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Jake Whattam-Smith
For the date commencing the 14/03/2021, I had focused on beginning my production having
gathered the footage needed for scenes 4, 6 and 7, sections 1, 3, 7 and 12, these which were located
in both a town street, public tunnel walkway, and a town bench.
What was in the morning for about 7:30am, I had started the filming process in correlation to the
call sheets I had produced, these covering things like the timings for each shot when looking at the
sunlight direction and height/angle most importantly. With my main character actor, we had covered
scenes 4, 6 and 7 which make up all the shots needed for being in an urban outdoor environment,
including a street, public tunnel walkway, and bench where my character goes about their day in the
narrative. What remains at different points in the storyline, some of the shots required different
approaches, i.e. I had to distinguish at what moment the shot is taking place in the film for the actor
and trailer to look convincing in chronological order. Most shots where supported having taken
photographs/screenshots of my call sheet for the day which included everything necessary for
filming, but I had also brought along with me a backpack of some of the extra essentials when
recording: a place to store warm clothing if needed, beverages/food & drink, my tripod for filming, a
charging cable, and covid-safe practices including masks and anti-bacterial wipes if needed. What
had taken me about 1 hour to film, most shots were gathered exempting the fact that some of the
ones including shadows or a prop that was forgotten (extra mobile-phone) meant 3 shots couldn’t
have been done; but aside from this, I had also done some photography for a poster concept of my
own, giving myself something I could immediately begin working on and looking at when returning
to college because of the lack of shots I have gathered to start editing my trailer together.
Day 1 (14/03/2021)
Regarding the fact that it only toke us about an hour on set to film everything necessary made the
outcome of todays work very good, especially when considering I had planned to be atleast over
an hour, and in addition to this, not only did some of the shots look better than anticipated, but
there weren't any distractions when filming in a public place that only benefited and speeded
things up more the less.
Despite the shots which relied on shadows to be effective and actually work, meaning I didn’t get
everything I came to the location for, a lot of the time the shot layouts and improvisation I had
performed for some of the locations worked very well, of course in acknowledgement that
in post I would add some digital effects and color grading to make them look more cinematic,
saturated, and impactful on an audience.
Looking back at some of the shots I definitely think there is room for improvements on only a few
of them, but recognizing that ill need to go back there anyways for the shots I had missed out on
makes the process much easier, the only thing stopping me the weather and making sure I can get
those clear shadows as this was the main occurrence in todays shoot.
Backpack Loadout Video Footage
Photography/Poster Images
On the morning of filming, both on-set and before, I had taken and used these images
from my phone to keep track of what shots were needed (tehse can be found in my
planning document under 'day 1' for the call sheets sections).
Shooting Day Call Sheets
For the dates commencing the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th of March 2021 (16-19/03/21), because I
hadnt acess to my main actor throughout the week, working on things like the planning for my next 2
shoots with call sheets, shot lists, timings, location route, and weather considerations, this meant
when I could progress with filming it would be considerably quicker and easier going. In association
with this and filming at each location, I had also planned out my title and font for the posters (print
products) with a slight look into slogans as well.
First thing Tuesday, for my first lesson having returned to college after lockdown for over 3 months, I
had started and finished my call sheets for both future shooting dates by the end of the 18th. Taking
what was 3 days, including the wednesday where I had worked at home in my spare time, these call
sheets toke considerably longer than I had initially intended on thinking, but what was very specific
when looking at timings, choice of dates, transitioning between different locations, the weather,
public implications and what shot lists needed to be attended to, its clear why I had spent more time
than what was necessary.
Refering constantely to the weather in most cases, some shots and locations were more dependant
than others on the natural lighting of the sun, this was measured using the 'SunCalc' website and
meant I had to keep on moving timings around to suit not only the lighting as already mentioned, but
also some of the directions the shadows are being cast for added depth of field and aesthetic appeal
in the shots I would take. This was also monitored using the 'BBC weather' website to keep track with
the sunny weather I needed and some of the other elements that may impact filming such as with
high winds, initially tracked 3-4 days prior to filming date, and 1 day prior making sure that everything
Day 2,3 and 4 (16 – 19/03/2021)
Another key factor that closely related to the weather and date of which I planned to film was the
general public; I recognized early on that filming on a weekend, especially a Saturday, would increase the
likelihood of filming being interrupted from people being around, however because my main actor being
used is accessible only for weekends (exempting the Easter holidays), this meant that I would have to film
during times where it was less busy, I.e. a Sunday lunch time, as we can see in the call sheets made, or a
Sunday morning, which was present at my first filming shoot in town streets.
5 - What were the main successes in the work?
6 - What were the elements that were less successful or you had difficulty with?
7 - What else could you have done o expand the work, improve the work, etc?
8 - Action plan - What is the next step for the project? It could be linked to the activities discussed, maybe fixing
something, or moving on to another task.
For the date commencing the 25/03/2021, because I had planned with call sheets and organization to
stay on track with my FMP products, filming scenes 1, 3 and 5, which remained in close proximity to my
own home, I had gathered the footage needed to move ahead with the project and stay on track.
Collecting sound effects and organizing them was something else I had also done in addition to filming so
that I could focus on some of the more important written work and begin the editing process in the near
What was planned to film at 11:15, with the exception of setting up the shot at 10:45, this was initially
delayed until about 13:00 due to a lack of organization from myself when taking into account my actor
having already made plans on the date of filming. Having mentioned to my actor that I would be filming
on the 21st and that I needed their presence, and with alittle mis-communication, they had gone out on
the set time I had made space for recording; this wasn’t a perticular issue and the reason as to why
my management was defective in the first place was because the filming would take place where we both
live, having recognised this my own adress to the situation was much more relaxed in comparison to
places where we would otherwise have to travel.
With the support of my day call-sheets and re-organizing the timings to start at 13:00pm, the weather
wasn’t any different from what I had originally planned at 11, meaning the same shots, despite the
change of time, could still be achieved. However good everything had seemed to be when filming scenes
1, 3 and 5, it had soon become apparent to me that a lot of the shots I'd planned to film required a prop
which wasn’t prepared ahead of shooting, because of this not only did I have to avoid a lot of the shots I
wanted to film, but I had also decided that the shots which needed a darker environment (I.e. scene 3 the
interview, and some of the night dependent scenarios) should also be avoided until a later set date.
Day 5 (21/03/2021)
Only being able to gather roughly 5 shots, 2 of them being additional shots in the case that extras would
ever be needed, today had gone extremely poorly in the sense that I didn’t get at all near the amount of
footage I initially intended on getting. Thankfully, because they're all situated in my own household,
this isn't too much of an issue as I could get them at any given time throughout the week to keep on track
with my production, but the fact that I'd planned for the day to go much better than what actually
happened has lost a lot of confidence in myself for the project.
