example; places in a
town: supermarket, post-office, swimming pool). These drills are good to improve
vocabulary because learners have to substitute one word for another. We can use
substitution drills to practice structures as well as vocabulary.
Example- He takes food/burger/pizza/drinks/fast food/chines/medicine.
Instruction for trainer- Take prints of food, burger, pizza, chinees, medicine.
with time
He has been singing for
2 hours
He had been singing
for 2 hours
He will have been
singing for 2 hours
They have been singing
for 2 hours
They had been
singing for 2 hours
They will have been
singing for 2 hours
You have been singing
for 2 hours
You had been singing
for 2 hours
You will have been
singing for 2 hours
I have been singing for
2 hours
I had been singing for
2 hours
I will have been
singing for 2 hours
Action just
He has sung He had sung He will has sung
They have sung They had sung They will have sung
You have sung You had sung You will have sung
I have sung I had sung I will have sung
He has to sing He had to sing He will have to sing
They have to sing They had to sing They will have to sing
You have to sing You had to sing You will have to sing
I have to sing I had to sing I will have to sing
He sings daily He used to sing daily He will be singing
They sing daily They used to sing daily They will be singing
You sing daily You used to sing daily You will be singing
I sing daily I used to sing daily I will be singing daily
All time
He sings always He used to sing
He will be singing always
They sing always They used to sing
They will be singing always
You sing always You used to sing
You will be singing always
I sing always I used to sing always I will be singing always
to do
He is going to
He was going to
He will be going to sing
They are going to
They were going to
They will be going to sing
You are going to
You were going to
You will be going to sing
I am going to sing I was going to sing I will be going to sing
A wise man stood in front of a large audience and cracked a very funny joke, every
body laughed like crazy. After sometimes, he cracked the same joke again, this
time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again until audience got tired of it and they
started wondering what was he doing.
When he saw that there was no more laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said, “you
can’t laugh at the same joke again and again but why do you keep crying over the
same thing over and over again?”
Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. Just because today is
painful doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be great. And just because you failed today
doesn’t mean you wont succeed tomorrow!
Note for trainer- has to tell the story loudly and ask short question’s answer.
Teach easy grammar by changing its form in present, past and future.
Drill- Learn Grammar
1. Present Indefinite tense:
He/she goes to the market daily, I eat breakfast every day, She is kind, I’m
in college.
Syntax- Sub+V1+s/es+object/others.
2. Past Indefinite tense:
I/he/she went to school, I ate breakfast this morning.
Syntax- Sub+V2+object/others.
3. Future Indefinite tense:
He/she/I will go to play ground, I will meet you tomorrow at 12 O’clock.
Syntax- Sub+will/shall+V1+object/others.
Sentence making- Indefinite Tense
Sentence making- Continuous
4. Present Continuous:
He/she is going to the market, I am eating [now]; I’m going to New York
tomorrow. .
Syntax- Sub+H.V. (is, am, are)+V1+ing+object/others.
5. Past Continuous:
He/she/I was going to school, I was eating when you called.
Syntax- Sub+H.V. (was, were)+V1+ing+object/others.
6. Future Continuous:
He/she/I will be going to the play ground, I will be eating if you come now.
I’m going to be eating at that time.
Syntax- Sub+will/shall+be+V1+ing+object/others.
Uses of present/past/future
continuous tense
Objective of the lesson: Enable the students to use present continuous tense in real
life situations.
Assumption: the students can speak, read and write simple English.
Exercise-1 (20 minutes)-
The teacher has to prepared a video of various people doing actions. The video use
to teach the present continuous tense to trainees by freeze-framing the pictures after
each scene, and ask the questions to trainees like: ‘What is he/she doing?’; ‘What is
Mr. Chander doing?’; ‘What is Sneha doing?’, ‘What are Mr. Chander and Sneha
doing?’ Once trainees elicit their answers, the teacher writes them on the board.
You are brushing your teeth
He is ironing his shirt
She is blow-drying her hair
They are watering the plants
Uses of present/past/future
continuous tense
Uses of present/past/future
continuous tense
Trainer has to highlights the structure (e.g. subject + is/am/are+v+ ing), also need to
divides the trainees into groups. Then freeze- frames all the scenes and encourages
the students to discuss each scene using the structure written on the Board.
Exerise-2 (20 minutes)-
Trainer re-groups the trainees, and gives the play card with present continuous tense
sentences on them to each group. He then instructs the students: ‘Each play card has
a sentence written in present continuous form. Each group will either mime or draw
the action on the blackboard.
Select a leader who will mime or draw on the blackboard. The other groups will
guess the action in turns. The group guessing the correct action will earn five points.
If a group fails, the next group gets the chance to speak. The group earning
maximum points is declared the winner.
Exercise 3 (30 minutes)- The Trainer has to show the mime video and then asks the
trainees to discuss it in their respective groups and tell the story in their own words
using the present continuous tense. Then each groups has to narrate their stories.
While the trainees are discussing this, the trainer has to monitors.
Uses of present/past/future
continuous tense
Mime Video for Continuous
Improvisation means making things up or keep going in the moment. There are a lot
of really fun improvisation ideas to enhance speaking power.
Here are two improvisation ideas:
Choose an ordinary object like a pen and make up a story about it. Talk about how
important it is you, how it helped you to find out your long-lost sister or how it
saved your life. Make something crazy up!
1. Choose a letter of the alphabet and speak as long as you can while starting every
sentence with this letter. Like-
Challenges Change Charity Childhood
Choices Cities Cleanliness Colour
Communication Computers Conspiracies Cooking
2. Start with the letter A and go through the alphabet as you speak. It’s harder than it
sounds! Like- America, Bangladesh, china, Delhi, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Holland.
Practicing improve is a good way to get more comfortable speaking with others,
since it teaches you to speak with preparation.
Sentence making- Perfect
7. Present Perfect:
He/she has gone to market, I have eaten, I have always eaten breakfast.
Syntax- Sub+has/have+V3+object/others.
8. Past Perfect:
He/she/I had gone to school, I had already eaten before lunch.
Syntax- Sub+had+V3+object/others.
9. Future Perfect:
He/she/I will have gone to playground, I will have eaten by noon.
Syntax- Sub+will/shall+have+V3+object/others.
Sentence making- Perfect
Continuous Tense
10. Present Perfect Continuous:
He/she has been going to market since 1985, It’s been raining. (recently,
but perhaps not now), I’ve been studying for two hours.
Syntax- Sub+has/have+been+V1+ing+object/others+since/for.
11. Past Perfect Continuous:
He/she/I had been going to school since 1985, I had been eating before he
Syntax- Sub+had+been+V1+ing+object+others+since/for.
12. Future Perfect Continuous:
He/she/I will have been going to play ground since 2015, I will have been
eating for ten minutes by the time you get here.
Syntax- Sub+will/shall+have+been+V1+ing+object/others+since/for.
Questions making with “W/H”
WHO Asking about the identity of a person Who are you?
WHAT Asking something about a person or
What is your name?, What has he done?
WHERE Asking about some place, person or
Where are my balls?, Where has she
WHY Asking the reason & cause etc. Why is he late?, Why have you come
WHICH Asking about person or thing in a
Which is my room?, Which group are
your joining?
HOW Inquiring about things related to
How are you?, How will the come here?
WHEN Asking about the time of incident When is our birthday?, When are we
going there?
WHOM Whom is used for indicating persons Whom are we waiting for?, Whom do
you want to meet?
Exercise- Present
1. What’s your name?
“I’m _________. / “My name is …”
2. How are you today?
“I’m fine thank you, how about you?” / “I’m good.”
3.Where do you live?
“I live at 123 South Street, Beautiful City, Utopia.” “I live in an apartment on
_________ St.”
4. How many people are in your family?
“There’re five people in my family; my mother, father, sister, brother, and me.”
5. What do you do?
“I’m a businessman” / “I’m a student.”
6. What do you like to do?
“I like to dance and listen to music.”
Personal Information
7. What subjects do you like?
“I like mathematics / biology / sociology / chemistry because it’s so interesting. It
really occupies my mind and makes me think.”
8. What time do you usually wake up?
“I usually wake up at seven o’clock / seven-thirty.”4
9. What are some things you do every morning? “Well, I take a shower, brush my
teeth, and get dressed. After that, I usually have breakfast.”
10. What do you usually have for breakfast?
“I usually have rice and kimchi. Once-in-a-while, I have bacon and eggs. I like
scrambled eggs.”5
11. How do you go to work / school?
“I walk.” / “I take the bus.” / “I drive my car.”
12. What is the first thing you do at work / school?
“I usually clock-in7 / drink a cup of coffee / go to my first class / talk to some
friends.” 71
Interests and Hobbies:
13. What is a hobby? Do you have any hobbies?
“Yes, I collect beer cans.” “Yeah, I collect coins.” “Sure, I like building model
14. What summer / winter activities do you like?
“I like to play golf.” / “I like playing golf.” / “I like to go golfing.” / “I like in-line
skating.” / “I enjoy swimming.” / “I like to swim / swimming.” / “I like to go snow
boarding / to snow board.”
15. Do you like to shop10 / shopping11? What do you like to shop / shopping for?
“I love shopping; it’s my favorite thing.” “Not really, it’s so boring and it takes so
16. Where do you like to go shopping? “I like to go to the Galleria.” / “I usually go to
Game-3 (Running
This useful activity requires students to use all language skills- reading, writing,
listening, and speaking.
 Pair the students. Choose who will run and who will write. (At a later stage they
could swap tasks).
 Print out text and stick them on a wall away from the desk.
Task:- The running students run to their assigned texts, read, remember as much as
they can return to dictate the text to the writing student.
Then they run again and again until copy stick text on the desk note book.
The first pair to finish writing the complete with correct text wins.
Rules- No uses of phone
1. What’s an important city in your country? Tell us about it.
2. What forms of public transportation do you have there / here?
3. What do you like about your hometown?
4. What do you like about your school / job?
5. What do you like to wear?
6. Where do you like to buy your clothes?
7. Where is the cheapest place to buy clothes around here?
8. What are some things that you go grocery shopping for?
9. Which supermarket do you think is the best?
10. What do you like to have for dinner?
11. Do you eat rice every day?
12. Where is a good place to eat around here?
13. Do you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day?
14. How often do you eat out?
15. Which foods do you like the most?
16. Which foods do you least like?
17. What fruit do you like to eat? Name five kinds of fruit.
Chit chat- Present
18. What is your favorite snack?
19. Do you take snack between breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
20. Which do you like the best, Pepsi or Coke?
21. What is your favorite place in your country?
22. What is your favorite place here?
23. What is your favorite time of day and why?
24. What is your favorite holiday?
25. What do you do on EID?
26. Do you like guitar music?
27. Who is your favorite cricket player?
28. Do you have a pet? Tell us about it.
29. Compare a cat to a dog.
30. Describe an animal, for example an elephant. “An elephant has long tusks and a
long trunk, are big and very smart.
31. Do you play any game?
32. Name five different game
33. Do you watch much television?
Chit chat- Present
34. What is your favorite TV program? When does it come on?
35. Do you surf the web? What sites do you like most?
36. What kinds of things do you like to do on the Internet?
37. How often do you use the Internet?
38. Do you own a car/bike? What kind?
39. Are you taking any medicine now?
40. Do you think learning English is a tough task?
41. What is the best amusement park in your city?
42. Is the fare for auto very expensive here?
43. Do you like to talk on the telephone?
44. Where do you feel most relaxed?
45. Do you ever go jogging? Where? How often?
46. How often do you meet your friends?
47. Do you like to travel? Why?
48. Do you like horror movies?
Chit chat- Present Tense
Game- 4
 Introduce the topic to the class and instruct to write the five sentence by their own
thought in their note book.
 Then pick up five words from each five sentences and write down on the play
card. But not common words such as articles, conjunctions and auxiliary verbs.
(Topic- Television: Television is invented by Mr. X. Television is a great source
of information.)
 Call each trainee one by one on the stage to speak up their written sentences.
 If audience find same word what they have written in their play card then they
have to cross/tick the word.
 If you cross/tick all 5 words what expected to listen then, raise your hand and you
are going to win first.
Rules- Don’t over right on the play card
1. Where were you born?
“I was born in Patna. It’s a pretty big city and they’re building a new subway there.”
2. What time did you wake up this morning?
“I woke up at 8:00 because my father woke up at 8:00.”
3. When did you leave your house this morning?
“I left at about 7:45.”
4. What did you do after you left your house this morning?
“I went to school”.
5. Where did you have lunch yesterday?
“At home.” “At a restaurant down the street.”
6. What did you do yesterday?
“I met my friends and we went to a singing room”. “I watched T.V.” “I listened to
music and went for a walk.”
7. What did you do the day before yesterday?
“I taught my brother mathematics. I taught him algebra / geometry / trigonometry "
8. How was the weather yesterday?
“It was hot and humid.” cool, rainy, foggy, snowy,
Exercise- Past
9. What time did you go home last night?
“I went home at seven o’clock.”
10. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
“I had rice.” “I had bacon and eggs, and a glass of milk”.
11. What did you have for lunch today / yesterday? “I had a tuna sandwich, some
potato chips, and a coke.”
12. What did you do last weekend?
“I stayed home. I really didn’t do much.” “I had a great time. I went out with my
friends to a nightclub and danced.”
13. Did you sleep well last night?
“I couldn’t sleep because I kept dreaming all night.” “Yes, I slept like a log last night.”
14. When was the last time that you rode in a taxi and where did you go?
“The last time I rode in a taxi was when I landed at the airport and it took me to a
15. What is the most exciting movie that you have ever seen?
“The most exciting movie that I’ve ever seen was Terminator.”
Exercise- Past
Chit chat- Past
1. What was a really fun experience that you had?
2. When you were a child, what things did you most enjoy?
3. What is the most expensive meal that you have ever had?
4. What Is the most expensive thing you have ever purchased?
5. Were you afraid of the dark as a child?
6. Were you afraid of dogs as a child?
7. Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?
8. When was the last time you went to an art museum or exhibit?
9. When was the last time you got into an argument?
10. When was the last time you helped someone?
11. When was the last time you bought something in a department store?
12. When was the last time you went on a picnic?
13. Where did you go for your last vacation?
14. What was the most interesting thing that you did during your last vacation?
15. When was the last time you laughed your head off?
16. Where did you meet your best friend?
17. What is the difference between “fun” and “funny”?
The teacher tells the class that a particular crime has been committed.
“Last Friday night, sometime between 2’O clock and 2.30 (half pass two), someone
broke into the ATM of HDFC Bank on Mahendru” and looted out”.
Depending on the size of your class, pick several students as “Suspects”. The “Police”
can work in groups of 2-4. So, for example, in a class of 20 you could choose 4
suspects and then have 4 groups of 4 police for questioning. And police will be
questing to all suspects
Tell the class “Mr. X, Y, Z and T” were seen near the scene of the crime, and the
police would like to question them.
The Suspects go outside or to another room to prepare their story. They need to decide
all of the details about where they were during the time of the crime.
For example- Where were at the time of crime?
If they were at a restaurant, what did they eat?
What did it cost?
Where was food bill?
 The Police spend some time for preparing their questions.
 The Suspects are called back in and go individually to each police group.
 They are questioned for a few minutes, and then each one moves on to the
next group.
 The police decide whether their answers match enough for them to have a
reasonable Alibi. (Maybe up to 5 mistakes is reasonable).
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 1- A Soldier’s Lie
The Story-
Once a soldier asked his commanding officer for a day’s leave to attend his sister’s wedding.
The officer asked him to wait outside the door for a few minutes while he considered the
The officer then called the soldier back in and said”. “You are a liar. I’ve just phoned your sister
and she told me she’s already married. “Well, sir, you are an even bigger liar”, the soldier
replied, “Because I don’t even have a sister”.
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice:
1. Leave- means
 Going out from a place
 One part of a tree
 Permission to be absent from work
 Asking a person for some money
2. To attend here means to:
 Take care of
 Pay for
 Be present at
 Look at
3. Questions for Discussion.
 Why did the soldier tell the officer a lie?
 Why did the officer tell the soldier a lie?
 Can you remember telling such lies?
4. Activities.
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following words several times:-
 Command
 Officer
 Attend
 Soldier
 Already
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 2- In Pajamas
The Story-
Staying at a hotel in Delhi, I couldn’t sleep because the television in the residents lounge
was so loud. As I could see from the top of the stairs, the lounge was in total darkness, so I
crept downstairs in my pajamas. I went to the TV and after some fumbling with the knobs I
managed to switch it off. As I turned to leave, I suddenly became aware of a semi-circle of
people sitting in the dark who, up until that moment, had been enjoying a television
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice:
1. Lounge means:
 Kind of taxi in the airport etc.