Feeling bad about the shoot, I had gone onto the much easier task of getting all the possible sound effects
I could add to my trailer during the editing process. Having gathered a great deal of possible sounds
throughout the past 2 months when browsing YouTube in my spare time, I had accumulated over 30
sound effects that suited the psychological thriller genre I'm targeting; making sure they were all
copyright free for use in my trailer, and going over them all once again, using the 'OBS' software I
had both analyzed in my 'free software video', and used before hand with related hobbies of my own, I
recorded every audio clip that I found may come beneficial to my trailer. Renaming, managing, and
organizing each one of them, I formed in addition to a folder with all these sound effects in, a structured
abundance of other folders to manage every shot, section, and act for the footage making up my trailer.
Adding in the shots I had gathered so far into the project, this both gave me a great insight to what I still
needed to do for my trailer to remain on track with reaching deadlines, all whilst organizing the work I
had accumulated in the 2 weeks I've been in production, so that when it comes to needing it, everything
can be found with ease in hopes that I can cut down on time management throughout this stage.
Highlighted what clips I had gathered into shot lists
Started putting together the trailer with what I had to get an initial idea of what was essential and needed (verbal audio)
Day 6 (23/03/2021)
Recognized shot needed prop, so I looked at making the prop with style sheet, concepts, and final outcome with reasons why.
Day 7 (24/03/2021)
Structure up a script of 3everything that needs to be said in my trailer
Filming (Audio)
Organizing audio clips gathered
Day 8 (25/03/2021)
Planned scripts for voice-over
Day 9 - Recorded voice-over, planned next 2 weeks what working on each day
Day 10 – Organized voice-over footage, chose best voice footage, planned filming next day, finish off 'free software video'
Day 9 & 10 (28 - 29/03/2021)
With a change in plans, I had scheduled to go filming at Skipwith Common today, Tuesday the 30th, rather than the
Sunday to get majority of the remaining footage needed to start editing up my trailer. Solely because the weather on
the Sunday changed in forecast from sunny intervals to rainy and windy, today was much more suiting with sunny dry
weather throughout the day with near to no wind at very low speeds; in addition to this, it meant that I could get some
of the preferred shots which are dependent on sunlight and shadows for added atmospheric value and aesthetic appeal
to captivate the audience.
Arriving on location at 8:00 am meant a change in times also avoided any public
congregations in comparison to going around lunch time which would have been
much busier (what I had previously planned to do), especially when considering
it’s the hottest day so far into the year and I'm working around a nature reserve
park that people often go to in occasions like this.
Only ever seeing 2 or 3 people around during the times I was filming, the whole
process had taken roughly 1 hour and a half bringing us to 9:30, offering the time
to get the shots needed for scenes 8, 9, and 10 which was the main purpose for
coming to this location in the first place.
Because a lot of the locations for filming in the 'park' was really close to one
another, this opened up the time for getting extra footage in addition to the
shots I had planned to get in my call sheets that supported me throughout
the filming process; mostly including things like re-takes or different angles
and situations that I'd only realized once coming to set, I'd ended up getting
around 50 different shots of the main 9 that I had needed, this including
a separate location I hadn't thought was accessible to the public that would
come extremely helpful and supportive to the narrative, holding the possibility
to even replace one of my scenes.
Day 11 (30/03/2021)
For the most part, today had gone extremely well and all according to plan having gotten all the shots needed for
scenes 8, 9, and 10; feeling much more confident about the trailer im creating having seen some of the shots I gathered
throughout the day,, a feeling of accomplishment and excitement, about what the final outcome of my trailer may
begin to look like, puts myself in a very positive mindset for reaching the deadlines of completion in around 4 weeks
Seeing and having received the majority of the rest of the footage for my trailer, this means I can begin to go ahead with
the editing process and gain a head start to returning to college once the easter holidays have finished in the coming
week and a bit. I definitely intended on doing so relatively soon for both reasons of getting an insight to my final
outcome, whilst seeing if any improvements or additional shots are required to finish it all off, but id like to use the
term week to go over a lot of my previous pieces of work in the FMP; improving and adding to things like my research
which still needs a lot of attention, this should break up the amount of work needed to do when approaching near to
the end of my project in my evaluation, therefore showing a strong devotion to finishing up the project in the final
Backpack Loadout
For the date commencing the 13/04/2021, I had focused my attention to beginning the creation of some film posters to
keep up with my film trailer and reaching deadlines having already started the editing process.
Returning back to college after the two week easter half term, I had focused my attention to beginning the production of a
film poster that should be completed before the next week to remain on track with reaching deadlines in the production
stages of my FMP. Having collected almost all of my footage for my film trailer during the easter holidays, this also opened
up the opportunity to gather the necessary photography for these posters from both the forest and town locations in each.
Having the photography and different variations, choosing the right image from the 5 different possibilities when
considering the brightness, contrast, style, and layout of the shots determined what image would be used as the base
product. Then using a range of tools, including the blur, burn, dodge, patch, spot healing, eraser, paint bucket, and quick
selection tools, this gave me the ability to transform the background, main focus point, image adjustments, and design
to follow the intentions set in my planning concepts.
Adding my title, which had been made when planning what it would state in which
particular font, this was a simple 'file' and 'place embedded' process to get the already
png masthead in, located on the bottom half of my poster to follow some of the typical
methods in the industry and print products, when understanding a person reads from top
to bottom. In addition to this, for added realism and persuasion, I had also grabbed off of
the internet a film poster's credits, typically located underneath the title, to compliment
the structure, layout, and overall aesthetic design/professionalism; this came with a black
background and white text, so all that was needed was the 'magic wand tool' to remove
this background and to be placed beside the title along the bottom.
Day 12 (13/04/2021)
Now for one of the main discrete features of the poster, the large shadow across the light coming through the tunnel had
also been changed from my main characters silhouette, to a shadow of an undisclosed figure/person from the view of
the camera; this was much easier than I had expected, only ever using the dodge and burn tool to lighten/darken the
shadow in areas, shaping the structure of it, and also using in places the 'patch tool' around the characters footsteps to
remove the connectivity and keep the pathway in shape.
Commencing the 15th of April 2021, I had dedicated this day to continuing the production of my first film poster,
adding additional focus points, and improving some of the features to it for a more realistic, and threatening
approach to suit the psychological thriller genre I'm targeting.
Continuing on with the first poster i had begun the previous working day, i had invested a lot of my time initially
to identifying what i quite didn't like about it and where improvements could be made; the poster wasn’t
grasping my attention, making me anxious, or even excited about the film which was to be ‘soon released’, and
acknowledging the fact that in these key aspects it didn't work, i knew where and looked into how i could make it
more aesthetically pleasing and captivating to an audience.