 Small room for workers
 Public sitting room in a hotel
 Special case for television
2. To creep means to
 Run quickly
 Jump off
 Shout out
 85
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. To……means to move the hands awkwardly to do something or to find something.
 Fumble
 Manage
 Switch
 Reside
4. A knob is a……..
 Hotel room
 Small TV
 Round handle
 Special table
5. Questions for discussion
 Why did the man go downstairs in pajamas?
 What do you think will happen next?
6. Activities
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following words several times:-
 Lounge Resident Knob
 Fumble Aware Semi-circle
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 3- Beggar Replacement
The Story
The doorbell rang, and the housewife answered it. She found two beggars outside. “So you
are begging in twos now”? She exclaimed.
“No, only for today”, one of them replied. I am showing my replacement the ropes before going
on holiday.
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice.
1. A beggar is a person who..
 Sells food and clothes
 Has no money
 Asks for money
 Does the housework
2. To exclaim means to….
 Say something kindly
 Say suddenly and loudly
 Walk quickly
 Look angrily
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. A……… is a person that you put in place of yourself or another.
 Beggar
 Rope
 Housewife
 Replacement
4. Ropes here means….
 The rules and customs in a place or activity
 Pieces of strong thick cord
 People you probably meet in a special place
 Houses which are expensive
5. Questions for discussion
 This joke is telling us something about beggar’s life. What is it?
 Do you know a joke or a true story about beggars?
6. Activities.
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times.
Beggar Exclaim Replay Replacement Ropes
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 4- Wedding Gifts
The Story
Jack and his bride were opening their wedding gifts. After un-wrapping each package, Lisa
would exclaim enthusiastically, “we really need these towels” or “we’ll enjoy eating off
these pretty plates”. Then she opened one very large box. Jack, Lisa said, look what you’ve
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice
1. To unwrap means to..
 Fasten
 Break
 Open
 Write
2. Package means…
 Plate
 Parcel
 Room
 Book
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3.Enthusiastic means..
 Quite angry
 Indifferent
 With great interest
 Showing disliking
4. Another word for vacuum cleaner is..
 Electric Fan
 Cleaning machine
 Hoover
 Electric machine
5. Activities
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times.
 Unwrap
 Package
 Enthusiastically
 Towel
 Vacuum
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 5- Wedding Gown
The Story-
When my sister got married, she wore my mother’s wedding dress. The day she tried it on,
the gown fitted her exactly and mother started to cry. “You’re not losing a daughter”.
I reminded her, putting my arm around her, ‘you’re gaining a son’. ‘Oh, forget about that”, she
said with a cry, “I used to fit into that dress”.
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice.
1. A gown is a…
 Building where people marry
 Dress worn at a special tine
 Persons who is married
 Meal served at wedding
2. To fit means to
 Find something out
 Live happily
 See something sad
 Be the right size
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. A…. is a noisy and irregular breath from crying.
 Gown
 Gain
 Sob
 Fit
4. Questions for discussion
 What is funny about this story?
 Who do you think is telling the story?
5. Activities.
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times:-
 Gown
 Marry
 Gain
 Wore
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 6- Rational Dispute
The Story-
A young housewife told me, “My husband and I never argue, no matter how angry we may
be. Instead we sit down and rationally discuss both sides of the dispute. Then I make a list of
all the crockery I intend to smash.”
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice.
 Rationally means
 Silently
 Angrily
 Not foolishly
 Very quickly
2. To Dispute means..
 Fight
 Wife
 List
 Talk
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. Crockery means..
 Paper money
 Ice-cream
 Cups, plates, etc.
4. To smash means to..
 Write something down
 Clean something in hot water
 Drop something and break it
 Put something back
5. Questions for discussion
 What do you think of the couple?
 Why should the lady smash crockery?
 Do you know a better way to settle a dispute?
6. Activities
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times.
Rationally Dispute Crockery Intend Smash
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 7- The Best Accountant
The Story
An accountant answered an advertisement for a job with a large firm. At the end of the
interview the chairman said, “One last question- what is three times seven?” The accountant
thought for a minute and replied, “Twenty two”. Outside he took his calculator and realized
that he should have said twenty-one. He concluded that he had lost the job. A fortnight later,
however, he was offered the post.
After a few weeks, he asked the chairman why he had been, when he had giver the wrong
answer. “You were the closest”, the chairman replied.
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice.
1. An accountant is a ..
 Person who wants a job
 Machine which adds, deletes, etc
 Person who keeps money records
 Company manager
2. Firm here means…
 Business company
 Shop manager
 Important decision
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. A chairman is person who…
 Sells or buys chairs
 Controls a meeting
4. A fortnight is…
 Twenty days
 Two weeks
5. Appoint here means to…
 Choose a person for a job
 Let a person visit a place
 Call a person to come
6. Questions for Discussion
 How true can such a story by?
 Why do you think should an accountant make such a mistake?
7. Activities
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times.
 Accountant Chairman Calculator Fortnight Appoint
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 8- Delicious Pie
The Story
We were two Australian student nurses, training at an English hospital. During visiting
hours, we would take a break in the ward kitchen and often a kindly visitor would slip us a
cake or some chocolate.
One night a woman brought a Rooster pie to the kitchen and asked me, “Would you eat this up,
we replied love to it?” My friend and I ate every crumb and were delighted, until the woman
returned and asked, “Is it rooster pie or my Husband pie dear?”
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice.
1. A kind of cooker..
 Head nurse
 A part in a hospital
 Temperature
2. To slip here means to…
 Give secretly
 Move slowly
 The get down worse
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. Rooster means meat from…
 Sheep
 Hen
 Buffalo
4. Crumb means a…
 Kind of fresh fruit
 Very small bit of bread, cake, etc.
5. Delighted means..
 Very angry
 Quite tired
 Very Pleased
6. Questions for Discussion
 What do you think will happen next?
7. Activities
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times:
 Ward Crumb Delighted Until Slip
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 9- My Modern Car
The Story
After lunch my friend and I, paid the bill and made our way to my car. I took out my remote-
control gadget and pressed the button which automatically unlocks the doors.
Not having noticed what I did, my friend looked puzzled and asked, “What was that clicking
sound?” “It was just the doors unlocking,” I answered.
He looked at me with astonishment and said, “The car recognizes you?”
Vocabulary Practice
Mark the best choice.
1. Bill here means a…
 Part of a bird’s mouth
 Printed notice on a wall or fence
 List of things bought and their price
 Piece of paper money
2. A gadget is a…
 Kind of car
 Small machine
 Long key
 Piece of cloth
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. Puzzled means…
 Unable to understand
 Not suitable
4. To click means to…
 Try to understand something
 Make a short, sharp sound
4. Astonishment means..
 Happiness
 Friendly smile
 Grate surprise
5. Questions for Discussion
 What is funny about this story?
 How do like this kind of technology?
6. Activities
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times:
 Now Pronounce Remote-control Gadget Automatically
Puzzled Click Astonishment Recognize
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Lesson 10- Poor Cat
The Story
As a student I ate my meals at a seaside boarding house. The land lady was a good cook and,
as her husband was a fisherman. We always ate fish for dinner. Eventually I got tired of it,
and I took to slipping it under the sofa, where the family cat would find and devour it.
This worked very successfully, until one day the land lady tiptoed up behind me and said,
“Young man it’s high time, our cat was run over by a lorry three weeks ago.”
Vocabulary Practice
1. A boarding house is a….
 Building which is near the sea
 Kind of very expensive hotel
 House giving rooms and food
 Kind of school with a pool
2. A land lady is a woman who.
 Is old and weak
 Keeps a boarding house
 Has a lot of money
 Only looks after her family
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
3. Eventually means..
 Naturally
 In the end
4. To devour here means to..
 Throw something away
 Eat something hungrily
5. To tiptoe means to…
 Walk quietly on the toes
 Say something softly
6. To run over means to…
 Hit something while running
 Drive over something
7. Questions for Discussion- What would you do if you were the student?
8. Activities:-
 Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.
 Pronounce the following works several times:
 Eventually Devour Sofa Tiptoe Lorry
Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary
Practices, Questions and Activities.
Chit chat- Future/Imaginary
1. Will you be “staying in”32 this evening?
2. What are your plans for this weekend?
3. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?
4. Do you think the weather will be good this weekend?
5. What time will this class end?
6. Are you going to meet anyone after class?
7. Are you getting up early tomorrow?
8. What time do you have to get up tomorrow morning?
9. What are you doing tomorrow morning?
10. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?
Imaginary Future Tense (Use “would” “I would like ….”)
1. If you could have your own business what would it be?
“I would like to own / run a McDonalds, etc.”
2. What are some countries that you would like to visit?
3. What would you like to have for lunch today?
4. What food would like to try?
Uses of Helping
USED TO- For past routine actions. To express actions repeatedly done in the past.
Example- I used to go for a walk every morning, when I was in America
CAN- Can is used in present & future only and use for taking permission and
showing ability.
Example- I can speak English fluently. Can I come tomorrow
COULD- is used in present & past. To express ability to do something in past and
taking permission with respect.
Example- I could work for twelve hours. Could I speak to Mr. Sahil?
SHOULD- is used for giving suggestion, advice and showing social obligation.
Example- I should learn English. You should make English speaking people.
WOULD- is the past tense of will, it is also use for future (would be). Would alone
has no definite meaning in the past.
Example- I would have paid the fees yesterday, if I had money. I would be going to
the cinema.
MAY- is used in present & future only. It is use for seeking permission and
expressing the possibility of action.
Example- We may go out. I may write a book. May I leave for the day?
MIGHT- is used in the past, present and future.
Example- He might visit city now. He might come tomorrow. I might have watch
It is also use for low possibility in present and past.
Example- It might rain. I might to go there.
Uses of Helping
Uses of ON- It is used for place and time
Example- The bottle is kept on the table. I will see you on Sunday.
Uses of IN- It is for expressing duration of time (in 2 hrs, 4 hrs.)
Example- I will see you in two hours.
Uses of OVER- use for things, which are positioned above something without
having contact with the surface.
Example- The fan is over the table (fan not touching the floor).
Uses of ABOVE- to use compare something in rank.
Example- Raj is above average in class (in comparison to other average students).
Uses of UP- to express the upward indication and position.
Example- I will climb up the tree.
Uses of UPPER- uses of comparison in respect of position.
Example- He lives in the ground floor and his office in one upper floor.
Uses of
Uses of BELOW- to use lower position.
Example- It is below his dignity to work like a clerk.
Uses of Under- to express lower position or placing beneath something
Example- The basket is lying under the table.
Uses of DOWN- refers to standard, position- surface comparatively lower.
Example- In the morning temperature came down by 2 degree.
Uses of BY- it indicates time & position both, use for ending time action.
Example- The car was standing by the bridge. He will reach America by 7.00 pm.
Uses of ASIDE- Means to keep away something.
Example- He brushed aside all the question.
Uses of BESIDE- it is use for placing something by side of some people or things.
Uses of ALONG- means parallel, in the same line.
Uses of
Prepositions Describes
Active Listening
Developing of listening is key activity for good speaker, you may not good speaker
without active listener. Without being able to listen and understand what has been
said. It is impossible to take meaningful part in most conversations. It is important
therefore, that listening be given a central role in every language curriculum.
A lot of people get confused with the excessive intake of information while talking to
a native speaker, because of that your brain is taking in way too much information
(grammar, intonation, meaning, usage, pronunciation) than your brain can process at
one time.
Note- Being a active listener you need make daily routine to watch English news
channel, movie, stories or recorded paragraph by your own voice.
Learn With Yours Ears, Not Your Eyes.
Game-6 (Listen and
Instruction- Listen my instruction and you all have to draw or make paper drawing.
Don’t worry about how good your drawing is. This is not art class, it’s English class!
Just draw quickly.’
Practice- 1
Draw a bear on the left side of the page. Now, draw a cage around the bear. After that
draw a woman sitting on the ground to the right of the bear. Draw a picnic basket to
the right of that woman. Then draw some apples in the picnic basket. Draw a cake
next to the basket …
Practice- 2
• A tree
• Three birds on the tree
• Two flowers under the tree
• A sun on the left side.
While this is a fun activity, I realized that it could help trainees to practice listening. It
could also help them to practice language structures like prepositions (such as ‘in’,
‘under’ or ‘on’).
Game-6 (Listen and
Listening is also important that trainee hear a variety of voices and accents. This can
help students with pronunciation.
The idea is to listen carefully for 'content words’ that help us in getting a very basic
idea of what the person is talking about. Listen carefully to the entire sentence,
picking only those familiar words that you could comprehend, and Skip structural
words (e.g.- it, for, then). In cases when you are confused, always reinstate the
original statement with your guess. e.g. - "Did you mean...?"
Short Stories
 A Box Full Of Kisses--- Note- (Collect the audio CD)
A Hole In The Fence----
Cats And Roosters----
Don’t Change The World----
Four Wives----
Audio listening practice- Short
Any one guess the word & its meaning?
In restaurant a cashier replied to customer- FORHEREORTOGO
Why can't this customer understand what I'm saying? I have repeated "forhereortogo"
three times. I even said the words very slowly the last time. He must not understand
any English.
What does ‘forhereortogo’ mean? Even when the cashier asks me slowly, I understand
the words but I don’t know what the words mean.
Helpful English-speaking Customer- Understand the word and reveal the so call
unknown sentence “For here or to go?”
The cashier wants to know if you would like to eat your food here in the restaurant or
would you like it to go home with you. Is your food for here or to go home?
Content-Speech Disagreement - I
Please read the following paragraph in your mind first:
"There was a time when the Software Industry was just warming up, and the
government needed to allot space to the multinational companies, who aggressively
lobbied for larger territories to expand their office premise."
Note that, it was very easy to go through the entire paragraph without any issues.
However, I’m sure many of you could have speed-read through it.
Content-Speech Disagreement - II
Now, let's try reading the same paragraph as you would read something aloud.
"There was a time when the Software Industry was just warming up, and the
government needed to allot space to the multinational companies, who aggressively
lobbied for larger territories to expand their office premise."
Did you notice any difference in the way your brain functions in both the cases?
Human brain is trained to accept running text as just information, hence the level of
mental exercise is minimum. However, when we try reading it aloud, different factors
which are listed below will start coming to our mind which increases brain activity.
 Pronunciation  Speech  Breath  Wind manipulation
Reading Parameters
1. Flow (avoid fillers) 2. Clarity
3. Speed 4. Volume
5. Punctuation 6. Pronunciation
7. Enthusiasm 8. Body language (Eye contact, Expression, etc).
9. Confidence 10. Introduction and conclusion
This is the reason why many experts state the traditional method of
book-reading as a complete waste of time (reading in mid), unless it
includes exercises where people are encouraged to read from text and
speak it aloud, at times at top volumes.
Intensive Reading Skills
Reading is an important and essential part of communication. It is an established fact
that good readers are good speakers and writers. Reading helps in obtaining
information, knowledge, gaining current vocabulary, making of sentence structure,
volume control, flow and pronunciation etc.
Tips to improve Reading Skills
Pay attention (Read purposefully)
Stop talking to yourself (Talking within in brain)
Reading rates (Correct rate of speech 100-110 per minute).
Types of Reading:
1. Simple Reading (News paper, Magazine, Text book)
2. Complex Reading (Medical Transcription)
3. Modulated Reading (Poem) 4. Dialogue Reading
Note: It is advice to all trainees to read at least one paragraph of news paper
(editorial), story book, and student manuals.
Daily Jaw
1. Practice Breathing-
Breathing is an important part of speaking, it can help in your fluency. If you run out
of breath in the middle of a sentence. Many public speakers, actors and other people
who use their voices a lot practice their breathing before they speaking.
To practice breathing, stand or sit straight, count how long you inhales and exhales
take. Try making the exhales (breathing out) last twice as long as the inhales, this is
also basic yoga for relaxation.
2. Warm up your throat by humming as you exhale. Move your tongue around in
your mouth. Your mouth needs exercise too sometimes.
Make Vowel sounds-
Prepare your mouth for speaking by making the sounds of the vowels A, E, I, O, U.
Make a shape with your mouth as you make these sounds. The exercise will help your
pronunciation of the sounds.
Voice And Accent (VAT)
Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons
(word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and
Pronunciation- is the act or manner of pronouncing words, in a way that is accepted or
generally understood. Speaking English with proper pronunciation is mainly based on
lower jaw movement. Refer student manual (This exercise should be practiced
regularly for 20-25 minutes a day).
English is a language spoken with a lot of Jaw Movement.
Exercise For Lower Jaw
Flute Flow Awesome Last Play Flee Sound Ice
Cute Grow October Faster Station Increase Ground Nice
Mute Plough August Half May Need Found Mice
Shoot Bow Orange Glass Gray Plead Down Dice
Fruit Crow Octopus Master Today Please Crown Sky
Nude Show Dog Mask Monday January Town Fly
Crude Coast Law Grass Detain Simply Noun Try
Video Practice- 1
Questioning round-
What is story?
Suggest video name
Summary 124
Video Practice-
Questioning round-
What is story?
Suggest video name
Summary 125
Video Practice-
Questioning round-
What is story?
Suggest video name
Summary 126
American Signifiers/Sound
C Kh Computer, Contractor
P Phe People, Party
Q Khew Queen, Quenland
T Th Teacher
Last Laest Not change in R mixing word, like car, park
U OO Flute, mute, cute, rude, root
E/LY EE Feel, peal, real, butterfly
I EE Smile, sky, pie
Can not Can’t
I will I’ll
Don’t Don Don’t know = Don know
Does not Dozen Does not know = Dozen know
Did not Din Did not know = Din know
American Signifiers/Sound
Did not Din Did not know = Din know
Will not Won Will not know = Won know
Was Wos I was = I wos
I have Ive I’ve went to market
You have Yove You’ve went to school
They have Theyve They’ve ate food
Going to Gonna
Want to Wanna
What’s u Wassup
T D When you find T between tow vowels (Lot Of)- Lodof
Are not Aant They aant coming
T N Ke De Sh Ze Pe
Tip Number Credit Delay Shower Zeal People
Hotel New Increase Code Shortage Thursday Population
Account Brand Connect Household Show Increase Ripe
Attention Demand Account Designate Shampoo Zone Piper
Request Nominate Check Demand Relationship Zip code Popular
Protest November Take Doubt Chef Thousand
Temporary Negro Make Days
Story Paint Break Ways
History Bake Hazel
Ge Re Zh Be Fe He Le
Guest Terror Pleasure Available Financial Ahead Realize
Argue Terrific Measure Bargain Fine Hundred leak
Large Traffic Treasure Budget Flea Comprehend
Gum Reside Sure Able Afraid heal
Goose Rural Beige About Afford
Dollar Leisure Brain Definite
Reference Vision After
Remember Closure
Me Ve Se Ch Je
Mute Delivery Sales Chance Japan Residential Disable
May Value Sand Change Refrigerator Realize Message
Many Volume Press Agitate Alternative Absolutely
Demand Victim Mess Pleasure Owner
Plan Organize
Initiate Visual
Expedite Schedule
Warranty Detach
Guarantee Assist
Solution Temporary
Enable Thorough
Pronunciation Of
The Connecting Sounds
Vowels help us in distinguishing one word from another. Needless to say, when you
are not fluent with the vowel sounds, your speech sounds confusing and vague.
You are requested to read the words aloud to understand the difference in
pronunciation vowels bring in words with almost identical spellings.
Practicing Vowel Sounds
 Equal – Even – Evening – Evil – Recent – Region
 Sea – Tea – Team – Cream – Clean – Lead – Read
 Fear – Hear – Ear – Near – Clear – Rear
 Hit – Him – His – Is – It – Fit – Did
 Cabin – Habit – Unit – Justice – Public
 Red – Bed – Bet – Let – Met – Set – Sell
 Embrace – Employ – Engage – Enjoy – Enlarge
 Care – Dare – Bare – Rare – Share – Spare – Scare
 Fair – Hair – Air – Affair – Pair – Repair – Despair
 Land – Hand – Sand – Stand – Command – Demand
 Dance – Chance – Glance – Fancy – Answer – Dancer
 Car – Card – Hard – Are – Far – Bar – Garden
 Mirage – Garage – Massage – Facade – Ensemble
 Core – More – Bore – Before – Shore – Sore – Store
 Boring – Story – Sorry – Borrow – Sorrow – Tomorrow
Pronunciation Of
 Hot – Lot – Not – Got – Forgot – Forgotten – Bottle – Comment – Compliment
 Rude – Rule – Rumor – Brutal – Lucy – June – Junior – Food – Cool – School
As In U
 Room – Broom – Roof – Root – Soot – Hoof – Coop – Boulevard
 Union – Unit – Unite – Unique – University – Refuse – Cube – Huge – Humor
As In Yu
 Tune – Tulip – Tumor – Nude – Nuclear – Numeral – Nutrition
 Book – Cook – Hook – Look – Shook – Took – Good – Hood
As In SIR  Her – Herb – Verb – Serve – Perfect – Person – Certain
As In BUT  But – Nut – Fun – Sun – Dull – Lucky – Ugly – Suddenly
Pronunciation Of
Tongue Twisters
A huge number of non-native English speakers make frequent English slip-ups during
conversations. Proper utilization of these techniques enhances our clarity and
pronunciation of speech.
Read out the following sentences as loud as you possibly can:
She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The shells she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure. For if
she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore Then I'm sure she sells sea-shore shells.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper
picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled
peppers Peter Piper picked?
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
So they flew through a flaw in the flue. (For more refer work book)
Extempore Round:
An extempore round/skill is the part of soft skill development training. In this round
trainees have to give a visual/oral presentation on a topic chosen by the trainer. The
skills require in this round are the same as those require for presentation. These sills
include body language, dressing etiquette, clarity and voice modulation and many
The trainees have to speak 1 t 3 minutes on the chosen topic.
Here are some tips on how to present at the extempore round.
Start speaking at an even pace, don’t start speaking really fast as you are likely to
end up without much to say.
Define the topic or specific terms of the topic.
Providing supporting evidence in the form of data or example.
Narrate your personal experience based on the topic.
Try to stick with the given time, if you short in the context of topic then try to relate
other topic’s information so that you can achieve given time, because ultimately you
have to speak, speak and speak.
Make Extempore
To explain the strategy of an extempore tree let us take an example of a simple topic
like pollution. If our were asked to speak on this topic for three minutes could you
speak for the duration given. You will unable to speak for more than two minutes or
less. The problem is not a lack of knowledge on the topic, but more a lack of the skills
required to deliver the speech.
Taking the topic Pollution, if you take this topic as a text and try to speak on that text
you would not be able to speak for more than one a half minutes. If you take it as a
topic and break the topic in five W&H family, then easily speak for more than 5 to 7
Let Breakdown Topic & Make
Extempore Tree
What is Pollution?
Its type and effects
Air (Try to cover the 5 W & H family)
Water (Try to cover the 5 W & H family)
Soil (Try to cover the 5 W & H family)
Noise (Try to cover the 5 W & H family)
Its Disease
Describe the effects on population
What type of disease
The ozone layer
Describe how population increase
50 Years down the line
Its cure
Exercise Of Extempore
There are lot of topics to speak and keep remember extempore tree.
How many real good friend do you have?
Friends are important for everyone what do you think about it?
What is more important- the appearance of the character of a person?
How much time do you spend together with your friends?
How much money do you spend on?
What are your favorite clothes?
Who do you take with you when you go shopping/
How do you spend your pocket money?
How much pocket money do you get?
Home Town
What would you show a guest in your hometown?
Tell something about he history of your hometown.
How can young people spend their free time in your
What are your plans for the future?
Where do you want to live?
In what kind of job do you see yourself in the
following years?
What do you think about a family?
What will be the most important things for you in the
Exercise Of Extempore
Free Time/Holiday
What are your favorite free time activities?
What kind of sports do you like?
Tell about your holidays plans.
Where would you like to be during your holidays?
What country would you like to live in?
Tell something about your favourite subjects at school.
Tell something about your work experience.
What is your dream job?
A good job- what does this mean to you?
What would you change at your school to make it more attractive?
Exercise Of Extempore
Family Life
Tell something about your family?
Tell something about your free time activities.
Speak about your hobbies.
Speak about your favourit music group or singer.
Tell something about your favourite TV programme or radio programme.
What kind of music do you like?
Describe your room.
Speak about pets at your house.
Can children and their parents be good friends?
Tell something about the risks of drugs.
Drugs are cool. What do you think?
Should drugs be legalized?
Exercise Of Extempore Tree
What is your favorite food?
Who in your family does the cooking? Why?
What does healthy life mean for you?
Tell something about your eating habits.
Fast food-slow food. What is your opinion?
What do you do to keep fit?
A good party without alcohol/drugs is not possible.
How often do you eat fish or vegetables?
What do you do to protect the environment?
Tell something about the dangers of the nature.
What do you prefer- living in a city or in the country?
Exercise Of Extempore
Extempore Topics
Advice Animals
Architecture Art
Building design Beauty
Challenges Change
Charity Childhood
Choices Cities
Cleanliness Colour
Communication Computers
Conspiracies Cooking
Corruption Crime
Disabilities Dreaming
Electric cars Environmental Problems
Email Entrepreneur
Facts and statistics Future
Family Family values
Fashion Fast food
First impressions Food
Free time Friendship
Games Getting a job
Habits’ Health
Holidays Homes
Hotels Human wonders
Idol worship Immigration
Individually Intelligence
Kashmir issue
Language Intelligence
Learning English Luxury Items
Extempore Topics
Manners Marriage Technology
Meeting new people Media Television
Motivation Movies The five senses
Neighbors News Tourism
Online friendship Travel
Personality Privacy Water
Productivity wishes
Responsibility Restaurants
Season Secrets
Shopping Singing
Single life Smoking
Sports Stories
Success and failure Super heroes
Extempore Topics
Group Discussion
Group discussion can be a vehicle to encourage thought and to practice a wider range
of skills, specifically communication and problem solving skills. Group discussion
help to improve listening skills, proactive attitude and leadership qualities and team
Type of Group Discussion
Panel- In a panel discussion, a small group of individuals, who are knowledgeable
about a particular subject discuss the topic among themselves ideas through
Dialogue- This method is very similar to a panel discussion but only two individuals
take part in discussing the subject in front of an audience.
Symposium- In a symposium, a small number of speakers who are knowledgeable
about a particular subject make short presentations in succession. These presentations
usually range from five to fifteen minutes each.
Skills required for a Group
Leadership skills
Communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Persuasive skills
Problem solving skills
Conceptualizing skills
Leadership skills- To be able to initiate the group discussion or guide the group
especially when the discussions begins to lose relevance and try to encourage all
members to participate in the discussion.
Communication skills- One key aptitude is listening, it indicates a willingness to
accommodate others views. To be able to use simple language and explain concepts
clearly so that it is easily understood by all.
Interpersonal skills- Ability of the individual to interact with other members of
the group. The person has to be more people centric and less self-centered, ability to
empathize, non-threatening and more of a team player.
Skills required for a Group
Persuasive skills- Ability to analyze and influence others with causing hatred
among group members.
Problem solving skills- Don’t be afraid to think of novel solutions. This is a high
risk and high return strategy.
Conceptualizing skills- Ability to grasp the situation and apply example of day to
day life.
Group Discussion Tips
Take time to think of what you are going to say- If allowed take a piece of paper and
a pen with you and jot down your thoughts before verbalizing them. This could help
you crate the right framework for your discussion.
Don’t start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject.
Work out various strategies to help you make an entry- Initiate the discussion or
agree with someone else point and then move on to express you views.
Skills required for a Group
The score you receive will depend not only on your verbal communication but also
your non-verbal skills. Our body language sys a lot about you, your gestures and
mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than ,what you say.
Language skills are important as they reflect how you get your points across clearly
and fluently.
Be patient, don’t lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The keys to
stay objective- don’t take the discussion personally.
Brush up on your leadership skills, motivate the other members of the team to speak
and listen to their view. Be receptive to others opinions and do not be abrasive or
Apart from the above points the trainer will also judge team members for their
alertness and presence of mind, problem solving abilities, ability to work as a team
without alienating certain members and creativity.
Remember- Don’t be disheartened if you don’t make it after your first Group Discussion the
best possible preparation for a Group Discussion is to earn from your past mistakes.
GD Exercise
 Is reservation good or bad?
 Is co-education good or bad?
 Does Kashmir interest of India beneficial?
 Does coaching helps to student?
 Does late night work beneficial?
 Do girls work late night?
Role Play- 1) Formal
JAMES: Good morning, Professor Austin, how are you doing?
PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Good morning, James. I am doing well. And you?
JAMES: I’m great, thank you. This is my friend Emma. She is thinking about
applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us
about the process, please?
PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Hello, Emma! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m more than
happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week.
EMMA: It’s a pleasure to meet you, professor. Thank you so much for helping us.
PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Don’t mention it. Hopefully, I will be able to answer
your questions!
NATASHA: What time is it? We’re going to be late!
TONY: It’s a quarter after seven. We’re on time. Don’t panic.
NATASHA: But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise
party. We’ll never make it there with all this evening traffic.
TONY: Sure we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 8:00. But I
do need help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park
our car?
LANGUAGE NOTES - It’s a quarter after seven. This phrase is one of the most
common ways of stating this time. It means: “It’s 15 minutes past 7:00.” Another
possibility here is to simply say: “It’s seven fifteen.”
Rush hour is the time of day—usually in the morning and evening—when traffic is
heavy because of people commuting to and from their workplace by bus, by car, by
subway, on foot, etc.
2) What Time Is
JENNIFER: It’s freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought
this cold front was supposed to pass.
GABRIELA: Yeah, I thought so too. That’s what I read online this morning.
JENNIFER: I guess the wind chill is really driving down the temperature.
GABRIELA: Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go numb.
A “cold front” means a large mass of cold air. It can be plural: There were multiple
cold fronts this January.
Here “supposed to” refers to something that is intended or expected to happen: I
thought it was supposed to rain today.
The phrase “driving down” means “forcing to be lower” and can be used in many
situations. An oversupply of new houses is driving down sales prices in the area.
3) Weather
WAITER: Hello, I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to
RALPH: Yes. I’ll have iced tea, please.
ANNA: And I’ll have lemonade.
WAITER: OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?
RALPH: I think we’re ready. I’ll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef
with mashed potatoes and peas.
WAITER: How do you want the beef — rare, medium, or well done?
RALPH: Well done, please.
ANNA: And I’ll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad.
4) Ordering A
MARK: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the
library is?
NANCY: Yes, it’s that way. You go three blocks
to Washington Street, then turn right. It’s on the
corner, across from the bank.
MARK: Thanks! I’ve only been in town a few
days, so I really don’t know my way around yet.
NANCY: Oh, I know how you feel. We moved
here a year ago, and I still don’t know where
everything is!
Could you tell me … is slightly more polite than
“Can you tell me …?”
5) Asking
SALESPERSON: Can I help you?
GLORIA: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater — in a size medium.
SALESPERSON: Let’s see … here’s a nice white one. What do you think?
GLORIA: I think I’d rather have it in blue.
SALESPERSON: OK … here’s blue, in a medium. Would you like to try it on?
GLORIA: OK … yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it?
SALESPERSON: It’s $50. It will be $53, with tax. GLORIA: Perfect! I’ll take it.
6) Shopping
7) How Old Are
PATTY: I’m really excited for Aunt Mary’s surprise birthday party this afternoon!
Aren’t ou?
SUSAN: Yeah! How old is she?
PATTY: She’ll be 55 on May 14 [fourteenth].
SUSAN: Wow! I didn’t know that my mom was older — she’s going to be 57 on
September 2 [second]. Anyway, Aunt Mary’s going to be so surprised to see us all
PATTY: I know! But we still have to get all the food set up before she gets here …
OK! We’re all ready now. Shh! She’s here!
ALL: Surprise!
8) What’s Your Favorite
PHIL: What time is that soccer game on? I thought it started at noon.
JACK: We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well … soccer’s not my favorite sport
anyway. I much prefer basketball.
PHIL: Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was tennis! I’m a big fan of basketball,
JACK: How about a game sometime?
PHIL: Sure thing! Why don’t we go shoot some hoops now since the soccer game
isn’t on?
JACK: Excellent idea. Let’s go.
How about a game here means “Let’s play a basketball game.”
Shoot some hoops means to play an informal game of basketball. This is a casual
expression used between friends.
Personality Development
Personality means characteristics and appearances of a person- pattern of thought,
feeling, behavior, communication ability and physical features.
Personality of a person takes its basic formation in the beginning of childhood and its
experiences in the family and the society are very crucial. Friends, teachers and the
environment of school have their own positive or negative impact. Parent need to be
very careful while caring a child because deep scars on the psychology of a child
have permanent marks.