Starting off with an effect I had seen during a film trailer when researching existing products in the film industry, I
had started off by using a mixture of the ‘patch tool’, ‘spot healing brush’, ‘brush tool’ and ‘eyedropper tool’ to
create text using branches from the tree in the background of the image; what allowed me to manipulate,
change, and add to the foreground, I had created and moved around the branches in the tree behind to write up
‘run’ amongst the image. Mostly with a lot of dragging and moving about, the ‘patch tool’ was particular helpful
as I could replicate the branches, copying them almost so the text could be formed. Because this process was
very time consuming and the current outcome wasn't clear at what it was saying, I had been introduced to a
process including the ‘clone stamp tool’; replicating the branches of the tree to where I had intended on writing
up the text, this was much more time efficient, accurate, and clearer to read, eliminating some of the blurriness i
had seen with the other processes (shown in diagrams 1).
Day 13 (15/04/2021)
Original 1st Variant 2nd Variant
Having created the subtle ‘run’ text using the branches of the tree, i had moved soon onto creating yet
another piece as a part of the of main image, this would not only compliment and hint at the other subtle
pieces i've made for the audience to find and take ‘action’ (AIDA), but i also think it would benefit with
filling in the empty space to the right hand side whilst remaining slightly thrilling; this was achieved
through the creation of a graffiti style ‘hide’ signage on the inner wall, aided through the use of distorting
the text once placed, right clicking it and transforming it, and using both the blending and bevel/emboss
options, a stylish and anticipating piece of text was developed as seen (shown in diagram 2).
This was also reflective of the ‘survive’ text against the side of metal wiring box on the far right, using the
distort process to transform and shape my text, which had been found off of the ‘DaFont’ website,
changing its style to a silver and white gradient with the paint bucket tool, and therefore blending in well
with the surrounding of the environment in blending options (shown in diagram 3); not only do i think
this filled up a lot of the empty space in that side of the poster, sustaining a left to right view of the 3 main
hidden words in the image (Hide, Run, and Survive), but the fact that it looks almost sketched into the
metal gives off an eerie atmosphere, supporting the connotations of the word ‘survive’ in addition to this.
Hide Text
Survive Text
Original 1st Variant 2nd Variant
Having done a fair bit of work already, I soon decided to get some opinions from people around me.
Helping me improve some of the finer details to the pieces I have already made, whether it was
making the text more obvious with bevels or making the branches more obvious around the text in
the tree to stand out, I was also advised that the object transforming technique used in the ‘hide’
graffiti could be used corresponding to my main title. What was already very distracting and
informal to the style I'm targeting, my title was something I wanted to change before getting this
feedback so I gave it a go.
Using the same processes as with the ‘hide’ text, but this time looking through each of the different
blending options for the most realism, I'd come to create the title you see that looks amazing
(shown in diagram 4). What looks embedded into the ground, the title is obvious yet subtle, suiting
to the genre and style of film in creating, and follows through with a very unique style that grabs my
attention almost immediately.
3rd Variant
Seeing the progress I have made with todays work, regarding the poster I had made initially, there is a
significant difference between the two, improving a lot of the things I had previously acknowledged and
wanted to change; whether it be the title or style I've go for the poster, I much prefer the changes I've
made to it today than before. I particularly like the title design I had gone for, embedding it into the
ground, because both the cobble texture makes it stand out more whilst the overlaying paint/graffiti
representation keeps it subtle, not distracting, yet eye catching to the many audiences perceiving its
unique reflection of the film. Aside from this, I would also like to mention to extra details I put into the
background of the main image, consisting of the words 'Run', 'Hide', and 'Survive', because they make the
poster more attentive and involving from the audiences perspective, looking for hidden features, almost
acting as a mini game of spot the difference as it follows-through with a very unique style juxtaposed to
other film posters across the industry.
I don’t think there's anything I would change or particular don’t like to the poster I've made today, but its
worth mentioning that using this same image and some of the features to it made in todays work, I will
develop a DVD front cover, and possibly back cover, corresponding to the film; whether it be in the next
day or so, I think producing a DVD cover off this poster would be very beneficial to managing the time I
have on the production stages of my FMP, because of having already produced most of it already.
1st Variant 2nd Variant 3rd Variant
Commencing the 22nd of April 2021, I had followed through with creating a feedback sheet and making
changes to my film poster and DVD cover after having been unable to recognize any improvements
myself; in addition to this, I had also worked on some previous bits of work whilst creating a plan for some
light filming later in the day.
Starting off the day, i had acknowledged the fact that i couldn't identify any improvements or adjustments
to be made to both my film poster and DVD cover, challenging this i had made a quick survey, using the
‘SurveyMonkey’ website likewise when conducting research for the project, to get some responses from
other individuals with a different thought process and insight to my print products. Distributed through
email, i had sent my survey link to 3 classmates who share a creative approach to the film and media
industry, in hopes that i can get some descriptive and detailed opinions on the things typical people would
overlook (I.e. the camera, lighting, color adjustments, impact etc).
With my survey getting responses throughout the day, I had worked on some previous bits of work to
keep up to date and organized with reaching the end deadline of the 21st of May so that I was using my
time wisely whilst waiting for some improvements. With missing bits and pieces for different sections of
my written work for the project, I had focused on not only improving my production reflection which was
left out-standing in places, but I had also finished off parts to my research PowerPoint, more specifically
my existing products research analysis and changing some structure/organization to the way my
PowerPoint presents my work, as this had also been mentioned as additional improvements to be made in
previously gathered feedback.
Day 14 (22/04/2021)
Only getting what seems to be a survey with 3 responses, and some work on previous aspects of my
research, I would like to think that today had gone somewhat well regarding my time management and
keeping myself busy throughout the day, but I cant help but think about not having made any progress
with my production despite the fact that I was waiting majority of the time for some feedback, so today
hadn't gone quite to plan for the most part.
With some of the feedback and responses received, I would love to go through this the next time I'm
working on production, in hopes that I can improve my DVD cover making it better in some way, but aside
from this, there's isn't much in particular, other than maybe beginning to look at my website, and
changing things on that side of things, otherwise I could look at finishing/keeping up to date with my
production reflections and starting my evaluation ahead of its beginning date making up time for
amending/improving past work or my production if need be.
Commencing the 27th of April 2021, it was inevitable that by today I would have completed my DVD
cover front, back, and spine to complete the set; with only a few minor changes and the addition of
images mostly to the back page, this was the main focus of today, getting my DVD cover fully
completed, ready for some feedback from other peoples perspectives as I couldn’t draw my attention
to anything in particular.