With the help of good personality Development Course and workshop:
A person can overcome Fear and gain Confidence
Transform your Personality to Followers
Improve Presentation skills
Crack Interviews
Improve Body Language
Excel English Conversation skills
Personality Development
Public speaking
Build Leadership Qualities
Negotiation skills
Time management
Stress management
Dressing sense
Handling Relationship
Interpersonal skills
Survival skills in the unfitted situation
Reinvent yourself.
And also training in personality development enhances the general as well as unique
traits (characteristics which differentiate on from other) of a person. A teacher of
personality development helps a person to get positive thought pattern, gain
confidence, improve behavior and develop a healthy physique.
I believe that a man is basically born to win, but due to negligence our winning
potential doesn’t grow to the best of its capacity. Mostly people develop their
personality according to the expectation of others, and they are unable to shine their
unique traits.
Therefore we need to “break the barrier and rise bravely” with our
originality and uniqueness, so identify your strength and work on it. Only then one
can transform and ordinary personality into an impressive one.
Previously it was thought that every person lived his or her whole life according to
the personality script written in childhood. To change it was almost impossible. But
after years of research and practical applications the man has progressed in the
science of personality transformation. With the help of simple methods, now anybody
can develop a winning personality and change his or her future.
Personality Development
Presentation Skills
Presentation- The concept of 7 P’s program
 Purpose- Why are you speaking? What does the audience want to know.
 People- Who is your audience? How do the characteristics, skills, opinions and
behaviors of your audience affect your purpose.
 Place- How can you plan and adapt to the logistics of this place. How can you use
visual aids to help achieve our purpose?
 Preparation- Where and how can you find good ideas and information for your
speech? How much and what kind of supporting materials do you need.
 Planning- I there a natural order to the ideas and information you will use? What
are the most effective ways to organize your speech in order to adapt it to the
purpose, people, place, etc.
 Performance- What form of delivery is best suited to the purpose of your speech.
What delivery techniques will make your presentation more effective?
What Holds You Back?
So what exactly are people afraid of when it comes to public speaking?
 Not being able to speak
 Forgetting what you are talking about- your mind going blank.
 Having the heckler (critic) from hell.
 Having someone in the audience who knows more than you do.
 People noticing that you are nervous.
 The presentation being so awful and embarrassing that your social/career
relationships are ruined forever.
 The impossible to answer “question from hell”.
 The audience talking over you.
Firstly, accept that “Fear is good”, if you take positively then it is source for
survivor, bigger, stronger and faster.
Preparation For
Make check list for your presentation:-
 Think about presentation topic- Gather information from different source. Think
about your audience- Who are they, what do they know or want to know.
 Be clear about your purpose/topic-
 Use an effective introduction- Orientate the audience, explain why it is important.
Establish the relationship between you and speaker. Avoid weak introduction such
as apologies, jokes.
 Organize your presentation clearly and simply- Prioritize topics content and allocate
time accordingly. Have a well thought out pattern like problem, solution, cause and
 Supporting materials- Use examples, statistics, expert opinions.
 Effective conclusion- Summarize, set final image, provide closure.
 Sound spontaneous, conversational and enthusiastic- Use overhead instead of notes.
Vary volume, don’t use fillers like “um”. Relaxed gesture, eye contact, don’t play
with a pen or pointer.
 Use visual & audio aids.
Preparation For Successful
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development

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Personality Development

  • 1. Training Auditing Consulting Training Auditing Consulting INSTITUTION OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT (DISD) Welcome to Presented by Mohammad Naushad
  • 2. Introduction Presented by Mohammad Naushad We are an independent & not-for-profit organization Mission & Vision is to… Transform the un-skilled into skilled HSE & Personality Development Trainer, Public & Motivational Speaker. Member of National Safety Council and Tech IOSH, Ex- Regional Safety Manager in Synergy Property Development Services Pvt. Ltd.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION What you think about Personality Development? Most people think just by born good looking is a good personality, but this is far from the truth, however, good grooming and looks is tiny part of it, the scope of personality development is quite broad. Personality means characteristics and appearances of a person, his/her way of thought, feeling, behavior, communication ability, how to dress well and interpersonal skills. The personality can also be modified to a certain extent, as previously people were thinking good personality is by born. But in recent years have seen a variety of efforts by professionals to design courses, that develops certain positive trends in personality. The objective of such courses is to remove those barriers or obstructions that stand in the way of the good personality. Good Personality Development Course covers:  Gain Confidence and overcome your fear  Good command over spoken English  Improve Presentation skills  Crack Interviews  Build Leadership Qualities  Re-invent yourself. 3 Most Essential traits forGood Personality Developmentis good Spoken English
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5 Why Speaking English is Important for your Career? Why do you want spoken English?  A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. Also a strong command over English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success.  No matter what career you choose, whether it is Engineering or History, having a powerful command of the English language will greatly increase your odds of success.  Learning to speak English confidently is nowadays a need. It is no more an issue of status however it is of supreme necessity for a good quality job. Lots of accomplishments in life are greatly dependent upon the way you conduct yourself with the global customers and delegates, particularly in the international companies.  Even in the management jobs the high profile people also require a fluency in English. Usually people are able to easily make their point work in their own goodwill, if they are able to interact appropriately and present their points in an open platter.
  • 6. 6 Let’s See How Spoken English Can Become Your Asset:  For Business Executives – Effective communication helps business executives in dealing effectively with co-workers, senior, clients, and external vendors.  For Students – Students having a good command over spoken English express their feelings better. They communicate well with classmates, friends, instructors, and parents. Lack of effective communication skills is more often people hate their jobs. With a little bit of improvement in spoken English, they can realize their true potential and in the long-run would love the same job. With the globalization of business, almost all the major companies have started looking for employees who can communicate better in English. This is now becoming a standard communication channel in the business world. Speaking English has become a mandatory requirement in the fields of Information Technology, call centers, BPOs, Aviation sector & few other industries.
  • 7. 7 Four Skills Of English English has fours skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. I’ve always tell my trainees, “to speak is to listen and to write is to read.” Without the combination between these four skills, English will be clueless. In our ancient environment, students believe that English only consist of two main parts, grammar and vocabulary, basically reading and writing. Even the educational system supports this. But researchers says “nothing gain” through this dull teaching methods except examination that only measures reading and writing. When students come into job market or TOFEL or IELTS, they do fail.
  • 9. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. About The DYNAMIC 3. Game-1 (Ice Breaker) 4. Commitment 5. Daily Workshop Activities 6. Starter- What Stop You- 6.1. English Grammar Vs. Spoken English 6.2. Accuracy Vs. Fluency 6.3. The Story About The Tiny Frogs 7. Four Rules Of Learning 8. Tips Of Correcting Error 9. Game-2 (Describe Yourself In 1 Word) 10. Repeat Day/Month/Number 11. Introducing Yourself What we are going to cover 9
  • 10. Table of Contents 12. Basic Grammar: 12.1. Verb/Helping Verb 12.2. Structure Of Tense 12.3. Easy Grammar 12.4. Class Room Exercise 12.5. Drill- Easy Grammar 12.6. Sentence Making (All Three Tense) 12.7. Exercise 12.8. Mime Video 12.9. Improvisation 12.10. Question Making- W/H Family 12.11. Exercise Of Present Tense 12.12. Game-3 (Running Direction) 12.13. Chit Chat-present Tense 10
  • 11. Table of Contents 12.14. Game- 4 (Bingo) 12.15. Exercise Of Past Tense 12.16. Chit Chat- Past Tense 12.17. Game- 5 (Alibi) 12.18. Ten Conversation Stories 12.19. Chit Chat- Future/Imaginary Tense 12.20. Uses Of Helping Verbs 12.21. Uses Of Prepositions 13. Active Listening: 13.1. Game-6 (Listen & Draw) 13.2. Audio Listening Practice (Short Stories) 14. Intensive Reading Skill: 14.1. Voice And Accent 14.2. Video Play 14.3. American Accent/Sound Practice 14.4. Pronunciation Of Vowels 14.5. Tongue Twisters 11
  • 12. Table of Contents 15. Public Speaking: 15.1. Extempore Round 15.2. Exercise- Extempore Tree 15.3. Extempore Topic 15.4. Group Discussion 15.5. GD Exercise 15.6. Role Play- 8 No. 16. Personality development: 16.1. Presentation Skill 16.2. Confident Development 16.3. Positive Attitude 16.4. Personal Grooming 16.5. Communication Skill 16.6. Leadership skills 16.7. Time Management 16.8. Interview Handling Skills 12
  • 13. Why “DYNAMIC” Because we know, we train “human not machine”. Let me introduce the “Human Anatomy”. “Every Human has closed-loop control system, and this closed-loop control system works, when human start to speak. Speaking is controlled in the mind by Feedback from Hearing, Jaw Movement and by Memory. In order to produce fluent speech in English, a person must simultaneously retrain the entire feedback chain used by the mind”. It means when you speak, your all senses start working. Example- At first trainees has to read it in mind and then vocal. About The DYNAMIC 13
  • 14. So by this methodology, Only studying English fails to give instruction effectively to open-loop control, because grammar based studying only emphasizes memory alone without the simultaneously uses of all senses. Hence, we strongly believe, “You can never speak English by just studying it, no matter how much you study”??? Yes, you read it right. Only studying is the wrong thing to do, People spent probably thousands of hours, locked up in their rooms, studying tables of rules and vocabulary and they still can’t speak. The purpose of this Institution is not to tell the world to stop studying. However, studying will help you to speak English language better. Most people think the reason that this happens because the materials and teacher isn’t good enough. Or perhaps the speaking English is really impossible and it’s the hardest one in the world. I say No! You can speak fluently but not this way, because studying is not the way to get this confidence About The Institution! continued… 14
  • 15. When you study, you acquire vocabulary, you improve your grammar and you do exercises. Logically enough, your level improves. With time your potential increases and you can understand more and you can theoretically join in on a wider scope of conversations. But “One day”, when think now you are ready, you can finally start speaking. But you get nervous and still you say.. “Not today though- may be just need to study a little bit more”. Just because the academic system seems to have drilled into us, that studying is the way to speak an English. Studying helps you improve and to pass a test/examination, but not produce confidence to speak. About The Institution! continued… 15 Not Today?
  • 16. So, if studying is not, how can you learn to speak an English language, then what is? I’ll tell you, and it’s going to blow your mind. Are you ready hear? Are you sitting down? Brace yourself! You have to speak it! Yes, I know- it sounds absolutely crazy, doesn’t it! To speak an English language you have to actual speak it. It will be hard at first- you won’t know how to say things. It will be embarrassing; you’ll hesitate a lot and feel frustrated that you can’t say things precisely the way you want to. THEN How Do You Learn To Speak Then? continued… 16
  • 17. This will happen even if you study for decades, you will always have this barrier to get through it. Until you actually use the English language in natural context. If you practice often enough and enthusiastically enough you will get the result quickly. You can do this in the class, or if there are other learners, natives close by you and at least over the internet with millions of natives. These are not things that you can put under a microscope. Language means “two way of communication”. It’s not a table of grammar rules in some dusty old book, or a piece of paper that you have to spread ink for your teacher to be happy. You can learn like a musician, as a musician learns from many natural and unnatural things. Like through sound of wind flow, water fall, thunder, sound of animals etc. So, there are lots of people living their lives surrounding you, like- young couples flirting with one another, someone buying his morning bread in mall, a tale caller is sailing his goods or gathering of family members. That is what a English language is for. When you are locked in the room, so that you are avoiding these contacts and that’s why so many people never speak. How Do You Learn To Speak Then? continued… 17
  • 18. Don’t have this attitude of “leave me alone, can’t you see I am learning English language”? There is a Lot of ways, you can speak an English language in the first week, even if you didn’t study it much yet, you already have the ability to say something right now just need to polish yourself. Because we believe an English language is a social tool and being locked up in your room studying. It is frankly antisocial way. You can’t avoid studying to improve your English language skills, but if you want to speak then stop studying and just speak! Therefore DYNAMIC Institution provides fully equipped workshop for developing communication skills, public speaking, oral speaking and voice & accent. Do you understand -“WORKSHOP ?” How Do You Learn To Speak Then? continued… 18
  • 19. Have you done Exercise or YOGA? Do we know over weight or skinny body is a disease! 19
  • 20. TEATMENT Do you want fit body, then you have to do exercise daily Rope Jump is very effective for fit body. Do you know how to do Rope Jump? (Can any one read it loudly) 1.Take a good quality of rope in a open area with the enough space. 2.Jump 2 inches off floor, only the toe of the feet should touch the floor. 3.Keep elbows close to sides as you turn the rope. YES- it’s possible to stay super-fit by joining a gym and doing nothing more than reading ABOUT fitness and LEARNING THEORETICAL knowledge. 20
  • 21. WOW You have got fit body like this Same apply with English speaking, you can’t speak barely studying. Ultimately you have to do language EXERCISE or YOGA. Seriously you do laugh one me 21
  • 22. WOW Then why don’t you laugh about traditional English teaching industry where students spend 95% of their time engaged in all sorts of activities building their passive vocabulary, improving their ability to analyze the English language from the grammar perspective and improving their comprehension while at the same time completely neglecting their ability to speak? The single biggest problem: It’s super easy to fool yourself that you are doing the right thing. Same apply with English speaking, you can’t speak barely studying. Ultimately you have to do language EXERCISE or YOGA. 22
  • 23. Game-1 (Icebreakers) Trainees Introduction to the Class All trainees need to write full name on a piece of paper. Trainer will collect paper and re-distribute them. The trainees will walk around and look for the persons who hold his/her name. The card holder will ask the below following questions: Name Education Family Hobbies Likes Introduce the person to the class. 23
  • 24. Hence all students are expected to fulfill the following requirements for the training:  Attend and participate actively in all workshop sessions & activities  Attend and be well prepared for any scheduled workout  Complete all required readings, pronunciation exercises,  Submit a voice web board assignment as required  Speak up no matter what NOTE: This is a skills-based course which requires participation and effort during every class session and regular practice outside of class. Students will not improve their speaking and listening skills without a personal commitment to serious effort. Commitment 24 English Speaking Training Before we begin, let's be frank to ourselves- there is no magic formula that will work for all who want to speak English fluently until your commitment & dedication.
  • 25. Daily Workshop Activities (Home/Class) 25 SL. NO. ACTIVITIES VENUE 1 Start day with greetings H/C 2 Speak/discussion on daily news bulletin, what listen or watch through print media and digital media. Like- daily news, movie, daily serial, game. H/C 3 Speak on what’s going on in the community. H/C 4 Read News Paper loudly (One paragraph 3 times). H 5 Pick new words and make your own vocabulary store. H 6 Record your own voice when read News Paper. H 7 How did you spend yesterday? C 8 Reminder- Yesterday’s conducted class. C
  • 26. The Story About The Tiny Frogs…. 26
  • 27. There was a bunch of tiny frogs,... … who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. 27
  • 28. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants... And the race began… 28
  • 29. No one in the crowd really believed that, the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower… You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!! They will NEVER make it to the top.“ Or "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!” The tiny frogs also began collapsing. One by one... 29
  • 30. The crowd continued to yell… "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!” More tiny frogs got tired and gave up... But ONE frog continued higher and higher and higher... This one wouldn’t give up! At the end everyone else had given up to climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog, who was the only one that reached the top! after big effort. 30
  • 31. THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked the tiny frog how the one who succeeded had found the strength to reach the goal? 31
  • 32. It turned out... That the winner was DEAF!!!! The wisdom of this story is: 32
  • 33. Never listen to other people’s, their tendencies to be negative or pessimistic... Therefore... Be DEAF when people tell YOU that YOU can not fulfil YOUR dreams! Always think: I can do this! 33
  • 34. What stop you? When you start to speak English, what come first in your mind? Looking sentences in Hindi and translate into English. Now problem starts here because you try to set correct syntax of grammar. For sake of that you hesitate to speak because you think whether you a correct and wrong. What audience think after your wrong syntax? A person stands to learn English quicker if he stresses more on the spoken side of it, as compared to the grammatical side. Constant speaking and listening to correct usage will incorporate the right rules of grammar in his brain. This doesn't mean that Grammar can be neglected. A conversation becomes more meaningful with the right usage of grammar, but as with anything new, stress should be more on practicing what you have learnt many times first, before moving on to something more complex. Similarly, beginners should stress on speaking what they have learnt first, before moving on to grammar and more technical stuff. Example of cricket game STARTER- What Stop YOU? English Grammar V/S Spoken English 34
  • 35. Accuracy Vs. Fluency Speaking fluently in English is a major goal for many non-native speakers. However, to communicate your ideas effectively, you will need both accuracy as well as fluency. In majority of cases, people are either good at accuracy or good at fluency. An English language perfectionist might pause frequently to correct himself when he makes accidental errors in grammar, pronunciation and structure. However, in the long run, it will separate the listeners from the conversation. On the other hand, a fluent person who does not bother much about grammatical accuracy might realize soon enough that the listeners are finding it difficult to understand what you really mean. So, how can you make sure to balance a mix of both is the question. The ideal way is definitely to speak accurately and fluently, but that will come after years of practice. The important point is to strike a balance between the two. 35
  • 36. Four Tricks Four Tricks, which actually works 1. Fake it till make it- Be a fake person until you make correction. Like when you are shooting picture you always hold smile on your face after clicking, you get normal. Doesn't matter your are unhappy in your life. 2. Do mistakes- As a teenager, you always conscious to other people, as how they react about your dressing, your looks, your walking style. But when grown up you don’t think so, because you have confidence and also those people them self worried in their life. So always think “who cares” do mistakes. 3. Take it easy- Listen carefully, use simple sentences. Like in the beginning starts Yes/No, respond with body language, with present action. No need to speak lot. 4. Prepare & Practice- Read it loud and record your voice. Example- secret of life- A tiny frog 36
  • 37. Four Rules Of Learning Speaking, Thinking, Practicing & Checking. Many suggest that continuous practice is the key to fluent Spoken English, however, studies have found that only practicing doesn't necessarily guarantee results. Speak the language It is important that you speak loudly and clearly when you are learning your target language. You must always use spoken exercises. You are retraining your mind to respond to a new pattern of closed loop control system. This can only be done when you are speaking aloud at full volume. One of the reasons that traditional language study methods require so much time to produce results because in silent study closed loop control system does not work. 37
  • 38. Four Rules Of Learning! Continued… Think in the target language (Information sources- news paper, new channels). Most of us have a faulty technique of thinking about a sentence in our native language and then translating it in our head into English before finally speaking it out. You need to remember that speaking, in itself, is an extremely tricky and complex exercise involving a huge part of our brain, throat and tongue muscles and wind flow. Adding mental translation to the already complex task leads to errors like rapid pauses and fillers in speaking. Practicing Any language comes with its own set of sounds, phonetics, wind flow that makes pronunciation of words and sounds in that language very different from the way we speak in our native language. 38
  • 39. To master these variations in sounds and speech, one needs immense practice of the correctly pronounced sounds. It will require much repetition to build the new patterns in your mind. As these new patterns develop, there will be progression from a laborious, conscious effort, to speech which is reproduced rapidly and unconsciously. Checking Trainees need to regularly check their improvement during in the class or at home. Ideally, if you used only correct syntax and pronunciation, you could retrain your speech in considerably less time. Consequently, you could learn to speak the target language more quickly. Four Rules Of Learning! Continued… 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. The Art of Paraphrasing Despite having a wide vocabulary enables you to speak fluently and accurately in English, not knowing the right word for something you want to mention shouldn't dent your confidence too. A lot of people feel insecure about speaking in English for the fear of not being able to find the right words. In cases like these, they should revert to a very effective technique called "paraphrasing“ Paraphrasing is a technique of using an alternative word or sentence to describe something you wanted to say, for example, instead of saying 'rhinoceros', you could say- "you know? That animal with a horn on its head?", or instead of resume', you could say- 'that document you are supposed to give to the HR' Example- A bird, who wake up early in the morning and raise his voice, we also say that bird is performing Azaan. Tips Of Correcting Error 41
  • 42. When you speak to someone, it’s a two way communication. Both are equally important to be a part of the conversation. If your listeners lose interest while you wait for the right word, the conversation might get over very quickly. Paraphrasing will allow you to continue your speaking while involving the listeners by asking them to help you out with the right word(s). Speaker- "I went to... what do you call it? The place where they keep animals?" Listener- Yes, yes... a zoo. You went to the zoo? Wow! See? The listener feels he has a part in helping you speak and in return, will value the conversation much more. Tips Of Correcting Error! Continued… 42
  • 43. Instructions. Give your trainees to some time to think and choose one word to describe themselves. Allow time for questions. Taking times. Listening to them patiently 43 Game-2 (Describe Yourself In 1 Word)
  • 44. Repeat Days & Months Days of the week  Sunday  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday Months of the year  January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December 44
  • 45. Repeat each number 0 [zero] 16 [sixteen] 1 [one] 17 [seventeen] 2 [two] 18 [eighteen] 3 [three] 19 nineteen] 4 [four] 20 [twenty] 5 [five] 30 [thirty] 6 [six] 40 [forty] 7 [seven] 50 [fifty] 8 [eight] 60 [sixty] 9 [nine] 70 [seventy] 10 [ten] 80 [eighty] 11 [eleven] 90 [ninety] 12 [twelve] 100 [one hundred] 13 [thirteen] 1,000 [one thousand] 14 [fourteen] 15 [fifteen] 45
  • 46. Introducing Yourself Objective: The lesson aims to help learners introduce themselves in English. Instructions for teaching the lesson:- Step 1- Trainer has to introduce himself to the class, pausing after each phrase. For example:  I am Md. Naushad.  I am a Personality Development Trainer.  I am MBA in Industrial Safety.  I am 36 years old.  I am from Patna, Bihar.  I love to providing training. Step 2- Introduce yourself again, once again pausing after each phrase. Write down each sentence on the board. Step 3- Encourage the trainees to introduce themselves. They can use the phrases on the board as a model. Step 4- Once they have all introduced themselves, they can change details like name, age, nationality etc. and introduce themselves as fictional characters.46
  • 47. Introducing Yourself They may make up these details, as they wish. Encourage them to be funny. For example:  I am Salman Khan.  I am an actor.  I am 49 years old.  I am fit and healthy  I am from Mumbai,  I love making movies. Stages- Timings Stage 1 (5 minutes) Teacher introduces himself/herself. Stage 2 (5 minutes) Teacher writes the expressions used on the board and introduces himself/herself again. Stage 3 (20 minutes) Learners introduce themselves. Stage 4 (30 minutes) Learners create fake identities for themselves and then introduce themselves. 47
  • 48. Basic Grammar Definition- Grammar is a science that teaches us how to speak and write correct English. When we speak we use words, grouping of these words in proper manner makes a sentence. Verb= Action (Verb means action) There are two types of verb: Main verb Helping verb 48
  • 49. Lets Understand The Meaning Of Verb There are 24 helping verbs. If we know how and where to use them, then no one can challenge your English. 24- HELPING VERB USING TENSE IS, AM, ARE, DO, DOES, HAS, HAVE USE FOR PRESENT TENSE WAS, WERE, DID, HAD USE FOR PAST TENSE WILL, SHALL USE FOR FUTURE TENSE CAN,MAY, MIGHT, COULD, WOULD, SHOULD, OUGHT TO, USED TO, MUST, NEED, DARE USE FOR GENERAL TIME ZONE 49
  • 50. TENSE PRESENT TENSE FUTURE TENSE PAST TENSE There Are Three Types Of Tense Present Tense- The actions that you repeat over and over or an ongoing circumstance. Past Tense- Speaks of an event that has ended in the past. Future Tense- speaks of a future event. Note- Each tense has four time zones: a) Indefinite, b) Perfect, c) Continuous, d) Perfect continuous 50
  • 51. Learn English Grammar Easily Research shows that this technique is the best way to learn grammar. The name of technique is “Point Of View” mini stores. I tell you a mini story again and again but I change the point of view. In other words, I change the time/action for example or I change the grammar somehow in the same story.  The story is.. (PRESENT TENSE) There is a boy. His name is bill. Bill goes to the store. He buys a bottle of water. He pays two dollars for the water. Ok, that’s it. This is my story which I told you in present tense. All you need to do just listen, listen and listen again. Now, how do we learn grammar from the story? Well next I tell the same story but now it’s in the past time zone. The story is.. (PAST TENSE)  There was a boy named Bill. Yesterday, Bill went to the store. He bought a bottle of water. He paid two dollars for the water. That’s all now. 51
  • 52. Learn English Grammar Easily This is an easy example of past tense. Don’t think about grammar, just listen, listen and listen again. Listen the second story and understand the meaning that’s all. It’s easy, effortless grammar learning. You got present and past tense stories. So next I tell the same story in the future tense. So just imagine. The story is.. (FUTURE TENSE)  There will be a boy. His name will be Bill. He will go to the store. And he’ll buy a bottle of water. He will pay two dollars for the water. So that’s the end of the example in the future. Now you listen this story in present, past and future and understood the meaning of story. Now again I might sure you understood the meaning of story . That is easy learning grammar. You don’t need to know which tense I have used. 52
  • 53. Learn English Grammar Easily So, now you understand it, Story changes and simultaneously changes in verbs/action. That’s why the stories are easy and powerful to understand easly. You have listen the story number one. You have listen the story number two, and the story number three. So you learnt the grammar like a child. When you practicing in this manner, you will learn to use grammar automatically, and quickly and instantly. You don’t need to think about the rules. Forget the rules. I learnt same way, you just need to listen the short stories and practice in this manner, so just relax and learn grammar easily. 53
  • 54. Classroom Exercise ACTION PRESENT PAST FUTURE Simple Action He takes He took He will take They take They took They will take You take You took You will take I take I took I will take Continuous Action without time He is going He was going He will be going They are going They were going They will be going You are going You were going You will be going I am going I was going I will be going TASK: It is use full to practice a particular vocabulary area (for example; places in a town: supermarket, post-office, swimming pool). These drills are good to improve vocabulary because learners have to substitute one word for another. We can use substitution drills to practice structures as well as vocabulary. Example- He takes food/burger/pizza/drinks/fast food/chines/medicine. Instruction for trainer- Take prints of food, burger, pizza, chinees, medicine. 54
  • 55. Classroom Exercise ACTION PRESENT PAST FUTURE Continuous Action with time He has been singing for 2 hours He had been singing for 2 hours He will have been singing for 2 hours They have been singing for 2 hours They had been singing for 2 hours They will have been singing for 2 hours You have been singing for 2 hours You had been singing for 2 hours You will have been singing for 2 hours I have been singing for 2 hours I had been singing for 2 hours I will have been singing for 2 hours Action just finished He has sung He had sung He will has sung They have sung They had sung They will have sung You have sung You had sung You will have sung I have sung I had sung I will have sung 55
  • 56. Classroom Exercise ACTION PRESENT PAST FUTURE Forced Action He has to sing He had to sing He will have to sing They have to sing They had to sing They will have to sing You have to sing You had to sing You will have to sing I have to sing I had to sing I will have to sing Routine Action He sings daily He used to sing daily He will be singing daily They sing daily They used to sing daily They will be singing daily You sing daily You used to sing daily You will be singing daily I sing daily I used to sing daily I will be singing daily 56
  • 57. Classroom Exercise ACTION PRESENT PAST FUTURE All time Action He sings always He used to sing always He will be singing always They sing always They used to sing always They will be singing always You sing always You used to sing always You will be singing always I sing always I used to sing always I will be singing always Intention to do Action He is going to sing He was going to sing He will be going to sing They are going to sing They were going to sing They will be going to sing You are going to sing You were going to sing You will be going to sing I am going to sing I was going to sing I will be going to sing 57
  • 58. A wise man stood in front of a large audience and cracked a very funny joke, every body laughed like crazy. After sometimes, he cracked the same joke again, this time, less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again until audience got tired of it and they started wondering what was he doing. When he saw that there was no more laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said, “you can’t laugh at the same joke again and again but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?” Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. Just because today is painful doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be great. And just because you failed today doesn’t mean you wont succeed tomorrow! Note for trainer- has to tell the story loudly and ask short question’s answer. Teach easy grammar by changing its form in present, past and future. Drill- Learn Grammar Easily 58
  • 59. 1. Present Indefinite tense: He/she goes to the market daily, I eat breakfast every day, She is kind, I’m in college. Syntax- Sub+V1+s/es+object/others. 2. Past Indefinite tense: I/he/she went to school, I ate breakfast this morning. Syntax- Sub+V2+object/others. 3. Future Indefinite tense: He/she/I will go to play ground, I will meet you tomorrow at 12 O’clock. Syntax- Sub+will/shall+V1+object/others. Sentence making- Indefinite Tense 59
  • 60. Sentence making- Continuous Tense 4. Present Continuous: He/she is going to the market, I am eating [now]; I’m going to New York tomorrow. . Syntax- Sub+H.V. (is, am, are)+V1+ing+object/others. 5. Past Continuous: He/she/I was going to school, I was eating when you called. Syntax- Sub+H.V. (was, were)+V1+ing+object/others. 6. Future Continuous: He/she/I will be going to the play ground, I will be eating if you come now. I’m going to be eating at that time. Syntax- Sub+will/shall+be+V1+ing+object/others. 60
  • 61. 61 Uses of present/past/future continuous tense Objective of the lesson: Enable the students to use present continuous tense in real life situations. Assumption: the students can speak, read and write simple English. Exercise-1 (20 minutes)- The teacher has to prepared a video of various people doing actions. The video use to teach the present continuous tense to trainees by freeze-framing the pictures after each scene, and ask the questions to trainees like: ‘What is he/she doing?’; ‘What is Mr. Chander doing?’; ‘What is Sneha doing?’, ‘What are Mr. Chander and Sneha doing?’ Once trainees elicit their answers, the teacher writes them on the board. Examples: You are brushing your teeth He is ironing his shirt She is blow-drying her hair They are watering the plants
  • 64. 64 Trainer has to highlights the structure (e.g. subject + is/am/are+v+ ing), also need to divides the trainees into groups. Then freeze- frames all the scenes and encourages the students to discuss each scene using the structure written on the Board. Exerise-2 (20 minutes)- Trainer re-groups the trainees, and gives the play card with present continuous tense sentences on them to each group. He then instructs the students: ‘Each play card has a sentence written in present continuous form. Each group will either mime or draw the action on the blackboard. Select a leader who will mime or draw on the blackboard. The other groups will guess the action in turns. The group guessing the correct action will earn five points. If a group fails, the next group gets the chance to speak. The group earning maximum points is declared the winner. Exercise 3 (30 minutes)- The Trainer has to show the mime video and then asks the trainees to discuss it in their respective groups and tell the story in their own words using the present continuous tense. Then each groups has to narrate their stories. While the trainees are discussing this, the trainer has to monitors. Uses of present/past/future continuous tense
  • 65. Mime Video for Continuous Tense 65
  • 66. 66 Improvisati on Improvisation means making things up or keep going in the moment. There are a lot of really fun improvisation ideas to enhance speaking power. Here are two improvisation ideas: Choose an ordinary object like a pen and make up a story about it. Talk about how important it is you, how it helped you to find out your long-lost sister or how it saved your life. Make something crazy up! 1. Choose a letter of the alphabet and speak as long as you can while starting every sentence with this letter. Like- Challenges Change Charity Childhood Choices Cities Cleanliness Colour Communication Computers Conspiracies Cooking 2. Start with the letter A and go through the alphabet as you speak. It’s harder than it sounds! Like- America, Bangladesh, china, Delhi, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Holland. Practicing improve is a good way to get more comfortable speaking with others, since it teaches you to speak with preparation.