With only a few changes to be made to my back page of the DVD cover, as everything else had already
been completed with the intentions and aesthetic I had set, this led to me starting off by adding in a
tall, wide forest silhouette shot in replacement of the black canvas that was present for the top half of
the back page, simply adding in the image and then positioning it to my liking. I had come to realize the
image, especially around the edges, lacked atmospheric value
despite the image itself being very compelling and
visually pleasing, so the addition of the gradient tool
(basic pre-made black to opacity) was applied to the
left and top side edges of the image and DVD cover
by dragging and dropping multiple times (shown in
diagram 1); this not only made some of the text more
readable because of the stronger contrast between
black and white text, but also draws the eye of the
audience to the sunlight glaring through the tree
branches and trunks.
Day 15 (27/04/2021)
In addition to the main image on the back page, I had also planned to include a slight showreel of
captions made from the trailer/film itself. Using what was a torn bit of paper, image collected from
google, and had arranged where the location of this would be placed the previous day, making the
process easier to an extent as I could reconsolidate with myself what the intentions of the outcome
would come looking like. The initial process seemed fairly simple in my head, however to my own
surprise, it was much more difficult making the images look like they're inside of the ripped piece of
paper. Duplicating the torn paper template I had used for the main base of the design feature here, I
had stretched this both horizontally and vertically to get a somewhat unique style as paper tears are
usually not identical; using this the same process was also applied and both positioned where I would
like them separate for the top half and bottom half of the images inside, almost acting as a trace used
with light boxes in art for example (shown in diagram 2). Now inserting the 3 images I wanted to use,
arranging them to what I thought would be most suiting for the back page, the top half inside paper
tear, for instance, used the quick selection tool selecting such tear, tracing the outline of the edge I
need to then remove from my image once selected and deleted (shown in diagram 3). It's quite
difficult to grasp but I had used the outline from my duplicate page tear, which should have been
arranged to where I wanted my images to have this tear effect, to then select my image, invert the
effect, and delete making the tear on the image. The process can be shown in the images below, but
the same process was used for all the images across the showreel.
Top Half Trace
Bottom Half Trace
This image shows how the
duplicate page tears, that had
been stretched already, acted as
a way of tracing a tear outline.
This image shows the outcome
for using this process on one of
my 3 images before additional
changes on next slide.
Although the outcome on all the images for the tear effect worked extremely well having not done
anything like this before, and without the use of online help/tutorials, I still needed to find out a way of
fading the images between each other in the showreel. Finding a tutorial online on how to blend
images together, using the gradient tool, and a pre-made basic black to opacity gradient, it was as
simple as adding a layer mask to each of the images, selecting the gradient tool, and dragging from
right to left for only to two far left images (shown in diagrams 4). Its worth mentioning that
although I'm talking in a sense that I'd only just discovered this now, which I had done, yet the same
process is used for the main forest silhouette image on the back page, this was done first, just a slight
inorganization from myself regarding the production reflection.
First Image Added Second Image Added
Final Image Added
Finishing off my DVD spin, front and back cover, I'm extremely pleased with the progress made in
todays work, not only opening up the opportunity to work on other parts to my production, but
also reaching the deadline in hopes that I can work on improving previous bits of work to get my
desired grade of a distinction.
Its without a doubt that my image showreel is one of my strongest elements made today, for its
great aesthetic appeal and the fact that a lot of resilience and skill was needed in its creation,
despite the fact that it had therefore taken awhile to produce, but its also worth mentioning some
of the little changes made because they also stand out a lot to me in the design, including the
addition of black fading edges to the forest silhouette image that’s also looks and works incredibly
well with my intentions surrounding the narrative.
Looking back at what I had produced,
there isn't anything I would particularly
change as I'm really pleased with what
I have produced (shown in diagram 5),
but I would look at getting some
feedback on the DVD cover as
I'm struggling myself to point anything
out of the obvious to improve, whether
it be the next day or not, I also don’t
think its too much of an issue because
the DVD cover itself looks great
amongst other products in the
industry, implying not much would be
changed anyways. 5
Commencing the 29th of April 2021, the progress in my production was kept to a minimum, this was mostly
down to the fact that I had begun my evaluation because I hadn't access to the images needed to make a new
film poster (having not taking the images yet), but as a result of this I had also recognized and changed my
website slightly to make it more user-friendly and accessible.
Having not gathered the images needed to progress with any production this week, and recognizing this early
one in the day, I had come to begin my evaluation with the intentions of not only using this time wisely to
progress with the project, but making up time so that my production can go slightly into my evaluation week,
if necessary, because I had worked on my evaluation as much as I would have been despite the fact that I'm
doing production work. Writing up about the research section of my FMP (Final Major Project), I had talked
about what I had done, with reasons to each decisions made, both the strengths and weaknesses in this
documentation, time management over the course of its lifetime, and what improvements I would make
looking back at what I had produced and introduced. What I believe to be everything necessary to cover in my
evaluation for the research aspect of my project, I had come out of today feeling very pleased about the
progress made, but more about the fact that the time wasn’t wasted in the slightest, more being productive
and thinking ahead of time in consideration of my production. It's also worth mentioning that now I've
produced a good level of detailed writing for my evaluation, I can begin to use a similar structure for each of
the other sections making up my FMP, in hopes that this will significantly improve the time management in
the next coming weeks, and benefit my evaluation as a whole.
Day 16 (29/04/2021)
Keeping some variation to todays work, I had also looked at changing and improving my website pages
after having realized its lack of co-ordination and organization in particular. With changes to the overall
layout, and adding in a lot of separately accessed pages and buttons, this helped structure my 'fmp'
section to my website much more professionally; with the addition of hovering buttons, following through
with my color schemes of black, white and yellow, this also meant it was therefore much more accessible,
easy-going, and understandable to use getting from point A to B. This hadn't taken long at all to make,
using the relatively easy 'Wix' software and website dragging and dropping in images, text, buttons, and
titles most of the time, whilst also making it very customized and unique to my own style with the many
text adjustments, fonts, and different options available to me when designing.
With the outcome I have produced, I am very pleased with the improvements made to my website;
although I had only touched on the fmp section of my website, the changes made make the website much
more of an professional environment, especially considering this is the main piece to the whole website
so it needs to be of a high level. Not only does it looks very aesthetically pleasing and visually amazing in
my opinion, but the changes made to the structure and layout makes it much more accessible and easy
going to use.
With the changes and written work made today on both my website and evaluation PowerPoint,
there isn't anything I would change coming out of today pleased with the amount and quality of the work
produced, but I would love to continue with the way I have managed my evaluation with the possibility of
changing some of the other website pages in the coming next few days.

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Production Reflection

  • 2. For the date commencing the 14/03/2021, I had focused on beginning my production having gathered the footage needed for scenes 4, 6 and 7, sections 1, 3, 7 and 12, these which were located in both a town street, public tunnel walkway, and a town bench. What was in the morning for about 7:30am, I had started the filming process in correlation to the call sheets I had produced, these covering things like the timings for each shot when looking at the sunlight direction and height/angle most importantly. With my main character actor, we had covered scenes 4, 6 and 7 which make up all the shots needed for being in an urban outdoor environment, including a street, public tunnel walkway, and bench where my character goes about their day in the narrative. What remains at different points in the storyline, some of the shots required different approaches, i.e. I had to distinguish at what moment the shot is taking place in the film for the actor and trailer to look convincing in chronological order. Most shots where supported having taken photographs/screenshots of my call sheet for the day which included everything necessary for filming, but I had also brought along with me a backpack of some of the extra essentials when recording: a place to store warm clothing if needed, beverages/food & drink, my tripod for filming, a charging cable, and covid-safe practices including masks and anti-bacterial wipes if needed. What had taken me about 1 hour to film, most shots were gathered exempting the fact that some of the ones including shadows or a prop that was forgotten (extra mobile-phone) meant 3 shots couldn’t have been done; but aside from this, I had also done some photography for a poster concept of my own, giving myself something I could immediately begin working on and looking at when returning to college because of the lack of shots I have gathered to start editing my trailer together. Day 1 (14/03/2021)
  • 3. Regarding the fact that it only toke us about an hour on set to film everything necessary made the outcome of todays work very good, especially when considering I had planned to be atleast over an hour, and in addition to this, not only did some of the shots look better than anticipated, but there weren't any distractions when filming in a public place that only benefited and speeded things up more the less. Despite the shots which relied on shadows to be effective and actually work, meaning I didn’t get everything I came to the location for, a lot of the time the shot layouts and improvisation I had performed for some of the locations worked very well, of course in acknowledgement that in post I would add some digital effects and color grading to make them look more cinematic, saturated, and impactful on an audience. Looking back at some of the shots I definitely think there is room for improvements on only a few of them, but recognizing that ill need to go back there anyways for the shots I had missed out on makes the process much easier, the only thing stopping me the weather and making sure I can get those clear shadows as this was the main occurrence in todays shoot.
  • 4. Backpack Loadout Video Footage Photography/Poster Images On the morning of filming, both on-set and before, I had taken and used these images from my phone to keep track of what shots were needed (tehse can be found in my planning document under 'day 1' for the call sheets sections). Shooting Day Call Sheets
  • 5. For the dates commencing the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th of March 2021 (16-19/03/21), because I hadnt acess to my main actor throughout the week, working on things like the planning for my next 2 shoots with call sheets, shot lists, timings, location route, and weather considerations, this meant when I could progress with filming it would be considerably quicker and easier going. In association with this and filming at each location, I had also planned out my title and font for the posters (print products) with a slight look into slogans as well. First thing Tuesday, for my first lesson having returned to college after lockdown for over 3 months, I had started and finished my call sheets for both future shooting dates by the end of the 18th. Taking what was 3 days, including the wednesday where I had worked at home in my spare time, these call sheets toke considerably longer than I had initially intended on thinking, but what was very specific when looking at timings, choice of dates, transitioning between different locations, the weather, public implications and what shot lists needed to be attended to, its clear why I had spent more time than what was necessary. Refering constantely to the weather in most cases, some shots and locations were more dependant than others on the natural lighting of the sun, this was measured using the 'SunCalc' website and meant I had to keep on moving timings around to suit not only the lighting as already mentioned, but also some of the directions the shadows are being cast for added depth of field and aesthetic appeal in the shots I would take. This was also monitored using the 'BBC weather' website to keep track with the sunny weather I needed and some of the other elements that may impact filming such as with high winds, initially tracked 3-4 days prior to filming date, and 1 day prior making sure that everything Day 2,3 and 4 (16 – 19/03/2021)
  • 6. Another key factor that closely related to the weather and date of which I planned to film was the general public; I recognized early on that filming on a weekend, especially a Saturday, would increase the likelihood of filming being interrupted from people being around, however because my main actor being used is accessible only for weekends (exempting the Easter holidays), this meant that I would have to film during times where it was less busy, I.e. a Sunday lunch time, as we can see in the call sheets made, or a Sunday morning, which was present at my first filming shoot in town streets. 5 - What were the main successes in the work? 6 - What were the elements that were less successful or you had difficulty with? 7 - What else could you have done o expand the work, improve the work, etc? 8 - Action plan - What is the next step for the project? It could be linked to the activities discussed, maybe fixing something, or moving on to another task.
  • 7. For the date commencing the 25/03/2021, because I had planned with call sheets and organization to stay on track with my FMP products, filming scenes 1, 3 and 5, which remained in close proximity to my own home, I had gathered the footage needed to move ahead with the project and stay on track. Collecting sound effects and organizing them was something else I had also done in addition to filming so that I could focus on some of the more important written work and begin the editing process in the near future. What was planned to film at 11:15, with the exception of setting up the shot at 10:45, this was initially delayed until about 13:00 due to a lack of organization from myself when taking into account my actor having already made plans on the date of filming. Having mentioned to my actor that I would be filming on the 21st and that I needed their presence, and with alittle mis-communication, they had gone out on the set time I had made space for recording; this wasn’t a perticular issue and the reason as to why my management was defective in the first place was because the filming would take place where we both live, having recognised this my own adress to the situation was much more relaxed in comparison to places where we would otherwise have to travel. With the support of my day call-sheets and re-organizing the timings to start at 13:00pm, the weather wasn’t any different from what I had originally planned at 11, meaning the same shots, despite the change of time, could still be achieved. However good everything had seemed to be when filming scenes 1, 3 and 5, it had soon become apparent to me that a lot of the shots I'd planned to film required a prop which wasn’t prepared ahead of shooting, because of this not only did I have to avoid a lot of the shots I wanted to film, but I had also decided that the shots which needed a darker environment (I.e. scene 3 the interview, and some of the night dependent scenarios) should also be avoided until a later set date. Day 5 (21/03/2021)
  • 8. Only being able to gather roughly 5 shots, 2 of them being additional shots in the case that extras would ever be needed, today had gone extremely poorly in the sense that I didn’t get at all near the amount of footage I initially intended on getting. Thankfully, because they're all situated in my own household, this isn't too much of an issue as I could get them at any given time throughout the week to keep on track with my production, but the fact that I'd planned for the day to go much better than what actually happened has lost a lot of confidence in myself for the project. Feeling bad about the shoot, I had gone onto the much easier task of getting all the possible sound effects I could add to my trailer during the editing process. Having gathered a great deal of possible sounds throughout the past 2 months when browsing YouTube in my spare time, I had accumulated over 30 sound effects that suited the psychological thriller genre I'm targeting; making sure they were all copyright free for use in my trailer, and going over them all once again, using the 'OBS' software I had both analyzed in my 'free software video', and used before hand with related hobbies of my own, I recorded every audio clip that I found may come beneficial to my trailer. Renaming, managing, and organizing each one of them, I formed in addition to a folder with all these sound effects in, a structured abundance of other folders to manage every shot, section, and act for the footage making up my trailer. Adding in the shots I had gathered so far into the project, this both gave me a great insight to what I still needed to do for my trailer to remain on track with reaching deadlines, all whilst organizing the work I had accumulated in the 2 weeks I've been in production, so that when it comes to needing it, everything can be found with ease in hopes that I can cut down on time management throughout this stage.