  • 67. Sentence making- Perfect Tense 7. Present Perfect: He/she has gone to market, I have eaten, I have always eaten breakfast. Syntax- Sub+has/have+V3+object/others. 8. Past Perfect: He/she/I had gone to school, I had already eaten before lunch. Syntax- Sub+had+V3+object/others. 9. Future Perfect: He/she/I will have gone to playground, I will have eaten by noon. Syntax- Sub+will/shall+have+V3+object/others. 67
  • 68. Sentence making- Perfect Continuous Tense 10. Present Perfect Continuous: He/she has been going to market since 1985, It’s been raining. (recently, but perhaps not now), I’ve been studying for two hours. Syntax- Sub+has/have+been+V1+ing+object/others+since/for. 11. Past Perfect Continuous: He/she/I had been going to school since 1985, I had been eating before he arrived. Syntax- Sub+had+been+V1+ing+object+others+since/for. 12. Future Perfect Continuous: He/she/I will have been going to play ground since 2015, I will have been eating for ten minutes by the time you get here. Syntax- Sub+will/shall+have+been+V1+ing+object/others+since/for. 68
  • 69. Questions making with “W/H” family” H. VERB USED FOR EXAMPLES WHO Asking about the identity of a person Who are you? WHAT Asking something about a person or thing What is your name?, What has he done? WHERE Asking about some place, person or thing Where are my balls?, Where has she gone? WHY Asking the reason & cause etc. Why is he late?, Why have you come here? WHICH Asking about person or thing in a group Which is my room?, Which group are your joining? HOW Inquiring about things related to somebody How are you?, How will the come here? WHEN Asking about the time of incident When is our birthday?, When are we going there? WHOM Whom is used for indicating persons Whom are we waiting for?, Whom do you want to meet? 69
  • 70. Exercise- Present Tense 1. What’s your name? “I’m _________. / “My name is …” 2. How are you today? “I’m fine thank you, how about you?” / “I’m good.” 3.Where do you live? “I live at 123 South Street, Beautiful City, Utopia.” “I live in an apartment on _________ St.” 4. How many people are in your family? “There’re five people in my family; my mother, father, sister, brother, and me.” 5. What do you do? “I’m a businessman” / “I’m a student.” 6. What do you like to do? “I like to dance and listen to music.” Personal Information 70
  • 71. 7. What subjects do you like? “I like mathematics / biology / sociology / chemistry because it’s so interesting. It really occupies my mind and makes me think.” 8. What time do you usually wake up? “I usually wake up at seven o’clock / seven-thirty.”4 9. What are some things you do every morning? “Well, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. After that, I usually have breakfast.” 10. What do you usually have for breakfast? “I usually have rice and kimchi. Once-in-a-while, I have bacon and eggs. I like scrambled eggs.”5 11. How do you go to work / school? “I walk.” / “I take the bus.” / “I drive my car.” 12. What is the first thing you do at work / school? “I usually clock-in7 / drink a cup of coffee / go to my first class / talk to some friends.” 71
  • 72. Interests and Hobbies: 13. What is a hobby? Do you have any hobbies? “Yes, I collect beer cans.” “Yeah, I collect coins.” “Sure, I like building model airplanes.” 14. What summer / winter activities do you like? “I like to play golf.” / “I like playing golf.” / “I like to go golfing.” / “I like in-line skating.” / “I enjoy swimming.” / “I like to swim / swimming.” / “I like to go snow boarding / to snow board.” 15. Do you like to shop10 / shopping11? What do you like to shop / shopping for? “I love shopping; it’s my favorite thing.” “Not really, it’s so boring and it takes so long.” 16. Where do you like to go shopping? “I like to go to the Galleria.” / “I usually go to E-Mart.” 72
  • 73. Game-3 (Running Dictation) This useful activity requires students to use all language skills- reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Activities-  Pair the students. Choose who will run and who will write. (At a later stage they could swap tasks).  Print out text and stick them on a wall away from the desk. Task:- The running students run to their assigned texts, read, remember as much as they can return to dictate the text to the writing student. Then they run again and again until copy stick text on the desk note book. The first pair to finish writing the complete with correct text wins. Rules- No uses of phone 73
  • 74. 1. What’s an important city in your country? Tell us about it. 2. What forms of public transportation do you have there / here? 3. What do you like about your hometown? 4. What do you like about your school / job? 5. What do you like to wear? 6. Where do you like to buy your clothes? 7. Where is the cheapest place to buy clothes around here? 8. What are some things that you go grocery shopping for? 9. Which supermarket do you think is the best? 10. What do you like to have for dinner? 11. Do you eat rice every day? 12. Where is a good place to eat around here? 13. Do you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day? 14. How often do you eat out? 15. Which foods do you like the most? 16. Which foods do you least like? 17. What fruit do you like to eat? Name five kinds of fruit. Chit chat- Present Tense 74
  • 75. 18. What is your favorite snack? 19. Do you take snack between breakfast, lunch, and dinner? 20. Which do you like the best, Pepsi or Coke? 21. What is your favorite place in your country? 22. What is your favorite place here? 23. What is your favorite time of day and why? 24. What is your favorite holiday? 25. What do you do on EID? 26. Do you like guitar music? 27. Who is your favorite cricket player? 28. Do you have a pet? Tell us about it. 29. Compare a cat to a dog. 30. Describe an animal, for example an elephant. “An elephant has long tusks and a long trunk, are big and very smart. 31. Do you play any game? 32. Name five different game 33. Do you watch much television? Chit chat- Present Tense 75
  • 76. 34. What is your favorite TV program? When does it come on? 35. Do you surf the web? What sites do you like most? 36. What kinds of things do you like to do on the Internet? 37. How often do you use the Internet? 38. Do you own a car/bike? What kind? 39. Are you taking any medicine now? 40. Do you think learning English is a tough task? 41. What is the best amusement park in your city? 42. Is the fare for auto very expensive here? 43. Do you like to talk on the telephone? 44. Where do you feel most relaxed? 45. Do you ever go jogging? Where? How often? 46. How often do you meet your friends? 47. Do you like to travel? Why? 48. Do you like horror movies? Chit chat- Present Tense 76
  • 77. Game- 4 (Bingo/Tambola) Task-  Introduce the topic to the class and instruct to write the five sentence by their own thought in their note book.  Then pick up five words from each five sentences and write down on the play card. But not common words such as articles, conjunctions and auxiliary verbs. (Topic- Television: Television is invented by Mr. X. Television is a great source of information.)  Call each trainee one by one on the stage to speak up their written sentences.  If audience find same word what they have written in their play card then they have to cross/tick the word.  If you cross/tick all 5 words what expected to listen then, raise your hand and you are going to win first. Rules- Don’t over right on the play card 77
  • 78. 1. Where were you born? “I was born in Patna. It’s a pretty big city and they’re building a new subway there.” 2. What time did you wake up this morning? “I woke up at 8:00 because my father woke up at 8:00.” 3. When did you leave your house this morning? “I left at about 7:45.” 4. What did you do after you left your house this morning? “I went to school”. 5. Where did you have lunch yesterday? “At home.” “At a restaurant down the street.” 6. What did you do yesterday? “I met my friends and we went to a singing room”. “I watched T.V.” “I listened to music and went for a walk.” 7. What did you do the day before yesterday? “I taught my brother mathematics. I taught him algebra / geometry / trigonometry " 8. How was the weather yesterday? “It was hot and humid.” cool, rainy, foggy, snowy, Exercise- Past Tense 78
  • 79. 9. What time did you go home last night? “I went home at seven o’clock.” 10. What did you have for breakfast this morning? “I had rice.” “I had bacon and eggs, and a glass of milk”. 11. What did you have for lunch today / yesterday? “I had a tuna sandwich, some potato chips, and a coke.” 12. What did you do last weekend? “I stayed home. I really didn’t do much.” “I had a great time. I went out with my friends to a nightclub and danced.” 13. Did you sleep well last night? “I couldn’t sleep because I kept dreaming all night.” “Yes, I slept like a log last night.” 14. When was the last time that you rode in a taxi and where did you go? “The last time I rode in a taxi was when I landed at the airport and it took me to a hotel.” 15. What is the most exciting movie that you have ever seen? “The most exciting movie that I’ve ever seen was Terminator.” Exercise- Past Tense 79
  • 80. Chit chat- Past Tense 1. What was a really fun experience that you had? 2. When you were a child, what things did you most enjoy? 3. What is the most expensive meal that you have ever had? 4. What Is the most expensive thing you have ever purchased? 5. Were you afraid of the dark as a child? 6. Were you afraid of dogs as a child? 7. Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school? 8. When was the last time you went to an art museum or exhibit? 9. When was the last time you got into an argument? 10. When was the last time you helped someone? 11. When was the last time you bought something in a department store? 12. When was the last time you went on a picnic? 13. Where did you go for your last vacation? 14. What was the most interesting thing that you did during your last vacation? 15. When was the last time you laughed your head off? 16. Where did you meet your best friend? 17. What is the difference between “fun” and “funny”? 80
  • 81. Game-5 (Alibi) The teacher tells the class that a particular crime has been committed. “Last Friday night, sometime between 2’O clock and 2.30 (half pass two), someone broke into the ATM of HDFC Bank on Mahendru” and looted out”. Depending on the size of your class, pick several students as “Suspects”. The “Police” can work in groups of 2-4. So, for example, in a class of 20 you could choose 4 suspects and then have 4 groups of 4 police for questioning. And police will be questing to all suspects Tell the class “Mr. X, Y, Z and T” were seen near the scene of the crime, and the police would like to question them. The Suspects go outside or to another room to prepare their story. They need to decide all of the details about where they were during the time of the crime. For example- Where were at the time of crime? If they were at a restaurant, what did they eat? What did it cost? Where was food bill? 81
  • 82. Game-5 (Alibi) Activities:  The Police spend some time for preparing their questions.  The Suspects are called back in and go individually to each police group.  They are questioned for a few minutes, and then each one moves on to the next group.  The police decide whether their answers match enough for them to have a reasonable Alibi. (Maybe up to 5 mistakes is reasonable). 82
  • 83. Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities. Lesson 1- A Soldier’s Lie The Story- Once a soldier asked his commanding officer for a day’s leave to attend his sister’s wedding. The officer asked him to wait outside the door for a few minutes while he considered the request. The officer then called the soldier back in and said”. “You are a liar. I’ve just phoned your sister and she told me she’s already married. “Well, sir, you are an even bigger liar”, the soldier replied, “Because I don’t even have a sister”. Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice: 1. Leave- means  Going out from a place  One part of a tree  Permission to be absent from work  Asking a person for some money 83
  • 84. 2. To attend here means to:  Take care of  Pay for  Be present at  Look at 3. Questions for Discussion.  Why did the soldier tell the officer a lie?  Why did the officer tell the soldier a lie?  Can you remember telling such lies? 4. Activities.  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following words several times:-  Command  Officer  Attend  Soldier  Already 84 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 85. Lesson 2- In Pajamas The Story- Staying at a hotel in Delhi, I couldn’t sleep because the television in the residents lounge was so loud. As I could see from the top of the stairs, the lounge was in total darkness, so I crept downstairs in my pajamas. I went to the TV and after some fumbling with the knobs I managed to switch it off. As I turned to leave, I suddenly became aware of a semi-circle of people sitting in the dark who, up until that moment, had been enjoying a television program. Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice: 1. Lounge means:  Kind of taxi in the airport etc.  Small room for workers  Public sitting room in a hotel  Special case for television 2. To creep means to  Run quickly  Jump off  Shout out  85 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 86. 3. To……means to move the hands awkwardly to do something or to find something.  Fumble  Manage  Switch  Reside 4. A knob is a……..  Hotel room  Small TV  Round handle  Special table 5. Questions for discussion  Why did the man go downstairs in pajamas?  What do you think will happen next? 6. Activities  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following words several times:-  Lounge Resident Knob  Fumble Aware Semi-circle 86 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 87. Lesson 3- Beggar Replacement The Story The doorbell rang, and the housewife answered it. She found two beggars outside. “So you are begging in twos now”? She exclaimed. “No, only for today”, one of them replied. I am showing my replacement the ropes before going on holiday. Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice. 1. A beggar is a person who..  Sells food and clothes  Has no money  Asks for money  Does the housework 2. To exclaim means to….  Say something kindly  Say suddenly and loudly  Walk quickly  Look angrily 87 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 88. 3. A……… is a person that you put in place of yourself or another.  Beggar  Rope  Housewife  Replacement 4. Ropes here means….  The rules and customs in a place or activity  Pieces of strong thick cord  People you probably meet in a special place  Houses which are expensive 5. Questions for discussion  This joke is telling us something about beggar’s life. What is it?  Do you know a joke or a true story about beggars? 6. Activities.  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times. Beggar Exclaim Replay Replacement Ropes 88 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 89. Lesson 4- Wedding Gifts The Story Jack and his bride were opening their wedding gifts. After un-wrapping each package, Lisa would exclaim enthusiastically, “we really need these towels” or “we’ll enjoy eating off these pretty plates”. Then she opened one very large box. Jack, Lisa said, look what you’ve got. Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice 1. To unwrap means to..  Fasten  Break  Open  Write 2. Package means…  Plate  Parcel  Room  Book 89 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 90. 3.Enthusiastic means..  Quite angry  Indifferent  With great interest  Showing disliking 4. Another word for vacuum cleaner is..  Electric Fan  Cleaning machine  Hoover  Electric machine 5. Activities  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times.  Unwrap  Package  Enthusiastically  Towel  Vacuum 90 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 91. Lesson 5- Wedding Gown The Story- When my sister got married, she wore my mother’s wedding dress. The day she tried it on, the gown fitted her exactly and mother started to cry. “You’re not losing a daughter”. I reminded her, putting my arm around her, ‘you’re gaining a son’. ‘Oh, forget about that”, she said with a cry, “I used to fit into that dress”. Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice. 1. A gown is a…  Building where people marry  Dress worn at a special tine  Persons who is married  Meal served at wedding 2. To fit means to  Find something out  Live happily  See something sad  Be the right size 91 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 92. 3. A…. is a noisy and irregular breath from crying.  Gown  Gain  Sob  Fit 4. Questions for discussion  What is funny about this story?  Who do you think is telling the story? 5. Activities.  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times:-  Gown  Marry  Gain  Wore 92 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 93. Lesson 6- Rational Dispute The Story- A young housewife told me, “My husband and I never argue, no matter how angry we may be. Instead we sit down and rationally discuss both sides of the dispute. Then I make a list of all the crockery I intend to smash.” Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice.  Rationally means  Silently  Angrily  Not foolishly  Very quickly 2. To Dispute means..  Fight  Wife  List  Talk 93 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 94. 3. Crockery means..  Paper money  Ice-cream  Cups, plates, etc. 4. To smash means to..  Write something down  Clean something in hot water  Drop something and break it  Put something back 5. Questions for discussion  What do you think of the couple?  Why should the lady smash crockery?  Do you know a better way to settle a dispute? 6. Activities  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times. Rationally Dispute Crockery Intend Smash 94 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 95. Lesson 7- The Best Accountant The Story An accountant answered an advertisement for a job with a large firm. At the end of the interview the chairman said, “One last question- what is three times seven?” The accountant thought for a minute and replied, “Twenty two”. Outside he took his calculator and realized that he should have said twenty-one. He concluded that he had lost the job. A fortnight later, however, he was offered the post. After a few weeks, he asked the chairman why he had been, when he had giver the wrong answer. “You were the closest”, the chairman replied. Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice. 1. An accountant is a ..  Person who wants a job  Machine which adds, deletes, etc  Person who keeps money records  Company manager 2. Firm here means…  Business company  Shop manager  Important decision 95 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 96. 3. A chairman is person who…  Sells or buys chairs  Controls a meeting 4. A fortnight is…  Twenty days  Two weeks 5. Appoint here means to…  Choose a person for a job  Let a person visit a place  Call a person to come 6. Questions for Discussion  How true can such a story by?  Why do you think should an accountant make such a mistake? 7. Activities  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times.  Accountant Chairman Calculator Fortnight Appoint 96 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 97. Lesson 8- Delicious Pie The Story We were two Australian student nurses, training at an English hospital. During visiting hours, we would take a break in the ward kitchen and often a kindly visitor would slip us a cake or some chocolate. One night a woman brought a Rooster pie to the kitchen and asked me, “Would you eat this up, we replied love to it?” My friend and I ate every crumb and were delighted, until the woman returned and asked, “Is it rooster pie or my Husband pie dear?” Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice. 1. A kind of cooker..  Head nurse  A part in a hospital  Temperature 2. To slip here means to…  Give secretly  Move slowly  The get down worse 97 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 98. 3. Rooster means meat from…  Sheep  Hen  Buffalo 4. Crumb means a…  Kind of fresh fruit  Very small bit of bread, cake, etc. 5. Delighted means..  Very angry  Quite tired  Very Pleased 6. Questions for Discussion  What do you think will happen next? 7. Activities  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times:  Ward Crumb Delighted Until Slip 98 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 99. Lesson 9- My Modern Car The Story After lunch my friend and I, paid the bill and made our way to my car. I took out my remote- control gadget and pressed the button which automatically unlocks the doors. Not having noticed what I did, my friend looked puzzled and asked, “What was that clicking sound?” “It was just the doors unlocking,” I answered. He looked at me with astonishment and said, “The car recognizes you?” Vocabulary Practice Mark the best choice. 1. Bill here means a…  Part of a bird’s mouth  Printed notice on a wall or fence  List of things bought and their price  Piece of paper money 2. A gadget is a…  Kind of car  Small machine  Long key  Piece of cloth 99 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 100. 3. Puzzled means…  Unable to understand  Not suitable 4. To click means to…  Try to understand something  Make a short, sharp sound 4. Astonishment means..  Happiness  Friendly smile  Grate surprise 5. Questions for Discussion  What is funny about this story?  How do like this kind of technology? 6. Activities  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times:  Now Pronounce Remote-control Gadget Automatically Puzzled Click Astonishment Recognize 100 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 101. Lesson 10- Poor Cat The Story As a student I ate my meals at a seaside boarding house. The land lady was a good cook and, as her husband was a fisherman. We always ate fish for dinner. Eventually I got tired of it, and I took to slipping it under the sofa, where the family cat would find and devour it. This worked very successfully, until one day the land lady tiptoed up behind me and said, “Young man it’s high time, our cat was run over by a lorry three weeks ago.” Vocabulary Practice 1. A boarding house is a….  Building which is near the sea  Kind of very expensive hotel  House giving rooms and food  Kind of school with a pool 2. A land lady is a woman who.  Is old and weak  Keeps a boarding house  Has a lot of money  Only looks after her family 101 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 102. 3. Eventually means..  Naturally  In the end 4. To devour here means to..  Throw something away  Eat something hungrily 5. To tiptoe means to…  Walk quietly on the toes  Say something softly 6. To run over means to…  Hit something while running  Drive over something 7. Questions for Discussion- What would you do if you were the student? 8. Activities:-  Now you tell your friends the story in your own words.  Pronounce the following works several times:  Eventually Devour Sofa Tiptoe Lorry 102 Ten Conversation Stories With Vocabulary Practices, Questions and Activities.