  • 9. Highlighted what clips I had gathered into shot lists Started putting together the trailer with what I had to get an initial idea of what was essential and needed (verbal audio) Day 6 (23/03/2021)
  • 10. Recognized shot needed prop, so I looked at making the prop with style sheet, concepts, and final outcome with reasons why. Day 7 (24/03/2021)
  • 11. Structure up a script of 3everything that needs to be said in my trailer Filming (Audio) Organizing audio clips gathered Day 8 (25/03/2021)
  • 12. Planned scripts for voice-over Day 9 - Recorded voice-over, planned next 2 weeks what working on each day Day 10 – Organized voice-over footage, chose best voice footage, planned filming next day, finish off 'free software video' editing Day 9 & 10 (28 - 29/03/2021)
  • 13. With a change in plans, I had scheduled to go filming at Skipwith Common today, Tuesday the 30th, rather than the Sunday to get majority of the remaining footage needed to start editing up my trailer. Solely because the weather on the Sunday changed in forecast from sunny intervals to rainy and windy, today was much more suiting with sunny dry weather throughout the day with near to no wind at very low speeds; in addition to this, it meant that I could get some of the preferred shots which are dependent on sunlight and shadows for added atmospheric value and aesthetic appeal to captivate the audience. Arriving on location at 8:00 am meant a change in times also avoided any public congregations in comparison to going around lunch time which would have been much busier (what I had previously planned to do), especially when considering it’s the hottest day so far into the year and I'm working around a nature reserve park that people often go to in occasions like this. Only ever seeing 2 or 3 people around during the times I was filming, the whole process had taken roughly 1 hour and a half bringing us to 9:30, offering the time to get the shots needed for scenes 8, 9, and 10 which was the main purpose for coming to this location in the first place. Because a lot of the locations for filming in the 'park' was really close to one another, this opened up the time for getting extra footage in addition to the shots I had planned to get in my call sheets that supported me throughout the filming process; mostly including things like re-takes or different angles and situations that I'd only realized once coming to set, I'd ended up getting around 50 different shots of the main 9 that I had needed, this including a separate location I hadn't thought was accessible to the public that would come extremely helpful and supportive to the narrative, holding the possibility to even replace one of my scenes. Day 11 (30/03/2021)
  • 14. For the most part, today had gone extremely well and all according to plan having gotten all the shots needed for scenes 8, 9, and 10; feeling much more confident about the trailer im creating having seen some of the shots I gathered throughout the day,, a feeling of accomplishment and excitement, about what the final outcome of my trailer may begin to look like, puts myself in a very positive mindset for reaching the deadlines of completion in around 4 weeks time. Seeing and having received the majority of the rest of the footage for my trailer, this means I can begin to go ahead with the editing process and gain a head start to returning to college once the easter holidays have finished in the coming week and a bit. I definitely intended on doing so relatively soon for both reasons of getting an insight to my final outcome, whilst seeing if any improvements or additional shots are required to finish it all off, but id like to use the term week to go over a lot of my previous pieces of work in the FMP; improving and adding to things like my research which still needs a lot of attention, this should break up the amount of work needed to do when approaching near to the end of my project in my evaluation, therefore showing a strong devotion to finishing up the project in the final steps. Backpack Loadout
  • 15. For the date commencing the 13/04/2021, I had focused my attention to beginning the creation of some film posters to keep up with my film trailer and reaching deadlines having already started the editing process. Returning back to college after the two week easter half term, I had focused my attention to beginning the production of a film poster that should be completed before the next week to remain on track with reaching deadlines in the production stages of my FMP. Having collected almost all of my footage for my film trailer during the easter holidays, this also opened up the opportunity to gather the necessary photography for these posters from both the forest and town locations in each. Having the photography and different variations, choosing the right image from the 5 different possibilities when considering the brightness, contrast, style, and layout of the shots determined what image would be used as the base product. Then using a range of tools, including the blur, burn, dodge, patch, spot healing, eraser, paint bucket, and quick selection tools, this gave me the ability to transform the background, main focus point, image adjustments, and design to follow the intentions set in my planning concepts. Adding my title, which had been made when planning what it would state in which particular font, this was a simple 'file' and 'place embedded' process to get the already png masthead in, located on the bottom half of my poster to follow some of the typical methods in the industry and print products, when understanding a person reads from top to bottom. In addition to this, for added realism and persuasion, I had also grabbed off of the internet a film poster's credits, typically located underneath the title, to compliment the structure, layout, and overall aesthetic design/professionalism; this came with a black background and white text, so all that was needed was the 'magic wand tool' to remove this background and to be placed beside the title along the bottom. Day 12 (13/04/2021)
  • 16. Now for one of the main discrete features of the poster, the large shadow across the light coming through the tunnel had also been changed from my main characters silhouette, to a shadow of an undisclosed figure/person from the view of the camera; this was much easier than I had expected, only ever using the dodge and burn tool to lighten/darken the shadow in areas, shaping the structure of it, and also using in places the 'patch tool' around the characters footsteps to remove the connectivity and keep the pathway in shape.
  • 17. Commencing the 15th of April 2021, I had dedicated this day to continuing the production of my first film poster, adding additional focus points, and improving some of the features to it for a more realistic, and threatening approach to suit the psychological thriller genre I'm targeting. Continuing on with the first poster i had begun the previous working day, i had invested a lot of my time initially to identifying what i quite didn't like about it and where improvements could be made; the poster wasn’t grasping my attention, making me anxious, or even excited about the film which was to be ‘soon released’, and acknowledging the fact that in these key aspects it didn't work, i knew where and looked into how i could make it more aesthetically pleasing and captivating to an audience. Starting off with an effect I had seen during a film trailer when researching existing products in the film industry, I had started off by using a mixture of the ‘patch tool’, ‘spot healing brush’, ‘brush tool’ and ‘eyedropper tool’ to create text using branches from the tree in the background of the image; what allowed me to manipulate, change, and add to the foreground, I had created and moved around the branches in the tree behind to write up ‘run’ amongst the image. Mostly with a lot of dragging and moving about, the ‘patch tool’ was particular helpful as I could replicate the branches, copying them almost so the text could be formed. Because this process was very time consuming and the current outcome wasn't clear at what it was saying, I had been introduced to a process including the ‘clone stamp tool’; replicating the branches of the tree to where I had intended on writing up the text, this was much more time efficient, accurate, and clearer to read, eliminating some of the blurriness i had seen with the other processes (shown in diagrams 1). Day 13 (15/04/2021) Original 1st Variant 2nd Variant 1
  • 18. Having created the subtle ‘run’ text using the branches of the tree, i had moved soon onto creating yet another piece as a part of the of main image, this would not only compliment and hint at the other subtle pieces i've made for the audience to find and take ‘action’ (AIDA), but i also think it would benefit with filling in the empty space to the right hand side whilst remaining slightly thrilling; this was achieved through the creation of a graffiti style ‘hide’ signage on the inner wall, aided through the use of distorting the text once placed, right clicking it and transforming it, and using both the blending and bevel/emboss options, a stylish and anticipating piece of text was developed as seen (shown in diagram 2). This was also reflective of the ‘survive’ text against the side of metal wiring box on the far right, using the distort process to transform and shape my text, which had been found off of the ‘DaFont’ website, changing its style to a silver and white gradient with the paint bucket tool, and therefore blending in well with the surrounding of the environment in blending options (shown in diagram 3); not only do i think this filled up a lot of the empty space in that side of the poster, sustaining a left to right view of the 3 main hidden words in the image (Hide, Run, and Survive), but the fact that it looks almost sketched into the metal gives off an eerie atmosphere, supporting the connotations of the word ‘survive’ in addition to this. Original Original Hide Text Survive Text 2 3
  • 19. Original 1st Variant 2nd Variant Having done a fair bit of work already, I soon decided to get some opinions from people around me. Helping me improve some of the finer details to the pieces I have already made, whether it was making the text more obvious with bevels or making the branches more obvious around the text in the tree to stand out, I was also advised that the object transforming technique used in the ‘hide’ graffiti could be used corresponding to my main title. What was already very distracting and informal to the style I'm targeting, my title was something I wanted to change before getting this feedback so I gave it a go. Using the same processes as with the ‘hide’ text, but this time looking through each of the different blending options for the most realism, I'd come to create the title you see that looks amazing (shown in diagram 4). What looks embedded into the ground, the title is obvious yet subtle, suiting to the genre and style of film in creating, and follows through with a very unique style that grabs my attention almost immediately. 3rd Variant
  • 20. Seeing the progress I have made with todays work, regarding the poster I had made initially, there is a significant difference between the two, improving a lot of the things I had previously acknowledged and wanted to change; whether it be the title or style I've go for the poster, I much prefer the changes I've made to it today than before. I particularly like the title design I had gone for, embedding it into the ground, because both the cobble texture makes it stand out more whilst the overlaying paint/graffiti representation keeps it subtle, not distracting, yet eye catching to the many audiences perceiving its unique reflection of the film. Aside from this, I would also like to mention to extra details I put into the background of the main image, consisting of the words 'Run', 'Hide', and 'Survive', because they make the poster more attentive and involving from the audiences perspective, looking for hidden features, almost acting as a mini game of spot the difference as it follows-through with a very unique style juxtaposed to other film posters across the industry. I don’t think there's anything I would change or particular don’t like to the poster I've made today, but its worth mentioning that using this same image and some of the features to it made in todays work, I will develop a DVD front cover, and possibly back cover, corresponding to the film; whether it be in the next day or so, I think producing a DVD cover off this poster would be very beneficial to managing the time I have on the production stages of my FMP, because of having already produced most of it already. 1st Variant 2nd Variant 3rd Variant
  • 21. Commencing the 22nd of April 2021, I had followed through with creating a feedback sheet and making changes to my film poster and DVD cover after having been unable to recognize any improvements myself; in addition to this, I had also worked on some previous bits of work whilst creating a plan for some light filming later in the day. Starting off the day, i had acknowledged the fact that i couldn't identify any improvements or adjustments to be made to both my film poster and DVD cover, challenging this i had made a quick survey, using the ‘SurveyMonkey’ website likewise when conducting research for the project, to get some responses from other individuals with a different thought process and insight to my print products. Distributed through email, i had sent my survey link to 3 classmates who share a creative approach to the film and media industry, in hopes that i can get some descriptive and detailed opinions on the things typical people would overlook (I.e. the camera, lighting, color adjustments, impact etc). With my survey getting responses throughout the day, I had worked on some previous bits of work to keep up to date and organized with reaching the end deadline of the 21st of May so that I was using my time wisely whilst waiting for some improvements. With missing bits and pieces for different sections of my written work for the project, I had focused on not only improving my production reflection which was left out-standing in places, but I had also finished off parts to my research PowerPoint, more specifically my existing products research analysis and changing some structure/organization to the way my PowerPoint presents my work, as this had also been mentioned as additional improvements to be made in previously gathered feedback. Day 14 (22/04/2021)
  • 22. Only getting what seems to be a survey with 3 responses, and some work on previous aspects of my research, I would like to think that today had gone somewhat well regarding my time management and keeping myself busy throughout the day, but I cant help but think about not having made any progress with my production despite the fact that I was waiting majority of the time for some feedback, so today hadn't gone quite to plan for the most part. With some of the feedback and responses received, I would love to go through this the next time I'm working on production, in hopes that I can improve my DVD cover making it better in some way, but aside from this, there's isn't much in particular, other than maybe beginning to look at my website, and changing things on that side of things, otherwise I could look at finishing/keeping up to date with my production reflections and starting my evaluation ahead of its beginning date making up time for amending/improving past work or my production if need be.