  • 103. Chit chat- Future/Imaginary Tense 1. Will you be “staying in”32 this evening? 2. What are your plans for this weekend? 3. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? 4. Do you think the weather will be good this weekend? 5. What time will this class end? 6. Are you going to meet anyone after class? 7. Are you getting up early tomorrow? 8. What time do you have to get up tomorrow morning? 9. What are you doing tomorrow morning? 10. What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? Imaginary Future Tense (Use “would” “I would like ….”) 1. If you could have your own business what would it be? “I would like to own / run a McDonalds, etc.” 2. What are some countries that you would like to visit? 3. What would you like to have for lunch today? 4. What food would like to try? 103
  • 104. Uses of Helping verbs USED TO- For past routine actions. To express actions repeatedly done in the past. Example- I used to go for a walk every morning, when I was in America CAN- Can is used in present & future only and use for taking permission and showing ability. Example- I can speak English fluently. Can I come tomorrow COULD- is used in present & past. To express ability to do something in past and taking permission with respect. Example- I could work for twelve hours. Could I speak to Mr. Sahil? SHOULD- is used for giving suggestion, advice and showing social obligation. Example- I should learn English. You should make English speaking people. WOULD- is the past tense of will, it is also use for future (would be). Would alone has no definite meaning in the past. Example- I would have paid the fees yesterday, if I had money. I would be going to the cinema. 104
  • 105. MAY- is used in present & future only. It is use for seeking permission and expressing the possibility of action. Example- We may go out. I may write a book. May I leave for the day? MIGHT- is used in the past, present and future. Example- He might visit city now. He might come tomorrow. I might have watch movie. It is also use for low possibility in present and past. Example- It might rain. I might to go there. Uses of Helping verbs 105
  • 106. Uses of ON- It is used for place and time Example- The bottle is kept on the table. I will see you on Sunday. Uses of IN- It is for expressing duration of time (in 2 hrs, 4 hrs.) Example- I will see you in two hours. Uses of OVER- use for things, which are positioned above something without having contact with the surface. Example- The fan is over the table (fan not touching the floor). Uses of ABOVE- to use compare something in rank. Example- Raj is above average in class (in comparison to other average students). Uses of UP- to express the upward indication and position. Example- I will climb up the tree. Uses of UPPER- uses of comparison in respect of position. Example- He lives in the ground floor and his office in one upper floor. Uses of Prepositions 106
  • 107. Uses of BELOW- to use lower position. Example- It is below his dignity to work like a clerk. Uses of Under- to express lower position or placing beneath something Example- The basket is lying under the table. Uses of DOWN- refers to standard, position- surface comparatively lower. Example- In the morning temperature came down by 2 degree. Uses of BY- it indicates time & position both, use for ending time action. Example- The car was standing by the bridge. He will reach America by 7.00 pm. Uses of ASIDE- Means to keep away something. Example- He brushed aside all the question. Uses of BESIDE- it is use for placing something by side of some people or things. Uses of ALONG- means parallel, in the same line. Uses of Prepositions 107
  • 109. Active Listening Developing of listening is key activity for good speaker, you may not good speaker without active listener. Without being able to listen and understand what has been said. It is impossible to take meaningful part in most conversations. It is important therefore, that listening be given a central role in every language curriculum. A lot of people get confused with the excessive intake of information while talking to a native speaker, because of that your brain is taking in way too much information (grammar, intonation, meaning, usage, pronunciation) than your brain can process at one time. Note- Being a active listener you need make daily routine to watch English news channel, movie, stories or recorded paragraph by your own voice. Learn With Yours Ears, Not Your Eyes. 109
  • 110. Game-6 (Listen and draw) Instruction- Listen my instruction and you all have to draw or make paper drawing. Don’t worry about how good your drawing is. This is not art class, it’s English class! Just draw quickly.’ Practice- 1 Draw a bear on the left side of the page. Now, draw a cage around the bear. After that draw a woman sitting on the ground to the right of the bear. Draw a picnic basket to the right of that woman. Then draw some apples in the picnic basket. Draw a cake next to the basket … Practice- 2 • A tree • Three birds on the tree • Two flowers under the tree • A sun on the left side. 110
  • 111. While this is a fun activity, I realized that it could help trainees to practice listening. It could also help them to practice language structures like prepositions (such as ‘in’, ‘under’ or ‘on’). Game-6 (Listen and draw) 111
  • 112. Listening is also important that trainee hear a variety of voices and accents. This can help students with pronunciation. The idea is to listen carefully for 'content words’ that help us in getting a very basic idea of what the person is talking about. Listen carefully to the entire sentence, picking only those familiar words that you could comprehend, and Skip structural words (e.g.- it, for, then). In cases when you are confused, always reinstate the original statement with your guess. e.g. - "Did you mean...?" Short Stories  A Box Full Of Kisses--- Note- (Collect the audio CD) A Hole In The Fence---- Cats And Roosters---- Determination---- Don’t Change The World---- Four Wives---- Audio listening practice- Short Stories 112
  • 113. Intensive Reading Any one guess the word & its meaning? FORHEREORTOGO 113
  • 114. In restaurant a cashier replied to customer- FORHEREORTOGO Cashier Why can't this customer understand what I'm saying? I have repeated "forhereortogo" three times. I even said the words very slowly the last time. He must not understand any English. 114
  • 115. Customer What does ‘forhereortogo’ mean? Even when the cashier asks me slowly, I understand the words but I don’t know what the words mean. 115
  • 116. Helpful English-speaking Customer- Understand the word and reveal the so call unknown sentence “For here or to go?” The cashier wants to know if you would like to eat your food here in the restaurant or would you like it to go home with you. Is your food for here or to go home? 116
  • 117. Content-Speech Disagreement - I Please read the following paragraph in your mind first: "There was a time when the Software Industry was just warming up, and the government needed to allot space to the multinational companies, who aggressively lobbied for larger territories to expand their office premise." Note that, it was very easy to go through the entire paragraph without any issues. However, I’m sure many of you could have speed-read through it. Content-Speech Disagreement - II Now, let's try reading the same paragraph as you would read something aloud. "There was a time when the Software Industry was just warming up, and the government needed to allot space to the multinational companies, who aggressively lobbied for larger territories to expand their office premise." Did you notice any difference in the way your brain functions in both the cases? 117
  • 118. Human brain is trained to accept running text as just information, hence the level of mental exercise is minimum. However, when we try reading it aloud, different factors which are listed below will start coming to our mind which increases brain activity.  Pronunciation  Speech  Breath  Wind manipulation Reading Parameters 1. Flow (avoid fillers) 2. Clarity 3. Speed 4. Volume 5. Punctuation 6. Pronunciation 7. Enthusiasm 8. Body language (Eye contact, Expression, etc). 9. Confidence 10. Introduction and conclusion 118
  • 119. This is the reason why many experts state the traditional method of book-reading as a complete waste of time (reading in mid), unless it includes exercises where people are encouraged to read from text and speak it aloud, at times at top volumes. 119
  • 120. Intensive Reading Skills Reading is an important and essential part of communication. It is an established fact that good readers are good speakers and writers. Reading helps in obtaining information, knowledge, gaining current vocabulary, making of sentence structure, volume control, flow and pronunciation etc. Tips to improve Reading Skills Pay attention (Read purposefully) Stop talking to yourself (Talking within in brain) Reading rates (Correct rate of speech 100-110 per minute). Types of Reading: 1. Simple Reading (News paper, Magazine, Text book) 2. Complex Reading (Medical Transcription) 3. Modulated Reading (Poem) 4. Dialogue Reading Note: It is advice to all trainees to read at least one paragraph of news paper (editorial), story book, and student manuals. 120
  • 121. Daily Jaw Exercise 1. Practice Breathing- Breathing is an important part of speaking, it can help in your fluency. If you run out of breath in the middle of a sentence. Many public speakers, actors and other people who use their voices a lot practice their breathing before they speaking. To practice breathing, stand or sit straight, count how long you inhales and exhales take. Try making the exhales (breathing out) last twice as long as the inhales, this is also basic yoga for relaxation. 2. Warm up your throat by humming as you exhale. Move your tongue around in your mouth. Your mouth needs exercise too sometimes. Make Vowel sounds- Prepare your mouth for speaking by making the sounds of the vowels A, E, I, O, U. Make a shape with your mouth as you make these sounds. The exercise will help your pronunciation of the sounds. 121
  • 122. Voice And Accent (VAT) Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations). Pronunciation- is the act or manner of pronouncing words, in a way that is accepted or generally understood. Speaking English with proper pronunciation is mainly based on lower jaw movement. Refer student manual (This exercise should be practiced regularly for 20-25 minutes a day). OOT OHT AWT AHT AYT EET OOD OHD AWD AHD AYD EED OON OHN OHN AHN AYN EEN English is a language spoken with a lot of Jaw Movement. 122
  • 123. Exercise For Lower Jaw Movement OO Oh Aw/Ah Ah/Ae AY EE AEO I Flute Flow Awesome Last Play Flee Sound Ice Cute Grow October Faster Station Increase Ground Nice Mute Plough August Half May Need Found Mice Shoot Bow Orange Glass Gray Plead Down Dice Fruit Crow Octopus Master Today Please Crown Sky Nude Show Dog Mask Monday January Town Fly Crude Coast Law Grass Detain Simply Noun Try 123
  • 124. Video Practice- 1 Questioning round- What is story? Suggest video name Summary 124
  • 125. Video Practice- 2 Questioning round- What is story? Suggest video name Summary 125
  • 126. Video Practice- 3 Questioning round- What is story? Suggest video name Summary 126
  • 127. American Signifiers/Sound Letter/ Word Emitting Sound Comments C Kh Computer, Contractor P Phe People, Party Q Khew Queen, Quenland T Th Teacher Last Laest Not change in R mixing word, like car, park U OO Flute, mute, cute, rude, root E/LY EE Feel, peal, real, butterfly I EE Smile, sky, pie Can not Can’t I will I’ll Don’t Don Don’t know = Don know Does not Dozen Does not know = Dozen know Did not Din Did not know = Din know 127
  • 128. American Signifiers/Sound Letter/ Word Emitting Sound Comments Did not Din Did not know = Din know Will not Won Will not know = Won know Was Wos I was = I wos I have Ive I’ve went to market You have Yove You’ve went to school They have Theyve They’ve ate food Going to Gonna Want to Wanna What’s u Wassup T D When you find T between tow vowels (Lot Of)- Lodof Are not Aant They aant coming TH T T TH 128
  • 129. Pronunciatio n T N Ke De Sh Ze Pe Tip Number Credit Delay Shower Zeal People Hotel New Increase Code Shortage Thursday Population Account Brand Connect Household Show Increase Ripe Attention Demand Account Designate Shampoo Zone Piper Request Nominate Check Demand Relationship Zip code Popular Protest November Take Doubt Chef Thousand Temporary Negro Make Days Story Paint Break Ways History Bake Hazel 129
  • 130. Ge Re Zh Be Fe He Le Guest Terror Pleasure Available Financial Ahead Realize Argue Terrific Measure Bargain Fine Hundred leak Large Traffic Treasure Budget Flea Comprehend Gum Reside Sure Able Afraid heal Goose Rural Beige About Afford Dollar Leisure Brain Definite Reference Vision After Remember Closure Curry Pronunciatio n 130
  • 131. Me Ve Se Ch Je Mute Delivery Sales Chance Japan Residential Disable May Value Sand Change Refrigerator Realize Message Many Volume Press Agitate Alternative Absolutely Demand Victim Mess Pleasure Owner Plan Organize Initiate Visual Expedite Schedule Warranty Detach Guarantee Assist Solution Temporary Enable Thorough Through Pronunciatio n 131
  • 132. Pronunciation Of Vowels The Connecting Sounds Vowels help us in distinguishing one word from another. Needless to say, when you are not fluent with the vowel sounds, your speech sounds confusing and vague. You are requested to read the words aloud to understand the difference in pronunciation vowels bring in words with almost identical spellings. Practicing Vowel Sounds As In TREE  Equal – Even – Evening – Evil – Recent – Region  Sea – Tea – Team – Cream – Clean – Lead – Read As In NEAR  Fear – Hear – Ear – Near – Clear – Rear As In BIT  Hit – Him – His – Is – It – Fit – Did  Cabin – Habit – Unit – Justice – Public 132
  • 133. As In BED  Red – Bed – Bet – Let – Met – Set – Sell  Embrace – Employ – Engage – Enjoy – Enlarge As In FARE  Care – Dare – Bare – Rare – Share – Spare – Scare  Fair – Hair – Air – Affair – Pair – Repair – Despair As In BAT  Land – Hand – Sand – Stand – Command – Demand  Dance – Chance – Glance – Fancy – Answer – Dancer As In TAR  Car – Card – Hard – Are – Far – Bar – Garden  Mirage – Garage – Massage – Facade – Ensemble As In SHORE  Core – More – Bore – Before – Shore – Sore – Store  Boring – Story – Sorry – Borrow – Sorrow – Tomorrow Pronunciation Of Vowels 133
  • 134. As In HOT  Hot – Lot – Not – Got – Forgot – Forgotten – Bottle – Comment – Compliment As In RULER  Rude – Rule – Rumor – Brutal – Lucy – June – Junior – Food – Cool – School As In U  Room – Broom – Roof – Root – Soot – Hoof – Coop – Boulevard As In USER  Union – Unit – Unite – Unique – University – Refuse – Cube – Huge – Humor As In Yu  Tune – Tulip – Tumor – Nude – Nuclear – Numeral – Nutrition As In BOOK  Book – Cook – Hook – Look – Shook – Took – Good – Hood As In SIR  Her – Herb – Verb – Serve – Perfect – Person – Certain As In BUT  But – Nut – Fun – Sun – Dull – Lucky – Ugly – Suddenly Pronunciation Of Vowels 134
  • 135. Tongue Twisters A huge number of non-native English speakers make frequent English slip-ups during conversations. Proper utilization of these techniques enhances our clarity and pronunciation of speech. Read out the following sentences as loud as you possibly can: She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore. The shells she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure. For if she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore Then I'm sure she sells sea-shore shells. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue. (For more refer work book) 135
  • 136. Public Speaking Extempore Round: An extempore round/skill is the part of soft skill development training. In this round trainees have to give a visual/oral presentation on a topic chosen by the trainer. The skills require in this round are the same as those require for presentation. These sills include body language, dressing etiquette, clarity and voice modulation and many more. The trainees have to speak 1 t 3 minutes on the chosen topic. Here are some tips on how to present at the extempore round. Start speaking at an even pace, don’t start speaking really fast as you are likely to end up without much to say. Define the topic or specific terms of the topic. Providing supporting evidence in the form of data or example. Narrate your personal experience based on the topic. Try to stick with the given time, if you short in the context of topic then try to relate other topic’s information so that you can achieve given time, because ultimately you have to speak, speak and speak. 136
  • 137. Make Extempore Tree To explain the strategy of an extempore tree let us take an example of a simple topic like pollution. If our were asked to speak on this topic for three minutes could you speak for the duration given. You will unable to speak for more than two minutes or less. The problem is not a lack of knowledge on the topic, but more a lack of the skills required to deliver the speech. Example- Taking the topic Pollution, if you take this topic as a text and try to speak on that text you would not be able to speak for more than one a half minutes. If you take it as a topic and break the topic in five W&H family, then easily speak for more than 5 to 7 minutes. 137
  • 138. Let Breakdown Topic & Make Extempore Tree Pollution What is Pollution? Its type and effects Air (Try to cover the 5 W & H family) Water (Try to cover the 5 W & H family) Soil (Try to cover the 5 W & H family) Noise (Try to cover the 5 W & H family) Its Disease Describe the effects on population What type of disease The ozone layer Population Describe how population increase pollution 50 Years down the line Its cure Conclusion 138
  • 139. Exercise Of Extempore Tree There are lot of topics to speak and keep remember extempore tree. Friends How many real good friend do you have? Friends are important for everyone what do you think about it? What is more important- the appearance of the character of a person? How much time do you spend together with your friends? Shopping How much money do you spend on? What are your favorite clothes? Who do you take with you when you go shopping/ How do you spend your pocket money? How much pocket money do you get? 139
  • 140. Home Town What would you show a guest in your hometown? Tell something about he history of your hometown. How can young people spend their free time in your hometown? Future What are your plans for the future? Where do you want to live? In what kind of job do you see yourself in the following years? What do you think about a family? What will be the most important things for you in the future? Exercise Of Extempore Tree 140
  • 141. Free Time/Holiday What are your favorite free time activities? What kind of sports do you like? Tell about your holidays plans. Where would you like to be during your holidays? What country would you like to live in? School/Job Tell something about your favourite subjects at school. Tell something about your work experience. What is your dream job? A good job- what does this mean to you? What would you change at your school to make it more attractive? Exercise Of Extempore Tree 141
  • 142. Family Life Tell something about your family? Tell something about your free time activities. Speak about your hobbies. Speak about your favourit music group or singer. Tell something about your favourite TV programme or radio programme. What kind of music do you like? Describe your room. Speak about pets at your house. Can children and their parents be good friends? Drugs Tell something about the risks of drugs. Drugs are cool. What do you think? Should drugs be legalized? Exercise Of Extempore Tree 142
  • 143. Food What is your favorite food? Who in your family does the cooking? Why? What does healthy life mean for you? Tell something about your eating habits. Fast food-slow food. What is your opinion? What do you do to keep fit? A good party without alcohol/drugs is not possible. How often do you eat fish or vegetables? Environment What do you do to protect the environment? Tell something about the dangers of the nature. What do you prefer- living in a city or in the country? Exercise Of Extempore Tree 143
  • 144. Extempore Topics Advice Animals Architecture Art Building design Beauty Books Challenges Change Charity Childhood Choices Cities Cleanliness Colour Communication Computers Conspiracies Cooking Corruption Crime Disabilities Dreaming Driving Electric cars Environmental Problems Email Entrepreneur 144
  • 145. Facts and statistics Future Family Family values Fashion Fast food First impressions Food Free time Friendship Games Getting a job Habits’ Health Holidays Homes Hotels Human wonders Idol worship Immigration Individually Intelligence Kashmir issue Language Intelligence Learning English Luxury Items Extempore Topics 145
  • 146. Manners Marriage Technology Meeting new people Media Television Motivation Movies The five senses Neighbors News Tourism Online friendship Travel Personality Privacy Water Productivity wishes Responsibility Restaurants Season Secrets Shopping Singing Single life Smoking Sports Stories Success and failure Super heroes Superstition Extempore Topics 146
  • 147. Group Discussion Skills Group discussion can be a vehicle to encourage thought and to practice a wider range of skills, specifically communication and problem solving skills. Group discussion help to improve listening skills, proactive attitude and leadership qualities and team player. Type of Group Discussion Panel- In a panel discussion, a small group of individuals, who are knowledgeable about a particular subject discuss the topic among themselves ideas through conversation. Dialogue- This method is very similar to a panel discussion but only two individuals take part in discussing the subject in front of an audience. Symposium- In a symposium, a small number of speakers who are knowledgeable about a particular subject make short presentations in succession. These presentations usually range from five to fifteen minutes each. 147
  • 148. Skills required for a Group Discussion Leadership skills Communication skills Interpersonal skills Persuasive skills Problem solving skills Conceptualizing skills Leadership skills- To be able to initiate the group discussion or guide the group especially when the discussions begins to lose relevance and try to encourage all members to participate in the discussion. Communication skills- One key aptitude is listening, it indicates a willingness to accommodate others views. To be able to use simple language and explain concepts clearly so that it is easily understood by all. Interpersonal skills- Ability of the individual to interact with other members of the group. The person has to be more people centric and less self-centered, ability to empathize, non-threatening and more of a team player. 148
  • 149. Skills required for a Group Discussion Persuasive skills- Ability to analyze and influence others with causing hatred among group members. Problem solving skills- Don’t be afraid to think of novel solutions. This is a high risk and high return strategy. Conceptualizing skills- Ability to grasp the situation and apply example of day to day life. Group Discussion Tips Take time to think of what you are going to say- If allowed take a piece of paper and a pen with you and jot down your thoughts before verbalizing them. This could help you crate the right framework for your discussion. Don’t start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject. Work out various strategies to help you make an entry- Initiate the discussion or agree with someone else point and then move on to express you views. 149
  • 150. Skills required for a Group Discussion The score you receive will depend not only on your verbal communication but also your non-verbal skills. Our body language sys a lot about you, your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than ,what you say. Language skills are important as they reflect how you get your points across clearly and fluently. Be patient, don’t lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The keys to stay objective- don’t take the discussion personally. Brush up on your leadership skills, motivate the other members of the team to speak and listen to their view. Be receptive to others opinions and do not be abrasive or aggressive. Apart from the above points the trainer will also judge team members for their alertness and presence of mind, problem solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating certain members and creativity. Remember- Don’t be disheartened if you don’t make it after your first Group Discussion the best possible preparation for a Group Discussion is to earn from your past mistakes. 150
  • 151. GD Exercise  Is reservation good or bad?  Is co-education good or bad?  Does Kashmir interest of India beneficial?  Does coaching helps to student?  Does late night work beneficial?  Do girls work late night? 151
  • 152. Role Play- 1) Formal Greetings JAMES: Good morning, Professor Austin, how are you doing? PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Good morning, James. I am doing well. And you? JAMES: I’m great, thank you. This is my friend Emma. She is thinking about applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please? PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Hello, Emma! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week. EMMA: It’s a pleasure to meet you, professor. Thank you so much for helping us. PROFESSOR AUSTIN: Don’t mention it. Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions! 152
  • 153. 153
  • 154. NATASHA: What time is it? We’re going to be late! TONY: It’s a quarter after seven. We’re on time. Don’t panic. NATASHA: But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise party. We’ll never make it there with all this evening traffic. TONY: Sure we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 8:00. But I do need help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park our car? LANGUAGE NOTES - It’s a quarter after seven. This phrase is one of the most common ways of stating this time. It means: “It’s 15 minutes past 7:00.” Another possibility here is to simply say: “It’s seven fifteen.” Rush hour is the time of day—usually in the morning and evening—when traffic is heavy because of people commuting to and from their workplace by bus, by car, by subway, on foot, etc. 2) What Time Is It? 154
  • 155. 155
  • 156. JENNIFER: It’s freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought this cold front was supposed to pass. GABRIELA: Yeah, I thought so too. That’s what I read online this morning. JENNIFER: I guess the wind chill is really driving down the temperature. GABRIELA: Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go numb. LANGUAGE NOTES- A “cold front” means a large mass of cold air. It can be plural: There were multiple cold fronts this January. Here “supposed to” refers to something that is intended or expected to happen: I thought it was supposed to rain today. The phrase “driving down” means “forcing to be lower” and can be used in many situations. An oversupply of new houses is driving down sales prices in the area. 3) Weather Report 156
  • 157. 157
  • 158. WAITER: Hello, I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with something to drink? RALPH: Yes. I’ll have iced tea, please. ANNA: And I’ll have lemonade. WAITER: OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes? RALPH: I think we’re ready. I’ll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas. WAITER: How do you want the beef — rare, medium, or well done? RALPH: Well done, please. ANNA: And I’ll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad. 4) Ordering A Meal 158
  • 159. 159
  • 160. MARK: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the library is? NANCY: Yes, it’s that way. You go three blocks to Washington Street, then turn right. It’s on the corner, across from the bank. MARK: Thanks! I’ve only been in town a few days, so I really don’t know my way around yet. NANCY: Oh, I know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don’t know where everything is! LANGUAGE NOTES- Could you tell me … is slightly more polite than “Can you tell me …?” 5) Asking Directions 160
  • 161. SALESPERSON: Can I help you? GLORIA: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater — in a size medium. SALESPERSON: Let’s see … here’s a nice white one. What do you think? GLORIA: I think I’d rather have it in blue. SALESPERSON: OK … here’s blue, in a medium. Would you like to try it on? GLORIA: OK … yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it? SALESPERSON: It’s $50. It will be $53, with tax. GLORIA: Perfect! I’ll take it. 6) Shopping 161
  • 162. 162
  • 163. 7) How Old Are You? PATTY: I’m really excited for Aunt Mary’s surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren’t ou? SUSAN: Yeah! How old is she? PATTY: She’ll be 55 on May 14 [fourteenth]. SUSAN: Wow! I didn’t know that my mom was older — she’s going to be 57 on September 2 [second]. Anyway, Aunt Mary’s going to be so surprised to see us all here! PATTY: I know! But we still have to get all the food set up before she gets here … OK! We’re all ready now. Shh! She’s here! ALL: Surprise! 163
  • 164. 164
  • 165. 8) What’s Your Favorite Sport? PHIL: What time is that soccer game on? I thought it started at noon. JACK: We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well … soccer’s not my favorite sport anyway. I much prefer basketball. PHIL: Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was tennis! I’m a big fan of basketball, too. JACK: How about a game sometime? PHIL: Sure thing! Why don’t we go shoot some hoops now since the soccer game isn’t on? JACK: Excellent idea. Let’s go. LANGUAGE NOTES- How about a game here means “Let’s play a basketball game.” Shoot some hoops means to play an informal game of basketball. This is a casual expression used between friends. 165
  • 166. 166
  • 167. Personality Development Course Personality means characteristics and appearances of a person- pattern of thought, feeling, behavior, communication ability and physical features. Personality of a person takes its basic formation in the beginning of childhood and its experiences in the family and the society are very crucial. Friends, teachers and the environment of school have their own positive or negative impact. Parent need to be very careful while caring a child because deep scars on the psychology of a child have permanent marks. With the help of good personality Development Course and workshop: A person can overcome Fear and gain Confidence Transform your Personality to Followers Improve Presentation skills Crack Interviews Improve Body Language Excel English Conversation skills 167
  • 168. Personality Development Course! Continued… Public speaking Build Leadership Qualities Negotiation skills Time management Stress management Dressing sense Handling Relationship Interpersonal skills Survival skills in the unfitted situation Reinvent yourself. And also training in personality development enhances the general as well as unique traits (characteristics which differentiate on from other) of a person. A teacher of personality development helps a person to get positive thought pattern, gain confidence, improve behavior and develop a healthy physique. 168
  • 169. I believe that a man is basically born to win, but due to negligence our winning potential doesn’t grow to the best of its capacity. Mostly people develop their personality according to the expectation of others, and they are unable to shine their unique traits. Therefore we need to “break the barrier and rise bravely” with our originality and uniqueness, so identify your strength and work on it. Only then one can transform and ordinary personality into an impressive one. Previously it was thought that every person lived his or her whole life according to the personality script written in childhood. To change it was almost impossible. But after years of research and practical applications the man has progressed in the science of personality transformation. With the help of simple methods, now anybody can develop a winning personality and change his or her future. 169 Personality Development Course! Continued…
  • 170. Presentation Skills Presentation- The concept of 7 P’s program  Purpose- Why are you speaking? What does the audience want to know.  People- Who is your audience? How do the characteristics, skills, opinions and behaviors of your audience affect your purpose.  Place- How can you plan and adapt to the logistics of this place. How can you use visual aids to help achieve our purpose?  Preparation- Where and how can you find good ideas and information for your speech? How much and what kind of supporting materials do you need.  Planning- I there a natural order to the ideas and information you will use? What are the most effective ways to organize your speech in order to adapt it to the purpose, people, place, etc.  Performance- What form of delivery is best suited to the purpose of your speech. What delivery techniques will make your presentation more effective? 170
  • 171. What Holds You Back? So what exactly are people afraid of when it comes to public speaking?  Not being able to speak  Forgetting what you are talking about- your mind going blank.  Having the heckler (critic) from hell.  Having someone in the audience who knows more than you do.  People noticing that you are nervous.  The presentation being so awful and embarrassing that your social/career relationships are ruined forever.  The impossible to answer “question from hell”.  The audience talking over you. Firstly, accept that “Fear is good”, if you take positively then it is source for survivor, bigger, stronger and faster. 171
  • 172. Preparation For Successful Presentation Make check list for your presentation:-  Think about presentation topic- Gather information from different source. Think about your audience- Who are they, what do they know or want to know.  Be clear about your purpose/topic-  Use an effective introduction- Orientate the audience, explain why it is important. Establish the relationship between you and speaker. Avoid weak introduction such as apologies, jokes.  Organize your presentation clearly and simply- Prioritize topics content and allocate time accordingly. Have a well thought out pattern like problem, solution, cause and effect.  Supporting materials- Use examples, statistics, expert opinions.  Effective conclusion- Summarize, set final image, provide closure.  Sound spontaneous, conversational and enthusiastic- Use overhead instead of notes. Vary volume, don’t use fillers like “um”. Relaxed gesture, eye contact, don’t play with a pen or pointer.  Use visual & audio aids. 172

Editor's Notes

  1. Present tense refers to something you do over and over or a constant state of being. Examples: “I exercise every day,” and “I’m strong.” Pronounce: “live”1 Note there is no long e sound ~ ˈliv, as in ive. Saying “My family consists of …” sounds very unnatural; Just say “There are ….”
  2. Use ―”to” to designate a place = I’m going to the store / to the beach / to my job / to work / to GPO. You must specify the place. Note: Only say ―o’clock‖ when the time is exactly on the hour: six o’clock, nine o’clock, but never six- thirty o’clock. Grammar Focus: Use of “a” “an” “the” ―a‖ is non-specific. Please give me a pencil Any pencil ―an‖ is also non-specific, but used before words that sound like they begin with a, e, i, o ,u (a vowel) ~ an apple, an elephant, an ice-cream cone. Not an university because the ―u‖ in university sounds like a ―y,‖ as in yellow. ―The‖ is specific. Please give me the pencil Only one particular pencil. ―The‖ specifies the only one: Please open the door.
  3. Pronounce: dinner, ˈden-nər. Note, there is no long e sound. Pronounce: “rice” and “lice.” ROLE PLAY~ Pretend you are ordering something at McDonald’s.
  4. Pronounce: “guitar” gə-ˈtär. Note, there is no long e sound. Note: small fruits are usually pluralized, while large fruits are not: apples, oranges, grapes, watermelon, melon, mango (mango though fairly small is not usually pluralized when talking about them in general).
  5. Remember: we “take” medicine and vitamins, we don’t eat them!
  6. What is the past tense of the following words: leave, live, have, go, eat, is, swim, run, wake, see, sing, meet, and watch? Pronounce “changed, wished, washed, watched, stopped, walked.” They are pronounced like they end with a –ta, and have no sound -- only air.
  7. We usually use “at” with specific time expressions:
  8. Fun‖ means having a good time. ―Funny‖ means something that makes you laugh.
  9. What are you going to do tonight? “I haven’t made any plans.” “I’m going to go to see a movie with my friends.” “I’m going to go with some friends to (some city) to go dancing and have a few drinks.” Use ―going to‖ not ―will‖ for future planned events. ―Will‖ is use for offering assistance and making a promise: ―Oh, I’ll pick that up for you.‖ ―Ok, I’ll meet you at one-o’clock.‖
  10. Reading newspapers, books, magazines aloud There is a difference between reading and reading aloud. While many of us read newspapers which helps us to build vocabulary, we hardly read its content aloud. When we read the content loud, our brain analyzes the information as speech and activates our speaking abilities. It is a good practice to read the text aloud every day for some time. Not necessarily, in front of someone.
  11. Refer student manual