  • 23. Commencing the 27th of April 2021, it was inevitable that by today I would have completed my DVD cover front, back, and spine to complete the set; with only a few minor changes and the addition of images mostly to the back page, this was the main focus of today, getting my DVD cover fully completed, ready for some feedback from other peoples perspectives as I couldn’t draw my attention to anything in particular. With only a few changes to be made to my back page of the DVD cover, as everything else had already been completed with the intentions and aesthetic I had set, this led to me starting off by adding in a tall, wide forest silhouette shot in replacement of the black canvas that was present for the top half of the back page, simply adding in the image and then positioning it to my liking. I had come to realize the image, especially around the edges, lacked atmospheric value despite the image itself being very compelling and visually pleasing, so the addition of the gradient tool (basic pre-made black to opacity) was applied to the left and top side edges of the image and DVD cover by dragging and dropping multiple times (shown in diagram 1); this not only made some of the text more readable because of the stronger contrast between black and white text, but also draws the eye of the audience to the sunlight glaring through the tree branches and trunks. Day 15 (27/04/2021) 1
  • 24. In addition to the main image on the back page, I had also planned to include a slight showreel of captions made from the trailer/film itself. Using what was a torn bit of paper, image collected from google, and had arranged where the location of this would be placed the previous day, making the process easier to an extent as I could reconsolidate with myself what the intentions of the outcome would come looking like. The initial process seemed fairly simple in my head, however to my own surprise, it was much more difficult making the images look like they're inside of the ripped piece of paper. Duplicating the torn paper template I had used for the main base of the design feature here, I had stretched this both horizontally and vertically to get a somewhat unique style as paper tears are usually not identical; using this the same process was also applied and both positioned where I would like them separate for the top half and bottom half of the images inside, almost acting as a trace used with light boxes in art for example (shown in diagram 2). Now inserting the 3 images I wanted to use, arranging them to what I thought would be most suiting for the back page, the top half inside paper tear, for instance, used the quick selection tool selecting such tear, tracing the outline of the edge I need to then remove from my image once selected and deleted (shown in diagram 3). It's quite difficult to grasp but I had used the outline from my duplicate page tear, which should have been arranged to where I wanted my images to have this tear effect, to then select my image, invert the effect, and delete making the tear on the image. The process can be shown in the images below, but the same process was used for all the images across the showreel. Top Half Trace Bottom Half Trace 2 Outcome This image shows how the duplicate page tears, that had been stretched already, acted as a way of tracing a tear outline. This image shows the outcome for using this process on one of my 3 images before additional changes on next slide. 3
  • 25. Although the outcome on all the images for the tear effect worked extremely well having not done anything like this before, and without the use of online help/tutorials, I still needed to find out a way of fading the images between each other in the showreel. Finding a tutorial online on how to blend images together, using the gradient tool, and a pre-made basic black to opacity gradient, it was as simple as adding a layer mask to each of the images, selecting the gradient tool, and dragging from right to left for only to two far left images (shown in diagrams 4). Its worth mentioning that although I'm talking in a sense that I'd only just discovered this now, which I had done, yet the same process is used for the main forest silhouette image on the back page, this was done first, just a slight inorganization from myself regarding the production reflection. 4 First Image Added Second Image Added Final Image Added
  • 26. Finishing off my DVD spin, front and back cover, I'm extremely pleased with the progress made in todays work, not only opening up the opportunity to work on other parts to my production, but also reaching the deadline in hopes that I can work on improving previous bits of work to get my desired grade of a distinction. Its without a doubt that my image showreel is one of my strongest elements made today, for its great aesthetic appeal and the fact that a lot of resilience and skill was needed in its creation, despite the fact that it had therefore taken awhile to produce, but its also worth mentioning some of the little changes made because they also stand out a lot to me in the design, including the addition of black fading edges to the forest silhouette image that’s also looks and works incredibly well with my intentions surrounding the narrative. Looking back at what I had produced, there isn't anything I would particularly change as I'm really pleased with what I have produced (shown in diagram 5), but I would look at getting some feedback on the DVD cover as I'm struggling myself to point anything out of the obvious to improve, whether it be the next day or not, I also don’t think its too much of an issue because the DVD cover itself looks great amongst other products in the industry, implying not much would be changed anyways. 5
  • 27. Commencing the 29th of April 2021, the progress in my production was kept to a minimum, this was mostly down to the fact that I had begun my evaluation because I hadn't access to the images needed to make a new film poster (having not taking the images yet), but as a result of this I had also recognized and changed my website slightly to make it more user-friendly and accessible. Having not gathered the images needed to progress with any production this week, and recognizing this early one in the day, I had come to begin my evaluation with the intentions of not only using this time wisely to progress with the project, but making up time so that my production can go slightly into my evaluation week, if necessary, because I had worked on my evaluation as much as I would have been despite the fact that I'm doing production work. Writing up about the research section of my FMP (Final Major Project), I had talked about what I had done, with reasons to each decisions made, both the strengths and weaknesses in this documentation, time management over the course of its lifetime, and what improvements I would make looking back at what I had produced and introduced. What I believe to be everything necessary to cover in my evaluation for the research aspect of my project, I had come out of today feeling very pleased about the progress made, but more about the fact that the time wasn’t wasted in the slightest, more being productive and thinking ahead of time in consideration of my production. It's also worth mentioning that now I've produced a good level of detailed writing for my evaluation, I can begin to use a similar structure for each of the other sections making up my FMP, in hopes that this will significantly improve the time management in the next coming weeks, and benefit my evaluation as a whole. Day 16 (29/04/2021)
  • 28. Keeping some variation to todays work, I had also looked at changing and improving my website pages after having realized its lack of co-ordination and organization in particular. With changes to the overall layout, and adding in a lot of separately accessed pages and buttons, this helped structure my 'fmp' section to my website much more professionally; with the addition of hovering buttons, following through with my color schemes of black, white and yellow, this also meant it was therefore much more accessible, easy-going, and understandable to use getting from point A to B. This hadn't taken long at all to make, using the relatively easy 'Wix' software and website dragging and dropping in images, text, buttons, and titles most of the time, whilst also making it very customized and unique to my own style with the many text adjustments, fonts, and different options available to me when designing. With the outcome I have produced, I am very pleased with the improvements made to my website; although I had only touched on the fmp section of my website, the changes made make the website much more of an professional environment, especially considering this is the main piece to the whole website so it needs to be of a high level. Not only does it looks very aesthetically pleasing and visually amazing in my opinion, but the changes made to the structure and layout makes it much more accessible and easy going to use. With the changes and written work made today on both my website and evaluation PowerPoint, there isn't anything I would change coming out of today pleased with the amount and quality of the work produced, but I would love to continue with the way I have managed my evaluation with the possibility of changing some of the other website pages in the coming next few days.

Editor's Notes

  1. Whites, warm colors, bluey
  2. Whites, warm colors, bluey
  3. Finished dvd cover by doing back page completed
  4. Finished dvd cover by doing back page completed
  5. Finished dvd cover by doing back page completed
  6. Finished dvd cover by doing back page completed
  7. Started evaluation Changed website fmp page Added so far finished products to website